Ahmad's Project
Ahmad's Project
Ahmad's Project
However, due to the impact of ICTs, this arena is fast changing. The new electronic
era, having Internet in the forefront, is pushing libraries towards the digital
environment. This has led libraries to acquire, organize and provide access to
electronic resources required for their users. The emergence of electronic
information resources (EIRs) has greatly transformed information handling and
management in Nigerian university communities. Electronic information resources
have become one of the most important and essential for all activities aspects of
information in the current era of information and communication technology.
Eresources can be very helpful to the users in available information and knowledge
services. The use of e-resources is now commonplace among academics in tertiary
educational institutions the world over. Electronic information resources are
electronic version of print formats which is a crucial part of library collection in the
digital era. Hitherto, the universe of knowledge was mainly in the form of print
while libraries served as link between students and information sources, using
manual method to retrieve and disseminate information. The method was
considered inadequate in the digital era. The use of the Internet and WWW has
made accessibility to remote databases and full text online resources possible. So
it‟s the responsibility of library to keep pace with technological developments and
cope up with the users demand for e-information Kumar & Singh (2011).
Electronic resource as defined by AACR2, (2002) is any work encoded and made
available for access through the use of a computer which includes electronic data
available by:
It is therefore against this background that this research is set to investigate the use
of E-resources in the Library of skyline university Nigeria.
3. What challenges are associated with the use of electronic resources in the
library under study?
1.4 Objectives of the study
3. To find out the challenges associated with the use of EIR in the library.
The following terms have been defined operationally to ease the understanding of
this project work.
1. Information resources: An element of infrastructure that enables the
transaction of certain selected significant and relevant data, prepared so as to
provide content and information services that can be used directly by the
3. Use: to put into action or service. the action of using something or the state
of being
Arokoyo T., (2005) ICTs Application in Library and Information Centers Delivery.
A-Journal on Procedure.
2.1 Introduction
In the course of this research a lot of literature had been contacted to support and
give solid background to the topic under the study. The review is organized under
the following sub-heading:
Anupam Mitra (2020) outlines the findings of a study conducted during COVID-19
to identify E-resources‟ Challenges and Opportunities. The study discusses the
various obstacles that e-resource users encounter and the edutech options available
locally and worldwide in a universal library. Due to the worldwide COVID-19
epidemic in 2020, e- resources will be heavily exploited. All stakeholders have
understood the obstacles and promising future potential accessible in this subject in
e-resources. Users will have to cope with the new growing digital world and devise
the best possible ways and methods for managing these resources efficiently and
effectively for enhanced availability and accessibility, providing convenient and
comfortable use while overcoming all obstacles.
Determine the extent of use. This would help guide must librarians In the
transformations required in handling information in the context of the
complex challenges posed by the emerging e-learning environment and
globalization. The traditional university library cannot compete favourably well
with the modern information technology, especially with their outdated and
obsolete traditional resources of prints. Given this assertion, libraries have
transformed into digital and virtual libraries where books, journals and magazines
have changed into e-books, e-journals, and e-magazines (Akpojotor, 2016).
Electronic resources could also be adjudged as information materials that need
computer device to access, whether through a personal computer (PC), Mainframe
or handled mobile devices and are facilitated by the use of the internet or LANs
(Igwe&Uzuegbu 2013). An electronic source is any library or information
resources that can be accessed via a computer such as an email, internet, video,
audio recording etc. Electronic resources according to the International Federation
of Library Association (IFLA, 2012) are those materials that require computer
access, whether through a personal computer, mainframe, or handheld mobile
devices. They may be accessed remotely via the internet or locally. Similarly,
Mansur (2012) describing electronic resources as electronic products that deliver a
collection of data, be it text referring to full text databases, e-journals, e-books,
image collections, other multimedia products and numerical, graphical or time
based, as commercially available title that has been published with a sole aim of
being marketed and for information dissemination. According to Oyedapo and Ojo
(2013), e-journal offers a range of potential advantages to libraries and end-users.
