Ias 1 Presentation of Financial Statements
Ias 1 Presentation of Financial Statements
Ias 1 Presentation of Financial Statements
Amendments to guidance on other IFRSs
Guidance on implementing
IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements
IG2 The guidance is in two sections. Paragraphs IG3–IG6 provide examples of the
presentation of financial statements. Paragraphs IG7–IG9 have been
deleted. Paragraphs IG10 and IG11 provide examples of capital disclosures.
IG3 The illustrative statement of financial position shows one way in which an
entity may present a statement of financial position distinguishing between
current and non-current items. Other formats may be equally appropriate,
provided the distinction is clear.
IG4 The illustrations use the term ‘comprehensive income’ to label the total of all
items of profit or loss and other comprehensive income. The illustrations use
the term ‘other comprehensive income’ to label income and expenses that are
included in comprehensive income but excluded from profit or loss. IAS 1
does not require an entity to use those terms in its financial statements.
IG5 Two statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income are
provided, to illustrate the alternative presentations of income and expenses in
a single statement or in two statements. The statement of profit or loss and
other comprehensive income illustrates the classification of income and
expenses within profit or loss by function. The separate statement (in this
example, ‘the statement or profit or loss’) illustrates the classification of
income and expenses within profit by nature.
IG5A Two sets of examples of statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive
income are shown. One shows the presentation while IAS 39 Financial
Instruments: Recognition and Measurement remains effective and is applied; the
other shows presentation when IFRS 9 Financial Instruments is applied.
IG6 The examples are not intended to illustrate all aspects of IFRSs, nor do they
constitute a complete set of financial statements, which would also include a
statement of cash flows, disclosures about material accounting policy
information and other explanatory information.
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 115,100 187,620
Short-term borrowings 150,000 200,000
Current portion of long-term borrowings 10,000 20,000
Current tax payable 35,000 42,000
Short-term provisions 5,000 4,800
Total current liabilities 315,100 454,420
Total liabilities 492,750 692,700
Total equity and liabilities 1,466,500 1,524,200
Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax(c) (14,000) 28,000
(a) This means the share of associates’ profit attributable to owners of the associates, ie it is after
tax and non-controlling interests in the associates.
(b) This means the share of associates’ other comprehensive income attributable to owners of the
associates, ie it is after tax and non-controlling interests in the associates. In this example, the
other comprehensive income of associates consists only of items that will not be subsequently
reclassified to profit or loss. Entities whose associates’ other comprehensive income includes
items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss are required by paragraph 82A(b) to
present that amount in a separate line.
(c) The income tax relating to each item of other comprehensive income is disclosed in the notes.
(d) This illustrates the aggregated presentation, with disclosure of the current year gain or loss and
reclassification adjustment presented in the notes. Alternatively, a gross presentation can be
XYZ Group – Statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 December 20X7
(illustrating the presentation of profit or loss and other comprehensive income in two
statements and the classification of expenses within profit or loss by nature)
(in thousands of currency units)
20X7 20X6
Revenue 390,000 355,000
Other income 20,667 11,300
Changes in inventories of finished goods and work in
progress (115,100) (107,900)
Work performed by the entity and capitalised 16,000 15,000
Raw material and consumables used (96,000) (92,000)
Employee benefits expense (45,000) (43,000)
Depreciation and amortisation expense (19,000) (17,000)
Impairment of property, plant and equipment (4,000) –
Other expenses (6,000) (5,500)
Finance costs (15,000) (18,000)
Share of profit of associates (a)
35,100 30,100
Profit before tax 161,667 128,000
Income tax expense (40,417) (32,000)
Profit for the year from continuing operations 121,250 96,000
Loss for the year from discontinued operations – (30,500)
(a) This means the share of associates’ profit attributable to owners of the associates, ie it is after
tax and non-controlling interests in the associates.
XYZ Group – Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year
ended 31 December 20X7
(illustrating the presentation of profit or loss and other comprehensive income in two
(in thousands of currency units)
20X7 20X6
Profit for the year 121,250 65,500
Other comprehensive income:
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:
Gains on property revaluation 933 3,367
Remeasurements of defined benefit pension plans (667) 1,333
Share of other comprehensive income of associates (a)
400 (700)
Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified (b)
(166) (1,000)
500 3,000
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations 5,334 10,667
Investments in equity instruments (24,000) 26,667
Cash flow hedges (667) (4,000)
Alternatively, items of other comprehensive income could be presented, net of tax. Refer to
the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income illustrating the presentation
of income and expenses in one statement.
(a) This means the share of associates’ other comprehensive income attributable to owners of the
associates, ie it is after tax and non-controlling interests in the associates. In this example, the
other comprehensive income of associates consists only of items that will not be subsequently
reclassified to profit or loss. Entities whose associates’ other comprehensive income includes
items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss are required by paragraph 82A(b) to
present that amount in a separate line.
(b) The income tax relating to each item of other comprehensive income is disclosed in the notes.
Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax(c) (14,000) 28,000
(a) This means the share of associates’ profit attributable to owners of the associates, ie it is after
tax and non-controlling interests in the associates.
