Course Plan Maths Iii 2022
Course Plan Maths Iii 2022
Course Plan Maths Iii 2022
Department :
No of contact hours/week:
No. of
At the end of this course, the student should be able to: Contact Marks
CO1: Understand and apply the concepts of Fourier Series, Fourier 10 14
transforms & their properties
CO2: Understand and apply analyticity of a complex functions and its 5 6
CO3: Understand and apply the concepts of contour integration 7 7
CO4: Understand the concept of vector differential and integral calculus & 12 17
their properties
CO5: Apply the concepts of linear PDEs, to solve One dimension Heat and 6 6
Wave equation by different methods.
Total 40 50
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End Semester/
Components Surprise Quizzes Sessional Tests
Make-up Examination
Duration 20 to 30 minutes 60 minutes 180 minutes
Weightage 20 % (4 X 5 marks) 30 % (2 X 15 Marks) 50 % (1 X 50 Marks)
Knowledge/ Recall; Understanding/
Understanding/ Comprehension;
Typology of Understanding/ Comprehension;
Application; Analysis; Synthesis;
Questions Comprehension; Application; Analysis;
Application Synthesis; Evaluation
Answer one randomly selected MCQ: 10 questions Answer all 5 full
question from the problem sheet (0.5 marks) questions of 10 marks
Pattern (Students can refer their class Short Answers: 5 each. Each question
notes) questions (2 marks) may have 2 to 3 parts
of 3/4/5/6/7 marks
4, 7, 10, and 13th week of
Schedule Calendared activity Calendared activity
academic calendar
Quiz 1 (L 1-10 & T y1-y2 ) (CO 1) Test 1 Comprehensive
Quiz 2 (L 11-21 & T y3-y4 ) (CO 2 (L 1-16 & T b1-b2 ) examination covering
Topics &3) (CO 1&2) full syllabus. Students
Covered Quiz 3 (L 22-30 & T y5-y6 ) (CO 3 Test 2 are expected to answer
&4) (L 17-25 & T b3-b4 ) all questions (CO 1-5)
Quiz 4 (L 31-36 & T y7-y8 ) (CO 5) (CO 3&4)
Course Plan
L. No./
Topics Outcome
T. No.
L0 Introduction to the Course CO
L1 Periodic functions, Even & odd functions and their properties. List of some CO1
standard integrals (definite integrals)
L2 Trigonometric or Fourier Series. Dirichlet’s conditions. Euler’s formulae for Fourier CO1
L3 Problems on Fourier series of functions with period pi CO1
L4 Tutorial CO1
L5 Fourier series expansion of functions with arbitrary period and related problems. CO1
L6 Fourier series expansion of odd/even functions ,Half range expansions CO1
L7 Harmonic analysis, Introduction to Fourier transform CO1
L8 Tutorial CO1
L9 Parseval’s identity and applications CO1
L10 Fourier sine and cosine transforms, basic properties and Self reciprocal functions CO1
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L11 Tutorial CO2
L12 Functions of complex variable. Basic concepts on limit, continuity, differentiability CO2
and analytic functions
L13 C-R equations in Cartesian and Polar co-ordinates and related problems CO2
L14 Harmonic functions, properties of analytic functions and related problem CO2
L15 Finding analytic function whose real or imaginary part is given CO2
L16 Tutorial CO3
L17 Line integrals of complex functions and related problems.Cauchy’s integral CO3
theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula and appilications, related problems
L18 Basic concepts of power series, radius/ region of convergence. Taylor’s theorem CO3
L19 Taylor’s series expansions of analytic CO3
L20 Tutorials CO3
L21 Laurent series expansions and related problems. CO3
L22 Residue, Cauchy’s residue theorem and related problems CO3
L23 Tutorials CO4
L24 Basic concepts on vectors & their products. Ordinary / partial derivatives of a CO4
vector function and related formulas.
L25 Vector differential operator, gradient, divergence and curl, Directional derivatives CO4
and their geometrical interpolation and related problems
L26 Identities involving the operator ,Solenoidal / Irrotational fields and related CO4
L27 Tutorials CO4
L28 Line integrals, conservative vector field,independent of paths and related CO4
L29 Green’s theorem in the plane CO4
L30 Applications of Green's theorem and related problems CO4
L31 Tutorial CO4
L32 Surface / Volume integrals, related problems CO4
L33 Stoke’s theorem and Divergence theorem CO4
L34 Tutorials CO4
L35 Basic concepts of PDEs / Solutions. Solutions of PDEs by direct integration and by C05
separation of variables.
L36 Solution of PDE by indicated transformations. CO5
Erwin Kreyszig: Advanced Engineering Mathematics-, Wiley Eastern
2. Grewal B.S. - Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers
Date: 27-08-2022
(Signature of HOD)
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