November 2007
November 2007
November 2007
Issue 10
November 2007
cooling. There is a mistaken belief in the point, it can cause problems at low
0.6 marketplace that air cooling has reached temperatures. Adding ethylene glycol
8 Thermal Minutes its limit and liquid cooling will solve new or propylene glycol can bring down the
s n
can work. In other cases, it Potassium formate (PF) has been pro-
posed as the best candidate for liquid
13 Thermal
is used to minimize thermal spreading
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page
Liquid Coolant Pr Re Nu
h (W/m K) ◄ Table 1. Comparison of Prandtl
50% PG 32.64 545 ---- ----
Number (Pr), Reynolds Number
(Re), Nusselt Number (Nu) and
PF/Water 9.68 1346 5.653 8664
Heat Transfer Coefficient (h) for
Silicone 17.43 1330 6.622 2007 Different Thermal Coolants [2].
Aromatics 12.12 1875 15.05 5329
heat transfer coefficient (h) inside a specific microchan- Where K, ρ, Cρ and µ are the fluid’s thermal conductivity,
nel. These are shown in Table 1. The calculations were density, specific heat and dynamic viscosity respectively.
derived from equations that were valid for (Re>1000, The Mouromtseff number shows that the higher the ther-
turbulent flow). The Reynolds numbers for the 50% PG mal conductivity, density and specific heat, and the lower
and PAO coolants were less than 1000; thus the Nu and the dynamic viscosity, the higher the rate of heat transfer.
h were not calculated. Table 1 shows that even though
PF/water has the lowest Nusselt number, it has the high- Figure 1 shows the relative heat transfer rates of
est heat transfer coefficient because of its high thermal several liquid coolants with respect to water for an
conductivity. The low thermal conductivity fluorocarbon internal laminar flow using the Mouromtseff number.
has a high heat transfer coefficient because of its high This graph confirms that PF/water provides the highest
Reynolds number (high density and low viscosity). heat transfer rate after water, and that FC-77 provides
the lowest. Figure 2 gives the same comparison between
The question is: At what cost do we need to pump the the liquids for an internal turbulent flow, and Figure 3
liquid to achieve the above values? The pumping power shows the relative performance for a developing internal
was calculated based on the pressure drop and the laminar flow. In all three conditions PF/water and
volumetric flow rates. An efficiency was defined as methanol are the best performers.
Effc = q/P, where q is the heat dissipation and P is the
pumping power required to drive the flow. Table 2 shows
the efficiency of the liquids. The ratio of the efficiency of
Register Now
these liquids with respect to water (Effw) is also shown.
The data shows that PF/water has the best overall
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page
Relative Heat Tr
Coolant Type
Allphantic (PAO)
0.6 Coolanol 25R
Syltherm XLT 0.8
Flurocarbon (FC-77)
Coolant Type 0.2
Figure 1. Relative
WaterHeat Transfer Rates of Different Liquid
Coolants withPotassium
Respect to Formate/Water
Water for a Fully Developed, 0.0
Laminar Internal Flow [4].
Methanol/Water Coolant Type
EG/Water Water
PG Water Figure 3. Relative Heat Transfer Rate of Liquid Coolants with
Potassium Formate/Water
Aromatic Respect to Water for a Developing Laminar Internal Flow [4].
0.8 Allphantic (PAO) Ethanol/Water
In recent years researchers have found interest in
Coolanol 25R EG/Water
Relative Heat Transfer Rate
Figure 2. Relative Heat Transfer Rate of Liquid Coolants with é K p + (n - 1)K f - (n - 1)f (K f - K p ) ù
Respect to Water Formate/H
for a Turbulent 2O Flow [4].
