Project Quality Plan
Project Quality Plan
Project Quality Plan
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
5.2 Documentation........................................................................................................................... 7
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
11.0 ATTACHMENT.................................................................................................................................19
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
The purpose of this Quality Plan is to define AJPE Project Quality Management System.
The scope of this Quality Plan includes Design, Built, Fabrication & Erection of TES Tank and Steel
Structure Fabrication works as per the Project- TAWEELAH Gas Compressor Project, Abu Dhabi done
by AJPE at the workshop and jobsite.
This Quality Plan includes activities stipulated in the contract and specifications incorporating the
quality requirements in accordance with ISO 9001:2008.
4.1 Organization
The interrelation between personnel who perform, manage and verify work affecting the Quality
Control System described in this Quality Plan.
4.2 Responsibilities
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
Managing Director
The Managing Director is responsible for forming and evaluating the company’s goal, direction and
strategies. He collaborates with the management team to carry out the set goals.
The Snr. Project Manager directs the activities of Project Managers. He ensures that the managers have
resources necessary to complete projects including materials, trained staff, and funding. He offers advice
and assistance to his managers, which includes keeping the team accountable for the goals of the project.
Project Manager
The Project Manager shall be ultimately responsible for the planning, executing and finalizing projects
according to strict deadlines and within budget. This includes acquiring resources and coordinating the
efforts of team members and contractors or consultants in order to deliver projects according to plan. The
Project Manager will also define the project’s objectives and oversee quality control throughout its
QHSE Manager
The QHSE Manager is the Management Representative with the necessary authority and responsibility for
ensuring that the requirements of this Quality Plan are established, implemented and maintained. He is
the final authority on quality matters and represents AJPE on all Quality Issues pertinent to the project. He
ensures that safety systems are implemented on site and ensure the provision of continued on-site
support by means of inspections, follow-up and internal audits
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
Project Engineer
The Project Engineer is responsible for the coordination of all technical activities on assigned projects. He
plans and coordinates assigned engineering work which includes monitoring of works to applicable
standards and codes. He ensures effective communication and coordination between all disciplines and all
project participants.
QC Inspector
The QC Inspector is responsible for the quality control activities such as verification of implementation of
inspection plans within the assigned project. He monitors the performance and overall progress of
construction inspections to ensure adherence to the quality plan. He maintains quality records in support
of activities in area of responsibility.
HSE Officer
The HSE Officer is responsible for the site inspection to ensure that safety procedures and regulations are
strictly followed. He assist in helping the workforce understand job hazards and safety precautions.
The Project Quality Management Systems is applied to all the project activities including overall
project control, design, management, planning, engineering, procurement, construction, inspection
and testing.
5.2 Documentation
The documents of PQMS will be controlled. The controls needed as below are defined in documented
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
Records are generated and maintained in order to demonstrate achievements of the required quality of
service and effective operation of the documented Quality System. Retention times of records are
detailed in the Master list.
Records are stored and maintained in a way, which would prevent damage, deterioration or loss and are
legible and readily retrievable. Identification, collection, filing, maintenance and retention of records are
carried out by the QC Inspector with the coordination and support from the Project Manager/ Project
Top management ensures that the respective personnel assigned on the project are responsible and
committed, for implementing and ensuring the effectiveness of the project QMS in the company by
providing evidence of:
a) Communicating within the company, the importance of meeting customer and other statutory and
regulatory requirements.
b) Establishing the project QMS policy and objectives and reviewing the performance against the
objectives set during project reviews/management review.
c) Reviewing and provision of necessary resources.
d) Participate in management review and internal audit.
Utilizing the documented QMS, the project management team ensures that customer requirements are
determined and that customer satisfaction is the underlying aim of all processes. Additionally, AJPE’s
project management teams, from time to time, directly interact with customers to assess their needs,
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
requirements and overall satisfaction with AJPE and its projects. This information is fed back to the
project management team during management review meetings.
6.3 Planning
The management of AJPE ensures that, planning of QMS is carried out to meet the project’s requirements.
The Project Manager prepares a Program of Works for the project. The monitoring of detailed fabrication/
erection schedule and the progress is the responsibility of the Project Engineer. List of documents are
prepared and maintained by the Project Engineer which serves as the planning for the submission and
approval status for all the document deliverables.
