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Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report for Manufacturing

of Brick Manufacturing Industry

EIA Report

February , 2023
Prepared by


1.0 Introduction

1.2 Aim

1.3 Objective

1.4 Scope of Study

1.5 Methodology

1.6 Limitation

2.0 Materials and Methods

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Raw Materials

2.3 Manufacturing

2.4 Properties

2.5 Environmental Issues

3.0 Analysis of the Experiments and Findings

3.1 Impact of brick industry on the environment of the area

3.2 Degraded quality of air and water

3.3 Pollution related health problem

4.0 Policy, Legal and Institutional Framework

4.1Project Description

4.2 Project proposal

5.0 Summary

5.1 Conclusion

1.1 Introduction

As manufacturers and industries all over the world are facing the finally voiced demand towards eco-

friendly produce, environmental awareness has become a critical aspect in product and process

development and an intrinsic part of any business planning and overall strategy (Židonienė and

Kruopienė, 2014). Manufacturing industry provides a lot of production materials and products for society

and at the same time is related to high-energy consumption and serious environmental contamination. In

order to develop less polluting products, services or activities, it is necessary to evaluate a possible

negative pressure on the environment in the earliest stage of development and seek for alternative

solutions or means which can help to diminish that impact without losing the initial purpose of the action.

As a part of the current worldwide regulatory framework, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is

a compulsory element in project planning and implementation. EIA is a decision tool employed to

identify and evaluate the probable environmental consequences of certain proposed development actions

in order to facilitate informed decision-making and sound environmental management (Cashmore et al.,

2004). It also predicts whether the effects will have a significant impact on the receiving environment

after the mitigation control has been implemented (Cornejo 2005). EIA assesses both positive and

negative effects and takes into consideration the local impact of proposed projects. In most countries,

EIA is applied during the planning or permit approval phase with a goal to determine whether a project is

acceptable. Unfortunately, only formal environmental (but not social or economical) standards play a key

role (Arts and Faith-Ell 2010, Jos 2013). A considerable research effort has gone into the analysis of EIA

since its formulation in 1969, and a number of implementation and effectiveness challenges have been

identified through the years of practice.

The aim of this paper is to analyse whether current Environmental Impact Assessment practice assesses

and covers all significant environmental aspects related to manufacturing industry. Prior to the analysis

of manufacturing industry EIA reports, an investigation of significant environmental aspects related to

manufacturing industry was held.

1.2 Aim

The core purpose of the study is to provide an examination and assessment of the principal environmental

impacts of a brick manufacturing industry. The study covers not only physical and chemical aspect, but

also the human dimension or social aspect. The study purpose also includes outlining an environmental

management plan with an indication of the extent of work to be done to keep the development and

environment compatible.

1.3 Objectives

In order to have a very distinct picture of the environmental impact of brick industries located in the

university of Ilorin region few objectives are taken into consideration. The objectives so related will be

efficient to fulfill the primary aim of the study. The objectives are:

i) To identify the locational pattern of the brick industries in the region in terms of the land behavior.

ii) To find out the changing pattern of land use in and around the brick industry and to assess its overall

impact on the environment.

iii) To ensure the people’s perception on the fast growing brick industry in the region and to identify the

control measure that the industry has taken up to preserve the environmental quality of the region.

iv) To estimate the economic impact of the industry on the inhabitants settled around the region as a


v) To formulate a plan for waste control measure in order to maintain the environmental quality and to

minimize the adverse effect of the industry.

vi) To present an overview of the project and relevant environmental regulation thereof.

vii) To assess the baseline environmental and social conditions in the Project area.

viii) To identify the potential environmental, social and occupational impacts due to the Project.
ix) To propose appropriate mitigation and monitoring measures to minimize adverse environmental,

occupational and social impacts as per national and international standard practices.

x) To propose required emergency preparedness and disaster management strategies and frameworks.

xi) To integrate the environmental regulations and propositions into project implementation.

1.4 Scope of Study

The ESIA will cover the environmental, occupational and social impacts of the following three major

components of the Project:

1. Establishing and operating an energy efficient brick manufacturing plant

2. Sourcing of soil, coal and clay in a sustainable manner

3. Ensuring traffic safety and other relevant comfort to adjacent community

1.5 Methodology

This ESIA report has been developed based on the review and collection of primary and secondary

sources of information. Primary sources have included observations, stakeholder consultation outcomes

and the results of survey & FGD. Secondary sources included published material, statistics, maps and

results from other investigative methods. Information and data collected from primary and secondary

sources have been summarized to develop a robust, reliable and detailed baseline case. This baseline is

used as a standard to which the proposed Project can be compared in order to determine appropriate

potential impacts and suitable mitigation and management measures.

