Cyber Law Notes

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Unit- I
Cyberspace Introduction and UNCITRAL Model Law - Information Technology Act,
2000 with recent Amendments-jurisdictional Issues- Digital Signatures- Regulation
of Certifying Authorities- Cyber Regulation Appellate Tribunal.

Unit- II
·online Contracts
Formation of online Contracts- E-Banking Transactions- Online Payment Options-
Online Advertising- Electronic and Digital Signature- Taxation Issues in Cyber
Space- Indirect Tax - Tax evasion - Double Tax- International Tax- Permanent
Establishment- Protection of Trade secrets and Deceptive trade Practices.

Cyber Crimes
Understanding Cyber Crimes- Actus Reus and Mens Rea-Types of crimes in the
internet- Against Person, Against Property, Against Government- Digital Evidence-
Investigation and Adjudication of cyber crimes in India- Cyber Arbitration- Cyber
Conflict Investigation.

IPR and Cyber Space
Copyright Issues in the Internet- Protection of computer software- Caching-
international regime- OSS-DMCA- Data Protection Directive- Trademark Issues in
the Internet- Domain Name- registration -Domain Name Disputes- ICANN-UDRP
Policy- Linking- Framing - Meta tagging -database issues in the Internet.



Information technology and cyber space
Concept of information technology
The technology relating to computer systems, their hardware, software and
networks, internet, and various applications running on the internet, is broadly
referred to as information technology of' IT'. The Oxford Dictionary defines 'TT' as:
"The study or use of computers, telecommunication systems, and other
devices for storing, retrieving and transmitting information."
Concept of Cyber Space
The virtual space in which all of IT-mediated communicated and actions are
taking place is often referred to as 'Cyber space'. Cyber space cannot be spatially
located. It is made up of intangible objects, such as your website, blog social
networks, email accounts, personal information and reputation, Cyberspace can be
thought of as a global electronic village with instantaneous communication and no
geographical barriers".
The Proliferation of IT and the Need for Regulation of Cyber space.
The proliferation of 'IT' has resulted in a concomitant proliferation of
computer crime and other forms of unauthorized access to computers, computer
systems and computer data. The protection of the integrity of all types and forms of
lawfully created computers, computer systems, and computer data is vital to the
protection of the privacy of individuals as well as to the well-being of financial
institutions, business concerns, governmental agencies, and others that lawfully
utilize those computers, computer systems, and data. The laws governing the physical
world are, however, inept at governing transactions in cyber space where the subject
matter often is an intangible object such as one's email or Facebook account or website
or virtual currency or personal information. The regulation of the cyber space, thus,
requires specialized laws.

Limitations of Traditional Law and Need for a Separate Law for Cyber Crime
Traditional laws pose several constraints in dealing with cyber-crimes:

(i) Jurisdictional Issues:

Cyberspace has no geographic boundaries. A cybercrime may be
committed using a computer system or network located in another
country. Where the [ndian Penal Code 1860 provides for both
territorial and extra-territorial jurisdiction. Its extra-territorial
jurisdiction is limited to offences committed by Indian citizens. This
leaves ambiguity in the applicability of the penal code to cyber
offences that may be committed by foreign nationals overseas, but, in
a way their impact is felt in India. This 'transnational' element of
cybercrime also reqmres greater international cooperation
investigation of offences in other countries and arrest of cybercriminal
of other nationalities will require established treaties and special

(ii) Inapplicability of Conventional Definitions: Most crimes m

cyberspace involve intangible objects. This creates problems where
conventional definitions of crime are involved. For instance, the
definition of trespass requires actual physical entry for conviction.
Constructive entry upon the property is not within the meaning of this
section. In the case of cyber trespass, or hacking where - there is no
actual entry into the physical territory where the computer is located
this definition would fail. Similarly, the offence of theft is made out
when there exists an intent to remove for possession. Therefore, for
data to be stolen, it would have to be removed from possession of the
owner. If the offender were to simply copy the data onto a pen drive
without erasing or modifying the original data in any way, then it may
not constitute 'theft' under the traditional definition of the term.

(iii) Creation of New Crimes: Cyber space bas given birth to several new
crimes which are not recognized by conventional laws. For Example,
a website can handle only a fixed number of viewer or request (for
information) at a given point of time. A cyber-criminal an prevent the
website from functioning by overloading it with requests (known as a
denial of service attack). This kind of attack can cause huge losses to
an online business, but, there would be no clear remedy under ordinary
law. Similarly, the Act elevates the offence of denial of access and
introducing computer viruses with the intent of striking terror in a
section of people to the status of 'cyber-terrorism' and provides for
significant punishment for the same. Under section 66F the IT Act, the
provision relating to cyber-terrorism, is worded similar to Section 3 of
the Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2002.
(iv) Issues with Gathering Evidence: The intangible nature of
cyberspace and cybercrime make traditional methods of gathering
evidence inadequate. The 'scene of crime' m cyberspace is completely
virtual and so 1s the object of the crime (data / information),
Additionally, this type of evidence can be modified very easily. For
example, a criminal may set up a program which erases all evidence
from the computer if it is accessed by someone other than himself. In
this case, mere access to the computer may erase the evidence.
Therefore specific rules are required for extraction of evidence and
maintaining its' authenticity.
(v) Anonymity of Netizens: A cybercriminal can easily guard bis
identity. A cybercriminal can use fake identities or create identify
clones, for example. This makes gathering of evidence difficult.
(vi) Monitoring of Crime: The sheer volume of information involved and
being processed every second makes monitoring and tracking of crime
very difficult. Countries like United States of America, including
India, have put in place extensive internet surveillance programmes to
deal with this issue. However, such programmes can also be extremely
invasive in the personal lives of individuals, raising

questions regarding the protection of privacy. For example, India's

Central Monitoring System (CMS), described as the Lndian version of
America's PRISM, is a mass electronic surveillance data mining
program which will give India's security agencies and income tax
officials centralized access to India's telecommunications network and
the ability to listen in on and record mobile, landline and satellite calls
and voice over Internet protocol (VoIP), read private emails, SMS and
MMS, and track the geographical location of individuals, all in real
time. In can also be used to monitor posts shared on social media such
as Face back, Linkedln and Twitter, and to track user' search histories
on Google, without any overnight by courts Parliament. The
intercepted data may be subject to pattern recognition and other
automated tests to detect emotional markers, such as hate, compassion
or intent, and different forms of dissent. Telecom operators in India are
obligated by law to give access to their networks to every legal
enforcement agency.
One of the primary concerns raised by experts is the sheer lack of public
information on the project. There is no official word from the government about how
government bodies or agencies will use this infonnation; what percentage of
population will be under surveillance; etc. There is no legal recourse for a citizen
whose personal details are being misused or leaked from the central or regional
database. Unlike America's PRISM project under which surveillance orders are
approved by courts, CMS does not have any judicial oversight. There is thus need
. for extensive legislation on surveillance.

(vii) Evidentiary value of Electronic Information: The extensive use of

'IT' for communication and documentation raised a new question on
the admissibility of electronic evidence. If a person was being stalked
online, can copies of e-mails or screenshots of chat room messages by
the stalker be admissible as evidence? The pre-amended Indian
Evidence Act, 1872 recognised only two types of evidence,

documentary evidence (i.e., paper based evidence) and oral evidence

(testimonials of witnesses).
(viii) Validity of Online Transactions: Traditional law does not deal with
the validity of e-contracts, digital signatures, e-commerce, etc. For
example, is a contract entered into through e-mails legally valid? Can
be enforced in a court oflaw?
Thus, the need was felt to promulgate specialized laws to provide for the
(i) Setting clear standards of behavior for the use of computer
(ii) Deterring perpetrators and protecting citizens;
(iii) Enabling law enforcement investigations while protecting
individual privacy;
(iv) Providing fair and effective criminal justice procedures;
(v) Requiring minimum protection standards in areas such as data
handling and retention; and
(vi) Enabling cooperation between countries in criminal matters
involving cybercrime and electronic evidence.
Evolution of cyber law
Early Cyber Laws: The computer Misuse Act, 1990 of Great Britain
In the case of R.v.Gold & Schifreen (1988) the defendants had gained
unauthorized access to a computer network. The defendants were charged under the
Forgery and Counterfeiting Act, 1981 for 'defrauding' by manufacturing a 'false
instrument'. It was held by the House of Lords that:
"We have accordingly come to the conclusion that the language of an Act not
designed to fit them produced grave difficulties for both judge and jury which we
would not wish to see repeated. The appellants conduct amounted in essence, as
already stated, dishonestly gaining access to the relevant Prestel data bank by a trick.
That is not a criminal offence. If it is thought desirable to make it so, that is a Matter
for the legislature rather than the courts."
This judgment brought the possibilities of cyber-crime and the inadequacy of
existing laws to deal with them to the notice of the legislature of Great Britain. It led

to the enactment of the Computer Misuse Act, 1990. This was among the first cyber
laws to be enacted. It recognized the following offences:

(i) Unauthorized access to computer material.

(ii) Unauthorized access with intent to commit or facilitate commission
of further offences.
(iii) Unauthorized acts with intent to impair, or with recklessness as to
impairing, operation of computer, etc.

Uniform International Standards for Cyber Law: UNCITRAL Model Law on

Electronic Commerce, 1996.
With the globalization of business the international community felt a need for
a law which would set uniform standards for electronic commerce. This led to the
adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce by the U.N.
General Assembly (the Model Law').

This laid down the fundamental principles of e-commerce law:

(i) Non-discrimination: This principle requires the removal of any

discrimination between a physical document and an electronic one. It ensures that the
document will not be denied its' validity/enforceability solely on the grounds of it
being in an electronic form.

For example, Article 5 of the Model Law states that the legality of information
shall not be denied merely because it is contained in an electronic document.

(ii) Technological neutrality: This principle mandates that the provisions adopted
in a law should be neutral with respect to the technology involved. This ensures that
the rapid pace of development of technology does not lead to the law becoming
redundant in no time.
For examples, Article 7 of the Model Law which lays down rules regarding a
valid signature of an electronic document prescribes a reliable 'method' which is used
to indicate that person's approval. Since the method has not been specified, the

rule is not restricted to the currently accepted method, which is digital signatures, and
the law would continue to apply regardless of any new development.

(iii) Functional equivalence: Terms like 'writing', original', 'signed' etc. are
specific to paper based documents. This principle sets out the corresponding criteria
for electronic communication.

For examples, the law of evidence generally required that the original
document should be presented as evidence. For a paper based document, if would
mean a document that was actually issued, or with original signatures, or which is not
a photocopy or fax of another document. Article 8 describes an original electronic
document to be one where the information if contains is the same as that when it was
first generated in its final form.

India's First Cyber Law: The information Technology Act, 2000 This
Resolution recommended that. 'all states give favourable consideration is the
UNCITRAL. Model law an Electronic Commerce when they enact or revise their
laws, in view of the need for uniformity of the law applicable to alternatives to paper
based forms of communication and strange of information'.

India's First Cyber Law: The Information Technology Act, 2000.

In view of the international recognition of electronic transactions and its'
growing use within India, the Indian legislature felt the need for providing a legal
framework for e-commerce and digital signatures. It led to the enactment of India's
first cyber legislation: the information Technology Act, 2000 (the TT Act').

l. Objectives of the 'IT Act': The preamble to the 'IT Act' states as follows:
'An Act to provide legal recognition for the transactions carried out by means
of electronic data interchange and other weans of electronic communication,
commonly referred to as 'Electronic Commerce_', which involves the use of
alternatives to paper based methods of communication and storage of information, to
facilitate electronic flings of documents with the Government agencies and further to

amend the Indian Penal Code, Indian Evidence Act, 1872, The Bankers' Books
Evidence Act, 1891, and the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and for matters
connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Whereas the General Assembly of the United Nations by resolution A/RES/51/162,

dated the 30th January, 1997 has adopted the Model Law on Electronic Commerce
adopted by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law:

AND WHERAS the said resolution recommends inter alia that all States give
favourable consideration to the said Model Law when they enact or revise their laws,
in view of the need for uniformity of the law applicable to alternatives to peper-based
methods of communication and storage of information.

AND WHERAS it is considered necessary to give effect to the said resolution

and to promote efficient delivery of Government service by means of reliable
electronic records, BE it enacted by Parliament in the Fifty-first Year of the Republic
of India as follows:
The main objectives of this Act, as laid down in its preamble are the following.
(i) To give effect to the U.N. General Assembly's Resoluiton on the
Model Law.
(ii) To provide legal recognition to e-commerce -transactions carried out
by means of electronic communication.
(iii) To facilitate electronic filings of documents with government
(iv) To amend the Indian Penal code, Indian Evidence Act, 1872, the
Bankers' Books Evidence Act, 1891, and the Reserve Bank of India.
Act, 1934.
2. Scope of the 'IT Act': The scope of the 'IT Act' is as follows:
(i) To give effect to the U.N. General Assembly's Resolution on the Model
(ii) To recognize filing of forms, issue of licenses, receipt of payment, etc.
through electronic means by the government.

(iii) To lay down rules m relation to electronic records- receipt, time of

dispatch, etc.
(iv) To provide for a controller of Certifying Authorities in relation to issue
of digital signature certificates.
(v) To define offences and prescribes panelist.
(vii) To lay down liability of intermediaries.
(viii) To Prescribe extra territorial jurisdiction for cyber offences.
The provisions ohms Act are not applicable to the following instruments.
(i) A negotiable instrument.
(ii) A power - of- attorney
(iii) A trust,
(iv) A will, including any other testamentary disposition.
(v) Any contract for the sale or conveyance of immovable property or any
interest in such property, and
(vi) Any such class of documents or transactions as may be notified by the
Central Government in the official Gazette.

3. Legislations Amended by the 'IT Act': In order to fully achieve the objectives
of the 'IT Act', corresponding changes were required in other laws. For instance, the
Model Law requires that there should be no discrimination between electronic records
and normal documents. This mean that the law of evidence would have be amended
to recognize electronic records as admissible evidence. Therefore, the 'IT Act' made
amendments to the following Acts:

(i) Indian Penal Code 1860

The definition of the term 'electronic record' was inserted. References to the
term 'document' were amended to include reference to 'electroni.c records'. The
Extra- territorial jurisdiction of the IPC was expanded to include all offences targeting
computer resource in India. Lastly, sections in relation to a false document were
amended to include references to a false electronic record.

(ii) Indian Evidence Act, 1872


The definition of 'evidence' was amended to include electronic records. Some

important sections that were inserted are on admissibility of electronic records, proof
and verification of digital signatures and presumptions as to electronic evidence.

(iij) Banker's Book Evidence Act, 1891

The definitions of 'bankers books; and certified copies' were amended to

include data stored in electronic devices and printouts was also inserted.

(iv) Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934

The powers to make regulations were amended to include regulations on fund

transfer through electronic means.

Other International Cyber Laws

1. UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Signature (2001): Electroruc

signatures were increasingly being used as a substitute for had written signatures. This
law sets out international standards for their use. It lays down the same fundamental
principle as the model Law, namely, non-discrimination, technological neutrality and
functional equjvalence. Its key provisions are:

(i) Criteria establishing equivalence between electronic and hand written


(ii) Equal treatment of methods of creating electronic signatures.

(iii) Duties and liabilities of the signatory the relying party and the
certification service provider.

(iv) Recognition of foreign certificates and electronic signatures.

2. United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in

International contracts (New York, 2005): This convention was made to remove
the obstacles faced due to the user of electronic communications in international
trade. It makes electronic communications and contracts concluded thereby

equivalent in their legality and enforceability to paper based communications. It's key
provisions are:

(i) Place of business and related presumptions.

(ii) Registration of legality of electronic communications and electronic


(iii) Criteria establishing equivalence between electronic communications /

contracts and paper based communications I contracts.

(iv) Time and place of dispatch and receipt of electronic communications.

(v) Effect of error in electronic communications.


General concept of sovereignty and jurisdiction


Under traditional international law, a sover ign, independent state is one which has
absolute rights and power with respect to a particular defined territory. The conduct
of its internal affairs and of its relations with other states _is entirely at its discretion
and free from external interference from any other state. It has the exclusive and
inalienable right to prescribe and enforce the law applicable to its territory. This
traditional concept of sovereignty is now restricted by international law, international
relations and international concerns. This has been discussed by Jungle Alvarez in the
Corfu Channel Case.

'By sovereignty, we understand the whole body of rights and attributes which
a state possesses in its territory, to the exclusion of all other states, and also in its
relations with other states. Sovereignty confers rights upon states and imposes
obligations on them....

... This notion has evolved, and we must now adopter a conception of it
which will be in harmony with the new conditions of social life. We can no longer
regard sovereignty as an absolute and individual right of every state, as used to be

done under the old law founded on the individualist regime, according to which state
were only bound by the rules which they had accepted. Today owing to social
interdependence and to the predominance of the general interest, the states are bound
by many rules which have not been ordered by their wall".

Justice Alvarez goes on to enlist the obligations imposed on a state as a

consequence of the sovereignty:
(i) Obligation to preserve its territory for fulfillment of its internat1onal

(ii) Obligation to exercise proper vigilance in its territory.

(iii) Obligation to have knowledge of criminal act being conducted on its


(iv) Obligation to take measures to prevent the commission of crime on its


(v) Obligation to inquire into crimes committed on its territory.

(vi) Obligation to inform concerned states of existence of dangers on its territory.

These obligations imply that a state has to be responsible in its exercise of

sovereignty. The earlier notion of absolute and unquestionable freedom over its
territory has given way to the notion of responsibility towards the international
community. A state is subject not only to the treaties that it is a signatory to but also
to international law in general Non-fulfillment of these responsibilities'. Especially
where crimes are concerned, can lead or repercussions like withdrawal of
international co-operation, and sometimes to interference by the international

The sovereign state alone enacts the laws applicable and the methods of
enforcement in its territory. The State had the exclusive right to prosecute persons
for offences committed within its territory. The power to hear and decide a given
matter is conferred on a court of law by the state alone. This power is known as

The definition of jurisdiction under Black's Law Dictionary is:

"The power and authority constitutionally conferred upon (or constitutional

recognized as existing in) a court of judge to pronounce the sentence of the law, or
to award the remedies provided by law, upon a state of facts, proved or admitted,
referred to the tribunal for decision, and authorized by law to be the subject of
investigation or action by that tribunal, and in favor of or against persons (or a res)
who present themse1ves, or who are brought, before the court in some manner
sanctioned by law as proper and sufficient".

The criteria which establish the jurisdiction of a court to deal with a given matter, as
laid down under this definition are:
(i) The power of the court to judge that particular matter must be
constitutionally conferred.
(ii) The facts in question must be subject to the tribunal's investigation under law.
(iii) The persons in whose favour/against whom the judgment is passed must be
present /brought before the court.
(iv) These persons must be presented brought before the Court in the manner

These criteria imply that legal sanction 1s the most important aspect of
jurisdiction. The first requirement. Therefore, is the prescription of jurisdiction. The
prescription of jurisdiction serves the purpose of specifying the matters which are
within the limits of a given court. This prevents the chaos which can result from there
being no specified forum for any matter. It would mean that every court can hear
every matter. Jurisdiction of a court was traditionally decided on two grounds the
place where the cause of action arises, or on grounds of territory and the nationality
of the parties involved, or no grounds, of nationality.

Principles for prescription of Extra-Territorial Jurisdiciton

Extra-territorial jurisdiction or the extension of jurisdiction of a state beyond

its normal territorial boundaries, under modern International Law is prescribe based
on the following principles.

1. Territorial principle: Jurisdiction under this principle is prescribed on the

basis of any events that take place , whether in whole or in part, on the state's
territory. This principle applies even with respect to a foreign national
present on its territory. When the events take place only in part within the
states territory, Jurisdiction may be applied on the basis of either of two
principles. The first is the objective principle of territoriality, i.e., where the
act commenced within its territory but the effects was felt elsewhere.

2. Nationality Principle: Under this principle, jurisdiction is applied to an act

of an individual committed outside a state's territory, if the individual is a
national of the state. Nationality was defined in the Nottebobm case as:

Determination of whether or not an individual is the national of a state is to be

determined by each State as per its own law. The principle of real and effective
nationality, as was applied in the Nottebohm case, describes the commonly used
criteria by states to determine this, which include the habitual residence of the
individual concerned, the centre of his interests, bis family use, his participation in
public life, attachment shown by him for a given country and inculcated in his
children, etc.

3. Passive personality Principle: The passive personality principle is when

the state exercise jurisdiction over a foreign national on the grounds that he
has committed an offence against its own national outside its territory.

4. Protective principle: Under this principle, jurisdiction is established by a

state where a criminal act abroad is derogatory to the security of the state
concerned and I or touches upon its vital interest. It involves an act which

affects the national interests of the state, is committed abroad, and does not
involve a national of the state, either, as an offender of victim.

5. Universality Principle: Under this principle, jurisdiction is established by

any state over any person accused of committing a small number of
international crimes, such as piracy, war crimes, such a piracy, war crimes
and grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, regardless of the territory
or the nationality of individuals involved. This principle is applied to cases
where none of the standard grounds for jurisdiction can be applied, or when
none of the standard grounds for jurisdiction can be applied, or when the
state within whose territory the crime was committed was unable to
prosecute the offenders. This principle is applied with respect to crimes
which are so abhorrent that the entire international community feels the
need to intervene, like war. crimes, crimes against humanity, violation of
human rights, slavery, torture, etc.

Jurisdiction in cyberspace
Cyberspace has no geographical boundaries which lends a transnational
element to cybercrimes. Traditional national and international law are not designed to
adequately deal with such a transnational nature of cybercrimes. A transnational
crime is identified with reference to:

(i) Jurisdiction

Where the constituent elements of an offence, i.e., the performance of

the offence, the circumstances surrounding the offence, or the results
of the offence, either occur is another territory, or produce substantial
effects in another territory. This removes the requirement to identify a
single location for the cybercrime. This is, however, subject to the
establishment of a sufficient connection or a nexus between the
constituent elements of the offence and its effects in the state's territory.

(ii) Evidence
Where any part of the offence occurred so as to require investigation
in another territory, even though the connection isn't sufficient to
establish jurisdiction over the often.

The main issues, therefore, which arise with reference to the jurisdiction for a state
over a transnational cyber-crime, are with respect to the following.

(i) Substantive jurisdiction : Over an act that usually occurs only

partly if at all, within its national territory, and

(ii) Investigative Jurisdiction: To conduct inquires and

investigations on international soil.

The former requires adequate domestic and international law prescribing extra
territorial jurisdiction over a cybercrirne, and the latter requires international co-
operation, in the form of multilateral or bilateral treaties, international conventions
and mutual legal assistance agreements.

Personal Jurisdiction under the civil procedure code

The general rule for exercise of personal jurisdiction is laid down under section 20
of the civil procedure code, 1908 (the CPC).

The CPC has laid down various rules based on which the Court which will
have jurisdiction over a particular matter will be determined. For instance, a suit with
respect to immovable property is to be instituted in the Court within whose territorial
jurisdiction the property is situated in whole or in part. The application of this rule is,
therefore, restricted to immovable property which is situated within India. For a suit
for compensation for wrongs to person / movable property, the Court which will have
jurisdiction will be either one of the following within whose territorial jurisdiction,
the wrong was done, of where the defendant resides I carries on business / personally
works for gain. This rule will be applicable only to situations where the wrong against
the person/his movable property was committed within lndia. Section 20 of CPC.
Provides for any situations apart from these that have been specifically provided for,
and also situations such as where the parties

have agreed to the jurisdiction of a Court in a contract. Therefore, in case which do

not involve immovable property within the Court's territorial limits, or a wrong to
body / movable property that was committed within the Court's territorial limits,
Jurisdiction can nevertheless be exercised on proof of any one of the following factors.

(i) All the defendants reside / carry on a business within the territorial
limits of the court's jurisdiction.
(ii) Any of the defendants reside/carry on a business within the territorial
limits of the Court's jurisdiction.
(iii) The cause of action arises wholly or partly within the territorial limits
of the Court's jurisdiction.

The courts have used this section to exercise personal jurisdiction over entities
owning websites that could be accessed within their local jurisdiction, on the grounds
that theses websites were 'carrying on business; within the local limits of the Court's

Jurisdiction under the criminal procedure code

Jurisdiction under the Criminal procedure code. 1973 (the "CrPC) is determined based
on the rules for the place of inquiry and trial under chapter Xlll. These rules can be
summarized as follows:

(i) An offence shall be inquired into and tried by a Court within whose local
jurisdiction the offence is committed.

(ii) Where in respect to an offence:

(a) The place of commission is uncertain (may be any of several local


(b) The place of commission is partly in one local area and partly another.

(c) The offence is a continuing one, and it continue to be committed more

than one local area: or

(d) The offence consists of several acts in several local areas:


The offence may be inquired into and tried in a court having Jurisdiction over any of
these local areas.
(i) For an act which is an offence on account of an act which is done and a
consequence which has ensued inquiry and trial maybe at the Court within
whose jurisdiction either the act was done/ the consequence has ensued.

(ii) For an act which is an offence on account of its relation with another offence
inquiry and trial may be at the court within whose jurisdiction either of the
offences was committed.

(iii) For an offence of murder, dacoit, kidnapping, theft, extortion, robbery,

criminal misappropriation, criminal branch of trust or involving stolen
property, inquiry and trial may be at the court within whose jurisdiction the
offence, was committed, the accused was found, the stolen property was

(iv) For an offence that includes cheating and is committed by means of

letters/telecommunication messages, inquiry and trial may be done at the court
within whose jurisdiction the message were sent/received.
(v) For an offence that was committed on a journ y/voyage, the inquiry and trial
may be at the court within whose jurisdiction the person/thing against whom
the offence was committed passed through during the journey voyage.

Jurisdiction under the IT Act

Jurisdiction under the IT Act is prescriber under sections 1(2) and 75 of the
IT Act, which are to be read along with the relevant provisions under the IPC. ·
1. Section 1(2) of the IT Act: Section 1(2) of the IT Act prescribe the jurisdiction
under the IT Ac:
'It shall extend to the whole of India and, sa".'e as otherwise provided in this Act,
it applies also to any offence or contravention there under committed outside India
by any person.

2. Section 75 of the IT Act: Section 75 of the IT Act prescribes the extra- territorial
jurisdiction over offence or contraventions committed outside of India.
"( 1) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) the provisions of the Act
shall apply also to any offence or contravention committed outside India by
any person irrespective of his nationality.
(2) For the purpose of sub-section (1), this Act shall apply to an offence or
contravention committed outside India by any person if the act or conduct
constituting the offence or contravention involves a computer, computer
system or computer network located in India."

This section extends the jurisdiction of the IT Act to every person, irrespective
of Nationality, who commits an offence on foreign territory using a computer within
This section grants 'long arm' jurisdiction to this Act. It extends the jurisdiction
of the Act to cover any act by any person which involves a computer situated in India
and leads to any offence/contravention outside India. When read with section 4 of the
IPC, this section is applicable to any offence which affects a computer located within
India. The two most important points to be noted are that this section will apply only
if the offence involves a computer system located in India, and that this section is
applicable irrespective of the nationality of the person committing the offence.

3. Section 4 of the JPC: Section 4 of the IPC prescribes extra-territorial

jurisdiction for the code:
"The provisions of this Code apply also to any offence committed by
(1) Any citizen oflndia in any place without and beyond India.
(2) Any person or any ship or aircraft registered in India wherever it maybe.
(3) Any person in any place without and beyond India committing offence
targeting a computer resource located in India.

Explanation- In this section:-


(a) The word "offence" includes every act committed outside India. Which if
committed in India, would be punishable under this Code.
(b) The expression "computer resource" shall have the meaning assigned to it in
clause (k) of sub-section (1) of section 2 of the information Technology Act,

This section constitutes the long arm provision of the IPC. Clause (3) was
inserted vide the Amendment Act. Under sub-clause (3), the fPC will be applicable
(i) Any offence which is punishable under the IPC.
(ii) Which is committed by any person, whether a citizen or non-citizen.
(iii) Which is committed outside Indian territory and
(iv) The offence targets a computer resource which is located in lndia.

Investigative Jurisdiction with respect to Cybercrime

Given the transnational nature of cybercrime, international cooperation ts the
foremost requirement for effective investigation and prosecution. An international
convention on cybercrime needs to deal with several aspects. Maintenance
sovereignty, transnational jurisdiction, transnational investigation, collection of
evidence and transnational procedures. The Convention of Cybercrime "Budapest
convention was the first international treaty to attempt the establishment of better
international cooperation for combating cybercrime. It is the only such multilateral
treaty in force. It was adopted in 2001 and has since been ratified by 42 states and
signed by another 13 states. Many developing countries including India are not
signatories to this treaty.

The main achievement of this treaty since its adoption has been to create a
minimum harmonization of cyber laws globally, and so initiate a series of reforms in
existing g legislation.

l. Jurisdiction under the Budapest Convention: Jurisdiction to try

cybercrimes under this convention is laid out under Article 22, The Article establishes
the uniform grounds for exercising extraterritorial jurisdiction. Keeping the
requirement of state sovereignty and mutual cooperation in mind:-

(i) Jurisdiction can be exercised by a signatory state over an offence that is

committed on its territory, or on a ship or aircraft "registered with the state.
This clause reflects the application of the territorial principle.

(ii) Jurisdiction can be exercised over an offence committed by a national, either

within or outside the territory of the state. This reflects the application of the
nationally principle.

(iii) When the state refuses to extradite the individual on grounds of his nationally,
due measures are to be taken to exercise jurisdiction over him for the offences
committed. This clause indicates the adoption of the principle of out dedere out
judicare, which means that a state which refuses to extradite a person is bound
to prosecute him for the crime committed.

(iv) The exercise of criminal jurisdiction by the state under its domestic law is not
excluded under this convention. This clause indicates and attempt by the
convention to provide due respect to municipal law as well.

.(v) The Article further takes care to preserve the sovereignty of a state by allowing
the states to reserve the application of some of its clauses.

(vi) Finally, the Article emphasizes the need to foster international cooperation, by
requiring signatory states with concurrent jurisdiction over an offence to
consult each other to resolve the issue.

2. International Cooperation and Mutual Legal Assistance: The preamble to

the Budapest convention states that an effective fight against cybercrime required
increased, rapid and well functioning international co-operation in criminal matters.
The fools required to achieve such international cooperation are arrangement facilitate
investigation and gathering of evidence, and the necessary arrangements for the
international transfer of sentenced persons. These arrangements are usually made
either by way of treaties (bilateral or multilateral) or reciprocal promises between
Mutual legal assistance treaties (MLATs) are arrangements to facilities investigation
and gathering of evidence. The general principles of these arrangements are.

(i) Sufficiency of evidence for the making of a request for mutual assistance, to
be determined usually by domestic legislation.
(ii) Requirement of dual criminally, i.e. act based on which mutual assistance is
sought to be criminal in both requesting and requested state.
(iii) Option of waiving requirement of dual criminally.
(iv) Limitation of use of information obtained as a result of mutual assistance.
(v) Proscribing grounds of refusal of mutual legal assistance protection national/
public interest, consideration of severity of punishment requesting state,
political offences, human rights considerations, for example, the grant of a
right against self-incrimination.



A webpage can be accessed by anyone sitting anywhere on the globe and

therefore, theoretically, the publisher of the webpage could be sued in any
country where it was accessed. While the website may be legal in the original
place of publication it may not be so in the country where it was accessed. The
exposure to liability on such a global scale can have a chilling effect on the
use of the internet. The courts, cognizant of such eventualities, consider
whether it has personal jurisdiction over the defendant. To determine whether
personal jurisdiction exists or not, the following tests are usually applied.

Traditional Personal Jurisdiction Tests

1. Long Arm Statute: 'Long arm statutes' are laws of the state which
prescribe grounds for exercising jurisdiction over a non-resident defendant.
For example, New York's Civil Practice Law establishes personal jurisdiction
over a non-resident on the following grounds.

(i) If he conducts business or enters into contract in the state.

(ii) lfhe commits a tortuous act within the territory of the state.

(iii) If he commits a tortuous act outside the territory of the state

which causes injury to a person within the state.

(iv) If he owns or possesses property within the state.

2. Test of Minimum Contacts: The test of Minimum Contacts is the traditional

rule for personal jurisdiction established in the United States in the case of
international show Co v. State of Washington, office of Unemployment
compensation and placement at al. The test lays down that a state court will
have personal jurisdiction over a non-resident defendant if it has minimum
contacts with the state.

"due process requires only that, in order to subject a defendant to a

judgment in process requires only that, in order to subject a defendant to a
judgment in personam, if he be not present within the territory of the forum,
he have certain minimum contacts with it such that the maintenance of the suit
does not offend traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice.

The rules for the application of this test have been developed over various case laws,
and a non-resident defendant will have minimum contacts who the state if the state.
(i) Direct contact with the state.
(ii) Purposefully availed himself of the privilege of conducting activities
within the Forum State, thus invoking the benefits and protections of
its laws, i.e. he deliberately engaged in conduct that created contact
with the state.
(iii) Entered into a contract which has substantial connection with the state,
such as with a resident of that state.
(iv) Satisfied the Calder effects test which looks at the effects of the out of
state conduct in the forum state, or the state where the suite is brought.
(v) Placed his product into the stream of commerce such that it reaches the
forum state : or
(vi) An intention to serve residents of the forum state.

3. Effects Test: Under this test, a court can exercise jurisdiction over a
party's conduct in another state if the contact in another state if the conduct
causes effects in the forum state. This usually involves conduct that is
expressly aimed at the forum state.

This test was laid down in the case of Calder v. jones, as a rule for
determining minimum contacts with the forum state. Here, a resident of
California sued an author for libel with respect to a article that was circular in
a magazine in California. Both the author and the editor were residents of
Florida. The U.S. Supreme Court found that the defendant knew that the
article would have a potentially devastating impact upon the plaintiff,
especially since the magazine had its largest circulation in California.
Therefore they must reasonably anticipate being hauled into a court there, and
were held to be Liable for this international and tortuous act.

4. General / Specific Jurisdiction: Presently, personal jurisdiction

under the US law is determined based on the fulfillment of one of two tests,
which are derived from the rules laid down for the test of minimum Contacts
- general or special jurisdiction.
General Jurisdiction exists if the defendant has continuous and
systematic contacts with the state. For example, a company that has its
headquarters within the state, or a person who is domiciled in the state, will
be subject to general Jurisdiction.
Specific jurisdiction exists based on a three part test, as observed by
the U.S. Court of Appeals in Cybersell Inc. and Ors.

(i) The defendant has contact with the forum which are related to
the cause of the action,

(ii) Those contacts amount to purposeful availment of the

privilege of conducting activities within the forum, and

(iii) The exercise of jurisdiction is reasonable.

Tests for personal Jurisdiction in Cyberspace


The established tests for personal jurisdiction, such as the tests of

minimum contact, effects test and general and specific jurisdiction test, are
applied frequently in determining jurisdiction in cyberspace as well. In order
in identify a website over which a court can claim jurisdiction, the first step is
to determine if the website is a passive website (based on information model)
or an active website (based on business model). Further considerations are the
geographical locations of the owner of the website, the user of the website and
the web server. Finally, and online contracts having a forum selection clause,
or a jurisdiction clause, need to be looked into. For instance, in the Yahoo!
Case, Nazi memorabilia, the sale of which is banned in France, was being
auctioned on the U.S based Yahoo! Website, which was viewed by some
residents of France. In a suit against Yahoo!, the French Court applied the
Effects Test saying that the website had targeted the public at large including
those in France, and two citizens had suffered as a result.

Forum Selection Clauses: Websites usually protect themselves via

terms of service agreements disclaimers and click-trap agreements, of clicking
on the 'I Agree / I Accept' button. These form online contracts, which usually
contain forum selection clauses. Theses clauses mention the law to be applied
in case of a dispute, and which courts will have jurisdiction in case a dispute
arises. Forum selection clauses are prima facie considered to be valid, unless
the enforcement of the clause would be unreasonable. In the United States,
these online contracts are usually held to be enforceable, but the opinion on
the enforceability of the forum selection is divided.

1. Test of Interactivity: Apart from the standard tests for personal

jurisdiction, the US Courts have developed the test of interactive specifically
for websites. This test examines the level of interactivity that the website has
with its visitors. A website can be of two types active or passive. A passive
website is one whose purpose is restricted to providing information. A passive
website is usually outside the purview of personal jurisdiction. An interactive
website, on the other hand, is one whose purpose is not limited to providing
information. It is typically part and parcel of a

business model, such as an e-commerce website. Once the interactivity of the

website is established, applicability of personal jurisdiction depends
additionally on the fulfillment of the minimum contacts test.

In Cody v. Ward the plaintiff a resident of Connecticut, had purchased stocks

pursuant to th advice of the defendant, a resident of California. The defendant
had posted information regarding the stocks on an online forum and had
communicated with the plaintiff through several e-mails and telephone calls.
Though the website itself was passive in nature, the court held that the
interaction between plaintiff and defendant was sufficient ground to establish
purposeful availment and minimum contact.

2. Sliding Scale Test: The 'Sliding Scale' or 'Zippo' Test is the

most widely accepted test in the US for the determination of the level of
interactivity of a website. In Zippo Dot Com, Inc, the Court
observed that the likelihood that personal jurisdiction can be constitutionally
exercised is directly proportionate to the nature and quality of the commercial
activity that an entity conducts over the internet.
The court established a sliding scale on which the interactivity of the website
was to be measured. The court recognized three categories of websites of
either ends and at the middle of the scale.

(i) Commercial websites. These are websites which clearly to business over the
internet. These provide a definite for personal jurisdiction.
(ii) Passive websites: These are websites that provide information only. Usually,
personal jurisdiction does not apply to these websites. If the nature of the
transaction between the plaintiff and the defendant fulfils the minimum
contact tests then personal jurisdiction with apply despite the website being
(iii) lnteractive websites: These are websites that provide information, to which
personal jurisdiction may apply depending on the commercial nature of the
transaction. Here, also, the minimum contact test needs to be applied. The
Court opined.

"The middle ground is occupied by interactive web sites where a user

can exchange information with the hose computer, lo these cases, the
exercise of jurisdiction is determined by examining the level of
interactivity and commercial nature of the exchange of information
that occurs on the Web site. E.g. Matrix, Inc. v.Cybergold, Inc., 947
F. Supp. 1328 (E.E.Mo.1996).

However, courts have implicitly rejected the Zippo test, criticizing the level
of interactivity and commercialism sufficient to justify purposeful availment.
Therefore, although courts continue to cite the Zippo case, the sliding scale test
articulated in the case is being applied inconsistently in practice.



Traditional laws provide criteria for establishing the legality and validity of
transactions in their paper based form. For example, a contract is usually formalized
by both parties signing the document containing the contract. The signature serves as
a method of identification of the parties to the contract, and therefore, it indicates their
assent to the term of the contract and makes it legally binding on them. Under the law
of evidence, the 'original' document constitutes primary evidence, while a copy of the
'original' document constitutes primary evidence. While a copy of the 'original'
document constitutes secondary evidence. The 'originality' of paper based documents
is usually established with the presence of original handwritten signatures. Can such
a formalized version of a contact be made electronically? How would one identify the
parties to such a contract? How does one establish the originally of an electronic

Definitions under the IT Act

The method of authentication using digital signatures is prescribed under chapter. It

of the IT Act. The relevant definitions under the IT Act with respect to digital
signatures are as folJows:

Asymmetric Crypto System

The IT Act defines the asymmetric crypto system under section 2(l)(f):

'Asymmetric Crypto system means a system of a secure key pair consisting

of a private key for creasing a digital signature and a public key to verify the digital

Key Pair
The IT Act defines a key pair under section 2(1)(x):
"Key pair, in an asymmetric crypto system, means a private key and its
mathematically related public key, which are so related that be public key can verify
a digital signature created by the private key.
The public key and the private key as used in the asymmetric crypto system
are collectivity known as a key pair.

