Skripsi Kiki Agustina - 1401121000
Skripsi Kiki Agustina - 1401121000
Skripsi Kiki Agustina - 1401121000
Presented to
Stated Islamic Institute of Palangka Raya
In partial fulfillment of the requirements
For the dehree of Sarjana in English Language Education
NIM 1401121000
This study aims to finding out the type of code-switching and code-mixing
what teachers useing in schools and the reason teachers use code-switching and
code-mixing. This study used descriptive qualitative research. in data analysis,
researcher used instruments such as observation, interviews and documentation.
The population in this study was a teacher who taught in class X MIPA 5 in MAN
Kota Palangka Raya.
The results of research on how there was two types of bilingual class
language: English as the primary language and Indonesia as an additional
language and Indonesian as the main language and English as an additional
language. A researcher found that in code-switching the types of code-switching
carried out by English teachers in the class was three types according to the theory
of the types of code switching made by the expert, the tag switching type
appeared 2 times, the intra-sentential type appeared 31 times and the inter-
sentential type appeared 23 times. Whereas in the code-mixing carried out by
English teachers in the class was three types according to the theory of code-
mixing purposed by the expert, the insertion type only appears 1 time, alternating
types appear 44 times and congruent lexicalization types appear 10 times. The
researcher also found that the reason teacher used language interfering and
language transfer was if they wanted to discuss a particular topic, be firm about
something, group identity, help students who were confused, and restore student
Agustina .Kiki. 2018. The Use of Code-Seitching and Code-Mixing by English
Teacher At MAN Kota Palangka Raya. Thesis, Department of
Language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, State
Islamic Institute of Palangka Raya. Advisors : (1) Dr. Imam Qalyubi,
M.Hum, (II) Hj. Apni Ranti, M.Hum.
Key words : Code-Switching , Code-Mixing, Teacher, MAN Kota Palangka Raya
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis pengalihan kode dan
pencampuran kode yang digunakan guru di sekolah dan alasan guru menggunakan
alih kode dan pencampuran kode. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif
deskriptif. Dalam analisis data, peneliti menggunakan instrumen seperti observasi,
wawancara dan dokumentasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seorang guru
yang mengajar di kelas X MIPA 5 di MAN Kota Palangka Raya.
Hasil penelitian tentang bagaimana ada dua jenis bahasa kelas bilingual:
Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa utama dan Indonesia sebagai bahasa tambahan dan
bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa utama dan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa
tambahan. Seorang peneliti menemukan bahwa dalam kode-switching jenis-kode
switching yang dilakukan oleh guru bahasa Inggris di kelas adalah tiga jenis
sesuai dengan teori jenis-jenis kode switching yang dibuat oleh ahli, jenis tag
switching muncul 2 kali, -sentensial tipe muncul 31 kali dan jenis antar-
sentimental muncul 23 kali. Sedangkan dalam kode-pencampuran yang dilakukan
oleh guru bahasa Inggris di kelas adalah tiga jenis sesuai dengan teori
pencampuran kode yang dibuat oleh ahli, jenis penyisipan hanya muncul 1 kali,
jenis bolak-balik muncul 44 kali dan jenis leksikalisasi kongruen muncul 10 kali .
Peneliti juga menemukan bahwa alasan guru menggunakan bahasa yang
mengganggu dan transfer bahasa adalah jika mereka ingin mendiskusikan topik
tertentu, bersikap tegas tentang sesuatu, identitas kelompok, membantu siswa
yang bingung, dan mengembalikan konsentrasi siswa,
The researcher would like to express to sincere to Allah SWT., for the
blessing bestowed in her whole life particularly during the thesis writing without
which this thesis would not have come to its final form. Sholawat and salam
always be bestowed to the last prophet Muhammad SAW., having shown us the
1. The rector of IAIN Palangka Raya Dr. Ibnu Elmi A.S Pelu, S.H., M.H., for his
direction and encouragements and also for his permission in conducted this study
Instituteof Palangka Raya, Drs. Fahmi, M.Pd., for his invaluable assistance
3. Vice Dean in Academic Affairs, Dra. Hj. Rodhatul Jennah, M.Pdfor her
5. Chair of Study Program of English Education, M.Zaini Miftah, M.Pd., for his
6. My thesis advisors Dr. Imam Qalyubi, M.Hum and Hj. Apni Ranti, M.Hum for
their generous advice, valuable guidance and elaborated correction during their
7. Both the members of the board of examiners, for their corrections, comments
8. All lecturers of Study Program of English Education from whom I got indepth
10. My beloved parents, Riyanto and Yansiani. My beloved sister Endah Novita
Sari A.Md.Keb and my beloved brother Tito Nugraha. For their moral support
and endless prayer so that I am able to finish my study. May Allah bless them
all. Aamiin.
