BM Study Guide HL
BM Study Guide HL
BM Study Guide HL
The role of business is to combine human, physical and financial resources to create
goods and services.
Human resources
• Manages personnel of the organisation.
• Deals with: workforce planning, recruitment, training, appraisal, dismissals and
redundancies, and outsourcing human resource strategies.
Finance and accounts
• Manages the organisation’s money.
• Deals with: reporting and recording financial records, abiding by legal
requirements (e.g., tax), produces final accounts.
• Identifies and satisfies the needs and wants of customers.
• In charge of ensuring that a firm’s products sell.
• Deals with: market research, test marketing, advertising and branding.
Operations (management)
• Converts raw materials and components into finished goods.
• For a service this can be the process of giving that service.
Primary sector
• The extraction, harvesting, and conversion of natural resources.
• Most prevalent in LEDCs. Primary sectors in MEDCs use more automated
• The primary sector has little added value.
BUSINESS ORGANISATION AND ENVIRONMENT Introduction to business and management
BUSINESS ORGANISATION AND ENVIRONMENT Introduction to business and management 1
A shift in the relative share of national output and employment that is attributed to each
business sector over time.
As countries become more developed, they move towards secondary sectors, and
eventually tertiary and quaternary sectors.
Primary sector production yields low added value, in order to develop economically, a
shift in business activity must occur to ave higher added value.
Higher household income: higher demand for services as people have available money
to spend on ‘wants’.
More leisure time: with higher standards of living, people have more time/money to
do recreational activities.
Greater focus on customer service: firms realise the importance of customer service.
Increasing reliance on support services: businesses use more sophisticated services
such as subcontractors and specialists to help the business grow.
Entrepreneur Intrapreneur
BUSINESS ORGANISATION AND ENVIRONMENT Introduction to business and management
• Growth.
• Earnings.
• Transfer and inheritance: used for something that they can pass on (transference) to
their children (inheritance) to give them a sense of security.
• Challenge: drive to have personal satisfaction, being successful boosts self-esteem.
• Autonomy: being your own boss, making decisions about the business, work hours,
holidays etc.
• Security: if you are your own boss, you cannot be made redundant, dismissed, or be
replaced with technology.
• Hobbies: just for fun, or because you are passionate about something.
• Business idea.
• Sources of finance.
• Human resources: who will you hire, will they need training, etc.
• Enterprise: who will lead, organise and manage the business.
• Fixed assets: land and machinery needed.
• Suppliers.
• Customers.
• Marketing.
• Legal issues: do you have all of the patents, legislations, and documentation needed.
• Lack of finance.
• Cash flow problems.
• Marketing problems.
• Poor location.
• External influences: competition in the area, economic recession.
Private Public
Unincorporated Incorporated
businesses businesses
• Unincorporated.
• Individual who owns a personal business.
• Responsible for success or failure.
• May work alone or employ others.
• Startup capital usually includes personal savings and borrowing.
Sole trader an individual who runs and owns his own business.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Unincorporated.
• Ordinary partnerships have a maximum of 2–20 people.
• Money can be pooled from partners’ personal funds which have financial stake but
don’t actually make decisions (silent partners).
• At least one partner must have unlimited liability.
Advantages Disadvantages
Private Limited Company (Ltd.) a company that cannot raise share capital
from the general public. The shares are sold to private family members
and friends.
E.g., IKEA, Lego, Rolex, Chanel, etc.
Advantages Disadvantages
Flotation occurs when a business first sells all or part of its business to
external investors (shareholders). This process is known as an initial
public offering (IPO).
Advantages Disadvantages
• Shares can be sold to the public. • Takes time due to bureaucratic nature
• Efficient sources of finance are more of big companies.
available (bank loans). • Communication issues due to size.
• Limited Liability. • Final accounts are public.
• Possibility of market dominance. • Less able to offer personal services to
• Economies of scale. customers.
• Tax benefits. • Compliance costs.
• Loss of control.
Advantages Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
Charities provides voluntary support for good causes (from society’s point
of view), such as the protection of children, animals and the natural
environment. Reliant on donors, endorsements, promotion etc.
E.g., WWF.
Advantages Disadvantages
Altruistic attitude: the company genuinely does it for social benefits, they actually care
about the impact of the company.
Strategic attitude: businesses ought to be socially responsible only if such actions help
them to become more profitable.
Self-interest attitude: the belief that it is the government’s job to protect society.
