Geology of Titanium-Mineral Deposit Force1991
Geology of Titanium-Mineral Deposit Force1991
Geology of Titanium-Mineral Deposit Force1991
More than 90 percent of the titanium minerals currently produced come from
magmatic ilmenite deposits and from young shoreline placer deposits. This means that
the two geologic processes most directly responsible for economic titanium-mineral
deposits are (1) the accumulation of dense oxide-rich liquids immiscible in cooling
magmas of ferrodioritic to gabbroic composition, and (2) the interference between
deposition and entrainment in the enrichment of dense minerals on the upper swash
zones of beaches (and removal of some concentrates to eolian environments). Both
processes are essentially mechanical; i.e., chemical remobilization of titanium does not
form its major ore deposits.
Both processes also require precursor conditions that ensure that titanium is pres-
ent predominantly in the form of oxide minerals. In magmatic deposits, these are physi-
cal and chemical conditions that favor titanium-oxide over titanium-silicate minerals. In
sedimentary deposits, these conditions are a combination of proper source rocks, weath-
ering history, and sedimentary conduits, all necessary to permit the supply of favorable
minerals and prevent their dilution with unfavorable ones.
Some titanium-mineral production currently comes from fluvial placer deposits
(Gbangbama, Sierra Leone) and from deeply weathered alkalic pyroxenites (Tapira,
Brazil). In addition, several other deposit types could well become economic in the near
future: (1) rutile from eclogites, (2) rutile from contact-metasomatic zones of alkalic
anorthosites, (3) perovskite from alkalic pyroxenites, and (4) rutile byproduct from
porphyry Cu-Mo deposits; detrital titanium-mineral deposits could be exploited (5) on
continental shelves, (6) in Pleistocene glaciolacustrine deltas, or (7) in older, semiindu-
rated beach deposits. If young shoreline placers are depleted, these other deposit types
may become important.
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Chapter 10.
The impact of titanium-mineral geology on industry and trade
Titanium minerals are currently mined from four quite dis- Board (1983) has published an extensive review of titanium
similar types of deposits. To a great extent, the structure of the metal use. Titanium is one of the few metals the use of which is
titanium industry reflects the mineralogy of the different deposit likely to increase in the near future (U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1986).
types and subtypes, and world trade patterns for titanium prod- The titanium industry is an infant compared with long-
ucts reflect deposit-type distribution. This chapter explores the established industries using many other minerals and metals.
relation between geology and industry; for this purpose the eco- Large-volume pigment uses date from the late 1930s, the metal
nomic geology of titanium is introduced in nongenetic terms. uses from the late 1950s. The history of large commercial markets
for titanium metal has been short but irregular, making normal
USES AND VALUE OF TITANIUM MINERALS market cycles look placid by comparison; fitful U.S. government
acquisitions of military aircraft have partially governed the
Titanium metal and TiC>2 pigment are the two main prod- industry.
ucts made from titanium minerals, and on them large industries Worldwide, titanium-mineral mining in 1987 produced
depend. First by far in terms of volume produced is microcrystal- about 5.8 million metric tons of titanium-mineral concentrates
line TiC>2 for white pigment. Because of the extremely high re- (Lynd, 1988), worth approximately US $915 million. Titanium
fractive index of Ti0 2 as rutile (2.6 to 2.9, or higher than dioxide pigment and metallic titanium, made from titanium min-
diamond), it is the chief opacifying pigment used in paint and erals, in the same year were worth about US $4,200 million and
other products such as plastics and paper, not only for white color US $700 million, respectively. Total employment in these
but for quite a range of colors. It has supplanted lead-based titanium-mineral mining and conversion industries is more than
pigments in many of these roles. Titanium dioxide pigment com- 20,000 workers. Past this point, it is impossible to track the
monly forms more than 20 percent by weight of some paints. The increasing value of titanium products as they become finished
pigment industry consumes more than 90 percent of all titanium goods in complex industries.
minerals mined.
The product ranked second by volume, though perhaps not DISTRIBUTION OF TITANIUM AND TITANIUM
in importance, is titanium metal. The high strength-to-weight MINERALS IN THE EARTH'S CRUST
ratios and resistance to corrosion and high temperature of tita-
nium metal and titanium-based alloys make them important in- Titanium is sufficiently abundant in the earth's crust (0.86
gredients in many industries. Most important is the aircraft percent Ti, or 1.4 percent Ti02, according to Turekian, 1977)
industry, where the use of titanium has been growing for more that it is customarily listed with the major elements. Table 1 lists
than 30 years, to the point that commercial airliners of the current the Ti02 contents of some important rocks; note that many
generation can contain 30 percent titanium by weight. Another common rocks have Ti0 2 contents of more than 1 percent. Tita-
trend during the same period has been a diversification of nium is thus fundamentally unlike many mineral commodities
titanium-metal use in other industries. Many industries take ad- that are present in only trace quantities in common rocks.
vantage of titanium's corrosion resistance, as in heat exchangers Titanium is present in rocks as oxide and silicate minerals.
and desalinization plants. The U.S. National Materials Advisory The minerals that account for most of the titanium in rocks are
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4 E. R. Force
The currently economic titanium oxide minerals are rutile,
Ti0 2 TÌO2 in anatase, and ilmenite. Rutile, with a theoretical composition of
Rock types (%) oxide minerals
pure Ti02 (Table 2), is the most valuable, currently at about US
(as % of
$600 or more per metric ton. Two polymorphs of rutile—anatase
total Ti0 2 )
and brookite—have the same theoretical composition, but they
commonly contain detrimental chemical impurities. Anatase
Igneous rocks
concentrates are just beginning to come onto the market, and if of
Ultramafic 0.2-0.8 1-4
Mafic 0.9-2.7 50
suitable composition, they may also command a high price. A
Felsic 0.2-0.8 3-30 value for perovskite has not yet been established; it will depend
Alkalic 0.1-3.3 3-50 on the efficiency of the process eventually used to convert it to
Charnockitic 0.4-1.6 50-95 Ti02- Titaniferous magnetite in the strict sense has no value in the
Anorthositic 0.1-0.5 50-95 titanium industry at present. Silicate minerals having high tita-
Metamorphic rockst nium contents, such as sphene, have no economic value either.
Gneiss 0.6 5-100
Ilmenite, the most important source of titanium products,
Schist and phyllite 0.6 1-70
has a complicated story both geologically and economically.
Amphibolite 1.4 15-70
Unweathered ilmenite is commonly intergrown with iron oxide
Serpentinite 0.0 n.a.
minerals and thus contains less Ti02 than its theoretical composi-
Eclogite 1.0-6.0 50-90
Sedimentary rocks
tion indicates (Table 2). On the other hand, weathering leaches
Sandstone 0.2-0.6 10-100 iron from ilmenite, resulting in poorly crystalline mineral grains
Shale 0.6-0.7 ? residually enriched in Ti02- The term ilmenite,
as used in the
Limestone 0.1-0.2 ? titanium-mineral industry, commonly covers the entire range
from unweathered ilmenite with Ti02 contents below 50 percent
"Modified from Force, 1976a. to altered ilmenite containing more than 60 percent Ti02- When
t S e e Chapter 2 for variation of partitioning with grade. the Ti02 content of altered ilmenite exceeds about 70 percent, it
is commonly referred to as leucoxene.
Price per metric ton varies
over this range from as much as US $500 for "leucoxene,"
*A, of great present importance; B, of probable great importance in near future; C, of possible
importance; D, of moderate present importance; E, of minor present importance at world scale.
through about US $70 for slightly altered ilmenite containing Currently known shoreline placer deposits will be exhausted
about 54 percent TiC>2, to ilmenite with lesser Ti02 contents that in about 30 years, with several exceptions (Garnar, 1978; Shep-
is generally not traded (i.e., it is mined only by companies that herd, 1986; Fantel and others, 1986). The future importance of
consume it in their own pigment plants and smelters). Thus, the shoreline placer deposits is in question, and thus the economic
alteration state of ilmenite is of great economic importance. In the geology of titanium minerals is in flux. New types of deposits
ilmenite mining industry, the term grade commonly refers to the would supply their own characteristic suite of titanium minerals
TiC>2 content of ilmenite concentrates rather than to the amount (Tables 3, 4).
of ilmenite in ore.
Recovery processes and relation to geology
Deposit types
The chloride and sulfate processes are the two recovery
Titanium minerals are mined from hard crystalline rocks, processes used in the titanium mineral industry. The chloride
weathered rocks, and unconsolidated sediments. Table 3 shows process converts titanium minerals to titanium tetrachloride and
the great diversity of deposit types and the relations among them. thence to either TiC>2 pigment or to titanium metal. This process
These deposit types are described in detail in following chapters. is the more recent of the two and is preferred because it is less
At present, shoreline placer deposits supply more than half polluting. However, it requires a high-TiC>2 feed (and certain
the titanium minerals mined worldwide. These deposits supply trace-element maxima). Initially, only rutile and leucoxene (TiC>2
rutile and variably altered ilmenite. Most of the remainder is >70 percent) could be used in the chloride process, but some
supplied by magmatic ilmenite deposits from rocks of the companies have learned to use feeds of altered ilmenite contain-
anorthosite-ferrodiorite suite, which supply unaltered ilmenite. A ing about 60 percent TiC>2. Accordingly, plants using the chloride
fluvial placer deposit produces rutile, and a deposit in the weath- process are supplied predominantly with concentrates from
ered mantle on alkalic igneous rock has started producing weathered shoreline placer deposits. Chloride plants are also fed
anatase. by placer rutile deposits of fluvial origin and could possibly use
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6 E. R. Force
TABLE 4. WORLD PRODUCTION, RESERVES, AND IDENTIFIED suitable for the chloride process or, if processed via sulfate, greatly
RESOURCES OF TITANIUM MINERALS reduce the volume of effluent. In the second subprocess, "syn-
(in thousand metric tons of contained TÌO2*) thetic rutile" is produced from ilmenite by a number of methods;
generally, feeds containing about 55 percent TiC>2 from slightly
1987 Reserves§ Identified
weathered placer deposits are used. The price of synthetic rutile,
Country Production* Resources**
like that of rutile, is about US $600 per metric ton. Synthetic
rutile is used in the chloride process. In fact, one producer is
Australia 1,250 27,000 131,000
making titanium metal from ilmenite via synthetic rutile. In the
Brazil 30 54,200
Canada 890 24,000 81,000 near future, the smelting and synthetic-rutile subprocesses will
China 80 28,500* 38,000* handle increasing proportions of lower-TiC^ oxide feeds and will
Finland 1,400 4,000 allow such material to cross over into the chloride process.
India 100 32,700 79,000
Italy ? 9,000 The meaning of a titanium-mineral resource
Malaysia 240 ? ?
Mexico 3,000
Because the economic value of a titanium-mineral deposit
Mozambique 2,000
depends on complex mineralogic factors, cutoff grades cannot be
New Zealand 47,000
specified with simple chemical values. Orderly comparison of
Norway 550 29,000 89,000
world resources of titanium minerals (Fantel and others, 1986;
Sierra Leone 110 1,800 2,000
Lynd, 1988; Towner and others, 1988) has necessitated a defini-
South Africa 680 37,700 58,000
Sri Lanka 80 4,300 5,000
tion of an economic resource of titanium minerals that excludes
U.S.A. 360 10,600 103,000 titanium enrichments that are of no present economic interest.
U.S.S.R. 210 8,000* 16,000* The definition most commonly used at present is the test of
economic relevance by Force and Lynd (1984):
Total 4,580 259,200 817,000
* = none reported; ? = unknown. Only the titanium oxide minerals rutile and its polymorphs [anatase
*Lynd, 1988. and brookite], altered ilmenite, ilmenite, and perovskite, which are
§ Modified from Lynd, 1985. known or thought to have some economic value, are included. . . .Ex-
"Including reserves. Fantel and others, 1986; Table 5 of this paper; cluded from resources are titanium minerals of finer grain size than 20
and my information. Aim (0.02 mm), on the grounds that they cannot presently be separated.
^Reserve and resource figures are difficult to calculate for these Where ilmenite is known to be present as separable grains intergrown
countries because the Force and Lynd (1984) resource definitions do with magnetite, resources of the ilmenite are included. Where insepara-
not apply. Figures listed by Towner and others (1988) are much larger. ble intergrowths of magnetite and ilmenite together contain 25 percent or
more of TiC>2, resource figures are also included on the grounds that this
material could be smelted into high-TiC>2 slag. . . .Our figures include
only deposits containing at least 1 percent ilmenite or 0.1 percent rutile
anatase from weathered alkalic deposits or rutile from metamor-
or linear combinations thereof in unconsolidated deposits, or 10 percent
phic deposits. ilmenite or perovskite or 1 percent rutile in hard rocks. Lower grade
The sulfate process digests titanium minerals in sulfuric acid resources are included if titanium minerals could be produced as by-
enroute to recrystallization as TiC>2 pigment. Effluents from this products of other minerals already being mined in the same deposits. . . .
process are powerful pollutants unless they are neutralized. High-
TiC>2 feed is not necessary in this process; indeed, the higher-TiC^ Resource distribution and trade networks
feeds such as rutile and leucoxene are unreactive in it. Accord-
ingly, plants using the sulfate process are fed by ilmenites contain- All but about 1 percent of 1987 world titanium-mineral
ing 45 to 60 percent TiC>2. The trace elements acceptable in the production came from eleven countries (Table 4): Australia,
sulfate process are also different from those acceptable in the Canada, South Africa, Norway, the United States, Malaysia, the
chloride process. Most of the ilmenite used in the sulfate process U.S.S.R., Sierra Leone, India, China, and Sri Lanka, in order of
comes from deposits in crystalline rocks and is unaltered. Some total Ti02 content of concentrates. Brazil will probably join this
also comes from shoreline placers that are little weathered. list in the near future.
Two subprocesses are used to convert a low-TiC^ feed into Resource distribution is also uneven (Fig. 1; Table 4). Brazil
a high-Ti02 feed for the two main recovery processes. First, in has the largest identified resource in terms of contained Ti02,
the smelting subprocess, low-TiC^ feeds of appropriate composi- followed by Australia. The twelve countries mentioned plus New
tion (i.e., low Ca content but as little as 30 percent TiC>2) are Zealand dominate the resource picture. Resource figures for the
smelted to a high-TiC^ slag plus pig iron. This slag has a much U.S.S.R. and China are not adequately known, and the resources
higher market price than ilmenite (about US $275 per metric ton of Madagascar and a few other countries may be far greater than
for 80 percent Ti0 2 slag from Canada and US $300 for 85 are currently recognized.
percent TiC>2 slag from South Africa). Some of these slags are Thus a lively trade is inevitable between countries mining
Number Deposit (and type")
"From Table 3.
tTwo numbers show extent.
Figure 1. W o r l d map showing location and type of titanium-oxide mineral deposits described in this
volume. A more detailed m a p of U.S. deposits is contained in Force and Lynd (1984). Currently
important producers shown solid.
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8 E. R. Force
(In thousand metric tons of contained TIO2)
Chapter 2.
Titanium oxide minerals formed by metamorphic processes and the Fe/Mg ratio, which governs reactions of the type:
play three roles in the economic geology of titanium. First, some
extreme metamorphic processes actually form deposits of eco- pyroxene + rutile = ilmenite + quartz + MgO. (2-2)
nomic interest. Such deposits account for less than 2 percent of
the identified resources of the United States, but the eclogite type Figure 2 shows the relation of these variables and of metamor-
of metamorphic deposit may become more important elsewhere phic grade to titanium mineralogy.
in the future. Second, titanium oxide minerals from metamorphic Volatile constituents may affect partitioning of titanium
rocks are the predominant source of those minerals in placer among oxide minerals and between oxides and silicates. Volatiles
deposits. Third, the massif anorthosite-ferrodiorite suite of igne- of importance include oxygen, carbon dioxide, and sulfur. Oxy-
ous rocks that contain important titanium-mineral resources is gen controls reactions of the type:
characteristically emplaced under particular metamorphic condi-
tions. These igneous rocks in turn form a subordinate source of ilmenite + 0 2 = magnetite + rutile (2-3)
detrital titanium oxide minerals in placer deposits. Because of
these roles of metamorphism in influencing igneous deposits and and sulfur controls reactions of the type:
controlling placer deposits, titanium will be traced through
metamorphic processes with some diligence. ilmenite + S 2 = pyrite + rutile. (2-4)
Titanium contents of rocks generally remain approximately
constant during metamorphism. In fact, titanium is so unusually Similar reactions can also be written to show liberation of tita-
immobile in many subsolidus geologic processes that calculations nium from silicates. CO2 enters into the reaction:
of the amount of change in other elements are commonly normal-
ized to titanium, assuming it to be conserved. The partitioning of sphene + C0 2 = rutile + calcite + quartz. (2-5)
titanium between oxide and silicate phases, however, varies
markedly among metamorphic facies. For example, 0.6 percent
TiC>2 in some ordinary metamorphic rocks (Table 1) may be
present as 1.5 percent sphene at low metamorphic grades or as For convenience of discussion, metamorphism is divided
1.2 percent ilmenite or 0.6 percent rutile at high grades. into higher and lower grades between the upper and lower am-
phibolite facies. For rocks of high-pressure facies series, it is di-
VARIATION IN PARTITIONING WITH vided between the higher and lower blueschist facies.
Lower-grade metamorphic rocks
Titanium partitioning between oxide and silicate phases is
also a function of rock composition. The compositional variables Most rocks at lower metamorphic grades contain the bulk of
of greatest importance appear to be the Al/Ca ratio, which gov- their titanium in silicates. Sphene is the most important carrier of
erns reactions of the type: titanium in many such rocks, and biotite and hornblende are also
important carriers in some rocks. Figure 2 shows the relation of
sphene + A1203 = rutile + plagioclase (2-1) sphene stability to rock composition and metamorphic grade.
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12 KR. Force
Increasing temperature and pressure
FeO/MgO1/ Figure 2. Schematic relation of rutile, ilmenite, and sphene occurrence to composition and grade in
high metamorphic rocks. Circled minerals indicate deposits, currently subeconomic; n is chemical potential.
In subgreenschist and lower greenschist (chlorite zone) fa- grade contains a little more than 1 percent TiC>2. Sphene con-
des, the predominant carrier of titanium in most rocks is appar- tinues as an important carrier of titanium in rocks of a wide range
ently sphene (Force, 1976b). Sphene as fine dusty aggregates is a of compositions and becomes coarser grained. Ilmenite coexisting
common and moderately abundant phase in these rocks, both with hematite is also common (Rumble, 1976; Nedelcu, 1986); it
felsic and mafic. Relict titanium oxide minerals commonly are in may form with plagioclase by the breakdown of sphene and
advanced stages of recrystallization; for example, ilmenite and muscovite.
rutile in placer concentrations metamorphosed at low grades are Retrograde reactions in originally high-grade rocks are, of
commonly recrystallized to sphene and magnetite (Goldsmith course, similar to reactions in low-grade rocks and can commonly
and Force, 1978, Fig. 3). Magnetite at this grade has low Ti02 be recognized by rims of sphene and biotite around titanium
contents (Abdullah and Atherton, 1964), and there is little tita- oxide minerals. Chemical microenvironments limited to single
nium in chlorite. Extremelyfine-grainedanatase may be inter- grains can be recognized in some retrograded rock textures; for
grown with sphene in some rocks (Rumble, 1976; Herz and example, rutile needles in chlorite may replace titaniferous biotite
Force, 1987). Rocks having very high Al/Ca ratios may contain grains.
fine rutile (cf., Zen, 1960). Those with high Al/Ca ratios, high
Fe/Mg ratios, and high oxygen fugacity may show rutile + mag- Rutile in altered lower-grade metamorphic rocks
netite or hematite assemblages (Meilke and Schreyer, 1972;
Rumble, 1973,1976). Metasomatic additions of constituents such as magnesium or
In upper greenschist (biotite zone)-facies rocks, biotite be- sulfur, or depletion in calcium, may permit the formation of rutile
comes a significant carrier of titanium. At this grade, biotite typi- (equations [2-1] to [2-4]). The introduction of magnesium into
cally contains a little more than 1 percent Ti02- Many rocks, "blackwall" metasomatic zones adjacent to serpentinites ties up
especially mafic ones, continue to contain a considerable share of available iron; rutile is therefore commonly found in such black-
their titanium as sphene. Ilmenite may form in place of rutile in walls (Chidester, 1962). Southwick (1968) and Herz and Valen-
the high-oxygen pelitic rocks by reaction (2-3). tine (1970) have described an unusual chlorite rock containing
In the lower amphibolite facies, hornblende becomes a car- coarse rutile, magnetite, and apatite that apparently formed in this
rier of titanium in mafic rocks. Hornblende at this metamorphic manner; it is discussed later in this chapter as a resource.
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Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 13
In a similar manner, rutile is found in the wall rocks of
metamorphosed massive sulfide deposits. Nesbitt and Kelly
(1980) show that around the Ducktown sulfide bodies of eastern
Tennessee, metamorphosed to staurolite grade, ilmenite in wall
rocks has responded to local high sulfur pressure in going to
pyrrhotite and rutile. However, the economic importance of this
occurrence type is thus far limited to prospecting for massive
Hydrothermal stripping of cations from metavolcanic rocks
and formation of pyrite have led to appreciable rutile contents
along with andalusite and topaz in several pyrophyllite deposits
of the slate belt in North Carolina and South Carolina (Schmidt,
1985; oral communication, 1986). These deposits occur in host
rocks representing the greenschist facies (even though kyanite is
locally present; Carpenter, 1982). Schmidt (1985) and Carpenter
and Allard (1982) reviewed a large number of related world
Figure 3. Diagram of rutile distribution in some common metamorphic
occurrences of aluminous hydrothermal systems with associated rocks (from Goldsmith and Force, 1978, Figs. 5 and 6; Force, 1980b,
rutile in metavolcanic rocks of low metamorphic grades. Rutile in Fig. 1). Rectangles are metamorphic rutile (some twinned); circles are
aluminous hydrothermal rocks persists to higher-grade metamor- detrital rutile, dashed where retrograding.
phic assemblages (Geijer, 1964; Marsh and Sheridan, 1976).
Some economically interesting rutile occurrences are described
later in this chapter.
Rutile may form in sulfide-bearing rocks by prograde con-
High-grade metamorphic rocks of "normal" P-T ratios version of pyrite to pyrrhotite:
Ramberg (1948, 1952) was thefirstto show that titanium is pyrite + ilmenite = pyrrhotite + rutile. (2-7)
transferred from titanium-bearing silicates at lower metamorphic
grades into titanium oxide minerals at high grades. This process Such reactions involving sulfides may also liberate titanium from
was further documented by Force (1976b) and Goldsmith and titaniferous biotite and hornblende by forming more magnesian
Force (1978). Figure 2 shows the influence of bulk composition silicates plus oxide minerals, including rutile (Robinson and
on resulting mineralogy. Tracy, 1977; Robinson and others, 1982; Mohr and Newton,
In the upper amphibolite facies, rutile becomes common in 1983).
some pelitic rocks, and ilmenite is common over a wide range of In the granulite facies, titanium oxide minerals become the
lithologies. These phases form partly at the expense of sphene, dominant carriers of titanium in most lithologies. The granulite
which becomes less common in these rocks as the calcium con- facies by definition involves formation of pyroxenes at the ex-
tent of plagioclase increases (as in reaction [2-1]). Spear (1981) pense of biotite and hornblende; this leads to titanium liberation,
found that a similar reaction in amphibolites consumes sphene to as the pyroxene contains much less titanium than biotite and
form ilmenite, with some compositional change of plagioclases hornblende. The approximate reactions are:
and amphiboles; this reaction is favored by high oxygen fugacity
biotite + quartz = orthopyroxene + garnet + orthoclase + rutile + vapor
as well as increasing temperature.