11. My beloved friends Lilis Oktaviani, Esti Rahmawati, Somia Salsabila, Benny
period, for the support in sadness and happiness during the study in
Your faithfully
Kiki Agustina
COVER ................................................................................................................. i
COVER (Second Page) ........................................................................................ ii
ADVISOR APPROVAL ....................................................................................... iii
THESIS APPROVAL ........................................................................................... iv
MOTTO AND DEDICATION ............................................................................. v
DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP .................................................................. vi
ABSCTRACT ....................................................................................................... vii
ABSCTRACT(Indonesia).................................................................................... viii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................. ix
TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................... xi
LIST OF APENDICES ...................................................................................... xiii
A. Background of the study .................................................. 1
B. Problem of the study ........................................................ 3
C. Object of the study ........................................................... 4
D. Significance of the study .................................................. 4
E. Limitation of the study ..................................................... 4
F. Definition of key term ...................................................... 5
A. Data Presentation .............................................................. 30
B. Research findings ............................................................. 50
C. Discussion ....................................................................... 50
A. Conclusion ........................................................................ 63
B. Suggestion ........................................................................ 64
APPENDICES ......................................................................................................
Appendices I Observation
Appendices II Result of Interview
Administration Appendices
Curiculum Vitae
society. Sociolingustics deals with social factors, including regional, class, dialect,
structures and linguistic structures and to observe any changes that occur in
Kota Palangka Raya as instructors present other languages or usually the native
language of teachers and learners. Due to the existence of two languages that
happened in class X MIPA 5, English as the target language and the native
language of teacher and students then this situation leads code-switching and
Teachers can start a lesson in one language, and then switch to another
Skiba (1997) cited on Moghadam (2012, p. 2220) claims that teachers can use
students can form two member groups and switch languages intentionally in
a way to modify the language for personal gain and code-switching can have a
positive effect. When teachers or students switch code they speak from the L1 to
L2 or target language. This may have important and positive effects on foreign
language learning. Related on Sert defines, the researcher found a very positive
supported by Heller (1988, p. 1) who contends that code-mixing is the use of two
each other, those who are monolinguals can only use one language, those who are
bilinguals can use two languages and those who are multilingual can use more
or communities to mix their native language with other languages in their daily
communication or interaction. For this purpose, they combine the elements of the
two languages they are using in their sentences. They usually practice this
MAN Kota Palangka Raya is one of the best schools in Palangka Raya,
where the accreditation of the school is “A”. English teacher has a good quality of
English teaching and they are licensed by the government. Based on pre-
mixing. Based on pre-interview the teacher said that the use of code-switching
and code-mixing are to make teaching and learning easier and more effective.
So, based on the background of the study, the researcher was interested in
questions as follows:
find out:
This research was significant for several reasons. First, the outcomes of this
research were expected will give knowledge about the type of code-switching and
references for the further research in the future for the better understanding the use
of code-switching and code mixing. Practically, this study expected to give more
Raya who teaching English in X MIPA 5 and focusing on two points; types of
1. Code-Switching
claims that Code switching is a mixing of words, phrases and phrases from
the same speech event mixing code is the insertion of various linguistic units
such as affix (bound morpheme), words (no bound morphemes), phrases and
meant, must reconcile what they hear with what they understand
2. Code-Mixing
switching. Code mixing usually occurs without changing topics and can
defines code mixing as the term refers to the use of one or more languages for
consistent transfer of linguistic units from one language into another, and by
of linguistic interaction.