The ESIA consultants gathered required secondary data from dependable and consistent sources. They

have applied standard EIA framework, EMP guideline, DMP manual, OHS system and other relevant
project matrix to review and analyze information from secondary sources. This includes but not limited

to the following:

• Desk Research: The desk research involved review of company brochure, project profile and

other relevant documents and analysis of related environmental laws, regulations and guidelines

of constructions in unilorin, multilateral donor agencies like World Bank. This also included

reviewing published documents, reports, websites and other relevant information available online

to develop an understanding of the project’s managerial and operational activities and consider

relevant guidelines and procedures.

1.6 Limitation

The EIA investigation may not exhaustively cover all possible aspects and circumstances that may occur.

However, an effort is made to discover all meaningful areas under the stipulated time available. Services

performed by the consultant are conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill

generally exercised by members of the engineering and consulting profession. The consultants have

faced some constraints in conducting the study that are outlined below:

It should be recognized that the information given in this report is time specific and with the constraint of

time the relevancy of data and analysis may suffer.


2.1 Introduction

The fundamentals of brick manufacturing have not changed over time. However, technological

advancements have made contemporary brick plants substantially more efficient and have improved

the overall quality of the products. A more complete knowledge of raw materials and their properties,

better control of firing, improved kiln designs and more advanced mechanization have all contributed

to advancing the brick industry.

Other Technical Notes in this series address the classification and selection of brick considering the use,

exposure and required durability of the finished brickwork.

2.2 Raw Materials

Clay is one of the most abundant natural mineral materials on earth. For brick manufacturing, clay must

possess some specific properties and characteristics. Such clays must have plasticity, which permits them

to be shaped or molded when mixed with water; they must have sufficient wet and air-dried strength to

maintain their shape after forming. Also, when subjected to appropriate temperatures, the clay particles

must fuse together.

Types of Clay

Clays occur in three principal forms, all of which have similar chemical compositions but different

physical characteristics.

Surface Clays. Surface clays may be the upthrusts of older deposits or of more recent sedimentary

formations. As the name implies, they are found near the surface of the earth.

Shales. Shales are clays that have been subjected to high pressures until they have nearly hardened into


Fire Clays. Fire clays are usually mined at deeper levels than other clays and have refractory qualities.
Surface and fire clays have a different physical structure from shales but are similar in chemical

composition. All three types of clay are composed of silica and alumina with varying amounts of metallic

oxides. Metallic oxides act as fluxes promoting fusion of the particles at lower temperatures. Metallic

oxides (particularly those of iron, magnesium and calcium) influence the color of the fired brick.

The manufacturer minimizes variations in chemical composition and physical properties by mixing clays

from different sources and different locations in the pit. Chemical composition varies within the pit, and

the differences are compensated for by varying manufacturing processes. As a result, brick from the

same manufacturer will have slightly different properties in subsequent production runs. Further, brick

from different manufacturers that have the same appearance may differ in other properties.

2.3 Manufacturing

Although the basic principles of manufacture are fairly uniform, individual manufacturing plants

tailor their production to fit their particular raw materials and operation. Essentially, brick are

produced by mixing ground clay with water, forming the clay into the desired shape, and drying and

firing. In ancient times, all molding was performed by hand. However, since the invention of brick-

making machines during the latter part of the 19th century, the majority of brick produced in the

United States have been machine made.

Phases of Manufacturing

The manufacturing process has six general phases: 1) mining and storage of raw materials, 2) preparing

raw materials, 3) forming the brick, 4) drying, 5) firing and cooling and 6) de-hacking and storing

finished products (see

Figure 1).

Figure 1
Diagrammatic Representation of Manufacturing Process

Mining and Storage. Surface clays, shales and some

fire clays are mined in open pits with power equipment.
Then the clay or shale mixtures are transported to
plant storage areas (see Photo 1).
Continuous brick production regardless of weather
conditions is ensured by storing sufficient quantities
of raw materials required for many days of plant
operation. Normally, several storage areas (one for
each source) are used to facilitate blending of the
clays. Blending produces more uniform raw materials, Photo 1

helps control color and allows raw material control for Clay or Shale Being Crushed

manufacturing a certain brick body. and Transported to Storage Area | Brick Industry Association | TN 9 | Manufacturing of Brick | Page 2 of 7

Photo 2 Photo 3

Clay is Thoroughly Mixed with Water After Mining, Clay is Extruded Through a Die

and in Pug Mill Before Extrusion Trimmed to Specified Dimension Before Firing

Preparation. To break up large clay lumps and stones, the material is processed through size-reduction

machines before mixing the raw material. Usually the material is processed through inclined vibrating

screens to control particle size.