Goldsmith and Force (1978) found that rutile occurs in
pelitic rocks at grades as low as the kyanite zone in units in which
the Al/Ca ratio is greater than 50. Wall rocks having lower
hornblende + quartz = orthopyroxene + plagioclase + ilmenite + vapor.
Al/Ca ratios contain sphene instead. Textural relations suggest (2-9)
that rutile forms with garnet at the expense of ilmenite, possibly
by the reaction: With increasing metamorphic grade, biotite and hornblende ac-
commodate increasing amounts of TiC>2, until in the granulite
ilmenite + muscovite + quartz = almandine garnet + rutile + biotite facies, biotite may contain up to 6 percent TiC>2 and hornblende
(2-6) up to 4 percent TiC>2 (reviewed by Force, 1976b; Guidotti and
others, 1977; Spear, 1981; Dymek, 1983). The Ti0 2 contents of
(see also Ghent and Stout, 1984, for related reactions). At higher these minerals are a function of Fe/Mg ratios as well as meta-
metamorphic grades, an increasing variety of rocks contain rutile morphic grade (Guidotti and others, 1977; Robinson and others,
(Fig. 3). 1982). However, the proportion of titanium present in biotite and
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14 E. R. Force
is, sphene and other silicates carry most of the titanium, ilmenite
is locally common, and rutile is present in some rocks of unusual
composition. In higher-grade rocks of this type, rutile becomes
common (Blake and Morgan, 1976; Itaya and Banno, 1980); the
high-grade facies was named the epidote-rutile blueschist facies
by Taylor and Coleman (1968). In these high-grade rocks, rutile
typically occurs with garnet, sodic and calcic amphiboles, and
epidote. Ilmenite is not commonly reported, and sphene is present
as a retrograde mineral. Blake and Morgan describe occurrences
of such rutile-bearing rocks from California, New Caledonia,
Japan, the European Alps, and Venezuela.
Rutile is a characteristic phase of eclogitic rocks, the highest
temperature and pressure member of this series. Again, ilmenite is
commonly not reported, and sphene is common only as a retro-
grade mineral. As other titaniferous silicates are absent in eclogite,
Figure 4. Photomicrograph of rutile (dark) in graphite-sillimanite-biotite- virtually all TiC>2 in the rock may be present as rutile. Where
garnet-K-spar gneiss, Franklin, North Carolina. Transmitted plane light,
eclogite has a ferrogabbroic composition, rutile contents may be
6-mm field.
more than 5 percent (Chesnokov, 1960; Cortesogno and others,
1977). Such eclogites are of economic interest, and three districts
are described in the next section.
hornblende in a rock decreases
with increasing grade, because of In many occurrences, these high-grade metamorphic rocks
reactions consuming those minerals (Force, 1976a, Table 6). occur as tectonic inclusions in lower-grade terranes. However, in
Sphene becomes uncommon in the granulite facies except in New Caledonia (Black, 1977), a transition from lawsonitic schists
the most calcic rocks (Ramberg, 1952; Turner, 1968) because of to eclogitic gneisses is exposed, with rutile occurrences limited to
reactions such as: the high-grade epidote zone. Other relatively complete transitions
are known from Ecuador, Venezuela, Norway, Italy, and Japan.
sphene + hornblende + sodic plagioclase =
clinopyroxene + calcic plagioclase + ilmenite. (2-10) M A J O R DEPOSITS
Magnetite also commonly becomes less abundant in this facies, At present, no titanium minerals are produced from meta-
typically shown by lessened gradients on aeromagnetic maps. morphic deposits. The eclogite-type deposit has the greatest eco-
Titanium liberated from biotite, hornblende, sphene, and magne- nomic potential, and such deposits are therefore emphasized as
tite goes into ilmenite and rutile, resulting in the greatest partition- thefirstthree descriptions below. The different types of deposits
ing toward titanium-oxide minerals possible for gneisses, schists, are put in their metamorphic context in Figure 2.
and amphibolites (Table 1). Rutile is the economic mineral in metamorphic titanium-
In these granulite terranes, relatively mafic lithologies typi- mineral deposits. Metamorphism does not enrich rocks in tita-
cally contain ilmenite, and leucocratic lithologies contain rutile nium; thus, available titanium in a rock must be present in a most
(Figures 3, 4). In some situations, especially in the pyroxene valuable form in order for the rock to qualify as a resource.
granulite subfacies, rocks of intermediate composition contain
rutile also. Both rutile and ilmenite in such rocks are typically Piampaludo deposit, Italy
coarse and locally are free of intergrowths (Herz and Force,
1987), but retrogression may produce rims of other minerals. Development work since 1974 has been conducted at Pi-
Eclogites are locally the end members of high-grade meta- ampaludo, mostly by Geomineraria Italiana, on a single large
morphism of "normal" facies series (Coleman and others, 1965). tectonic inclusion of eclogite in serpentine in the Ligurian Alps
These rocks, which contain rutile as a characteristic phase and (Fig. 1) of northern Italy (Mancini and others, 1979; Clerici and
little ilmenite, are described later in this chapter. others, 1981). Similar but smaller bodies are abundant in the
region (Martinis and Pasquare, 1971; Cortesogno and others,
High-grade metamorphic rocks of high-pressure type 1977) and commonly have a ferrogabbroic composition (4.6
percent Ti02, 18.2 percent total Fe oxides).
Metamorphic rocks formed at low ratios of temperature to The Piampaludo body is exposed in several hills and the
pressure form a separate metamorphic facies series. At low intervening gorges of the Orba and Orbarina Rivers (Fig. 5), in
metamorphic grades, these rocks are similar in titanium mountainous country dotted with attractive villages. Its outcrop
mineralogy to normal low-grade metamorphic rocks (Ernst and area is about 500 x 1,800 m.
others, 1970; Seki and others, 1971; Itaya and Otsuki, 1978); that Along the Orba River section through the potential Piampa-
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Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 15
2.7 to 9.3 percent rutile. Rutile that is probably too fine to be
separated (<50 /xm) was not counted. Correcting for density,
rutile averages 6.2 percent by weight, a figure consistent with
chemical analyses of the body (6 percent Ti02) by Mancini and
others (1979). Modal analyses of eclogites of the entire district
average 5.8 volume percent rutile (Cortesogno and others, 1977).
The composition of rutile from Piampaludo has not yet been
reported. Elaine McGee (written communication, 1986) found
by electron microprobe that the chemical impurities Nb20s,
Cr 2 0 3 , MgO, MnO, FeO, CaO, and A1203 in this rutile consti-
tuted less than 1 percent each and that Ti02 content was over 95
Clerici and others (1981) report that rutile liberation from
its eclogite host during crushing is adequate. A good rutile con-
centrate was made with adequate recovery.
Mancini and others (1979) list proven ore of the Piampa-
ludo deposit as 150 million metric tons, based on surface lithol-
ogy and nine drill holes of 100 m depth. Their estimate of
probable and possible ore, an additional 700 million metric tons,
is optimistic in my opinion. At the northern end of the body,
where no drill holes were sited, the basal contact and foliation in
both host and eclogite appear to dip gently south. Thus, the base
of the body may be shallow there. The amount of proven ore,
however, implies 9.3 million metric tons of rutile, potentially
making Piampaludo a deposit of world importance.
A luminosilicate-rutile deposits
Probably the second most important type of metamorphic
titanium-mineral deposit is the aluminosilicate type. These depos-
Figure 6. Photomicrograph of Piampaludo rutile deposit showing fo-
its also contain rutile as the economic titanium mineral. The
liated aggregate of rutile crystals (dark), euhedral garnet, and omphacite deposit type has been reviewed by Geijer (1964), Wise (1975),
megacryst (upper right). Transmitted plane light, 2-mm field. Marsh and Sheridan (1976), and Schmidt (1985).
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Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 17
These deposits apparently form mostly from volcanogenic
parent rocks by premetamorphic to synmetamorphic hydrother-
mal stripping of some chemical constituents, especially alkalies.
Removal of calcium and iron is most pertinent to the formation
of rutile. Titanium and aluminum are left behind, residually en-
riched by the removal of the other constituents. Fluorine and
perhaps phosphorus may be added. Rutile crystallizes largely
because of the paucity of chemical constituents that stabilize
competing titanium minerals.
The mineralogy of these deposits is quite distinctive, varying
largely with metamorphic grade. Aluminosilicate minerals are
abundant and may dominate over quartz; these may vary, how-
ever, from sillimanite at higher metamorphic grades through kya-
nite and andalusite to pyrophyllite at lower grades. Topaz
(aluminum fluorine silicate) and aluminous phosphates such as
lazulite are common. Pyrite is locally abundant.
Figure 8. Annotated photograph of the White Mountain (Champion)
Chemical stripping at constant volume has resulted in open deposit, California, after Marsh (1979). Sch, schist; qmp, quartz monzo-
space in some deposits of this type. Rutile and other minerals may nite porphyry; ba, bleached argillic rock; qtar, quartz-topaz-andalusite-
thus be euhedral. Some of the more famous rutile mineral locali- rutile rock.
ties, such as Graves Mountain, Georgia, occur in deposits of this
Rutile grade in these deposits is commonly about 1 percent
or less, and tonnages are commonly small. Thus they are promis- for andalusite, is near Bishop, east of the Sierra Nevada (Gross
ing as resources only where the other constituents of the rock can and Parwell, 1969; Wise, 1977; mapped by Crowder and Sheri-
be mined as primary products or where the rock is locally en- dan, 1972). It is resistant andalusite-topaz-quartz rock (Fig. 8)
riched in Ti0 2 . Both cases do occur. that apparently formed by hydrothermal leaching of greenschist-
The kyanite, pyrophyllite, and other aluminosilicate deposits facies volcanogenic rocks. Rutile is most commonly present in
of the southeastern United States are examples of deposits in concentrations of less than 1 percent by weight, but it is present in
which rutile is a possible byproduct. Figures in Espenshade and concentrations averaging about 2 percent in an area 60 x 1,300 m
Potter (1960) imply rutile resources of about 300,000 metric tons (reconnaissance observations in 1981 of Force and Marsh). On
in active and marginal kyanite deposits. Rutile grade averages this basis, Force and Lynd (1984) list a rutile resource of 300,000
about 0.4 percent, and average grain size appears to be less than metric tons. Rutile grain size is highly variable, from 0.01 to 0.2
0.1 mm. mm. The most economically attractive lithology is an atypical
The pyrophyllite-topaz-andalusite rocks of the same region, saccharoidal breccia with about 4 percent rutile confined to the
mined for pyrophyllite, also contain rutile as a characteristic ac- pink matrix (Fig. 9).
cessory mineral (Schmidt, 1985), mostly as aggregates of rutile
crystals only rarely coarser than 20 * 50 nm (Schmidt, oral
communication, 1986). No rutile resource calculations for this
type of occurrence have been attempted. Two deposits of this
type having greater economic potential conferred by greater Ti0 2
contents are the Evergreen deposit of Colorado and the White
Mountain (or Champion) deposit of California.
The Evergreen deposit, in the Colorado Front Range, is a
sillimanite-quartz-topaz gneiss forming a deformed stratiform unit
up to 30 m thick in high-grade gneiss terrane (Sheridan and
others, 1968; Marsh and Sheridan, 1976). Some sections through
the unit contain 2 to 5 percent rutile. Rutile is equant to prismatic
and commonly is 0.5 mm in lesser diameter. Rutile is fairly free of
contaminants other than iron and calcium, and its Ti0 2 content is
everywhere greater than 98 percent (Marsh and Sheridan, 1976,
Table 2). Resources listed by Force and Lynd (1984) are 200,000
Figure 9. Photomicrograph of White Mountain (Champion) breccia
metric tons of rutile. Residential land use prevents the mining of with topaz-rich fragments. The matrix contains more than 10 percent
this deposit. rutile, in grain sizes from 10 to 100 microns. Transmitted plane light,
The White Mountain deposit of California, formerly mined 6-mm field.
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18 E. R. Force
Metamorphic-metasomatic blackwalls Eclogite-type deposits are apparently the only metamorphic
deposit type of potential world importance. The smaller alumino-
The Dinning prospect of Harford County, Maryland, is the silicate and blackwall deposits probably warrant exploration only
only blackwall-type deposit thought to have economic potential. for another commodity as primary product, and warrant evalua-
A chlorite rock there separates a serpentinite body from tion as rutile deposits only where they are already located. The
greenschist-facies schist and contains coarse rutile, apatite, and following paragraphs propose an exploration method for rutile in
magnetite (Southwick, 1968). Average rutile content is about 1 eclogite-type deposits; probably no such exploration has as yet
percent but ranges as high as 4 percent (Herz and Valentine, been attempted.
1970). Force and Lynd (1984) list a rutile resource of 700,000 Eclogite-type deposits tend to occur in different lithotectonic
metric tons. The rutile contains appreciable Fe, Si, Al, and Mg. terranes. The explorationist is thus forced to begin with a terrane
The high Fe, Ti, and P contents of this chlorite rock suggest that in which eclogite bodies are known to occur. The first goal in
the parent rock was a ferrogabbro. exploring for a rutile deposit is to find a sizable body of un-
sheared, unaltered eclogite of ferrogabbroic composition. In the
ECONOMIC PROGNOSIS case of districts described in this chapter, locating such eclogites
could have been done to a great extent with existing geologic
The eclogite type of rutile deposit can yield hundreds of maps and existing lithologic and chemical descriptions. This is
millions of tons of ore containing up to about 6 percent rutile. probably true in many other terranes also, because intellectual
The rutile reportedly has a composition that would allow chlo- curiosity about eclogites far predated any economic interest in
ride processing, and it is not too difficult to separate. In the their rutile contents. It appears that eclogite bodies of ferrogab-
current state of change in the world supply of titanium minerals, broic compositions occur in swarms, and these certainly offer the
eclogite-type rutile deposits could emerge as a major source of best hunting.
titanium minerals. Where existing information about eclogite distribution is
The other types of rutile deposits in metamorphic rocks tend scanty, the simplest exploration procedure probably is alluvial
to be either low grade or small. Not even the described examples prospecting for rutile in nonglaciated terranes known to contain
contain as much as a million tons of rutile. Probably such deposits eclogite bodies, followed by physical inspection of eclogite bodies
could not compete in current world markets. for outcrop area, degree of alteration and shearing, and rutile
content and grain size via thin section. Determination of garnet
METHODS OF EXPLORATION composition may be a guide, either in alluvial or bedrock sam-
ples, but in an unexpected way; the ferrogabbroic eclogites that
Titanium oxide minerals in metamorphic rocks are the contain economically interesting rutile contents contain alman-
primary source of those minerals in placer deposits (cf., Force, dine rather than pyropic garnet. Clearly, exploration with pyrope
1980b). Thus, knowledge of metamorphic terranes can be used in will at best find lean rutile in eclogite. In terranes where garnet is
placer exploration. Placer deposits and their exploration are dis- all contained in eclogite bodies, the presence of almandine in
cussed in Chapters 7 through 10. alluvial samples may point to valuable rutile deposits.
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Chapter 10.
Only two suites of igneous rocks contain titanium-mineral The massif anorthosites vary in composition from andesine-
deposits that are currently considered valuable: the anorthosite- type, locally antiperthitic, to labradorite-type, and some have
ferrodiorite massifs discussed in this chapter and alkalic ring marginal facies containing mafic minerals. Plagioclase megacrysts
complexes discussed in Chapter 4. The reason that igneous depos- are commonly separated by afinermatrix representing megacryst
its are restricted to these two suites lies in two factors: (1) the granulation and/or igneous groundmass. Dikes of anorthosite in
titanium in these rocks is predominantly in titanium oxide miner- country rock are common only in the more sodium- and
als, and (2) these rocks include facies that have high Ti02 con- potassium-rich bodies. True anorthosites have very low Ti02
tents (Table 1). The behavior of titanium in other igneous rock contents (Table 1) and normally contain few titanium oxide
clans is discussed in Chapter 5. minerals.
The role of metamorphism discussed in the previous chapter In the anorthosite-ferrodiorite massifs, it is the ferrodiorites
extends, in my opinion, to the anorthosite-ferrodiorite igneous and related rocks that are enriched in Ti02 and contain titanium
massifs. These rocks are characteristically found in high-grade oxide minerals in abundance. These bodies of ferrodiorite to fer-
metamorphic terranes (Anderson and Morin, 1969; Ashwal, rogabbro contain significantly more Ti02 and P2O5 than do
1982b).1 In many districts, such as Sanford Lake, New York, and other diorites and gabbros. Their total iron oxide content is also
Roseland, Virginia, there is adequate evidence that emplacement unusually high, especially relative to MgO (Emslie, 1978). These
was during and/or before metamorphism, that is, some high- bodies form igneous sheets structurally overlying the older
grade metamorphism and attendant deformation affected the ig- anorthosites, and they commonly send dikes into anorthosite and
neous rocks. Thus the equilibria governing the partitioning of other country rocks.
titanium between silicates and oxides in metamorphic rocks also The petrogenesis of this igneous suite is not discussed here,
apply to this clan of igneous rocks. This chapter explores a transi- except for those aspects bearing directly on titanium oxide miner-
tion to similar igneous assemblages in more stratiform bodies als. This topic is complex and is the subject of a large and
emplaced in lower-grade metamorphic terranes. contentious literature.
The anorthosite massifs occurring in metamorphic terranes Titanium-bearing oxide minerals present in this igneous
of high grade were emplaced partly by igneous processes and suite include ilmenite, magnetite, hematite, ulvospinel, and minor
partly by tectonic or diapiric processes and are deformed, com- rutile. Intergrowths among these minerals are common. The pres-
monly into domes. The massifs are accompanied by ferrodiorites, ence or absence of ilmenite as separable single crystals relatively
ferrogabbros, charnockites, and rapakivi granites (Emslie, 1978). free of intergrowths is a key feature determining the economic
The ferrodiorites and gabbros are typically younger than anortho- value of a deposit. In general, Ti02 present in magnetite solid
site, and they show distinct geochemical relations (Ashwal, solution or asfineintergrowths in magnetite is valueless.
1982b), but their association with anorthosite is so strong that Deposits related to anorthosite-ferrodiorite massifs are dis-
there must be a cogenetic relation. The reported range in age of cussed in this one chapter, though they are of two distinct types.
anorthosite massifs is rather narrow, from 1700 to 900 m.y. old In one type, the deposits are true igneous rocks formed from
(cf., Anderson and Morin, 1969). titanium-rich liquids. In the other, high-temperature metasoma-
tism between igneous rocks and titanium-bearing wall rocks
formed the deposits. The geologic setting of the two types of
deposit is similar; indeed, at Roseland the two types are present in
'For a contrary opinion emphasizing more calcic anorthosites, see Morse
the same district but did not form at the same time.
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20 E. R. Force
Ilmenite deposits of magmatic origin are currently the most
important type of titanium-mineral deposits in igneous rocks. Magmatic ilmenite deposits Contact-metasomatic rutile deposits
They constitute approximately 30 percent of both world Massif deposits Hybrid massif- Anorthositic Albititic
stratiform deposits
titanium-mineral reserves and of current production (from data in
Lynd, 1988).
Sanford Lake Duluth Complex Roseland (part) Krageriä
district (I, fg, m+n) Pluma Hidalgo Beaver Creek
(a+l, an+fg,
m+n) San Gabriel Flange
In detail, magmatic ilmenite deposits differ considerably (a, an+fg, n)
from one another and show great variation internally. The varia- Allard Lake
tion can perhaps be best understood if the deposits are considered district
to occupy positions in a polygon or matrix, with end members (a, an+fg, m)
reflecting three types of facies variation, each of which varies Tellnes
somewhat independently (Table 7): (1) andesine versus labrador- (a, an, m)
ite anorthosite association, (2) ferrodioritic versus anorthositic Roseland (part)
(aa, an+fg, n)
deposit host, and (3) nelsonitic versus massive oxide facies. There
Laramie Range
is also a transition to stratiform hosts, which is discussed sepa-
(I, an, m+n)
rately; the description here is restricted to anorthosite-ferrodiorite
massifs containing massive to layered rocks rich in oxides, pre-
"Facies shown in parentheses. Abbreviations of facies: Anorthosite
dominantly ilmenite. Within the framework of facies variations, association, I = labradorite, a = andesine, aa = alkalic andesine. Deposit
these deposits show remarkable similarities. host, an = anorthosite, fg = ferrodiorite-gabbro. Mineralogie fades, n =
Andesine versus labradorite anorthosite association. nelsonitic, m = massive-oxide
Massif anorthosites show a spectrum from bodies of labradorite
composition to bodies of andesine composition (Anderson and
Morin, 1969). Andesine in the latter commonly is antiperthitic rock, and locally the dikes may cut other units, such as gabbro or
and in some bodies contains as much as 4 percent K2O. preanorthosite gneiss.
The transition in anorthosite composition corresponds to In the ferrodiorite-gabbro facies, ilmenite-rich lithologies
sympathetic transitions in the compositions of associated mafic characteristically form layers as thin as fractions of a centimeter.
rocks and to the nature of associated iron-titanium oxides. Labra- These may define the layering in ferrodiorite or may be parallel to
dorite anorthosite massifs are associated with gabbros and with other layering and are concordant to the base of the body. Iron-
oxide-rich rocks containing magnetite, ulvospinel, and ilmenite. titanium oxide minerals and apatite together form a net-vein
These phases are commonly too finely intergrown for effective system or igneous cement, interstitial to cumulate pyroxene, oli-
separation. Andesine anorthosite massifs are associated with fer- vine, or even plagioclase, in particular cumulate layers. For brev-
rodiorites and with oxide-rich rocks containing magnetite, hema- ity, these deposits are referred to as concordant deposits in
tite, and ilmenite, with only hematite and ilmenite finely subsequent discussions.
intergrown ("hemoilmenite"). Andesine anorthosites rich in K2O Nelsonitic versus massive oxide facies.
Nelsonite consists
(alkalic andesine anorthosites of Herz, 1969) are accompanied by of ilmenite and apatite, commonly in proportions of about 2:1,
ferrodiorites rich in K2O and SÌO2, which in turn are associated and commonly is an equigranular medium-grained rock. Kolker
with oxide-rich rocks containing nearly stoichiometric inter- (1982) found green spinel and zircon to be characteristic minor
growth-free ilmenite or ilmenite intergrown with hematite but phases. Various varieties of nelsonite have been named on the
largely free of magnetite. basis of major impurities (Watson and Taber, 1913). As origi-
Ferrodioritic versus anorthositic deposit host. In each nally described by Watson and Taber, nelsonite occurred only as
district described in this chapter, the ilmenite-rich rocks cut discordant bodies. However, concordant equivalents in ferrodio-
anorthosite; in younger, more mafic rocks, however, ilmenite-rich ritic rocks have subsequently been discovered; several are de-
rocks parallel igneous layering. In most districts, both types of scribed herein.
ilmenite deposit occur in adjacent rock units. It is here proposed Nelsonitic facies deposits are the predominant type in some
that these deposit types are correlative facies, both postanortho- titanium-mineral districts, such as Roseland and San Gabriel
site but coeval with ferrodiorite or gabbro. Range. In other districts such as Allard Lake, Quebec, and San-
In the anorthositic facies, ilmenite-rich rocks form unambig- ford Lake, they form subordinate facies where the major re-
uous dike-like bodies of variable size, commonly with apophyses. sources are massive-oxide facies.
Contacts are sharp, though they may be modified by metamor- Massive-oxide rock consists of coarse ilmenite with or with-
phic recrystallization. Anorthosite functions merely as country out magnetite, both intergrown with other oxide-mineral phases.
