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27 captures 14 f 🐦
28 Jul 2002 - 5 Apr 2016 2004 2005 2008▾ About this capture
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Haeling Angels - Astrologers who Menu

called themselves Raphael � Become a Member
By Kim Farnell, Section Biography � FAQ
� Search
Posted on Mon Apr 29th, 2002 at 22:33:27 EDT � Site Help
Astrologers speak of the works of Raphael as if they � Q & A
were all penned by one person. However, there were � Mission
six astrologers carrying the name of Raphael during the
nineteenth century. But why choose the name
"Raphael"? And who were the astrologers who chose to
name themselves thus? Create Member Account
Post Comment

The name Raphael means "God has healed" and his
day is 29 September. Usually Raphael is associated
with Mercury (some say the Sun). St. Raphael is one of Mail Password
seven Archangels. He was sent by God to help Tobit,
Tobiah and Sarah. At the time, Tobit was blind and
Tobiah's betrothed, Sarah, had had seven bridegrooms Creating an account is easy and
perish on the night of their weddings. Raphael painless. Simply enter your e-mail
accompanied Tobiah into Media disguised as a man address and you'll instantly receive a
named Azariah. Raphael helped him through his confirmation e-mail. When you do, you
difficulties and taught him how to safely enter marriage get to:
with Sarah. Tobiah said that Raphael caused him to
have his wife and that he gave joy to Sarah's parents Submit articles
for driving out the evil spirit in her. He also gave Vote on publication of articles
Raphael credit for his father's seeing the light of Rate comments
heaven and for receiving all good things through his Write diary entries
intercession. Besides Raphael, Michael and Gabriel are
the only Archangels mentioned by name in the bible. Once you register, you get to participate
in the creation of something unique in
Raphael's name means "God heals." This identity came the world of astrology online.
about because of the biblical story which claims that he
"healed" the earth when it was defiled by the sins of
Related Links
the fallen angels in the apocryphal book of Enoch.
Raphael is also identified as the angel who moved the � More on History of Astrology
waters of the healing sheep pool. He is also the patron � Also by Kim Farnell
of the blind, of happy meetings, of nurses, of
physicians and of travellers.
Story has been read by..
The association with the planet Mercury, ruler of 23 Urania users so far.
astrology is one clear reason why this particular angel
was chosen. As many nineteenth century astrologers
held day jobs and didn't want their true identities to be
27 captures
known, choosing angelic, or angelic sounding names 14 f 🐦
28was a popular
Jul 2002 - 5 Aprpastime.
2016 Additionally, most were also 2004 2005 2008▾ About this capture
members of one or another occult societies and so
would adopt a secret name for that purpose.

The first Raphael, Robert Cross Smith was known to

have read the magical works of Francis Barrett who
associated Raphael with Mercury and thus astrology.
Francis Barrett, a practically unknown author of The
Magus published in 1801.This was a concise handbook
on the occult and magic. Barrett, an Englishman,
claimed himself to be a student of chemistry,
metaphysics, and natural occult philosophy. He was an
extreme eccentric who gave lessons in the magical arts
in his apartment and fastidiously translating the
Kabbalah and other ancient texts into English. He
vigorously wanted with great enthusiasm to revive
interest in the occult arts. The Magus gained little
notice until it influenced Eliphas Levi. The writings in
The Magus are lifted almost completely from the works
of Cornelius Agrippa. Raphael also appears in literature
and paintings and was a recognisable figure. Now he
was to become associated with astrology forever.

Robert Cross Smith

19 March 1795 in Bristol. Died 26 February 1832 at 9:

07 a.m

Robert Smith, the first Raphael, was born in the village

of Abbots Leigh on the outskirts of Bristol on 19 March
1795 and died on 26 February 1832. Nine days after
Smiths birth, his rival Dixon was born. On the 15 June
1795, Richard Morrison, who was to come to fame as
Zadkiel was born. Astrology was being reborn.

At this time there was limited interest in the subject.

