Exit Interview Form New
Exit Interview Form New
Exit Interview Form New
It is regrettable when an employee decides to leave JD.ID. It is therefore essential that we find out the reason why, if we are going to
avoid losing good people in the future. Once an individual decides to leave, they are likely to give a honest input which is invaluable to
JD.ID in identifying why people leave and giving ideas which can be implemented to change JD.ID for the better. We would therefore
ask you to complete the following questionnaire and return it promptly to your HRBP as the representative of the HR Department.
We would appreciate you taking a few minutes to answer the following questions as honestly as possible. Your response will be treated
with the utmost confidentiality. The information you provide are required and is extremely important to assist JD.ID with employee
retention strategies. Your participation in the exit interview process is appreciated.
Please describe the main reason(s) you are leaving your current positon?
☐ Personal Reasons ☐ Work condition and growth ☐ Pay/benefits ☐ Retirement
Please indicate the following factors that influenced your decision to leave (Check all that applies)
☐ Health Reasons ☐ Family Reasons ☐ Commute/Transportation
☐ Relocation ☐ Marriage ☐ Career Change
☐ Returning to School ☐ Child Care ☐ Other
Please indicate the following factors that influenced your decisions to leave (Check all that applies)
☐ Dissatisfaction with type of work ☐ Dissatisfaction with working conditions
☐ Dissatisfaction with tools and equipment provided ☐ Dissatisfaction with training and development received
☐ Dissatisfaction with level of input in decision ☐ Dissatisfaction with supervision received
☐ Dissatisfaction with coworkers/teamwork ☐ Dissatisfaction with promotional opportunities
☐ Dissatisfaction with working hours ☐ Dissatisfaction with the lack of organization vision
☐ Dissatisfaction company policies ☐ Dissatisfaction with office environment
☐ Dissatisfaction with lack of recognition ☐ Dissatisfaction with office facilities
☐ Dissatisfaction with workload ☐ Other
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ID. 007/R.00/F/HR/V/2020
Exit Interview Questionnaire
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ID. 007/R.00/F/HR/V/2020
Exit Interview Questionnaire
Were your expectations of the job and this ☐ Yes ☐ No Please explain :
organization met?
Were your talents and skills used in completion of ☐ Yes ☐ No Please explain :
Was your career path and future with our organization ☐ Yes ☐ No If not, please explain :
made clear to you?
Were there any positive aspects about your job, ☐ Yes ☐ No Please explain :
manager, or the organization that caused you to stay
as long as you did?
Were there barriers to productivity in your job or work ☐ Yes ☐ No Please explain :
What did you like most about your job? Please explain:
What did you like least about your job? Please explain:
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ID. 007/R.00/F/HR/V/2020