Evaluation of Conventional Drill and Bla
Evaluation of Conventional Drill and Bla
Evaluation of Conventional Drill and Bla
July 2010
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Evaluation of Conventional Drill and Blast and Using a
Mechanical Roadheader to Excavate the Impumelelo Decline
The project study at hand aimed at evaluating the conventional drill and blast method and
the use of a mechanical roadheader to excavate a decline shaft for a replacement mine,
Impumelelo mine. The evaluation focused on the safety provided through applying either
method, the cost implications and time frame which the decline shaft can be excavated. The
reason for the project study is to enable Sasol Mining to achieve its objective of supplying
coal to its counterparts and customers. Production from the replacement mine is expected in
2014 and thus essential to excavate the decline shaft in a short time frame, importantly
without compromising safety.
The evaluation was done by looking into the design of the decline shaft thus understanding
the required final profile of the decline shaft. The design evaluation of the decline shaft
provided for the support framework which both methods must guarantee. Furthermore, the
implementation of conventional drill and blast and the mechanical roadheader provided the
operational limitations and abilities of the two thus allowed for evaluation of the costs and
time frame of the project study.
The results obtained show the inability of the roadheader to cut rock strengths above 120
MPa. As for the conventional drilling and blasting, advance rate in the decline shaft is limited
to 3.6m/day. Such limitations forced the combination of the two methods to be used in the
decline shaft. Therefore 30% of the decline shaft applies conventional drilling and blasting
through the dolerite sills. As a result of combining the two methods the costs (operating
costs, labour costs and capital) of the project is high but then a safer operation is achieved
and with the operation expected to take under 5 months.
Expressions of gratitude are extended to the following people who great influences in this
project report:
1. Johan Steyn:
Vacation work supervisor and Project Manager for Impumelelo who assisted in providing the
required information and recommending the right people to contact with regard to the project
2. Matome Mohale:
3. Andre Cloete:
Of Read, Swatman & Voigt (Pty) Ltd (RSV) in assisting with the understanding of the project
and provision of information which help conclude the project study.
5. Willie Smit:
1.6. Methodology 15
4.2.1. Implementation 35
Table 2.1 Estimated UCS for expected rock types for Impumelelo 21
Figure 2.2 ICR (Instant Cutting Rate) vs. UCS for sedimentary rocks and transverse
roadheaders 21
Figure 3.4 High wall box-cut excavated to stable rock at Mooiplaat mine 26
1.1. Mine Background and General Information
Impumelelo mine is located south west of the Secunda area in Mpumalanga and is
established as a replacement mine for Brandspruit mine. The mine is a green-field
programme, initiated by Sasol Mining (Pty) Ltd, currently comprising of feasibility projects of
sinking three shafts, namely, the service shaft, ventilation shaft and the decline shaft to a
depth of about 220m.
The establishment of the replacement mine is for Sasol Mining to be able to achieve its
mandate to supply coal to its counterparts, Sasol Synfuels, Sasol Infrachem factory and
Sasol Coal Supply (SCS) and keep exporting coal 1. Means of sustainable supply of coal will
be achieved through Impumelelo as the Brandspruit mine reserves get depleted. Figure 1.1
shows the replacement of Brandspruit mine to Impumelelo mine reserves.
Impumelelo mine is one of the Sasol Mining mines which will also utilize the board and pillar
and NeVid pillar extraction methods to extract the coal. According to Impumelelo mine’s
project manager Johan Steyn, two coal seams which are separated by 30 metres of Karoo
rocks will be mined simultaneously with the top seam being 2 years ahead in production of
the bottom seam. Impumelelo mine will be expected to be in operations up until about the
year 2050 2. The production target set for the mine is 10 million tonnages per year with the
initial production stage commencing in 2014 while full production is expected within four
years from then 1.
The use of decline shafts in South African underground mines is common. All of the Sasol
mines use such shaft infrastructure to transport the coal from underground to surface coal
handling points 2.
Excavations of decline shafts at Sasol Mining are usually done using the conventional Drill
and Blast method and this is done through the employment of a contractor 2. The current
replacement mine, Thubelisha mine, is using the Drill and Blast Method for its decline shaft
and about 2m/day of linear advance is achieved in the decline shaft 3. The new idea is to
move away from drill and blast and use a mechanical roadheader instead and their use in
South Africa is not a common trend 3.