Internal K nf = K f êê (1) ú
Methanol/Water ëê K p + (n - 1)K f + f (K f - K p ) ûú
PG Water
© AdvancedAromatic é | T: 781.769.2800æ
0.218 ù
Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062
ê d ö
0.754 ç p ÷ ú r nf
0.333 0.4 0.6
CPnf K nf Page
Flurocarbon (FC-77) Mo = ê1+ (11.285f ç ÷ ú
Κ αρβ Χπ
Μο =
where Knf is the nanofluid thermal conductivity, Kρ is Unlike pure water, EG/water and PG/water enhance the
the particle thermal conductivity, Kf is the fluid thermal heat transfer rate continuously with increasing particle
conductivity, Ф is the particle volume fraction and n is an volume percentages. The advantage of EG/water over
empirical scaling factor that depends on the geometry the PG/water is also obvious.
é K + (n - 1)K f - (n - 1)f (K f - K p ) ù
of the = K f êê p(for example
K nfparticles n=3 for spherical ú particles).
αKβ +δ( n - 1)K + f (K - K )
Devdatta ê Κ ρ pΧπ ûú Another type of coolant is liquid metals. Due to their high
Μοet=al. used
ë the Nusselt number correlations of
f f p
μ ε
Qiang [5], and derived the MO number for the laminar thermal conductivity, there is no need for fine-pitched
and turbulent flow for a nanofluid as: microchannels that can generate very high pressure
drops. In one study, Nanocooler, Inc. used a proprietary
é æd ö
0.218 ù 0.333 0.4 0.6 non-toxic eutectic gallium-indium (GaIn) alloy with a
ú r nf CPnf K nf
Mo = êê1+ é(11.285f 0.754 çç p ÷÷÷ ú ù melting point below -10 oC [9]. The advantage of using
K + (n - 1)Kçèf a-nf(ø÷n - 1)ú f (K f - mnfK p ) ú
- 0.07
K nf = êë K f êê p û ú liquid metals is twofold. Their thermophysical properties
ëê K p + ( n - 1) K f + f ( K f - K p) ûú
are excellent and they can be pumped using magneto-
for laminar
Re £ flow;
2300Re < 2300 (2) fluiddynamic (MFD) pumps with no moving parts. The
thermophysical properties of this liquid metal are given in
Table 3.
é æ d 0.001
0.218 ù 0.333 0.4 0.6
r nf CPnf0.4 K nf0.6
Mo =éê êê1+ (11.2850.6886 æ dçç p ö÷p ÷÷÷ ùú rúúnf 0.9238
f 0.754
ç CPnf-0.07K nf
Mo = ê1ê+ (7.63 f ç
ç è a nf÷÷ ø÷ ú ú m0.5238
êë ë çè a nf ø÷ ú û mnf
for turbulent flow; Re > 2300 (3)
Re £ 2300 Property Liquid Metal Water
2300 < Re £ 25,000
Density (kg/m3 ) 6363 998
The subscript nf means nanofluid. Figure 4 shows the
é 0.001 ù
relative performance of wateræwith d ö copper r
oxide 0.4
CPnf (CuO)K nf
Heat Capacity (J/kgK) 365 4181
Mo = êê1+ (7.63 f 0.6886 çç p ÷÷÷ úú nf
nanoparticles for çè a nf ø÷ percentage.
êë a different mixture úû mnf
Kinematic Viscosity (m 2 /s ) 3.5 x 10- 7 10 -6
figure shows that with laminar flow, increasing the per-
centage of nanoparticles will continuously enhance the Electrical Conductivity (s/m) 3.3 x 10 6 10 -12
nanofluid’s heat transfer. But with turbulent flow the en-
2300 < Re £ 25,000
hancement is only about 5% within the mixture, and after Thermal Conductivity 39 0.61
this the performance degrades. This is because of the (W/mK)
increased viscosity of the nanofluid due to the increased
particle percentage. Equation 3 shows that the viscosity Prandtl Number 0.02 6.62
is raised to a positive number. Thus, the higher the vis-
cosity, the higher the denominator and the lower the MO
number. On the other hand, Equation 2 for laminar flow
shows a negative number at the exponent of the viscosity Table 3. Thermophysical Properties of Liquid Metal in a Nano-
term. cooler, Inc. Liquid Metal Cooling Loop [9].
