CHC Anthem. Canticles and Hymns 1
CHC Anthem. Canticles and Hymns 1
CHC Anthem. Canticles and Hymns 1
2. O Nation builders;
We are to rebuild age-old foundations;
Restore, the streets with dwellings;
And rebuild ancient ruins;
Beyond nations, tribes, and regions;
Urgently, powerfully!
Faithfully, wisely and fearlessly;
Till Jesus Christ returns again.
1. O come let us sing / out to the / Lord: let us
shout in triumph to the / rock of / our sal / vation.
Verses 14 - 18 may be omitted
1. Blessed be the Lord the / God of / Israel: for he
has come to his / people and / set them / free.
16. Bless the Lord you whales and all that / swim in
the/ waters: sing his / praise and ex / alt him for / ever.
21. Bless the Lord all men of/ upright/ spirit: bless
the Lord you that are / holy and / humble in / heart.
22. Bless the Father the Son and the / Holy / Spirit
sing his / praise and ex / alt him for / ever.
8. You alone are the Most High Jesus Christ with the/
Holy/ Spirit: in the glory of God the/ Father./ A/ men.
1. Lord now you let your servant / go in / peace:
your / word has / been ful / filled.
8. Let the sea make a noise, and all that/ therein/ is:
the round world, and/ they that/ dwell there-/ in.
9. Let the floods/ clap their/ hands: and let the hills
be joyful to-/ gether be-/ fore the/ Lord. For He
cometh to/ judge the/ earth:
9. The birds of the air and the/ fish of the/ sea; and
everything that moves in the pathways/ of the/
great/ waters.
4. Yet their sound has gone out through/ all the/ world:
and their/ words to the/ ends of the/ earth.
1. In you O Lord my God have I/ put my/ hope:
in you have I trusted let me not be ashamed nor let
my/ enemies/ triumph/over me.
10. All the paths of the Lord are/ faithful and/true: for
those who keep his/ covenant and/ his com/mandments.
13. O God de/ liver/ Israel: out of/ all his/ tribu/ lation.
10. `Be still and know that/ I am/ God: I will be exalted
among the nations I will be ex / alted up / on the / earth.'
1. Lord you have/ been our/ refuge:
from one gener/ ation/ to an/ other.
8. You have brought our in/ iquities be/ fore you: and '
our secret/ sins to the/ light of your/ countenance.
13. You will tread on the / lion and the / adder: the
lion and the serpent you will / trample / under / foot.
14. He has set his love upon me and therefore I/ will
de / liver him: I will lift him out of danger be /
cause he has / know my / name.
1. He who dwells in the shelter of the/ Most/ High:
who abides under the/ shadow/ of the Al/ mighty,
11. You will tread on the/ lion and the/ adder: the young
lion and the serpent you will/ trample/ under/ foot.
8. Let the sea roar and/ all that/ fills it: the good
earth and/ those who/ live up/ on it.
PSALM 101:
1. My song shall be of/ steadfastness and/ justice:
to/ you Lord/ will I/ sing.
PSALM 103:
1. Blessed the / Lord, 0 My / soul:
And all that is within me, / bless His / holy / name.
PSALM 104:
1. Bless the Lord/ 0 my/ soul:
O Lord my/ God how/ great you/ are!
8. Let them thank the/ Lord for his/ goodness: and for
the wonders that he/ does for the/ children of / men;
PSALM 111:
1. O praise the Lord I will praise the Lord with my/
whole/ heart: in the company of the upright
and a/ mong the/ congre/ gation.
1. I lift up my / eyes to the / hills:
but / where shall I/ find / help?
8. The Lord will defend your going out and your / coming / in:
from this time / forward for / ever / more.
1. I was glad when they / said to / me:
Let us / go to the /house of the / Lord?
1. To you I lift / up my / eyes:
you who are en / throned / in the / heavens.
1. If the Lord had not been on our side now may /
Israel / say: if the Lord had not been on our
side when / men rose / up a / gainst us,
1. Those who put their trust in the Lord
shall / be as Mount / Zion:
which cannot be / shaken but en / dures for / ever.
1. When the Lord turned again the / fortunes of Zion:
then were we like / men re / stored to / life.
PSALM 127:
1. Unless the Lord/ builds the/ house:
their labour/ is but/ lost that/ build it.
1. Blessed is everyone who / fears the / Lord:
and walks in the / confine / of his / ways.
PSALM 130:
1. Out of the depths have I called to/ you O/
Lord: Lord/ hear/ my/ voice;
PSALM 145:
1. I will exalt you 0/ God my/ king:
I will bless your/ name for/ ever and/ ever.
16. You open/ wide your/ hand: and fill all things/
living with your/ bounteous/ gift.
PSALM 150:
1. Praise the Lord 0 praise/ God in his/ sanctuary:
praise him in the/ firmament/ of his/ power.
CHCHB 1 (5)
1. Bless, 0 lord, the opening year
To each soul assembled here ;
Clothe Thy Word with power divine,
Make us willing to be Thine.
CHCHB 2 (14)
1. A few more years shall roll,
A few more seasons come,
And we shall be with those that rest
Asleep within the tomb
Then, O my Lord, prepare
My soul for that great Day ;
O wash me in Thy precious
Blood, And take my sins away.
CHCHB 3 (11)
1. Father, let me dedicate
All this year to Thee,
In whatever worldly state
Thou wilt have me be:
Not from sorrow, pain, or care,
Freedom dare I claim ;
This alone shall be my prayer,
"Glorify Thy Name."
CHCHB 4 (-)
1. And now, my soul, another year,
Of thy short life is past ;
I cannot long continue here,
And this may be my last.
CHCHB 6 (420)
1. O God, our Help in ages past,
Our Hope for years to come,
Our Shelter from the stormy blast,
And our Eternal Home ;
CHCHB 7 (6)
1. For Thy mercy and Thy grace,
Constant through another year,
Hear our song of thankfulness,
Jesus, our Redeemer, hear.
8 (-)
“They go from strength to strength.” Psalm xxxxiv, 7.
1. From glory unto glory!
Be this our joyous song,
As on the King‟s own highway
We bravely march along!
From glory unto glory!
O word of stirring cheer,
As dawn the solemn brightness
Of another glad New Year.
9 (9) S.M.
“My times are in Thy hand.” Psalm xxxi. 15.
1. My times are in Thy Hand,
My God, I wish them there;
My life, my friends, my soul I leave
Entirely to Thy care.
HYMN 16 (19) L.M.
“I myself will awake right early.” Psalm Ivii:9
1. A wake, my soul, and with the sun,
Thy daily stage of duty run;
Shake off dull sloth, and early rise
To pay thy morning sacrifice.
HYMN 50 (-) 7. 6. 7. 6. D.
" Thou, 0 Lord, art our Father, our Redeemer. " Isa. lxiii.l6
1. The hours of day are over;
The evening calls us home;
Once more to Thee, O Father,
With thankful hearts we come
For all Thy countless blessings
We praise Thy Holy Name,
And own Thy Love unchanging,
Through days and years the same.
2. For life, and health, and shelter
From harm throughout the day,
The kindness of our teachers,
The gladness of our play,
For all th dear affection
Of parents, brothers, friends,
To Him our thanks we render
Who these and all things sends.
HYMN 51 (-) C. M.
1. O God the creator he is,
He created all things;
In all the heavn's and all the earth
His works shall all be seen.
HYMN 53 (115) 7.7. 7. 7. 7. 7.
" Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of Host. " Isa. vi 3.
1. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord
God of Hosts, Eternal King,
By the heavens and earth adored;
Angels and Archangels sing,
Chanting everlastingly To the Blessed Trinity,
HYMN 55 (79) L. M.
In the Name of the Father, and of 'the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. "Matt. Xxviii.l9
1. Father of Heaven, whose love found
A ransom for our souls bath found,
Before Thy Throne we sinners head:
To us Thy pardoning love extend.
HYMN 56 (99) 8. 6. 8. 4.
" If I depart, I will send Him unto you!” John xvi
1. Our bless'd Redeemer, ere He breathed
His tender last farewell.
A guide, a Comforter, bequeath‟d
With us to dwell.
