Business Plan Outline
Business Plan Outline
Business Plan Outline
Business Name
Business Location/ Address
Applicant Name
Telephone Number(s)
Applicant Name:
Physical Address:
Mailing Address:
Telephone #:
Social Security #:
Date of Birth:
Enrollment #:
I, __________, have read this entire plan, and agree that it contains information and plans I have
provided for my business. [Staff Name] assisted with creation of [items you helped create, for
example, Financial Projections from the numbers I provided]. This document contains
confidential and proprietary information belonging exclusively to myself, and there will be no
copying or distribution of said material without my explicit approval.
_______________________________________________ _____________________
Signature Date
This business plan outline was created by Sharon James, Many Eagles Development, Minnesota in the late 80s after
hearing entrepreneurs state, “what goes into a business plan” and “how do I put all this together”. In 2014, Sharon
showed the outline to a few financing agencies and they stated that this continues to be the information they look for
when making a loan decision. Sharon James gives those who are not selling their services or this tool, permission to
use this to assist their clients. You are permitted to change and adjust it to best fit your organization. In exchange,
Sharon asks that any duplication or use of this outline contain this logo and by line.
Couple Tips: This is a guide, and is not an all-inclusive list, as each business is different. The entrepreneur can take
out items that don’t apply or add items as needed.
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary
A. Brief Overview
B. Total Project Costs
II. Market Analysis
A. Industry Trends
B. Total Market
C. Target Market
D. Competition
E. Suppliers
III. Marketing Plan
A. Overall Strategy
B. Products/Services
C. Pricing
D. Place
E. Promotion
IV. Management Plan
A. Organizational Structure
B. Staffing Plan
C. Job Descriptions
D. Resumes
E. Key Operational Functions
F. Optional Plans & Policies
V. Financial Data
A. Personal Financial Statement
B. Historical Data (if existing business)
C. Projection Assumptions
D. P&L and Cash Flow Projections
E. Projected Balance Sheet
F. Amortization Schedule
VI. Appendix
A. Supporting Data
Executive Summary
Do this section last (it includes the total project costs page)
This will summarize your whole business plan.
It should summarize:
Who you are
What your business is/does
Your location
Your market & competition
Your background/experience/strengths
Total Project Costs
Again, these are suggestions; if any of these items do not apply to your business, don’t use them.
Provide a detailed breakdown of each category total on the following page.
Land 0,000
Building 0,000
Construction 0,000
Renovations 0,000
Equipment 0,000
Inventory 0,000
Start up Costs 0,000
Working capital 0,000
Loan ___% interest rate ___ years Collateral Provided & Position
Loan ___% interest rate ___ years Collateral Provided & Position
The above entails my loan request. I offer the above stated terms and collateral for my loan.
There are no other lien holders.
______________________________________________________ ___________
Signature Date
Total Project Cost Breakdown
(under each of your Total Project Cost Totals, list the items and their purchase price or current
value if owned already, that make up the total)
Land $
Equipment $
Inventory $ (only needed if you have different groupings of inventory; like beverages, food, and
food serving supplies)
Start-up Cost $ (if you want to list them separately from Working Capital)
Working Capital (not needed here as your projections will determine your working capital needs)
Market Analysis
(do this section first as it will help you make decision in the rest of your plan)
(as you are doing your research also save any numbers you come across for TPC or Projections)
Industry Trends
National statistics and trends for this type of business
Barriers to entry
Seasonal & holiday effects
What is happening that could damage or help the business, any new developments
Impacts of economic conditions & how you will address them for example: if interest
rates go up, if economy is sluggish what is your safety net for the business.
Keys to success in this industry
Total Market
Describe the type of customers who buy this type of product or service
o Age, sex, location, income level, ethnic background, education, hobbies, skills, martial
status, # of kids, buying habits, special interests, handicaps, spare time activities, vacation
activities, job/position, pets, car, eating habits, own or rent, market preferences, opinions,
trends, etc.