Figure 5 shows the relative heat transfer performance Ghoshal et al. have shown an increase in the heat trans-
with laminar flow of 60:40 EG/water and 60:40 PG/water fer coefficient inside a channel with constant wall heat
with copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles in different mixture flux as compared to water [9]. This increase is a factor
percentages. As in Figure 4, the heat transfer rate con- of 60 for the laminar flow, and a factor of about 10 for
tinuously improves by increasing the nanoparticle volume low Reynolds number turbulent flows. They were able
percentage. Figure 5 shows that the EG/water has a to measure a thermal resistance of 0.07 oC-cm2/W for a
slight advantage over the PG/water. copper source exchanger with fin height of 1.5 mm, fin
spacing of 0.5 mm and a base thickness of 0.5 mm.
Figure 6 shows the relative performance with turbulent The pressure rise generated was about 9 Pascals.Figure
flow of 60:40 EG/water and 60:40 PG/water with copper 7 shows a typical liquid metal cooled system by these
oxide (CuO) nanoparticles in different mixture percentages.
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page
Future Cooling
Water 5 8 10 13 15
% of CuO Particles in Water
Laminar Turbulent
Figure 7. Typical Configuration of a Liquid Metal Cooling Loop [9].
1.5 The arena of liquid cooling is expanding fast and the need for
reliable coolants is paramount. While this area has seen innova-
tive solutions in the last few years, the marketplace has been
slow to accept them as viable techniques due to concerns with
their relative cost and reliability. But, we expect more advances
60:40 EG/Water + 60:40 PG/Water +
CuO Nanoparticles CuO Nanoparticles in this technology will soon address these issues.
Water 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6%
1. Mohapatra, S., An Overview of Liquid Coolants for Electronics Cooling, Electronics Cooling
Magazine, May 2006.
Figure 5. Relative Heat Transfer Rate of EG/Water and
PG/Water with Different Percentage of Copper Oxide (CUO) For 2. Mohapatra, S., and Loitkis, D., Advances in Liquid Coolant Technologies for Electronics Cooling,
Laminar Flow [8]. IEEE Semi-Therm Symposium, March 2005.
3. Bergles, A., Bar-Cohen, A., Krause, A., Advances in Thermal Modeling of Electronic Components
and Systems, Vol.2, ASME Press, New York, NY, 1990.
Relative Heat Transfer Rate
4. Simons, R., Comparing Heat Transfer Rates of Liquid Coolants Using the Mouromtseff Number,
1 Electronics Cooling Magazine, May 2006.
5. Qiang, L. and Yimin, X., Convective Heat Transfer and Flow Characteristics of Cu-water Nano-
fluid, Science in China (series E), 45: 5, 408, 2002.
6. Yimin, X., and Qiang, L. Investigation on Convective Heat Transfer and Flow Features of
Nanofluids, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 125, 151, 2003.
60:40 EG/Water + 60:40 PG/Water +
CuO Nanoparticles CuO Nanoparticles
7. Eastman, J., Choi, S., Li, S., Yu. W., Thomson, L., Anomalously Increased Effective Thermal
Conductivities of Ethylene Glycol-Based Nanofluids Containing Copper Nanoparticles, Applied
Physics Letters, 78:6, 718, 2001.
Water 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6%
8. Devdatta, P, Namburu, P., Das, K., Comparison of Heat Transfer Rates of Different Nanofluids
on the Basis of the Mouromtseff Number, Electronics Cooling Magazine, August 2007.
Figure 6. Relative Heat Transfer Rate of EG/Water and 9. Ghosla, U., Grimm, D., Ibrani, S., Johnston, C., Miner, A., High-Performance Liquid Metal Cooling
PG/Water with Different Percentage of Copper Oxide (CuO) for Loops, IEEE Semi-Therm Symposium, 2005.
Turbulent Flow [8].
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page
Figure 1. Upfront CFD Process Improvements Over Traditional CFD Methods. Courtesy of Blue Ridge Numerics, Inc .
