11, YT, DET Sample Test
11, YT, DET Sample Test
11, YT, DET Sample Test
Test #11
Type the missing letters to complete the text below.
Type the statement you hear.
Number of replays: 2
Type the statement you hear.
Number of replays: 2
Type the statement you hear.
Number of replays: 1
Type the statement you hear.
Select the real English words in this list.
Select the real English words in this list.
Write a description of the image below for 1 minute.
Write a description of the image below for 1 minute.
Write a description of the image below for 1 minute.
Write a description of the image below for 1 minute.
Write a description of the image below for 1 minute.
Write a description of the image below for 1 minute.
Record yourself saying the statement below.
Select the real English words in this list.
Select the real English words in this list.
Type the missing letters to complete the text below.
Short-term memory
Short-term memory
Type the statement you hear.
Number of replays: 2
Type the statement you hear.
Number of replays: 2
Type the statement you hear.
Number of replays: 1
Type the statement you hear.
Record yourself saying the statement below.
Select the real English words in this list.
Select the real English words in this list.
Type the missing letters to complete the text below.
Filling a Lake
Filling a Lake
Type the statement you hear.
Number of replays: 2
Type the statement you hear.
Number of replays: 2
Type the statement you hear.
Number of replays: 1
Type the statement you hear.
Record yourself saying the statement below.
Type the missing letters to complete the text below.
Lakes and Tides
Record yourself saying the statement below.
Type the statement you hear.
Number of replays: 2
Type the statement you hear.
Number of replays: 2
Type the statement you hear.
Number of replays: 1
Type the statement you hear.
Record yourself saying the statement below.
Select the real English words in this list.
Select the real English words in this list.
Type the missing letters to complete the text below.
Largest Planets
Largest Planets
Type the statement you hear.
Number of replays: 2
Type the statement you hear.
Number of replays: 2
Type the statement you hear.
Number of replays: 1
Type the statement you hear.
Select the real English words in this list.
Select the real English words in this list.
Type the statement you hear.
Number of replays: 2
Type the statement you hear.
Number of replays: 2
Type the statement you hear.
Number of replays: 1
Type the statement you hear.
Record yourself saying the statement below.
Type the missing letters to complete the text below.
Space Race
Space Race
Select the real English words in this list.
Select the real English words in this list.
Interactive Reading
7:00 for the next 6 questions
5:10 for the next 5 questions
3:30 for the next 3 questions
2:40 for the next 2 questions
1:00 for this question
Graphic design consists of definitions, rules and Select the best title for the
considerations of design applied to the visual medium, for
communication with the viewer. Graphic design can be
used for advertising, or just for entertainment. Graphic
design considerations influence all visual aspects of our a. How to Draw Attention in Advertising
technological society and is an intrinsic part of human
culture. For example, this type of design is often used to b. Graphic Design and How It Is Used
emphasize a specific element or draw attention to the eye.
Emphasis can be achieved in graphic design by placing c. Why Companies Use Graphic Design
elements on the page in positions where the eye is
naturally drawn, by using other principles such as contrast, d. How to Follow the Rules of Graphic
repetition, or movement. Bold and italic type provides Design
emphasis for text. Graphic elements gain emphasis
through size, visual weight, color, complexity, uniqueness,
placement on the page, and other features.
Answer Key
Graphic design consists of definitions, rules and considerations of design applied to the
visual medium, for (1) communication with the viewer. Graphic design (2) can be
used for advertising, or just for (3) entertainment. Graphic design considerations
influence all visual aspects (4) of our technological society and is an intrinsic part of
human (5) culture. For example, this type of design is often used to emphasize a
specific element or draw attention to the eye. Emphasis can be achieved in graphic
design by placing elements on the page in positions where the eye is naturally drawn,
by using other principles such as contrast, repetition, or movement. Bold and italic
type provides emphasis for text. Graphic elements gain emphasis through size, visual
weight, color, complexity, uniqueness, placement on the page, and other features.
Answer Key
7:00 for the next 6 questions
5:10 for the next 5 questions
Studies conclude that there are six basic types of Select the idea that is expressed
emotions expressed in faces - namely sadness, in the passage
happiness, disgust, surprise, anger and fear, a. While there are fewer complex emotions
independent of culture and language. Complex than basic emotions, they are more powerful
emotions like jealousy, love and pride are different because they impact others.
from basic emotions as they comprehend awareness
of oneself in relation to other people and one's b. Embarrassment is the most powerful
complex emotion and happiness is the most
attitude towards other people. Hence they come along
powerful basic emotion.
with a more complex attributional process which is
required to appreciate thoughts and beliefs of other c. Psychologists study the difference between
people. Complex emotions are more likely to be basic and complex emotions in order to
dependent on cultural influences than basic types of understand people and culture better.
emotions. If you think of a person who feels
d. Complex emotions are more dependent on
embarrassed, you have to consider what kind of action
your culture and people around you while
he committed in which situation and how this action basic emotions operate independently.
raised the disapproval of other people.