The idea is to find safer and quicker ways of excavating decline shafts so as to establish
mine transport network easily at Sasol Mining. Therefore looking at the implementation of a
mechanical roadheader against the conventional method in decline shaft is essential.
The selected dimensions of the decline shaft are a result of the need to use two conveyor
belt systems. According to Johan Steyn, this allows for continued transportation if one
conveyor breaks down 2.
1.3. Problem Statement
The project study at hand was to investigate and evaluate which method is the most
effective for sinking a decline shaft between a conventional Drill and Blast method, the use
of a mechanical roadheader or a combination of the two for Sasol’s replacement mine
Impumelelo, considering the main factors; safety, cost and duration of the project.
Financial implications
Safety measures in the design and implementation will be assessed. The implementation of
each method should look at aspects such as cutting or blasting cycle, advance, limitations,
delays, ventilation, etc. Conclusions made will be from the analysis made from comparing
the methods outline in the problem statement.
The evaluating the methods according to the excavating of the decline shaft.
Methods evaluated are Drill and Blast method, the use of a roadheader and possible
combination of the methods.
The excavation of the decline shaft at 17o as given by the project manager Johan
Steyn. The decline shaft can be excavated at different angles other than 17 o, which
can prove beneficial for either method used but the project study focuses on the set
1.6. Methodology
The investigative work done on the project study, with regard to background, decline shaft
designs, technical operations and implementation, in order to fulfil the set objectives is done
Interviews were carried out with Sasol personnel and contractors who are knowledgeable in
the subjects concerning the project at hand.
Literature study
Published works relating to the project are used to gain background on the processes
Site visits
A thorough understanding and ability for progress is achieved through observations made
during site visits.
Visit to the Coal Africa’s Mooiplat mine for AM75 Voest Alpine-Sandvik roadheader
2.1. Geology and Geotechnical Information
Collection of geotechnical information can be through a number of methods such as
borehole drilling by percussion or rotary core, testpitting, large diameter hole augering 4. The
benefits in applying such methods is the “indication of soil profile, depth to bedrock, depth of
weathering, rock quality and water table depth”4.
As for box-cut or portals it is essential to know the top soil depth and properties and this is
best achieved by using testpit or auger hole (invasive techniques) 4. Core samples can
provide information on the rock strength, weathering and jointing, core recovery and Rock
Quality Designation (RQD) 4. Therefore the rock mass quality can be determined using
Barton’s Q or Bieniawski’s RMR (Rock Mass Rating) 4. This thus helps to determine “support
required in the box-cut sidewall, portal brow or tunnel hangingwall” 4.
A study carried out shows the relationship between geotechnical data and the mechanical
raodheader 5. From the measurements taken consistency in the roadheader operation is
hard to achieve as the RQD and water ingress can have an impact on the Instantaneous
Cutting Rate (ICR) 5. The water ingress from within the strata makes the rock softer thus
increase in ICR is expected as compare to dry sections of the rock strata 5. Therefore the
water in rock strata can insure high advance rate in strong rocks. Therefore, when using a
mechanical roadheader the advance rate can be great but not consistent.
An increase in rock compressive strength and specific energy reduces the ICR 5. But the
water ingress supports the ICR which may increase because of the weakening of rock
strength due to water5.
The Mine Health and Safety Act (MHSA) compels Sasol to have safety measures such as
health and safety policy and codes of practice in place in order to protect anyone who is
doing work for them 6. Sasol prefers to use contractors to develop their shafts. Their role is
to administer the project. In granting a contractor the project, the contractor is required to
produce a safety project plan which is according to the Sasol Project Guidelines to Safety
Management 7. Some of the criteria which the contractor must comply with in the safety
project plan are7:
Risk Assessment
This entails the methodology in which risk assessment will be carried out. This is done under
three methods, that is, Base Line, Continuous and Issue Base Risk Assessment. This
means that when work is done on a certain system, risk which affects that system (base line)
or risk within the system (issue base) must be identified and recorded and continuously
Legal Appointments
Legal appointment documents from all people working on the project (managers,
supervisors, operators, et cetera) must be made available. This ensures all employees on
the site are qualified and capable.
