Accepting For Honor

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1Accepting for Honor.    – Usufruct.

    By Boris Erickson

Use the statutes.

38 Stat 265 (12 USC 411) demand for lawful money for all transactions.
40 Stat 415 Trading With the Enemy Act,/(12 USC 95a(2)) for acquittance and discharge.
32 Stat 1803 Hague Treaty Series 403, Articles 43 and 55
22 Stat 940 Treaty series 377 International Red Cross Convention 1864
Lieber Code general orders 100, Articles 32 and 38
Law of Nations Book 1, 192 and 196

Using your receipt for BC, not as value, but to obtain indemnification.    When you do acceptances, you are accepting it on behalf of the
name on the BC, so you give your interest to the state of birth as the custodian for that estate, then take your interest and release the expectancy,
which is all the value of the interest that ever incurs to it over your lifetime, and you release it to and for the account of the United States as a pledge
to the SS account created for that name.    That should account for and discharge any debt, duty and obligation associated with it, and give you
peaceful enjoyment of person and property.
We got a letter from an SEC lawyer today.    There is a call protection on the SS bond.    A call protection means the beneficiary cannot
collect the maturity of the bond.    SS bonds are not marginable, meaning the beneficiary cannot draw a line of credit from the bond because that is
what the U.S. government does, as well as debtors.    The line of credit off our SS bonds . . . secured by 14 th Amendment.    There cannot be any sight
drafts or claim on the federal government based on a BC.    Anyone trying to draw down on a SS bond without first doing a    trust transfer could be
facing trouble with the law, as well as lawful and legal problems.    You must first deposit something into the SS account.    You have to deposit
something into it.    There is a three step process to acceptances.
1.    Accept the offer.
2.    Transfer the interest to the birth certificate (BC) to the trustee, because they are holding all the titles in abeyance.
3.    Take the expectancy of the interest and release it back to the United States for credit to the SS account.
Now the SS account has the credit it needs to account for, extinguish and obliterate any debt, duty or obligation arising against the account
and ensuring quiet enjoyment of person and property.
Q:    Did this lawyer say you have to deposit money into the account?
No, everything is in trust because there is no real consideration.    They seized all the money and took all the assets and are holding them in
trust.    They bill you through the mail, and then they collect, so they are raping and pillaging us.    You have to cut their purse strings.
With the trust, you transfer interest.    If you have a car, do you own the car, or do you just have an interest in the car?    You only have an
interest in the car.    I’m going to put the interest I have in the car, and put it into a trust and take all the expectancy I have in the interest in the trust,
and collateralize it because it emanates from the trust.    That interest is not the property, it is just interest.    Putting interest in the trust is not putting
the property in the trust.    From the interest in the trust, take the expectancy of whatever interest there is, whatever the interest is (value is not
important), and release the interest.    Now they hold the title.    That’s what they want, the title.    Transfer the interest as a pledge to the United States. 
That fulfills your declarational pledge, and turns the SS acc into a pledger security account, and now the custodial account is the Federal Reserve
account on the back side.    [Keep in mind the FRB’s charter expired, and the Treasury is going to take over as the FRB is phased out.    – Ed.]    The
custodian of the interest now has an account to service those interests.    Now it can extinguish debt while in possession of the custodian, the trustee,
the state.    It is trustee with respect to the United States.    The “state of” is a corporation that was created in the civil war, and is subservient of the
military authority put in place right now.    If you keep going on, acting under these statutes, you are under that military authority by your own
election, because it is called an elective franchise.    The fact you have a driver license and SS card does not make you a slave.    What it means is you
need to learn how to operate that stuff.    It is how you are operating it that enslaves you.    As soon as you claim the NAME, you have committed
idolatry and it is over.    That is how they are justifying their position.
Q: about black card and a master number.
As far as I know there is a master account number at the BC level, but I don’t care.    The only thing I care about is that they do their job
while it is in their possession.    It is their job to discharge the debt.    If they are going to argue with you, they are in insurrection and rebelling,
arguing the authority and validity of the United States.    Under their own law, that is called insurrection and rebellion.
Q:    How are we benefitted when they do their job?
We have no debt.
Right now you have a bunch of subcontractors who have been licensed by the military to take care of the people, and they have gone out of
control because they learned how to monetize instruments.
Q:    Let’s simplify what is going on here.    The government owns everything, and we are supposed to interact properly with the trustee,
they are supposed to pay our debts, correct?
Definition of lawful = I’m going to act in honor with my brother, with good faith and clean hands.    Legal = take advantage of everyone.
The people have to do this.    Don’t look outside yourself for the answers.   
You send it to Treasury, and if the creditor doesn’t honor the discharge, you send a claim to Treasury, or to the Post Master, and write up an
affidavit, “This guy dishonored my offer, go liquidate my asset.”    Send your certified mail or registered mail proof.    You are invoking international
law with this, so use the one place where international law exists, which is the Post Office.
We made up a bond, and put the statutes in there and the last half of 12 USC 95(a)(2) and the 14 th Amendment.    Because 95 (2) says it
becomes a public debt obligation.    I want my indemnification, where is it?
Q:    You do an acceptance for value?
Accepted for honor.    Accepted for value does not exist; accepted for honor exists.    Accepted for honor is a promissory note.    You accept
it for honor in behalf of the United States because that is where you are going with it, in exchange for credit so now it is a bill of exchange.   
Unless it is returned dishonored, it is honored.
Q:    So who is dishonoring it?

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The creditor.    You do the process, send a copy to the creditor, and he continues with it, he has dishonored his own presentment because he
didn’t give you the remedy.   
Q:    You are accepting it with the Treasury and with the creditor?
This is my process.    I got sick of them dishonoring it.    So I sent my acceptance to Treasury, and I do a secondary acceptance to the
creditor upon proof of claim that what I did with the Treasury is invalid, that 40 Stat 415 (12 USC 95a(2) assignment of reversion and the release of
expectancy does not achieve acquittance and discharge pursuant to that statute, that 12 USC 95b is not the ratification of the Comptroller to
everything the President and the Secretary of Treasury have done since 1933, and that any further attempt to collect on the debt is not insurrection
and rebellion pursuant to 18 USC 2383, which defines insurrection and rebellion, and leading to an involuntary servitude action under 18 USC 241
and 1584, per Kominsky v. U.S. of 1988.    You agree this name is acquitted and discharged from further obligation.
I just put a Notice.    No affidavit, just Notice.
The first offer I do is handwritten, always.    After that it is no longer a part of my estate.    It is given over to the United States.    Once they
(the creditor) come back, I accept their dishonor and start transferring interest into trust.    Now they are in default.   
So when they go into court, or whatever they do, I bond them.    I just make one up.    It is only for indemnification under the law anyway.   
It is already a guaranteed law of the United States.    What do I care?    We do a bond, no money value on it.    On the bond we say, “You are getting
acquittance and discharge of any further obligation, and the state shall pay your debt, unless you are guilty of insurrection or rebellion.”    You are
giving them permission to do something illegal, like go against the bankers.    You and the United States are one and the same now.
Q:    What title do you use?
We use the office of general executor, and we sign with a seal.    The only thing he signs is to the Treasury.    If you send the court or debt
collectors an original, they think they are getting securities.    Only send copies to them.
If they oppose you, “I nominate you trustee since you know more than I do.”    Give them an IRS form F56.
A guy in Las Vegas, knows nothing but a couple of things, walks into court to endorse a bond for his son, and endorses it 12 USC 95(a)(2). 
The son is released.    He went back for the charges, and he didn’t do the 95(a) thing, but they did reduce the fine.
There never was a debt.    The law cannot demand an impossibility.    It is all fabricated.    There is nothing to discharge.    All debts are pre-
paid.    They are falsifying securities.    It is counterfeiting claims.    They come in under human rights violations to pick fights with you, so you go
against the contract, thus going belligerent against the United States, lose the protection of the state, now they have justification to come in under the
14th Amendment to do a claim for services rendered for suppressing an insurrection and rebellion, you are now labeled a belligerent, and now you are
in prison because you allowed yourself to be pushed into a fight with the neighborhood bully.
When you accept and give back in behalf of the United States, and they go blah, blah, “Do I understand you wish to question the authority
and validity of the laws of the United States?    And where is your license to do that?
Now you hear another blah, blah, because it doesn’t matter what they say.    “Do you wish to continue your insurrection and rebellion?”   
You are setting it up.    You are using the laws of the United States, and someone tells you that you can’t do that, it is bullshit because they are acting
under color of law.    “Do you wish to continue warring against the laws of the United States?” Now you have made it about something more than
you.    We don’t mean anything to them.
I am the general executor for the beneficiary, the United States.    In a cestui que trust there can be more than one beneficiary.    At this time
the beneficiary is the United States.    The only one that matters to me is that the United States receives the benefit because the people on the other
side won’t let it happen because they keep fighting me, they are not presenting the bond, the warrant the check and everything else that was drawn off
the United States, so I can endorse them, so I have a chance that there not be a debt.
I have enforcement rights over the contract, and that is the only right you need.    What is the contract with regard to the entity you are
using?    It’s purpose was to funnel goods and services from the states to the United States so the states could pay their debts in the international arena,
and the states were acting in belligerency by selling it out the back door to the bankers during the civil war.    [The courts are still doing that.]
Q:    Please define the United States, the beneficiary.   
The United States is a collection of the estates of the People.    Do you think it ever changed?    It is still the collection of the estates of the
People.    The U.S. corporation is the beneficiary of the usufruct of the People.    All the fruit of the people had to be funneled to the United States.   
So they gave us all names as a funnel to the United States, and on the back side of it “Oh, we will take care of everything.”    But the people are using
FRNs, and trading with the enemy.
In order to use the SS account to draw from it, you have to put equity into it.    If you have an expectancy from a tontine insurance policy
(SS), you take your equity and give it to the United States to convert it to credit, which can be seen at law.    You are doing a conversion.    Now you
release it to the United States in exchange for advancements and other considerations, so your advancements are credits to extinguish any debt, duty,
obligation, say on a house.    You also get quiet enjoyment of the property, which means you don’t pay taxes, don’t get loans on it, don’t operate a
business in it.    Keep it outside of commerce.    Take the reversion and now it goes back.    You release the lien on the property by doing the reversion.
The first interest goes to the state:    Transfer to minor Act.    You are transferring all the interest to the minor account.    Now you take that
name and transfer the expectancy of those interests to the United States through the Treasury at the SS level.    Sec of Treasury is the managing trustee
of the SS.    Telling him “I want to exchange the expectancy of the interest in these items for credit to the SS account, to account for, extinguish, and
obliterate any debt, duty or obligation in the account established for the name you are using, the contract, for quiet enjoyment of person and
To the Dept. of Transportation:    “I want to sign the reversionary interest back to the United States as a gift in exchange for the hospitality
and safe harbor.”    He is an authorized receiver under 31 USC 3113 for disposal pursuant to that statute.
These are no longer your interests, you assigned them to the United States.    That vessel (NAME) becomes a bounty hunter.    Now you
have a guy bringing a debt to the United States through insurrection and rebellion (dishonoring your discharge), and now you can initiate an action
against them through the attorney general and get 50%, but give it all to the US.   
I indemnify everyone who assists me.
You put your BC up for a sacrifice.    If you claim to be that thing, it is an idol.   
That all caps name is a U.S. citizen, so they are one and the same.    The U.S. defends its citizens.    So if the creditor will not accept the
discharge, sick the United States on them.
All you have to do is handwrite your acceptance and send to Treasury.