HYMN 59 (-) L. M.
“Unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time, without sirs, unto
salvation.” Hebrew ix.28.
1. Jesus, Thy Church with longing eyes
For Thy expected coming waits;
When will the promised light arise,
And glory beam from Zion's gate?
60 (72) C. M.
"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.",7ohn xiv.6
1. Thou art the Way to Thee alone
From sin and death we flee;
And he who would the Father seek,
Must seek Him, Lord, by Thee.
HYMN 64 (82) L. M.
"I know that my Redeemer liveth." Job xix.25
1. I know that my Redeemer lives:
What comfort this sweet sentence gives!
He lives, He lives, Who once was dead;
He lives, my everlasting Head.
3. Comforter benignest,
Who abiding in me,
All my need divinest,
Move me, draw, win me.
HYMN 75 (103) L. M.
The father will give you another counselor to be with you forever John 14:16
1. O breath of God, breathe on us now,
And move within us while we pray;
The spring of our new life art Thou,
The very light of our new day.
HYMN 77 (105) P. M.
Guide me in Your truth and teach me. Psalm 25:5
1. Holy Spirit, faithful Guide!
Ever near the Christian's side,
Gently lead us by the hand,
Pilgrims in a desert land,
Weary souls for aye rejoice,
While they hear that sweetest voice,
Whisp‟ring softly, “Wanderer, come!
Follow me, I‟ll guild thee home!
2. Ever present, truest Friend,
Ever near, Thine aid to lend,
Leave us not doubt and fear,
Grouping on in darkness drear:
When the storms are raging sore,
Hearts grow faint, and hopes give o‟er,
Whisper softly, “Wanderer, Come!
Follow me, I‟ll guide thee home!
5. Believing, we rejoice
To feel the curse remove;
We bless the Lamb with cheerful voice,
And trust His bleeding love. Amen.
HYMN 80 (111) 5. 6. 6. 4.
“Now you have gone to all this trouble for us (2nd Kings 4:13)”
1. God, who made the earth,
The air, the sky, the sea,
Who gave the light its birth,
Careth for me.
4. Bore it up triumphant,
With its human light,
Through all ranks of creatures,
To the central height;
To the Throne of Godhead,
Filled it with the glory
Of that perfect rest. Amen.
2. God of God,
Light of Light,
Lo! lie abhors riot the Virgin's womb;
Very God,
Begotten, not created
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.
HYMN 88 (118) P. M.
“We see Jesus... Crowed with glory and honour.” (Hza. 11.9)
1. Who is He in yonder stall,
At whose feet the shepherds fall?
"Tis the Lord! O wondrous story !
Tis the Lord, the King of Glory
At His feet we humbly fall
Crown him, crown Him Lord of all
The rising of the sun,
And the running of the deer,
The playing of the merry organ,
Sweet singing in the choir.
Rejoice, rejoice! the Incarnate Word
Has come on earth to dwell;
No sweeter sound than this is heard
108 ( - ) C.M.
1. The Maker of the sun and moon,
The Maker of our earth,
Lo! late in time, a fairer boon,
Himself is brought to birth.
O come and join to praise Him
O come and join to praise Him
O come and join to praise
Him Christ our King!
2. When ye were born on earth
And not on great glory
But ye were born just like a poor person
The animals shed
Is thy place of abode.
Jesus died, He really died,
For me, you, and all mankind.
131 (- )
“Father, forgive them ; for they know not what they do . Luke xxiii:34
1. Bound upon the accursed Tree,
Faint and bleeding, who is He ?
By the Eyes so pale and dim,
Streaming Blood and writhing Limb,
By the Flesh with scourges torn,
By the crown of twisted thorn,
By the Side so deeply pierced,
By the baffled burning thirst,
By the drooping death dewed Brow
Son of Man, tis Thou, tis Thou!
2. Bound upon the accursed Tree,
Dread and awful, who is He ?
By the sun at noonday pale,
Shivering rocks, and rending veil,
Earth that trembles at His doom,
Saints in light who burst their tomb
Eden promised ere He died
To the felon at His Side,
Lord, our suppliant knees we bow
Son of God, 'tis Thou, 'tis Thou!
HYMN 144 (- ) C. M.
“There shall be a fountain opened ...for sin and uncleanness." Zech. Xiii:l
1. There is a fountain filled with Blood
Drawn from Immanuel's veins ;
And sinners, plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.
2. The dying thief rejoiced to see
That fountain in his day;
And there may I, though vile as he,
Wash all my sins a way.
2. Hallelujah, He is risen!
Our exalted Head to be;
Sends the witness of the Spirit
That our Advocate is He:
He is risen, He is risen,
Justified in Him are we.
3. Hallelujah, He is risen!
Death for aye has lost his sting.
Christ, Himself the Resurrection,
From the grave His own bring:
He is risen, He is risen,
Living Lord and coming King. Amen.
4. Alleluia! Alleluia!
Glory be to God on high,
To the Father and the Saviour,
Who has gained the victory;
Glory to the Holy Spirit,
Fount of love and sanctity;
Alleluia! Alleluia!
To the Triune Majesty. Amen.
5. All glory, Jesus, be to thee
For this thy glad Epiphany;
Whom with the Father we adore
And Holy Ghost for evermore. Amen.
Sound His praises, tell the Story of Him who was slain;
Sound His praises, tell with gladness He liveth again.
3. He is risen, He is risen;
He hath opened Heaven‟s gate:
We are free from sin‟s dark prison
Risen of a holier state.
Soon a brighter Easter beam
On our longing eyes shall stream.
HYMN 175 (503)
“And it came to pass, while He blessed them, He was parted from them, and carried up into
Heaven.” Luke xxiv: 52.
1. See the Conqueror mounts in triumph
See the King in royal state
Riding on the clouds His chariot
To His Heavenly palace gate;
Hark! The choirs of Angel voices
Joyful Alleluias sing,
And the portals high are lifted
To receive their Heavenly King.
181 (497)
"Behold! The Lord cometh, with ten thousands of His saints. "Jude, 14.
Just as the night marauder come at night,
Likewise our Lord, Jesus shall come
At the least expected time in a once eye blink
Likewise our Lord, Jesus shall come.
2. Like the lightening when it thus strikes
Likewise our Lord Jesus Christ shall come
When preparations will not exist
When our Lord Christ Jesus shall come.
"Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lard. " James v. 7.
189 (667) CM
"Blessed is He that cometh-in the Name of the Lord. "-Matt. xxiii.-39.
Seeking for me! For me!
Seeking for me! Seeking for me
seeking for me! Seeking for me:
Ok, it was wonderful blest be His name!
Seeking for me, for me!
192 c- 8.7s.7. "Now it is high time to awake out of sleep." Rom. xiii. 11.
Oh, can we say we are ready, brother?
Ready for the soul's bright home?
Say, will He find you and me still watching,
Waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come ?
194 (-) S.M. "Return, 0 Lord, how long? "-Psalm xc. 13.
196 (-) D. S. M
"Even 10, come, Lord Jesus."Revelatio`ft xxii. 20.
The Redeemer shall come to Zion. "-Isaiah fix. 20.
Waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Cor. i. 7.
Jesus" love, precious love,
Boundless and pure and free ;
Oh, turn to that love, weary wand'ring soul,
Jesus pleadeth for thee
“When ye pray, say... Thy kingdom tome. "-St. Luke xi. 2
205 ( -) L.M.
... The lard's day. "-Rev. i. 10.
Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land!
A weary land, A weary land;
Oh Jesus is a Rock in a weary land,
A shelter in the time of storm!
6. Laud and honour to the Father,
Laud and honour to the Son,
Laud and honour to the Spirit,
Ever Three and ever One,
Consubstantial, co-eternal,
While unending ages run. Amen.
Yes we'll go and tell of Jesus,
The pure and holy, meek and lowly Jesus
Yes we'll go and tell ofjesus,
who died our souls to save.
223 (366)
224 (384)
1. "There shall be showers of blessing;"
This is the promise of love;
There shall be seasons refreshing,
Sent from the Saviour above.
Show ....ers of blessing,
Showers of blessing we need;
Mercy drops round us are fal-ling,
But for the showers we plead.
