1. Speak naturally
2. Lively and cheerful
3. Be willing to answer the question
4. Avoid memorizing answers
5. Use of contraction is vital
6. Use of idioms naturally
7. Use of complex sentence structures flexibly b
8. Use of Referencing properly:
Ram has cars. He lost them yesterday
9. Be clear with the following terms and find out which is
more vital
a. Fluency versus Accuracy
b. Pronunciation versus Accent
c. Eye contact versus stare
d. Natural gesture versus artificial gesture
10. Understanding the question/s well
11. Be on topic
12. Be able to lengthen the answer
13. Paraphrase the question of the interviewer
14. Ask him/her to repeat the question in a polite
manner if necessary
15. Avoid use of cliches
Overview of the Test
Speaking No. of Parts Format One to Nature of Target of speaking
One interaction skills
12-14 mins 3 Examiner and
Part 1 4-5 mins Introduction Examiner Giving
and interview interviews personal
candidate information
asking Talking about
questions familiar
based on issues and
familiar topics, habits
using a set Expressing
framework. opinions
Part 2 3-4 mins Individual long Candidate is Sustaining
turn required to long turn
speak for 1-2 without
minutes on a examiner
topic presented support.
in the form of Managing
both written language
and verbal organization
instruction. and
Candidate is expression
given 1 minute ideas.
to prepare.
Part 3 4-5 mins Discussion Examiner Expressing
Continuation introduces a and justifying
of Part 2 discussion views.
(Think part) thematically Explaining
linked to the Displaying
Part 2 topic understanding
and encourages of the
the candidate conversationa
to develop l rules of
language of a English.
more abstract
and academic
Speaking Part 1
Answering different question types
1. Question Forms
In Part 1, you will be asked sets of questions on different topics. The questions may use a
range of grammatical structure and ask for different types of information. Listen carefully to
identity the type information and the verb forms you can use in your response.
Match the question words below with the information they are asking for;
1. How often e a) a preference
2. What kind of ……………… b) an opinion about the value of
3. When ……………… c) a procedure or method
4. Where ……………… d) a person or institution
5. Why ……………… e) the frequency of (doing) something
6. Who …………….. f) a place
7. Would you rather …………….. g) a date or time
8. How do you …………….. h) a specific type (of something)
9. How important …………….. i) e reason
1.'How often do you listen to music?' a. 'Oh, I'd much rather hear live music. i find has much
more atmosphere.
2. 'When did you last go to a concert?' b. 'Will it all depends, I nearly always play music when
I'm at home but I'm afraid I don't often just sit and
listen to it ……………
Speaking Part 1
In part 1 of the interview, the examiner will ask you questions based on everyday topics and
your personal experiences.
a. Eight months.
b. Eight months in total. I lived in Sydney for the first three months and then I moved to
Exercise 1- Think of answers to the following questions. In each case, try to expand your
answer to include at least one piece of additional information.