Private key
The IT Act defines a 'private key' under section 2(1) (zc):
'Private key means the key of a create a digital signature.
The private key is used to create a digital signature, i.e., to affix the digital

Public key
The IT Act defines a 'public key' under section 2 (1) (zd):
"Public key means the key of a key pair used verify a digital signature and
issued in the Digital signature certificate."
The public key is used to verify the digital signature.

Digital Signatures
The IT Act define a 'digital signature' under section 2 (1) (p):

'Digital signature means authentication of any electronic record by a

subscriber by means of an electronic method or procedure in accordance with the
provisions of section 3'.

A digital signature is the electronic method prescribed under section 3 of the

IT Act used to authenticate electronic records. The method currently prescribes

combination of asymmetric crypto system with the 'hash functions' another method
of verification, to affix a digital signature. A digital signature would be valid only if
it is used by a 'subscriber', i.e., the person holding a valid digital signature certificate..

Digital signature certificate

The IT Act defines a 'digital signature certificate' under section w(l)(q):
'Digital signature Certificate means a digital signature certificate issued
under subsection (4) of section 35.
A digital signature certificate (a "DSC")has been defined with reference to
section 35 of the IT Act, which gives a "certifying Authority" the power to issue a
Electronic Signature
The IT Act defines an 'electronic signature' under section 2(1) (ta) "Electronic
Signature means authentication of any electronic record by a
subscriber by means of the electronic technique specified in the second schedule and
includes digital signature."

As per this definition any mode of electronic authentication as prescribed by

the Government from time to time will be valid. Digital signatures have been included
as a type of electronic signature. Electronic signatures, like digital signatures, are legal
only if they are issued under an Electronic Signature Certificate.

Electronic Signature Certificate.

The IT Act defines an 'electronic signature certificate' under section 2(1) (h):
"Electronic Signature Certificate means an Electronic issued by the
Certifying issued under section 35 and includes Digital Signature Certificate."

Affixing Electronic Signature.

The IT Act defines an 'electronic signature' under Section 2(1) (d):
"Affixing digital signature with in grammatical variations and cognate
expressions means adoption of any methodology or procedure by a person for the
purpose of authenticating and electronic record by means of Electronics signature.

The IT Act define's a subscriber under Section 2(1) (ZG):
"Subscriber means a person in whose name the Electronic Signature
Authentication of electronic record using digital signatures
Section 3 of the IT Act prescribes a method of affixation of digital signatures
that combines tow processes the asymmetric crypto system and the hash function.

Asymmetric Crypto system and Encryption

Asymmetric crypto system consists of a public key and a private key, which together
form a key pair. The private key is held by the subscriber, and is used to affix the
digital signature on the electronic record. The public key is listed on the DSC and is
sent to the person receiving the electronic record for him to verify the digital signature.
Once verified, it is proof that the electronic record was sent by the subscriber and no
one else.)

Encryption using a public /private key: The asymmetric crypto user a process
known an encryption for the purpose of authentication. It is a process which is used
to mathematically encode and decode text in such a way that only intended parties can
read it. When, an electronic document is mathematically encoded. Converted into a
code, it is said to be encrypted. The coded version of the documents is said to be in
the form of cipher text. When this encrypted document is mathematically decoded.
i.e. converted into plain text, it is said to be decrypted. The private key is used to
encrypt the electronic document, and the public key is used to decrypt it.

The key pair is generated using a cryptographic algorithm, of a mathematical

formula, which creates two mathematically related numbers, one of which forms the
public key and the other the private key from the public key is mathematically
impossible, or computationally infeasible.

In practice, the encryption can be used in the following ways:

(i) Asymmetric encryption: This is where the sender encrypts his

electronic record using the publicly available public key.

For Example, if the sender is A, his private key is Al and his public key is A2
and the recipient is B. Here, A applies Al to encrypt the electronic record and
sends it is to B. A2 made available to B who uses it to decrypt the electronic
record received by him.

A locks Message Sent B unlocks

message using ToB message using
his private key his public key

(ii) Symmetric encryption: Here, instead of having one private key known
only to the sender and a public key known to the public, there is only
one single secret key. This secret key is known to both the sender and
recipient, and to no one else. The key is used by the sender to encrypt
his electronic record, and the same key is used by the recipient to
decrypt the electronic record.

A locks B unJocks
Message sent message using
message using
to B the same key
his key

In the same example given above, this form of encryption will not involve A's
key pair. It will instead involve only one private key, Al. Therefore, A
encrypts the electronic record using Al, and sends it to B. B will decrypt the
record using the same key. Al, which had been made known to him.

(iii) Double encryption: This is the most secure form of encryption. It

consists of asymmetric encryption with two sets of keys - the sender's
public and private key, and the receiver's public and private key:

(a) First the sender encrypts the electronic record using his private key. This
ensures that it is the sender himself who is sencling the electronic record.

(b) Next, the sender again encrypts this encrypted electronic record using the
receiver's public key. This step ensures that no one other than the recipient
can access the encrypted electronic record.

(c) On receiving the doubly encrypted electronic record, the receiver first
decrypts the electronic record using his own private key. He now know
that no one else had access to this electronic record.

(d) Next he again decrypts the electronic record using the sender's public key.
The recipient now knows that the sender himself sent this electronic record.

In the example given above, this method of encryption will also involve B's key pair.
Bl, isprivate key, and B2, his public key, along with A's key pair. Here, first A
applies Al to encrypt the electronic record. Then he encrypts it again using B2, and
sends it to B. B first decrypts the record using B1, and then decrypts it again using


The Hash Function

Hash functions are used in digital signatures to guarantee the integrity of an electronic
record. It has been defined under the explanation to Section 3 of the Act which is as

"Hash function means an algorithm mapping or translation of one sequence

of bits into another, generally smaller, set known as 'Hash Result' such that an

electronic record yields the same hash result every time the algorithm is executed with
the same electronic record as its input making it computationally infeasible.

(a) to drive or reconstruct the original electronic record from the hash result
produced b the algorithm:

(b) that two electronic records can produce the same has result using the

The hash function uses a method that is very similar to the process of
encryption used in the asymmetric crypto system. It consists of a simpler form of
encoding and decoding that converts information of one length no information of a
smaller length using a mathematical algorithm.

For a given hash function, the smaller length to which the information is to
be converted is fixed. This means that, a given 'has function' will always produce a
hash result of the same length, regardless of the length of the information to which it
is applied. Therefore, the hash function consists of a many: I translation in comparison
with encryption, which uses a l: 1 translation. A given electronic record will always
produce the same hash result on the application of the same hash function, and no two
electronic records will produce the same hash result on the application of the same
has function. Even a slight change in the document will produce a completely
different hash result. Therefore, the application of a hash function to an electronic
record produces a hash result that is completely unique to the record. This guarantees
the integrity of the document, since, even the slightest modification to the document
can be detected by an application the same has function to the information.

Another important feature of a hash result is that unlike in encryption, a bash

result cannot be 'decrypted' to produce the original result. This guarantees tlie
confidentiality of a message that is sent, ensuing that no person who obtains access to
the hash result of a document will be able to derive the original information from it.
In summary:
(i) A hash function consists of an algorithm, mapping or translation, i.e.,
a kind of mathematical formula.

(ii) This mathematical formula converts one sequence of bits, i.e,

information of one length into a sequence of a fixed smaller length.

(iii) This smaller sequence is known as a 'hash result;

(iv) A given set of information produces the same result every time the
hash function is applied. It is impossible (computationally infeasible)
to calculate or derive the original information from its hash result.

It is impossible for two separate electronic records to produce the same hash result
using the same bash function.

Use of Asymmetric Crypto System and Hash Function for a Digital signature
under the IT Act.

The method of double encryption is a highly secure form of sending

information. The only problem is that it is also a highly time consuming process. As
a result, the IT Act prescribes a combination of the 'hash function' and asymmetric
encryption to be used as a digital signature.

Section 3 of the information Technology Act, 2000 prescribes the following

method of authentication used by digital signature.

(1) Subject to the provisions of this section any subscribes the following method of
authentication used by Digital Signature.

(2) The authentication of the electronic record shall be effected by the use of
asymmetric crypto system and hash function which envelop and transform the initial
electronic record into another electronic record.

Explanation -

For the purpose of this sub-section, 'Hash function' means an algorithm mapping or
translation of one sequence of bits into another, generally smaller, set known as "Hash
Result" such that an electronic record yields the same hash result every time the
algorithm is executed with the same electronic records as its input making it
computationally infeasible.

(a) to derive or reconstruct the original electronic_record from the hash

result produced by the algorithm;

(b) that two electronic records can produce the same hash result using the

(3) Any person by the use of a public key of the subscriber can verify the electronic
(4) The private key and the public key are unique to the subscriber and constitute a
functioning key pair.
In order to understand how the asymmetric crypto system and hash function are used
to affix a digital signature, reference needs to be made to Rules 3, 4 and 5 of the IT
(Certifying Authorities)Rules, 2000 )(the"CA Rules)").

l. Manner of Authentication by a Digital Signature : Rule 3 of the CA

Rules prescribes the manner in which information be authenticated by
means of Digital Singarue:

"A Digital Signature shall,-

(a) be created and verified by cryptography that concerns itself with

transforming electronic record into seemingly unintelligible forms and
back again:

(b) use what is known as "public Key Cryptography", which employs an

algorithm using two different but mathematical related "keys" - one for
creating a Digital Signature or transforming data into a seemingly
unintelligible form, and another key for verifying a Digital Signature or
returning the electronic record to original form, the process termed as hash
function shall be used in both creating and verifying a Digital Signature.

Explanation: Computer equipment and software utilizing two such keys

are often termed as "asymmetric cryptography''.

Under this rule, the affixation of a digital signature involves two steps - creation and
verification. This is done using cryptography, which involves the conversion of the
message into an unintelligible form and vice-versa. The method of cryptography that
is adopted here is 'public key cryptography;, which involves two keys, one which
converts the information into an unintelligible form, and the other which reconverts

it into the original form. The first key, the private key, creates the digital signature,
while the second, the pubic key, verifies it.

The explanation defines 'asymmetric cryptography' to refer to the computer

software and equipment which is involved with the use of the public key

2. Creation of Digital Signature : Ride 4 of the CA Rules describes the

process of creation of the digital signature.

3. Transmission of the Record: The process of transmission of the

electronic record is described in the last part of Rule 4 of the CA Rules.
After the digital signature is created, it is attached to the original electronic
record. Thereafter, both the original electronic record in plain text and the
digital signature are transmitted to the recipient.

4. Verification of Digital Signature: RuJe 4 of the CA Rules describes the

process of verification of a digital signature:

"The verification of a Digital Signature shall be accomplished by

computing a new hash result of the original electronic record by means
of the hash function used to create a Digital Signature and by using the
public key and the new hash result, the verifier shall check-

(i) if the Digital Signature was created using the corresponding private

(ii) if the newly computed hash result matches the original result which
was transformed into Digital Signature during the singing process. The
verification software confirm the Digital Signature as verified if:-

(a) the singer's private key was used to digitally sign the electronic
record, which is known to be the case if the singer's public key used to verify
the signature because the singer's public key will verify only a digital
Signature created with the singer's private key: and

(b) the electronic record was unaltered, which is known to be the

case if the hash result computed by the verifier is identical to the hash result
extracted from the Digital signature during the verification process."

Upon receipt of the digital signature and the original record, the recipient will
need to verify the digital signature. For this purpose, the public key will have
to be made available to the recipient, either, prior to sending the digital
signature, or along with the record with the digital signature, or made publicity
available for use by any recipient. The Process of verification involves the
following steps:

(i) Creation of a New Hash Result: The first step in the process
of verification is the application of the same hash function to
the electronic record received by the recipient. This result in
the creation of a new hash result.

(ii) Application of Public Key: Thereafter, the public key will be

applied to the digital signature that is attached with the
electronic record received. This application will decrypt the
cipher text, to produce the hash result that was generated by the
sender. The successful application of the public key to produce
the hash result indicates that the digital signature was indeed
created by the application of the sender's corresponding private

(iii) Comparison of the Hash Results: The next step is the

comparison of the hash result obtained by the recipient with the
hash result obtained by the sender. Electronic records can very
easily be modified or tampered with even once in transit. As
mentioned earlier, even a slight change in the document will
produce a completely different hash result; change in the
document will produce a completely different hash result thus,
indicating that the electronic document has been compromised
with. On the other hand, the obtaining of a hash function that is
identical to the one obtained by the sender indicates that the
record received by the recipient was identical to the one that
was sent by the sender.

A comparison of the hash result therefore, completes the verification of the

digital signature. With this, the process of authentication of the electronic record is
Summary of process of Authentication by a Digital Signature: The steps for
the affixation of a digital signature under Section 3 of the Act read with Rules 3, 4
and 5 of the CA Rules can therefore be summarized as follows:

(i) A hash function is applied to the electronic record to produce a hash


(ii) The sender's private key is applied to the hash result , to produce an
encrypted form of the electronic record. This step indicates the
creation of the digital signature.

(iii) This encrypted record is sent along with the original document to the

(iv) The receiver applies the sender's public key to the document, and
decrypts it to obtain the original hash result of the document.

(v) He applies the hash function to the original document sent along with
the encrypted record to obtain a hash result again.

(vi) He compares this hash result with the one obtained from the

(vii) If the hash results are equal, the digital signature is verified.

A digital signature, therefore, guarantees the following with respect to the

(i) Authenticity: The asymmetric crypto system guarantees the
authenticity of the source of the electronic document, i.e., it guarantees
that the document was sent by the sender himself. Since, the private
key is known only to the subscriber, the affixation of the digital
signature onto the document is evidence that it was affixed by the
subscriber and no one else.

(ii) Non-repudiation: The asymmetric crypto system also guarantees non-

repudiation of the document , i.e., once the digital signature has been
affixed by the sender and verified by the recipient, the sender cannot
deny having sent the document.

(iii) Integrity: The hash function guarantees the integrity of the record, i.e.,
the record had not been altered while being transmitted to the recipient.


Criteria for Valid Electronic Signatures under the Model Law.

Article 7 of the Model Law which lays down the requirement for the functional
equivalence of an electronic signature, reads as follows:

"(I) Where the law requires a signature of a person, that requirement is met in
relation to a data message if:

(a) a method is used to identify that person and to indicate that person's
approval of the information contained in the data message: and

(b) That method is as reliable as was appropriate for the purpose for which
the data message was generated or communicated, in the light of all
the circumstances, including any relevant agreement.

(2) Paragraph (1) applies whether the requirement therein is in the form
of an obligation or whether the law simply provides consequences for the
absence of a signature.

(3) The provisions of the article do not apply to the following: I l"

Thus, the Model law prescribes the following requirements for a valid
electronic signature.

(i) It can be used to identify the person.

(ii) It shows the identified person's approval of the content of the


(iii) It was as reliable as w_as required under the circumstances.

Section 3A of the IT Act


Section 3A of the I.T. Act has been enacted keeping in mind these requirements under
the Model Law and the need for maintaining technological neutrality.

"(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 3,but subject to the

provisions of sub-section (2), a subscriber may authenticate any electronic record by
such electronic signature or electronic, authentication, technique which

(a) is considered reliable; and

(b) may be specified in the second schedule.

(2) For the purpose of this section any electronic signature or electronic
authentication technique shall be consider reliable if.

(a) the signature creation data or the authentication data are, within the
context in which they are used, linked to the signatory or, as the case may be,
the authenticator and of no other person:

(b) the signature creation data or the authentication data were, at the time of
signing, under the control of the signatory or, as the case may be, the
authenticator and of no other person:

(c) any alternation to the electronic signature made after affixing such
signature .is detectable.

(d) any alternation to the information made after its authentication by

electronic signature is detectable: and

(e) if fulfils such other conditions which may be prescribed.

(3) The central Government may prescribe the procedure for the purpose of
ascertaining whether electronic signature is that of the person by whom it is
purported to have been affixed or authenticated.

(4) The Central Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, add
to or omit any electronic signature or electronic authentication technique and
the procedure for affixing such signature from the second schedule:

Provided that no electronic signature or authentication technique shall be

specified in the Second Schedule unless such signature or technique is reliable.

(5) Every notification issued under sub-section (4) shall be laid before each
House of parliament.

Instead of specifying the technology to be used for electronic signature, the

Legislature specified certain criteria based on which a technology may be prescribed
by the Government as a valid electronic signature. An electronic record can be
authenticated using any form of electronic signature or other authentication
techniques, which is:

(i) Reliable, and

(ii) Specified in the second schedule to the Act.

The second clause specifies when an electronic signature I technique 1s

considered to be reliable:

(i) The data or technology used for the authentication / creation of the
signature can be linked to the signatory /authenticator only.

(ii) The data or technology used for the authenticates/creation of the

signature was under the control of the signatory/authenticator and no
other person.

The process of verification of these signature s and signatory/authenticator

may be prescribed by the Central Government.

The prescription of these criteria has given the Government the freedom to
keep pace with rapidly evolving technology without needing to amend the IT Act.
Clauses (4) and (5) of this section gives the Central Government the power to
add/omit signatures/authentication techniques from the second schedule of the Act,
provided such signature/authentication techniques meet the requirements specified
under this section.

Examples of Electronic Signatures

Currently, there are no electronic signatures prescribed under the second
schedule of the IT Act. However, several electronic signatures apart from digital
Schedule of the IT Act. However, several electronic signature apart from digital
signatures are currently in use:

(i) Click- Wrap Agreements - 'I accept' button on websites.

(ii) PIN Numbers - ATM cards, etc.

(iii) Digitized Image of Hard written Signature

(iv) Biometric Signatures - Electronic devices which scan fingerprints,

hand geometry, retina scans, voice recognition, etc.

(v) Signature Capture Devices - Devices such as tablets, signature pads,

tc. Which capture handwritten signature.

(vi) Identity Verification Services - E-mail validation, ID verification,

Concept of Secure Electronic Signature
Under Section 15 of the electronic signature is deemed to be securing, if.

(i) The data used to create the signature. i.e., a private key in the case of
a digital signature was, at the time of affixing the signature, under the
exclusive control of the subscriber only.

(ii) The data used to create the signature was stored and affixed in a
prescribed, exclusive manner.

The concepts of secure electronic signature and secure electronic record have
been introduced to indicate the requirement of adoption safety practice by the parties
involved. This is crucial for the maintenance of the security and integrity of
information, especially from the perspective of digital evidence.

Public Key Infrastructure

Public key infrastructure (PK.I) refers to the entire organizational structure

that is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of a reliable system of
public key cryptography

The purpose of the PK.I is to generate trust in the electronic environment. In the
absence of trust in the security of the transmission and the content of communication,
e-commerce and e-government will not find acceptance among parties. The PKI is the
medium that establishes the validity and legality of the digital signatures being used
by subscribers and of the bodies issuing digital signatures to

subscribers. It guarantees the authenticity of the electronic signatures, thereby

guaranteeing the enforceability of the electronic transaction for which the signature is
The legal basis for the PK.I in India is found under Chapter VI 14 of the IT
Act, along with various rules issued by the Government, such as the CA Rules and
the IT (Certifying Authority) Regulations, 2001. (the hierarchy of the PK.I which is
established hereby is as follows:
Controller of Certifying Authorities

Certifying Authorities

At the top of the hierarchy is the controller certifying Authorities, which licenses
Certifying Authorities, which in turn issue digital signature certificates to subscribes.

Controller of Certifying Authorities: The Controller of Certifying

Authorities (the "Controller") is the apex in the PK.I hierarchy appointed by the
Central Government for the supervision and control of the Certifying Authorities (the
"CA"). Is a function include licensing of the CAs, specifying the form and content of
an electronic signature and key, laying down applicable standards for CAs,
recognition of foreign CAs, etc.

It has been defined under Section 2(1) (m) of the IT Act as follows:

"Controller means the Controller of Certifying Authorities appointed under

sub-section (7) of section 17.

The Controller has set up two subsidiary bodies, the Root Certifying Authority
of India and the National Repository of Digital Certificates.

1. The Root Certifying Authority of India: The 'Root Certifying Authority

of India' (the "RCAI") has been established by the controller to perform
its function of licensing of CAs. This licensing is done

through the issue· of a X.509 certificate, known as Root certificates, which

certificate the public keys of the CAs. It is the highest level of certification
in India. The License of a CA can be verified by a subscriber through this
certificate on the website of the Controller.

The RCAI issues the 'Certification practice Statement' (the "CPS") which is adopted
by the Controller, which is defined as follows:

"Certification Practice Statement means a statement issued by a certifying

Authority to specify the practices that the certifying Authority employs in issuing
Electronic Signature Certificates."

2. The National Repository of Digital Certificates: The National Repository

of Digital Certificates (the ''NRDC") was set up in view of section 20 of the IT Act,
which was later omitted by the Amendment Act. This repository contains all the
digital signature certificates issued by the RCAI and by licensed CAs. It also
maintains the corresponding CRLs issued by them.

The duties of the NRDC are as follows:

(i) Publishing Public Key certificates of licensed CAs.

(ii) Publishing CRLs.

Certifying Authority: A certifying Authority is a body that has been authorized by

the Controller to issue an electronic signature certificate to a subscriber. It is defined
under section 2(1) (g) of the TT Act as follows:

"Certifying Authority means a person who has been granted a license to issue
an Electronic Signature Certificate under section 24".

A CA is authorized by the controller via a 'Root Certificate', as explained

above. Thereafter, CA plays two key roles in the PKI system firstly, it issues digital
signatures to the subscriber, and secondly, it verities the digital signature of a
subscriber on the request of the recipient, or the relying party. In order to perform
these roles in a secure manner, the following obligations have been imposed on the

(i) Protection of their private key.


(ii) Maintain a web site and publish the license, sub-CA certificates.

(iii) Publish the name and contact infonnation of the party responsible for
the CA.

(iv) In ca:;::; of a compromise in their signing key, immediately revoke all

subscriber certificates, publish details in the CRL and report to Lhe RCAI.

(v) Have their CPS approved by the Controller.

List of Licensed CAs in India: The following organizations have been

given a license to operate as CAs in India.

(i) Tata Consultancy Services.

(ii) National Informatics centre.

(iii) iTrust CA, IDRBT

(iv) safescrypt CA services, Sify communications Ltd.

(v) (n) Code Solution CA.

(vi) E-Mudhra

Subscriber: As the bottom of the PKJ hierarchy is the sub criber. The subscriber is
imposed with the obligations of obtaining a valid DSC from a licensed CA and
thereafter, maintaining its authenticity by suitably protecting the privat key, ,\ DSC
acts as proof linking a particular subscriber to a particular key pair. It contain!> the
following information.
(i) Serial Number (assigning of serial number to the DSC by CA to distinguish
it from other certificate):
(ii) Signature Algorithm Identifier (which identifies the algorithm used by CA to
sign the DSC);
(iii) Issuer Name (name of the CA who issued the DSC).
(iv) Validity period of the DSC;
(v) Name of the subscriber (whose public key the certificate idenlifies); and
(vi) Public key information of the subscriber.

Thus, the DSC enables a relying party to identify the subscriber, obtain the
public key used by him, and verify the legality of the DSC through the public
key of the CA issuing it. The relying party, before relying on the digital
signature, should also verify the purpose of the DSC, its validity period, key usage
and class. Once verified both the relying p · and the subscriber are bound
by the electronic transaction.

l. Procedure for issue of DSCs to a subscriber: Any person can apply to a CA

through its Registration Authority for a DSC. The Registration Authority is the
body of the CA which interacts with the subscribers for the provision of CA
services. The procedure for the issue of DSCs as prescribed under the IT Act and
the CA Rules, and can be collectively summarized as follows:

(i) Application shall be in the application form provided by the CA and

accompanied with.

(a) The prescribed fee, as per the class of the application.

(b) A certification practice statement or where there is no such statement,

a statement containjng such particulars, as specified by regulations.

(ii) DSCs are usually issued with a lifetime of one two years.

(iii) On expiry of a DSC, application may be made for its' re-issue.

(iv) The CA may suspend I revoke the DSC.

(a) On receipt of a request from the subscriber/ his agent.

(b) On the death of the subscriber.

(c) He subscriber is firm/a company, on its dissolution of winding up.

(d) A material fact represented in the DSC is false / concealed.

(e) A condition for the issue of the DSC is not satisfied.

(f) There is a compromise in the CAs private key / security system.

(g) There is compromise in the DSC owner's private key.

(h) There is misuse of the DSC.

(v) The CA must publish notices of such suspensions/ revocation in the CRis.

2. Duties of subscribers: The duties of subscribers are covered under chapter

vm of the IT Acts.
(i) Generate Key pair: On acceptance of a DSC, the subscriber shall generate the
key pair of which the public key is listed in the DSC.

(ii) Duties: The subscriber shall perform such duties as prescribed with respect to
an electronic signature.

(iii) Acceptance of DSC: A subscriber is deemed to have accepted a DSC if be

publishes it to one or more persons, or in a repository, or in any other manner.

(iv) Certification of Subscriber: Upon acceptance of a DSC, the subscriber

certifies that he holds the corresponding private key, and the representations
made to the CA and the information in the DSC are true.

(v) Control of Private Key. The subscriber shall exercise reasonable care to retain
control over the private key and prevent its disclosures.

(vi) Compromise of private key: to the event of a compromise of the private key,
the subscriber shall inform the CA of the same as soon as possible. Until the
CA is informed, the subscriber will continue to be liable for the use of the
private key.




Regulation of E-Contracts
Conh·acts entered into electronically are referred to as electronic contracts.
The Model Law recognizes electronic contracts. This recognition comes in view of
the increase in "electronic commerce". Electronic commerce involves the use of
alternatives to paper-based methods of communication and storage of information.
The importance of electronic commerce lies in its ability to 'improve the efficiency of
commercial activities, enhance trade connections and allow new access
opportunities.for previously remote parties and markets, thusplaying a fundamental
role in promoting trade and economic development, both domestically and

Model Law, along with the UN Convention on the Use of Electronic

Communications in International Contracts 2005, provide for uniform rules to be
adopted by member countries to remove the obstacles and uncertainty created by the
use of electronic communications and creation of electronic contracts.

Regulation of E-Contracts in India: E-contracts, like all contracts, are governed by

the Indian Contracts Act, 1872 (the "Indian Contract Act"). The IT Act merely
recognizes the process of contract formation through electronic means and
estabUshes functional equivalence between e-contracts and paper-based contracts.
These provisions in the IT Act were introduced to give effect to the corresponding
provisions under the Model Law.

Essentials of a Valid Contract: An e-contract in order to be valid will have to

comply with the provisions of the Indian Contract Act and any other law governing
the transaction. The essential elements of a valid contract as laid down under the
Indian Contract Act is discussed below:

(i) Proper Offer and Acceptance: An offer or proposal4 refers to the intimation
of one person's (the offeror) willingness made to another person (the offeree)
to do or abstain from doing something. When theofferee signifies his assent
to the offer, the offer is accepted5.

(ii) Intention to Create Legal Relationships: There must be an intention to create

legal obligations between the parties.

(Hi) Lawful Consideration: Consideration refers to any act or abstinence or

promise of a party at the desire of the other party. The consideration must
be lawful, i.e., it must be of some value in the eyes of the law. An agreement
without consideration is void8•

(iv) Free consent: Two or more persons are said to consent when they agree to
the same thing in the same sense. Consent is free if it is not caused by
coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation, and/or mistake. An
agreement without free consent is voidable.

(i) Capacity to Contract: A person who has attained majority, is of a sound

mind and has not been disqualified from contracting under any law is
competent to contract. An agreement with a minor is void ab initio.

A person of unsound mind is one who is incapable of understanding and forming

a rational judgment.

(vi) Lawful Object: The object of the contract must be lawful, i.e., it should not
be forbidden by law, defeat the provisions of law, be fraudulent, cause injury
to person/ property, be immoral or opposed to public policy. An agreement
with an unlawful object will be void.

(vii) Certainty and Possibility of Performance: Ao agreement, the meaning of

which is not capable of being made certain is void. An agreement to do an
impossible act is void. An agreement, the performance of which has become
impossible, will also be void.

(viii) Agreements not expressly Declared Void: The agreement should not have been
expressly declared to be void, for example, an agreement in restraint of
marriage, an agreement in restraint of trade, etc.

Types of E-Contracts

1. Contracts entered Into through E-mails: E-contracts may be in the form

of a contract that is entered into by way of communication through an
electronic medium like e-mails) This involves the discussion of various
stages of the formation of the contract such as the communication of an offer,
acceptance, etc. and other negotiations of the various terms of the contract
through the electronic medium. The contract that is entered into is non-
instantaneous and negotiable. The Model Law and the IT Act provide the
rules applicable to the formation of contracts in this manner.

2. Standard Form E-Contracts: Alternatively, e-contracts can take the form

of non-negotiable and instantaneous contracts of the following types:

Click-Wrap Agreements: This is the most common form of e-contracts found online.
It consists of a list of terms and conditions, to which the party can either agree to by
clicking on the "I agree' icon, or disagree by clicking the 'Cancel' T Disagree' icon.
There is no scope for any negotiation in these contracts. The party only bas the option
to reject or accept the terms of contract in their entirety. Such agreements have been
extensively challenged in the US courts, primarily on the ground that such contracts
do not provide adequate notice to the internet user. A few important decisions are

(i) In Forrest v. Verizon Communications Inc, a forum selection clause present

in a clickwrap agreement was enforced. It was held that the fact that only a
portion of the agreement could be viewed in a scroll box did not imply that the
notice to the user was inadequate.

(ii) In CoStar Realty Info., Inc. v. Fie/cf1 and Segal v., Inc., it was
held that a click wrap agreement would be binding even if the user had failed
to read the contract before accepting it.

(iii) In Fteja v. Facebook, Inc., the terms of service in the form of a hyperlink
below the sign up button was held to amount to adequate notice to the user:

Browse-Wrap Agreements: Browse-wrap agreements list out their contract /terms

and conditions (usually in the form of a hyperlink at the bottom of the website) on the
website being accessed or the product being downloaded. Unlike a clickwrap
agreement, where the user must expressly accept the terms and conditions by clicking
on an "I agree" box, a browse-wrap agreement does not require this type of express
acceptance of the terms. Here, the mere use of the product, for instance, browsing
through the website or downloading the product will amount to the user's assent to the
contract. The enforceability of these agreements is, however, dependent on whether
the user had actual or constructive notice of the terms and conditions;

(i) In Specht v. Netscape Communciations Corp, the Second Circuit . Court of

Appeals held that a browse wrap agreement which was contained in a
hyperlink that could not be viewed unless the user scrolled down to the next
screen, did not constitute adequate notice to the user, and the clicking of the
download button did not amount to consent to the agreement.

(ii) In Ticketmaster v. 25, it was held that knowledge of the defendant
ofthe terms and conditions to the website which were contained at the bottom
of the home page in small print would have to be proved.

(iii) In Hubbertv. Dell Corp, The Illinois Court of Appeal held that the a browse
wrap agreement to which the consumers received repeated exposure in the
form of the words "All sales are subject to Dell'sTerm[s] and Conditions of
Sale" in a series of pages which had to be accessed to complete a purchase,
and a conspicuous blue hyperlink to the terms and conditions, was enforceable.

Shrink Wrap Agreements: Shrink wrap agreements were found inside the sealed
packaging of tangible products, where one cannot see the agreement until the product
has been purchased or used. For example, software CD came packaged in plastic with
a notice that by tearing the plastic, the user will be deemed to have assented to the
terms of use which are enclosed in the CD. The plastic packaging usually contained
some of the essential clauses of the terms of use in brief so as to constitute adequate
notice to the user. Such agreements are likely to be found tmenforceable on grounds
of inadequate notice to the user, unless constructive notice can be established. It is
from the term 'shrink wrap' that the terms 'click wrap' and 'browse wrap' have been

Thus, to ensure enforceability of standard form e-contracts, it is essential for

websites to provide adequate notice of the contract. A good example of such notice
is this caveat provided conspicuously on the first page of the website:



Not only is the notice in large font, and in bold, caps and italics, it also
specifically mentions a key provision of the agreement (the mandatory arbitration
agreement) so that the user cannot deny notice later in time by saying, for example,
that she did not read the agreement in entirety.

Recognition of E-Contracts under IT Act

1. Section 1OA: Validity of Contracts Formed Through Electronic

Means: Section 1OA of the IT Act provides for the recognition of contracts
formed through electronic means:

"Where in a contract formation, the communication of proposals,

the acceptance of proposals, the revocation of proposals and
acceptances, as the case may be, are expressed in electronic form

or by means of an electronic record, such contract shall not be

deemed to be unenforceable solely on the ground that such electronic
form or means was used for that purpose.

Any stage in the formation of the contract, be it a proposal, acceptance or

revocation, may be expressed in an electronic form or by means of an electronic
record. The section uses the words 'expressed in electronic form or by means of an
electronic record'. The section does not specify how this communication reaches the
other party, for instance, it does not state that the electronic record is to be transmitted
electronically through the means of a computer. Therefore, this section will apply
even to cases where an electronic record is transferred manually; say in the form of a
magnetic disk which is delivered to the opposite party by courier.

2. Article 11 of the Model Law: Section 1OA of the IT Act has been
drafted along the lines of Articles 11 of the Model Law on the formation
and validity of contracts. It provides that:

"(1) In the context of contract formation, unless otherwise agreed by

the parties, an offer and the acceptance of an offer may be expressed by
means of data messages. Where a data message is used in the formation
of a contract, that contract shall not be denied validity or enforceability
on the sole ground that a data message was used for that purpose.

(2) The provisions of this article do not apply to the following:[...].11

3. No Effect on Law of Contract Formation: (Section lOA of the IT Act

provides for a new means of forming contracts, but, does not in any way affect the
Indian Contract Act or any other rules of contract formation. The Indian Contract Act
in itself does not specify the means by which the communication in the various stages
of contract formation should be made, which means that communication may be made
through any means which has the effect of communicating the proposal acceptance or
revocation. The exception to this rule is when the method of communication is
specified, for instance, a specification by the parties to the contract

on how the acceptance is to be made. This exception will apply even to cases where
the contract is formed through electronic means. Thus, this section cannot be applied
to hold a contract as enforceable in cases where a mode of communication other than
by electronic means was specified by one of the parties, but, the communjcation was
instead made by the other party through electronic means. Additionally, this section
does not affect any other rules that may be applicable for the validity of the contract,
for instance, the requirement of notarization.

This is in line with the intention behjnd Article 11 of the Model Law. With
respect to this Article, the Guide to the Model Law that are annexed with the text of
the Model Law as to their interpretation stated that the main purpose behind this
article was not to interfere with the national law of contract formation, but, instead to
settle the prevalent uncertainties in various countries as to the validity of a contract
that is concluded through electronic means:

''Article 11 is not intended to interfere with the law on formation of contracts but
rather to promote international trade by providing increased legal certainty as to the
conclusion of contracts by electronic means. It deals not only with the issue of
contract formation but also with the form in which an offer and an acceptance may
be expressed...

... However, the provision is needed in view of the remaining uncertainties

in a considerable number of countries as to whether contracts can validly
be concluded by electronic means. Such uncertainties may stem from the
fact that, in certain cases, the data messages expressing offer and
acceptance are generated by computers without immediate human
intervention, thus raising doubts as to the expression of intent by the parties.
Another reason for such uncertainties is inherent in the mode of
communication and results from the absence of a paper document. "

Though, the IT Act is modelled on the Model law, there are many differences
in the actual wording of the Act. Therefore, it is to be seen if the Guide to the Model
Law will be accepted by the Courts as a guide to the interpretation of the clauses of

the IT Act. For instance, the judgments and literature under the UNCITRAL Model
Law on International Commercial Arbitration were not accepted by the Supreme
Court as a guide to the interpretation of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.
However, the Guide may still provide direction as to the intent behind and scope of
the clauses of the IT Act which are similar to the Model Law.

E- Commerce is a new way of conducting, managing and executing business
transactions using modem information technology.

E-commerce is a 'commerce based on bytes'. E-commerce defined simply is the

commercial transaction of services in an electronic format. The World Trade
Organization (WTO) ministerial declaration on E-Commerce defines e-commerce as,
"the production, distribution, marketing, sales or delivery of goods and services by
electronic means." The six main instruments of e-commerce that have been
recognized by the WTO are telephone, fax, TV, electronic payment and money
transfer systems, EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) and the internet.

The development of e-commerce is like a roller-coaster ride. It is growing but is facing

bumps as well. One may say it is part of the growing up process. The first phase of e-
commerce threw up a new business nomenclature using various permutation and
combination of Business and consumers like Business -to-business (B2B), Business -
to- Consumers (B2C), Consumer -to- Business (C2B) and Consumer-to consumer

Business -to- business (B2B)

It is a business platform involving two independent or even dependent business
entities. It acts a business facilitator, negotiator and dealmaker between or among
mutually contributing business units.

Business -to-consumer (B2C)

It refers to a business platform, involving a business entity and consumers. It is a retail
version of e-commerce- selling goods or service through web based shops. It is based
on the concept of shopping at convenience. A consumer can shop at his

convemence from the place and time of his choice. It is about a new shopping
experience, through an electronic version of catalogue (mail order) shopping.

Consumer -to- business (C2B)

\it is a kind of retail marketing platform, where a business entity seeks or rather chases
customers actively. It is a pro active version of e-commerce in the sense that it is a
customer chaser, offering customers deals, packages or bundle of products at
competitive prices. Moreover, it negotiates or bids by offering best possible deals to
the customers. It is often referred to as reverse auction. These days it is a common
business model adopted by airlines and tour operators. This process of reverse auction
is resulting into major savings for the manufactures, as suppliers bid for the purchase

Consumer -to- consumer (C2C).

It represents a consumer business platform, where one consumer acts as a resource
person selling goods in an online medium to other consumers at a price. One may
call such processes as 'consumer 2 consumer auctions '. This is an improvement
over traditional selling or auction processes, where the relationship is in the form of
'business 2 consumer'. Another important activity that is generated by such
'consumer 2 consumer' auctions is in the realm of resale and rentals. That is, it has
helped in creating a market for second hand goods.

This 'business-consumer' relationship, whether in the form of 'business2business',

'business2consumer', 'consumer2business', 'consurner2consumer', has manifested
itself in the electronic marketplace in the form of highly specific business models in
Internet space.

Electronic Data Interchange lEDT]

EDI has been accepted universally as a replacement for the traditional paper trading.
EDI transactions are also often refe1Ted to as the paperless trading. EDI has been
defined as 'the computer to computer transmission of business data in a standard form'.
According to the United Nations Trading interchange Directory (UNTID) , Electronic
Data Interchange means business communication which replaces paper with high
electronic message. It is more secure than simply using e-mail. It may be

noted that the Information Technology Act bas expressly recognized EDI as a mode
of communication. EDI transactions now have legal sanctity in India and it is a
foregone conclusion that valid and enforceable contracts can be formed using EDI.
However, the inapplicability of the Information Technology Act, to certain types of
contracts which are required by existing law to be in writing and which also requires
signature makes the applicability of EDI narrow. The exact processes involved in the
EDI mechanism are intricate and an elaborate discussion into the field may be beyond
the scope of this chapter. In an EDI transaction, the persons entering into such
transaction agree on the technology to be used for such communication by way of a
separate agreement. Such agreement is referred to as an 'umbrella agreement'.