EIRs are domiciled in CD-ROMs, computer hard disc, and databases and
disseminated through an electronic library of a University. Igbo and Imo (2017)
stated that a major advantage of the EIRs is being able to share and distribute the
resource. Ugwu and Onyegiri (2013) clearly gave examples of electronic resources
which include, but are not limited to: web sites, online databases, e-journals,
ebooks, electronic integrating resources, and physical carriers in all formats,
whether free or fee-based, required to support research in the subject covered, and
maybe audio, visual, and/or text files.
Owolabi, Ajiboye, Lawal and Okpeh (2012) observed that EIRs have increasingly
become an invaluable asset in education, research, teaching and learning. They
noted that EIRs have transformed the conduct of research and teaching in
universities by allowing Academic staff opportunity for accessing a wide range of
accurate and timely information on various subjects. Electronic resources have
placed themselves at the top priority in academic and research organizations,
especially in developing countries. Electronic resources have the advantage of
being more current, and sometimes more comprehensive than comparable print
equivalents. The dawn of electronic resources (E-resources) has drastically changed
the way of accessing the conserved information in databases and provided 4tilizati
speeds for retrieving it (Suboohi Siddiqui, 2018). EIRs are highly important
teaching and research tools, which complement print-based resources and enhance
the learning and research processes in any academic institution (Iroaganachi, 2016;
Dadzie, 2005). Electronic resources are the electronic representation of the
information. There are available in various forms like e-books, digital libraries,
online journal, magazine, and e-learning tutors and online test. Because of the
effective presentation with multimedia tools, these e-resources have become the
source of information. According to Shuling (2007), electronic information has
gradually become a major resource in every university library. The
emergence of electronic information resources, simply referred to as
electronic resources,has tremendously transformed information handling and
management in academic environments and in University libraries in particular.
Ellis and Oldman (2005) note that through the use of electronic resources,
researchers and students; now have access to global information resources,
particularly the Internet for their scholarly intercourse.The death of current and
up-to-date information for research in University libraries is attributed to
poor levels of developing electronic information resources, (Afolabi, 2007;
Faborode, 2007; Bozimo, 2007). Libraries need to be vanguards for
technology transfer from the developed world to the developing economies of
Africa; to meet these expectations African university libraries must provide a link
between local researchers, scholars and their counter parts in other parts of the
world. Utilization of online information resources is the way of achieving
this objective. According to Tsakonas et al. (2006) electronic information
resources are information resources provided in electronic
Form, and these include resources available on the Internet such as e-books
e-journals, online database, CD-ROM databases and other computer –based
electronic networks, among others.
The advent of Internet has dramatically changed the way people and institutions
function. It has led to tremendous change in the way libraries function and offer
services to their users. At present, the libraries actively procure, organize, display
and issue e-forms of books, journals, newspapers, theses and dissertations. This is
also due to change in information seeking behavior of users. The new generation of
users prefers online resources as they want all information at the click of mouse.
The e- resources have certain inherent characteristic features which offer
convenience to the users. An e- resource is material which requires computer
mediation in order to access its content and make it useful. Both online and offline
resources such as CD ROMs fall within the scope of e- resources. The term
eresource refers to all the products which a library provides through a computer
network. The electronic resources are also known as online information resources
covering bibliographic databases, electronic reference books, search engines for
full textbooks, and digital collections of data. They include both “born digital”
materials which has been produced directly online. Access to the electronic
resources may be free via Internet or may be available against a fee.
