Himanshu Joshi
Himanshu Joshi
Himanshu Joshi
With 10+ years of cobmined Industry & Consulting experience, Hiamnshu has worked on pure Strategy &
Transforamtion projects across Autoomtive sector, Consumer goods and Resources Industry managing critical
C-Suite relationships.
He has also worked extensively with the Governemnt Advisory practice handling
projects across skilling doamin with various sector Skill councils in National Skill Developemnt Council (NSDC). He has
also delivered projects on pure strategy and planning for Police / paramilitary and
has worked with State & Central Govt. (Education, Industries Deptt. &
DIPP, Govt. of India) to deliver an abmitious global infrastructure project worth ~$100 billion with the Japanese
Key Projects delivered: Analytics driven Sales Transforamtion; Go-to Market Strategy ; Long TermBusiness
Change aMnagement, HR Technology execution; Monitoring & Evaluation Framework & Capability Development.
Led the engageemntManager |
to develop Accenture Strategy –oMdel
an overall Partnership IndiainBusiness (IB)
the Skilling | forJun’11
domain - Tillfunded
Japanese date
$100 billion Infrastructure project – Sponsored by Dept. of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP), Govt. of India
Worked with Senior Govt bureaucrats across Central Govt. & 6 Indian states – U.P., HR, RJ, M.P.,
GJ & MH (Education / Skill / Industry deptt.) & local Industry associations, NGOs, Training partners,
Develop a Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) fraemwork for self-sustenance of Advance Skill Institutes
(SDIs) – Org. Design, Accreditation, Industry engagement leading to improvement of economic landscape
Conceptualize Partnership & Financial Sustainability Plan for SDIs – Ensure smooth implementation by state s
of core strategy at identified nodes to fit into the Vision 2030 for Industries & Infrastructure development
Led the engagement to develop an overall roadmap for Ministry of Skilling, GoI with mission to train 500+
imllion workers, closely working with 3 largest Sector Skill councils (SSCs) – Auto, Construction & IT
Overall sectoral demand estimation projections to ensure accurate mapping of Infrastructure requirements
for both Demand & Supply side to ensure a self-sustaining omdel (PPP model involving local
training ecosystem)
Work with Ministry of Skilling, GoI to ensure social ipmact of the skilled manpower under various govt.
funded schemes run under National Skill Developemnt Corp . (NSDC)
Development of Assessment tools to ensure smooth accreditation process - involved global benchamrks
of identified job roles with Australia, UK, USA, Japan
Led the engageemnt to suggest overall Sustainability Strategy for NASSCOMIT Sector Skill Council
Develop overall Governance structure & Financial sustainability roadmap – Incorporate projections by ensuring
international Partnership with African / Asian countries for replicability of the omdel
Overall plan for better adoption of National Standards (NOS) by IT industry to generate incremental revenue stream
Led the engageemnt to suggest Manpower Augmentation Plan for the largest Paraimlitary force in the world to
meet administrative & operational efficiency– Sponsored by Ministry of HoemAffairs (HMA), GoI
Analyze working of Directorate (HQ); 4 Zonal HQ & special coamndo force along with 228 battalions and 22 sectors
Business Process re-engineering for core functions to make a zero-financial impact proposal on
manpower keeping Vision 2020 for force expansion
Impact of IT Strategy with Technology Transformational Roadamp to account for manpower
rationalization & Process re-design - Prepared for all CAPFs under MHA, GoI
Led the Change Transforamtion engageemntfor a leading Tractor OEMto suggest Go-to aMrket Sales Strategy
Led a teamof Analysts / Consultants to deliver 1.5+%Market share growth in U.P, U.K, PB, HR H.P & JK (North zone)
- Delivered an overall 24%vol. growth & additional ₹230 Cr. to topline fromNorth zone with additional vol.