The mid-90s brought a sweeping change in the CFD Focus on Human Factors, Then Master the Technical Details
world. Traditional simulation tools built for Ph.D.-level After obtaining an upfront CFD tool, many companies
analysts remained popular, but a new category of “up- expect it to provide immediate results. However, without
front” engineering products gained popularity among a well-conceived implementation plan, even the easiest
multi-tasking design engineers. Today, upfront CFD has of tools will gather dust on a shelf. The biggest factors in
become the simulation workhorse, enabling design engi- determining success are not with technology or software
neers to attack electronics cooling challenges on-the-fly. features. The human factors are key.
When used early and often, upfront CFD can fast be- Four Imperatives to Successfully Roll Out Upfront CFD
come a standard part of the engineering process. Non- 1. Provide adequate training
specialized engineers can quickly down-select through 2. Beware of ‘non-specialist’ specialists
3. Build upfront CFD into your design process
hundreds of design options. As the best directions
4. Perform what-if scenarios
emerge, engineers can add detail and move toward a
more rigorous, quantitative simulation phase akin to
traditional CFD. However, the real business benefits of
1- Provide Adequate Training
It seems obvious, but this is a mistake that many compa-
upfront CFD are achieved in the early design phase –
nies make when rolling out upfront CFD. These tools are
a fact that is often lost on new upfront CFD adopters.
heavily sold on ease-of-use and buyers often equate that
with “no training required.” Imagine if the same thought
process had been applied to a 3D CAD tool. It is
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page
engineering team’s efforts. • If the fluid is a liquid, do you expect any phase change,
such as solidification or cavitation?
That main point of upfront CFD is often missed by its • Do you expect the flow to be laminar or turbulent?
new users. A team waits to employ the upfront design • What moves the fluid: a fan, buoyancy, known-pressure
tool until the late design stages, after most decisions supply line or some combination?
have already been made. The tool is then used for design • Where does heat enter the system?
verification instead of design direction, and provides • Where does it leave?
little impact on the overall project, timeline or innovation. • How does it leave? Via conduction, convection and/or
This is the single biggest issue in successfully rolling out radiation?
upfront CFD technology. Upfront CFD should be used to • Does the system operate in direct sunlight?
do more now and less later on. • Are internal body-to-body radiation effects significant?
Best Practices and Technical Strategies Get a rough sense of what the reasonable results might
for Upfront CFD Success be. Use related test data, experience and hand calcula-
Here are some tips to get the most from your simulation. tions to gauge realistic result ranges.
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page
can be a time-saving assumption. If radiation effects are If you keep your first models rough and simple, upfront
noticeable (as is usually the case in natural convection or CFD will move much faster. You can also quickly test the
low velocity flow), your simulation has predicted higher relative importance of factors such as variance in mate-
temperatures than what you will see in the lab. This con- rial properties and mesh sensitivity. Later, if you decide
servative assumption thus builds a minor safety margin to run a model with production level details, you will have
into your judgment. a good sense of the potential impact of these factors on
the final results. However, you should always avoid very
“Adiabatic external walls” is another typical conservative fine details that may have no significant influence on the
assumption. In this case, you force all heat to leave the results.
system with the exiting airflow. In real life, heat will also
escape by conduction to the housing, to be carried away General Approach for Internal Forced Air Cooling
by external room air. Ignoring this heat leakage path re- • Keep all components in your model that are significant
sults in higher simulated component temperatures, again to the air flow path, form part of the heat flow path or are
offering a safety margin in the analysis. significant heat generators. Consider both the total heat
dissipated by the components and their heat per unit
KISF (Keep It Simple First) volume power density.
Make your first simulation on a geometrically simple, but
representative model of the system. Start with a relatively • Apply 0 Pa (gauge) pressure to all atmospheric inlets
coarse mesh, but try to include all significant physical ef- and outlets. Do not, however, apply pressure to any
fects. This is mostly important with new designs and early inlets or outlets where you are also specifying a fan,
on in your experience with the analysis tool. One reason velocity or flow rate. Doing so over-specifies the solution
is purely pragmatic: when the result appears inconsistent, and typically causes diverse CFD results among users.
it is important to see why as quickly and clearly as possible.