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You can go through your credit report and send that to the Treasury and tell them to take care of all those, too.    When the IRS sends you a
presentment, endorse the payment coupon and return.
For bills:    Write “Accept for honor in behalf of the United States,”on the front and flip it over and write “Pay to the order of United States
Treasury without recourse.”    You can put your name and SSN on it.
Any prerequisites for this?    No.    Put your demand in for lawful money and acquittance and discharge.   
Frivolous filing fines, they are supposed to give you a check.    So accept it.
Q: on authenticating the BC.
Explains the process.    When you get it back, you are holding the original at that point.    When someone says you can’t assign interest in
this and that, you hold it up and say, “I hold the original.”    We put this into the record, so there is a record they can see.   
Q:    Run that part about the interest in the estate by me one more time, please.
Okay, the interest in the estate, which is that name, your interest is whatever that is left over after a tontine policy.    After all the creditors
get paid, you get whatever is left.    So you take your interest in your estate, and I’m going to give it all over to the state to hold in the trust, and then
I’m going to take the expectancy, which is whatever I was to receive from this thing, and I’m going to give it to the United States Treasury so they
can hold it, and I’m gong to exchange it for credit to the SS account.    So now the pledger account has credit in the form of the Federal Reserve
account that is backing it up.    You can choose to draw from it through the bank, or write your own instruments out of Treasury, PNs, whatever you
Q:    At the state level, who am I informing?
We don’t know exactly, so we are informing the Registrar, the governor, the Sec. of State, maybe all three.    We are just doing it.    Send a
copy to the governor, the Sec of State.    Use a simple treaty under the law of nature, and let them rebut that if they want.    Maybe get it authenticated
(I think he means notarized and then get the notary’s signature authenticated).    It is just operation of law.
Q:    The key point is, in 95(a)(2) this is my best good-faith effort.
Right.    You don’t have to go anywhere near what I am going into.    If they resist, do a form F56 and assign them as fiduciary, and tell them
they can take over from here.
Q:    From what I am hearing, you can discharge all your debt, your mortgage, etc.
You are not really discharging anything, you are going to operate the system the way it was designed.    You were not supposed to be
settling these accounts, you weren’t supposed to be paying them.    We got in our own way.    It is about the United States protecting us.    We have to
put something into it.    I call it the debt sucking process.
We are just inhabitants of the earth.    The Articles of Confederation are still there.
Q:    How to handle a court case?    How do you answer when they call the name?
“I’m here for that matter on behalf of the beneficiary.”    Judge will ask who is that?    He says “United States.”    “I am here on behalf of the
beneficiary.    I am here to do a signature by accommodation to effect transfer to the beneficiary, where is the instrument?”   
You are actually signing on behalf of the Treasury now.    You are effectively transfering the instrument to the Treasury in behalf of the
United States, you are effectively a treasury agent, you are under contract.    If the court doesn’t do it, now the court is in dishonor, not to you but to
the United States.    That’s why you send a demand for liquidation (by certified mail) to the Treasury and tell them to liquidate per the terms of the
agreement.    The court decided they were going to war, therefore, their debt is illegal and void, and anything now is yours, because now it is in
service of debt and against insurrection and rebellion, anything they do now, and it operates to the bond, the interest goes to the state, the expectancy
goes to the SS account for credit I can use, and the reversion goes to the United States.    All the property I was to receive, which is all of them and
their properties, that all goes to the U.S.    It puts an effective defensive mechanism in place that is self-automatic.    Either they accept the bond you
offer for indemnification, or they get liquidated.    It is an instantaneous action.    I don’t have to think about it.    It is not me they are dishonoring, it is
the United States.    I’m just here on behalf of the beneficiary to do assignment by accommodation on behalf of the beneficiary to effect transfer of
assets to the beneficiary.    [The reason this is important is because once the debt has been discharged and the assets transferred to the Treasury, the
case is closed against you.]
Q:    And a copy to the AG?    You want to keep the AG in the loop of all communications with all claimants.
The statutes are for the lawyers to use, so that is what they use to collect debt.    You come in with the Statutes-at-Large.    The codes are
totally different.    Bring in Treaty, bring in the Hague, Article 43 and 55; 1907 Hague; International Red Cross Convention August 2, 1864, Article 5,
which is neutrality.
You are always there on behalf of the beneficiary to sign by accommodation to effect transfer of property and assets to the beneficiary.   
You don’t have to tell them you are the executor of the estate or anything else.
Assignment is just a contract.    You contract out your interests and your reversion.    The assignment is a contract.    Now the US becomes a
contract party.    Under 15 USC Part 1, nobody can interfere with that contract, even if it is a form of trust or otherwise, so that makes every court case
illegal because they are trying to get you under constructive contract to violate your contract with the U.S., thus when you violate the contract with
the U.S. you are in breach, once you are in breach you are in belligerency, once you are in belligerency, it is insurrection and rebellion because you
have breached your own contract.
With foreclosures, a legal notice has to be published in a legal newspaper for three weeks, and if you rebut it, they can’t do the sale.    The
order is just a recommendation.    The sheriff has to run it for three weeks, so ask him where he put the notice, because you object to the notice.
Q:    My fiance had court in Florida.    It is a felony case.    She told the judge she wants to fire the lawyer because he lied to her.    The judge
said no, trial is on Monday.   
Go in there on behalf of the beneficiary, so where is the bond?    Put it into the court.    Write it if you have to.    “I am here on behalf of the
beneficiary to transfer assets to the beneficiary, so where is the bond?”
Boris paid a court fee with a closed account check once, and they tried to charge him with using a bogus check.    He asked the interviewer
why the court deposited it in the general operating fund instead of depositing it with the Treasury like they are supposed to?    The guy never came
back.    They are not sending the funds to the Treasury like they are supposed to [is it 28 USC 2041?].    They deposit into the general operating fund
to pay their pensions.    When we do acceptances, they are not getting paid.    Every time you do an acceptance, and say I’m here in behalf of the
beneficiary to offer my signature by accommodation for transfer of assets to the beneficiary, so where is the bond? and they blow you off, you say
“Am I to understand you are dishonoring the offer?”    “I am accepting on behalf of the beneficiary.”    They are dishonoring the beneficiary because

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you are not there on behalf of yourself, you are there on behalf of the beneficiary.    The United States purchased something, so where is the bond?   
So you point to the prosecuting attorney and say, “then I accept whatever the prosecutor is offering with his/her bar card, because that is the only
bond there is.”    Nobody presented you with anything, so accept the bar card as the bond.    They have not presented you with anything, no bond, no
warrant [a payment/check is referred to as a warrant by courts], no instrument, nothing.    If the judge gets in the way, I accept his pension as his bond,
because now they are in insurrection and rebellion.    Why should they get paid anything when they are in insurrection and rebellion?
Once you accept on behalf of the United States, it is no longer yours.    You are now the enforcer of a contract and the beneficiary is the
U.S.    I am the trustee of every matter regarding that name.    Why?    Because the United States is the beneficiary, and that jerk (judge) is getting in
the way.
Q:    Why do you need a bond?
How are they going to indemnify people?    If they are out there doing this at will, who is going to protect the collateral?    You are the
collateral for the national debt.    They have to protect the collateral.    Read Article 55 of the Hague.    This capital must be safeguarded at all times.    I
don’t mind being human capital.    Why?    Because I must be protected at all costs.    The human capital is now acting as a debt sucking mechanism.   
Here, I’ll take this debt and get rid of it, and that way they don’t have to go to war and liquidate delinquent creditors (debtors?).    War is liquidation
of delinquent creditors, the people.    You have to be a creditor, so give your credit to suck the debt out of existence, so there is no debt to go to war
Q:    So the bond is there in case there is an injury.    This attorney says there is a controversy.
It is insurance.    In a criminal matter, you confess and avoid.    You plead guilty to the charges, but the charges are never yours.    They don’t
charge you, they are charging an account.    You are there on accommodation.    I did this.    You can’t do child molestation and immoral things,
because some things are just not acceptable to society.    If you are not looking to get away with something, then what you did was lawful, you plead
to the facts, I drove without a license.    Will it happen again?    Most likely.    You are there on behalf of the beneficiary to accept the presentment and
offer signature in accommodation to effect a transfer.    If they are not going to do it, you accept the dishonor, because that is the only way you can
enter a plea to the facts.    You have to plead, but how can you if they don’t give you the bond to do it?    How can I appear to do it unless you give me
the bond to do it?    You didn’t give me a presentment.    You are the one who made the claim, where is the bond?    Florida law is really simple, the
clerk of the court will not allow any attachment without it, statute 76.12.    They can claim it is in the name of the state.    Okay, then I want the
registration certificates because anybody who is a member of the state are foreign agents.    All claims must be bonded.    They are all foreigners.   
Where did they get the notion you gave up your sovereign immunity under the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act?    Go to the U.S. Sec. of State and
ask him if we waived sovereign immunity.   
Q:    What is he going to say?
Doesn’t matter what he says.    They are all foreign.    I called a state officer the other day and he asked if I am a sovereign citizen.    I said,
“I didn’t call you to be called a moron, what the hell?”    I’m almost believing the attorneys are thinking they are sovereign citizens.    [For those who
do not understand, there is no such thing as a sovereign citizen.    A citizen cannot be sovereign because they are subjects.    The people of the nation
are sovereign, they are a “sovereign body of people.”    It is a corporate sovereignty.    However, no one is required to be a citizen.    You can be an
inhabitant, an American National, you do not ever want to be a citizen, unless it suits your needs at the time.]
Q:    Someone is initiating a claim of war against you.
The statutes themselves are supposed to be bonded, they never are.    So the prosecutor brings in a claim using his bar card as a bond, so he
has full liability until he can get you to accept liability, so accept his bar card.    That is the only bond there, he already offered it, so accept it.    He
puts it on his complaint.    If he can’t prove his claim, he becomes fully liable.    “I accept for honor upon your bar card, so please prove up your
claim.”    You are putting risk on them.    They are trying to do everything without risk.    He who is without risk gets no reward.    Fine, you want this
reward, you have to put up risk, but you failed to put up a bond.    You wanted the fruit of the estate, but you did not put up a security.    That is a
dishonor.    Now I’m going to accept your bar card as a security, and now you have a contract, now you have to prove up to have right to the fruit,
now you can’t even do that, now you get nothing, and everything you should have gotten will now revert back to the estate.    That’s how usufruct
Q:    If someone is on probation, is there a method of reversing that?
I think there are two liens against probation.    One is with the Dept. of Transportation and one with the Attorney General.    After sending
your acceptance to the Treasury, do separate acceptances to the AG and Transportation, because the acceptance to the Treasury was not sufficient to
settle it.    [Is he talking about federal Transportation and AG?    Most likely.]
Q:    What would the acceptance to Treasury look like?
What we’ve been talking about this whole time.    A handwritten letter accepting for honor in behalf of the U.S., and you transfer your
interest in the all caps name on the BC to the state of birth because they are the holder/custodian of it, release the expectancy to the account of the
U.S. for credit to the SS account to account for, obliterate and extinguish any debt, duty and obligation, and to ensure quiet enjoyment of person and
property.    Then you take your reversion and ship it to the U.S. Dept. of Transportation as a gift under 38 USC 3113.
Handwritten letter to Treasury, “I accept this offer for honor on behalf of the United States” on the front of the offer.    You write 12 USC 411 or
38 Stat 265, or both because they are the same thing.    Better to use the Statute-at-Large.    On the back side you put “Pay to the order of the United States
Treasuary, without recourse” and sign it and date it.    Optional:    You can put a $1.00 stamp or a 3 cent stamp and sign over it and date it.
Q:    What documents do you accept?
For someone on probation, you accept whatever documents you have, the probation contract, or all of it, and then you send a copy of what
you did (the above) to the Attorney General, and send another acceptance, handwritten letter to Attorney General saying “I accept your offer for
honor to remain on probation upon proof of claim:    1) That my acceptance for honor and subsequent transfer of interest, release of expectancy and
assignment of reversion failed to achieve acquittance and discharge pursuant to 38 Stat 265/(12 USC 411), 40 Stat 415 (12 USC 95a(2); 2) that 40
Stat 415 (12 USC 95(a)(2)) is not the ratification of acts of the president and the Sec. of Treasury; and 3) that any further attempt to collect on this
debt is not an act of insurrection and rebellion leading to an act of involuntary servitude under 18 USC 241 and 1584 pursuant to United States v.
Kominsky.”    Send that off.
Q:    Should the party continue to attend probation appointments and make payments until you get something?
You take a copy of the contract (your above documents) and hand it to the probation officer, “This matter has been settled.”    As soon as
you accept it, it is done.    You sent it off in the mail, you put a registered mail certificate on it.    That is your contract now.    It is a registered security. 