Site Establishment
Site establishment refers to standards regarding the handling of waste and site security
All activities involved in the project must have standard procedures and task assessments
and must be in print. Such activities are the investigation of accidents, site clearances and
task observation on employees.
Equipment Inspections
All equipment used must be registered and approved by an appointed qualified employee.
Administration Documents
Required documents for operation must be signed from the Health and Safety Policy to the
daily site diary.
The above is to assure Sasol that the employed contractor(s) will be able to execute the
project according to legal safety requirements. Background on the contractor’s work conduct
and safety standards, including their track record on accidents and fatalities during
execution, is vital to Sasol.
2.3. Drilling and Blasting in Tunnels
Tunnel excavation by drill and blast methods is a common practice. Face drilling can be
done with the use of jackhammers and drill jumbos. Jackhammers can “offer economy,
flexibility and ability to drill a wide range of rock strength”8. Mostly importantly, jackhammers
are useful when it come to large cross section tunnels and can achieve short drilling cycle
time 8.
Drill bits are tools that wear out and the operational drilling life of drill bits is after 120 to
300m of drilling 8. Therefore drill bits are a cost factor and depend on the type of rock drilled.
There are a number of blasthole designs such as drag round, burn round and wedge round
. When drilling large cross section tunnels the wedge round is mostly suitable for the work 8.
Cross sectional areas of about 25m 2 can be loaded with explosive amounts of about 4 to 5
kg/m 3 for high rock strength and this would require 60 to 70 drilled blast holes 8.
Blasting of tunnel ends or faces result in blast fumes being generated and therefore must be
removed. Smoke clearance is “the time to allow dilution to a level for men to work and
clearance of blasting fumes from the tunnel face and to allow adequate visibility of the
freshly exposed unsupported ground” 8. This is safety measure which is essential in blasting
operations. The procedure for blasting must be according to explosive regulations and
included in the Sasol Project Guidelines to Safety Management. Ventilation system in the
tunnel must be able to remove blast fumes, preferably exhaust ventilation to avoid contact of
blast fumes and tunnel workers, and usually smoke clearance can take 10 minutes 8.
Only Sandvik mining and construction has been approached with regard to providing a
roadheader for the project. Sandvik produces roadheaders and in selecting and modifying
the roadheader, Sandvik imust be provided with geo-technical information for Impumelelo in
order to assist in the selection of the roadheader 1.
According to the paper, “Analytical hierarchy process for selection of roadheaders”, the first
factor which must be assessed is the rock’s cuttability/excavability and this depends on: the
rock physical, mechanical and mass properties . Selection of a roadheader is according to
the mechanical operations of the Roadheader. A selection criterion is chosen according to
the machine’s parameter which cannot be modified afterwards 10. That is, once the machine
is built such parameters cannot be change. Thus in general the technical criteria for the
roadheader will involve looking at 10:
The preferred Roadheader machine should have more torque to cut harder rocks. The more
power is provide the torque increase and the rock can be cut. The power should then be
increased to the point of rock excavability.
The boom forces consist of the vertical, horizontal and axial forces and the higher these
forces are the better. The boom forces enhance the cutting made by the Roadheader. In
cases of longitudinal cutting head type of roadheaders the axial force must be at its
maximum since the other forces are equal.
This describes the amount of rock cut in a given time or period. Cutting capacity provides for
how effective the Roadheader is. The higher the cutting rate the lower the excavation costs.
d. Stability states
Stability is achieved with the use of horizontal and vertical hydraulic cylinders and is
affected by the width of the tunnel excavated and if the roadheader works under wet and
soft ground.
The size of the tunnel section is greater than minimum cutting range of the roadheader. This
allows for the roadheader to cut the require profile from the same position thus reducing the
time spent moving the roadheader. An increase in cutting rate can be achieved.
f. Travelling speed
The preferred roadheader should have high travelling speeds. This is to reduce time taken to
move the roadheader around.
g. Grounding pressure
This is pressure due to the weight over the base area of the roadheader. For wet and soft
rock conditions the grounding pressure must be kept low to prevent sinking of the
The selected roadheader must be able to work in the required decline shaft gradients.
The roadheader must be complete with an onboard roofbolter. This allows for an increase in
the sinking rate as it cuts off the delay of bringing in another machine to support the area.
j. Roadheader dimensions
The excavated dimensions of the tunnel must be greater than that of the roadheader. The
roadheader must be able to fit and manoeuvre in the selected tunnel width and height.