Online Credit Card Payments

The most dramatic revolution in payment methods m the past few decades has,
undoubtedly, been the plastic card. Th_ecr ed it card is the payment vehicle of
convenience, which provides its holders with multifarious benefits.

Credit cards in fact are a subset of the general category of payments cards, i.e., cards
whose production (whether or not any other action is required) enables the person to
whom it is issued (the holder) , to discharge his obligations to a supplier in respect of
payments for the acquisition of goods, services, accommodation or facilities, the
supplier being reimbursed by a third party, whether or not the issuer of the card, and

whether or not a fee is imposed for such reimbursement.

A credit card has been defined as a payment card, the holder of which is permitted
under his contract with the issuer of the card to discharge less than the whole of any
outstanding balance on his payment card amount on or before the expiry of a specified
period, subject to any contractual requirements with respect to minimum or fixed
amount of payments. The card permits the holder to obtain credit up to a stated
maximum amount from the issuer upon the card's presentation to a merchant. The
card issuer sends the cardholder periodic statements (usually monthly) describing the
purchase made. The cardholder may settle the indebtedness without interest by paying
the entire amount on receipt if the statement or the cardholder may settle the
indebtedness by installments, paying interest on the outstanding amount.

Credit cards on the Net

The other area where credit cards will perform a metamorphosed role, is on the
internet. It seems natural that online commerce would be done with credit cards. No
physical paper needs to be passed unlike cash or checks. We simply type our credit
card number into the merchants World Wide web(WWW) page payment form and
wait for our purchase to be shipped to us. The only thing that needs to pass between
the merchant and the buyer is the credit card number. Of the manifold problems that
credit card transactions over the internet have become involved with, possibly the
formidable is that of the security. The internet is perceived as a medium in which
security and privacy are practically non existent. Therefore, with the possibility of the
credit card frauds looming large over them, customers are reluctant to even enter into
transactions that could involve the transmission of "sensitive" information over the
internet. The consequence of this has been that a number of corporations are engaged
in the process of creating a system with some measure of security.

One of the simplest methods in use is simply de-linking the purchase process from
internet. Thus once the item is selected over the Net, the credit card number has to
be independently delivered through a phone call to the retailer.

The next method that was developed which is currently used by many sites, is hosting
the WWW site on a secure server. A secure server is one that uses a protocol such as
SSL or S-HTTP to transmit data between the browser and the server. These protocols
encrypt the data being transmitted, so when you submit your credit card number
through their www form it travels to the server encrypted.

In order to ensure customer trust and still maintain the security of credit card
transactions on the net, some companies evolved a systems to cater to the unique
nanµ-e of the internet. One of these was First Virtual.

The First Virtual system ensures the security of credit card numbers through the use
of sub titute numb rs namely "first virtual personal identification numbers" (PIN
numbers). These numbers are of no use, even if intercepted because purchases cannot
be charged to them. The first virtual system works by ensuring that a

person's account is never charged without e-mail verification from them, whereby the
cardholder accepts the charge.

First Virtual uses email to communicate with a buyer to confirm charges against their
account. Sellers use either email, Telnet or automated programs that make use of First
Virtual's Simple MIME Exchange Protocol (SMXP) to verify accounts and initiate
payment transactions.

Cyber Cash
CyberCash operates on a different footing from First Virtual. It simply ensures
encrypted passage over the Internet for the credit card data. Moreover, CyberCash
requires a special program (Cyber cash Wallet Software program). The user must then
register with CyberCash. Registration would include creation of a "wallet ID" and a
password. Additionally, one or more credit cards must be attached to the wallet.

Merchants must firstly open an account with an acquiring bank that supports Internet
transaction using CyberCash payment systems. They must also install their part of
their part of the Cybercash software namely Cybercash Internet Payment Software
(SMPS), which will enable communication with both the customers CyberCash
wallet, and Cybercasb's own servers.

Secure Electronic Transaction. (SET)

SET is a proposed standard for the conduct of credit card transaction over the internet.
SET is a set to become the dominant system of paying by a plastic over the net. The
aim of SET will be to develop a simple, inexpensive way for the conduct of these
transactions, with the maintenance of as much of the same infrastructure as is in use
at the moment, thus keeping costs down.

The SET system functions on generally the same pattern as the CyberCash system.
Thus there is a need for special SET software, processing is like ordinary carets
transactions, etc. However, with SET there will be no active role to be played by one
. single entity such as CyberCash. Rather, any entity appointed by the Banks or the
Banks themselves may perform the function of translating the request format used by
acquiring banks.

Cyber Crime


A cyber-crime is any cnme committed usrng a computer. There is no statutory

definition of cyber-crime under Indian laws, including under the IT Act. A cyber-
crime can be defined as:

"Any illegal act fostered or facilitated by a computer, whether the computer

is an object of a crime, an instrument used to commit a crime, or a repository
of evidence related to a crime."

As explained earlier,[a cyber-crime encompasses any cnme involving a

computer system or network, where such system or network is a target of the crime
(for example, backing), tool of the crime (for example, credit card frauds) or as a
repository of evidence related to -the crime (for example, information stored in a
computer that aids investigation)] Cyber-crimes include crimes which are specific to
computers such as hacking, e-mail spamming and denial of service attacks, as well as
conventional crimes committed using a computer, such as theft, fraud and extortion.
As a result, a cyber-crime may invite the application of not only the cyber- crime
specific legislation, which is the IT Act, but also general criminal legislation, which
is the Indian Penal Code1860. Other laws will also be applicable depending on the
nature of the crime for example, the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 will
be applicable to a case of online money laundering.

Cyber-crime has a widespread adverse impact, especially m view of the

indispensability of the internet in everyday life. The targets of cyber-crime include
any device which can access the internet, like a computer, smartphone or laptop, and
any activity that is conducted using IT. Cyber-crimes like phishing, spamming, credit
card frauds and identity theft now affect between 1-17% of the population, as
compared to less than 5% for traditional crimes like burglary, robbery and car theft.

Cyber criminals no longer require an advanced knowledge of computers or a

specialized skill set, which means that anyone and everyone can commit a cyber-
crime. Apart from isolated individuals committing cybercrirnes, the realm of
cybercrirninals has expanded to include organised and professional backers and
crackers, the 'cyber mafia'4, and the conduct of cyber war, cyber terrorism and cyber
espionage by governments against each otber 5• It is estimated that upto 80% of cyber-
crimes today, which are involved in malware creation, botnet management, harvesting
of personal and financial data, data sale, etc., are a result of organized activity. The
Europol has warned of the huge potential of increase in the volume of organized cyber-
crime, especially with respect to the possibility of creation of botnets of mobile phones
and the vulnerability of the corporate world due to the number of private devices
(individual mobile phones, laptops, etc.) involved.



The IT Act prescribes for both offences and contraventions. A contravention

constitutes a violation of a provision of the law which usualJy results in a suit in a
civil court. The contravener is punishable with payment of a penalty to the appropriate
authority or damages by way of compensation. An offence, on the other hand,
constitutes a more serious violation of the law, or the commission of an act that is
prohibited by law, which results in a prosecution in a criminal court. The offender is
punishable with payment of a heavy fine, or imprisonment or both. For example, a
person who merely accesses a computer without the permission of the owner commits
a cyber-contravention. On the other band, if he accesses the computer with an
intention to cause some kind of harm, then, he commits a cyber- offence Accordingly,
the punishment will also vary; mere access will lead to the payment of damages by
way of compensation, while access with wrongful intent will lead to imprisonment of
upto 3 years, or fine of upto Rupees 5 lakhs, or both.

Differences between Cyber Contraventions and Cyber Offences

Differences Cyber Contraventions Cyber Offences

Nature of the Violation of a law or a rule of Serious violation of law, or
procedure commission of act prohibited
Crime hv bu1
Sections of the IT
Sections 43-45 Sections 65-74

Civil suit Criminal prosecution

Adjudicating Officer for a

claim upto Rupees 5 crore Any
Any competent Court
Authority competent Court for claims
above Rupees 5 crore12

Investigation The Controller or Officer Police officer not below

appointed by the Controller13 the rank of Inspector

Imprisonment upto 7 years

Applicable Penalty upto Ru1?_ees 25,000,
or damages by way of and/or fine upto Rupees 10
Penalty lakhs;
Imorisonment for life for
Compoundable/ non-
Compoundable, except m case
Compoundability of a previous conviction for compoundable dependjng on
the same contravention 15 applicable penalty, previous
convictions and nature of

Section 43: Penalty and Compensation for Damage to Computer, Computer

System, etc.

Section 43 of the IT Act reads as follows:

"If any person without permission of the owner or any other person who is incharge
of a computer, computer system or computer network,-

a) accesses or secures access to such computer, computer system or computer

network[or computer resource];

b) downloads, copies or extracts any data, computer data base or information

from such computer, computer system or computer network including
information or data held or stored in any removable storage medium;

c) introduces or causes to be introduced any computer contaminant or computer

virus into any computer, computer system or computer network;
d) damages or causes to be damaged any computer, computer system or
computer network, data, computer data base or any other programmes residing
in such computer, computer system or computer network;

e) disrupts or causes disruption of any computer, computer·system or computer


f) denies or causes the denial of access to any person authorised to access any
computer, computer system or computer network by any means;

g) provides any assistance to any person to facilitate access to a computer,

computer system or computer network in contravention of the provisions of
this Act, rules or regulations made there under;

h) charges the services availed of by a person to the account of another person

by tampering with or manipulating any computer, computer system, or
computer network,

(i) destroys, deletes or alters any information residing in a computer

resource or diminishes its value or utility or affects it injuriously by
any means;"

If any person steals, conceals, destroys or alters or causes any person to steal,
conceal, destroy or alter any computer source code used for a computer resource with
an intention to cause damage, he shall be liable to pay damages by way of
compensation not exceeding one crore rupees to the person so affected.

For the purposes of this section:

(i) "Computer Contaminant" means any set of computer instructions that are
designed -

(a) to modify, destroy, record, transmit data or programme residing within a

computer, computer system or computer network; or

(b) by any means to usurp the normal operation of the computer, computer
system, or computer network;

(ii) "Computer Database" means a representation of information, knowledge,

facts, concepts or instructions in text, image, audio, video that are being
prepared or have been prepared in a formalised manner or have been
produced by a computer, computer system or computer network and are
intended for use in a computer, computer system or computer network;

(iii) "Computer Virus" means any computer instruction, information, data or

programme that destroys, damages, degrades or adversely affects the
performance of a computer resource or attaches itself to another computer
resource and operates when a programme, data or instruction is executed
or some other event takes place in that computer resource;

(iv) "Damage" means to destroy, alter, delete, add, modify or re-arrange any
computer resource by any means.

(v) "Computer Source code" means the listing of programmes, computer

commands, design and layout and programme analysis of computer
resource in any form."

Section 43 of the IT Act, lists out certain acts which when committed without the
permission of the owner or the person in-charge of the computer and which amount
to a contravention. The lack of authorisation is therefore the primary condition
required to establish any contravention under this section. An act which exceeds the
permission granted will also amount to contravention. A contravener under this
section is liable to pay damages by way of compensation. The IT Act originally

provided for an upper limit of Rupees I Crore on the amount of damages that could
be awarded. However, this upper limit has now been removed by the l.T.
(Amendment) Act. 2008 (the 'Amendment Act').The contraventions listed under
Section 43 of the IT Act, when committed dishonestly or fraudulently, constitute
offences under Section 66 of the IT Act and are punishable with imprisonment and

1. Section 43 (a): Unauthorised Access: Section 43 (a) of the IT Act reads as

"accesses or secures access to such computer, computer system or
computer network or computer resource;"

The first requirement of 'unauthorised access' is that the access was made
without the permission of the person in charge of the computer. As mentioned earlier,
this also includes a case where a person exceeds the permission granted. For example,
if a person who is permitted a one-time access to a computer for "a specific purpose
instead explores other information stored in the computer, he exceeds the permission
granted to him, and is therefore liable for unauthorisedaccess. It is important to
establish that the person knows that his access to the S computer is unauthorised. The
requirement of a password or any other form of authentication for gaining access can
be considered to be an adequate indication of the need for authorization. As a result,
attempting to crack the password of a computer indicates knowledge that the access
is unauthorised, and amounts to an attempt to gain unauthorised access.

This clause refers to 'access' as well as 'securing access'. 'Access' implies the
actual access of a computer by a person, while 'securing access' implies obtaining the
means to access a computer. For example, a person who obtains the password of a
computer with the intention of accessing the computer at a later point of time has
'secured access' to that computer.

Section 43(a) of the IT Act, acts as a foundation for establishing most of the
other cyber-crimes, since, successful access is often the first step for the commission

of a crime. For example, crimes like hacking, identity theft, etc., all first require
securing access to a computer resource.

'Access': This clause needs to be studied with reference to the definition of

"access" under Section 2 (1) (a) of the IT Act:

"access with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions, means

gaining entry into, instructing or communicating with thelogical,
arithmetical or memory function resources of a computer, computer system
or computer network;"

'Access' constitutes any action which leads to the availability or usage of any
of a computer's resources, whether logical, arithmetic or memory. This includes
actual physical access by a person physically present, as well as remote acc ess
through mediums like the internet and wireless systems.It includes the following:

(i) 'Gaining entry': This implies physically accessing the computer, computer
system or computer network. For example, a person who plugs a memory
device into a physical terminal of the computer has 'gained entry' into the

(ii) 'Instructing': This implies an instruction or order which is given to the logical,
arithmetical or memory function resources of a computer, computer system
or computer network. For example, a person typing into the keyboard of a
computer is giving instructions to the computer. Similarly, a person operating
a computer remotely using remote access software like "Team Viewer" is
giving instructions to the computer.

(iii) 'Communicating': This implies the sending and receiving of information to

and from the accessed computer, computer system or computer network. For
example, a person transferring data from the accessed computer to his own
computer is 'communicating' with the computer.

2. Section 43 (b): Unauthorised Download/ Copying/ Extraction of Data:

Section 43 (b) of the IT Act reads as follows:

"(b) downloads, copies or extracts any data, computer data base or

information from such computer, computer system or computer network
including information or data held or stored in any removable storage

The act of downloading copying or extraction of any data, database or

information without the owner's permission constitutes a contravention. For example,
this includes the unauthorised copying of information from a computer to a USB-
drive, or the unauthorised download of videos from a website such as YouTube.

This clause constitutes the basic law governing data theft. The data stored in a
computer may include personal data, financial data, trade secrets, intellectual
property, and business methods and so on. Theft of this data can result in crimes like
credit card frauds using :financial data, extortion using personal data and sale of trade
secrets to a business rival. This can lead to immeasurable damage, along with being a
severe breach of privacy. In New South Communication Corp v. Universal Telephone
Co.17, an ex-employee of a company who mailed certain confidential financial
information of the company, which amounted to a trade secret, to his personal e-mail
account, was found guilty of trade secret misappropriation. This unauthorised copying
of confidential financial information from the company's computer system clearly
attracts the provisions of Section 43(b).

'Data': This clause needs to be studied with reference to the definition of "data" and
"computer database" as provided under the IT Act:

Section 2 (1) (o) of the IT Act read as follows:

"Data means a representation of information, knowledge, facts, concepts or

instructions which are being prepared or have been prepared in a formalized

manner, and is intended to be processed, is being processed or has been

processed in a computer system or computer network., and may be in any form
(including computer printouts magnetic or optical storage media, punched
cards, punched tapes) or stored internally in the memory of the computer. "

Data includes any material that is prepared formally for the purpose of
processing by a computer. It may be any form, whether in hard copies or soft copies,
and whether stored internally on the computer's memory or in any other storage
device. Therefore, this includes information on computer printouts, information
stored on CDs, any information stored in a computer's hard disk, etc.

'Computer Database': Section 43, Explanation (ii) of the IT Act read as follows:

"Computer Database means a representation of information, knowledge facts,

concepts or instructions in text, image, audio, video that are being prepared
or have been prepared in a formalised manner or have been produced by a
computer, computer system or computer network and are intended for use in
a computer, computer system or computer network;"

A computer database refers to any material that is prepared formally or is

produced by a computer for the purpose of use by a computer. This definition is
almost identical to that of data. The material may be in the form of text, images, audio
or video.

3. Section 43(c): Introduction of Contaminant/ Virus: Section 43(c) of the IT Act

reads as follows:

"(c) introduces or causes to be introduced any computer contaminant or

computer virus into any computer, computer system or computer network;"

This clause deals with the introduction of a computer contaminant or virus in

a computer without the owner's consent. Introduction of the virus into a computer can
be done through innumerable ways, such as, through the download of an

infected e-mail attachment or other file from the internet, runmng of a.CD of
installation of software that contains malware or transfer through an infected external
device like a pen drive. The introduction may be through direct ('introduces') or
indirect means ('causes to be introduced').

'Computer Contaminant' and 'Computer Virus': The explanation to the terms

'contaminant' and 'virus' can be found under the Explanation to Section 43 of the IT
Act. Section 43, Explanation (i) of the IT Act reads as follows:

"Computer Contaminant means any set of computer instructions that are


(a) to modify, destroy, record, transmit data or programme residing within a

computer, computer system or computer network; or
(b) by any means to usurp the normal operation of the computer, computer
system, or computer network."

Section 43, Explanation (iii) of the IT Act reads as follows:

"Computer Virus means any computer instruction, information, data or

programme that destroys, damages, degrades or adversely affects the
performance of a computer resource or attaches itself to another computer
resource and operates when a programme, data or instruction is executed or
some other event takes place in that computer resource. "

A contaminant or virus refers to any computer program, data or set of

instructions which produce an undesirable effect when executed on a computer. The
effect produced can be in any form, such as by denying access to the owner, using a
computer s resources (like memory or processing resources) tor other criminal
purposes, extracting sensitive and confidential information, corrupting files, causing
system crashes, etc. These definitions cover the following types of undesirable
effects, and therefore, Section 43(c) of the IT Act will apply to the introduction of a
programme that produces any of these effects in a computer:

(i) By a computer contaminant:

(a) Modification, destruction, recording of transmission of data or a


(b) Taking over a computer's normal operation.

(ii) By a virus:·

(a) Destruction, damage, degradation or adverse effect produced on the

performance of a computer resource.
(b) Attaches itself to another computer resource and operates on the
happening of a certain event.

Some examples of viruses and contaminants are:

(i) 'Ransomware 'is a form of malware that prevents access of the computer by
the owner, and demands a ransom for its removal.

(ii) 'Spyware' is software that collects information about a person or organization,

such as their internet activities, their personal data, passwords, etc. One type
of spyware is 'key loggers' which is a programme which records what is typed
into a keyboard.

(iii) A 'Trojan horse' is a form of malware that appears to perform an authorised

function, but i!l. fact performs unauthorised functions such as data theft and
system harm. For example, Rogue-AV is a Trojan horse that claims to remove
malware, but in fact installs malware into the computer. This form of malware
does no replicate itself.

(iv) A 'Rootkit' is software that gains continued access to a computer by attacking

the root or administrator access, and exploits the computer resources and other
data stored in it. It is designed in such a way that once infected it can escape
detection. An example of this is the Son) Rootkit scandal, where a rootkit to
prevent ripping of CDs was introduced into the computers of user who played
its CDs. This rootkit unintentionally also created vulnerabilities

in the computer which exposed it to exploitation by other malware, leading

to the scandal on such illegal copy protection measures.

(v) 'Botnet malware' is any kind of malware that is used to infect and take over a
large number of computers for the commission of large scale cyber-crime,
such as distributed denial of service attack.

(vi) 'Smartphone Malware' is any malware that can affect a smartphone, For
example, 'Antammi' for Android phones is in the form of a Trojan horse; it
appears to be a ringtone application, but once installed collects information
like contact lists, GPS coordinates, SMS archives, etc.

(vii) 'Industrial Malware' includes malware like 'Duqu' and 'Stuxnet', 'Duqu' is used
for industrial espionage,- i.e., it collects information that can be used for
attacks of industrial control systems, such as stealing public and private keys.
'Stuxnet' is used for industrial sabotage, i.e., it attacks the PLCs or
'Programmable Logic Controllers' of the industry. PLCs are programs that
automate and control industrial processes and machine functions, like control
of machinery on factory assembly lines, light fixtures, etc.

The only notable difference between the definitions of a contaminant and a

virus is that a contaminant appears to be a type of a virus. A virus includes a set of
computer instructions, information, data or programme that adversely affects the
performance of the computer. A contaminant has been defined as a set of computer
instructions that affects the performance of the computer in the manner specified in
the definition. Therefore, a virus is the genus and a contaminant is the species. On
applying the definitions of a contaminant and a virus to these examples, it is found
that spyware is a contaminant, since it 'transmits data'. "Botnet malware" is also a
contaminant, since it 'usurps the normal operation' of the computer. A "Trojan horse"
is a virus, since it attaches itself to another computer resource and operates on the
happening of a certain event. A Trojan horse may also be a contaminant depending on
its form and the actual effect produced by it, for example, if it is in the form of a set of
instructions which results in damage to the computer.

4. Section 43(d): Damage to Computer Resource: Section 43(d) of the IT Ad

reads as follows:

"(d) damages or causes to be damaged any computer, computer system or

computer network, data, computer data base or any other programmes
residing in such computer, computer system or computer network. 11

The term 'damage' has been explained in Explanation (iv) to Section 43 of the
IT Act:

"Damage means to destroy, alter, delete, add, modify or re-arrange any

computer resource by any means. 11

This clause will be applicable to the unauthorised action of any person that
results in a destruction, alteration, deletion, addition, modification or rearrangement
of a computer resource. This damage can be done directly or indirectly. A direct from
of damage is if a person modifies a file while working on a computer, while an indirect
from of damage is if the person inserts a virus that modifies files on the computer. The
term 'destroys' includes actual physical damage done to the tangible components of a
computer, for example, when someone actually removes a computers' hard disk and
breaks it. On the other hand, the remaining terms 'alters, deletes, adds, modifies or
rearranges' indicate damage to the intangible components of the computer, for
example, when s.omeone erases a hard drive. Another example of damage is an
alteration or rearrangement of the instructions contained in the soft form of a computer
programme. The section does not specify whether the damage caused should be
temporary or permanent, indicating that it covers both.

An example of a cyber-crime covered under this section is data diddling. 1n

this, a series of inconspicuous manipulations are made lo data, which result in a
significant gain (usually financial) on the whole. For example, if a bank employee
transfers a small amount, such as Rupees 10/- from every account every month, the
amount is too insignificant to be noticed by most account holders, while over a period
of time, it will result in a large gain to the employee.

5. Section 43(e): Disruption of Computer, etc.: Section 43(e) of the IT Act

reads as follows:

"(e) disrupts or causes disruption of any computer, computer system or

computer network"

The term 'disruption' has not been defined under the IT Act. It is explained in
the Oxford Dictionary to mean any disturbance _or problems which interrupt an
'event, activity or process. Therefore, this clause will cover, any action 'which "creates
a disturbance to the normal usage of a computer, computer system or computer
network. This includes for example of a disruption caused by a virus which prevents
the usage of the internet browser (like Chrome, Firefox, etc.) by showing error
messages, corrupting files that, are downloaded, etc. Another example is the disruption
caused by a reduction in the speed of computer's operation because it bas been made
part of a "botnet".

6. Section 43(0: Denial of Access: Section 43(f) of the IT Act reads as follows:

"(/) denies or causes the denial of access to any person authorised to access
any computer, computer system or computer network by any means."

This clause deals with the unauthorised prevention of access to a person who
1s entitled to access the computer, computer system or computer network. The
prevention can be caused through any means and includes both direct and indirect
denial of access. It includes physical denial of access, i.e., when a person changes the
password of a computer, and virtual denial of access i.e., when a person introduces a
virus that affects the BIOS of the computer, therefore, preventing it from starting up.
Another example of this is where a person changes the network settings and thereby,
blocking a particular computer from the local area network.

7. Section 43(g): Facilitation of Access: Section 43(g) of the IT Act reads as


"(g) provides any assistance to any person to facilitate access to a computer,

computer system or computer network in contravention of the provisions of
this Act, rules or regulations made there under."

Any person who provides access to a computer, etc., to a third person will
also be liable for the unauthorised access. Whether the person providing access is
himself authorised or unauthorised to access the computer is irrelevant, provided that
he is providing the access without the permission of the owner of the computer.
Additionally, the access provided may be physical or remote.

8. Section 43(h): Unauthorised Availment of Services: Section 43(h) of the IT

Act reads as follows:

"(h) charges the services availed of by a person to the account of another

person by tampering with or manipulating any computer, computer system,
or computer network."

This clause applies where a person uses services and charges them to another
person's account. Acquiring the information required for violation of this clause, such
as user IDs, passwords, etc. usually involves other preliminary crimes, such as
hacking, phishing21, installation of spy ware, etc. This is the crime of internet time
theft, which occurs when a person uses internet hours which have been paid for by
another person. Similarly, this clause applies to crimes involving financial identity
theft, like online banking and credit card frauds, where a person makes a purchase
using the credit card/ online banking details of another person.

9. Section 43(i): Acts Affecting Information Residing in a Computer

Resource: Section 43(i) of the IT Act reads as follows:

"(i) destroys, deletes or alters any information residing in a computer

resource or diminishes its value or utility or affects it injuriously by any

This clause penalizes any act which brings about an unauthorised effect on the
information residing in a computer resource. There is no specification as to the
method by which this effect can be brought about. Therefore, for a cyber-crime, this
clause is usually applied in conjunction with the previous clauses depending on bow
the effect was produced. The effect on the information includes:

(i) its destruction, for example, formatting a CD, which is a computer resource
destroys the information stored in it.
(ii) its deletion, for example, erasing a file on the computer.
(iii) its alteration, for example, data diddling results in an alteration of information.
(iv) any act which reduces its value, for example, a person converts a high
resolution photograph into a low resolution photograph. This reduces the
value of the photograph.
(v) any act which reduces its usefulness, for example, a person introduces a
virus, leading to an alteration in the code of a program, because of which
the program crashes every time it is run. This affects the utility of the
(vi) any act which produces any kind of injurious effect on it, for example, a
person brings a magnetic force near a computer's hard drive, causing it to
get corrupted. This will affect the hard drive 'injuriously'.

This clause needs to be studied with reference to the definition of 'information'

under Section 2 (1) (v) the Act:

"Information includes data, message, text, images, sound, voice,

codes, computer programmes, software and databases or microfilm
or computer generated microfiche."

10. Section 43(j): Modification, etc. of Computer Source Code: Section 43(j) of
the IT Act reads as follows:

"(j) steals, conceals destroys or alters or causes any person to steal, conceal,
destroy or alter any computer source code used for a computer resource with
an intention to cause damage."

The term 'computer source code' has been explained under Explanation (v) of
Section 43 of the IT Act:

"Computer Source Code means the listing of programmes, computer commands,

design and layout and programme analysis of computer resource in any form."

A computer source code is the basic set of instructions based on which a

computer program is run. It forms the very core of the computer program, and reflects
the creativity of the developer of the source code in directing the computer to
effectively produce the required output. The knowledge of a source code can aid
computer programmers in modifying the working of the program. It is, therefore,
subject to copyright protection. A source code also forms a very valuable asset for a
company, since an efficient source code can provide a high competitive advantage to
an industry using it and also to the company developing and licensing the software.

This clause penalizes the theft, concealment, destruction or alteration of a

computer source code. The theft, etc. of the source code may be done directly or
indirectly, i.e., by the contravener himself, through another person, or any other
means. In addition to the requirement to prove lack of authorization, this clause also
requires an intention to cause damage'. Thus, this clause does not apply to an
accidental alteration, destruction, etc.

Section 43A: Compensation for failure to protect data

Indian companies, particularly in the Business Process Outsourcing sector,
handle a lot of information from their customers, employees, and other individuals
involved with them. This information includes personal information like addresses
and dates of birth, financial information like credit card details, health information,
business proposals, and other sensitive data. This information is usually stored
electronically, making it highly susceptible to misuse by cybercriminals. The

responsibility of maintaining its confidentiality was therefore imposed on the

companies storing this information. Section 43A of the IT Act, which was inserted
vide the Amendment Act of2008, is the first provision in Indian law which deals with
data protection:

"Where a body corporate, possessing, dealing or handling any sensitive

personal .data or information in a computer resource which it owns, controls
or operates, is negligent in implementing and maintaining reasonable security
practices and procedures and thereby causes wrongful loss or wrongful gain
to any person, such body corporate shall be liable to pay damages by way of
compensation to the person so affected. "

Under this clause, a 'body corporate' will be liable for causing wrongful loss
or gain to a person due to the disclosure, in whatever form, of the sensitive personal
data in its possession. The disclosure should be as a result of negligence in
implementation of suitable security measures in respect of the data. Therefore, a body
corporate will not be liable under this clause for a disclosure that occurs despite the
implementation of suitable security measures. The body corporate will be required to
pay damages by way of compensation to the person to whom wrongful loss is caused.
The upper limit of Rupees 5 Crore for the quantum of damages was removed by the
Amendment Act of 2008.

1. Body Corporate: Section 43 A, Explanation (i) of the IT Act reads as follows:

''body corporate means any company and includes a firm, sole

proprietorship or other association of individuals engaged in commercial
or professional activities."

A 'body corporate' is any company, including a firm, sole proprietorship or any

commercial or professional association. This defmition implies that Government
bodies like the Income Tax Department, Consular Passport & Visa Division, Regional
Transport Offices, etc., which are not engaged in commercial or professional services
will not be subject to this section. Given the amount of

sensitive information collected by these departments, the application of this clause to

these bodies as well is crucial for the protection of privacy.

An attempt is being made to provide these safeguards through the Right to

Privacy Bill, 2011, which seeks to provide protection to individuals whose privacy is
unlawfully violated. It proposes to regulate the collection, maintenance, use and
dissemination of the personal information of Indian citizens, and provides for penal
action for violation of such rights. This Bill will be applicable to anybody that collects
personal information for whatever reason. For example, under the current provisions
of the IT Act, internet service providers are mandated to provide information such as
communication, real-time interception, etc. for the purposes of investigation and
surveillance. Intelligence agencies are not subject to Section 43A of the IT Act. This
Bill will impose the necessary restrictions on such collection of information, even if
it is by an investigation agency or a government body, such as time restrictions on the
period of interception, limitations on when privacy can be infringed and limitations
on the kind of information that can be collected.

2. Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures: Section 43A, Explanation (ii)

of the IT Act reads as follows:

"Reasonable security practices and procedures" means security practices

and procedures designed to protect such information from unauthorised
access, damage, use, modification, disclosure or impairment, as may be
specified in an agreement between the parties or as may be specified in any
law for the time being in force and in the absence of such agreement or any
law, such reasonable security practices and procedures, as may be
prescribed by the Central Government in consultation with such
professional bodies or associations as it may deem fit."

'Reasonable security practices' are practices and procedures applicable to a body

corporate for the protection of sensitive information from any unauthorised access,
damage, use, modificailoh7"3iscT6sure or impairment. These practices may either

(i) Specified in an agreement between the body corporate and the individual in
question, or
(ii) Specified by a law in force, or
(iii) ln the absence of both of the above, prescribed by the Central Government.

In view of this, the Central Government has issued the IT (Reasonable Security
Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules' 2011
(the "Reasonable Security Practices Rules") under Section 43A of the Act to prescribe
the required parameters for 'reasonable security practices' and 'sensitive personal
data'. Some important provisions under these Rules are:

(i) A body corporate is required to provide policies for privacy nd for

disclosure of information.
(ii) A body corporate must obtain the consent of the user before collecting
(iii) Prior permission must be acquired before a disclosure of personal
sensitive information is made.
(iv) The international Standard IS/ISO/IEC 27001 on "Information
Technology - Security Techniques - Information Security Management
System - Requirements" is one of the recommended standards for
reasonable security practices to be adopted by the body corporate.

2. Sensitive Personal Data or Information: Section43A of the Act, Explanation

(iii) reads as follows:

"Sensitive personal data·or information means such personal information

as may be prescribed by the Central Government in consultation with such
professional bodies or associations as it may deem fit."

Sensitive personal data or information refers to the information that is

prescribed as such by the Central Government. The Central Government has
prescribed the following parameters for sensitive personal data or information under
Rule 3 of the Reasonable Security Practices Rules:

"Sensitive personal data or information of a person means such personal

information which consists of information relating to;-

(i) password;

(ii) financial information such as Bank accouni.. vi credit card or debit card
or other payment instrument details;

(iii) physical, physiological and mental health condition;

(iv) sexual orientation;

(v) medical records and history;

(vi) biometric information;

(vii) any detail relating to the above clauses as provided to body corporate
for providing service; and

(viii) any of the information received under above clauses by body corporate
for processing, stored or processed under lawful contract or otherwise:

provided that, any information that is freely available or accessible in

public domain or furnished under the Right to Information Act,2005 or
any other law for the time being in force shall not be regarded as sensitive
personal data or information for eh purpose of these rules.

Section 44: Penalty for failure to furnish information, return, etc.

Section 44 of the IT Act reads as follows:

"If any person who is required under this Act or any rules or regulations
made there under to:

(a) furnish any document, return or report to the Controller or the Certifying
Authority, fails to furnish the same, he shall be liable to a penalty not
exceeding one lakh and fifty thousand rupees for each such failure;

(b) file any return or furnish any information, books or other documents within
the tune specified therefore in the regulations, fails to file return or furnish

the same within the time specified therefore in the regulations, he shall be
liable to a penalty not exceeding five thousand rupees for every day during
which such failure continues:

(c) maintain books of account or records, fails to maintain the same, he shall be
liable to a penalty not exceeding ten thousand rupees for every day during
which the failure continues."

In this section, the following penalty will be applicable to any person who fails
to fulfill a requirement under the IT Act or any Rules there under:

(i) Failure to provide any document to the Controller or Certifying

Authority, such as the requirement of a Certifying Authority to submit
its IT and Security Policy to the Controller prior to commencement of

(ii) Failure to file a return or provide any information within the time
period specified, such as the requirement of a Certifying Authority to
submit a copy of an audit report to the Controller within 4 weeks of
completion of the audit.

(iii) Failure to maintain books of account or records, such as the

requirement of a Certifying Authority to maintain the accounts as
specified by the Controller.

Section 45- Residuary Penalty

Section 45 of the IT Act reads as follows:

"Whoever contravenes any rules or regulations made under this Act, for the
contravention of which no penalty has been separately provided, shall be liable to pay
a compensation not exceeding twenty-five thousand rupees to the person affected by
such contravention or a penalty not exceeding twenty- five thousand rupees."

"Who ever knowingly or intentionally conceals, destroys or alters or

:intentionally "or knowingly causes another' to conceal, destroy or alter any
computer source code used for a computer, computer programme computer system

or computer network, when the computer source code is required to be kept or

maintained by law for the time being in force, shall be punishable with imprisonment
up to three years, or with fine which may extend up to two lakh mpees, or with both.

Explanation - For the purposes of this section, "Computer Source Code"

means the listing of programmes, Computer Commands, Design and
layout and programme analysis of computer resource in any form."

This section criminalizes the direct or indirect concealment, destruction or

alteration of a computer source code. The act must be done either knowingly or
intentionally. This is punishable with imprisonment of upto 3 years, a fine of upto
Rupees 2,00,000/- or both.

Form of Source Code: A computer source code, as explained above, is the

basic set of instructions forming the core of a programme. This section does not
specify the language of the source code. Generally, a source code is written in
programming Janguage, i.e., a language that can be read and understood by a
programmer. A compiler/ assembler convert this source code into machine language,
i.e., the language which is understood by the computer and based on which the
computer executes the program. The source code in machine language is known as
an 'object code'. Software that is purchased or installed usually comes in the object
code. The Act, in its explanation has not differentiated between the two forms, which
mean that the section will be applicable to tampering with either the source code or
the object code. Further, this section will be applicable to a source code regardless of
whether it is in an electronic form, or in a physical form such as in a printout.

Required to be Kept or Maintained by Law': A key factor for the applicability of

this section is that the source code was required to be kept or maintainecl by law.·
The implication of this phrase was discussed by the High Court of Andhra Pradesh
in the case of Syed Asifuddin Case. Here, it was argued that there was no law for the

time being in force that required a computer source code to be maintained, and
therefore an offence under Section 65 of the Act could not be made out.

Here, the Court rejected this argument, holding that Section 65 of the Act
outlined two separate situations, one where a computer source code was required to
be kept, and the other where a law required it to be maintained. The Court found that
the former situation was applicable to this case, but, whether or not the source code
was in fact maintained by the cell phone operator was a matter of evidence:

"The submission that as there is no law which requires a computer

source code to be maintained, an offence cannot be made out, is devoid
of any merit. The disjunctive word "or" is used by the Legislature
between the phrases "when the computer source code is required to be
kept" and the other phrase "maintained by law for the time being in
force" and, therefore, both the situations aredifferent.

This Court, however, hastens to add that whether a cell phone operator
is maintaining computer source code, is a matter of evidence. So far as
this question is concerned, going by the allegations in the complaint, it
becomes clear that the second respondent is in fact maintaining the
computer source code."

Difference between 43(j) and 65 of the IT Act: Any act affecting a

computer Source code will now attract any one of Section 43(j) and Section 43(j) read
with Section 66 and Section 65 of the Act. The main differences between Section
43(j)(Contravention of modification, etc. of source code) of this Act and Section
65(0ffence of tampering with a source code), and Section 43(j) read with Section66
(Computer Related Offences) of the Act are:

Basis of Section 43(j)

Section 43(j) Section 65
Difference read with Section

Nature of Crime Contravention Offence Offence

Deals with theft/ Deals with theft/ Deals with
Effect on Source destruction/ destruction/ destruction/
Code concealment/ concealment/ concealment/
alteration alteration alteration
A source code that is
Type of Source required to be kept/
Any source code Any source code
Code maintained by law in

Any source code

Any source code Any source code
used for a computer,
Type of Device used for a computer used for a
computer system, or
resource computer resource
computer network

Intention to cause dishonestly + Intentionally/
Mens Rea
damage Intention to cause knowingly
Imprisonment upto 3
Damages by way oi upto 3 years
Penalty years and/ or fine
compensation and/or fine upto
upto Rupees 2 lakhs
Rupees 5 lakhs

Section 66: Computer Related Offences

Section 66 of the IT Act reads as follows:

"If any person, dishonestly, or fraudulently, does any act referred to in

section 43, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to three years or with fine which may extend to five lakh rupees or
with both.

Explanation: For the purpose of this section,-

(a) the word "dishonestly" shall have the meaning assigned to it m

section24of the Indian Penal Code;

(b) the word "fraudulently" shall have the meaning assigned to it m

section25of the Indian Penal Code."

This section criminalizes the cyber contraventions under Section 43 of the Act
when they are committed with a criminal intent) i.e., when they are committed
dishonestly or fraudulently. Section 43 of the Act only requires that the act be done
without the required authorization and without specifying the mensrea.

Therefore, the two ingredients for an offence under this section read with
Section 43 of the Act are:

(i) The act should be unauthorised.

(ii) It should be committed dishonestly or fraudulently.

The penalty applicable will be imprisonment upto 3 years or a fine upto

Rupees 5,00,000 or both.