The management of AJPE ensures that the responsibilities and authorities are defined and communicated
within the project organization. The responsibilities and authorities are defined in Section 2 of this Quality
PQMS review meetings are conducted once in six months covering the agenda as per ISO 9001:2008. The
review forum is chaired by the Managing Director. The focus of this meeting is to evaluate the
effectiveness of PQMS to recommend areas for improvement. The agenda are described below:
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
The top management of AJPE ensures that adequate resources required for nurturing the project QMS
are provided. The resources include man, material, machine, method, PPE, environment and
infrastructure for:
Personnel with adequate training & skills are deployed to perform specific assigned tasks. Resources
provided are:
a) Competent personnel
b) Trained and certified workers for the project execution
c) Trained internal auditors
d) PPE
e) Preventive maintenance
f) Measuring & monitoring equipment
g) Adequate handling and storage facilities
HR / Admin Department in the Head Office is overall responsible to determine and provide with adequate
number of personnel with the required competencies (educational qualifications, training, skills and
experience) as and when required by the Project Manager after the approval of Snr. Project Manager.
Project specific training like safety induction, welder qualification is maintained by the Project Engineer.
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
7.3 Infrastructure
The top management of AJPE determines and provides infrastructure needed to execute the projects.
Appropriate maintenance and other applicable functions; ensure that these infrastructures are suitably
maintained. The organization shall provide the necessary infrastructure like equipped buildings,
associated utilities, process equipment, communication and logistics.
The top management of AJPE determines and manages the work environment by continuously
emphasizing and up keeping of office premises, site offices / work area. Safety walkthrough will be carried
out by site safety officers to determine the safety lapses, unsafe act / unsafe condition at work sites.
The product realization processes is consistent with the process of the quality management system of the
company. While project execution, AJPE shall consider the following as appropriate:
a) Project scope and objectives
b) Processes, resources – manpower, utilities and BOQ required
c) Drawings from consultants/main contractors
d) Verification, validation, inspection, measuring and test activities specific to the project
e) Quality / HSE plan for the project.
f) Day to day reporting and other records to be maintained by the project team/plant departments.
The project master schedule shall be made by the Project Manager covering all the important
milestones, activities and services that are essential for project execution.
8.2 Customer Related Process
The Contracts Engineer will be responsible to review the complete scope of work/tender documents as
received. The review shall be conducted prior to the estimation and BOQ, before the submittals of tender
documents. AJPE shall ensure that:
a) Scope of work matches with the tender documents reviewed
b) BOQ matches with the drawings received from contractors/client
c) AJPE and its capability to execute and complete the projects/product
d) Previously agreed pricelist (if any), addition of equipments supply (firefighting / security
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
devices) or clear statement of technical / commercial scope of work specific to the tender.
AJPE shall not execute any verbal content provided, even if the content specific to supply / addition of
equipments/devices, unless otherwise a formal work order /email received from the client. While any
formal changes/additions of equipments, changes in drawings received, the project execution team shall
be informed and relevant documents will be supplied. In case if the project execution team receives any
such information, the Project Director shall be consulted before execution/supply of equipments.
AJPE shall implement effective arrangements for communicating with customers in relation to: project
information; enquiries; contracts or order handling, including changes; customer feedback, including
customer complaints. This is accomplished through direct interactions with the customer by AJPE’s project
execution team personnel whether in person or via phone, fax or email.
Design Planning
Based on the Program of Works prepared by the Project Manager, the design planning is developed. The
design and development activities are assigned to trained and qualified personnel. The design
documentation will include the methods, formulas and calculation like:
a) Design/ Engineering - (basic design & detailed drawing, calculations & reports, drafting,
materials submissions & requisitions, etc.)
b) Welding Procedure Specification & Qualification
c) Inspection & Test Plans, QC Procedures
d) Method Statements for Fabrication & Erection
Design Input
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
Design Output
Design Review
The design and development output will be reviewed by the Design Manager / Engineering Manager (with
similar design, alternate calculations, previous test records etc.). The Design Manager / Engineering
Manager will conduct the final design review.
The design and development verification record will be conducted and documented by the Design
Manager / Engineering Manager. Design review will also be treated as design verification.
Initial drawings are sent to the Client for acceptance, when required by the Contract, and distributed to
the Process and Production Planning and Quality Control Department for preliminary activity only.
Upon the approval by the Client, the drawings are identified as "Approved for Construction". The same is
considered as design verification.
