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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351

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Machine learning algorithms to predict flow condensation heat

transfer coefficient in mini/micro-channel utilizing universal data
Liwei Zhou a,1, Deepak Garg b,1, Yue Qiu a, Sung-Min Kim c, Issam Mudawar d,
Chirag R. Kharangate a,∗
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, 10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH, 44106, USA
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 90095, USA
School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, 300 Cheoncheon-dong, Suwon, 16419, South Korea
School of Mechanical Engineering, 585 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN, 47907-2088, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Miniature condensers utilizing mini/micro-channel has been recognized as one effective technique for
Received 23 May 2020 designing a compact heat rejection device. However, because of the complex behaviors in phase-change
Revised 12 July 2020
systems like flow condensation, accurately predicting heat transfer coefficients can be a challenging task.
Accepted 15 August 2020
In this study, a large database is utilized to develop machine-learning based models for predicting con-
Available online 4 September 2020
densation heat transfer coefficients in mini/micro-channels. A consolidated database of 4,882 data points
Keywords: for flow condensation heat transfer in mini/micro-channels is amassed from 37 sources that includes 17
Machine learning working fluid, reduced pressures of 0.039 – 0.916, hydraulic diameters of 0.424 mm – 6.52 mm, mass
Neural networks velocities of 50 < G < 1403 kg/m2 s, liquid-only Reynolds numbers of 285 – 89,797, superficial vapor
Gradient boosted trees Reynolds number of 44 – 389,298, and flow qualities of 0 – 1. This consolidated database is utilized to
Condensation develop four machine learning based models viz., Artificial Neural Netoworks (ANN), Random Forest, Ad-
Heat transfer
aBoost and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost). A parametric optimization is conducted and ANN and
XGBoost showed the best predicting accuracy. The models with dimensionless input parameters: Bd, Co,
Frf , Frfo , Frg , Frgo , Ga, Ka, Prf , Prg , Ref , Refo , Reg , Rego , Suf , Sug , Sufo , Sugo , Wef , Wefo , Weg , and Wego pre-
dicted the test data for ANN and XGBoost models with MAEs of 6.8% and 9.1%, respectively. The optimal
machine-learning models performed better than a highly reliable generalized flow condensation correla-
tion. Models were also able to predict excluded datasheets with reasonable accuracy when data points
including the specific working fluid were part of the training dataset of the remaining datasheets. The
work shows that machine learning algorithms can become a robust new predicting tool for condensation
heat transfer coefficients in mini/micro channels.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ing the heat acquisition components, while less importance has
been given to the heat rejection components that also contribute
1.1. Flow condensation in mini/micro-channel significantly to the size and weight of the thermal management
hardware. While commercial condensers can meet the cooling
New technologies in automotive, consumer electronics, requirements, they are far too large and inefficient. Miniature
aerospace, and defense industries are in need of lightweight, condensers utilizing mini/micro-channel has been recognized as
highly efficient, and compact thermal management solutions. one effective technique for designing a compact heat rejection
Two-phase flows including flow boiling in microchannel, spray device.
and jet-impingement configurations has been shown to be a very Typical configurations in mini/micro-channel flow condensers
effective cooling solution in such demanding environments [1–5]. include single or multi-channel in circular, square, or rectangular
The last few decades have seen unprecedented work in develop- cross-sections and horizontal or vertical orientations with respect
to Earth gravity. Flow condensation heat transfer in mini/micro-
channels depends strongly on the flow pattern and flow transi-

Corresponding author. tions which impact the corresponding thermal behaviors observed
E-mail address: (C.R. Kharangate). in the channel. Flow patterns and flow transitions depend on many
Contributed equally to this work.
0017-9310/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 L. Zhou, D. Garg and Y. Qiu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351

Nomenclature Wef saturated liquid Weber number, Wef =

[G(1 − x )]2 Dh /(ρ f σ )
Bd Bond number, Bd = g(ρ f − ρg )D2h /σ Weg saturated vapor Weber number, W eg =
C Confinement number (Gx )2 Dh /(ρg σ )
Co Convection number, Co = [(1 − x )/x]0.8 (ρg /ρ f )0.5 Wefo liquid-only Weber number, W e f o = G2 Dh /(ρ f σ )
cp specific heat at constant pressure Wego vapor-only Weber number, W ego = G2 Dh /(ρg σ )
cv specific heat at constant volume We∗ modified Weber number
Dh hydraulic diameter of flow channel X Lockhart-Martinelli parameter
E total error x quality, value of the node
F enhancement factor
Em loss function Greek symbols
Frf saturated liquid Froude number, Frf = α vapor void fraction
[G(1 − x )]2 /(ρ 2f gDh ) αr regularization parameter
Frg saturated vapor Froude number, F rg =
β aspect ratio, exponential decay rate
(Gx )2 /(ρg2 gDh ) δ error at the node
ε percentage data predicted within ±50%
Frfo liquid-only Froude number, F r f o = G2 /(ρ 2f gDh )
θ percentage data predicted within ±30%
Frgo vapor-only Froude number, F rgo = G2 /(ρg2 gDh ) μ dynamic viscosity
Ff fluid-dependent parameter ν kinematic viscosity
f activation function λ learning rate
G mass velocity ρ density
Ga Galileo number, Ga = ρ f g(ρ f − ρg )D3h /μ2f σ surface tension
g gravity acceleration
h heat transfer coefficient Subscripts
htp,exp experiment measured condensation heat transfer c critical
coefficient exp experimental
htp,pred predicted condensation heat transfer coefficient f saturated liquid, fluid
hfg latent heat of vaporization fo liquid only
i connecting node i g saturated vapor
j connecting node j go vapor only
k liquid conductivity l liquid
Ka Kapitza number, Ka = μ4f g/ρ f σ 3 pred predicted
tp two phase; condensation
L total number of input and output layers
w heated wall; inner wall
l layer
tt turbulent liquid-turbulent vapor
m training example
tv turbulent liquid-laminar vapor
M number of training examples; molecular mass
vt laminar liquid-turbulent vapor
MAE mean absolute error
vv laminar liquid-laminar vapor
MSE mean square error
n number of input parameters
P pressure factors including orientation with respect to gravity, specific pres-
Pc critical pressure sure, heat flux, flow rate, and channel geometry [6]. A study by
Pef saturated liquid Peclet number, Pef = Ref Prf Coleman and Garimella [7] conducted flow condensation experi-
Peg saturated vapor Peclet number, Peg = Reg Prg ments in multiple mini-channels with hydraulic diameters rang-
PF wetted perimeter of channel ing from 2.67 mm to 4.91 mm, and showed existence of four
PH heated perimeter of channel flow regimes, namely annular, wavy, intermittent and dispersed.
PR reduced pressure, PR = Pc /P Each regime was in turn subdivided into multiple flow patterns as
Prf saturated liquid Prandtl number, P r f = μ f c p f /k f shown in Fig. 1(a). In another study, Kim et al. [8] conducted flow
Prg saturated vapor Prandtl number, P rg = μg c pg /kg condensation experiments in micro-channels with hydraulic diam-
q heat flux eter of 1 mm, and showed existence of four flow regimes, namely

