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Your Life
Strategies for
Becoming an Elite

Ed Mylett
Copyright © 2018 Ed Mylett

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material

protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws
and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this mate-
rial is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without express
written permission from the author/publisher.

ISBN: 978-1-64184-029-3

Mylett Communications

Chapter 1: Eddie Spaghetti – Things Happen

FOR Me, Not TO Me................................... 11
Chapter 2: #MaxOut Your Day – Habits and
Rituals of Elite Performers............................. 23
Chapter 3: #MaxOut Your Mind – Change
Your Thoughts to Change Your Beliefs............ 43
Chapter 4: #MaxOut Your Confidence –
Changing Your Identity & Gaining
Winning Confidence..................................... 61
Chapter 5: #MaxOut Your Body –
Highest Possible Energy................................. 73
Chapter 6: #MaxOut Goal Setting –
Deadlines and Details................................... 79
Chapter 7: #MaxOut Your Will to Win –
Can You Be Bought?...................................... 85
Final Thoughts................................................. 91

There are 86,400 seconds in a day. We each

have the same 1,440 minutes to spend however
we choose. Each of these minutes are precious
moments. Some moments will be memorable,
some regretful, and too many of them will be
Time is measured by our birth and death. How
we use those moments in between determine the
quality of our lives. Hour by hour, minute by
minute, these small units of time are too often
filled with little things that really seem to matter at
the time. Seeking small pleasures, avoiding minor
discomforts, and pursuing trivial goals. We are
too easily offended, and too consumed with the


opinions of others. If we’re not careful, we simply

begin to exist and not really live.
The average lifespan for a person is
seventy-eight years. Of those years, twenty-eight
will be spent sleeping, and seven of those sleeping
years are spent lying awake at night with worry.
Factor in the average eleven years watching
television or surfing the internet, ten and a half
years working, four years driving, the years spent
eating, getting dressed, and doing mundane tasks,
and it leaves approximately eight years to live your
life. If you were told right now that you had only
eight years left in this life, what would that do
to your sense of urgency? How deep would your
gratitude for each moment become?
The challenge is we don’t know how many
of these moments we actually get. If you’ve ever
spoken to someone at the end of their life, you will
often hear expressions of regret, missed chances,
and opportunities. They recount how quickly
life passed and not to take it for granted. I am
often asked how I’ve made the most out of my
moments as I strive to #MaxOut my life. That


is exactly why I’ve written this book. I want to

help as many people as possible by sharing some
of the techniques that have served me throughout
my life.
Each moment is fleeting and precious and
we know it. Why then do most people choose to
let those moments slip away? I’m fascinated with
maxing out every area of my life while I am here.
I want to explore what is attainable. It all comes
down to having experiences that create memories
and legacy after we’re gone. There is so much value
in pushing past an existence of just getting by and
designing a life that you can #MaxOut.
I believe we are all born with blessings, gifts,
and purpose. I think the recipe for a happy life
is to discover your unique blessings and gifts, be
driven by your purpose, and to use those to fulfill
your destiny. The journey of discovering your gifts
or blessings, and how to use them as you chase
down your purpose, is your life’s story. How will
the script of your life read? What story will be
told? Will you discover a little of your purpose
and go a few miles down the road? Will you push


to uncover more and go a little farther? Or will

you fight to reveal all your gifts and blessings and
go as far as you possibly can? Will you #MaxOut
this life?
My hope for this book is that the details of
my experiences, strategies, and guidance help
you to achieve your next level of living. I want to
help you uncover your purpose and embrace your
blessings, so you pursue the best version of your
life. What if you could see what that looks like?
What if there is a version of you that achieved
your maximum potential? What if, when you reach
the end of this life, you could meet the ultimate
version of who you were capable of becoming?
The question is: would the man or woman you
had become resemble that version, or would you
be total strangers?
I believe we all have a destiny version of our-
selves, the person we were born to be.
The version of us that took risks. The version
that walked the road less traveled, overcame adver-
sities and achieved our true potential. I think of
it like we all have a twin. This version of us who’s


lived the life we are born to live and reached our

full potential. That person is waiting for us on the
other side after we pass. When my time here is
finished, and I meet my maker, it is my hope that
the Lord tells me, “Well done, good and faithful
servant.” I also envision a sort of ceremonial exit
where I am introduced to the man I was born
to be, that I was supposed to be and destined to
be. I want to shake hands with that man, and I
want to be his identical twin. I don’t want there
to be a huge gap between my reality and the man
I had the potential to be. Instead I want them to
be perfectly matched; that’s my mission. Every
decision I make, every action I take, is measured
against one simple question: Will this get me closer
to the man I was born to be?
That is how you #MaxOut! I hope to teach
and share with you some of the methods I’ve used
to improve the key areas of my life. I believe this
book gives you definitive steps towards achieving
the ultimate and best version of you. The YOU
that you were born to be.


Things Happen FOR Me, Not TO Me

omeone recently interviewed me at my
home. After looking around at all the
material blessings—the big house, fast cars,
and nice things—they asked me what I appreciate
most about my home on a daily basis. The obvi-
ous answer, the one that’s pretty hard to miss, is
the fact that my backyard is the ocean! That’s a
pretty great thing, but honestly, a close second is
pulling the shower faucet on every morning and
having the water hit me in the face.
When I first started building my business,
things were really tough. Our house was foreclosed


on, my wife’s car was repossessed, and the power

was shut off. All of those things are difficult,
but the worst was when the water was shut off.
If you’ve ever been through this, then you know
what I mean. You can’t cook. You can’t shower.
You can’t wash the dishes or brush your teeth. It’s
the absolute worst place to be in.
At the time, I was newly married to my wife.
Every morning, we’d get up early and gather our
clothes before anyone else in our apartment com-
plex was up. We’d walk down the stairs in the cold
and use the outdoor shower at the complex’s pool.
I would hold up a towel to give my wife privacy
because the shower didn’t have a door. I remember
feeling so ashamed walking back upstairs to our
apartment, hoping no one had seen us.
I was that broke. I had to leave the pool shower,
put on a suit, and pretend I was a successful entre-
preneur as I built my business. I fought a mental
and emotional battle of chasing my dream while
I struggled through the nightmare of my reality.
Entrepreneurship is riddled with false starts.
You’ll take a couple of steps forward, get a little


success, and then you’ll face an obstacle that pulls

you back. However, it’s not all bad. You will never
be back to square one because each experience is
progress if you’ve learned a lesson. If you genu-
inely understand how to achieve real success, you
recognize that obstacles and setbacks are necessary.
They strengthen and test you. They prepare you
for anything and everything life will continue
to throw at you. When you are experiencing the
setback, take it as an encouraging sign and keep
pushing through.
I can relate to the struggles that all entrepre-
neurs go through when they are building their
business because I almost quit several times. In
the beginning, I had my share of adversity and
disappointments. Being an entrepreneur is the
most tremendous personal development program
in the history of the world, with a massive com-
pensation package attached. It is also one of the
greatest self-awareness and self-discovery processes
you will ever go through.
The first thing you should know about me,
is I am a normal dude. I didn’t start out with


millions in the bank. I know what it’s like to fall

on hard times and start from the bottom. As a
young man, I was insecure and shy. Confidence
does not come naturally to me, and I lacked it for
most of my youth.
As a kid, I was smaller than most boys my
age and got teased a lot for it. I was a target and
bullied until about the 5th grade. I was so little
and thin, kids would call me “Eddie Spaghetti.”
Somewhere along the line, someone was kind
enough to complement that label with, “your
meatballs are ready,” making it quite a melody
when recited. This certainly impacted my identity,
making me reclusive, insecure, and self-conscious.
When you combine that with my shy and intro-
verted nature, it was a recipe for low self-esteem.
As I grew up, I developed a passion for base-
ball. For many children, sports tend to reveal
certain physical gifts and shine a light on them.
It gives kids a place to belong and show a capac-
ity that they may not have seen inside themselves
before. My gift was speed and strong hand-eye
coordination. I became a solid hitter. My skills


strengthened as I grew, and throughout high

school, it was clear I was good enough to take it
further. This part of my childhood was a turning
point in my confidence. Being good at something
improves confidence. I developed my skills even
more and began to see myself as a winner. I put
in the work, so I expected to win.
I continued to play in college but experienced
an injury that would end my baseball career per-
manently. I was hit with a pitch in the right calf
during a game and did not realize the extent of
the damage. When I went in for examination, it
was determined that a non-cancerous tumor had
formed and had to be removed. The procedure
removed the tumor and a portion of my calf that
immobilized me for eight months. After the cast
was removed, the doctors found that a second
tumor had formed. It was also non-cancerous.
After many consultations, I decided to leave the
benign tumor in my leg, and it is still there to
this day.
This too was a turning point in my youth.
Baseball had been the way I earned recognition


and accomplishment. It was where I had earned

respect from my peers.
I was not prepared for a Plan B. I had no
backup plan and had to discover what other paths
I should take. I was devastated and without direc-
tion. We don’t always understand why something
is happening when it occurs. It’s usually only in
hindsight that its purpose is revealed.
Looking back, I know that my childhood
dream coming to an end was the beginning of
my life’s true purpose and destiny.
After my surgery, I found myself living back
at home with my mom and dad, sleeping in my
old bed, surrounded by stuff from my childhood.
I was broke, unemployed, and spent my days
watching TV shows like Maury Povich and Jerry
Springer. It was pretty pathetic. With my baseball
career over, who was I? I knew I couldn’t go back
to being Eddie Spaghetti, but I struggled with
identity and what my future held for me.
One day, my dad came home and said, “Hey, I
found you a job! Tomorrow morning you’ve gotta
get up and go to McKinley Home for Boys.”