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Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 21
placed in an extensional environment in country rocks of low
metamorphic grade. A nest of layered troctolitic intrusions in an
older anorthosite series makes up the complex. Layering is well
developed but lacks obvious order in terms of mineral composi-
tion, and no ultramafics are present. Late ferrodioritic intrusions
are numerous. Some granulation of megacrysts in anorthosite is
apparent. Mineral compositions are intermediate between those
of massif and stratiform bodies (Fig. 10); plagioclase is about
An55.60, orthopyroxene about En55^5, olivine about F055. In
some subunits of the complex, ilmenite deposits much like those
of massif complexes are present.
Evidence of origin
If the magmatic ilmenite deposits had the compositions of
ordinary rocks, thefieldevidence of intrusion (and their textures)
would undoubtedly have been deemed sufficient to call them
An content of plagioclase
igneous rocks. For a long time, experimental evidence against
Figure 10. An-En diagram for stratiform versus massif anorthosites (from
liquids of this composition existing at reasonable temperatures
Anderson and Morin, 1969; see also Raedeke, 1982), showing composi-
tions of Duluth Complex, Minnesota. Shaded field from South Kawi-
prevented general acceptance of an igneous origin. However,
shiwi anorthosites (M. P. Foose, written communication, 1986); Buddington and others (1955), Hargraves (1962), and Lister
N, Nathan's series; D , Duluth area, both averaged from Weiblen and (1966) were not persuaded by this evidence and proposed not
Morey (1980, Fig. 5). only igneous origins for these rocks but a parent liquid immiscible
in the main silicate magma (another taboo for early experimental
penologists). More recent experimental evidence (Philpotts,
1967; Wiedner, 1982; Bolsover and Lindsley, 1983; Epler and
Other phases such as silicates and apatite may be minor; in fact, others, 1986) shows that liquids of this composition may indeed
sulfides are locally the most abundant impurity. In some deposits, be immiscible in ferrodioritic magma as it drops below 1,000°C,
graphite is reported. fluxed by either phosphate or elemental carbon. Thus, an igneous
origin involving immiscible liquids for these rocks is respectable
A transition between massifs and layered intrusions once more.
In more detail, thefieldrelations and texture of the deposits
support the immiscibility hypothesis and provide a glimpse of
Magmatic ilmenite deposits typically are associated with
three stages in deposit formation. Figure 11 shows the relation
massif anorthosites and related rocks. In contrast, stratiform
layered mafic intrusions do not have comparably valuable among these stages in a cross section of the base of a crystallizing
ferrodiorite sheet.
titanium-mineral deposits; much of the Ti02 in these bodies is
tied up in magnetite, and separable ilmenite is subordinate (seeThe first stage is the unmixing from cooling ferrodioritic
Chapter 5). Both magnetite and ilmenite are commonly cumulate
magma of small spherical droplets of a titanium-rich liquid im-
in origin in layered intrusions. miscible in the main parent magma. These droplets sink because
of their great density. In most districts thisfirststage is texturally
Some igneous complexes containing anorthosites and ferro-
represented only by spherical inclusions in silicate phases (Fig.
diorites show characteristics that make them difficult to classify as
12), probably as a result of the difficulties of preserving sinking
either massif or stratiform type (cf., Romey, 1968). Two such
droplets in mid-fall and of retaining droplet shape during crystal-
bodies that contain titanium oxide deposits are described in the
lization of both oxide minerals and surrounding silicates.
section on major deposits. Of these two, the rocks of San Gabriel
The second stage is the arrival of these droplets at the
Range are more closely related to the massif type, and the Duluth
Complex is more closely related to the layered intrusions.magma floor, that is, at the top of the cumulate pile. This stage is
recorded by the ilmenite deposits concordant to cumulate layer-
The anorthosite-syenite-ferrodiorite suite of the San Gabriel
ing in ferrodiorite and related rocks. The deposits in San Gabriel
Complex is described by Carter (1982a; 1982b, p. 208) as both a
Range of California provide an example.
layered complex and a massif. It is typical of an andesine anorth-
osite massif except for the orderly layering in the body, which These concordant ilmenite-rich bodies are present along the
floors of ferrodiorite sheets and as cumulate-like layers within
consists of nine superposed layers. The body is also unusual in its
them (Fig. 11). Oxides (with or without apatite) are interstitial to
lack of postintrusion metamorphism and deformation; this may
have enhanced the preservation of layering. cumulate phases and poikilitically enclose them (Fig. 13). This
The Duluth Complex (Weiblen and Morey, 1980) was em- texture is present even in the thinnest cumulate layers (Fig. 14), as
Downloaded from on March 16, 2016
22 E. R. Force
Cumulate floor < .••' / first noted by Bateman (1951). Thus the concordant deposits of
titanium oxides, though exceedingly cumulate-like in outcrop
form, cannot be normal cumulates because texturally they are
interstitial to known cumulate solids. This interstitial position in
some described deposits is clearly not the result of metamorphism
Country rock and deformation. Nor, given the geometry of deposition, can it be
due to filter pressing or residual liquids. The evidence points
rather strongly toward accumulation of a heavy liquid enriched in
Figure 11. Diagram of a cumulate pile and overlying ferrodioritic titanium, in the manner shown in Figure 11. Droplets, if supplied
magma chamber, showing the relation of three stages in the formation of in sufficient quantity, coalesce to form an interstitial matrix in the
magmatic ilmenite deposits. Solid pattern is dense immiscible liquid;
uppermost part of the cumulate pile and poikilitically enclose
crystals represent any cumulate solid, dotted where separated by other
silicates. cumulate phases. The titanium-rich interstitial fluid remains in the
uppermost part of the pile, however, probably because poikilitic
silicate crystallization has already filled interstitial positions
farther down in the pile (Fig. 15). Therefore, this interstitial fluid
remains concordant to cumulate layering in form. It is able to
permeate even the narrowest selvages in uncemented cumulates,
however, because of its extremely low viscosity (Kolker, 1982).
Silicate liquid may be trapped (Fig. 16) in this interstitial net-
work, just as cumulate solids may contain trapped droplets (Figs.
11,12). Where droplet abundance is insufficient for titanium-rich
liquids to coalesce in the interstitial spaces of the cumulate pile,
silicate liquids may fill the remaining spaces and encase the
The presence in some districts of many discrete cumulate
layers having interstitial oxide minerals, separated by normal
cumulates, probably tells us that unmixing occurs only sporadi-
cally in the magma. Unmixing may be in response to additions of
fresh magma to the chamber, a hypothesis that fits with the
observed local coincidence of interstitial oxide minerals with
cumulate olivine. In other layers in the same localities, however,
Figure 12. Photomicrograph of nearly spherical opaque inclusions in
the transitions from ordinary ferrodiorite to ilmenite-rich layers
olivine, Rattlesnake body, San Gabriel Range, California. Transmitted involve change only in the interstitial spaces; the cumulate phases
plane light, 2-mm field. remain the same (Fig. 15).
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Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 23
The accumulation process, as outlined here, and the field
evidence supporting it, are analogous to sulfide immiscibility in
stratiform mafic bodies, such as that outlined by Scholtz (1936)
and Naldrett (1979). Some deposits show textural evidence of
both oxide and sulfide immiscibility.
Figure 15. Photomicrograph of transition from layer having oxide- Figure 16. Photomicrograph of spherical inclusion of disordered silicate
mineral oikocrysts to layer having silicate oikocrysts in ferrodiorite of in apatite, representing trapped liquid, Rattlesnake body, San Gabriel
Rattlesnake body, San Gabriel Range. Transmitted plane light, 6-mm Range. Transmitted plane light, 2-mm field.
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24 E. R. Force
localities. At one locality, near KragerO in southern Norway, this
rock was named kragerite (kragertfite in modern Norwegian
usage) by Watson (1912). One kragerite body was mined for
rutile and is described separately. The other locality, in the Beaver
Creek area of the northwestern Adirondack lowlands of New
York, was noted by Brown (1983) and isfirstdescribed here. It is
of minor economic importance.
The two localities are strikingly similar in geologic setting,
albitite relations and petrography, and controls of rutile forma-
tion. In both areas, early supracrustal rocks are isoclinally folded
and show dome-and-basin configuration. Metamorphism is
mostly of the upper amphibolite facies, with some metamorphic
clinopyroxene. Both areas contain a variety of aplitic and pegma-
titic intrusives, but rutile is limited primarily to albititic aplites.
Host rocks of the albitites are biotitic amphibolites containing
Figure 17. Massive ilmenite-hematite ore of the Cliff ore body. Allard sphene and scapolite. Rutile albitites form mostly concordant but
Lake district, Quebec. Exposure about 60 m high.
locally discordant intrusives up to 60 m thick; they commonly
show gradational contacts with country rock by decrease of mafic
minerals over widths of up to several meters. Xenoliths of country
same distribution and grain size as ilmenite in unaltered country rock are extensively altered. Albitite is equigranular, consisting of
rock. Where swarms of anorthosite dikes and sills permeate coun- 1- to 3-mm albite grains with minor quartz and variable micro-
try rock, deposits containing appreciable tonnages of rutile may cline and tourmaline. Biotite is present near contacts with country
form. Bodies of alkalic andesine anorthosite are presently known rock. Typical rutile content is 1 to 2 percent; it occurs as equant
in only four places—Roseland and Montpelier, Virginia; Pluma grains and stubby prisms averaging 0.5 to 1 mm in diameter. The
Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Mexico; and St. Urbain, Quebec, Canada; ru- distribution of rutile around contacts of albitite with country rock
tile is present in all four deposits. Rutile deposits at Roseland and reveals an important influence of metasomatism in these contact
Pluma Hidalgo have the greatest economic potential. zones (Figs. 18,19). This large number of features common to the
Rutile mineralization is observed in these bodies along the two localities suggests the existence of a class of deposit, and
upper margins of anorthosite bodies; hence the rutile is probably implies quite an intricate control of the deposits by their geologic
not cumulate in origin. The silicate megacrysts of the marginal environment.
facies locally lie athwart thin dikelets, making significant meg- The New York occurrence may represent an ambient condi-
acryst (and rutile) transport unlikely. The distribution of rutile in tion for this class of deposit, one well short of producing econom-
anorthosite and country rock seems to be most consistent with its ically significant rutile deposits. Albitite bodies are as thick as 10
formation in response to strong chemical gradients present during m, in zones of country rock 20 to 60 m thick (Fig. 19). Rutile
the intrusion of anorthosite at high temperatures (about 850°C or content in albitite ranges from 1.0 to 2.3 weight percent in 15
more for alkalic anorthosites) into country rocks that probably
were recrystallizing under granulite-facies conditions. Many ele-
ments had sharp concentration gradients across the intrusive con-
tact, but the most pertinent for rutile formation are iron and
titanium. Anorthosite contains negligible amounts of both con-
stituents. Titanium remained immobile, as it does in most geo-
logic processes, but iron diffused into anorthosite along with other
elements. In country rock, some ilmenite recrystallized to rutile.
Adjacent to anorthosite, partial melting and recrystallization of
country rock resulted in a coarse-grained rock containing the
same mineral constituents as country rock, except coarse rutile
that reflects diffusion of iron and only local redistribution of
titanium. High metamorphic grade prevented this titanium from
forming sphene.
Rutile-bearing albitites
Figure 18. Amphibolites and crosscutting albitites, Kragera, Norway.
Nearly monomineralic albite rocks, with rutile as the most The shape, size, and orientation of sphene clots in amphibolite are pre-
important accessory, form small intrusives in two well-studied served as sphene-ilmenite-rutile clots in albitite.
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Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 25
analyzed specimens and averages 1.7 percent. Rutile grain size
averages 0.5 mm, with 75 percent coarser than 0.05 mm. Coun-
try rock within 1 m of albitite contacts averages 0.6 percent rutile,
formed at the expense of sphene. In Figure 19, for example, 67
EXPLANATION percent of the section consists of rutile-bearing rock, and average
rutile grade for the entire section is 1.0 weight percent.
Glacial cover
The distribution of rutile in deposits of this type shows that
Aplite, rutile-bearing rutile forms at least partly by recrystallization of the titanium
minerals in country rocks. Formation of ore-grade material, as at
Aplite, not rutile-bearing KragereS, apparently requires that some horizons in country rock
be extraordinarily high in Ti02-
^v Pegmatite
The formation of rutile in albitites shows both similarities to
and differences from its formation in anorthosite-margin rutile
Gneiss, amphibole-
pyroxene-scapolite deposits. In the case of albitite, there is an intrusive low in iron
1.7% and calcium that destabilizes both ilmenite and sphene, under
Gneiss, biotite-amphibole conditions where both are otherwise stable. In anorthosite-margin
deposits, a low-iron intrusive destabilizes ilmenite, and granulite-
Sample locality and rutile facies conditions destabilize sphene.
content (wt. %)
Dip of contact MAJOR DEPOSITS
26 E. R. Force
site in this type of ore are common; indeed, I have seen intrusion
breccias of anorthosite blocks veined by ore. At the scale of
geologic maps, however, most of the larger lenses of ore in
anorthosite are parallel to ore lenses in adjacent gabbro (Gross,
1968). Garnet selvages are present between ore and anorthosite
host. Ilmenite grain size is typically 2 to 3 mm. Ilmenite is less
abundant than magnetite in anorthosite-hosted deposits (Stephen-
son, 1945; Gross, 1968). Ore of this type is typically almost free
of silicate gangue. Ore bodies may be up to 60 m thick (Stephen-
son, 1945). To my knowledge, economic bodies are nowhere
more than 100 m structurally beneath gabbro in this belt.
Ilmenite-rich bodies of considerable size are also present
in the Upper Works-Calamity Brook area. They form tabular
bodies concordant to gabbro and discordant to anorthosite, sim-
ilar to those of the Sanford deposits (Stephenson, 1945). Their
Figure 20. Photomicrograph of oxide minerals interstitial to cumulate resources were not evaluated by Gross (1968) and have not been
orthopyroxene in gabbro-hosted layers of an Upper Works body, San- reported. Gabbro-hosted ilmenite enrichments show textures as in
ford Lake district, New York. Transmitted plane light, 6-mm field.
the Sanford deposits; oxide minerals are interstitial to cumulate
phases (Fig. 20).
Ilmenite deposits in the Cheney Pond area are hosted en-
tirely by gabbro that is intrusive into anorthosite (Stephenson,
Gabbro2 is subordinate to anorthosite in areal extent in the 1945). Gross (1968) reported that gently dipping gabbro is both
Sanford Lake district, but gabbro is spatially associated with il- underlain and overlain by anorthosite. The thickest portion of the
menite deposits. There is a continuous gradation from gabbro to gabbro that isrichenough in ilmenite to constitute ore occurs in a
ilmenite ore by increase in the number and thickness of oxide-rich minor syncline. The gabbro is finely banded; layers dominated by
layers concordant to fine layering in gabbro. Gabbro intrudes oxide minerals constitute about 20 percent of the rock sequence
anorthosite and contains xenoliths of it (Stephenson, 1945; Gross, and may be more than 1 m thick. The nelsonite collected by
1968). Kolker (1982) near Cheney Pond is now shown by extensive
In the Sanford Lake-Sanford Hill belt of deposits, which is test-pitting to be a minor lithology.
about 1.5 km long, gabbro structurally overlies anorthosite In all these deposits, the oxide minerals consist of ilmenite
(Gross, 1968). Ilmenite deposits are associated with both rock with variable finely exsolved hematite and of magnetite with
types in such a way that gabbro-hosted deposits are called considerable amounts of finely exsolved ilmenite and spinel
hanging-wall deposits at the mine. The economic gabbro-hosted (Ashwal, 1982a). The magnetite contains up to 3 percent V2O5
deposits are concordant to layering in gabbro and are localized (Balsley, 1943; Ashwal, 1982a).
along the base of gabbro bodies. Thicknesses of such deposits are
as great as tens of meters (Gross, 1968), but some ilmenite-
enriched layers are only a few grains thick. Ilmenite in these
deposits is typically 1 to 2 mm in diameter and is more abundant
than magnetite (Stephenson, 1945; Gross, 1968). The host gab-
bros contain from less than 1 to 10 percent apatite and much
disseminated metamorphic garnet. Ashwal (1982a; see also
Bateman, 1951) noted that the typical texture of gabbro rich
in oxide minerals has cumulate pyroxene with interstitial oxides
(cf., Fig. 20); individual cumulate layers grade upward from
oxide rich to oxide poor. Within oxide-mineral domains, magne-
tite and ilmenite grains show an interlocking texture (Fig. 21).
Pyroxene, garnet, apatite, and other gangue minerals in gabbro-
hosted ilmenite ore together average about 30 wt %.
Ilmenite ore in anorthosite of this belt of deposits is highly
discordant, forming dikes and sills of all thicknesses, with apoph-
yses (Stephenson, 1945; Gross, 1968). Xenoliths of anortho-
Figure 21. Photomicrograph of ilmenite-magnetite (pitted) relation in
As described in the literature; actually ferrodiorite (P. Ollila, written com- gabbro-hosted ore of the south end of the Sanford ore body. Reflected
munication, 1986). light, 3.5-mm field.
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Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 27
A llard Lake (Lac Tio) district, Quebec richments along their bases. Ferrodiorite consists mainly of plagi-
oclase (An4|_44, a composition related by Hargraves and
The Lac Tio deposit of the Allard Lake district, discovered Bergeron to contamination from anorthosite), orthopyroxene, 8
in 1946, has produced more than 40 million metric tons of ore, to 10 percent apatite, and ilmenite and lesser magnetite together
and larger quantities remain in the ground. At present, this single totaling at least 20 percent by weight. Coarsely intergrown ilmen-
deposit supplies 19 percent of the world's titanium needs (Table ite and hematite, along with magnetite, apatite, and sulfides, oc-
4). An innovative ore-smelting technique has given the ilmenite- cupy interstices (Fig. 22) between cumulate phases and
hematite deposits of this district a competitive edge. The Lac Tio poikilitically enclose them.
deposit is inland 40 km from Havre St. Pierre, on the northern Hargraves (1962) and Bergeron (1986) relate massive
shore of the St. Lawrence seaway (Fig. 1). The mine site itself is ilmenite-hematite ore to ferrodiorite parents. All observers seem
an uninhabited, heavily glaciated, lightly forested area of moder- agreed that the massive oxide rock is igneous in origin; indeed,
ate relief, reached via company railroad. Hargraves (1962) and Lister (1966) founded their pioneering
The Allard Lake district, described by Hargraves (1962) and hypothesis of liquid immiscibility for magmatic ilmenite deposits
Bergeron (1972, 1986) and mapped by Hocq (1982), contains on evidence from the Allard Lake district. This is historically
about six important titanium-mineral prospects. The district is remarkable because the evidence is so much better elsewhere.
toward the eastern edge of a large andesine anorthosite massif, The Lac Tio deposit has been described by Hammond
with several inliers of later ferrodiorite rich in apatite and oxide (1952). It is a massive, coarse-grained, subhorizontal igneous
minerals. These ferrodiorite bodies contain massive ilmenite en- sheet more than 60 m thick, in anorthosite. It consists essentially
of platy crystals measuring 10 x 10 * 2 mm composed of coarse
intergrowths of ilmenite (75 percent) and hematite (25 percent).
< \J5M
This ore contains 32 to 36 percent Ti0 2 . Minor constituents of
ore include magnetite, sulfides, apatite, hercynitic spinel, and zir-
con. Magnetite is less abundant than sulfides, which here include
several Ni-Co minerals. Rose (1969) presented a K-Ar age of
1025 Ma for a pegmatite that cuts anorthosite but is cut by ore of
the Lac Tio deposit.
A part of the orebody known as the Cliff dips gently east
and contains silicate-bearing bands (Hammond, 1952). The form
of these bands (Fig. 17) is analogous to a fluvial channel deposit
with festoon cross beds. In this case, movement and precipitation
P L N N " + r m T r J i of oxide magma in a passageway through anorthosite produced
the structures.
^IWjjjMLf V^BH Geometric features of the deposit are consistent with deriva-
tion of oxide magma from nelsonitic components immiscible in
ferrodioritic magma. The presence of apatite and magnetite in
concordant enrichments in ferrodiorite (Fig. 22) but not in dis-
cordant massive ore is unexplained.
'Again, I would call this rock ilmenite ferrodiorite based on its mineralogy This texture is not, however, the same as botryoidal texture in authigenic
and chemistry as reported by Krause and others (1986). Henceforth I will simply minerals.
call it ore.
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/ " - M a g n e t i t e zone
\ Tellnes /
2 km (approximately)
Figure 24. Schematic relation of Tellnes and Storgangen deposits and base of Bjerkreim-Sokndal
lopolith in NW-SE cross section. Restoration of the latter two to nearly horizontal rotates the Tellnes
body to nearly vertical, with a nearly horizontal mineralogic boundary. Internal layering dashed.
Figure 25. Photomicrographs of globular hemoilmenite crystals (and other minor phases) enclosed by
subophitic orthopyroxene and plagioclase, Tellnes ilmenite norite. A. "Grape-bunch" texture of
hemoilmenite in orthopyroxene. Transmitted plane light, 2-mm field. In reflected light, globules have
planar mutual walls that bound different crystal directions in hemoilmenite. B. Globules in rapidly
cooled zone within 1 cm of anorthosite contact. Reflected light, 6-mm field. Darker host is altered
E. R. Force
The nelsonite bodies for which the rock type was named (1958) and Carter (1982a, b), contains numerous ilmenite pros-
occur as discordant intrusions. Most of these are too irregular in pects of two types: Discordant ilmenite pyroxenites are present in
shape to properly be called dikes. Most of them are small; I have anorthosite, and concordant bodies enriched in ilmenite, magne-
seen discordant nelsonites thinner than 1 cm. Many bodies consist tite, and apatite are present in ferrodiorite. Economic interest in
of only ilmenite and apatite, as equigranular medium-grained the district has recently been rekindled after a virtual lapse of
rock. There are, however, all transitions from pure nelsonite to more than forty years (Industrial Minerals, 1986).
ilmenite- and apatite-rich ferrodiorite intrusions. Some of the The district forms much of the crest of the western portion
latter have thin cumulate nelsonite accumulations along their of the San Gabriel Range, immediately north of the Los Angeles
bases. suburbs (Fig. 30), and is largely in national forest and shooting
All of the discordant nelsonite bodies occur in country rock preserve. Slopes are steep and the climate semiarid. The range is
just below the base of ferrodiorite intrusive sheets. Several are caught between the San Andreas and San Gabriel faults, so frac-
known from drilling or from stream-gorge outcrops to die out at turing is locally severe. In coherent domains between fractures,
depth. Only the weathered overburden over the thickest nelsonite however, original textural relations are unusually well preserved,
body has been extensively mined, near the town of Piney River. because metamorphism and plastic deformation of the complex
This body has abundant chlorite and minor sulfide impurities. are minimal. It is for this reason that textures from the San
Significant resources remain in fresh rock of this body. Gabriel Range were used as an example earlier in this chapter.
The igneous complex dates from about 1200 Ma and covers
San Gabriel Range, California about 250 km2. It consists of a basal anorthosite unit, a syenite
unit, and an upper ferrodiorite unit (jotunite of Carter, 1982a).
The anorthosite-syenite-ferrodiorite suite of the San Gabriel The complex seems intermediate in character between massif and
Complex, described and mapped by Higgs (1954), Oakeshott stratiform types. Country rock of the complex is the Mendenhall
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Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 33
The cumulate phases are commonly rounded euhedra and
may show textural grading within an ilmenite-rich body. Olivine
is the cumulate phase in many of the ilmenite-rich layers; olivine
is not common in the ferrodiorite elsewhere. The cumulate phases
contain spherical ilmenite inclusions; locally these inclusions are
arranged in rings that apparently outline growth stages of the
cumulate grain. Conversely, apatite shows spherical inclusions of
disordered silicate (Fig. 16).