Also noted on the paper is that basic problems resulting from not selecting the right
roadheader are difficulties in cutting, loading, stability of machine, face and ground
conditions and design of the decline 10.
The major aspect is that the selected roadheader must be able to cut the different rock types
which will be encountered. Looking at a past geo-technical information report done by Sasol,
the estimated Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) for Impumelelo are shown on table 2.1.
Table 2.1 Estimated UCS for expected rock types for Impumelelo .
Siltstone 80
Carbonaceous Shale 70
Sandstone 100
Coal 60
The cutting rate of a roadheaders depends on the type of rock it cuts. A brief consultation
with Sandvik points out that roadheader can cut rock strength up to 120 MPa economically.
Figure 2.2 shows a representation of sedimentary rock with the roadheader, this is
necessary as the Secunda area is of the Karoo basin. The graph shows the decline of the
cutting rate with increase in UCS and that the Roadheader is limited to about 120 MPa.
Therefore the dolerite intrusion, shown in the geo-technical information on the table above, is
a major limitation in implementing the roadheader.
Figure 2.2 ICR (Instant Cutting Rate) vs. UCS for sedimentary rocks and transverse roadheaders
The two dolerite sills are near surface and separated by the Karoo rocks and the decline
shaft must cut through the two. As a result of the major fault the decline shaft length of the
two dolerite sills which must be excavated is about 30% of the whole decline shaft. The
Karoo rock and the coal needed to be excavated is 70% of the decline shaft.
The Q index rating of the rock strata is shown in Table 3.1. The Rock Mass Rating (RMR) is
given by equation: RMR = 9lnQ + 44. The width of the shaft or span is 7m thus using the Q
index and RMR the stability of the decline shaft can be determined.
The RMR of the rock strata in the Impumelelo area ranges from 44 to 72. An RMR of 44
shows a stability period of days if the span is unsupported with a Factor of Safety (FOS) of
about 0.9 as shown in Figure 3.1 and 3.2. Also the RMR of 72 has a stability period of years
if unsupported with a FOS of about 1.25.
Figure 3.1 RMR and Q index against unsupported span
Figure 3.2 RMR and Q index against FOS
3.2. Design Evaluation
Evaluating the design of the decline shaft provides for the expected amount of excavation
which is required from the chosen methods. The decline shaft sinking undergoes a number
of steps which are described in the sinking process. The final parameters of the decline shaft
can be achieved once the geo-technical investigation report for Impumelelo decline shaft is
made available. The dimensions of the decline shaft to be sunk are: a 7m x 3m face profile,
decline dip of 17o, vertical depth of 220m.
The development of the decline shaft is done in a number of successive steps. These steps
are the key aspects of sinking a decline shaft, which are:
The Box-cut/Portal
Arch Support
Collar Construction
The support work and thus safety in each of the above steps differs and this is due to the
depth, rock type and the required excavated profile of the decline shaft. Each step of the
sinking outlines the nature of support work required.
a. Box-cut/Portal
The box-cut is the initial step of the execution of the project and is established on high level
ground of the mining boundary, this is to avoid flooding the decline shaft during heavy rain.
The box-cut aims to set up a platform for the constructing the arch. The depth of the box-cut
can be limited to the depth of stable or hard rock. The depth excavated depends on the geo-
technical investigation done prior to the start of the project and differs for every decline shaft.
The box-cut is done with the use of the trucks and loading equipment such as a back hoe
excavator. The rock mass removed must be allocated a dumping area near site. The box-cut
can be done in two ways which depends of the stability of the site chosen. That is by
benches or either establishing a high wall straight from surface as shown in Figure 3.3 and
The construction of box-cut using benches requires the bench gradient to be at about 15 o.
This is a safety consideration since the angle depends on the angle of repose of the top rock
removed. The benches are covered with wire mesh in order to avoid any rock material falling
to the bottom of the box-cut. The bottom bench is lined with shotcrete for stability. A wall
made of timber stick and wooden board can be constructed at the bottom bench so as to
prevent the collapse of the upper benches from running into the bottom of the box-cut.