• Be sure to specify ambient room temperature or
In addition, this simple representative model can be used incoming line temperatures at all inlets.
to understand the general performance of the system,
particularly in areas that require special attention. Where • Assign volumetric heat sources to the significant heat
is the highest temperature? Where is the highest pres- generating components.
sure gradient or choke-point in the flow? If you are using
a fan, roughly where is the fan operating on its perfor- • If heat leakage through housing or case walls is signifi-
mance curve? Later, you can focus more simulation cant, assign a heat transfer coefficient to the exterior
attention on these critical areas. faces of the enclosure. This approach saves analysis
time by avoiding the need to computationally model the
surrounding air. For natural convection, 5 - 10 W/m2K
is a reasonable choice. If the external air is forced
flow, use Nusselt correlations to get an estimate. Then
analyze the simple system with both double and half
of that film coefficient to estimate the best and worst
case effects.
Figure 4. Electronics Assembly Simplification for
Simulation. Courtesy Blue Ridge Numerics, Inc. • Assign appropriate fan curves. Most companies try to
use the same fan part number across multiple designs
Never include full production details, e.g., screws, clips, to save material and development costs. Fans produce
springs, etc. in the model. Instead, bring simulation into more or less air flow depending on the geometry of the
the design process well before that point. Such details systems to which they’re attached. It is worth the time to
typically do not affect the thermal results and only serve verify fan curves provided by the manufacturer in your
to complicate the model and lengthen the convergence time. own lab. You may even need to come up with your own
curve that better matches reality.
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page 10
Ruben Bons
Sr. Application Engineer, Blue Ridge Numerics, Inc.
AIR FLOW is a graduate of Calvin College (Grand Rapids, MI) and the
University of Tennessee Space Institute (Tullahoma, TN). He
began working with Blue Ridge Numerics simulation tools in
1996 while at Structural Research and Analysis Corporation,
and he joined the BRNI team in 2003 to train and support
Figure 5. Typical Fan Curve Plot [2]. companies implementing upfront CFD. His simulation
experience spans many industries, including aerospace,
Upfront CFD can radically reduce the time and cost of de- defense, consumer products, medical devices, and semicon-
veloping electronic systems when implemented rationally ductor, with particular focus on companies addressing electron-
as a core competency throughout the design cycle. With ics cooling challenges.
a little training and a pragmatic approach, upfront CFD
offers major gains in productivity, innovation and first
time quality. 1.
Jeff Waters
Account Executive, Blue Ridge Numerics, Inc.
is a graduate of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.
He began his engineering career at General Motors,
where he introduced a variety of specialty and early CAE
technologies for simulation-based stress, strain, thermal
and flow R&D. In 1999, Jeff joined Blue Ridge Numer-
ics, Inc. to help manufacturing and product development
companies efficiently implement upfront CFD. Read more
Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.
about getting the most from upfront CAE on Jeff’s blog: offers custom design solutions for every and in his recent whitepaper at www. application. Contact us at 781.769.2800 for details.
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page 11
Thermal Minutes
PCBs support a multitude of components with varied The problem stems from the intricate topology of the
geometries, electrical functions, power dissipation and PCB. Highly complex flows are observed on PCBs due
thermal performance needs. For a PCB to work prop- to their three dimensional protrusions, i.e., components.
erly, a component’s thermal requirements must be met A typical PCB sees every imaginable flow structure
locally or at the system level. Regardless of the type of [1]. These include laminar, turbulent, separated flow,
housing that surrounds a PCB, its cooling system must reversed flow, pulsating, locally transient and others.
be designed so that diverse components are electrically Figures 1 and 2 show examples of these complex PCB
functional and run at temperatures that help them reach flow structures [2].
their expected life spans.