qH heat flux based on heated perimeter of channel annular, transition, slug and bubbly. Annular flow was further sub-
R relative roughness, R = e/Dh ; Pearson‘s correlation divided into smooth and wavy. These regimes and flow patterns
coefficient are shown in Fig. 1(b). Considering such varying flow behaviors,
R2 coefficient of determination dependent on both operating and geometric parameters, it is not
Ref saturated liquid Reynolds number, Ref =G(1-x)Dh /μf easy to accurately predict flow condensation heat transfer coeffi-
Reg saturated vapor Reynolds number, Reg =GxDh /μg cients in mini/micro channels.
Refo liquid-only Reynolds number, Refo =GDh /μf
Rego vapor-only Reynolds number, Rego =GDh /μg 1.2. Predicting heat transfer coefficient
S output, suppression factor
Suf saturated liquid Suratman number, Su f = σ ρ f Dh /μ2f Various approaches have been followed in literature to predict-
Sug saturated vapor Suratman number, Sug = σ ρg Dh /μ2g ing heat transfer coefficient in mini/micro channel flow condensa-
t target value of training example tion systems. The most common and widely used approach is the
T temperature development of empirical and semi-empirical correlations [9–17].
w weight of connecting node Researchers perform experiments over a range of geometric and
flow parameters with select working fluids to develop correlations
predicting heat transfer coefficients. While this approach gives ac-
L. Zhou, D. Garg and Y. Qiu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351 3

curate heat transfer predictions for the configurations and tests un- study, Jambunathan et al. [38] showed that ANNs could model one-
der investigation, it should not be directly used to predict outside dimensional transient heat conduction for liquid crystal thermog-
the tested range. Another approach that has also shown some suc- raphy and predict the convective heat transfer coefficients inside
cess is the use of theoretical models based on the physical behav- a duct. In recent years, we are seeing widespread implementa-
ior of the flow. A good example is the annular flow condensation tion of ANN to more complex heat transfer problems. Naphon and
model by Kim and Mudawar [18]. This approach was developed Arisariyawong [39] and Naphon et al. [40] applied ANNs to analyze
for the annular flow regime, and therefore, its utilization is limited the heat transfer in a horizontal tube heat exchanger with spring
to this flow configuration. A more thorough control-volume-based insert and heat transfer in spirally fluted tubes, respectively, with
approach involves computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations predictions outperforming available correlations in literature. ANNs
[19–22]. CFD approaches can predict transient flow and heat trans- have also shown good performance in predicting heat transfer in
fer behavior with detailed information on spatial and temporal dis- nanofluid based flow systems [41–44]. In a recent study, Qiu et al.
tributions of void fraction, phase velocities and temperatures. How- [45] consolidated saturated flow boiling heat transfer coefficient
ever, due to limited model development efforts to date, their accu- data from worldwide researchers and implemented ANNs with re-
racy in predicting phase-change systems including flow condensa- sults showing the technique outperforming widely successful gen-
tion is limited [23]. Recent progress in high-performance comput- eralized correlation-based predicting tools. While ANNs are most
ing has facilitated the employment of even more accurate Direct common, recent studies have shown interest also moving toward
Numerical Simulation (DNS) that provide a direct solution of the other machine learning techniques. Baghban et al. [46] performed
Navier-Stokes equations [24]. These simulations are very compu- a comparison between artificial neural network, adaptive neuro-
tationally intensive and have not yet been successfully applied in fuzzy inference system, and least squares support vector machine
microchannel condensation configurations. (LSSVM) models for predicting Nusselt numbers for helically coiled
An effective approach which relies on existing data from liter- heat exchangers with water based carbon nanofluid. Their results
ature, is the use of generalized or universal correlations. With dif- showed LSSVM outperforming other techniques.
ferent researchers performing experiments on flow condensation Even though machine learning methods have shown good
heat transfer over the last few decades on numerous fluids and an predictions across many thermal system applications, they have
extensive range of geometric and flow parameters, we now have not yet been applied to configurations like flow condensation.
reliable number of databases to develop these generalized corre- With available consolidated research on flow condensation in
lations. A good generalized correlation developed for condensation mini/microchannels, machine-learning methods can now be used
in plain tubes is the study by Shah [25]. He amassed data from to capture the relationship between relevant input parameters and
39 sources that included 22 fluids for diameters ranging from 2 condensation heat transfer coefficients.
to 49 mm, and the correlation provided reasonably good predic-
tions against the entire database, evidenced by an overall MAE of 1.4. Objective of study
14.4%. While the correlation by Shah [25] was for mini/macro-sized
channels, Kim and Mudawar [26] developed a generalized correla- A consolidated database consisting of 4,882 data points for
tion for mini/micro-channels. They amassed data from 28 sources flow condensation heat transfer in mini/micro-channels is amassed
that included 17 fluids for hydraulic diameters ranging from 0.424 from 37 sources [47–83]. Table 1 provides key information on these
to 6.22 mm, and the correlation provided reasonably good predic- individual databases incorporated into the consolidated database.
tions against the entire database, evidenced by an overall MAE of The consolidated database includes a broad range of condensation
16.0%. heat transfer coefficient data points with the following coverage:

1.3. Machine learning models for thermal analysis – Working fluids: R134a, R600a, R410a, R123, R245fa, R1234yf,
R22, R12, R1234ze, R32, CO2 , FC72, Methane, R152a, Propane,
Conducting full-scale experiments or full CFD simulations of R236fa, R404a
flow condensation requires enormous cost and time commitments. – Reduced pressures: 0.0396 < PR < 0.92
Heat transfer coefficient in flow condensation is usually a function – Hydraulic diameter: 0.424 mm < Dh < 6.52 mm
of many independent properties, operating conditions, and dimen- – Mass velocity: 50 kg/m2 s < G < 1403 kg/m2 s
sionless groups, each of them valid over a finite range of values. – Liquid-only Reynolds number: 285.28 ≤ Refo = GDh /μf ≤ 89,797
The generalized correlation approaches have shown how existing – Superficial vapor Reynolds number: 44.43 ≤ Reg = GxDh /μg ≤
data from worldwide researches can be consolidated to develop 389,298
high accuracy predicting tools [25,26]. The relationship between – Flow quality: 0< x < 1
these parameters and their relevance to the output parameters can
be deduced using novel machine learning based modeling tech- The objective of this study is to predict condensation heat
niques. transfer coefficient by using different machine learning models and
In the past few decades, unprecedented development of soft compare their performance. In addition, the predicted results of
computing techniques, such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), the best models will be compared with the generalized condensa-
Decision Tree, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, Adaptive Neuro- tion correlations to see how the machine learning technique com-
Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) and Support Vector Machines pares with that predicting approach. Finally, the ability of models
(SVM) have been performed, with their applications to a myr- to predict completely excluded databases from the training set will
iad of engineering problems. ANN are non-linear statistical mod- also be verified to check the predicting capability of these tools.
els, like projection pursuit regression models, which extracts lin-
ear combination of derived features as inputs thereby modeling 2. Modeling
the target as non-linear function of these features [27]. Machine
learning based modeling techniques for analyzing thermal systems For this study, the codes are written in Python, and Pandas,
have emerged as very promising in recent years with the high- Numpy and Scikit-learn [84] libraries are used to develop the
est interest seen in ANNs [28–36]. For heat transfer analysis, early machine learning algorithms. Specifically, four different machine
work by Thibault et al. [37] showed that heat transfer data for learning based models for predicting condensation heat transfer
practical problems can be correlated with ANNs. In another early coefficients in mini/micro-channels are developed and compared
4 L. Zhou, D. Garg and Y. Qiu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351

Table 1
Condensation heat transfer database for mini/micro-channel flows included in the consolidated database.