McKinley is a campus of group-homes for boys

who were removed from their homes for reasons
ranging from abuse to being orphaned. I was a
young, twenty-one-year-old kid and suddenly I
was thrown into a totally new environment. I was
living and working with these young boys day in
and day out. It was amazing. After the horrible
situations these boys had been through, they just
wanted to be loved and for someone to believe in
them. I became like a big brother to them, and
it transformed my life. Helping them build their
self-confidence and learn to believe in a better life
began to shape my new identity.
Suddenly, it wasn’t all about me anymore. It
wasn’t about my ego and wanting to be rich and
famous. It was about how I could help them.
Give value to them. Improve their lives. I wanted
to help these young boys rewrite their stories. I
wanted to help them realize their dreams and
discover their power. These boys came from a
life of trying to survive, and I was trying to get
them to change from a mindset of survival mode
to #MaxOut their lives.


That’s when I realized becoming a professional

baseball player was never my true destiny. That’s
what everyone told me and expected of me. It was
my “story.” However, my baseball career coming
to an end actually happened for me, not to me.
It allowed me to find my real passion, which is
helping people discover their God-given gifts and
teach them to live life with purpose.
It was during this time that I was introduced
to my current business. At first, it was a means
to make additional income working part-time.
It allowed me to continue working with the boys
until my business began to take off. In this new
venture, I was able to also help people and feel
good about my work. It was rewarding both emo-
tionally and financially. I approached my new
business from a place of genuinely wanting to
better people’s lives. Because I enjoyed it, my
passion further fueled my work ethic and laid a
strong foundation for success.
As I built my financial services business, I
started to notice that many adults are living simi-
larly to the way those boys lived in the group


homes. Living in survival mode. I don’t believe

people were born into a life merely to survive it.
I believe each of us is here with a purpose. While
many people give up on discovering their purpose,
I assume that because you’re reading this, you
intend to find yours. You are here to #MaxOut.
My motto was, and still is: People matter, things
I spent the first part of my life building a
legacy. I became a seven-figure earner by age thirty,
and an eight-figure earner by age forty with a
nine-figure net worth. That success has allowed me
to shift much of my daily focus to helping others
realize their full potential to #MaxOut their lives.
About a year ago, I made a decision to publicly
share the knowledge I’ve gained through years of
building my career, being a peak performance
expert, and coaching some of the top athletes
and entrepreneurs in the world. Prior to that, I’d
lived an intentionally private life. I’m naturally an
introverted person, and fairly quiet, so this was a
big transition for me.


At the prompting of many close friends and

clients, I stepped out of my comfort zone and
started the #MaxOut movement. I created it to
provide strategies and inspiration to help people
around the world reach their maximum potential.
For me, the idea of #MaxOut came when my
son Max was six years old. One day, I took him
with me to the local car wash. As we sat waiting, a
gentleman struck up a conversation with me about
how children are always growing and changing.
He looked at Max, then said to me, “Enjoy this
age. Enjoy the six-year-old version of him because
when he’s seven, the six-year-old is gone forever!”
When he said that, I immediately wondered when
he stopped growing and changing, and why most
people stop growing and changing.
Without really thinking it through, I replied,
“When did that stop for you, sir? Growing?” It
occurred to me that letting go of the old version
of one’s self is not something to mourn but rather
to celebrate. We should always be in the process
of changing and becoming the next, best version
of ourselves.


Benjamin Franklin said, “Most men die at

age twenty-five, but we just don’t get around to
burying them until they are seventy-five.” That
is referring to the fact that most people never
live a fulfilling life. They stop doing what the
six-year-old version of them used to do. They
stop growing and progressing and simply exist,
spending years and even decades as the same ver-
sion of themselves. For some, once they reach a
milestone birthday, they have a “mid-life” crisis.
Not for me. I want to be constantly growing,
constantly striving to reach the ultimate version
of me. Regardless of my age, I’m never going to
stop chasing down the man I was born to be.
I’m on a quest—a life mission—to never be
the same version of me, year after year. For me, it
is a crisis. I am constantly evolving and adapting
my thinking, my methods of communication, fit-
ness, and all areas of my life. Recently, my teenage
daughter jokingly asked me if I was in a mid-life
crisis. She was teasing me a bit about my level
of social media posting and my recent change
in appearance with a beard. I thought about her


question and responded “Yes!” I am in a mid-life

crisis. In fact, I am in a daily life crisis and I aim
to be in a lifelong crisis as I continue to grow.
When I was twenty-five, I was in a crisis to not
be the same version of me when I was twenty-six.
Same when I was thirty-four, same when I was
forty-five, and I hope I will still be in the same
crisis when I’m seventy-five.
Maybe this seems over the top. For the average
person, it absolutely is. Not everyone is interested
in achieving their maximum potential. This book
is for the crazies. The ones that wake up in the
morning wanting to be better than they were
yesterday. The ones that can’t turn it off, even if
they tried. The ones that will not accept less than
giving it their all. The ones that want to #MaxOut.


Habits and Rituals of Elite Performers

e are what we do. It’s as simple
as that. Having a consistent and
specific routine has been crucial in
helping me achieve the level of success, contribu-
tion, and peace of mind I have today.
Most people think they need to be motivated
to get up and go to work every day and con-
tinuously seek motivation. The real separator
between successful and average people is that
successful people do it whether they are motivated
or not! Don’t misunderstand me. Inspiration and
motivation are prerequisites in maxing out any


circumstance, but they are never your constant

Habits and rituals are what carry us through
on the days when we aren’t motivated. People
have the misconception that it’s the most moti-
vated people who are the ones winning, but that’s
not the case. Extraordinary habits are what allow
people to perform at an elite level, even on the
days they are not motivated. For more details on
how to #MaxOut, listen to my podcast on iTunes
or go to and listen to “The
Keys to #MaxingOut.”
If you’re not motivated, get to work! Let your
motivation come from doing the work. This is
the catalyst for motivation, not the other way
around. The process of taking action can gener-
ate motivation.
I rely heavily on my rituals and routines when
“discipline” fails. When you’re weak, tired, and
under pressure, your mind and body go into habit
mode. That is why it’s so important to create
habits that serve you—they keep you on track,


even on days when you aren’t “feelin’ it.” That’s

what separates elite performers from everyone else.
What I’ve found is, if I can control the begin-
ning and end of my day, then I’m much more
likely to control the middle. Most people lose
control of their day in the first ten minutes because
they wake up worried and stressed without positive
habits, and they begin to react to it immediately.
If you don’t have structure to help keep control of
your day (proactive), then you are susceptible to
whatever life throws at you (reactive). Being reac-
tive prevents you from making strategic decisions,
and you just go where life kicks you. Developing
habits that provide structure give you a greater
chance of operating proactively versus reactively.
I am often asked what my morning and daily
routines consist of, so I wanted to share my per-
sonal morning habits so you can implement into
your life what works for you. This routine has
worked for me for many years and enables me to
stay focused, fit, and mentally ready for each day.


My Morning Routine:

1.  Get up early.

Getting a lot of sleep is overrated. It’s the quality
of your sleep that matters, not the quantity. My
evening routine prepares me for deep sleep so
that I’m able to make the most of my sleep. Elite
performers operate on less sleep than “normal”
people. I’m obviously not a doctor, but for me,
six hours is more than adequate to get quality,
restorative sleep.
Success demands that you rise before the sun.
A primary trait in elite performers is their commit-
ment to attacking their day early—to #MaxOut
each day. Rise before the sun every day!
I get about six hours of sleep a night. Why?
Because nothing productive is happening when I’m
sleeping! I’m not calling people, I’m not influenc-
ing people, I’m not changing the world or making
money. I’m sleeping.
I truly believe that the amount of rest you
need to win is minimal. I start my day between
4:30 and 5:00 a.m. every day (except Sunday).


