IM BAT Pillar Guidebook

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The document provides guidance on the vision, purpose, objectives and processes of the Initiative Management Pillar for global manufacturing standards.

The purpose of the IM Pillar Guidebook is to outline the vision, scope and processes of the Initiative Management Pillar to help standardize project management practices across sites.

The objectives of the IM Pillar are to reduce initiative related losses, standardize project phases and processes, and establish a global pillar structure and governance model.




v1.0 APPROVED 20/04/2020

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Document Revision History
Revision Revised Material Date Author Approval
0.1 Draft 06/03/2020 Anita Burdett-Clark

Gabriel Rezende, Wan

Reviewed, small changes & addition Yun Lee, Elda Sahin,
0.2 16/03/2020 Anita Burdett-Clark
of links Sebastian Mondillo
Thomas Jung (ENA
0.3 Regional Pillar Lead Review 03/04/2020 Anita Burdett-Clark
Ralph Graunke (AmSSA
0.4 GOLT Pillar Sponsor Approval 09/04/2020 Anita Burdett-Clark Bernd Meyer
Issued following confirmation of
1.0 20/04/2020 - -
GOLT Sponsor Approval

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 2 of 58

Table of Contents
1 ABOUT THE INITIATIVE MANAGEMENT PILLAR............................................................................. 5
1.1 VISION AND PURPOSE ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.1 IM Pillar vision ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.1.2 IM Pillar purpose ......................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 PILLAR OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.1 Pillar Measures ........................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................. 8
1.3.1 Initiative Related Loss ................................................................................................................ 8
1.4 PHASE CRITERIA ............................................................................................................................. 10
1.4.1 IWS Phases ............................................................................................................................... 10
1.4.2 IM Pillar Phase Criteria............................................................................................................. 10
1.5 PILLAR MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................... 11
1.5.1 Global Pillar ............................................................................................................................... 11
1.5.2 Global Governance ................................................................................................................... 11
1.5.3 Global Structure ........................................................................................................................ 11
1.5.4 Site Pillar - Primary Function ................................................................................................... 12
1.5.5 Site Masterplan ......................................................................................................................... 13
1.5.6 Regional & Global Masterplans ............................................................................................... 13

2 IM DELIVERY STANDARD WORK PROCESSES (SWP) ................................................................ 14

2.1 ENGINEERING WORK PROCESS ................................................................................................. 14
2.2 CHECK LIST BASED PROJECT REVIEWS (CBPR) - OVERVIEW ............................................ 16
2.3 ASSESSING FEASIBILITY – OVERVIEW ...................................................................................... 16
2.3.1 Attribute Process Matrix (APM) - Overview ............................................................................ 16
2.3.2 Transformation Flow Sheet (TFS) - Overview ....................................................................... 16
2.3.3 Functional Block Diagram – (FBD) Overview......................................................................... 17
2.3.4 Failure Modes, Effects & Criticality Analysis (FMECA) – Overview..................................... 17
2.3.5 Manufacturability Capability Assessment - Overview............................................................ 17
2.3.6 Overall Risk Assessment (ORA) – Overview ......................................................................... 17
2.3.7 Overall Project Success Criteria.............................................................................................. 18
2.3.8 CBPR #1 - Overview................................................................................................................. 19
2.4 CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS – Overview ........................................................................................... 20
2.4.1 Best Value option analysis - Overview ................................................................................... 20
2.4.2 Rate optimization Strategy - Overview ................................................................................... 20
2.4.3 Line Performance Current State & Future state - Overview ................................................. 20
2.4.4 CBPR #2 - Overview................................................................................................................. 21
2.5 DEFINITION – Overview ................................................................................................................... 22
2.5.1 Estimate Major Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) ....................................................................... 22
2.5.2 Failure Distribution Analysis – Overview ................................................................................ 22
2.5.3 Simulation Analysis - Overview ............................................................................................... 23
2.5.4 Technical Success Criteria ...................................................................................................... 23
2.5.5 Commissioning, Qualification and Verification (CQV) Success Criteria .............................. 23
2.5.6 Manufacturing Readiness Assessment (MRA) – Overview (IWS Phase 2 +)..................... 24
2.5.7 Line Event Data System (LEDS) ............................................................................................. 24
2.5.8 Start Up (VSU) Plan - Overview .............................................................................................. 25

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2.5.9 Technology Transfer & Training (TT&T) ................................................................................. 26
2.5.10 CQV Plan .............................................................................................................................. 26
2.5.11 Reliability Testing Targets ................................................................................................... 27
2.5.12 VSU Risk Assessment ......................................................................................................... 28
2.5.13 Checklist Based Project Review #3 .................................................................................... 29
2.6 DESIGN & CONSTRUCT – Overview ............................................................................................. 30
2.6.1 Technical Design Basis - Overview......................................................................................... 30
2.6.2 Vendor Acceptance Test (VAT) ............................................................................................... 30
2.6.3 Induced Failure Test (IFT)........................................................................................................ 31
2.6.4 Checklist Based Project Review (CBPR) #4 .......................................................................... 31
2.7 Global Start Up Management (GSUM) ............................................................................................ 32
2.7.1 IM, GSUM and VSU – The Relationship ................................................................................ 32
2.7.2 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 32
2.7.3 Checklists .................................................................................................................................. 34
2.7.4 Success Criteria ........................................................................................................................ 35
2.7.5 Line Event Data System ........................................................................................................... 37
2.7.6 Start Up Plan ............................................................................................................................. 37
2.7.7 Technology Transfer & Training (TT&T) ................................................................................. 38
2.7.8 VSU Risk Assessment (VSU RA)............................................................................................ 40
2.7.9 IM Project Boards ..................................................................................................................... 41
2.7.10 CQV Process & Plan ............................................................................................................ 43
2.7.11 Insufficient volumes for CQV – CBA .................................................................................. 47
2.7.12 Post Implementation Review – (PIR) ................................................................................. 48
2.7.13 Feedback to Design (FtD) - Technical ............................................................................... 48
2.7.14 Feedback to Design (FtD) – Continuous Improvement .................................................... 48
2.8 RELIABILITY IMPROVEMENT - Overview ..................................................................................... 49
2.8.1 Reliability Engineering (RE) – Overview................................................................................. 49
2.8.2 Driving Process Reliability (PR) improvement - Overview .................................................... 49
2.9 PERFORMANCE TESTING.............................................................................................................. 50
2.10 TOOLS – Overview ....................................................................................................................... 50
2.10.1 RE improvement - Overview ............................................................................................... 51
2.10.2 Expert cost study - overview ............................................................................................... 51
2.10.3 Changeover analysis - overview ......................................................................................... 51

3 WHAT TO CHECK ON THE FLOOR ................................................................................................... 52

4 GIVES & GETS - Overview .................................................................................................................. 52

5 QUALIFICATION.................................................................................................................................... 54
5.1 IM Pillar Roles .................................................................................................................................... 54
5.2 Step Up Card (SUC) .......................................................................................................................... 54
5.3 Qualification Process ......................................................................................................................... 54
5.3.1 Qualification Assessment ......................................................................................................... 55
5.3.2 Qualification Measurement ...................................................................................................... 55

6 GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................................ 56

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The Initiative Management (IM) Pillar is one of the 12 pillars which form the P&G Integrated Work
System (IWS) approach, purchased by BAT on license from Ernst & Young around 2015/6.

The IM pillar was formally activated at a Global level in 2017 and it is important to note that, as of
early 2020, BAT have implemented only one of the 5 Standard Work Processes (SWP) that comprise
the IM Pillar content and methodology.

As a result, whilst this document contains an overview of all the IM Pillar SWPs, it deals in detail with
just the single SWP that has been globally activated, this being Global Start Up Management (GSUM).
The compelling business need (CBN) for activating the IM pillar and the GSUM SWP in particular at this
time was a number of factory closures which resulted in the need to cascade a large number of lines /
machines/modules to other sites in a relatively short space of time. The GSUM SWP was adopted and
adapted to the BAT way of working to support execution of the numerous “sub- projects” charged
with the individual line / machine transfer activity.

The detailed information relating to the SWPs which have not yet been globally activated is contained
in a separate document “P&G IM Pillar Guidebook” which can be found through the SharePoint link
Wherever the content is titled as an “overview”, this indicates that more detail is available in the
“P&G IM Pillar Guidebook” from 2016.


1.1.1 IM Pillar vision

The end vision of the pillar is to deliver the fastest possible (instantaneous) start-ups for ALL change in
a way that:
• Improves Speed-to-Market for initiatives
• Engages Manufacturing as Partner rather than as a Customer of a technical delivery
• Accelerates IWS progression (loss reduction and employee involvement) through increased
capability in manufacturing
• In the early phases of the IWS IM journey, BAT are seeking to achieve a Vertical Start Up (VSU)
which is a less stretching target than an Instantaneous Start Up (ISU).

1.1.2 IM Pillar purpose

Eliminate Defects, Rework, and Losses in new or modified production systems by providing
standardised tools and work processes that facilitate a consistent approach to deliver all change in a
loss-free way.

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Zero Loss from change,

right first time,
every time

Initial Measure - Target OEE & VSU
Breakthrough - ISU & G2T (Going to


IM Capability Building (Training, CBA, Experience)
Skill Matrix, Step Up Cards, Tools (e.g. Loss Analysis)

Engineering Work Process (EWP), Checklist Based Project Reviews
Global Start Up Management (GSUM) , Reliability Engineering (RE),
Feedback to Design (FtD), Technical Documentation (Tech Doc)

The IM Base Systems:

• Enable the technical community to deliver projects right the first time, every time
• Help eliminate defects, rework, and losses in delivery of change, large and small, by providing tools
and Standard Work Processes (SWP) that consistently deliver projects in a loss-free way
• Establish standard language, expectations and measures across the technical, project and business
• Guide sites on capability needed to successfully execute their site Master Plan
• Provide input into functional work processes

VSU – Vertical Start Up CBA – Current Best Approach

ISU – Instantaneous Start Up G2T – Going to target

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To provide the capability and systems to define, design and deliver projects which are cost-effective
and in a way that eliminates defects, rework and losses while delivering to agreed business and
technical success criteria.

1.2.1 Pillar Measures

The IM Pillar KPIs are reviewed annually with regards whether these still reflect the appropriate
aspects that the pillar should focus on.
The KPIs are agreed and documented out of the Global IM Working Group meetings and this
documentation contains the KPI categories, the regional and Global targets, the calculation
methodology and guidance regarding scope inclusions and exclusions required to manage exceptions
with regards to KPI reporting. KPI Measures (2020)

• Qualification levels of Global, Regional and Local Teams

• Achievement of the Commissioning & Qualification phase success criteria within the defined
duration (Phase 0 & 1 factories)
• Achievement of the Commissioning phase success criteria within the defined duration (Phase 2)
• Achievement of the Qualification phase success criteria within the defined duration (Phase 2)
• Achievement of the Verification phase success criteria throughout the defined duration (all
• Delivery on Time in Full (OTIF) In Process / Output Measures

• IM Project Kick off Workshop

• Use of IM Visualisation Boards (project room and factory floor)
• VSU Risk Assessment percentage prior to CQV
• Achievement of a Vertical Start Up – All success criteria achieved within the defined CQV durations
• PIR delivery within 30 days of project completion (end of V phase) Breakthrough Measures

These are measures that demonstrate a level of maturity of IM capability within the organisation and
deliver a step change in terms of loss reduction.
Expectation is that as the BAT IWS and IM capability matures, these breakthrough measure will start
to be used.

• Instantaneous Start Up - (Vertical Start Up but in 30 days shorter timeframe)

• Going to Target - (Optimisation based on target number of days between start and end of CQV vs
number of days achieved, whilst achieving success criteria required)

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The scope of IM activity can be summarised as follows, although to date, the focus has tended to be
more on projects introducing change to the production environment.