SWOT analysis aims to identify the key internal strengths & weaknesses and
external opportunities & threats, seen as important to achieving an
attributes of the organization
business owners determine their
Internal origin
current market position, which
is crucial to know before Strengths Weaknesses
planning and implementing
SMART objectives. A useful
tool for:
The analysis of the external opportunities & threats provides businesses with the
information needed to respond to external factors that can impact the ability of the
business to achieve its strategic goals and objectives.
same market.
Market development: selling the same Market
products to a new market.
Diversification: selling new products
to new markets.
Increasing risk
1.4 Stakeholders
Internal stakeholders who are directly involved in the running of the business;
External stakeholders who are indirectly involved in the running of the business or are
simply affected/interested in its activity.
Internal External
Owners or shareholders put up the capital which runs the business. The reward is the
gain they make from owning the business. If there was no reward, no one would
bother to invest.
Directors and senior management in small businesses, the owners are quite likely to
be involved in the daily running of the business. This is not in case in bigger
companies, where a board of directors may be involved and monitor the business’
activities. The performance of the business has a direct impact on them — if the
business performs poorly, they might be made redundant. If the business performs
well, they might be promoted or receive bonuses.
Employees are involved in daily activities and bring projects to life. If the business
underperforms, employees are often the first to fall victim and get dismissed. If the
business performs well, they might be promoted or receive bonuses.
Conflicts may arise when there are many stakeholders, each with different objectives.
For example, there might be a conflict between customers and shareholders as customers
want the highest quality products for more affordable prices. Spending more on research
and development to create new products might lower the amount payable in dividends to
shareholders. Improving quality might also lead to higher costs and lower profits,
directly affecting shareholders.
Power Government
Example of a stakeholders analysis
showing the interest and power of
four stakeholders: government,
pressure groups, consumers and Suppliers
suppliers. Pressure groups
External factors outside influences that can impact a business such as laws,
market trends or political changes.
A civil war for example could significantly harm businesses selling luxury goods as the
demand will drop severely.
In order to monitor all these changes in the external environment, businesses conduct a
combined SWOT and PEST analysis. These analyses take external factors into
consideration that may affect economic activities, so that businesses are able to set
SMART objectives.
STEEPLE the same analysis as is done in PEST, but also includes Legal,
Environmental and Ethical.
Note: If the exam asks you to design a SWOT analysis, this automatically means you will
need to do a PEST analysis as well in order to be able to properly analyse the external
environment. Application is key – you have to look carefully through the case study in
order to be able to create a SWOT analysis explicitly applicable to the company in the case
study, and justify your answers at all times! You have to explain why something is a
strength, weakness, opportunity or a threat. Without arguments your answer will not be
considered complete.
Growth and evolution refers to the expansion of sales and the increased scale of
production. Growth is an important factor for businesses to consider due to the costs
involved – these can increase or decrease.
Diseconomies of scale as the business expands and the scale of its operations
is beyond the minimum efficient scale, the average costs per unit output
Organic growth can be achieved by selling new products, increasing production and sales
through marketing or finding new markets. For most businesses internal growth is slow,
but it does so at less risk than external growth and can be financed through internal
funds. External growth is a much quicker alternative to organic growth. External growth
can be a quick way to reduce competition in a market, gain economies of scale, gain
entry into foreign markets or achieve synergy.
Horizontal integration: firms are in exactly the same line of business and at the same
stage of production.
Backward vertical integration: firms are at different stages of production. The merger
occurs with a business which is in the previous stage of production.
Forward vertical integration: firms are at different stages of production. The merger
occurs with a business which is in the next stage of production.
Lateral integration: merging of firms with related goods which do not compete
directly with each other.
Diversifying merger (conglomerate): merging of firms in completely different lines of
The reason why firms form a joint venture is to enjoying the advantages of mergers, such
as economies of scale and reduced competition, without losing their identity. Most joint
ventures are friendly, allowing businesses to share their areas of expertise.
Franchising an arrangement where the franchisor sells the rights to sell their
products or use the company name or brand to the franchisees.
• Increased competitiveness.
• Increased difficulty of meeting customer expectations (because of high
• Larger customer base.
• Economies of scale.
• Broader choice of location.
• More external growth opportunities.
• More opportunities for sources of finance.
Advantages Disadvantages
Everyday business decisions in any department involve risks. This can be because the
business has limited information on which to base the decisions or the outcome of a
certain decision is uncertain. In such situations, the business will make a decision that
minimises risk with the greatest possible return. Decision trees are used to quantify the
alternative outcomes of any decision, combining the likelihood of an outcome and the
Probability or chance: the decimal value below every outcome branch of the tree,
explaining how likely each outcome is. The sum of all the possible outcomes of
one decision should be 1.