3. English Class
handles the subject matter considering bilingual classrooms in saying that the
application of code switching in classes which do not share the same native
So, at this point it may be suggested that the students should share the
Another point to consider in this respect is that the competence of the teacher
Classrooms”, the use of code mixing, code switching, and language borrowing is
learning. The findings reflect the role of L1 as a strategy and aid in the classrooms
languages is an edge and a strategy for better comprehension of the topic. The use
of L1 aids the teacher to make the student a better learner and focus on result
oriented teaching and learning aims to make the lecture interesting and to avoid
wrong perceptions.
in Learning Language)” found that many teachers make code-mixing and code-
participant. The teacher should know and understand when they should emphasize
the language.
help the teachers to emphasize, to clarify, and to check the understanding of the
The similarity between the previous studies and this study was that both of
them talk about code-mixing and code-switching, the differences between writer
study and the previous studies were this research aims to conducted research on
code-switching and code-mixing related to the types and the reasons. This study
B. Sociolinguistics
how a language was used in the community. In this case, the language was closely
relationship between language and society. Related on Holmes and Wilson found,
how people use language in different social contexts and can provide information
on how the language works, as well as about social relationships within the
community, and how people convey their social identity aspects through their
habit of the use of language and the social fabric of habitual action. With clear
language usage and stay focused on the social setting topics inherent in people's
language habits. Thus, related on Fishman found sociolinguistics not only focuses
on the organizational structure of the language but also on the level of language
use in the community and familiarizes the language of the user in using the
C. Speech Act
when we produce utterance. When the speaker produces a speech, it means that
the speaker does some sort of giving orders, asking questions, making requests or
promises. they not only produce speech that contains grammatical structures and
words, but also some actions arise through those utterances. This action was
intended to be seen through the very situation, in which this verb is used. The act
of speaking was no longer focused on the sentence, but the problem of speaking in
a speaking situation.
from behavior and speaking a language is also performing speech act, such as
on and abstractly, acts such as referring and predicting. Related on Searle found,
in conclusion speech act is a condition that can replace the action for a particular
D. Bilingualsm
which one can speak more than one language. The commonly used bilingualism
can cover all situations where more than one language was spoken as
E. Code-Switching
In this section will explain the definition of code-switching and type code-
1. Definitions of code-switching
(language or dialects) between two people who share those particular code.
transfer or interference.
Code-switching was used to indicate the thinking of the speaker. When the
failing, the person needs to change the language into a language that the other
among people who contribute to those specific codes. In this exchange, a number
of social and linguistic factors direct the way code switching manifests it self. In
percent single word switches, ten percent phrase switches, and six percent clause
2. Type of code-switching
has three types, namely: (a) tag-switching, (b) intra-sentential code-switching, and
tags and phrases in one language are inserted into speech or vice
versa in other words. This type of code switching occurs the most
easily for the reason being that tags typically contain minimal
language has been completed and the next sentence starts with a
halaman selanjutnya.
F. Code-Mixing
In this section will explain the definition of code-mixing and type of code-
1. Definition of Code-mixing
Code mixing takes place without a change of topic and can involve various levels
items. Bhatia and Ritchie (2004) defined code mixing as the mixing of various
supports a speech inserted with other language elements. This was usually related
Usually the prominent features are formal or informal situations. But it can occur
there was compulsion to used other languages, even though it only supports one
Wardhaugh (2006) found that code mixing occurs when conversants use
both languages together to the extent that they change from one language to the
other in the course of a single utterance It means that the conversants just change
some of the elements in their utterance. Code mixing takes place without a change
of topic and can involve various levels of language, e.g., morphology and lexical
A speaker who masters many languages will have a chance to mix code
more than the other speaker who only masters one or two languages. If someone
uses one word or phrase from one language, he or she has a mixed code. One
thing that clearly has one grammatical one language, and the next clause is
2. Type of code-mixing
a. Insertion
This kind of code mixing occurs within a word boundary or occurs when
lexical items from one language are incorporated into another. For example
must read the latest articles every day to update your knowledge about the
In the example above, the speakers mix the language between English and
such as in shoppã (English shop with the Panjabi plural ending) or kuenjoy
b. Alternation
This form of mixed code appears when there were changes in the structure
of two different languages, both grammar and vocabulary systems, which are not
easily detected because they have merged into one utterance in a conversation. In
other words, alternation is a mixed code that occurs when two different languages
used in a clause between the two languages. This kind of code mixing occurs
- Tidak apa-apa, I’ll give it later (Don’t worry, it’s okay, I’ll give it later).