Author(s) Channel Channel Dh [mm] Fluid(s) G[kg/m2 s] Test modeˆ Data points
geometry∗ material
Dobson et al. C single, H copper 4.57 R134a, R12 75-653 quasi-local h 76
(1993a) x = 0.1-0.2
Dobson et al. C single, H copper 4.57 R22 75-509 quasi-local h 32
(1993b) x = 0.24
Dobson (1994) C single, H copper 3.14 R134a, R22 53-807 quasi-local h 165
x = 0.23
Hirofumi & C/R multi, H aluminum 0.96 - 2.13 R134a 200-1403 quasi-local h 62
Webb (1995) x = 0.12
Zhang (1998) C single/multi, copper, 2.13, 3.25, 6.20 R134a, R22, 200-1000 quasi-local h 80
H aluminum R404A x < 0.25
Wang (1999) R multi, H aluminum 1.46 R134a 79-761 local h 748
Yan & Lin C multi, H copper 2.0 R134a 100-200 quasi-local h 78
(1999) small x
Baird et al. C single, H copper 1.95 R123 170-570 local h 143
Kim et al. R multi, H aluminum 1.41 R410A, R22 200-600 quasi-local h 19
(2003) q = 0.5 - 1.5
Jang & Hrnjak C single, H copper 6.10 CO2 197-406 quasi-local h 85
(2004) small x
Cavallini et al. R multi, H aluminum 1.4 R410A, R134a 200-1400 quasi-local h 59
(2005) x = 0.2-0.3
Mitra (2005) C single, H copper 6.22 R410A 200-800 quasi-local h 144
x = 0.21
Shin & Kim C/R single, H copper 0.493-1.067 R134a 100-600 quasi-local h 237
(2005) small x
Andresen C single/multi, aluminum, 0.76, 1.52, 3.05 R410A 200-800 quasi-local h 315
(2006) H copper x = 0.32
Bandhauer et C multi, H aluminum 0.506, 0.761, R134a 150-750 quasi-local h 128
al. (2006) 1.524 small x
Agra & Teke C single, H copper 4.0 R600a 57-118 quasi-local h 50
(2008) small x
Kim et al. C single, H copper 3.48 CO2 200-800 quasi-local h 48
(2009) small x
Marak (2009) C single, VU stainless steel 1.0 methane 162-701 quasi-local h 129
x = 0.04
Matkovic et al. C single, H copper 0.96 R134a, R32 100-1200 local h 161
Park & Hrnjak C multi, H aluminum 0.89 CO2 200-800 quasi-local h 113
(2009) x < 0.3
Agarwal et al. R multi, H aluminum 0.424, 0.762 R134a 150-750 quasi-local h 43
(2010) small x
Bortolin (2010) C/R single, H copper 0.96, 1.23 R245fa, R134a 67-789 local h 309
Del Col et al. C single, H copper 0.96 R1234yf 200-1000 local h 66
Huang et al. C single, H copper 1.6, 4.18 R410A 200-600 quasi-local h 35
(2010) x = 0.2
Ossama & C single, H copper 6.52 CO2 50-200 local h 89
Pradeep (2011) small x
Oh & Son C single, H copper 1.77 R22, R134a, 450-1050 local h 108
(2011) R410A
Park et al. R multi, VD aluminum 1.45 R134a, R236fa, 100-260 local h 204
(2011) R1234ze(E)
Derby et al. R multi, H copper 1.0 R134a 75-450 quasi-local h 140
(2012) x < 0.3
Hossain et al. C single, H copper 4.35 R1234ze(E), 200-400 quasi-local h 91
(2012) R32 R410A
Kim & R multi, H copper 1.0 FC-72 118-367 local h 268
Kittipong et al R multi, H aluminum 1.11,1.2 R134a 350-690 local h 61
(2013) x = 0.08
Na Liu et al C/R single, H stainless steel 1.152, 0.952 R152a 200-800 local h 78
Heo et al. R multi, H aluminum 1.5 CO2 400-1000 local h 95
(2013) x = 0.06
(continued on next page)
L. Zhou, D. Garg and Y. Qiu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351 5

Table 1 (continued)

Gomez et al. R multi, H aluminum 1.16 R1234yf, 350-945 local h 192

(2014) x=0.022-
Goohyun & C single, H copper 7.75 R245fa 150-700 quasi-local h 21
Jaeseon (2016) small x
Jatuporn C single, H copper 3.51 R134a 380-750 local h 60
Kaew-On et al
Liu et al. C/R single H stainless steel 1.085, 0.952 propane, 200-800 local h 150
(2016) R1234ze(E), x=0.032-
R22 0.074
Total 4882

C: circular, R: rectangular, H: horizontal, VU: vertical upward, VD: vertical downward; ˆquasi-local: heat transfer coefficient averaged over the flow channel

in this study: Artificial Neural Network, Random Forest, Adaptive To fit a neural network model, the values of the weights needs
Boosting, and Extreme Gradient Boosted Trees. to be estimated using the training data. Regression and classifi-
The usual way of splitting the data between training and test cation are two broad types of supervised learning techniques. In
datasets is 70%–30%, 75%–25%, or 80%–20%. A good rule of thumb a regression problem, the sum of squared errors is used as the
is to have the training dataset be 3–4 times more than the test measure of fit, while in classification problems, cross-entropy (de-
dataset as the bulk of the model performance depends on training viance) is used. Weights of the neural network are estimated by
dataset volume. Data partitioning is investigated by utilizing dif- back-propagation algorithm, which is also called as the delta rule
ferent combinations of test and train data and 75%–25% split ra- or a two pass algorithm [87]. In the forward pass, the output is
tio is seen to be acceptable. Therefore, the consolidated dataset calculated using the current value of the weights and the error
was split into training and test datasets with 75%–25% split ratio estimated in back-propagated backwards in the second pass. Due
with 3662 training data points and 1220 test data points. The ac- to the compositional form of the model, gradient of the weight is
curacy of the models is ascertained mainly using mean absolute conveniently derived using the chain rule of differentiation. In or-
error (MAE), which is defined as der to prevent overfitting, some regularization is needed through a
  penalty term or doing that indirectly by early stopping [27].
1  htp,pred − ht p,exp 
MAE = × 100% (1)
N ht p,exp 2.2. Tree-based models
Many studies with machine learning algorithms use R-squared
Three different tree-based models derived from decision trees
error (coefficient of determination or R2 ) which will also be used
are investigated in this study: Random Forest, Adaptive Boosting,
for understanding model predictability. R2 statistic that is close to
and Gradient Boosting. A simple decision tree suffers from the
1 indicates that a large proportion of the variability in the target
problem of high variance, i.e. if the training data is split into multi-
variable has been explained by the model. R2 is defined as
ple parts then the results obtained from each one of the splits can
htp,exp − ht p,pred be quite different [88]. To sort this issue, Random Forest method
R = 1 −  2 (2) aggregates a number of decision trees and works on the principle
htp,exp − h̄t p,exp of “bootstrap aggregation” (bagging), to reduce the variance of the
machine learning model. In bagging, each training set is formed
In addition, the adjusted R2 that is an attempt to account for
by constructing a bootstrap replication of the original training set
the phenomenon of spurious increase in R2 value when additional
[89]. On the other hand, Boosting is a process in which the trees
predictors are added to the model, will also be used for under-
are grown sequentially, using information from previously con-
standing model predictability. It is defined as
structed trees. AdaBoost and gradient boosting models are based
  n − 1  on this principle of fitting the trees iteratively on residuals rather
Radj 2 = 1 − 1 − R2 (3)
n− p−1 than the target variable.