Page 4
Why?    Because the Post Office says it is.    Miracle on 34 th Street, who said Santa Claus is real?    The Post Office.    The judge said, “I’m not going to
argue with the Post Office!”      The moral of the story is, it is real because the Post Office says it is.    So you use a registered mail sticker and you
have a registered security.
Q:    About getting a prisoner out.
It is the same thing we have discussed tonight.    Once you act under a statute of the United States, and you invoke it for your benefit, and
someone goes against you, 62 Stat 696 (18 USC 242) Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects
any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or
protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien,
or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one
year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or
threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death
results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an
attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or
both, or may be sentenced to death.
There are others, 18 USC 245, 18 USC 2383, 42 USC `1983.    Now the debts they are collecting become illegal and invalid.    They are
holding him illegally by their own actions.    Once you comprehend you accepted and you put it back over on them for fraud in behalf of the United
States in pursuant to your contract under SS.
Q:    He got out of SS.
That number is still there.    It doesn’t matter, they are still charging that account whether he is using it or not.    Look at what happens.   
Once you assign the interest over to the United States – the government taught us this – the United States becomes the Secured Party.    I didn’t have
to name the U.S. in the security filing, the Secretary of State’s office did it.
The prisoner is going to have to do it, or he needs an intervention.    You guys are probably trying to argue with the state.    Start sending
registered and certified mail and link them together, and then liquidate it through the Post Master.    You have to go above the military.    The military
is the shield that stops us from going anywhere.    The one above them is the Post Office.    I’ve been talking to a group that has been talking to the
military.    They said, either they unconditionally surrender to what is about to happen or they will be swallowed up by it.    This enforcement stuff is
not something I’ve discovered, it is something I’ve been instructed on.    People don’t understand, the contracts we are dealing with, all these accounts
are just trusts, but every trust is designed to conquer life, death and everything in between, because they want to be gods.    So you have to put life in
it, by putting something in it, death you just take it out, but the stuff in between sucks.    You have to know how to transfer things, but that is slowly
starting to develop.
Under the International Red Cross Convention of 1864, Art. 5, as long as I remain neutral, my house will not be affected and I will be
immune from the billeting of war.    What better way to remain neutral than to offer peace as a settlement, offer everybody indemnification to settle
the accounts on behalf . . . I am using peace as my commodity.   
Q:    Regarding authenticating the BC and using the security filings, I think you said that was just for peace of mind, correct?
Q:    Is there anything else we should do, any notice that should be given to notify the agencies you will be operating this way?
If you want to do this all right the first time, we have the Coast Guard which is under Homeland Security, probably do Secretary of State
and let them notify everybody.    Tell them, this is my best good-faith effort in notifying everybody, but I know you have access to everybody, so why
don’t you do it for me?    Give them something legitimate to do.
Woman goes to court over child custody.    She put BC in case.    She demanded her property be returned to her.    The husband’s attorney
was denied everything he put into the court.    And she won custody.    She had surrendered those BCs for enforcement purposes.    The delivery had
been completed removing it from their jurisdiction as abandoned property.    They can only administrate abandoned property.   
Woman went into Chapter 13 bankruptcy court.    She had been there for several months, they were wanting to repossess her car, her house, etc.
She fired the attorney and went into the hearing alone.    She assigned the reversionary interest in the BC and SSN to the court to discharge
her debts.    She did this in her paperwork.    She said: “I do not consent to being held as surety.    I invoke the insurance clause which is 12 USC
95a(2), and ask for full faith and credit of the United States”    That is the contract.    The judge cut her off as she was starting to mention the full faith
and credit clause.    Everyone in the courtroom was in awe, possibly at the way the judge responded.
The judge said, “I think I know what you are trying to do,” and had her write down her name and address.    She didn’t hear anything for a
while, and then she got a letter in the mail with “creditor letters” to send out, and the letter said all her debts were discharged.    Apparently, she kept
her car and house.
40 Stat 415 (12 USC 95a(2))
§ 95a. Regulation of transactions in foreign exchange of gold and silver; property transfers; vested interests, enforcement and penalties
(2) Any payment, conveyance, transfer, assignment, or delivery of property or interest therein, made to or for the account of the United
States, or as otherwise directed, pursuant to this section or any rule, regulation, instruction, or direction issued hereunder shall to the extent
thereof be a full acquittance and discharge for all purposes of the obligation of the person making the same; and no person shall be held liable
in any court for or in respect to anything done or omitted in good faith in connection with the administration of, or in pursuance of and in
reliance on, this section, or any rule, regulation, instruction, or direction issued hereunder.
§ 95b.    Ratification of acts of President and Secretary of the Treasury under section 95a.
The actions, regulations, rules, licenses, orders and proclamations heretofore or hereafter taken, promulgated, made, or issued by the
Secretary of the Treasury since March 4, 1933, pursuant to the authority conferred by section 95a of this title, are approved and confirmed.
Boris:    You made the court liable for the taxes because you passed it off to the court.    Chapter 13 is 5-7 years, and then you can send future debts back
to the Trustee and say, “Charge it off” because you gave the reversionary interest back to the court.
Get $1.00 stamps and put on back of each creditor letter the court wants you to send out, and write “Pay to the order of U.S. Treasury” on the back, and put
stamp under the statement, and sign over the stamp to cancel it with signature, and then put “without recourse,” and send it to the Dept. of Treasury, Office of the
Executive Secretary (OMB), 1500 Pennsylvania Ave, Rm 3413. You give it over to them on condition this debt be retired and never reissued.    This is the correct party to
give your signature to, Sec of Treasury.    He works under the President, and the President is the Trustee that protects the trust.

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We don’t have recourse because the U.S. has recourse because they bought everything in 1864, and now we just have to give it over to them.    The code
for their recourse is                    , and since you assigned the reversionary interest back to the US, now the US is the creditor because it holds the reversion.    They
need your signature, they just don’t tell you how they need it..    You send it to the Treasury.
Title 18 USC sec. 8, obligations of the United States.    Stamps have value.    You are sending them something of value.    You have asked for full faith
and credit of the United States, and now you give them something to do it with (the cancelled stamp).    You accept it for honor on the front on behalf of the United
When you see your name on the BC, that name is no different than the U.S.    Whenever the US sues you, the US is suing itself, it is a friendly suit.    It is
operating under military necessity, and they get everything they need, and in order to do that, they have to give you what you need to give to them.
Title 31 USC 3113, you are not buying something, you are paying the taxes the government is supposed to pay.   
Cover letters:    “I have accepted all these offers for honor and assigned them to the U.S. as a gift on condition the debt be retired and never re-issued.”   
You are giving it to the U.S. as a gift.    That is all the strawman can do, give a gift and appoint.    [These were his instructions to her as to where to send the creditor
letters, I believe.]
Because I’ve already put everything on the record, and the court sent it to me to send it to the creditor, the IMF via the Dept. of Treasury.    IMF is the
creditor of every country.
Boris:    I usually cancel the bill on the front and forward it to the Treasury.    Cancel out the meter stamp on the envelope, too.    Treat it like a check,
cancel it and on the back, write “pay to the order of the United States Treasury without recourse,” and if you want, you can put a stamp on it., as mentioned above.
The 4 Corners
For the record, I am here for this matter for there is a mistake. Where is the proper notice so I may deal with this matter honorably?
Can I have your name?
Do you have a claim against me?
Do you know anyone who has a claim against me?
I request the order of the court be delivered to me immediately
rinse and repeat ... If the record is broken, become a broken record
These are the four corners and the 3 follow-up questions (and one statement) one asks when presented with an issue in ANY court. But what is actually
Let’s break this down a little bit …
For the record, I am here for this matter …
This is pretty self-explanatory.
One is merely here for the matter to help extinguish a controversy by and through determining if one even exists. Furthermore, this one statement
achieves a separation of one’s self and the NAME trust/estate (i.e.: US Person) attempting to be administrated.
… for there is a mistake.
What is the mistake? Could it be that there exists no controversy before the court (i.e.: a mere friendly suit)? Could it be the mistake is there exists no
valid contract with full disclosure and equal considerations brought before the court for enforcement? Or maybe there is a subscribed contract upon which one is
Ok, this is where 12 USC § 95a (2) and one's acceptance of such offer via SUBSCRIPTION (i.e.: intent to contract) is presented via reference to the
paper record (i.e.: presented certified copy of subscription from a record, such as a court or county record) and that there is no other alternative agreement in place
(i.e.: 26 USC § 2032A(d) and UCC 3-419) and that one is relying upon this subscription which is guaranteed under US Constitution as obligations of contract may
not be impaired and protected pursuant to 18 USC §§ 241, 242 for "Courts, as a matter of policy, uphold subscriptions if any consideration can be found. In a
situation where the recipient of the subscription has begun work or incurred liability in reliance upon it, such action constitutes a consideration."
Where is the proper notice so I may deal with this matter honorably?
This is where the rubber meets the road so to speak.    The NOTICE one is seeking is in regards to the TAXABLE TERMINATION of interest in some
property (i.e.: an estate) warranting the transfer or action before the court with respect to some BELLIGERENT ACT and/or ACTION especially in light of the
FACT one is "acquitted and discharged from further obligation" as RECIPROCAL CONSIDERATION for acts and actions done under 12 USC § 95a (2)
The ABSENCE of the UNDERWRITING WARRANT (security and insurance policy issued from the US Treasury) is the ADMISSION there exists
EXECUTOR of the ESTATE (you) (26 USC § 1041), thus NO PUBLIC DEBT OBLIGATION upon which the collection activities (i.e.: distribution of assets in a
prize court) stand WARRANTED.
But if One FAILS to assess the situation (i.e.: Insurance Adjuster), then one AGREES to the outcome (26 USC § 2032A(d)) of which the estate (i.e.
One's interests) stands burdened with tax on the transfer (26 USC § 1040) and of whom the EXECUTOR is liable (26 USC § 1041) and My burden is light -
Matthew 11:28-30.
So, if there is no WARRANT nor BOND (i.e.: Insurance) underwriting the action, then the one who is initiating the transfer stands as EXECUTOR DE
SON TORT (administering or probating an estate without lawful authority). When one REPRESENTS THEMSELF (When an item is represented, it is produced
publicly. To represent an individual means to stand in his or her place, acting as his or her substitute or attorney (i.e.: Substitute Trustee)), one is substituting one's
self for another party as INSURANCE (i.e.: Surety) by way of ACCOMMODATION (UCC 3-419) as INSURANCE = SUBROGATION (the substitution of one
person or group by another in respect of a debt or insurance claim, accompanied by the transfer of any associated rights and duties (i.e.: Substitute Trustee)).
TRUSTEE ... all by way of AGREEMENT and ACCOMMODATION with one's consent.
Can I have your name?
This question is directed towards anyone offering testimony or bringing a claim or action. In order to proceed, the proper parties must be identified. One
can also ask for citizenship and nationalities if one chooses, for how would one know if one is dealing with unregistered foreign agents in violation of 22 USC §
611(i.e.: act of belligerence)
KEEP IN MIND: A public official of the United States in the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government or in any agency of the United
States, including the District of Columbia, is or acts as an agent of a foreign principal required to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 or a