Very few books had been printed since the 1790's,
indeed there were few published in the eighteenth
century. Smith maintained that he began to study
astrology at an early age and took some lessons in

Smith was sickly child. Originally a carpenter, Smith

moved to London in about 1820 with his new wife to
work as a clerk with a builder in Upper Thames Street,
London. He already had been interested in astrology
for some years. One of his acquaintances was the
balloonist G W Graham, who numbered astrology and
alchemy amongst his interests. As well as introducing
Smith to his friends Graham gave him financial
assistance while building up his connections. It was
unlikely that Smith had the intention of becoming a
professional astrologer at this time. Such a thing didn't
really exist.
At a later date it was to be recognised that his work
27 captures
was had established a minor astrological boom. Dixon 14 f 🐦
Jul 2002 -has,
5 Aprwith
2016indefatigable industry and 2004 2005 2008▾ About this capture
perseverance, mainly contributed to the revival of
elementary philosophy; indeed, the rapid progress it
has made within the last six or seven years, is of itself
a convincing proof." After meeting Graham's friends,
Smith decided to leave his job and begin a career in
astrology. He was supported by Graham and moved to
a house off Oxford Street in central London.

In 1822 Smith and Graham collaborated on writing The

Philosophical Merlin "the translation of a script formerly
in the possession of Napoleon Bonaparte" . It was
dedicated to the "Famous and Renowned Mademoiselle
Le Normand". Mlle Le Normand was a famous Parisian
Tarot reader, but there is no record of her having any
connection with Smith.

Smith's interests went beyond astrology alone; as did

Graham he also practised alchemy. Smith was in 1824
appointed editor of a new periodical, The Straggling
Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century, in the twelfth
issue of which appeared for the first time his
pseudonym `Raphael', which was to become famous in
the next few years. He also introduced a weekly
feature predicting the planetary effects on love and
marriage, finance, business, travel -- the first weekly
predictions to be made in a journal. The Straggling
Astrologer did not last long; Smith had better luck with
The Prophetic Messenger, the first issue of which came
out in 1826, and which on his death in 1832 was taken
over and continued until 1858.

The Straggling Astrologer featured the writings of

Princess Olive of Cumberland. Olivia Serres claimed to
be the legitimate daughter of the Duke of Cumberland
and so have a claim to Royal lineage. Smith appears to
have been completely taken in by her "...Her Royal
Highness who has, we are persuaded been most
unjustly persecuted..."

On 21 August 1824 he first used the pseudonym

Raphael although he frequently signed himself the
Royal Merlin. Smith hoped to hit a popular note. The
third issue carried advice on how to judge if your future
wife was a virgin - the publishers' consternation
resulted in a number of changes to the magazine. The
next issue offered lots contributors added weekly
astrological calendar with headings for love and
marriage first weekly feature in history of astrological
journalism. Other writers weren't always impressed
with Smith and the name Straggling Astrologer
provided much mileage for humour - the Stumbling
Astrologer, the Struggling Astrologer.
A year later Olivia Serres' name was to appear on the
27 captures
title page of The Oracle of Human Destiny; or the 14 f 🐦
Jul 2002 foreteller of Future Events and accurate
- 5 Apr 2016 2004 2005 2008▾ About this capture
interpreter of Mystical Signs and Influences through the
medium of Common Cards, by Mme Le Normand. It
was believed by Ellic Howe that Smith himself was the
author of this book. The name given in the book was
Victorine Le Normand but the famous fortune teller of
Paris went under the name of Marie-Anne Adelaide Le

Smith's preoccupation with magic was viewed badly by

his contemporaries and many digs against him were
made by Dixon in The Spirit of Partridge1824. In
1824/5 Smith published Urania or the Astrologers
Chronicle and Mystical Magazine showing the existence
of another group called the Philosophic Lyceum.

Information was also given about the Mercurii - an

astrological Society of which Smith and Zadkiel are the
only known members. Smith began to present himself
as an expert in magical rituals and wrote more widely
than his astrological heritage would indicate. It also
made it clear that he wrote under the names of
Medusa, Alfred the Inspired Penman, Extraordinary
Genius, Royal Merlin and Mercurius. He also called
himself Merlinus Angelicus Junior after Lilly.

According to Zadkiel, Smith was hardly typical "In this

character as a man of some education, he was quite a
rara avis, for, since the days of William Lilly, who
flourished during the commonwealth, most professors
of the science have been extremely illiterate, the
necessary effort of the study having been placed under
the ban of public opinion."

