Intecxass18 1
Intecxass18 1
Intecxass18 1
Introductory Econometrics
Robert M. Kunst
October 15, 2016, answers to be submitted by October 22
yi = β0 + β1 xi + ui .
We know the formula for its OLS slope estimate β̂1 and for the R2 .
Older textbooks sometimes recommended running the ‘reverse re-
gression’, with the roles of x and y exchanged, i.e.
xi = γ0 + γ1 yi + vi .
yi = β0 + β1 xi + ui ,
yi = γxi + vi .
Show that minimization of the sum of squared residuals for the ho-
mogeneous regression
(yi − γ̂xi )2
This is still not the formula for the variance of the intercept estimate
that appears on the slides
σ2 x2
var(β̂0 ) = ∑n i=1 i 2
n i=1 (xi − x̄)
Please show that the two formulas are identical.
2. Something on multiple regression:
Someone wants to regress the grade point average on the height and weight
of n students. Let us assume that all Gauss-Markov conditions are fulfilled,
except for one specific problem (such that for example problem (b) is
not there for questions (a) and (c), which allows studying each problem
independently). Please evaluate whether the following issues really violate
the Gauss-Markov conditions and which one:
(a) Students whose family name starts with a vowel have a 10% larger
error variance than students whose name starts with a consonant;
(b) Height and weight are strongly correlated, with a correlation coeffi-
cient of around 0.9;
(c) The students in the upper weight decile are known to have a high
probability of abusing weight-loss drugs, the ingestion of which has
a negative influence on student performance.
3. Again consider simple regression. We know that under the first four Gauss-
Markov assumptions OLS is unbiased. Now consider the following ‘alter-
native’ slope estimator, assuming the sample size n > 2:
y2 − y1
β̃1 =
x2 − x1
Show that this estimator is unbiased under the Gauss-Markov assump-
tions. Why would we rather not use this alternative estimator and prefer