How To Translate
How To Translate
How To Translate
You need to translate whatever is after the = sign.
Some menus/actions will contain the & character. For example: "Sa&ve file"
This is called an accelerator. If the user presses V it will trigger the "Save file" menu/action.
You can delete that character or move if to a more appropriate position/character.
*If you find multiple spaces you need to have also in the translation.
Example: Change wallpaper after minutes
*Most GUI elements are static (text is set at design time and remains unchanged during the lifetime
of the program),
but few are dynamic (the text is set at runtime). For example, you could see a label saying "Monitor
resolution: 1920x1200". Obviously, this is valid only for your system. Other users will see other numbers
here. This whole entry must be manually from the INI file (the whole line(name=value)). Don't worry
BioniX will fill it at runtime.
*At design time, controls that should not be saved are marked with @ (example lblTime.Caption:=
or with lblTime.Tag:= 128)
The INI file
Enters are not supported (see CRLF)
Unicode seems suported
More than one equal (=) supported
64KB per file
8KB per section
Only GUI
This translator can only translate the strings in the GUI. All strings (for example error messages) that
are coded into the program cannot be (for the moment) translated. We are working on that...
Can only translate 5000 characters at once.
If the length of the translated text is big, it will add an advertisement at the end of your text.
Remove it! It might work if you put the translation in a DOCX file and upload that file.
lbl: Label
bnt: Button
grp: Group (like in GroupBox)
chk: Chekbox
rad: Radiobutton
frm: Form (aka window)