He favoured the Placidean system so wrote tables of

house division on that basis. He is largely responsible
for their spread, since he issued Almanacs and
Ephemerides of the time, so that for lack of any other,
they are commonly used in the British Isles and in the
U.S.A. today.

Thomas Oxley 1830 - "Raphael is a gentleman of great

talents and scientific acquirements and is well known,
not only in the British Empire but also in the United
States of America and everywhere in Europe..."

Although the Straggling Astrologer ceased publication

in October 1824, it was republished in bound form in
1825 as The Astrologer of the nineteenth Century; or
Compendium of Astrology Geomancy and Occult
Philosophy. With additional material it was again
published as The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century;
or the Master Key of Futurity and Guide to Ancient
Mysteries. Much of Smiths occult writing was simply
cribbed from Barrett's work.
27 captures 14 f 🐦
- 5was
Apr becoming
2016 quite well known. Towards
the end of 1824 J English, a teacher of astrology
2004 2005 2008▾ About this capture
attacked Smith in the World of Fashion. "I do not write
as he has done for the purpose of exciting the
credulous to come to me to have their fortunes told.."
Smith was so angry that he moved to a more secluded
address off City Road, although he was to return to his
old home nine months later. He took his revenge on
English by publishing his horoscope with a baneful
prediction for the future.

Dixon's The Spirit of Partridge appeared in 1824 and

was used as a platform for attacks on Smith. Dixon
couldn't resist the occasional dig at Smith " Editor of
the Straggling Astrologer (stumbling Astrologer would
have been more appropriate..."

Always short of clients Smith didn't make a lot of

money from his astrology. As the Straggling Astrologer
declined he decided to give up astrology to open a
coffee-house but failed due to lack of funds. From his
writings it is clear that he used astrology in financial
speculation. It was at this point that he began to edit
the Prophetic Messenger. It was the almanac that
formed part of the PM that was to outlive him. A
number of publishers availed themselves of the
advertising opportunities and commissioned Smith to
write books for them. In quick succession appeared the
Manual of Astrology 1828, Royal Book of Fate, 1829,
Royal Book of Dreams 1830, and Raphael's Witch

His last major work was the Familiar Astrologer, an

allusion to Lilly. It gives an account of how on 21 June
1826 Smith met his friend Captain B at the Royal
Exchange "...having sold a few thousands of consols by
the following July account, which, although I am
naturally averse to "high play" of any description, I had
been induced to do at the persuasion of a friend,
chiefly to convince an unbeliever in celestial lore of the
ample means possessed by an Astrologer for increasing
the store of this world's wealth."

There is also the story of visit received by well-dressed

and imperious gentleman wearing a valuable ring.
Unwilling to give birth data he asked for a horary and
was told that he would die within two years. King
George IV obliged by dying 26 June 1830.

In 1829 he was subpoenaed as witness in bankruptcy

case. (10:40am) as described below in a newspaper

Globe and Traveller Butcher and Others v. Wroughton

"This was an action of trover brought by the plaintiffs,
27 captures
assignees of a bankrupt named Smart, to recover the 14 f 🐦
28value of goods
Jul 2002 - 5 Aprwhich
2016 had been sold by the defendant, 2004 2005 2008▾ About this capture
as sheriff of the County of Wilts., under an execution
which it is alleged had been obtained illegally by a
creditor for the purpose of a fraudulent preference.

"...Smart had committed an act of bankruptcy ...he

should call a witness of a novel description in a court of
law, a "conjurer" - he begged the gentleman's pardon,
he believed he called himself an astrologer, to whom
the bankrupt went to enquire if there was a writ likely
to be issued against him. He (the learned Counsel)
would produce the horoscope drawn by the astrologer
(laughter) with all the unfortunate bankrupt's
misfortunes clearly shown (great laughter) he - (the
astrologer) found the stars in conjunction, therefore he
believed it would be unfortunate to go to law, so he
advised him to threaten chancery (laughter), but to
avoid as he would a whirlpool that vortex of trouble
(laughter), so that the advice given by this astrologer
was sound sense, thou the premises from which he
adduced it were wrong. The bankrupt...He did not
know whether the astrologer foretold it.