Page 6
lobbyist required to register under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995; FARA Enforcement.
Do you have a claim against me?
The purpose of this question is to ascertain (i.e.: Forensic Examination) if there is a CLAIM (i.e.: a tax or duty owed) to be stated upon which the claim
of relief should be granted.
It really matters not what the answer is for the admittance of the claim is permission to examine the EVIDENCE in support of the CLAIM (i.e.: Federal
Rule of Civil Procedure 32a appeal for the evidence); the denial or refusal to answer the question is admittance there exists NO CLAIM upon which the relief can
be granted (i.e.: Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6))
Do you know anyone who has a claim against me?
The SECOND WITNESS: The purpose of this question is to ascertain (i.e.: Forensic Examination) if there is a CLAIM (i.e.: a tax or duty owed) to be stated upon
which the claim of relief should be granted.
It really matters not what the answer is for the admittance of the claim is permission to examine the EVIDENCE in support of the CLAIM (i.e.: Federal
Rule of Civil Procedure 32a appeal for the evidence); the denial or refusal to answer the question is admittance there exists NO CLAIM upon which the relief can
be granted (i.e.: Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6))
If there is an answer, then the BODY of the one making the claim must be produced (i.e.: Habeas Corpus) or the witness just committed perjury under
oath; no answer means nobody has made a claim and now the action before the court is an ACTUAL CONTROVERSY (fabrication of a controversy to establish
a claim is a contempt of court) and the one who brought the claim, brought the controversy, thus must also bring the remedy.
The only problem: One is ALREADY relying upon and subscribing to an ACT OF CONGRESS, so the controversy would be that (the plaintiff is
claiming) An Act of Congress is meaningless thus the COUNTERCLAIM would stand as insurrection and rebellion, which must be reported to the Court and
Dept. of Justice under 18 USC § 4: misprision of felony, or one is considered a principal pursuant to 18 USC § 3.
I request the order of the court be delivered to me immediately.
The ORDER is the marching orders of the court: the authority under which this court is operating.
This would be the WARRANT (i.e.: check or bond) issued by the Treasury to the DEBT COLLECTOR (i.e. Attorney / Plaintiff) which underwrites the collection
effort (i.e.: Insurance Policy) as the Secretary of Treasury is the one with the liability for all the books and the one that appraised the security instrument. So, if they
don't have an Order going back to the Secretary of the Treasury, they don't have any authority to collect the debt and are acting as rogue agents (i.e.: unregistered
foreign agents).
In essence, the lack of an order means the court is operating privately in violation of Lieber Code Article 46 as the courts themself are governed by and
under contract with the US Military (cf. FM 27-5).
There you have it. All one needs to know about presenting in court, should one decide to go. This is not about proving anything, this is about the test if I
can control my ego. The temptation is to argue, present, and PROVE oneself as we all wish to be proven correct, justified, and approved.
It is imperative: One must refuse to give into this temptation as best one can.
Best to keep in mind: To whom are you beholden to prove yourself? The judge on Earth or the one above?
More on court appearances:
So before this first hearing, you have to make certain things appear on the record.    That’s why you ask them for the taxable termination that warrants
the liquidation of this estate.    You put your assignment to the public into the record, of your interest to the United States (this would be the copy of your
authenticated BC and the Affidavit of Ownership and the letter to Treasury assigning the reversionary interest in the BC to the United States) and you put your
interest into the public, and then you have a certified copy come out, so you have two originals, one you are sending to the Treasury, and the other you are putting
"Where is the warrant underwriting the taxable termination authorizing the liquidation of this estate?    In other words – who authorized this claim?    If it
is not the treasury, they have a problem.    If they do not respond – then…    “Are you telling me there is no claim here today?”
What you need to ask the court for is “where is the warrant underwriting the taxable termination authorizing a liquidation of the estate?”    Who
authorized this shit?    And it better be the Treasury.   
If they scratch their heads saying “What do you mean?”
“Are you telling me there is no claim here today?”
They may say “We have a signed complaint from a cop.”
Let me see it so I can accept it.    Take it and sign it on the front for honor and valuable consideration, and flip it over and assign it to and for the United
States.    Sign and date on the back.
What you are taking care of in the hearing is a court of conscience to let them know there is no claim in the public, so they can continue.    What you are
asking for in private is for them to deliver you the instrument from the Treasury so you can accept it.    You are trying to justify why you are there.    Just ask for the
claim.    You know what is going on in the background.    Just ask for the claim.   
They are holding you personally liable when in court, so ask the question, “Do you have a claim against me?”    You arrested me, you are holding me
liable, do you have a claim against me?    They are trying to merge everything into one (not you versus the NAME), so fine, let them merge everything into one.   
Do you have a claim against me?
Q:    They’ll go “Yeah, here.” Okay, then you accept it and give it back to them, “With my understanding, and pursuant to United States law, as soon as I
give it back to you . . .”
Now you are explaining stuff.    Don’t do that.    You are just giving it back to them when you accept it and give it back.    Here, boom, I’ve accepted and
returned to you, now I want the settlement.    Where is the settlement?    Understand what you are doing.   
If the judge gets mad and says “Contempt of court,” and you ask, “Where’s the claim?” and judge says “I just made it,” you answer, “So you are
making a private, personal claim?”    Judge: “You are going to go to jail right now.”
Then you say, “Fine, I accept your dishonor that there is no claim.”    Everyone who comes near you, ask “Do you have a claim against me?”
Q:    They are just going to cart me off.
Okay, if that is what you believe, do what you want to do.    If he says contempt, ask if it is public or private.    If it is public, you better have
a claim.    Private can’t be used in his position.    Now he is in total dishonor.    Always ask if the claim is public or private.    Publically, you are right, I
am in contempt of this court, because there is no claim against me.    I am against the court.    Privately, you are right, I’m in contempt because you are
an A.H. for moving privately against me using your position of authority, so I am in contempt of your private court because it has no authorization.   
It is just using force and wrong, and I am in contempt of both force and wrong.    There is no greater enemy of the peace than force and wrong.    So

Page 7
what I am in contempt of is the breach of the peace being committed by the judge by forcing this matter down my throat by not showing me the claim
in public and then saying I’m in contempt when I ask for the evidence that is being used against me.    Under Federal rules, I am entitled to that.    It is
part of the chain of evidence.    You show me where the claim is, or you don’t have one.    If you don’t have a claim, you are in dishonor, and now I
can use a dishonor, so get the PR bond, the public recognizance bond so I can show up and appear on the charges and plead guilty to the fact there are
Q:    We gave you a copy of the affidavit.
What about it?    I don’t really care.    Where is the witness against me?    Who has the claim?    Now you are going to ask him if he has a
claim against you.    What are the chances of him saying yes?    None.    If he said yes, ask if he is going to say that under oath.    Now he would be the
one holding the warrant.    If he doesn’t have the warrant issued from the Treasury (not from the judge), the judge is making a private administrative
determination that you are supposed to be there in front of him so he can administrate your estate, and you are the one using it, but you are also
presumed to be self-employed, which means you are the one benefitting from it, which means you are the one who pays the tax on it because you
come in and act like a broker to broker a deal that gives a bargain to them for the use of the estate, which you agree to do when you enter the plea.   
That is the civil assessment.    You are acting as a broker on your own behalf.    That is what self-employed means.    You are employing this asset for
the profit of self.    Employ means make use of, so you are the one making use of the property, the SSN and all its assets for your own profit and gain. 
Therefore, you are the usufruct.    That is self-employed.
Q:    Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
That’s bad.    The SSN is always an individual, so you always want to be employed by someone else.    When you are using it, you want to
be employed by someone else, so it has an employer number.    The employer then is liable for the taxes, but once your employer assigns back, it
creates that natural cycle.    The state is profiting from the employer’s use of it.    So your employership is being employed by someone else.    That is
tied to an EIN number which ties to your SSN that you put in private via the sealed record trust, and you create a trust for it.
Q:    When do we do that?
B:    After you get everything else done.    We are in the process.    I know what is coming up for you.    The judge is going to order a mental
health evaluation.    Again, you ask if he has a claim against you.    Now you go to mental health and ask “Do you have a claim against me because the
judge said I had to see you, so maybe you are the one holding the claim.    Do you have the claim against me?”    Then you go back to court and say,
“Your honor, do you have the claim against me because the mental health guy didn’t have it.”    Nobody is answering the question.    Where is the
claim?    The claim is the taxable termination that puts the tax on the executor of your interests.    It is the taxable termination authorizing and
warranting the liquidation of the estate to account for the so-called debt.    They are liquidating an estate.    There is a transfer of interest from you to
somebody who is qualifying himself as heir or wants to receive the taxes on the transfer.    So where is the taxable termination authorizing the transfer
of assets that the estate is going to be taxed for, and you being the executor, self-employed of your own interests, the executor of your own interests,
or executor of your own estate, because that is all an estate is, is interests, then you get the tax as the executor of that estate.    That’s why you are
trying to find out who has the claim because you want the notice that it has been taxable terminated because the taxable termination is the notification
from the Sec of Treasury that you are a belligerent, and they are warranting the prize court to divide up the estate, because you are in a prize court.   
All local courts are prize courts.    Do you comprehend?
You’ve been charged with this, therefore, our remedy is to divide up your estate in such a way, and we got the authorization from Sec of
Treasury.    They skip this step and they go right into the liquidation.    Everybody fights the liquidation not understanding there has to be a claim
warranting liquidation, because it is bankruptcy.    Involuntary bankruptcy they are taking you into, to liquidate your estate, and to account for the
debt in the bankrupt position where the Sec of Treasury says there is a belligerent and a debt owed for the insurrection or rebellion that they are
coming to make collection attempts on.    If they don’t have it, they are forcing you to defend yourself to turn you into a belligerent. That’s why you
don’t bring up all this stuff.    They are by-passing the Sec of Treasury to do the claims themselves.    They are unregistered foreign agents.
The taxable termination is the termination of our interests that is warranting the transfer of those assets from your estate.    When there is a
transfer, it is called a capital gain, if you are the capital and they are terminating your interest, you get taxed because you are a belligerent and thus
they can terminate your interests.    They have to kill our interests.    It is a termination of your rights, as belligerents have no rights.    (This would be
found under the lieber code for military occupation.    If you have done the assignment of the reversionary interests to the Treasury, the court is trying
to terminate your reciprocation on that contract because you are a belligerent, and a belligerent has tax, now the war bill comes into play and the
public debt shall not be questioned. We are not questioning the public debt obligation, we are questioning the private debt obligation because we want
the tax termination that affords us the liability – why do I owe payment, or where is the claim?    We are the executor of the estate that they are
coming after because it is my interests in that estate.    We always have an interest in that estate that can revert back to us.    Therefore, we are the
executor of the estate in reversion.
Their job is to presume you are a US citizen, but you are not unless you have gone through the naturalization process.    They are here as an
occupant on the land (military occupation).    If they want to exercise their sovereignty over you, they are saying they completed the conquest.    This
is not true.    All court cases are friendly suits over a controversy.    So then you ask where is the wsarrant, they say there is none, so now who brought
the controversy?    They bring the controversy in order to fabricate a claim.    What is the controversy?    That you are a belligerent to establish a claim
for their personal profit, as a 14th Amendment claim for services rendered in order to suppress rebellion and insurrection.    If the court ignore
everything, you put in a writ of praecipe.   
Writ of Praecipe. This writ is also called a writ of covenant, and is sued out by the party to whom lands are to be conveyed by fine; the
foundation of which is a supposed agreement or covenant that the one shall convey the land to the other. 2 Bl. Com. 349, 350.
We request notice of the taxable termination.    [Where is the proper notice so that I can deal with this matter honorably?]    Notice of non-
consent.    According to FRCP 73, all parties must consent to these hearings.    I did not consent because I got no notice of taxable termination event as
a result of an alternative agreement.    And now they are trying to force one on you, by forcing a plea of guilty or not guilty.    This is the alternative
agreement.    Either way, you take away the liability of the one who made the claim.    Since I take a plea, they do not have to produce the claim.    We
voluntarily entered into their jurisdiction.    We agree to be substitute trustee.    If we represent ourselves, we agree to be trustee, a surety.    Every time
you plea, you represent yourself.    Why would I want the liability your honor?    I just want to know – who has the claim against me.    Do you have
the claim against me?    In discovery, I did not see the bond, warrant or voucher authorizing this activity.    So now judge I come to you to ask where is
the claim or who has a claim against me?    If there is no claim, then it appears it is all fabrication of a controversy = contempt of court.    How can I
be in contempt of court when it is not me fabricating a controversy?   