"Dishonestly": The terms 'dishonestly' and 'fraudulently' have been

explained to have the same meaning as that under the IPC. The term 'dishonestly' has
been defined under Section 24i)fthe IPCas follows:

"Dishonestly- Whoever does anything with the intention of causing

wrongful gain to one person or wrongful loss to another person, is said to
do that thing "dishonestly ".

For the meanings of the terms 'wrongful gain and 'wrongful loss', reference can
be made to Section 23 of the IPC:

"Wrongful gain.- 'Wrongful gain' is gain by unlawful means of property to

which the person gaining is not legally entitled."

"Wrongful loss. - 'Wrongful loss' is the loss by unlawful means of property

to which the person losing it is legally entitled. -Gaining wrongfully, losing
wrongfully.-A person is said to gain wrongfully when such person retains

wrongfully, as well as when such person acquires wrongfully. A person is said to

lose wrong-fully when such person is wrongfully kept out of any property, as well
as when such person is wrongfully deprived of property."

A person is said to have a 'dishonest' intention when he acts with an intention

to either unlawfully obtain the property of another, or unlawfully deprive another of
his property. The main object behind a 'dishonest' intention is to gain some kind of
economic or pecuniary benefit, or cause an economic or pecuniary loss to another.
For example, if a former employee steals a crucial source code from his company and
sells the code to a business rival, then, he is making a wrongful gain, and if he instead
simply conceals the source code, then, he is not making a wrongful gain, but, is
causing wrongful loss to the company.

"Fraudulently": The term 'fraudulently' has been defined under Section 25 of the
l.P.C. as follows:

"Fraudulently - A person is said to do a thing fraudulently if he does that

thing with intent to defraud but not otherwise."

A person with a 'fraudulent' intention, on the other hand, is one with an

intention to defraud. An intention to defraud implies the presence of an element of
deceit or trickery, and the resultant injury involves both economic and non- economic
injury, such as damage to person, body or mind 39• For example, a business rival poses
as an employee and extracts some confidential and defamatory information about a
company, and thereafter threatens the company with publication. This involves an
element of 'deceit', and the threat can cause economic injury through the extortion
and can potentially cause non-economic injury through damage to the company's

Hacking prior to Amendment of Section 66 of the Act: Prior to

amendment, Section 66 of the Act dealt with 'Hacking with computer system', and
read as follows:

"(l) Whoever with the intent to cause or knowing that he is likely to cause
wrongful loss or damage to the public or any person destroys or deletes or alters
any information residing in a computer resource or diminishes its value or utility or
affects it injuriously by any means, commits hack:

(2) Whoever commits hacking shall be punished with imprisonment up to

three years, or with fine which may extend upto two lakh rupees, or with both.

'Hacking', being a colloquial term subject to change, was removed from by

the Amendment Act, and the section was made all encompassing to cover any offence
related to a computer. Hacking was covered in principle under the newly introduced
Section 43(i) of the Act. This amendment was, however, widely criticized 41 on the
grounds that it greatly narrowed the scope of application of the section, making it
difficult for law enforcement agencies to book offenders. The earlier definition of
'hacking' was of very wide scope, covering most computer related offences, and was
broad enough to include newly emerging cyber-crimes as well.

The main reason for this criticism was the requirement of the act being
conducted 'dishonestly/ fraudulently' under the current Section 66 of the Act. This
means that a person is liable for an offence under this section only if the act was
committed with an intention to defraud, or with the intention of causing wrongful
loss, or wrongful gain. This implies a much higher level of mens rea than in the old
Section 66 of the Act, where a person who even had mere knowledge of the likelihood
of injury could be held liable. For example, suppose a software consultant hired to
install certain software, proceeds with the installation without reading the
instructions. Upon installation, the computer automatically reboots, as a result of
which the owner loses vital unsaved data. Under the old section on backing, since,
the level of his expertise implies that he had knowledge of the likelihood of injury,
he could have been held liable for the negligent 'destruction of information residing
in the computer resource'. Since this loss was not caused dishonestly or fraudulently,
there will be no remedy under the current Section 66 42
of the Act.

Section 66A: Punishment for sending offensive messages through

communication service, etc.

Section 66A reads as follows:

"Any person who sends, by means of a computer resource or a communication


(a) any information that is grossly offensive or has menacing character or

(b) any information which he knows to be false, but for the purpose of causing
annoyance inconvenience, danger, obstruction, insult, injury, criminal·
intimidation, enmity, hatred, or ill will, persistently by making use of such
computer resource or a communication device,

(c) any electronic mail or electronic mail message for the purpose of causing
annnoyance or inconvenience or to deceive or to mislead the addressee or
recipient about the origin of such message.

Shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three·years
and with fine."

Explanation: For the purposes of this section, terms "Electronic mail" and
"Electronic Mail Message" means a message or information created or transmitted
or received on a computer, computer system, computer resource or
communication device including attachments in text, iniage audio, video and
any other electronic record, which may be transmitted with the message.

This section applies to the use of a computer resource or communication device for
sending messages which are:

(i) Grossly offensive or have menacing character, or


(ii) False, and are sent repeatedly for causing annoyance, inconvenience,
danger, obstruction, insult, injury, criminal intimation, enmity, hatred
or ill will, or
(iii) E-mails or electronic message (SMSs) sent for causing annoyance or
inconvenience, on with an intent to deceive or mislead.

The message may be in any form so long as it involves a computer resource or

a communication device. It may therefore be m the form of e-
mails, SMSs, biogs tweets, images, Voice over IP, Skype, etc.

Clause (a) says,

"any information that is grossly offensive or has menacing character".

The first clause of this section deals with the sending of information that is
'grossly offensive' or which has menacing character'. Examples of cyber-crimes to
which this clause would apply are cases of online defamation, text bullying online
stalking, transmission of morphed/ obscene images, etc.

"Both these terms, 'menacing' and 'grossly offensive' are undefined in the II
Act. Some guidance may be drawn from the similarity of Section 66A to Section 127
of the Communications Act, 2003, of the U.K., which deals with the improper use of
public electronic communications network:

"(]) Aperson is guilty of an offence if he:

(a) sends by means of a public electronic communications network a

message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent,
obscene or menacing character; or
(b) causes any such message or matter to be so sent.

(2) A person is guilty of an offence if, for the purpose of causing

annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to another, he-

(a) sends by means of a public electronic communications network, a

message that he knows to be false,

(b) causes such a message to be sent; or

(c) persistently makes use of a public electronic communications


(3) A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable, on summary
conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine
not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale, or to both.

(4) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to anything done in the course of
providing a programme service (with in the meaning of the Broadcasting
Act 1990 (c. 42))."

On 'Grossly offensive': The meaning of the term 'grossly offensive 'as used in this
section was discussed in the case of by the House of the Lords. It was (explained to
mean something more than a message that was merely offensive as considered by a
reasonable man. What is 'grossly offensive' is to be determined by the Judges] having
due regard to the context, surrounding circumstances and the notions of society in

" is for the Justices to determine as a question of fact whether a message

is grossly offensive, that in making this determination the Justices must apply
the standards of an open and just multi-racial society, and that the words must
be judged taking account of their context and all relevant circumstances.

...Usages and sensitivities may change over time. Language perfectionist,

contemporary standards to the particular message sent in its particular
context. The test is whether a message is couched in terms liable to cause gross
offence to those to whom it relates."

(ii) On 'Menacing': Messages which were 'menacing' in nature under this section
were discussed by the U.K. High Court in Director of Public Prosecutions v.
Collins 44to be messages that sought to instill fear in the recipient:

"A menacing message, fairly plainly, is a message which conveys a

Threat - in other words, which seeks to create a fear in or through
the recipient that something unpleasant is going to happen. Here the
intended or likely effect on the recipient must ordinarily be a central
factor in deciding whether the charge is made out."

Clause (b) says,

"any information which he knows to be false, but for the purpose of

causing annoyance, inconvenience, danger, obstruction, insult,
injury, criminal intimidation, enmity, hatred, or ill will, persistently
by making use of such computer resource or a communication

This clause applies to the repeated sending of false messages for the purpose
of causing inconvenience, etc. as listed therein! This applies to cyber-crimes such as
online intimidation, net extortion, online insult, hate mails, cyber stalking and
extortion through morphed images. An explanation for the terms used in this clause
can be found with reference to similar sections under the IPC, for example:

(i) 'Annoyance', 'inconvenience', and 'obstruction' can be found under the

concept of 'public nuisance' under the Section 268 of the IPC.

(ii) 'Danger' has not been defined under the IPC, but has been used certain
sections such as Section 336 of the IPC, which deals with an act endangering
life or personal safety of others.

(iii) 'Insult' is covered under Section 504 of the IPC, with reference to an
intentional insult with intent. To provoke a breach of peace. Insult in

general refers to any expression, statement, etc. that 1s considered

derogatory, offensive or impolite.

(iv) 'Injury' is defined under Section 44 of the IPC as any harm cause illegally to
a person's body, mind or reputation.

(v) 'Criminal intimidation' is defined under Section 503 of the I. P.C. as a threat
to injure a persons' body, reputation or property made with the intention of
causing alann/ causing the person to perform some act.

(vi) 'Enmity, hatred and ill-will' are covered under Section 505 (2) of the IPC,
with reference to creating or promoting enmity, hatred or if will between

Clause (c) says,

"any electronic mail or electronic mail message for the purpose of causing
annoyance or inconvenience or to

deceive or to mislead the addressee or recipient about the origin of such


This clause deals with two types of mails:

Mails or messages sent with the purpose of causing annoyance or

inconvenience, or

(ii) Mails or messages sent with the purpose of deceiving or misleading the
recipient as to the origin of such mails.

This clause was inserted specifically for the purpose of dealing with spam and
unsolicited mails. It will also be applicable to cases of e-mail spoofing and phishing,
i.e., e-mails which imitate mails from financial institutions such as banks and credit
card companies in an attempt to extract confidential or financial information from the

Unconstitutionality of Section 66A of the Act: Section 66A since its

introduction into the IT Act has been challenged as being violative of Article 19 (1)

(a), or the Right to Freedom of S_peech. The main cause of this is the broad phrasing
of the section and the lack of any guidance as to their interpretation which can bring
any statement which a person may find annoying, insulting, inconvenient, etc. within
the purview of the section. These terms are subject to wide interpretation that varies
greatly based on the perceptions of people, such as the people writing a message,
people reading and people affected by it. This is quite evident in the case of the arrest
of two women under this section for posting comments on Face book on Bal
Thackeray's death. Comments and personal opinions such as these on blogs, Twitter,
Face book and other such sites are very common and in the absence of any parameters
to define when taking action under this section is justified, the opportunities of abuse
of this section is very high. A higher degree of harm to the people affected by such
comments should be required in order to prevent the violation of the right to freedom
of speech and maintain the constitutionality of Section 66A. The Government has
taken one step in terms of an advisory on the implementation of Section 66A,
wherein, it has.advised to State Governments (to not allow arrests under Section 66
A without the prior approval of a superior officer. The relevant part of the advisory is
as follows:

"State Governments are advised that as regard to arrest of any person in

cdmplaint re?istered under Section 66A of the Information Technology Act,
2000, the concerned police officer of a police station under the State's
jurisdiction may not arrest any person until he/ she has obtained prior
approval of such arrest, from an officer, not below the rank of the Inspector
General of Police in the metropolitan cities or of an officer not below the rank
of Deputy Commissioner of Police or" Superintendent of Police at the district
level as the case maybe".

Section 66B: Punishment for dishonestly receiving stolen computer resource or

communication device

Section 66B of the Act reads as follows:


"Whoever dishonestly receives or retains any stolen computer resource or

communication device knowi g or having reason to believe the same-to be
stolen computer resource or communication device, shall be punished with
,· ':.. ' ..
imprison.t?ent of either description for a term which may extend to three
years or with fine which may extend to rupees one lakh or with both ".

This section would be applicable to people buying or retaining stolen

computer resource or communication device. This includes devices such as, laptops,
computers and mobile phones and also other computer resources such as stolen data
and software. In the example of a former employee selling a crucial source code to
a business rival, the former employee will be liable under Section 43 (i) read with
Section 66 (stealing' source code with dishonest intent) of the Act, while the business
rival, if he was aware that the source code was stolen, will be liable under this Section.

66C: Punishment for identity theft

Section 66C of the Act reads as follows:

"Whoever, by means of any communication device or computer resource

cheats by personation, shall be punished with imprisonment of either
description for a term which may extend for three years and shall also be
liable to fine which may extend to one lakh rupees.

Tqis section applies to any case of cheating by personation which is done

using a computer resource or a communication device. The terms 'cheating' and
'cheating by personation' can be better understood on comparison with the
corresponding sections under the IPC.

Cheating by Personation: The term 'cheating by personation' has been defined

under Section 416 of the IPC as: ·
' '
''A person is said to "cheat by personation" if he cheats by° pretending

to be some other person, or by knowingly substituting one person for


another, or representing that he or any other person is a person other

than he or such other person really is.

Explanation: The offence is committed whether the individual

personated is a real or imaginary person.


(a) 'A' cheats by pretending to be a certain rich banker of the same name.
'A' cheats by personation.
(b) 'A' cheats by pretending to be 'B', a person who is deceased. 'A' cheats
by personation."

Cheating by personation therefore refers to the act of a person who pretends to

be another person, and thereby deceives another person into performing some act. The
personation may be of a real individual or an imaginary one.

Cheating: The term' cheating' is defined under Section 415 of the IPC as:

"Whoever, by deceiving any person, fraudulently or dishonestly induces the

person so deceived to deliver any property to any person, or to consent that
any person shall retain any property, or intentionally induces the person so
deceived to do or omit to do anything which he would not do or omit if he
were not so deceived, and which act or omission causes or is
likely to cause damage or harm to that person in body, mind, reputation or
property, is said to "cheat".

Explanation: A dishonest concealment of facts is a deception within the

meaning of this section."

The crime of cheating, defined under Section 415 of the IPC, requires the
deception of a person which results in one of the following:

(i) Inducement to deliver property: The first part-of the section refers to a
fraudulent or dishonest inducement of the person to_ deliver any
property, or consent to the retention of any property.

For example, a person sends an e-mail to a company pretending to be the

Director of a reputed company. He induces the other company to enter into contracts
with him. On the basis of these contracts, the company sends raw materials to the
address given by the impersonator. Section 66D of the IT Act will be applicable to
this because of the use of a computer resource, the computer sending the e-mail, in
the commission of the offence.

With reference to the IT Act, it can be assumed that inducement or retention of

intangible property such as data or information also amounts to cheating. Therefore,
in the same example above," if the person induces the company into sharing confident
al business information with him, it will still amount to fraudulent inducement to
deliver property.

(ii) Inducement to Act/ Omission Resulting in Harm: The second part of the
section refers to an intentional inducement of the person to do something
which he would not do without the deception, or not do something, which
he would normally do where such act/ omission results in harm to his body,
mind, reputation or property.

For example, a person posing as a qualified doctor on a website gives some

advice to another person for an illness, based on which such person does not take the
advice of a real doctor:"As a result, the illness gets worse. This is an example of an
intentional inducement to perform an act, which such person would not perform in the
absence of the deception, which results in harm to the person's body. Section 66D of
the IT Act will apply to this situation as well.

Difference between "Identity Theft" and "Cheating by Personation": The differences

between these two offences are:

(i) Identity theft refers to the theft of an actual person's identity, while
cheating by personation may be of a real person or an imaginary person.

(ii) Identity theft specifically requires the use of a unique identifier, while
the means of personation has not been specified for the offence of
cheating by personation. Therefore the personation may be done using
an identifier or through-any other means.

Section 66E- Violation of Privacy

Section 66E of the IT Act reads as follows:

"Whoever, intentionally or knowingly captures, publishes or transmits the image

of a private area of any person without his or her consent, under circumstances
violating the privacy of that person, shall be punished with imprisonment which may
extend to three years or with fine not exceeding two lakh rupees, or with both."

Explanation: For the purposes of this section:

(a) "transmit" means to electronically send a visual image with the intent
that it be viewed by a person or persons;

(b-) "capture", with respect to an image, means to videotape, photograph,

film or record by any means;

(c). "private area" means the naked or undergarment clad genitals, pubic
area, buttocks or female breast;

(d) "publishes" means reproduction in the printed or electronic form and

making it available for public;

(e) "under circumstances violating pnvacy "means circumstances m

which a person can have a reasonable expectation that:

(i) he or she could disrobe in privacy, without being concerned

that an image of his private area was being captured; or

(ii) any part of his or her private area would not be visible to the
public, regardless of whether that person is in a public or
private place."

This section applies to the violation of the bodily privacy of any person,
Capture, publication and transmission refer to three different stages in the violation
of bodily privacy. This section •criminalizes any of these stages that are done without
the victim's consent.

Capture: As explained in the section, capturing refers to capturing an image

by any means, such as videotaping, photographing, filming or recording. It may
involve any kind of technology, such as video recorders, cameras, CCTVs and other
forms of electronic surveillance, spy cameras arid other hidden cameras,
smartphones, and also the newly developed Google Glass. It also includes situations
where the webcam in a PC or a laptop is taken over by a virus and is used to record
such images. It can be assumed from the explanation of the term 'capture' that it does
not refer to a permanent capture alone. For example, if the webcam taken over by a
virus is used to view such images, and not record/ store them, it may still amount to
an offence under this section.

It is als? essential that the capture takes place under 'circumstances violating
privacy', i.e., under circumstances where a person would normally expect to have
privacy, such as washrooms, changing rooms, hotel rooms and bedrooms. This
includes such circumstances in both public and private places. This section also
imposes a restriction on measures in the name of surveillance and security, whether
taken by a private party or the Government, for example, installation of a CCTV
camera in an office's washroom in the name of security, or a sting operation which
results in the capturing of such images.

Publications: Publication, Is explained in the section prefers to i) the creation of

copies of the image, whether in physical or virtual form, and if) the making of such
copies accessible to the public. Therefore, publication includes publication both in
print such as magazines, books or newspapers, and electronic form, such as on

websites and CDs. The phrase 'making it available' indic tes that it does not matter
that the images should have actually been accessed by_the publi9, so long as it is
intended for the public to access the image. For example, if such an age was
published in a magazine, the section would be attracted.regarqless of whether or not
the magazine was actually purchased or viewed by a member of th public, such as,
if the magazines were seized before their distribution. Also, the. publication must be
done without consent, for example, if such an image was captured with the victim's
consent, but, printed in the magazine without consent, the section would still be
applicable regardless of the consent to th initial capturing of the image.

Transmission: Transmission refers to an intentional, i.e., deliberate electronic

transfer of the image so that it can be viewed by other persons. It includes a transfer
to even one other person. Therefore, this would include transfer via e-mails, the
internet, instant messaging, bluetooth, etc. Here again the actual viewing of such an
image by the persons to whom it is sent is irrelevant, so long as it was sent with the
intention that it be viewed by them.

Applicability of Section 354C of the IPC: An offence under this section would also
attract Section 354C of the IPC. This section, which was introduced by the Criminal
Law (Amendment) Ordinance, 2013, deals with violation of a woman's privacy:

"Whoever watches, or captures the image of, a woman engaging in a

private act in circumstances where she would usually have the expectation
of not being observed either by the perpetrator or by any other person at
the behest of the perpetrator shall be punished on first conviction with
imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than
one year, but which may extend to three years, and shall also be liable to
fine, and be punished on a second ot subsequent conviction, with
imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than
three years, but which may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable
to fine. .

Explanation 1- For the purposes of this section, "private act" includes an act
carried out in a place which, in the circumstances, would reasonably be expected to
provide privacy, and where the victim's genitals, buttocks or breasts are exposed or
covered only in underwear; or the victim is using a lavatory; or the person is doing a
sexual act that is not of a kind ordinarily done in public.

Explanation 2. -Where the victim consents to the capture of images or any act,
but not to their dissemination to third persons and where such image or act is
disseminated, such dissemination shall be considered an offence under this section."

Cyber Terrorism

Introduction to Cyber Terrorism: Cyber terrorism, as the name indicates, is the

use of computers and IT to cause large-scale disruption or widespread fear. The main
targets of these attacks are computer operated infrastructure and other facilities that
are critical in nature, such as that of e-govemment systems, financial institutions,
military installations, power plants, air traffic control and water systems/\: has been
explained as follows:

"Cyber terrorism is the convergence of terrorism and cyberspace. It is

generally understood to mean unlawful attacks and threats of attack against
computers, networks, and the information stored therein w he_ndo n e to
intimidate or coerce a government or its people in furtherance of political or
social objectives. Further, to qualify as cyber terrorism, an attack should
result in violence against persons or property, or at least cause enough harm
to generate fear. Attacks that lead to death or bodily injury, explosions,
plane crashes, water contamination, or severe economic loss would be
examples. Serious attacks against critical infrastructures could be acts of
cyberterrorism, depending on their impact. Attacks that disrupt nonessential
services or that are mainly a costly nuisance would not."

Forms of Cyber terrorism: Cyber terrorism can take many forms, and the increasing
use of IT means that anytltjng can be its target. Some of these possibilities of cyber
terrorism and their impact have been outlined below5 6:

(i) Targeted scanmng, probing and reconnaissance of networks and IT

infrastructure, which can be a pre-cursor to hacking and focused attacks and
total or partial disruption of e-govemance, public and banking services.

(ii) Large scale defacement and semantic attacks on websites, which can lead to
national embarrassment? total or partial disruption of services, dissemination
of false or misleading information, etc.

(iii) Malicious code attacks, like virus, worms, trojans and botnets, which can
target large and key national and economic databases like tax information
networks, citizen databases -or hospital information systems, and control
systems of sectors like power, petroleum, transport and air.

(iv) Large scale SPAM attacks which can target entities like internet service
provider networks, large corporate networks or key government networks.

(v) Identity Theft ·attacks including large-scale spoofing, phishing and social.
engmeenng attacks which can target users of banks, large
e-commerce organizations, key e-govemance entities, etc. and lead to loss
of sensitive, monetary loss and loss of image and trust.

(vi) Denial of service attacks and distributed denial of service attacks which can
cause total or partial·disruption of public utility services like fire and water

(vii) Domain name server attacks which can target country level domain registry
systems like NlXl "'.IN" registry

(viii) Application level attacks, i.e., exploitation of inherent vulnerabilities in the

code of application software like the web, mails or databases, which can
target e-govemance, e-commerce, business and banking applications.

(ix) Infrastructure attacks, i.e., Attacks such as denial of service attacks,

distributed denial of service attacks, corruption of software and control
systems such as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and
Centralised or Distributed Control System (DCS), Gateways of internet
service providers and data networks, infection o Programmable Logic
Control (PLC) systems by sophisticated malware such as Stuxnet; leading

to total or partial disruption of services o; activities in one or more critical

sectors such as energy, transport telecommunications and emergency

(x) Router Level attacks which can target gateway/ internet service provider
routers, routers of large and key economic targets like bank networks and
corporate networks and Wi-Fi Routers used by small offices and home users,
which can lead to total or partial disruption of internet traffic or online
economic activities.

(xi) Cyber Espionage targeting sensitive government organizations, defence and

corporate organizations which can lead to disclosure of sensitive
information, data theft and compromise of critical internal systems.

Incidents of Cyber terrorism: The increasing reports of cyber terrorism in India

and around the world indicate the wide range of facilities which are vulnerable to it
because of the use of IT. Reports of cyber terror sm around the world include the
July, 2009 cyber-attacks against the US and South Korea, the Estonia 200' cyber-
attacks and the Georgia 2008 cyber-attacks where the internet servers, government
and politica_l agencies, e-banking services, etc., were attacked through distributed
denial of service attacks, mass e-mail, spamming and website defacement. Another
form of cyber-attack was the landing of a US unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in
Iran by a spoofing attack through the feeding of false information to the drone. Apart·
from these, the onset of viruses like Stuxnet and Duqu which are directed at
industrial sabotage are a major concern. Alarmingly, the Stuxnet virus was first used
to attack Tehran's nuclear programme, which destroyed its nuclear centrifuges by
attacking the PLCs in 2010.

In India, attacks similar to those described above have been carried out. A total
of 90 in 2008, 119 in 2009, 252 in 2010 and 219 in 2011 Indian government websites
have reported to have been backed. Currently, the Delhi police has been directed by
the courts in an application (titled Tanikella Rastogi Associates v. State) under
Sections 156(3) and 200 of the Criminal Procedure Code to investigate the hacking
of hundreds of Indian and international websites, including critical

government websites, by Pakistan based group . of hackers Pak Cyber Eaglez.

Another example is the hacking of the systems of the DefenceResearch and
Development Organisation (DRDO) in 2013. This led to the leak of thousands of
confidential documents relating to Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS), the
country's highest decision-making body on security affairs to a server in China.

The use of computers in the carrying out of the 26/11 attacks in Mumbai
intensified the need for a legislation dealing with cyber terrorism, and this was part
of the reason for the passing of the Amendment Act which introduced the provisions
dealing with cyber terrorism. However, these provisions are still inapplicable to the
actual use made of the IT by the terrorists, who did not attack the computers or IT
systems, but, instead exploited them to aid their purpose. For instance, conventional
cell phones and VoIP were used to command and control the attack,.Google Earth
was used to plan the mission, a picture posted on the Internet of commandos landing
on the roof of the hotel was used by the terrorists to ambush the attack and the
computer databases of the hotel were accessed to identify and kill guests from other
countries like the US and UK. The use of computers in the 26/11 attacks indicates an
indirect from of cyber terrorism, where the easily and publicly available information
on computers was used for perpetrating terrorism. The provisions of the IT Act in its
present form do not deal with this form of cyber terrorism.

Section 66F along with Sections 70, 70A and 70B comprise the sections of
theIT Act dealing with cyber terrorism.

Section 66F: Cyber terrorism: Section 66F of the IT Act reads as follows:

"(I) Whoever,-

(A) with intent to, threaten the unity, integrity, security or sovereignty of India or
to strike terror in the people or any section of the people by

(i) denying or cause the denial of access to any person authorised to

access computer resource; or

(ii) attempting to penetrate or access a compute resource without

authorisation or exceeding authorised access; or
(iii) introducing or causing to introduce any Computer Contaminant.

and by means of such conduct causes or is likely to cause death or injuries to persons
or damage to r destruction of property or disrupts or knowing that it is likely to cause
damage or disruption of supplies or services essential to the life of the community or
adversely affect the critical information infrastructure specified under section 70,
or(B) knowingly or intentionally penetrates or accesses a computer resource without
authorisation or exceeding authorized access, and by means of such conduct obtains
access to infonnation, data or computer database that is restricted for reasons of the
security of the State or foreign relations; or any restricted information, data or
computer database, with reasons to believe that such information, data or computer
database so obtained may be used to cause or likely to cause injury to the interests of
the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State, friendly relations with
foreign States, public order, decency or morality, or in relation to contempt of court,
defamation or incitement to an offence, or to the advantage of any foreign nation,
group of individuals or otherwise, commits the offence of cyber terrorism.

(2) Whoever commits or conspires to commit cyber terrorism shall be punishable

with imprisonment which may extend to imprisonment for life. "

Clause l (A) deals with cyber terrorism that directly affects or threatens to affect the
people. The first requirement is an intention to threaten the unity, integrity, etc. of the
nation, or to strike terror in the people. With this intention, amrc3ftfle"following acts
may be committed:

(i) Denial of access,

(ii) Unauthorised access, and
(iii) Introduction of a computer contaminant.

The result of this denial of access, unauthorised access, or introduced

contaminant, may be either to cause or be likely to cause death, injuries to persons,
damage or destruction of property, damage or disruption of supplies or services
essential to the Life of the community, an adverse effect on the critical information
infrastructure specified under Section 70 of the Act.

Clause 1(B) deals with cyber .terrorism that affects the State. This clause requires
intentional or knowing unauthorised access of a restricted, information, data or
computer database. The access to such information, data or database must be either
restricted for reasons of State security/ foreign relations or the access must be made
with the knowledge that it will be used for:

(a) injuring interests of the-sovereignty and integrity of India, the security / of

the State or friendly relations with foreign States, or
(b) public order, decency or morality, or
(c) in relation to contempt of court, or
(d) defamation, or
(e) incitement to an offence, or
(f) the advantage of any foreign nation/ group of individuals/ otherwise.

The prescribed punishment under this section is imprisonment upto life.

Section 70: Protected system: Section 70 of the IT Act reads as follows:

(1) The appropriate Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,

declare any computer resource which directly or indirectly affects the facility
of Critical Information Infrastructure, to be a protected system.

Explanation: For the purposes of this section, "Critical Information

Infrastructure" means the computer resource, the incapacitation or destruction
of which, shall have debilitating impact on national security, economy, public
health or safety.

(2) The appropriate Government may, by order in writing, authorise the persons
who are authorised to access protected systems notified under sub-section

(3) Any person who secures access or attempts to secure access to a protected
system in contravention of the provisions of this section shall be punished
with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten
years and shall also be liable to fine.

(4) The Central Government shall prescribe the information security practices
and procedures for such protected system."

A protected system under this section is a computer resource that:

(i) is declared as such by Notification in the Official Gazette, and

(ii) directly or indirectly affects the facility of a computer resource forming a

part of critical information infrastructure, and

(iii) if such a computer resource is incapacitated or destroyed, it will have a

debilitating impact on national security, economy, public health or

Any person who gains or attempts to gain unauthorised access to a protected

system will be punishable with imprisonment of upto 10 years and also may be jg
liable to fine

1. Critical Information· Infrastructure: Critical information infrastructure (CIIs)

is defined in the Explanation to clause (1) as a computer resource, the incapacitation
or destruction of which will have debilitating impact on national security, ·economy,
public health.or safety. This term has been explained by the National Critical
lnfrastructure Protection Centre (NCIIPC) as follows:

"The Information Infrastructure is the term usually used to describe the totality
of inter-connected computers and networks, and the essential information
flowing through them. There are certain parts of the Information

Infrastructure, which are especially critical. The potentiality of such

lnformation Infrastructure makes them important for the economic prosperity
of the people and unity and integrity of the Nation. These are the Data
Networks which monitor and control important Governmental and Societal
functions and services. These include electricity distribution,
telecommunication, banking, rail, defence, air traffic etc.

The threats to Clls range from .terrorist attacks to organized cnmes to

espionage and malicious cyber activities. The various sub-parts of Clls, such as e- mail
services, web services, client services, Wi-Fi services, DMZ .s.ervices, network
services, VOIP services, VPN services, SCADA services, etc., are also continuously
susceptible to cyber-attacks.

3. Declaration of Protected Systems by Notification: Protected systems are to be

declared as such by notification by the 'appropriate Government, in the Official
Gazette. Examples of such declarations are:

(i) The Government of TamilNadu declaredin2005thatany computer, computer

system, website, online service or computer network including the URL in any
of the Offices of the Tamil Nadu Government/ Government undertakings
/Boards is protected systems.

(ii) The Central Government declared m 2010 that .the TETRA Secured
Communication System Network and its hardware and software installed at
specified places like the Traffic Control Room (Delhi Police), Jawabar Lai
Nehru Stadium (New Delhi), etc. was a protected system.

Declaration as Protected System amounts to Copyright: In the case ofB.N. Firos

v. State ofKerala, the Government of Kerala bad issued a notificati n declaring ane-
government software called 'FRIENDS', which was developed by the petitioner under
contract, as a protected system. The petitioner filed a writ petition challenging Section
70 of the IT Act and the. notification as being, unconstitutional and inconsistent with
the Copyright Act. It was held that a notification under Section 70 of the IT Act is a
declaration of copyright under Section 17(d)of the Copyright Act. It was further held
that only a compute resource that amounted to a 'government

work' under the Copyright Act could be declared to be a 'protected system' under the
IT Act:

"Section 70 of the Information Technology Act is directly related to

Sections 2(k) and 17(d) of the Copyright Act and Government's authority
to notify the system as a protected system applies only to such of the system
of "Government work".

Section 70 of the IT Act is not against but subject to the provisions of the
Copyright Act and Government cannot unilaterally declare any system
as "protected" other than "Government work" falling under Section 2(k)
of the Copyright Act on which Govt. 's copyright is
. recognised under Section 17(d)of the said Act."

Section 70 A National Nodal Agency: Section 70A of the IT Act reads as follows:

(]) The Central Government may, by notification published in the

official Gazette, designate any organization of the Government
as the national nodal agency in respect of Critical Information
Infrastructure Protection.

(2) The national nodal agency designated under sub-section (1) shall
be responsible for all measures including Research and
Development relating to protection of Critical Information

(3) The manner of performing functions and duties of the agency

referred to in sub-section (1) shall be such as may be prescribed.

The National Nodal Agency is the body designated by the Central Government
for the purposes of protection of the critical information infrastructure, including-
research and development. The National Critical Infrastructure Protection Centre
(NCIIPC) the National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO) has been designated
as the nodal agency under this section 76.Tbe IT National Critical Information
Infrastructure Protection Centre an,dManner of Performing Functions

and Duties) Rules, 2013, which were issued under sub-clause (3) of this section,
prescribe its functions and duties under Rule 4.

Guidelines for Protection of National Critical Information Infrastructure: The

NCIIPC has issued "Guidelines for Protection of National Critical Information
Infrastructure". These guidelines have prescribed 40 'controls' or guidelines which are
to be followed by the CIIs for their protection, such as the Identification of Clls,
Information Security Policy, Data Loss Prevention, Access Control Policies, etc.

Section 70 B: Indian Computer Emergency Response Team to serve as national

agency for incident response: Section 70 B of the IT Act reads as follows:

(1) The Central Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette,

appoint an agency of the government to be called the Indian Computer
Emergency Response Team.

(2) The Central Government shall provide the agency referred to in sub-
section (I) with a Director General and such other officers and
employees as may be prescribed.

(3) The salary and allowances and terms and conditions of the Director
General and other officers and employees shall be such as may be

(4) The Indian Computer Emergency Response Tearn shall serve as the
national agency for performing the following functions in the area of
Cyber Security,-

a) collection, analysis and dissemination of information on

cyber incidents

b) forecast and alerts of cyber security incidents

c) emergency measures for handling cyber security


d) Coordination of cyber incidents response activities


e) issue guidelines, advisories, vulnerability notes and white

papers relating to information security practices,
procedures, prevention, response and reporting of cyber

f) such other functions relating to cyber security as may be


(5) The manner of performing functions and duties of the agency referred to in
sub-section (1) shall be such as may be prescribed.

(6) For carrying out the provisions of sub-section (4), the agency referred to in
sub-section (I) may call for information and give direction to the service
providers, intermediaries, data centers, body corporate and any other person

(7) Any service provider, intermediaries, data centers, body corporate or person
who fails to provide the information called for or comply with the direction
under sub-section (6), shalJ be punishable with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to one year or with fine which may extend to one lakh
rupees or with both.

(8) No Court shall take cognizance of any offence under this section, except on
a complaint made by an officer authorised in this behalf by the agency
referred to in sub-section (I)."

The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) was originally

established in 2003 and has been operational since 2004. This section empowered the
CERT-In to serve as the national nodal agency for the purposes of cyber security. It is
responsible for responding to computer security incidents as and when they occur. Its
duties have been prescribed under sub-clause (4) of this section:

(i) Collection, analysis and ctissemination of information on 'cyber


(ii) Forecast and alerts of 'cyber security incidents.

(iii) Emergency measures for handling 'cyber security incidents'.


(iv) Coordination of 'cyber incidents' response activities.

(v) Issue guidelines, advisories, vulnerability notes and white papers

relating to information security practices, procedures, prevention,
and response and reporting of 'cyber incidents.

(vi) Such other functions relating to 'cyber security' as may be prescribed.

The functions of the CERT-In as performed by it have been outlined in the

Crisis Management Plan for Cyber Attacks issued by the Ministry of Communications
and Information Technology:

(i) The CERT-In scans the Indian cyber space to detect traces of any untoward
incident that poses a threat to the cyber space.

(ii) CERT-In performs both proactive and reactive roles in computer security
incidents prevention, identification of solution to security problems,
analyzing product vulnerabilities, malicious codes, and web defacements,
open proxy servers and in carrying out relevant research and development.

(iii) Sectoral CERTs have been functioning in the areas of Defence and Finance
for catering critical domains. They are equipped to handle and respond to
domain specific threats emerging from the cyber systems.

(iv) CERT-In has published several Security Guidelines 85 for safeguarding

computer systems from hacking and these have been widely circulated
All Government Departments/ Ministries, their subordinate offices and.
public sector undertakings have been advised to implement these
guidelines to secure their computer systems and information technology
(v) CERT-In issues security alerts, advisories to prevent occurrence of cyber
incidents and also conducts security workshops and training programs on
regular basis to enhance user awareness.

The IT (The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team and Manner of

Performing Functions and Duties) Rules, 2013, have been issued under sub-clause
(5) of this section. Further, the IT (Salary, Allowances and Terms and Conditions of

Service of the Director General, Indian Computer Emergency Response Team)

Rules, 2012 have been issued under sub-clause (3) of this section.

Publishing of Obscene Material

Obscenity: The concept of obscenity can be understood under the following points:

1. Evolution of International Tests for Obscenity: Obscenity is a highly relative

concept, with notions of obscenity varying from place to place and person to
person. As a result, there is no legal definition for obscenity, nor are there any
fixed parameters for judging obscenity. The Courts have laid down some tests
which presently serve as guidelines for judging obscenity. The result
produced by the application of these guidelines varies from case to case.

(i) Hicklin Test: In the case of Regina v. Hicklin the test for obscenity was
laid down as whether the tendency of the matter charged as obscenity
is to deprave and corrupt those whose minds are open to such immoral
influences and into whose hands a publication of this sort may fall.

This test questioned the effect of certain isolated passages- of the text
in question on persons whose 'minds are open to immoral influences'.
Though, primarily, reference was being made to the youth, the effect
on older persons was also considered, if it was quite certain that the
passages would suggest to me minas of the young of either sex, or even
to persons of more advanced years, thought of a most impure and
libidinous character.'

(ii) Test laid out under United States v. One Book Entitled 'Ulysses': In this
case, the criterion for obscenity was 'whether a publication taken as a
whole has a libidinous effect'.

This case broadened the Hicklin test, stating that a work to be judged
for obscenity was to be considered in its entirety, as opposed to judging
the effect of isolated passages.

(iii) Test laid out under Roth v. United States: In this case, the standard for
judging obscenity was 'whether, to the average person, applying
contemporary community standards, the dominant theme of the
material, taken as a whole appeals to prurient interest.

This test requires that the 'dominant theme' of the entire text be of a prurient
nature and its effect on the 'average person' of society was to be taken into
consideration. This test rejected the Hicklin test on the grounds that the judgment of
obscenity based on the effect of a few isolated passages on a susceptible person may
result in the rejection of even a legitimate text dealing with such a subject.

(iv) Miller Test: The case of Miller v. California laid down a 'three-prong'
test for the evaluation of obscenity:

(a) Whether 'the average person, applying contemporary community

standards' would find that the work, 'taken as a whole,' appeals to
'prurient interest'?
(b) Whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive
way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state
(c) Whether the work, 'taken as a whole,' lacks serious literary, artistic,
political, or scientific value?

Under this test, on fulfillment, of all three criteria, the material in question can
be declared to be obscene. For the first two criteria, whether the matter 'appeals to the
prurient interest', or is 'patently offensive' is to be determined on the basis of what is
acceptable by local contemporary society, or the state, as opposed to a national
standard. For the third criterion, whether the work as a whole has any literary,
scientific, political or artistic value, as per the notions of a reasonable person (and not
an average person of contemporary society) is to be considered.