"...the shopkeeper of the bankrupt Smart...said he left

home in consequence of his communications with
Raphael, the astrologer, in Tabernacle Walk, City Road,
who told him "he smelt a writ so strong that he ought
to leave home by the first opportunity...

Mr Sergeant Tandy for the defendant...could not

conceive that a man would visit an astrologer to know
his fate. He would rather visit an attorney, who could
tell his fate much better than any conjurer, therefore
he thought it was impossible they could think that he
left his residence to avoid his discreditors.

The persons in court appeared very much disappointed

that the astrologer had not been called... " Smith wrote
of this occasion in The Familiar Astrologer and spoke of
a number of elegant females eager to see him.

Smith died just as he was planning to move to another

publisher for PM as he was paid a fixed sum, whatever
the sales were, which were steadily increasing. The
daily predictions attracted a lot of interest, and in 1827
Smith was introduced to William Blake by John Varley
shortly before Blake's death. He claimed to have met
him several times (Urania or the Astrologers Chronicle

By 1830 Zadkiel had published his Herald of Astrology

in opposition to the Prophetic Messenger.

By 1831 this "mathematician and astronomer" "sat

pouring over the fates of Kings, Emperors and
27 captures
distinguished individuals."And had moved down the 14 f 🐦
28road to number
Jul 2002 75.
- 5 Apr 2016 2004 2005 2008▾ About this capture
In 1831 he fell ill "caused by much study". He spent a
bad winter suffering from a violent cough and frequent
fits. He died at 16:15 on 26th February 1832 of
consumption. He left behind his widow and six children
and �1000.

John Palmer

Born 28 May 1807, died 1837

When Smith died there was an immediate interest in

the future of PM as the copyright, which was his, had
some value. An astrologer called Dixon approached
Smith's widow and was informed that "two pupils of
her late husband had offered their services to write the
Prophetic Messenger for 1833". The first of this pair
was John Palmer who was employed in a chemists shop
in Duke Street, Piccadilly. He was born in Bristol on 28
May 1807 and had recently returned from Paris where
he claimed to have studied under Nicolas Vauquelin,
professor of chemistry at the Ecole de Medicine in the
Sorbonne. Palmer described himself as a professor of
chemistry and mathematics. His companion was P
Moody, Extra Door Keeper at the House of Lords. He
later became Head Messenger and died c. 1876.

Moody soon sent Mrs Smith a note: - "I object to a

mask been taken of Smith's face - because it will give
his death too great a publicity at present - the full
grounds I stated last night. Mrs Smith will use her own
discretion after this; at any rate I should not agree to a
cast being taken of his whole head."

Dixon had hoped to become Raphael the second but

had been pipped at the post. But whatever, he decided
to write a PM for 1833, not claiming to be Raphael "in
order to prevent the public from being so grossly
imposed upon, as I understand it is the intention of the
two aforesaid young men to write the Prophetic in
1833, for WC Wright, which publication will be said to
be written by Raphael! I thought it proper to premise
this much, and put the public in possession of the
facts, in order to prevent the dissemination of such
trash as cannot fail to emanate from the hands of those
who have yet to learn their ABC in astrology."

The 1833 PM contained a brief notice of Raphael I's

death and the statement that the present edition had
been published for the benefit of his wife and children.
By the time of Palmer's death WC Wright appears to
have bought the copyright and he continued to publish
the almanac until his death in 1858.
Palmer was a member of the Astrological Society of
27 captures
London and the Mercurii, the organisation started by 14 f 🐦
Jul 2002Smith.
- 5 AprHe taught astrology and gave the
2016 2004 2005 2008▾ About this capture
address of 75 Castle Street, East Oxford Street for
correspondence, he also held classes there. We don't
know what happened to Mrs Smith and the six kids but
Palmer appears to have taken on more than simply the
name of Raphael. Palmer's period as Raphael was not
to last long as he died in 1837.


28 March 1795

The astrologer Dixon - first name unknown - one of

Smith's main rivals - published an issue of the True
Prophetic Messenger in 1833. This so closely copied
Smiths publication it even used the same type and
copied the cover.