Any Product, Packaging, Material and Equipment projects that affect the Production and/or
Logistics Systems

1.3.1 Initiative Related Loss

The typical types of change-related losses that the IM pillar is aiming to reduce/remove are shown
below; it is important to recognize that significant loss can also result from smaller, less “visible”
projects, of which there are usually many more than the larger “strategic” projects which receive
more focus.

Opportunity to save £Ms due

to losses caused by change

Design Delivery
Loss Loss Large projects
account for 20%
of the loss from

Start Up Going to
Delays Going Small
Loss Projects
for 80% of
loss from
Post 35% of process
Re-Work Start Up reliability loss is
Issues due to the impact
of change

Types of Initiative Related Loss Change Related Losses – Indicative Metrics

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There are also other types of loss related to the introduction of change which can be categorised as



(Please note the figures expressed are based on E&Y/P&G information)

Top project loss themes

► Going-to going loss
► Redesign loss
► Rework/post start-up issues
► Excess spare part inventory (capital
and expense)
► Time to market

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At an overarching level, the IWS journey consists of 5 phases, each of these phases having a specific
objective that should be achieved before the site moves to the following IWS phase.
However, each of the Pillars within IWS have specific targets for each phase and there is a formal
“Phase Assessment” process that takes place to determine if a site has achieved an appropriate level
across all of the pillar targets to support it moving to the next IWS phase.

1.4.1 IWS Phases

IWS Phase Intent

Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Deliver Customer,
Leadership Achieve and Maintain Extend Time Deliver Stable, Shopper and Consumer
Preparation & Base Condition Between Failures Capable and Preferred Products
Learning and Dramatically Productive Supply through Predictive,
Increase Skill Chains Flexible, Responsive
and Cost Efficient
Supply Chains

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 onwards





1.4.2 IM Pillar Phase Criteria

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The specific BAT IM Pillar Phase criteria used for Phase Assessment purposes are available via the
following share point link:


1.5.1 Global Pillar

The Global Pillar is accountable for ensuring delivery of IM capability through cascade training via the
regional and site pillar teams and for providing the appropriate training materials, tools and guidance
to support the IM activity within the sites, where IM processes should drive a zero-loss approach to
The regional and site pillars are responsible for ensuring deployment of the training, tools, processes
and CBAs to ensure capability is built at the site level for IM project delivery.

The Global Pillar Team is responsible for setting global governance and best practice by developing or
approving new/changed CBAs in response to request or identification of loss.

1.5.2 Global Governance Pillar Governance

The Global IM Pillar has a regular drumbeat, as do the Regional & site pillars.
The Global drumbeat occurs bi-monthly for loss analysis focused topics and quarterly for PDCA and KPI
review purposes.
IM related feedback from the sites is assessed by the regional teams and where relevant the topics are
raised in the appropriate Global drumbeat meetings. IM Projects
The Global pillar has mandated that for sites where IM has been activated:
• IWS Phase 0 & 1 sites, all projects with a capital expenditure ≥ £1m must be run under IM.
• IWS Phase 2 sites, all projects with a capital expenditure ≥ £0.5m must be run under IM

In addition, even where projects do not meet these criteria, if the project is deemed business critical,
the use of IM is highly recommended.

1.5.3 Global Structure

The Site Pillar teams are supported by Regional Pillar Teams and in turn, by a Global Pillar Team.
The structure of the Global IM Pillar is as follows, with each region having factory sites with a
nominated IM Pillar Lead, Deputy Lead and IM Pillar team.
The Regional and Factory site structure is replicated as necessary based on the prevailing
organisational design.

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Global IM Pillar Lead

Global IM Pillar

Regional IM
Pillar Lead

Regional IM
Pillar Deputy

Factory IM
Pillar Lead

Factory IM
Pillar Deputy

Site Pillar

1.5.4 Site Pillar - Primary Function

The IM pillar team’s primary function is to coach loss elimination and develop organization capability.
The pillar team should:
• Ensure each project is effectively leveraging SWP
• Train and qualify SWP practitioners
• Establish appropriate information repositories to enable Feedback to Design and Defect Prevention
• Enable continuous improvement through tracking in-process and output measures and adjusting
the pillar master plan if results are not on track
• Execute annual loss analysis to establish goals and capability necessary to achieve manufacturing
The IM pillar members are often selected from roles that have responsibility in the Technical Services
or Engineering organizations as well as operations.
Site Pillar team membership should span the types of change the site typically experiences (e.g.
initiatives, local capital projects, site expansion, material changes, etc.) and the phases of scope
development (e.g. from early initiative involvement through start-up in manufacturing).
The IM Pillar team needs to maintain awareness of loss elimination activities and standards deployed
by other Pillars especially AM, PM, Q and HS&E to ensure change is delivered in a loss-free way.
At a site level, weekly IM Pillar meetings are the anticipated norm.

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IM capability will be built in both engineering and manufacturing to support ALL change occurring at
the site; by having membership across both engineering and manufacturing, the site pillar will have
mastery in manufacturing base systems through its members.
This approach has been proven to change the role of manufacturing in project delivery. Manufacturing
gets involved early, inputs into design and success criteria, and are partners in delivering all change
versus waiting for change to be “done to them”.
The importance of early Manufacturing involvement in an IM project through the role of the
nominated Manufacturing Start Up Lead cannot be over-emphasised; this is a crucial role that brings
the manufacturing perspective, input and collaboration to defining project success criteria and
delivery plans, then leads the day to day project activity during Commissioning, Qualification and
Verification (CQV), leveraging the Autonomous Maintenance capability within manufacturing which is
a key contributor to achieving the success criteria.

1.5.5 Site Masterplan

Each site will create an IM Masterplan to supports the Site’s Compelling Business Need (CBN) which
forms part of the Zero Loss Journey (ZLJ).
Key inputs to consider when creating the Masterplan are:

1.5.6 Regional & Global Masterplans

Site Masterplans form the basis of the Regional Masterplans, and Regional Masterplans form the basis
of the Global Masterplan.
This does not mean that additional activities cannot be included at Regional or Global level, but
ensures that capability delivery plans are driven by the needs at site level, whether that is training,
delivery of supporting CBAs or investigating specific / common areas of loss to deliver revised business
processes or clarified organisational roles and responsibilities to negate the losses.

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Within IM, there are several approaches which consider the change through different lenses, such as
Method of Process Development (MOPD), Successful Initiative Management & Product Launch
(SIMPL) and Engineering Work process (EWP).


The EWP SWP is used to plan and execute a project; it incorporates all core Engineering processes and
is the roadmap to execute every project – even small ones

*MOPD – Method of Process Development

The IM EWP can be related to the technical elements of the BAT New Product Introduction (NPI)
process, which is underpinned by the BAT 4D approach, which is:

• Define
• Discover (split into Proof of Concept (PoC) and Proof of Application PoA))
• Develop
• Deploy
When considered against the BAT 4D process, IM EWP aligns as follows:

(PoC & PoA)

Feasibility& Conceptual Analysis, Design & Start Up &

& Definition Construct CQV


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EWP is a methodology that guides the Technical Community through:
• Incorporating overall reliability into the design process
• Accelerating the continuous improvement journey at the plant level
• Driving competitive advantage by reducing start-up time and variation

EWP has five phases that direct the technical community on when to perform key tasks and what
critical information is needed at each initiative stage gate.

Feasibility Conceptual Design &

Definition Start Up & CQV
Analysis Analysis Construct
Determine if the Determine what is Define the details Design the details Start up the system,
idea is technically the best option / of the plan to and build the deliver objectives
& economically business approach execute operation and close the IM
feasible. to accomplish the project
business objectives

When considering the end to end commercial project, IM uses the Successful Initiative Management &
Product Launch (SIMPL) approach which aligns as shown below with EWP.

From a BAT perspective, SIMPL is the equivalent of the current Business NPI process, which would also
have technical workstreams (R&D, Manufacturing, Quality etc) charged with delivering the EWP

At the time of writing, BAT have globally activated the final part of EWP (Start Up) but continue to use
the existing BAT Business NPI and 4D process until Deploy, at which point, if the project is being run
under IM, the EWP Start Up process is followed.

For this reason, the following sections contain overview information only, with the detail being
available in the original P&G IM Guidebook.

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A series of reviews during the project to detect and eliminate defects early
Consists of two components:
• Expert checklist - checklists to drive discussion on project deliverables and risk
• Defect Prevention Checklist (DPCL) – checklists leveraged during detailed design reviews to
confirm defects are designed out early in design

Please note that BAT have not yet activated CBPR as a global standard (this checklist approach is a
function currently performed through the BAT NPI Protocol Governance).
However, the Global IM Pillar have chosen to introduce a specific BAT created Post Implementation
Review (PIR) process at the end of Start Up. The PIR template and process forms part of the BAT
GSUM CBA and GSUM VSU Workbook, more details of which can be found in section 2.7 Global Start
Up Management


In this SWP, activity is focused on determining if the idea is technically & economically feasible.

2.3.1 Attribute Process Matrix (APM) - Overview

• Method of connecting key manufacturing specifications to important consumer wants and
perceptions to deliver the highest quality product in the eyes of the consumer, every time
• APM is the first step in developing manufacturing specifications to ensure that scope and project
delivery is consistent with the required product quality and consumer benefits
• Provides linkage between consumer benefits, product features, processing system and system
• The APM will serve as an alignment tool between functions
• APM is a Method of Process Development (MOPD) deliverable that is an input into the Feasibility
phase of EWP

2.3.2 Transformation Flow Sheet (TFS) - Overview

The TFS is:
• a document that describes the chemical and physical transformations that occur during the
conversion of raw and/or packing materials into finished product
• an MOPD deliverable that drives collaboration across the technical community and aids in
Feasibility assessment and Conceptual design

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2.3.3 Functional Block Diagram – (FBD) Overview
The FBD is:
• a high level, graphical illustration, depicting the block configuration necessary for a function
(purpose) to be successfully accomplished
• useful for ensuring all processes/sub-processes are considered while ensuring none are duplicated
and used in both EWP and MOPD and to facilitate completion of the APM.

2.3.4 Failure Modes, Effects & Criticality Analysis (FMECA) – Overview

An FMECA is a methodology designed to identify potential failure modes for a product or process,
assess the risk associated with those failure modes, rank the issues in terms of importance and
identify and carry out corrective actions to address the most serious concerns

NOTE: - BAT currently perform the same activity in the early stages of product and process design, but
in BAT this is known as an FMEA and this is revisited / updated during the NPI project lifecycle.

2.3.5 Manufacturability Capability Assessment - Overview

Consumer and customer requirements often lead to product / package designs which may be:
• Difficult to produce reliably on existing or modified equipment or require expensive equipment
• Have significant project or manufacturability risk
The objective of conducting a Manufacturability Capability Assessment early in Feasibility is:
• to ensure impact to manufacturing equipment systems and requirements are considered in the
evaluation of new product introductions
• to rapidly highlight to the business the impact to potential capital expenditure and on-going cost
• to propose alternative options for consideration by the business that are manufacturing and
capital “friendly”, while still delivering the intended consumer and customer needs

NOTE: - BAT currently perform the equivalent assessment activity in the early stages of product and
process design during the PoA part of the Discover process and this is revisited / updated as the design
process progresses

2.3.6 Overall Risk Assessment (ORA) – Overview

ORA is a tool introduced in IWS Phase 2 to improve large initiatives by:
• Evaluating the environmental, industrial health and safety, fire protection and process safety
implications which will influence selection of chemical technologies, equipment and processes to
improve manufacturing operations
• Determine if and where risk and waste can be reduced or eliminate by changing formula,
equipment or process with focus on managing acceptable risk and waste in the downstream
manufacturing process

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2.3.7 Overall Project Success Criteria
Business initiatives are driven by multi-functional teams with different definitions of success. Lack of
clear objectives and goals drives delay, re-work, and cost within a project.
Project Success Criteria allows the business to understand minimum targets and set stretch goals to
drive competitive advantage. Goals must be measurable, clearly defined and actionable.
The Success Criteria are used to set the minimum requirements to deliver the overall business need.
These describe the key deliverables for the initiative, including but not limited to:

• Consumer benefits (product and packaging)

• Volume (capacity)
• Reliability
• Financials (capital, NPV, ROI)
• Timing (start of production)
• Quality
• Health, Safety, and Environmental (HS&E)

Improving manufacturing capability is a goal of every initiative and needs to be embraced from every
discipline in the multi-functional team. Improved manufacturing capability provides:
• Ability to achieve stretch goals
• Accelerates competitive advantage

If goals are truly stretching, a team will not always meet them, but it helps build a culture that
supports taking appropriate risk.
Leadership must reward anything above the minimum as success.