Figure 33. The Kragera archipelago, photographed from the former rutile mine at Lindvikskollen,
Norway, looking east to islands of amphibolite, quartzite, and gneiss. Langay is in extreme upper left.
shows well-developed cumulate layering. Where gabbro bodies many of equant angular shape, measuring up to 20 cm perpen-
are little altered, these cumulates include magnetite bands rich in dicular to elongation of the zone. For this reason the term xeno-
Ti and V. The other type of amphibolite is deformed and recrys- lithis more appropriate than schlieren, the term used by Brogger
tallized pillow lava. Locally, as on western LangOy island, albi- (1934-1935).
tite preferentially replaces interpillow hyaloclastite (Fig. 34). The original lithology represented by these xenoliths is un-
Rutile is most abundant in albitite where amphibolite coun- certain, as the train could not be traced into amphibolite country
try rocks are rich in sphene. Locally, the shape, size, and orienta- rock. Two possibilities are discrete pillows in amphibolite and
tion of clots of sphene crystals in amphibolite are reflected by the xenolith trains in metagabbro. Since the metasomatic replace-
distribution of clots of rutile, ilmenite, and sphene in crosscutting ment of xenoliths by albitite is simplest if the precursor contained
albitite bodies (Figs. 18, 35). Thus, metasomatism of country 10 to 30 percent Ti0 2 ,1 suggest that the precursor was a cumu-
rock without Ti0 2 transport is required in at least the marginal late band of titaniferous magnetite in metagabbro, disrupted by
zones of albitite bodies. Green (1956) also reported this the formation of albitite.
The main rutile ore body at Kragertf was a zone about 2 m ECONOMIC PROGNOSIS
wide, parallel to the walls of a large concordant body of albitite
containing 1 to 2 percent rutile. This zone averages 6 to 10 Magmatic ilmenite deposits in anorthosite-ferrodiorite mas-
percent rutile but is quite inhomogeneous. The zone apparently sifs currently supply about 30 percent of the world's titanium
represents a former train of xenoliths; the sizes and shapes of minerals, and large high-grade resources remain. Objections to
individual xenoliths are outlined by rutile-rich albitite (Fig. 36). pollution from sulfate-process refining could make retention of
The xenoliths differ from one another in texture and configura- this status difficult, but smelting and synthetic-rutile technologies,
tion. Some contain more than 25 percent rutile; others contain which can be used with these ores either singly or in tandem,
tourmaline or corundum and less rutile. The xenoliths include greatly decrease pollution. Thus, magmatic ilmenite deposits
Figure 34. Metamorphosed pillow lavas of western Langay, Kragera Figure 35. Photomicrograph of albitite from locality of Figure 18,
district, with interpillow area replaced by albitite. Lens cap 50 mm Kragera, showing skeletal ilmenite + quartz pseudomorphic after sphene
across. (upper left). Transmitted plane light, 2-mm field.
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Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 37
supply a significant share of world titanium markets; however,
small-scale mining of some high-grade deposits may be profitable.
Chapter 10.
A second suite of igneous rocks that contains valuable perovskite relative to sphene (Carmichael and others, 1970); (2)
titanium-mineral deposits is alkalic ring complexes of "miaskitic" high contents of niobium, thorium, and rare earths, which can
type. The term miaskitic, introduced by Ussing (1911), refers to readily be accommodated in the lattices of perovskite, brookite,
nepheline syenites having atomic alkali/alumina ratios of less and rutile but are not reported in comparable concentrations in
than one; those having higher ratios are called agpaitic. Ussing sphene; (3) high C0 2 content, which forms rutile plus calcite at
pointed out that miaskitic nepheline syenites tend to occur in the expense of sphene (Hunt and Kerrick, 1977); and (4) the low
alkalic complexes in which high titanium and iron contents are oxygen fugacity prevalent in alkalic rocks, which favors
present as oxide minerals. Thus the term miaskitic is applied to perovskite over sphene (Haggerty, 1976b).
entire complexes containing miaskitic nepheline syenites. As we
shall see, the two meanings of the term are not everywhere con- TITANIUM-OXIDE MINERAL ENRICHMENTS
sistent. I will use the term rather loosely in the latter sense. A
major class of miaskitic alkalic rocks occurs as ring complexes, The most valuable enrichments of titanium oxide minerals
with carbonatites typically forming the core unit and with acces- occur in miaskitic complexes that contain pyroxenites and alkali
sory carbonate disseminated through the complex. pyroxenites (jacupirangites, etc.). Most such deposits are actually
in the pyroxenites. In the Kola Peninsula of the U.S.S.R., enrich-
MINERALOGY ments of titanium oxide minerals occur in pyroxenites of both
miaskitic (Africanda) and agpaitic (Khibiny, Lovozero) affinity
The important titanium-bearing oxide-mineral phases in based on nepheline syenite composition (Yudin and Zak, 1971).
miaskitic alkalic complexes, in order of probable abundance, are The agpaitic pyroxenites contain sphene in addition to magnetite
perovskite, magnetite, and the Ti0 2 polymorphs rutile and and perovskite.
brookite. These minerals, except for magnetite, commonly In many of the important deposits, the titanium-mineral
contain large amounts of niobium in alkalic rocks (Fleischer and enrichments occur as magnetite-perovskite rocks. These rocks are
others, 1952). Ilmenite is normally minor but may be abundant; not well described in any deposit, but in my experience occur as
indeed, the type locality of ilmenite is in a miaskitic intrusive of small dike-like bodies permeating pyroxenite. Their origin has
the Ilmen Range of the Ural Mountains, near Miask, U.S.S.R. been attributed by Herz (1976) to an oxide liquid immiscible in
(Sarensen, 1974). alkalic magmas of intermediate composition. Relations described
In contrast, the agpaitic alkalic complexes typically contain herein for the Kodal deposit (Norway) may represent an inter-
their titanium mostly in silicates such as sphene, titanaugite, mel- mediate stage in the formation of such liquids.
anitic (or schorlomitic) garnet, kaersutitic amphibole, and several An important titanium resource at Magnet Cove, Arkansas,
unusual Ti-Zr silicate minerals. Factors that suppress the forma- is a contact-metamorphic deposit, formed where alkalic magma
tion of these silicates are responsible for the economic titanium came in contact with silicic sedimentary country rock. Several
deposits in miaskitic alkalic complexes. Possibly sphene is sup- deposits in alkalic rocks have a weathering overprint, and in
pressed by some combination of the following bulk chemical Brazilian deposits the weathered overburden is the resource. Var-
variables in alkaline rocks: (1) low silica activity, which favors iations among deposit types are summarized in Table 10.
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40 E. R. Force
district X
deposits X X
Magnet Cove
Magnet Cove
Rutile deposit X
prospect X
Christy deposit X X
deposit X X
Kodal deposit X
Figure 40. Geologic map and cross section of selected units of the Magnet Cove area, Arkansas, after
Erickson and Blade (1963) and Danilchik and Haley (1964). Deposits are 1, Magnet Cove Rutile;
2, Mo-Ti; 3, Hardy-Walsh; and 4, Christy. Other brookite prospects labeled B. See text for locality X.
Unit n, novaculite; i, alkalic igneous rock, including j, jacupirangite. See text for locality X and resources
of dark-shaded unit in cross section.
Downloaded from on March 16, 2016
44 E. R. Force
brookite-limonite veinlets and disseminations in quartzite recrys-
tallized from novaculite. Open spaces have permitted the
formation of euhedral crystals of several minerals, including
brookite. Taeniolite (KLiMg2Si40ioF2) mica occurs as dissemi-
nations and irregular masses, and increases westward toward the
intrusives. Fine rutile is a minor constituent. Brookite averages
0.5 to 1 mm in diameter and reaches 6 to 7 mm. It is slightly
enriched in clayey weathered zones about 5 m thick. Where truly
unoxidized rock was encountered by Fryklund and Holbrook
(1950), pyrite was present in place of limonite.
Apparently, titanium in these deposits has been introduced
from Ti02-rich intrusive rocks, such as jacupirangite, into
novaculite that contains almost no Ti02 (Cressman, 1962,
Table 6). Other elements apparently introduced from the
intrusive were Fe, V, Li, F, Nb, and perhaps S. Elements moving
Figure 41. Network of quartz-brookite-limonite veinlets (dark) in quartz- into the intrusive included Si (to form jacupirangite with second-
ite, Christy deposit, Magnet Cove. All units weathered; exposure about
ary sphene). Thus these contact-metamorphic deposits suggest
4 m high.
some unusual elemental fluxes. In normal skarn deposits,
titanium is not mobile; indeed, titanium distribution is sometimes
used to delimit the original extent of igneous rock (cf., Large,
veins in jacupirangite, and brookite in skarn-like (or fenite-like?) Six brookite prospects have the same geologic settings as the
contact metamorphic deposits. Christy and Hardy-Walsh deposits (Fig. 40). Their distribution
Deposits in igneous rocks. The Magnet Cove Rutile suggests to me that the total resources of this deposit type at
deposit (Fig. 40) produced minor amounts of rutile from 1932 to Magnet Cove should be calculated as all coarse brookite present
1944. Rutile occurs in swarms of feldspar-carbonate veins that in the lower member of novaculite (100 m thick) between 100
cut porphyritic aegirine phonolite and a variety of alkalic dike and 300 m from the alkalic complex, through the Chamberlain
rocks, all hydrothermally altered in places. The rutile-bearing Creek syncline and adjacent structures. The cross section (Fig.
veins contain albite or microcline; dolomite, calcite, or ankerite; 40) presents this view of resource potential, using a depth to
and pyrite. Rutile occurs as prisms averaging 0.1 mm in length, novaculite at the syncline axis (890 m) calculated from accurate
locally aggregated into irregular masses. The rutile content of data on the plunge in the adjacent barite mine (Scull, 1958). The
intervals as long as 0.6 m is up to 5 percent and averages 2.7 implied brookite resource in the Chamberlain Creek syncline
percent. The rutile contains 1 to 2 percent niobium and 0 to 1 alone is on the order of 5 x 106 metric tons. This is a hypothetical
percent V2O5, and these impurities make it difficult to use. Re- resource of respectable magnitude, worthy of further investigation
sources are not thought to be large anyway. from the points of view of industrial utility of this brookite,
The Mo-Ti prospect (Fig. 40) contains brookite, and pyrite corollary vanadium resources, and further exploration. For ex-
coated by molybdenite, in microcline veins through a large ample, drilling to the lower member of novaculite at location X
jacupirangite mass. The total mineralized area measures at most in Figure 40 could be warranted.
10 m x 130 m (Holbrook, 1948), so resources are thought to be
minor. Perovskite containing 0.6 percent niobium is reported Kodal deposit, Norway
from the host rock.
Contact-metamorphic deposits. The Christy and Hardy- The Oslo alkalic igneous province contains syenitic compos-
Walsh (Kilpatrick) brookite deposits formed at the eastern mar- ite ring intrusions of miaskitic affinity (from analyses of nepheline
gin of the igneous complex in the lower member of siliceous syenite in Oftedahl, 1960). These syenites are called larvikite
Arkansas novaculite, where it is in contact with alkalic igneous (augite syenite) and lardalite (nepheline syenite). The Kodal
rocks (Fig. 40). The lower member is about 100 m thick, and the deposit is associated with a nepheline larvikite ring showing
deposits are within about 300 m of intrusive rocks. Igneous rock rhythmic igneous banding (Petersen, 1978; Lindberg, 1986). It
nearest the Christy deposit is garnet nepheline phonolite, whereas can be described either as a jacupirangite or as an impure nelson-
that nearest the Hardy-Walsh deposit is jacupirangite. Both ite (Bergstetl, 1972); I refer to it here as jacupirangite.
deposits are weathered. The average abundance of recoverable The main jacupirangite body dips steeply south, is 1,900 m
brookite is about 5 percent. The brookite contains 2 percent Nb long, and varies in thickness from 2 to 32 m (Nielsen, 1972). In
and 0.5 percent V2O5. The Christy deposit is presently being addition to pyroxene, it contains 17 percent apatite, 40 percent
mined for vanadium. magnetite, and from 5 to 15 percent ilmenite (averaging 8 to
Both deposits consist of a network (Fig. 41) of quartz- 9 percent). Ilmenite and magnetite form separate grains 0.1 to
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Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 45
Chapter 10.
Titanium oxide minerals show interesting distribution panied by biotite. Haggerty (1976a) points out that the high
patterns, but form no economic deposits, in igneous suites other oxygen fugacity represented by the I-type or magnetite granites
than anorthosite-ferrodiorite massifs and alkalic complexes. The favors oxides over silicate minerals, but that the oxide minerals
hydrothermal alteration of hypabyssal granitoid systems forms represent the Fe-rich rather than the Ti-rich members of their
fine rutile that is of some economic interest. respective solid-solution series.
Haggerty (1976a, Table Hgl2) shows that typical primary
PRIMARY TITANIUM OXIDE MINERALS oxide-mineral assemblages in granitoid rocks are coexisting
OF SOME IGNEOUS SUITES ulvospinel-magnetite and ilmenite-hematite, each showing exso-
lution textures. Exsolution oxidation of ulvospinel to ilmenite is
Titanium-mineral assemblages of primary and high-temper- common, and later pseudomorphic oxidation to intergrown
ature oxidation origin are summarized here for four igneous hematite and rutile is known. The MnO contents of ilmenite in
suites: two igneous suites, the granitic and basaltic rocks, are granitoid rocks are high, and especially in peralkaline granites this
selected for discussion because of their great volume and to cor- manganoan ilmenite can properly be called pyrophanite.
rect misleading statements about their rutile contents (reviewed by Reports of titanium-mineral concentrations in granitoid
Force, 1980b). Two less voluminous suites, layered mafic intru- rocks are few. Nelsonite-like concentrations of titaniferous mag-
sives and kimberlites, are included because their oxide minerals netite and apatite in breccia matrix and dikelike bodies occur in
are the subject of a voluminous literature. These discussions rely syenitic hypabyssal and other granitoid stocks of the Canadian
heavily on two review monographs by Haggerty (1976a, b), re- Cordillera (Badham and Morton, 1976; W. J. McMillan, written
markable for their 107 pages of tables and 185 photomicro- communication, 1981). Some of these have been explained as
graphs. An additional review is by Elsdon (1975). Partitioning immiscible liquids.
analyses between oxides and silicates are mostly from Force The occurrence of rutile as discrete grains in granitoid rocks
(1976a). and related pegmatites has been reviewed by Force (1980b).
Granular accessory rutile is reported from very few granitoid
Granitoid rocks rocks (Lee and Dodge, 1964), although secondary rutile included
in other oxide-mineral grains is fairly common. In some granites
The Ti02 contents of granitoid rocks range from about 0.3 from which rutile has been reported, such as those of Dartmoor
to 0.7 percent; the high values are in lithologies of more interme- and Cornwall, Great Britain (Bramall, 1928; Groves, 1931),
diate composition. Silicate minerals typically contain 60 to 95 rutile is present in late veins that accompany hydrothermal
percent of this T1O2. However, variations in partitioning of Ti02 alteration, commonly as pseudomorphs of titaniferous biotite
among oxide and silicate minerals are among the criteria used to (D. R. Wones, oral communication, 1980).
classify granites. The I-type of Chappell and White (1974) or Niobian rutile (ilmenorutile) has been reported from
magnetite series of Ishihara (1977) contains 0.1 to 2 modal per- hypabyssal leucocratic stocks bearing molybdenum and tin mineraliza-
cent magnetite that contains ilmenite as lamellae, accompanied tion (Sainsbury, 1968; Desborough and Sharp, 1978; Desbo-
by up to 1 percent sphene, and Ti-poor hornblende. The S-type rough and Mihalik, 1980). This rutile is apparently of primary
or ilmenite series contains only 0 to 0.2 percent ilmenite, accom- origin, as it forms discrete grains in unaltered rock.
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48 E. R. Force
(Lawrence and Savage, 1975; Williams and Cesbron, 1977; "highest grade" sulfide mineralization. There is some evidence
Force, 1980a; Czamanske and others, 1981; Udubasa, 1982; that phyllic (quartz-sericite) overprinting on higher grade zones
Force and others, 1984). Rutile is a secondary mineral, coeval does not destroy previously formed rutile. In propylitic (chlorite-
with hydrothermal alteration, and its formation is virtually inevi- epidote-carbonate) zones, rutile is very fine grained or absent.
table if this alteration is sufficiently severe. The following The amount of rutile formed varies with the titanium con-
discussion of rutile formation mostly follows Czamanske and tent of the parent rocks, as titanium abundance is apparently
others (1981). conserved during alteration. Deposits developed on two igneous
parents having differing TiC>2 contents and mineralogy have con-
Process of formation sequent differences in rutile content and morphology.
Rutile in porphyry alteration systems records the amount Bingham, Utah, example
and position of titanium present in fresh parent rocks, which are
commonly calc-alkaline granitoids containing 0.3 to 1.0 percent Rutile has been recorded in ten porphyry deposits in the
TiC>2. Titaniferous minerals in these parent igneous rocks are United States. Rutile occurrence at the Bingham Canyon deposit
magmatic biotite, magmatic hornblende, titaniferous magnetite, of Utah is described here as an example, because it is best known
sphene, and ilmenite. Any one of these minerals may be the most and possibly is the most valuable rutile resource. Bingham, until
important carrier of titanium in a given intrusion. None of these recently the largest U.S. producer of copper, is a copper porphyry
minerals is stable in the alteration environment, however; biotite,with subordinate molybdenite. The deposit is in Tertiary intru-
hornblende, and magnetite alter incongruently to new minerals sions of mesocratic equigranular quartz monzonite (MEQM) and
containing less TiC>2, and ilmenite and sphene disappear. later leucocratic porphyritic quartz monzonite (LPQM) in
Table 12 shows some of the apparent mineral reactions, largely Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (Bray and Wilson, 1975, and maps
driven by the introduction of sulfur and CO2. Figures 43 and 44 therein). The ore is approximately coincident with potassic (bio-
show some pseudomorphic relations that suggest these reactions. tite, K-feldspar) alteration. Propylitically altered and unaltered
Table 13 contrasts the initial magmatic and subsequent post- MEQM is present outside the potassic zone, and sericitic altera-
alteration TiC>2 contents of biotite and amphibole. tion is overprinted on potassic alteration in both intrusions.
Studies to date indicate that liberation of titanium is most MEQM averages 0.9 percent Ti0 2 and 15 to 25 percent biotite,
complete, and resultant rutile of coarsest grain size, in the most whereas LPQM contains 0.6 percent Ti0 2 and less than 10 per-
altered zones of the alteration system—the potassic (biotite, It- cent biotite. The Ti02-bearing minerals in unaltered MEQM
feldspar) zone at San Manuel, Arizona, and Bingham, Utah, and include minor ilmenite and Ti-poor magnetite in addition to bio-
the advanced argillic (andalusite) zone at Tangse, Sumatra (Force tite (G. K. Czamanske, written communication, 1979). The dif-
and others, 1984). Commonly these zones also have therichestor ference in Ti0 2 content between magmatic biotite and phlogopitic
Downloaded from on March 16, 2016
50 E. R. Force
Ti0 2 Content
Magmatic Hydrothermal
Bingham, Utah* 4.925 1.65
Copper Canyon, Nevadat 4.7 1.5
Santa Rita, New Mexicot 4.1-4.7 1.5-3.1
Babine Lake, British Columbia§ 4.3 2.8
Butte, Montanat 4.58 1.99
Babine Lake, British Columbia§ 2.0 0.4
•Moore and Czamanske, 1973. Figure 44 photomicrograph of leucocratic porphyritic quartz monzonite
TCzamanske and others, 1981. f r o m Bingham Canyon, Utah, showing rutile of two grain sizes in hy-
SCarson and Jambor, 1974. drothermal biotite after euhedral magmatic biotite—reticulate rutile
needles and stubby prism (high relief, left center). Transmitted plane
light, 2-mm field.
hydrothermal biotite (Table 13) averages about 3.3 percent Ti0 2 . on rutile in soil samples. The presence of rutile in the regolith, and
Thus in the MEQM unit, 0.81 percent Ti0 2 out of 0.9 percent its grain size, were found to be potent indicators of alteration
TiC>2 in the rock is available to form rutile. zones and sulfide distribution in unweathered underlying rock.
Czamanske and others (1981) found that rutile in MEQM
and LPQM averages 0.34 and 0.24 weight percent, respectively, Economic prognosis
in the potassic alteration zone. The ubiquitous sagenitic rutile
needles in altered magmatic biotite were not included. The aver- Rutile forms very large but very low-grade deposits in
age grain size of the coarser rutile was 60 x 30 um in MEQM, porphyry systems. It can be recovered only as a byproduct of
60 x 40 /um in LPQM. Trace-element impurities in this rutile mining for sulfides from these deposits. This rutile recovery has
total less than 1.5 percent (Czamanske and others, 1981). been evaluated most recently by Rampacek (1982) and Sillitoe
(1983). The potential magnitude of rutile production is great.
Use of rutile in exploration Rutile isfinegrained in porphyry deposits; less than half the
rutile is as coarse as fine sand. Preliminary attempts using flota-
Lawrence and Savage (1975) and Williams and Cesbron tion and gravimetric methods to separate rutile from porphyry
(1977) suggested the use of rutile in exploration for porphyry copper ores and tailings in the United States have been
deposits. Rutile is stable in the weathering environment moderately successful (Llewellyn and Sullivan, 1980; Sullivan
(Chapter 6); of the entire hydrothermal mineral assemblage in a and Llewellyn, 1981; Davis and others, 1988). Such attempts
porphyry deposit, rutile is probably least susceptible to weather- have also been made with Chilean porphyry copper ores (Centro
ing. Force and others (1984) tested an exploration method based de Investigación Minera y Metalurgia, 1986).
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Chapter 10.
The weathering of titanium oxide minerals and the role of climate change
The weathering and erosion of titanium oxide minerals is Weathering processes have upgraded a large number of
the bridge between "primary" (igneous and metamorphic) and titanium oxide mineral deposits and have made some of them
"secondary" (sedimentary) titanium-mineral deposits. This chap- economic. In a number of deposits discussed in previous chapters,
ter treats the weathering not only of such crystalline rocks but the most valuable material is a saprolite developed on the pri-
also of sedimentary deposits and rocks. For this purpose, these mary deposit (Table 14). All detrital deposits can be regarded as
sediments are treated solely as weathered rock; the following upgraded by predepositional weathering. Superimposed in situ
chapters discuss the sedimentary processes of titanium-mineral (post depositional) weathering of detrital deposits is also of great
accumulation. importance in some deposits.
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52 E. R. Force
Alteration of ilmenite
weathering site (McLaughlin, 1955) and from one silicate min-
eral to the other. Sphene and melanitic or schorlomitic garnet are Ilmenite undergoes a remarkable transformation in the
two titanium silicate minerals that may weather slowly and lo- weathering environment; it is moderately stable there, but iron is
cally may survive even in saprolite and other thick soil profiles progressively leached from it. The result of extreme leaching can
(Overstreet and others, 1963; Harben, 1984). be tan-colored grains having a specific gravity of about 3.0, a
Downloaded from on March 16, 2016
Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 53
rutile x-ray diffraction pattern, and a Ti0 2 content of over 80 Ti0 2 values (Welch, 1964; Baxter, 1977, 1986; Mertie, 1979).
percent. The economic consequences of this alteration are dis- An increase in AI2O3 may occur by infiltration into porous al-
cussed in Chapter 1. tered ilmenite (Frost and others, 1983).