He edited the Prophetic Messenger from 1828 to 1847

and was also known as a dealer in occult manuscripts.
He charged 5s for "a horary figure for any event". He
charged from 20s to �5 for a "horoscope of the
whole life". He also taught astrology and sold "correct
copies of curious ancient MSS on Alchemy, Magic &c.
and all branches of the Occult Sciences. No horoscope
seems to have survived for him as Cross wrote in 1892
that he was unable to find it.


10 May 1814 7 26 am 23 cancer rising mo 23 32 cp

Died 1852 (data gives 10 cancer rising but hour later

According to Howe he edited the Prophetic Messenger

from 1846. A former naval schoolmaster on HMS
Victory he died in 1853. He was the first to use the
pseudonym Edwin Raphael. Little is known about him
but Cross states that he lost his mother at 16, his
father at 19 and he married about 20. He was a
"pleasant and amiable person; of excellent manners
but his constitution was weak and he was often ailing."
Cross states in the Astrologer's Magazine September
1892 that his editorship began in 1849 and that he
died in 1852.


B17 July 1820, died April 1875. Asc 29 scorpio mc

virgo 24

He was the editor of two issues of The Oracle: A

Monthly Journal of Inductive and Predictive Philosophy,
May/June 1861 Editing Prophetic Messenger for 20
years he was "a very good astrologer but negligent
27 captures
with his customers." He began to edit the Prophetic 14 f 🐦
Jul 2002 - 5inApr
2016following Wakeley's death. 2004 2005 2008▾ About this capture
He lived at the Elephant and Castle and advertised
usual astrological services and sold own special
dyspeptic pills. Raphael's Ephemeris 1861 "There are
several persons in London and in various parts of the
country who assume Raphael's name - such are
impostors. Raphael resides at Walworth..." The same
issue carried advertisements for "Raphael's' Dyspeptic
pills. He died suddenly was a good astrologer but
negligent with his customers not rich though he had his
own home. Sparkes had the dubious honour of also
being a Zadkiel. He was a friend of RJ Morrison for
many years and on the latters death in 1874 the
editorship of Zadkiel's almanac was passed onto him.
When the 1875 issue was published in the autumn of
1874 no reference was made to the death of its
founder. A simple notice was placed discouraging
correspondence. Unfortunately Sparkes was to die in
1875 making his reign as Zadkiel a very short one.

Robert Thomas Cross

15 May 1850 2:35 am

Robert T Cross was only twenty-five years old when he

started to edit the Prophetic Messenger. He obtained
the copyright to Raphael's Ephemeris in the 1870's and
it is still owned by the Cross family. Owing to the
similarity in names, he is frequently confused with
Robert Cross Smith. Born in East Anglia, he published
his own horoscope in Raphael's Ephemeris for 1913
where he wrote: ": "Nothing has prospered with me
except astrology. I have tried many things but have
ended in failure or loss. In Astrology, however, I have
succeeded beyond my expectations, and my life as a
whole leaves me much to be thankful for."

His Guide to Astrology, published in two volumes in

1877-9 was widely used for many years. He does not
appear to have practised astrology, but in his almanac
supplied the names of astrologers for whom applicants
for horoscopes could apply. Cross was renowned
among his peers for "Placing astrology in a cheap form,
void of all abstruse technicalities, before the masses,
and thus endeavouring to prove it is not specially for
the well-to-do, who alone are able to pay the high price
charged for certain abstruse mathematical emanations,
but that it is a science for all, poor and rich."

Cross never claimed to be a mathematician or scientist,

unlike many of his contemporaries. He advertised the
Society of the Most Ancient Magi - Institute for the
especial purpose of advocating Astrology in its purity
and for the spreading of occult knowledge." 10 It is
27 captures
clear that despite the myth surrounding him, Cross 14 f 🐦
Jul 2002as- 5a Apr
2016 astrologer. In the 1870's the 2004 2005 2008▾ About this capture
following appeared in an astrological periodical
"Astrology taught and Nativities calculated Prospectus
Sec. Mr Robert Cross, 15 Malvern Road, Dalston
London NE. He also advertised the Society of the Most
Ancient Magi "Institute for the especial purpose of
advocating Astrology in its purity and for the spreading
of Occult knowledge." It is unknown whether anyone
actually joined this society.