The process of establishing, documenting and gaining alignment to success criteria is one of the most
critical project activities. Stakeholders, participants, and affected functions need to know how the
project affects their business.

Project success criteria are established at the start of the project and any change in result expectation,
positive or negative, should be realigned with leadership at every project phase. Objective
• Align the leadership on the deliverables for the project
• Provides clear measures for the minimum targets and stretch goals
• Describes what is included in the project and, if needed, will specifically call out what is not
• Focused on the top-line business and initiative goals
• Forms the foundation for project scope, timing, cost and other key commitments

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 18 of 58 Identifies must-haves versus wants
The process of establishing, documenting and gaining alignment to Success Criteria is one of the most
critical project activities
Stakeholders, participants, and affected functions need to know how the project affects their business
Every project has at least three levels of success criteria, each addressing different levels of detail for
different stakeholders
• Overall project success criteria
• Technical success criteria
• CQV Success Criteria (Commissioning, Qualification, and Verification)

NOTE: - Currently, BAT create a business case and a project brief to outline the overall project success
criteria. The specific Technical and CQV Success Criteria form part of the BAT GSUM VSU Workbook
The BAT GSUM VSU Workbook can be found here:

2.3.8 CBPR #1 - Overview

Checklist Based Project Review #1 is focused on minimizing loss by ensuring that the design of the
equipment considers the following aspects:
• Risk management
• Quality
• Operability
• Maintainability
• Availability
• Affordability

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In this SWP, activity is focused on determining the best option / business approach to accomplish the
business objectives.

2.4.1 Best Value option analysis - Overview

• Develop, define, and evaluate alternative options to present a project recommendation
• Consider a range of options from ‘no capital’ to ‘high capital’ to find the best value for money
proposition meeting project goals
• Look for breakthrough approaches by innovating a ‘Third Way’
• Allows a team to diverge, before converging on a single solution
• Gain insights on what is being evaluated as a result of following a structured process
• Find and select the best total value solution as agreed upon by the stakeholders

NOTE: - Currently, BAT initiate the equivalent of this activity to support the Business Case and then
refine the technical options throughout the project lifecycle to determine the final solution.

2.4.2 Rate optimization Strategy - Overview

Rate Optimisation Strategy provides a complete understanding of how a formal rate strategy can
affect a manufacturing organization, including the following topics:

• How rate affects manufacturing operations

• Relationship between rate and reliability
• Relationship between rate and cost
• Use and analysis of the rate reliability advisor template
• Approach for optimizing rate
• Value of a rate strategy
• Roles and responsibilities
• Verification of results

A proper rate optimisation strategy should clearly communicate the linkage between manufacturing’s
strategy to all levels of the organization. The strategy should align with the business needs and
provide a structured process to make rate-based decisions around those needs

2.4.3 Line Performance Current State & Future state - Overview Current State - Overview

Understanding the current state performance of a system that will be impacted by a change or a proxy
for new systems enables a team to design losses out. Future State - Overview

Future state assessments enable a team to clearly define the goals of the equipment design that will
deliver the business needs

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 20 of 58 Glide Path - Overview
The glide path shows the improvements needed during each step to achieve the required process
reliability and OEE e.g.:
• Changeover time reduced by x minutes
• MTBF increased by 20 % System Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMECA) - Overview

A System FMECA is executed during Conceptual Analysis to enable technology selection by the
multifunctional project team through understanding how different technologies fail. The output of the
System FMECA also provides valuable input into the detailed design process by identifying potential
design weaknesses.
NOTE: - As mentioned earlier, BAT currently perform the equivalent assessment activity on an ongoing
basis throughout the project lifecycle at the relevant points of the 4D process. Reliability and Quality Test Plan - Overview

The focus of the Reliability and Quality Testing Plan is to clearly document desired confidence levels
and the amount of testing required to verify that the success criteria are achieved
• Requires the Technical Community to align on the testing targets needed to meet project goals
• Effective tool in gaining alignment for start-up budget including support resources, non-shippable
production, and laboratory costs Holistic Learning Plan – Overview

The Learning Plan is a framework that integrates all initiative team functions in assessing initiative
risks and building learning plans upfront. The Holistic Learning Plan is a tool that is covered in-depth in
MOPD, but it is highlighted due to the multi-functional collaboration it provides across the Technical
Community Conceptual Summary - Overview

The Conceptual Summary is a single document that incorporates all the significant conclusions and
recommendations from the work completed in the Conceptual Phase.
It provides a clear picture of the scope, timing and costs associated with moving the project into the
phase of definition and provides information related to the recommended option in relation to
equipment specification, purchasing strategy, and initial construction work.

2.4.4 CBPR #2 - Overview

Checklist Based Project Review #2 is as per CBPR #1, but questions may change in depth / detail as the
project progresses.

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2.5 DEFINITION – Overview
In this SWP, the outline details of the plan to execute the DESGN & CONSTRUCT and GSUM SWPs
should be defined and will include consideration of the elements to be tested to prove viability of the

2.5.1 Estimate Major Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)

Major MTTR are those downtime events such as changeovers and major repair activities that will or
may negatively impact the on-going reliability of the system to meet its OEE target

• Changeovers
• Planned maintenance and Clean, Inspect, Lubricate (CILs)
• Equipment or component change out
• Other critical activities (i.e. breakdown recovery procedures)

2.5.2 Failure Distribution Analysis – Overview

Failure distribution analysis is a powerful tool to use when improving an existing system or designing a
new system.
• Can be performed at the unit operation level to help define priorities
• Can also be used at the failure mode level to understand failure modes and define priorities to be
worked within a unit operation
• It is the basis for “predicting the gain” in systems

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2.5.3 Simulation Analysis - Overview
Depending on the level of complexity of a production system and the level of performance the system
is expected to have, it may be beneficial to leverage discrete event simulation to improve
performance prediction accuracy.
• A way to virtually represent a real production system, having the properties of a real system
• Allows prediction of system performance prior to expending time, effort and money

2.5.4 Technical Success Criteria

In the Definition SWP, the Technical Success criteria should be further enhanced to drive the
equipment design or change activity to achieve these targets during Design & Construct SWP.

The technical success criteria have additional depth with measurable criteria in items such as:
• Product and package forms
• Production system details – speeds, capacities, etc.
• Specific measures – OEE, MTBF, quality, changeover, safety, etc.
• Logistics
• Rollout and sourcing plans including volume Glidepath for startup
• Risk management (e.g., resources, technology, capital, cost)
• Financials (capital, NPV, ROI)
• The technical content is similar to the project success criteria:
• Project scope description
• Project manager, sponsor, and key players identified

• Minimum and stretch criteria

o Minimum criteria – if the technology cannot attain this level the Project Success criteria
might not be completely achieved
o Stretch criteria – technology or systems need to deliver the goals in the original “stretch”
column. This becomes the team’s objective during design
• Measure – describes how the criteria will be measured

NOTE: - The template for Technical Success Criteria can be found in the BAT GSUM VSU Workbook.

2.5.5 Commissioning, Qualification and Verification (CQV) Success Criteria

CQV Success Criteria have a different format to Project Success Criteria and whilst there is usually
some degree of overlap between Technical and CQV success criteria, CQV criteria do not have
“stretch” targets.
Items include:
• System standards, training, technical documents, acceptance testing, and status by CQV stage
• Operator training and qualification metrics including milestones
• Production volume ramp-up curves for Q and V are often referenced
• Health, safety and risk management objectives

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The CQV success criteria should be refined throughout the early stages of the project, resulting in a
clear, aligned and measurable set of success criteria prior to the start of CQV activity under the GSUM

NOTE: - The template for CQV Success Criteria can be found in the BAT GSUM VSU Workbook.

2.5.6 Manufacturing Readiness Assessment (MRA) – Overview (IWS Phase 2 +)

The objective of the MRA is to assess the current state of manufacturing and the systems required to
sustain a highly reliable operation. This allows the team to plan for a vertical startup delivery.
A diverse multi-discipline team made up of manufacturing operations, maintenance, and initiative
delivery members with equipment owners, line leaders provide a multi-faceted perspective to look at
hard evidence and data and come up with the countermeasures leading to a vertical startup.
The top-level categories assessed are:
• Leadership
• People
• Foundational Reliability Systems
• Approach to Improving existing Lines
• Vertical Start Up
These are broken down into multiple other elements to create a much more granular assessment.
The MRA whilst using the same principle as the VSU Risk Assessment, clearly differs significantly in
that the scope of the MRA is much wider than the more project focused VSU Risk Assessment.

2.5.7 Line Event Data System (LEDS)

An LEDS allows analysis of failures to develop the appropriate counter measures. It facilitates
Reliability Analysis, Failure Distribution and System Growth Analysis
Additionally, line event data facilitates Project Execution and reliability improvement:
• Developing data-based Improvement plans
• Simulation and prediction
• Optimizing rates and control strategies
• Reliability target setting and allocation
• Acceptance testing
• Quantifying gains resulting from improvement activities focused on specific failure modes
As CQV starts, the LEDS supports analysis by capturing accurate, reliable, real time information on
Production performance based on failure mode causes. It stores information obtained in a specifically
structured data base, useful for a variety of defined reports and analyses meeting Manufacturing and
Engineering needs such as:
• Reliability analysis supporting daily Production operation
• Supports focused Improvement (FI) and Predictive Maintenance (PM) activities

NOTE: - BAT currently use an LEDS called ANT is many factories, although not every site has this

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2.5.8 Start Up (VSU) Plan - Overview
The Start-Up Plan is a document or set of documents that helps the technical project team capture the
activities required to deliver a ‘Vertical’ Startup
The plan has 5 main components:

Quality and reliability
testing plan
Technology transfer &
training plan (TT&T)
Vendor acceptance
testing plan (VAT)

4 5
Commissioning, Establish/restore
qualification and foundation systems
verification plan plan

The focus of the Start-up Plan is to pull the various quality, reliability, vendor, and startup plans
together into a common approach:
• Common deliverables
• Common timing
• Clear link back to project and technical success criteria
Any ‘killer issues’ identified by the plan that would put the overall initiative at risk should be added to
the Holistic Learning Plan (HLP) e.g.:
• Startup plan that does not meet Initiative launch timing or volumes
• Critical materials not available for testing
The work and studies conducted during the Conceptual and Definition phases serve as the basis to
develop the plan
The Start-up Plan is a deliverable in the Definition phase; however, it is a ‘living document’ and should
be updated throughout the project. Different elements are developed as the project progresses.
The Start-up Plan is used to summarize activities, but typically does not contain all the data from the
individual plans.
The common approach for all these plans is to start early and include all relevant functions in the
design/approval of the plan
• Align to the plan early to ensure proper resources, materials, staffing, schedule, and other items
are in place to support startup
• Ideally, align to major items and requirements before capital funding or project budgets are

NOTE: - BAT currently incorporates the relevant high-level elements of the Start Up Plan into the
overall NPI Project Plan as in BAT’s case, this is currently the approach to creating an end-2-end plan
across all business functions engaged in project delivery.
More detailed technical delivery plans to support GSUM & CQV are created and managed by the
relevant BAT IM project team.