The progressive alteration of ilmenite in weathering is the Oxidation and humic acid leaching were shown by Kark-
subject of a large body of literature (Creitz and McVay, 1948; hanavala and Momin (1959) and Lynd (1960) respectively, to
Lynd and others, 1954; Bailey and others, 1956; Karkhanavala facilitate the weathering alteration of ilmenite. Reportedly, initial
and others, 1959; Flinter, 1959; La Roche and others, 1962; alteration oxidizes iron to Fe203, and later alteration leaches iron
Temple, 1966; Dimanche, 1972; Grey and Reid, 1975; Dimanche (Temple, 1966; Gamar, 1972; Baxter, 1977).
and Bartholome, 1976; Subrahmanyam and others, 1982; Morad At Ti02 contents of about 58 to 60 percent, the ilmenite
and Aldahan, 1986). Variations in microtexture, chemistry, lattice is no longer detectable to x-ray diffraction, in my
crystallography, and magnetism of the ilmenite alteration series experience. The anisotropy and pleochroism of ilmenite in pol-
are well documented. The weakness of this literature is that each ished section also disappear (Bailey and others, 1956; Dimanche
study is of detrital mixtures of variously altered grains in a given and Bartholome, 1976). Textural relics of intergrown iron oxide
sand; thus the sites of weathering are not known. phases can be recognized in altered ilmenites, but at higher Ti0 2
Ilmenite from unweathered parent rock as supplied to the contents, these are represented only by pits. Even recognizable
weathering environment generally contains less TiC>2 than hematite is etched away (Temple, 1966; Puffer and Cousminer,
stoichiometric ilmenite (52.6 percent TiC>2), because of inter- 1982; Darby, 1984). Single grains may be concentrically zoned,
growths with hematite, magnetite, other oxides, and silicate inclu- from ilmenite at the core to leucoxene on the rim (Welch, 1964;
sions. Industrial ilmenite concentrates from such rocks contain as Frost and others, 1983), so that the external appearance of a grain
much as 32 to 46 percent Ti0 2 . does not always correlate with composition and magnetic
Altered ilmenite, on the other hand, contains from about 54 properties.
to more than 80 percent TiC>2. Altered ilmenite that contains less Recent studies appear to agree that pseudorutile (about
than about 65 percent TiC>2 is typically black, paramagnetic, and Fe2Ti309, or 60.0 percent Ti0 2 ; Teufer and Temple, 1966) is
greater than 3.3 in specific gravity. Brown to tan, nonmagnetic, commonly an intermediate product of ilmenite alteration. This
less dense, porcelanous opaque material that contains more than compound may be the same as that debated in older literature
70 percent TiC>2 is known as leucoxene. This leucoxene contains under the name arizonite. Fine pseudorutile is a pseudomorph of
microcrystalline rutile; leucoxene has no real mineralogic signifi- ilmenite that retains some optical properties of ilmenite grains
cance, however, as low-grade metamorphic leucoxene has a sim- (Mathis and Sclar, 1980).
ilar appearance but consists of sphene (± anatase).
The trace-element content of ilmenite also varies with the SITES OF TITANIUM-MINERAL WEATHERING
intensity of weathering alteration. Based on rather fragmentary
evidence, it appears that MgO contents decrease as alteration The weathering alteration of titanium oxide minerals takes
proceeds and that MnO contents increase in the first stages of place in four broad environments (Fig. 46). Based on the rather
alteration (to low-Ti02 altered ilmenite) but decrease at higher sketchy information currently available, it is possible to tenta-
Bedrock ^ " ^ e T ^ ^
Figure 46. Diagram showing sites of weathering beneficiation of a titanium-oxide mineral grain.
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54 E. R. Force
North Carolina
Saprolite 1 0.71 4.4 23.08 0.01 0.97 3.89 3.29 P
Granitoid 1 0.085 5.0 19.27 0.03 0.96 4.60 4.14 P
Gain (%)§ -16 -12 20 -67 1 -15 -21
South Carolina
Saprolite 2 0.060 0.79 48.27 0.01 8.30 0.64 0.90 A
Granitoid 2 0.011 0.16 50.05 0.06 8.27 0.22 0.83 P
Gain (%)§ 445 394 -4 -83 <1 190 8
South Carolina
Saprolite 3 0.053 1.32 27.34 0.01 1.41 3.95 2.61 A
Granitoid 3 0.046 0.86 26.32 0.04 1.44 3.66 2.74 P
Gain (%)§ 15 53 4 -75 -2 8 -5
Saprolite 4 0.28 >28 51.85 0.05 4.48 0.33 0.84 A
Granitoid 4 0.22 7.6 47.97 0.11 4.17 0.37 1.00 A
Gain (%)§ 27 >268 8 -55 7 -11 -16
Saprolite 5 0.037 1.76 46.18 0.01 1.75 1.06 1.13 A
Granitoid 5 0.021 1.75 42.66 0.02 1.64 0.79 1.31 A
Gain (%)§ 76 0 8 -50 7 34 -14
tively partition the weathering of titanium oxide minerals among rocks of the southeastern United States. The data show some
these environments. scatter, but average values show clear trends. Ilmenite is residu-
ally enriched in saprolite, commonly by 15 to 75 weight percent,
Weathered rock and the ilmenite/magnetite ratio increases by an average of 140
percent. The ilmenite concentrate from saprolite contains slightly
The behavior of titanium minerals in the weathered mantle more Ti0 2 but less MgO than that from rock. The Fe 2 0 3 /Fe0
over igneous and metamorphic rocks has been outlined above. ratio of this concentrate is higher in saprolite, but total iron in
Ilmenite may alter significantly in weathered rock (Jackson and saprolite decreases relative to TiC^. X-ray diffraction patterns of
Sherman, 1953; Carroll and others, 1957; Puffer and Cousminer, the concentrates from fresh rock and from saprolite are similar
1982, p. 386), but modest alteration is more common (Rumble, and show sharp ilmenite peaks, but ilmenite from saprolite shows
1973; Dimanche and Bartholome, 1976). Ilmenite alteration in subdued magnetite peaks. Hematite intergrowths with ilmenite
the weathering environment is locally to anatase rather than to remain unaffected. Thus, the alteration of ilmenite in these sapro-
pseudorutile and microcrystalline rutile. lites is modest. In comparison to feldspar and ferromagnesian
Table 15 shows the ilmenite contents a n d compositions o f minerals, which are almost completely decomposed in these
five pairs o f fresh bedrock a n d overlying saprolite from granitoid saprolites, ilmenite alters slowly in this environment.
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Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 55
Fluvial transport 1. Gradients in mineralogic composition that are related to
depth within weathering or soil profiles of the deposit are attribu-
The second potential site for weathering of titanium oxide table to postdepositional weathering.
minerals is the fluvial transport system. Little is known about its 2. Differences of mineralogic compositions that are a func-
role. Cannon (1950) asserted that significant alteration of tion of age in series of similar deposits must be due to postdeposi-
ilmenite occurs in the fluvial transport system; however, Austin tional weathering, assuming that the nature of minerals supplied
(1960) suggested that this alteration occurs during occasional to all the deposits was constant. This topic is discussed further in
burial. Riezebos (1979) found that ilmenite abundance and alter- the next section.
ation state were little changed by transport over hundreds of 3. Detrital grains of the same original character that now
kilometers in the humid tropics. Darby and Tsang (1987) and show heterogeneous alteration states in one deposit must repre-
Basu and Molinari (1989) found that fluvial ilmenite clearly re- sent a detrital mixture of grains having varied alteration histories,
flects the trace-element composition and intergrowth structure of acquired before deposition. Conversely, uniform alteration of
its crystalline sources. Rivers draining crystalline rocks commonly grains of the same original character is evidence of postdeposi-
deliver labile mineral assemblages long distances to the seacoast tional alteration.
with little modification (Russell, 1937; van Andel, 1950; 4. Altered grains that show a polish acquired by abrasion in
Neiheisel, 1976); ilmenite at the river mouth may remain fresh the depositional environment must have been altered before dep-
(LaRoche and others, 1962; Neiheisel, 1976; Force and others, osition, as postdepositional alteration would destroy this polish
1982). Chapter 8 treats deposition in the fluvial environment. by authigenic mineral growth.
5. Chemical environments such as peat beds within a
Intermediate sedimentary hosts deposit may prevent postdepositional alteration. Grains preserved
in these environments show only predepositional alteration.
The role of intermediate sedimentary hosts as sites of weath- 6. The average grain size of leucoxene compared with other
ering of titanium oxide-mineral grains is also poorly known but minerals may reflect its present density or the greater density of
is probably great. A clastic grain typically comes to rest in a an ilmenite precursor (see "Depositional equivalence," Chapter
succession of sedimentary deposits for varying lengths of time. At 7). Where leucoxene is coarser than ilmenite, the leucoxene must
each site, the grain is subject to early diagenesis and intrastratal have been altered before deposition (Wilcox, 1971).
solution, then exposure to chemical weathering, followed by The literature on placer deposits of titanium oxide minerals
further fluvial or marine transport to the next host. presents several examples of the first guideline for postdeposi-
The evidence of weathering in intermediate hosts is mostly tional alteration (e.g., Pirkle and Yoho, 1970; Welch and others,
indirect; for example, the mineral assemblages in unconsolidated 1975). The Ti0 2 contents of ilmenite concentrates, as well as
Upper Cretaceous through Cenozoic "coastal plain" deposits in leucoxene/ilmenite ratios, increase upward within soil profiles
the eastern United States vary in units of different ages (Owens, (Figs. 47, 48); these profiles may be superimposed at an angle to
1985), apparently as a function of paleoclimatic variation (dis- primary sedimentary bedding, as at Trail Ridge, Florida (Force
cussed below). Compared with juvenile assemblages being and Garnar, 1985). Changes in the entire heavy mineral
supplied via fluvial systems today, mineral assemblages of such assemblage may parallel those of ilmenite alteration; the mineral
sediments are generally more mature, partly because they have assemblages are commonly most mature in the uppermost zones
been subjected to intrastratal solution (discussed in Chapter 10) if of weathering profiles (Force and others, 1982; McCartan and
not to greater weathering. Where detritus derived from coastal others, 1990; for dissenting views, see Hails and Hoyt, 1972;
plain deposits is admixed with juvenile detritus, in streams drain- Beck, 1973).
ing crystalline terranes, the fluvial mineral assemblage becomes Iron leached from ilmenite in the surficial zone may be
more mature. reprecipitated deeper in the same deposit as local iron hydroxide
The mature mineral assemblages of some of these interme- cement (Welch, 1964; Puffer and Cousminer, 1982). This cement
diate hosts include altered ilmenite, with elevated Ti0 2 contents encases ilmenite grains and retards further leaching (Lissiman and
(e.g., Wilcox, 1971; Puffer and Cousminer, 1982). Detritus de- Oxenford, 1975; Baxter, 1986). Heavy-mineral-rich laminae may
rived primarily from such intermediate hosts inherits their be preferentially cemented by iron-rich humate (Fig. 49), or
ilmenite alteration (e.g., the Horse Creek, South Carolina, placer humic acid salts.
of Williams, 1967). The positions of present and former water tables seem to
function as a base level for some types of postdepositional altera-
Postdepositional weathering tion. These levels are also depositional loci of humate and/or iron
In a given deposit, it is difficult to separate the changes due hydroxide cements (Fig. 47). Grey and Reid (1975) proposed
to weathering to which detrital particles were subjected sep- that some ilmenite alteration at Trail Ridge proceeds below the
arately, before deposition, from weathering changes they endured water table, but in Chapter 9, I explain their data in another
together, after deposition. The guidelines that seem most useful in manner. Weathering below the water table passes gradationally
separating these cases are: into intrastratal solution, a topic discussed in Chapter 10.
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56 E. R. Force
DEPTH Percentage of Ti0 2 content of altered
(m) (ft) leucoxenized ilmenite ilmenite (in weight percent)
Land surface
Bleached zone
Húmate cement
Húmate cement
Figure 47. Vertical profiles of ilmenite alteration in surficial sands on Trail Ridge, Florida, from data in
Pirkle and Yoho (1970) and Temple (1966). Geologic profile and sedimentary structures (left) after
Force and Garnar (1985).
WEATHERING OF QUATERNARY SHORELINE others, 1982) show that within a given area, ilmenite is more
DEPOSITS AS A FUNCTION OF enriched in Ti0 2 on the higher terraces and that within a terrace
AGE AND LATITUDE the higher values are at lower latitudes (Fig. 51). Both the
mineral-assemblage and ilmenite-composition arrays show un-
A considerable literature exists on variations of heavy- usual simplicity and thus have predictive power. The great long-
mineral assemblages with the elevations of Quaternary marine strike homogeneity of the Appalachians may have provided a
terraces in the eastern United States (Neiheisel, 1962; Hails and relatively constant source area and thus permitted the simplicity.
Hoyt, 1972; Thorn and others, 1972; Beck, 1973; Cazeau, 1974; However, data compiled from Baxter (1977) suggest that altered
Oaks and others, 1974; Force and Geraci, 1975; Force and oth- ilmenite compositions on the west coast of Australia behave in
ers, 1982; McCartan and others, 1990). The higher terraces are the same manner (Fig. 52). Possibly, detrital mineral assemblages
known to be older, and each represents an interglacial high stand and ilmenite compositions are everywhere sensitive functions of
of sea level. The higher terraces contain the more mature, or age and latitude and everywhere correlate with each other. For
weathered, heavy-mineral assemblages and less feldspar. example, correlation of Figures 50 through 52 suggests that am-
Each of these studies was done in a restricted area, and phibole and pyroxene become negligible when the Ti0 2 content
compilation of such information makes possible a display (Fig. of altered ilmenite exceeds about 57 percent.
50) of mineralogy as a function of latitude and terrace height (the Compositions of altered ilmenite compiled from Quaternary
latter proxying for age). The percentage of the labile amphiboles shoreline deposits worldwide are shown in Figure 53. The rela-
and pyroxenes in the heavy-mineral assemblage was chosen as a tive ages of most of these deposits are unknown, and the nature of
measure of weathering, because these minerals show great varia- the ilmenite supplied by various source areas varies. Nevertheless,
tion in degree of postdepositional weathering from terrace to the data, including those of Figures 51 and 52, define a composi-
terrace. The array in Figure 50 is quite orderly; at any given tional envelope for altered ilmenite that is a function of latitude.
latitude, weathering is greater in the older, higher terraces, where- At high latitude, the composition of detrital ilmenite is the com-
as at any given terrace elevation, there is an equally striking position supplied by source rocks. At lower latitude, Ti0 2 con-
increase in weathering toward lower latitudes. The small reversals tent of ilmenite is extremely variable as a function of weathering
in trend are due to the influx of juvenile unweathered debris at duration and deposit type but shows a maximum at low latitude
the mouths of rivers draining crystalline rock. beyond which leucoxene loses coherence and density. Steep side
Similarly, the Ti0 2 contents of altered ilmenites from the gradients of the envelope are such that ilmenites having Ti0 2
same marine terrace deposits (Force and Geraci, 1975; Force and contents greater than about 50 percent are mostly between 35°N
Downloaded from on March 16, 2016
Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 57
Ti0 2 content of altered ilmenite (in weight percent)
54 56 58 60
E 4 -
Figure 49. Photomicrograph of impregnated Trail Ridge eolian ilmenite
ore sand, showing contrasts in mineralogy, grain size, and humate ce-
0> mentation between slip-face laminae rich (top) and poor (bottom) in
Q heavy minerals. Heavy minerals are altered ilmenite (black), zircon, and
sillimanite. Cloudy dark matrix is humate. Transmitted plane light, 2-
m m field.
'25m terrace
to 8m terraces
1- to 3m terraces
~M c
O o
Modem Beaches
'Z £
> —
Q . CD
•S ® 3 0
C» c
2 >40
c >
O ®
28' 29' 30' 31" 32" 33" 34 35" 36' 37' 38'
North latitude
Figure 50. Plot of percent pyriboles (pyroxene plus amphibole) in Qua-
32" 33' 34" 35' 36" 37' 38'
ternary^) shoreline deposits of the southeastern United States as a func-
North latitude
tion of terrace elevation and of latitude. Data from Martens, 1935;
Figure 51. Plot of TÌO2 content of ilmenite concentrates from the south-
McCaulay, 1960; Neiheisel, 1962; Thorn and others, 1972; Beck, 1973;
eastern United States, as in Figure 50. Sources include my unpublished
Oaks and others, 1974; and Force and others, 1982.
data; unpublished data of J. B. Mertie; McCauley, 1960; Force and
Geraci, 1975; Force and others, 1982; and Pirkle and others, 1984. The
anomalous trend of the 25-m terrace is unexplained; the data come from
different sources.
5 >3) 40-
0) CO
« ">
60- ß
0) c
0> S
5 <U
Chapter 10.
DISTRIBUTION AMONG SEDIMENTARY ROCKS mostly as altered ilmenite and rutile, as by definition all labile
minerals, including titanium silicates and magnetite, are absent.
The chemical immobility of titanium has produced a predic- The restricted mineralogy of these sands is acquired by multiple
table distribution pattern of titanium in sedimentary rocks. Chem- cycles of chemical and mechanical beneficiation, commonly in
ical sediments are systematically impoverished. Detrital sedi- passive-margin or cratonic tectonic settings. Because only a few
ments have titanium contents controlled by the mechanical minerals can contain titanium in these sands, titanium enrich-
behavior of titanium-bearing grains in various hydraulic regimes. ments in mature sands are unusual. However, mature sands in
These grains may be either titanium-bearing silicates or oxides. which placer concentration has occurred have moderate to high
Limestones average 0.1 to 0.2 percent Ti0 2 (Table 1). Even Ti0 2 contents as rutile and ilmenite and are economically valua-
in these chemical sediments, Ti0 2 is commonly present as detrital ble deposits. The remainder of this book is devoted to discussion
admixtures, as in eolian sand fractions containing ilmenite. of these deposits and the processes forming them.
Shales average 0.6 to 0.7 percent Ti0 2 (Table 1), and values
over 1 percent are common; shale is the sedimentary rock with PLACER CONCENTRATION
the highest average Ti0 2 content. Because offinegrain sizes, the
titanium mineralogy of shale has never been adequately studied. I A placer-enriched deposit is formed by the concentration of
suspect that much of the Ti0 2 in shales represents the fine- denser minerals. This concentration occurs by a complex interac-
grained anatase present in regoliths as a result of the weathering tion among transport type, particle size and shape, and particle
of titanium-bearing silicates. Siltstones have slightly lower aver- density. I shall attempt to explain this interaction in nonmathe-
age Ti0 2 contents than do true shales. matical terms. For any type of transport or erosion, a given flow
Sandstones and coarser clastics vary greatly in Ti0 2 con- removes some particles from the bed and leaves others. The
tents because of variations in concentration of titanium-bearing division is primarily a function of particle size and density. For
grains; the average value must be 0.25 to 0.5 percent Ti0 2 . The the given flow, a particle of quartz or feldspar of a certain grain
Ti0 2 also shows great variation in partitioning between oxide size will behave like a denser mineral of a different grain size. The
and silicate minerals. In the mineralogically immature sandstones, laws relating particle size and density vary among different trans-
titanium mineralogy closely follows that of source rocks. This port modes, and this variation is the key to placer concentration;
typically means that much titanium is present as silicate grains, adjustment by the bed to successive types of transport and erosion
particularly in the active continental-margin settings where most can enrich dense minerals.
of these sands are formed. For example, in voluminous terranes of Transport laws vary at a number of scales; for example, the
volcanogenic graywackes, representing many depositional envi- laws for a beach deposit and for the adjacent eolian dune differ.
ronments, sandstones contain titanium as magnetite, ilmenite, At progressively smaller scales, within the beach deposit there are
titanaugite, hornblende, and/or sphene. This suite of titanium different laws for breaking-wave and backwash transport and
minerals may occur in placer concentrations of heavy minerals, even for different portions of a single migrating ripple.
resulting in deposits having high Ti0 2 contents but no economic The laws governing equilibrium transport as a function of
value (e.g., Thomas and Berryhill, 1962). density and grain size have been studied for many modes of
Mineralogically mature sandstones typically contain Ti0 2 transport and erosion. The law studied first (Rubey, 1933) is
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62 E. R. Force
probably the simplest—deposition from suspension, such that
grains of the same settling velocity accumulate together. Settling
velocity is, of course, a function of density and grain size. The
term hydraulic equivalence was preempted for this type of equi- Suspension equivalence only
librium (Rittenhouse, 1943), but clearly a whole family of
hydraulic equivalences exists for different transport types. These
can be loosely divided into depositional equivalences (which in-
clude suspension equivalence) and entrainment equivalences,
with transport equivalence a complex mixture of the two (Slin-
gerland, 1984; Slingerland and Smith, 1986). In some deposits,
dispersive equivalence (natural heavy-media separation) is also a
factor. Each equivalence type is described below. Entrainment equivalence only
(supply random)
The enrichment of dense minerals (relative to light minerals)
is not directly explained by any one law of hydraulic equivalence,
because in deposits formed according to that law, heavy minerals
will be deposited with hydraulically equivalent light minerals, O • O O O • O
and no concentration is achieved (Force, 1976b; Komar and
Wang, 1984; Slingerland and Smith, 1986). In only one circum-
stance can an enrichment result from deposition obeying one Sequential (suspension equivalence
law—the case in which the dense mineral of interest is supplied in followed by entrainment equivalence)
a range of grain sizes equivalent to a size range for light minerals
that is in short supply. Except perhaps for minerals having spe-
cific gravities more than 8, that is, minerals hydraulically equiva-
lent to much coarser light minerals (Tourtelot, 1968), such
enrichments are rare.
The general case for placer concentration is the sequential Figure 56. Diagram of grain populations of light (open) and heavy
operation of two slightly different laws in such a way that the (dark) minerals resulting from various hydraulic equivalence laws.
sediment can obey both laws only by becoming enriched in small
dense minerals. Most commonly, one law is of the deposition
type and the other is of the entrainment type (cf., Komar and
Wang, 1984). For example, deposition from a turbulent breaking comes in the separation of depositional and entrainment compo-
wave on a beach face is essentially by a law of suspension equiva- nents of transport. In our wave example, thorough sampling be-
lence, with any given spot in the swash zone representing a tween breaking wave and backwash is difficult (however, see
certain settling rate. Large light grains are deposited with small Slingerland, 1984).
dense grains (Fig. 56, top). The more laminar backwash of the Rubey (1933) formulated the concept that grains found to-
same wave, however, has an erosive effect since its suspended gether forming a single bed represent grains having equal settling
load has been dropped. It erodes according to an entrainment velocity, that is, coarser light minerals and heavy mineralsfinerin
equivalence law that is almost entirely a function of grain size; the proportion to their densities. Rittenhouse (1943) called this con-
grains that project out of the bed are eroded, and these are mostly dition hydraulic equivalence and cast his similar results with flu-
coarse (Slingerland and Smith, 1986). Thus the large light grains vial sands in the form of hydraulic ratios relating the diameters of
selected by the first process are removed by the second, and an light and various heavy grains deposited together. Ironically,
enrichment in small dense grains results (Fig. 56, bottom). The though the more sophisticated treatments of heavy mineral depo-
enriched deposit remains in equilibrium with the next wave. Note sition have moved significantly beyond these landmark papers,
that if thefirstprocess had been inefficient, large dense grains and most studies of heavy mineral assemblages are not up to the
fine light grains would also have been deposited. The latter would conceptual level of Rubey and Rittenhouse (reviewed by Force
not have been eroded by the second process, and little or no and Stone, 1990).
enrichment would have occurred (Fig. 56, center). This simplified Figure 57 illustrates the working of depositional equivalence
example is expanded in Chapter 9. in a single bed. This example is from foreset beds of a glaciolacus-
trine delta, and deposition was from suspension in continuous
Depositional equivalence turbidity flows (Force and Stone, 1990). The size distributions of
various minerals supplied to the depositional environment are
Because of difficulties of direct observation, laws of deposi- shown in the upper part of the figure. The size distribution of light
tional equivalence have mostly been studied experimentally and mineral grains deposited from a given flow, to form a given bed,
theoretically. The difficulty of observation in a natural situation are shown below in solid lines. Cumulative curves for some
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Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 63
heavy mineral species are shown superimposed on this size distri- White and Williams, 1967; Grigg and Rathbun, 1969; Lowright
bution; the position of the curve for each mineral is a function of and others, 1972; Slingerland, 1977, 1984; Komar and Wang,
density and shape of the mineral. The relation of its size distribu- 1984; Slingerland and Smith, 1986). In general, these studies
tion to the size distribution of the whole sample isfixed;that is, have shown that entrainment is a function more of grain size than
the family of curves in the bottom part of the figure slides in its of grain density. Large grains may project out of the bed into a
entirety to the right or left as modal grain size of the bed changes zone of turbulent flow and thus be preferentially subjected to
as a function of flow parameters. An arbitrary distribution repre- removal. In addition, larger grains can be preferentially dislodged
senting an adjacent bed is shown with dashed lines. The abun- by rotation through smaller angles. In a beach example studied by
dance of a given mineral in each bed depends on the relative Komar and Wang (1984), larger grains of all mineral species are
position of the size of that mineral required for deposition from removed from the upper swash zone and transported progres-
the flow (bottom of figure) and the size of the mineral in abun- sively offshore. As the entire beach is fed coarser lights and finer
dant supply (top of figure). Where the two coincide, the mineral heavies, entrainment results in a placer enrichment in the upper
will be relatively abundant. In the example shown, ilmenite and swash zone, which gives way seaward across the beach face to
biotite will be abundant in the bed represented by the solid line, coarser-grained, less enriched deposits showing a spectrum of
whereas garnet will predominate in the bed represented by dominant heavies having progressively lesser density.
dashed lines. Such glaciolacustrine deposits are further discussed
in Chapter 8; in the present discussion, these and analogous Transport equivalence
depositional-equivalent deposits are protores for further enrich-
ment by entrainment and transport, which have other equiva- Fine grains commonly lag behind coarser grains in transport
lence laws. over a coarse bed as a consequence of entrainment differences.
