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Giovanni Barla
Marco Barla
Politecnico di Torino
Keywords: Tunnelling, Squeezing rock, Full face excavation, Yielding support, Monitoring
Marco BARLA is Research Associate at the Politecnico di Torino and Vice Director of the
DIPLAB Geomechanics Laboratory of the Department of Structural and Geotechnical
Engineering. In the recent past, he has been investigating the swelling behaviour of stiff clays
with reference to tunnel excavation in the framework of tunnelling in difficult conditions,
both from the experimental and theoretical point of view. He has also studied the effects of
clay swelling on pipe jacking. His present research interests are in the use of discontinuum
numerical methods to predict behaviour of shallow tunnels with reference to the Turin Metro
in partially cemented ground and in the applicability of trenchless technologies to the Turin
subsoil. He is involved in research studies on tunnelling in difficult conditions.
The term “squeezing rock” originates from the pioneering days of tunnelling through the
Alps. It refers to the reduction of the tunnel cross section that occurs as the tunnel is being
advanced (Figure 1). Based on the work of a Commission of the International Society for
Rock Mechanics (ISRM) [9], which has described squeezing and the main features of this
mechanism, it is agreed today that “squeezing of rock” stands for large time-dependent
convergence during tunnel excavation. This happens when a particular combination of
material properties and induced stresses causes yielding in some zones around the tunnel,
exceeding the limiting shear stress at which creep starts. Deformation may terminate during
construction or continue over a long period of time.
Figure 1 Squeezing rock reduces the tunnel cross section. This is shown dramatically in this
photograph taken at the Saint Martin La Porte access tunnel along the Lyon-Turin Base
tunnel, where re-profiling of the highly deformed cross section took place.
The magnitude of tunnel convergence, the rate of deformation, and the extent of the yielding
zone around the tunnel depend on the geological and geotechnical conditions, the in-situ state
of stress relative to rock mass strength, the groundwater flow and pore water pressure, and
the rock mass properties. Squeezing is therefore synonymous with yielding and time-
dependence, and often is largely dependent on excavation and support techniques being used.
If the support installation is delayed, the rock mass moves into the tunnel and a stress
redistribution takes place around it. On the contrary, if deformation is restrained, squeezing
will lead to long-term load build-up of the support system.
The squeezing behaviour during tunnel excavation has intrigued experts for years, and often
has caused resulting great difficulties for completing underground works, with major delays
in construction schedules and cost overruns. There are numerous cases of particular interest
in Europe and world-wide where squeezing phenomena have occurred, providing some
insights into the ground response during excavation. A review of these case studies leads to
the following remarks:
• Squeezing behaviour is associated with poor rock mass deformability and strength
properties. Based on previous experience, there are a number of rock complexes where
squeezing may occur if the loading conditions needed for the onset of squeezing are
present: gneiss, micaschists and calcschists (typical of contact and tectonized zones and
faults), claystones, phyllite, flysch, clay-shales, marly-clays, etc.
• Squeezing behaviour implies that yielding will occur around the tunnel. The onset of a
yielding zone in the tunnel surround causes a significant increase in tunnel convergence
and face displacements (extrusion); these are generally large, increase in time and form
the most significant aspects of the squeezing behaviour.
• Orientations of discontinuities, such as bedding planes and schistosities, play a very
important role in the onset and development of large deformations around tunnels, and
therefore also on the squeezing behaviour. In general, if the main discontinuities strike
parallel to the tunnel axis, the deformation will be enhanced significantly, as observed in
terms of convergence during face advance.
• The pore pressure distribution and the piezometric head also can influence the rock mass
stress-strain behaviour. Drainage measures that cause a reduction in piezometric head
both in the tunnel surround and ahead of the tunnel face often help to reduce ground
• Construction techniques for excavation and support (i.e., the excavation sequences and
the number of excavation stages which are adopted, including the stabilisation methods
used) may influence the overall stability conditions of the excavation. In general, the
ability to provide an early confinement on the tunnel periphery and in near vicinity to the
face is considered the most important factor in controlling ground deformations.