1. Indian Judgments on Obscenity: Some important provisions against

obscenity under Indian laws are:

(i) Section 292, IPC: Sale, etc., of obscene books, etc.

(ii) Section 293, IPC: Sale, etc., of obscene objects to young person,

(iii) Section 3, the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act,

1986: Prohibition of advertisements containing indecent representation
of women.

(iv) Section 4, the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act,

1986: Prohibition of publication or sending by post of books,
pamphlets, etc., containing indecent representation of women.

Section 292 of the IPC which bans the sale, distribution, renting, exhibition or
circulation of obscene material provides a definition of obscenity) in its first clause
which bears a huge resemblance to the international tests of obscenity:

{l) For the purposes of sub-section (2), a book, pamphlet, paper, writing,
drawing, painting, representation, figure or any other object, shall be
deemed to be obscene if it is lascivious or appeals to the prurient interest
or if its effect, or (where it comprises two or more distinct items) the
effect of any one of its items, is, if taken as a whole, such as to tend to
deprave and corrupt person, who are likely, having regard to all relevant
circumstances, to read, see or hear the matter contained or embodied in

A study of these tests along with the Indian case laws adopting them for the
interpretation of Section 292 is necessary for a better understanding of 'obscenity' as
used under the related sections of the IT Act:

Ranjit D.Udeshi v. State of Maharashtra

(Adoption of the Hicklin Test) ·

In this case, Section 292 of the IPC was challenged as being violative of the
fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression under Article 19 of the
Constitution of India. Here, the Court adopted the Hicklin test to uphold its
constitutionality as a law imposing a reasonable restriction on the right to freedom of
speech and expression on the grounds of decency and morality, as permissible

under clause (2) of Article 19. This clause, in fact, embodies the most fundamental
law against obscenity in India.

In its discussion on the Hicklin test, the Court laid down the following
guidelines on the basis of which obscenity was to be judged:

(i) Consider both the work as a whole and the effect of the obscene matter
by itself, to judge whether it is so gross and its obscenity so decided that
it is likely to deprave and corrupt those whose minds are open to
influences of this sort.

(ii) The interests of contemporary society and particularly the influence of

the material on this society must not be overlooked.

(iii) Where obscenity and art are mixed, either the art must be so dominant
that it overshadows the obscenity or the obscenity must be so trivial and
insignificant that it can have no effect and may be overlooked.

(iv) If the obscenity has a dominant social purpose or profit, then it may be

(v) A balance must be maintained between "freedom of speech and

expression" and "public decency or morality"; but when the latter is
substantially transgressed then the former must give way.

Samaresh Bose v. AmalMitra

(Need for objective assessment of obscenity)

In this case, the Supreme Court observed that the concept of obscenity is
molded to a very great extent by the social outlook jot the people who are generally
expected to read the book. It usually differs country to country depending on the
standards of morality of contemporary society in different countries. In consideration
of the need to ensure that an objective assessment was made of the obscenity of the
material at hand, it discussed the manner in which the assessment could be made
independent of each Judge's individual outlook:

(i) The Judge should first place himself in the position of the author and try to
understand what the author intends to convey and whether that has any
literary or artistic value.

(ii) Then the Judge must place himself in the position of the readers of the book
of every age group and try to understand what possible influence the book
will have on their minds.

(iii) A Judge should thereafter apply his judicial mind dispassionately to decide
whether the book in question can be said to be obscene within the meaning
of Section 292 of the IPC.

(iv) For the elimination of any subjective or personal influence on

a proper objective assessment, the Judge can, in appropriate
cases, refer to the evidence on record and the opinions of
reputed or recognized authors of literature.

Some other important points discussed in this judgment which aid the
understanding of obscenity are:

(i) 'To deprave' meant to make morally bad, to prevent, to debase or

corrupt morally

(ii) 'To corrupt' meant to render morally unsound or rotten, to destroy the
moral purity or chastity, to pervert or ruin a good quality, to debase, to

(iii) A vulgar writing is not necessarily obscene. Vulgarity arouses a

feeling of disgust and revulsion and also boredom, but, does not have
the effect of depraving, debasing and corrupting the morals of any
reader of the novel, whereas obscenity has the tendency to deprave and
corrupt those whose minds are open to such immoral influences.

Director General, Directorate General of Doordarsban v. Anand

Patwardban & Anr

(Adoption of the Miller Test)

In this case, the Supreme Court expressed concern at the liberal decision in the
case of Samaresh Bose, which essentially gives the judge the power to decide what
he or she thinks is obscene. The Court then adopted the three-prong Miller test in place
of the Hicklintest for the determination of obscenity.

Ajay Goswami v. Union of India

(Test of Ordinary Man and Contemporary Standards in the

Internet Age)

While evaluating the tests for obscenity, the court held that the test for judging
a work should be that of an ordinary man of common sense and prudence and not an
"out of the ordinary or hypersensitive man".

With reference to the need for consideration of contemporary standards, the

Court observed the out datedness of the established tests of obscenity in the internet

"In judging as to whether a particular work, is obscene, regard must be

had to contemporary mores and national standards. While the Supreme
Court in India held Lady Chatterley's Lover to be obscene, in England the
jury acquitted the publishers finding that the publication did not fall foul
of the obscenity test. This was heralded as a turning point in the fight for
literary freedom in UK. Perhaps "community mores and standards
played a part in the Indian Supreme Court a different view from the
English jury. The test has become somewhat outdated in the context of the
internet age which has broken down traditional barriers and made
publications from across the globe available with the click of a mouse. 11

Maqbool Fida Hussain v. Raj Kumar Pandey

(Strict Liability for Obscenity)


This case dealt with the issue of whether, the controversial 'Bharat Mata'
minting by M.F. Hussain was obscene under Section 292 and 294 under the IPC.
While evaluating the tests for obscenity as laid down in the Ranjit Udeshi case and
other important judgments, the Court observed that knowledge was not part of the
guilty act, i.e., the offender's knowledge of the obscenity of the matter was not
required under the law and it was a case of strict liability in view of this, the obscenity
contemplated under these sections of the IPC was not to be equated with the
dictionary definition of obscenity which takes within its fold anything which is
offensive, indecent, foul, vulgar, repulsive etc. To fall within the scope of 'obscene'
under Section 292 & 294 IPC, the ingredients of the matter/art under consideration
must lie at the extreme end of the spectrum of the offensive matter.

Section 67: Punishment for Publishing or Transmitting Obscene Material in

Electronic Form: The following are some essential elements of this section -

Section 67 prior to Amendment: Prior to the amendment, section 67 read as follows:

" publishes or transmits or causes to be published in the electronic

form, any material which is lascivious or appeals to the prurient interest or
if its effect is such as to tend to deprave and corrupt persons who are likely,
having regard to all relevant circumstances, to read, see or hear the matter
contained or embodied in it, shall be punished on first conviction with
imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to five
years and with fine which may extend to one lakh rupees and in the event of
a second or subsequent conviction with imprisonment of either description
for a term which may extend to ten years and also with fine which may extend
to two lakh rupees."

Section 67 prior to amendment was the sole provision of the IT Act dealing with
obscene publications. This would include all forms of obscene publications, including
those that dealt with pornography - and child pornography. The prescribed punishment
was upto 5 years and Rupees 1 lakh. For the first conviction and upto 10

years and Rupees '2 lakbs for a subsequent conviction. With a view of bringing the IT
Act in tune with legislations prevalent in other advanced democracies, this section
was amended to introduce more stringent provisions for pornography, and especially
for child pornography.

[Section 67 of the IT Act in its current form deals with publishing of 3scene
information, Section 67A of the Act deals with publishing of sexually explicit/
pornographic material and Section 67B of the Act deals with child pornography.

Section 67 reads as follows:

"Whoever publishes or transmits or causes to be published in the electronic form,

any material which is lascivious or appeal·sto the prurient interest or if its effect is
such as to tend to deprave and corrupt persons who are likely, having regard to all
relevant circumstances, to read, see or hear the matter --contained or embodied in it,
shall be punished on first conviction with imprisonment of either description for a
term which may extend to three years and with fine which may extend to five lakb
rupees and in the event of a second or subsequent conviction with imprisonment of
either description for a term which may extend to five years and also with fine which
may extend to ten lakb rupees."

This section has been framed along the same lines as Section 292 of the IPO
This will apply when the obscene material is published or transmitted in an electronic
form. The prescribed punishment for a first conviction was changed to imprisonment
upto 3 years, fineupto Rupees 5 lakbs or both. The punishment for a second
conviction was changed to imprisonment of 5 years, fine of Rupees 11 lakhs or both.

'Obscenity': For the term 'obscenity' under this section, reference should be
made to the judgments discussed above for the interpretation of obscenity under
Section 292 of the IPC. The Supreme Court in the case of Maqbool Fidi Hussainv.
Raj Kumar Pandey1, observed that the tests for obscenity under this in section and
Section 292 of the IPC were similar:

"...Section 67 is the first statutory provisions dealing with obscenity on the Internet.
It must be noted that the both under the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and the Information
Technology Act, 2000 the test to determine obscenity is similar."

An exception has been made for obscene information that is published for the
public good or which is used for religious/ heritage purposes.

Publish, Transmit or Cause to be published': This section criminalizes only

the publication and transmission of obscene material. The downloading, viewing
possessing etc. of obscene material is not an offence under this section (unlike under
Section 67B). Publication' of a material refers to its dissemination or circulation. In
the absence of any other definitions under the IT Act, reference may be made to the
explanations of 'publish' and 'transmit' under Section 66E of the IT Act,
where/publication refers to the electronic or physical reproduction of the material and
the making of these reproductions accessible to the public. This section criminalizes
both the direct and indirect publication of obscene material. Transmission under
Section 66E of the IT Act refers to an intentional electronic transfer of the material so
that it can be viewed by another person or persons. The meaning of these terms was
discussed under the case of Avinash Bajaj v. State (NCT) of Delhi (the Baazee case),
wherein obscene material was put up for sale by one person on the website and sold to several other people. The issue for the purposes of Section
67(prior to amendment)of the Act was whether (he website had indirectly published
the material, i.e., did it 'cause the publication' of the material. For this purpose the
Court drew up the following chain of transactions' for the publication and ultimate
transmission of the material on sale through the website:

(i) Once the interested buyer gets on to and views the listing,
he then opts to buy the said product and then makes payment.

(ii) Only then the remaining part of the chain is complete and the product,
which in this case is the video clip in electronic form, is then transmitted
through an email attachment and then can get further transmitted from
one person to another.

(iii) The video clip sent as an email attachment can straightway be

downloaded onto to the buyer's hard disc and numerous copies thereof
can be made for further transmission.

(iv) The 'publishing' in this form is therefore instantaneous and can be

repeated manifold.

In. fact in the present case, the transmission of the clip to eight buyers located
in different parts of the country took place in a very short span of time.

In view of this 'chain of transactions', the Court held that, the ultimate
transmission of the obscene material wouldn't have been possible without the initial
facilitation by the website, an.d therefore the website had prima facie 'caused' the

" cannot be said that in this case did not even prima facie
"cause" the publication of the obscene material. The ultimate transmission of
the video clip might be through the seller to the buyer but in a fully automated
system that limb of the transaction cannot take place unless all the previous
steps of registration with the website and making payment take place. It is a
continuous chain."

Presumption of Knowledge under Section 67: Section 67 of the IT Act is silent of

on the requirement of mensrea, i.e., there is no requirement of the publication,
transmission or indirect publication to have been done intentionally or knowingly,
etc. The general rules of interpretation for a provision of criminal law are silent on
mensrea, are outlined below:

(i) If a section is silent as to mensrea, there is a presumption that words

importing mensrea must be read into the section in order to give effect to
the will of the Parliament.

(ii) If a penal provision is capable of two interpretations, the one which is most
favourable to the accused is to be adopted.

(iii) The fact that other sections of the Act expressly require mens red does not
in itself imply that a section silent with respect to mensrea creates an
absolute offence.

Therefore, as per these rules, though the lack of mensrea in Section 67 of the
IT Act indicates that it imposes strict liability on a publisher or transmitter, such an
assumption cannot be made exclusively on this basis. This assumption can, however
be made based on the strict liability imposed under Section 292 of the IPC, which is
also similarly silent on mensrea. In Ranjit D. Udeshiv. State of Maharashtra, discussed
above, the Court held that, for an offence under Section 292 of the IPC, the
prosecution was not required to prove that the accused had knowledge that the
material on sale, etc. was obscene. In the Baazeecase, the Court observed that 'in view
of the strict liability imposed under Section 292', the website's knowledge of the
obscene material was presumed. The Court further held that this presumption,
however, was rebuttable, and it was a matter of evidence to prove that the website had
exercised due care to prevent the publication or transmission.

In view of this general rule of interpretation and the interpretation of Section

292 of the IPC in the Baazeecase, it can be assumed that a similar rebuttable
presumption of knowledge exists in case of a person accused under Section 67 of the
IT Act.

Any material': The term 'any material' implies that the section covers obscene
material in any 'electronic form', i.e., images like photographs, morphed images,
audio files, video files, of software programmes and text messages like e- mails,
SMSs and through instant messaging.

State of Tamil Nadu v. Suhas Kaitf

(First conviction under Section 67)

This case is considered to be the first ever conviction under Section 67 of the
IT Act in India. Some obscene, defamatory and annoying messages were posted on
a Yahoo messaging group about the victim, who was a recently divorced woman.

This message resulted in annoying phone calls to the victim. Upon filing an FIR the
accused, who was a former family friend of the victim was arrested and found guilty
for offences under Sections 469 and 509 of the IPC, and Section 67 of the IT Act.

Section 67A - Punishment for publishing or transmitting of material containing

sexually explicit act etc. in electronic form: Section 67A of the IT Act reads as

"Whoever publishes or transmits or causes to be published or transmitted in

the electronic form any material which contains sexually explicit act or oviduct shall
be punished on first conviction with imprisonment of either description for a term
which mm extend to five years and with fine which may extend to ten lakh rupees and
an the event of second or subsequent conviction with imprisonment of either
description for a term which may extend to seven years and also with fine which
may extend to ten lakh rupees.

Similar to Section 67, Section 67 A of the IT Act criminalizes the publication

and transmission of sexually explicit material in an electronic form, but it's viewing,
downloading, possession, etc. is not an offence. The punishment prescribed is higher
than that under Section 67 of the Act.

The term "sexually explicit" generally refers to pornographic content. It has

been qualified by the term 'explicit', indicating that it refers to something which is
more than just obscene1°. Also, Section 67A of the Act does not apply the
'l""plvJmdience· test used in Section 67 of the Act, i.e., it does not take the effect of
the material on the people who are likely to read, see or hear the material into
consideration. This implies that the section refers to matter that is patently or grossly
explicit. The exception for information that is published for the public good, or which
is used for religious or heritage purposes is applicable to Section67Aofthe Act as well.
Though, the IT Act does not criminalize the viewing, downloading, browsing,
etc. of this material, steps have been taken by the Government to prevent this. The
most recent step is the internet censorship through a Department of Telecom order
dated 13th July 2013, whereby 39 websites which host or allow their users Ho share
obscene content were blocked. This order was issued to comply with

a direction from the Supreme Court in response to a petition seeking an anti-

pornography law13• This restriction on pornographic content is also evident under
certain rules issued by the Government:

(i) No hosting, displaying, etc. of pornographic information: Rule 3 (2)

(b) of IT (Intermediary Guidelines) Rules, 2011, requires the intermediary
to inform users not to host, display, upload, modify, publish, transmit,
update or share any information that is obscene, pornographic or

(ii) Software to filter out pornographic websites: Rule 6 (5) of the IT

(Guidelines for Cyber Cafe) Rules, 2011, requires cyber cafes to be
equipped with safety of filtering software to avoid access of websites
relating to pornography, cyber pornography or obscene information.

(iii) Prohibit viewing of pornography: Rule 6(5) of the IT (Guidelines for

Cyber Cafe) Rules, 2011, requires cyber cafes to display a board to users
prohibiting them from viewing pornographic sites.

State of Tamil Nadu v. Dr. L. Prakash

This was a landmark case where the accused, a renowned doctor in Tamil
Nadu was convicted for the creation of pornographic videos using his patients and
posting the pictures and videos on the internet. The accused was charged under
various sections of the IPC, Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 and the Indecent
Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986. In view of the gravity of the
offence, a life sentence was awarded to the doctor under the Immoral Traffic
(Prevention) Act, 1956.

Section 67 B - Punishment for publishing or transmitting of material depicting

children in sexually explicit act, etc. in electronic form: The following are the
important elements for this section:

1. International Measures for Protection of Children: The provisions in some

important international instruments dealing with the sexual exploitation of
children, including their abuse, trafficking and child pornography are:

(i) UN Convention on Rights of Child: India ratified this convention on

11 December 1992. The term 'all forms' of sexual exploitation
indicates that this Convention also applies to online sexual

(a) Article 34 of the Convention directs the protection of children from

'all forms' of sexual exploitation and abuse.

(b) Article 34 of the Convention also directs the taking of national,

bilateral and multilateral measures to prevent the use of a child in any
unlawful sexual activity for prostitution or pornography.

(c) Article 35 of the Convention mandates the talcing of measures to

prevent the sale or trafficking of children.

(d) Article 36 of the Convention mandates the protection of children from

'all other forms of exploitation'.

(ii) Budapest Convention on Cyber-crime: India 1s not a signatory to this Convention.

However, Section 67B of the IT Act was drafted taking special note of Article
9 of the said Convention which deals with child pornography. The following are
its important provisions:

(a) Article 9 of the Convention mandates the adoption of legislative and other
measures to criminalize the production, offer, distribution, transmission,
procurement or possession of child pornography through a computer system

(b) Article 9 of the Convention defines 'Child Pornography' to include a visual

depiction of a minor, a person appearing to be minor or realistic
representations of a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct.

(iii) SAARC Convention on Preventing and Combating the Trafficking in

Women and Children for Prostitution: Indian ratified this Convention on5 th
January, 2002. This Convention will be relevant in cases where the children
are trafficked within India or within South Asian countries, and are used'
for the purposes of online sexual exploitation. This Convention also
includes detailed provisions for extradition and mutual legal

assistance between parties, like the following:

(a) Article I, Point 3 of the Convention defines "Trafficking" as the

moving, selling or buying of women and children for
prostitution within and outside a country for monetary or other
considerations with or without the consent of the person
subjected to trafficking.

(b) Article I, Point 5 of the Convention defines "Persons subjected

to trafficking" as women and children who are victimised or
forced into prostitution by any unlawful means, such as
deception, threat, coercion, kidnapping, sale, fraudulent
marriage, child marriage, etc.

(c) Article IV of the Convention mentions the victimization or trafficking of

children as an aggravating circumstance for an offence under this

(iv) Optional Protocol to UN Convention on Rights of Child on Sale of

Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography: India ratified this
Protocol on 16th August, 2005. Even in the absence of a specific mention
of use of a computer, the definition of child pornography, which includes
representation by 'whatever means', will include a representation in an
electronic form. More importantly, this Convention includes provisions
with respect to extradition and assistance in investigation and other
criminal proceedings between signatories to the Protocol.

(a) Article 2(b) of the Convention defines "child prostitution" as the use
of a child in sexual activities for remuneration or any other form of

(b) Article 2(c) of the Convention defines "child pornography" as any

representation, by whatever means, of a child engaged in real or
simulated explicit sexual activities or any representation of the sexual
parts of a child for primarily sexual purposes.

(c) Article 3 of the Convention criminalizes the producing, distributing,


disseminating, importing, exporting, offering, selling or possessing of

child pornography.

(v) Palermo Protocol - UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in -

Persons, Especially .Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations
Convention against Transnational Organized Crime: India ratified this Protocol on 5
May, 2011.This protocol provides a very comprehensive definition of the term
'trafficking' and the means by which it is·achieved.

(a) Article 3(a) of the Convention defines "Trafficking in persons" to

mean the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of
persons, by means of force/ coercion/abduction/ fraud/ deception/ the
abuse of power/ the abuse of a position of vulnerability/ the giving or
receiving of payments to achieve the consent of a person having
control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.

(b) Under Article 3(a) of the Convention, "exploitation" includes the

exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual

(c) Under Article 3(b) of the Convention, the consent of the trafficked
victim is irrelevant if brought about by these means.

2. Indian Laws Against Sexual Exploitation of Children: Many Indian laws contain
provisions protecting children against sexual abuse, prostitution, trafficking,
pornography, etc. Some of the important provisions are:

(i) The Constitution of India: The most fundamental protections to children against
sexual exploitation are embodied in the Constitution:

(a) Article 21 protects life and personal liberty.

(b) Article 23(1) prohibits traffic in human beings.

(c) Article 39(f) directs the state to ensure that children are protected against

(ii) The Indian Penal Code, 1860: Sexual offences in general, applicable to
both minors and adults are covered under the IPC. The IPC also contains

certain provisions specific to minors for their use in prostitution or illicit


(a) Section 372 punishes the selling, letting, etc. of a minor for prostitution,
illicit intercourse, or any unlawful or immoral purpose with imprisonment
upto ten years and fine.

(b) Section 373 punishes the buying, hiring, etc. of a minor for prostitution,
illicit intercourse, or any unlawful or immoral purpose with imprisonment
upto ten years and fine.

(c) Section 366A punishes the procurement of a mmor girl for illicit intercourse
with imprisonment upto ten years and fine.

(d) Section 366B punishes the importation of a girl under 21 years of age from
a foreign country for illicit intercourse with imprisonment upto ten years
and fine.

(iii) The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956: This Act deals with immoral
traffic for the purposes of sexual exploitation in brothels and other similar premises.
The Act also contains detailed provisions for the use of a child for prostitution:

(a) Se tion 2(f) of the Act defines 'prostitution' as the sexual exploitation or
abuse of persons for commercial purposes or for consideration in money
or in any other ind.

(b) Sect-ion 4 of the Act punishes a person living on earnings of the

prostitution of a child with imprisonment of7 to 10 years.

(c) Section 5 of the Act punishes the procurement, inducement or talcing of a

child for the sake of prostitution with rigorous imprisonment of a
minimum of7 years upto life.

(d) Section 6(2) of the Act relates to the detention of a child in a brothel.

(e) Section 7(1) of the Act punishes prostitution carried on with a child in
the vicinity of a public place with 7 years upto life, or l O years with fine.

(f) Section 7(2) of the Act deals with the case of prostitution being permitted
with respect to a child in a hotel.

(iv) The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012:

ThisActwasenactedrecentlytoimplementArticle34oftheConvention on the Rights of
Child, which required the introduction of national measures to prevent the sexual
exploitation of children. It is the first law in India which deals specifically with
offences against children. The need for this specific legislation arose because the IPC
sections on sexual offences do not cover all types of offences against children, and
more importantly do not distinguish between children and adults. The Act prescribes
offences with respect to sexual harassment, sexual assault and pornography involving
children with varying punishments depending on the gravity of the crime It is
important to note that Section 13 of the Act also includes online exploitation of
children. Some of the key provisions are:

(a) Section 3 of the Act defines a 'penetrative sexual assault' and Section 7 of
the Act defines 'sexual assault'.

(b) Section 5 of the Act punishes aggravated penetrative sexual assault, such as
assault by police officer, staff of educational or religious institution or a
relative with rigorous imprisonment of a minimum of ten years and upto
life, along with a fine.

(c) Section 9 of the Act punishes aggravated sexual assault with simple or
rigorous imprisonment of a minimum of 5 years upto 7 years and fine.

(d) Section 11 of the Act defines 'sexual harassment' which includes enticing
the child using or for pornography and stalking the child.

(e) Section 13 of the Act defines the use of a child for pornographic purposes
as use of the purposes of sexual gratification in any form of media, including
the internet, electronic form, etc.

(f) ,The explanation to Section 13 of the Act explains that the term 'use a child'
• I

shall include involving a child through any medium like print, electronic,
computer or any other technology for preparation, production, offering,
transmitting, publishing, facilitation and distribution of pornographic

(g) Section 21 of the Act mandates the reporting of an offence under the Act
and failure to do so is punishable with 6 months imprisonment and/ or fine.

(h) Chapter Vil establishes Special Courts for trial of offences under the Act.

v) Advisory on Preventing & Combating Cyber Crime against Children: This

advisory was issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs in 2012 to the states for steps
to be taken for matters such as the protection of children from cyber-crime , dealing
with children committing cyber-crime and conduction of investigations.

(a) Special Juvenile Police Units constituted under Section 63 of

Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2009 to be
sensitized and trained to deal with children in conflict of law with
respect to cyber-crimes as well.

(b) Implementation of 'parental control software' to mitigate spoofing

of age, gender and identity to prevent access to obscene material.

(c) Training to law enforcement agencies such as the police, judiciary

and examiners of digital evidence.

(d) Police to carry out undercover cyber patrol operations to identify

cyber criminals in accordance with Sections 72 and 72(A) of IT Act

(e) For investigations requiring help from outside India, approach CBI
Interpol Division or contact G8 24x7 Help Desk of CBI. Provisions
of Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties and Letter of Rogatories (LR)
ifiay be used.

Prior fd· the IT Act, the provisions of the IPC and the Indecent Representation
of Women (Prohibition) Act were used to deal with issues of pornography. These
provisions included visual representations in their scope, but, other electronic
materials like audio materials and computer-generated photographs were, not
specifically covered. Further, these Acts did not deal with the issue of child sexual
abuse and more importantly with child pornography adequately. While the issue of
whether pornography and prostitution should be legalized is regularly

debated, a line has always been drawn with child pornography and sexual abuse. The
IT Act (prior to amendment) introduced some protection for the publication and
transmission of obscene materials, but stringent punishment for child pornography
and sexual abuse came were still required.

With a view to imposing this stringent punishment and bringing India in line
with the international instruments listed above, Section 67 was amended to introduce
safeguards against the online sexual exploitation of children through Section 67B.
This resulted in the criminalizing of acts like the possession, viewing and creation of
child pornography in addition to its publication and transmission. Another important
addition is the clause to deal with grooming of children for these purposes.

Section67B-Punishment for publishing or transmitting of material depicting

children in sexually explicit act, etc. in electronic form: Section 67B of the IT Act
reads as follows:


(a) Publishes or transmits or causes to be published or transmitted material

in any electronic form which depicts children engaged in sexually
explicit actor conduct or

(b) creates text or digital images, collects, seeks, browses, downloads,

advertises, promotes, exchanges or distributes material in any
electronic form depicting children in obscene or indecent or sexually
explicit manner or

(c) Cultivates, entices or induces children to online relationship with one

or more children for and on sexually explicit act or in a manner that
may offend a reasonable adult on the computer resource or

(d) Facilitates abusing children online or

(e) records in any electronic form own abuse or that of others pertaining
to sexually explicit act with children, Shall be punished on first
conviction with imprisonment of either description for a term which
may extend to five years and with a fine which may extend to ten lakh
rupees and in the event of second or subsequent conviction with

imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to

seven years and also with fine which may extend to ten lakb rupees:

Explanation: For the purposes of this section, "children" means a person who
has not completed the age of 18 years."

Clause (a) says,

"publishes or transmits or causes to be published or transmitted material in any

electronic form which depicts children engaged in sexually explicit act or

This clause relates specifically to child pornography, and is similar in its

drafting to Sections 67 and 67A of the Act. It punishes the publication, transmission
and causing the transmission of an electronic material depicting children engaged in a
sexually explicit act or conduct. The terms 'publication', 'transmission' and 'sexually
explicit' have been explained in the previous sections. Though this section does not
specifically criminalize the publication or transmission of material depicting children
which is obscene and not sexually explicit, such material would still be covered under
Section 67A of

Material depicting' children

The scope of this clause is not restricted to material involving actual children
only. On comparison between this clause and Section 67A of the Act, it can be
observed that Section 67B of the Act criminalizes material 'depicting' children in
sexually explicit acts, as opposed to Sec.tion 67 A of the Act, which criminalizes
material 'Containing' sexually explicit acts. The use of the word 'depict' indicates the
adoption of the explanation of 'child pornography' under Article 9 of the Budapest
Convention on Cyber-crime, which states that:

"The tenn "child pornography" shall include pornographic material that

visually depicts:

(a) a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct;

(b) a person appearing to be a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct.

(c) realistic images representing a minor engaged m sexually explicit



For a better understanding of the scope of 'child pornography' under this

Article, reference may be made to the Explanatory Report to the Convention on

(i) Types of pornographic material: The three types of pornographic material

covered are depictions of sexual abuse of a real child, pornographic images
which depict a person appearing to be a minor engaged in sexually explicit
conduct and images which, although 'realistic', do not in fact involve a real
child engaged in sexually explicit conduct, such as morphed or computer
generated images 3•

(ii) Legal interests protected under this clause: The legal interests protected under
each clause is different: Clause (a) focuses on direct protection against child
abuse, while Clauses (b) and (c) focus on behavior that may indirectly harm
the child, such as material which may be used to encourage or seduce the

(iii) National standards.of pornography: The term 'pornographic material' is to be

governed by national standards of what is obscene, immoral, etc.

iv) Data capable of conversion: Visual depiction includes data stored or computer
diskette or on other electronic means of storage, which are capable of
conversion into a visual image.

(v) Real/ simulated: It is irrelevant whether the 'sexually explicit conduct' is real
or simulated.

On the basis of this explanation, it can be assumed that the term material
depicting children in sexually explicit act' under Section 67B (c) of the IT Act includes
the following-

(a) An actual minor engaged in sexually explicit act or conduct.

(b) A person who appears to be a • 1inor engaged in sexually explicit act or

conduct, whether or not such person actually is a minor.

(c) A realistic image representing a minor engaged in sexually explicit act or

conduct, such as morphed images, pseudo photographs, simulated or
virtual reorientations like animations, cartoons, drawing or paintings.

Clause (b) says,

"creates text or digital images, collects, seeks, browses, downloads,

advertises, promotes, exchanges or distributes material in any electronic .form
depicting children in obscene or indecent or sexually explicit manner."

This clause incorporates a total ban on any material that sexually exploits
children. It relates to electronic material depicting children in an obscene, indecent
or sexually explicit manner. The following acts in relation to such material have been

(i) Creation: The creation of text or digital images is covered under this
clause. This will include the creation of morphed images,
pornographic images and written material containing- references to
children in an obscene, indecent or sexually explicit manner.

(ii) Consumption: The consumption of such material, i.e., the col lection,
seeking, browsing and downloading of such material is also included
in this section. Therefore, acts like searching for or browsing through
child pornography on the internet, downloading, storing it on a
compl:lter or in any other electronic form, will be an offence. The
reason for banning the consumption of obscene or pornographic
material depicting children, while permitting the consumption of other
obscene or pornographic material, is due to the fear that allowing it
will encourage the actual commission of sexual abuse against children.

(iii) Distribution: The clause also includes any step leading to the spread
of such material, such as its advertisement, promotion, exchange or
distribution. Some convictions in the U.S. for distribution of such
material includes cases of sending e-mails advertising the creation of
a Yahoo! Group for sharing child pornography, for publishing a

notice over the Internet offering to exchange child pornography and

for responding by email to an advertisement placed by U.S. Postal
Service Inspectors in Internet newsgroups known to be frequented by
individuals interested in child pornography.

Clause (c) says,

"cultivates, entices or induces children to online relationship with one or

more children for and on sexually explicit act or in a manner that may offend
a reasonable adult on the computer resource."

This section covers the online solicitation of a child or the grooming of a child
for sexual purposes. It must have been the intention of the legislature to include pre-
offence grooming by anyone, an adult or a child, which results in an online relationship
with this adult or anyone else for the purposes of a sexually explicit act. However, the
drafting of the section seems to indicate that its scope is restricted to instances of where
the online relationship which the child is being cultivated, enticed or induced into is
with another child only and not with an adult. It is not specified whether the person
actually doing the grooming is an adult or another child, so long as the purpose is for
an online relationship with another child. A clear interpretation of this section is
required in order to include grooming in its entirety, and not restrict it to a relationship
between children.

Clause (d) says,

"facilitates abusing children online"

This clause covers any act that facilitates or aids the abusing of children online)
For example, a person involved in on-line practices like the exchange of ideas,
fantasies and advice among pedophiles, or a website that permits such activities, which
can play a role in encouraging sexual offences against children, would be covered
under this. This clause may also be used against intermediaries such as cyber cafes
that omit to take due care.

Clause (e) says,


"records in any electronic form own abuse or that of others pertaining to

sexually explicit act with children."

This clause refers to the recording of a sexually explicit act with a child,
whether the abuser is the person recorcting or any other person. This will include any
recording in electronic form, such as videotaping, taking photographs through a digital
camera or smartphone or recording or photographing through a webcam. The purpose
for which the recording is done is irrelevant, i.e., the mere act of recording a sexually
explicit act with a child is an offence.

Wilhelmus Weijdeveld .India

This was the first case charged under Section 67B of the Act. Wilhelmus was
a Dutch national who came to India as a tourist in 1980 and was running an
orphanage. He was arrested in 2002 on receiving a tip-off from INTERPOL thai he
was uploading pornographic content. It was found that he was sexually abusing 5
boys in his orphanage.

Avinash Bajaj v. State (NCT) of Delhi

(The Bazeecase)
In this case, the website carried a listing whfoh offered for sale a
video clip shot using a mobile phone of two school children indulging in a sexually
explicit act. The listing escaped the filters installed in the website, but was brought
to the notice of the website on the same day that it was put up by another user.
Despite this, the listing was available for sale for a period of 3 days and was
thereafter purchased by 8 persons. The key findings of the High Court of Delhi in
petition to quash the criminal proceedings against the petitioner were as follows:

(i) Prima facie obscene: The listing contained explicit words that left a person in
no doubt that what was sought to be sold was lascivious, and therefore the
listing was prima facie an obscene material or text.

(ii) Failure of filters: Website owners and operators need to employ filters if they
want to prove that they did not knowingly permit the use of their website for
sale of pornographic material. However, if the filters fail, then, the website's

knowledge of the obscene material will be presumed under Section 292(1) of

the IPC.

(iii) Presumption of knowledge is rebuttable: This presumption of knowledge,

however, is rebuttable, and it is a matter of evidence to prove that the website
had exercised due care to prevent the publication or transmission.

(iv) Website 'caused' the publication: In view of the chain of transactions, most of
which are under the direct control of the website, the website did prima facie
'cause the publication' under Section 67 (prior to Amendment) of the IT Act.

(v) Petitioner not liable in individual capacity. The IPC does not recognise the
concept of 'automatic criminal liability' attaching it to the director, where the
company is an accused. In the absence of a specific allegation in the charge
sheet that despite knowing the failure of the filters, he nevertheless, did
nothing about it, the petitioner cannot be held liable in his individual capacity.

(vi) Petitioner is liable in his capacity as MD: Section 85 of the IT Act attaches a
deemed criminal liability on a person who, at the time of commission of the
offence, was in "charge of, and was responsible to, the company". On this
basis, the petitioner is liable in his capacity as the Managing Director.

Proviso to Sections 67, 67A and 67B: The Proviso to Sections 67, 67A and 67Bof
the IT Act reads as follows:

"Provided that the provisions of section 67, section 67A and this section does not
extend to any book, pamphlet, paper, writing, drawing, painting, representation or
figure in electronic form-

i. The publication of which is proved to be justified as being for the public

good on the ground that such book, pamphlet, paper writing, drawing,
painting, representation or figure is in the interest of science, literature,
art or learning or other objects of general concern; or

ii. which is kept or used for booafide heritage or religious purposes. 11

This excludes the application of Section 67, 67A and 67B of the Act to any
and electronic material:

1. Which is in the interest of science, literature, art, learning or any other

objects of general concern, and its publication is justified on this account,

11. Which is kept or used for bonafide heritage or religious uses.

This section is similar to the first exception provided under Section 292 of.the
IPC. The first exception has been inserted for the protection of material which
is published for the public good, such as material dealing with medical
information, art, social causes, etc. For example, the film 'Bandit Queen' was held
to be a film that carried a message of social evil, and the depictions of nudity
and rape were not obscene or pomographic42 . The second exception protects
material used for religious or heritage purposes, such as the sculptures in the temples
of Bhubaneshwar, Konark and Puri in Orissa and Khajuraho in Madhya Pradesh.

Offences Relating to Electronic Signatures: Sections' 68, 71, 73 and 72 of the IT

Act deal with offences relating to Electronic Signatures.

Section 68 - Violation of Controllers' Directions: Section 68 of the IT Act reads as


"(l) The Controller may, by order, direct a Certifying Authority or any

employee of such Authority to take such measures or cease carrying
on such activities as specified in the order if those are necessary to
ensure compliance with the provisions of this Act, rules or any
regulations made there under.

(2) Any person who intentionally or knowingly fails to comply with any
order under sub-section (1) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be
liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding .two.
years or to a fine not exceeding one lakh rupees or to both."

Under this section ah offence will be committed when certain orders of the
Controller are not followed. The orders may be with respect to any issue requiring
compliance with the IT Act or Rules, for example, licensing of Certifying Authorities
("CA"), issue of electronic signature certificates or prescribing the

standards to be maintained by the CAs. The element of mensrea, i.e.,

'intentionally/knowingly' in the second clause, was inserted by the Amendment Act.

Section 71 - Penalty for Misrepresentation: Section 71 of the IT Act reads


"Whoever makes any misrepresentation to, or suppresses any material fact from,
the Controller or the Certifying Authority for obtaining any license or Electronic
Signature Certificate, as the case may be, shall be punished with imprisonment for
a term which may, extend to two years, .or with fine which may be extended one
lakh rupees, or with both".

This section criminalizes the obtaining of a license by a CA or an Electronic

Signature Certificate by a subscriber by means of:

i) A misrepresentation to the Controller or CA, i.e., any false or inaccurate

statement. The section does not specify whether the misrepresentation should
have been made with or without an intention to deceive. Therefore, it may
include misrepresentations whether made intentionally, negligently or

(ii) A suppression of a material fact from the Controller or CA, i.e. the
concealment of a material fact. A material fact is any information that is
sufficiently significant so as to influence an individual into doing something,
in this case into issuing the license or Electronic Signature Certificate.

The punishment under this section is in addition to the powers of the

Controller to suspend or revoke the license45 or electronic signature46 in case of a
statement made in the application which is false or a material fact which is concealed.

Sectlon 73 - Penalty for publishing Electronic Signature Certificate false in

certain particulars: Section 73 of the IT Act reads as follows:

"(1) No person shall publish a Etectronic Signature Certificate or otherwise make

. it available to any other person with the knowledge that

(a) the Certifying Authority listed in tbe,certi.ficate has not issued it; or

(b) the subscriber listed in the certificate has not accepted it; or

(c) the certificate has been revoked or suspended, unless such publication is for
the purpose of verifying a digital signature created prior to such suspension or

(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1) shall be
punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine
which may extend to one lakb rupees, or with both."

This section deals with the publishing or making available of an electronic

signature certificate knowing that such" certificate:

(i) is not issued by the CA listed as the issuing authority in the certificate.

(ii) has not been accepted by the subscriber listed in the certificate.

(iii) has been revoked or suspended, unless the publication is for the
purpose of verification prior to such revocation or suspension.

Publication of an electronic signature certificate refers to publication in a

repository, or publication to another person (for example, by usage of the digital
signature) or in any other manner.

Section 74 - Publication for fraudulent purpose: Section 74 of the IT Act reads

as follows:

"Whoever knowingly creates, publishes or otherwise makes available a

Electronic Signature Certificate for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose shall
be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or
with fine which may extend to one lakh rupees, or with both."

