2016 RadMAP Bandstra2
2016 RadMAP Bandstra2
2016 RadMAP Bandstra2
Joseph C. Curtisa,b, John R. Davisb, Tenzing H. Joshia, John Kuaa, Ross Meyera, Victor Neguta,
Michael Quinlana, Brian J. Quitera, Shreyas Srinivasanb,d, Avideh Zakhord, Richard Zhangd,
Kai Vettera,b
Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, United States
Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of California Berkeley, CA, United States
Sandia National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, United States
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California Berkeley, CA, United States
Keywords: The variability of gamma-ray and neutron background during the operation of a mobile detector system greatly
Gamma-ray detection limits the ability of the system to detect weak radiological and nuclear threats. The natural radiation background
Gamma-ray imaging measured by a mobile detector system is the result of many factors, including the radioactivity of nearby
Background radiation materials, the geometric configuration of those materials and the system, the presence of absorbing materials,
Data fusion
and atmospheric conditions. Background variations tend to be highly non-Poissonian, making it difficult to set
Homeland security
Radiological search
robust detection thresholds using knowledge of the mean background rate alone. The Radiological Multi-sensor
Analysis Platform (RadMAP) system is designed to allow the systematic study of natural radiological
background variations and to serve as a development platform for emerging concepts in mobile radiation
detection and imaging. To do this, RadMAP has been used to acquire extensive, systematic background
measurements and correlated contextual data that can be used to test algorithms and detector modalities at low
false alarm rates. By combining gamma-ray and neutron detector systems with data from contextual sensors,
the system enables the fusion of data from multiple sensors into novel data products. The data are curated in a
common format that allows for rapid querying across all sensors, creating detailed multi-sensor datasets that
are used to study correlations between radiological and contextual data, and develop and test novel techniques
in mobile detection and imaging. In this paper we will describe the instruments that comprise the RadMAP
system, the effort to curate and provide access to multi-sensor data, and some initial results on the fusion of
contextual and radiological data.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: msbandstra@lbl.gov (M.S. Bandstra).
Received 27 May 2016; Received in revised form 17 September 2016; Accepted 18 September 2016
Available online 20 September 2016
0168-9002/ © 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.
M.S. Bandstra et al. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 840 (2016) 59–68
• The systematic study of natural radiological background variations the vehicle. In between neighboring detectors is a gap of approximately
across diverse environments. 1.5 cm. The detectors are read out by electronics described in Section
• The investigation of correlations between radiological background 3.1.3. The typical energy resolution of the NaI detectors is 8.1% full
and contextual information. width at half maximum (FWHM) at 662 keV. In front of the detectors is
• The development of novel algorithms for detection, imaging, and a coded mask that is 12 pixels high by 18 pixels wide. The mask has the
multi-sensor fusion. same pitch as the detector array and is comprised of lead pixels
• The characterization and performance assessment of algorithms at measuring approximately 4 in×4 in×2 cm, which is the same length
low false alarm rates. and width as the NaI detectors (Fig. 3). The mask is positioned
• Trade studies of the factors influencing the design and implementa- approximately 40 cm in front of the NaI array, yielding a pixel size of
tion of mobile detection systems. approximately 14° square, a horizontal fully coded field of view of 90°,
and a vertical fully coded field of view of 27°. The detector array is
The broader scientific community has been given access, upon request, shielded around the sides and on the top by 2.5 cm of lead.