Forming. Tempering, the first step in the forming process, produces a homogeneous, plastic clay mass.

Usually, this is achieved by adding water to the clay in a pug mill (see Photo 2), a mixing chamber with

one or more revolving shafts with blade extensions. After pugging, the plastic clay mass is ready for

forming. There are three principal processes for forming brick: stiff-mud, soft-mud and dry-press.

Stiff-Mud Process - In the stiff-mud or extrusion process (see Photo 3), water in the range of 10 to 15

percent is mixed into the clay to produce plasticity. After pugging, the tempered clay goes through a

deairing chamber that maintains a vacuum of 15 to 29 in. (375 to 725 mm) of mercury. De-airing

removes air holes and bubbles, giving the clay increased workability and plasticity, resulting in greater


Next, the clay is extruded through a die to produce a column of clay. As the clay column leaves the die,

textures or surface coatings may be applied (see PROPERTIES, Textures, Coatings and Glazes). An
automatic cutter then slices through the clay column to create the individual brick. Cutter spacings and

die sizes must be carefully calculated to compensate for normal shrinkage that occurs during drying and

firing (see PROPERTIES, Size Variation). About 90 percent of brick in the United States are produced

by the extrusion process.

Soft-Mud Process - The soft-mud or molded process is particularly suitable for clays containing too

much water to be extruded by the stiff-mud process. Clays are mixed to contain 20 to 30 percent water

and then formed into brick in molds. To prevent clay from sticking, the molds are lubricated with

either sand or water to produce “sand-struck” or “water-struck” brick. Brick may be produced in this

manner by machine or by hand.

Dry-Press Process - This process is particularly suited to clays of very low plasticity. Clay is mixed

with a minimal amount of water (up to 10 percent), then pressed into steel molds under pressures

from 500 to 1500 psi (3.4 to 10.3 MPa) by hydraulic or compressed air rams.

Drying. Wet brick from molding or cutting machines contain 7 to 30 percent moisture, depending upon

the forming method. Before the firing process begins, most of this water is evaporated in dryer chambers

at temperatures ranging from about 100 ºF to 400 ºF (38 ºC to 204 ºC). The extent of drying time, which

varies with different clays, usually is between 24 to 48 hours. Although heat may be generated

specifically for dryer chambers, it usually is supplied from the exhaust heat of kilns to maximize thermal

efficiency. In all cases, heat and humidity must be carefully regulated to avoid cracking in the brick.

Hacking. Hacking is the process of loading a kiln car or kiln with brick. The number of brick on the kiln

car is determined by kiln size. The brick are typically placed by robots or mechanical means. The setting

pattern has some influence on appearance. Brick placed face-to-face will have a more uniform color than

brick that are cross-set or placed face-to-back.

Firing. Brick are fired between 10 and 40 hours, depending upon kiln type and other variables. There are

several types of kilns used by manufacturers. The most common type is a tunnel kiln, followed by

periodic kilns. Fuel may be natural gas, coal, sawdust, methane gas from landfills or a combination of

these fuels.

In a tunnel kiln (see Photo 4), brick are loaded onto kiln cars, which pass through various temperature

zones as they travel through the tunnel. The heat conditions in each zone are carefully controlled, and the

kiln is continuously operated. A periodic kiln is one that is loaded, fired, allowed to cool and unloaded,

after which the same steps are repeated. Dried brick are set in periodic kilns according to a prescribed

pattern that permits circulation of hot kiln gases.

Firing may be divided into five general stages: 1) final drying (evaporating free water); 2) dehydration; 3)

oxidation; 4) vitrification; and 5) flashing or reduction firing. All except flashing are associated with

rising temperatures in the kiln. Although the actual temperatures will differ with clay or shale, final

drying takes place at temperatures up to about 400 ºF (204 ºC), dehydration from about 300 ºF to 1800 ºF

(149 ºC to 982 ºC), oxidation from 1000 ºF to 1800 ºF (538 ºC to 982 ºC) and vitrification from 1600 ºF

to 2400 ºF (871 ºC to 1316 ºC).