2.Easy to use
6.Time saving
2.4 Availability of Electronic Information Resources
2.5 Use of Electronic information resources .
Information centres and libraries have the challenges to maintain the overflow of
new- fangled literature. A number of developments have been occurred in recent
years with respect to the electronic resources. Publishers are concerned about costs,
reader behaviour and expectations, rights management and archiving. Scholars
prefer to have trouble-free access to intricate information, including easy access to
full text and reference linking. On the other hand the aggregators face the problem
of organization content from various sources, providing orientation linking not
only their own service but to other service providers, ensuring wholeness and
privileges management and archiving. Library consortia have become extremely
significant by means of cooperative purchasing and conciliation of licenses, they
are assured for access and proper management. Access to electronic information
resources such as abstracting and indexing databases and electronic journals is
purchased under license by the library on behalf of the institution. Exact license
terms vary from one publisher to another, but in general they authorize use of the
resources by current students and staff of the institution only for the purposes of
academic research. Use of the resources for commercial purposes and unauthorized
users is explicitly prohibited. The E-resources plays a vital role in the all over
world, every user must knew the importance of e- resources, it is accepted by all
kind of people because of its accessibility, affordability, usability and readability.
5. The electronic resources unresponsive to environment exposure and if
handle with care, it will Prove huge stability which cannot be attain on paper
based print media.
6. Saves massive time by providing easy and immediate access without slaying
time for processing,printing, binding and delivery.
7. It also saves the space of the library.
8. It gives awareness to the user community such as PG students, research
scholars, faculty, staff etc.
9. The user can get all the data in digitalized format, so there is no need for
printing and binding.
10.The cost of e-resources is less than the print version
11.It allocates the interactive facility.
12.Have possible to preserve delicate / valuable unique materials.
13.To access and recover appropriate articles, number of search engines is
14.It facilitates concurrent access to huge number of users.
15.Numerous access and through limited networks become easy.
retrieval of required information within a short period of time. There is some of the
challenges in offering the high level of the services to users. Some of the
challenges facing with e-resources management are discussed below: A. Shortage
of library funds:
ICT demand more funds for its infrastructure and continuing services. Most of the
libraries have inadequate fund for acquiring e-resources and so the users do not get
their needy information at the right time. Therefore, shortage of library fund to
establish and run the same is challenges were identified for implementation of the
digital libraries.
B. Technical infrastructure:
Due to lack of management and technical skills, the academic library professionals
are not able to handle the e- resources. Therefore, shortages of the professional
skilled personnel who can establish or run digital library are challenges were
identified for implementation of the digital libraries. D. Online / virtual crimes and
F. Copyright issues:
Large scale of piracy of software and plagiarism is an important issue that the
present day the academic library professionals are facing in providing
electronic/digital information service. The cost and timeliness in retrieving the
information are also considered. When negotiating access with a publisher, the
librarian must agree to certain restrictions on photocopying or distribution of
electronic materials. The library is responsible for maintaining the awareness of all
users about copyright issues.
G. Collection of e-resources:
Collecting the materials and making it available to all current and future users is
another core value of librarianship. The challenge is for the librarian to contribute
to establish realistic collection-development policies covering acquisition of and
provision of access to electronic resources for users now and in the future. A
digitized collection means that libraries share the use of the collections with other
institutions, not only locally, but also globally. It is the publisher who dictates how
much access will be provided, which issues will be available, and how much that
access will cost.
G. Organizational structure:
Technology has broken down the rigid hierarchical structure of the organizations
which is another important issue in changing the roles of the librarian in the
knowledge society. Far from emulating the organization of conventional libraries,
the organization and structure of digital libraries, and the division of labour within
them, are open to considerable experimentation.
4. User Education and Support: Many universities offer training programs and
workshops to educate faculty and students on effectively using electronic
resources. Librarians and IT professionals provide guidance on search strategies,
citation management, and resource evaluation. Help desks and online support
systems are established to assist users with technical issues and queries.
10. Feedback and Assessment: Universities regularly seek feedback from faculty
and students to assess the usability, relevance, and effectiveness of electronic
resources. They may conduct surveys, focus groups, or usage statistics analysis to
inform decision-making and improve resource provision.
Business school faculty views‖, Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship, Vol.
5 No. 1; pp.19-31.
2 Naik, R.R., &Horakeri, M.D. (2009, September 13). ―Changing role of the
college library professionals in the internetera: Trends, opportunities and
challenges‖. Retrieved from http://dliskud.over-blog.com/article-36027362.html.