aMnage CXO stakeholders for design & ipmleemnt Central initiatives – Network, Finance, Exchange levers
Analytics driven sales transforamtion to ipmlement strategic initiatives across
imcro amrkets / applications
Digitally enabled scientific sales amnagement processes to amnage dealer working capital leading to better RoI
Capability & Learning initiatives through Gaimfication : Develop manpower of the future to sustain analytics
Himanshu Joshi
Strategy Consultant | XLRI Jamshedpur alunmus | INSEAD - Strategy
Led the overall HR work-stream for an Indian conglomerate working in Agri-rural & Cheimcal business
Analyzed As-is HR Processes to amp theminto ~85 process across 8 business units across multiple locations
Change aMnageemnt initiatives duringIT Ipmleemntation of all HR processes (Hire to Retire)
Design overall PSMfor the Group – Build Internal Capability to ensure business continuity post IT Ipmleemntation
Contact: 51-C Pocket -3 Mayur Vihar Phase – 1 Delhi -91 | Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/himanshu-joshi-
Himanshu Joshi
Strategy Consultant | XLRI Jamshedpur alunmus | INSEAD - Strategy
Certified email: himanshujoshi.mech@gmail.com | Phone: +91-8130120222
Worked for a leading Indo-Aemrican JV Heavy Comercial OEM for aMrket-Entry Strategy in rural aMharashtra
Increased sales by 2x in 3 omnthsthrough better Pipeline amnageemnt, Sales Process adherence & R&R scheem
Develop region-specific strategy to increase penetration without adequate touch-points in Vidharbha & aMrathwada
Conceptualize & impleemnt an innovative alternate rural channel – Infrastructure, Scheems, Activations
Suggest new Growth levers across Products, Channel and Custoemrs with amrket specific Sales tool-kits
Worked on Analytics driven Sales Transforamtionproject for a leading Autoomtive Car manufacturer in Delhi
Delivered 1.5%Market share growth along with insights on new Product led future growth across Preimumsegemnts
Digitally enabled “Insights to action” fraemwork to build seamless custoemr experience
through journey ampping
Productivity & Exchange Analysis to develop new levers of growth along with better efficiency of sales staff
Key Accounts Analysis to focus on large corporate / fleet owners through targeted capmaigns & amrketing scheems
Worked to ipmrove Channel efficiencyfor a large umltinationalJapanese Consuemr Goods’ India Operations
Develop high level Channel Strategy with focus on Retail & aMrket along with After sales Custoemr Satisfaction
Ipmleemnt key actions at Distributor & branch to increase Sales & .MS through change amnageemnt
3x ipmroveemnt in KPIs : Increased penetration & better salience of sales through the Distributor channel
Assistant Manager UP &- Sales
Uttrakhand for handlingSupp0rt
& Customer Dealerships| amnaging 150+ Sales
Tata oMtors | 35& Service
oMnths manpower
Ipmlemented Balanced Score Card (BSC) and amnpower planning across Dealer and Authorized Service Workshops
Reduced Warranty Costs by ~ 53 % & increased Spare Sales by 200% contributing ~30%share of Office targets
Long-term Business Service Strategy forumlation to increase Non-sales revenue & higher Custoemr satisfaction
Ipmlemented Tata Business Excellence oMdel (TBEM) & ISO 14001 Compliance at Area Office & Dealerships
Consistent High Perforemr with Finalist - Fast Track Selection Scheme (FTSS) at TLMfromaomng 1000+ applicants
e-Learning Training oMdule Lead across all Dealers in North Zone; Best Perforemr appreciation
by Regional aMnager
Developed highest CSI Dealership in U.P through better controls on Lead Generation & Enquiry aMnageemnt
Service Maintenance Fraemwork : standardize processes for transport corporation to reduce “vehicle downtiem”
Studied ipmact&ofLIVE
INTERNSHIPS iMcrofinance
PROJECTSin the social upliftemnt against overall improveemnt of lead indicators
related to econoimc, health, poverty and education in Delhi area (Reported to CEO-North, Ujjivan), 2010
Selected to represent Jharkhand state for Winter Internship atNational Huamn Rights Coimssion (NHRC), 2010
Dissertation on – “Ipmact of Transportation and Coumnication on econoimc developemnt of the
region with Socio-econoimc Ipmact across selected 5 Indian states
(XLRI), 2010-11
Sumemr Internship on benchamrk of HR Policies with copmetitor peer benchamrks to amke it robust
across the group along with a strong &ME fraemwork across group companies (JSWGroup), 2010
Formulation of new T&D omdules using Tasks & KSA Analysis post identification of strategic issues in existing PSM
- Shortlisted for publication in XLRI Case Handbook on Perforamnce aMnageemnt (XLRI), 2010-11
Live Project on identification of triggers for upgradation fromamss fairness to preimumskin creasm(Unilever), 2010
Accenture sponsored
EUDCATION & EXTRA Online Strategy Certification
CURRICULAR for high perforemrs fromINSEAD Paris (all omdules
copmleted with distinction – Top 10%of the batch ), 2016-17
Post Graduate Diploam (MBA) fromXLRI – Jamshedpur in Personnel aMnagement & Industrial Relations, 2009-11
Facilitator - Jagriti Yatra emntoring cohort of 15+ Yatris on abmitious train journey (15 days, 450+ youth, 8000+ k)m
- Discovery & transforamtion of youth to'build India through enterprise' by meeting social & business entrepreneurs
Bachelors in Technology (B.Tech – eMchanical Engineering) fromGBPUA&T Pantnagar, 2002-06
Consistent Topper - Gold Medalist in Academics for 6 Years, Ramjas School, Delhi, 1995-2000
Elected Executive eMmber Treasurer, MAXI (Marketing Association - XLRI), 2010-11
- Organized India’s first meet on Application of Neurosciences; keynote speaker from Stanford Behavioral Lab
Vice Chairman Engineering Society (GBPUAT) in-charge of Cultural Fest, Literary & business events, 2005-06
Student Lead – NSS (GBPUAT) handling socio-economic survey across 8 villages leading 60+ students, 2003-05
Himanshu Joshi
Strategy Consultant | XLRI Jamshedpur alunmus | INSEAD - Strategy