Clay, unlike metal, softens slowly and melts or vitrifies gradually when subjected to rising temperatures.

Vitrification allows clay to become a hard, solid mass with relatively low absorption. Melting takes place

in Photo 4

Photo 4 Photo 5
Robotic Arm Unloading Brick After Firing Brick Enter Tunnel Kiln for Firing
three stages: 1) incipient fusion, when the clay particles become sufficiently soft to stick together in a mass

cooled; 2) vitrification, when extensive fluxing occurs and the mass becomes tight, solid and

nonabsorbent; and 3) viscous fusion, when the clay mass breaks down and becomes molten,

leading to a deformed shape. The key to the firing process is to control the temperature in the

kiln so that incipient fusion and partial vitrification occur but viscous fusion is avoided.

The rate of temperature change must be carefully controlled and is dependent on the raw

materials, as well as the size and coring of the brick being produced. Kilns are normally

equipped with temperature sensors to control firing temperatures in the various stages. Near

the end, the brick may be “flashed” to produce color variations (see PROPERTIES, Color).

Cooling. After the temperature has peaked and is maintained for a prescribed time, the

cooling process begins. Cooling time rarely exceeds 10 hours for tunnel kilns and from 5 to

24 hours in periodic kilns. Cooling is an important stage in brick manufacturing because the

rate of cooling has a direct effect on color.

De-hacking. De-hacking is the process of unloading a kiln or kiln car after the brick have

cooled, a job often performed by robots (see Photo 5). Brick are sorted, graded and packaged.

Then they are placed in a storage yard or loaded onto rail cars or trucks for delivery. The

majority of brick today are packaged in self-contained, strapped cubes, which can be broken

down into individual strapped packages for ease of handling on the jobsite.

The packages and cubes are configured to provide openings for handling by forklifts.

2.3 Properties

All properties of brick are affected by raw material composition and the manufacturing

process. Most manufacturers blend different clays to achieve the desired properties of the raw

materials and of the fired brick. This improves the overall quality of the finished product. The
quality control during the manufacturing process permits the manufacturer to limit variations

due to processing and to produce a more uniform product.

The most important properties of brick are 1) durability, 2) color, 3) texture, 4) size variation,

5) compressive strength and 6) absorption.


The durability of brick depends upon achieving incipient fusion and partial vitrification

during firing. Because compressive strength and absorption values are also related to the

firing temperatures, these properties, together with saturation coefficient, are currently taken

as predictors of durability in brick specifications. However, because of differences in raw

materials and manufacturing methods, a single set of values of compressive strength and

absorption will not reliably indicate the degree of firing.


The color of fired clay depends upon its chemical composition, the firing temperatures and

the method of firing control. Of all the oxides commonly found in clays, iron probably has

the greatest effect on color. Regardless of its natural color, clay containing iron in practically

any form will exhibit a shade of red when exposed to an oxidizing fire because of the

formation of ferrous oxide. When fired in a reducing atmosphere, the same clay will assume a

dark (or black) hue. Creating a reducing atmosphere in the kiln is known as flashing or

reduction firing.

Given the same raw material and manufacturing method, darker colors are associated with

higher firing temperatures, lower absorption values and higher compressive strength values.
Photo 6

However, for products made from different raw materials, there is no direct relationship

between strength and color or absorption and color.

Texture, Coatings and Glazes

Many brick have smooth or sand-finished textures produced by the dies or molds used in

forming. A smooth texture, commonly referred to as a die skin, results from pressure exerted

by the steel die as the clay passes through it in the extrusion process. Most extruded brick

have the die skin removed and the surface further treated to produce other textures using

devices that cut, scratch, roll, brush or otherwise roughen the surface as the clay column

leaves the die (see Photo 6). Brick may be tumbled before or after firing to achieve an antique


Many manufacturing plants apply engobes (slurries) of finely ground clay or colorants to the

column. Engobes are clay slips that are fired onto the ceramic body and develop hardness, but

are not impervious to moisture or water vapor. Sands, with or without coloring agents, can be

rolled into an engobe or applied directly to the brick faces to create interesting and distinctive

patterns in the finished product.