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee." Isaiah xxvi. 3.
4. Ever confessing
Thee, I will raise
Unto Thee blessing,
Glory, and praise:
ll my endeavour,
World without end,
Thine to be ever,
Saviour and Friend! Amen.
239(-) PM.
"The precious blood of Christ." 1 Peter i. 19.
Oh, the love that sought me!
Oh, the blood that bought me!
Oh, the grace that brought me to the fold!
Wondrous grace that brought me to the fold!
'Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. "1 Timothy i. IS.
`He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life. ",7ohn vi. 47.
"Him that cometh, Him that cometh,
Him that cometh to Me,
I will in no wise. I will in no wise,
I will in no wise cast out;
Him that cometh, Him that cometh,
Him that cometh to Me,
244(176) P.M.
"Teach me Thy way, 0 God; I will walk in Thy truth."Psalm lxxxVi. 11
1. Father, open our minds
Your word for us to hear
From efforts to do it
We become your children.
Come believing! Come believing!
Come to Jesus! Look and live Come believing! Come believing!
Come to Jesus! Look and live.
247 (-)
1. 0 Lord God, in your house be close to us;
Where ever we meet Be close to us;b
Cause us our sins confess in speeches and in thoughts,
In all action of ours be close to us.
248(-) 7.11.7.
1. I am standing at the door,
I am standing at the door,
Whosoever opens the door of his heart
I will surely enter in.
1. Come to Jesus, Come to Jesus,
Come to Jesus, just now;
Just now come to Jesus,
Come to Jesus just now.
1. My brothers, ye to listen, come
To this gospel, good news of God
Assembled all of us today
To proclaim it on every side.
2. My sisters, all ye also come .
That good news is for all of you
There is none of you to deny
The love of God which is so true.
`If any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to Him."
Room for Jesus King of glory!
Hasten now His word obey!
Swing the hear's door widely open!
Bid Him enter while you may.
1. Who will give himself to God as an offer
Jesus seeks those who will go
Carry th word of life preach to the people
Brother, say if you can go.
255(173) RM.
I am come a Light into the world. "3'ohn xii. 46.
Sing it o'er and o'er again
Christ receiv eth sinful men;
Make the mes...sage clear and plain:
Christ receiveth sinful men.
"Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; and ye shall find rest unto your souls. "Matthew xi. 29.
1. Come, every soul by sin oppressed,
There's mercy with the Lord;
And He will surely give you rest
By trusting in His Word
Chorus: ' Only trust Him! Only trust Him!
Only trust Him now!
He will save you! He will save you!
He will save you now!
261(-) C.M.
"Look unto me, and be ye saved." Isaiah. 22,
Look unto Him, and be ye saved! ,
O weary, troubled soul;
Oh, look to Jesus while you may:
One took will make thee whole!
"Be telling of His sa!vation from day to dav." Pcalm YMri, 7,.
"Whosoever will, whosoever will
Send the proclamation over vale and hill;
Tis a loving Father calls the wand'ere home:
Whosoever will may come."
Sweetest note in seraph song,
Sweetest name on mortal tongue,
Sweetest carol ever sung:
Jesus blessed Jesus!
Chorus: •
Yes, I'll sing.... the wondrous story
Of the Christ.... Who died for me;
Sing it with.... the saints in glory,
Gathered by.... The crystal sea....
Chorus: .
Bless, them, 0 Lord, those who serve Thee,
May, good tidings of Thou, be spread.
275 (2p4) "The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are
life. "John vi. 63.
276(206) D.C.M
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me hath
Everlasting life." John 6. 47.
4. Satiate my being,
With Thy fullness fill;
As the dew descending,
Let Thy speech distil.
280(211) 66.66.
281(-) 8787.
"Blessed be His glorious name forever." Psalm Ixxii. 10.
Precious name oh, how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of heav'n;
Precious name, oh, how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of heav'n.
284(157) C.M.
3. Pillar of fire through watches dark
Or radiant cloud by day;
When waves would whelm our tossing bark,
Our anchor and our stay;
4. Word of the ever living God,
Will of His glorious Son,
Without thee how could earth be trod,
Or heaven itself be won?
285(276) C.M.
"The entrance of Thy words giveth light. "Psalm cxix. 130.
4. My father, behold me
Before I go to rest
It is me, thy young child
O, give me thy blessing. Amen.
Believe and receive Him,
Tis all that you have to do;
For He your great Redeemer,
Has done all the rest for you.
I am trusting, Lord, in Thee,
Blessed Lamb of Calvary;
Humbly at Thy cross I bow:
Save me, Jesus, save me now.
When the weary, seeking rest,
To Thy goodness flee;
When the heavy laden cast
All their load on Thee;
When the troubled, seeking peace,
On Thy name shall call;
When the sinner, seeking life,
At Thy feet shall fall:
Hear then in love 0 Lord the cry
In heaven, Thy dwelling place on high
2. When the child, with grave fresh lip,
Youth, or maiden fair;
When the aged, weak and grey,
Seek Thy face in prayer;
When the widow weeps to Thee
Sad, and lone, and low;
When the orphan brings to Thee
All his orphan woe:
3. He died to atone
For sins not His own;
Your dept He hath paid
And your work He hath done :
Ye all may receive
The peace He did leave,
Who made intercession,
"My Father, forgive!"
301 (219) 76.76.D.R
1. Loving Saviour, Hear my cry,
Hear my cry, hear my cry;
Trembling to Thine arms I fly:
O save me at the Cross!
I have sinned, but Thou hast died,
Thou hast died, Thou hast died;
In Thy mercy let me hide:
O save me at the Cross!
Lord Jesus, receive me,
No more would I grieve Thee,
Now, blessed Redeemer,
O save me at the cross!
303 (-) C. M.
1. Behold the amazing gift of love
The Father hath bestowed
On us, the sinful sons of me,
To call us sons of God!
Saviour, Saviour,
Hear my humble cry.
And while others Thou art calling,
Do not pass me by.
308 (226) C. M.
`I have stretched out my hands unto Thee."Psalm Ixxxviii.9
1. Father, I stretch my hands to Thee; No other help I know:
If Thou withdraw Thy self from me,
Ah, whith-er shall I go?
I do believe, l do believe
Thatlesus died for me;
And through His blood, His precious blood, .
I shall from sin be free.
4. Then with my waking thoughts ' Bright with Thy praise, Out of my stony griefs.
. Bethel I'll raise;
So, by my woes to be
Nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer to Thee.
6elieveth."Mk. 9.23.
1. All things are possible to him .
That can in Jesus's name believe; Lord, I no more Thy name blaspheme,
' Thy truth I lovingly receive. I can, I do believe in Thee
All things are possible to me,
2. 'Twas most impossible of all
That here sin's reign in me should cease; Yet shall it be, I know it shall;
Jesus I trust Thy faithfulness! If nothing is too hard for Thee,
All things are possible to me.
3. Though earth and hell the Word gainsay,
The Word of God shall never fail; The Lord can break sin's iron sway;
'Tis certain, though impossible. The thing impossible shall be.
All things are possible to me.
3. Lord, on us Thy Spirit pour, Kneeling lowly at Thy door, Ere it close for evermore.
4. By Thy night of agony, By Thy supplicating cry, By Thy willingness to die,
6. Grant us neath Thy wings a place, Lest we lose this day of grace,
Ere we shall behold Thy Face. Amen.
317 (238) "Come ye without money, and without price. "Isa. Iv. 1.
1. Just as I am without one plea,
But that Thy Blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidd'st me come to Thee, 0 Lamb of God, I come.
2. Just as I am and waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot,
To Thee, whose Blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come.
j7esus is callingjesus is calling;
Why dost thou linger? why tarry away? Come to Him quickly, say to Him gladly,
"Lord, I am coming, coming today!"
3. All who has gathered in this place ' brought long with them all their tears,
Praying for them to be comforted 0 Lord, abide with them we pray.
6. May all the words of that our mouth And deliberations of our hearts
Be that so sweet in your presence
From this time and forevermore. Amen.
3. Send me, Lord, where Thou wilt send me, Only do Thou guide my way;
May Thy grace through life attend me, , Gladly then shall I obey.