Page 8
“I just came in here asking for a claim and you were the ones who took it upon yourself to initiate a claim by arresting me, thus you
exercised a benefit of contract, by putting me in jail or by making a claim for …, by using this money, you, the court hereby agree to the terms of the
contract, [it is an invisible contract], by you putting me into jail, you just entered a contract, now who is the one going to claim this claim?” If they
are operating under an actual claim, they would have the warrant or claim [from treasury] for me to accept.    They already accepted and exercised the
benefit of the contract when you were arrested.    They automatically receive $$ for your time in jail.   
By putting you in jail, without your consent, without taxable termination, they have already exercised the benefit of a contract.    By using
this money, they agree to the terms.    By putting me in jail, you just entered into a contract.    So where is the claim?    Where is the claim you are
operating under?    If they were operating under a true claim, they would have the claim approved by treasury.    Once in hand, I can accept for honor
and they can get what they need.    They benefit every time they create a piece of paper.    They had benefitted from my property my time by getting
paid for my time they seized.    Now you go in and state where is the claim for where that relief was warranted?    And if they can not prove it, then it
was an unwarranted claim and then they operate IN THEIR private capacity.    We then now have two people who are engaged in a conspiracy to
defraud the US of insurance fraud in a claim against the 14 th A in violation of the war powers act, bank conversion act, war risk insurance act, TWEA,
1 USC 112    because we have done our job under 12 USC 95a.    Under the Law of Nations (LON) BK 2, #192, we get to protect ourselves against
these persons.    We had been abounded by those entrusted to protect me.    They are making private claims in order to rape me.    This is also a
misprision of felony 18 USC 4, - it is Jewish law.    They always victimize the victim into the surety.    Never claim victim-hood.    I have to do this
because you are doing that.    They are pirating from the US treasury since no warrant exists from treasury.    If you have no warrant from treasury,
then you are an unregistered foreign agent. By me even brokering this deal with you means I am trading with the enemy.    It is a war to get me to
fight them so they can profit.    They are the ones who claim to be sovereign citizens who believe they can do anything they want.    You do not punish
them, you just report them to the authorities, the IRS, CID, SEC, they are passing along counterfeit securities, as they are trying to get us in a state of
liquidation to effect an insurance payment.    You do this under misprision of felony, as you did not agree to these proceedings.    They force me into
brokering a deal without any authority from the state.    They came at me pretending to be authorities from the state and had no such authority in an
attempt to create a controversy for personal profit.    They are unlicensed agents or brokers.    They are confederates.    Do not defend ourselves.    We
must stand our ground and ask – who is the claimant?    They can only get violent with you when you act up, by their own actions, not ours.   
However, they must answer the question.   
Boris went to court on traffic case.    He went up to the bar and stated, I am here for that matter, there is a mistake, where is the proper
notice so that I may deal with this matter honorably?    He repeated.    Every attorney in the room got up in a huddle around the judge, except the
public defender.    The judge excused the case.   
You go to court to correct a mistake.    We go to court to get the notice of taxable termination because we are the holder.    We are only there
to get the notice of taxable termination.    The prize court has been convened because YOU, the surety have been found guilty of something and there
is an actual tax owed.    I was the one that was arrested, do you have a claim against me?    The second the case is filed, they experience the benefit.   
If they cannot state a claim in which relief can be granted, then there is no claim.    They are then stating that there is a claim in which relief can NOT
be granted.    [FRCP12b6]    If there is no claim, you leave.    WHY should I enter a plea to something when you can not even show me the claim
against me?    If you can not show me your claim, then what authority do you have to imply I have some obligation to perform?    If they cannot
provide the claim or state it, then why are we here?    What would I be pleading when there is no claim?    Are you asking me to plead guilty to the
fact there is no claim?    Judge:    There is a factual basis for a claim.    “Judge, I did not ask for the factual basis for a claim, I asked for the claim
itself.”    I can make stuff all day long too.    Where is the claim?    OK, where is the bond, voucher, warrant issued from the treasury authorizing this
debt collection effort?    It does not exist?    Are you stating publicly that you are insured to make claims in the private using your public position?    I
do not believe your oath and bond coverage allows you to move into a private claim using your public position    You do have a bond and oath, right? 
Am I dealing with a rogue foreign agent?    Are you registered under Foreign Agent Registration Act, are you impersonating a public official?
Notice of non-consent – taxable termination.   
how about addressing this issue with something like the following (thanks to Jaro):


Re: Case No. 000-00-0000

Attn: Clerk of the court


Writ of Praecipe

Upon review of the TAXABLE termination of Administrative Law Judge JUDGE NAME HERE and his determination of evidence is a TAXABLE
termination and is now liable for the taxes on this termination and is TAX delinquent [protester] under TITLE 26 Subtitle B CHAPTER 11
Subchapter A PART III § 2032A. [Taxable termination]. This is a Notice and Demand for appeal for the production of the evidence of the subsequent
tax forms therewith showing all items and debts connected with the name NAME HERE: [Florida rules of Evidence 90.201 and FRCP 32a appeal for
the evidence]. The name on the initial public offer [tombstone] which is the subject matter in this case must match the name of the heir NAME
HERE. The State and federal tax authorities [CID] would be interested in this delinquent item. Your failure to pay the tax is a breach of national


Page 9
IRS Technical Support Division
C/o Treasury UCC Contract Trust
Internal Revenue Service
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20220

Below was done in a foreclosure that caused the auction to “not meet county requirements”

Notice of Non-Consent

For the record, there is a mistake; where is the proper notice by clerk or magistrate where I consented to this proceeding (cf. FRCP 73)? Furthermore,
as one must do equity to receive equity and there is no bond, this is a mistrial for whomever is trying to bring a public charge is doing so without a
bond as qualified heir (cf. 26 USC 2032A(e)(11)) and attempting to evade and defeat a tax liability (cf.26 USC § 7201; § 7202; § 7203).    He who
comes into equity must come in with clean hands and just because the mortgage was foreclosed, does not mean the plaintiff or any purchaser
thereafter is entitled to possession of the property or legal title (cf. FL. Stat 697.02). Equity will not allow a statute to be used as a cloak for fraud.

a private citizen
Following orders do not cut it.    Nuremberg – they kidnaped you and moved you to make war against the nation this guy just kidnaped you
from.    Kidnapping or man-stealing is a hang-able offense.    It is a violation of international law, is subject to international law.    It does not matter if
it is in statutes or codified.    The first two premises of Nuremberg states this idea.    The UN is the trustee.    The judge – you are in contempt of court. 
Of what?    From preventing someone from fabricating a controversy for personal profit and gain and against the US?   
At booking, they go to finger print.    I do not consent.    OK, you will sit in booking forever.    Are you threatening me?    How does one
consent when one has been threatened?   
What happens if I refuse to sign?    You go to jail.    So you are telling me you are going to kidnap me?    Sign, By: John Doe, under TDC.   
(Threat, duress and coercion.)
48 stat 1 = 12 USC 95a.   
The public officials are committing insurance fraud – the insurance they are defrauding is the social security as the result of the people
being the insurance for their operations.    They defraud the people through the treasury by representing false claims to the trustee of the treasury
which is the IMF and they are doing this through (US District Court) in Chicago and all the claims get liquidated through Chicago under the markets
and this is how they are getting everything paid.    The liens they have out there are derivatives of debt and echoes against the people because the debt
always goes back to the principal, the people.    So when they show up, the debt becomes due.    This is why we do the reversion so we never get an
accounting, this way it does not come back to us but goes to them.    Now they hold both sides of the ledger, the legal and equitable and then it goes to
We have the public side open, we have to open the private side to balance out the account.    You turn it over to the state to balance out the
account – so you get the protection.   
You have to demonstrate your assignment on the record somewhere.    It is an action under 12 USC 95a.    Now you are no longer a
corporate stockholder, then there is no transfer of any capital, thus there is no capital gain tax that we will be liable for.    The pension is ours.    It is
our energy we have put into that pension.    We do not want to hold an interest in the corporate stock.    If held, we would be the stockholder or owner
of the corporation or of the name.   
The SSA forces one to sign for the name, the secret service has confirmed this is illegal.    The secret service KNOWS you are not the name.
Once you get recognized as the estate holder – game over, you are surety.   
If the state of Florida v you, the question to ask, does anyone here other than the state of FL have a claim against me?    Are you attempting
to fabricate a controversy to establish a claim?    The one using the name state of Florida has an interest in it, thus he is the estate holder of the name,
state of Florida, thus he is the broker for that estate.   
3 questions:    What is your name?    Do you have a claim against me?    Do you know anyone who has a claim against me?    Judge:    You
are in contempt.    I accept your claim that I am in contempt of this contempt court, now where is your claim?    What is a claim?    A money order or
check issued from Treasury.    Without the voucher or check, you have nothing to accept.   
The judge said:    State of Florida.    The judge just testified that a fiction has a claim.    This is contempt of court.    So what the judge was
saying that someone has a claim in a name other than his own.    This is contempt.    Do not defend anything. Do not answer questions.   
I am not here on planet earth to prove myself here.    I prove myself to God ONLY.   

Boris, 2015, New Mexico day

Article I, section 8, clause 10 of the Constitution defines offenses of the laws of nations.    Anything the United States has a duty to prevent
under international law is an offense of the laws of nations, and they have a duty to make sure all people are protected because they extended martial
law to everybody.    Under Article 7, Book One of Law of Nations Article 104, they are required to extend perfect security to everyone they welcome
into their jurisdiction.    If they don’t, they become barbarians and can be physically removed.    This is what they are afraid of.    They are living out of
fear.    They bought everything you will ever do with your life.    They took it.    All the fruit.    They entered into a usufruct relationship with all of us.   
We found this in a brief written by generals at GITMO.
Every time you do an acceptance and return and they deny it, it is an offense against the Law of Nations because now they are interfering
with the protection of the nation and its contract with you.    Article 15 USC 1.    They are employees of international organizations operating and
administering the public trust known as the United States of America.    They have duties under the Lieber Code, that is the trust administration
document.    Martial law has never ceased in this nation.    There has never been a proclamation.    Article 2 of that same code says martial law only