• Large deformations associated with squeezing also may occur in rocks susceptible to
swelling. Although the factors that cause either behaviour are different, it is often
difficult to distinguish between squeezing and swelling, as the two phenomena may occur
at the same time and induce similar effects. For example, in over-consolidated clays, the
rapid stress-relief due to the tunnel excavation causes an increase in deviatoric stresses
with simultaneous onset of negative pore pressure. In undrained conditions, the ground
stresses may be such as not to cause squeezing. However, due to the negative pore
pressure, swelling may occur with a more sudden onset of deformations under constant
loading. Therefore, if swelling is restrained by means of early invert installation, a stress
increase may take place with probable onset of squeezing.
In general, the major difficulties encountered when tunnelling in weak rock, are associated
with both the stability of the tunnel and of the face. It is known that the tunnel face follows
the same general deformation pattern as the tunnel itself, although the longitudinal face
displacements are about 30% smaller than the radial displacements at the tunnel perimeter
[10]. This pattern of behaviour is well illustrated in Figure 2, where the typical plastic zone
and the deformation processes in the rock mass surrounding an advancing tunnel excavated
full face are shown, as obtained by means of an axi-symmetric finite-difference model. For
weak rock masses and in deep tunnels the stability problems of the face and of the “core”
ahead of the same advancing face may become as important as the stability of the tunnel
Figure 2 Plastic zone and deformation process (convergence of perimeter and extrusion of
face) surrounding an advancing tunnel excavated full face in a squeezing rock mass
calculated by means of an axi-symmetric finite difference model
Of the available options for conventional tunnel excavation and construction in squeezing
rock (e.g. multiple headings, top heading and bench, full face), the most successful method
applied in many cases is the full-face method (Figure 3). A significant advantage of this
method is the large working space available at the advancing face, so that large equipment
can be used effectively for installing support/stabilization measures at the tunnel perimeter
and ahead of the face. In poor rock conditions, this method requires a systematic
reinforcement of the working face and of the ground ahead. Generally, the cross section is
entirely open and a primary lining is installed as near to the face as possible [11].
When tunnelling in squeezing conditions, one of two basic types of support (“heavy” and
“light”) can be applied. For the “heavy method” (“resistance principle”), the primary lining is
designed to be very stiff (generally composed of steel fibre shotcrete and heavy steel sets),
the “ring is closed quickly” (Figure 3), and the final concrete invert (first) and final concrete
lining (second) are cast within a short distance from the face. It is apparent that if very high
rock pressures are expected, this solution soon becomes impractical. With the “light method”
(“yielding principle”), the aim is to accommodate the large deformations likely to develop in
the tunnel surround with the expectation that rock pressure will decrease with increasing
deformation. The excavation profile is chosen so as to maintain the desired clearance and to
avoid the need for re-profiling. A key point when driving the tunnel this way is to be able to
control the development of deformations. In addition to the requirement of maintaining
stability at the face and the heading during tunnel driving, a suitable tunnel support system is
to be adopted that will allow for accommodating deformations without damage of the lining.
Figure 3 Full face excavation/construction method: face reinforcement and
ring closure operations.
Face stability
One of the most effective methods for achieving face stability when driving a tunnel full-face
consists in reinforcing the rock mass ahead by means of grouted fiber-glass dowels. There are
a number of fiber-glass structural elements that may be adopted. Both smooth and corrugated
tubes are available. More recently, flat elements (Figure 4) are being used which can be
assembled in situ in a wide variety of types; they are very easy to inject and transport, and
they allow reinforcement advance steps up to 25 m.
Figure 4 Flat fiber-glass structural elements adopted for face reinforcement in the full-face
excavation/construction method.
A typical reinforcement scheme is shown in Figure 5 where the fiber-glass elements are used
for both the face and a thick ring surrounding the tunnel. In line with the “resistance
principle”, closely spaced steel sets are incorporated in a thick shotcrete shell to form the
primary lining which is installed close to the face as early as possible.
Figure 5 Typical face reinforcement system used with the full face method. Cross section
(above) and Longitudinal Section (below). Schematic drawings only, not to scale.
Yielding support
Early applications of a yielding support system consisted of yielding steel sets embedded in a
shotcrete lining containing a number of open gaps, in conjunction with dense rock bolting.