2.1. Artificial neural networks (ANN) 2.2.1. Adaptive boosting (AdaBoost)

The second model that is being developed is the adaptive
The first model that is being developed is an artificial neural boosting model (AdaBoost). AdaBoost was the first boosting al-
network model. Neural networks are frameworks for represent- gorithm proposed by Freund and Schapire [90] and remains one
ing non-linear functional mappings between a set of input vari- of the most widely used and studied algorithms with numerous
ables and a set of output variables. The representation of non- applications. A simple illustration of the principle of AdaBoost is
linear functions of several variables in terms of compositions of shown in Fig. 2(b). Here, we explain how the AdaBoost model per-
non-linear functions of a single variable is achieved using activa- forms a simplified two-dimensional classification of squares and
tion functions [85]. Generally, these models are considered as black circles. In the first step, a decision stump (D1), a one level decision
boxes that are unable to provide any insight about the system fea- tree, generates a vertical classification boundary that classifies cir-
tures and also have unknown parameters known as “weights” [86]. cles on the left side and squares on the right side. However, this el-
These weights are associated with the links between the nodes ementary model incorrectly classifies the three circles on the right
(neurons) of the adjacent layers. A set of input parameters are fed side also as squares. Further, in the next iteration, the model will
into the network and with the condition that there are no feed- place higher weights on the errors made on the previous iteration
back loops, the output parameters can be calculated explicitly us- (D1). Here, a horizontal classification boundary generated by the
ing input parameters and weights. Fig. 2(a) shows such a feed for- second decision stump (D2) classifies the remaining three circles.
ward neural network with input layer and output layer. The units However, even this model incorrectly classifies one square as a cir-
not belonging to input and output are collectively called as hidden cle. To correct, this, in the next iteration, the weight of the mis-
layers. classified square is increased further and the third decision stump
6 L. Zhou, D. Garg and Y. Qiu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351


Transition Slug Bubbly
Smooth Wavy

mw =
6 g/s

mw =
5 g/s

(b) Flow direction

Fig. 1. (a) Representative photographs of R-134a condensation flow regimes in channels of hydraulic diameter between 2.67 – 4.19 mm (Adapted from Coleman and Garimella
[7]). (b) Representative photographs of FC-72 condensation flow regimes in a flow channel of hydraulic diameter of 1 mm (Adapted from Kim et al. [8]).

D3 is successful in separating that square from the circle. Hence, while yi {-1,1}. The classifier fˆ(x )can take one of the values from
the final boosted model is the combination of all the three deci- {-1,1}. The Adaboost algorithm generates a sequence of weak clas-
sion stumps (D1, D2 and D3) and is better than any of the three sifiers induced on a distribution of weights over the training set.
individual models. A single-split classification tree with only two terminal nodes is
The Adaboost algorithm is mathematically explained as follows one such weak classifier. The algorithm is initialized with all the
and shown in Table 2 [91]. Consider m label training examples weights initially set to zero, but during each iteration, the train-
(x1 ,y1 ), (x2 ,y2 ), ……., and (xm ,ym ). The xi ’s are is some domain χ ing example that was misclassified on the previous iteration gets
L. Zhou, D. Garg and Y. Qiu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351 7


Iteraon 1

Iteraon 2

Iteraon 3


Bootstrap Trees

Dataset Averaging of
the individual
tree predicon


Fig. 2. (a) A feed forward neural network model. (b) AdaBoost model-based simplified 2-dimensional classification. (c) Random forest model architecture.

Table 2
Machine learning model algorithms (Adapted from [91]).

Procedures Output

Adaptive Boosting 1. Initialize observation weights ωi = 1

f (x ) =
2. For t=1 to T do sign[ t=1 αt ·
ft (x )]
3. Fitft (x)as the weak classifier on the training data usingω i
4. Compute

the weighted error rate as
ωi ·l (yi = ft (xi ))
er rt = i=1 m
i=1 ωi
5. Letαt = log((1 − er rt )/er rt )
6. Updateω i ← ω i · exp [α t · l(yi = ft (xi ))]scaled to sum to one ∀i ∈ {1, ..., M}
7.end for

Gradient Boosting 1. Initialize f0 (x) to be a constant, f 0 (x ) = arg minβ M i=1 L (yi , β ) f (x ) = f T (x )
2. For t=1 to T do
3. Compute the negative gradient as the working response
ri = −[ ∂ L(∂yfi ,(fx(x) i )) ] f (x )= ft−1 (x ) ,i = {1, ...M}
4. Fit a regression model to ri by least-squares using the input xi and get the
estimate at of β h(x; a)
5. Get the estimate β t by minimizing L(yi , ft−1 (xi ) + βt h (xi ; at ))
6. Update ft (x ) = ft−1 (x ) + βt h (x; at )
end for
8 L. Zhou, D. Garg and Y. Qiu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351

more weight on the next one. Thus, with each successive iteration network architecture that tapers down as we have only one out-
the algorithm is forced to focus on examples which are difficult to put parameter. For a fixed number of input parameters as shown
learn. The final classifier is the weighted majority vote of the indi- in Table 4, different combinations of hidden layers are investi-
vidual classifiers. It has to be noted that boosting risks overfitting gated. For models with few hidden layers like (10) and (20,10),
which can be remedied by regularization and stochastic gradient the MAEs are 19.9% and 17.9%, respectively. The corresponding R2 s
boosting methods [92]. are 0.82 and 0.85, respectively. With more hidden layers, mod-
els with (50,40,30,20,10) and (70,60,50,40,30,20,10) show MAEs of
2.2.2. Random forest 9.7% and 8.9%, respectively. The model with a large hidden layers
The third model that is being developed is the random for- network with (150,140,130,120,110,100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10)
est model which works on the law of large numbers, and hence, reached the best performance with an MAE of 6.8%, R2 of 0.98,
does not have an overfitting issue. Random forest is an ensem- and adjusted R2 of 0.98. Further increase in hidden layer does not
ble learning methodology first proposed by Breiman [93], in which improve the performance and can lead to overfitting with higher
the performance of a number of weak learners is boosted via a MAE in the test dataset. Finally, the hidden layers network of
voting scheme as shown in Fig. 2(c). Random forest adds an addi- (150,140,130,120,110,100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10) was selected as
tional layer of randomness to bagging. In addition to constructing the final model for the ANN network analysis performed in this
each tree using bootstrap sampling (i.e. randomly sampling with investigation.
replacement) of the data, random forest change how the classifica- Hyperparameter tuning was utilized to perform parametric op-
tion or regression trees are constructed. Each node in random for- timization for the three tree based models. Hyperparameters are
est is split using a subset of predictors randomly chosen at that model specific properties that are fixed even before the model is
node. The samples not selected are known as out-of-bag (OOB) trained and tested on the data. Hyperparameter tuning is search-
samples [36]. The bootstrapping procedure leads to better model ing for the most optimal sets of parameters for the model. This
prediction as it decreases the variance of the model without in- was achieved using the grid search technique where all possible
creasing its bias. Each tree is trained on a slightly different dataset, combination of predefined hyperparameter value range are tested
and therefore, are de-correlated from each other. to select the parameters resulting in the best model performance.
Table 3 shows the hyperparameter for the Adaboost model. The
loss function used for optimization is the exponential loss func-
2.2.3. Extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) tion. The base estimator is a decision tree with depth of three
The final model that is being developed is the gradient boost- while the limit for the maximum number of base estimators at
ing model. This model was first introduced by Friedman [94] and which the boosting is terminated is 100. While there is a trade-
is a manifestation of the gradient descent algorithm in function off between learning rate and estimators, the learning is set to 0.1.
space (prediction space). Gradient boosting algorithms optimize Table 3 also shows the optimal hyperparameters for the Random
cost function over the function space by iteratively choosing a Forest. The numbers of trees in the forest is capped at 50 with
weak hypothesis pointing in the negative gradient direction. The the maximum depth of the trees being 6. The function to mea-
gradient boosting algorithm uses a two-step procedure as shown in sure the criterion of the split while creating decision tree is mean
Table 2 [91]. The first step estimates α t , which represents the split square error, which is similar to the variance reduction method.
variable, their split values and the fitted values at each terminal Lastly, Table 3 also shows the optimal parameters used for XGBoost
node of the tree. By fitting a weak learner to the negative gradient model. Since, XGBoost is prone to overfit [95], only the parameter
of the loss function using least squares. A variant of the gradient to control it are discussed in the text and all others are shown in
boosting model, is the extreme gradient boosting [95], which will Table 3. The step size value during update, η, is proposed to be
be utilized in this study. XGBoost can be interpreted as a Newton 0.3, which is used to prevent overfitting. The maximum depth of
method in function space and offers the possibility of penalizing the tree is set as 3 because increasing this value also makes the
the complexity of the trees [96]. model more likely to overfit. The regularization parameters α (L1)
and λ (L2) are taken to be 0 and 1, respectively. A detailed discus-
2.3. Parametric optimization sion on different search techniques as utilized by us for optimizing
machine learning models is provided in Bergstra et al. [98,99] and
For the ANN model, parametric optimization was done using will not be discussed further in this study.
the manual search technique. Optimization of neural network is
not straightforward as it depends on several aspects like number 3. Results and discussion
of independent variables available, amount of noise in the data,
activation function used, loss function and the total data avail- 3.1. Model performance comparison
able. Table 3 shows the different ANN model parameters that are
optimized heuristically (manual search) and proposed to be used The consolidated data for condensation in mini/micro-channels
through this study. The important parameters include the learn- that is amassed in this study is utilized to test, develop, and com-
ing rate, λ, and L2 regularization parameter (α r ) which are set to pare the predicting performances for the four machine learning
0.001. In addition, the exponential decay rate of the first and sec- models under investigation. A combination of input parameters,
ond moments is specified to be 0.9 and 0.999, respectively. The including flow parameters, geometric parameters, fluid properties
loss function to minimize is the mean squared error (MSE) loss, as and relevant dimensionless numbers, is utilized to setup the model
it is the preferred loss function under the inference framework of with the heat transfer coefficient being the only output parameter.
maximum likelihood [97]. The Adam optimization algorithm [99] is These parameter selections are made such that we can maintain
run until the MSE loss is minimized with maximum number of it- model scalability in the future without any redundancies.
erations without satisfying the tolerance criterion of 0.001 is set First, we understand the impact of selecting specific combina-
to 100. In addition, it is necessary to evaluate the number of hid- tions of input parameters on ANN model’s heat transfer coeffi-
den layers and number of units in each layer. The number of nodes cient predicting capability. Table 5 compares the predicting per-
in each layer is selected heuristically as there is no rule of thumb formance for the ANN model based on different combinations of
that dictates the network width and depth. Usually, the number input parameters. Selecting models with low input parameters like
of layers in the first input layer is more, and then we select the those shown with inputs Bd, Prf , Ref ,and Frf (Case 1) and Dh , G, x
L. Zhou, D. Garg and Y. Qiu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351 9

