Boukhriss AECE
Boukhriss AECE
Boukhriss AECE
Abstract—The objective of this work is to propose an active In addition to conventional MPPT methods, soft
disturbance rejection control (ADRC) for a two-stage grid- computing techniques are increasingly used in PV systems,
connected photovoltaic (PV) array. ADRC combined with such as fuzzy logic control FLC, artificial neural network
incremental conductance (ADRC_IncCond) is used to extract
ANN, genetic algorithm GA etc.
the maximum power from the PV array and compared to the
fuzzy logic control (FLC) and the perturb and observe (P&O) FLC is very robust, it does not require accurate
algorithm. A two-stage inverter is also controlled by ADRC to mathematical models. It has a fast response and less
keep the DC bus voltage constant and provide a unity power oscillation under changing atmospheric conditions [15-18].
factor to the power supplied to the grid. The performance of However, it remains complex and its effectiveness depends
the control is evaluated, under varying atmospheric conditions, on the performance of the designer and the accuracy of the
by simulations in the Matlab Simulink environment.
Index Terms—fuzzy logic control, maximum power tracking,
Simulations show that the ANN variable step-size has a
photovoltaic system, reactive power control, voltage control. fast tracking speed, less oscillation and good efficiency
compared to the fixed ANN step-size which has the same
I. INTRODUCTION drawbacks as the P&O technique [19-20], nevertheless, it
remains very complex and expensive and requires a lot of
The number of new renewable energy plants, namely
information on PV parameters.
wind and solar photovoltaic, is increasing worldwide. The
In addition of the MPPT control, the inverter must be
global trend is to reduce the impact of polluting fossil fuels
controlled. In the literature, PI controllers are widely used
[1-2]. Despite their intermittent nature, the diversification of
due to their simple design. However, they have limitations
sites and the nature of the production process used: solar or
and weaknesses with respect to internal system disturbances.
wind, these production plants can participate in the
To avoid problems related to non-linearities and internal
secondary regulation of the network frequency, or even in
disturbances in systems, non-linear control methods are
the primary regulation, thanks to the reliability of current
widely used such as sliding mode control, back-stepping
weather forecasts [3-4].
control etc. [21-22].
In this work, a grid-connected photovoltaic system is
In this work, active disturbance rejection control ADRC
studied. Two configurations are widely used. The first one
will be applied. This technique allows real-time rejection of
has a single stage, i.e. the PV panel is directly connected to
disturbances, whether internal or external, and does not
the grid via an inverter [5-6], while the second one has an
require detailed knowledge of the mathematical model of
intermediate stage (DC/DC converter) between the PV panel
the system. Its linear form (linear active disturbance
and the inverter. The two-stage system keeps the DC bus
rejection control LADRC) is simple in design and
voltage constant at the input of the inverter, thanks to the
application for system control [23-25].
MPPT control of the boost converter [7].
This technique will be applied to the control of the
The main objective is to inject the generated electrical
inverter in order to maintain a constant voltage at the DC
energy into the electrical grid, guaranteeing a unit power
bus and to ensure a unity power factor for the power fed into
factor, a minimum distortion rate and a maximum power
the grid. On the other hand, a combination of incremental
extraction from the PV array. In this regard, DC/DC
conductance and active disturbance rejection control
converter is controlled in MMPT mode to extract the
ADRC_IncCond will be used to control the DC/DC
maximum power from the PV. Several techniques are used
converter to ensure the maximum power point MPP from
in the literature. Perturb and observe technique P&O is
PV array.
widely used for its simplicity of implementation, but it
The rest of this article is organized as follows. The design
exhibits oscillations around the maximum power point when
of the system structure is described in Section 2. In Section
environmental conditions change rapidly [8-10].
3, the overview of the mathematical model of the system is
Incremental conductivity IncCond is also one of the most
presented. Section 4 describes the ADRC control technique.
widely used MPPT techniques, overcoming some of the
In Section 5, ADRC_IncCond, FLC and P&O techniques
drawbacks of the P&O strategy. Many research studies have
are applied to the first stage, while the ADRC is applied to
shown that IncCond outperforms P&O in terms of tracking
the second stage. Simulations results are presented in
efficiency, rise time, fall time and dynamic response [11-
Section 6 and finally a conclusion in Section 7.