Sunday’s are my make-up day. It’s the one day

each week where I get as close to eight hours as I
can. Monday through Saturday, I’m up and done
with my daily routine before most people get out
of bed. I will add that sleep experts say you can’t
make-up lost sleep, so this might not work for you,
but it’s what has worked for me for many years.
One reason why oversleeping is so counter-
productive is that it immediately starts your day
off stressed and disorganized, causing you to play
catch up all day long (reactive).
Champions are proactive.
Here’s an easy way to reduce your time spent
sleeping that will not burn you out. Reduce your
sleep by fifteen minutes a week. Don’t make a
drastic change and go from getting up at 8:00
a.m. to waking up at 5:00 a.m. That won’t work.
You’ll be exhausted by 3:00 p.m. and quit after a
few days. It’s much better to ease yourself into it
by getting up fifteen minutes earlier for a week
at a time. After you have a week under your belt
and your body has begun adjusting to the new


time, cut your sleep by another fifteen minutes

the next week.
Even reducing your sleep by one hour will
make a major impact on your life and your busi-
ness. One extra hour a day is 365 additional hours
each year for you to WIN! Over a five-year period,
that’s the equivalent of adding seventy-six pro-
ductive work days to your business, or towards
achieving your goals. It’s a way to literally get more
time in your day. For more details on my morning
and night routines go to
and listen to “Ed’s Morning Routine,” as it covers
my routines with more specificity.

2.  Hydrate.
The first thing I do when I get out of bed in the
morning is drink a liter of water. I set it on my
nightstand when I go to bed so that it’s right there
waiting for me when my feet hit the floor. It’s
the first thing I do; I hydrate myself for the day.
This is not something to overlook. Dehydration
thickens your blood and can negatively impact
your blood pressure, cholesterol, make your organs


work harder, cause headaches, etc. This robs you

of energy and will prevent you from performing
at your very best.

3.  Cold morning, warm night.

Every morning I do something cold, right off the
bat. Cold stimulates our fight or flight response
in our body and completely awakes our cellular
nervous system. This gets us fully awake quickly,
keeping us from feeling groggy or tired.
To get this benefit, you could splash cold water
on your face, take a cold shower, or even walk or
stand outside in the cold for a few minutes.
I live oceanfront and lakefront, so I jump in
the cold ocean or the lake. If I can’t do that, I
take a cold shower. It doesn’t have to be for long.
I keep the shower cold for about a minute, and it
instantly rejuvenates me and gives me the energy
to start my day.
Be sure to warm up afterward; we don’t want
anyone getting sick or catching a cold. The
idea here is to shock your system into a fully
awake-state, and once you’re there, get warm! I


realize this seems a bit extreme and may not be

for everyone, but it works very well for me.

4.  Do quick breathing and stretching

I do them very quickly. You can find some easy
instructional stretching and breathing videos
online; be sure to choose ones that work for you.
Commit to spending a few minutes each morning
warming up your body and providing a burst of
oxygen to your brain.

5.  A few minutes of quiet.

I take a few minutes each day to pray in the morn-
ing. It helps me feel connected, peaceful, and
balanced. I practice meditation as well. It’s one
of my favorite ways to center and focus myself.
You can practice whatever faith, gratitude, or
mindfulness techniques that help get you mentally
centered and focused on the day ahead.


6.  Get your thoughts set for the day.

Whatever your mind is thinking about first thing
in the morning is what it will be looking for
throughout the day. I learned a technique from
Tony Robbins over twenty years ago, and I still do
it every single morning. To help me control what
I focus on and remain in charge of my thoughts,
I ask myself these questions.

• What am I happy about in my life right

now? What about it makes me happy,
and how does it make me feel?

• What am I excited about in my life

right now? What about it makes me
excited, and how does that make me

• What am I proud of in my life right

now? What about it makes me proud,
and how does that make me feel?

• What am I grateful for in my life right

now? What about it makes me grateful,
and how does that make me feel?


• What am I enjoying most in my life

right now? What about it am I enjoying,
and how does that make me feel?

• What am I committed to in my life

right now? What about it makes me
committed, and how does that make me

• Who do I love? Who loves me? How

does that make me feel?

Most people roll out of bed in the morning

and start worrying. What do I have to do today?
What bills do I have to pay? They are starting the
day in a negative mindset for the first twenty
seconds they’re awake!
What if you rolled out of bed with your mind
programmed to think thoughts that will serve
you? What if you started each day asking yourself,
What are you happy and excited about; what are
you proud of? Can you see how empowered you
would feel? You’d be ready to take on whatever
life has in store for you each day.


I used to be the kind of guy who woke up

stressed and tired. Making these questions part
of my morning routine has made a powerful,
long-term difference in my thinking and beliefs.
Once you’ve made this a habit, your mind
will go to work throughout the day to find the
answers to these questions and drawing these
experiences into your life. It will find more of
what you’re proud of, what you love, what you
give, what you’re grateful for, and what you learn.
When this becomes your ritual, your mind begins
to find the answers to the questions it knows you
will ask yourself at the end of the day.
Remember, the quality of your life is equal to
the quality of questions you ask yourself.


The next thing I do every single morning is work
out. Do some type of physical activity to start
your day. It could be stretching, walking, yoga,
biking, running, or whatever you do to stay active.
It needs to be something!


Personally, I go to the gym five days a week and

spend sixty to ninety minutes doing something
physical. I believe that a successful businessperson
is a business athlete. They treat themselves great,
they train and prepare, and being physically active
is a big part of that.
Don’t make the mistake of overcommitting
yourself to start. You want fitness to be a lifelong
habit you keep, not something that you’ll easily
burn yourself out on. Fitness and nutrition are the
biggest areas people struggle to keep their prom-
ises to themselves. Every year, the gym is most
crowded in the month of January, and then by
February many of the newly committed have quit.
The common mistake people make is to do too
much too soon. Set challenging goals you know
you’ll be able to accomplish, and then you can
increase them as you progress. For more details on
my workout routine go to
and listen to “Ed’s Fitness Regimen.”


8.  Eat.
I nourish my body. I know many of you might skip
breakfast, but please don’t. It’s such an important
part of a healthy lifestyle. A healthy breakfast
provides the much-needed energy and strength
to #MaxOut your day.
While I eat, I catch up on the news, check
my email, and listen to inspirational content, but
never before breakfast. Before I allow anything in,
I want my mind to be clear of distraction. I want
to remain as unaffected by what’s going on in the
outside world for as long as I can each morning.
This time is sacred. It’s dedicated to helping me
get focused and start my day in a positive direc-
tion (proactive).
Depending on my workout, steps 7 and 8 are

Actions are rituals; they are the repeatable things

we do every single day. They have a huge impact
on our lives whether we know it or not. What we
do consistently over and over is what produces
results, or on the flip side, what prevents us from


getting the results we seek. When rituals and habits

are intentional and positive, we naturally shift into
autopilot, propelling us towards our goals. They
are that powerful.
Duke University did a study which showed
that 40% of the actions people take each day do
not require a decision because they are simply
habitual actions. Forty percent of our daily actions!
That’s huge.
This ritual thing is mind-blowing!
We are truly creatures of habit. Think about
it. Most of us get up in the morning and do the
same sequence of actions every day. We put the
coffee on, brush our teeth, and take a shower.
We do the exact same things, in the same order,
without ever needing to stop and think about it.
Habits happen on cue. That cue signals you to
move into non-thinking, or “habit mode.” This
can be great if your habits are serving you, but it
can also be the cause of what’s sabotaging you.
Therefore, it stands to reason that the person
with the best rituals and habits wins.


What are your habits? What habits have you

formed around work? Do you go into the office
before everyone else and get right to work? Or are
you always running late and spend the first thirty
minutes catching up with your colleagues? What
are the cues that get you to take action? What new
cues could you put in place to help create new,
positive habits?
The power is in your hands. Take control of
your habits.
Our capacity to change, once we focus all our
energy on the area we want to improve, is massive.
Focus on it completely. Get obsessed. Obsess over
your goals. Obsess over changing your beliefs and
thoughts. People underestimate their capacity to
become laser-focused on one area and master it.