1. Based on the information given to you, draw the layout of the tree diagram.
2. Fill in the nodes with numbers.
3. Write the forecasted costs on the first branch.
4. Write the successful revenue and the unsuccessful revenue on each final branch.
5. Write the probability of success or not success on each final branch.
6. Complete the calculations for each strand:
Advantages Disadvantages
• The visual nature of constructing a • All figures are estimated which means
decision tree diagram may show that businesses might make a decision
possible courses of action not that is not as profitable in reality.
previously considered. For example, • Do not take into account the dynamic
the management of ABC Ltd. could nature of business. For example, a
have thought of another course of sudden change in the economic climate
action (e.g., modifying the current might render a decision based on a
advertising campaign), which could decision tree obsolete. For example,
have been examined as well. due to the economic crisis, the profit
• It is a numerical model – it involves and loss figures have to be re-estimated
placing numerical values on decisions, to take into account the decrease in
which improves results, as only the demand, which means the whole new
most profitable course of action will be decision tree needs to be made.
taken. In our example, ABC Ltd. chose
to retain the current advertising
campaign because it is the most
profitable choice.
Lights and Co. is a mass-market lighting company. The company is concerned about
their falling market share and profits, so they are conducted market research.
The probabilities and forecast costs and revenues of each option are given:
successful 0.60
$1 000 000
Option 2a
$450 000
not successful 0.40
// $250 000
successful 0.60
$1 250 000
Option 2b
$475 000
2b not successful 0.40
$200 000
Decision point
Possible outcomes
// Rejected options
EMV1 = (1 700 000 ⇥ 0.45 + 550 000 ⇥ 0.55) 990 000 = $77 500
EMV2a = (1 000 000 ⇥ 0.60 + 250 000 ⇥ 0.40) 450 000 = $250 000
EMV2b = (1 250 000 ⇥ 0.60 + 200 000 ⇥ 0.40) 475 000 = $335 000
Best option: 2b, buy new machinery with training to produce more of the current
Fishbone diagram a visual tool that identifies successive layers of causes that
could potentially contribute to an effect or problem.
General cause
Retired cause
As presented, the main problem is identified. Once the main problem has been
identified, its causes can be defined. Each cause is represented as an arrow that feeds into
the main problem. As you can see, the refined causes are fed into the general causes. To
use this method, first the main issue needs to be identified and then, its general and
refined causes. This way you will be able to visualise the sources of the main problem.
There are general sets of causes that decision makers can use:
Advantages Disadvantages
• Very visual and simple to use in order • Do not show how to fix the problem.
to pinpoint the key causes of a • Problems as different stakeholders may
particular problem a firm is facing. view different causes as the most
• Could represent a good way to bring important ones, which causes disputes.
several different stakeholders together
(e.g., workforce). This could make
them feel part of the decision-making
process which can prove to be
Cost 3
costs increasing
Disruption 1
Total: 10 Total: 11
Advantages Disadvantages
In order to construct a Gantt chart all the tasks or steps of the process have to be known,
including when each will be completed. Once the Gantt chart is constructed, it can be
used to figure out the most efficient ways to use resources. Here is an example of a Gantt
chart showing all the necessary steps in the production of a T-shirt:
Putting together
Advantages Disadvantages
• Very visual allowing the management • Based on estimates – some actions may
to clearly set out the timeline of a take longer to complete and the
particular project. This could help set management did not predict that.
deadlines or even look at which • Becomes very difficult to present when
processes can be done faster. a project consists of many steps.
• Useful to look at in order to allocate
resources efficiently (as explained
2.4. Motivation 49
– Taylor – Maslow’s hierarchy of needs – Herzberg’s
motivation-hygiene theory – Adam’s equity theory
– Pink – Types of financial rewards – Types of
non-financial rewards
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Functions and evolution of human resource management 2
There are four key parts of HR planning (which will be further examined later):
• This means that there is a reason why staff do not stay in the firm for a long period of
• Perhaps there is an aspect of the business that demotivates the workforce and lowers
their productivity (resulting in extra costs for the business as it constantly needs to be
on a lookout for new staff).
• High labour turnover suggests that staff may only be staying for a short time for a
certain reason.
• There may be a key factor such as motivation, packages etc. that are affecting
• Staff hired may be incompetent.
• Remuneration packages might not be competitive.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Functions and evolution of human resource management
External factors impact the size and availability of the pool of potential
employees for the business.
Technological change: e.g., better technology can lead to more working from home.
Demographic change: e.g., an aging population, reduced birth rate or migration etc.