324 (228) "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee."
Psalm Iv. 22.
1. 0 Jesus, Saviour, hear my call, While at Thy feet I humbly fall:
To Thee my Hope, my Life, my all, O blessed Lord, I come!
I come and this my only plea,
That Thou didst give Thyself for me;
And casting all my care on Thee, O blessed Lord, l come!
3• And then, in That dark lonely hour, A voice sweetly whispered to me,
Saying, " Look unto Me! I have power To save a poor sinner like thee."
4. I listened: and lo! `T was the Saviour That was speaking so kindly to me;. And I cried,
"I'm the chief of sinners: Canst Thou save a poor sinner like me?"
5. I then fully trusted in Jesus; And oh, now a joy came to me!
My heart was filled with His praises, For saving a sinner like me.
7. And when life's journey is over, And I the dear Saviour shall see,
I'll praise Him for ever and ever,
For saving a sinner like me! Amen.
329 (704) L. M.
1. Hark! 'tis the shepherd's voice I hear,
Out in the desert dark and dear, '
Calling the sheep who've gone a-stray, Far from the shepherd's fold a-way.
Bring them in, bring them in!
Bring them in from the folds of sin; Bring them in, bring them in!
Bring the wand'ring ones to Yesus.
2. Who'll go and help this Shepherd kind, Help Him the wandering ones to find?
Who'll bring the lost ones to the fold, Where they'll be sheltered from the cold?
3. Out in the desert hear their cry,
Out on the mountain wild and high,
Hark! 'tis the master speaks to thee:
"Go, find My sheep where'er thev be." Amen.
330 csaa> s. M.
".Arise, and be baptised, and wash away rhy srns, calling on. the Name of the Lord."
Acts xxii 16.
1. STAND, soldier of the Cross, Thy high allegiance claim,
And vow to hold the world but loss For thy Redeemer's Name.
2. Arise, and be baptized, And wash thy sins away:
Thy league with God be solemnized, Thy Faith avouched to-day.
3. Our Heavenly country now, Our Lord and Master, thine,
Receive imprinted on thy brow His Passion's awful Sign.
4. No more thine own, but Christ, With all the Saints of old,
Apostles, Seers, Evangelists, And Martyr throngs enrolled,
5. In God's whole armour strong, Front hell's embattled powers:
The warfare may be sharp and long, The Victory must be ours.
6. Oh, bright the conqueror's Crown, The Song of triumph sweet,
When faith casts every trophy down.
At our great Captain's Feet. Amen.
that one of these little ones should perish. "-MATf. xviii. 14.
1. Father, our children keep;
We know not what is coming on the earth; Beneath the shadow of Thy Heavenly Wing
O keep them, keep them, Thou Who gav'st them birth
"As long as he liveth he, shall be lent to the Lord.' - 1 Samuel i. 28.
1. God of that glorious gift of grace
By which Thy people seek Thy face,
When in Thy presence we appear, Vouchsafe us faith to venture near
2. Confiding in Thy truth alone,
Here, on the steps of Jesus' throne,
We lay the treasure Thou hast given, To be received and rear'd for heaven.
4. Large and abundant blessings shed. Warm as these prayers upon his head;
And on his soul the dews of grace, Fresh as these drops upon his face,
5. Make him and keep him Thine own child, Meek follower of the Undefiled;
Possessor here of grace and love, Inheritor of heaven above. Amen
333 (537) C. M.
"It shall be a token of the covenant betwixt Me and you." Genesis xvii: 11
1. In token that thou shalt not fear , Christ crucified to own,
We print the cross upon thee here, And stamp thee His alone.
4. In token that thou too shalt tread _ The path He travell'd by,
Endure the cross, despise the shame, And sit thee down on high.
334 (541) L. M.
Baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and
2. Now seal'd with Thy thrice holy Name In these baptismal waters,
For him a place humbly clain Among Thy sons and daughters.
336 (543) C. M.
"Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and
forbid them not. " Mark x:14 .
1. Jesus, we lift our soul to Thee ; Thy Holy Spirit breathe ;
And let these little infants be
Baptized into Thy death.
2. Oh let Thine unction on them rest Thy grace their souls renew ;
And write within their tender breast Thy name and nature too.
3. Thy faithful servants let them prove Girded with truth divin ;
Be sharers in Thy dying love, And followers of Thine.
4. Lord, plant us all into Thy death, That we Thy life may prove ;
Partakers of Thy cross beneath, And of Thy crown above. Amen.
340 cs2s> 77.76.
"The communion of the blood... (And) of the body of Christ. "
. 1. Cor. 10,16
1. For the bread and for the wine,
For the pledge that seals Him mine,
For the words of love divine, We give Thee thanks, 0 Lord.
2. For the feast of love and peace, Bidding all our sorrows cease,
Earnest of the Kingdom's bliss, We give Thee Thanks, 0 Lord.
4. For the words that turn our eye To the cross of Calvary,
Bidding us in faith draw nigh, We give Thee Thanks, 0 Lord.
5. For the words that fragrance breathe, These poor symbols underneath,
Words that His own peace bequeath, We give Thee Thanks, 0 Lord.
6. For the words that tell of home, Pointing us beyond the tomb, ,
"Do ye this until I come,"
We give Thee Thanks, 0 Lord. Amen.
341 c.~ L. M.
"The Blood of sprinkling, that speaketh
4. Speak better thing's than Abel's blood My ransom paid, my sins forgiven!
My soul restored to peace with God, My place prepared for me in Heaven.
342(-) "That they all may be one." John xvii. 21.
1. Thou, Who :at Thy first Eucharist didst pray That all Thy Church might be for ever
Grant us at every Eucharist to say
With longing heart and soul, "Thy will be done."
Oh, may we all one Bread, one Body be, Through this blest Sacrament of Unity.
2. For all Thy Church, 0 Lord, we intercede; Make Thou our sad divisions soon to
Draw us the nearer each to each, we plead, By drawing: all to Thee, 0 Prince of Peace;
Thus may we all one Bread, one Body be, Through this blest Sacrament of Unity.
344 (516) L. M.
" Come, for all things are now ready." Luke xiv:17.
1. My God, and is Thy Table spread?
And doth Thy Cup with love o'er flow?
Thither be all Thy children led,
And let them all its sweetness know.
2. Hail, sacred Feast, which Jesus makes,
Rich banquet of His Flesh and Blood! Thrice happy he who here partakes
That sacred Stream, that Heavenly Food !
5. Revive Thy dying Churches, Lord, And bid our drooping graces live;
And more, that energy afford,
A Saviour's Blood alone can give. Amen.
2. Saved by His Body hallowed by His Blood, With souls refreshed we render thanks to
4. Offered was He for greatest and for least, Himself the Victim and Himself the Priest.
5. Victims were offered by the law of old, Which in a type celestial mysteries told
346 (527) i0.i0.i0.i0. I will love him. and will manifest Myself to him. "-.John xiv. 21.
1. Jesu, to Thy Table led.
Now let every heart be fed With the True and Living Bread.
,!,#?L. WHIM III pellllenCe WC 1Crleel, Thy sweet Presence let us feel, All Thy
wondrous Love reveal.
3. While on Thy dear Cross we gaze, Mourning o'er our sinful ways, Turn our sadness
into praise.
4. When we taste the mystic Wine,
Of Thine out-poured Blood the sign, . Fill our hearts with Love Divine.
347(-) 87.87
My Flesh is meat indeed, and My Blood is drink indeed."
1. in the quiet consecration
Of this glad Communion hour,
Here we rest in Thee, Lord Jesus, Taste 1 ily 'Love, and touch 1 n` ` P''
2. Al! the service, 211 the sorrow, Laid in silence at Thy Feet
All life's questions, all its burdens, Earth ties dear, and friendship sweci. 3. Here to learn
through hallowed symbol What Thy grace for all can be,
By that wonderful indwelling Thou in us, and we in Thee.
4. Thou "the Living Bread from Heaven,"
Thou- Whose "Blood is drink indeed,"
Here" by faith and with thanksgiving
In our hearts" on Thee we feed.
5. By Thy Death for sin atoning, By Thy Resurrection Life,
Hold us fast in blessed union, Gird us, nerve us for the strife.