In the example above, the speaker mixes the language between Indonesian
and English, it was called the Intra-Sentimental code because the speaker mixes
the languages in a sentence boundary where the speaker says "tidak apa-apa" in
her/his utterance.
like this. Y luego decla (and then he said), look at the smoke coming out my
fingers.” And “Estaba training para pelar” : “He was training to fight (Hamdan,
2015: 15).
c. Congruent Lexicalization
the situation where two languages share grammatical structures, which can be
filled lexically with elements from either language. This form of mixed code
changing the structure by inserting non-numerical lexical from the two languages.
utterance that contains a variety of words from different languages but can still be
available. Full information because of the shared grammar system. The thing that
stands out in the form of this code mix was the frequency of the appearance of
these lexical elements. An utterance was said to use what form of code interfering
if the appearance of lexical elements from different languages more than twice so
- Software saya buat convert file wav jadi mp3 saya sudah expired. (My
rather than in another. They do this because a speaker feels free, more comfortable
and easy to express their emotional feelings in a language that is their everyday
In the class, not all students were familiar with English, so the teacher
talking about section reading and writing. They switch or mixed the code in order
For this reason, happens when the interlocutor quotes famous expressions or
utterances. The quotations were usually from the public figure or famous people.
countries. Then, because many of the Indonesian people nowadays was good at
English, those famous expressions or saying can be quoted intact in their original
was a modern person, who always update himself or herself with new
Usually, when someone who was talking using a language that was not his
intentionally or unintentionally, will switch from his second language to his first
language. Or, on the other hand, there were some cases where people feel more
that has no grammatical value. Hoffman (1991) stated that “language switching
and language mixing among bilingual or multilingual people can sometimes mark
speech so that it will be understood more by the listener, he or she can sometimes
use both of the languages that he or she mastered by saying the same utterance
(the utterance is said repeatedly)”. The repetition is not only to clarify the
other words, when bilingual talks to another bilingual, there will be lots of code
switching and code mixing occurs. It means to make the content of his/her speech
strategies to express group identity because the way people communicate with
their group are obviously different from the way they communicate with other
people from other groups. Code switching and code mixing can also be used to
different from other groups. In other words, the way of communication of one
community is different from the people who are out of the community.
A. Research Design
In this study, the design was descriptive qualitative research which uses
case study. Produce an in-depth description, which able to illustrate the used of
were methods mainly in collected the data and analyzing data according to the
purpose of this study to get the right data from the use of code-switching and
Where a teacher in MAN Kota Palangka Raya who taught in X MIPA 5 this was
The researcher observes one teacher at X MIPA 5 because the teacher used
two languages to deliver the materials was English and Bahasa Indonesia and the
languages that the teacher used during the learning process are equal. It was
indicated that not all English teacher in MAN Kota Palangka Raya who was
learning process. Besides, the class was always active during the learning process.
The researcher observes a teacher at X MIPA 5 because the teacher uses two
languages to deliver the material was English and Bahasa Indonesian and the
languages that the teacher used during the learning process was equal. It was
indicated that was not all English teacher in MAN Kota Palangka Raya who was
learning process. Besides, the class was always active during the learning process.
Although English was one of the difficult sources for the students, the way of a
teacher to deliver the materials made them enjoy the materials and easily got the
C. Source of Data
In this research, teacher utterances become the main object in getting the
desired data. The researcher wants to analyze the types and reasons of code-
In this case, the utterance should include the code-switching and code-mixing in
This study uses three sources of data: first, the observation of the uses of
code-switching and code-mixing in the class and know the type and reasons of
avoid loss of required data and there will be two phases that will be record by the
researcher during the teaching and learning process that was delivering teaching
materials and using or practicing the target language. third, interviews used to find
out more information such as the reasons of the used of code-switching and code-
1. Observation
code-mixing was used in the classroom and the reasons that occur from the use of
Raya. The observation conducted by the researcher in one class. The researcher
uses open observation in which the researcher does the observation with the
teachers' permission. The researcher joins the class and observes the teaching-
learning process passively without doing any involvement in the classroom. The
researcher observes all the teacher instruction during the learning process, what
languages which used by the teacher and how she or he makes the students
understand the material by switching and mixing the languages. This consists of
a. Checklist
observed behavior by giving a check mark (√) if the observed behavior appears
(Herdiansyah, 2009, p. 136). In the checklist table the researcher will include
2. Interview
collect data and was used also to test the truth and stability of data obtained by
The type of interview question used in this study was a structured interview.
The questions were asked in a set / standardized order and the interviewer will not
deviate from the interview schedule or probe beyond the answers received (so
they are not flexible). Structured interviews were easy to replicate as a fixed set of
closed questions are used, which was easy to quantify – this means it was easy to
3. Documentation
The type of documentation was recording. The recording was done to avoid
the loss of data required by the researcher. The researcher needs documentation as
proof of the study. The aims of documentation in this study were to record all of
the data in a research and also as proof of research. It consists the data of the study
such as observation (checklist) results (video) and interview results (audio). It was
done to know the types and reason of the code-switching and code-mixing that
gets the data through a qualitative approach and this approach was highly
English teacher.