This section punishes the creation, publication or making available of an

electronic signature for a purpose which is fraudulent, i.e., with the intention to
defraud, or unlawful, i.e., which is violative of the law. The phrase 'fraudulent or
unlawful purpose' is wide enough to include any contravention under a law for the
time being in force50•

Section 72 - Breach of confidentiality and privacy: Section 72 of the IT Act reads

as follows:

"Save as otherwise provided in this Act or any other law for the time being
in force, any person who, in pursuance of any of the powers conferred under this Act,
rules or regulations made there under, has secured access to any electronic record,
book, register, correspondence, information, document or other material without the
consent of the person concerned discloses such electronic record, book, register,
correspondence, information, document or other material to any other person shall
be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with
fine which may extend to one lakh rupees, or with both."

This section confers the right of privacy over any information acquired in
official capacity. The disclosure made should be without consent and should not be
permitted or required under any other law.

Pow rs conferred under the IT Act, Rules and Regulations

It is important to note that this section is applicable only to the violation of

privacy by a person who obtained the information in exercise of a power conferred
under the IT Act, or the Rules and Regulations made there under. Therefore, it applies
to authorities such as the Controller, CAs, and their employees and authorised officers
of the Central Government. There are several sections which confer such power under
the IT Act, for example:

(i) Section 67 C: Intermediary retaining or preserving information.

(ii) Section 68 (1): Directions given by a Controller or Certifying Authority.

(iii) Section 69: Any agency or intermediary directed to intercept, monitor or

decrypt any information.

(iv) Section 69B: Any agency or intermediary of the Government authorised to

monitor, collect data or information.

(v) Section 79A: The Examiner of electronic evidence.

Right to Privacy not Absolute: The right to privacy is implicit in the right to life
and liberty guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution. Anything concerning the
private matters of a person, whether truthful or otherwise, which is published without
his consent amounts to a violation of privacy'. This right to privacy is,

however, not absolute. It is subject to restrictions on the grounds of public morality,

compelling public interest, and the like 52. Similarly, the right against breach of
confidentiality and privacy conferred under this section and section 72A of the IT
Ac·tis subject to any contrary provision of the IT Act or any other act for the time
being in force requiring or permitting disclosure.

For example, in the case of Radiological and B Imaging Association v. Union of

India, it was sought to prove that a 'silent observer', an electronic device which was
attached to a sonography machine for recording and viewing sonography scans was a
violation of a patient's right to privacy and confidentiality under Section 72 and 72A
of the IT Act. The Court, while emphasizing that the right to privacy was not absolute,
held that these sections were not applicable to this case on these grounds:

(i) The provisions of the Pre-conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic

Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994 and the Rules there
under will prevail over the provisions of Sections 72 and 72A of the Act,
which are both subject to the provisions of any other law for the time
being in force.

(ii) Section 72 of the IT Act applies only to information acquired in exercise

of powers conferred under the IT Act, Rules and Regulations made there

Section 72A - Punishment for Disclosure of Information in Breach of Lawful

Contract: Section 72A of the IT Act reads as follows:

"Save as otherwise provided in this Act or any other law for the time being
in force, any person including an intermediary who, while providing services
under the terms of lawful contract, has secured access to any
. material containing personal information about another person, with the
intent to cause or knowing that he is likely to cause wrongful loss or
wrongful gain discloses, without the consent of the person concerned, or in
breach of a lawful contract, such material to any other person shall be
punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years, or
with a fine which may extend to five lakh rupees, or with both."

This section applies to any person, including an intermediary, who discloses

personal information secured through the provision of services under a lawful
contract. Section 72 of the IT Act criminalizes the mere disclosure of personal
information without consent. However, this section requires the additional element of
mensrea, i.e., the intention to cause or knowledge of likelihood of causing wrongful
loss or gain.

Section 85 - Offences by Companies: Section 85 of the IT Act reads as follows:

"(I) Where a person committing a contravention of any of the provisions of

this Act or of any rule, direction or order made there under is a Company,
every person who, at the time the contravention was committed, was in
charge of, and was responsible to, the company for the conduct of business
of the company as well as the company, shall be guilty of the contravention
and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly:

Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall render any such
person liable to punishment if he proves that the contravention took place
without his knowledge or that he exercised all due diligence to prevent such

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), where a

contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or of any rule, direction
or order made there under has been committed by a company and it is proved
that the contravention has taken place with the consent or connivance of or
is attributable to any neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary
or other officer of the company, such director, manager, secretary or other
officer shall also be deemed to be guilty of the contravention and shall be
liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.


For the purposes of this section

1. Company means any Body Corporate and includes a Finn or other

Association of individuals; and

ii. "Director", in relation to a firm, means a partner in the firm."

This section incorporates the concept of corporate criminal liability, or the

criminal liability imposed on a company for its contravention of the IT Act or any
rule, direction or order made there under. The explanation to the section provides that
a company is anybody corporate, including a finn or association of individuals. The
company may be incorporated or unincorporated.

Clause (1) - Liability of person io charge of or responsible to the company: This

clause imposes liability on every person who:

(i) at the time of commission of the offence by the company,

(ii) was in charge of, and responsible to the company,

(iii) for the conduct of the business of the company and for the company.

(iv) This liability is subject to the person being proceeded against proving that:

(v) the contravention took place without his knowledge, or

(vi) that he exercised all due diligence to prevent such contravention.

Clause (2) - Liability of person with whose consent, connivance or neglect the
offence takes place: This clause imposes liability on:

(i) the Director, Manager, Secretary or other officer,

(ii) and if it is proved that the contravention took place with such person's
consent or connivance, or because of its neglect.

This liability is in addition to the liability imposed under clause (1). The
explanation to this section provides that for a firm, the director would mean the
partner of the firm.

Prosecution of a Company is a Sine Qua Non for Prosecution of Other

Persons: Section 85 of the IT Act and sections of other Acts which are in pari material
mention the following persons who can be held liable for an offence by a company:

(i) The company,


(ii) Every person who, at the time the contravention was committed, was in
charge of, and was responsible to, the Company for the conduct of the
business of the Company, and

(iii) Any director, manager, secretary or other officer of the Company with whose
consent or connivance or because of neglect attributable to whom the offence
has been committed.

Formerly, any one, or more than one or all of the persons could be held liable
for the offence. In the case of Sheoratan Agarwal v. State of Madhya Pradesh, it was
held that:
"there is no statutory compulsion that the person -in-charge or an officer of the
company may not be prosecuted unless he be ranged alongside the company itself.
Each or any of them may be separately prosecuted or along with the company if there
is a contravention By the company.

This position was overruled in a combined decision given by the Supreme

Court in the cases of Aneeta Hadav. Mis Godfather Travels and Tours Pvt. Ltd. 56 and
the Baazeecase, which laid down that the prosecution of the company was a condition
precedent for the prosecution of persons mentioned in the second and third categories,
i.e., every person who was in charge of or responsible to the company, and the director
or managing director. However, a distinction is to be made between cases where a
company had not been made an accused and the one where despite making it as an
accused, cannot be proceeded against because of a legal bar. In the latter case, the
persons under the second and third categories may be proceeded against if other
ingredients of the offence are fulfilled.

In the Baazeecase, the petitioner, who was the managmg director of India Pvt Ltd. (BIPL) was prosecuted under Section 292 of the IPC and
Section 67 of the IT Act without impleading the company as an accused. The
prosecution was challenged under Section 482 of the Criminal Procedure Cody, 1973
before the Delhi High Court57. The Court noted that the petitioner's responsibilities in
the company was that he was in charge for the Indian operations of the Company and
was responsible for policy decisions, planning, control and overall supervision of
day to d fiinctioning of the organization. This was

contrasted with the role of the Senior Manager, Trust and Safety, who were
responsible for maintaining the subject and banned key word list and ensuring that no
lascivious item is listed for sale on the website. The Court observed that though &
prima facie case had been made out against the company, there was no specific
allegation against the petitioner in his individual capacity. The court, therefore, held
that the liability could be attached to the petitioner only in his capacity as MD under
Section 85 of the IT Act and not in his individual capacity under Section 292 of the

(i) A director does not automatically become criminally liable for the
criminal acts of the company.

(ii) In the absence of the company being made an accused and in the absence
of specific allegations concerning the MD of the company, it is not
possible to make out even a prima facie case against the petitioner in his
individual capacity under Section 292 of the IPC.

(iii) A prima facie offence against the company has been made out under
Section 67 of the IT Act.

(iv) Without the company being made an accused, its directors can be
proceeded against under Section 67 read with Section 85 of the IT Act.

(v) A prima facie offence is made out against the petitioner under Section
85. Since, the law recognises·the deemed criminal liability of the
directors even where the company is not arraigned as an accused and
particularly since it is possible that BIPL may be hereafter summoned to
face trial.

This decision with respect to Section 85 of the IT Act was overruled in appeal
before the Supreme Court 58. The Court observed that companies can no longer claim
immunity from prosecution on the grounds that they were incapable of possessing the
required mensrea .However, the normal rule in cases involving criminal liability is
against the imposition of vicarious liability, subject to an exception on account of a
specific provision being made in a statute, which extends liability to others. In such
situations the conditions laid down are to be strictly

complied with. With respect to Section 141 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881,
the Court held that:

"...commission of offence by the company is an express condition precedent

to attract the vicarious liability of others. Thus, the words "as well as the
company" appearing in the Section make it absolutely unmistakably clear
that when the company can be prosecuted, then only the persons mentioned
in the other categories could be vicariously liable for the offence subject to
the averments in the petition and proof thereof ..

... we arrive at the in·esistible conclusion that for maintaining the

prosecution under Section 141 of the Act, arraigning of a company as an
accused is imperative. The other categories of offenders can only be brought
in the dragnet on the touchstone of vicarious liability as the same has been
stipulated in the provision itself."

The Court further observed that, this analysis was squarely applicable to
lection 85 of the IT Act. On the grounds that the company was not arraigned as n
accused in the Baazeecase, the proceedings against the petitioner were

Concept of Corporate Criminal Liability in India: Legally, a company is

considered to be a person and therefore, criminal liability is imposed on it. However,
difficulties arise with this, especially in the case of offences where mens rea is an
essential ingredient, or where punishment in the form of imprisonment is mandatory.
For example, currently the IT Act:

(i) Sections 66A, 66C, 66D, 67, 67A, 67B, 67C, 69, 69A, 69B and 70 of
the IT Act prescribe imprisonment and fine.

(ii) Section 66F of the IT Act prescribes imprisonment only.

(iii) Sections like 65, 66E, 66F, 67C, 68, 69B and 74 of the IT Act
specifically require an element of mensrea, i.e., the offences should
have been done intentionally or knowingly

Proving the 'guilty mind' of a corporation or imprisoning it is not possible.

The stand taken by Indian courts on the criminal liability of companies has been
varying greatly:

(i) 1974: Company cannot be prosecuted for an offence where mensrea is an

essential ingredient: In the case of Champa Agency v. R. Chowdhury:

"...mensrea is an essential ingredient of the offence of criminal

breach of trust including criminal breach of trust by carriers. The
accused... being a corporate body cannot be said to have the
necessa,y mensrea and as such it cannot be prosecuted for an
offence under Section 407 of the Indian Penal Code."

(ii) 1987: Company cannot be prosecuted for an offence where imprisonment

is mandatory: In the case of Adding Machines India (P) Ltd. v. State:

" respect of offence where the sentence prescribed is mandatory

imprisonment and the court has no discretion to impose any other
punishment, such as fine, a company cannot be prosecuted in
respect of such an offence."

(iii) 1997: Only a fine can be imposed on a company for an offence where
imprisonment and fine are mandatory: In the case of M.V. Javali v.
Mahajan Borewell & Co. and Ors:

"... the mandatory sentence of imprisonment and fine is to be

imposed where it can be imposed, namely on persons coming under
categories (ii) and (iii) above, but where it cannot be imposed,
namely on a company, fine will be the only punishment."

(iv) 2004: No choice to impose only a fine on a company for an offence where
imprisonment and fine are mandatory: In the case of The Assistant
Commissioner, Assessment-JI, Bangalore &Ors. v. VelliappQ Textile, the
Supreme Court overruled the position taken in M.V. Javali:

"Where the legislature has granted discretion to the court in the

matter of sentencing, it is open to the court to use its discretion.
Where, hoiyever, the legislature, for reasons of policy, has done
away with this discretion, it is not open to the court to impose only

a part of the sentence prescribed by the legislature, for that would

amount re-writing the provisions of the statute."

(v) 2005: No immunity to companies from prosecution for offences where

mandatory imprisonment is prescribed: In the case of Standard Chartered
Bank and Ors. v. Directorate of Enforcement6 7:

"...there could be no objection to a company being prosecuted for

penal offences ... and the fact that a sentence of imprisonment and
fine has to be imposed and no imprisonment can be imposed on a
company or an incorporated body, would not make Section ...
inapplicable and that a company did not enjoy any immunity from
prosecution in respect of offences for which a mandatory punishment
of imprisonment is prescribed. "

(vi) 2011: Mensrea is attributed to companies on the principle of alter ego' of

the company: The case of Iridium India Telecom Ltd v. Motorola Inc. lays
down the following position on the imposition of criminal liability on

"...a corporation is virtually in the same position as any individual

and may be convicted of common law as well as statutory offences
including those requiring mensrea. The criminal liability of a
corporation would arise when an offence is committed in relation to
the business of the corporation by a person or body of persons in
control of its affairs. In such circumstances, it would be necessary to
ascertain that the degree and control of the person or body of
persons is so intense that a corporation may be said to think and act
through the person or the body of persons. ... Mensrea is attributed
to corporations on the principle of "alter ego' of the company."

Miscellaneous Provisions

Section 77 - Compensation, penalties or confiscation not to interfere with other

punishment: Section 77 of the IT Act reads as follows:

"No compensation awarded, penalty imposed or confiscation made under

this Act shall prevent the award of compensation or imposition of any other
penalty or punishment under any other law for the time being in force."

Any penalty, compensation or confiscation awarded under this Act will be

independent of the award of any other penalty or punishment under any other law for
the time being in force. This section essentially prevents the use of the plea of double
jeopardy or autre fois convict69on the grounds of a conviction under this Act.

Section 77 A - Compounding of Offences: Section 77A of the IT Act reads as


"(]) A Court of competent jurisdiction may compound offences other than

offences for which the punishment for life or imprisonment for a term
exceeding three years has been provided under this Act.

Provided that the Court shall not compound such offence where the accused
is by reason of his previous conviction, liable to either enhanced punishment
or to a punishment of a different kind.

Provided further that the Court shall not compound any offence where such
offence affects the socio-economic conditions of the country or has been
committed against a child below the age of 18 years or a woman.

(2) The person accused of an offence under this act may file an application
for compounding in the court in which offence is pending for trial and the
provisions of section 265 B and 265 C of Code of Criminal Procedures, 1973
shall apply."

This section lays down when an offence cannot be compounded:

(i) An offence with a term of imprisonment exceeding 3 years, or with

punishment of life.

(ii) Any offence where the accused is liable to enhanced or different punishment
on account of a previous conviction.

(iii) Any offence which affects the socio-economic conditions of the country.

(iv) Any offence which affects a child below the age of 18 years or a woman.

The application for compounding can be filed by the accused in the same court
where his offence is to be or being tried. The provisions of Criminal Procedure Code
with respect to plea bargaining, i.e., Section 265 B, Application for Plea bargaining
and Section 265C, Guidelines for Mutually Satisfactory Disposition, will be
applicable to the filing of this application.

Section 77 B - Offences with 3 years' Imprisonment to be Cognizable:

Section 77B of the IT Act reads as follows:

"Notwithstanding anything contained in Criminal Procedure Code 1973, the

offence punishable with imprisonment of three years and above shall be
cognizable and the offence punishable with imprisonment of three years shall be

Offences punishable with imprisonment of 3 years and above are cognizable,

while, offences with a punishment of less than 3 years are non- cognizable. Offences
punishable with imprisonment of 3 years and below are bailable, while, offences with
more than 3 years are non-bailable.

Section 63 - Compounding of Contraventions: Section 63 of the IT Act reads as


"{1) Any contravention under this Act may, either before or after the institution
of adjudication proceedings, be compounded by the Controller or such other
officer as may be specially authorised by him in this behalf or by the adjudicating
officer, as the case may be, subject to such conditions as the Controller or such
other officer or the adjudicating officer may specify:

Provided that such sum shall not, in any case, exceed the maximum amount of
the penalty which may be imposed under this Act for the contravention so

(2) Nothing in sub-section (1) shall apply to a person who commits the same or
similar contravention within a period of three years from the date on which the
first contravention, committed by him, was compounded.

Explanation - For the purposes of this sub-section, any second or subsequent

contravention committed after the expiry of a period of three years from the date
on which the contravention was previously compounded shall be deemed to be
a first contravention.

(3) Where any contravention has been compounded under sub-section (1), no
proceeding or farther proceeding, as the case may be, shall be taken against the
person guilty of such contravention in respect of the contravention so
compounded. "

This section provides a Controller or Adjudicatory officer or anyone

authorised for this purpose by them with the power to compound contraventions. The
rules for compounding are:

(i) Penalty should not exceed maximum penalty prescribed.

(ii) A second commission of the same or similar contravention within 3 years

from the first commission cannot be compounded.

(iii) Once a contravention is compounded, no proceeding or further proceeding

may be taken against the person.

Comparison of Cognizability, Bailability and Compoundability of Offences

and Contraventions under the IT Act

Contravention Compound
/ Offence Imprisonment Cognizability Bail ability
43-Damage to
computer, Damages Not
Computer system Not Applicable Compoundable
(no limit) Applicable
or computer

65-Tampering Upto 3 yrs/

with computer Fine Rupees Cognizable Bailable Compoundable
source documents 2L/both

Upto 3 yrs/
Fine Bailable Compoundable
Related Cognizable
offences both

messages through 3 yrs and Fine Cognizable Bailable Compoundable
receiving stolen Upto 3 yrs/
computer resource Fine RupeesIL/ Cognizable Bailable Compoundable
or communication both

Upto 3 yrs/
66C-Identity theft Fine Rupees1 L/ Cognizable Bailable Compoundable

personation by Upto 3 yrs and Compoundable
Cognizable Bailable
using computer Fine Rupees 1L
Upto 3 yrs/
66E-Violation of Bailable Compoundable
Fine Rupees2L/ Cognizable

66F-Cyber Upto life Non-

Cognizable Non-Bailable
Terrorism imprisonment Compoundable

Upto 3 yrs and Non-
67-Publishing or Fine Rupees 5L Compoundable
transmitting 2nd Conviction: Cognizable Non-bailable
on 2nd
obscene material Upto 5 yrs and Conviction
Fine Rupees
67A-Publishingor Upto 5 yrs and
transmitting of Fine Rupees
material containing lOL Non-
Cognizable Non-bailable
sexually explicit 2nd Conviction: Compoundable
act, etc. in Upto 7 yrs and
electronic form Fine Rupees

67B-Publishingor Upto 5 yrs and
transmitting of Fine Rupees
material depicting lOL Non-
Cognizable Non-bailable
children in sexually 2nd Conviction: Compoundable
explicit act, Upto 7 yrs and
electronic form Fine Rupees

compliance with the Upto 3 yrs and
Non-cognizable Bailable Compoundable
directions of the Fine
government for

preservation and
Retention of
information by

68-Failure to
comply with the
Upto 2 yrs/
directions issued
Fine Rupees1L/ Non-cognizable Bailable Compoundable
through an order of
the Controller under
section 68

69-Failure to assist
agency in
intercepting or
monitoring or Upto 7 yrs and Non-
Cognizable Non-bailable
decrypting any Fine Compoundable
information through
any computer

69A-Failure to
comply with
directions for
blocking of public Upto 7 yrs and Non-
Cognizable Non-bailable
access of any Fine Compoundable
information through
any computer

intermediary to
assist agency
appointed by the
government to
Upto 3 yrs and Compoundable
monitor and collect Cognizable Bailable
traffic data or
information through
any computer
resource for cyber

Upto 2 yrs/ Non-

71-Penalty for Bailable
Fine Rupees1L/ Non-cognizable
misrepresentation Compoundable

72-Penalty for
breach of Upto 2 yrs and Compoundable
Non-cognizable Bailable
confidentiality and Fine Rupees IL

72A-Punishment Upto 3 yrs/ Non-

for disclosure of Fine Rupees5L/ Non-cognizable Bailable Compoundable
information in both

Breach of lawful
73-Penalty for Upto 2 yrs/ Non- Bailable Compoundable
publishing Fine Rupees cognizable
Electronic IL/ both
Certificate false in
certain particulars
74-Publication for Upto 2 yrs/ Non- Bailable Compoundable
fraudulent purpose Fine Rupees cognizable
lL/ both

Section 84 B - Punishment for abetment of offences: Section 84B of the IT Act

reads as follows:

"Whoever abets any offence shall, if the act abetted is committed in

consequence of the abetment, and no express provision is made by this Act for

the punishment of such abetment, be punished with the punishment provided for
the offence under this Act.

Explanation: An Act or offence is said to be committed in consequence of

abetment, when it is committed in consequence of the instigation, or in pursuance
of the conspiracy, or with the aid which constitutes the abetment. "

Under this section, the abetment of an offence shall be punishable with the same
punishment as that provided for the offence, provided that:

(i) The offence that is abetted is actually committed as a result of the abetment.
The explanation to the section provides that the act should be the result of
the instigation, conspiracy or aid that constitutes the abetment. This
explanation is similar to that provided under Abetment under the IPC.

(ii) The abetment of that offence has not been otherwise expressly provided for
under the IT Act. For example, Section 43(g) of the IT Act expressly
provides for a person who aids unauthorised access of a computer.

Section 84 C - Punishment for attempt to commit offences: Section 84B of the IT

Act reads as follows:

"Whoever attempts to commit an offence punishable by this Act or causes such an

offence to be committed, and in such an attempt does any act towards the
commission of the offence, shall, where no express provision is made for the
punishment of such attempt, be punished with imprisonment of any description
provided for the offence, for a term which may extend to one-half of the longest
term of imprisonment provided for that offence, or with such fine as is provided
for the offence or with both."

Under this section, when a person attempting or causing the commission of an

offence does an act towards the commission of the offence, he shall be punishable with
the half of the longest term of imprisonment or half of the fine as provided for the
offence. This is provided that the attempt of that offence has not been otherwise
expressly provided for under the IT Act. For example, Section 70 of the IT Act
specifically provides for an attempt to access a protected system.


Cyber Appellate Tribunal

·The Cyber Appellate Tribunal (the "CAT") is established by the Central

Governmeht to bear and adjudicate appeals against the orders of the Controllers or
Adjudicating Officers. The provisions applicable to the CAT are laid down under
Chapter X of the IT Act:
(ii) Composition of CAT: The Central Government on consultation with the
Chief Justice of India appoints a Chairperson of the CAT to preside over
the proceedings brought before the tribunal and such number of other
Members as specified.
(iii) Powers of Chairperson: The Chairperson, formerly known as the
Presiding Officer (prior to amendment), has the powers of general
superintendence and directions over the affairs of the CAT and such other
powers and functions as may be prescribed, in addition to the power to
preside over the proceedings. The Chairperson may also distribute matters
among the Benches of the CAT, and also transfer matters before them
either on application or suomotowithout notice77. In case of a difference
in opinion between two Members of a Bench, the matter may be referred
to the Chairperson. Such disputes are to be decided in accordance with
the majority opinion of the Members who have heard the case.
(iv) Appeal from Orders of Controller or Adjudicatory Officers: Any
person aggrieved by an order of a Controller or Adjudicatory officer may
appeal to the CAT having jurisdiction in the matter within 45 days of
receiving the order. However, no appeal will lie from orders given with
the consent of the people. The CAT shall dispose of such appeals
expeditiously, and shall endeavour to dispose of it finally within 6 months
of receipt.
In the case of Dr. Avinash Agnihotri v. Controller of Certifying Authorities
and Others before the Cyber Appellate Tribunal, it was held that without exhausting
the alternative remedy of approaching the Adjudicating Officer appointed under the
IT Act, no appeal is maintainable before the CAT.

(iv) Procedure of CPC not Applicable: The procedure laid down by the Code of
Civil Procedure, 1908, is not applicable to the CAT. It is, however, to be guided
by the principles of natural justice.

(v) Power to regulate its Procedure: The CAT has the powers to regulate its own
procedure including the place at which it would hear the matters before it.

(vi) Powers of a Civil Court: The CAT has the same powers as are vested in a civil
court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, for the purposes of discharging
its functions under the IT Act in respect of the following matters:

(a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining
him on oath;

(b) requiring the discovery and production of documents or other electronic


(c) receiving evidence on affidavits;

(d) issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents;

(e) reviewing its decisions;
(f) dismissing an application for default or deciding it ex parte
(g) any other matter which may be prescribed.

(vii) Proceedings Deemed to be Judicial Proceedings: Proceedings before the

CAT are deemed to be a judicial proceeding within the meaning of Sections 193
(Punishment for false evidence) and 228 (Intentional insult or interruption to
public servant sitting in judicial proceeding) of the lPC and for all the purposes
mentioned under section 196 (Using evidence known to be false) of the lPC,
meaning that the CAT has the power to punish for furnishing false evidence and
intentionally insulting or interrupting any public servant during judicial
proceedings .

(viii) CAT Deemed to be a Civil Court for Certain Purposes: The CAT is
deemed to be a civil court for the purposes mentioned in section 195 (which
lists offences which the court may not take cognizance of unless the conditions
provided therein are satisfied) and Chapter XXVI of the Code of Criminal
Procedure, 1973 (Provisions as to offences affecting the administration of

(ix) Provisions of Limitation Act: As the CAT enjoys the powers of a judicial
court, hence, as per section 60 of the Act, the provisions of the Limitation Act,
1963, have been made applicable to the proceedings of the CAT.
(x) Civil Court not to Have Jurisdiction: No civil court shall have a jurisdiction
to entertain a suit or proceeding, or grant an injunction over a matter in respect
of which the CAT or Adjudicatory Officers have jurisdiction. However, a
Court may exercise jurisdiction over a claim for injury or damage that exceeds
the maximum amount which can be awarded under this Chapter·

(xi) Appeal to High Court: Any appeal on any question of fact or law arising in
a decision of the CAT lies with the High Court of the concerned state within
60 days of the date of communication of the decision. The High Court may
extend the period of filing an appeal by another 60 days for sufficient cause.

Certain rules have been laid out by the Central Government in exercise of its
powers under Section 87 of the IT Act:
(i) Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal (Procedure) Rules, 2000

(ii) Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal (Salaries, Allowances and Other

Conditions of Service of other Officers and Employees) Rules, 2002

(iii) IT (Other Powers of Civil Court Vested in Cyber Appellate Tribunal) Rules,

(iv) Cyber Appellate Tribunal (Salaries, Allowances and Other Terms and
Conditions of Service of Chairperson and Members) Rules, 2009
(v) Cyber Appellate Tribunal (Procedure for Investigation of Misbehaviour
and/or Incapacity of Chairperson and Members) Rules, 2009
Adjudicatory Officers
The IT Act provides for appointment of an Adjudicating Officer by the Central
Government for inquiring into and adjudicating contraventions under the Act under
Sections 46 and 47 of the IT Act:

(i) Jurisdiction: The appointment of an Adjudicating Officer is for the purpose

of adjudicating, if, any person has contravened any provisions of the Act.
The Adjudicating Officers can exercise the jurisdiction only with respect to
contraventions mentioned under Chapter IX of the Act, i.e., Sections 43, 44

and 45 of the IT Act. If during the hearing or investigation of a matter, the

Adjudicating Officer is convinced that the scope of matter falls under Chapter
XI of the Act, he must transfer the case to the Magistrate with jurisdiction to
entertain the matter. The Adjudicating Officer also has the power to take
suomotu cognizance of any matter.

In the case of S. Sekarv. The Principal General Manager, the petitioner was
prosecuted under Sections 406, 420 and 468 of the IPC and Section 43(g) of
the IT Act for offences committed by the manipulations of a computer
system. The Madras High Court held that it did not have the jurisdiction to
hear a matter which involved a criminal charge under Section 43(g) of the
IT Act. This jurisdiction had been expressly vested in the Adjudicatory
Officer under Section 46(1) of the IT Act.

(ii) Pecuniary Jurisdiction: The Adjudicatory Officer is empowered to

adjudicate the cases where the claim for injury or damage does not exceed
Rupees 5 Crore. In cases where the claim exceeds this amount, the
jurisdiction will lie with the competent court.

(iii) Powers of a Civil C urt: Every Adjudicatory Officer shall have the powers
of a civil court which are vested in the CAT under Section 58(2).
(iv) For the purposes of section 193 and 228 of the IPC, the proceedings before
an Adjudicating Officer are considered to be judicial proceedings.

(v) The Adjudicatory Officer will be deemed to be civil court for the purpose of
Sections 345 (Procedure in cases of contempt), 346 (Procedure when Court
thin.ks that the case should not be dealt under Section 345) and Order XXI
(Power to try summarily) of the Code of Criminal Procedure1•
(vi) The Adjudicating Officer while adjudging the quantum of compensation
is required to take the following factors into account:

(a) the amount of gain of unfair advantage, wherever quantifiable, made as

a result of the default;

(b) the amount of loss caused to any person as a result of the default;
(c) the repetitive nature of the default2.


A brief description of various crimes that can be committed in cyberspace
and the sections of the IT Act which are generally applicable to them are given below:
Sections under Sections Sections under
S.No. Cyber-crime IT Act under IPC Misc. Laws

Bluetooth related crimes, Same as Hacking

such as Bluesnarfing (No. 25 of this
(unauthorised access of Table)
information on a Section 66A
Bluetootb enabled device, (Sending
such as a laptop, phone, offensive
etc.) and Bluejacking message
(sending of messages through
through Bluetooth communication
enabled devices) service)

Section 292
(Sale, etc. of
Section 67-B obscene Section 11, (Sexual
(Punishment for books, etc.) Harassment) and
Child Pornography publication or Section 293 Section 13, (Use of a
(viewing, downloading, transmission of (Sale etc. of child for
2 creation, publication, material obscene pornographic
transmission, depicting objects to purposes), of
downloading, exchange, children in young Protection of
etc.) sexually explicit person) Children from
act, etc. in Section 294 Sexual
electronic form) (Obscene Offences Act, 2012
acts and

Computer Source Code Section 43U)

Section 63B
related crimes (Alteration, (Theft of
3 (Knowing use of
deletion, damage, theft, computer source
infringing copy of
etc. code)

Section 65 computer
Example - Alteration of
(Tampering with programme) of
computer source code of
computer source Copyright Act,
a cell phone )
code 1957"

Sections under Sections Sections under

S.No. Cyber-crime
IT Act under IPC Misc. Laws
4 Copyright Infringement Section 43 (b) Section 51
including Abetment of (Unauthorised (Infringement of
Copyright Infringement download/ copyright) and
(Unauthorised online copying/ Section 63
reproduction, publication, extraction of (Punishment for
use, etc. of documents, data) offence of
photographs, literary Section 66 infringement)
works, software, music, (Computer and
videos, etc. related offences) Section 63B
Example - Infringing use (Knowing use of
of copyrighted user infringing copy
interface of a software of computer
program. programme) of
Copyright Act,
5 Credit Card and Related Section 43(a)
Frauds (Unauthorised
(Extraction of credit card Access)
information like Section 43 (b)
usernames and passwords (Unauthorised
and their use for financial download/
frauds. Extraction of copying/
information may be extraction of
through hacking, data)
pbishing, viruses like Section 43 (c)
keyloggers, etc.) (Introduction of
Section 43(i)
(Destruction of
Information in a
Section 66
related offences)
Section 66A(c)
(E-mails sent to

Sections under Sections Sections under

SI.No. Cyber-crime IT Act under IPC Misc. Laws

deceive/ mislead
as to origin)
Section 66C
(Identity Theft)
Section 66D
(Cheating by

Section 66-A
(Punishment for
sending offensive
Cyber Bullying messages through
(Bullying of a person service)
through the internet in a
deliberate and repeated Section 67
manner. Methods may (Publication of '
6. include publication of obscene material
defamatory matter, in electronic
hacking into the persons' form)
accounts, online stallcing
and creation of fake Same as Cyber
accounts in the person's Defamation
name) (No.7), Hacking
(No.40), Identity
Theft (No.26)
Section 66A
(Punishment for Section 499

sending offensive (Defamation)

Cyber Defamation
messages through

(Online defamation, for communication Section 469

service) (Forgery of
7. example - Defamatory
messages sent via e-mail,
Defamatory articles Section 67 record for the
published online) (Publication of purpose of
obscene material harming
in electronic reputation)

Cyber Espionage

(Use of computer resource Same as Hacking

for obtaining secret and (No.40) and
confidential information Virus Attacks
8 from another person, such (No.49)
as a rival business, enemy
nation, etc. Methods of Section 66F
obtaining information (Cyber terrorism)
include backing and use of
malicious software)

Cyber Harassment
Same as Cyber
(A more serious form of Bullying (No.6)
cyber bullying)
10 Cyber Squatting Section 27
(Registration or (Passing off)
acquisition of website, or and Section 29
domain name, that is (Infringement
identical to another's of registered
trademark, with the trademarks) of
intention of selling it to the Trademarks
trademark holder at a Act, 1999
higher price or diverting
the customers of the
trademark holder, etc.)

11 Cyber Stalking Same as Cyber Section 354-

Bullying (No.6) D (D(ii)
(Online stalking or
harassment of a person. (Monitoring
Means include use by a
monitoring online woman of
activites of a person such internet, e-
as e-mail usage through mail or other
hacking and introduction electronic
of viruses, identity theft, communicati
on]ine defamation and on)
online intimidation)

12 Cyber Terrorism Section 66-F

(Internet based terrorist (Punishment for
activities. Means include cyber terrorism)
unauthorised access of
highly confidential data,
denial of service attacks
, disruption of critical
infrastructure systems or
large scale disruptions of
computer systems)

13 Cyber Threatening Section 66A (a) Section 503

(Threatening of a person and (b) (Criminal
through the internet, for (Punishment for Intimidation)
example - sending of sending
threatening e-mails) offensive

14 Cyber Warfare Section 66F

(War between nations (Cyber
carried out through online Terrorism)
means, for example -
through large scale
hacking of computer
systems, denial of service
attacks, cyberterrorism,,
cyber espionage)
15 Data Diddling/ False Data Section 43 (a) Section 463
Entry (Unauthorised (Forgery)
(Involves unauthorised and Access) Section 464
insignificant alterations to Section 43 (d) (Making false
data, usually before it is (Damage to data, electronic
entered into a computer computer record)
system, resulting in a false database, etc.) Section 468
representation of the data. Section 66 (Forgery for
Example - Diversion of (Computer the purpose
goods to criminals through Related Offences) of cheating)
changes made to delivery
addresses while processing
orders from clients)

S.No. Cyber-crime Sections under IT Sections
under Misc.
Act underIPC
16 Denial of Service Attacks Section 43 (a)
and Distributed Denial of (Unauthorised
Service Attacks Access)
(Attack by overloading a Section 43 (c)
website or network with (Introduction of
requests, making the computer
website unavailable for contaminant /virus)
regular users. A distributed Section 43 (d)
denial of service attack (Damaging
involves requests being Computer)
sent from several Section 43(e)
computers, which are (Disruption of
known as a 'botnet'. Computer)
Thebotnetis created Section 43(f) (Denial
through the introduction of of access)
viruses in others' Section 43 (i)
computers without their (Destruction of
knowledge. Information)
May be used as a form of Section 66(Computer
cyber terrorism, to disrupt Related Offences)
the business of a rival, as a Section 66F(l)(A)(i)
form of cyber threatening, (Cyber Terrorism
etc.) using a denial of
service attack)
17 Digital Signature Section Section 464
Certificates and related 73(Publication of (Creation of
crimes false electronic false
signature certificate) electronic
Section 74 (Creation record
or publication of through
false electronic dishonest/
signature) fraudulent
affixation of
18 Disclosure of sensitive and Section 43A
personal information (Compensation for
failure to protect
Section 72 (Breach
of Confidentiality
and Privacy)

Sections Sections
S.No. Cyber-crime Sections under IT Act
underIPC under Misc.
19 Dishonestly receiving Section 66B Section 411
stolen computer, computer (Dishonestly (Dishonestly
system, computer network, receiving stolen receiving
data, computer data base computer stolen
or software resource or property)
(For eg- Accepting stolen communication
laptop, usage of pirated device)
software, etc.)

20 E-mail Bombing Section 43 (a)

(Form of denial of service (Unauthorised Access)
attack involving the Section 43(e)
flooding of an e-mail (Disruption of
address with huge volumes Computer)
of e-mails. Section 43(t) (Denial of
May be in the form of access)
sending duplicate mails to Section 66(Computer
the same e-mail address, Related Offences)
signing up the e-mail Section 66A(c)
address for several (Sending of e-mail for
subscriptions, etc.) causing annoyance/
Section 66E (Identity

21 Email Scams Section 66A(c) Section 415

(A form of cyber fraud (Sending of e-mail to (Cheating)
involving the sending of deceive as to origin)
unsolicited e-mails for Section 66D (Cheating
fraudulent pwposes. by personation)
Example - The Nigerian
scam, where the e-mail
promises a percentage of
money claimed to have
been won or received in an
inheritance on payment of
an advance fee, Online
dating scams, etc.)

SI,. Cyber-crime Sections under Sections under Sections under

No. IT Act IPC Misc. Laws
22 E-mail Spam Section 66A(c)
(Sending of bulk (Sending of e-
unsolicited e-mails, mail for causing
usually involving the annoyance, or
sending of the same inconvenience, or
mail to several to deceive as to
recipients. Opening the origin)
mail may lead the
recipient to a
fraudulent website or
result in the
introduction of a virus)
23 E-mail Spoofing Section 66A(c) Section 415
(Form of e-mail scam (Sending of e- (Cheating)
wher thee-mail mail to deceive Section. 416
consists of a forged e- as to origin) (Cheating by
mail address so it Section 66D personation)
appears to be from (Cheating by
someone else. personation)
Example - An e-mail
purporting to be from
State Bank of India
from ''
where the actual
address of State Bank
of India is
24 Forgery of electronic Section 464
records and related (Making of
crimes electronic
Section 466
(Forgery of
record of a
Court, public
register, etc.)
Section 468
(Forgery of
record for the
purpose of

S.No. Cyber-crime Sections under Sections under Sections under

IT Act IPC Misc. Laws
Section 471
(Knowing use of a
forged electronic
record as genuine.)

. possession of a
forged electronic
record with
intention of using it
as genuine.)