(b) This means the share of associates’ other comprehensive income attributable to owners of the
associates, ie it is after tax and non-controlling interests in the associates. In this example, the
other comprehensive income of associates consists only of items that will not be subsequently
reclassified to profit or loss. Entities whose associates’ other comprehensive income includes
items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss are required by paragraph 82A(b) to
present that amount in a separate line.
(c) The income tax relating to each item of other comprehensive income is disclosed in the notes.
(d) This illustrates the aggregated presentation, with disclosure of the current year gain or loss and
reclassification adjustment presented in the notes. Alternatively, a gross presentation can be
XYZ Group – Statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 December 20X7
(illustrating the presentation of profit or loss and other comprehensive income in two
statements and the classification of expenses within profit or loss by nature)
(in thousands of currency units)
20X7 20X6
Revenue 390,000 355,000
Other income 20,667 11,300
Changes in inventories of finished goods and work in progress (115,100) (107,900)
Work performed by the entity and capitalised 16,000 15,000
Raw material and consumables used (96,000) (92,000)
Employee benefits expense (45,000) (43,000)
Depreciation and amortisation expense (19,000) (17,000)
Impairment of property, plant and equipment (4,000) –
Other expenses (6,000) (5,500)
Finance costs (15,000) (18,000)
Share of profit of associates (a)
35,100 30,100
Profit before tax 161,667 128,000
Income tax expense (40,417) (32,000)
Profit for the year from continuing operations 121,250 96,000
Loss for the year from discontinued operations – (30,500)
(a) This means the share of associates’ profit attributable to owners of the associates, ie it is after
tax and non-controlling interests in the associates.
XYZ Group – Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year
ended 31 December 20X7
(illustrating the presentation of profit or loss and other comprehensive income in two
(in thousands of currency units)
20X7 20X6
Profit for the year 121,250 65,500
Other comprehensive income:
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:
Gains on property revaluation 933 3,367
Investments in equity instruments (24,000) 26,667
Remeasurements of defined benefit pension plans (667) 1,333
Share of other comprehensive income of associates (a)
400 (700)
Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified (b)
5,834 (7,667)
(17,500) 23,000
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations 5,334 10,667
Cash flow hedges (667) (4,000)
Alternatively, items of other comprehensive income could be presented, net of tax. Refer to
the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income illustrating the presentation
of income and expenses in one statement.
(a) This means the share of associates’ other comprehensive income attributable to owners of the
associates, ie it is after tax and non-controlling interests in the associates. In this example, the
other comprehensive income of associates consists only of items that will not be subsequently
reclassified to profit or loss. Entities whose associates’ other comprehensive income includes
items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss are required by paragraph 82A(b) to
present that amount in a separate line.
(b) The income tax relating to each item of other comprehensive income is disclosed in the notes.
XYZ Group
Disclosure of components of other comprehensive income(a)
Year ended 31 December 20X7
(in thousands of currency units)
20X7 20X6
Other comprehensive income:
Exchange differences on
translating foreign operations(b) 5,334 10,667
Investments in equity instru-
ments (24,000) 26,667
(a) When an entity chooses an aggregated presentation in the statement of comprehensive income,
the amounts for reclassification adjustments and current year gain or loss are presented in the
(b) There was no disposal of a foreign operation. Therefore, there is no reclassification adjustment
for the years presented.
(c) The income tax relating to each component of other comprehensive income is disclosed in the
XYZ Group
Disclosure of tax effects relating to each component of other comprehensive income
Year ended 31 December 20X7
(in thousands of currency units)
20X7 20X6
Before- Tax Net-of-tax Before-tax Tax Net-of-tax
tax (expense) amount amount (expense) amount
amount benefit benefit
Exchange differen-
ces on translating
foreign operations 5,334 (1,334) 4,000 10,667 (2,667) 8,000
Investments in
equity instruments (24,000) 6,000 (18,000) 26,667 (6,667) 20,000
Cash flow hedges (667) 167 (500) (4,000) 1,000 (3,000)
Gains on property
revaluation 933 (333) 600 3,367 (667) 2,700
Remeasurements of
defined benefit
pension plans (667) 167 (500) 1,333 (333) 1,000
Share of other
income of
associates 400 – 400 (700) – (700)
Other comprehen-
sive income (18,667) 4,667 (14,000) 37,334 (9,334) 28,000
(in thousands of currency units)
Share capital Retained earnings Translation of foreign Investments in equity Cash flow hedges Revaluation surplus Total Non-controlling Total equity
operations instruments interests
Balance at 1 January
20X6 600,000 118,100 (4,000) 1,600 2,000 – 717,700 29,800 747,500
Changes in accounting
policy – 400 – – – – 400 100 500
Restated balance
600,000 118,500 (4,000) 1,600 2,000 – 718,100 29,900 748,000
– (10,000) – – – – (10,000) – (10,000)
Total comprehensive
income for the year(a) – 53,200 6,400 16,000 (2,400) 1,600 74,800 18,700 93,500
Balance at 31 December
20X6 600,000 161,700 2,400 17,600 (400) 1,600 782,900 48,600 831,500
© IFRS Foundation
XYZ Group – Statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 20X7
(in thousands of currency units)
Changes in equity for
– (15,000) – – – – (15,000) – (15,000)
Total comprehensive
income for the year(b) – 96,600 3,200 (14,400) (400) 800 85,800 21,450 107,250
Transfer to retained
earnings – 200 – – – (200) – – –
Balance at 31 December
20X7 650,000 243,500 5,600 3,200 (800) 2,200 903,700 70,050 973,750
(a) The amount included in retained earnings for 20X6 of 53,200 represents profit attributable to owners of the parent of 52,400 plus remeasurements of defined benefit
pension plans of 800 (1,333, less tax 333, less non-controlling interests 200).