Fencing around the box-cut prevents any incident of any vehicle, machinery or persons
accidentally falling into the box-cut as shown in Figure 3.3.
Figure 3.3 Bench box-cut excavated to stable rock
When the box-cut is done using the high wall, the stable rock should be near surface. The
sidewalls are supported with wire mesh, shotcrete and support cables. Fence can be erected
to prevent any vehicle from driving into the portal.
Figure 3.4 High wall box-cut excavated to stable rock at Mooiplaat mine
The high wall box-cut is ideal for Impumelelo. The geotechnical data shows stable rock
(dolerite) which is near surface and the method requires less amount of rock excavation than
the bench box-cut which requires benches down to stable rock.
b. Master Arch
The master arch is a support structure made of system of rock bolts and concrete cast as
shown on Figure 3.5. This is to achieve a stable opening into the decline shaft.
Figure 3.5 Master Arch
c. Actual Sinking
The decline shaft is excavated to a final profile of 7m x 3m which from the Master arch is an
excavation to a vertical depth of 220m at 17o that will be a decline length of about 760m.
Volume that needs to be excavated is about 15 969m 3. Therefore volume of the dolerite sill
which must be excavated is 4790.7m 3 (30% of the decline shaft). Support work includes wire
mesh with a meter spaced row of rock bolts and double straps where necessary.
Figure 3.6 Section of the decline shaft from Master Arch
d. Post Sinking
Post sinking is the required excavation which must be done after the actual decline sink.
This includes the Bunker, the connection or access tunnel of the bottom of the Bunker and
the No.2 seam and also the needed excavation into the No.2 seam to connect with the
ventilation shaft thus establishing the ventilation circuit. The post sinking excavation is
shown in annex B.
In selecting the roadheader geo-technical information and the parameters of the decline
shaft of Impumelelo is provided to Sandvik. The features of the roadheader determined by
Sandvik should relate to the general technical criteria for the roadheader discussed in
section 2.4.
Threfore roadheader assumed for the decline shaft by Sandvik is the Sandvik Roadheader
MR340. The roadheader has a cutting motor power of 200 kW with a power supply demand
of 630 kVA. The cutting height and width of the roadheader is 4.87m and 7.4m respectively.
Dimensions of the roadheader are 2.8m width and 10.3m length weighing at 52t. The
roadheader can operated at gradients of 20o which is suitable for the decline shaft project.
Full description is shown in annex C.
The roadheader cutting motor power is limited to 120 MPa of rock strength 3. The Karoo has
sandstone layers which can have rock strength up to 100 MPa and the performance of the
roadheader in the sandstone can be estimated through equation 12:
ICR = 27.511 x e (0.0023xRPI) (m 3/hr)
= 35.3 m3/hr
Considering the dimensions of the decline shaft, a 21m 2 tunnel, therefore an advance rate of
1.7m/hr can be achieved. At rock strength lesser than the sandstone higher advances can
be achieved.
The cutting cycle involves cutting of the rock using the roadheader, loading of broken rock
and support on the roof and sidewall. Assume a normal shift time worked is 9 hours per shift
at two shifts a day.
The mechanical tools used by the roadheader to cut the different rock types are called picks.
The cutter head consists of such picks which cut at a rate of 2.3m/s. The metres advance
per shift depends on the cutting availability of roadheader, that is, cycle time available when
excluding the loading and support time. The roadheader can cut a width of 7.4m and height
of 4.87m, therefore the decline shaft profile can be cut with the roadheader in one position
thus reducing tramming delay times. The roadheader should require a trained operator to
effectively utilize the machine. Predicted cutting rate are discussed in the above sub section.
The broken rock is loaded onto the roadheader apron which is connected to an onboard
conveyor with a capacity of 400m 3/hr. From the roadheader the broken rock can be loaded
onto a Flexible Conveyor Train (FCT) which will load onto the feeder breaker and
transported out of the decline shaft by the main conveyor belt. The crushed rock should be
dump on an allocated dump site. The FCT is positioned between the main conveyor belt and
roadheader and it contributes to a continuous system.
The selected roadheader consists of an onboard roofbolt machine and this allows for support
work to be done at a faster rate. Therefore the cutting availability of the roadheader can be
increased. The roadheader consist of a dust suppression system and thus water needs to be
pumped out of the decline shaft during operation.