Section 476
device or mark
used for
records or
25 Hacking Section 43(a)
(Unauthorised (Unauthorised
access of a Access)
computer resource Section 43(b)
through the (Downloading/
exploitation of Extracting Data)
some weakness in Section 43(c)
the security (Introduction of a
system, or through Computer
the insertion of a Contaminant/
virus, password Virus)
cracking, or any Section 43(d)
other means) (Damaging a
Section 43(e)
(Disrupting a
Section 43(f)
(Denying Access)
Section 43(i)
(Destruction of
Tnfonn t on in

SI. Sections under Sections Sections

No. Cyber-crime IT Act under IPC under Misc.
Related Offences)

26 Identity theft Section 66C

(Involves the stealing of a (Identity Theft)
person's online identity.
May be used for extraction
of information, financial
fraud such as credit card
fraud or conduct of
criminal activities in the
name of the person)
27 Internet Time Theft Section 43 (h),
(Involves usage of internet (charging of
hours that have been paid services availed
for by another person) by one person to
the account of
another person by
computer system/
28 Logic Bomb Same as Malware
(A form of malware where (No.29)
a portion of the software
code has been
programmed so as to
perform damaging acts on
fulfilment of certain
specified conditions
without the knowledge of
the user of the software.
Example - A logic bomb
set to activate on a certain
date and wipe the bard
drive of a computer)

Sections under Sections Sections under

S.No. Cyber-crime IT Act underIPC Misc. Laws
29 Malware Section 43(b)
(Malicious software, or a (Downloading/
form of a virus that Extracting Data)
performs malicious Section 43(c)
activities, such as data (Introduction of a
theft, theft of confidential Computer
data, disruption of Contaminant/
computer system or Virus)
network, etc.) Section 43(d)
'Damaging a
Section 43(e)
(Disrupting a
Section 43(f)
(Denying Access)
Section 43(i)
(Destruction of
Information in a
Section 66
Related Offences)

30. Money Laundering on Section 3 and 4

Web ofthe
(Online money laundering. Prevention Of
Example - Maintaining a Money
web service for the Laundering
collection of illegal money Act, 2002.
obtained through activities (Offence and
like extortion and tax punishment for
evasion) money
31 Music piracy Same as
(unauthorised Copyright
downloading, sharing, Infringement
copying, distribution, etc., (No.4)

32 Net extortion Section 66A (a) Sections 420,

(The use of the internet for and (b) 465,471,474
coercively obtaining (Punishment for
money, property, illegally sending of
etc. Means of extortion offensive message
include threat of disclosure through
of confidential data, cyber communication
defamation, cyber service)
threatening and denial of Various other
33 Obscene or offensive Section 66A Section 292
content (Sending of (Sale, etc. of
(Online publication, offensive message obscene
distribution, transmission, through books, etc.)
etc.) communication Section 293
service) (Sale etc. of
Section 66E obscene
(Violation of objects to
privacy) young
Section 67 person)
(Publication/ Section 294
transmission of (Obscene acts
obscene and songs)
information in
form)Section 67 A
mission of
sexually explicit
act)Section 67B

34 Offences by Companies Section 43A Various

.(Failure to protect sections of the
data) Companies Act,
Section 85 2013 depending
(Offences by on the offence
Various other
depending on the

Sections Sections under

S.No. Cyher-crime Sections under IT Act
under IPC Misc. Laws
35 Online Drug Narcotic Drugs
Trafficking and
Substances Act,

36 Online Gambling Public

Gambling Act,
Sikkim Online
Act, 2009
37 Online Sale of Indian Arms
Arms Act, 1959
38 Patent Infringement Patents Act,
(For example - 1970
Suits by Fotomedia
against several
entities including
Yahoo! Inc,
Fujifilm USA, Inc.
for unlicensed use
of patented

S.No. Cyber-crime Sections Sections under Sections under

under IT Act IPC Misc. Laws
39 Pedophilia Section 67-B Section 293 (Sale Section 11,
(c) and (d) etc. of obscene (Sexual
(Sexual abuse of objects to young Harassment) and
children by adults (Puni ,hment person) Section 13, (Use
through the internet) for publication of a child for
transmission pornographic
of material purposes), of
depicting Protection of
children in Children from
sexually Sexual
explicit act,
etc. in Offences Act,
electronic 2012

40 Phishing Section 66A Section Section 27

(c) (Sending 4l5(Cheating), (Passing oft) and
(Extraction of E-mail to Section 29
sensitive information Deceive 416 (Cheating by (Infringement of
like usernames and Recipient as to personation) registered
passwords for the Origin) trademarks) of
commission of Section 468
Trademarks Act,
financial fraud, by Section 66C (Forgery for the
imitating a (Cheating by purpose of
trustworthy source Personation) cheating)
such as a bank, credit
card company, etc. Section 66D
May be in the form of (Identity
fake bank website, Theft)
spoofed e-mails,
personation, identity
theft, etc.

41 Pornography Section 67A Section 292

(Publication or (Sale, etc. of
(Online publication or transmission obscene books,
transmission) of material etc.)
sexually Section 294
expUcit act, (Obscene acts
etc. in and songs)

Sections under IT Sections under Sections

S.No. Cyber-crime under Misc.
42 Salami Attack Section 43 (a) Section 463
(Involves unauthorised (Unauthorised (Forgery)
and insignificant Access) Section 464
alterations to data Section 43 (d) (Making false
which results in an (Damage to data, electronic record)
overall major computer database, Section 468
financial fraud. etc.) (Forgery for the
Example - A person Section 66 purpose of
with access to the (Computer Related cheating)
database of a bank's Offences)
customers transfers a
very small amount of
money from every
account every month
into another account.
The small deductions
may go unnoticed by
the customers, but on
the whole a large
amount is transferred
to the illegal account.)
Misappropriation of
funds through
changes made to
company's accounts,

43 Software Piracy Same as

Section 66B
receiving stolen
computer resource)

S.No. Cyber-crime Sections under IT Act under Misc.
44 Theft of Data Section 43 (a)
(Unauthorised (Unauthorised Access)
extraction, downloading Section 43 (b)
or copying of (Unauthorised
confidential downloading/ copying/
infonnation, sensitive extraction of data)
and personal Section 43-A
information, other data (compensation for
or databases.) failure to protect data)
Section 66 (Computer
Related Offences)
Section 66B
Dishonestly receiving
computer resource)
Section 72 (Breach of
Confidentiality and
Section 72A
(Disclosure of
information in breach
of lawful contract)
45 Time Bomb Sarne as Virus (No. 49)
(Form of software
program that is
programmed to stop
functioning at a pre-
determjoed time.
Example - Use of a time
bomb for industrial
sabotage, by causing a
critical software to stop

S.No. Cyber-crime Sections under IT Act under Misc.
under IPC Laws
46 Trademark Trademarks
Infringement (Example Act, 1999
- Cybersquatting,
typosquatting, reverse
domain name hijacking,
trademark infringement
through metatags,
framing and linking)

47 Trojan Same as Virus (No. 49)

(A software program
that appears to be
innocent but performs
malicious function
without the knowledge
of the person using the

48 Video voyeurism and Section 66-E Section 354-C

violation of privacy (Punishment for (Voyeurism)
(Use of a camera, video violation of privacy)
recorder, etc. to capture
or record images in
circumstances violating
a person's privacy)

49 Virus Section 43 (c)

(Kind of computer (Introduction of
program or software Contaminant/
that destroys, damages Computer Virus)
or otherwise injuriously
affects a computer Section 43 (d)
resource) (Damaging a
Section 43 (e)
(Disrupting a
Section 43 (t)
(Denying Access)

S.No. Cy her-crime Sections under IT Sections Sections under

Act underIPC Misc. Laws
Section 43 (i)
(Destruction of
Information in a

Section 66
(Computer Related

50 Web Defacement Section 43(a)

(Attack on website
involving alteration of
its visual appearance Section 43(i)
(Destruction of
Example- Information in a
Defacement of computer
government websites resourcesComputer
by hackers) Resource)
Section 66
(Computer Related




Concept of Property in Cyberspace

Property, in terms of economic theory, is a valuable resource, and how this

resource is put to use needs to be determined by an exclusive authority. The ownership
of property, whether by the government or by individuals, comes with a 'bundle of
legal rights', i.e., the right of possession of the property, right of control over the use
of the property, right of excluding others from using or entering the property, right of
enjoying the property in any manner which is legal and the right to transfer, sell, lease
or otherwise ruspose of the property at the owner's will. All such rights which vest in
the owner are collectively known as property rights. These rights provide definite and
enforceable rules for the community with respect to the access to and use of the
benefits arising from property.

ln the virtual world of cyberspace, the objects present are not in a tangible
form like land is, but, are instead in the intangible form of digital information.
Information available in cyberspace in the form of computer software, trade secrets,
literary works like writings, novels and journals, creative works like paintings,
photographs and sound recordings, etc. constitutes a valuable resource for their
creator. However, this wealth of digital information contained in cyberspace is subject
to a big risk which can be easily misused. The ease with which digital information
can be created and disseminated implies that it can just as easily be accessed, used
and modified without the knowledge of its owner. The result of this is that digital
information also needs to be made the subject of property rights, and its use and access
needs to be restricted.

Digital information, in terms of property, usually constitutes intellectual

property, which is a creation of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic
works; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. Digital information is
therefore subject to intellectual property rights.

Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights STRIPS),


The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of lnteUectual Property Rights (the

"TRIPS Agreement"), I 994, administered by the World Trade Organization (WTO),
is a comprehensive multilateral international agreement relating to intellectual
property rights such as trademarks, copyrights, geographical indications, industrial
designs, trade secrets, etc.

The TRIPS Agreement sets down the mjnimum standards for the regulation
of IPR, including the grant of rights to the owner of intellectual property, the
requirements concerning enforceability under the national laws and the settlement of
disputes and relevant remedies in case of infringement. Since, it lays down minimum
standards, the member nations of the TRIPS Agreement are allowed to provide more
extensive protection to IPRs.

1. Important Features: The three important features of the agreement are:

(i) Standards: Members are firstly required to provide minimum standards for the
protection of IPRs. These standards have been established by imposing the obligation
of meeting the requirements of the international treaties such as the Berne Convention
and the Paris Convention. The substantive provisions of these conventions have been
incorporated by reference. In addition, the TRIPS agreement imposes several
obligations where these treaties were inadequate. The main elements of protect ion
with respect to IPRs are:

(a) The subject matter to be protected,

(b) Rights to be conferred and permissible exceptions to these rights, and

(c) The minimum duration of protection.

(ii) Enforcement: Members are secondly required to ensure that the enforcement
procedures specified in the TRIPS Agreement are available under their law for the
effective enforcement of rights. The TRIPS Agreement specifies general obligations,
civil and administrative procedures and remedies, provisional measures, special
requirements related lo border measures and criminal procedures.

(iii) Dispute Settlement: Disputes between members with respect to their

obligations under the TRIPS Agreement are to be resolved by the WTO's dispute
settlement procedures.

2. TRIPS Agreement and IT: The TRIPS Agreement has some specific provisions
which are applicable to IPRs for IT:

(i) Patenting in any field of technology Article 27 states that patents are available for
any inventions, whether products or processes, in all fields of technology, provided
that they are new, involve an inventive step and are capable of industrial application.
This provides for the grant of a patent in 'any field of technology' that is capable of
industrial application. Thus, members are required to provide patents protection for
all inventions, including in the field ofIT, forexample, for software.

(ii) Copyright to Computer Programs and Compilations of Data: Article 10 protects

computer programs and compilations of data as literary works under the Berne
Convention. Computer programs include programs whether in the source code or the
object code. Copyright protection with respect to compilations of data applies to the
selection or arrangement of content and not in the content in itself. In other words, it
applies only to the form (and not the substance) of the data compilation.

Overview of Indian Law relating to IPR

India became a member of the WTO and the TRIPS Agreement in 1995. The
following laws were enacted to lay down the minimum standards for protection of
IPR, in fulfillment of India's obligations under the TRIPS Agreement:

(i) Copyright Act, 1957: This Act provides exclusive rights to use reproduce and
publish copies of original literary, dramatic, artistic and musical works, sound
recordings, films, broadcasts, etc. A copyright is valid for a period of 60 years.

(ii) Patents Act, 1970: This Act grants an exclusive right to prevent unauthorized
use, production, sale and import with respect to an 'invention', i.e., a new product or
process involving an inventive step and capable of industrial application. A patent is
valid for a period of 20 years.

(iii) Trademarks Act, 1999: This Act protects a mark capable of being represented
graphically and which is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one

person from those of others and may include shape of goows, their packaging and
combination of colours. A trademark is valid for a period of 10 years.

(iv) Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection)Act, 1999:

This Act protects an indication which identifies goods like agricultural goods,
natural goods or manufactured goods a shaving originated/ been manufactured from
a particular territory. This right is granted when a given quality, reputation or other
characteristic of such goods is essentially attributable to its geographical origin. This
right exists for a period of 10 years.

(v) Designs Act, 2000: This Act gives an exclusive right over the features of
shape, configuration, pattern, ornament or composition of lines or colours applied to
any article whether in two dimensional or three dimensional or in both forms. The
right exists in the form of a copyright for a period of 10 years.

(vi) Semiconductor Integrated Circuit layout Design Act, 2000: This Act protects
a product having transistors and other circuitry elements which are inseparably
formed on a semiconductor material or an insulating material or inside the
semiconductor material and designed to perform an electronic circuitry function. This
right exists for a period of 10 years.

(vii) Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act, 2001: This Act protects
the rights of plant breeders in order to stimulate investment for research and
development of new plant varieties. The duration of this right varies based on the plant
variety, for example, six years for crops, nine years for trees and so on. The maximum
possible period including renewal is 18 years for trees.


Online copyright infringement may occur with respect to any material that is
copyrighted (and not computer programmes or computer generated works). For
example, printing of copyrighted material can lead to the creation of unauthorized
physical copies, while acts like scanning create unauthorized digital copies. Both acts
amount to reproduction of the copyrighted work, which is the author's exclusive right
and constitutes infringement. For example, Section 52 of the Indian Copyright Act,
which is explained below, permits reproduction done only for the purposes of a
judicial proceeding, for use by the Legislature or under a law for the time being in

force. Reproduction for any other purpose would constitute infringement. Similarly,
the posting of copyrighted material on a networking site will amount to unauthorized
publication, another exclusive right of the author.

Law on Copyright in India

The Indian law on copyright, the Copyright Act was enacted in 1957. The Act
is compliant with most international copyright conventions, including the Berne
Convention, the Universal Copyright Convention and Articles 9 to 14 of TRIPS-The
most recent amendments were made in 2012 specifically to bring India in line with
the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Performances and phonograms Treaty.
In addition to these three treaties, India is also a signatory to the Geneva Convention
for the Protection of rights of Producers of Phonograms.

Summary of Important Provisions of the Copyright Act, 1957: Section 14 of the

Copyright Act, 1957 defines copyright as an exclusive right created by virtue of this
Act to reproduce, publish, perform, produce, adapt or translate a literary, dramatic,
musical or artistic work, or any cinematographic film, or a record. Under Section 13
of the Act, a copyright will not be provided for a work unless it was first published
in India, or is by an Indian citizen or is located in India. The only exception provided
to this rule is under Section 40 of the Act with respect to an international copyright.

Section 17 of the Act provides that the author of a work shall be the first owner
of a copyright, and such author may assign or license the copyright to another person
under Sections 18 and 30 of the Act respectively. The term of the copyright is
provided for under Section 22-29 of the Act. For a literary, dramatic, musical or
artistic work, the term s 60 years after the author's death, for anonymous and
pseudonymous publications, photographs, cinematograph films and records, the term
is 60 years from the date of publication, etc. The rights of copyright societies and
broadcasting authorities and performers are also covered under this Act.

Sections 44 to 50 of the Act provide for registration of copyright and establish

the Register of Copyrights. Registration is, however, not compulsory in India, and the
protection under the Act applies equally to registered and unregistered copyright.

Under Section 51 of the Act, a copyright work will be infringed if any person
does any of the acts which constitute an exclusive right of the author under Section
14 of the Act. If any person makes, sells, lets for hire, distributes, exhibits or imports
copies of an author's work, he will also be liable for infringement. Several exceptions
to this section have been provided under Section 52 of the Act, such as a fair dealing
for the purpose of research, criticism, for reporting of current events (newspaper/
radio), reproduction for a judicial proceeding or in any work of the legislature or under
the requirements of any law, the reading or reciting of a work in public and publication
for any bona fide educational purposes. Chapter XII of the Act provides for civil
remedies by way of injunction, damages, accounts and otherwise for copyright
infringement, and Chapter XIII of the Act provides for criminal remedies.

International Copyrights

Chapter IX of the Copyright Act provides for the extension of the provisions
of this Act to international copyrights. The Indian Government promulgated the
International Copyright Order, 1999, for this purpose, and has extended the provisions
of the Act to a work first made or published in the territory or by a citizen/ national,
etc. of a country which is signatory to the Berne Convention, the Phonograrn
Convention, the Universal Copyright Convention and the World Trade Organization.
The term of such as copyright will not be longer than that granted by the country of

There are several provisions m the Copyright Act that are specific to computer
programmes. These have been covered in detail in the next section.

Computer Software and Copyright

Copyrightable information in Software: Copyrightable information in software

may include:

(i) Preparatory design materials, e.g. flowcharts, diagrams, specifications, fonn

and repo1t layouts, diagrams, specifications, form and reportlayouts, designs for
screen displays, etc.;

(ii) Computer programmes (object code and source code) and other executable

(iii) Software development tools, e.g. Relational database development systems,

compilers, report generators, etc.;
(iv) Information stored on computer media, e.g. conventional works such as
literature, artistic works, music, etc. stored digitally;

(v) Database and data files;

(vi) Computer output e.g. Sound, print-out, computer file or data, electronic
(vii) Screen displays;
(viii) Manuals and guides (on paper or stored digitally);

(ix) Programming languages.


Set of statement or instruction to be used directly or indirectly in a

Computer to perform a particular task or to achieve a particular result.

Copyright Protection for Computer Programs:

• The nature of computer programs: primarily utilitarian, but protected as a
literary work
• Copyright protection for computer programs can swathe copyrightable & non-
copyrightable expressions within the continuum of ideas, expressions and
• Copyright protects only originality in expression. It extends to non-literal
elements in a computer program. However, not all non-literal elements are
protected expressions
Subject Matter of Copyright Protection;
• The Copyright Act 1957
Sec 13 Works in which Copyright subsist

(1) (a) original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic work;

(b) cinematograph films; and

(c) sound recording.

Minimum standard requirement for Copyright Protection:

• Original

• Fixation

• Idea - Expression Dichotomy

• Art 9.2 TRIPs : Copyright protection shall extend to expression and not to
ideas, procedures, method of operation or mathematical concepts

Sec 2 (ffc)- Computer Programme:

• Computer programme means a set of instruction expressed in words, codes,
schemes or in any other form, including a machine readable medium, capable
of causing a computer to perform a particular task or achieve a particular

Elements in Computer Program-

► Literal Elements (textual part)

object code
source code
► Non Literal Elements (functional part)
Judicial interpretation of originality Concept (Literary work):

• University of London Press Ltd. v. University Tutorial Press Ltd.,(1916) 2


The word 'original' does not in this connection mean that the work must be
the expression of original or inventive thought. Copyright Acts are not
concerned with the originality of ideas, but with the expression of thought,
and, in the case of 'literary work,' with the expression of thought in print or

The originality which is required relates to the expression of the thought. But
the Act does not require that the expression must be in an original or novel
form, but that the work must not be copied from another work- that it should
originate from the author.

"What is worth copying is, prima facie, worth protecting'

Feist Publication Inc. v. Rural Telephone Service Co. Inc., 499 US 340

• Original, as the term is used in copyright, means only that the work was
independently created by the authors (as opposed to copied from other works),
and that it possesses at least some minimal degree of creativity.

• Originality requires independent creation plus a modicum of creativity.

• Sweat of the Brow Doctrine- rejected

Fixation 17 USC Sec 101-

• A work is "fixed" in a tangible medium of expression when its embodiment

in a copy or phonorecord, by or under the authority of the author, is
sufficiently permanent or stable to permit it to be perceived, reproduced, or
otherwise communicated for a period of more than transitory duration.

Idea -Expression Dichotomy;

• Doctrine of Merger

• Baker v. Seldon 1 0_1U S 99(1880).

The use of the art is a totally different thing from a publication of the book
explaining it. [n using the art, the ruled lines and headings of accounts must
necessarily be used as incident to it.


• Whether the art might or might not have been patented is a question which is
not before us. It was not patented, and is open and free to the use of the public.
And of course, in using the art, the ruled lines and headings of accounts must
necessarily be used as incident to it.

• The very object of publishing a book on science or the useful arts is to

communicate to the world the useful knowledge which it contains. But this

object would be frustrated if the knowledge could not be used without

incurring the guilt of piracy of the book. And where the art it teaches cannot
be used without employing the methods and diagrams used to illustrate the
book, or such as are similar to them, such methods and diagrams are to be
considered as necessary incidents to the art, and given therewith to the public;
not given for the purpose of publication in other works explanatory of the art,
but for the purpose of practical application.

Anil Gupta v. Kuna! Das Gupta (2002)25 PTC 1 (Del):

• An idea per se has no copyright. But if the idea is developed into a concept
fledged with adequate details, then the same is capable of registration under
the Copyright Act.

• R. G. Anand v. Delux Films (1978) 4 SCC 118.

Literal Element
Apple Computer Inc. v. Franklin Computer Corp (1983)-

• Whether copyright can exist in a computer program expressed in object code

• Whether copyright can exist in computer programme embedded on a ROM

• Whether copyright can exist in an operating system.

• Ratio- the copyright law protects the means of expressing an ideas and it is
as near the whole truth as generalization can usually reach that if the same idea
can be expressed in a plurality of totally different manners, a plurality of
copyright may result.

Non- Literal Element

Whelan associates Inc. v. Jaslow Dental Laboratory Inc. and others

• sso
• Structure Sequence and Organization (Total look and feel)

• The purpose or function of a utilitarian work would be the work's idea, and
everything that is not necessary to that purpose or function would be part of
the expression of the idea. Where there are various means of achieving the

desired purpose, then the particular means chosen is not necessary to that
purpose, hence there is an expression of idea. (End sought to be achieved).
Lotus Development Corp. v. Paperback Software international (1999)-

• Determining Copy right ability test laid down are

1. When the idea- expression distinction applies is to conceive and define the
idea in a way that places it somewhere along the scale of abstraction

2. Whether an alleged expression of the idea is limited to elements essential to

expression of that idea (or is one of only a few ways of expressing the idea)
or instead includes identifiable elements of expression not essential to every
expression of that idea.

3. Having identified elements of expression not essential to every expression of

the idea, the decision maker must focus on whether those elements are a
substantial part of the allegedly copyrightable work.

Computer Associates International Inc. v. Altai Inc. 982 F.2d 693 (3rd cir.

• Abstraction.

• Filtration.

• Comparison.

Facts CA Scheduler

• tis an "operating system compatibility component". It serve as a translator

AFC Test-

Abstraction test : reverse engineering - this process begins with the code and
ends withand Adapter

• Zeke and Oscar 3.4 and Oscar 3.5

• CA Scheduler is a job scheduling program designed for IBM Frame

• Adapter is a program. I an articulation of the programs ultimate function


• Filtration: 1. Elements dictated by efficiency (Merger Doctrine)

2. Elements Dictated by External factors -certain standard techniques has t.o

be employed

a) The mechanical specifications of the computer on which a particular

program is intended to run
b) b) compatibility requirement of other programs with which a program is
designed to operate in conjunction

c) c) computer manufacturers' design standards

d) d) demands of the industry being serviced and

e) e) widely accepted programming practices within the computer industry.

3. Elements taken from public domain
f) Comparison: Golden nugget

Lotus Development Corp. v. Borland International (1995):

• Whether a computer menu command hierarchy is copyrightable subject

• Lotus 123
• Quattro

• Lotus menu command hierarchy is not copyrightable because it is a system,

method of operation, process or procedure foreclosed from protection by 17
USC Sec 102 (b).

• 17 USC Sec 102 (b) - In no case does copyright protection for an original work
of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of
operation, concept, principle or discovery, regardless of the form in which it
is described, explained, illustrated or embodied in such work.

• The term method of operation refers to the means by which a person operates
something, whether it be a car, a food processor or a computer. Thus a text
describing how to operate something would not extend to copyright protection
to the method of operation itself other people would be free to employ that
method and to describe it in their own words. Similarly, if a new

method of operation is used rather than described, other people would still be
free to employ or describe that method.

Right to make copies;

• MAI System Corp. v. Peak Computer Inc. (1993).

• The loading of copyrighted computer software from a storage medium (bard

disk, floppy disk or read only memory) into the memory of a central
processing unit (CPU) causes a copy to be made. The absence of ownership
of the copyright or express permission by license, such acts constitute
copyright infringement.

• Copy created in the RAM can be "perceived, reproduced or otherwise

communicated". The court held that the loading of software into the RAM
creates a copy under the Copyright Act.

Reverse Engineering of Computer Program Defined (Fair Use):

• Reverse engineering is defined as "starting with the known product and

working backward to divine the process which aided in its development or

• Black box testing

• Decompilation- Computer program are first written in a higher language

known as source code. After that, it is translated into a form known as object
code, a machine -readable form of O's and 1's. Reverse engineering refers to
the process of working backwards from the series of O's and 1's to the higher
language or source code. This copying of the object code for purposes of
translating into source code has been referred 10 as "intermediate copying".

Figure -1: Compatible system

Network Externalities:

Interoperability (both vertical and horizontal) is a norm for innovation in software. It

is by now widely accepted that interoperability is a fundamental to a competitive
market framework for software products.

• Interoperability means the ability of computer programs to exchange

information and of such programs mutually to use the information which has
been exchanged.

• Horizontal Interoperability- Horizontal interoperability means the availability

of interface information that allows the reverse engineer to develop his own
operating system while being compatible with already existing application
software. Software providers disclose interface specification of such quality
and quantity as to enable subsequent software developers to analyze the
interface information of the operating system necessary to develop
independently their own operating system that is interoperable with other
application programs. Therefore, horizontal interoperability leads to the
development of independently created, competing operating systems which
are compatible with other computer programs

• Vertical Interoperability- vertical interoperabiHty software providers disclose

interface information for their given operating system to application software
providers to the extent to enable them to create new user programs

17 U.S.C. § 107- Fair Use:

• Sega Enterprises, Ltd. v. Accolade, Jnc.(1992):

"where decompilationis the only way to gain access to the ideas and functional
elements embodied in a copyrighted computer program and where there is a
legitimate reason for seeking such access, decompilation is a fair use of the
copyrighted work, as a matter of law."

Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. v. Connectix Corp., (2000)-

• The Sony ruling undermined the "legitimate reason" requirement set forth in
the Sega rule by reasoning that a final product which does not contain any
code of the original product is transformative. A transformative product does
not supplant the original product and thus does not cause a substantially
adverse impact on the potential market of the original.

• Connectix virtual game station is n,vde:;tl:- transformativc. The product

creates a new platform, the personal computers, on which consumvr c n play

games designed for the Sony play station. This innovation affords
opportunities for game play in new environment specifically anywhere a Sony
PlayStation console and television are not available, but a computer with a
CD- ROM drive is more important the virtual game Station itself is a wholly
new product notwithstanding the similarity of users and function between the
Sony play station and the virtual game station.
• Sec. 52 (1) (ab) Indian Copyright Act

• (ab) doing of any act necessary to obtain information essential for operating
inter-operability of an independently created computer program with other
programs by a lawful possessor of a computer program provided that such
information is not otherwise readily available;

• Section 52(1):"(aa) the making of copies or adaptation of a computer

programme by the lawful possessor of a copy of such computer programme,
from such copy-

(i) in order to utilise the computer programme for the purposes for which it was
supplied; or

(ii) to make back-up copies purely as a temporary protection against loss,

destruction or damage in order only to utilise the computer programme for the
purpose for which it was supplied; "
• (ac)the observation, study or test of functioning of the computer program in
order to determine the ideas and principles which underline any elements of
the program while performing such acts necessary for the functions for which
computer program was supplied;
• (ad)the making of copies or adaptation of the computer program from a
personally legally obtained copy for non- commercial personal use;"

EU Software Directive: Art 6 (1)-Decompilation

• "1. The authorization of the right holder shall not be required where
reproduction of the code and translation of its form within the meaning of
article 4(a) and 4(b) are indispensable to obtain the information necessary
to achieve the interoperability of an independently created computer
program with other programs, provided that the following condition are met:

• These acts are performed by the licensee or by another person having a

right to use a copy of a program, on their behalf by a person authorized to do
• The information necessary to achieve interoperability bas not previously
been readily available to the persons referred to in subparagrapb(a); and
• These acts are confined to the parts of the original program which are
necessary to achieve interoperability."
Copyright infringement in digital space:
• Direct infringement

• Kelly v. Arriba Soft Corp. (2003).

• Thumb nail image - image attribution page

• Created the thumb nail image using the software crawls and created the search
engine by Arriba
• Whether thumb nail image is a copyright infringement of full size image of
the Kelly photograph.

• Transformative test- Whether the new work merely supersedes the object of
original creation or instead adds something new with a further purpose or
different character, altering the first with new expression, meaning or
message, it asks in other words whether and to what extent the new work is
• Although Arriba made exact replications of Kelly's images, the thumbnails
were much smaller, lower resolution images that served an entirely different
function than Kelly's original images. Kelly's images are artistic works
intended to inform and to engage the viewer in an aesthetic experience.
Arriba's search engine function as a tool to help index and to improve access
to images on the internet and their related web sites.
• Liability of internet service providers- Religious technology center v.
Netcom on line Communication services inc (1995).

' ,,,

/. '

Ratio ....Thecourt does not find workable a theory of infringement that would
hold the entire internet liable for activities that cannot reasonably be deterred.
Billions of BITS of data flow through the internet and are necessarily stored
on se1vers throughout the network and it is thus practically impossible to
screen out infringing bits from non infringing bits. Because the court cannot
see any meaningful distinction between the Netcom(without regard to
knowledge) b twcen what Netcom did and what every other Usenet server
does, the court finds that Netcom cannot be held liable for direct infringement.

Safe Barbour Clause - Limiting the liability of internet service provider-

1. Mere conduit
2. System catching
3. Search engine
4. Providing a platform to store information

Anti Circumvention Law:

WlPO Internet Treaties 1996:

• Art 11 ofW[PO Copyright Treaty 1996

"Co tracting Parties shall provide adequate legal protection and effective legal
remedies against the circumvention of effective technological measures that are
used by authors in connection with the exercise of their rights under t111:; treaty
or the Beme Convention and that restrict acts, in respect of their works,
,. :,i,·h arc not authorized h, 11,,, ,ll't'1nrs concerned or pt·•-.i11cd bylaw.''

DMCA 1998.(Digital Millennium Copyright Act):

• Provisions granting a new form of legal protection to those who deploy

technological measures to protect copyrighted works from unauthorized
access, use or copying.
Sec 1201 {a) (1) (A):
• Forbids circumvention of effective technical measures used by copyright
owners to protect access to their works.
• technical measures means "effectively controls access to a work" if the
measure, in the ordinary course of its operation, requires the application of
information, or a process or a treatment, with the authority of the copyright
owner, to gain access to the work.

• Circumvention means to "descramble a scrambled work, to decrypt an
encrypted work, or otherwise avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, or impair a
technological measure".
Individual Acts of Circumvention:

• Access Protection Measures: Prohibition: § 1201 (a) (1)

• Right Protection Measures: Prohibition : None

Manufacturing or Offering Devices that Circumvent:

• Access Protection Measures: Prohibition: § 1201 (a)(2)

• Rights Protection Measures: Prohibition: § 1201 (b)
Sec-1201 (0- Reverse Engineering-
• Section 1201 (t) Reverse Engineering - (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of
sub section (a)(l)(A). a person who bas lawfully obtained the right to use a
copy of a computer program may circumvent a technological measure that
effectively controls access to a particular portion of that program for the sole
purpose of identifying and analyzing those elements of the program that are
necessary to achieve interoperability of an independently created computer
program with other programs, and that have not previously been readily
available to the person engaging in the circumvention, to the extent any such

acts of identification and analysis do not constitute infringement under this


• Section 1201 (f)(2) Notwithstanding the provision of subsection (a)(2) and (b),
a person may develop and employ technological means to circumvent a
technological measure, or to circumvent protection afforded by a
technological measure, in order to enable the identification and analysis under
paragraph (1), or for the purpose of enabling interoperability of an
independently created computer program with other programs, if such means
are necessary to achieve such interoperability, to the extent that doing so does
not constitute infringement under this title.
• Section 1201 (f)(3) The information acquired through the acts permitted under
paragraph (1), and the means permitted under paragraph (2), may be made
available to others if the person referred to in paragraph (1) or (2), as the case
may be, pro-vides such information or means solely for the purpose of
enabling interoperability of an independently created computer program with
other programs, and to the extent that doing so does not constitute
infringement under this title or violate applicable law other than this section.
• Section 1201 (f)(4) For purposes of this subsection, the term "interoperability"
means the ability of computer programs to exchange information, and of such
programs mutually to use the information which has been exchanged.

• Universal City Studios, Inc. v.Reimerdes (2000) -

The reverse engineer could not raise the fair use defense as a defense against
DMCA liability for unauthorized circumvention or trafficking in a
circumvention device, even though the resulting use of the copyrighted
program to be decompiled could be excused as a fair use.
EU Copyright Directive -Article 6 -Obligations as to technological
1. Member states shall provide adequate legal protection against the
circumvention of any effective technological measures, which the person
concerned carries out in the knowledge or with reasonable grounds to know
that be or she is pursuing that objective.

2. Article 6 (4) Notwithstanding the legal protection provided for in paragraph

1, in the absence of voluntary measures taken by right holders, including
agreement between right holders and other parties concerned, Members states
shall take appropriate measures to ensure that right holders make available to
the beneficiary of an exception or limitation provided for in national law in
accordance with Article 5 (2)(a), (2)(c), (2)(d), (2)(e), (3)(a), (3)(b), or (3)(e)
the means of benefiting from that exception or limitation, to the extent
necessary to benefit from that exception or limitation and where that
beneficiary has legal access to the protected work or subject -matter concerned.
Section 65 A of the Copyright Amendment Act 2012 :
• (1) Any person who circumvents an effective technological measure applied
for the purpose of protecting any of the rights conferred by this Act, with the
intention of infringing such rights, shall be punishable with imprisonment
which may extend to two years and shall also be liable to fine.

• (2) Nothing in sub- section (1) shall prevent any person from, -

(a) doing anything referred to therein for a purpose not expressly prohibited
by this Act:
Provided that any person facilitating circumvention by another person of
a technological measures for such a purpose shall maintain a complete
record of such other person including his name, address and all relevant
particulars necessary to identify him and the purpose for which he has
been facilitated.
Digital Distribution of Copyrighted Material
The digital distribution of copyrighted material such as music through the
internet is another major form of copyright infringement. The primary mode of
distribution is through peer-to-peer file sharing sites and online bulletin board
Peer-to-Peer File Sharing - the Napster case: Peer-to-peer file sharing, or P2P file
sharing, allows users to access and share media files such as music, movies, books,
games, etc. over the internet using P2P software. The P2P site enables the users to
search for and locate the desired file on the computer of other users, which are

interconnected through the P2P software. The file can then be directly downloaded
from the other user's computer. Several copyright issues that arise through the P2P
file sharing system were discussed in the Napster case in the US, including:

(i) Direct Copyright Infringement by the Users.

(ii) Use of the Fair Use Defence.

(iii) Contributory Copyright Infringement by the Intermediary,

(iv) Vicarious Copyright Infringement by the Intermediary.

(v) Applicability of Safe Harbor Provisions.

1. The Napster Case - Facts:The Napster case is the landmark decision given by the
United States Court of Appeals in the Ninth Circuit with respect to peer-to-peer file
sharing. In this case, Napster had designed and operated a P2P file sharing system
which permitted the transmission and retention of sound recordings employing digital
technology. The system facilitated the transmission of MP3 files, which were created
through a process colloquially called "ripping", between and among its users.
Napster's 'MusicShare' software, made the MP3 files available free of charge from
Napster's Internet site. Through a process commonly called "peer-to-peer" file
sharing, Napster allows its users to:

(i) make MP3 music files stored on individual computer hard drives
available for copying by other Napster users;

(ii) search for MP3 music files stored on other users' computers; and
(iii) transfer exact copies of the contents of other users' MP3 files from one
computer to another via the Internet.
The Napster site functioned as follows:

(i) Access: A user must first access Napster's Internet site and download and install
the "MusicShare" software to his individual computer, after which the user can access
the Napster system.

(ii) Listing of Files by the User: The user then creates a "user library" directory on
his computer's hard drive, and saves his MP3 files in thelibrary directory. Once
uploaded to the Napster servers, the user's MP3 file names are stored in a server-side

(iii) Searching for Files: The files can be searched for by a user either through
Napster's "search index" of its collective directory, or through its "hotlist function".

(iv) Transferring Files: To transfer a copy of the contents of a requested MP3 file, the
Napster server software obtains the Internet address of the requesting user and the
Internet address of the "host user" (the user with the available files). The
requesting user's computer uses this information to establish a connection with the
host user and downloads a copy of the contents of the MP3 file from one computer
to the other over the Internet, "peer-to-peer."
The findings of the Court affirming the decision of the United States District Court
for the Northern District of California, which found Napster liable for copyright
infringement, are given below:
(a) Direct Infringement of Copyright: The first finding of the District Court that
was upheld in appeal was that the users of the Napster site were engaged in the
wholesale reproduction and distribution of copyrighted works, all constituting direct
infringement. The requirements to be satisfied by the plaintiffs for proving direct
infringement were as follows:
(i) they must show ownership of the allegedly infringed material, and
(ii) they must demonstrate that the alleged infringers violate at least one
exclusive right granted to copyright holders.
The Court found that the plaintiffs had sufficiently demonstrated ownership
of the material. It was also found that the Napster users violated at least two of the
exclusive rights of a copyright holder- the Napster users who had uploaded file names
to the search index for others to copy violated plaintiffs' distribution rights, while the
Napster users who had downloaded files containing copyrighted music violated the
plaintiffs' reproduction rights.
(b) Defence of Fair Use: Napster contended that its users were not directly
infringing the plaintiffs copyrights because the users were engaged in fair use of the
material. For the determination of whether the Napster users were engaged in fair use,
firstly, the following factors, as listed in 17 U.S.C. § 107 were taken into
consideration, and secondly, the fair uses alleged by Napster were considered.
Factors under 17 U.S.C. § 107:

(i) Purpose and Character of the Use: For determining the purpose and character of
use, the Court considered the following:

(a) Was the use transformative: The Court considered whether the new work merely
replaces the object of the original creation or instead adds a further purpose or
different character .The Court observed that courts have generally been reluctant to
find fair use when an original work is merely retransmitted in a different medium.
The District Court's conclusion that downloading MP3 files does not transform the
copyrighted work was upheld in appeal.

(b) Was the use commercial/ non-commercial: Direct economic benefit was not
required to demonstrate a commercial use. Rather, repeated and exploitative copying
of copyrighted works, even if the copies are not offered for sale, may constitute a
commercial use. TheNapster users were found to be engaged in commercial use of
the copyrighted materials because "a host user sending a file cannot be said to engage
in a personal use when distributing that file to an anonymous requester" and "Napster
users get for free something they would ordinarily have to buy". Therefore,
commercial use was also demonstrated by the repeated and exploitative unauthorised
copies of copyrighted works.

(ii) Nature of the Copyrighted Work: Works that are creative in nature are "closer to
the core of intended copyright protection" than are more fact-based works. The
appellate Court upheld the District Court's determination that the plaintiffs'
copyrighted musical compositions and sound recordings were creative in nature, and
therefore went against a finding of fair use.

(iii) Amount and Substantiality of the Portion Used: The district court determined
that Napster users engaged in "wholesale copying" of copyrighted work because the
file transfer necessarily "involved copying the entirety of the copyrighted work". The
Court upheld this, taking note that under certain circumstances, a court may conclude
that a use is fair even when the protected work is copied in its entirety.