Local regional-national-international
Does your product/service meet a real need or a perceived need
How will they recognize yours from others (brand name)
Repeat business or one-time purchaser
Quality, style, fad, staple
Growth potential
Anticipated profit & return on investment
Targeted Market
What is your targeted geographical coverage area
How much of the total market is located in your targeted coverage area
What Tribal Markets do you want to pursue
What percentage will you capture in your coverage area
Who are the customers you want to focus on (be specific: do not say “all” or “everyone”)
Name & address of those who provide what you provide (major vs. minor)
What are their advantages & weaknesses
Any on head to head basis
Substitutes or indirect competition
Price & Marketing differences
Any new entries into the market
Will you be taking someone’s market share, % of market for each of you
How will they react to you, plan of competitiveness, fight back
Reasons why customers will come to you instead
Who are they
Where are they located
What do they supply
Terms of purchase (cash/credit terms)
Marketing Plan
1. Success in this area requires commitment, continuity and creativity.
2. Do things different/unique to attract your customers to buy from your business; but keep an
eye out for something that is successful for someone else and see if it will work for your
3. Be realistic in your goals, be specific with strategies and comprehensive in analysis of your
industry and competition.
Products/Services Strategies
describe what your business provides
describe the benefits - what does it do for the user
what problems do you provide a solution to/why it is useful
describe any differences between yourself and your competition
uniqueness, superiority, quality, distinct advantage you have
product liability, durability, life cycle
what are your product/service substitutes – what do people buy instead of this
gap filling, is it - new product, only product of its kind, etc
customer service options: return policies, delivery, warranty, guarantee, etc.
any patents/copyrights/legal considerations
if Manufacturing your product
o Production strategy & research & development strategy
o Materials: supply, production method, alternatives
Pricing Strategies
how you established your pricing – what does it cover
differentiate yourself from competitive position to others (high, low, leader, cheap)
customer payment terms (cash, check, credit card, credit)
Place Strategies
describe where you are (or will be) located and your space capacity
advantages and disadvantages of your location
accessibility to your market & labor supply
distribution plans
differentiate yourself from competition
o Sales Skills
o Public Relations
o Personal Charisma
o Customer Service
o Signage
o Thank You Notes
o Contests - Special Events
o Demonstrations
o Advertising
Radio or TV
Yellow Pages
Direct Mail
o Newsletters
o Business Cards
o Website
o Social Media
o Community Activity
o Networking
Trade Shows
Join Associations, Chamber of Commerce, etc
Attend Community Events, Meetings, Gatherings
o Positioning
contacts w/media press releases
follow up
speaking engagements
self published information
send articles on you to customers
letters to the editor
Management Plan
Organizational Structure
Form of business
o sole-proprietor
o partnership (type)
o corporation (type)
Organizational Chart
Staffing Plan
Owner’s role, hours and pay
What employees are needed?
Employee’s hours, pay, and duties?
How will you attract them to work for you?
How will you motivate them to continue working for you?
How will you administer & account for them?
Any training, incentives, or benefits provided?
Internal Controls
Employee Policies
Purchasing & Inventory Controls
Cash Controls
Regulatory Guidelines & Requirements of your Industry or Community
Job Descriptions (we can assist you in developing job descriptions for your staff)
Show the ability & track record of key people & owners
Hire or access people who compliment you (areas where you're weak get someone who is
strong in that area)
Having an advisory board is always helpful (no more than 7, with credentials &
experience in the industry you are going into, adds credibility & better business sense
with potential referrals from them)
Facilities Plan
building or space size
If land, how many acres & layout of the buildings, storage, parking, etc.
Equipment layout within the building/space
Your maximum capacity with the space and equipment
Future Plans (set long and short term objectives with timelines/deadlines)
Business Set Up: initial activities, business registration, purchases, hiring, marketing
Asset Management: installation, preventative maintenance, repairs, replacement plan
Anticipated expansion, growth, or improvements
Employee & Owner Training/Skill Building Plans
Contingency or Exit Plan
Projection Assumptions
(Explain in writing how you arrived at the numbers used in your financial projections.)
Payroll taxes
Property Taxes
Cleaning Supplies
Office Supplies
Refuse Removal
Professional Fees
3 Year Projected Balance Sheet (we can help with these)
3 Years Monthly Income Statement & Cash Flow (we can help with these)
If an existing business, also provide:
3 Years Historical Financials & Tax Returns (or life of operation, if less than 3 years)
Attach Financials Created and Appendix items showing Supporting Documents of your Plan