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2.5.9 Technology Transfer & Training (TT&T)
At this early stage of the initiative, some initial consideration should be given to the likely need for
TT&T activity to help build technical capability within the plant operational team, and this requirement
should be included in the delivery plan at whatever level of detail is possible at this time.

NOTE: - The TT&T template & checklist are available in the BAT GSUM VSU Workbook.
By following the BAT GSUM CBA, and using the Workbook, the detailed requirements for TT&T are
fully addressed at a point where the implications of the new / changed technology / process are better
understood (e.g. following a Vendor Acceptance Test or on-site machine inspection prior to cascade)
and the current and future capability of the operational team can be more accurately assessed to
ensure relevant and timely training is provided.

2.5.10 CQV Plan

Commissioning, Qualification and Verification are the phases of activity executed during the GSUM
SWP to verify that a new system, unit operation or significant process change can achieve the agreed
quality and reliability targets.

The primary focus of the CQV Plan is to:

• Identify the proper CQV resources early in the process

• Identify the raw materials, scrap, and finished product that will be required to execute the CQV
• Align the technical community on the reliability and quality testing required to pass through the
three different stages of CQV
• Provides critical cost data that needs to be include in the overall project financials

CQV is a detailed process that involves multiple resources, various success criteria, and participation
from a broad range of business functions.

Where there is new, cascade or converted machinery / equipment fundamental to the delivery of the
production change, an initial GSUM Plan (at Level 1 & 2) will be created by the IM Project Engineering
Lead with support from the Start Up Lead. The GSUM plan will start at the point of Engineering
engagement on the project and will contain placeholders for the detailed CQV plan activity.

The CQV Plan is created by the Startup Lead but should have input from the entire IM Project Team to
drive alignment and ‘buy-in’ at the appropriate levels within the organization.
The Start-up Lead should be the ‘single-point of contact’ for the development and execution of the
CQV Plan, although where equipment changes are involved, there will usually be a partnership
between the Start Up Lead and the Engineering Lead throughout the project to ensure alignment of
the technical and manufacturing components that together will deliver the success criteria.

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As part of the planning activity:
• critical issues and risks should be documented and communicated to the project sponsor and
• Resources should be identified and secured, both internal and external, as needed to execute of
the CQV Plan. When identifying the proper resources for CQV execution, it is critical that every
person has a clearly assigned role and responsibility

NOTE: - The BAT GSUM VSU Workbook contains a detailed RACI matrix (Responsible / Accountable /
Consulted / Informed) to ensure a clear and consistent approach to roles and responsibilities within
the IM Project Team.

The activity planned for execution during CQV, and the IM tools/methods used during those activities,
should ensure that the IM project team can answer the following questions positively:

• Commissioning – If we execute against this plan “will the factory and Quality resources have
enough data to make a decision regarding being able to begin shipping product?”

• Qualification – If we execute against this plan “will Engineering and Manufacturing Operations
have enough data to ensure the equipment design is reliable and meets minor stop

• Verification – If we execute against this plan “will Factory and Project Leadership have enough
data to be confident the project will meet long term OEE targets?”

2.5.11 Reliability Testing Targets

The current state and future state process is used to establish the Future State Reliability Targets for
the unit operation or system in consideration.
The initiative’s Reliability Targets serve as the basis for setting the testing targets. In other words, the
testing targets are determined based on the reliability targets in order to provide a high degree of
probability that the system achieves the initiative’s success criteria.

The Induced Failure Test (IFT) and Sequential MTBF tests require the testing targets as inputs for
establishing test plans that will provide the correct levels of confidence that the system can achieve
the Future State (FS) reliability targets. If the FS reliability targets change, the testing targets will need
to be adjusted as well. Induced Failure Test (IFT)

IFT is used to understand the ability of a manufacturing process to be restarted or successfully pass
through its transient period (e.g. splice) and make quality product after the stop or transient period.

NOTE: - BAT are introducing the IFT concept to the new IM Vendor Acceptance Test (VAT) Protocol
that takes place at the EM facility for new equipment, prior to shipping to the BAT factory. The new
protocol is expected to be live early Q2 2020.

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 27 of 58 Sequential MTBF
Sequential MTBF is a test to prove capability of MTBF in a system or unit operation
• Sequential MTBF testing is used during Qualification in the CQV process to validate system uptime
performance S-Shape Tool

S-Shape is a tool used to determine the unit op / system’s MTBF, MTTR, and Av performance
• To successfully pass out of the Qualification Phase, the S-Shape must show performance greater
than the MTBF target.
Please see section 2.10 for a link to this and other IM tools.

2.5.12 VSU Risk Assessment

The VSU Risk Assessment is a series of focused questions that help the project team rate how well
prepared they are to execute a ‘Vertical’ startup. The risk assessment:
• Creates leadership awareness of gap / risk areas that may prevent VSU
• Helps define action items to increase the probability of VSU
• Provides a focused review and leadership touch points in the later stages of the GSUM SWP
process, prior to the start of C.
It ensures that the effort is used in managing a planned response versus being in emergency
intervention mode post startup. The “Risk” ratings allow the team a forum to openly identify issues or
concern areas.
Examples of typical risk assessment categories:

• Leadership
• Materials
• Resources:
o Technical – engineering and R&D
o Manufacturing
o External - OEM / Supplier/Trainer
• Schedule
• Technology
• Startup planning
• Initiative management tools

NOTE: - The BAT GSUM VSU Workbook contains the VSU Risk Assessment Template and results; the
content has been adapted to provide relevance to BAT ways of working.
This is an important aspect of the preparation for CQV in terms or risk identification, management and
reporting, so BAT have created a specific CBA to support this activity. This CBA (and other BAT created
CBAs for aspects of IM) can be found on the IWS SharePoint site in the CBA folder; link below:

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The VSU Risk Assessment gives a “probability” percentage score of achieving a VSU; projects that have
a higher VSU Risk Assessment rating are more likely to have a successful startup.

• < 40% - Very unlikely to achieve VSU without significant intervention

• 40% to 75% - VSU is possible, but not to be expected. Address the most critical areas as soon as
• >75% - Good probability of achieving VSU. Continue to focus on thorough application of all VSU
and Reliability Technology (RT) tools

It is important for project teams and business functions to be aligned on how to assign the
‘appropriate’ risk ratings, which are rated on the following scale:

No risk at all,
everything in control 1
Small risk, unlikely to
cause a problem 2
Moderate risk,
possible problem

Significant risk,

High risk, we expect
this to be a problem

Note: Blank cells count as a 4

2.5.13 Checklist Based Project Review #3

As per previous SWP CBPR, a checklist based approached is leveraged to ensure the project is on track
to deliver against business commitments and to drive the right level of discussion among the project

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2.6 DESIGN & CONSTRUCT – Overview
The focus of this SWO is to design the details and build the operation.

2.6.1 Technical Design Basis - Overview

A design basis conveys the intent and expectations of an engineered machine or system written by
technical resources and provided to a designer, design contractor, fabricator, or integrator.
Generally used where a machine or system could truly be referred to as a ‘custom designed’ item but
may also be used to convey expectations to an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)

Typical elements of a Design Basis include but are not limited to:
• Material specifications, dimensions, and properties
• List and product mix of SKUs, packages etc.
• Risk assessment parameters including; safety, fire, code, etc. requirements
• Design standards or preferred vendors for components, subassemblies, machines, etc.
• Local Standards
• Schedule or cost information
• Throughput expectations (e.g. product per minute, packs per minute)
• Engineering and design standards
• Preferred component vendors
• Feedback to Design based on earlier Autonomous Maintenance or progressive Maintenance

2.6.2 Vendor Acceptance Test (VAT)

Vendor Acceptance Testing (VAT) is focused on identifying and resolving equipment issues prior to
shipment and installation, with successful VAT providing an agreement from BAT to the Vendor to ship
the equipment for installation.
VAT includes both Quality and Reliability Testing considerations and is aligned with the Design Basis
and Specifications that have been developed for the initiative. Contractual obligations of performance
requirements should be clearly communicated and where necessary, negotiated via BAT Procurement.
NOTE: - A new BAT IM Vendor Acceptance Test (VAT) Protocol is expected to be live early Q2 2020 and
is accompanied by a BAT IM VAT Workbook, containing checklists and templates to support the
consistent planning, execution and reporting of the new BAT IM VAT protocol.

Vendor Acceptance Testing provides an opportunity to:

• Verify equipment is properly documented, manufactured and operates per the design,
performance and reliability specifications set by BAT, including equipment process variables
• Test for premature failures by running the equipment without product for an agreed duration
• Undertake Induced Failure Testing (IFT) to confirm that the equipment can be repaired, re-started
quickly, and produce quality product consistently
• Create and document initial centerlines
Introduce recipient site lead technical (mechanical, electrical) and Quality resources to the new
equipment in preparation for training, ideally prior to the equipment arriving in the factory.

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2.6.3 Induced Failure Test (IFT)
As mentioned previously, the purpose of IFT is to identify and resolve reliability and quality issues by
manually inducing common failures that result in machine stops.
The IFT is a test of uptime, testing the system’s ability to restart from a failed condition. It has been
proven that this test directly correlates to system performance once installed in a production facility.
Where failures occur naturally during the VAT, these can be treated as IFT’s for the purpose of
understanding the equipment recovery speed etc.
However, if not occurring naturally, the remaining IFT scenarios (based on the list of IFT conditions
documented in the BAT IM VAT Workbook), should be deliberately created.
The IFT is performed by running the equipment at nominal speed (or speed agreed for the VAT if
lower than nominal), for a period of time and then inducing a failure per the IFT list.
Once the failed condition is repaired, the equipment is restarted and must run for the same period of
time without failure. This process is repeated until testing conditions are met.
VAT is a great opportunity to provide technical training on restarting a system if resources and
timeframe permit.

2.6.4 Checklist Based Project Review (CBPR) #4

CBPR 4 should be conducted during detail design and construction
• Deep enough into the design to have technical details
• Early enough to make changes before CQV

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2.7 Global Start Up Management (GSUM)

2.7.1 IM, GSUM and VSU – The Relationship

The phrase “Vertical Start Up” is used to describe one particular result of the IM process, specifically
the outcome of the GSUM SWP. The relationship between these is shown below, so it is important to
understand that a vertical start up is only achieved when all criteria, including maximum duration of
Commissioning and Qualification have been successfully met

Initiative Management Global Start Up Management Vertical Start Up

This is the target outcome
As one part of the Integrated Work Global Start Up Management is the
of GSUM.
System (IWS) methodology, IM aims IM Standard Work Process (SWP)
to reduce operational loss as a result for the approach, activities and the VSU is achieved by meeting
of change; it does this by providing a tools used by the Delivery Team to the success criteria against
standardised and repeatable way of deliver the fastest possible start up which the Start Up results
doing the same thing, the same way following a change, thereby are measured.
each time, reducing risk and ensuring minimising operational loss.
The results are binary,
predictable results.
either a VSU is achieved
or it is not.

2.7.2 Introduction
The objective of the GSUM SWP is the fastest possible start of production from all change while
achieving the established operation and project success criteria for the lowest possible cost.