Although not produced by all manufacturers, glazed brick are made through a carefully

controlled ceramic glazing procedure. There are two basic variations of glazing; single-fired

and double-fired. Single-fired glazes are sprayed on brick before or after drying and then

kiln-fired at the normal firing temperatures of the brick. Double-fired glazes are used to

obtain colors that cannot be produced at higher temperatures. Such a glaze is applied after the

brick body has been fired and cooled, then refired at temperatures less than 1800 ºF (982 ºC).

Glazes are available in a wide variety of colors and reflectances. Unlike engobes, glazes are

impervious to water and water vapor.

Size Variation

Because clays shrink during both drying and firing, allowances are made in the forming

process to achieve the desired size of the finished brick. Both drying shrinkage and firing

shrinkage vary for different clays, usually falling within the following ranges:

• Drying shrinkage: 2 to 4 percent

• Firing shrinkage: 2.5 to 4 percent

Firing shrinkage increases with higher temperatures, which produce darker shades. When a

wide range of colors is desired, some variation between the sizes of the dark and light units is

inevitable. To obtain products of uniform size, manufacturers control factors contributing to

shrinkage. Because of normal variations in raw materials and temperature variations within

kilns, absolute uniformity is impossible. Consequently, specifications for brick allow size


Compressive Strength and Absorption

Both compressive strength and absorption are affected by properties of the clay, method of

manufacture and degree of firing. For a given clay and method of manufacture, higher

compressive strength values and lower absorption values are associated with higher firing

temperatures. Although absorption and compressive strength can be controlled by

manufacturing and firing methods, these properties depend largely upon the properties of the

raw materials.

2.5 Environmental Issues

Brick manufacturing is one of the most efficient uses of materials to produce a product. Brick

plants are typically located close to raw material sources. Processed clay and shale removed

in the forming process before firing are returned to the production stream. Brick not meeting
standards after firing are culled from the process and ground to be used as grog in
Photo 7
manufacturing brick or crushed to be used as landscaping material. There is virtually no

waste of raw materials in manufacturing brick.

Brick manufacturing uses readily available raw materials, including some waste products.

The primary ingredient, clay, has been termed an

“abundant resource” by many authorities including the American Institute of Architects [Ref.

1], confirming that depletion of clay is not a concern. Nonhazardous waste products from

other industries are sometimes used. Examples include using bottom- and fly-ash from coal-

fired generators, using other ceramic materials as grog, using lubricants derived from

processing organic materials in the forming of brick, and using sawdust as a burnout material.

The brick industry’s goal is to reduce resources used in the manufacturing process. Although

water is used in brick manufacturing, it is not chemically altered but is evaporated into the

atmosphere. By using storage tanks to recirculate and reuse water, potable water demand can

be cut dramatically. Brick manufacturers are continuously looking for ways to minimize use

of water.

While natural gas is the most frequently used energy source for brick manufacturing, many

manufacturers are using waste products, such as methane gas from landfills and sawdust, for

brick firing.

The brick industry recognizes the need for compliance with state and federal regulations for

clean air and the environment. Air emissions are minimized with controls such as scrubbers

installed on kiln exhausts. Dust in plants is controlled through the use of filtering systems,

vacuums, additives and water mists. Mined areas are reclaimed by replacing overburden and
topsoil so the resulting property can be used for a wide variety of functions, including

farmland, residential and commercial sites, and even wetlands.

Current manufacturing processes for brick are similar in scope to those used for the past 3500

years. Over this period of time, it has been demonstrated that brick are safe and durable

products for society. The long service life of brickwork is a key component of sustainable

structures and pavements.

The Brick Industry Association has adopted the following environmental policy statement:

The brick industry recognizes that the stewardship of our planet lies in the hands of our

generation. Our goal is to continually seek out innovative, environmentally friendly

opportunities in the manufacturing process and for the end use of clay brick products. As

demonstrated over time, we are committed to manufacturing products that provide

exceptional energy efficiency, durability, recyclability, and low maintenance with minimal

impact on the environment from which they originate. We will ensure that our facilities meet

or exceed state and federal environmental regulations, and we will continue to partner with

building professionals to help them in using our products to create environmentally

responsible living and working spaces for today’s and future generations.


3.1 Impact of brick industry on the environment of the area: EIA is a formal study

process used to predict the environmental consequences of a proposed or already developed

project. The check list method employed in this study at first identifies the parameters for

investigation. The environmental parameters are measured and interpreted to detect whether

the developed brick industries have either adverse effect or no effect on the overall

environmental condition of the area. The parameter thus selected primarily are number of

settlement dislodged, change of land use, impact on agriculture, effect on environmental

quality etc. The table 3.1 illustrates the vary impact of brick industry on the environmental

situation of Unilorin. Table 3.1: Impact of brick industry during constructional phase.