Page 10
ceases by proclamation by the commander in chief.    We chose the peace treaty.    Book 2 of Law of Nations 104 they extend hospitality based on
duty under international law to provide perfect security.    12 USC 95a is how to get into it, and we chose reversion because of what it does.    Once
you put in a reversion and they go into their probate bull, it is no longer your property they are administrating, it is U.S. property they are
administrating.    It is a future event, reversion is always a future event, and puts them on the hook for the taxes and the rules.    Anyone coming to
take control of the property and administrate it has just come in under the duties of state under Article 55 because they took control and operated
possession.    This is all international law.    You cannot use their codes and statutes against them.
Under 105 of the Law of Nations, duty of a foreigner is to protect the host nation against pirates and pirate wars.    You did not come from
the United States, you came from nature.
We accept the peace treaty.    Anyone who gets in your way it is a 15 USC 1 impediments of contract and Lieber Code Art. 46 interference
with the proper administration of government.    In other words, they become terrorists, at that point.    Your acceptance goes in, you assign the
reversion to the United States, heaven help anyone who gets in your way.    You have the 14 th Amendment public debt obligation which is a
reciprocation of the indemnification from Art. 38 for their acquisition under Art. 1 sec. 8, clause 17, and in fulfillment of their duty to national
security under the SS Act in support of duties of Law of Nations for the extension of hospitality and restoration of public order and safety, which is
social security, evidenced by the Registration of Birth . . . in operation of Art 1, sec 8, clause 10 to do national security under 137 of the Lieber Code,
which is Vital Statistics, in acceptance of 12 USC 95a(2) safe harbor, the Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA), with a voluntary surrender of
property and interests under 31 USC 3173 assignment, which is basically assigning an interest to the United States.
The state of birth is the receiver of the title and trustee or legal owner to insure the reversion is delivered to the United States, which is the
grantor of hospitality, and your acceptance grants a reciprocal trust that you agree to the terms of the usufruct, and you agree that anybody
administrating it is also usufruct.
Every court in America is a court martial court.    Every offense is a violation of the Law of Nations.    Driver license:    You have the right to
innocent passage.    You were granted hospitality.    The roads are for our use, and there are no taxes on them.
When you accept the debt instrument (invoice) and send it to Treasury, you have a contract.    When they refuse to perform, you flip it over
on them.    One word: Usufruct.    You have a one-word contract and a one-word trust.    This is already defined.    You have a contract under tort
because of the violation of the contract you just gave them.    Now they are going to enter into a trust, which is a split equity, because usufruct is
actually a naked owner.    So the contract spawns the trust.    The grantor of the trust is the one who violated the contract.    He now owns 100% of the
value.    The rule of usufruct and reversion is that if the grantor of the trust owns over 5% of the value of the trust in reversion, he is treated as owner
of the whole estate and is taxed accordingly.    If these guys do their dishonors and refuse the contract, they are now in a contract under tort for
violation of the contract outside the scope and authority of their office, because their only job is the administration of this public trust.    That is it.   
They have no other authority.    They are here to administer that public trust under the international organization, under the international rules and
policies designed to administrate the public trust, that is the United States of America, because it was created within the sphere of the Law of Nations,
not the United States.    The public trust was created within the sphere of the Law of Nations to give everyone a safe haven, a safe harbor. It has been
extended around the world now.    Everybody can get into this.    All you have to do is accept the principles in the Declaration of Independence,
pledging your life in service of making everybody’s life better, and your fortune and sacred honor.
Usufruct is an exercise of right.    It is your security.    The duties of the usufruct is what?    They are to put up a security, they are to pay
taxes, settle all claims, keep an inventory, make repairs.    Any failure of any one of those is a breach of the contract, and the trust.    Now you have a
violation that results in a usufruct re-contract, which results in liquidation.    The liquidation involves any profit they would have received from the
use of it, houses, cars, anything.    They are administers of the public estates called people.    In its basic form an estate is just interest in property, not
the property itself.    The administers must put up a security to show they had a right to your interest.    If they don’t do it, it is an automatic breach,
because every court case is an act of war.    Every court case comes in under Law of Nations because they are trying to collect on a debt in violation
of Law of Nations.    The contract now becomes 15 USC 1 in violation of their duties to administer the estate, and now we have sedition.
If any get in your way it is a violation of 15 USC 1 for impediment of a contract, Article 46, for interference of the proper administration of
government by international organization.    They no longer have the immunities and protections and all the other crap they talk about.    They are now
terrorists, and under the Law of Nations, every nation on earth has an obligation to hunt them down.    Why?    Because they are interfering with the
proper administration of government to interfere with you reclaiming your estates.    You are called an infant.    That NAME is an infant.    When they
call you a name and number, they are calling you an infant, and that is your estate.    You claim it, you operate it.    Once they get in the way of it, now
it is a violation of 1666 Cestui Que Vie Act.    Now they are in trouble because the international law will not protect them, and the U.S. law can’t
protect them, because it is an impossibility of that law because it interferes with the proper administration of government.    When the infant comes
back, everything is supposed to revert back to them, immediately, not by going to court, not with delay.    Just ask for it.
The problem we are having is they are not really accessing your estates.    They are putting liens on them and selling the liens on the
markets.    So when your estates revert to you, all that other crap reverts back, too.    So that’s why you get rid of the reversionary interest so it doesn’t
go to you, it goes right back to the United States, and they’ve already got the benefit from it.    Now they have the liability, too.   
When they impede the contract, they become bankrupt.    Now it is impeding the bankruptcy.    When you come in under the contract, the
second they violate the contract, they are bankrupt, because they have no value, no honor, no morals, no code, nothing.    Dishonor is bankruptcy.   
Whenever you dishonor the contract, they liquidate the contract.    You are the infant because they called you that name, so stop letting them interfere
with it.    Claim what is yours and hold them to it under international law.    They can’t hold back against that.    That is the one thing they can’t violate
because that is their whole purpose for being here.    Now they are just barbarians at the gates.    They are terrorists.    They are terrorizing you into
economic servitude for something the U.S. has already purchased.    Now it is a matter of 14 th Amendment public debt obligation for indemnification
for what they purchased.    They are getting in the way of this, and we are letting them.    This is their duty under international law.    They chose this.   
Thirteenth Amendment, involuntary servitude can’t exist.    They came in here and volunteered to do this by showing up.    This is their duty they
volunteered to.    The public debt cannot be questioned.   
Now, when you come in under Article I, sec. 8 and ask them to fulfill it, now the U.S. has a duty to come in under here and all the
insurrection and rebellion . . .    That is basically how they trick you in the courts, is you go in there, they have a contract ready to go, they trick you
into pleading to it, suddenly now you are the one in insurrection and rebellion because you didn’t do your duty.    You tried to fight it.    You took it on
by yourself, the SS person, because they subjugated that claim.    You don’t have the right to do that anymore.    Now you are the one in tort of the
contract.    You are the one who violated it.    You are the tortfeasor, you are the belligerent, the hostile, the one in insurrection and rebellion.    Now

Page 11
your property is forfeited under the rules of war, and all these local courts, they are just prize courts.    They are picking up the booty, because you
didn’t choose to give back the reversionary interest.
Q:    Is it too late to do that?
No, it is never too late.    Because you can always repent.    Change your way of thinking.    The estate and the debtor are two different
entities. 11 USC 55(a), bankruptcy code.    The debtor and the estate are always two separate entities.    You have your name, which is the debtor, and
if the debtor waives some of the process, the estate does not.    He can always bring it up at a later date.
Q: If they don’t do anything, where do you take it?
That would take to the Attorney General.    Take it to the Attorney General, the Sec of State and let them know there has been a violation of
the Law of Nations, and if there is a violation of the Law of Nations, they must do something about it.    If they don’t do anything about it – you’ve
heard of the Kings Bench in Philadelphia?    You take it to them.    “Look, dude, your dude over here is being an asshole.    Here is the evidence.    I
want you to take care of it.”    If they don’t do anything about it, you go to an international court.    [This tells me he has not actually done this.    First,
he is vague; second he doesn’t know where to go.    The Federal Court of Claims is where you take claims against the United States for monetary
damages, and contract disputes.]
Q:    Where are the international courts?
There is one in New York, I think that is the Trade.    [Wrong, this court only handles customs issues involving trade.]    Then you have one
in Brussels.    Let them go after them.    That is what they are there for.    [Your guess is as good as mine, but I doubt they will handle this issue.]
How you do this, once they violate the law, they don’t have the protections.    Nuremberg principles apply.    They cannot hide behind these
corporate shields.    They cannot hide behind “Oh, the law does not exist.”    No.    Nuremberg specifically states just because the law is not codified in
a nation doesn’t mean it is not there.    It is there for everyone to use.    These guys cannot hide and do this to the people.    They are doing it, not just
to America, they are doing it all over the world.    This is not just our problem, this is the world’s problem.
The citations they use against us is a lien.    The contract is your acceptance of it, and then the assignment to the U.S.    That is your contract.
They are putting a lien against the account and selling that off.    You are coming in under your duties to acquire property and interest.    It doesn’t
matter what the interest is.    Any interest you are acquiring for delivery to the Untied States is under 12 USC 95(a)(2), and you are acquitted of any
further obligation.    If they refuse to abide by that they have entered into the usufruct contract of which the United States is the beneficiary, and you
are the incidental beneficiary to ensure the contract is enforced by a third party.
Q:    about citations.
It is their right to that fruit, but they have to pay all the taxes.    They can’t come to you to pay for it.    They are supposed to pay the face
value on it, that is the insurance policy for it, the insurance premium.    So if it is a $160 ticket, that is the insurance premium for it, and whatever they
make on the market becomes the usufruct.    They are supposed to be paying that stuff.    I don’t care what they do with all this.    They can make as
much money as they want, it is not mine.    All I am doing is giving them the love to do so.
Q:    The court says I shall pay money or whatever the federal court accepts.
The federal court should accept your acceptance and deposit under 28 USC 2041, deposit of monies or other valuables in with the court.   
They have to put it in the Treasury, they cannot hold it themselves.    They must deposit your acceptances with the Treasury.    They are not allowed to
hold them.    If they hold them, what are they doing?    Unlawful conversion.    They are withholding benefits from the United States.    The United
States has already purchased everything.    It is called dishonor, privacy, belligerency.    It undermines the national security of the nation when they do
that, so they are purposely undermining the security of the nation to allow the United States to default in the national arena to facilitate the
destruction of the great experiment.    Our job is to not let that happen.
Audience:    Every court case in this country is sent to the district court in Chicago.    After it goes there, they are packaged together and go
into Real Estate Investment Trusts or Mortgage Backed Securities for collateralized debt obligations on New York, Wall Street, where they are
packaged together and sold.
Regarding mortgages, when they take that note and deposit it, what has just occurred?    They’ve done a couple things.    First, it is securities
fraud.    Why?    The mortgage they sold on the market no longer has an asset backing it.    It is gone.    They sold it in the stock market.    Called
investor fraud.    Report this to the SEC.
Now there is another issue because they didn’t have the right to do this.    You never gave them the right.    That note was supposed to
remain with the mortgage so when you pay off the mortgage, the note comes back to you so nobody can ever collect on it again.    They deny the
future from happening by the return of the note, now they owe you a new future, or a new security.    Why?    Securities are just futures.    Since they
decided they were going to exercise the right, this creates a usufruct.
Send it to the Treasury, and you authorize collection.    On the front end you report it to the SEC because they deposited the note and it is no
longer a security, and they will investigate.    Also, the mortgage and the note had to go into the Trust, and they don’t.    Report it to the AG in New
York.    They lose the 95% tax exemption, too.    Now it is 100% taxable on capital gain.    The capital gain is not just the face value of the note, it is
the note and any profits, which could be 170 times the face value.    If you give them a $100,000 note, it is 170 times that amount.    The one who
brings the claim had better be bonded.    26 USC 2032 Title A (e) (11), a qualified heir.    They better be bonded or they have personal liability for
100% of that capital gain.    This includes the total amount of all the tranches and everything else, insurance proceeds, etc.   
Q:    What would you do if they presented you with the original note in court?
Accept it on the front, turn it over and write “Pay to the United States.”    Why?    You are the grantor of the trust.    The only reason it is in
court is because there is a deed back to the trust.    The defect in the trust is you never assigned it anywhere.    How did they get assignment?    They
don’t own that note.    They are making claim to the prize and the proceeds.    If it is in federal court, it is even better because in the Attorney
General’s manual, all negotiable instruments are governed under federal law, not state law.    Also, that includes the note and any securities.   
Securities are governed under Title 15.    It is an unregistered security.
Audience:    We did a request for close of escrow through discovery for what is known as the money net daily transfer log, which shows the
federal reserve district on the source of the funds.    I saw one of these, it has a lot of numbers you can’t figure out, so a fellow researched it.    It
identified the San Francisco Federal Reserve.    It has an account with the exact amount of the mortgage, and at the bottom it has the bank and it had a
number on it which was the SSN (or in this case it was his naturalization number).    The money never went to the bank, it went to the title company
and went straight to Wall Street.
The point of the matter is, on that daily transfer log, it shows clearly that the applicant was the source bank.    It is not the bank, it is the