6. While afar in solemn radiance Shines the Eucharist to come
After conflict, toil and testing.
Thy great Feast cf love and Home. Amen.
3~$ fCIA;
"For by one offering He hath perfected for ever them
4. Rough paths my feet have trod, Since first their course began
Feed me, Thou Bread of God ; Help me, Thou Son of Man.
5. For still the desert lies
My thirsting soul before ;
0 living Waters, rise
Within me evermore. Amen
350(506) 87.87.
"The Lord is my Shepherd." -PSALM xxiii. 1,
1. The King of love my Shepherd is,
Whose goodness faileth never;
I nothing lack if I am His
And He is mine for ever. ,
3. Perverse and foolish oft I strayed, But yet in love He sought me,
And on His Shoulder gently laid, And home, rejoicing, brought me.
4. In death's dark vale I f ar no ill With Thee, dear Lord, beside me;
Thy rod and staff my comfort still, Thy Cross before to guide me.
5. Thou spread'st a Table in my sight;
Thy Unction grace bestoweth;
And oh, what transport of delight
From Thy pure Chalice floweth!
6. And so through all the length of days Thy goodness faileth never:
Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise
2. By faith we take the bread of life With which our souls are fed,
The cup in token of His blood
353 (517) L.
From saint Matthew xxvi. 26-29.
1. Twas on that night when doomed to know
The eager rage of every foe,
That night in which He was betrayed,
The Saviour of the world'took bread;
2. And, after thanks and glory given
To Him that rules in earth and heaven,
` That symbol of His flesh He broke, And thus to all His followers spoke :
3. My broken body thus I give
For you, for all; take, eat, and live:
And oft the sacred rite renew
That brings My wondrous love to view.'
4. Then in His hands the cup He raised, And God anew He thanked and praised,
While kindness in His bosom glowed, And from His lips salvation flowed.
5. My blood I thus pour forth; He cries, To cleanse the soul in sin that lies ;
In this the covenant is sealed,
And Heaven's eternal grace revealed.
6. With love to man this cup is fraught, Let all partake the sacred drought;
Through latest ages let it pour
In memory of My dying hour. Amen.
354 (-> c. M.
Show me a token for good."-Psalm Ixxxvi.l7. mf I
1. 0 God, unseen, yet ever near, Thy Presence may we feel;
And, thus inspired with holy fear, Before Thy Table kneel
2. Here may Thy faithful people know The blessings of Thy love:
The streams that through the desert flow, The Manna from above.
355 (518) C. M.
" This do in remembrance of Me. " Luke xxii. 19
1. According to Thy gracious Word, In meek humility,
_ This will I do, my dying Lord, I will remember Thee.
6. And when these failing lips grow dumb, And mind and memory flee,
When Thou shalt in Thy kingdom come, Jesu, remember me. Amen.
356 (523) C. M.
"Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldest come under
my roof" Matthew viii.8
1. I am not worthy, Holy Lord,
That Thou shouldst come to me?
Speak but the Word; one gracious Word Can set the sinner free. mil
HUVV_ canst Thou deign to enter there?
Lord, speak, and make me whole.
---^A, .
1 am not worthy; yet, MY ""'"'
_.,-rhPP '-
nay, , Thy
~r"iow can = s" `"`_- - glesh anu lllov== -
-Thee, Who didst give ~;
~P to pay? My ranson, p
--- • -
_ _L:.. ~.VPPrmorning ilOui
T• " ~~ L• vend lISYiTiC.
recd me NAIL.- lpVe and __. And fill withal
l Thy POW" This worthless heart of mine. Amen.
~ cR c-1
_ T .,Anre thee
„f wnriii '
v For the bs
'." union, -
_~ Freely given in thy Cornm Wonderful a thousand fold,
Given to-day in loving
More than my poor heart can hold.
of mY Soul an orchard
Ld lviar~ ---
Quickened into Manna, Come, O come, life-giving Making glad my wilderness:
Making Sweeter far than any sweetness Tongue can taste, or words express. T
3. Ah, Lord Jesus, go not from Lord;
Stay, ah, stay with me,
Mate me shrink from whatsoever
Will not with thy name accord;
Act through me in every action, Speak through me in every word.
4, Would that I could keep thee always i In mine inmost and only _ t-z --- -~~'_-
~-~ -
Every thought and wish in me; . ...:_ All my soul with singing, offered For a sacrifice to
the. Amen.
" Ye do shew the Lord's death, till He cometh. " I Corinthians xi.26
1. "Till He come" Oh, let the words Linger on the trembling chords;
Let the little while between
In their golden light be seen;
Let us think how Heaven and home
All that tells the world is loss, Death, and. darkness, and the tomb,
Only whisper "Till He come."
4. See, the Feast of Love is spread,
Some from earth, from glory some, Severed only till He come. Amen
r(=T7 ,- .-.
"For My Flesh is meat indeed, and My Blood is drink indeed." Yohn vi.55. _.r
1. Bread of Heaven, on Thee we feed, For Thy Flesh is meat indeed;
Ever may our souls be fed
With this true and living Bread;
Day by day with strength supplied, Through the life of Him Who died.
363 c-~
"Come, for all things are now ready." Luke xiul7.
1. 0 Food that weary pilgrims love,
0 Bread of angel-hosts above,
0 Manna of the saints,
--' • •~ld feed on thee;
l ile hungry ..~~- - -••- -- - Ne,er may the heart unsolaced be Which fo thy sweetness
365 (531) "Except the Lord build the house, their labour is but lost that
build it." Psalm txxvii.l
1. 0 Father all creating, ,
Whose wisdom, love, and power First bound two lives together
In Eden's primal hour, To-day, to these Thy children
Thine earliest gifts renew,
367 (s36) S. AL
" For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." Matthew xi30.
1. Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love:
The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above.
3. When stormy winds fulfil Thy will, And all their good seems turned to ill,
Then, trusting Thee completely, still May they in Thee be one.
5. Eternal Love, with them abide; In Thee for ever may they hide,
For even death cannot divide
Those whom Thou makest one. Amen.
3. For dower of blessed children, For love and faith's sweet sake,
For high mysterious union
Which nought on earth may break.
370 (529) S. M.
"Jesus was called, and His disciples, to the marriage." John ii.2
1. How welcome was the call,
And sweet the festal lay,
When Jesus deigned in Cana's hall,
To bless the marriage day.
371 (--) C. M. D.
1. Lord, who at Cana's wedding feast Didst as a guest appear,
Thou, dearer far than earthly guest, T7171-(17~IV "
H()I.Y ~N1Al 1C11lflvl-q
a; -
~_ Vouchsafe thy
presence here
For holy thou in deed dost prove 1-he marrh
7ge vow Lo VC,
_ Pro claiming it a type of __'
YC anri
2. The holiest vow that man carn make,
The golden thread in ,ii.ic, -,&
The hnnti that none may Uare% break,
_ ;'_has_ bin_dzth man and wife; _ Which, blmp2d by thee, what c'ci uc uueS, _
No evil shall de story, ...
ML~_L hrough care ;nom dayewb_rn days each care divides,
- -..a a^••b'o every Lny
__IWEn ,ose „
- 0 Lord, thy blessing pour,
====~,,Thar_ each may wake the otnet`s zeal
Te_ ln_ve *hPP **~Dre and more;
{} g tn7re a= = { `' - ~ns~nci icivc;
Y^_~ J
And, this world leaving, to receiv-1 .
~ v:_ a:.,.:nla. believed
'_ "Jesus... manifested forth His giory- an" .~~~ ~~~~~r•~, ~~••---
$t" on Him." ,3`ohn ii. ll
1. All praise to Thee, 0 Lord, Who by Thy mighty power
Didst manifest Thy glory forth r~ Cam's marriage hour. Tiny 14I AT_R_i_MnNY
- r~
. r -Mr_ speakest =*_ 1-s c-lone:
!?~-.~-linnr I he water reaaenmg into wi=t_
T n,41
. ~~ ~ °~'°
That wondrous mystery,
l he great beginning ui Tity wurks That kindled faith in Thee.