These factors affect the size of the labour pool and the skills they have to offer.
The state of the economy: e.g., in a recession, the unemployment rate is higher which
allows business to ‘pick and choose’ people with right skills and experience (also
they are willing to accept lower wages).
Demographic change
• Changes in demographic populations.
• Ageing populations: Increased dependent population, reduced labour mobility,
changes in consumption patterns, change in employment patterns.
Changes in labour mobility
• Friends and family affect geographic mobility.
• Relocation costs.
• Cost of living.
• Language and cultural differences.
New communication technologies
• Electronic/online recruitment.
• Online meetings.
• Flexitime and teleworking.
• Online training courses.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Functions and evolution of human resource management 2
Changes in business organisation: businesses change the way they are organised in
order to better meet their strategic objectives.
Changes in labour relations: labour unionisation causes businesses to give in to some
of their requirements in order to keep the business running and the workforce
Changes in business finance: financial difficulties cause businesses lay off some
workers to minimise the costs.
Due to changes in internal circumstances (e.g., higher demand, introduction of a new job
etc.), a business may need to start the process of recruitment. Recruitment can be
divided into 3 steps:
1. Identification: recruitment starts with defining the job description: details the
basic roles and responsibilities of a job, and a person specification: to
communicate what skills, qualifications and experience candidates need for the job.
The business also needs to decide whether it is best to recruit internally: find a
current employee that could carry out the new job or recruit externally: find a
completely new person from outside the business.
2. Application: to find the best applicants, businesses make a job advert:
communicating the job description and person specification to inform potential
candidates. The job advert should be placed so that it reaches its target audience.
The business can decide to process the applications externally: hire a recruitment
agency to handle the application process for them.
3. Selection: after some time the applicants may be shortlisted based on how well
they fit the job, interviews may be scheduled in order to select the best applicant
for the job.
Internal recruitment hiring people from within the firm to fill a new
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Functions and evolution of human resource management
On the job training done while the employee is doing their normal job
while at the workplace.
E.g., a senior employee helps the junior employee comprehend all the
tasks and acquire new skills needed to carry out the job efficiently.
Advantages Disadvantages
Induction training the training received when first starting a job, this is a
type of on the job training.
Advantages Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Functions and evolution of human resource management 2
Off the job training happens outside working hours, where the employees
are being trained away from the job. This could involve workshops,
conferences etc.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Experts who may not exist internally • There is a potential loss of output
are able to be used. whilst workers attend the offsite
• A wider range of training can be training course.
provided. • Hiring specialist trainers can be very
• There are no distractions from expensive, and
colleagues at an offsite venue. transport/accommodation costs may
• Networking can take place, so add cost.
employees can meet new people. • It is debatable whether all skills are
transferable to the business.
• Finding time for staff to get off work
can be difficult.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Helps workers improve their mental • May not cater for workers with
processes acquire new knowledge, aid different goals.
decision-making and solve work-related • Can be expensive.
problems. • Might not meet the needs of an
• Difficult to measure effects of the
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Functions and evolution of human resource management
Business can deal with voluntary or involuntary leave of employees in several ways:
Termination: happens when employees leave the business at the end of their contract
because they want to work on their professional development, change career, retire
etc. These employees expect to receive a reference from their ex-employer.
Dismissal: happens when an employee has broken some of the terms of their contract,
which could be due to missing work, poor discipline, dishonesty etc. These
employees do not receive a reference from their ex-employer.
Redundancy: happens when a job is no longer required, making the employee
redundant through no fault of her own. Causes can be, e.g., a drop in production,
a merger or takeover, automation etc.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Functions and evolution of human resource management 2
Evidence must be gathered during all stages of the dismissal process. Managers must
effectively communicate the message to avoid rumours spreading.
1. Verbal Warning
2. Official written warning if misconduct is repeated
3. Dismissal
New technologies and new social trends have influenced work practices in many
countries. Some examples are:
Teleworking: employees work a set amount of hours at the office and the remainder
from home.
Flexitime: employee has to work a set amount of hours per week, the allocation of time
spent completely depends on employee’s preferences.
Migration for work: due to better infrastructure and better connectivity of the whole
world, people can easily migrate daily, sometimes even great distances, for work.
Portfolio working: a person employed in a number of different jobs, carried out
simultaneously, usually on a part-time or temporary basis.
Part-time employment.
Migration of workers: a person who works in a country or state of which he/she is not
a national.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Outsources may carry out work to • To cut costs, subcontractors may ‘cut
higher quality standards. corners’ (unethical).
• Outsourcers will bid for work (i.e., try • Quality management can become more
to give you the best price). difficult.