Industrial unit No.of Effect on land Quality of Environmental Human

settlement use Agirl practice quality perception


Unit-I 20 Adverse Adverse Degrading Satisfactory

Unit-II 12 Adverse Adverse Degrading Satisfactory

Unit-III 8 No effect Adverse Degrading Satisfactory

Unit-IV 25 Adverse Adverse Degrading Not


Unit-V 5 No effect No effect Constant Satisfactory

Examining the qualitative statements of people dwelling surrounding the industries in

different villages give some clue for further in depth analysis particularly in case of their

perceptibility regarding the upcoming huge number of brick industries out of a total of fifteen

units established in the area reflects a hazardous situation of existing norms of environmental

quality. Using a total of 21.0 hectares of land, these sample units already dislodged 70

numbers of settlements and incurred a tiny consolidated compensatory amount to the

dislodged families. The big units in general leased in the land for the establishment of

industries as well as uses land as raw materials for bricks which is also done at a very cheap

rate when compared with the quality of the total loss. On the other hand, most of the settlers

near brick industries express their satisfaction for the establishment of brick industries but the

economic benefit have been defied at same time. It is quite obvious that there prevails a total

adverse situation in land use, agricultural production, health and hygiene and so on. The

survey conducted in this purpose confirmed it that nearly 80% people confessed the changing
situation after the establishment of the brick industries in the area. It can distinctly be

examined in table 3.1 where the change of land use pattern and the amount of land brought

under the use of brick industries are extremely speculative in a small area of just 5.0 sq. km.

Table3.2: Changing land use under the Brick Industries.

Industrial Use of land (hectares) Loss of Recreational Settlement

unit Agirl Forest others open space ground area

land land

Unit- I 27.0 2.0 1.0 2.5 -- 18.0

Unit- II 12.0 4.0 5.0 -- 2.5 12.50

Unit- III 30.0 -- -- 4.3 -- 10.09

Unit- IV 42.0 8.0 -- 3.5 -- --

Unit- V 30.0 -- -- -- -- -

Total 141.0 14.0 6.0 10.3 2.5 40.59

A cautious look into the table 3.1 reveals that the total amount of land used by the brick

industries are mostly agricultural field which constitutes 68.43% of total used land and

remaining are also previously used for various other meaningful purposes. It is seen

particularly in these five sample industrial unit that the net loss of fresh forest accounts 14

bigha is directly adverse to the situation of demand where forestation instead of deforest is a
prior compulsion before establishment of industry in order to minimize the environmental


3.2 Degraded quality of air and water

In order to confirm the subsidence of environmental quality, air and water used to be the

effective determiner. Minute change in the air and water can be detected with help of

sophisticated scientific technique and the pollutants are identified. In absence of effective

scientific know how the pollutants are determined on the basis of some observational test

which are carried in three cites of the study area. Air pollutants are identified with the help of

wet paper test and smell procedure while the chemical action of pollutants is observed in the

field with the help of a test conducted on the green cover of the area.

In this process, three cites namely sample industrial unit II, IV and V are selected to conduct

the wet paper test and other observational test. The results of the test are shown in the table


Table 3.3: Results of quality test at three-sample unit.

Sample Particulate matter Odors Gases present


Unit-II 336 ppm Burning Oxides of sulphur,

carbon, nitrates present

Unit- 401 ppm Burning and in the air

IV hydrogen sulphide

301pmm Burning


3.3 Pollution related health problem

The adverse impact of pollution is best seen in the situation of health and hygiene of an area.

The brick industries located at Unilorin in large must have some disastrous impact on the

social health of the area, which need special investigation to confirm it. Accordingly the

investigations made in the area reveals that the incidence of pollution oriented disease have

been increasing at a tremendous rate. The region observes a 30% growth of air born diseases

during the operational phase of brick industry, which in fact, effectively conduct operation

within the month of September to April. As such, water born diseases like dysentery,

gastroenteritis, skin diseases are alarmingly rising at the rate of 25.69, 14.52 and 7.82%

respectively during this year. The highest numbers of cough patients are registered during the

last two years because of increasing number of brick industries, which has intensified the

pollution, and in consequence the health situation is fast deteriorating. The following table

illustrates the consequence and impact of pollution caused by the continuous emission of

smoke, gases, suspended particles, ashes etc. by the brick industries in the entire region.