Based on the project specification and approved drawings, Engineering Department shall define the
quality requirements of the job while the QHSE Department is responsible to verify that requirements for
quality are satisfied during fabrication activities.
The records of performed tests, issued and collected, are the evidence of this part of validation. The
clearance given by the customer at the time of installation and commissioning is treated as the design
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
Design Changes
Changes required in the design and development will be identified, documented, reviewed by the Design
Manager / Engineering Manager. The Design Manager / Engineering Manager will carry out evaluation of
the effect of design changes. The same functionaries who performed the original design will control
design changes.
Changes and modifications may arise due to Client’s request, design verification, fabrication, etc. When
there is an urgent need for a minor design change, Design Change Notice is issued instead of revising the
drawing. These changes will be reflected on the next revision of drawings.
As-built drawings will reflect records of all changes made during fabrication and construction/installation,
changes arising from non-conformities, revised construction drawings and final dimensional inspection
8.4 Purchasing
AJPE shall ensure that materials/services purchased for the project/plant needs meet the requirements of
specified project/purchase requirements. The type and extent of control applied to supplier and the
purchased materials or equipments, shall depend upon the effect of the materials purchased while
project is delivered, where required within warranty and during the maintenance period
AJPEC shall evaluate and select the suppliers / partners based on the ability to supply the materials /
equipments in accordance with the project requirements. Criteria for selection, evaluation and re-
evaluation are performed by Purchasing Department. Records of evaluation and results of evaluation shall
be maintained.
Purchase Requisition
Based on project specifications, data sheets and approved drawings, the Engineering department specifies
the material, items and services to be purchased and relevant requirements by issuing the Material
Consumable Requisition.
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
The Storekeeper shall verify against Purchase Order (PO) and Purchase Requisition all deliveries to the
site/ workshop. The verification shall be carried out by comparing with approved sample if
appropriate. Certificate shall be verified by QC Inspector. If the item is acceptable the delivery
documents shall be signed by both Storekeeper and QC Inspector. Only accepted product shall be
stored in the site/ workshop. The Storekeeper shall update stock register.
If the product does not comply with PO requirements or fails to match with approved sample, the item
shall be rejected and a Non-Conformance Report (NCR) shall be issued to the supplier. Copy of NCR shall
be given to Procurement Department for further action.
In case any rejected product needs to be stored on site for a while till a decision is made on disposition,
the item must be identified appropriately and segregated in order to avoid any inadvertent use.
Projects department shall be responsible for project execution. The project execution shall be done in
controlled conditions. Controlled conditions include:
AJPE shall validate process for production and service provision, where resulting output cannot be verified
during project execution/product realization, handover or completion, where deficiencies become
apparent only after the completion. Validation shall demonstrate the ability of these processes to achieve
planned results.
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
Materials and equipment are identified by their self-identity, trade names or general name/terminology
used in the construction industry. Individual part like beam, column, plate is identified by suitable number
or description as detailed in approved drawings.
All documents, drawings, inspection records etc. are identified by appropriate title, unique number etc.
Traceability of purchased materials and products shall be maintained to the extent required by individual
contract. All inspection and test reports should have adequate information for traceability purpose.
Customer Property
All customer supplied products shall be inspected and checked on receipt for identity markings,
damages, and specification and quality standards against relevant Customer’s delivery documents.
Customer supplied products include drawings, specifications etc. provided for construction purposes
shall be checked on receipt for completeness, drawing numbers, specifications and stated quality
Project materials, products and equipment, regardless of source or size, shall be handled properly to
maintain conformity to requirements. Procurement Manager shall ensure that any specific requirements
for handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery are clearly indicated to the suppliers.
Project Engineer shall ensure that suitable handling equipment for all tasks is provided to personnel, and
that the personnel are instructed in the correct use of handling equipment for the work tasks they
perform. The responsibility for this instruction may be delegated, by the Project Manager to the Foremen
responsible in each area or activity.
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
Project Manager shall ensure that suitable storage areas and in appropriate environment are provided for
all materials. Storage areas shall be maintained in a clean and tidy condition. Where appropriate, storage
areas shall be clearly marked.
AJPE shall ensure that monitoring and measurements equipment used for projects execution /
production activities are suitable and calibrated at regular intervals as per the defined time period.
The related documents shall be maintained with QHSE department which includes Calibration
Certificates and Calibration List.