• Reduces labour costs when workers are • Subcontractors must be monitored to
outside the business. ensure quality standards are being met.
• Allows the business to concentrate on • Outsourcing may cause redundancies.
core functions. • May be unethical due to the
exploitation of workers in LEDCs.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Functions and evolution of human resource management
Advantages Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Organisational structure 2
Centralisation indicates that all major decisions in the business are made by
a small group of employees (usually managers) that work closely with
the head of the business (CEO).
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Organisational structure
Note: When asked to analyse any of these organisational structures on the exam (i.e.,
advantages and disadvantages), you will need to (1) use the specific terminology outlined
in the syllabus point but also (2) refer to leadership in the organisation and motivation of
the workforce — how does a particular organisational structure affect motivation of the
workforce compared to another.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Organisational structure 2
Along with the basic organisational structures, some businesses have attempted to adapt
their structure in accordance with the changes in the business environment. Two
different ways to deal with changes in business environment are project-based
organisation and shamrock organisation.
Advantages Disadvantages
This model suggests that businesses can reduce costs and gain competitive advantage by
trimming their workforce.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Leadership and management
Advantages Disadvantages
• Allows for complete specialisation of • The insourced workers will suffer from
the core: they will concentrate on lack of job security which might lead to
innovations and gathering new ideas. decreased motivation and lower
• The flexible workforce will be easier to productivity.
hire and fire. • Not all members of the workforce will
• Can save on staffing costs. be able to fit into this organisation
• Can hire experts in certain fields due to structure.
outsourced workers.
Planning: managers need to set strategic, tactical and operational objectives that affect
different parts of the organisation.
Organising: managers need to make sure the business has sufficient resources to achieve
objectives, which requires good organisation.
Commanding: managers need to make sure all individuals know which duties they are
to perform and to provide instructions if needed.
Coordinating: managers must bring together the various resources to achieve objectives.
Since many different tasks happen at the same time, managers need to make sure
that all these are done at the specific time and place they are supposed to be done.
Controlling: managers have power to control for quality of different processes and
change them if necessary. They also have the power to increase or decrease the
scale of operations depending on the circumstances in the market.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Leadership and management 2
Management Leadership
Time and devotion • Management is more 9–5. • 24 hours a day.
• Handles strategic decisions.
Roles and • Administer day to day • Accountable for more.
responsibilities operations. • More innovative.
• Deal with how and when. • Deal with what and why.
Influence on others • Adhered to due to power. • Inspire and motivate by
• Focus on tasks. example.
• Focus on people.
Risk taking • Follow predetermined rules. • More radical.
• Tackles tasks by abiding by • Take risks to move the
policies. organisation forward.
Vision • Deal with stable • Create a culture of hope.
environments. • Shine during times of
Advantages Disadvantages
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Leadership and management
• Leader aims to assume the role of a ‘father’ figure, where the employees are
his or her family.
• Has great concerns for the employees and provides them with a sense of
• Extreme loyalty and trust with employees and their full commitment.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Employees take great pride in the • Leaders might not have an objective eye
organisation, and do whatever is when assessing the performance of
necessary so they don’t let the leader workers.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Workforce is motivated since they are • Since the workers are involved,
consulted in the decision-making decision-making process is longer.
process. • Not efficient when it comes to making
quick decisions.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Leadership and management 2
Advantages Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
2.4 Motivation
Pink Drive theory Autonomy, mastery and purpose are the drivers
of motivation in modern societies of
the 21st century
2.4.1 Taylor
Maslow’s theory is based on the hierarchy of needs, where every level of that pyramid
has a certain class of needs.
l me
s Being promoted and given more responsibility,
Ps Self- introducing new ideas, taking on challenging
ho new job assignments.
log actualisation
l ne
ed Esteem needs Being given recognition for doing a job well.
Working with colleagues that support you at
Ba Love and belonging
sic work, teamwork, communication.
s Safety needs Having job security, safe working conditions.
Needs at the bottom of the pyramid are the basic ones as they are concerned with
survival. Once these are satisfied, the worker moves to the next level, and once a level is
‘passed’, the needs on that level become less important. In practice, very few manage to
reach the top of the pyramid, because in order to do so, all other needs must be fully
Advantages Disadvantages
In Herzberg’s motivation theory, there are two sets of factors affecting people’s
Hygiene factors: these are factors that need to be in place in order to remove workers’
dissatisfaction with their job. These represent pay, working conditions, company
policies, relationship with higher levels of the hierarchy, treatment at work etc.