Historic Approach New IM Approach

Start of End of Start of End of

Commissioning Verification Commissioning Verification
% %
Extended Start-Up Period Vertical Start-Up

Target Target

Volume of Issues Tim e Issues identified & Tim e

identified later in the addressed early in
project lifecycle the project
Much quicker start of, or
return to, production w ith
few er un-anticipated
issues arising
Inconsistent approach to planning, Late breaking issues, causing delays Consistent approach to planning,
preparation and installation; not and costing money. preparation and installation;
able to leverage lessons learned leverages previous learnings
from previous projects leading to “Accepted” metric for the cost of a w hich allow s for identification of
un-anticipated but potentially change through the project phases is potential issues earlier, and
avoidable issues later in the project £1, £10, £100, £1,000 etc for each enables resolution or focused risk
phase that the project has completed management
before the issue is found and fixed

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The key is to identify and address issues and potential risks as early as possible in the project planning
process, such that these do not cause delays and additional costs later in the project.

GSUM incorporates Start-up activities which ensure that:

• Equipment works (quality and reliability)

• People are trained and work systems are in place
• Quality materials (raw, packing) are available and support the process
• Process is defined (control strategy, centre lining)
• Plant systems are in place to support the ongoing operation

An easy way to remember this is to use the 4Ms as shown below

Start-Up Performance = 4Ms

EquipMent + People/huMan + Materials + Plant Systems/Methods

From the time that the project starts, Engineering (including OEMs) and Manufacturing should work in
partnership to deliver the project successfully.

Engineering will usually take the initial lead to ensure technology related changes are planned and
managed with input and support from Manufacturing as required, e.g. Manufacturing resources
attending / supporting equipment Vendor Acceptance Testing at the supplier site.
Once the Equipment is installed and has successfully completed the Dry Run & Commissioning
Readiness tests (see GSUM VSU Workbook), the Manufacturing Start Up Lead drives the project
through the CQV phases on a day to day basis but with continuing support from Engineering.

Manufacturing engagement & ownership from outset – Delivering Operational Capability and Minimising Loss

Manufacturing Start Up Leader takes lead role managing

CQV with operational resources performing activities with
engineering resources remaining in support


Engineering takes lead

role to build, install and
run-up the machine,
ready for the start of IM
Commissioning Time

Build Dry Run & Commissioning Qualification Verification

& commissioning
installation readiness

• Engineering take lead role in preparing machine to enter Commissioning

• Manufacturing production team take lead through Commissioning, Qualification and Verification.
• Engineering team continues to provide support through Verification to end of VSU tracking period to mitigate initial production risks

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As mentioned earlier, the Manufacturing Start Up Lead plays a key role by leading the day to day
project activity during Commissioning, Qualification and Verification (CQV), leveraging the
Autonomous Maintenance capability within manufacturing which is a crucial in supporting
achievement of the success criteria.
BAT have adopted and adapted the end to end process of GSUM to suit the BAT business model and
in doing so have created a Current Best Approach (CBA) in the shape of the “GSUM VSU Workbook”.

The CBA is a BAT developed Excel workbook which supports an IM project from the start (when the
business case is approved), when engineering and/or manufacturing are engaged, through initiation,
planning and execution management to delivery of the success criteria.

The workbook provides a framework comprising detailed checklists to support project initiation,
planning and management, as well as detailed subject matter expertise checklists that support and
guide on more technical aspects of the project, e.g. machine inspection, installation etc.
The workbook also offers numerous templates for data capture to create a consistent and
standardised approach for IM project management and delivery activity.

There are several key components of the GSUM VSU Workbook that are fundamental to the process;
these are detailed below:

2.7.3 Checklists
The checklists in the GSUM VSU Workbook support the e2e GSUM process and have been created
based on a mix of best practice and the experiences of BAT resources involved in previous projects;
the checklists are invaluable in helping future BAT projects consider and avoid the problems that have
caused issues and delays on past projects – a practical application of the “lessons learned”.

There is a wealth of experience within BAT of running various types of project, but when constantly
working to pressured deadlines it is all too easy to overlook an item that, when it appears later in the
project, has a significant impact in terms of resource delays, activity delays and of course, cost.
One such example is the matter of materials ordering, where not ordering enough or not ordering in
good time can lead to significant project delays.

The checklists are there to help by acting as a quick reference to ensure none of these significant
items are overlooked early on and to enable plans or risk mitigations to be put in place as necessary.

A secondary, but still important, function of the checklists is to support and de-risk the training and
development of less experienced IM resources in the management of more complex / higher risk

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2.7.4 Success Criteria
Business initiatives are driven by multi-functional teams with different definitions of success, so a lack
of clear objectives and goals causes confusion, delay, re-work, and cost within a project.

The process of establishing, documenting and gaining alignment to success criteria is one of the most
critical project activities. Stakeholders, participants, and affected functions need to know how the
project affects their business.
Initial success criteria are established at the start of the project and any change in result expectation,
positive or negative, should be realigned with leadership at every project phase. Project Success Criteria

Project Success Criteria allow the business to define minimum targets and set stretch goals to drive
competitive advantage. As always, goals must be measurable, clearly defined and actionable.
Success Criteria are used to set the minimum requirements to deliver the overall business need. These
should describe the key deliverables for the initiative, usually including but not limited to:

• Consumer benefits (product and packaging)

• Volume (capacity)
• Markets (Launch and follow on)
• Financials (capital, NPV, ROI)
• Timing (start of production)
• Quality
• Environmental, Health and Safety, and Environmental (EH&S)
During the IM Kickoff workshop, these success criteria should be reviewed and agreed, or challenged
and re-confirmed if circumstances have changed significantly since the business case was approved. Technical Success Criteria

The Technical Success Criteria are defined using a specific template in the VSU Workbook which
contains a level of depth with measurable criteria in items such as:
• Product and package forms
• Production system details – speeds, capacities, etc.
• Specific measures – OEE, MTBF, Quality criteria, changeover, CQV, vertical start-up
• EH&S Minimum and Stretch Criteria

Two sets of criteria are defined as follows, with a definition of the measure that will be used to assess
achievement of these:
• Minimum criteria – if the technology cannot attain this level the Project Success criteria might not
be completely achieved
• Stretch criteria – technology or systems need to deliver the goals defined in the “stretch” column.
(if appropriate, this was the team’s objective during design)

Experience shows that by setting both minimum and stretch targets, projects often surpass the
minimum targets and sometimes achieve stretch, delivering additional benefit to the business by
doing so.

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 35 of 58 CQV Success Criteria
At the start of the GSUM SWP, any CQV success criteria that have been defined in previous SWP
phases should be reviewed and enhanced as required to reflect any changes that have occurred
throughout the previous SWP activity.

NOTE: - As BAT have not currently activated earlier phase SWPs, it is likely that the Technical and CQV
success criteria will be newly generated at the start of the GSUM process.
To support creation of appropriate Success Criteria, Global Pillar guidance is available and can be
found by following the link below:

The CQV success criteria should be defined using the specific template in the VSU Workbook and

• Include clearly defined activities that need to occur during Commissioning, Qualification and
• Include Detailed measures for success, e.g.:
o OEE, availability, MTBF, quality, changeover, safety, resourcing etc. for each phase of CQV
o Shippable production and release criteria from a Quality perspective
• Align the Project Team including Project Management, Technical Engineering, R&D,
Manufacturing, Quality Assurance and other stakeholders on the deliverables and criteria needed
to pass from phase to phase
• Highlight any pre-requisites for installation / construction completion and any other items that
might be required before Commissioning can begin, e.g. Dry Run and Commissioning Readiness
test (BAT GSUM VSU Workbook)
• Include resourcing or training requirements (summary of Technology Transfer & Training (TT&T)
plan – See BAT GSUM VSU Workbook)

The CQV success criteria are used to determine whether the project is ready to move to the next
phase; if the project cannot attain the required levels at each stage of the process, ideally it should not
proceed to the next C, Q, or V phase.

NOTE: - Commercial drivers may mean that the project is pressured to move to the next phase before
it has achieved all the agreed success criteria in the current phase.
If this is the case, the risks this approach brings to being able to achieve the sustainable manufacturing
capability required to meet the Project, Technical and CQV success criteria on an ongoing production
basis should be clearly articulated to the key stakeholders.
These risks need to be formally accepted by the business and key stakeholders to ensure subsequent
production capability expectations are appropriately managed, including factory planning / scheduling
awareness of a potential reduction in production volumes that may take many months to recover to
the original desired Success Criteria level.

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Delivering or improving manufacturing capability is one of the objectives of every IM project and
needs to be embraced by every discipline in the multi-functional team because this:

• Provides the ability to achieve stretch goals

• Accelerates competitive advantage for the business

If goals are truly stretching, a team will not always meet them, but it helps build a culture that
supports taking appropriate risk/reward decisions and Leadership must recognize and reward
achieving anything above the minimum criteria as success.

2.7.5 Line Event Data System

As mentioned earlier, a line event data system allows analysis of failures to develop the appropriate
counter measures and facilitates Project Execution and process reliability improvements.

In respect of GSUM execution, as the system comes on-line, the Line Event Data system supports loss
and performance analysis by capturing accurate, reliable, real time information on performance,
based on failure mode causes.
This means that LEDS data can be used to support failure and loss analysis, such that counter
measures can be defined and tried and then the differences seen in the subsequent LEDS data will
provide an indication of whether the changes aimed at preventing the failure or reducing the loss have
been successful, or are moving in the right direction.

It is for this reason that IM projects should plan and budget for an LEDS capability to be available for
use on the equipment as soon as IM Commissioning starts, with Autonomous Maintenance (AM) pillar
resources being responsible for ensuring the timely and accurate implementation of the LEDS such
that this, in combination with AM Daily Management Systems (DMS) are key supporting factors in
achieving a Vertical Start Up.

2.7.6 Start Up Plan

If and when BAT activate the IM Definition SWP within the project, the initial Start Up Plan will be a
deliverable from that phase (so see the initial introduction on this topic there), to be enhanced / built
upon in subsequent phases, but at the moment, the Start Up Planning is initiated at the start of the
GSUM phase.

The focus of the Start Up Plan is to create a single “version of the truth” that all parties (internal and
external) working on the technical deliverables for the project understand and align to in terms of:
• Common deliverables
• Common timeframes
• Having a clear link back to the project, technical and CQV success data.

The are 2 plan templates within the BAT GSUM VSU Workbook that support planning and whilst the
templates are in Excel for ease of access/use, those who have access / capability in MS Project are
encouraged to use this rather than Excel, and to embed the MS Project plan in the GSUM workbook.

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 37 of 58 Level 1 Plan
This plan is intended to be used to show the high-level blocks of activity and timings, such that it can be
used as a communication tool for stakeholder management etc. It is also a quick/easy reference in terms
of macro timing of the project delivery. Level 2 Plan

The Level 2 plan is the project “working” plan, i.e. the week-to-week / day-to-day plan that supports
the detailed project activities, interdependencies, resource requirements etc.

This is a “living plan”, evolving /changing as required to support/drive project progress; so it is

important that changes seen in this plan that affect the Level 1 plan timelines need to be reflected
back into the Level 1 plan to ensure accurate stakeholder communications are maintained.

The level 2 plan template can also be expanded to support the day to day activity during CQV,
clarifying and confirming planned activity in the DDS (Daily Direction Setting) meetings that should
happen on the factory floor alongside the IM line throughout CQV activity.

Where the IM project is part of a wider BAT NPI project, the NPI Project Manager should be able to
view the Start Up Plan the “workstream” plan for the site, as it articulates all the activities required to
deliver functioning equipment and capable crew to the production environment, in support of the
overall NPI Project requirements.
The key IM milestone deliverables should be reflected into the wider NPI plan and dependencies on
pre-requisite deliverables from other workstreams e.g. Product Specification, should be clearly shown
and monitored as changes in such pre-requisites will have a knock-on effect on the IM Plan.