3. The researcher makes a check list on the results of the initial study by
the classroom and when the used of code was done by the teacher during the
learning process takes place. during the observation the researcher also
theories already describe above to know the types and reasons used in class.
Researcher records the learning process in the classroom to avoid losing the
require data
4. While in the interview section was take after data from recordings and
English teachers and the questions focus on teacher awareness when using
code switching in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom and
observation, interviews, and recording. The data obtained were analyzed by using
case study method. To analyze the data, the researcher did some procedures
adopted from Nasution (2003, p. 126-130) which state there are four techniques
1. Data Collection
progress; create a check mark in the checklists list table that can provide
information about the appearance or behavior observed by giving a tick (√) if the
session the researcher also recorded this activity so as not to lose the desired data.
Data from the first observations and interviews also recorded was transcribed into
2. Data Reduction
primary data, focus on important data and reduce unnecessary data because the
words that do not used code-swiching and code-mixing was removed. The
researcher identifies and selects the data, ie speech that was considered to used the
code-switching and code-mixing and was also relevant to the research topic. So,
the analysis only focuses on the data in accordance with the research questions
that have been formulated. After the above steps, the researcher conducted an in-
3. Data Display
The data will be analyzed to determine the type and reasons of code-
switching and code-mixing that may appear and be used in the learning process in
the classroom. Data was identified and separated into specific groups based on the
research focus. The focus of this research was the types and reason of code-
switching and code-mixing. The result of the data reduction was made
4. Verification
during or after data collection. Verification, researcher have summarize the results
G. Data Endorsment
To find and authenticate the data obtained, the authors perform data
1. Credibility
Validity can not be taken for granted. Relative - related to the purpose and
data must be received and must received the truth from the source of information.
For the truth of the results of this study, researcher was supported by several
ways, as follows:
which collect data with various techniques from the same data source.
that is with a teacher in X MIPA 5 class. From a teacher who was the
source of the data, the data obtained will be analyzed and the data that
member checks was to make information gain for research and used in
writing research reports. That was from the data obtained, the researcher
gives confirmation to members who was the source of the data and who
was the data givers to see which data was agreed and which was rejected.
member examination.
2. Transferability
was applied or generalized to other contexts or to other groups. In this case, the
the context and participants to assist the reader in determining the transferability.
How far the results of this study can be applied in other contexts. That is, the
3. Dependability
the researcher sought to demonstrate that the findings were reliable. In this case,
the researcher wants to show that the method used can be reproduced and
consistent, that the approach and the procedure used was suitable for context and
4. Confirmability
truth values involve how to develop research designs, objects of research, and
accurately as possible and researcher also provide guarantees in the report. If the
results of the research was a function of the research process carried out, then the
designed to answer the research problems, there were the types and reasons of
A. Data Presentation
and documentation. First, the researcher conducted by making a check list on the
results of the initial study by observing directly during the learning process.
Observations were made in the classroom and when the user of the code was done
by the teacher during the learning process takes place. During the observation, the
researcher also documented the teacher's teaching process from the beginning of
the learning activity until the end of the researcher also analyzed whether the
occurrence of code-switching and code-mixing to find out the type and interviews
were also conducted to obtain data on the reasons for teachers using code-
16 October 2018 at MAN Palangka Raya City. At the end of the study conducted
interviews with a teacher who taught English, it was done at different times during
For the first data, the observation was conducted to find the type of code-
process in the classroom and the documentation aimed to find the type of code-
through observation and documentation in class seem to found the type of code
mixing proposed byMyusken (2000); (a) Insertion, (b) Alternation , and (c)
Congruent Lexicalization.
a. Type of Code-Switching
1) Tag-Switching
2) Intra-Sentential
- You can practice with your friends bisa ya nanti praktek dengan
- Before you come in front of the class you can choose bisa pilih
just practice
- So kalian semua harus praktek dan hari ini all of you have
chance ya.
liburan ke Hawai.
- You say to your friend, for example all of you is a friends kamu
- So here. You can giving compliment more than one, jadi kita juga
- There are many kind of compliment banyak kata yang bisa kita
mempraktekkannya dirumah.
yang lebih tua dari kita. It’s different with “will” and “going to”,
- I don’t said “we will tal our lesson” no, but I said “we are going
- I will be here tomorrow” without verb tanpa kata kerja ya. Why?