1:00 for this question
Studies conclude that there are six basic (1) types of emotions expressed in faces
- namely sadness, happiness, disgust, surprise, anger and fear, independent (2) of
culture and language. Complex emotions like jealousy, love and pride are different
from (3) basic emotions as they comprehend awareness of oneself in relation to
other people and one's attitude towards other people. Hence they come along (4)
with a more complex attributional process which is required to appreciate
thoughts and beliefs of other people. Complex emotions are more likely to be
dependent on cultural influences than basic types of emotions. If you think of a
person who feels embarrassed, you have to consider what kind of action he
committed in which situation and how this action raised the (5) disapproval of
other people. www.tstprep.com
Answer Key
4:00 for the next 5 questions
3:45 for the next 5 questions
Question 1 of 5.
Pick the best option to start the conversation.
Listen closely. You can only play the audio clip once.
3:00 for the next 4 questions
Question 2 of 5.
Select the best response.
You are a student who has recently submitted an essay for your
English Literature class, but you are concerned that you may not have
sufficiently addressed the assignment's prompt. You decide to visit
your professor during office hours to seek some input.
I'm just worried that I didn't fully address the prompt. I feel like
I may have gone off on a tangent in some parts of the essay.
2:15 for the next 3 questions
Question 3 of 5.
Select the best response.
1:30 for the next 2 questions
I'm just worried that I didn't fully address the prompt. I feel like
I may have gone off on a tangent in some parts of the essay.
1:30 for the next 2 questions
Question 4 of 5.
Select the best response.
0:45 for this question
I'm just worried that I didn't fully address the prompt. I feel like
I may have gone off on a tangent in some parts of the essay.
0:45 for this question
Question 5 of 5.
Select the best response.
4:00 for the next 5 questions
3:45 for the next 5 questions
Question 1 of 5.
Pick the best option to start the conversation.
3:00 for the next 4 questions
Listen closely. You can only play the audio clip once.
3:00 for the next 4 questions
Question 2 of 5.
Select the best response.
2:15 for the next 3 questions
You and your classmate are trying to decide whether to form a study
group for an upcoming difficult exam in your biology class. You want to
discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of studying together.
I've considered it, but I'm not sure if it's the best idea for a
biology course. What do you think the benefits would be?
2:15 for the next 3 questions
Question 3 of 5.
Select the best response.
I've considered it, but I'm not sure if it's the best idea for a
biology course. What do you think the benefits would be?
Well, for one, we can help each other understand the material
better by explaining concepts to one another. Plus, it might
make studying more enjoyable.
I get your point. But we could set some ground rules to stay
focused and ensure we cover all the necessary topics.
1:30 for the next 2 questions
Question 4 of 5.
Select the best response.
0:45 for this question
Well, for one, we can help each other understand the material
better by explaining concepts to one another. Plus, it might
make studying more enjoyable.
I get your point. But we could set some ground rules to stay
focused and ensure we cover all the necessary topics.
0:45 for this question
Question 5 of 5.
Select the best response.
- Hey, have you thought about working together to prepare for the exam?
You will participate in a - I've considered it, but I'm not sure if it's the best idea for a biology course.
conversation about the scenario What do you think the benefits would be?
below. - Well, for one, we can help each other understand the material better by
explaining concepts to one another. Plus, it might make studying more
You and your classmate are trying to enjoyable.
decide whether to form a study group - That's true. But what about the drawbacks? Sometimes study groups can
for an upcoming difficult exam in your become distracting, and we might not cover everything we need to.
biology class. You want to discuss the - I get your point. But we could set some ground rules to stay focused and
potential benefits and drawbacks of ensure we cover all the necessary topics.
studying together. - That sounds reasonable. If we can keep the group small and focused, it
might be helpful after all.
- Great! Let's talk to a few other classmates who might be interested and
plan a study session for this weekend.
- Did you mention anything to Carlos yet? He is always having a hard time
in biology.
- No, not yet, but I’ll be sure to give him a call and let him know.
Write about the topic below for 5 minutes.