Night routines:

Warm night. Before bed, I try to take a warm

sauna, bath, or shower before bed to relax my body
and help my nervous system prepare for sleep. I
do, however, keep the bedroom cool. For optimal


sleep, specialists recommend a room temperature

between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit.
I cut out caffeine and limit food intake five
hours before I intend to sleep. Cutting out the
caffeine is obvious, but the case can be argued
either way for food intake prior to bed. For me,
I am focused on my fitness and don’t believe in
adding extra calories before going into a state of
rest. The other reason is that digestion requires
your body to expend energy when it should be
resting. The key is to get better quality sleep over
Additionally, I cut out any blue-screen expo-
sure (computer, phone, or television) at least thirty
minutes before bed. Multiple studies have shown
blue-light to impact our sleep patterns and our
natural clocks. Instead, I spend the last thirty
minutes to an hour preparing for the next day.
I layout my clothes, go over my appointments,
and review my goals. Reviewing goals prior to
sleep ensures my mind focuses on those and goes
to work on them while I rest.


I also like to do some light stretching before

bed and take some quiet time to reflect on my
daily gratitude, prayer, and to ask myself these

1. What have I given today? In what ways

have I been a giver today?

2. What did I learn today?

3. How has today added to the quality

of my life? How can I use today as an
investment in my future?

What are you grateful for? Whenever you’re

going through something tough, stop and think:
What am I grateful for in this moment? Whether
it’s your family, or your home, or being alive,
gratitude is the antidote to most of our pain.
You can’t be grateful and be a victim at the
same time. Stop playing the blame game. Success
is inside; it comes from you. It’s not reacting to the
outside world or other people; it is only created


by you and your higher power. Play the game of

happiness, faith, and abundance.
These rituals help me to obtain a deeper level
of sleep.

There are only two things that matter when it

comes to success:

1. The reasons why you are doing it.

2. And the results.

There are no excuses. Stop making excuses for

failing because once you do that, you are tolerating
failure. You are allowing it to exist.

Remember, we are all naturally programmed

to have routines and habits. We just might not be
conscious of them. You already have a daily process
you follow without so much as a second thought.
Whether it’s waking up and checking your phone
or getting into the shower and soaping your body,
shampooing your hair, and then grabbing your


toothbrush. Whatever your routine is, you do it

subconsciously the same way every day.
Be cognizant of those habits because they are
a preview of your future. Unlike inspiration or
motivation, those are your constant companions,
and it is critical that you master them so they don’t
master you. I’m not unique in having a routine
like this. I’ve simply chosen to follow one that
will help me reach my goals and live my best life.
I urge you to take an inventory of what your
current habits and rituals are—ones you might not
have previously been aware of—and begin taking
steps immediately to control them.


Change Your Thoughts to

Change Your Beliefs

hat are your core beliefs? What do
you believe to be true about your-
self? About your God? About your
future? What do you believe about your potential?
And the big question: What do you believe
you are worth?
What you believe about yourself governs every-
thing in your life. Beliefs become a self-fulfilling
prophecy. We must be extremely aware of them
and guard them at all costs.


Our thoughts create our beliefs, and one way

to change your thinking is to change the quality
of the questions you ask yourself.
The average person has 75,000 thoughts
every day, and 91% are exactly the same as the
day before. It isn’t hard to see why so many
people stay in the exact spot in life as it relates
to relationships, career, finance, fitness, etc.
(Read this slowly.) Do you ever think about what
you think about? Thoughts are like magnets; they
draw to you that which you think about regu-
larly. They also create the filter you see the world
through. If you want real change, you must first
change what you are thinking about. Change just
10% of your thoughts, and you can dramatically
change your life! That is powerful, and it is under
your control. Changing your environment and
associations is key to changing your thoughts
because it breaks your routine and comfort level.
Your identity must be raised and challenged (more
on this in Chapter 4).


Your subconscious thoughts are always trying

to prove you right. We’ve all heard the saying
that you are what you think about. Here is some
insight as to why your mind is so powerful.

You have a mental filter that can work with

you, or against you.
Pay close attention to this topic because it is the
most important part of my success. There is a bundle
of nerves at our brainstem called the Reticular
Activating System (RAS) that acts as a gatekeeper,
filtering out irrelevant information and allowing
only relevant information to enter our awareness.
This little bit of brain matter is responsible for
filtering out the massive amounts of information
that your body, and the world around it, is con-
stantly throwing its way. It filters out all the things
that would prove our beliefs false, and instead
works overtime on filtering in all the things that
will prove our beliefs true.
Your RAS takes what you focus on and cre-
ates a filter for it. It then sifts through the data
and presents only the pieces that are important to


you. All of this happens without you noticing, of

course. The RAS programs itself to work in your
favor without you actively doing anything.
That is powerful, isn’t it?
When you believe you’re going to grow a big
successful business or have a great income, the
RAS starts working to filter in all the experiences
that will prove this to be your reality. Specifically,
if you believe people need what you have, the
RAS will begin to reveal opportunities that may
have always been there but are now highlighted
as a result of your focus. This focus causes them
to be relevant to you. Conversely, it will begin
filtering out everything that would prove you to
be unsuccessful.
Have you ever bought a new car, and all of a
sudden, you see that exact car everywhere? Why
have you never noticed it before? And why are
they suddenly everywhere you look? You thought
your blue Honda was unique, but now all you see
are blue Hondas. Your RAS will even see them
on the other side of the freeway! They’ve been
there all along, but now the RAS is filtering them


into your awareness, causing you to notice them

whereas before they were unimportant to you
and irrelevant.
If you’re focused on growing your business
by constantly looking for new prospects, you’ll
suddenly hear a conversation three tables away at
a restaurant that will instantly grab your atten-
tion. Why? Because the topic of that conversation
somehow relates to your business and you instantly
recognize how your services could help that indi-
vidual, turning them into a prospect. Had you
not been hyper-focused on recognizing potential
client needs, you would never have heard that
conversation. You hear it now because it matters
to you, and the RAS has filtered it in. That’s your
“blue Honda.”
The sad thing is that most people don’t know
how to control the RAS in a positive way. Their
“blue Hondas” are their problems—all the things
going wrong in their life. So, what shows up for
them? More problems, more things going wrong in
their life. Escape this cycle at all costs by obsessing
about what you want and not what you don’t want.


The RAS only takes in what you have deemed

most important by your habitual mental setup.
Anything you want in your life requires your
total obsession. Remember this: Your obsessions
become your possessions. That’s how the RAS begins
working in your favor.
Understand that the RAS does not attract the
things you need. Everything you need has always
been there. You just didn’t see them because they
were not deemed significant at the time. Once
you focus on a goal, your obsession and RAS
are heightened, and you filter in all the elements
that support your goal. You literally begin to see,
hear, and feel things that always existed, but never
noticed before. The RAS is the greatest tool and
magnet for success in the world. It is a God-given
survival tool that we all possess but rarely utilize.
Another example is your own name. If you are
in a loud crowd of people and someone yells your
name (even if it isn’t intended for you), you hear
it because your RAS has had a lifetime of focus
on it. So, the key to making your RAS work for


you is to make the things you want as important

to you as your own name.
If your belief is, “I’m going to attract great
people into my life,” your RAS will start shed-
ding all the people in your life who no longer
align with this belief, and it starts filtering in the
people who do.
My mother-in-law is a great example of this.
She’s an amazing woman of faith, and she’s always
looking for signs of God showing up in her life.
Every time we’re together, she points out the evi-
dence. She’ll see a guy at the grocery store showing
kindness to an elderly woman, and she’ll say, “Isn’t
God wonderful?” She notices good things every-
where! She’s going to notice anything good that
happens because she’s looking for it. The law of
the subconscious mind delivers to her what she
believes to be true.
It’s the simplest things that she notices and
recognizes as God’s presence in her life. She’ll
walk outside, and when the wind blows and hits
her face she will say, “Thank you, Jesus.” She sees


God in everything all day long, and she’s the hap-

piest person I know.
Her life is abundant because she’s always look-
ing for and noticing her blessings. She’s trained
her RAS to search for goodness, and that’s what
is constantly showing up in her life. Many times,
those are the very same things that are around you
and I, but we don’t notice them because our RAS
has not been trained to support that same belief,
therefore it filters them out.

Viruses in your mind Your life becomes what your

thoughts and beliefs have been. Are you going to
be a scarcity thinker? Always focusing on what you
don’t have? Or are you going to be an abundance
thinker? Always grateful for what you do have?
Life is not about overcoming and struggling—
that is a flawed mindset. If you think you are
constantly struggling or battling through adversity
and difficulty, your mind will constantly attract
struggles and battles to you. As difficult as it is to
accept, you’ve allowed those struggles into your life
because your mindset is flawed. Instead, maintain


the mindset of “things are happening for me. My

life is winning. It’s filled with peace, happiness,
and success.”
Flawed thinking is a virus of your mind. Once
there is a virus in a computer, it slows down and
becomes sluggish. In a worst-case scenario, it
crashes. This is what happens when people get
a virus in their mind. They are slowed down in
their pursuit of goals. Their mind is sidetracked
with noise and clutter. This makes achieving goals
nearly impossible, and the mind will shift into
survival mode.