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applicant’s SSN.    It should be that way because we are each banks.    We are the only ones with the equity, the only ones who can contribute.
Title 31 USC 5312 (a)(2)(k) whoever issues becomes a financial institution.    You issued everything.    You are the financial institution.   
Who do you think it should return to?    They are all just claiming it.    They say you violated a contract.    You didn’t violate it.    They are the ones
who violated it.
The NAME is an agency of the United States.    Wherever you see this NAME on a court document . . . if the state of New Mexico sues one
of you, it is suing the United States.    That is why they are in belligerency.    The child corporation (state) is suing the parent corporation (US) for
performance of a contract by its agency (the NAME).    When the agency (NAME) went to perform it (sent the reversionary to the Treasury), the child
(state) said, “No, I don’t want that,” and stomps his feet.    When you issue a financial instrument, you are issuing your own paper.    There are reports
of other people who have taken all the documents at closing, turned them over and wrote “Pay to the Untied States Treasury, without recourse” on the
back.    Not only did they never get a book or bill, they never got a tax bill, and the got a check back from the Treasury for the full face value of the
note.    At that point, you might turn around and give it back to the U.S. Treasury so that can be retired.    What do you need it for?    If you can write
your own paper, what do you need a check for?
Q:    What if the person is deceased?
You can do that, too, if you are the executor of that estate.    Rule 17 real party of interest, under a letter rogatory (private communication).   
Send it to the Treasury, alien property custodian.
Who is the grantor of the trust?    There is a defect in the trust.    As a grantor, I have every right to correct a defect in a trust.    The
assignment of the reversionary is the correction of the defect in the trust.    You are dumping the escrow back on the U.S. so they can serve their
Under rule 17, ratification of commencement, when you come in, you are coming in defense of the United States’ interest.    It is all about
unification.    You are unifying your interest with the state interest to create a marriage for a more perfect union.    When you marry your interest with
the state, now you become the state.   
Fellow in audience found Calif Civil Code 1229, which states only the grantor of a trust can revoke the power of the trustee.    So he fire the
trustee on the mortgage.    He revoked the POA of the trustee.    The bank is now paying the county taxes.    He is not paying any more mortgage
payments.    He did it by accident.
What you actually did is, you converted the concept of a non-judicial foreclosure in California to an actual demand for a judicial
foreclosure, and in order for them to have standing and succeed on a judicial foreclosure, which they can never do pursuant to 1229 of the Calif Civil
Code, they are stuck.    This takes away all their powers.
This is how you invoke international law.    Since you have evidence of counterfeit securities, the supreme court has already ruled in 1877
that congress has the authority to define and declare the counterfeiting within the United States of notes of foreign bank or corporation is against the
law of nations.    That means you can have the international community throw them in jail.    [I very much doubt that.    What international
Audience:    If you are in a court setting, and you bring this up to the attention of the judge, and he does nothing on it, it is an immediate
violation of title 18, sec. ___, misprision of felony, and he needs to be removed from the bench.
Now you have evidence of fraud or counterfeiting within the United States of the notes of a foreign bank – you.    You are a foreign bank,
foreign corporation.    It was an offense against the law of nations, reasoning that if the thing is one which United States are required by international
obligations, there is no hiding from this now.    This is how you get them into the law of nations.    You point out the violation under the law of nations
and now they have the duty to perform, and if they don’t do it, then they are not in harmony and compliance with the rules governing the
international community.
Audience:    One minor thing which might apply here if there are California people interested in this, when I filed it with the county, they
wouldn’t take it at first.    They said, even though it was notarized, it had to be notarized by an attorney.    I don’t know why.
Once you have evidence of their counterfeiting, that is against the law of nations, now you have every right to come in and demand
performance under constitution Article I, sec. 8, clause 10 or they are guilty of aiding and abetting, and offering material support to terrorism, in
violation of their duties to the UN charters, which are also in this document, called the Hamdan Brief.    It is at    It shows
you how to take them into international law where they can’t hide.    Counterfeiting shows up in the document.
Q:    26 USC 108 and 1275(a)(1) talks about debt instruments, which are bills, bonds, P/N, etc.
There is also a time line associated with that.    A Promissory Note is considered a security if it runs for more than 180 days.    A 30 year
note is a security, and now it is not an asset they can use.    A security has to remain with them.    They can monetize it, they can lien against it, but
they are not allowed to get rid of it.
Once they counterfeited it, they are not entitled to anything.    Once you find the violation of the law of nations, they must act upon it.    If
they don’t, they are just barbarians.    The international community does not like barbarians.   
Q:    So they have to bring the note?
They don’t have to bring anything.    You ask them for it so you can rip it up, so it doesn’t go anywhere.    If they don’t bring it, I don’t care,
now they have claimed ownership, it is usufructory, it is over.
Since they separate the note, and sell it all over the world, which owner is coming to claim?    You sign it over to the United States and let
them have the proceeds, and go after the criminals.   
Audience:    It is almost like a quasi-qui tam actions because you are basically becoming a whistle blower.    You are giving them an option
to do what they need to do.    If they don’t do it within six months, theoretically, you have a right to do a qui tam action, and you are entitled to 35%
of the proceeds plus costs.
Right, and you want to give them 100% which would be the face value.
Audience:    Now Iceland is forgiving debt.
Because the notes other countries bought, are counterfeit.    Therefore, they are against the law of nations.    Iceland has every right to do
this, and the bankers cannot stop them.    They didn’t even try to stop them.    The bankers know what they are doing, and the ramification of their
Q:    Are any attorneys working with you?
Hell, no.

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Look up Black’s Law 5th talks about livery or a man reaching the age of majority.    He can sue out in a probate action for all the trust
property pursuant to Article 4 of the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666, which is every single court case, which is governed by these principles and military
law.    If these guys get in your way . . .
You accept the invoice for honor on the front side and then transfer the interest to the U.S. Treasury on the back side, and now you have a
contract.    It is that simple.    If you put a stamp on it, sign through the stamp.    When they are calling you the NAME and number, that is actually a
executive-level contract.    Your name is registered as a result of Vital Statistics, that is an executive level branch government function; SSN is also
part of the executive level branch, and it is a result of the Hague 43 public order and safety, and 55 the administration of usufruct.    So you have an
executive level contract which you are enforcing now, so the U.S. fulfills its obligation.
Send it to the head of the Treasury and cc whoever else.    Registered mail.
You are doing what is required of you under the constitution and the contract.    The contract is the BC and the SSN.    No need to be afraid
of it, if you understand its purpose.    Its purpose was not to enslave you, but to free you.    If you are going to claim ownership of it, it will enslave
you, because you are making claim to a usufruct.    The beneficiary of everything is the state, not you.    The intentional beneficiary is the state.    They
intended to receive a benefit from this, interest or property.    If you are using it and not giving anything back, now you know where the tax comes due
on you.    The usufruct comes back.    You claimed ownership of the name and decided not to give anything back.    You argued with them, said “That’s
not me.”    There is no authority to use that NAME for personal identification, it is strictly for accounting purposes for what you are out here doing.   
The reason why it is under the Hague article 55 is because when they come in and exercise state authority they take on all the
characteristics of a state.    Once they took your property under their possessions and started executing it, they took on all the liabilities of the state
because they became an estate.    They choose to intervene by taking possession and operating control, in the absence of a contrary agreement they
became entitled to the benefits and subject to the liabilities.    See Peewee (court case).    My agreement is the United States is the beneficiary of
everything I do in this thing, and here is this contract, demanding the United States fulfill its duties, so my rights and property are always protected.
Audience:    They created by their actions an obligation to perform.
If they say they are not going to comply, Article 46 of the Lieber Code comes in because they took administration of a public estate, for
profit and gain, without any claim from the state, which means they are now engaged in a private contract under tort under usufruct, and the United
States is going to protect that contract because it has a duty under international law to protect the unalienable right of contract.    If it is not going to
allow contracts to have weight in its country, the U.S. becomes ill repute.    That’s why they got rid of the Articles of Confederation and put in the
Constitution.    So the U.S. is forced into its obligations.    This nation is full of scoundrels.
Do a Mandatory Judicial Notice and give the judge instructions on what you want done.    You don’t write a letter saying please do this and
that.    If you are going to enforce your contract, do not sit there and write letter after letter to a brick wall that is not going to listen to you.    The
second they breach this contract, your counterclaim is breach of contract under international law.    It is an international contract they are breaching.   
This is a purchase of the United States of interest of a foreign nation, not of its citizens, of a foreigner, and they extended you hospitality.    It is
international law.    Now you go back and look where this is discussed in Hamdan and now anybody who tries to breach this is trying to counterfeit a
contract issued by you, the bank, making it a counterfeit security, making it a violation of the law of nations.    Now you send a lynch mob at them.   
Unjust enrichment.
This is the basic core line of every single matter, every single court case, all boiled down to one action.    You only need the mandatory
notice to the judge.    [Judges have to take mandatory notice of law.]    They are interfering with your contract and trying to force you into another one
and we are allowing it.    Stop allowing it.   
Even the common law of the United States is founded on international law.    Everything is international.    The nations have to follow it or
they are considered barbarian.   
Enticement into slavery is in Title 18.
Now you are doing business with the Treasury, you are not trading with the enemy.    Do all business with the Treasury, otherwise you are
under the TWEA.   
Any bill you get, send out to the Treasury for payment, and a copy to the CFO.
Q:    About sending in the BC.
You don’t even have to send in the BC to the Treasury.    This is all contract law.    You are a financial institution.    I can issue this.    You
have to accept it.    If you don’t, I am going to move in international law and liquidate you.
Q:    The certification of the BC.
When you get the BC authenticated, what you get back, for all intents and purposes, is the original.    Now that is your property.    I own this
property, I have the original.    They are trustees.    They may hold legal title and all the other crap, but according to their procedures and rules, the
authenticated copy is just as good as if I had the original.    Now you can state it is my property and I have evidence of my ownership, where is yours?
Q:    You use the authenticated BC to start an inroad to the TDA.
When we did that, we put it on a passport application.    We took the international law just discussed and wrote up an affidavit on it and got
it apostled, and did an Affidavit of Identity, and put a photo on it, got that apostled and sent that in, and now we are waiting for the return on the
passport application.
Q:    What was your occupation?
We put non-profit trust protector.    I am protector of the cestui que trust and the United States trust.    Now you are with them, not against
The codes state (in Florida) that the mortgage does not attach to the land.    All mortgages are a usufruct.    The one who is profiting is not
you, it is the bank.    They are profiting from something they never purchased.    They are usufruct, and you are in an investment contract.    All your
payments are going to pay investors, not to pay off the house.    The house was already paid for with the promissory note.    Now they want you to pay
the investors, insurance and taxes.    This is mis-administration and misapplication of the laws in this country.
Who knows what incompetence means?    It means you have a claim on your securities.    So when you go to the shrink, the first thing you
do when you see him is give him your acceptance and demand for return of your securities because he is the one who has to report to the judge.    You
have him do the delivery.
Appoint the judge or someone else who is making the claim, as fiduciary to deliver the instruments and proceeds so you can endorse all
that stuff over to the United States and fulfill your duties.    The strawman agency you are using can only do a couple things.    The agency can only