to the RadMAP data to allow such studies to be performed. Access to Two mask patterns have been used during RadMAP data collection
the multi-sensor data is provided through the LBNL developed thus far: the original coded mask pattern that the Naval Research Lab
Gamma-Ray Data Cloud (GRDC). General access to the multi-sensor designed for the MISTI vehicle (the “NRL mask”) and an improved
data is provided through the LBNL-developed Gamma-Ray Data Cloud random mask pattern (the “2015 mask”). Additionally, some data in
(GRDC). 2013 were collected with no lead mask pieces in place, and some with a
In this paper, we will describe the RadMAP system and its suite of 10×18 version of the 2015 mask, in order to measure the effect of the
radiological and contextual sensors, and discuss several initial studies amount of lead shielding on background variations [8]. Diagrams of
that have been performed using the data that it has collected. The both mask patterns are shown in Fig. 3. The 2015 mask pattern was
possibilities for multi-sensor data fusion and the data service used to found by attempting to suppress the image artifacts of the NRL mask,
distribute the data will also be discussed. as well as by enforcing a condition that every 10×10 sub-array of the
mask is nearly 50% transparent for a more uniform flat field image
2. RadMAP overview (Fig. 4). Using balanced correlation to decode the masks also yields an
improved system point spread function (SPSF), shown in Fig. 5
The RadMAP vehicle was originally the Mobile Imaging and [21,22].
Spectroscopic Threat Identification (MISTI) vehicle built by the Naval
Research Laboratory [2,20] for the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office's 3.1.2. HPGe array
Standoff Radiation Detection System (SORDS) program. MISTI used a From 2011 to 2014, RadMAP fielded between 18 and 24 coaxial
combination of high purity germanium (HPGe) detectors for spectro- high purity germanium (HPGe) detectors manufactured by ORTEC.
scopic alarming and isotope identification, and an array of sodium Each 100% relative efficiency detector was comprised of an approxi-
iodide (NaI(Tl)) detectors with a lead coded mask for imaging. In mately 88 mm diameter by 63 mm long germanium crystal and was
addition, it had a side-facing camera, a multi-antenna Global cooled by an individual liquid-nitrogen dewar. The readout of the
Positioning System (GPS) receiver, and software for real-time gam- HPGe detectors was performed using the same electronics as the NaI
ma-ray source imaging and localization. array, although with different shaping times and higher analog-to-
RadMAP represents a further development of MISTI's gamma-ray digital converter (ADC) bit depth [20]. The typical energy resolution
detectors and environmental sensors to include panoramic video, Light was 1.7 keV FWHM at 662 keV.
Detection And Ranging (LiDAR), weather, hyperspectral, and other In the summer of 2015, the original liquid-nitrogen-cooled germa-
sensors in order to provide a context for the radiation measurements
that is as complete as possible (see Section 3). The HPGe detectors
have been upgraded from liquid-nitrogen cooling to mechanical cooling
to make longer measurement campaigns possible, and liquid-scintilla-
tor detectors have been added to enable the same explorations in the
fast neutron domain.
As of 2016, RadMAP has traveled approximately 4000 miles in the
San Francisco Bay Area, including through many urban areas such as
Berkeley, Oakland, and San Francisco, in addition to some suburban
and rural areas. The areas surveyed by the system to date are shown in
Fig. 1.
3. RadMAP instruments
M.S. Bandstra et al. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 840 (2016) 59–68
Fig. 2. A cutaway view of the RadMAP truck showing the position of various radiation
sensors. When there were between 18 and 24 liquid-nitrogen cooled HPGe detectors,
additional detectors were mounted in a column to the left of the coded aperture.
Fig. 4. The open fraction of each mask in the half-coded field of view of the original and
improved RadMAP coded masks. The 2015 mask shows a much more uniform flat field,
especially in the fully coded field of view (outlined).
M.S. Bandstra et al. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 840 (2016) 59–68
tion software is used to control the digitizers and collect and save raw
trace data. Once raw signal pulses with associated timing information
are recorded, the data are then parsed into a usable format for data
processing, PSD, and analysis. The data for the neutron detectors are
saved on a dedicated laptop running Windows.