Improving these factors should remove dissatisfaction, but it will not motivate the
workforce. If these are not met however, there will be a fall in productivity.
Motivators: these are factors that give workers job satisfaction. They represent a sense
of achievement, chance of promotion, recognition of effort, responsibility etc.
Improving these will make the workers more motivated and will lead to increased
• Job enlargement: giving workers variety in what they do.
• Job enrichment: giving workers more complex, challenging tasks to exploit
their potential.
• Job empowerment: delegating decision making to workers over their areas of
job, helping to boost morale.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Workers will naturally compare their efforts or rewards to those of others in the
• The degree of equity in an organisation is based on the ratio of inputs (contributions
made by the employee) to outcomes (financial and non-financial rewards).
Degrees of equity
Equity norm: workers expect an equitable remuneration for their contribution in their
Social comparison: workers determine what is fair based on comparisons of their
inputs and outcomes with those of their peers.
Cognitive distortions: workers who feel undercompensated become demotivated so
might withdraw any goodwill, resulting in altering their effort or outputs.
• Equity is subjective.
• Some people may be more sensitive to equity.
• Neglects to include demographic, psychological, and cultural variables.
• Scale of equity can only be so useful.
2.4.5 Pink
Pink’s motivation theory relies on what psychologists call the ‘third drive’. This
suggests that businesses need to stimulate the intrinsic motivation which occurs when
someone gets satisfaction from an activity itself, without threats or rewards from the
outside. He identified three factors of the self-determination theory that motivate
Advantages Disadvantages
Wages (time based) Staff is paid per hour of work (daily or weekly).
Advantages Disadvantages
• In case workers need to stay over hours, • The pay workers receive is not linked
they will receive extra payment. to the amount of output they receive;
• workers feel their work is being valued. therefore, they might ‘go slow’ in order
to make sure they work over hours to
receive more income.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Workers know that if they are more • Workers might concentrate more on
productive, they will be rewarded for quantity produced and less on quality.
that. • This might increase costs for the
• They see that their work has a business as quality check/assurance
monetary value. systems would need to be put in place.
Advantages Disadvantages
• The very nature of the financial reward • External factors affecting sales
is the advantage. (recession, inflation) affect the income
• Workers will try to achieve the best of the workers, which is demotivating;
sales results possible, which would there’s nothing they can do in case they
result in a higher financial reward, can’t sell more goods because of
while the business benefits from higher recession or inflation.
sales. • Financially oriented, staff might make
arrangements with customers that put
the organization in a disadvantageous
position. (a banker might give out a
short-term loan to a business without
previously checking whether the
business can pay for it, which is
disadvantageous for the bank).
Advantages Disadvantages
• It can be motivating for the workforce. • External factors affecting sales (and
• If the business shares the profit of the thus profitability) of the business
whole organization with the staff, this automatically affect employees, which
gives them a sense of ownership over can prove to be demotivating as they
the business and belonging. The success have no power over the factor causing
of the company = their success. decreased sales.
Advantages Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
• This can be very motivating for the • Job rotation might be costly for the
workforce, as they are able to see how business.
the tasks they work on everyday are • In order to allow workers to work in
important for the whole of the different departments, they will need
business. training.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Organisational (corporate) culture 2
Nature of the business the purpose and direction of the business, declared
in the aims, mission, and objectives.
Sanctions few sanctions can cause slack workers. However too much
rigidness can cause resentment towards the organisation.
Power cultures
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Organisational (corporate) culture
Role culture
Task culture
Person culture
• When staff in similar culture form groups to share knowledge and skills.
• Found in larger organisations with various branches.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Employer and employee relations 2
• The culture created by CEO’s is able to change individuals within the organisation as
they are influenced by what surrounds them at work.
• Power distance can affect the characteristics of workers (e.g., develop initiative, have
leadership qualities etc.)
• Organisational culture also affects the ethical business behaviour of workers.
Trade union a group of employees who unite to protect their rights and
welfare. It is effective because there is strength in numbers.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Employer and employee relations
Collective bargaining: the term collective bargaining is used to describe the negotiation
process between the employer and employee representatives on the terms and
conditions of employment in a particular business.
Work to rule: this occurs when workers do not carry out any duties that are not in their
employment contract. In other words, the staff only carries out tasks explicitly
stated in their contract, which results in the tasks not being carried out efficiently.
Go slow: this approach involves workers deliberately slowing down production while
still working within the terms of their contract.
Overtime ban: this ban limits workers’ hours to the agreed contract of employment for
normal hours. It is usually used by employee representatives to demonstrate to
management that the workforce is determined to take further collective action,
such as strikes, if their demands are not met.