Various design options have since been proposed and applied in order to deal with squeezing
conditions in Alpine tunnels [12]. Two technical options that recently have demonstrated the
ability to maintain flexibility in the primary lining and to accommodate deformations without
significant damage are shown in Figures 6 and 7 . They both can be installed in the gaps of a
shotcrete lining and between steel sets with yielding couplings. In this way, the lining system
yields, allowing the tunnel to converge (∆r) in a controlled manner while keeping the
tangential stress σϑ constant and applying a confinement stress σr (Figure 8).
Figure 6 Yielding support with LSC elements incorporated in the shotcrete lining and
between steel sets with yielding couplings [12].
Figure 7 Yielding support with Hidcon elements incorporated in the shotcrete lining and
between steel sets with yielding couplings. Installation details as adopted in
the Saint Martin La Porte access tunnel.
Figure 8 Schematic representation of the behaviour of a yielding support with compressible
elements incorporated in the shotcrete lining.
The first compressible element (Lining Stress Controller - LSC) was developed by the
Geotechnical Group Graz [12] between 1996 and 1999. In its most recent design each LSC
unit (Triple Tube System) consists of three coaxial cylinders which are loaded in the axial
direction and buckle in stages, shortening up to 200 mm under a load of 150-200 kN. As
shown in Figure 6, three LSC units are installed in the gaps of the shotcrete lining. The
second compressible element (High Deformable Concrete – HiDCon) has a beam shape and
is composed of a mixture of cement, steel fibres and hollow glass particles [13,14]. The glass
particles increase the void fraction of the mixture and collapse at a predetermined
compressive stress. The yielding strength depends on the composition of the mixture and
ranges from 4 to18 MPa [13]. The maximum allowable strain is approximately 50 percent.
Also in this case, as depicted in Figure 7, the elements are incorporated into shotcrete. It is
this latter element type that has been successfully applied in the Saint Martin La Porte access
tunnel along the Lyon Turin Base tunnel.
The Saint Martin La Porte access tunnel (Figures 9 and 10) is being excavated in the
Carboniferous Formation, “Zone Houillère Briançonnaise-Unité des Encombres“ (hSG in
Figure 9), which is composed of black schists (45 to 55%), sandstones (40 to 50%), coal
(5%), clay-like shales and cataclastic rocks. A characteristic feature of the ground observed at
the face during excavation (Figure 10) is the highly heterogeneous, disrupted and fractured
conditions of the rock mass which exhibits very severe squeezing problems. The formation
often is affected by faulting that results in a degradation of the rock mass conditions. The
overburden along the tunnel in the zone of interest ranges from 300 m to 550 m. Excavation
takes place in essentially dry conditions.
Figure 9 Geological profile along the Saint Martin La Porte access tunnel.
In order to assess the rock mass quality during excavation detailed mapping of the geological
conditions at the face was undertaken as depicted in Figure 10. This provides information to
evaluate the percent distribution of “strong” (andstones and schists) and “weak” (coal and
clay-like shales) rocks at the face.
FN 4 gps
gps a-c
a-c gpsq
hpg gps c
c c
gps gps
gps a-c
a-c gps c gps
c a-c
a-c gps
c gps a-c
a-c gps gps gps
c gps a-c a-c
gps gps a-c
gps a-c
gps gps gps
Several support systems were used in the Carboniferous zone. However, it soon became
apparent that a stiff support would not be feasible in the severe squeezing conditions en-
countered. The design concept finally chosen [15] was based on allowing the support to yield
while using full-face excavation with systematic face reinforcement by fiber-glass dowels.
The support system initially implemented (Figure 11) consisted of yielding steel ribs with
sliding joints (TH, Toussaint-Heintzmann type), anchors and a thin shotcrete layer in a
horseshoe profile. These sections of the tunnel underwent very large deformations with
convergences up to 2 m and later needed to be re-profiled (Figure 1).
10 Boulons Swellex Mn12
L= 4m 1u/m
Ligne B
X = 0.000
Y = 9.490
Ligne A X = 0.000
Y = 8.840
voute parapluie 0m
+ 8.84
20 Boulons autoforants
L= 8m esp 50cm
Boulons fibre de verre
54 unités
recouvrement 6m maxi.