Fig. 5. The system point-spread functions (SPSFs) of the original and improved
RadMAP coded masks using balanced correlation to decode the mask [21,22]. The ideal 3.3. LiDAR
SPSF is a delta function with a maximum at (0, 0) whose value is the number of
transparent pixels (in this case, 108). The 2015 mask shows improvement over the Two Velodyne HDL-32E LiDAR units [34] are installed on the left
original mask by having smaller off-axis artifacts, both positive (correlated) and negative and right front corners of the truck (shown in Fig. 2). Each LiDAR unit
(anti-correlated) artifacts. uses 32 infrared lasers to measure a three dimensional point cloud
around the truck. The beam directions range from +10.67° to −30.67° in
1500 V and –2000 V to each PMT. The total active detection volume of elevation, for an angular spacing of 1.33°. In azimuth, measurements
the system is approximately 25 l. EJ-309 was selected for its pulse are taken at an angular spacing of 0.12–0.15° as the LiDAR head
shape discrimination (PSD) characteristics, enabling neutron-induced rotates. The average rotation rate is approximately 10 Hz, and the
signals to be distinguished from gamma-ray interactions [29], as well maximum range is 80–100 m. In order to increase the vertical coverage
as for its low toxicity and high flash point. of the LiDAR point clouds, each unit is tilted forward 10.67° to cover 0°
The PMTs are read out by two Struck SIS3320 250 MHz 12-bit to −41.34° in the forward direction and +21.34° to −20° in the rear
digitizers, each with eight channels. Each digitizer reads out one direction. Custom acquisition code records the LiDAR data on
vertical column of eight detectors. The Struck-provided data acquisi- RadMAP's main Windows server.
Fig. 6. Two examples of muons detected by the NaI(Tl) array on board RadMAP. Muon events are found by searching for multi-detector events within 10 ns of each other,
demonstrating the synchronization of the latest readout system.
M.S. Bandstra et al. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 840 (2016) 59–68
Fig. 7. GPS locations from RadMAP in downtown Oakland using the Magellan ADU5 (left) and the NovAtel SPAN-CPT (right). The SPAN-CPT is able to remain highly accurate even
when the view of the sky is blocked by tall buildings. (Google Maps imagery from DigitalGlobe, U.S. Geological Survey, and USDA Farm Service Agency.)
3.4. Visual imagery records visual and near-infrared light in 240 12-bit spectral channels
ranging from 400 to 900 nm. The second camera is the Resonon NIR,
For wide field of view, high rate imagery, two Point Grey Ladybug 3 with 320 spatial pixels and an effective FoV of 90.0° × 0.36° [39]. For
spherical video cameras [35] are installed at the top left and right each of its spatial pixels it records 145 14-bit spectral channels ranging
corners of the truck cab, directly above the LiDAR sensors (Fig. 2). from 900 to 1700 nm (i.e., near infrared). Both cameras are synchro-
Each camera uses six 2 megapixel sensors arranged to cover more than nized to a common trigger which operates at a rate of 45 Hz, and both
80% of a full spherical field of view. Images are recorded at a rate of 15 are read out by a dedicated Windows computer.
frames per second. Custom acquisition code records data from both
Ladybug cameras on the main Windows server.
In addition, a simple visual camera system covers the imaging field 3.7. Sensor integration and synchronization
of view of the NaI(Tl) array. RadMAP currently uses a Raspberry Pi
with a visual CCD camera and a fisheye lens, covering a field of view of In order to register data from all of the sensors, each computer and
approximately 100° horizontal and 77° vertical. This field of view sensor records time in seconds since the UNIX epoch (i.e., midnight
subsumes the fully coded field of view of the gamma-ray imager. UTC on January 1, 1970). The required time accuracy is dictated by the
Images from this camera are recorded at a rate of 1 Hz. In 2015, this desired position accuracy of reconstructed spatial datasets, e.g., in
camera replaced an older visual/infrared camera. order to achieve an accuracy of ≲10 cm at typical driving speeds of
25 mph (11 m/s), all data must be synchronized to ≲10 ms.
