1. Describe how cbc connects to each of the Kenya goals of education (5
a. Epistemology
Epistemology being the study of knowledge it considered how people to
learn what they know.
It state that there are four main bases of knowledge that is divine revelation,
experience, logic and experience and institution.
These influence how teaching, learning and understanding come about in the
b. Metaphysics
It is a branch of philosophy that consider the physical universe and the
nature of ultimate reality if ask question like, what is real? What is origin of
the word? What is behind the stars? Your consideration of reality as an
external creation or an internal construct can influence your metaphysical
belief and perceptive and your teaching
Regardless of your definition of reality, the exploration and categorization of
physical universe form the foundation of several school subjects.
c. Axiology
It is a branch of philosophy that considers the study of principle and values.
These values are divided into two main kinds ethics and aesthetics.
Ethics is the questioning of morals and personal values while aesthetic is the
examination of what is beautiful, enjoyable or tasteful. It is more than just
about knowledge but also quality of life.
Children are taught of making value judgement about what is good in life,
the right actions, good music and able to clarify the concepts, broaden their
meaning and dispel misconception and ambiguities’
d. Logic
Logic is the branch of philosophy that seek to organized reasoning. Student
learn how to think in a structurally sound manner. Logic has two types:
deductive and inductive reasoning
Deductive reasoning involves examining a general case deducing a general
set of roles or principles and the applying this role to specific cases while
inductive reasoning involves taking specific examples and considering the
general principle, role or cases that cost them.
Cat 2
1. Founders of education have immensely dictated Kenyans provision of
education. Explain with specify examples (5 marks).
a. Plato
Plato was Socrates disciple attaches considerable importance to the
education of children, like he advocated that the state should take over
the responsibility of education rather than leave it to the pirate and so
advocated that education should be compulsory
b. John Amos Comenius
He had advocated for early learning and striving up in children the
desire to learn. He further said children are willing to learn and should
be talk the things they can understand in an interesting way. He also
said learning should be through the sense, lesson should be few and
adjusted to the capacity of the children.
c. Jean Jacques roussau
He said that children should be the central factor to be considered in
education and children to be treated as children and not adult. he said
that childhood has ways of seeing, thinking and feeling that are
peculiar to childhood and they can’t be substituted with other ways
therefore the education of the child should be based upon its nature
e.g. considering need, abilities, interest and outlook of a child.
d. Jean heinrich Pestalozzi
He said that a child learns by activity which include drawing,
collecting, in matting and observing nature therefor the teacher’s
foundation id to train children/ pupils in the habit of accurate
observation and not in memories of words
e. Friedrich wilhem Froebel
He argues that a money is active organism that engages himself in
constructing and opposing activities and therefor the role of education
is to reconcile the activities, therefore children may express the ideas,
feelings and it is the role of the teacher to reconcile the ideas and
2. Knowledge of philosophy and sociology is very important to a teacher
discuss (4 marks).
The relationship between philosophy and sociology is a symbiotic one.
The society depends and his influence by philosophy in equal measure, the
philosophies dependents and influence by society. Philosophy causes changes in
the society much as society causes changes in education. If the society changes
learning institution are forced to change to remain relevant to society’s needs.
Philosophy is the such for wisdom which is quality of being wise and
wherever is wise is said to have knowledge, experience, good judgement and
intellects that is acquired through formal, non-formal or informal education while
sociology on other hand has to do with sharing groups and the groups could be
held institution, economic institution, political institution and family institution.
3. Explain in details any two education commissions and use the same to
suggest five recommendation worthy Kenyans future education (6
a. The beecher commission report 1949.
Faced with the problem of uncontrolled expansion of primary
school system together with greater financial and man power constraint the
colonial governor appointed a committee in to examine and report on the scope,
content and methods of the African education system. They identify the expansion
of primary level without adequate financial provision and control supervision,
teacher training and planned development
b. Ominde commission 1964
The government was quick to recognized the complexities facing
education at independent and the need to provide immadient guideline
towards there solution immediately after independent in December the
minister of education appointed a high powered commission chaired
by professor ominde whose reference were to server the existing
education resources of Kenya and to advice the government in the
formation and implementation of nation policies for education
Recommended primary education for all children and as the
minimum basic education requirement for take-off into modern
sector national life.
They recommended a policy to relate school output to the man
power needs in the areas of trade, industry and agriculture and
also stress the important of the practical aspect of the subjects.
They recommended the independent school to be considered as
voluntary agencies so as to qualify for financial assistance
They recommended the establishment of unified teachers
service with salary scales linked to those of the government
They recommended the important of maintain co-operation
between the government and the missions.