Ligne F R5.40
(voir plan T240)
Ligne F
Treillis soudé
maille (150x150Ø8)
X = -6.050 X = 6.050
Y = 3.440
Y = 3.440
X =X-5.550
= -5.400 6.55 6.55 X = 5.550 X = 5.400
Y =Y 3.440
= 3. 440 Y = 3.440 Y = 3.440
Ligne A
Ligne B R11.10
B R12.6
Reference: +1.00m
F R1
0. 45
X = 4.740
XY= =4.862
X = -4.740
Y =X-0.475
= 4.862
Y = -0.581 Y = -0.581
Treillis soudé
Coque de beton à définir
X = -5.267 X = -0.142
Y = -0.933 X = 0.000 Y = -1.762
Y = -1.612 X = 5.267
1 nappe de Y = -0.933
Treillis soudé ST30 - 1.612
en contre-voûte 10 Boulons Autoforants
L= 8m 1u/m²
Boulons Autoforants
radier 8.74 en contre-voûte
Plan du radier:
L= 8m 1u/m
X = 0.000
voir plan N° EXE2098RZ--PLTRS-GS--T232 Treillis soudé Y = -2.262
150x150 Ø8 + écarteurs
Figure 11 Tunnel cross section (P7.3) showing the excavation-support system adopted
between chainage 1267 and 1324 m, where large convergences were experienced
and re-profiling was required per Figure 1.
In order to improve the working conditions and to control deformations a novel support
system was implemented with a near circular cross section. This can be summarized as
follows (Figure 12):
• Stage 0: face pre-reinforcement, including a ring of grouted fiber-glass dowels around the
opening perimeter, designed to reinforce the rock mass over a 2 to 3 m thickness.
• Stage 1: mechanical excavation carried out in steps of one meter length, with installation
of a support system consisting of untensioned rock anchors (length 8 m) along the
perimeter, yielding steel ribs with sliding joints (TH type), and a 10 cm thick shotcrete
layer. The tunnel is opened in the upper cross section to allow for a maximum
convergence of 600 mm.
• Stage 2: the tunnel is opened to the full circular section at a distance of 15-25 m from the
face, with application of 20 cm shotcrete lining, yielding steel ribs with sliding joints
(TH type) with 9 longitudinal slots (one in the invert) fitted with HiDCon (High
Deformable Concrete) elements. The tunnel is allowed to deform in a controlled manner
so as to develop a maximum convergence which should not exceed 400 mm.
• Stage 3: installation of a coffered concrete ring at a distance of 80 m from the face.
As shown in Figure 12, the HiDCon elements, which represent indeed the most recent
technological development when tunneling in squeezing rock conditions, are installed in slots
in the shotcrete lining between TH type steel ribs (Figure 13). These yield-control support
system for the tunnel allows controlled deformations to take place as explained in principle in
the diagram of Figure 8. In the project conditions of the Saint Martin access tunnel the
HiDCon elements have a height of 40 cm, a length of 80 cm, and a thickness of 20 cm. They
have been designed to yield up to approximately 40 percent strain in a ductile manner, while
the yield stress has been chosen to be 8.5 MPa. Figure 14 shows the characteristic stress-
strain diagrams obtained in our MASTRLAB laboratory.
Figure 12 Tunnel cross section (DSM) showing the excavation/support system adopted
(a) (b)
= 50 %
steel plate
25 1 1/2 2a 2b
σ a (MPa)
Sample 2a E 2a = 1450 MPa
15 Sample 2b E 2b = 510 MPa
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
ε a (%)
Systematic monitoring of tunnel convergence is underway along the tunnel where the support
system described above is being adopted systematically. Convergences are measured by
means of optical targets placed along the tunnel perimeter (5 in phase 1 and 7 in phase 2). A
number of special sections have been equipped with multi-position borehole extensometers
and strain meters located across the HiDCon elements. Extrusometer monitoring has been
used to measure the longitudinal displacement ahead of the tunnel face. In addition, the strain
level in the primary lining has been monitored.
In order to gain an understanding of the tunnel response so far, it is of interest to consider the
diagram of Figure 15, which shows the convergences measured along arrays 1-3, 3-5 and 1-5
(∆li-j) between chainage 1200 m and 1650 m, with the tunnel face being 15 m ahead of the
monitoring section. Also illustrated in Figure 15 is the tunnel “deformation” that has occurred
(i.e. the convergence divided by the length of each array measured at the time of installation
of the optical targets). It is relevant to point out that three stops of face advance took place as
• at chainage 1494 m, for 18 days due to the 2006 Christmas holidays;
• at chainage 1545 m, for 28 days, in relation to the tendering procedure that took place
between April and May 2007;
• at chainage 1605 m, for 14 days, for the excavation of a side drift at chainage 1488 m.