Where heavy minerals are finer than depositionally equivalent
Entrainment equivalence light minerals, this results in dynamic lag enrichments of heavy
minerals (Slingerland, 1984). Where heavy and light minerals are
Most recent studies of heavy mineral deposition have em- supplied to the transport system at the same average size, heavy
phasized entrainment equivalence (Mclntyre, 1959; Hand, 1967; minerals lag because their greater settling velocities cause them to
strike the bed more frequently. Where the depositional system is
Grain size of supply, in millimeters arrested, the lesser transport rates of denser minerals result in
local concentrations.
Dispersive equivalence
In dense grain suspensions, grain collisions and fluid pres-
sures may permit natural heavy-media separations of light and
heavy minerals. Such separation depends not on flow parameters
but on factors that permit the bed to remain liquified. Dense
minerals sink to the base of the liquified layer. On beaches, for
example, this may occur by wave-induced lateral gradients in the
local water table and/or by pounding of the surf. Sallenger
(1979) has shown that differential settling of denser and/or finer
grains through the bed may result in both basal placer enrichment
and inverse grading of beach deposits.
64 E. R. Force
of square kilometers, and ilmenite and rutile dominate their
titanium-mineral assemblages. Rutile is most common in pelitic
lithologies (Figs. 2,3). Erosion of these terranes releases about 0.1
to 1.0 percent ilmenite and rutile to the transport system (re-
viewed for rutile by Force, 1980b).
Other large source terranes supply the wrong mineral suites;
for example, basalt terranes supply ilmenite intergrown with
magnetite; some granitic terranes supply a little ilmenite, inter-
grown with hematite and magnetite; and neither terrane supplies
rutile. The only other source terranes that contribute valuable
assemblages of titanium minerals are small—for example, alkalic
stocks and hydrothermal systems (Chapters 4 and 5). Locally,
intermediate sedimentary hosts are the most important sources,
but these in turn have primary source rocks. If the source terranes
do not supply the right minerals, an economic titanium-mineral
placer cannot form.
Weathering, as predepositional weathering of constituent
grains and/or as postdepositional weathering of a placer deposit,
is necessary also (Chapter 6). It restricts the mineral suite to one
in which titanium minerals and other economic heavies are
among the few heavy species, and it chemically upgrades the
ilmenite. Currently, no titanium-mineral placers are operating in
which this weathering upgrading has not occurred.
Discussion in upcoming chapters treats further controls on
placer location and formation. Conduits, in both fluvial and
economic placer deposits of titanium minerals. A. General case. Each
shoreline environments, are necessary to bring favorable detritus box has the potential of containing economic deposits. B. Adaptation of
to the depositional site in undiluted form. Once placer concentra- general case for Quaternary shoreline placer deposits.
tion has occurred, it must be preserved; locally this has required
removal of the concentrated sediment to another depositional
Thus, consideration of placer concentration processes, as in Even concentration itself is a two-stage process, and thefirststage
this chapter, requires consideration also of the numerous other may occur in part outside the depositional environment. Inherited
influences on placer formation (Fig. 58A). Most of these influ- characteristics of the placer extend from the depositional site all
ences are not apparent at the site of concentration. A great deal of the way back through the geology of titanium oxides, and these
the geologic evolution of an economic placer deposit is hidden inherited characteristics control the economics of exploitation just
from view at the depositional site and must be studied elsewhere. as surely as does final placer concentration.
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Chapter 10.
Althouth numerous nonmarine placer deposits of titanium vorable sources. The relative importance of nonsource factors
minerals have been identified, only one, a fluvial deposit in Sierra differs in the two major types of nonmarine deposits; fluvial
Leone, is currently of economic importance. Nature operates deposits are more beneficiated by weathering, whereas glacio-
under too many disadvantages in nonmarine environments for lacustrine deposits are better winnowed but completely
there to be many economic nonmarine placer deposits of titanium unweathered.
minerals. Deposition in these environments is of interest partly as
a step in the formation of shoreline placer deposits. FLUVIAL DEPOSITS
This chapter concentrates on nonmarine placers in young
hosts, because virtually all identified nonmarine titanium-mineral Heavy minerals form concentrations in a large number of
deposits formed during the present geomorphic cycle (Table 16). fluvial environments, and such concentration of different heavy-
The significance of youth in these deposits is apparently that they mineral species in different environments is the subject of a vo-
are unindurated, and they were easy to find using present geo- luminous literature (abstracted by Smith and Minter, 1980;
morphology. However, older fluvial deposits, some of them indu- Slingerland and Smith, 1986). Scales of placer enrichment vary
rated, were important intermediate hosts of titanium oxide from individual bed forms to facies of large depositional systems.
minerals in economic placers of younger shoreline deposits. Much of the information available to us concerns modern en-
richments (some from experiments) at the intermediate scale of
RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF point bars and channel junctions (Adams and others, 1978;
GEOLOGIC CONTROLS Schumm and others, 1987). Larger-scale enrichments apparently
form by selective preservation in particular environments of
All nonmarine placer deposits of titanium oxide minerals smaller-scale enrichments. The largest scales of fluvial placer con-
appear to be intimately related to favorable source rocks (Table centrations, in wet alluvial fan environments, are mostly of min-
16). The source factor is more important than the other factors erals having specific gravities more than 6.
that normally enter into the formation of a titanium oxide placer
deposit (Fig. 58A), because the other factors are feebly devel- Concentration and weathering limitations
oped. Weathering beneficiation varies greatly but is far less potent
than in some shoreline deposits. True placer concentration of Placer concentration in fluvial environments has formed
titanium minerals in nonmarine deposits is apparently effective important economic deposits of a number of heavy mineral
only at scales much smaller than that of a mineable deposit. No commodities, such as gold, diamonds, monazite, and cassiterite.
large deposits formed in nonmarine environments seem to have Thus it is strange that titanium oxide minerals are extensively
had titanium minerals greatly enriched by placer concentration produced from placer deposits but rarely from fluvial ones. There
compared with the debris fed from the source. are two reasons. First, the scale of fluvial placer concentration is
Because of the importance of the source terranes in the too small. Economic placer deposits of titanium oxide minerals
formation of nonmarine placer deposits of titanium minerals, normally contain at least a million tons of mineral concentrate.
valuable deposits represent unusual geomorphologies and clastic Few fluvial bodies of this size contain concentrations of minerals
distribution systems that minimize dilution by debris from unfa- having specific gravities of 4 to 5, such as rutile and ilmenite.
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66 E. Force
Gbangbama Sierra Leone Quaternary Rutile Kasila granulite-facies Raufuss, 1973
(Sherbro) gneisses
Sand Canyon,
Pacoima Canyon California Quaternary llmenite San Gabriel Mountain 2,3 Oakeschott, 1958;
ferrodiorites§ Industrial Minerals,
Otter Creek Oklahoma Quaternary llmenite Wichita Mountain gabbros, 2 Hahn and Fine, 1960
Shooting Creek North Carolina Quaternary Rutile Garnet-mica schist 2 Hartley, 1971
Horse Creek South Carolina Quaternary llmenite, rutile Cretaceous sands 2b Williams, 1967
Roseland Virginia Quaternary llmenite, rutile Roseland crystalline rocks§ 2 Minard and others,
1976; Herz and
Force, 1987
Port Leyden New York Pleistocene llmenite Adirondack Mountain Stone and Force,
charnockites, gabbros, and 1980
granulite-facies gneisses§
*Not including the U.S.S.R., China, or operations recovering titanium minerals as byproducts.
t S e e text and Figure 59.
§Chapter 3.
Second, fluvial deposits contain ilmenite of roughly the same situation in the Gbangbama district has produced the most valua-
composition as that supplied by source rocks. Shoreline placer ble single deposit in nonmarine deposits. (2) Drainage basins
deposits have the advantage of greater ilmenite alteration. In the entirely within favorable source rocks. A subtype is along-strike
only major economic fluvial deposit, the Gbangbama district of drainages with few tributaries in elongate favorable terrane (type
Sierra Leone, the detrital mineral of value is rutile, which needs 2b, Fig. 59). (3) Drainage basins having headwaters in favorable
no chemical beneficiation by weathering. source rocks and surrounded by other sediments derived from
Table 16 lists the better-documented economic and near- those favorable sources. The third type of system can be coupled
economicfluvialdeposits of titanium minerals. Titanium-mineral with either of thefirsttwo, thereby extending them downstream.
contents in these deposits are only slightly greater than in source Most known fluvial titanium-mineral deposits are of one or more
rocks. Most beds in these deposits are poorly sorted, and conse- of these types (Table 16).
quently there is not much concentration. Within favorable drainage basins, titanium oxide minerals
Ilmenite in these deposits is relatively unaltered, but weath- are distributed in predictable ways. In the fluvial deposits that
ering beneficiation of fluvial deposits does have a considerable have been studied sufficiently, titanium oxide minerals decrease
effect in restricting heavy mineral suites toward an economic away from the source (Hahn and Fine, 1960; Raufuss, 1973;
assemblage. All thefluvialdeposits listed in Table 16 are in areas Minard and others, 1976). This may be in spite of an increase in
of deep weathering. Even the San Gabriel, California, deposits, the proportion of titanium oxides in the heavy fraction by attri-
which formed adjacent to an area of high relief, show some tion of less stable heavies (Raufuss, 1973). The trend is due to
modification of mineral assemblages by weathering. The eco- some combination of lag effects and dilution by other debris.
nomic role of disaggregation and weathering probably exceeds Lithologically, the titanium-oxide mineral deposits listed in
that of placer concentration in most fluvial deposits of titanium Table 16 occur mostly in gravelly silty sands. For example, in
oxide minerals. alluvium of the Roseland district of Virginia, the 37 layers with
greater than 3 percent heavy minerals, out of 122 layers reported
Geomorphic and lithologic controls by Minard and others (1976), average 11.1 percent gravel (>2
mm) and 25.5 percent silt and clay (<0.06 mm). Trask sorting
Three distribution systems (Fig. 59) that permit little dilu- values (So) range from about 2 to 6, that is, the deposits are
tion favor the formation of fluvial deposits of titanium minerals: generally poorly sorted. Concentrations greater than 10 percent
(1) Radial drainages from positive favorable source areas. This of heavy minerals occur in deposits that are better sorted, includ-
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K R. Force
0.015 .0075
Figure 61. Structure of typical glaciolacustrine deltas. A. Topset and upper foreset beds, Hopeville
delta, Quinebaug valley, Connecticut. Exposure about 5.5 m high. B. Cross section of the Port
Leyden delta, New York (7.2 km across).
previously deposited grains is minor. Thus placer concentration is Rocks of the Gbangbama Hills are deeply weathered garnet
arrested at thefirststage, the establishment of depositional (sus- amphibolites and leucocratic garnet granulites (Raufuss, 1973).
pension) equivalence. The latter characteristically contain rutile in concentrations of
In glaciolacustrine foreset beds, the grain size of a bed exerts about 0.2 to more than 1 percent. Besides garnet and rutile, the
strong control over the mineral assemblage in the bed. Figure 57 granulites contain two pyroxenes, ilmenite, apatite, zircon, and
illustrates the relation of heavy-mineral deposition to grain size of locally sphene. The garnet amphibolites also contain local rutile,
host and to the nature of bulk feed from source in these deposits but as these rocks are more resistant to weathering, this lithology
(see text of Chapter 7 for full explanation). Given the nature of is less well represented in derived alluvial sands.
this bulk feed and the modal grain size of each bed, the mineral- Rutile-bearing deposits are radially disposed around the
ogy of the bed can be predicted rather precisely. For example, Gbangbama Hills. The present drainage does not reflect this ra-
coarser beds may be dominated by garnet and finer beds by dial pattern. At least some of the deposits are late Pleistocene in
titanium oxide minerals. Actual enrichment in titanium oxide age, based on 14C of lignitic layers. Characteristically, they are
minerals over that in source rocks is uncommon in this environ- poorly sorted sands, commonly gravelly and averaging 35 to 45
ment; it occurs only where the grain sizes of titanium minerals percent muddy matrix, locally with clay layers. The deposits are
and of hydraulically equivalent light minerals are fortuitously mostly about 10 m and up to 20 m thick, lying directly on
those in which the ratio of oxide minerals to light minerals is high weathered bedrock. Many of them form discrete inliers in crystal-
in the bulk feed from source areas. line terrane.
The deposits themselves contain as many as two laterization
M A J O R DEPOSITS surfaces. Differentiation of laterized sediment and saprolite is
locally difficult (Raufuss, 1973), and this difficulty is said to have
Gbangbama district, Sierra Leone hampered earlier mining. Multiple weathering cycles clearly have
Rutile has been mined from the Gbangbama district in the affected this deposit, and the extent of mineralogic beneficiation is
coastal region of Sierra Leone since 1967. Economically, these significant.
ventures have had a spotted history, but currently, under Sierra The detrital mineral assemblage of the deposit is actually
Rutile, the operations are a major rutile supplier. Sierra Leone is dominated by rutile. Ilmenite contents are roughly inverse to
surely the only country for which rutile is the most important rutile contents (probably because this ratio varies in the source
earner of export revenue. terrane). Corroded pyropic garnet is a locally major constituent; it
The district consists of the Gbangbama Hills, about 200 m is intergrown with rutile. Other locally common minerals are
high and trending northwest to southeast, surrounded by low amphiboles, both pyroxenes, kyanite, sillimanite, zircon, and
coastal plain. The vegetation is rain forest, and the area was graphite. Minor constituents include magnetite, monazite, sphene,
remote until the coming of mining operations (Spencer, 1964). corundum, and tourmaline. Iron oxides record the former pres-
My description of the deposits is largely from Raufuss ence of mineral grains unstable in the weathering environment.
(1973). Additional information is from Spencer and Williams Total heavy-mineral contents commonly range from 1 to 5 per-
(1967) and Lang (1970). cent, with rutile contents ranging from 0.5 to 2 percent.
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70 E. R. Force
Raufuss (1973) ascribes deposition of the most poorly sorted Camp, 1974). Areas to the north and south apparently contain
deposits (up to 60 percent silt and clay) to sheet floods and substantial additional resources. Ilmenite-bearing grains average
remarks on the ineffectiveness of true placer concentration here. 35 percent of the heavy mineral fraction; these contain locked
Rutile content shows a high at an optimum transport distance of a silicate impurities and are completely unweathered. The ilmenite
few kilometers, apparently as a result of the interaction of favora- is approximately stoichiometric in composition, but ilmenite-
ble and unfavorable transport factors. Immediately adjacent to bearing grains as a concentrate contain only about 25 percent
the source is a zone of poorly sorted gravel and slumped laterite; TiC>2. Other minerals of value in these sands include zircon,
outside this is a zone of some hydraulic sorting. In this second sillimanite, and minor rutile. Pyroxene, amphibole, and garnet,
zone, heavy-mineral concentration decreases away from the however, are the most abundant constituents of the heavy-
source because of decreasing grain size and possibly lag effects. mineral fractions. Feldspar is abundant in the light fractions. All
The rutile portion of the heavy-mineral fraction increases in this the grains are poorly rounded.
zone, however, because of progressive elimination by weathering
of garnet, amphibole, pyroxene, and magnetite. Raufuss notes Titanium oxide minerals as byproducts from
that deeper deposits having coarser grain sizes commonly have fluvial deposits
higher rutile contents.
Mining thus far has been in the area northeast of the Gbang- Fluvial deposits of value for other commodities locally con-
bama Hills near Mogbwemo. Deposits on the southwestern side tain titanium oxide minerals recoverable as a byproduct; in only
are similar and perhaps equally extensive, but they are slightly two examples is recovery of titanium minerals occurring at pres-
lower in grade and show some marine influence. ent. The first is ilmenite from alluvial tin deposits of Malaya,
The unusual mineral assemblage of the Gbangbama district Indonesia, and Thailand (Flinter, 1959; Macdonald, 1971a, b;
is related to an unusual source, little dilution, and weathering Industrial Minerals, 1972; Achalabhuti and others, 1975). Malay-
beneficiation. Placer concentration played a minor role in the sia is a significant world producer of ilmenite based on this by-
formation of economic deposits here. product recovery (Table 3). The second example is in the San
Similar occurrences of rutile-dominated detrital deposits are Gabriel Mountains of California, where mining is primarily for
known to extend toward the northwest, in similar relation to sand and gravel. Ilmenite has been recovered recently from these
Kasila granulites (Raufuss, 1973). To the southeast these rocks deposits (Industrial Minerals, 1986). Recovery of titanium oxides
extend across the Mano River into Liberia, where I have studied has been evaluated for a number of other deposits offluvialsand
them near Lake Piso. Here they consist of equigranular leuco- and gravel or silica sand (Davis and Sullivan, 1971; Gomes and
cratic banded quartz-feldspar-garnet gneisses with minor pyrox- others, 1979, 1980; Force, 1980a). Ilmenite was once recovered
ene and 0.25 to 1 percent rutile. Interlayered mafic granulite from fluvial placer deposits of monazite and other minerals in
gneisses (gnm of Thorman, 1977) containing ilmenite locally Idaho (Storch and Holt, 1963).
predominate. The rocks are deeply weathered, and some of the
fluvial drainages allow little dilution. Thus, the Liberian end of ECONOMIC PROGNOSIS
the province has some potential for additional fluvial rutile
deposits. Sierra Rutile has demonstrated the potential profitability of
fluvial rutile deposits. Far too little is known about the distribu-
Port Leyden delta, New York tion of rutile-rich crystalline rocks and their erosional debris to
claim that this deposit is unique. Where shoreline placer deposits
Along the western margin of the Black River valley, forming of rutile become depleted, exploration in adjacent valleys may
the southwestern margin of the Adirondack Mountains, plateaus lead to fluvial rutile deposits.
whose flat tops are at 1,200 ft (370 m) rise as much as 80 m Forfluvialand glaciolacustrine ilmenite deposits, the lack of
above the valley floor (Fig. 6IB). The plateaus represent coa- ilmenite alteration is a problem shared with magmatic ilmenite
lesced Pleistocene deltas deposited in glacial Lake Port Leyden deposits. Nonmarine ilmenite placers might compete where un-
(Fairchild, 1912), deposited from meltwater of the receding con- weathered ilmenite can be utilized, and if the economic recovery
tinental glacier and derived from the Adirondacks. The deltas balance between high-grade hard rocks and low-grade disaggre-
consist largely of sandy foreset and proximal bottomset beds gated sediments shifts in favor of the sediments.
averaging 3.5 percent heavy minerals (Force and others, 1976;
Stone and Force, 1980). The sands are well to moderately sorted METHODS OF EXPLORATION
and contain sedimentary structures indicative of deposition from
bottom currents; among these areripplecross-laminae with vari- Exploration for nonmarine placer deposits of titanium min-
able angles of climb, in which heavy minerals are enriched. erals must center around the lithology of source rocks, as all such
Ilmenite resources of about 26 million metric tons are con- deposits known are proximal to and closely reflect their sources.
tained in these deltaic beds in the Port Leyden Quadrangle (Force A rutile-bearing source is far more promising than an ilmenite-
and others, 1976; mapped by Howard University Geology Field bearing source, as nonmarine placers seem not to contain altered
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Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 71
ilmenite. A sedimentary source containing already-weathered il- complication of subglacial transport. However, known deposits
menite may be favorable, however. are near their source. The presence of thick deltas in partially
For fluvial deposits, deep weathering of the source terrane is filled basins of former glacial lakes may be obvious from topog-
an additional requirement implied by our present knowledge of raphy or known from geologic maps showing Quaternary units.
such deposits. In some deposits, this weathering is as important as The tendency of fluvial deposits to become richer at depth
fluvial placer concentration in upgrading debris from the source. makes exploration with motorized equipment necessary. Favora-
Unusual geomorphic situations are required in fluvial sys- ble lithologies are coarse and medium sands with little gravel or
tems to prevent the dilution of favorable by unfavorable debris mud matrix; axial-channel deposits may be more favorable than
(Fig. 59). Exploration should be concentrated where these situa- overlying point-bar deposits.
tins permit the accumulation of large-volume deposits derived Geophysical exploration techniques for these deposits are
from a favorable source terrane. not well known. Techniques that are successful in shoreline
Not as much is known about favorable paleodispersal pat- placer deposits, discussed in the next chapter, may be useful with
terns in Pleistocene glaciolacustrine systems, because of the nonmarine deposits.
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Chapter 10.
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74 E. R. Force
Figure 62. Diagram of various stages of heavy-mineral enrichment in the swash zone of a beach. A
breaking wave is decelerating from left to right, whereas the accelerating backwash of the previous wave
is moving from right to left. Insets show two stages of deposition from the turbulent breaking wave by
suspension equivalence (toward the left), and two stages of placer enrichment by superimposed entrain-
ment and transport equivalence (toward the right). Heavy minerals shown dark.
necessary to make a deposit economic. The range of total heavy results in a continuous but narrow spectrum of grain sizes for
minerals in today's economic deposits is from less than 1 percent each mineral, with finer grains deposited toward the top of the
to more than 25 percent; thus, the color of ore sand varies from swash zone (Miller and Zeigler, 1958). At any given place,
white to black. coarser light minerals are deposited withfinerheavy minerals. At
the upper limit of wave swash, water motion either ceases or is
PROCESSES OF ENRICHMENT slow and along shore, and most of the sediment load is dropped.