Table 3
Optimized model parameters.

Model Parameter Value

ANN Activation function ReLu

L2 Regularization Parameter, α 0.001
Solver Adam
Batch Size 200
Learning rate, λ 0.001
Exponential decay rate for estimates of first moment vector, β 1 0.9
Exponential decay rate for estimates of second moment vector, β 2 0.999
Tolerance 0.001
Hidden Layers (150,140,130,120,110,100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10)∗
AdaBoost Base estimator Decision Tree (Depth = 3)
Number of estimators 100
Learning rate 0.1
Loss Exponential
Random Number of estimators 50
Forest Max depth 6
Max features Number of features
Bootstrap Yes
Max samples Training data size
Loss Mean square error
XGBoost η 0.3
ϒ 0.0
Max depth 3
Minimum child weight 1
Maximum delta step 0
Subsample 1
Sampling Method Uniform
λ 1
α 0
Scale Pos Weight 1
Refresh Leaf 1
Grow Policy Depthwise
Max Leaves 0
Max Bin 256

Based on optimization conducted in Table 4

Table 4
ANN model predictions for fixed input parameters and different combinations of hidden layers.

Test Case ANN Model Hidden Layers Input Parameters MAE R2 Adjusted R2

0 (180,170,160,150,140,130,120,110,100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10) Bd, Co, Frf , Frfo , Frg , 7.38 0.98 0.98

1 (170,160,150,140,130,120,110,100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10) Frgo , Ga, Ka, Prf , 7.13 0.97 0.97
2 (160,150,140,130,120,110,100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10) Prg , Ref , Refo , Reg , 7.14 0.98 0.98
3 (150,140,130,120,110,100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10)∗ Rego , Suf , Sug , Sufo , 6.80 0.98 0.98
4 (140,130,120,110,100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10) Sugo , Wef , Wefo , 7.34 0.98 0.98
5 (130,120,110,100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10) Weg , Wego 7.56 0.97 0.97
6 (120,110,100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10) 8.29 0.97 0.97
7 (110,100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10) 9.47 0.97 0.97
8 (90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10) 8.64 0.97 0.97
9 (70,60,50,40,30,20,10) 8.86 0.97 0.97
10 (50,40,30,20,10) 9.70 0.96 0.96
11 (20,10) 13.12 0.93 0.93
12 (20) 17.88 0.85 0.84
13 (10) 19.88 0.82 0.82

Final selected ANN model configuration
10 L. Zhou, D. Garg and Y. Qiu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351

Table 5
Model predictions for different combinations of input parameters.

Case Parameters Models MAE R2 Adjusted R2

1 Bd, Prf’ , Ref , Frf ANN 40.69 0.36 0.35

Random Forest 42.09 0.48 0.47
AdaBoost 56.25 0.34 0.33
XGBoost 38.23 0.50 0.50
2 Dh , G, x ANN 14.89 0.85 0.85
Random Forest 23.85 0.73 0.73
AdaBoost 40.14 0.59 0.59
XGBoost 13.48 0.89 0.89
3 cpf , cpg , Pc , cvf , cvg , ρ f , ρ g , PF, PH , PR ,P,β , Dh ,hfg ,kf , ANN 6.17 0.99 0.99
kg , G, x, T, μf , μg , σ Random Forest 21.52 0.86 0.86
AdaBoost 41.49 0.68 0.68
XGBoost 7.34 0.98 0.98
4 Bd, Co, cpf , cpg , Pc , cvf , cvg , ρ f , ρ g , Frf , Frfo , Frg , ANN 6.12 0.98 0.98
Frgo ,Ga, Ka, PF , PH , PR , P, Prf , Prg , Ref , Refo , Reg , Random Forest 16.54 0.90 0.90
Rego , Suf , Sug , Sufo , Sugo , Wef , Wefo , Weg , Wego , AdaBoost 33.49 0.77 0.76
Xtt , Xtv , Xvv , β , Dh , hfg ,kf , kg , G, x, T, μf , μg , σ XGBoost 8.36 0.97 0.97
5 Bd, Co, Frf , Frfo , Frg , Frgo , Ga, Ka, Prf , Prg , Ref , Refo , ANN 6.80 0.98 0.98
Reg , Rego , Suf , Sug , Sufo , Sugo , Wef , Wefo , Weg , Random Forest 18.56 0.87 0.87
Wego AdaBoost 34.60 0.75 0.74
XGBoost 9.06 0.97 0.97

