1 Communist Seizure of Power, 1944-8: Disrupted Historical Continuity
1 Communist Seizure of Power, 1944-8: Disrupted Historical Continuity
1 Communist Seizure of Power, 1944-8: Disrupted Historical Continuity
what Russia seeks on her Western frontier is her own security. Great Britain has
traditionally opposed any intervention by the Great Powers in the Low Countries
or the Suez Canal area, and United States has done the same in Central
America- areas that these two great powers have always properly considered vital
to their own security. It would therefore be inconsistent to ask Russia today to
give up a wholly identical right to security. (Fontaine, 1968-9, p. 217)
I pushed this across to Stalin . . . There was a light pause. Then he took his blue
pencil and made a large tick upon it. . . . It was all settled in no more time than it
takes to sit down. (Churchill, 1948-53, pp. 227-8)
The next day Eden and Molotov sat down for real bargaining over the
exact percentages. Molotov made proposals and Eden made counter-
offers. Agreement was finally reached: the Soviets gained 80 percent in
Hungary and Bulgaria, 90 percent in Romania, and 60 percent in
Yugoslavia. For a 90 percent British influence in Greece, Churchill and
Eden were ready to sacrifice Central and Eastern Europe.
During their discussion, "Stalin agreed with Churchill's insistence
that 'Britain must be the leading Mediterranean power', [while requesting]
that they gain unrestricted access to the Mediterranean from the Black
Sea" (Kimball, 1984, p. 351).
Churchill was satisfied and cabled to Roosevelt from Moscow:
"Arrangements made about the Balkans are, I am sure, the best that are
possible.... We should now be able to save Greece." Although the Polish
question was pushed aside at this time, Churchil reported to Roosevelt
that "Stalin made it clear that [he] . . . wants Poland, Czecho and
Hungary to form a realm of . . . pro-Russian states" (Kimball, 1984,
p. 359). This was a "fair bargain," and all the cards were put on to the table.
The meeting was a great success for Churchill. He thought he could
save the most important British interests. But it was an even greater
triumph for Stalin, whose security interests in the neighboring European
areas were accepted by the Western allies, as he assumed they would be.
The seeds of later misunderstandings, however, were sown. In Stalin's
mind this was a serious agreement on the postwar share of interests, while
the American President viewed it as a preparatory and temporary
agreement. Churchill, meanwhile, believed that he got a free hand in
Athens, since during their meeting British troops had arrived in the
Greek capital.
The Yugoslav and Albanian communist successes were almost repeated
in Greece. Having been occupied by the Germans, the country was
liberated by the communist-led Greek National Liberation Front (EAM),
established in September 1941. From its scattered military units, a
Stalin was eager to show that he was keeping his hands off the spheres of British
and American influence . . . In Western Europe, especially in France and Italy,
the Communist parties had . . . gained enormous prestige and authority . . . It was
undoubtedly under his inspiration that the French and Italian Communist parties
behaved with extraordinary, selfless moderation. (Deutscher, 1967, p. 518)