In order to obtain the time accuracy required, the on-board
3.5. Weather
computers are synchronized using Network Time Protocol (NTP)
[40], which is capable of synchronizing the clocks to within a few
In May 2012, RadMAP was equipped with its first weather station.
milliseconds of the main clock. The computers are synchronized to the
The New Mountain 100 recorded wind speed and direction, tempera-
clock on the main Linux server, which is in turn synchronized to GPS
ture, barometric pressure and relative humidity [36]. Soon after, a
time using the Magellan ADU5 and the utility GPSD [41]. The Magellan
standalone digital rain gauge was added to allow the study of
outputs National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) data mes-
correlations between rainfall and background level from radon. In
sages and a pulse-per-second (PPS) signal, and together these are used
December 2012, the weather station was upgraded to the Vantage Vue
to obtain a ∼1-μs-accuracy NTP time source. In addition, the PPS is
6250 by Davis which includes rain measurements along with all of the
stabilized by a Stanford Research Systems FS725 rubidium frequency
features of the previous system [37]. The position of the Davis weather
standard [42] in case of a GPS dropout.
station on the top of the truck is shown in Fig. 2.
For some sensors, hardware triggering is preferred over software
triggering in order to ensure that sufficient synchronization is main-
3.6. Hyperspectral imagery tained. For these sensors – the Ladybug cameras, the LiDARs, and the
hyperspectral cameras – a system was developed to provide the
The RadMAP system employs two hyperspectral imagers (HSIs), required trigger pulse types and rates to each one. The hardware
both of which are operated as “push-broom” imagers – i.e., they record synchronization is controlled by an Arduino Mega 2560 [43], which
one-dimensional images, and the second image dimension is obtained receives both the NMEA string from the Magellan ADU5 as well as the
using the forward motion of the vehicle. The first of these cameras is PPS from the rubidium frequency standard. The Arduino is pro-
the Resonon Pika II, with 640 spatial pixels and an effective field of grammed to output the correct pulse frequency and shape to each of
view (FoV) of 43.5° × 0.14° [38]. (The narrow horizontal FoV is due to the sensors, e.g., a 5 V square wave at a frequency of 15 Hz for the
the one-dimensional nature of the camera.) Each of the spatial pixels Ladybug cameras, and these triggers are synchronized to the PPS pulse.
M.S. Bandstra et al. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 840 (2016) 59–68
The LiDARs require both a PPS trigger pulse and an NMEA message Table 1
after a set delay. The approximate amount of data collected per hour by each of the sensors on the
RadMAP truck.
In 2015, the NovAtel SPAN-CPT unit replaced the Magellan ADU5
as the source of both the NMEA messages and the PPS. Since the Datastream Format Typical data rate (GB/h)
SPAN-CPT can be configured to output different NMEA messages, it
was straightforward to use it as the main GPS time source for RadMAP. NaI and HPGe List-mode 3
Liquid scintillators List-mode with waveforms 5
The new timing logic is shown in Fig. 8.
Visual/IR camera JPEG images 0.5
LiDARs (2) libpcap format 16
3.8. Data rates Ladybug cameras (2) PGR video format 360
Hyperspectral visual ENVI files 47
Data from all different sensors and detectors on board the RadMAP Hyperspectral NIR ENVI files 25
Other Various 0.5
vehicle are stored on board on a redundant array of independent disks
(RAID). Some of the sensors, e.g., the Ladybug cameras, have high data Total 457 GB/h
rates, while other sensors, such as the radiation detectors, typically
have much lower data requirements. Table 1 shows the typical total
data rate of the RadMAP system as well as a breakdown into the typical for an urban region of the Bay Area (in this case, downtown Berkeley
rates of the individual components. and Oakland) are shown in Fig. 9. Increases in count rate are mostly
due to passing particular building facades or going through an under-
4. Data applications and use cases pass or tunnel, as well as encountering medical nuisance sources. These
data demonstrate the non-Poissonian background distributions typi-
The large sets of synchronized, multi-sensor data acquired by cally observed in an urban area.