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appoint and nominate.   
Audience:    You have your Judicial Notice and your Form 56.
The one who has the tools to take care of the matter, which is the judge, is the bench, the bench is the bank.    He is the one administrating
the estate, he is the one who volunteered for the position.    He is the one who gets the . . .
Q:    Do you put him in your place for that specific matter?
Yes.    He is the U.S. citizen, and he is the one who took the oath, not you, so put the right guy in place for it.
Basically, you appoint him as special executor for this matter and purpose and none other, whatever matter is at hand in front of him.    On
the 91st day you file a tax return if you don’t hear from him.    He is now withholding delivery of interest to the United States, and you want the U.S.
to do an assessment on him.    You offer this guy indemnification, so he is indemnified under 12 USC 95a(2), no person shall be held liable in any
court for anything done or omitted in good faith for reliance on, enforcement of, pursuant to this section.    That includes the judge.    The judge is
indemnified under 12 USC 95a to collect the bonds that he otherwise would not be indemnified for.    You do it to where he delivers it back to you,
because you are the executor of the estate in reversion, which is the interest.    Remember, the estate is just interest, with the interest reverting to the
United States, which is your contract.    You have claimed an interest as an agency to acquire property in behalf of the U.S. Under 1951 you appoint
the judge to collect it and give you the proceeds so you can give it to the U.S. in fulfillment of your duties under 12 USC 95a so the U.S. can have its
reversionary interest.    You are indemnifying the judge because you are coming in as the executor defender of this estate of the U.S.
Come in under Rule 17, real party of interest, ratification of commencement.    Come in as the executor, you won’t be joined in the matter.   
The real party is the beneficiary, the United States.    So the guy making the claim is doing what?    Attacking the benefits due to the United States
relating to his purchase of an interest in me.    Do not come in for yourself.    Come in for the U.S.    This is my marriage, and I defend my marriage,
more perfect union.
Some examples of successes:    Eve went into bankruptcy court and got all her property back, house, car, all debts paid off.    She hammered
A fellow came over one night, and he has been learning with us, but I had never seen him before.    He told me the story of a foreclosure
sale that was to be on Monday.    I told him to accept their offer and demand they produce the bond underwriting the transfer that was secured by the
one making the claim under 26 USC 2032 A (e)(11).    They delivered it to the clerk of the court and the court administrator and I think the judge, and
they put it in the record in his case.    Later that day it came back that the auction does not meet county requirements.    We also put in there “Just
because you foreclosed on a mortgage, under Florida statute 697.02, you are not entitled to the property.”    Florida statute 697.02 says a mortgage is a
special kind of lien, and not an entitlement of right or possession or legal title.    When you have a mortgage on another’s property, you own a
usufruct.    You have no right to possession of the property.    The mortgage is an insurance policy.
Every contract you have out here is an insurance policy.    It is all insurance.    Since it all operates under insurance, they have already gotten
paid every time a default occurs.    Every probate matter is a salvage operation, everything is salvage.    They dump the cargo overboard (you) and
then come back and say “Salvage it.”    Insurance fraud is the oldest form of scam in the book.
You are the executor of your own affairs in this world, the trustee of the contract you’ve created and the executor of it.
SS is also insurance for the nation.    They subjugate your rights to make claims for ownership in favor of their claims of ownership.   
That’s what an insurance policy does.    If you have insurance on your car and you get in an accident, do you handle the matter yourself or call in an
insurance agent?    They subrogated your claim to the car, and they will do an adverse possession on the contract and see what loopholes they can get. 
What happens when a deer hits your car?    The state pays for it.    It is their property.    They take care of the obligation.    [I did not know
that, but it stands to reason if they license the hunting of deer, they are claiming ownership of the deer.]
Audience:    Guy goes into court for child support, and his whole thing was, “I am like a deer, your honor.    Does a deer pay child support?” 
No child support.    “Do you mean to tell me the deer has a usufruct with the government?”    That’s what he said.    That is as simple a statement you
can make.
Does a deer need a passport?    Passport was only for cargo.    Does an animal need a license to cross the street?    Travel anywhere?    Pay
for its shelter?    No, God provided everything.    So if they are going to say I am part of that entity, and they are going to claim to be God, they better
provide everything, or it is a false idol.    [I’d say it is a false idol even if they do provide everything.]    Every time you come in and support their
actions, you are committing idiolatry.   
Q: When they ask your name, what do tell them?
Jim:    When the judge asked my name, I asked, “What evidence do you have that I own such a thing?”    The judge said, “I believe
everyone has a name.”    I said, “That’s nice what you believe, but what does it have to do with the facts here today?”
Audience:    Tell the rest of the story, he got you for contempt and you went to jail, an agent came in and got him out and said, “What are
you going to do about the judge now?” because the judge touched the body without his permission.   
Jim:    Yeah, I got a visit from the man in black.    Basically, they came in and said “We want to know...” They made the story up that my
attorney was there to see me.    I don’t do attorneys, but I wanted to see what this was all about.    I talked to this guy, and he said we need to talk.    He
couldn’t tell me his name.    I asked who sent him to talk with me.    He said he couldn’t tell me.    “Well, what can you tell me?”    He said, “We’ve
been watching what you said in the court, and we want to know where you studied law.”    We talked a little and then he seemed obsessed and said,
“What are you going to do with the judge when you get out of here?”    I was in there for 10 days for contempt and the judge is busy processing other
people, what is his interest in me?    I realized this was a test, they were testing for intent.    The worst type of peaceful inhabitant is one laying in wait,
a belligerent posing.    They want to test and see that I am not going to use the information I have to hurt the system.    If you ever get visited by the
men in black, remember that is a blessing, and it is your opportunity to express your true intent, which should be love and peace.    So I thought,
“What would Jesus do?”    So I said, “Well, you tell Judge Pierce, if he feels that he has trespassed against me, let him know I forgive my brother.   
Now, also, if he feels that I’ve trespassed against him, or his court, ask him if he will likewise forgive his brother of my trespasses?”    That is the
Lord’s prayer, the highest law there is.    Then I said, “Now, if he should choose not to forgive me, then I’ll know that he is helping my Father,
because my Father wants me here to do my Father’s work, and thank him for the opportunity to serve my Father where I am needed most.”    They
had me on the curb by 8:00 p.m., almost 72 hours exactly from when they put me in jail.    We have to be consistent in our peaceful inhabitant
Coast Guard is the key.    They patrol the borders.    Whomever is in control of Coast Guard is in control of the nation.    Right now it is
Homeland Security.    When war breaks out, the Dept. of Navy takes over the Coast Guard.

Page 15
Q: about property taxes.
The state or whomever claims they own the property pays the taxes.    Whenever they come for ownership of a mortgage, we don’t fight the
mortgage.    We say take the mortgage, we are going to keep possession, because now you own the mortgage, you are not entitled to possession.   
Send the county assessor a copy of the -1 filing.    You actually don’t need any paperwork.    Acceptance kills them, kills all controversy.    You don’t
own the property.    Your name may own it, the agency, but that agency is an agency of the United State and you have assigned all interest to the U.S.
so now the U.S. owns the property.    You use it as the estate in the agency, because you have interest in the property, you have agency, interest in the
agency, that you acquired because you never get paid for anything.    All you get are interest in things.    You have your interests, the reversion goes
off to the U.S.    Time is the only commodity you have that is limited.    The only non-renewable resource.    Everything else on this planet will
regenerate itself.    (Don’t do a sweat equity claim on property, the IRS will come after you.)
Q:    When it comes to a mortgage, what exactly are you assigning to the government?
The proceeds, products and profits from a mortgage that arise.    We went in and reformed the trust, because you are the grantor and there is
a defect in it, so to clear the defect you reform the trust.    All you really do is put it in as an amendment, assign the interest over to cure the defect.
Audience:    The courts are ignoring that so we probably need to do a mandatory judicial notice and let the judge know what his penalty is
going to be if he trespasses.
Do the reversion, put it into the county as an attachment to the deed of trust, because you are the grantor of it.    You can also notify the
county through an amendment that the property (the deed) has been assigned to the U.S. via the reversionary interest.    Now the US is obligated for
the property taxes.
The mortgagee is holding an investment contract it already got paid on.
If they call you the NAME, okay, that name has been acquitted and discharged, what do you have next?
Audience:    I went to see the shrink on court order and he asked if I had seen my attorney.    I said, “What do you mean my attorney?”    She
said, “Well, for your case.”    I said, “What do you mean my case?”    She said, “This case State v. ______.”    I said, “You mean, that’s my name?   
That’s me?”    She says, “Why, of course it is.”    I said, “Wait, can I be something, can I use something – if I use that name, does that mean it is me?” 
She said, “Absolutely.”    I said, “So if I use a football, that makes me football?”    She said, “I think our meeting today is over.”
Audience:    I’ve been contemplating the idea of copyrighting my name and image, now if it says I’m so and so, what is the government
going to do?    Will they come back and say, “No, you are not so and so, we own that so and so”?   
You don’t come in as you, you come in as the executor of the estate.    The estate has an interest.    There are no other things in the estate
other than interests.    Corpis Juris Secundum states the first sentence.    The second sentence is that usufruct is the right of the profit from property
that does not belong to you.    So when you are using that name for private profit and gain, you are the usufruct.    If you are going to use it to support
the public interest, you are not the usufruct.    These estates operate in accordance of usufruct.
Audience:    There is another way to do it.    I’ve gone into the Sec. of State’s office and filed a fictitious business name statement making
the U.S. the owner of the name on record.    They own the name.    Show that in court.
They cannot impose an artificial creature on another sovereign entity.    You are a sovereign entity.    You are not a creation of the state.   
You are flesh and blood.    The people were never registered.    The event was registered, so they gave you an agency, with a matching estate in the
Union.    That’s what they gave you.    That is a result of the hospitality.    You are not that name.    This is part of the whole illusion they gave us.    I
was given an agency and an estate.    I was not given a name.    My name is in my Creator’s book and won’t know until I meet him.    If you meddle in
the affairs of an infant without authority, you will be held accountable.    The infant is the agency and its estate is interests.    You are not the name,
you are operating through it.    It is a transmitting utility.
When you apply for a privilege, like a driver license, you agree by consent to have service of process for that name at that address (which
cuts out the Sec of State from having to accept service of process for you as a foreigner).    So then turn it over to the US Treasury to discharge that
Maxim of law:    It is better to suffer any indignity than to consent.
Q:    Something about some state laws granting an exemption from driver license.
If you are going to claim an exemption to the license, put a bond with it.
You can use your SSN to form a grantor trust and then get an EIN for the trust.    Dump the SSN, license, etc. into the trust.    When you get
the EIN for the trust, it dumps everything into that trust.    Get a tax exempt ID number, it is a domestic trust.    Use an 8832 and elect to disregard it as
a foreign trust if you wish to.    It doesn’t matter, because the trust itself, when you set this up, is going to be the one that does all the work.    It is the
one that will be absolved.    Just set this up for the estate you have, put all your interest into it, via the transfer of minors act, and any reversion that
comes out of it you give over to the U.S.    All the rights you put into the trust because you are the protector of your own rights, and you are also
ensuring your beneficiaries get everything they got.    Now if somebody makes claim, they have to prove what security they put up to initiate to
secure their interest for transfer of right to this property.    That is your protectionary mechanism.    You are creating yourself.   
There is an organization that has been set up to bring aid to you, if you need it, when you need it, but only when you need it.    You have to
know how to talk to them because it is fully interactive, and it is very nervous.    It is called the United States.    They are very paranoid.
Q:    So you have your trust, what is keeping the IRS from putting levies on that trust and your interests.
They better have a good reason for interference in the administration of a trust per 15 USC 1, it is called Anti-trust.    Not allowed to use
any trust or artifice to interfere with any commerce or contract you have.    They did that to counteract Rockefeller and Nelson and all those robber oil
barons from taking over control of the nation and stopping everybody else from even attempting to compete with them.
Audience:    When the IRS goes after trusts, they are making the conclusive presumption that it is nothing more than a nominee and an alter
ego.    That is all they are doing.    Then they file notice of tax lien, which is not a real lien.
There are ways to get rid of the IRS liens, you record and register the liens like they did, and then you cancel it and send it to the IRS, or
you get certified copies of it and send it to the Treasury.    You can put it on a -1 filing because the IRS failed to do that, and then terminate it, and that
cancels the lien.
Q:    about the name and going into court.
Whatever you do, don’t go in there with a script.    The judges are masters of turning you around and confusing you.    You have to
internalize this so it comes from the heart.    The best way to do it is to clear my mind and know who I am.    If they come at me with a question, I stay
in honor and respond with questions, but all my questions point to the rock I am standing on, my truth.   

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Use Mandatory Judicial Notice, and understand that going into court is a mistake.    Every judge, every attorney, they didn’t take an oath to
protect you.    They are there to make everybody believe the court is legitimate.    The remedy I seek will not happen in a public arena.    The remedy I
seek, and that I am coming for, happens on the private side, and it manifests on the public side by having no case, or it disappears.
I accept the summons.    They are summoning government property.    Send them a copy of the BC.   

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