When backwash begins and accelerates downslope, the
General principles of placer enrichment, discussed in Chap- water has little suspended load and therefore has an enhanced
ter 7, are applied here to the particular environment of the beach erosive capacity. Water motion in the backwash is a sheet flow,
face. Indeed, this is the environment in which such principles are unlike the turbulent breaking wave. In the viscous boundary layer
most clearly illustrated. Except for attributed statements, the fol- of this flow, velocity and thus erosive capacity are functions of
lowing observations are my own. distance above the bed. The larger grains, which project into the
Detritus supplied to a beach face is commonly somewhat current, are plucked from the bed, and smaller grains are left
sorted by settling velocity (Komar and Wang, 1984). However, behind. Because of prior differential settling from suspension, the
the main separation of particles on the basis of their settling removed coarser grains are light minerals. Thus, in the upper
velocities takes place on the upper part of the beach face, the portion of the swash zone, heavy minerals are concentrated on
swash zone. A breaking wave carries a charge of turbulent the surface of the beach by the law of entrainment equivalence (of
sediment-laden water from the lower, submerged beach face onto Slingerland and Smith, 1986).
the swash zone (Fig. 62). The wave decelerates as it advances. Farther down on the swash face, an entire carpet of grains
Grains are deposited from turbulent suspension and spread across has been entrained in the backwash and is transported down the
the surface of the swash zone, as functions of their settling veloci- swash zone as traction load in the flow. Finer-grained dense
ties. Grains having the same settling velocities are deposited to- minerals ride low in this carpet and travel more slowly than the
gether. The grains that are deposited first, at the bottom of the coarser light minerals above, in transport and dispersive equiva-
swash zone, are those having the highest settling velocities. This lence (of Slingerland and Smith, 1986). Thus the lower part of
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Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 75
the swash face commonly contains a thin, shallowly buried heavy Heavy-mineral concentration does occur in the eolian en-
mineral concentration after the return of backwash to the surf vironment, mostly on the scale of individual bed forms. Heavy-
zone (Clifton, 1969). This concentration can be traced in "subsur- mineral-rich laminae form in response to daily variations in wind
face" to the surficial concentration on the upper swash face. The speed that change the shapes of eolian bedforms (Hunter and
heavy minerals of the lower subzone may be less dense than those Richmond, 1988).
of the upper swash face, however (Komar and Wang, 1984),
because of slightly coarser equilibrium grain size. FORMATION AND PRESERVATION OF
In the lowermost swash face, the return flow may eventually WHOLE DEPOSITS
become more turbulent, ending separation by grain size and
heavy-mineral enrichment. This subzone is commonly marked by Heavy-mineral concentration as discussed in the preceding
a line of shell lags and pebbles that begins the coarser deposits of section is a process involving lag enrichment on the swash face.
the lower beach face (cf., Clifton and others, 1971). The buried The dominance of erosion over deposition on the swash face
heavy-mineral lamination terminates at coarse sediment of this ensures that backwash efficiently sorts the available material, to
subzone. produce a layer enriched in fine dense minerals. Thus the process
Particles left by the backwash of one wave are roughly in of erosion is essential to heavy-mineral concentration. We shall
equilibrium with the next breaking wave, as the grain population see that many individual enriched layers lie on unconformities of
left by each is the same except for the plucking of coarser consti- minor to major significance.
tuents by backwash. The overburden of the buried heavy-mineral Yet a typical economic deposit as described above contains
lamination is preferentially exposed to any erosion by succeeding millions of cubic meters of sand and is clearly the result of preser-
waves. vation of countless superimposed concentrated layers. The clue to
Numerous authors have noted that rich beach concentra- the apparent paradox in the roles of erosion and preservation
tions contain disproportionate percentages of the densest miner- comes from the geometry of enriched layers. In this context, there
als. This is due to sorting by density and grain size within the are two types of shoreline heavy-mineral deposits: those in which
heavy-mineral population on beach segments where most light heavy-mineral concentration occurred at the depositional site,
grains have already been removed. and those in which enrichment occurred elsewhere. These can be
Enrichment processes on the beach face operate most effec- referred to as in-place and transported enrichments.
tively during storms or other periods of high wave energy. During
these storms, high onshore winds transport sand from the beach In-place enrichments
and deposit it in eolian landforms above high tide. Heavy miner-
als are transported preferentially, because the upper swash zone, Many in-place enrichments show progradation of swash
where heavy minerals are exposed, is driest and least cohesive. face environments at constant sea level. Heavy-mineral-rich lay-
Thus, storm periods are optimal not only for heavy-mineral con- ers in these deposits show an imbricate arrangement of former
centration on the beach face but also for storage of the concen- shore faces that dip seaward in a progradational package. Each
trate in the eolian environment. When fair weather returns, the layer enriched in heavy minerals represents an erosional change
dune deposits can be richer in heavy minerals than newly ac- in beach profile to a storm-influenced configuration, and the
creted fair-weather beach deposits, which bury the enriched overlying low-grade layer represents subsequent burial by fair-
beach deposits. weather deposits. Where progradation of fair-weather deposits is
Thus, dune deposits are enriched in heavy minerals not only sufficiently great, they will protect the deposits of one storm from
by concentration that occurs there but also by a highly selective the next storm, and the younger storm profile will be seaward of
supply system. Bulk enrichment of heavy minerals in dunes rela- the older (Fig. 63). Examples of strandline enrichments formed
tive to adjacent beach deposits probably does not occur; studies by progradation at nearly constant sea level are those of eastern
by Shideler and Smith (1984) and Bradley (1957) that claim Australia, formed predominantly by progradational burial of
eolian enrichment were based solely on surficial samples of storm concentrations (Fig. 64A). Some of the heavy minerals in
summer beaches. That is, they did not sample the higher-energy these deposits were supplied by erosional reworking of older
system that supplied the dunes. Authors who have studied whole shoreline deposits.
beach-dune systems (Neiheisel,1958; Gillson, 1959; Lissiman and Deposits on the western coast of Australia show prograda-
Oxenford, 1975; Welch and others, 1975; Collins and Hamilton, tion amplified by local tectonic uplift. Each concentrated layer is
1986) agree that the heavy-mineral contents of coastal eolian related to a slightly lower base level than the preceding layer
deposits are less than those of adjacent beach deposits and that (Figs. 64B, 64C). This is a second type of preservation of in-place
eolian heavy-mineral assemblages contain smaller proportions of enrichments; falling sea level protects previously enriched depos-
the densest minerals. Others have noted that lower dunes have its from marine erosion.
greater heavy-mineral contents than higher dunes (Neiheisel, A third type of preservation of in-place enrichments on the
1958; Fockema, 1986). swash face forms at extreme high tides of meteorological origin.
Downloaded from on March 16, 2016
76 E. R. Force
The more valuable beach deposits include both Pleistocene
Profile (with berm) of and Holocene examples. Even the Pleistocene deposits com-
beach established
between storms
monly preserve strong elements of their original physiography
and apparently represent high stands of Pleistocene sea levels.
They are found on marine terraces roughly parallel to the present
shore. Economic beach placer deposits represent several types of
beaches, such as barrier islands, spits, and cliffed shorelines. Pro-
gradation plays an important part in preservation of mineable
deposits regardless of beach type.
Beach-facies deposits in cross section consist essentially of
/ Heavy-mineral- alternations of sands poor in heavy minerals and sands that are
poor layers
_ X r "
enriched (Fig. 64). Enriched intervals may be as much as several
meters thick, in which case, mining ventures can focus on indi-
vidual concentrations. More commonly, individual concentra-
tions are about a centimeter thick, and progradational sequences
Profile of Profile of enriched layers containing many thin concentrations are mined as if the deposit
beach in beach in were disseminated.
storm #2 storm #1
Individual seaward-dipping heavy-mineral laminae typically
represent swash-zone profiles under storm-wave conditions (Fig.
Figure 63. Diagram of preservation by progradation of heavy-
63). On the tectonically stable coast of eastern Australia, the
mineral-enriched layers produced by storm erosion.
bases of Holocene placer enrichments are found to be at modern
mean sea level (Fig. 64A). Thus, enrichment appears limited to
Lag enrichments formed on swash faces at these high levels are former swash zones. In depositional packages representing pro-
protected from subsequent marine erosion and may be buried by gradation of the entire beach face, which may be 10 m thick or
later eolian deposits. more, the portion showing greatest concentration should be an
All three presented examples of the preservation of in-place upper interval representing the swash zone.
enrichments involve beach deposits. In-place enrichments proba- In map view, the locales of heavy mineral concentration
bly also occur in other types of shoreline environments, such as may be highly localized within a shoreline complex having low
tidal inlet deposits. These have been studied little. heavy-mineral content (McKellar, 1975; Force and others, 1982).
Most segments of most beaches are not efficient "concentrators."
Transported enrichments Particular portions of shoreline compartments may systematically
show the greatest enrichment. This topic is further discussed
Enrichments may be reworked from the environment where under exploration methods.
enrichment occurred and fed in bulk to a new environment where
they can better be preserved. The most important of these new Eolian deposits
environments is eolian. In eolian deposits, an enrichment is re-
moved grain by grain from the swash zone where enrichment Coastal eolian dunes contain significant portions of the
occurred to a new environment with greater stability and storage titanium-mineral resources in shoreline deposits of the United
capacity. Eolian deposits may acquire great volume. Transported States, South Africa, and Australia, that is, those districts where
enrichments may also occur in other environments, such as mechanized mining can be of low-grade material. Their great
washover fans. volume and homogeneity make some eolian sand bodies eco-
nomic even at low grades. Composite eolian dunes, such as
FACIES Fraser Island, Australia, and Trail Ridge, Florida-Georgia, can
contain several billion tons of sand, though only a fraction is ore
Beach deposits grade. Other eolian sands, such as those of Richards Bay, South
Africa, are high-grade deposits.
Many of the world's more important placer deposits of tita- The coastal dunes containing heavy-mineral resources are
nium minerals are true beach deposits, and every major district of both Pleistocene and Holocene in age. The dunes can be subdi-
shoreline titanium-mineral deposits includes some beach deposits. vided into three main types: foredunes, transgressive dunes, and
Many deposits (such as that shown in Fig. 65) are composites of stationary dunes. Table 17 gives examples of deposits of each
beach sands and overlying eolian sands, in which the beach-facies type.
deposits are typically higher in grade. Thus it would be difficult to Foredunes are those immediately adjacent to beach deposits.
calculate the relative magnitude of beach and eolian titanium- They form the backbone of many barrier islands and the ridges in
mineral resources. many accretionary beach-ridge complexes. Foredune deposits
Downloaded from on March 16, 2016
Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 77
Sgaward Ground surface
Sea Level
30 Meters Shoreface sands
Figure 64. Profiles of some progradational Australian shoreline placers. Heavy mineral concentrations
shaded. The scales differ but vertical exaggeration has been eliminated. A. Cudgen, after McKellar
(1975). B. Yoganup, after Baxter (1982). C. Eneabba, after Lissiman and Oxenford (1973).
may be interbedded with true beach deposits formed during ex- are characteristically parabolic, composed of sand transported up
treme high tides. Mining of some foredune deposits probably eolian ramps (commonly later eroded) on cliffed or other steep
occurs in virtually all beach-facies deposits. In some Holocene shorelines. The Jennings Eneabba heavy mineral deposit of
deposits of eastern Australia, separate mining of beach and fore- Western Australia apparently formed as a cliff-top dune.
dune facies was practiced when operations were smaller in scale. Stationary dunes are tied to bedrock features. They probably
Transgressive dunes are those that have become detached evolved from other dunes but in later stages of development
from beach deposits and have migrated inland. Deposits in trans- accumulated successive additions of transgressive dunes without
gressive dunes commonly overlie lagoonal or swamp deposits movement. Those of the southern Queensland coast in Australia
(Thorn and others, 1981; Force and Garnar, 1985; Force and are collages of successively accumulated large parabolic trans-
Rich, 1989). Transgressive dunes can be further subdivided into gressive dunes, separated in cross section by buried soil horizons
long wall and cliff-top dunes (Thorn and others, 1981; Short, (Thompson and Ward, 1975; Ward, 1977, 1978).
1987,1988). Longwall dunes remain parallel to the shore as they Migration of transgressive dunes preserves slip-face laminae,
migrate inland over topography of low relief. Many economic which thus characterize most of the dune interior (Bigarella and
heavy mineral deposits are of this type (Table 17). Cliff-top dunes others, 1969). Heavy-mineral-rich fine laminae outline the
Downloaded from on March 16, 2016
78 E. R. Force
assemblages (at low concentrations) constitute the headlands,
high sea level activates the concentration of this valuable mineral
assemblage on beaches.
The supply and distribution of sediment within a coastal DEPOSITS NOW OFFSHORE
compartment can be an important control on the formation of
titanium-mineral deposits. Commonly, sediment of more than During most of the Quaternary, sea level has been lower
one type is supplied, and only one has the mineralogy and grain than it is now (Fig. 55). Any sea-level stand, especially a still-
size to form a valuable deposit. In economic deposits, sediment
distribution is such that most of the promising material is fed to a TABLE17. TITANIUM-MINERAL DEPOSITS IN DIFFERENT TYPES OF
"concentrator" such as the swash zone, whereas most of the rest QUATERNARY SHOREUNE SAND BODIES
of the material is deposited elsewhere. The mechanisms for ac-
complishing this are as varied as are source areas, conduits, and Example
depositional environments and defy orderly description. Some Type Holocene Pleistocene(?)
examples are given in descriptions of individual districts.
Changes in the distribution and type of sediment with Beach deposits Cudgen, East Australia Green Cove Springs,
Minninup, West Australia Florida; Jerusalem
changing sea level are particularly common. For example, drown-
Travancore coast, India Creek, East Australia;
ing of river mouths or individual headlands may activate different
Yoganup, Cape), and
distribution systems. Such changes are recorded as mineralogic
Eneabba, West Australia
differences in strandlines at different elevations within the same
coastal compartment. Cyclic sea-level changes may cause depos- Eolian deposits
its formed at different times but at the same sea level to have Foredune Cudgen, East Australia ?
comparable mineral assemblages. Transgressive Williamtown, East Australia Trail Ridge, Florida;
Headland erosion of friable sandstones is apparently an im- Richards Bay, South Africa Bridge Hill, East Australia;
portant factor in changes of sediment distribution in several dis- Jennings Eneabba, West
tricts described in this chapter. At high sea levels, the drowning of Australia
river mouths cuts off fluvial supply of immature mineral suites, Stationary Stradbroke, Moreton, and
and headland erosion becomes a larger component of mineral Fraser Islands, East
supply. Where friable sandstones containing valuable mineral Australia
Downloaded from on March 16, 2016
Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 79
stand, can leave behind a shoreline sand deposit, and most of
these should now be present on the continental shelf. By this
reasoning, the continental shelf should be favorable for shoreline
placer deposits. Several factors complicate this hypothesis (Atta-
nasi and others, 1987). For example, transgression commonly
destroys the upper portions of shoreline sand bodies (Swift,
1968); these are the portions containing heavy-mineral enrich-
ments. Constituent heavy-mineral grains may be transported
landward (possibly as transported enrichments) or may be incor-
porated in reconstituted sand bodies on the continental shelf. All
shoreline sands formed at sea levels lower than today's have
subsequently suffered transgression.
Another limitation of offshore sands is their weathering his-
tories; shoreline sand bodies now offshore formed at times of slow
weathering and have been submerged through most of their his-
tory. Thus they should be less weathered than their onshore coun-
terparts (Chapter 6).
Despite theoretical limitations, sand bodies on continental
shelves locally contain substantial quantities of valuable heavy
minerals (Grosz and others, 1986; Grosz, 1987). On the continen-
tal shelf of the eastern United States, surficial heavy-mineral en-
richments are numerous. Vibracore drilling shows that appre-
ciable volumes of heavy-mineral-bearing sands are present in
some areas.
Off a few coasts, shoreline sand bodies have survived trans-
gression and are partly buried on continental shelves, with origi-
nal morphology partially preserved (Flemming, 1981; Schluter,
1982). In these bodies, titanium oxide minerals should be present
approximately as in bodies above sea level. Off other coasts, sand
bodies exposed on continental shelves are Holocene in age and
formed in place (Duane and others, 1972). These bodies may be
derived from older shoreline sands that were redistributed by
transgression. darker than Holocene ones.
/ \Trail Ridge
Green Cove - 50
10 20 30 40 Kilometers
T r
- 75
c 150 ' \ c
o o
> locality >D
w 100
50 30 Kilometers
N o r t h latitude
Downloaded from on March 16, 2016
82 E. R. Force
1- •
I I I 1
37% i l m e n i t e
+ zircon 78% i l m e n i t e +
50 -
(shaded) zircon
40 - -
30 - -
20 - -
10 - -
0 I 1 1
Sta uro I ite 13%
- - Sillimanite 4%
Ilmenite 55%
Figure 68. Size-frequency distributions comparing adjacent laminae rich and poor in heavy minerals at
Trail Ridge. The upper graphs show histograms of the whole sample, the middle graphs show histo-
grams of the heavy-mineral fraction, and the bottom graph shows cumulative curves for individual
heavy-mineral species.
Downloaded from on March 16, 2016
84 E. R. Force
Other deposits of the district. Titanium-mineral deposits analogous to present high-dune islands off the southern Queens-
on shorelines roughly correlative with those of Green Cove land coast of Australia.
Springs, at about 30 m elevation, formed at Boulogne (Pirkle and
others, 1971, 1974) and Folkston (Fig. 67A). Shoreline sands at Eastern Australia district
about 6 to 10 m elevation contain titanium-mineral deposits at
Yulee (Pirkle and others, 1984), Altamaha Planatations, and Rutile is present in coastal placer deposits of eastern Austra-
Jacksonville. Younger Pleistocene deposits formed on Amelia lia from south of Sydney (New South Wales) to north of Brisbane
and Cumberland Islands when sea level was only 2 m or less (Queensland), forming a single district more than 1,200 km long
above present sea level. (Fig. 70). This district has been the world's most valuable single
Source and evolution. The ultimate sources of the heavy titanium-mineral resource, because of its great aggregate size and
minerals concentrated in the deposits of the Jacksonville district a unique mineral assemblage dominated by rutile, zircon, and
are predominantly the high-grade metamorphic rocks of the ilmenite.1 Production of rutile began in the 1940s near the New
southern Blue Ridge and inner Piedmont (Force, 1976b). Sedi- South Wales-Queensland border wherefirstgold and then zircon
mentary hosts were intermediate sources for Trail Ridge (Pirkle, were already mined from heavy-mineral concentrations of very
1975) and probably for the other deposits of the district. Since the high grade (Morley, 1981). Rutile production gradually ex-
Piedmont-draining streams in the region contain a mineral suite panded southward to the Hunter River area and northward to the
far too immature (Neiheisel, 1976; Force and others, 1982) to high-dune islands of southern Queensland.
have supplied the placers of the district without extensive predep- The district has been well described in terms of constituent
ositional weathering beneficiation, it is probable that this mineral deposits, geologic relations among host sand bodies, and
beneficiation occurred in the intermediate sedimentary hosts. processes of deposit formation. Individual deposits have been
The immediate source of eolian sand supplied to Trail Ridge described and mapped by Gardner (1955), Connah (1961), and
is still a problem. This source was both heavy-mineral rich and Winward and Nicholson (1974). A summary by McKellar
coarse grained. It seems likely that the dune was supplied by a (1975) is the most recent for the whole district. Geology of Qua-
beach to the east, but the Green Cove Springs beach deposit, the ternary coastal sand bodies has been discussed and mapped by
location of which seems appropriate, is heavy-mineral rich but Roy (1982) and Thorn (1983). Development of the bodies, in-
toofinegrained. cluding offshore extensions, in terms of sea-level history and sed-
A suggestion by Pirkle and others (1974) that the base of the iment supply has been summarized by Roy and Thom (1981).
main Green Cove Springs orebody is tilted to the south is provoc- In detail, the district is diverse, as it includes both Pleistocene
ative, because the base of a progradational beach-ridge sequence and Holocene deposits, each including both beach and eolian
records a horizontal surface at the time of deposition. A total of components. Commonly, more than one of the four resulting
six boreholes show uniform southward tilt of about 0.5 m/km in deposit types are mined in a single face (Fig. 65). Additional
the northern three-quarters of the main orebody (Fig. 67C). Mi- diversity is imposed on the district by being plastered against a
chael Shepherd of Associated Minerals (written communication, geologically complex continental margin that includes three large
1987) warns that the base of the southern end of the orebody sedimentary basins and three Paleozoic foldbelts (Figs. 70, 71).
drops southward in discrete steps. Considering that this is an embayed shoreline with hundreds of
If one assumes that the Green Cove Springs body can be bedrock headlands, it is remarkable that a single general descrip-
used as a tiltmeter, and that the Trail Ridge body is older but on tion can apply to the entire district.
the same crustal block, then the Trail Ridge deposit underwent General description and petrology. The Quaternary
the same southward tilting. At present the base of the Trail Ridge coastal deposits form discontinuous narrow coastal plains in
sand plunges northward at about 0.3 m/km, but before tilting, discrete bays outlined by headlands, between the Tasman Sea and
this land surface would have sloped about 0.8 m/km to the north bedrock hills rising behind the beaches. Sands exploited in the
(Fig. 67C). Eolian sand bodies like Trail Ridge commonly are district are most commonly medium- andfine-grainedsands,
deposited by climbing up sloping surfaces. Opdike and others quite well sorted and rounded. Median grain sizes are about 0.11
(1984) based their uplift history of northern Florida on an as- to 0.13 mm (Beasley, 1950). Quartz is the predominant light
sumption that Trail Ridge formed as a shoreline sand with a mineral; carbonate grains are commonly absent, and feldspar is
horizontal base. Instead it appears that the Green Cove Springs exceedingly minor. Most of the shoreline sands of the district
body is of shoreline origin and formed horizontal, but that Trail have very low heavy-mineral contents, less than similar sands
Ridge is eolian and never was horizontal. Both have subsequently from the east coast of the United States. Whitworth (1959) and
been tilted down to the south. This may explain marine fossils McKellar (1975) estimate the ambient heavy-mineral content to
overlying Trail Ridge in Georgia (Pirkle and Czel, 1983); the
northern end of the dune ridge at the time the Green Cove
Springs beaches were deposited could have had a drowned base 1
Ilmenite had not been recovered in this district until recently because of the
(Fig. 67C, 69). Trail Ridge at this time could thus have been difficulty in separating it from minor chromite.
Downloaded from on March 16, 2016
Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 85
be well under 0.1 percent. However, the mineral assemblage is so
valuable that total heavy-mineral grades of less than 1 percent
currently constitute ore.
In high-grade beds, rutile, zircon, and ilmenite make up
greater than 90 percent of the heavy-mineral fraction throughout
much of the district. Minor but characteristic members of the
suite are tourmaline, monazite, chromite, and garnet. Cassiterite,
epidote, magnetite, spinel, pyriboles, and metamorphic alumino-
silicates are locally present. Col well (1982a) noted that where
heavy minerals are present at low concentration, the lighter heavy
minerals form a larger portion of the suite. Beasley (1950) noted
local increases of coarse noneconomic heavy minerals such as
garnet around specific headlands, showing a contribution of head-
land erosion.
Figure 71 shows trends in rutile contents of heavy-mineral
concentrates as a function of latitude through the entire district.
Rutile distribution is fairly homogeneous but shows appreciable
influence of differing adjacent geologic provinces; rutile contents
are lower adjacent to the two southern foldbelts. Deposit age
apparently is a less important control on rutile content; Hails
(1969) reported little difference in mineral assemblage between
Pleistocene and Holocene deposits. The limits of the district coin-
cide not with lesser heavy-mineral concentrations but with
changed assemblages; magnetite, ilmenite, pyriboles, epidote, and
tourmaline suddenly become predominant to the south (Hails,
1969), whereas ilmenite gradually becomes predominant to the
north (Connah, 1961). Hails (1969) reported abnormally high
concentrations of andalusite, pyriboles, staurolite, and epidote in
heavy-mineral assemblages in the central region of the district,
adjacent to the New England foldbelt. My own coastal collec-
tions (included in Fig. 71) support his observation.