(Case 2) give MAEs of 40.7% and 14.9%, respectively. As expected, ters. When we look at the predictions of the other three machine-
this shows that the limited parameter selection is not sufficient learning models, they follow the same trend in terms of predict-
enough to capture the condensation heat transfer coefficient in- ing performance variation with input parameter selection as that
formation. Now, considering a set of input parameters that in- of the ANN model. Therefore, the same set of dimensionless pa-
clude all the flow parameters, the geometric parameters, and the rameters as that selected for ANN are selected for further investi-
fluid properties (Case 3) gives an MAE of 6.2%. Similarly, if we gation for the tree based models.
consider all the input parameters taken together including non- Fig. 5(a) shows the comparison between the predicted and ex-
dimensional numbers (Case 4) we get an MAE of 6.1%. Both the perimental heat transfer coefficient data based on the AdaBoost
cases show the model being able to capture the heat transfer be- model. This model gives an MAE of 34.5% and percentage data pre-
havior very accurately. Finally, with a model just based on all dicted within ±30% is 63.6% and percentage data predicted within
the dimensionless parameters relevant to condensation (Case 5), ±50% is 78.0%. This performance of the optimized AdaBoost model
we get a slightly higher but still low MAE of 6.8%. The corre- is inferior to the ANN model results shown in Fig. 4(b). This can
sponding R2 and adjusted R2 are 0.98 and 0.98, respectively. While be attributed to tree-based models doing better with categorical
Cases 3 and 4 show a slightly lower MAE, we will utilize the all- predictors [95], none of which were included in this model. All
dimensionless input parameter model as the final model for fur- input parameters selected in this study were numeric, and for
ther analysis. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, to develop the current model, specifically, they are non-dimensional numbers.
general two-phase flow predicting tools, the dimensionless param- Fig. 5(b) shows the plots for feature importance, obtained for the
eters are the only set of parameters that provide a consistent com- AdaBoost model, showing ten parameters having the highest im-
parison across working fluids, with geometric and fluid parame- pact on the condensation heat transfer coefficient, h. The two pa-
ter variation. In addition, selecting a model with more input pa- rameters, vapor Froude number, Frg , and fluid only Froude number,
rameters like that done in Case 3 increases redundancies as the Frfo , show the highest impact of 40% and 33%, respectively. This
dimensionless parameters are calculated based on the other in- result is in line with the Pearson‘s correlation coefficient map in
put parameters making those models less useful. Therefore, ANN Fig. 3 that shows a high correlation of heat transfer coefficient with
model with input parameters: Bd, Co, Frf , Frfo , Frg , Frgo , Ga, Ka, Froude numbers. Other important parameters in the order of im-
Prf , Prg , Ref , Refo , Reg , Rego , Suf , Sug , Sufo , Sugo , Wef , Wefo , Weg , and pact include the Vapor Weber number, Weg , vapor Prandtl number,
Wego , is selected. The corresponding Pearson‘s correlation coeffi- Prg , fluid only Reynolds number, Refo , and liquid Prandtl number,
cient map for the input parameters and the output parameter, h, Prf , with impact between 4% and 6%.
is shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 4(a) shows the ANN model selected with Fig. 6(a) shows the comparison between the predicted and ex-
input parameters: Bd, Co, Frf , Frfo , Frg , Frgo , Ga, Ka, Prf , Prg , Ref , Refo , perimental heat transfer coefficient data based on the Random For-
Reg , Rego , Suf , Sug , Sufo , Sugo , Wef , Wefo , Weg , and Wego , and hidden est model. This model gives MAE of 18.8% and percentage data pre-
layers (150,140,130,120,110,100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10), and the dicted within ±30% is 84.4% and percentage data predicted within
corresponding comparison between the predicted and experimen- ±50% is 93.9%. The predictions of this optimized Random Forest
tal heat transfer coefficient data is shown in Fig. 4(b). While the model are better than what was obtained with AdaBoost but falls
MAE is 6.8%, the percentage data predicted within ±30% is 97.8% short of the ANN model. Fig. 6(b) shows the plots for feature
and percentage data predicted within ±50% is 99.8%. The results importance, obtained for the Random Forest model, showing ten
show how well the model can capture the heat transfer behav- parameters having the highest impact on the condensation heat
ior across the whole range of condensation heat transfer coeffi- transfer coefficient, h. The two parameters, vapor Froude number,
cient consolidated data. This result is not unexpected as ANNs have Frg , and fluid only Froude number, Frfo , show the highest impact
shown a lot of success with prior research in heat transfer analy- of 58% and 19%, respectively. These two parameters of highest im-
sis [38,40,41,44,46], including in a recent study on saturated flow portance are same as those in the AdaBoost model. However, the
boiling heat transfer coefficient prediction [45]. feature importance is captured differently. Other important param-
Table 5 also compares the predicting performance for the tree- eters in the order of impact include the vapor Prandtl number, Prg
based models based on different combinations of input parame-
L. Zhou, D. Garg and Y. Qiu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351 11












Fig. 3. Pearson’s correlation coefficient map for input paramaters, Bd, Co, Frf , Frfo , Frg , Frgo , Ga, Ka, Prf , Prg , Ref , Refo , Reg , Rego , Suf , Sug , Sufo , Sugo , Wef , Wefo , Weg , and Wego and
output parameter, h.

Fig. 4. (a) ANN architecture with input, hidden and output layers selected as the final model for this study. (b) ANN model predictions based on the input parameters Bd,
Co, Frf , Frfo , Frg , Frgo , Ga, Ka, Prf , Prg , Ref , Refo , Reg , Rego , Suf , Sufo , Sug , Sugo , Wef , Wefo , Weg , and Wego .
12 L. Zhou, D. Garg and Y. Qiu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351

Fig. 5. (a) AdaBoost model predictions with input parameters Bd, Co, Frf , Frfo , Frg , Frgo , Ga, Ka, Prf , Prg , Ref , Refo , Reg , Rego , Suf , Sufo , Sug , Sugo , Wef , Wefo , Weg , and Wego . (b)
Feature importance plot based on the AdaBoost model.

Fig. 6. (a) Random Forest model predictions with input parameters Bd, Co, Frf , Frfo , Frg , Frgo , Ga, Ka, Prf , Prg , Ref , Refo , Reg , Rego , Suf , Sufo , Sug , Sugo , Wef , Wefo , Weg , and
Wego . (b) Feature importance plot based on Random Forest model.

and liquid Prandtl number, Prf with both having impacts of around highest importance as those seen with results from the AdaBoost
4–5%. and the Random Forest models, the XGBoost model’s ability to cap-
Fig. 7(a) shows the comparison between the predicted and ex- ture the trends can be better trusted due to the lower MAE in heat
perimental heat transfer coefficient data based on the XGBoost transfer coefficient predictions.
model. This model gives MAE of 9.1% and percentage data pre- In general, the results from the three tree-based models all
dicted within ±30% is 96.0% and percentage data predicted within show that Frg and Frfo have the highest impact on the heat transfer
±50% is 98.9%. The predictions of this model is comparable to the predictions. This result is significant because several prior correla-
ANN model as shown in Fig. 4(b). Prior work in literature reports tions developed for condensation do not have these two parame-
that both ANN and XGBoost models perform better than other ters in their formulations [9–17]. The machine learning models do
machine learning models with XGBoost outperforming ANN when not explore or assume any underlying physics of the problem as
there are categorical predictors and response variables [100,101] in predicated in correlations, but they learn the predicting behavior
the data set. Fig. 7(b) shows the plots for feature importance, ob- from the training data instead. Fig. 3 shows the Pearson‘s corre-
tained for the XGBoost model, showing ten parameters having the lation coefficient between all the dimensionless predictors along
highest impact on the condensation heat transfer coefficient, h. The with the heat transfer coefficient. Including highly correlated vari-
two parameters, vapor Froude number, Frg , and fluid only Froude ables doesn‘t provide any benefit to model performance and are
number, Frfo , show the highest impact of 37% and 17%, respec- often handled naturally by getting dropped in several tree based
tively. Other important parameters in the order of impact include algorithms [96]. Furthermore to support this, we see that the Pear-
the fluid only Reynolds number, Refo , vapor Prandtl number, Prg , son‘s correlation coefficient between the heat transfer coefficient
vapor only Weber number, Wego , liquid Prandtl number, Prf with and Frg, Frfo and Frgo are 0.479, 0.561 and 0.484 respectively, show-
impact between 5% and 8%. While the same parameters show the ing strongest correlation with the target variable (‘h’) than any
L. Zhou, D. Garg and Y. Qiu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351 13