- Maybe tomorrow, next week or next year atau tahun depan tapi
visit my house?”.
- For the boy, kamu membicarakan situasi kaya dan senang. Let’s
- You make sure that you will give them the moneydankamu
- You are best friend of Aya, teman akrab kamu gitu ya. Than,
- And Aya, want to be a doctor ingin menjadi dokter gitu ya. But,
- The first you ask him and he answer your question. “What will
3) Inter-Sentential
- What happen with your sock? Kenapa kaos kaki nya kamu?
world and your daughter is a beautiful girl in this world. Iyaa ini
- Your husband is the big boss, have many company and factory.
- You and you. Kamu memuji dia dan dia memuji kamu.
- You are very sweet couple because you are very handsome and
- Who is the next? Berikutnya siapa yang masuk dikelas ini? After
- Ya, for the future. “would” in here is not past from “will”. Ini
- It’s different with “will” and “going to”, but have same meaning
for the future. Sama saja untuk yang akan datang ya sama kan
- What is the different? ada yang tau bedanya dengan “will” dan
“going to”
- When we use verbal sentence it’s mean we use verb, when we use
- Do you get it? Now, I would like to practice in front of the class.
- You can ask Soraya. beside you yang disamping saya ini apakah
- Ok. Ask her about the price? Tanya berapa harganya tas nya?
- Aya for the first. Iya kamu, Aya yang pertama ceritanya bertanya
pada temannya
b. Type of Code-Mixing
1) Insertion
- Will and would” is different if there is no “like-nya”. “I would to
2) Alternation
- “You are a good boy” and this is complimenting or showing care.
- So all of you should practice and hari ini all of you have chance
“congratulation” ya.
Kebersamaannya? Kekayaannya?
- Your name, namanya siapa? Yes you, sorry I’m forget your name
- You are very lucky, kamu sangat beruntung. Smart husband yaa.
- You are very sad, kamu sangat sedih I’m sorry to hear that.
- Don’s just at school because you just have 2 hour fot learning
expressing intention.
- What the other reason, alasan lain. “will” is close for the time
very near or not long for the space time when we speak about our
In this case maybe use tonight, tomorrow, next month, next year,
- Now, your friend said that have space time ada waktunyaand
- The other explanation about “will” and “ going to” is sure but
3) Congruent Lexicalization
- You can practice at home minimal 10minute you can learn dari
- Ini sudah maybe 80% atau 90% it will be happen when I say “we
are going to talk about our lesson today” itu 90% will be
happenakan terjadi.
- It’s different, ada bedanya ifyoustate “I’m going to” “we are
- There is polite, ada yang sure will be happen, ada juga yang
maybe also will not sure “i’m going to buy a motorcycle” duit
- Itu bisa ya, can you? Ok, akan menikah tahun depandan sekarang
your party.
it? “and what is the relationship between this one and this one?”
- Ok. Pay attention. Now we have guest mystery, tamu misteri ya.
2. Data Of Interview
For the second data, interview was conducted to found the reasons of code-
interview to got the data., the researcher wanted to know what the reasons teacher
on October 22th, 2018 and start at 14.00 until 14.30 WIB. Interviews were
conducted with teacher. First, the interview was done with teacher who taught
English in X MIPA 5. The questions that researcher asked teacher was, what the
teacher think about code-switching and code-mixing, have the teacher ever
switched or mixed language when speak English and how often, who is the main
target when the teacher switched or mixed the instruction, what do the teacher
think when he switched or mixed that language, what makes the teacher switched
or mixed languages when teaching learning process, why do the teacher switched
any special reasons that the teacher have to switched or mixed your language, and
how do students react when the teacher switch or mixed language when teaching
and learning.
Based on the interview, the teacher revealed that the reason teachers used
code-switching and code mixing was to show group identity, when they want to
be assertive about something to students and to clarify something that was not
B. Research Findings
a sentence that is given in the L1. It was show from the observation
possibly the most complex type among the three as it can occur at
- Before you come in front of the class you can choose bisa pilih
switched, from English (Before you come in front of the class you
can choose) then switch to Bahasa Indonesia (bisa pilih yang mana
or showing care.)
- What happen with your sock? Kenapa kaos kaki nya kamu?
word (like), and the code mixing occurs within a word boundary.