3. And blessed t
_ Presence 1 nlne unseen rlCSCUtc true,
When in the kingdom of Thy grace ~ Thou makest all things new.
ar by '1'hy-15-7ing Hand Thou art the Cup o Blessing, or , ------ 'no ou Iv
Bread. ~~ms~r.t~.t s~rac~ ~ctttr~ _
T.. T~{' TA ~ivP - V. 3f7. "zai 3i011.
Grant us
7 `> n Lord, to see
_see _a- ? •C ^"f the
Lamb,,- The great Epihany. Amen.
373 (535) R M•
"Let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually. Hebrew xiii.l5
1. Praise the Saviour, ye who know Him; Who can tell how much we owe Him?
Gladly let us tender to Him All we are and have.
2. "Jesus" is the name that charms us; ^ He for conflicts fist and arms us;
Nothing moves and nothing harms us,
When we trust in Him.
5. Then we shall be where we would be, Then we shall be what we should be;
Things which are not now, nor could be, Then shall be our own. Amen.
3. Teachers, too, will meet above, Pastors, parents, whom we love, Shall meet to part
no more. Oh, that will be joyful! etc
4. Oh, how happy we shall be! For our Saviour we shall see, Exalted on His Throne. Oh,
that will be joyful!
5. There we all shall sing for joy, And Eternity employ In praising Christ the Lord.
Oh, that will be joyful! Etc. Amen
376 (675) . 1. Hush! Biessed are the dit :.:. In Jesus' arms who rest,
And lean their weary head
378 c677) "A Man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. ° Isaiah liii. 3.
1. When our heads are bowed with woe,
When our bitter tears o'er flow,
When we mourn the lost, the dear,
Jesu, Man of Sorrows, hear!
2. Thou our throbbing flesh hast worn, Thou our mortal griefs hast borne,
Thou hast shed the human tear,
Heaven is my Home
I shall be glorified, Heaven is my Home;
There are the good and blest, Those I love most and best;
And there I too shall rest, Heaven is my Home
6. So be it, Lord and as we watch the dawning, May we work on with joy to soothe the
To tell them Christ returneth in the Morning, With those we love His own to make us
Allehiia! Amen.
386 (682)
"Until the day break, and the shadows flee away."
Song of Solomon ii. 17.
1. Sleep on, beloved, sleep and take thy rest;
Lay down thy head upon thy Saviour's Breast; We love thee well, but Jesus loves thee
heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them
5. The exile is at home! ! - O nights and days of tears, : 0 loneines not to rnam.
0 sins and doubts and fears:
What matters now grief's darkest day? - The King has wiped those tears away. Amen.
391 (684)
"T7u Lord of peace Himself give you peace always by ll means. " 2 Thess. Iii. 16. _
1. With the sweet word of peace We bid our brethren go;
Peace as a river to increase, And ceaseless flow.
(~ T,'„__...111 7- _,~.
Till He, Whose Home is ours above, Unite us there! Amen.
392 c6an 13.11.>3.12.
"Sorrow not, even as others which ham no hope. "I 77=s w 13.
Thou art gone to the grave! but we will not deplore thee,
Though sorrows and darkness encompass the tomb:
Thy Saviour has passed through its portal before thee,
, And the lamp of His love is thy guide through the gloom.
3. The toilsome way thou'st / travell'd / o'er, And / borne the / heavy / load;
But Christ has taught thy / languid / feet To / reach His / blest a- / bode;
4. Thou art sleeping / now like / Lazarus _ Up- / on his / Father's / breast,
Where the wicked / cease from ( troubling, And the / weary 1 are at / rest.
Thou art gone to the grave! but we will not deplore thee,
And death has no sting, for the Saviour has died. Amen.
So we lay the turf a- / bove thee / now, And we / seal thy / narrow / bed;
6. When we feel the end is near, passing into death's dark shade,
May the Voice be strong and clear, "It is I; be not afraid." Amen.
Refrain: -
On the shining shore,
. On the golden strand,
In our Father's home,
In the happy land:
I hope to meet you there!
I hope to meet you there!
A crown o{ victory wear, In glory.
2. I hope to meet you all in glory
By the tree of lik so fair;
I hope to praise ous dear Redeemer ' For the grace that bro't me there,
3. I hope to meet you all in glory
Round the Saviour's throne above; __
I hope to join the ransom'd army
x Singing now redeeming love.
397 (634) L. M.
" Even a child is known &
y his doingj6 -whether his work be pure, .
and whether it be right." Proverlw xx.ll.
' 1. We are but little children weak,
Nor born iaany high estate;
What can wedo for Jeaus'wke,
'-" Who is so High and Good and Great?
2. Oh, day by ft each Chriaian child Has much todo, without, -within;
A death to diefor Jesus' sake,
A weary warvD wage with sin. .
3. When deep within our swelling hearts The thoughtsof pride and anger rise,
When bitter winds aremn-cwr tongues, And tears of passiooS
par eyes;
4. Then we may stW the anBW blow, The we may dock the busty word,
Give gentle ansveas baclaagain, And fight a ba4e for our'Lord.
-_;i. With smiles of peace, andiiooks of love, Light in our,damllings:we may make;
Bid kind gooMeaour hfthten there, And still do all for Jesus~sake.
2. If I come tojesus,
He will haw myprayer; He will loveame dearly, tie my sins did bear.
If I come, eft.
3. If I come tollesus,
He will t*e my-hand.
He will gerifle lead me To a bettet land.
If I come, e&
4. There, with-happy children,
Robed insnowyi%ite, I shall see my Saviour
In that world so bright. If I come, etc. Amen.
4402 -) D: M.
"He shall give HHis ngeis charge over thee."Psalm xci.ll.
1. A round the throne of God a band Of glorious Angels ever stand;
Bright things tbvj see, sweet harps they hold, And on their hlads re crows of gold.
2. Some wait around Him, ready still To sing His praise and do His Will;
And some, when He commands them, go To guard His servants here below.
3. Lord, give Thy Angels every day Command to guard us on our way,
And bid them every evening keep Their watch around us while we sleep.
1,7ohn ii.1
1. Do no sinful action; Speak no angry word;
Ye belong to Jesus, Children of the Lord.
405 (636) E M.
The fields. .. are white alreadvrto harvest. And he that reapeth
receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal. "John iv.35,36.
1. The fields are all white, And the reapers are few;
We children are willing, But what can we do
• work for our Lord in His harvest?
4. Until, by-and-by,
As the years pass, at length
We too may be reapers, And go forth in strength
• work for our Lord in His harvest. Amen.
4. Happy the child who grows Healthy, and good, and wise
Free as the meadow flower that blows Under the open skies.
Blessed are also ye
Who higher still can reach,
Learning through patient sympathy ` The lessons pain can teach. Amen.
410 (84) L AL
" Who weru obour doing good " Acts s38. ;
1. Jesus, who lived above the sky, Came down to be a Man and die;
And in the Bible we may see How very good He used to be.
4. And more than that, He told them, too, The things that God would have them do;
And was so gentle and so mild,
He would have listened to a child.
5. But such a cruel death He died! He was hung up and crucified!
And those kind Hands that did such good They nailed them to a Cross of wood.
413 (->
1. What can the young children give Our Lord Jesus Christ, today Because of His great
mercies Because of the blessings He gives?
The mercies costing so high
They will give Him their own heart He will make them to be clean
They will give Him such a gift No matter the one thy have.
- _
3. Seek His Face without delay, Give Him now your heart;
Tarry not, but while you may, Choose the better part.
4. Come to Jesus, little one,
Come to Jesus now;
Humbly at His gracious Throne
In submission bow. Amen.
He is love, he is love. .
He is love, he is love. .
He is love, he is love. .
He is love, he is love.
2. There's a rest for little children Above the bright blue sky, Who love the Blessed
And " Abba, Father," cry;
A rest from every trouble, From sin and sorrow free,
Where every little pilgrim Shall rest eternally.
5. There's a song for little children Above the bright blue sky,
A song that will not weary, Though sung continually;
A song which even Angels
417 (245) C. M.
Others fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit."Matthew xiii.8.
1. 0 Lord, our hearts would give Thee praise,
Ere now our school we end;
For this Thy day, the best of days,
-Jesus, the children's Friend.