Strike action: this is the ultimate sanction used by the workforce, involving a stoppage
in the production process, which can prove disastrous for a business.
Walkout: a type of strike action where employees collectively or independently leave
the workplace as a disapproval to something.
Lock-outs: this involves employers closing the factory for a period of time. Employees’
wages may not be paid during this period. This action might adversely affect the
public image of the company.
Dismissal: in some cases, employers might threaten employees with dismissal. Each
country usually has laws that set out the criteria under which it is unfair to dismiss
employees for taking industrial action.
Changes of contract: If possible, contracts can be changed, and those who disagree
with the new terms are denied the opportunity to prolong their employment. This
may be seen as coercion.
Closure: In response to strike actions, managers can close the business. This is extreme,
but necessary when other approaches have been exhausted.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Employer and employee relations 2
Self interest: people might worry about the implications for themselves as opposed to
the beneficial changes for the organisation.
Low tolerance for disruption and uncertainty.
Misinformation causes misunderstandings because the purpose of change has not been
properly communicated.
Interpretations of circumstances: different interpretations of the situation can lead to
varying perceptions.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Employer and employee relations
3.9. Budgeting 90
ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE Sources of finance 3
Note: Never use vague terms such as “money” in your exam! “Money” can refer to many
different concepts like investment, profit, cash etc. The examiner assumes that you
studied for the exam — when they read “money” instead of “profit” it could really lower
your grade by showing that you are not familiar with the terminology.
Sources of finance
Internal External
Bank Overdraft
Hire Purchase
Share capital Loan capital Trade Credit
Debt Factoring
Business angels
Venture capitalists
Bank loans
ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE Sources of finance
Personal funds using the money that you personally own. Most commonly
used for sole traders and partnerships.
Retained profits the profits (after tax and dividends) that the organisation
keeps to use for the business.
Sale of assets firms can sell their dormant assets that have been replaced to
raise capital. Examples include: old machinery, unused land or
buildings etc. Sometimes, fixed assets can be sold to survive liquidity.
Share capital the money raised from selling shares of the company. The
main sources of finance for a limited liability company. This can
provide lots of finance.
Selling Shares: private limited companies cannot sell their shares to the general public.
If they want to they can ‘go public’ by floating their shares on the stock exchange.
This is known as initial public offering (IPO). Existing companies can raise further
finance by selling more shares in a share issue. However by issuing shares,
ownership and control of the business becomes diluted.
Loan capital
Loan capital: allows a business to temporarily overdraw on its bank account, i.e., to
take out more money than it has in its account.
Debentures: the holder of a debenture is a creditor of the company, not an owner. This
means that holders are entitled to an agreed fixed rate of return, but have no voting
rights and the amount borrowed must be repaid by the expiry date.
Mortgages: only limited companies can raise funds from the sale of shares and
debentures. Smaller firms need long-term finances to purchase the premises, a
purpose which mortgages are designed for. It is usually a long-term loan from a
financial institution (like a bank) and the lender must use land or property as
security on the loan. (Note: Mortgages are specialised long-term loans only for the
purchase of premises, not machinery for example)
Grants: governmental financial gifts to support business activities. These tend to be
offered to eligible business in one-off payments.
ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE Sources of finance 3
Advantages Disadvantages
Hire purchase • Quick and easy to • Interest rates are higher.
acquire equipment. • The good can be taken
away from the buyer if
their payment is late.
Trade credit • An interest free source of • The cost of goods can be
finance. higher if paid for at a
later date.
• Delaying the payment
can result in a poor
relationship between the
firm and its suppliers.
Leasing • No large sums of money • In the long term, it is
need to be allocated for more expensive than the
the purchase of the outright purchase.
equipment. • Interest rates are higher.
• Useful when equipment • Not able to secure any
is used occasionally. loans with another
• Maintenance is not the institution on assets that
responsibility of the user. are leased.
ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE Costs and revenues
Total costs the sum of the fixed costs and the total variable costs to produce a
Total cost = Fixed costs + Variable costs
Semi-variable costs contain elements of fixed and variable costs. They tend
to change only when production or sales exceed a certain level of
E.g., Wi-fi up to 20 GB, when you exceed 20, there is extra charge.
ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE Break even analysis 3
3.3.1 Contribution
Total contribution the amount of money left over after variable costs have
been subtracted from revenue. The money contributes towards fixed
costs and profit.
ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE Break even analysis
1 Draw and label the axes with units
Costs and revenues ($)
t s
Draw the total fixed costs line (usually given) cos
2 otal
ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE Break even analysis 3
Target profit: how many units of output need to be produced to generate a certain level
of profit?