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o (RT, LT) represent the total resistances and inductances, this purpose, an extended state vector is constructed with an
in per unit, of the transformer windings referred to the additional state, namely the function f assumed to be
low voltage. differentiable and defined as follows:
X x1 xn1 y y y n1 f (12)
E. DC Bus Voltage Mode x2 xn
The power flow equations through the DC bus voltage are Equation (9) is written as:
given as follows:
x1 x2
dV 3
CDCVDC DC PPV Vgd I gd (6) x x bu
dt 2 n n 1 (13)
Equation (6) in per unit becomes: xn 1 h ; h f
y x1
dV 3
CDCVDC DC b PPV Vgd I gd (7) or in matrix form:
dt 2
or in the linear form: X AX Bu Eh (14)
dw 3 where:
b PPV Vgd I gd (8)
dt CDC 0 1 0 0 0
where: PPV is the photovoltaic power and w VDC 2 . 0 0 1 b 0
0 0 0 n 1 n 1 0 n 11 1 n 11
We assume that losses power in the boost converter,
inverter, filter and transformer are neglected. The extended state observer ESO is then constructed for
(14) as:
The ADRC structure is becoming more and more popular,
Z AZ Bu G y y
y CZ
several authors have been interested in its description and
Z z z z t
analysis [24], [26-28]. 1 2 n 1
external. We note that for this system, only the order and the the setting, i are chosen to have:
parameter b are given. s n 1 1 s n n s n 1 ( s 1) n 1 (17)
Since the detailed mathematical system model is
unknown, the ADRC provides an alternative way to control
this kind of problem by estimating and rejecting in real time n 1!
i i 1, 2..n 1 (18)
the totality of the perturbations f. i ! n 1 i !
We denote by f the estimate of the totality of The characteristic polynomial of (15) then becomes:
s sI A GC s 0
disturbances. By choosing a control law in the form: (19)
f u0 This reduces the ESO setting to a single parameter 0 .
u (10)
With a well-tuned observer, the original NLTV system (9) B. Control Low
is reduced to an equivalent cascaded integrator system The control law u allows the system to be reduced to a
which is easily controlled (where u0 is the new control input cascade of integrators, which can be controlled by a
signal): generalized PD controller. We define:
f u0 r yr , y r , , yr r1 , r2 , , rn
n 1
y f b
u0 (11)
Nevertheless, such an approach is only justified if an o r1 denotes the input bounded reference signal, which the
estimation of perturbations is possible. This is the purpose output should follow according to the control law;
and role of the extended state observer (ESO). o ri its (i-1)th derivative for i = 2…n.
A. Extended State Observer We then write:
The ADRC relies on the proper operation of the ESO and u0 gi ri zi (21)
its ability to establish a good estimate of perturbations. For i 1
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where:gi are non-linear functions. the PV generator. In case of low photovoltaic production,
NB: in linear form, functions gi are replaced by constants the missing energy will be taken from the grid.
coefficients ki. In order to control the DC/AC converter, two cascaded
We define: loops are used. The slower one controls the DC bus voltage
ei ri xi
xi xi zi
(i 1..n)
(i 1..n 1)
VDC. The other, faster one, controls direct and quadratic
currents (Id&Iq) flowing through the RL filter.
The state equation for the dynamic error is written as: A. Current Control (Intern Loop)
e Ae Bx (23)
Equation (5) of the filter associated to the transformer is
where: written in ADRC canonical form as:
dI gd
0 1 0 0 f d I gd , d , t bo _ d ud
dIdt (26)
0 0 1 0 gq f q I gq , d , t bo _ q uq
k1 kn 2 kn 1 kn nn dt
0 0 0
f d I gd , d , t
Vgd RTot I gd LTot I gq
0 0 0 where:
k1 kn 1 n n 1 b bo _ d Vcd
e1 x1
e ; x
f q I gq , d , t b
Vgq RTot I gq LTot I gd
en n1 xn 1 n 11 o
The ki terms are chosen so that the polynomial b bo _ q Vcq
n n 1
( s kn s k1 ) is of type Hurwitz. As before, to o ud Vcd and uq Vcq
simplify the design of the controller, we take:
o bo _ d and bo _ q are two parameters to estimate and they
s n kn s n 1 k1 s c
are typically chosen equal. A first approximation might
n! be: bo _ d bo _ q b
ki cn 1i (25) LTot
i 1 ! n 1 i !
and ωc>0 represents the controller bandwidth, which make o Quadratic current reference I q _ ref is set to be zero, thus
the closed loop characteristic polynomial to have n poles at
only active power is flowing through filter and reactive
- ωc.
power is null.