You only get from life what you will tolerate. If

the most important areas of your life aren’t what
you want them to be, you need to stop allow-
ing that to continue. You’ve got to be the one
to change it. Your mindset needs to change. It
needs to accept more and expect abundance. I
know it’s a hard pill to swallow, but the reality is
we get what we tolerate. Where you are now in
life is the sum of the decisions you’ve made. The
amount of money you earn, your career, your


relationships—everything. If you don’t hate your

circumstances, you learn to tolerate them, therefore
you make no changes because it doesn’t bother
you enough. There is a saying that “good is the
enemy of great,” and it is so true.
When you open your eyes in the morning, do
you feel happiness? Do your feet hit the floor and
you feel energized about attacking your day? Or
do you hit snooze a few times, immediately think
about what fires you must put out, and reluctantly
get up? Do you determine what things you must
do today to get you through to tomorrow? This is
survival mode. Doing just enough to pay the bills
and buy necessities and a few five-dollar coffees
here and there. You stop aspiring for more on the
premise that mediocre is somehow acceptable.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t be grateful and
humble. Certainly, there are people without their
own homes to wake up in. For some, coffee isn’t
even a luxury they have access to. That’s not what
I’m saying here. I’m talking about ignoring your
full capacity and settling for just enough. Getting
by is not your purpose on this earth, and you


know it. There are so many others in survival

mode that it makes you feel like you’re on the
right path; there is a sense of belonging there. In
fact, you’ll convince yourself that you are doing
okay compared to someone else who is struggling
a little more than you are. In reality, though, you
know you want more out of life.
Maybe you don’t care if you have the most
expensive car, but you want a nicer home for your
family. A better school for your children. Maybe
you’d like to help your mom or dad financially so
they don’t have to keep working so hard. Do you
tolerate the education your children are receiv-
ing? Do you tolerate watching your mother or
grandmother struggle? What are you tolerating
right now? What have you been accepting, and
is it time for you to recognize the things you hate
and change them?

Blissful Dissatisfaction

This term may seem to completely contradict

itself, so let me explain. There are two sets of


flawed thinking I see so many struggle with. The

first is intentionally delaying happiness until a
specific goal is achieved. “I’ll be happy when—I
have this house, this car, this relationship, etc.”
This delays a person’s ability to be happy for a
future destination and time. The problem with
that thinking is that you still must bring you to
that destination! If you have never learned to be
happy where you are now, you are likely going
to remain unhappy wherever you go, no matter
what you achieve. It is possible to be happy on
the journey to your goals. Learning to be happy
in your current situation is a prerequisite to a
fulfilling life.
The other flawed thinking is, “If I let myself
enjoy this, I’ll lose my drive.” Many achievers
think that if they allow themselves to be happy,
it opens the door for potentially slowing down.
Maybe even a total loss of ambition. What if they
begin to settle for less than their goal? They believe
that happiness will cause them to lose their edge.
Nothing could be further from the truth.


People confuse happiness and satisfaction.

They are totally different and independent states.
You can be both blissful and dissatisfied simulta-
neously. In fact, the art of navigating these two
states is a key to success and fulfillment.
Have you ever been really hungry and then
bitten into a delicious meal, a meal that tasted so
good that you literally feel blissful? When you felt
that happiness, did the taste of that meal end your
hunger? Did you feel like you wanted to stop right
there? Or did it make you want even more? You
weren’t satisfied with just a taste—you were even
hungrier for the next bite and wanted to finish it
all! This is the same in every endeavor in life. Do
not buy into the false belief that you need to delay
your happiness until a future destination and time.
Do not falsely believe you will lose your hunger if
you allow joy, peace, and bliss into your life now!
The key to a fulfilling life is being happy while
still desiring the next level. That is how to truly
#MaxOut your life. Be blissfully dissatisfied.


Overnight Success

Sustainable success is not built overnight. Real

success is the result of consistent, sustained effort.
Both wins and losses create the experience neces-
sary to achieve success. Obstacles and rejections
are strong components of the journey. I remember
when I started my business there were days when
I lost a potential client. I’d get in the car afterward
and think, “How can I do it better next time? How
do I improve my responses to client questions? How
could I have been better prepared?”
Being rejected is an opportunity to grow and
get better—period. Many times, it serves as a
redirection for you, a necessary step to get you
closer to your goals. In fitness, a muscle must
be torn down to grow stronger. This is also true
in life. The obstacles and rejections initially are
painful, but when you look back on them, you
realize they benefited you for the long-term goal.
People respect experience, not shortcuts.

Stop worrying! Worry is wasted thought, energy,

and emotion. It creates a worst-case scenario in


your mind of an event that hasn’t even happened

yet and forces you to live through it! Most of
the time, we will never even deal with the out-
come we’ve worried ourselves sick over. Just stop!
Worrying is pointless. There’s no positive upside
to it. The downside, however, comes with a stiff
price. As we’ve learned, what we think about
becomes our reality, so why on earth would we
want to create a worse-case reality?
Always remember that champions take control
of their lives, and they do this by controlling their
thoughts and believing that the outcomes they
desire will happen. They believe they are worthy
of that outcome, and that belief creates their real-
ity. You too can do the same thing.
Worry does not take away tomorrow’s trou-
bles; it takes away today’s peace. Change what
you think and believe, and you will transform
your life.

And lastly, a little about faith. For me, personally,

my faith is my foundation. My favorite scripture
is Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through


Christ who strengthens me.” Every night I hit my

knees and pray because I’ve had enough experi-
ences in my life where my ego starts to get the
advantage. Without a doubt, my hard work built
the foundation of my success, but it’s God’s bless-
ings that have allowed for it. The minute I start
to forget that, the Lord has a way of reminding
me. God’s grace is such a beautiful thing.
If I look back at setbacks I’ve had in my life,
they are typically the result of:

A. I stopped doing the things I did to reach


B. My ego started to take over, and that’s

when I must recommit to my faith.

I’m a big believer in planting the seeds and

being consistent in planting those seeds across
all areas of life—business, faith, fitness, relation-
ships—and I know that if I keep doing what I
need to do, God will take care of the harvest.


I have this overriding belief that if I keep doing

things other people aren’t willing to do, then I’m
going to get things other people won’t have.
Whatever your beliefs are, take time every
day to practice them. Get strength, clarity, and
grounding from them.


Changing Your Identity & Gaining

Winning Confidence

s I mentioned in my opening chapter,
I struggled with my self-confidence. I
mentioned the physical challenges I had
as a child, but there were emotional challenges
as well. I grew up in a great and loving family. A
family that, like many, had some dysfunction from
time to time. Our family has a history of having
some dependency issues with drug and alcohol
addiction. As a result, there was a dynamic in my
household that, at times, cultivated uncertainty.


Between this dynamic and my physique, it isn’t

hard to understand why I started off withdrawn.
All of these things contributed to my insecurities.
I’ve been able to overcome those insecurities
using the techniques I am sharing with you here.
Today, my confidence comes from the belief that I
can do the necessary work to be great in my busi-
ness, in my personal life, and with my fitness. I’ve
built that reputation with myself over time, and
that is what builds genuine confidence. Because
I’ve consistently built the habit of keeping the
promises I make to myself, I trust I can achieve
the goals I set. I expect to achieve them. The very
foundation of my confidence comes from this.
People who win are confident. People who
struggle and lose lack confidence. If you don’t
think you’re the best, how can you ever become
the best? You’ve got to believe in yourself and that
comes down to having confidence. Develop your
confidence by keeping your promises to yourself.


What’s your identity?