The blast cycle involves drilling of the face, charging of explosives and blasting of the drilled
rock, lashing of blasted rock and support of the roof and sidewall.
The drilling is done using jackhammers which allows for blastholes of 2m in length. The use
of jackhammers is common thus experience in the use of jackhammers can allow for more
efficient drilling. The drill pattern used for large face profile is the wedge blast design shown
in Annex D.
The wedge blast design requires about 68 charged blastholes with a single blasthole
uncharged. Charging must be according to procedure along with handling of explosives. The
blast can achieve a success rate of 90% therefore achieving an advance of approximately
4m per day. Smoke clearance period is required after every blast.
Lashing of the blasted rock is done using track-mounted loader which can tip sideways into
the feeder breaker and thus conveying the crush rock to surface. The track-mounted loader
can operate at dip angles of 17o.
Roof and sidewall support is done using a roofbolt machine. The support work is according
to the sinking process and up to the drilling range.
both methods. In the following subsections costs are estimated according to previous Sasol
Operating costs are divided as services and supplies, whereby services are power supply,
water supply and ventilation and supplies are roofbolts and resin, wire mesh, w-straps,
explosives, picks and drill bits.
Power is supplied to equipments and machines and common to both methods is the
conveyor belt and feeder breaker. The roadheader method requires a roadheader and an
FCT while the use of the drill and blast methods requires jackhammers, a track-mounted
loader (diesel powered at around R8/litre) and a roofbolt machine. The roadheader requires
630 kVA supplied through a transformer which is extremely higher than the equipment used
in drill and blast method.
Water supply needed in operating the roadheader is exceeds that of jackhammers due to the
amount of water required to suppress the dust generated by the roadheader during cutting.
Supplies regarding support are common for both methods. The conventional method uses
explosive to break the rock. The wedge blast design with 69 blastholes drilled, 2m advance
at 90% success rate, that is, over 422 blasts over the whole decline shaft. Blasting costs
include detonators and blasting wire. The operational drill life of a drill bit is an average of
210m of drilling depending on the rock type drilled 8. Meters drilled per blast are 138m
therefore about 2 drill bits per blast used. Another supply need is of cutting picks and their
wear rate depends on the rock cut, thus high rate wear expected when cutting dolerite.
3.4.2. Labour
Labour used for using the roadheader or conventional drill and blast comprises of
supervisors, team leaders, teams and safety personnel. For a three shift per day operation
with two blasting or cutting shifts and one maintenance shift, Table 3.2 shows the number of
employees needed in the decline shaft operations. Maintenance for the roadheader is
provided by the roadheader supplier and thus an expense.
Table 3.2 Personnel required for each method applied
Labour costs for conventional drill and blast are high as compared to using the roadheader
due to the number of personnel required for the decline shaft excavation.
3.4.3. Capital
The use of a roadheader or conventional drill and blast require the same machines such as
the conveyor belt and feeder breaker, trucks and loaders for surface preparation. Different
major machine used are in drill and blast method, that is, jackhammers, roofbolt machine
and Track-mounted loader. The capital for applying the roadheader must assist in acquiring
a roadheader and a FCT. The roadheader must be purchase and not rented and thus allows
for further use in other future replacement mine operations. The cost of a roadheader ranges
from R21 million to R26 million 3. Capital requirement for using the roadheader is higher than
using the conventional drill and blast method.
Time schedule for the decline shaft relate to the other shafts which will be sunk (ventilation
and service shaft). The decline shaft is in the critical path of the three shafts and thus must
be completed at the earliest time possible. The early completion allows for the ventilation
circuit to be established. The time schedule for the decline shaft must be ahead of the
ventilation. The project is scheduled to start in 2011.
Drilling and blasting the decline shaft is limited to the length of the drill steel and the number
of blast which can be achieve a day. The drill steel is 2m and the charging and blasting is
done twice a day. Blast success rate is 90% thus the advance per day which is possible is
3.6m/day. Therefore the decline shaft should be excavated in 211 days, with the decline
shaft length of 760m.
The roadheader can achieve 1.7m/hr linear advance in Karoo rocks of the decline shaft.
