Stock Screener203025
Stock Screener203025
Stock Screener203025
Source: Equitymaster
P/E (x) D/E (Curr FY, x) RoE (5 yrs, Avg. %)
27.9 8.9 7.4%
82.1 0.5 8.7%
9.5 0.8 10.6%
61.9 0.7 17.6%
123.0 1.2 3.9%
44.9 1.0 20.6%
52.0 0.3 18.5%
31.2 0.4 18.7%
103.1 0.0 11.0%
200.8 0.2 5.4%
35.3 3.0 22.3%
45.0 0.0 28.4%
38.6 3.8 16.2%
17.1 0.1 15.2%
136.7 0.5 22.9%
82.4 0.6 20.7%
105.6 0.0 13.1%
35.9 5.9 16.9%
52.3 0.0 19.9%
48.2 0.2 11.6%
10.9 1.0 9.5%
20.8 7.2 15.5%
19.1 6.9 8.8%
28.5 0.0 11.1%
24.8 3.8 12.3%
20.1 4.0 20.8%
59.2 0.1 6.5%
12.9 3.8 13.2%
NM 0.1 25.2%
11.5 1.8 17.7%
23.9 0.4 9.6%
32.0 2.8 13.9%
78.5 0.1 24.6%
46.4 3.9 19.8%
45.5 2.0 3.6%
85.6 0.0 91.1%
62.5 0.0 42.9%
21.6 0.0 21.9%
47.9 0.0 16.4%
6.3 0.4 11.9%
18.5 1.6 13.6%
75.0 0.2 21.7%
68.5 0.1 13.2%
19.0 0.2 11.4%
52.2 1.0 40.1%
14.4 7.1 11.5%
28.3 0.0 40.3%
75.5 0.0 18.4%
11.1 1.5 11.4%
30.8 0.0 18.7%
21.6 0.1 22.1%
29.2 0.2 16.0%
52.1 0.1 36.2%
23.6 0.0 20.9%
22.9 0.0 27.4%
27.3 1.5 13.0%
29.6 0.0 23.6%
116.1 1.7 11.6%
18.9 0.2 17.5%
101.9 0.0 22.8%
63.7 0.1 22.2%
60.6 0.1 23.2%
22.4 0.1 19.3%
12.4 0.9 14.8%
30.8 1.2 15.6%
NM 1.1 22.8%
12.4 0.1 23.8%
67.6 2.9 15.2%
82.0 0.0 10.5%
7.1 2.0 22.6%
40.3 0.0 10.2%
8.9 1.4 14.4%
163.2 9.2 15.8%
7.0 12.8 5.6%
9.2 13.9 8.8%
19.0 0.4 8.1%
NM -0.6 6.8%
53.3 0.1 2.0%
NM 0.0 0.0%
NM 15.6 3.0%
38.2 0.0 20.0%
51.8 0.7 15.9%
20.7 0.0 23.4%
36.4 0.0 12.3%
18.0 0.8 14.2%
28.9 0.0 7.1%
34.1 0.6 12.8%
83.4 2.8 1.0%
nd should not be treated as such. Also note that these screeners are based only on numbers. There is no screening for management qualit
ning for management quality.