Table 3.4: Percentage of people affected frequently from diseases.

Diseases % of people Diseases % of people

Cough 45.21 Dysentery 25.69

Cold 22.01 Gastroenteritis 14.52

Tuberculosis 12.45 Skin disease 7.82

Bronchitis 5.69 Respiratory problem 4.68

Asthma 7.82

With the removal of vegetative covers, shrinkage of green agricultural field, declining

productivity with the growing number of brick industries within this small patch of areal

coverage are significant to cause large scale pollution in absence of proper pollution control

measure. The increasing number of air and water born diseases in the area by and large
approved a dismantling environmental condition in the region. Apart from thus fuel used in

the brick industries are collected at a large scale from the Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary situated

at a close proximity near about 1 km. distance from the factory which in turn, pose a severe

threat to the ecosystem of the wildlife sanctuary.

4.0 Policy, Legal and Institutional Framework

This section reviews the relevant policies, legislations, and institutional framework of

University of Ilorin and National guidelines relevant in the context of environmental and

socioeconomic aspect of the project. The activities carried out under the project are subject to

these legal requirements.

As environmental and social aspects of a development project are interrelated issues, EIA and

report have to come up with laws and regulations of the various sectors. Various government

agencies at the national, region, township, and village are involved in one way or another in

the EIA process. The relevant policies, legislations, and institutional framework of Myanmar

and International guidelines relevant in the context of environmental and socio-economic

aspect of the project have been reviewed. In this regard, the report was prepared with

reference to Environmental Impact Assessment procedure (2015), National Environmental

Quality Emission Guideline (2015), IFC, WHO standards. The criteria and environmental

standards are used as benchmark targets for environmental and social management of the


4.1Project Description

University of Ilorin initiates its first brick factory plant in Myanmar to provide construction

material to local construction markets as hundred percent foreign investments. Unilorin Brick
Factory is located inside university of Ilorin permanent site tanke area Ilorin KWARA state.

The designated land area about (1.50 acres) has been allocated out of the existing land

available in the school surrounding along unilorin staff quarters.

During the Operation phase, proposed factory will operate on daytime, at production rate of 1

to 2 hours per batch targeting 1,459 ton per year. Most of the raw materials will be extracted

from available land mass in the school area and some materials will be purchased from local

suppliers. Detail list of raw materials and consumption rate required for brick manufacturing

will be discusses. Water and clay is the major ingredient for brick manufacturing and other

additives. Storage facilities for all raw materials and final goods are showed in table (4.5).

The manufacturing process involves three stages: (i) Mining (ii) Storage (iii) Size Reduction

(iv) Screening (v) Forming and Cutting (vi) coating and Glazing (vii) Drying (viii) Firing and

Cooling (ix) Storage and Shipping. Unilorin brick factory will produce standard norm for

each product and custom-made performance admixtures under the Master Builders Solutions

brand, including product lines such as Master Ease, Master Glenium, and Master Rheo build,

Master Pozzolith and Maste Kure as per customer order.

Resources requirement for proposed brick manufacturing production includes 65 percent of

raw water will be required for production process, and it will be obtained from tube well

water supply. The national grid line is the main sources for electricity supply for this project.

The detail description of fuel, electricity consumption, and water consumption can be shown

in table (4.9).

The project proponent is committed towards waste efficiency regarding the environmental

protection requirements for its entire manufacturing site. All of generated waste will be
segregated into hazardous and non- hazardous waste and processed through a robust waste

management system for production area and office.

UBF has embraced the goals of the chemical industry’s voluntary “Responsible Care

Initiative and applies them to the entire BASF group. Overall design concept of the project

takes into consideration environmentally sustainable features with the adaption of the BASF

global chemical admixture industrial standards and guidelines.

Decommissioning phase covers an investment periods of 50 years with extension of two

times per 10 years.

4.2 The Project Proposal

The project is comprised of a quarry and adjacent brick manufacturing plant as shown in

Figure 2. A new access road and power line will also be constructed, and small pipelines

from local boreholes to storage tanks.

The Quarry

Most of the raw materials required for cement manufacture are available at the proposed

quarry site – i.e. clay and water. These will be obtained from an open cast mine. Blasting will

be required in hard limestone, but the shale and sand can be removed by a mechanical


The volumes of limestone and shale to be mined will total approximately 1,200,000 t/annum.