70% of the decline shaft is Karoo rock therefore 532m of cutting. Assuming a machine
utilization of 50%; taking into account delays, tramming and roofbolting, the roadheader
should achieve 7.65m/shift in a 9hr shift. Therefore the Karoo rocks can be cut in 35 days.
The roadheader is limited to cutting soft rocks and when cutting through the dolerite the
advance rate drops and pick wear rate increases. This results in longer time frame of cutting
through the dolerite.
Using only the roadheader in the excavation of the whole decline shaft will result in an
extremely high rate of pick wear in hard rock with extremely reduced rates of advance. The
Karoo rocks can be cut at high rates; therefore the time frame of the project can be
substantial or extensive since the major delay will result in the cutting of the dolerite sill. High
capital for the roadheader is required thus increasing the costs inclusive of operating, labour
and maintenance costs. With regards to safety, less number of workers is exposed to risk as
compared to conventional drill and blast thus using roadheader is advantageous.
The use of a conventional drill and blast method for the whole decline shaft results in an
extensive time frame for the project due to limited advance rate. The advance rate relies on
the experience of the jackhammer operators and workers charging the explosives. The cost
involved from using drill and blast can be lesser than or similar to using the roadheader for
the whole decline shaft. This is due to the more number of equipment (roofbolt machine and
track-mounted loader) being used in drill and blast and the increase in cost for using the
roadheader in harder rock.
The roadheader if used for the whole decline provides for a high cost, more safer and
extensive project and the conventional drill and blast provides for a low cost, less safe and
extensive project. The combination of the two methods can provide for a high cost but safer
and less extensive project as described in Table 4.1.
4.2.1. Implementation
The dolerite sill is near surface thus the conventional drill and blast method can be initially
used. The cutting cycle for each method would apply but the roadheader would be ideal for
excavating the Karoo rocks and the dolerite sills excavated using conventional drill and blast.
Once the excavation through the dolerite sills is done operations throughout the project can
completed using the roadheader.
The operation allows for high risk exposure of personnel to injuries in the beginning of the
project due to increase number of personnel and machinery in the decline shaft, but safety
an exposure to risk decreases as the project advances.
Combination of the roadheader and conventional drill and blast mean that the costs for the
project will be high. The capital for the above mentioned machinery for both methods is
necessary in combining the two. Operating costs using drill and blast for the decline shaft will
be for 30% of the decline excavation. The operating costs for drill and blast become minimal
compare to using drill and blast for the whole decline shaft.
The number of people employed increase as shown in Table 4.2 and therefore the labour
cost increase. Once the dolerite sills are drilled and blasted the number of personnel drops
and only the crew needed for the roadheader continues into the Karoo rocks thus the labour
costs are moderate when implementing the two methods.
Supervisor(s) 2
Team leader(s) 3
Roofbolt operator 4
Track-mounted loader 4
Blasting 6
Drillers 4
Artisan 3
General worker 4
Roadheader operator 2
FCT operator 2
Safety personnel 3
total 37
The number of shifts utilized per day for drilling and blasting or cutting is 2 shift/day (9hr
shifts). The advancement of the roadheader through the Karoo rocks is determined in
section 3.5 as 35 days. The drilling and blasting through the dolerite sills is 30% of the
decline shaft at a constant 3.6m/day. Therefore the duration of excavating the decline shaft
should take 64 days. The total time frame of the decline shaft is 99 days. Assuming the there
is only 23 working days per month, the decline shaft should be completed on the 5 th month
of the start of the project excluding site preparation.
Conclusions and recommendations with regard to the project study:
The initial phase of establishing a box-cut or portal can be easily achieve by using
the high wall box-cut which is drilled and blasted since the dolerite sill is near surface.
The combined system can achieve the highest advance rate in the decline shaft with
the application of conventional drill and blast in hard rock (dolerite sills) and the
roadheader in the Karoo rocks (1.7m/hr). 30% of the decline shaft is through the
dolerite sill as a result of the vertical displacement caused by the major fault.
The combination of the two methods will result in high cost but the critical path of the
programme can be achieved since full production is expected in 2014.
The major decisive costs involved in the project are the operating costs, labour costs
and capital for the required machinery.
The evaluation of the roadheader and the conventional drill and blast method in
sinking the decline shaft provides for a system whereby both methods are relied
upon. This is because of the combination of the two best reflects on the safety, cost
and time frame of the project.
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Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E