The following observations can be made:
• large deformations are associated with cross section P7.3 between chainages 1200 and
1400 m; with cross section DSM the convergences in phase 1 generally are smaller with
the tunnel strain never in excess of 6-7 %
• the 600-mm allowed convergence with cross section DSM has been exceeded locally
(e.g., between chainages 1525 and 1550 m where the rock mass quality was very poor)
and required re-profiling of the tunnel cross section before installing the composite lining
adopted in phase 2
• the tunnel deformation associated with cross section P7.3 appears to be rather different in
one section with respect to the neighboring one, which is not the case for cross section
P7.3 P7.3-DSM DSM
array 1-3
array 3-5
(%) 6
array 1-5
1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700
Chainage (m)
600 10%
100 2%
0 0%
1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700
Chainage (m)
Figure 16 Convergences at 80 and 120 days following excavation with phase 2 installed.
It also is important to consider the tunnel convergence versus time in phase 2 depicted in
Figure 16 above. This behavior occurs at a significant distance from the advancing face and
when the yielding support has been active for a certain time duration and the final concrete
lining has not yet been installed. The graph is for 80 and 120 days following excavation of
the monitored section. It is noted that between chainages 1450 and 1525 m the tunnel cross
section experienced along array 1-5 deformations in excess of that theoretically allowed
(400 mm). In such a case the yielding elements on the right wall (looking at the tunnel face)
attained the 40% limit strain (Figure 14) so that visible overstressing occurred in them, which
did not seem to be an issue because no difficulty was encountered before installing the final
A back analysis of the monitored data between chainages 1394 and 1507 m gives:
C∞x = 602.6 mm, X = 41.2 m, T = 35.3 days and m = 1.09, based on using the following
relationship [16]:
X 2 T 0.3
C ( x, t ) = C∞ ,x ⋅ 1 −
⋅ 1 + m ⋅ 1 −
x + X t + T
where C ( x, t ) is the convergence at the distance x from the tunnel face and at the time t ,
C∞ , x is the convergence at distance x obtained in the case of an infinite rate of face advance
(no time dependent effect), m is a non dimensional parameter which depends on the ground
conditions, X is a distance related to the distance of influence of the face (for an elasto-
plastic model of behaviour X = 0.84 Rpl, with Rpl taken as the plastic radius of the tunnel), T
is a characteristic parameter of the rock mass time dependent properties.
It is of interest to compare these characteristic parameters with those obtained for the
Lötschberg Base tunnel when crossing the Carboniferous Formation [5] as shown in the table
It is noted that the characteristic parameters in the two tunnels are remarkably similar. In both
cases the distance of influence of the face (this length may be estimated to be four times the
value of X [16]) is greater than 160 m; also, the time dependent properties of the rock mass,
which are related to the T parameter, appear to be nearly the same, which is to say that the
severity of the squeezing conditions in the two tunnels might be similar.
This paper discusses tunnel construction in very severe squeezing conditions when
excavation takes place with the conventional method and an innovative construction
technique is applied which consists of reinforcing the face, while allowing for controlled
deformation of the tunnel cross section behind. Central to the construction method adopted is
the introduction of a near circular tunnel cross section, the reinforcement of the tunnel face by
fibreglass dowels, and the use of highly deformable concrete yielding elements incorporated
in the tunnel primary lining which is formed with shotcrete and yielding steel ribs.
The case study of the Saint Martin La Porte access tunnel along the Lyon-Turin high speed
rail line, in a length which is being excavated through the Carboniferous Formation, “Zone
Houillère Briançonnaise-Unité des Encombres“, is illustrated. Emphasis is placed on the
description of the excavation-support method adopted and of the tunnel response as observed
by careful performance monitoring during face advance. It is shown that, although the ground
conditions met are characterized by an unusually very severe squeezing behaviour, face
advancement is now taking place regularly and continuously.
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