RadMAP allow for the development and assessment of advanced In [7], the survey data were segmented into subsets based on
detection and imaging algorithms, the investigation of novel data environmental and geographic considerations. Individual datasets
fusion approaches, and the exploration of new concepts in mobile associated with urban, rural, and industrial environments were gener-
radiation detection. Already, the multi-sensor data collected with the ated along with a feature specific set capturing data recorded on
RadMAP system have been used in a number of studies including an bridges. Analysis revealed that the local background distributions
examination of the trade-offs between detection through spectroscopy differed significantly both from each other and from the background
and imaging [8], the characterization of an advanced spectroscopic distribution of all locations combined. This study served to illustrate
detection algorithm [44], and the development of techniques for the the strong correlation between local environment and radiological
fusion of LiDAR, visual imagery, and radiation data (Section 4.3). Such background while suggesting that from an operational perspective,
studies are facilitated, in part, through the use of the Gamma-Ray Data the use of context and/or environment specific detection thresholds
Cloud (GRDC) data service for the curation, indexing, and querying of and background models could allow for improved detection sensitivity
data (Section 4.6). In this section, we summarize several example use at a constant false alarm rate.
4.2. Development and evaluation of gamma-ray detection algorithms
4.1. Routine surveys
The RadMAP dataset has also been used as a standard for
Routine surveys of the San Francisco Bay Area have been per- characterizing and assessing the performance of gamma-ray detection
formed with RadMAP since 2011 [7]. Gamma-ray detector count rates algorithms. The dataset has been used to directly compare spectral-
Fig. 8. Diagram explaining how time is synchronized to high precision among the computer servers, SIS3316 boards, and contextual sensors on board RadMAP. Before 2015, the
Magellan ADU5 was used instead of the NovAtel SPAN-CPT. The SPAN-CPT's high precision position and aspect information is logged over the USB connection to a Windows server.
M.S. Bandstra et al. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 840 (2016) 59–68
Fig. 9. NaI(Tl) and HPGe gross count rates binned in 1-s intervals and normalized by number of detectors. The vehicle is stationary for the first 10 min and final 10 min of the survey,
which is why count rates are flat there. The large increase in counts at 18:13 is due to an encounter with a medical source (131I), and the maximum rate reaches 1800 counts per second
per detector (truncated for display). There is also an encounter with a weak medical source (99mTc) at 18:20, which is not obvious in comparison to the other fluctuations in the gross
count rate but is clearly visible in the spectrum.
and imaging-based detection algorithms [8], evaluate the effects of 4.3. Fusion of gamma-ray images, video, and 3D point clouds
detector efficiency and resolution using realistic backgrounds [45], and
evaluate state-of-the-art detection and identification algorithms [44]. The use of real time LiDAR and video to augment the analysis of
In [8], data from RadMAP's NaI(Tl) array were analyzed using radiation data holds the potential to improve detection and localization
source injection. Different spectral and imaging algorithms were performance while also providing contextually complete data products
applied to the data and compared against ideal cases. Even a simple to aid in the interpretation of the radiation measurement. Potential
linear region-of-interest spectral estimation was shown to offer a concepts include the use of contextual cues present in visual imagery to
drastic improvement in false alarm rate over simple energy windowing. inform detection algorithms of the local environment, the use of
Likewise, the power of using imaging as a means to reduce systematic ranging information from LiDAR to improve localization performance,
background fluctuations was also quantified. For the RadMAP imager, as well as complete fusion of a gamma-ray image with a three-
even simple spectroscopic approaches outperformed imaging ap- dimensional scene reconstruction [46,47].