9.1 General
AJPE has planned and implemented the monitoring, measurement, analysis and improvement processes
a) To demonstrate conformity to the projects and services
b) To ensure conformity to PQMS
c) To continually improve the effectiveness of the PQMS
Customer Satisfaction
AJPE shall monitor its customer’s perception by conducting customer satisfaction survey once during the
project duration. If the project duration is more than 12 months, the survey shall be taken at least twice
during the project duration.
Customer complaints will be received, analyzed and incorporated for continuous improvement of process
/ product / system.
Internal Audit
AJPE shall plan and conduct the internal audits to determine whether the PQMS conforms to the policies
and procedures drafted and if implemented and maintained effectively.
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
Documented procedure is established including audit planning for complete PQMS and projects, taking
actions on non-conformities observed during the audit, Non-conformance closure, audit planning and
scheduling, criteria and methods shall be defined. The audit plan shall be made taking in to the
consideration of status and importance of projects, department/process being audited.
All processes are inspected / tested in accordance with the ITP/procedure. Incoming inspection, in-
process inspection and final inspection shall be conducted during the project execution and shall show
conformity to the acceptance criteria.
AJPE shall ensure that the item which does not conform to the requirements is identified, documented,
evaluated, and segregated for disposition to the concerned departments/ sections.
It is the responsibility of all employees to report discovered or potential nonconformities at any stage of
the processes to prevent unplanned use, application or installation of nonconforming product / service.
Non-conformity register is maintained and all the above types of non-conformities observed, action taken
will be recorded.
AJPE determines, collects and analyzes appropriate data to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness
of the PQMS, and to evaluate its continual improvement.
Trends are analyzed and compared to overall business goals and objectives as a means for identifying
opportunities for preventive action and continual improvement. Project Manager performs these analyses
in preparation for and during the Management Reviews.
Continual Improvement in each area is part of the PQMS policy and objectives of the company. These are
achieved through analysis of the results of internal audits, service/product non-conformances, customer
complaints and feedback, employees’ suggestion and by identifying corrective and preventive action.
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
The corrective action shall be taken to eliminate the causes of non-conformities in order to prevent its
recurrence. Documented procedure is established to review, determine root cause analysis, detailed
incident investigation, recording the results of review / incident investigation and reviewing its
The preventive action shall be taken in order to prevent the occurrence of non-conformities and other
desirable potential situations. Preventive action possibilities are as follows:
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
Project progress shall be monitored and from the data gathered issues that have effect shall be
discussed and corrected where possible with the objective of completing work on schedule.
In order to continually improve relation with customer, feedback being gathered and this shall be
analyzed and any downward trends investigated and corrective action proposed initiated and verified.
Accident and incident figures shall be gathered and analyzed in order to minimize lost time. Injury to
personnel and any damages, material or environment.
Quality awareness and communication will be increased by the initiation of project quality meeting or
on a bi-monthly basis topics to be discussed will include lessons learned from previous month, non-
conformity, proposal of preventive action and resources.
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
The Quality system established and maintained by AJPEC specifies the principles procedures and sequences to
used in order to ensure that the products and services offered by the company conform to the specified
In order to establish the objective evidence of Quality in its functioning, the Managers of AJPEC have made a
policy decision that all activities provided by the company shall be governed by a Quality system meeting the
requirements of ISO 9001: 2008.
The AJPEC Project Manager Team shall identify the installation processes, which directly affects quality and shall
ensure that these processes are carried out according to the documented work instructions and procedures
defining the manner according to which installation shall proceed.
These quality requirements shall be extended to all sub-contractors. In order to achieve this objective, the
Project Manager shall appoint a subcontracts controller who shall be responsible for the surveillance of the sub-
contractors activities accordance with relevant procedures and specifications. The sub-contractors controller
shall control the interfaces between the various departments and the sub contractors.
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO)
Subcontract for General Construction Works
Taweelah Gas Compressor Station Project
Agreement No. 13529604
Our vision is to transform the company into a customer and results oriented, and team focused organization.
This transformation will happen through a process of educating, guiding, mentoring and motivating employees
at every level to encourage initiatives and creativity; which in turn will improve overall performance of the
company in its mission to better serve its customers.
Our mission is to become the best company in its field of work, while maintaining the profitability of the
company to ensure its long-term survival.
Al Jaber Energy Services LLC, PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel: 02 5546550. Fax: 02 5546106