Fixed Costs + Target Profit
Contribution per unit
Break-even price: how much do we need to charge for out product in order to
Total Cost
Break-even price =
Price needed to reach a target profit: what price does a business need to charge in
order to reach a target rate of profit?
Margin of safety
The margin of safety is the range of output between the break-even output and the
current level of output (assuming this level of output is above the break-even point), over
which profit is made. Business would want to calculate their margin of safety in order to
know by how much sales could fall before a loss is made. Naturally, the larger the margin
of safety the better. We calculate it by subtracting the break-even output from the
current level of output.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Works well for businesses with • Assumes cost functions are linear but in
standardised products. reality economies of scale affects costs.
• Works well for businesses in one single • Assumes that no discounts will be
market. made.
• Works well for pre-order products. • Assumes all output is sold.
• Static.
• Garbage in garbage out.
• Qualitative factors can affect
• Only suitable for single product firms.
Shareholders: share owners are interested to see where money was spent, and the return
on investments. They can then decide whether to hold, sell or buy more shares.
Employees: staff might want to assess the likelihood of pay increase and job security.
Managers: use financial accounts to judge the operational efficiency of their
organisations. It can be useful for target setting and strategic planning.
Competitors: rivals are interested in the final accounts to make comparisons of financial
Government: tax authorities examine accounts of businesses, especially large
multinationals to ensure they pay the right amount of tax.
Financiers: financial lenders such as banks or business angels scrutinise the accounts
before providing any funds.
Potential investors: private institutional investors use accounts and ratio analysis to
assess whether investments would be financially worthwhile.
• Integrity.
• Objectivity.
• Professional competence and due care.
• Confidentiality.
• Professional behaviour.
Profit and loss account for the for the year ended 1 April 20
Trading account
Cost of goods sold ! COGS
Shows the difference
Opening stock 200 ! OS between revenue and
production costs, thus
Purchases 100 !P
showing gross profit
Closing stock 100 ! CS
200 ! COGS = OS + P CS
Gross profit 250 ! GP = SR COGS
Net profit after interest and tax 82.8 ! NPAIT = NPBT tax
Appropriation account
Dividends (30%) 24.84 Shows how the net profit
Retained profit (70%) 57.96 after interest and tax is
Company Date
Fixed assets
Premises 1500
Machinery and equipment 500
2000 ! Total fixed assets
Current assets
Cash 250
Debtors 30
Stocks 200
480 ! Total current assets
Current liabilities
Short term loans 15
Trade creditors 250
Taxation 35
Dividends 20
320 ! Total current liabilities
Net current assets 160 ! AKA Working capital = current assets current liabilities
Total assets less current liabilities 2160 ! Fixed assets + current assets current liabilities
Financed by:
Share capital 1000
Retained profit 60
• Balance sheets are static, and so the financial position of a firm may be largely different
every day.
• Figures are not completely accurate, the value of fixed assets can only be known once
they are sold.
• Since there is no specific format globally, it may be difficult to compare balance sheets
with competitors.
• Not all assets are included in balance sheets, including intangible assets and the value
of human capital.
• Brand.
• Patents.
• Copyright.
• Goodwill.
• Registered Trademarks.
3.4.6 Depreciation
Depreciation indicates how much of fixed asset’s value has been used up. Machinery the
business bought a year ago will not have the same value now. This is because the asset is
used in production. Two methods of calculating depreciation:
This method assumes that a fixed asset depreciates by the same value every year.
Thus, if a piece of machinery for ABC Ltd. originally costs =C28 000 and the residual
value is estimated at =C4 000 and expected life at 4 years, depreciation allowance would be:
= C4000
Depreciation allowance = = =C6000
So, how do we see what the value of a fixed asset will be in those 4 years? We make a
table, where following the idea of the straight line method, we subtract the same
depreciation allowance each year.
Advantages Disadvantages
ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE Profitability and liquidity ratio analysis
This method assumes that the depreciation charge in the early years of an asset’s life
should be higher than in later years, which is more realistic. To do this, the asset must be
written off by the same percentage rate each year.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Can give a more accurate figure. • More realistic in representing the falling
market value of a fixed asset over time.
• Not as straight-forward.
• Depreciation value is subjective.
Profitability ratios help show how well a business is doing and they are focused on
profit, capital employed and total revenue. The profit figure alone is not a useful
performance indicator because it is necessary to look at the value of profit in relation to
the value of turnover or the amount of money that has been invested in the business.
• Raise revenue.
• Reduce direct costs.