proaches due to the higher number of source photons that would be In one example from RadMAP data, panoramic imagery, LiDAR,
detected without a mask. and coded-mask images have been fused into a video showing the
In [45], RadMAP data were further applied to the study of the location of a medical nuisance source (99mTc) encountered in an urban
trade-offs between detector size and energy resolution. One of the key area (Fig. 10). In this video, the coded-mask image was projected onto
findings was that spectroscopic detection algorithms performed better the LiDAR point cloud, which was in turn overlaid onto Ladybug
than imaging methods for the RadMAP NaI(Tl), but for a larger array imagery. The combined data product reveals that the source is in the
or worse resolution detectors, imaging might eventually outperform front compartment of a nearby car. Fused data products such as this
spectroscopy. In addition, the HPGe detectors on RadMAP were one could help rapidly identify and adjudicate sources in complex
compared to the NaI(Tl) array. It was found that when trained spectral environments. A software pipeline for automatically producing data
algorithms are used, the equivalent of about seven 100% relative products like Fig. 10 does not yet exist but is possible using existing
efficiency germanium detectors would yield the same performance as data.
the 1 m2 NaI(Tl) array, however these results are strongly dependent
on the algorithm applied to the NaI data.
Fig. 10. The fusion of a gamma-ray image of a medical isotope (99mTc) using RadMAP's NaI array with a point cloud from a LiDAR, overlaid on visual imagery from RadMAP's Ladybug
cameras. The source clearly appears in the driver's side of the SUV near the center of the image.
M.S. Bandstra et al. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 840 (2016) 59–68
4.4. Characterization of fast neutron background variability and are registered by timestamp and provides a web frontend for the
correlations with contextual data browsing of available datasets and the formation of queries of the data
(Fig. 13). Front-end visualization tools include colorizing one-dimen-
Neutron backgrounds are primarily cosmogenic and are generally sional RadMAP paths by any available one-dimensional dataset (GPS-
lower and less variable than gammas, but for weak SNM source measured altitude is shown in Fig. 13), creating histograms of one-
detection, systematic variability still limits detection sensitivity. The dimensional datasets, and creating two-dimensional histograms of any
largest known influence on neutron background variability is atmo- time-synchronized list-mode dataset.
spheric pressure, which affects the development and attenuation of Queries consist of the desired datasets as well as any selections by
cosmic ray showers [48]. Analysis of the RadMAP liquid scintillator time, latitude and longitude, or any other one-dimensional dataset (the
data has confirmed that pressure is indeed the dominant factor in latter selections are generated using the histogram tool). Web requests
background variability, and a correction to the observed neutron rates for data result in automated generation of requested data into an HDF5
using the on-board weather station has been developed [49,50]. file [60], which is made available for download. The data service
After atmospheric pressure, the largest effect on the fast neutron provides an API for querying and downloading sequential portions of
background rate in urban areas has been found to be the “sky-view the datasets. The API also supports the creation of new, user-defined
factor” [51]. The sky-view factor is the fraction of the sky that is not datasets that are registered back into the data service and can be made
blocked by nearby buildings, which attenuate the cosmogenic neutrons. available to other users of the system for comparison studies and to
The resulting analysis of RadMAP fast neutron background data shows enable additional multidisciplinary analyses based on these user-
that, for sky-view factors >0.15, the shielding effect of buildings in created datasets. This functionality provides the potential for the
urban environments is dominant over any additional production in entirety of the RadMAP data to grow in overall value as more analyses
building materials from spallation processes (Fig. 11). Details and are performed. For example, as new spectral detection algorithms are
further discussion are in [49,50]. developed, their registered outputs could be directly compared to the
results of other algorithms that have also been registered. As another
4.5. Hyperspectral image classification example, user-created datasets containing features derived from the
contextual sensors could be registered and correlations with features in
Hyperspectral imagers provide visual or infrared images with the radiological data could be explored.
dozens to hundreds of channels. The additional spectral information Any users interested in accessing RadMAP data on can request
can be used to identify the materials in a scene through identifying http://GRDC.nersc.gov access through the website http://bdc.lbl.gov.