Fig. 7. (a) XGBoost model predictions with input parameters Bd, Co, Frf , Frfo , Frg , Frgo , Ga, Ka, Prf , Prg , Ref , Refo , Reg , Rego , Suf , Sufo , Sug , Sugo , Wef , Wefo , Weg , and Wego . (b)
Feature importance plot based on the XGBoost model.

other variable. This has led to these features being prime candi- for the four largest databases used in the consolidated data. Wang
dates to build the trees. However, correlation between Frg and Frgo [79], which was the largest database with R134a as the working
is high (0.767) and hence one of the two (Frgo in this case) has fluid, has MAE of 7.0%, and the percentage data predicted within
been dropped from feature importance list. The feature importance ±30% is 99.5% and percentage data predicted within ±50% is 100%.
result is not saying that physically, Froude numbers need to have Similarly, Kim and Mudawar [77] based on FC-72 as the working
a higher impact, and that the empirical correlation based predict- fluid has MAE of 5.3%, and the percentage data predicted within
ing two-phase heat transfer tools are not accurate. Such high cor- ±30% is 98.4% and percentage data predicted within ±50% is
relations between any two variables can occur and have been re- 100.0%. In general, the ANN model did well for all four databases.
ported as ‘Spurious Correlation’ in the literature [102,103]. It does These databases include a good variation of geometric and op-
however tell us the bias of the available consolidated data, show- erating parameters with 7 working fluids: R134a, R245fa, R410a,
ing that it may have some higher significance to the heat transfer and FC-72, mass velocity: 67 – 800 kg/m²s, hydraulic diameter:
behavior than what is currently understood. 0.76 – 3.05 mm, reduced pressure: 0.057 – 0.92, quality: 0 – 1.0,
Going forward, we select the two best models, the ANN model and fluid only Reynolds number: 303 – 44033. Fig. 9(e–h) shows
and the XGBoost model for further discussion because these two the XGBoost model predictions vs. experimental data for the four
models performed significantly better than the other two models largest databases used in the consolidated data. Results show sim-
that are investigated, the Random Forest model and the AdaBoost ilar trends as that observed with ANN model results. These plots
model. clearly show that both the ANN model and XGBoost model pre-
dictions are superior to the consolidated correlation by Kim and
Mudawar [26].
3.2. Comparison with generalized condensation heat transfer
Flow condensation in mini/micro-channel sees multiple flow
regimes but most of the data can be majorly subdivided into either
(1) slug and bubble flow- or (2) annular flow regimes as stated in
The ANN and XGBoost model results based on the test dataset
[26]. While the machine learning models are oblivious to the tran-
were compared with predictions of the generalized corrections by
sition point, the correlation by Kim and Mudawar [26] defines a
Shah [25] and Kim and Mudawar [26]. Table 6 provides the formu-
specific criterion as shown in Table 6. Using this criterion, when
lations of these generalized flow condensation heat transfer corre-
we compare the performance with respect to the specific flow
lations. As illustrated in Fig. 8(a), the MAE for Shah [25] is 40.0%
regimes as shown in Fig. 10(a–d), the ANN and XGBoost models
and percentage data predicted within ±30% is 48.0% and percent-
show that their performances are better than the consolidated cor-
age data predicted within ±50% is 71.7%. Because this generalized
relation by Kim and Mudawar [26] in both the flow regimes.
correlation was developed for primarily larger sized flow channels
with only 23% of the data falling in the hydraulic diameter range
under investigation in this study, the inferior performance is ex- 3.3. Predicting excluded databases
pected and is not an assessment of the correlation itself. As shown
in Fig. 8(b), the MAE for Kim and Mudawar [26] is 26.6% and per- All the previous results discussed in this study were based on
centage data predicted within ±30% is 65.4% and percentage data the machine-learning algorithms trained by using randomly se-
predicted within ±50% is 91.4%. The correlation by Kim and Mu- lected training data from 37 data sources [47–83]. However, a ro-
dawar [26] was also developed for a limited range of parameters bust predicting tool for two-phase flows is only useful to design
than those used in this study, which is the reason for the slightly engineers if it has the ability to predict data points outside its
higher MAE that that reported in their study. Overall, the ANN and training space. Here, we compare model performance for the op-
XGBoost models’ predicting capability is superior to both the gen- timized ANN and XGBoost models by excluding databases and pre-
eralized correlations. dicting the corresponding condensation heat transfer coefficients.
Another measure to understand the model performance is its Three databases were excluded one by one, such that we have
ability to capture individual datasets with comparable accuracy. one case with a fluid that is commonly repeating in the training
Fig. 9(a–d) shows the ANN model predictions vs. experimental data databases, one case with a fluid repeating just once in the training
14 L. Zhou, D. Garg and Y. Qiu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351

Table 6
Generalized condensation heat transfer correlations.

Author(s) Correlation Formulations

Shah [25] For vertical and inclined tubes

Regime I Jg ≥ 2.4Z+0 .73
Regime II Jg ≥ 0.89 − 0.93 exp(−0.087Z −1.17 )
Regime III Jg ≤ 0.89 − 0.93 exp(−0.087Z −1.17 )\
Where Jg = 0.5
(gDρg (ρl −ρg ))
For horizontal tubes
Regime I Jg ≥ 0.98(Z + 0.263 )−0.62
Regime II Jg ≤ 0.98(Z + 0.263 )−0.62
For all tube orientations (except upward flow)
In Regime I hT P = hI
In Regime II hT P = hI + hNu
For horizontal tubes, Regime II occurs when ReGT ≥ 350 0 0.
For vertical tubes in Regime III hT P = hNu
μ 0.8 0.04
3.8x0.76 (1−x )
Where hI = hLT ( 14μf g )n [(1 − x ) + ]
n = 0.0058 + 0.557 Pr
ρl (ρl −ρg )gk3f 1/3
hNu = 1.32Re−1
[ μ2f
Kim and Mudawar [26] For annular flow (smooth-annular, wavy-annular, transition) where We∗ > 7Xtt 0.2 :
hann Dh φ
= 0.048Re0f .69 Pr 0f .34 Xttg .