2.7.7 Technology Transfer & Training (TT&T) Planning
The GSUM VSU Workbook contains a supporting checklist and templates to ensure that the activity is
planned well in advance and that the training is as tailored as possible to ensure that the right people
are trained in the right technological aspects to the correct level to provide capable crew(s).

The planning template supports the process of planning and managing the TT&T activity as a sub
deliverable of the Level 2 Start Up plan and as the template is the same format as the Level 2 plan, it
can be easily expanded to cover planning at a daily level if deemed appropriate.

The checklist provides a tried & trusted framework of areas to consider ensuring that, for example,
lack of an interpreter does not mean that the training cannot be undertaken (again, a lesson learned
from a previous project!) TT&T Documentation

A key input into the training is the relevant documentation such as:
• Technical materials from the OEM (including recommended maintenance plan)
• EH&S related information for safe operation

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 38 of 58

• Standard operating procedures (SOP)
• Initial Centre Line settings (CL)
• Clean Inspect Lubricate Standards (CIL)
• Changeover procedures
• Quality Standards for the SKU(s) to be produced Resource Training

The primary focus of Technology Transfer and Training (TT&T) is to build technical capability within
the plant operational team. The team consists of plant leadership, maintenance, and operators. The
team ensures there are no equipment training or knowledge gaps that might have a negative impact
on PR.

BAT have implemented a very specific approach to TT&T which starts with particular resources from
the recipient factory visiting the OEM and taking part in the VAT of a new machine, or visiting the
donor BAT site, seeing the machine running and spending time on a machine inspection and
understanding the machine’s performance for the previous 3 months to help inform CQV target
setting for the project with regards OEE, MTBF etc.

TT&T is an area that, if neglected, can have significant and long lasting impacts on productivity, as
failure to train the right number of people, to the right level at the right time, means that the
operational activity on the line will not be running as efficiently, let alone be capable of being
optimized, as it might have done had training been fully addressed.

The GSUM VSU Workbook contains a supporting checklist and templates to ensure that the activity is
planned well in advance and that the training is as tailored as possible to ensure that the right people
are trained in the right technological aspects to the correct level to provide capable crew(s).

Technology Transfer & Training - Content & Resource Plan

Training Topics
















E.G Safety System

Beckoff Inspection System
Beckoff Control System
Schneider Operating System
Schneider Control System
Schneider Diagnostic System
Keyence Set Up
Keyence Adjustment
Brand Change
Machine Timing
Machine Maintenance
Machine Cleaning
Electrical Drawings
Electrical Interface
Remote Access
MLT Head Cleaning
MLT Set Up and Adjustment

Machine Mechanical Trainer - Machine Electrical Trainer OEM Name - OEM On-Site OEM Name - OEM On-Site OEM Name - OEM On-Site OEM Name - OEM On-Site
10 Days Training Estimate 3 days Training - 4 Days Training Training - 3 Days Training Training - 3 Days Training Training - 2 Day Training

In order to deliver tailored training, the BAT site is requested to assess trainees in terms of current
capability, so that the training can be organised to meet the requirements, rather than take the “one
size fits all” approach which wastes time and money by targeting resources who are already

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 39 of 58

Technology Transfer & Training - Pre-Training Assessment
Very Experienced Experienced Not Used Not Applicable

Skill Base Assessment

E.G Protos 90 Protos 100 Keyence XG8700 Beckoff Twin Cat 3 Schneider Pac Drive 2 MLT (Laser)
Role: Name:
Lead Operator
Operator 1
Operator 2
Operator 3
Lead Mechanic
Mechanic 1
Mechanic 2
Mechanic 3
Lead Electrician
Electrician 1
Electrician 2
Electrician 3

After the training, the GSUM VSU workbook should be updated to provide a record of the training
provided to the trainees and the trainees themselves are also requested to complete post training
feedback to enable improvements to be made to future TT&T activities

Technology Transfer & Training - Training Record

Name of Installed Technology: Serial Number:
Installation Factory: Position Number:
Factory Installation Date: Initial Start of Training:

Previous Date Training Date Training Course Effectiveness

Name Shift Discipline Trainer's Assessment Trainee's Self Assessment
Experience Started Finished (tbc)

2.7.8 VSU Risk Assessment (VSU RA)

If and when BAT activate the IM Definition SWP within the project, the initial VSU Risk Assessment
will be a deliverable from that phase (so see the initial introduction on this topic there), to be
enhanced / built upon in subsequent phases, but at the moment, the VSU RA is initiated at the start of
the GSUM phase. A link to the VSU RA CBA is below:

The VSU RA is multi-tab content in the GSUM VS Workbook which guides and supports projects in
undertaking a project team assessment of project risk across a number of areas in order to determine
whether the project is on the right probability glide path to achieve a Vertical Start Up in terms of the
CQV process outcome.

It is expected that at the start of the IM project, the VSU RA will have a low percentage score, due to
the number of “unknowns” or where known issues / risks are awaiting resolution/ mitigation.

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 40 of 58

However, the project should have an understanding of the VSU RA glidepath that is required to see
them achieve the target of >75% prior to starting Commissioning, so as the project progresses ever
closer to the start of C, the percentage scored on the VSU RA should increase in line with or above
that glidepath, indicating a good state of readiness for the start of Commissioning.

2.7.9 IM Project Boards

Whilst not part of the GSUM VSU Workbook, there was a need to be able to share key project
information quickly and easily with the wider IM project team and then on the factory floor during
CQV. To meet this need, BAT have developed 2 IM Boards and provided a Current Best Approach
(CBA) as to how this should be done, the link can be found below:
WlYDOZ4Z0w?e=rMvYoS IM Project Board #1

This Board and content is owned and maintained by the Project Engineering Lead and ideally will be
located in the Engineering project room.
The Board content facilitates alignment around the Start Up Plan and technical Success criteria and
should support / drive the weekly Project Team meetings where progress, issues, risks and actions etc
are shared, reviewed and updated.

IM Project Board #1 Engineering Lead Name:……………………

Target Success Criteria Detailed Project Plan Machine Layout – CAD drawing

Description C Q V

OEE Nn Nn Nn
etc Nn Nn Nn

VSU Risk Assessment results Latest VSU Risk

Assessment print out
Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date
Month 1 % Month 2 % Month 3 % Month 4 % Month 5 % Month 6 % Month 7 % Month 8 % Weekly DDS

Key Project Assumptions. Key Project Risks.

Description Im pact if not valid Ow ner Date Valid Y/N Description Severity Ow ner Update

R/A/G R / A/ G

R/A/G R / A/ G

Key actions THIS WEEK to resolve issues & improve VSU RA %. (Weekly DDS outcomes) Issue Log
(VSU Workbook print
Action Required Ow ner Due Date Update out refreshed weekly
for the Board)

Action Log
(VSU Workbook print
out refreshed weekly
for the Board)

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 41 of 58 IM Project Board #2
This Board and content is owned and maintained by the Manufacturing Start-up Lead and is located
alongside the machine on the factory floor.

Some projects have also chosen to use this project board approach to manage the Build & Installation
phase of the project where cascaded or new machinery is part of the project delivery. This is done by
using the reverse side of Board #2 to support the build & installation activity, then “turning it round”
for the CQV content.

Project Board #2 content facilitates alignment around the CQV Success Criteria, the day-to-day CQV
activities and outcomes, and should support / drive the CQV DDS meetings where progress, issues,
risks and actions etc. are shared, reviewed and updated.

IM Project Board #2 Start Up Leader Name:………………

Target Success Criteria Weekly Plan (DDS Meeting outcomes) Daily Plan (DDS Meeting outcomes)
Description C Q V
Build / Install
OEE Nn Nn Nn
etc Nn Nn Nn V

CQV Actual to date OEE Quality defect list



Feedback on progress
& corrective actions

Loss Tree Analysis Loss Tree Analysis Actions & Owner Loss Tree Analysis Results
Top Losses

Input to DDS activity

Heat Map Safety Checklist

(Provided by AM Pillar)

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 42 of 58

2.7.10 CQV Process & Plan
The CQV process is what all the early planning, preparation and risk management under GSUM are
leading up to, as it is out of the CQV process that the initiative, if successful, will deliver a new or
changed, reliable and sustainable manufacturing process and capability into the production

The Manufacturing Start Up Lead owns and manages the CQV process with ongoing support from
Engineering as required (including OEMs and /or other technology suppliers as appropriate).

To be able to achieve a Vertical Start Up (VSU), IWS Phase 0 and 1 sites are permitted the combined
maximum duration of C&Q, giving a maximum of 60 days to complete C and Q activity and achieve the
success criteria, whilst for IWS Phase 2 sites, each of C and Q may not exceed 30 days in order to still
be able to target a VSU.

However, it should be noted that whilst targeting a VSU is desirable, this should not be at the expense
of delivering a sustainable change into production, so if that means that C or Q take longer than the 30
days to achieve the relevant success criteria, then this is preferable to progressing to the next phase
with poor results that will require remediation in the next phase, whilst also trying to build on these
and deliver the next phase’s criteria.

The Verification phase (or VSU Tracking period) is always 30 days long to enable the project to
demonstrate that it can sustain the results achieved during C and Q.

The combination of achieving all success criteria within the defined timeframe of C, Q and V will
deliver a VSU.
If any element of this combination is not achieved, then nor is a VSU.

Manufacturing engagement & ownership from outset – Delivering Operational Capability and Minimising Loss

Manufacturing Start Up Leader takes lead role managing

CQV with operational resources performing activities with
engineering resources remaining in support

VSU Tracking Period

Target (30 Calendar Days)
OEE Maintained

Engineering takes lead

role to build, install and
run-up the machine,
ready for the start of IM
Commissioning Time

Build Dry Running & Commissioning Qualification Verification

& Commissioning QUALITY MTBF
installation Readiness
Target OEE
(MAX 30 calendar days) (MAX 30 calendar Days)

Max 60 days total C&Q if IM Phase 0 or 1 factory

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 43 of 58 Commissioning (C)
Commissioning activity starts as soon as the equipment has successfully completed the GSUM VSU
Workbook “Dry run and Commissioning readiness” tests to prove that the equipment is ready to start
running with materials.

The major tasks that occur during commissioning are:

• Initial product runs

• Develop preliminary centerlines
• Induced Failure Testing – consistent restart capability
• Manufacturing Operations and maintenance training
• IM Quality Test - demonstration run
• Produce sellable quality product (NB - not shippable until authorized by BAT MQS3 protocol approval)

The key target for Commissioning activity is the delivery of commercial quality (sellable) product (as
defined by the CQV success criteria) at nominal speed, proven by sustaining this over a rolling 5-day
rolling period.

This 5-day protocol is referred to as the IM Quality Test and is focused on more than just quality in
that it is also proving the repeatability of the equipment and operators to be able to achieve these
targets, so proving an element of operational sustainability.

During Commissioning, the Start Up Lead should run DDS meetings using the IM Project Board #2 to:
• plan and record activity
• ensure that the equipment is safe, and operators are trained
• check that regular loss analysis is performed, and appropriate countermeasures taken to ensure
that losses are reduced on an ongoing basis.
• Track delivery against Quality criteria

Autonomous Maintenance capable resources (AM Step 2/3) are needed to support the loss analysis
and counter measure activity as well as determine focus activity as per the equipment heatmap.

In addition, C should be used to enhance / deepen machine crew training and capability, with key
outputs from Commissioning including progressive optimisation of the Centre Lines (CL) and Clean
Inspect Lubricate (CIL) procedures etc.
This ongoing optimisation, which will continue through Qualification, must be documented to provide
production operation baselines for the relevant SKU(s).