features in their reflectance spectra that are impossible to find using The RadMAP group is actively adding more data to the website after
RGB imagery. Hyperspectral imagery has been used to distinguish data validation activities. For example, much of the LiDAR and
different types of minerals, vegetation, soil, and man-made materials Ladybug imagery data was found to have poorly controlled time
(e.g., [52,53]). Since different types of materials often have very offsets prior to the implementation of the time synchronization
different radiological signatures, being able to easily distinguish methods outlined in Fig. 8. As such, this data has not been deployed
different materials in a scene is a potentially powerful type of online, however work to synchronize and distribute those data is
contextual data for radiation measurements that has been little ongoing. Conversely, over 100 h of NaI, HPGe, GPS and weather data
examined to date. are available online. Prior to publication, quality spot checks are
An example of a largely unsupervised classification of HSI data into performed and gamma-ray detector energy calibrations are
different materials is shown in Fig. 12. The particular workflow used accomplished using prominent ambient background lines.
here was performed on data from RadMAP's NIR camera using the
Environment for Visualizing Images (ENVI) software by Excelis [54]. 5. Summary
The first step was to reduce the dimensionality of the data from 145
channels using the forward Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) rotation The RadMAP platform is a novel testbed for exploring the fusion of
[55]. The MNF transform separates noise from data and orders the new radiological and contextual data, enabling a new era for detection
MNF bands from low to high noise. The next step was to segment the algorithm development and multi-sensor fusion. A large dataset has
scene; the first 30 MNF bands were fed into a K-means iterative spatial been taken in the San Francisco Bay Area containing synchronized
cluster classification method [56]. This segmentation further reduces multi-sensor data, which has already begun facilitating the systematic
the dimensionality of the data before the final image classification step. study of radiological background variations, the testing of gamma-ray
In order to maintain adequate separation among spectrally dissimilar
materials, 50 classes were chosen. The resulting image acts as an
unsupervised Region of Interest (ROI) map. The final step is to convert
the ROI map into a more relevant classified image. To do this we apply
the Spectral Angle Mapper [57] method to the original 145 channel
image using the ROI classes produced in the previous step. In this final
step, spectrally similar ROI classes can be combined to form material
classes. The end result is several material classes to represent the scene.
This method resulted in the six readily interpreted classes for an urban
scene in Fig. 12.
M.S. Bandstra et al. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 840 (2016) 59–68
Fig. 12. Demonstration of hyperspectral data being used to classify materials in an urban scene using data taken with the NIR camera on board RadMAP. At the top, a false color RGB
image is generated using three Short-wave Infrared (SWIR) bands (1550, 1300, and 1050 nm). The bottom image shows the six major classes that could be easily distinguished by a
largely unsupervised classification pipeline (black pixels are unclassified). This material information could provide useful contextual information to associate with gamma-ray
This work was also performed under the auspices of the U.S.
Department of Energy by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
under Contract DE-AC02-05CH11231.
Data storage, processing, and the GRDC science gateway all use
resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing
Center, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S.
Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.
This support does not constitute an express or implied endorsement
on the part of the government.
The authors would like to thank Luster Howard, Shelley Caras,
Robert Kelley, Paul Williams, and Jon Cleveland from Lawrence
Berkeley Lab Facilities for driving the RadMAP vehicle. We would also
like to thank Michael Johnson, Paul Fallon, Timothy Loew, Joseph
Wallig, Brien Ninemire, Tom Perry, John Garcia, Steve Warner, Michel
Kireeff Covo, and the rest of the staff of Building 88 for providing
excellent support. The authors also thank the team from the Naval
Research Lab for designing, building, and providing training and
support for the original MISTI system. Thanks also to Erika Suzuki
for proofreading this paper.
Fig. 13. The GRDC web frontend, which allows for browsing, querying, and down-
loading different datasets from the RadMAP vehicle, as well as the creation of new, user-
defined datasets. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure caption, the
reader is referred to the web version of this paper.)
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