© IFRS Foundation
The amount included in the translation, investments in equity instruments and cash flow hedge reserves represent other comprehensive income for each component,
net of tax and non-controlling interests, eg other comprehensive income related to investments in equity instruments for 20X6 of 16,000 is 26,667, less tax 6,667, less
non-controlling interests 4,000.
The amount included in the revaluation surplus of 1,600 represents the share of other comprehensive income of associates of (700) plus gains on property revaluation
of 2,300 (3,367, less tax 667, less non-controlling interests 400). Other comprehensive income of associates relates solely to gains or losses on property revaluation.
(b) The amount included in retained earnings for 20X7 of 96,600 represents profit attributable to owners of the parent of 97,000 plus remeasurements of defined benefit
pension plans of 400 (667, less tax 167, less non-controlling interests 100).
The amount included in the translation, investments in equity instruments and cash flow hedge reserves represents other comprehensive income for each component,
net of tax and non-controlling interests, eg other comprehensive income related to the translation of foreign operations for 20X7 of 3,200 is 5,334, less tax 1,334, less
non-controlling interests 800.
The amount included in the revaluation surplus of 800 represents the share of other comprehensive income of associates of 400 plus gains on property revaluation of
400 (933, less tax 333, less non-controlling interests 200). Other comprehensive income of associates relates solely to gains or losses on property revaluation.
IG7–IG9 [Deleted]
Group A manufactures and sells cars. Group A includes a finance subsidiary
that provides finance to customers, primarily in the form of leases. Group A
is not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements.
Example disclosure
The Group’s objectives when managing capital are:
The Group sets the amount of capital in proportion to risk. The Group
manages the capital structure and makes adjustments to it in the light of
changes in economic conditions and the risk characteristics of the
underlying assets. In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the
Group may adjust the amount of dividends paid to shareholders, return
capital to shareholders, issue new shares, or sell assets to reduce debt.
Consistently with others in the industry, the Group monitors capital on the
basis of the debt-to-adjusted capital ratio. This ratio is calculated as net debt
÷ adjusted capital. Net debt is calculated as total debt (as shown in the
statement of financial position) less cash and cash equivalents. Adjusted
capital comprises all components of equity (ie share capital, share premium,
non-controlling interests, retained earnings, and revaluation surplus) other
than amounts accumulated in equity relating to cash flow hedges, and
includes some forms of subordinated debt.
During 20X4, the Group’s strategy, which was unchanged from 20X3, was to
maintain the debt-to-adjusted capital ratio at the lower end of the range
6:1 to 7:1, in order to secure access to finance at a reasonable cost by
maintaining a BB credit rating. The debt-to-adjusted capital ratios at
31 December 20X4 and at 31 December 20X3 were as follows:
31 Dec 31 Dec
20X4 20X3
CU million CU million
Total debt 1,000 1,100
Less: cash and cash equivalents (90) (150)
Net debt 910 950
Total equity 110 105
Add: subordinated debt instruments 38 38
Less: amounts accumulated in equity relating to cash
flow hedges (10) (5)
Adjusted capital 138 138
Debt-to-adjusted capital ratio 6.6 6.9
Example disclosure
Entity A filed its quarterly regulatory capital return for 30 September 20X7
on 20 October 20X7. At that date, Entity A’s regulatory capital was below the
capital requirement imposed by Regulator B by CU1 million. As a result,
Entity A was required to submit a plan to the regulator indicating how it
would increase its regulatory capital to the amount required. Entity A
submitted a plan that entailed selling part of its unquoted equities portfolio
with a carrying amount of CU11.5 million in the fourth quarter of 20X7. In
the fourth quarter of 20X7, Entity A sold its fixed interest investment
portfolio for CU12.6 million and met its regulatory capital requirement.
Amendments to guidance on other IFRSs
The following amendments to guidance on other IFRSs are necessary in order to ensure consistency
with the revised IAS 1. In the amended paragraphs, new text is underlined and deleted text is struck
The amendments contained in this appendix when IAS 1 was revised in 2007 have been incorporated
into the guidance on the relevant IFRSs, published in this volume.
Table of Concordance
This table shows how the contents of IAS 1 (revised 2003 and amended in 2005) and IAS 1
(as revised in 2007) correspond. Paragraphs are treated as corresponding if they broadly
address the same matter even though the guidance may differ.