Many people think that having a job as a teenager can
help teach responsibility, however, I do not support
this idea at all. I do not think the majority of the
“Having a job can help population realizes how much responsibility teenagers
teach responsibility. already have without a job. They have a plethora of
Teenagers should be exams to study for and classes to pass. Many of them
required to have jobs are part of clubs or sports teams, and adding a job to
to help them learn this this would create additional stress. A teenager's first
valuable skill. Do you priority should be to do well in school, and then to be
support or oppose this part of a club or team. Finishing homework on time or
participating in a club already teaches teens how to
idea? Explain why.”
work well with others and complete their assigned
duties. It would be detrimental to require them to have
a job on top of it all.
Speak about the topic for 90 seconds.
Number of replays: 2
Speak about the topic for 90 seconds.
Number of replays: 2
Speak about the topic for 90 seconds.
Number of replays: 1
I often need to work on group projects with others and,
unfortunately, we usually disagree and just have such
different opinions. It takes quite a bit of time for us to agree
“Describe a time you on anything. For example, the other day my colleague
wanted to make an advertisement with some swear words
worked with someone on to grab attention and make people laugh. I told him about
a group project who had another company that tried to do something similar and it
different opinions than wasn't received well by the public. It was a big waste of time
you about how it should and money. After each group member did some research
be completed. How did on the matter, they came back and we agreed to ditch the
risky campaign and instead opted for my own idea based on
you reach an agreement a previous project. This wasn’t a school assignment so there
to complete the project? was no grade at the end, but we did get a great reaction
Did you receive a from the client and managed to create a really successful
satisfactory grade? advertising campaign. So, yeah, that is one specific instance
that popped into my head of when I worked with a team
and completed the given project successfully.
Speak about the image below for 90 seconds.
Speak about the image below for 90 seconds.
Well, there are two flight attendants walking down the
street at a very brisk pace. They are both carrying
briefcases and small black coolers. One strange thing about
this picture is they have on the exact same outfit. They have
on black skirt suits with black tights and black heels. They
have their hair up and it looks like blue scarves around their
neck. I also notice something else around the neck on the
woman to the left, probably an ID badge for her to gain
access where she works. I think these flight attendants are
headed to the airplane so that they can get it ready for the
next flight. Their briefcases are probably carrying a change
of clothes for when they land. That’s just a guess, though. I
imagine that the small black cooler bags contain a packed
lunch so that when they have their break, they can enjoy a
snack or even a small meal before they take care of the
passengers on the plane again. They are walking between
two white lines with white bear claws painted on the
pavement. That must mean that this is a safe walking zone
on the runway. It’s pretty interesting actually, I have never
seen this kind of walkway before.
Speak about the topic below for 90 seconds.
Speak about the topic below for 90 seconds.
A few months ago, I was late for my Spanish class
because I decided to go for lunch beforehand and then
with the traffic it was difficult to get home very quickly
and be on time online for the class. I probably should
Describe a time when you have realized that it wasn't going to be easy at that time
were late for class. of the day to get moving downtown and I felt really
terrible that my teacher was waiting for me. I did let her
know that I would be late but I still felt bad that I wasted
- What did you do? her time. Now I make sure that I give myself even more
time to move around. I even take my computer with me
- Why were you late? so I can sometimes start a class or even do a full class in
a different location, especially with online classes
- How do you keep from there's really no excuse to be late, so I'm doing my best
to be prepared for this in the future and so far I haven't
being late to future classes? been late again. Also, I'm making sure to block off half
an hour between classes because I think that gives me
enough time to do what I need to do, like get a snack or
a drink or even a quick stretch.
Speak about the topic for 90 seconds.
Number of replays: 2
Speak about the topic for 90 seconds.
Number of replays: 2
Speak about the topic for 90 seconds.
Number of replays: 0
You know, there are a lot of people who have had an
impact on my life, but if I had to choose one, then it
would have to be my career advisor in high school. I
remember when I was struggling to decide what I wanted
Talk about someone who to do at university, and I was just feeling a lot of pressure
had a big impact on your from certain teachers, especially my chemistry teacher
and math teacher. They both wanted me to continue
life. Who were they? How studying in their field since it would be good for the
did they help you? What school’s reputation and for them. This career advisor
changed because of listened to my thoughts and then asked, ‘But what do
them? you enjoy? What actually gives you satisfaction in terms
of a job?’ This simple question made me realize that I
actually enjoyed languages and that was what I wanted
to study and get involved in. Now, I'm working as a
language teacher and the topic still fascinates me. I love
my job and feel rewarded in this industry, so that career
advisor really had an incredible impact on my life.
Write about the topic below for 5 minutes.
Speak about the topic below for 3 minutes.
Speak about the topic below for 3 minutes.