Changeovers and recovery from failures (induced failure testing) should also be practiced and relevant
documentation and One Point Lessons (OPLs) developed as required to support the production

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 44 of 58

BAT already uses a number of product/quality/manufacturing protocols as part of the NPI process for
project management, so to avoid confusion with the introduction of the required IM Protocols,
guidance as to how these should be managed efficiently in different project scenarios has been
created and deployed; this guidance is called the “IM Protocol Alignment” CBA.
Please see below for a link to the CBA.

If the MQS3 Technical Approval forum approves the outcome of the MQS3 protocol then the product
is approved for commercial production, the NPI Project will finish at this point its objective of delivery
of quality product to market has been achieved.
The IM Project however continues, and subsequent IM activity is undertaken whilst producing
commercial product for shipment, so it is essential for the project to work closely with the factory
planning/scheduling team to ensure that production volume plans take account of the fact that the
equipment is still under IM project activity & governance.

Up until this point, the main focus has been on product quality, rather than the efficiency of the line
(OEE, MTBF, Waste), so once the IM Quality Test 5 day rolling target is achieved, the project can move
to into the Qualification phase to start to address efficiency losses. Qualification (Q)

Qualification activity should follow immediately after completion of the IM Quality Test, as any delay
will be counted as part of the time allotted to achieve the Q criteria.

There is an exceptional circumstance where a delay would not be included in the Q duration; this is
where there has been a formal business decision to put a hold on project activity for whatever reason.
If this has occurred, then Q duration will recommence at the point the project is formally requested to

The key objective of Q is to sustain the commercial quality and speed achieved in C, and then build on
this to improve the performance in terms of increased MTBF, aiming to reach or exceed the MTBF
targets agreed as part of the technical and CQV success criteria.

Key tasks in Q are:

• Monitor quality
• Finalise centerlines
• Equipment “Uptime” focus
• Execute IM High Efficiency test - Sequential MTBF Testing
• Complete post start-up Punch List items
• Finalize engineering and manufacturing operation standards to complete manufacturing operations
and maintenance training

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 45 of 58

The Q specific protocol focusses on demonstrating sustainable achievement of quality, speed and
MTBF targets; this is known as the IM High Efficiency test and requires the line and crew to achieve
the targets on a rolling 5-day basis, to prove that the capability is sustainable.

In many scenarios, where new equipment is part of the project delivery, the Protocol Alignment
guidance combines the IM High Efficiency test with the machinery protocol known as Factory
Acceptance Test (FAT), promoting most efficient use of time, manpower & materials.

Again, close working with factory planning and scheduling throughout Qualification is required to
ensure “room” is left in the production activity to enable the IM project to perform the activities
required to deliver the target MTBF.

On successful completion of the IM High Efficiency Test, the project can move into the final stage,
Verification. Verification (V)

The purpose of the Verification phase is to demonstrate on going system safety, quality and reliability,
and should reflect production reality in terms of shift patterns, crewing, production volumes etc. such
that there is confidence that the delivery into manufacturing production out of the IM project will be

The key activities in Verification are:

• Sustain performance
• Produce volumes as per planned & agreed production schedule
• Monitor the following items:
 Stops
 Quality
 Waste
 Rate

At the end of the Verification phase:

• the average OEE achieved throughout the 30-day period should be used as the benchmark against
which to set production Planning and Scheduling
• Line / equipment are to be included in the Factory OEE for KPI purposes from this point.

If the Verification targets have not been achieved, then the factory should agree and follow through a
plan of action to achieve the desired targets.

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 46 of 58 Vertical Start Up (VSU)
CQV is the process to verify production system capability; VSU is the metric to track the robustness of
the process.
As previously mentioned, it is more critical to have a successful CQV than to achieve VSU
• Successful CQV enables long term capability for manufacturing a product
• Criteria based passing of gates encourages and rewards the correct behaviors within startup teams

As teams improve their base CQV capability the focus should switch to accelerating the process to
achieve VSU. VSU reduces startup losses and drives competitive advantage.
Definition: A Vertical Start-Up is achieved when the production system is averaging at or above target
OEE during the VSU tracking period. The tracking period is 30 calendar days following the completion
of Qualification.

2.7.11 Insufficient volumes for CQV – CBA

On some occasions, there are business changes introduced into the project that are beyond the remit
of the project team to address and which therefore impact the ability of the IM project to progress.

One such example is where projected market demand volumes suddenly decrease to the extent that
continuing to produce product during C, Q or V creates a loss, as there is no ability to sell the product
and recoup the costs of producing it.

Given the number of potential scenarios and the differing stages of the project where these scenarios
may arise, BAT has developed a CBA which provides guidance to an IM Project to facilitate the best
approach to managing these situations. Link to the CBA is below:
WlYDOZ4Z0w?e=1A82Ny Quick Reference CQV Summary

The table below provides a summary of the activity and focus during CQV.
IM CVQ Phase Activity Tools/ areas of focus

Commissioning • Commercial operation • Target Machine speed

• Machine Operations and • Variable Quality Testing
Maintenance training • Attribute Quality Testing
• Induced Failure Testing
• Changeovers

Qualification • Commercial operation • Maintain Machine Speed achieved in Commissioning

• Finalise process and product • Maintain Variable Quality Testing achieved in
centrelines Commissioning
• Complete Engineering and • Maintain Attribute Quality Testing achieved in
Operations Standards documentation Commissioning
Verification • Commercial operation Maintain / improve results from Qualification:
(VSU Tracking) • Process optimisation • OEE
• Stops
• Quality
• Waste
• Machine speed

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 47 of 58

2.7.12 Post Implementation Review – (PIR)
Completion of Verification activity signals the end of the IM Project, but within 30 days of the
completion of V, the project must submit a Post Implementation Review, the template for which is
contained in the BAT GSUM VSU Workbook.

The PIR (equivalent of CBPR#5 in the Engineering Work Process (EWP)), is a process and output that
provides the entire IM project team (including external parties) the opportunity to review the project
1. Identify aspects of the project that went well and should be considered for re-application to
future projects
2. Identify aspects of the project that caused issues, delays, requirement for additional budget
or people etc. and from which learnings can be taken to help improve the IM GSUM CBA or
to engage with other IWS pillars or functions to address the cause of the loss identified by
the project.
3. Ensure handover plans are in place with ownership for any residual activity that is still
needed by Manufacturing

The PIR output is very important in helping identify potentially “hidden” losses which, because the
project still launches, can be overlooked and remain problematic in future change activity.

2.7.13 Feedback to Design (FtD) - Technical

A part of ongoing production manufacturing operations, opportunities to improve equipment design
are sometimes identified on the shop floor; e.g. Cigarette Vanes Empty (CVE) where a revised design
has been suggested to reduce a loss created by starvation of cigarette supply to the packer.
BAT then works with relevant suppliers to trial and subsequently introduce these design
improvements into the next generation of equipment to ensure this type of loss is reduced or
This process is supported and facilitated by the Global Technology Managers who specialize in the
various technologies and have the ongoing technical engineering relationship with the OEMs.
Essentially, FtD is a collection of validated improvements / defect eliminations from on-going
manufacturing operations that are captured in a structured database/approach which is then shared /
leveraged across the IWS pillars and as part of the IM delivery where such improvements have been
introduced and implemented.

2.7.14 Feedback to Design (FtD) – Continuous Improvement

BAT also use the concept of FtD in relation to seeking input and feedback from IM resources with
regards additions and improvements specifically related to the IM approach and CBAs.
A key opportunity for these learnings is the Post Implementation Review (PIR), where IM projects are
encouraged to share the positive and negative learning points from the recent project experience,
either for affirmation and re-application or for corrective measures to be identified and actioned.

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 48 of 58


2.8.1 Reliability Engineering (RE) – Overview

Reliability Engineering tools play a foundation role in developing data-based improvement plans for an
existing operation. Leveraging advanced analytics enables prioritization of losses, accelerating results
delivered by other pillars including Autonomous Maintenance (AM), Progressive Maintenance (PM),
and Focused Improvement (FI).
RE is a methodology and toolset that helps make data-based predictions to drive PR improvement on
existing systems and design reliability into new systems. Examples of tools include:
• LEDS standards
• Data requirements and standards
• System ownership and change management
• Documented protocols to apply RE tools to:
• Initiatives/projects
• Projects should have “RE Implementation Plan” showing tool usage and expected benefit
• Confirm equipment performance on start-up
• Drive process reliability on existing lines
• Rate strategy
• Process reliability loss analysis
• Improvement prediction-based priority setting
“General reliability improvement protocol”

2.8.2 Driving Process Reliability (PR) improvement - Overview

The Driving PR Improvement approach highlights the integration of analytics into a work process for
developing and implementing a PR improvement plan. Following this work process complements the
overall IWS program by establishing the business ‘pull’ for capability to facilitate loss elimination. With
the primary focus of the IM Pillar on delivering change, the specific details of the tools are highlighted
in the project delivery sections of this guidebook.

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 49 of 58 Key approaches
• How to determine current PR capability gaps
• How to determine current PR losses
• How to develop loss-based improvement plan and glidepath
• Selection of standards, systems, approaches and tools to close PR gap
• Statistically validate improvements Failure distribution analysis and restart procedures - Overview

Leveraging restart procedures to address high frequency failures will deliver results quickly and
progress the culture on the journey of running to standards. Failure distribution analysis enables us to
identify candidate failure modes.
Failure distribution analysis parameterizes data enabling classification of failure modes into several
• Cumulative failures – failures that occur primarily based on the accumulation of run time such as
planned downtime or raw material changes
• Competing failures – failures that appear to occur randomly as a result of multiple failure modes
competing to take a system down. Competing failure modes can further be classified as:
 Premature – failures that have a high likelihood of occurring shortly after the system
 Accidental – failures that truly occur randomly
 Wear-out – failures that have an increasing likelihood of occurrence as run time increases

The Weibull template allows us to use LEDS data to parameterize and classify failure modes into the
above categories through the creation of survival curves. This analysis can be done at a unit operation
level or failure mode level.

For more RE related tools/methods, please see section 2.10 Tools.


Performance testing consists of a set of tools to evaluate the reliability and quality using statistical
These tools will enable the shortest possible test time to evaluate the start-up from projects or
Other methods may be necessary due to regulatory requirements within specific product segments.

2.10 TOOLS – Overview

There are a number of Excel based tools that support additional data analysis, some of these are RE
tools not previously mentioned. These tools are of value, but they may not be required for every
initiative or PR improvement plan.

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 50 of 58

2.10.1 RE improvement - Overview
Competing causes make the task of predicting improvement difficult.
RE Improvement analysis answers the question “Which failure mode cause, if eliminated, will have the
greatest system impact on the system survival curve?”
To execute the analysis, the tool “virtually removes” a failure mode and calculates the performance of
the new system. Having confidence in an improvement prediction ensures priorities are data based
and project or improvement plans are sufficient to meet the requirement.

2.10.2 Expert cost study - overview

An Expert Cost Study is used at the beginning of a Process Reliability improvement for a site or
enterprise. The objective is to determine potential cost savings from improving Process Reliability (PR)
using expert inputs. Savings include:
• Annual savings (£/yr)
• Value of a percent PR gain (£/yr/%)
• Cost of downtime (£/min)
• Savings from increasing volume and/or rate

2.10.3 Changeover analysis - overview

Changeovers losses exist from the time a machine is down to execute changeover tasks (hang time or
shutdown time) and a ramp up period of reduced performance as shown in the image below.

Total downtime loss

(equivalent production loss)

(or going)
Back to
Base in period Hang time C/o ramp-up
(or going)

Shutdown Ramp-up
Time Time
Going to going

Analyzing changeovers can be a time-consuming task because the ramp up period may consist of
several types of failure causes. The Changeover Analysis template allows quick analysis of large data
sets that have many different types of changeovers. It should be noted, however, that the template
requires a mature line event data system and accurate editing of failures and planned downtime.