Our self-confidence, or what we believe we are

worth, equals our identity. Our identity is how
we see ourselves, and you can never (long-term)
succeed beyond your identity.
The most powerful force in the human spirit
is to live congruently with the ideas and beliefs
that we hold true about ourselves. That self-image
creates our identity. Identity is like a thermostat
with a pre-set temperature.
I want you to listen to me on this—this is the
invisible force that dictates the entire direction of
your life.
You set the temperature for your life based on
your identity.
The thermostat in a room that has been set to
a specific temperature has the job of maintaining
that specific temperature at all times. If a door is
opened and a gust of cold air sweeps through the
room, the thermostat kicks in and combats that
cool air with heat to bring the temperature back
to the pre-set degree. Same thing if the door is
blown open with a gust of heat—the thermostat


responds with cold air until the room is “back to

normal.” A good thermostat is never more than
two degrees from its pre-set temperature.
That pre-set temperature is your identity, and
the thermostat (you) controls it.
Think of it this way: If you have set that tem-
perature at seventy-five degrees relating to money,
happiness, success, fitness, love, etc., then no
matter what happens in your life, that pre-set
temperature will kick in.
If you heat up the conditions of your life to
where things keep getting better and better, you
will unconsciously turn on the AC to cool your
success back down to that resting identity belief
temperature of seventy-five degrees (self-sabotage).
It will appear in ways that feel induced by circum-
stance and seem out of your control, but in reality,
you’ve cooled your life back down to match your
beliefs and identity.
The reverse is also true. If you start slipping
too low, things start falling apart and you begin
to really struggle, that heater of your life will kick
in and warm things back up. You’ll always find


a way to get back on your feet and back to that

seventy-five degrees.
It will always seem like you keep falling on
hard times, or that you are just unlucky. Then
suddenly, you’ll get a little break, and things will
go back to normal for a while. They may even get
good again, and then sure enough, something will
happen to bring you back down. Sound familiar?
Most people think the outside world will dic-
tate your success. The truth is, it’s an internal
game, not external. You don’t have control of
outside elements (obstacles), but allowing them
to impact your path to success is in your control.
If you are in control of that thermostat (and you
are), then regardless of the outside elements, you
will find a way back to your identity temperature.

So, how do we raise our


1.  Through our associations.

If you are a “seventy-five degree identity”, and
you associate with people who are “one-hundred


forty degree identity,” you can’t help but heat up

your thermostat simply by being around them.
When you are around successful people, you rise
to meet that level of heat. Your associations are
in your control. They are allowed into your room
to heat it up versus allowing an external element
(obstacles) in the door to cool you off. If you are
not happy with a seventy-five-degree income or a
seventy-five-degree education for your child, then
you must get around people with the intensity
and drive to heat you up.
Seek to add new associations in your circle to
stretch your vision and give you reasons to raise
your temperature. It has been said that you are
the average of the five people closest to you. Do
you know why? It’s because proximity is power.
We have multiple identities. Happiness, wealth,
fitness, faith, etc. You may have a friend incred-
ibly strong in faith, so they bring value in that
area, but they are not in great shape, so they are
not the same person you look to for guidance in
fitness. If you notice you have no associations
that challenge you or inspire you to improve to


their level in an area of life, then it is crucial you

change your associations immediately.
If your desire is to be wealthy, do you have
wealthy friends? Or are all your friends broke and
struggling? You can’t be in a circle of successful,
wealthy people if the only people you associate
with are strugglers. The key to altering the direc-
tion of our life is to alter the temperature we
are comfortable living in. That thermostat is the
governor of your life, and until you can alter it,
you will tolerate living at the temperature that is
most comfortable. The next step will show you
how to change that area.

2.  Do a massive amount of work in a short

amount of time.
Putting in a massive amount of work on a specific
area alters our identity beliefs because we are doing
things we’ve never done before. When you do this,
you’ll naturally start to believe that you’re worth
more because you are working harder.
If you normally make ten calls a day at the
office, and now you’re making one hundred, it


won’t be long until you believe that you are worthy

of greater success because of it. If you’re putting
in more work, you will expect more gains.
Nobody wins by working less. Are you work-
ing hard? I mean really hard? Your #MaxOut level?
The truth is, if you are not putting in the time,
effort, and energy every single day, someone else
is. Don’t create an illusion of hard work—you
can’t cheat the grind. It knows.

3.  Develop your confidence.

Self-confidence comes from keeping the promises
you make to yourself. Self-confidence is, in truth,
self-trust. You do this by building a relationship
with yourself where you know you can trust you.
As I mentioned earlier, self-confidence is the result
of preparation and telling yourself you are going
to do something and then doing it. It’s simple.
It’s about creating trust and building a relation-
ship with yourself, which changes your identity
belief over time.
Confidence is not about being cocky. It’s not
arrogance, and it’s not the opinion of others.


There is a reason I’m covering this again in depth.

Self-confidence is also an internal game, not exter-
nal. This is a huge discovery I’ve made in my life,
and once I made it, it was liberating! I realized my
self-confidence is in my control. Self-confidence
is a reflection of how you feel about yourself, not
how others perceive you. Having self-confidence
(the way you treat yourself ) serves as an instruc-
tion to others on how to treat you. I don’t mean
that you have the power to make people think a
particular way about you. But your confidence
informs others on what kind of attitude to have
towards you (proactive). Letting others know how
to treat you is more important than worrying
about their opinions of you.
The truth is, people aren’t thinking about you
because they are thinking about what you think of
them! Don’t be dominated by people’s thoughts,
opinions, or judgments (reactive). Work hard for
your own approval or God’s approval—those are
the only ones that matter.
Create a life that satisfies you.


If you are emotionally dependent on other

people’s approval, you will always be captive in
a prison controlled by others. The irony is that
these other people likely have very little long-term
significance in your life, yet you’re willing to give
away your precious power, emotions, and control.
The biggest dream killer of so many is their addic-
tion to the opinions of others.

Confident people take ownership of their faults

and mistakes. They are aware. They don’t blame
others for their failings or shortcomings. They
have the confidence to admit when they are wrong
and then the awareness to change it by moving
forward. They are accountable.

Get your uniform dirty. All this thinking is great,

but if you want to win, you’ve got to get out there
and get dirty. When you take a chance and put
your effort and work out into the world, it creates
a wave of energy towards your goals, regardless of
the result. It’s a message to the world, to all those
around you, and most importantly to yourself,


that you are willing to accept the pain of loss as

well as the reward of a win. People who are the
most confident are the ones who’ve done the most
work. Your work and effort strengthen you, posi-
tions you for wins, and prepares you for the life
you are pursuing.
You cannot skip the work. Prepare yourself
for the life you want. Put in the work so you are
prepared to live the life you want.


Highest Possible Energy

believe it’s of the utmost importance to take
care of our physical body. It provides us the
energy, confidence, and strength we need
to win in business and in life. When we’re fit,
healthy, and active, we feel our best. Feeling good
is important because our body is the temple of
our soul and our mind, which is the source of our
strength and power.
Keeping a healthy physical routine is one more
way you are keeping a promise to yourself. It’s a
daily validation that you are worthy and value
yourself enough to keep your promises to you.


Having a healthy, physical lifestyle gives you lon-

gevity and mental clarity, as well as building your
It’s not about you looking like a bodybuilder
or a supermodel. It’s about keeping a daily routine
that makes you feel your best, and it gives you the
highest possible energy.
I’m so excited for you because, as you begin to
transform your body, you will also be transform-
ing your life! You’ve learned the skills to change
your thinking, beliefs, and how to build strong
supportive habits. Now you’re taking all of that
and applying it to getting in your best physi-
cal shape, which will reinforce your confidence,
change your thinking, and overhaul your life. It
is all tied together.
No matter where you are on your fitness jour-
ney, whether you are just starting out or are a
seasoned pro, these tips can help you take it to
the next level and get the results you want and


My 10 tips for getting your body to its elite

performance state.

1. Hire a trainer! Go to the gym and hire

someone to train you. They will teach
you how to do the workouts to your best
capability and how to do it correctly. They
will also hold you accountable, which will
help you make exercise a lifelong habit.

2. Subscribe to fitness periodicals and social

media There are some great magazines such
as Men’s Fitness, Muscle Magazine, Shape,
Women’s Fitness, etc. that provide educa-
tion, examples, and support. Additionally,
a recent study showed the average person
checks their smartphone eighty times a
day. Following fitness influencers on social
media and listening/watching podcasts are
convenient ways to stay connected with
your fitness mindset and goals.

3. You cannot out-exercise a bad diet. You

must be focused on what you eat as much


or more than your physical training. It

feeds your energy, performance, strength,
and recovery. It’s critical to getting the
results you want.

4. Drink lots of water. It’s 70% of your body

so it should be 70% of what goes into
your body. You need even more when you
work out.

5. Lighter weight is better (assuming you

aren’t trying to build mass). Don’t lift
heavy weights when you’re starting out—
you’re not impressing anyone! I’d rather
have you lift lighter and do it correctly.
This is important for beginners to prevent
injury. Once you’ve mastered executing
the exercises correctly, you can then add
more weight.

6. Morning. I train in the morning because it

gives me increased energy throughout my
day. Everyone is different, but I noticed
optimal results with morning workouts.