In practice, ω0 is often chosen in the range of 3~7ωc,
o Direct current reference I d _ ref is generated by the DC
which allows to simplify the tuning of the linear ADRC to a
single parameter ωc. voltage controller.
For the first order system (n=1): o The shift angle induced by DY transformer will be take
o The ESO setting is: into account to evaluate the reference value U abc _ ref
2 2
1 2
Z 1 ; 1 2 ; 1 1 02 20
z g
2 20 0
used for the inverter PWM block to generate the
appropriates IGBTs-Diodes switching signals (Fig. 8).
o The control low setting is: B. DC Bus Voltage Control
r yr ; k1 c ; u0 k1 yr z1 Equation (8) can be writing into ADRC canonical form
f z ; u u0 f u0 z2 as:
b0 b0
f w w, d , t bw 0 uw
ADRC schematic diagram is illustrated in Fig. 6. dt (27)
uw I gd
o f w w, d , t b PPV Vgd I gd bw 0 I gd
o bw 0 is the parameter to estimate.
Figure 6. A first order system ADRC structure Fig. 8 represents the schematic control diagram applied to
the inverter.
The DC/AC inverter can supply 250 KW to a three-phase
load connected to the grid. Depending on the weather
conditions, the load will be supplied totally or partially by
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230 210
205 240
220 200
Figure 11. Overview of the MPPT schematic diagram 210 235
0.42 0.44 1.22 1.24 1.26 1.28
simulations under Matlab simulink software. The grid- Figure 13. Output PV power
connected photovoltaic system consists of 135 strings of 5 600
modules in series to cut 250 KW. The characteristics of the
U dc (V)
proposed control strategies. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Three control schemes are applied to the boost converter Time (s)
to track the maximum power point MPP under atmospheric Figure 14. DC bus voltage
variations. We first applied the ADRC_IC control, then FLC
and finally the classical P&O algorithm. While the converter It should be noted, as discussed in previous studies [23-
was kept under control, for all three strategies, using the 24], that ADRC is one of the most robust control methods. It
ADRC control for both the external loop (DC bus voltage) is able to provide good control even if the system is subject
and internal loop (direct and quadratic currents in dq-axis to variations in its internal or external parameters. Indeed, its
reference). design does not require exact knowledge of the system.
PV system and control parameters used in the simulations The current waveform at bus 2 is practically sinusoidal
are listed respectively in Table III and Table IV. and has a zero phase shift with respect to the voltage at the
To evaluate the effectiveness of the control, the system is output of the transformer (Fig. 15 and Fig.16), which means
subjected to a step change in irradiance from 1000 W/m2 to that no reactive power flow is exchanged with the grid, as
800 W/m2 at time t=0.4s. A second step change is applied expected by the inverter control (Fig. 17).
from 800 W/m2 to 1000 W/m2 at time t=1.2s. The powers in buses 1 and 2 are presented in Fig. 17, it
The temperature is also varied from 25 oC to 45 oC at time can be seen that the 250 KW load absorbs all the energy it
t=0.8s, followed by a variation from 45 oC to 25 oC at time needs from the PV generator as long as the standard
t=1.6s (Fig. 12). conditions are met (1000 W/m2 and 25°C). If this is not the
As shown in Fig. 13, maximum power is extract from PV case, the energy deficit is supplied by the grid. Similarly, if
array for the three MPPT strategies (254 KW in standard there is no load or if the load is less than 250 KW, the PV
test conditions 1000 W/m2 and 25°C). By zooming in on the array injects the excess energy directly into the grid.
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