As with all Raphael's, Cross' interests were wider than

astrology alone He was convinced that he was able to
mesmerise animals and vegetables.3 His life as an
astrologer did not make an easy start as he states that
he was nearly ruined after being conned by friends in

In 1893 his almanac sold 200,000 copies. A prolific

writer, Cross could not resist involving himself in every
astrological argument going. His name pops up
incessantly in the correspondence pages of periodicals.
He particularly enjoyed locking horns with Sepharial. It
may appear from his writings that he was opposed to
the Theosophical astrology that was emerging.
However, a letter in the Astrologers Magazine of
January 1894 makes it clear that he was a member at
that time. Although he stated that he would discuss
Theosophy "whether in Theosophical journals or out of
them, provided I can get on the right side of the editor"
we can only assume that he didn't as none of his
writings appear in the Theosophical press.

Modesty was never a problem. In April 1895, Cross

wrote about the death of his granddaughter, the
previous November in the Astrologers Magazine. "it is
unfortunate that the parents did not send for me
instead of their medical attendant...the chances are ten
to one that I could have saved its life by recommending
suitable medical treatment." I have yet to trace his
family records but he certainly married young enough
to have a grandchild by 1894. He was reputed to have
had a happy married life.

From 1889 in Raphael's Almanac, Cross suggested that

an astrological society be formed. This was a popular
plea of all astrologers at the time. In 1895 the
Astrologer's Magazine cited Cross in support of forming
a society and he wrote several letters saying this.
Finally, on 14 January 1896 Alan Leo founded a society
with himself as president and Cross as vice-president.
Modern Astrology was intended to be the society's
official organ and Cross' writings in it are notable by
their absence.
On his death in 1923 an obituary appeared in the
27 captures
British Journal of Astrology, where EH Bailey said "His 14 f 🐦
28genial personality
Jul 2002 will be missed by all who knew him,
- 5 Apr 2016 2004 2005 2008▾ About this capture
and none the less than by the little band of assiduous
workers who assisted him in the heavy and onerous
work of compiling the Raphael's ephemeris. Probably
no one can write with better knowledge of this than
myself, as for nearly twenty years Mr Cross availed
himself of my assistance in connection with his
astrological work." However, EH Bailey shows a marked
propensity for exaggerating his own importance in the
astrological world so the level of his "assistance" can
only be guessed at.

Cross didn't make great efforts to increase his own

popularity. Which may go some way to explaining why
Modern Astrology completely ignored his death. He was
a noted enough figure in his time for his death to be
reported in the press. Arthur Mee felt moved to
mention it in the August 10th issue of the Cardiff
Evening Express. "I did not know Raphael personally,
but shall always feel grateful to him because my first
introduction to astrology was made through the
medium of his `Key'." Raphael's Ephemeris had no
hiccough in its sales with the death of Cross. It
continues to be sold today and remains in the
ownership of his descendants.

Cross died shortly after AJ Pearce, the then Zadkiel.

The reigns of Raphael and Zadkiel began and ended

As a closing note...I am indebted to Caroline Gerard

who sent me a cutting from Scotland on Sunday dated
5 August 2001 where a horoscope column appears
under the name of Raphael. She described the heading
photograph as being of someone who "...looks like he's
been told to stop playing with his Play Station and go
and tidy his room." Raphael in all his incarnations has
been petulant. I am delighted to see the tradition
continue. But I have yet to hear of the new Zadkiel....

Sources etc available on request.

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Haeling Angels - Astrologers who called themselves Raphael | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 editorial, 0 pending)
School Massacre in Germany ( none / 0 ) (#1)
by Anonymous Hero on Fri May 3rd, 2002 at 16:54:55 EDT
An insightful article, Bill. Thanks. Go MAR APR SEP 👤 ⍰ ❎
Some time ago I analyzed ten school shootings, in each of which one or more children were killed. My
27 captures 14 f 🐦
findings, which can be read at http://www.considerations-mag.com/artif.htm, seem to also hold up for
28 Jul
this 2002shooting.
latest - 5 Apr 2016 2004 2005 2008
▾ About this capture

Haeling Angels - Astrologers who called themselves Raphael | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 editorial, 0 pending)

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