7. Stretch. I stretch fifteen minutes before

and fifteen minutes after my daily work-
outs. This prevents injury, keeps you from
getting sore, and increases flexibility.

8. Music. I always listen to music or inspira-

tional podcasts to get to my peak perfor-
mance state. You should consider listening
to my #MaxOut podcast and other influ-
encers during your workout. Making a
strong playlist can help tap into your peak
performance. Studies show that upbeat
music can increase endurance by as much
as 15%, and it serves as an excellent dis-
traction from your side ache.

9. 5 and 5. I work out five days a week and

do five resistance exercises on each body
part I’m targeting that day. Those of you
just beginning need to start with a simple
plan and routine that you adjust as you

10. Measure it. Measure the amount of weight

you use, the number of reps you can do,


record your weight/body fat, and track

your progress. Without a point of mea-
sure, it is not possible to determine where
you need to course correct. If it’s been a
while since you’ve stepped on the scale or
faced your measurements, don’t look at it
negatively. Be excited to record them so
you can compare your results. Everyone
loves a good before and after picture. Be
excited to create your own! Listen to more
details at “Ed’s
Fitness Regimen.”


Deadlines and Details

et goals as if you possess them. Be very
specific with your goals. The three main
elements necessary in achieving goals are
specificity, accountability, and visualization.
Specificity is the first crucial step in goal set-
ting. Your mind cannot go to work when this task
is vague. Saying, “I want to be rich,” is not a real
goal. Identifying the amount of wealth you want,
when you will achieve it, and what it will look like
creates an actual target you can hit. The clearer it
is, the more likely that your mind, body, and soul


will go to work on creating those things in your

life. The reason so many people do not achieve
their goals is because they did not get specific and
clear. People don’t like being specific because it
commits them to a target. They prefer to be vague
so they can decide if they hit it or not.
The second essential step is accountability.
There is power in saying the goal out loud and
power in sharing it with someone that can hold
you accountable. When life’s distractions take you
off track, having another person outside of those
distractions can connect you back to those goals.
Be accountable to a friend, family member, or
mentor who can support you.
The third step is the visualization of your goals.
This can be done by utilizing vision boards, post-
ing your goal list throughout your home and
office, or simply focusing on them in your mind
repeatedly. If you are a praying person, you should
pray about them. If you meditate, there are vari-
ous types of meditation that allow you to focus on
them. You should set time aside each day, at the
same time of day, to visualize your goals. The more


you focus on it, share it with others, and visualize

it, the more familiar your brain becomes with it.
The more familiar you are with your goals, the
more likely you are to identify the paths, people,
and tasks needed to achieve them. Obsessively
create positive habits, and you can change and
master any area of your life. Our minds love to
gravitate towards the familiar.
Once you’ve set your goals and reasons, then
you’ve got to write out a detailed plan of how to
do it. Then review your goals, reasons, and plans
every day. Your “why” is seventy times more pow-
erful than your “how.”
Do not undervalue the importance of writing
out your plan and reasons. Structure serves as a
map. If you’re trying to navigate to a destination
you’ve never been to, you will need a map to keep
you on course. Your reasons (or your “whys”) will
fuel your perseverance when you come across
obstacles along your journey.
If you have a goal to send your children to
college, you should list a detailed savings plan
that includes where to save, how much, and what


you expect to have by a certain date. It should be

accompanied with a picture of your child to give
you a visual reminder of why you stay the course.
When an obstacle such as an unexpected expense
for your car or a break in your work decreases your
income, you still find a way to fund that college
dream for your child. You cut out expensive cof-
fee, eating out, and other luxuries to ensure your
goal is not sidelined for a temporary situation.
Goals are not promises; they are commitments.
It’s your reasons, not your goals that keep you from
giving up. When something becomes important
to you, your RAS will find it. Your mind will
immediately go to work bringing you the resources
and opportunities to help you achieve those goals.
This is literally how and why your obsessions become
your possessions.

Make a real decision. How do you know if you’ve

made a real decision? If you followed it up with
immediate action. The minute you decide some-
thing, take quick action. The only way to change
your life is to make real decisions.


Identify emotional reasons. You must have an

emotional attachment to your dreams. Build up
the reasons that define why your goals matter.
Your RAS can be supercharged with powerful
reasons! Those reasons will elevate the price you
are willing to pay and strengthen your will to
win. I believe the stronger your will to win is,
the less likely you are to sell it. There is no price
you won’t pay to achieve your goals. This is the
part most people miss. You must have emotional,
compelling reasons to keep you in the hunt for
your dreams. Once you’ve made those reasons
your passion, they become all the “inspiration”
you need to fulfill your goals. For more details
on goal setting, listen to the “Design Your Life”
podcast at

Touch your dreams.

Give yourself the chance to experience some of
the dreams you have. If there is a place you dream
of living, you should visit the area and become
familiar with it. Eat at the local restaurants or take
your family to the park or beach near the homes


you dream of living in. Or maybe you have a car

you dream of owning. You should test drive it
so your mind becomes familiar with it. Take a
mini-vacation for a couple days with your family
someplace beautiful and a bit out of reach for you
financially. I’m not saying to spend money you
don’t have to pretend you are somewhere you are
not; I’m suggesting you allow yourself to experi-
ence the type of lifestyle you dream of so you can
become familiar with it. The more familiar your
brain becomes with your dreams, the more you
believe you belong in them. Again, your thoughts
are primarily the same ones over and over. You
need to replace old ones that don’t serve you with
the ones you want to become your reality. Go
touch your dreams.


Can You Be Bought?

an you be bought? Is your will to win
for sale?
Most people allow their will to win
to have a price. Their dreams have a price. Their
children’s dreams have a price. With enough rejec-
tion, enough pain and setbacks, most people will
relent, selling their will to win. By doing this,
they are selling out not just their dreams but their
destiny and their family. They will sell out because
the price got too high.


People who are winners negotiate their price

in advance. They know what their dreams and
their destiny are worth long before it ever gets
tested. Those that have not yet committed don’t
know what that price is. That is why it’s so easy
for obstacles to persuade them to give up and sell
out. They will call it something else. They’ll say,
“Oh, it wasn’t for me.” “The timing wasn’t right.”
“I didn’t have a mentor and didn’t know what I
was doing.” They’ll have plenty of excuses as to
why they sold their dreams, but the truth is that
they sold out. They couldn’t handle the heat. The
price got too high and they weren’t ready to pay
it. That’s the truth.
When I was broke and coming from a place
of scarcity, I would walk into a store and ask,
“How much does it cost?” I would look at the
price tag first. It’s the same way in life. When you
are approaching your life and your dreams from
a place of scarcity, you are always asking yourself,
“What’s the price?” You are always weighing if
the risk and work are worth the reward. When
you do that, it’s constantly draining your focus


because you’re always renegotiating the price.

When resources are limited, the focus is placed
on price (cost) to see what is affordable. I want
you to focus on worth, not cost.
If you were shopping for a birthday gift, you
likely have an idea of what your max dollar amount
to spend is. And if you think about it, you’ll base
it on who you are buying the gift for. (We’re going
to get very honest here). Let’s just say you are
looking at a beautiful scarf as the gift. If you are
buying it for a colleague at the office, you flip
over the tag to evaluate if that cost is in line with
what you were willing to spend. If it’s too high,
you will quickly move on to find something in
the range you’ve allotted.
Now, if the gift is for your sick mother and
you are not sure exactly how many more birthdays
she will have, you don’t flip that tag to inspect
the cost. You just buy it because you know her
happiness is worth whatever the cost of that scarf.
If your income level is too low to provide the
quality of life you want for yourself and your fam-
ily, what have you done to change that? Could


you fight for a promotion? Start a side business?