The extent of the quarry area depends also on the maximum depth which will be determined

from the results of the drilling exploration.

Gypsum is also required for brick production. This could be obtained elsewhere in kwara

state, or potentially from a factory in Nigeria, which produces it as a by-product. Since the

source has not yet been identified this cannot be included in this scoping report.

3. Materials and methods

Environmental Impact Assessment approach

The environmental assessment tools for the construction building material are very massive;

in this section, the author will clarify these tools' analysis and grouping. The earliest actual

trial was in 1999, the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method

(BREEAM); this was the first environmental assessment tool specifically for the buildings

[16], [17]. In 2006, the International Standards Organization ISO became the most

acknowledged standards with many series to develop buildings' environmental assessment.

The ISO published these standards, shown in Figure 1.

 ISO 14040: Environmental management, LCA, Principles, and framework [18].

 ISO 14041: Environmental management, LCA, Goal definition and inventory analysis


 ISO 14042: Environmental management, LCA, Life-cycle impact assessment [20].

 ISO 14043: Environmental management, LCA, Life-cycle interpretation [21].

Figure 1 LCA framework defined by ISO [22] As presented in the introduction and literature

review, the author will use the LCA methodology to assess different brick types'
environmental impacts using the PRe SimaPro version 9.1 with a faculty license. Indeed, this

paper is one of the series of LCA studies on the Assiut University Hospital Clinic as a case

study, two articles have been already published [23], [24].

Building Information Modeling One approach that can be used to calculate energy

consumption and environmental emissions is the LCA tool. LCA permits the investigation of

the two calculations that are linked with the building [25]. Building Information Modeling

(BIM) comes to be the best choice to gather the building construction components and

facilitate this task. The LCA-BIM incorporation in the construction material can significantly

evaluate and deliver the sustainability features. This integration has been introduced in many

previous studies; all of them were summarized in Senem Seyis and Shu Su et al. [26], [27].

The author will apply the integrated approach in this study; this integration will combine

LCA and BIM strengths. The LCA will provide an analysis of the environmental impact of

specific scenarios. Besides that, the BIM will offer the construction material data to be the

inputs of the LCA. The most popular BIM software is Autodesk Revit. This research will use

the 2020 student licensed version, as presented in Figure 2.


This Technical Note on manufacturing brick is the first in a series covering the

manufacturing, classification and selection of brick. It provides a synopsis of the

manufacturing process and discusses the various properties that are a function of this process.

More detailed descriptions of the ceramic properties of brick are not within the purview of

the Brick Industry Association. This type of information is more readily available through the

National Brick Research Center, ceramic engineers and educators.

The information and suggestions contained in this Technical Note are based on the

available data and the combined experience of engineering staff and members of the
Brick Industry Association. The information contained herein must be used in

conjunction with good technical judgment and a basic understanding of the properties

of brick masonry. Final decisions on the use of the information contained in this

Technical Note are not within the purview of the Brick Industry Association and must

rest with the project architect, engineer and owner.

The proposed project of Unilorin Brick Factory will significantly contribute to meet the
increasing demand of machine bricks which is a key beneficial factor for rapid
industrialization and urbanization trend of our country. In addition, the project will create
jobs and income opportunities for rural poor people who are considered as Bottom of the
Pyramid. Thus the proposed project can be considered as of high significance due to its
potential economic and social contribution at the rural level which will certainly create
greater impact in national economy.
The project entrepreneurs have been maintaining standard environmental, social and
technological guidelines advised by both Government Bodies and Donor Agencies. They
have conducted this EIA study to identify scope for improvement during both construction
and operation phase. The unique combination of excellent characteristics of tunnel kiln
technology, state of the art equipment and machinery and international standard operational
practices make the proposed automatic machine brick manufacturing project as an ideal,
viable and beneficial one to all investors and shareholders.
This EIA report has been prepared through identification of the current condition, evaluation
of possible impacts and accordingly recommendation of possible mitigating and enhancing
measures for negative and positive results, respectively. We would like to advise the project
authority to integrate EIA findings and recommendations in the overall implementation of the
project to minimize environmental damages and accelerate social advancement.
Our investigations conclude that Unilorin Brick Factory will play a noteworthy role in
economic development of the project region and the country as a whole. Finally, we would
like to mention our sincerest gratitude to Unilorin management for their sincere cooperation
and such remarkable contribution in economic development of our country.

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