For slug and bubbly flows where We∗ < 7 Xtt 0.2 :
φg 2 2
hnon−ann Dh
= [(0.048Re0f .69 Pr0f .34 Xtt
) + (3.2 × 10−7 Re−0
Su1go.39 ) ]6 .
whereXtt = ( μgf )0.1 ( 1−x x
)0.9 ( ρρgf )0.5 ,
φg = 1 + CX + X , X = ((dP/dz
2 2 2 )f
dP/dz )g
2 f υ G 2
( 1 −x )2
2 f g υg G 2 x 2
−( dz ) f =
dP f f
, −( dz )g =
f k = 16Re−1
forRek < 2, 000,
f k = 0.079Re−0 k
for2, 000 ≤ Rek < 20, 000,
f k = 0.046Re−0 k
forRek ≥ 20, 000,
For laminar flow in rectangular channel (β <1),
f k Rek = 24(1 − 1.3553 β + 1.9467 β 2 − 1.7012 β 3 + 0.9564 β 4 − 0.2537 β 5 ),
where subscript k denotes f or g for liquid and vapor phases, respectively,
ρ σD
Re f = G(1μ−x )Dh
, Reg = GxμDg h , Re f o = GμDh ,Sugo = gμ2 h .
f f g

Liquid Vapor (gas) C

Turbulent Turbulent 0.39Re0f .o03 Su0go.10 ( ρgf )0.35 for
Re f ≥ 20 0 0, Reg ≥ 20 0 0 (tt)
Turbulent Laminar 8.7 × 10−4 Re0f .o17 Su0go.50 ( ρgf )0.14 for
Re f ≥ 20 0 0, Reg < 20 0 0 (tv)
Laminar Turbulent 0.0015Re0f .o59 Su0go.19 ( ρgf )0.36 for
Re f < 20 0 0, Reg ≥ 20 0 0 (vt)
Laminar Laminar 3.5 × 10−5 Re0f .o44 Su0go.50 ( ρgf )0.48 for
Re f < 20 0 0, Reg < 20 0 0 (vv)

Fig. 8. Comparison between predictions of the generalized corrections by Shah [25] and Kim & Mudawar [26] with test data predictions based on the (a) ANN model and
(b) XGBoost model.
L. Zhou, D. Garg and Y. Qiu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351 15

Fig. 9. ANN model predicting test data points from individual databases of (a) Wang [79], (b) Kim and Mudawar [77], (c) Andresen [52], and (d) Bortolin [61]. XGBoost
model predicting test data points from individual databases of (e) Wang [79], (f) Kim and Mudawar [77], (g) Andresen [52], and (h) Bortolin [61].
16 L. Zhou, D. Garg and Y. Qiu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351

Fig. 10. (a) ANN model predictions for slug and bubbly flow test data. (b) ANN model predictions for annular flow test data. (c) XGBoost model predictions for slug and
bubbly flow test data. (d) XGBoost model predictions for annular flow test data.

databases, and one case with no fluid information in the training has many similar properties to R134a [104], thus the models is
databases. able to capture the behavior to a certain degree. Fig. 12(c) and (d)
Fig. 11 (a–b) shows the ANN model and XGBoost model pre- shows the experimental data and corresponding predictions of lo-
dictions when Wang [79], the largest database from the consoli- cal heat transfer coefficient vs. vapor quality for some selected data
dated data, is excluded from the training database that consisted from Gomez et al. [73] for ANN model and XGBoost model, respec-
of the 36 remaining sources [47–78,80–83]. For ANN model and tively. Here, the models show them capturing the trends but not
XGBoost model, the results show that even though this was a large the local values as well as the last case with Wang [79].
database that was excluded, MAEs were as low as 13.5%, and 16.8%, Fig. 11 (e–f) shows the ANN model and XGBoost model predic-
respectively. We can see that in Table 1, R134a is investigated by tions when Kim and Mudawar [77] is excluded from the training
many researchers over a large range of geometric and operating database that consisted of the 36 remaining sources [47–76,78–
parameters, thus the reason for a low MAE. Fig. 12(a) and (b) shows 83]. The working fluid in Kim and Mudawar [77] was FC-72. The
the experimental data and corresponding predictions of local heat results show that both the ANN model and XGBoost model did an
transfer coefficient vs. vapor quality for some selected data from extremely poor job with MAE of 77.1% and 37.6%, respectively. This
Wang [79] for ANN model and XGBoost model, respectively. For a can be attributed to the fluid information not being available for
range of mass velocities, saturation temperatures and vapor quali- training, and the models not capturing the heat transfer variation
ties, the models can predict not only the local values but also cap- accurately in cases where working fluid information is not in the
ture the trends in condensation heat transfer coefficients with va- training database.
por quality. The results show a strong dependence of model performance
Fig. 11 (c–d) shows the ANN model and XGBoost model pre- on availability of fluid data in the training datasets. This is a short-
dictions when Gomez et al. [73] is excluded from the training coming expected of machine learning methods having high reli-
database that consisted of the 36 remaining sources [47–72,74–83]. ability on availability of prior data. In spite of that, the machine
For ANN model and XGBoost model, the results show that MAEs learning models show a reasonably good predicting capability. The
were 17.8%, and 14.8%, respectively. The data for the fluid, R1234yf, current shortcoming can be addressed over time by amassing more
is only available in one other training database, however, this fluid data for more working fluids that include more geometric and
L. Zhou, D. Garg and Y. Qiu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351 17

Fig. 11. Predictions of heat transfer coefficients of excluded data for (a) Wang [79] based on the ANN model, (b) Wang [79] based on the XGBoost model, (c) Gomez et al.
[73] based on the ANN model. (d) Gomez et al. [73] based on the XGBoost model, (e) and Kim and Mudawar [77] based on the ANN model, and (f) Kim and Mudawar
[77] based on the XGBoost model.
18 L. Zhou, D. Garg and Y. Qiu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351

Fig. 12. Local heat transfer coefficients vs. vapor quality of excluded data for (a) Wang [79] based on the ANN model, (b) and Wang [79] based on the XGBoost model, (c)
Gomez et al. [73] based on the ANN model, (d) and Gomez et al. [73] based on the XGBoost model.

parametric variations than that included in the current consoli- that the ANN and XGBoost models showed the best predicting
dated database. accuracy. Based on dimensionless input parameters, Bd, Co, Frf ,
Frfo , Frg , Frgo , Ga, Ka, Prf , Prg , Ref , Refo , Reg , Rego , Suf , Sug , Sufo ,
4. Conclusions Sugo , Wef , Wefo , Weg , and Wego the ANN model and the XGBoost
model predicted the test data with MAEs of 6.8% and 9.1%, re-
In this study, a new method for predicting heat transfer co- spectively.
efficient for flow condensation in mini/micro channels is pro- (3) The optimal ANN and XGBoost models performed better than
posed. A consolidated database of flow condensation heat trans- the highly reliable universal generalized flow condensation cor-
fer is amassed and utilized to develop machine learning based ap- relation in mini/micro-channels by Kim and Mudawar [26]. The
proaches for predicting the data. Key findings from this study are models not only captured heat transfer coefficients well for in-
as follows: dividual datasheets, but also for different condensation flow
(1) A consolidated database of 4,882 data points for flow conden-
(4) To check the predicting performance of the ANN and XG-
sation heat transfer in mini/micro-channels is amassed from 37
Boost models for datasets outside its training database, certain
sources that includes 17 working fluid, reduced pressures of
datasets were completely excluded, and the models were used
0.039 – 0.916, hydraulic diameters of 0.424 mm – 6.52 mm,
to predict the excluded data. Reasonable accuracy in predicting
mass velocities of 50 < G < 1403 kg/m2 s, liquid-only Reynolds
the heat transfer coefficients and the trends of heat transfer co-
numbers of 285 – 89,797, superficial vapor Reynolds number of
efficient with vapor quality was seen when data points includ-
44 – 389,298, and flow qualities of 0 – 1.
ing the specific working fluid were part of the training dataset
(2) Four machine learning based models, namely, Artificial Neural
of the remaining datasheets. The accuracy of the models was
Networks, Random Forest, Adaptive Boost and Extreme Gradi-
compromised when no fluid specific information was available
ent Boosting were developed and compared for predicting ac-
in the training dataset.
curacy. A parametric optimization is conducted which showed
L. Zhou, D. Garg and Y. Qiu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120351 19

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