- Ask how much you spend the money for this holiday? Say
Indonesia as the embedded (100 juta). So, the code mixing of this
From the data which had been gathered, the researcher can
theory, they are as follow: (a) Talking about a particular topic, (b) Quoting
can conclude that there are 3 reasons based on the theory above and 2 other
that the reason teachers use Code-Switching and Code-Mixing was because
express group identity. In this class, there were some students who have
moderate abilities and there were some students who were capable of good
abilities. If the ability of the students turns out they were some people there
or some students has low-ability then they were very helpful with the use of
unfamiliar, the teacher must switch or mix to help the students by the
switching or mixing
it was very good. If there were English lessons in the afternoon, students
lack concentration and students need the maximum help from the teacher so
B. Discussion
In this section, the researcher discusses the findings in depth to answer the
data from the appendix was taken as the examples. This section consists of two
parts. The first part was related to the types of code-switching and code-mixing,
which was presented to answer the first formulation of the problem and the
second part was about the reasons of code-switching and code-mixing, which was
thus,they do not break syntactic rules when inserted into a sentence that is
Based on the findings, there are 2 data which are categorized as tag
switching, as follows:
the embedded (switch). So, the code-switching of this sentence has occurred
emblematic code switching because the speaker put Indonesian tag (ya) into
tag and its occurrence will not change the main point of the sentence. It can
be seen from “The situation ya you can say “hi” before the intention”. In
this case, the point of the sentence was about intention. When the word was
omitted, it will be “The situation you can say “hi” before the intention”.
Therefore, the point of the sentence was still the same. The word does not
another in the same sentence. Thus the sentence will consist of two
language. Based on the findings, there are 32 data which are categorized as
intra-switching, as follows:
languages that are switched, from English (Than, your friend as a best
intrasentential switching.
- Before you come in front of the class you can choose bisa pilih yang
languages that switched, from English (Before you come in front of the
class you can dominated by the sentence which its language matrix choose)
than switch to Bahasa Indonesia (bisa pilih yang mana yang akan kamu
From the data which had been gathered, the researcher can
concluded that the teachers attend to avoid the switching of from Bahasa
Bahasa Indonesia could be easier. This has related to the different position
of the two codes, where English has considered to be the target language in
the classroom. The use of English which has learned formally as the target
emphasize the formal and proper used of the target language. Also, the
divided into sentences, one sentence will be in one language while the other
sentences. Based on the findings, there were 23 data that belong to inter-
sentential switch..
- What happen with your sock? Kenapa kaos kaki nya kamu?
sock?) and Bahasa Indonesia as the embedded (Kenapa kaos kaki nya
kamu?). So, the code-switching of this sentence has occurred from English
there were two sentences in one utterance, the first was English sentence
- When we use verbal sentence it’s mean we use verb, when we use
nominal sentence we don’t use verb but we use noun or adverb. Sama
sentence it’s mean we use verb, when we use nominal sentence we don’t use
verb but we use noun or adverb) and Bahasa Indonesia as the embedded
(Sama semuanya karena itu adalah keinginan atau niat,atau kita dapat
mengatakan sesuatu yang harus dilakukan di masa depan). So, the code-
because the speaker switches the language between sentences, there were
two sentences in one utterance, the first is English sentence and Indonesian
From the data which had been gathered, the researcher can concluded
comprehensible for the students. Thus, the students were expected to able to
understand the teaching material or instructions better, and then they were
the embedded (switch). So, the code-mixing of this sentence has occurred
language into a structure from the other language. The teacher adds the
Indonesian suffix (-nya) in English word (like), and the code mixing
sentence boundary. This form of mixed code appears when there were
the embedded (Tinggal). So, the code mixing of this sentence was
mixing). The speaker puts the Indonesia word to the English sentence
- So all of you should practice and hari ini all of you have chance ya.
the embedded (100 juta). So, the code mixing of this sentence is occurred
puts the Indonesia word to the English sentence and the mixing occurs
the embedded (everywhere.). So, the code mixing of this sentence has
mixing). The speaker puts the Indonesia word to the English sentence
Kebersamaannya? Kekayaannya?
