Leadership in Public Health
Leadership in Public Health
Leadership in Public Health
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Rajesh Kunwar
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health challenges faced by developing nations are substantially analytical thinking, communication, visioning of potential
more than that faced by developed nations. Majority of the future, ethical decision‑making and taking decisive action;
developing world still have their public health infrastructures legal and political competencies for effective negotiations;
in forming a state; their monetary resources are meager and not transorganizational competencies for garnering support from
adequate to bear the cost of expenditure on health; their health agencies beyond the organization or system boundaries; and
workers many of whom are not adequately trained, are not competencies related to team leadership and dynamics for
enough in numbers to provide adequate health coverage. Many building capacity to develop integrated systems to accomplish
of these nations have a high burden of largely preventable mutual objectives.[10]
and treatable conditions. Poor maternal and child health
exacerbated by malnutrition and poverty are still rampant. Leadership in public health is a demanding task and its need
Inequality in health‑care access is markedly high.[7] today is more than it ever was. It needs a person – preferred but
not necessarily a public health practitioner – who is competent,
Sustainable Development Goals, built on the success of is ready to take risks and utilize opportunities, has a vision,
Millennium Development Goals, now cover all walks of life is charismatic, and is able to lead his team successfully in
including poverty, hunger, health, education, climate change, materializing the goal of public health. However, for the
gender equality, water, sanitation, energy, urbanization, leadership to be effective, it must be built on a solid foundation
environment, and social justice. There is hardly any field of a consisting of a clear mission, a vision for the future, a specific
man’s life which has remained untouched and not included in strategy, and a culture conducive to success.
the gambit of public health. In other words, affecting all stages
of human life, covering all aspects of man and its surrounding, V. K. Srivastava1, R. Kunwar2
entwined around the intricacies of the society, and dealing Ex. Professor of Social and Preventive Medicine, KG’s Medical University,
with a multitude of stakeholders, the public health of today is Lucknow and Chairperson, Organizing Committee, 62nd Annual National
posing a serious challenge for all public health practitioners. Conference of Indian Public Health Association, 2Professor of Community
Medicine, TS Misra Medical College, Lucknow, UP.
However, the practice of public health is not easy. As is E‑mail: vinods51@hotmail.com
often the case, the good work of its practitioner is rarely
recognized. But, whenever, there is an outbreak or a massive References
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