(iv) Effect of the Use upon the Potential Market for the Work: The proof required to
demonstrate present or future market harm varies with the purpose and character of
the use:

"A challenge to a noncommercial use of a copyrighted work requires proof either that
the particular use is harmful, or that if it should become widespread, it would
adversely affect the potential market for the copyrighted work If the intended use is

for commercial gain, that likelihood [of market harm] may be presumed. But if it
is for a noncommercial purpose, the likelihood must be demonstrated."

The Court upheld the District Court's finding that Napster harmed the market
for the plaintiffs in at least two ways- it reduces audio CD sales among college
students, and it "raises barriers to plaintiffs' entry into the market for the digital
downloading of music, since having digital downloads available for free on the
Napster system necessarily harmed the copyright holders' attempts to charge for the
same downloads.

2. Fair Uses Alleged by Napster: The following fair uses were alleged by
(i) Sampling: Napster contended that its users downloaded the MP3 files to "sample"
the music in order to decide whether to purchase the recording. It was held that
sampling remains a commercial use even if some users eventually purchase the
music. The Court also took into consideration that the plaintiff collected royalties for
their 36 second long song samples available on retail Internet sites, which were self-
programmed to time out. In comparison, Napster users could download a full, free
and permanent copy of the recording.
(ii) Space-shifting: Napster alleged that space shifting of musical compositions and
sound recordings was previously held to be a fair use. Space-shifting occurs when a
Napster user downloads MP3 music files in order to listen to music he already owns
on audio CD. The Court, however, refused to apply the decisions on space shifting to
the Napster case, since the time or space-shifting discussed in the previous judgments
did not also simultaneously involve distribution of the copyrighted material to the
general public; it exposed the copyrighted material only to the original user.
The Appellate Court therefore upheld the District Court's determination that the
Napster users do not have a fair use defense.

3. Contributory and Vicarious Copyright Infringement: Napster was found to be

secondarily liable for the direct infringement under two doctrines of copyright
law: contributory copyright infringement and vicarious copyright infringement.

(i) Contributory Copyright Infringement: Contributory copyright infringement

requires proof of:

(a) Knowledge: Traditionally, one who, with knowledge of the infringing activity,
induces, causes or materially contributes to the infringing conduct of another, may be
held liable as a 'contributory' infringer.

The Court discussed the concept of contributory infringement as discussed in

the Sony case, where the Court refused to hold the manufacturer and retailers of video
tape recorders liable for contributory infringement despite evidence that such
machines could be and were used to infringe the plaintiffs' copyrighted television
shows. Sony stated that if liability "is to be imposed on petitioners in this case, it must
rest on the fact that they have sold equipment with constructive knowledge of the fact
that their customers may use that equipment to make unauthorized copies of
copyrighted material." The Sony Court declined to impute the requisite level of
knowledge where the defendants made and sold equipment capable of both infringing
and "substantial non-infringing uses".

The Appellate Court, though refusing to impute the reqms1te level of

knowledge to Napster merely because peer-to-peer file sharing technology may be
used to infringe plaintiffs' copyrights, nevertheless found that Napster had sufficient
knowledge, both actual and constructive, of direct infringement. The Court upheld
the District Court's finding that Napster, by its conduct, knowingly encouraged and
assisted the infringement of plaintiffs' copyrights.

(b) Material Contribution: A secondary infringer is required to "know or have reason

to know" of direct infringement. The Court also found that Napster materially
contributed to the infringing activity. It was concluded that "without the support
services defendant provides, Napster users could not find and download the music
they want with the ease of which defendant boasts."

Thus, the Court found that Napster had knowledge of and had materially contributed
to the infringement, and was, therefore, liable under the doctrine of contributory
copyright infringement.

(ii) Vicarious Copyright Infringement: In the context of copyright law, vicarious

liability extends beyond an employer/employee relationship to cases in which a
defendant "has the right and abiUty

to supervise the infringing activity and also has a direct financial interest in such

(a) Financial benefit: The District Court determined that plaintiffs had
demonstrated they would likely succeed in establishing that Napster has a direct
financial interest in the infringing activity. The Appellate Court agreed with this,
observing that financial benefit existed where the availability of infringing material
"acts as a 'draw' for customers." Ample evidence supported the district court's finding
that Napster's future revenue was directly dependent upon increases in its user base.
(b) Supervision: The plaintiffs demonstrated that Napster retained the right to
control access to its system, through a "reservation of rights policy", on its website
that it expressly reserves the "right to refuse service and terminate accounts in [its]
discretion, including, but not limited to, if Napster believes that user conduct violates
applicable law ... or for any reason in Napster's sole discretion, with or without cause."

The Court held that the District Court had correctly determined that Napster
had the right and ability to police its system, and failed to exercise that right to prevent
the exchange of copyrighted material.

Thus, the Court found that Napster had financially benefited from the
infringement and had failed to exercise its powers of supervision, and was, therefore,
liable under the doctrine of vicarious copyright infringement.
4. Safe Harbor Provisions under Copyright Law: The District Court recognized
that a preliminary injunction against Napster's partici ation in copyright infringement
was not only warranted but required. Napster asserted protection under the safe harbor
rules of the Audio Home Recording Act and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act as
defences for the injunction that was granted against it.
5. [US] Audio Home Recording Act: The relevant provision of this Act is:
"No action may be brought under this title alleging infringement of copyright
based on the manufacture, iIJlportation, or distribution of a digital audio recording
device, a digital audio recording medium, an analog recording device, or an analog
recording medium, or based on the non-commercial use by aconsumer of such a
device or medium for making digital musical recordings or analog musical
Napster contended that the MP3 file exchange is the type of "non- commercial
use" as protected from infringement actions by the statute. This

argument was rejected on the ground that the Audio Horne Recording Act is
"irrelevant" to the action because the Audio Horne Recording Act does not cover the
downloading of MP3 files to computer hard drives.

6. [US] Digital Millennium Copyright Act: Napster also argued based on the
statutory limitation on liability by asserting the protections of the "safe harbor" from
copyright infringement suits for "Internet service providers" contained in the Digital
Millennium Copyright Act. The District Court did not give this statutory limitation
any weight favoring a denial of temporary injunctive relief. The court concluded that
Napster "has failed to persuade this court that subsection 512(d) shelters contributory

On appeal, the Court did not accept a blanket conclusion that § 512 of the Digital
Millennium Copyright Act will never protect secondary infringers. The Court instead
recognized the following issues to be fully developed at trial:

(i) Whether Napster is an Internet service provider as defined by 17 U.S.C. §


(ii) Whether copyright owners must give a service provider "official" notice of
infringing activity in order for it to have knowledge or awareness of infringing activity
on its system; and

(iii) Whether Napster complies with § 512(i), which requires a service provider to
timely establish a detailed copyright compliance policy.
Bulletin Board Systems

Bulletin board systems are similar to P2P File sharing systems, where the
software allows users to connect and log into a computer system using a terminal
program. The users can upload and download software, data, share news, e-mail or
chat with other users and even play online games.

In the case of Playboy Enterprises, Inc v George Frena, the defendant opened
a subscription BBS, where photographs copyrighted by the plaintiff were uploaded
for without the required permission. The BBS was accessible for a fee via telephone
modem to customers. Once logged in, the users could browse through the pictures as
well as download them onto their home computers. The U.S. District Court for the
Middle District of Florida held that the defendant had violated the plaintiffs exclusive
right to distribute and display its copyrighted works. The defendant's

argument that the images had not been uploaded by him, but were uploa_ded by the
subscribers to his system, was rejected. The Court

found that neither knowledge nor intention was an essential ingredient of

infringement under the U.S. Copyright Act, and the defendant had supplied a product
which contained unauthorized material. The Court further rejected the fair use of
defence on the grounds that:
(i) The use of the work was commercial.

(ii) The nature of the copyrighted works was in the category of fantasy and
(iii) A substantial amount of the plaintiff's copyrighted work is used, since
the pictures are a major factor for the success of its magazine.
(iv) The effect of the use on the potential market of the plaintiffs work was found
to be adverse if the conduct of the defendant were to become very widespread.
On these grounds, the defendant was found to be liable for copyright
Patenting of Software
Article 27.1 of the TRIPS Agreement as discussed above, indicates that
software may also be patented subject to the fulfillment of the three criteria
mentioned, i.e., it must be new, it must involve an inventive step and must be capable
of industrial application. The main drawback of copyright is that it protects only the
expression of the software, the protectfon does not extend to the underlying ideas,
which are often of immense commercial value. Despite this, there are still many
advantages that a copyright offers. Patents, as opposed to copyright, need to fulfill
more tringent technical and scientific criteria in order to qualify for protection, whi
h. vary from one country to another. As a result, patents need to be filed in every
country in which protection is sought, while international protection of copyright is
automatic. Finally, the period of protection for a patent is shorter, usually for about
20 years, while copyright protection is usually of 50 years or more.
1. Patenting of Computer Programmes under Indian Patent Act: The Indian
Patent Act specifically excludes 'computer programmes per se' from the scope of the
term 'inventions'.

An amendment made to section 3(k) of the Indian Patents Act, 1970, through
the Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004 was later rejected, and was not included
under the Patents (Amendment) Act of 2005. The amended clause was to read as
"(k) a computer programme per se other than its technical application to industry or
a combination with hardware ".
It is therefore unclear, if, patents may be granted for computer programmes which
have technical application to industry or for computer programmes that work in
combination with hardware.

Software is a patentable subiect matter-

@ Art 27 TRIPS Agreement "patent shall be available for any inventions, whether
products or processes, in all fields of technology, provided that they are new,
involve an inventive step and are capable of industrial application , patent
shall be available and patent rights enjoyable without
discrimination as to the place of invention, the field of technology and whether
product are imported or locally produced."

@ Sec 3 (k) of the Patent Act 1970

"A mathematical or business method or a computer program per se or algorithm"

is not patentable.

35 USC§ 101:
® "Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine,
manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement
thereof, may obtain a patent thereof, subject to the conditions and
requirements of this title."

® Laws of nature, abstract ideas and mathematical formula are also not patentable.

Gottschalk v. Benson {1972):

® Claim - a method for programming any type of general purpose digital
computer to convert binary coded decimal numerals into pure binary
numerals, such claim is not being limited to any particular art or technology
to any particular apparatus or machinery or to any particular end use.

@ Whether the method described and claimed is a "process" within the

meaning of the Patent Act.
@ It was held that the conversion method involved in the instant proceedings was
not a "process" within the meaning of the pertinent provisions of the Patent
Act and thus could not be patented since,

(I) The method was so abstract as to cover both kno n and unknown uses of the
binary- coded- decimal to pure binary conversion,

(2) The end use could vary and could be performed through any existing
machinery or future devised machinery or without any apparatus,

(3) The mathematical formula involved had no substantial practical application

except in connection with a digital computer,
(4) The result of granting a patent would be to improperly issue a patent for idea
@ Mental Step Doctrine

@ Pre empt the mathematical formula.

Parker v. Flook (1978):

@ A patent on a method for updating alarm limits during catalytic conversion

@ Whether the identification of a limited category of useful, though conventional,
post solution applications of such a formula makes respondents method
eligible for patent protection?
@ During the catalytic conversion processes operating conditions such as
temperature, pressure and flow rates are constantly monitored.
The method consists of three steps:
(1) An initial step which merely measures the present value of the process
(2) An intermediate step which uses an algorithm to calculate an updated alarm-
limit value

(3) A final step in which the actual alarm limit is adjusted to the updated value.

The only difference between the conventional methods of changing alarm

limits and that described in respondent's application rests in the second step-
the mathematical algorithm or formula.

® The method for updating alarm limits was not patentable under § 101 of the
Patent Act, the identification of a limited category of useful though
conventional, post -solution applications of the formula not making the
method eligible for patent protection.
® Post solution activity

The notion that post -solution activity, no matter how conventional or obvious
in it, can transform an unpatentable principle into a p,atentable process exalts
form over substances. A competent draftsman could attach some form of post
-solution activity to almost any mathematical formula, the Pythagorean
theorem would not have been patentable or partially patentable because a
patent applicatiqn.90ntained a final step indicating that the formula when
solved could be usefully applied to existing surveying techniques.
Diamond v. diehr (1981):

® Process for molding raw, uncured synthetic rubber into cured prec1s1on
products. The individuals claimed that their process insured the production of
molded articles which are properly cured. Although it is possible by using
well-known time, temperature and cure relationships to calculate by means of
an established mathematical equation when to open the molding press and
remove the cured product, the individuals argued that the industry had not been
able to obtain uniformly accurate cures because the temperature of the press
could not be precisely measured, making it difficult to do the necessary
computation to determine cure time.

® When a claim containing a mathematical formula implements or applies the

formula in a structure or process which when considered as a whole is
performing a function which the patent laws were designed to protect (e.g.,
transforming or r ducing an article to a different state or thing) then the
claim satisfies Sec l O1 requirements.

® The physical and chemical process for molding precision synthetic rubber
products fell within the categories of subject matter eligible for patent
protection and this result was not altered by the fact that in several steps of the
process a mathematical equation and programmed digital computer were used,

1. No attempt was being made to pte empt the use of the equafo:m(Arrhenius
equation) but only to foreclose others from the use of that equation in
conjunction with all of the other steps in the claimed process, and

2. Use of the computer in the process did not render the process as a whole
unpatentable subject matter in view of the fact that the computer was used
to achieve a result previously unknown in the art, the fact that one or more
of the steps in the process might not, in isolation, be novel or
independently eligible for patent protection being irrelevant to the
question of whether the claims as a whole recited subject matter eligible
for patent protection.
Freeman-Walter-abele test:

® This test consists of two steps:

(1) The claim is analyzed to determine whether a mathematical algorithm is

directly or indirectly recited; and
(2) if a mathematical algorithm is found, the claim as a whole is further analyzed
to determine whether the algorithm is applied in any manner to physical
elements or process steps
If the answer to the second question is "yes" the claimed invention is
patentable subject matter.
® The subject matter of Freeman's invention is a system for typesetting
alphanumeric information, using a computer based control system in
conjunction with a phototypesetter of conventional design.

® In Walter, the claims were directed to a process for correlating and cross -
correlating signals. All of the claims steps were algorithm steps for

performing the correlation or cross- correlation. There were no limitations in

the claims, other than a field of use set forth in the preamble of the claims
which stated that the algorithm was for use in connection with seismic


® Invention is in the field of image processing particularly as applied to

computerized axial tomography or CAT Scans. Specifically, an appellant
invention is directed to improvement in computed tomography whereby
exposure to x-ray was reduced while reliability of produced image is

Io re kuriappao P. Alappat:

® Alappat's invention relates generally to a means for creating a smooth

waveform display in a digital oscilloscope. The screen of an oscilloscope is
the front of a cathode-ray tube (CRT), which is like a TV picture tube, whose
screen, when in operation, presents an array (or raster) of pixels arranged at
intersections of vertical columns and horizontal rows, a pixel being a spot on
the screen which may be illuminated by directing an electron beam to that
spot, as in TV. Each column in the array represents a different time period
and each row represents a different magnitude.

® An input signal to the oscilloscope is sampled and digitized to provide a

waveform data sequence (vector list), wherein each successive elements of
the sequence represents the magnitude of the waveform·at a successively later
time. The waveform data sequence is then processed to provide a bit map,
which is a stored data array ·indicating which pixels are to be illuminated.
The waveform ultimately displayed is formed by a group of vectors, wherein
each vector has a straight line trajectory between two points on the screen at
elevations representing the magnitudes of two successive input signal samples
and at horizontal positions representing the timing of the two samples.

Arrhythmia research technology inc. v. corazonix corporation (1992):

® The invention claimed is directed to the analysis of electrocardiographic

signals in order to determine certain characteristics of the heart function. In
the hours immediately after a heart attack (myocardial infraction) the victim

is particularly vulnerable to an acute type of heart arrhythmia known as

ventricular tachycardia. Ventricular tachycardia leads quickly to ventricular
fibrillation, in which the heart ceases effectively to pl.imp blood through the
® An input signal to the oscilloscope is sampled and digitized to provide a
waveform data sequence (vector list), wherein each successive elements of the
sequence represents the magnitude of the waveform at a successive y later
time. The waveform data sequence is then processed to provide a bit map,
which is a stored data array indicating which pixels are to be illuminated. The
waveform ultimately displayed is formed by a group of vectors, wherein each
vector bas a straight line trajectory between two points on the screen at
elevations representing the magnitudes of two successive input signal samples
and at horizontal positions representing the timing of the two samples.
State street bank & trust Co. v. Signature Financial Group, inc. (1998)
Business Method:
® The invention is directed to a data processing system for implementing an
investment structure which was developed for use in Signature's business as
an administrator and accounting agent for mutual funds. In essence, the
system, identified by the proprietary name Hub and Spoke, facilitates a
structure whereby mutual funds pool their assets in an investment portfolio
organized as a partnership. This investment configuration provides the
administrator of a mutual fund with the advantageous combination of
economies of scale in administering investments coupled with the tax
advantages of a partnership.

® Ratio...
® Law of nature, natural phenomena, and abstract ideas can never be the subject
of patents.
® Practical applications provide "useful, concrete and tangible results".

Bilski v. kappos (2010) business method:

@ "Energy risk Management Method"

Their invention relates to a method practiced by a commodity provider, such

as the provider of the energy. The method enables the provider to manage (or
"hedge") the consumption risks associated with a commodity sold at a fixed
price. Energy consumers face two kinds of risk: price risk and consumption
risk. For the energy supplier, price risk is relatively easy to manage. Simply
establish the fixed price based on historical averages. Managing consumption
risk is more difficult. Energy consumption will fluctuate in an unpredictable
way, owing to changes in the weather.
@ Kennedy J.

The machine -or-transformation test may well provide a sufficient basis for
evaluating processes similar to those in the industrial age- for example,
inventions grounded in a physical or other tangible form. But there are reasons
to doubt whether the test should be the sole criterion for determining the
patentability of inventions in the information age.

Alice Corporation Pty. Ltd. v. C.L.S. Bank International

This is a landmark judgment given in 2014 by the US Supreme Court on the

patentability of software. This judgment confirmed previous judgments that computer
programs that amounted to an abstract idea, and if the claim as a whole did not amount
to anything significantly more than the abstract idea in itself, then the program was
not eligible for patent protection. This judgment reinforced the ongoing global debate
on the patentability of software.

The patents at issue, which belonged to the Appellant, disclosed a scheme for
mitigating 'settlement risk', i.e., the risk that only one party to a financial exchange
will satisfy its obligation, using a computer system as a third party intermediary. This
scheme was styled as a method for exchanging financial obligations, a computer
system configured to carry out the method and a computer-readable medium
containing program code for causing a computer to perform the method.

The Respondents filed a suit against the Appellant seeking a declaratory

judgment that the claims at issue were invalid, unenforceable or not infringed, while
the Appellants filed a counter-suit alleging infringement of its patents by the

Respondents. The District Court held that these claims were ineligible because they
were directed to the abstract idea of 'employing a neutral intermediary to facilitate
simultaneous exchange of obligations in order to minimize risk'. A divided panel of
the US Court of Appeals for the Federa Circuit reversed this decision on the grounds
that it was not 'manifestly evident' that the claims were directed to an 'abstract idea'.
The Respondents then petitioned the same Federal Circuit Court for an en bane
hearing. This resulted in a :fractured panel of seven different opinions by ten judges.
A majority of 5 judges reversed the decision and held that the claims were patent
ineligible, without addressing the issues relating to patentability of software. As a
result, the Appellant applied .for a writ of certiorari with the US
Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court found that the appellant's first claim to the method was
ineligible because it amounted to an abstract idea, which was ineligible for a patent
as per the test of Mayo Collaborative Services v. Prometheus Laboratories, Inc..The.
claim was found to be 'nothing significantly more' than an instruction to apply the
abstract idea of intermediated settlement, which was a fundamental economic
practice long preva_lent in the system of commerce, using some unspecified, generic
computer. The second and third claims were also found to be ineligible for the
reason that the combination with computers did not transform the abstract idea into a
patent-eligible invention, as per the rule laid down in Bilski v. Kappos. It was found
that the generally-recited computers in the claim were merely linked to the method
for use, and added nothing of substance to the underlying abstract idea.
Notably, the judgment did not specifically exclude computer programs from
patentability, nor did it impose any special requirements for eligibility of software and
business models. The Court emphasized the difference between patents that claim the
'building blocks' of human ingenuity, and those that integrate the building blocks into
something more, finding that only the latter were patent - eligible. Examples of
abstract ideas that were considered in the judgment as patent-ineligible include:
(i) Fundamental economic practices;
(ii) Certain methods of organising human activities;

(iii) An idea in itself;

(iv) Mathematical relationships or formulas

The following were listed as examples of claims that contained an abstract

idea, but, as a whole amounted to significantly more than the abstract idea itself:
(i) Improvements to another technology or technical field.

(ii) Improvements to the functioning of the computer itself.

(iii) Meaningful uses beyond generally linking the use of an abstract idea to a
particular technological environment.

The following were listed as examples of claims that contained an abstract

idea, but, as a whole did not amount to significantly more than the abstract idea itself:

(i) Mere instructions to implement an abstract idea on a computer.

(ii) Requiring no more than a generic computer to perform generic computer

functions that were well-understood, routine and conventional activities previously
known to the industry.

Preliminary Examination Instructions: The US Patent and Trademark Office issued

the following Preliminary Examination Instructions to be applied for the
determination of subject matter eligibility for patents on the basis of this judgment:

(i) First determine whether the claim is directed to one of the four statutory
categories of invention, i.e., process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter.
If the claim does not fall into one of the categories; reject the claim as being directed
to non-statutory subject-matter.

(ii) Next, if the claim falls within one of the statutory categories, determine
whether the claim is directed to a judicial exception (i.e., law of nature, natural
· phenomenon and abstract idea) and if so, determine whether the claim is a patent-
eligible application of an exception.


Traditional forms of trademark infringement, such as passing off, use of a

deceptively similar mark, copying a mark, etc., find a new medium for commission
in cyberspace. In addition to this, new forms of infringement unique to cyberspace
have been created, such as cybersquatting, reverse domain name hijacking, use of a
trademark in a metatag, keyword infringement, etc.

Law on Trademarks in India

Law on Trademarks in India: Indian law protects trademark under the
provisions laid down in Trademarks Act, 1999 (the Trademarks Act). The Act was
enacted to comply with the provisions of the Paris Convention and the TRIPS
Agreement, Article 15- 21 of which contain the provisions related to the protection of
trademarks. The Trademarks Act was amended in 2010 to comply with the Madrid
Summary of Important Provisions of Trademark Act, l 999: Section 2 (zb) of
Trademark Act, 1999 defines a "trademark" as a mark which is capable of being
represented graphically and which can distinguish the goods and services of one
person from those of others. It may include shape, color combination and packaging
of goods.
Section 28 of the Act gives exclusive rights of the use of trademark to the
registered proprietor of the trademark. The term of a trademark is for a period of te!l
years which may be renewed from time to time in accordance with the provisions of
Secti n 25. Section 18-26 lays down the procedure for registration of a trademark,
which may be renewed from time to time. While registration of a trademark is not
obligatory, Section 27 prevents the bolder of an unregistered trademark from bringing
an action for infringement if his mark is utilized by others.
A trademark is per the provisions of Section 29 of Trademark
Act, 1999 if a person not being a proprietor of registered trademark or a person, ·
other than the person permitted to use the trademark, uses a mark that is identical
with or deceptively similar to the registered trademark. There are several exceptions
to this section given under Section 30 of the Act which provides that there will not
be an infringement of trademark if the use of trademark is it is used in accordance
with honest practices in industrial and commercial matters and no unfair advantage
or disrepute is being caused to the trademark.
Section 134 of the Act lays down the jurisdiction of courts in cases related
with infringement of trademark and no court inferior to District Court can initiate the
suit regarding infringement of trademark. The remedies in a suit of infringement can
range from an injunction to damages which can be granted by the Court under Section

International Trademarks

Chapter IV A inserted by way of amendment through the Trademark

Amendment Bill, 2010 lays special provisions related to the protection of trademarks
through international registration under the Madrid protocol. India is a signatory to
Madrid Protocol which is a simple and effective system of registering international
trademarks. Compliance with the Madrid Protocol through Chapter IVA now permits
a one-time registration through a single form and a one-time payment of fees for a
trademark that will have validity in all the signatories of the Protocol.
Domain Name Disputes

What are Domain Names: A domain name is the human friendly name of an Internet
address. It is technically known as a "Unique Resource Locator", or URL. The actual
name of a website is in the form of an "Internet Protocol address", or IP address. For
example, one IP address of Google is Such sets of number can be
quite difficult to remember, unlike the URL of Google, which is "".
Thus a domain name is a unique alias for an IP address, and the system that locates
and translates a domain name into an IP address and vice versa is known as a domain
name system. A domain name system exists in the form of databases around the
world, and is commonly referred to as the address book of the
1. The ICANN: It is essential that domain names be unique across the globe, in orcfer
to e able one computer to find another. The ICANN, or the Internet Corporation for
Assigned Names and Numbers, is the body responsible for the coo dination of domain
names around the world. It is an internationally organized non-profit corporation, with
membership from different countries and experts in the field. The ICANN is the
coordinator of the functions of the IANA,
or the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, which is responsible for managing the
DNS root zone, i.e., the gTLDs and the ccTLDs, along with the allocation of internet
numbering resources.

2. Domain Levels:

(i) Top Level Domains


At the top of the domain name hierarchy are top level domains, or TLDs, which are
of two types- generic TLDsorgTLD, and country-code TLDs, or ccTLDs.. Examples
of gTLDs are .com', '.biz', '.info', etc. For a country, the top level domain is the country
code top level domain, or the ccTLD. The label for a ccTLD consists of two character
abbreviations of the name of the country, for example, India's ccTLD is '.in', the
ccTLD for the US id '.us', etc. There are currently 252 ccTLDs reflected in the
database of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). This numberissubject
to change based on the creation of new countries.

(ii) Second Level Domains

Every domain name ends with the label of a TLD. Ina domain name, the label that
precedes the TLD constitutes the second level domain. For example, in
'', '.com' constitutes the TLD, while 'Google' constitutes the second
level domain.
Registration of Domain Names: The registration of domain names can be discussed
under the following heads:
(a) Registration of ccTLDs: The administration of ccTLDs lies with the ICANN.
In order to acquire a particular domain name, they have to be registered at a domain
name registrar. Until 1999, registration of .com, .net and .org domains was handled
by Network Solutions Inc., or N:SI. Post 1998, following an anti-trust suit
. againstNSI in 1997, this was replaced with a system of multiple registrars under the
supervision of the ICANN. These domain name registrars are required to be
accredited by the ICANN. For example, BigRock Solutio°:s Ltd., Good Domain
Registry Pvt. Ltd.,etc. are some Indian domain name registrars which are accredited
by the lCANRT .
(b) Registration of ccTLDs: The administration of ccTLDs, on the other hand,
lies with each respective country, and is to be done in accordance with the guidelines
of the ICANN. The INP.egistry is India's official '.in' domain name registry, and is
operated under the authority of NIXI, the National Internet Exchange of India. Within
India, the National Informatics Centre, NIC, is the exclusive Government registrar for
'' and '' domains, while ERNET is the exclusive registrar for '', ''
and ''. These government registrars, along with several other registrars have been
accredited by the INRegistry. Some general registration policies of_this registry are:

(i) Registration may be for a minimum period of 1 year and a maximum period
of 10 years.

(ii) The domain names are between 3 and 63 characters in length, consisting of
letters, digits and hyphens only.

(iii) Single and double character domain names are reserved by the government
and NIX], and are not available to the public.

(iv) The following category of names are reserved- constitutional authorities,

names of states, union territories and cities, and certain other specific names for use
by the Registry.
(v) The zones of '', '', '' and '' are reserved for government,
defence and educational institutions respectively.
(vi) Unlimited generic .in registration will be open to the public at the 2nd level
and the 3rd level in popular zones like '', '', etc.

(vii) Registrants are allowed to transfer domain names to the registrar of their

The policy of domain name registration has been made extremely liberal and
market friendly in a number of countries, in order to encourage a large number of
registrations. This is because the number of registrations is seen as a measure of a
country's popularity in the internet space, and as a means to facilitate the prolifer ation
of internet in a country.
Types of Domain Name Disputes:

1. Cybersquatting:_the registration of a domain name that consists of a mark

that is identica·i to or confusingly similar to an existing trademark.
Cybersquatting is constituted only if the registration has been done in bad
faith, that is, with the intention of selling the domain name at a much higher
price to the owner of the trademark, or diverting the consumers of the owner
of the trademark, or to create an impression of having some kind of affiliation
with the owner of the trade mark.
2. Typo sguatting:ft is a form of cybersquatting where the domain name that is
registered incorporate a slight change in the spelling of a well-known
trademark or domain name, usually in the form of a common typographical
error made by internet users.

3. Reverse domain name hiiacking: reverse domain name hijacking or reverse

cybersquatting is an attempt by a trademark holder to acquire a domain name
from a legitimate user by making false cybersquatting allegations against him.

Dispute Resolution in the UK: Trademarks Act 1994:

• Section 10 of this Act provides that the following constitute infringement of
a trademark:

• Use of a sign identical to a registered trademark.

• Use of a sign identical or similar to a registered trademark for identical or
similar goods and services which will create a likelihood of confusion.
• Use of a sign identical or similar to a registered trademark for goods and
services that are not similar where the use takes unfair advantage of or is
detrimental to the distinctive character or reputation of the registered

• Use of a sign in the form of affixation onto goods or packaging, offer for sale,
import or export or in advertising.

• Use of a registered trademark on material intended for labeling or packing.

• Legitimate use of a mark which takes unfair advantage of or is detrimental to

the distinctive character or reputation of the registered trademark.

Passing Off:
• Lord Diplock in ErvenWarnink v. J. Townend& Sons Ltd. (1979).

• Essential Elements for passing off action as:

(1) Misrepresentation
(2) Made by a trader in the course of trade
(3) To prospective customers of his or ultimate consumer of goods or services
supplied by him

(4) Which is calculated to injure the business or goodwill of another trader

(5) Which causes actual damage to a business or goodwill of the trader by whom
action is brought or will probably do so?

Domain Name and Passini!: Off:

• British Telecommunications PLC v. One In a million:

Respondent had registered several domain names including British
Telecommunication, Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury's, Virgin, and Ladbroke Group,
and bad written to these companies offering them for sale.
The court held that the domain names had been registered with the intention of
taking advantage of the distinctive character and reputation of the trademark,
which was unfair and detrimental.

• . . . It follows that the registration by the appellants of the domain name

including the name Marks & Spencer makes a false representation that they
are associated or connected with Marks & Spencer PLC. This can be
demonstrated by considering the reaction of a person who taps into his
computer the domain name and presses a button to
execute a 'whois' search. He will be told that the registrant is One ln A Million
Limited. A substantial number of persons will conclude that One ln A Million
Limited must be connected or associated with Marks & Spencer PLC. That
amounts to a false representation which constitutes passing off.
Dispute Resolution under the Indian Trademarks Act:

• Indian Courts in several matters granted protecti.on to domain names under

Trademark Law.

• Trademark Act applied to passing off of domain names: Yahoo! lnc. v.

AkashArora&Anr, (1999) the case involved an action of passing off, where
the defendant's domain name 'yahoo.india' provided services similar to the
plaintiffs, and imitated their website in content, colour and scheme. While
referring to several international case laws on the subject, the Delhi High
Court extended the application of the Indian Trademark Act to domain names:
• Passing off applies to service: the law of trademark was applicable to
services, including the services provided by a website.
• Domain Name confusingly Similar:yahoo!&yahooindia - the two marks
are almost simitar except for use of the suffix 'India' in the latter.

' Disclaimer cannot remedy appropriation of a trademark


Domain name-A Valuable Corporate Asset:

• Rediff Communication Ltd v. Cyberbooth and Anr (2000) an injunction

was granted against the defendant for the use of the term 'Radiff' and the
domain name '', on the grounds of likelihood of confusion and the
apparent intention of the defendants to trade on the plaintiff's reputation.
During the decision, the court observed the following with regard to the
importance of protecting domain name as a trademark:

The court observed the following with regard to the importance of protecting
domain name as a trademark:
"what emerges from these authorities is that the Internet domain names are of
importance and can be a valuable corporate asset. A domain name is more than
an Internet Addresses and is entitled to the equal protection as trade mark. With
the advancement and progress in the technology, the services rendered in the
internet site have also come to be recognized and accepted and are being given
protection so as to protect such provider of service from passing off the services
rendered by others as his services. "


• Panavision International. LP v. Toeppen (1998):

• Panavision holds registered trademarks to the names "panavision" &
"panaflex" in connection with motion picture camera eq!-)ipment. In 1995,
Panavision attempted to register a web site on the internet with the domain
name It could not do that because Toeppen had already
established a website using Panavision's trademark as his domain name.
Toeppen's web page for this site displayed photographs of the City of Pana,

• Later Toeppen registered the other TM as the Domain Name Panaflex:

displayed the word 'Hello'.

• Panavision alleged claims for dilution of its trademark under the Federal
Trademark Dilution Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1125 (c). The section provides:
'the owner of a famous mark shall be entitled to an injunction against another
person's commercial use in commerce of a mark or trade name, if such use

begins after the mark bas become famous and causes dilution of the distinctive
quality of the mark... '
A plaintiff must show that

(1) The mark is famous

(2) The defendant is making a commercial use of the mark in commerce

(3) The defendant's use began after the mark become famous, and

(4) The defendant's use of the mark dilutes the quality of the mark by diminishing
the capacity of the mark to identify and distinguish goods and services.

• Toeppen's "business" is to register trademarks as a domain name and then sell

them to the rightful trademark owners. Toeppen traded on the value of
Panavision's marks. So long as he held the Internet registrations, he curtailed
Panavision 's exploitation of the value of its trademarks in the internet, a value
which Toeppen then used when he attempted to sell the
domain name to Panavision.
• Dilution is defined as the lessening the capacity of a famous mark to identify
and distinguish goods or services, regardless of the presence or absence of
(1) competition between the owner of the famous mark and other parties, or
(2) likelihood of confusion, mistake or deception.
• The court found that Toeppen's conduct diminished "the capacity of the
Panavision marks to identify and distinguish Panavision's goods and services
on the Internet."


• The Anti-cyber-squatting Consumer Protection Act makes it illegal to register
or use a domain name that corresponds to a trademark where the domain name
registrant has no legitimate interest in using the name and acts in badfaith to
deprive the trademark owner of the use of the name.

• Section 125 (d) (1) (A) of the Act-


A person shall be liable in a civil action by the owner of a mark... if, without
regard to the goods or services of the parties, that person
(i) Has a bad faith intent to profit from that mark, including a personal name
which is prote': '.!d as a mark under this section; and

(ii) Registers, traffics in, or uses a domain name that-

(I) In the case of a mark that is distinctive at the time of registration of the
domain name, is identical or confusingly similar to that mark

(2) Jn the case of a famous mark that is famous at the time of registration of the
domain name, is identical or confusingly similar to or dilutive of that mark.

Shields v. Zuccarini (2001):

• Shield a graphjc artist from AJto, Michlgan,

creates, exhibits and markets cartoons under the names "Joe cartoon" and "The
Joe Cartoon Co."
• On 1997, Shield registered the domain name, and he has
operated it as a web site ever since.

• Over 700,000 visits per month.

• In 1999 Zuccarini, registered five world wide web variations on Shields's site:,,, and
• Zuccarini's sites featured advertisements for other sites and for credit card
• Shields was required to prove that
(1) "Joe Cartoon" is a distinctive or famous mark entitled to protection,

(2) Zuccarini's domain names are "identical or confusingly similar to" Shields's
(3) Zuccarini registered the domain names with the bad faith intent to profit
from them.

Use in Bad Faith-

• The following factors may be taken into consideration while determining if

the person had a bad faith to profit from the mark:·

(i) The person's trademark or IPR in that domain name, if any.

(ii) Extent of the person's legal name or identifier used in the domain name
(iii) Prior use in bona fide offering of goods or services

(iv) Bona fide non-commercial or fair use of the mark in the site.
(v) intention to divert consumers from the trademark owner's site.

(vi) Offer to sell, transfer, otherwise assign to the mark owner or a third party for
financial gain.

(vii) provision of material and misleading false contact information while

registering the domain name.

(viii) registration of identical or confusingly similar domain names to the marks of


(ix) extent to which the incorporated mark is not distinctive or famous.


• Zuccarini's conduct satisfies a number of these factors. Zuccarini has never

used the infringing domain names as trademarks or service marks, thus he has
no intellectual property rights in these domain names. He has never used the
infringing domain names in connection with the bona fide offering of goods
or services. He deliberately maintain these domain names to divert consumer
from shields web site. In doing so, he harms the goodwill associated with the
mark. He does this either for commercial gain, or with the intent to tarnish or
disparage Shields mark by creating a likelihood of confusion.

ICANN Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy 1999:

• Mandatory administrative proceeding

• The third party files a complaint that:

• 1. your domain name is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or

service mark in which the complaint has rights;

• 2. you have no rights or legitimate interest in respect of the domain name;and

• 3. Your domain name has been registered and is being used in bad faith.
Use in Bad Faith:

• Use of bad faith includes the following factors:

(i) circumstances indicating that you have registered or you have acquired the
domain name primarily for the purpose of selling, renting or otherwise
transferring the domain name registration to the complainant who is the owner
of the trademark or service mark or to a competitor of that complainant, for
valuable consideration in excess of your documented out of pocket costs
directly related to the domain name; or

(ii) You have registered the domain name in order to prevent the owner of the
trademark or service mark from reflecting the mark in a corresponding domain
name, provided that you have engaged in a pattern of such conduct; or

(iii) You have registered the domain name primarily for the purpose of
disrupting the business of a competitor; or

(iv) By using the domain name you have intentionally attempted to attract, for
commercial gain, internet users to your web site or other on -line location, by
creating a likelihood of confusion with the complaint's mark as to the source,
sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of your web site or location or of a
product or service on your website or location.

• Cancellationof your domain name or the transferof your domain name

registration to the complainant.
• Metatags are HTML code intended to describe the contents of the web site.
There are different types of metatags:
1. Description metatags: Description metatags are intended to describe the
web site.
2. Keyword metatags: Keyword metatags contain keywords relating to the
contents of the web site.
Brookfield Communications, Inc. v. west Coast Entertainment
• Brookfield Commw1ication Inc. (TM) - "MovieBufr' Brookfield gathers and
sells information about the entertainment industry.
• West Coast :"Movie Buff'' Service mark.

"The Movie Buf:fs Movie Store" covering retailk store services featuring
video cassettes and video game cartridges and rental of video cassettes and
video game catridges. Registered the domain name

• Whether West Coast can use "MovieBuff" or "" in the metatags

of its website at "" or at any other domain address?

• West coast's use of "" in rnetatags will still result in what is

known as initial interest confusion. Web surfers looking for Brookfield's
"MovieBuff' products who are taken by a search engine to
"" will find a database similar enough to "MovieBuff' such
that a sizeable number of consumers who were originally looking for
Brookfield's product will simply decide to utilize West Coast's offerings
instead. Although there is no source confusion in the sense that consumers
know they are patronizing West Coast rather than Brookfield, there is
nevertheless initial interest confusion in the sense that, by using
"" or "MovieBuff' to djvert people looking for "MovieBuff' to
its web site, West Coast improperly benefits from the goodwill that Brokefield
developed in its mark.

• The use of another's trademark in a manner calculated "to capture initial

consumer attention, even though no actual sale is finally completed as a result
of the confusion, may be still an infringement"

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