mixing). The speaker puts the Indonesia clause to the English sentence
can still be available. Based on the findings, there were 44 data that
as the embedded (Mixed). So, the code mixing of this sentence has
from either language. This form of mixed code appears when speakers
- You can practice at home minimal 10minute you can learn dari
as the embedded (Mixed). So, the code mixing of this sentence has
from either language. This form of mixed code appears when speakers
they were as follows: (a) Talking about a particular topic, (b) Citing
others, (c) Being assertive about something, (D) Interjection (Entering the
interlocutor, (9) Expressing group identity. After analyzing the data, the
researcher found that code switching and code mixing used by the teacher
had reasons based on interview data, the researcher could conclude that
there were 3 reasons based on the previous theory the teacher used Code-
interviews, researchers can conclude that the reason teachers used Code-
Switching and Code-Mixing was that they saw the ability of students
certain topics and also looked at vocabulary and even saw the types of
students feel there has words or sentences that were not familiar and
mixing or switching.
researchers can conclude that the reason teachers use Code-Switching and
number one about "Bukan" and "Tapi". The speaker mixed the utterances
because the teacher wanted to be emphatic about how to say the word
researcher can conclude that the reason teachers used Code-Switching and
some students who have moderate abilities and there were some students
who were capable of good abilities. If the ability of the students turns out
they were some people there or some students were low-ability then they
a. Help students who was confused, if there ware a vocabulary and the type
it should be done in the morning it was very good. If there were English
lessons in the afternoon, students lack concentration and students need the
maximum help from the teacher so they can restore their concentration so
The finding and the suggestion were aimed at the teacher, specifically for the
MAN Kota Palangka Raya, and those who are interest further in researching the
A. Conclusion
Based on the result of data analysis and finding in the previous chapter, the
1. The types of code-switching carried out by English teachers in the class was
three types according to the theory of the types of code switching made by
times and (c) Inter-sentential appeared 23 times. And the types of code-
mixing carried out by English teachers in the class was three types according
:(a) Insertion appears 1 time, (b) Alternation appear 44 times, and (c)
purposed also for some motive, these reasons was: (a) Talking about a
identity (d) help students who was confused, and (e) Restore studenta
B. Suggestion
2. For the other researchers this design of this thesis used descriptive
qualitative research which use case study, its recommended for the other
research for who interest researching the use of code-switching and code-
2017, 29-45.
Rineka Cipta
Context.Hasanuddin University
Pahruli. (2010). The Type And The Factors Influencing The Code Switching And
Ulfah, N. M. (2014). The Use of Code Switching by English Teachers in Foreign
Language). Jurnal Dakwah Tabligh, Vol. 13, No. 1, Juni 2012 : 123 – 135.
Appendix 1
Classroom : X MIPA 5
Classroom : X MIPA 5
sama kan
5 What is the different? ada yang tau
bedanya dengan “will” dan “going to”
No Utterances
1 But here ingatAda perbedaan ya, because ✔
we have three kinds of expressing
2. Have you ever switched or mixed your language when you speak English?
How often?
3. Who is the main target when you switched or mixed the instruction?
(Apa yang Anda pikirkan ketika Anda mengganti atau mencampur bahasa
(Apakah ada faktor atau situasi yang spesial yang membuat bapak/ibu
8. How do students react when you switch or mixed language when teaching
and learning?
(Bagaimana reaksi siswa ketika anda switch atau mixed bahasa ketika
Language : Indonesia
Palangka Raya
Researcher : Jadi saya sebagai peneliti punya beberapa pertanyaan yang akan
yang mana disaat seseorang baik itu guru atau siapa pun
Teacher : Ya, tentu saja karna kita sebagai guru bahasa inggris yang
yang kita ajar dan melihat situasi dan kondisi dari pada peserta
Teacher : Iya, sebenarnya target utama itu jelas murid itu sendiri apa bila
disana kita melihat kondisi ada dari beberapa murid atau bahkan
Teacher : Tentunya yang kita pikirkan adalah sejauh mana disaat kita
belajar pak?
Teacher : Tentu banyak alasan disana ya, salah satu alasan kan melihat
yang kita ajarkan termasuk topik tertentu dan juga melihat kosa
Researcher : Jadi, ada pertanyaan lagi pak mengapa bapak beralih dan
Researcher : Oo jadi begitu ya pak. Apakah ada faktor atau situasi yang
Teacher : Ya, situasi yang spesial tentu ada. Kalau situasi dan kondisi
mengajar dikelas ini tentukan akan lebih kondusif atau pun anak
Teacher : Jadi ini dua sisi, anak” itu ada yang kempuannya rendah, sedang
Researcher : Jadi menurut bapak switching dan mixing itu masih sangat
Teacher : Iya, terutama untuk siswa itu sendiri, kalau untuk gurunya
warahmatullahi wabarakatu