These flow visualizations were made in a laboratory wa-
Much effort is needed to meet a component’s thermal re- ter tunnel at Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc. Because
quirements, whether by enhanced fluid flow (liquid or air) the flows are very complex, water flow visualization using
or by adding a cooling solution, e.g., heat sink, onto the colored dyes captures the flow details more accurately
component. Except for a conduction cooled PCB, where than air flow visualization. These flow structures are
a coldplate extracts heat from the board, electronics identical whether in air or water as long as the Reynolds
are typically in contact with some sort of cooling fluid. In number is the same for both conditions.
many cases, the PCB is in direct contact with the coolant.
This creates a very complex problem along with a unique The complexity and structure of fluid flow in PCB topolo-
opportunity. gies creates a unique thermal problem. Despite many
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page 13
Thermal Analysis
attempts to improve flow at the inlet of a PCB, the board In Figure 3a, visualization lets the engineer see the fluid
layout diverts the flow to the path of least resistance. This flow pattern on the PCB and identify those areas and
generates regions of stagnation and creates high pres- components where flow exposure is at a minimum. By
sure areas. The components are deprived of cooling air reconfiguring the board (note the location of components
or liquid. Figures 3a and 3b show one such example. 6, 7 and 9 which is rotated 90o), as shown in Figure 3b,
the pressure distribution on the PCB was balanced and
subsequently the flow distribution improved significantly.
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page 14
Thermal Analysis
suited to characterizing surface heat transfer properties. easier than entrainment, but the latter
When combined, these analyses can provide a detailed more accurate since spurious injection
turbulent mixing. Smoke can be produced from many mapping. PIV (particle image velocimetry)
sources, but essentially it is made by either smoke-tube is perhaps the most expensive of the
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page 15
Thermal Analysis
Reynolds numbers exceeding about 15. Because it is Type 1964 fog juice, with a boiling temperature of 276ºC,
impractical to reduce the probe diameter beyond a point has also been recommended in the literature for produc-
and still get a reasonable amount of smoke flow, the ing dense smoke that is non-toxic and non-corrosive. An
smoke can be injected upstream of a convergence sec- example of flow visualization obtained over a multi-com-
tion to eliminate wake effects. A key disadvantage to the ponent PCB using the smoke-wire method is shown in
smoke-tube method is that the smoke is produced hot Figure 4.
and rises due to its own buoyancy, thus it doesn’t follow
SO 16-e
the local flow faithfully. To reduce buoyance effects, the
smoke can be cooled in a long length of tubing from the SO 16-m
point of generation before its introduction into the flow.
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page 16
Thermal Analysis
While the smoke-tube method uses large quantities of • Examine the PCB layout at the design stage for
smoke and produces a limited number of streaks that expected thermal performance, e.g., determine flow
are rather thick (10 mm or more in diameter), the stagnation areas.
smoke-wire method can produce very thin smoke
streaks (about 1 mm). • Make component layout recommendations that
provide a thermally optimum board.
Liquid Flow Visualization
•Identify approach air velocities necessary for
Flow visualization is usually easier to perform in water component thermal management and the choice
than air and yields results of better quality. As with smoke of cooling system.
visualization, dye entrainment is successful mostly in
laminar flow. The enhanced mixing in turbulent flow The end result of board level flow visualization is
causes the smoke streaks to diffuse too rapidly to be of PCBs that are thermally optimized and require no re-
value as tracers. Compared to smoke visualization in spin because of thermal constraints. If the board is
air, dye entrainment in liquids is helped by the fact that thermally laid out, heat sinks and other cooling
the mixing between most dyes and water is less intense solutions are often not required.
than between smoke and air [5]. As a result, water-flow
tunnels are frequently used to study air flows by testing
scaled models at lower velocity. This often provides a References:
better description of the flow.
1. Azar, K., Enhanced Cooling of Electronic Components by Flow
A liquid flow model is scaled with a different working fluid Oscillation, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol.