3.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses the method and the strategy used in conducting the study.
The chapter however covers the following headings;
3.3 Research Design
Research design is the plan on which the various activities in a research work can
be based. Akuezuilo and Agu (2003) stated that "research design is the plan for
research project which provides guidelines that direct the researcher towards
solving the research problem and may vary depending on the nature of the problem
being studied". Quantitative research design is aimed at discovering how many
people think, act or feel in a specific way. Quantitative projects involve large
sample sizes, concentrating on the quantity responses as opposed to gaining the
more focused or emotional insight that is the aim of quantitative research. The
standard format in quantitative research design is for each respondents to be asked
the same questions, which ensures that the entire data sample can be analyzed
fairly. The data is supplied in a numerical format, and can be analyzed in a
quantifiable way using statistical methods.
the Electronic information resources.According to the preliminary study conducted
there are 321 registered users.
1. General Population: This refers to the overall population that the research
aims to study. It could include individuals from various backgrounds,
demographics, and locations. General population surveys often employ random
sampling techniques to ensure representativeness.The general population in this
research is 118
3.6 Sampling Techniques and Sample Size
3.7.1 Questionnaire
data in arelatively short period and it is cheap to administer.Open and close ended
questionnaire were used for this study. The open ended questionnaire is the type of
questionnaire were the respondent are encouraged to express their opinions on a
number of issues without any restraint, while the closed ended questionnaire is the
type that multiple answers are provided to each question asked and the respondents
are to pick one or as many as relevant. The questionnaire titled "Use of electronic
information resources in Skyline university Nigeria‟‟ was used in collecting
required data. The questionnaire was divided into 5 sections.The first section
sought to collect the subject bio data of the respondents, the second section was
multiple choice aimed at availability of electronic resources among students, the
third section was also a multiple choice questions aimed at determining benefits of
electronic resources to student,the forth section was a multiple question aimed at
determining use of use ofelectronic resources among students and the last section is
a multiple question aimed at determining the challenges of electronic resources in
the university understudy.
In order to achieve the aim of this study, the questionnaire were distributed to the
students of Skyline university Nigeria . The questionnaires were administered by
the researcher in person to ensure that the respondents received and complete it in
good time.
3.9 Method of Data Analysis
Descriptive statistical tool was used to analyse the data collected The results were
presented in frequency tables. The researcher in addition used other statistical tools
as percentage and frequencies in analysing data from the research questions.
2 Naik, R.R., &Horakeri, M.D. (2009, September 13). ―Changing role of the
college library professionals in the internetera: Trends, opportunities and
challenges‖. Retrieved from http://dliskud.over-blog.com/article-36027362.html.
4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents results from the analysis of data collected through
questionnaire administered to 118 students of Skyline university Nigeria . It also
presents descriptive analysis of the data collected from the field work based on the
research questions raised in the study. Finally, the chapter also provides discussion
in relation to the research questions as well as summary of the major findings.
Female 43 25.4
26-30 62 58.5
30-above 33 30.7
Geology 37 30.8
Table 4.2.1 shows the summary of descriptive analysis of personal data of the
respondents to the study on the use of electronic information resources in skyline
university Nigeria.Based on students‟ gender majority of the respondents are male
with 75 (74.6%), while female students are 43 (25.4%). As indicated in the above
table most of the students are between the age group of 26 – 30 years with 58.5%
while the majority of the respondents are in the department of Biology with 63
(51.9%), 37 (30.8%) department of Geology and 18 (17.3%) in the department of
Computer science respectively.
This section contains descriptive analysis of data from students based on research
questions. The data collected were analyzed, interpreted and presented in tables
4 CD Rom 72 (73.0%) 1 (1.0%) 9 (6.8%) 36 (20.1%)
4.5 Discussion of Findings
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary
Chapter one of this study introduces the research as it established that accessibility
of students to electronic resources exposes students to various activities, functions
and responsibilities. This motivates the study as it examines the use of electronic
resources by students in SkylineUniversity, Nigeria.Similarly, a number researches
were formulated, research questions were raised. The significance of the study was
outlined as well as the scope and delimitation of the study in chapter one. In
chapter two, various concepts and studies relevant to the study were reviewed.