2. Lord, graft Thy word in every heart, Our souls from sin defend,
That we from Thee may ne'er depart, Jesus, the children's Friend.
3. Lord, bless our homes and give us grace, Thy Sabbaths so to spend;
That we in heaven may find a place.
With Thee, the Children's Friend. Amen.
418 (657) L. M.
"We love Him, because He first loved us." 1,3'ohn iv 19
1. It is a thing most wonderful, Almost too wonderful to be,
That God's own Son should come from Heaven, And die to save a child like me.
2. And yet I know that this is true:
He came to this poor world below,
And wept, and toiled, and mourned, and died, Only because He loved us so
4. I sometimes think about the Cross, And shut my eyes, and try to see
The cruel nails, and crown of thrones, And Jesus crucified for me:
5. But, even could I see Him die, I could but see a little part
Of that great Love, which, like a fire, Is always burning in His Heart.
7. And yet I want to love Thee, Lord: 0 light the flame within my heart,
And I will love Thee more and more, Until I see Thee as Thou art. Amen.
419 (-) c. M.
" Thou God seest me." Genesis xvi.13.
1. God is in Heaven Can He hear A little prayer like mine?
Yes, that He can; I need not fear, He'll listen unto mine.
~:~.. ho p
u ~~=~~c~vCsi me from death ~
And dangers every hour; _
Unless I'hou give me power. i~
4. Such goodness, Lord, and constant care, A child can ne'er repay;
But may it be my daily prayer, To love Thee and obey. Amen.
424 (638) 85.83.
1. Jesus, Friend of little children, Be a friend to me;
Take my hand and ever keep me ' Close to Thee.
2. Teach me how to grow in goodness Daily as I grow;
Thou hast been a child, and surely Thou dost know.
3. Never leave me nor forsake me, Ever be my Friend;
For I need Thee from life's dawning To its end.
3. If they trust Him as their Saviour, He will wash their sins away;
He will take their hand and lead them All along the narrow way.
4. He would have them love each other, ind be truthful, meek, and mild, .
Doing as their parents bid them,
As He did when once a Child. Amen.
2. Bought with Blood, and bought for Thee, Thine, and only Thine, I'd be,
Holy harmless, humble, mild; Jesus Christ's obedient child.
3. Loving Saviour, Thou didst give Thine own Life that we might live,
And the Hands outstretched to bless Bear the cruel nails' impress.
4. I would praise Thee every day, Gladly all Thy Will obey,
Like Thy Blessed Ones above Happy in Thy precious Love.
" Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin
2. Each little flower that opens, Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colours,
He doth us endow.
Let us sing His praises With a gladsome heart,
Till in Heaven we meet Him, Never more to part! Amen.
6. Make me, Lord, in work and play, Thine more truly every day,
And,-when Thou at last shalt come, Take me to Thy heavenly home. Amen.
2. Songs of praise awoke the morn When the prince of Peace was born;
Songs of praise arose when He Captive led captivity.
3. Heaven and earth must pass away; Songs of praise shall crown that day;
God will make new heavens and earth, Songs of praise shall hail their birth.
5. Saints below, with heart and voice Still in songs of praise rejoice:
Learning here, by faith and love, Songs of praise to sing above;
6. Praise the name of God most High; Praise Him, all below the sky:
Praise Him, all ye heavenly host, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
440 (694) L. M.
`For L.I will hold thy right hand."Isa. xli. 13.
. 1. He leadeth me! Oh, blessed thought!
Oh, words with heavenly comfort fraught!
Whatever I do, wherever I be, ' • Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me.
4. And when my task on earth is done, When, by Thy grace, the victory's won,
Fen death's cold wave I will not flee,
Since Thou thro' Jordan leadest me. Amen.
441 (718) C. M.
1. Thy Kingdom come! On bended knee The passing ages pray;
And faithful souls have yearned to see On earth that kingdom's day:
4. The day in whose clear shining light All wrong shall stand revealed,
When justice shall be throned in might, And every hurt be healed;.
5. When knowledge, hand in hand with peace, ' Shall walk the earth abroad:
The day of perfect righteousness,
The promised day of God. Amen.
Pour it forth a mighty anthem, Like the thunders of the sea;
Thro' the blood of Christ our ransome, More than conquerors are we!... More than con
...querars are we,... More than con ... querors are we,...
2. Saints and heroes long before us Firmly on this ground have stood;
See their banners waving o'er us, Conquerors through Jesus' blood.
444 c-> S. M.
"Watchman, what of the night?... return, come."Isa. xxi. 11, 12.
1. From all who watch to night
By land, or sea, or air,
O Father, may they know that Thou Art with them, "even there."
445 (724) `7wi11 declare what He hath done for my soul."Psalm lxvi. 16.
1. 0 brother, have you told how the Lord forgave? Let us hear you tell it over once
Thy coming to the cross where He died to save, Let us hear you tell it over once again.
Are you walking now in His blessed light? Are you cleansed from ev'ry guilty stain'
Is He your joy by day and your song by night? Let us hear you tell it over once again.
Let us hear you tell it over, Tell it over once again,....
Tell the sweet and blessed story, , It will help you on to glory Let us hear you tell it over
once again.
2. When toiling up the way was the Saviour there?
Let us hear you tell it over once again; Did Jesus bear you up in His tender care?
Let us hear you tell it over once again.
4. The battles you have fought and the victories won, Let us hear you tell it over once
`Twill help them on the way who have just begun Let us hear you tell it over once again.
We are striving now with the host of sin,
Soon with Christ our Saviour we shall reign;
Ye ransomed of the Lord, try a soul to win;
Let us hear you tell it over once again. Amen.
447 (-) L. M. R
"The place which is called Calvary, where they crucified him." Luke 23, 33.
1. Fairest of all the earth beside, Chiefest of all unto Thy bride,
Fulness divine in Thee I see, Wonderful Man of Calvary.
. That Man of Calvary
Has won my heart from me, And died to set me free, Blest Man of Calvary!
2. Granting the sinner life and peace, granting the captive sweet release,
Shedding His blood to make us free, Merciful Man of calvary!
3. Giving the gifts obtained for men, Pouring out love beyond our ken,
Giving us spotless purity, Bountiful Man of Calvary!
, 4. Though vine nor fig tree either Their wonted fruit should bear,
Though all the fields should wither, Nor flocks, nor herds be there;
Yet God the same abiding,
His praise shall tune my voice;
For, while in Him confiding,
I cannot but rejoice! Amen.
We turn from the world, with its smiles and its scorning
The Master hath called us, His sons and His daughters
451 (714) C. M.
1. Happy are they, they that love God, Whose hearts have Christ confest,
Who by his Cross have found their life, And 'neath his yoke their rest.
2. Glad is the praise, sweet are the songs, When they together sing;
And strong the prayers that bow the ear Of heaven's eternal King.
. 3. Christ to their homes giveth his peace, And makes their loves his own:
But ah, what tares the evil one Hath in his garden sown!
Then shall they know, they that love him, How all their pain is good;
,. And death itself cannot unbind Their happy brotherhood. Amen.
2. When temptation almost win thee, And thy trusted watchers fly,
Let this promise ring with in thee: `` "I will guide thee with Mine eye."
4. When the shades of life are falling And the bour has come to die,
Hear thy trusty Leader calling,
"I will guide thee with Mine eye."
453 c-> 87.87.D
1. Hark! ten thousand harps and voices Sound the note of praise above;
Jesus reigns, and heaven rejoices;
3. Emptied that Thou shouldest full me, A clean vessel in Thy hand;
With no pow'r but as Thou givest, Graciously with each command.
4. Witnessing Thy power to save me, Setting free from self and sin;
Thou hast bought me to possess me, In Thy, fulness, Lord, come in.
5. Jesus, fill now with Thy Spirit,
, Hearts that full surrender know;
That the streams of living water
From our inner man may flow. Amen.
. ~,
proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. "Rev. .xxii. I
1. Shall we gather at the river,
Where bright Angel feet have trod;
With its crystal tide for ever
Flowing from the Throne of God?