Learn a new skill set to increase your ability to
earn a higher income? It’s absolutely 100% in
your control, so why do you stay in the same spot?
Most people are not willing to put in the
extra work to better themselves. They fall into
the pattern of working a job they don’t like for
just enough money to pay for a handful of bills
and a modest lifestyle. A wage is nothing more than
a bribe a business owner has paid someone to work
on his or her dreams instead of their own.
Instead of going for what they want, they
allow their scarcity mentality to dictate what they
can have. Life should be about chasing what you
really want, not accepting what is left over. If
you obsess over the cost of your dreams, you will
never pay the price for them; you will just keep
re-negotiating them.
Higher, elevated thinking is focusing on worth,
not cost. What is your child’s future worth? What
is the security of your family worth to you? Your
own happiness and quality of life—what is it
worth? There are no numbers imaginable to answer


these questions. The answer is that they are valu-

able beyond measure. Yet, you continue to flip
over the tags of life and assess their cost.
If you have truly committed to your dreams,
there is no obstacle (price tag) too big. You will
find a way to overcome it because from the start
you already decided the worth of your dreams.
Nothing can make you quit. Your will to win is
not for sale.
Conversely, your will to win must be guarded
against success. As you progress and achieve mile-
stones, do not allow that progress to cloud the
vision to your ultimate goal. Small wins create the
illusion that you are successful, and you start to
take your foot off the gas. You stop investing the
effort that caused you to succeed, and eventually,
you begin to regress. Once you sense this, you may
start to alter the goal. You’ll tell yourself, “This
is good enough,” and convince yourself that you
never really wanted the initial goal. You settle
for less than your dreams. This is why your iden-
tity is so important. If your result exceeds your


thermostat, you will cool life down and rationalize

your way back to your true identity.
Don’t settle for just enough money, accolades,
and short-term success. Don’t stop working hard
and doing the things that brought you success.
The real achievers develop themselves and discover
innovative ways to elevate their strategies.
From the beginning, make the decision to not
be bought with failure or success. Set your goals so
that you know what the ultimate version of your
dream looks like, and then let nothing distract you
from achieving it.
For more details on how to figure out your
recipe for winning, listen to my podcast on iTunes
or go to and listen to
“Unlocking Your Success Code.”


My intent with this book was to share the steps

I took to produce results in my own life. I broke
them down into the main subjects of habits, mind,
confidence, fitness, goal setting, and will. There
is still much more to explore on our roads to suc-
cess, but the details here should serve as a strong
start. I have a few more thoughts to share that I
feel are important.

Chasing Butterflies. We’ve all had that butterfly

feeling before. You know that feeling I’m talking
about? That tickle in your stomach? Maybe as
you stepped on the field of a big game in high
school, when you sat in the waiting room for an


important interview or when you walked down

the aisle of your wedding. The uncertainty of
conquering your biggest dreams will give you
butterflies. When is the last time you got those
butterflies? If you’re not experiencing butterflies
as you work towards your dreams, then you’re not
chasing your true destiny. The quality of your life
is in direct proportion to the amount of times
you get to experience the feelings of uncertainty.
When we are young, we actually chased those
butterflies. As we get older, we tend to avoid the
feeling of uncertainty. All the greatest memories
in your life happened right after the butterflies. In
fact, God gives us those butterflies to let us know
we are on track to our dreams and our destiny.
Butterflies are memory makers. The key to a rich
and fulfilled existence is a #MaxOut life full of
those butterfly moments. I have a feeling when I
meet that ultimate version of me; all we are going
to discuss are butterfly moments.

Put yourself in situations where you’ll be uncer-

tain. Don’t be afraid to get uncomfortable.


The feeling of being alive often comes with

the feeling of uncertainty. It’s what makes you
step up your game and truly experience life to the
fullest. When you begin to take your life in a new
direction, some people are not going to support
or believe in you. If you’re addicted to what other
people think, you’re going to fail quickly. There
are going to be haters, and people will be jealous
of you. Deciding to change your life—whether it
be your body, relationships, or finances— means
you need to accept from the very beginning that
not everybody will be on board.
All millionaires and billionaires were once
laughed at. I was laughed at and rejected. I had
family members ridicule me. I had people try to
talk me out of my business and tell me to get a real
job. It’s the price you pay for chasing greatness.
Anyone chasing a big dream will face ridicule and
rejection. Even when you win, people will talk
bad about you. Get over it.


There are three things that contribute to the

caliber of your life and the emotions associated
with it:

1. The caliber of your relationships

2. The caliber of your beliefs

3. The caliber of the questions you ask

yourself (i.e. your thinking)

Your life is like a movie. Most of our beliefs are

acquired during our childhood when we’re young
and defenseless. Our parents and their beliefs
primarily influenced our beliefs and shaped our
adult mindset. If we are not aware of the beliefs
that don’t serve us, they begin to take control of
our life’s script.
How many people do you know who are in
the career their parents wanted them to be in?
Or people who are doing what everyone expected
them to do? Or what society told them to do?
Most people go through life with a script some-
one else has written for them. You can change the


story and script at any point. Change it now! In

your life, as with any good script, the main char-
acters matter the most. The main characters are
you and a few core supporting cast members, not
the extras! Not the background people.
Have you ever watched the end of the movie
and watched the credits? After all the leading
characters are listed, there becomes a laundry list
of extras that really aren’t integral to the story; they
are extras. Cab driver #2, bouncer #1—they don’t
even have names. No one even remembers them,
yet most people allow the “extras” to dominate
the script of their lives. We care too much of what
the extras think about us.
When you realize that you are the lead char-
acter in the story of your life, you unleash a force
within you that is incredibly powerful. You and
God get to write your own script. Once you take
control of that script and step into your own lead-
ing role, the one you’ve written for yourself, your
subconscious mind will go to work on attracting
the perfect supporting cast and attracting the
perfect set.


Think of who is in your main cast. Picture

their faces right now. Are they your kids? Your
spouse? Your parents? There’s only about half a
dozen of these people in our life, the ones who
really matter. What will they say about you when
your story is over?
You decide. You are writing the script.
Don’t be surprised if some of your main cast
members question your decisions and push back
on your dreams. You will be challenged to defend
your choices and stand your ground. This will not
always be easy, but it will strengthen the roots to
your dreams.
Other people don’t control you or your life,
nor do they control your beliefs or emotions.
Learned helplessness is the crippling mindset that
other people are the ones doing things to you. But
the reality is that everything in your life is hap-
pening for you, not to you. All the experiences,
trials, obstacles, and struggles you’ve gone through
have happened for you.
I mentioned in my first chapter how, in hind-
sight, the end of my baseball career was a blessing


in disguise. If that didn’t happen, my life would

have gone in a completely different direction.
Hindsight is the understanding of a situation or
event only after it has happened. One of the traits
I’ve developed over the years is the ability to have
that same hindsight clarity while in the present.
In other words, I have developed the ability to see
the benefit of an obstacle while going through the
adversity. The normal reaction of adversity is to
be frustrated and allow it to slow your progress,
or worse, create doubt. If you can learn to see the
benefit of the adversity at the time it is happening,
you will start to separate your level of thinking
from average to elite.

You get what you expect. At the end of the day,

you get your standards. Raise your expectations
of yourself and hold yourself to the highest stan-
dards. Setting the bar high for yourself keeps you
sharp, leaves an elevated impression on others, and
develops your confidence. Average people tend to
look for shortcuts and give minimum effort. When
you maintain those high standards, you separate


yourself from average. Don’t let the average set a

ceiling on your capacity. Don’t let the fears of oth-
ers be your fears. Don’t let the lower expectations
of others set the bar for what is possible for you.
Make decisions, set standards, and take actions
that will get you closer to becoming the best ver-
sion of you and the person you were born to be.
You have it within you. I’m no different than you.
I wasn’t born with a magic gene that you don’t
have; I just wanted to win so bad that I didn’t
allow anyone or anything to steal my dreams.
Procrastination is a thief, and fear is a liar. You
were destined for a life of abundance and prosper-
ity. Your maker didn’t put you here to just get by.
You put in the work, so you expect to win! Never
again allow fear to paralyze you. You’ve made no
decisions until action is taken.
As I said in the beginning of this book, I’m
chasing down the ultimate version of me. The day
will come when I get to be face-to-face with the
destiny version of me. I want the satisfaction of
knowing I spent a lifetime chasing down this man,
and that in the end, I caught up with him. That


he and I are identical. That I challenged myself,

I took risks, I dug deeper, I put in the work, and
I gave it all I had. I used every ounce of blessing
God gave me and left nothing in the tank. It’s the
driving force in my life.
I want you to push yourself now more than you
ever have in your life. You have so much more in
you. You have gifts and talents that you’ve likely
not tapped into because you just didn’t know how.
Maybe you just need a different environment to
utilize them or a mentor to help you discover
them. Maybe you just need someone to believe
in you. Well, I believe in you, and that makes
two, so let’s go!
Take immediate, massive action and go win!
It’s my prayer that you feel a call to change in your
soul and come out swinging. That you picture your
life and the lives of your family living their true
destiny. Now is the time to become the person
you were destined to be. The ultimate #MaxOut
version of you.


Join the conversation! I’d love to connect with you.

Share your thoughts and comments about what you’ve
learned with me on social media. Be sure to follow
on Instagram @EdMylett, Twitter @EdMylett, and
Facebook. And don’t forget you can always continue
to learn by listening to my weekly podcast on iTunes:
Max Out with Ed Mylett, on my YouTube channel:
Ed Mylett, or by visiting my website at


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