Employee Experience1
Employee Experience1
Employee Experience1
The Employee
Experience Revolution
With the future of work unfolding in front us, we have witnessed employees lack motivation in their work life if they
don’t feel heard, supported, valued, empowered, and connected. If you’ve invested in engagement but haven’t seen
any real change, you’re not alone. Many organizations have tried and fallen short. But there’s still hope!
How do you drive the progress you crave? How do you weave it right?
It’s time for a new era of engagement.
This era calls you to go beyond employee satisfaction and brew in a beautiful experience that contributes to
employees' sense of fulfillment.
When employees and their social, emotional needs are the centre of your business. That’s when you
embrace the paradigm of meaningful and long- lasting change in your organization. You must usher in a
new era of engagement - The one of Employee Experience
Employee evolution
From To
focus Employee loyalty Employee Experience
An employee’s unspoken words
I want more than a job
I’m here for an experiences.You need me to be aligned, I want that too. But I also
want to feel nurtured and inspired.
I want to explore
I want to build my skills, explore my interests, achieve my goals and learn. I want to
build on my strengths and learn new skills that will help me achieve my short-term
goals. I also need to explore other areas of interest that can help set me up for
future success.
Constant collaboration builds better connections
If the colleagues I work with are able to freely share and exchange ideas, like friends
over a cup of coffee, rather than remaining isolated individuals, companies can shine.
Constant collaboration helps to reduce stress, increase socialization, and can often
provide more creative solutions. Working as groups on projects is something that I
would be thrilled to explore.
Have opportunities for Feel connected with their Collaborate & align
growth and development colleagues and the community with company goals
Be socially recognized & feel Voice out their ideas, Receive continuous
appreciated for their work opinions & feedback feedback about their work
Work in an environment Know that their work is making a Feel a sense of autonomy
that promotes well-being meaningful impact and individuality
If you can sew these threads into the fabric of an employee journey, that’s when you spread a well woven
employee experience in your organization
The employee experience is:
Organic Ongoing
It’s a growth of collection of Its starts from the Day 1 of an
day-to-day actions that happen employee and continues to evolve
at the org, department, team & as the employee is with the
personal level company
Interactive Motivating
Employee and organization both A good employee experience builds
contribute to each employee’s employees’ intrinsic (internal or
experience self-driven) motivation to do the job
Culture-Driven Employee-Centric
A company that advocates a When decisions are made the
culture of belonging, gratitude employee-centric way, keeping
and recognition will always be them in mind, It brews employee
a determinant of employee experience the right way
Which means if EX is taken care of, the organization can have more engaged employees.
Companies flourish when their employees are connected, aligned, motivated, and empowered. This only
happens when employees find inspiration and meaning in the work itself, and when employees feel
appreciated by and connected to their colleagues and company.
To achieve this, you need to bid adieu to the age-old engagement models and adopt the new way that’s
continuous, manager- and employee-led, and people-first.
We believe in building a happy and engaged
workforce. And it’s made possible by
Naz Parveen
Employee Engagement Specialist