Yes, we'll gather at the river, , The beautiful, the beautiful river,
Gather with the Saints at the river , That flows from the Throne of God.
458 (706) C. M.
1. Amazing grace! how sweet the sound! That saved a wretch like me;
I once was lost, but now am found; Was blind, but now I see.
2. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved; GENERAL
How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed!
3. Through many dangers, toils, and smares, I have already come;
'Tis grace that brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home.
4. Yes, when this heart and flesh shall fail, And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the vail
A life of joy and peace. Amen. ,
: Chorus:
Coming home, coming home, Nevermore to roam;
By Thy grace I will be Thine: Lord, I'm coming home.
4. In our joys, and in our sorrows. Days of toil, and hours of ease;
Still he calls, in cares and pleasures, "Christian, love Me more than these."
5. Jesus calls us: by Thy mercies, Saviour, may we hear Thy call,
Give our hearts to Thine obedience, Serve and love Thee best of all. Amen.
CHCHB 466(-)
1. God is here, and that to bless us
With the Spirit's quick'ning power;
See, the cloud already bending
Waits to drop the grateful shower.
Let it come, o Lord, we pray Thee!
Let the shower... of blessing fall;
We are waiting, we are waiting;
Oh revive the hearts of all!
When the roll.... is called up yon.... der,
When the roll.... is called up yon... der,
When the roll.... is called up yonder,
When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.
"If God be for us, if God be for us,
if God be for us,
Who can be against us?
Who? who ? who ?
Who can be against us, against us?"
Praise Him, hallelujah,
Praise Him, hallelujah,
Praise Him, hallelujah,
Praise the Lord.
O yes, my friend ! There's something more,
Something more than gold,
To know your sins are all forgiven
Is something more than gold.
2, O my Saviour, biess me
Bless me while I pray;
Grant Thy peace to help me,
Take my fear away;
I believe Thy promise, Lord;
I will trust Thy Holy Word;
Thou my soul's Redeemer,
Bless me while I pray.
11. Yea, for sweet hope new born blest work begun
Sing Alleluia to the Three in one,
Adoring Alleluia.
CHCHB 546 (-)
1. Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side;
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain;
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In every change He faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heavenly Friend
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
2. Be still, my soul: thy God doth undertake
To guide the future as He has the past.
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Be still, my soul: the waves and winds still know
His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below.
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him !
How I've prov'd Him o'er and o'er !
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus !
Oh, for grace to trust Him more !
I surrender all, .......I surrender all;…..
All to Thee my blessed Saviour.
I surrender all
I am so glad thatJesus loves me,
Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me;
I am so glad that Jesus loves me,
Jesus loves even me.
Count your blessing, name them one by one;
Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one;
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
I need no other argument,
I need no other plea,
It is enough thatlesus died,
And that He died for me.
Follow! follow! I would follow Jesus!
Anywhere, every where I will follow on!
Follow! follow! I would follow Jesus!
Everywhere He leads me I would follow on!
"Must I go and empty handed?"
Must I meet my Saviour so?...
Not one soul with which to greet Him?
Must I empty handed go?
It is well ……with my soul, …….
It is well, it is well with my soul.
Jesu, my Lord, I Thee adore;
O make me love Thee more and more.
Stand. ing. ., stand ... ing,
Standing on the promises of God my Saviour;
Stand .... ing stand ... ing, . .
I m standing on the promises of God.
Lead me, lead me,
Saviour, lead me, lest I stray; ....
Gently down the stream of time,
Lead me, Saviour, all the way. ...
Trust and obey, for there's no other way
To be happy in ,7esus but to trust and obey.
Only remembered, only remembered,
Only remembered by what we have done;
Thus would we pass from the earth
and its toiling,
Only remembered by what we have done.
But "I know whom I have believed;
And am persuaded that He is able
To keep that which I've committed
Unto Him against that day. "
2. My voice awake,
Thy part to take;
My- soul the concert join;
"Fill all around
Shall catch the sound,
and mix their hymns with mine.
3. Within these walls let holy peace And love and concord dwell;
Here give the troubled conscience ease,
The wounded spirit heal.
4. The hearing ear, the seeing eye, The contrite heart bestow;
And shine upon us from on high,
That we in grace may grow.
7. All might, all praise be thine,
Father, co-equal Son,
And Spirit, bond of love divine,
While endless ages run. Amen.
Let's sing Alleluya
Let's give thanks to our God
Because of evety good thing
He's done for us
Let's go on praising God
Because of His good words
For which He gave to man
For us to eat, and live.
5. Come labour on !
Away with gloomy doubts and faithless fear !
No arm so weak but may do service here:
By feeblest agents can our God fufiA
His righteous Will.
6. Come, labour on !
No time for rest, till glows the western sky,
While the long shadows o'er our pathway lie,
And a glad sound comes with the setting sun
"Servants, well done." Amen.
3. Salvation to God
Let all cry aloud
And honour the Son.
The praises of Jesus
The Angels proclaim,
Fall down on their faces
And worship the Lamb.
God will take care of you still to the end;
Oh, what a Father, Redeemer, and Friend! ,
Jesus will answer when ever you call;
He will take care of you: trust Him for all!
5. Still there are lands where none have seem thy face,
Children whose hearts have never shared thy joy:
Yet thou would'st pour on these thy radiant grace,
Give thy glad strength to every girl and boy.
1. Jerusalem on high
My song and city is,
My home whene‟er I die,
The centre of my bliss:
O happy place!
When shall I be,
My God, with Thee,
To see Thy Face?
CHCHB 716 (574)
1. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty,
The King of creation;
O my soul, praise Him.
For He is thy health and salvation:
All ye who hear, Brothers and sisters draw near,
Praise Him in glad adoration,
5. Praise to the Lord! O let all that is III rue adore Him:
All that bath life and breath, come now with
praises before Him'.
Let the Amen Sound from His people again:
Gladly for aye adore Him.
I'll praise Himl praise Him?
Praise Him all the time!
Praise Him! praise Him!
I'll praise Him all the time
Sinig oh, sing...of my Redeemer!...
With His blood... He purchased me!,..
On the cross... He sealed my pardon,...
Paid the dept,... and made me free...
4. I we1"ing of my Redeemer,
And His heavenly love to me;
He from death to life hath brought me,
Son of God, with Him to be. Amen.
CHCHB 724 (590)
1. Fill Thou my life, 0 Lord my God,
In ev'ry part with praise.
That my whole being may proclaim
Thy being and Thy ways.
Praise the Lard' praise the Lord! let the earth hear His voice
Praise the Lord.' praise the Lord.' let the people rejoice!
O conic to the Father; through Jesus the Son:
And give Him the glory! Great things He hath done!
2. O Bringer of Salvation,
Who wondrously hast wrought,
Thyself the revelation
Of love beyond our thought:
We worship Thee, we bless Thee,
To Thee alone we sing;
We praise Thee, and confess Thee
Our gracious Lord and King!
CHCHB 762 (325)
1. Onward, Christian soldiers,
Marching as to war,
With the Cross of Jesus
Going on before.
Christ the Royal Master
Leads against the foe,
Forward into battle,
See, His banners go.
Toiling on, toiling on,
Toiling on, toiling on,
Let us hope, let us watch,
And labour till the Master comes.
Fear not! 'tis God's own voice
That speaks to thee this word;
Lift up your head rejoice
In, Jesus Christ thy Lord!
3. His Church our shelter, He our Guide,Our strength His healing Cross,
We range ourselves upon His side,
Where none can suffer loss.
We'er safe behind our Saviour's shield;
He makes us heirs of Heaven;
We claim upon the embattled field
The victory Christ has given,
Like brothers true, of one accord,
To hold one Faith and serve on Lord.
Let the blessed sunshine in…….
Let the blessed sunshine in…….
Clear the darkened windows, open wide the door,
Let the blessed sunshine in.
2. Does your faith grow fainter in the cause you love?
Are your prayer unanswered from the throne above?
Clear the darkened windows, open wide the door,
Let the blessed sunshine in.
CHCHB 815(-)
1. God the Omnipotent! King who ordainest
Great winds thy clarions, lightnings thy sword;
Show forth thy pity on high where thou reignest:
Give to us peace in our time, O Lord.