Among those reviewed were: Concept of electronic resources, Effects of electronic
information resources, Use of electronic information resources.Challenges
associated with electronic information resources and was also reviewed.Review of
empirical studies of other people‟s work that are related to the study was also
reviewed. Summary and uniqueness of the study shows that most of the previous
researches focused on student‟s accessibility on electronic information resources
with less emphasis on academic performance in the university environment.
Research methodology was discussed in chapter three; research design, population
of the study, sample size and sampling technique, data collection instrument(s),
validity and reliability of data collection instruments, data collection procedure and
data analysis procedure is scientifically provided in chapter three. Hence, the study
employed descriptive survey research design.
Chapter four of this study presents data analysis with logical discussions of findings
as well as summary of the major findings. The concluding part of the study is
chapter five in form of summary, conclusions, and recommendations as well as
recommendations for further studies.
5.3 Conclusions
Based on the major findings of this study, the following conclusions were drawn:
Libraries are an integral part of the knowledge society that surrounds it. The
Library system is one effective way in which the aims can be achieved by ensuring
Knowledge of information technology. To handle and utilize the modern
communication facilities library professionals should have the knowledge and
skills regarding the technologies and communication channels and must get the
proper training. The new digital ICT is not a single technology but a combination
of hardware and software, multimedia and delivery systems. As ICT advanced, the
costs of hardware and software declined and the digital option became more
attractive. When it was realized that sharing costs would benefit the stakeholders,
resource sharing of digital resources gained momentum. Internet has transformed
from ―browse and surf‖ environment into ―knowledge exchange‖ environment.
Internet has many uses as well as limitation. It can be a vehicle for inexpensive
easy mass distribution of products and services. There are limitations as well, such
as security and privacy issues, hackers, worms, viruses and Trojan horses.
5.4 Recommendations
1. The library should take a proactive step such as training and orientating users on
the use of Electronic Information Resources in addressing the lack of digital skills
and consequently increase their patronage.
2.The University Management should ensure regular electricity supply as well as,
power backup on campus and by extension the University library, so that these
eresources can be accessed.
3. More off line e-resources in terms of, and journals, relevant to all the
programmes in the University are desirable. This will complement the hardcopies
on the open shelves, especially during internet down times.
Dear Respondent,
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of BSc. Library and
information science in the above named department, I am a final year student
conducting a research on the „‟use of electronic information resources In Skyline
university library‟‟.The questionnaire is therefore designed to solicit relevant
information from you. I would be grateful if you complete it with utmost sincerity.
The information provided will be treated and kept confidential and for purpose of
this research.Please, give your responses after reading the instruction carefully for
each section and answer all questions according to the instruction.Thank you in
advance for your genuine opinion.
Instructional: Please thick ( ) in the appropriate box against each item as it applies
to you.
* Daily
* Once a week
* Rarely
* Online databases
* E-books
* E-journals
* Online encyclopedias
* Websites
3. How do you access electronic information resources? (Please select all that
* Personal computer/laptop
* University computer/laptop
* Mobile phone
* Tablet
* Library computer
4. What are the main purposes for using electronic information resources?
(Please select all that apply)
* Conducting research
* Studying for assignments/exams
* Keeping up with the latest developments in the field
* Writing papers/reports
* Accessing course materials
* Other (please specify): ______
Respondents opinion on challenges associated with EIR and how challenges are
1. How satisfied are you with the availability and accessibility of electronic
information resources at Skyline University Nigeria?
* Very satisfied
* Satisfied
* Neutral
* Dissatisfied
* Very dissatisfied
* Yes
* No
Thank you for participating in this questionnaire! Your responses will be kept
confidential and used for research purposes only.