IM Pillar Guidebook Version – 1.0 Approved Page 51 of 58

When visiting a location running an IM project(s), the following are key indicators of a project team
that has embraced IM and is working in accordance with the BAT GSUM CBA:

What to Check What to Expect

• Collaborative partnership between Engineering and manufacturing resources working together from
Engineering Lead and Start Up Lead the start and throughout the project to deliver the agreed project
• Clarity & alignment on the success success criteria
criteria, plan & resources
IM Project Board #1 Content on show and up to date in the Engineering projects room
Weekly Project Meeting Project Engineering Lead running a weekly Meeting with all the
project team to ensure progress reporting, issue / risk identification
and or escalation and direction setting with specific owned actions
to address identified deficits/concerns
Project GSUM VSU Workbook Workbook should be being used including all checklists &
templates as relevant to the project scope and being maintained at
least weekly if not daily.
VSU Risk Assessment template (GSUM VSU Risk Assessment template being used & updated at least
VSU Workbook) monthly by the full team in a team meeting specifically for the task
IM Project Board #2 Located on the factory floor alongside the new/cascaded/changed
equipment and containing up to date content
AM DDS Meeting during CQV phases Project Start Up Lead running a DDS with the manufacturing team
to set priorities and focus during the CQV activity;
Project Board #2 used as input to the meeting and to share / record
the day’s planned activities and results
AM DMS being used during CQV Manufacturing team performing AM Daily Management Systems
(DMS) during CQV e.g.
a. Centre Lines (CL)
b. Clean Inspect lubricate regime (CIL)
c. Loss Analysis
d. Etc.
Manufacturing team taking ownership Manufacturing team running the equipment with support from
(equipment and process) during CQV Engineering / OEM
Documenting CL, CIL etc ready for operational production
Engineering support (definitely internal, Ongoing engineering support as required through to end of
possibly external if internal capability or Verification
resource issues apply) planned and
available until the end of Verification

4 GIVES & GETS - Overview

The IM Pillar relies heavily on a number of other pillars to provide resources with the relevant
competencies to support project planning, execution and delivery:

1. Leadership – to embrace and champion the benefits of IM, releasing site resources as
necessary to the project to set-up the team for success; agree success criteria & sign off
2. EH&S Pillar – to provide EH&S standards, check & confirm environment, equipment and
resource safety with regards equipment location and operation; perform safety walks.

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3. AM Pillar – to bring AM DMS and loss analysis & reduction method / tools to the CQV phase of
activity; advocate, implement and use LEDS.
4. PM Pillar – to support with maintenance regime, Defect Handling, Root Cause Analysis, One
Point Lessons etc. to be subsequently adopted / enacted by AM resources
5. Quality Pillar – for provision of quality criteria, resources to support quality analysis during
CQV activity
6. SNO Pillar – support in provision of materials for CQV and eventually production

In return other pillars rely on IM to deliver a safe, quality and sustainable process into manufacturing

1. Leadership – Projects driving to implement change with zero additional loss, (potentially
delivering loss reduction), meeting CQV Success criteria and commercial targets OTIF to
deliver loss-free sustainable change into production in a reliable and repeatable way.
2. EH&S Pillar – Expect that the equipment will be delivered and installed to meet all relevant
safety standards and that manufacturing resources are trained and competent to operate the
equipment safely
3. AM Pillar – Machine in Base condition and Operator resources to receive relevant and
appropriate levels of training to enable safe & competent operation of the equipment,
Standard Operating procedures and documentation detailing CL, CIL, OPLs etc. as identified
and validated during CQV
4. PM Pillar – provision of OEM documentation to support appropriate maintenance regime,
recommended spares parts and other technical documentation
5. Quality Pillar – Stable production quality product meeting CPK & PPK, visual and physical
quality requirements
6. SNO Pillar – Consistent, sustainable levels of OEE to support confident planning & scheduling

These are just a few examples, many more are available in the P&G Pillar Guidebook

IWS terminology refers to “Gives & Gets”; these are the interdependencies between the 12
Pillars to achieve the “Integrated” aspect of IWS.
Health & Leadership
Progressive Safety (LDR)
Maintenance (HSE)
Give - IM processes that integrate HSE reqts
Get – Safety standards affecting Machine design


e.g. Issues affecting IM Pillar Tools /

Methods Management
Organisation (IM)
Education &
e.g. Materials supply

Training (ET)

Autonomous Loss
Maintenance Elimination
(AM) (LE)
I.M. requires interaction and support from all these other Pillars, just as they do from I.M.

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5.1 IM Pillar Roles
There are several recognised roles within the IM Pillar team and IM project as follows:

1. Pillar Lead (Global, Regional or Site)

2. PM & Engineering Lead
3. Start Up Leader
4. Project Team member (representative of an organisational function for the purpose of the
5. Project Participant (resource engaged in supporting the project)
6. GSUM Owner (expert in GSUM CBA, training, supporting/mentoring others in GSUM)
7. Pillar Member (member of the site pillar team but not necessarily taking part in project
execution / delivery)

Other functional roles are also represented where, although they tend to be on the periphery of the
project execution, the role requires an appreciation of the IM methodology and the GSUM CBA:

1. Global Technology Manager (GTM)

2. Procurement – (to be added shortly)

5.2 Step Up Card (SUC)

The IM Step Up cards from P&G have been adopted and adapted to reflect the requirements relevant
to BAT.

Rather than have several SUCs, the approach has been to develop a single SUC where selection of the
relevant “role” automatically highlights the appropriate content at the minimum level deemed
necessary to be considered “qualified” in that specific topic.

The SUC provides:

1. A recommendation as to the training materials to be used in self-study as preparation for the
2. The ability to respond and qualify based on a combination of theory/learning or practical
3. The facility for candidates to self-assess as many times as desired prior to a formal
qualification assessment

5.3 Qualification Process

There are 3 stages to be completed before qualification can be awarded.

1. Attend a Regional run IM Kick Off Workshop – This is usually a 2-3 day training session that
introduces the concepts of IWS and of the IM pillar, in the latter parts of the workshop providing a

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level of detail focused on GSUM and CQV. This workshop uses the IM Pillar Training Pack v0.12.
and attendees are requested to bring details of a project that will run in their site under IM that
can be used to start development of the project GSUM VSU Workbook

2. IM Follow up Workshop – practitioner focus; this 1-2 day follow up session should occur 1-2
months after the initial Kick off session and provides a refresh of the initial workshop content and
provides a coaching opportunity to support the IM practitioners who should by then be
undertaking IM project activity and will have detailed queries relevant to their particular projects.
This session should be supported by the Management Overview & Practitioners Pack v0.5

3. Step Up Card Qualification

Successful completion of the qualification assessment at the relevant role & level will result in the
individual being considered formally qualified.

5.3.1 Qualification Assessment

Qualification Assessments are only valid if carried out by a Level 4 qualified IM Pillar member.

Best practice is for the assessor and candidate to be face to face in the same location; if this is not
possible, Teams with Video link should be used to provide the face to face experience.

The assessor will have access to a version of the SUC that details expected content relevant to the
topics; this provides for a level of consistency in the assessment process, although the natural
discussion arising during the assessment in conjunction with the assessors own knowledge /
experience allows an element of subjective judgement to be applied by the assessor.
An SUC with the relevant role driven content should be shared by the assessor during the assessment
and marks completed as the assessment progresses.

If the candidate has displayed the appropriate level of understanding / knowledge of a topic during
earlier discussion in the assessment, i.e. answered the question before it has been asked, the Assessor
has the authority to “skip” the question and award the relevant mark.
At the end of the assessment, the Assessor will calculate that score achieved by the candidate and
share this with them.

If the candidate has been successful, the assessor will issue an email, copying relevant line or pillar
management, with a certificate confirming the qualification level achieved.

If the candidate is not successful in achieving the level required, the assessor will review the areas of
improvement with the candidate and agree a plan for re-assessment.

5.3.2 Qualification Measurement

The approach to measurement of qualification has recently (Feb 2020) been mandated by the
Leadership Pillar, the information (Qualification Principles) can be found here:

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The following glossary contains many more acronyms than found in this document, so can be used as
a reference for other IM and IWS related materials.

AM - Autonomous Maintenance
APM - Attribute Process Matrix
Av - Availability
BBOA - Best Bet Option Analysis
BVA / LCC - Best Value Analysis / Life Cycle Costs
CBA - Current Best Approach
CBN - Compelling Business Need
CBPR - Checklist Based Project Review
CIL - Clean, Inspect, Lubricate
CIP - Clean In Place
CL - Centre line
CO - Change Over
CPE - Critical Process Equipment
CPM - Complaints per Million
CQV - Commission, Qualification, Verification
CU - Capacity Utilization
DBNR - Days Before Next Run
DDS - Daily Direction Setting
DFLC - Designed for Low Cost
DMS - Daily Management System
DOX - Design of Experiments
DPCL tool - Defect Prevention Checklist
DR - Design review
DRWO - Design Risk and Waste Out
DT - Down Time
ECRS - Eliminate, Combine, Reduce, Simplify
ENT - Enterprise
ER - Expert Review
EWP - Engineering Work process

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FEI - Front End Innovation
FI - Focussed Improvement
FLP - Functional Learning Plans
FMECA - Failure Modes Effects Criticality Analysis
FtD - Feedback to Design
G2T - Go 2 Target
GSUM - Global Start-Up Methodology
HLP - Hollistic Learning Plan (FLP Functional Learning Plan)
HS&E - Health, Safety and Enviromental
HtR - Hard to Reach
IFT - Induced Failure test
IM - Initiative Management
IP - Intellectual Property
IWS - Integrated Work Systems
KEA - Key Element Assessment
KIL - Key issues list
LDR - Leadership
LEDS - Line Event Data System
M&S - Modeling and Simulation
MDDS - Machine design & documentation Standards
MOPaD - Methodology of Packaging Development
MOPD - Methodology of Process Development
MRA - Manufacturing Readiness Assessment
MTBF - Mean time between failure
MTTR - Mean time to repair
NPV - Net present value
OEE - Operational Equipment Efficiency
OGSM - Objectives, Goals, Strategies, Measures
OOL - Out of Limit
OPL - One point lesson
ORA - Overall Risk Assessment
ORG - Organisation
P&ID - Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
PAP - Personal Action Plan
PCS - Process Control Strategies
PDP - Process Definition Protocol
PDT - Planned Down Time
PFS - Process Flow Sheet
PLAT - Project loss Analysis tool
PM - Progressive Maintenance
PQCDSM - Productivity Quality Cost Delivery Safety Morale
PR - Process Reliability

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Q - Quality
Q-Factor - Quality Factor
QL - Quality Loss
R&D - Research & Development
RCO - Rapid Change Over
RE - Run Efficiency
RE - Reliability Engineering
ROI - Return on Investment
ROR - Rate Of Return
RPN - Risk Priority Number
RTT - Run to Target
RU - Rate Utilization
SC - Supply Chain
SDDS - Strategy Development and Deployment Systems
SIMPL - Successful Initiative Management & Product Launch
SIMPTWW - Safety Information Materials People Tools Where When
SLD - Severity, Likelihood, Detection
SN - Supply Network
SOC - Source of Contamination
SOP - Start of Production
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
SPRT - Sequential Probability Ratio Test
ST - Scheduled Time
STC - Seamless Technical Community
SU - Scheduled Utilization
TDC - Total Delivered Cost
TEI - Total Employee Involvement
TFS - Transformation Flow Sheet
TPM - Total Productive Maintenance
TRL - Target Rate Loss
TT&T - Technology Transfer & Training
UPDT - Unplanned Down Time
UT - Up Time
VAT - Vendor Acceptance Testing
VSU - Vertical Start-UP
WPA - Work Point Analyisis
WPI - Work Process Improvement
ZLJ - Zero Loss Journey

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