Electron microscope images of grain surfaces (Fig. 72) show
that a given deposit is typically mixed in character. Quartz grains
vary from angular to well rounded and polished. The economic
heavy-mineral assemblage matches the more mature of these
quartz populations in morphology.
Deposit types. Four types of deposits are exploited in the
district; these are Holocene beach deposits, Holocene eolian de-
posits, Pleistocene beach deposits, and Pleistocene eolian
deposits. Holocene beach deposits were recognizedfirstand were
the focus of most early mining; in fact, mining of the rich deposits
of the immediately previous storm was an important component
of this activity. Enrichment on beach faces is intensified by ero-
sion because of seasonal changes in beach profile and reorienta-
tion of beaches (Beasley, 1948; McKellar, 1975). Thus,
individual enriched beds lie on unconformities. Preservation of
the enrichments occurs if they are protected from further erosion
on the beach face (1) in those portions above normal high tide,
(2) by rapid burial (progradation), or (3) by removal into the
intruded foldbelts, narrow shelf, and type and location of deposits. Un- eolian environment. Individual layers of concentrated heavy min-
derlined deposits in production. erals are (or were) as thick as 2 m, tapering and dipping seaward.
In aggregate, these seams are en echelon, parts of progradational
sequences with base level at about mean sea level (Fig. 64A).
Beasley (1948) showed that little heavy-mineral enrichment in
Downloaded from on March 16, 2016
86 E. R. Force
S o u t h latitude
Figure 71. Variation in rutile component of heavy-mineral concentrates as a function of latitude through
the eastern Australia district. Boundaries of geologic provinces at the coast are also shown. Values from
Beasley (1950), Gardner (1955), Hails (1969, Fig. 6), McKellar (1975), and my own work. Duplicate
samples at same location are averaged for curve. Data of Colwell (1982a) are not comparable and were
not used.
Figure 72. Scanning electron microscope photographs of grain morphologies of quartz and rutile from
deposits in eastern Australia. A. Holocene beach sand deposit, Tuncurry. Two rutile grains on left, two
quartz on right. B. Pleistocene eolian deposit, Tomago. One rutile grain above, three quartz below.
Photographs by John Evans, U.S. Geological Survey.
Downloaded from on March 16, 2016
Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 87
Figure 73. Holocene eolian dunes in eastern Australia. A. Foredunes in the Jerusalem Creek area,
looking north. Note the iron- and humate-cemented beachrock of Pleistocene age exposed in the
beachface. B. Transgressive "longwall" dunes in the Williamtown area, looking east. The foreground is
occupied by 4,300-year-old Holocene estuarine deposits (Thorn and others, 1981).
these sequences extends below sea level. Supply of heavy miner- the eolian deposits contain disseminated heavy minerals at low
als to the beaches is thought to be cannibalistic in part, as mining grades.
has depleted the total heavy-mineral stock of some coastal com- Pleistocene eolian dunes represent a large share of the re-
partments, except where older heavy-mineral deposits are ex- maining resources in the district and are well represented in the
posed in the beach face (Michael Shepherd, oral communication, Newcastle area (Fig. 65) and as the great high-dune islands
1986). Storm activity thus produces little placer concentration at (Stradbroke, Moreton, and Fraser) of southern Queensland. Like
present. Pleistocene beach deposits, these dunes are cemented by humate
Pleistocene beach deposits differ little from their Holocene and iron-aluminum hydroxides, down to the levels of present and
counterparts. They are also preserved as regressional beach plains former water tables (Thompson and Bowman, 1984). The
containing seaward-dipping enrichments but are topographically Queensland islands are collages of dunes of various ages. Several
more subdued (Thom and others, 1981). The sea levels repre- stages of Pleistocene accretion of parabolic transgressive dunes
sented by Pleistocene deposits are 0 to 5 m higher than those are represented (Thompson and Ward, 1975; Stephens, 1982a).
represented by Holocene deposits (Thom and others, 1981; Mel- Individual dunes may have complex histories, shown by buried
ville, 1984, Fig. 3). The mineral assemblages of Pleistocene and soil horizons. As the eolian sand extends well below sea level
Holocene deposits are similar, probably because the mineral as- offshore from these islands (Kudrass, 1982), and as the dune
semblages were already mature before deposition in most parts of formation in part occurred at times of low sea level, the islands
the district and were little affected by further weathering. The are thought to represent transgressive dune complexes that were
main lithologic difference between Pleistocene and Holocene later drowned (McKellar, 1975; Ward, 1977, 1978).
deposits is the cementation of the former by iron-aluminum hy- Differentiation among these four types of deposits is locally
droxides and humate (Fig. 73). The age of known Pleistocene possible based on petrography. In addition to the presence of iron
deposits is about 140,000 years (last interglacial; Roy, 1982). oxide and humate cements, Pleistocene deposits have ilmenite
Exploitation of Pleistocene beach deposits at Jerusalem Creek fractions that are more uniformly altered than those of Holocene
(McAuleys Lead) was among the earliest in the district; this de- deposits. Ilmenite fractions of Holocene deposits are mixtures of
posit is along an unconformity between two sets of Pleistocene slightly altered material and subordinate fresh ilmenite locally
regressional beach plains. Pleistocene beach deposits are currently intergrown with other iron-titanium oxides. The eolian deposits
receiving a large share of the mining and exploration attention in contain some grains having eolian surface features such as frost-
the district. ing, but the variations among these grains are great.
Holocene eolian dunes, both as foredunes contiguous with Depositional setting. The embayed eastern coastline of
beach deposits and as detached transgressive dunes moving in- Australia is wave dominated and faces a continental shelf less
land (Fig. 73), commonly rest on Holocene beach deposits and than 60 km wide. Predominant wave direction sets up a strong
are mined with them. A sizable resource in Holocene dunes is longshore drift to the north, but some headlands project offshore
present in the Bridge Hill dune of the Myall Lakes area. The into the south-flowing Eastern Australia Current. Sand may be
transgressive dunes may form shore-parallel ("longwall") features stored offshore south of such headlands (Kudrass, 1982; Field
overlying estuarine deposits. In contrast to beach concentrations, and Roy, 1985), or it may bypass a headland as eolian transgres-
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88 E. R. Force
sive dunes. Present sea level has drowned therivermouths, and England foldbelt coincides with low rutile values, punctuated by
little immature fluvial sediment currently reaches the continental high values only near headlands of Mesozoic sandstone. This
shelf (Roy, 1977; Roy and Crawford, 1977). mineralogic tie to an intermediate source is a powerful tool in
Quaternary geologic setting. The Holocene sands mined unraveling the developmental history of the deposits.
along the coast of eastern Australia are the shoreward portion of a The ultimate source of the heavy minerals has long been
sand sheet occupying the inner shelf. Throughout this sheet are debated. The most conveniently located possible sources are the
found similar mineral assemblages, which are less sensitive to New England and related Paleozoic foldbelts and their associated
positions of (drowned) river mouths (Kudrass, 1982) than to granites. Beasley (1950) recorded two rutile occurrences in the
adjacent geologic provinces (Fig. 71). The sand bodies contain a New England foldbelt and found rutile averaging less than 1
less mature assemblage in proportion to present depth either of percent of heavy-mineral assemblages in streams draining the
water or burial (Jones and Davies, 1979; Col well, 1982b; Kud- foldbelt. He and Gardner (1955) concluded that the New Eng-
rass, 1982; Reich and others, 1982; Stephens, 1982b). Thus, land foldbelt was the source of the rutile supplied to the adjacent
sands deposited at lower sea levels were less mature. Holocene younger basins. Gardner's conclusion, however, invoked an alter-
sea levels have remained virtually constant for 6,500 years along ation of the abundant ilmenite to coarse single-crystal rutile, a
this coast, permitting extensive reworking and progradation of process not yet observed in nature.
shoreline deposits (Thom and Roy, 1985). Whitworth (1959) showed that New England zircon and
Pleistocene sediments on the continental shelf underlie the monazite were unsuitable source materials of the Quaternary
Holocene sands and form near-surface units on the midshelf coastal deposits, because the morphologies and compositions of
(Jones and Davies, 1979; Schluter, 1982). These include several these minerals differ in the two areas. Layton (1966) pointed out
shoreline sand bodies. Petrography of the Pleistocene sands is a that cassiterite, a stable mineral supplied in the New England
sensitive function of sea level, even more than for Holocene foldbelt, is lacking in most of the Quaternary coastal deposits.
sands; the submerged Pleistocene bodies have immature heavy- Whitworth was able to find very little rutile in stream sediments
mineral assemblages (Reich and others, 1982), comparable to of the New England foldbelt; my own conclusions, based on
those of relatedfluvialsands, whereas Pleistocene shoreline sands stream sampling there, are emphatically in agreement with those
exposed above sea level have mature mineral assemblages com- of Whitworth.
parable to those of exposed Holocene sands (Hails, 1969). If the New England rocks were not the ultimate source,
Interglacial periods (including the Holocene) and their high what rocks were? Whitworth (1959) and Layton (1966) pointed
sea levels are represented by shoreline sands having mature min- out the suitability of some metamorphic rocks in the interior
eral assemblages in present coastal regions; glacial periods and Australian craton. I would like to add that in Mesozoic time,
their lower sea levels are represented there by immature fluvial Australia was still adjacent to other portions of the former
deposits. Near some present estuaries, immature Pleistocene flu- Gondwanaland. Paleocurrent measurements from the Hawkes-
vial deposits can be found stratigraphically between mature bury Sandstone (Rust and Jones, 1987) show transport to the
Pleistocene and Holocene shoreline sands (Roy, 1982). northeast and make continents since removed just as suitable a
Source rocks. Sources of minerals can be categorized as source as the Australian craton (cf., Galloway, 1972).
immediate, intermediate, and ultimate. The immediate derivation History of development.
The present sediment budget for
of beach and eolian deposits of eastern Australia is clearly from rutile- and zircon-dominated shoreline deposits apparently con-
the cannibalism of older beach deposits, from offshore sands, and tains a key to their development. These deposits are fed mainly by
from sands being carried northward by longshore drift. cannibalism of older but similar coastal deposits and by longshore
Authors also seem agreed on the intermediate sources—the drift from the south. The juvenile component in the mineralogy of
Mesozoic sandstones of the Sydney, Clarence, and Moretón ba- this material must be small, as the supply by rivers is presently
sins (Fig. 71), which have heavy-mineral assemblages dominated minor. The main source of the mere trickle of juvenile material
by rutile, zircon, ilmenite, and tourmaline, with minor chromite must be sea-cliff and headland erosion, and this type of supply is
and tourmaline (Beasley, 1950; Gardner, 1955; McElroy, 1962; far more productive of sand in the Sydney and Clarence-Moreton
Galloway, 1972; Win ward and Nicholson, 1974; McKellar, basins than in the New England and other foldbelts. Sea-cliff
1975; Davidson, 1982). Thus, the unique mineral assemblage of erosion of friable sandstones is characteristic of Mesozoic rocks of
the shoreline deposits finds a match in an extremely unusual the basins. Thus the supply at present is small but is largely from
assemblage in Mesozoic sandstones.2 The Hawkesbury Sandstone sedimentary basins that supply almost exclusively rutile, zircon,
of the Sydney basin was probably the most important single ilmenite, tourmaline, and quartz to the system. Locally, headland
source. The abrupt southern boundary of the district coincides erosion of other rocks dilutes the assemblage (Fig. 71).
with the southern end of the Sydney basin (Fig. 71). The New Two lines of evidence suggest that the present sediment
budget is not applicable during times of lower sea level.
Ilmenite in shoreline deposits is likely to have a separate source in part, as
(1) Morphology and stratigraphy of river mouths suggest that at
some of it is too little weathered to have been cycled through Mesozoic lower sea level, rivers become active suppliers of the system.
(2) The high epidote and pyribole content of offshore sands of
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Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 89
both fluvial and shoreline origins is incompatible with derivation
primarily from sandstones of the Sydney and Clarence-Moreton
basins, suggesting that immaturefluvialdebris has swamped those
sources. Sands offshore from the New England foldbelt are the
debris of low-grade metamorphic and granitoid terranes, whereas
those off the Sydney basin show the influence of basaltic intru-
sions3 in the interior of the basin and of the adjacent Lachlan
foldbelt (Hudson, 1986).
Lowered sea levels apparently activate a new distribution
system, in which fluvial debris swamps debris from sea-cliff ero-
sion (cf., Schluter, 1982). This sea-level "trigger" is undoubtedly
modified, indeed intensified, by the coupled weathering-sea level
factor described in Chapter 6. Sands now offshore that were
formed in subaerial environments were subject to less maturation
by weathering because temperatures were colder and atmo-
spheres less reactive. In addition, the duration of in-place
weathering was less because the sands were seldom exposed.
The changes in mineral distribution with sea level appear to
explain (1) the great maturity and unique assemblage of all the
interglacial-age shoreline sands, (2) the modified heavy-mineral
assemblage of these sands adjacent to the New England foldbelt,
and (3) the great contrast in both provenance and maturity of the
sands offshore. Note that the mechanism proposed by Colwell
(1982b), shoreward winnowing of offshore heavy minerals, is
unnecessary and does not explain all the mineralogic data. The
minerals onshore and offshore are related to each other not in
terms of mechanical stability and density but in terms of differing
weathering stability and provenance.
Chapter 10.
Placer deposits described in preceding chapters are those in Eolian deposits have not been preserved in any of the dis-
which original depositional landforms are still preserved. Some tricts described in this chapter. If eolian deposits were originally
possibly pre-Quaternary deposits that met this criterion were in- present, they probably were planed off in the nonmarine envi-
cluded. The pre-Quaternary deposits described in this chapter are ronments represented by the beds overlying the beach concentra-
buried by younger sediments, thus masking original depositional tions, as the dunes were mobile positive elements of the land
landforms. Some such deposits even have steep dips. In two surface. The prevalence of titanium-mineral resources in Quater-
districts described, host rocks are indurated, whereas in two oth- nary coastal eolian deposits probably reflects lack of reworking
ers they are not. The inherent economic disadvantage of an during burial.
indurated deposit can be overcome only with very high grades. Three of the four districts described in this chapter formed
Ironically, some details of sedimentary deposition are best seen in during geologic time intervals characterized by deep weathering
cross section in the indurated deposits. (Late Cretaceous, Miocene-Pliocene boundary). Their mineral
Only one pre-Quaternary placer district of titanium oxide assemblages are thus more beneficiated by weathering. The im-
minerals, in the Lakehurst area of New Jersey, has been mined portance of such weathering, and temporal variations thereof, are
extensively. This deposit is closely analogous to Quaternary discussed in Chapter 6.
placer deposits in many respects. The economic status of the other
pre-Quaternary deposits is uncertain. INTRASTRATAL SOLUTION
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98 E. R. Force
1986). Authigenic anatase is locally euhedral and too coarse to be is, toward the south-southeast. Overlying this facies in an area of
considered microcrystalline, but it isfinerthan associated detrital about 1 km2 is the Legler Lignite (Rachele, 1976), a freshwater
sand grains (Houston and Murphy, 1962; Morad, 1986). Rutile swamp deposit 1 to 5 m thick with thin associated clays that
as skeletal aggregates may form pseudomorphs of detrital contain marine microfossils in the upper part of the unit.
ilmenite where alteration of ilmenite is complete. Iron sulfide These lithologies, forming Carter's lower sequence, clearly show
minerals, where present with titanium dioxide alteration prod- beach progradation. The upper sequence of the Cohansey
ucts, suggest that leaching of iron was under reducing conditions contains cross-bedded subtidal and intertidal sands, and in my
(Dimanche and Bartholome, 1976; Reynolds and Goldhaber, opinion represents a separate depositional sequence following
1978). transgression.
Environment of concentration. Puffer and Cousminer
M A J O R DEPOSITS (1982) found that sands enriched in heavy minerals (as much as
Lakehurst district, New Jersey 63 percent) arefine(0.2 mm mean) and well sorted, but not well
rounded. They attributed high positive skewness to an eolian
From 1962 to 1982, the Lakehurst district was an important origin but neglected to consider that heavy-mineral enrichment in
source of altered ilmenite in the United States. Mining, by two shoreline environments occurs by preferential removal of coarse
companies in separate pits, was largely from the upper Tertiary lights, which necessarily produces positive skewness. The strati-
Cohansey Sand. graphic position of greatest enrichment recorded by Carter
The district is in the "pine-barren" region of the coastal plain (1978) was at the top of the swash-zone facies, and this suggests
of southern New Jersey. Population growth in the area is rapid, upper swash-zone concentration similar to modern beach
and part of the district lies beneath a naval air station used for deposits.
lighter-than-air craft. Topographic relief is low; average elevation Ilmenite alteration. Mathis and Sclar (1980) and Puffer
of the land surface at the deposits is about 30 m. The district was and Cousminer (1982) found that precursor ilmenite-hematite
probably continuous originally, but fluvial dissection during the intergrowths were pseudomorphically replaced by microcrystal-
Pleistocene and Holocene has produced separate deposits. line pseudorutile (topotactic after ilmenite) and voids (after
Ilmenite deposits of the Lakehurst district were discovered hematite lamellae). This alteration is less complete in the Kirk-
in 1956 by Frank Markewicz and his colleagues at the New wood than in the Cohansey, where an appreciable number of
Jersey Geological Survey, using a genetic model involving source grains also show microcrystalline rutile. In the Cohansey, altered
rock and fluvial conduit (Markewicz, 1969). The most substantial ilmenite averages 65 percent TÍO2. Unable to relate weathering
of the more recent studies are by Carter (1978), who documented state to depth below land surface, Puffer and Cousminer sug-
stratigraphic trends in depositional environments, and Puffer and gested that an appreciable component of ilmenite alteration was
Cousminer (1982), who presented an integrated sedimentologic- predepositional. Some postdepositional alteration, however, is
paleoclimatic-mineralogic analysis of the deposit. suggested by local iron hydroxide cement, which encases minor
General description and stratigraphy. The ilmenite magnetite as well as ilmenite (James Stern, personal communica-
deposits are overlain by up to 7 m of Pleistocene(?) fluvial gravels tion, 1974). The intensity of alteration, coupled with the subtrop-
(Quirk and Eilertson, 1963). The upper Tertiary formations host- ical nature of Legler Lignite palynomorphs, prompted Puffer and
ing the deposits are unindurated. The highest-grade portions, Cousminer to hypothesize a warmer climate during deposition
which contain greater than 5 percent heavy minerals, form about than at present.
5 m of laminated fine to medium sand near the middle of the Geologic evolution. Puffer and Cousminer (1982) envision
Cohansey Sand, which here is about 20 m thick (Quirk and the Lakehurst deposits derived from ilmenite-rich gneissic source
Eilertson, 1963; Puffer and Cousminer, 1982). Altered ilmenite is rocks in the Hudson Highlands and possibly the Adirondack
the predominant heavy mineral (85 percent); also present are Mountains and from older sedimentary hosts, during a period of
zircon (7 percent), sillimanite (3 percent), and staurolite and deep weathering at the boundary between the Miocene and Plio-
tourmaline (each 1 percent). Underlying the Cohansey are finer cene epochs. Deposition was during a sea-level regression of that
sands of the Kirkwood Formation that contain lesser concentra- period, followed by marine transgression. The ancestral Delaware
tions of the same heavy-mineral assemblage. Recent workers are River was the fluvial conduit, as suggested by Markewicz (1969).
inclined to regard the base of the Cohansey as conformable with
the underlying Kirkwood. McNairy Sand, Tennessee
Carter (1978) has divided the Cohansey Sand into two "se- The Upper Cretaceous McNairy Sand contains substantial
quences," with the heavy-mineral-enriched zone in the lower resources of heavy minerals in three deposits that define a district
sequence. Shallow-marine trace fossils are found throughout the in western Tennessee (Wilcox, 1971). The McNairy is an unindu-
formation. At the base of the Cohansey are interbedded granule rated, very fine-grained sand representing shoreline deposition in
and sand layers that represent deposition in the surf zone. An the Mississippi embayment from Mississippi to Illinois. The
overlying laminated facies is enriched in heavy minerals and rep- heavy-mineral assemblage is economically attractive, and ilmenite
resents swash-zone deposition. The lamination dips seaward, that is altered to Ti0 2 contents of about 60 percent, butfinegrain size
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Geology of titanium-mineral deposits 99
Figure 82. Heavy minerals in facies of McNairy Sand exposed in a silica sand pit
operated by the Jessie Morie Co. in the Seventeen Creek quadrangle, Tennessee.
A. Flat-laminated facies below, with heavy-mineral concentration above shovel,
overlain by lowest cross-bedded facies. B. Large cross beds outlined by heavy-
mineral laminae in the upper unit.
makes mineral separation difficult. The district is not currently heavy minerals, with an average heavy-mineral grain size of
being developed. about 0.1 to 0.06 mm throughout the district. The average rela-
Physiographically, the McNairy Sand forms a dissected low tive abundance of heavy minerals is altered ilmenite, 55 percent
plateau bordering the presently dammed Tennessee River. The (%); leucoxene, 8%; rutile, 2%; zircon, 10%; monazite, 1%;
forested Natchez Trace State Park occupies the southern end of aluminosilicate minerals, about 20%; and tourmaline, 2%. Ilmen-
the district and contains substantial resources (Hershey, 1966, ite, zircon, and monazite are concentrated in thefinestfractions
1968). The McNairy is at the surface over much of the district but (<0.06 mm), whereas less-dense leucoxene, aluminosilicates, and
is poorly exposed except in steep bluffs along digitate margins of tourmaline are concentrated in the coarser (>0.06 mm) fraction.
the plateau. The best exposures are in several silica sand mines in Wilcox (1971) pointed out that the relative grain size of
the McNairy. leucoxene implies that it was already less dense at deposition and
The regional geologic context of the district has been de- hence was altered before deposition. In two of the deposits,
scribed by Russell (1975). Quadrangles containing deposits have leucoxene is more abundant toward the base of heavy-mineral
been mapped by Hershey (1966,1968), Russell (1967), and Fer- enrichments (Ferguson and Garman, 1970; "Manleyville" of
guson and Garman (1970). The McNairy Sand, about 50 to Wilcox, 1971), also suggesting predepositional alteration.
100 m thick, is the shoreline facies of the upper regressive In several silica sand pits southeast of Bruceton, the strati-
sequence in a transgressive-regressive wedge. The McNairy is graphic sequence in and above the basal member of the McNairy
underlain by a shallow-marine shale. Toward the eastern (land- can be seen (Fig. 82A). Heavy mineral enrichments occur in fine-
ward) edge of the outcrop belt, at the closure of the wedge, the to medium-grained, well-sorted but angular sand with planar
McNairy locally lies directly on Paleozoic bedrock. Northward laminations dipping very gently southwest. Ophiomorpha bur-
into Kentucky, I have found that the McNairy becomes a rows are common in this interval. These beds are apparently
tidal-flat facies with tidal channel sands, probably reflecting the beach deposits. Overlying sands show increasingly high-angle
stronger influence of delta growth to the north, as reported by cross beds with variable mica and clay contents and clay beds
Pryor (1960). Heavy-mineral contents are low in the McNairy of draped over dune and channel bed forms (Fig. 82B). These beds
Kentucky, as they are in southern Illinois (Hunter, 1968). are apparently fluvial in origin and suggest sedimentary transport
The basal member of the McNairy Sand, up to 15 m thick, to the southwest. They contain fewer heavy minerals than the
contains most concentrations of heavy minerals. The sands of this beach deposits, and their mineral assemblage contains far greater
member show evidence of beach deposition. The veryfineangu- proportions of the lighter heavies leucoxene, kyanite, and
lar sands of the basal member locally contain more than 5 percent goethite. The upper beds are preferentially mined for silica.
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100 E. R. Force
Upper Cretaceous deposits of the the depositional environment based on variations in deposit
western interior, United States geometry.
102 E. R. Force
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