6, No. 4, 1992.
than air using dimensional analysis. For a treatment of
the principals of dimensional analysis and similitude that
should be used in applying flow visualization in model 2. Azar, K., and Russell, E., Effect of Component Layout and
experiments, reference can be made to any standard Geometry on the Flow Distribution in Electronic Circuit Packs,
textbook on fluid mechanics. For the flow conditions
Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE Semiconductor Thermal and
Temperature Measurement Symposium (SEMI-THERM VI),
around a model to be completely similar to those of the Phoenix, Arizona, 1990.
prototype, all relevant dimensionless parameters must
have the same corresponding values: the model and
prototype are then said to possess geometric, kinematic, 3. Rodgers, P., An Experimental Assessment of Numerical Predic-
tive Accuracy for Electronic Component Heat Transfer, Ph.D.
dynamic and thermal similarity. Thesis, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, 2000.
To visualize the flow, water-soluble dyes such as food
coloring, potassium permanganate, methylene blue, ink 4. Eveloy, V., Lohan, J., and Rodgers, P., A Benchmark Study of
and fluorescent ink may be injected using hypodermic Computational Fluid Dynamics Predictive Accuracy for Compo-
needles or entrained from holes or slots in the walls of a nent-Printed Circuit Board Heat Transfer, IEEE Transactions on
test section. It is important that the velocity and density
Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT),
Vol. 23, Number 3, 2000.
of the injected dye equal those of the surrounding fluid to
maintain a stable dye filament and reduce disturbance of
the surrounding flow. 5. Azar, K., and Rodgers, P., Visualization Of Air Flows In Elec-
tronics Systems, Electronics Cooling Magazine, May 2001.
In summary, fluid flow visualization is a powerful and
unique technique for quickly identifying the flow distribu- 6. Garimella, S., Flow Visualization Methods and Their Applica-
tion and approach air velocity to thermally challenging tion in Electronic Systems, Thermal Measurement in Electronic
components in a complex PCB structure. By using this Cooling, Azar, K., Ed., CRC Press LLC, New York, 1997.
technique, one can attain the following:
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page 17
My name is Mitch.
I am an Applications Engineer for a
networking equipment provider.
They say the first step to solving your problem is admitting you
have one. The second is calling us. Now that ADVANCED THERMAL
SOLUTIONS, INC. has teamed up with DIGI-KEY, your electronics
cooling solutions are only a click away.
Now you can easily get individual ATS heat sinks for prototypes
and testing, or larger volumes for production requirements. And,
with Digi-Key’s online tools, you can check real-time inventory and
order parts 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page 18
Dh = do-di
Dh = d d Dh = 2
Hydraulic Diameter:
Definition and Role in Electronics Cooling
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page 19
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page 20
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page 21
Thermal Fundamentals
Be Cool.
loss coefficients of the chassis elements must be evalu-
ated and taken into account.
V fL
hl = hlf + hlm = ( + SK )
2 Dh
Get your ATS Heat Sink
Proper use and calculation of the hydraulic diameter
catalog today.
plays a pivital role in estimation of the system air flow
and cooling requirements. Therefore, use of hydraulic
diameter among an enclosure’s key design criteria should
ensure minimum pressure losses, higher air flow through
the area, and more effective cooling of its electronic
1. Fox, R., McDonald, A., Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Third
Edition, Wiley, 1985.
2. Street, R., Watters, G., Vennard, J., Elementary Fluid Mechanics,
Seventh Edition, Wiley, 1996.
3. Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc., Hydraulic Resistance and its
Role in Electronic Cooling, Qpedia, September 2007.
4. Ellison, G., Thermal Computations for Electronic Equipment,
Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1984.
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page 22
● High Efficiency heat sinks ideal for low or no system Thermal Solutions
airflow environments
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● Includes a 50 x 50 x 10 mm, 6500 RPM, 12V DC Sarasota, FL
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SMTA - Pan Pacific Microelectronics
● Comes with pre-assembled Chomerics T-766 phase
chang thermal interface material Symposium
January 22-24, 2008
● Mechanical attachment method included, however, Kauai, Hawaii
custom attachment options may be available
March 16-20, 2008
San Jose, CA
© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page 23
Who We Are
Issue 3
April 20
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© Advanced Thermal Solutions, inc. 2007 | 89-27 Access Road Norwood, MA 02062 | T: 781.769.2800 Page 24