Linehan 2006
Linehan 2006
Linehan 2006
Context: Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a treat- Main Outcome Measures: Trimester assessments of
ment for suicidal behavior and borderline personality dis- suicidal behaviors, emergency services use, and general
order with well-documented efficacy. psychological functioning. Measures were selected based
on previous outcome studies of DBT. Outcome vari-
Objective: To evaluate the hypothesis that unique as- ables were evaluated by blinded assessors.
pects of DBT are more efficacious compared with treat-
ment offered by non–behavioral psychotherapy experts. Results: Dialectical behavior therapy was associated with
better outcomes in the intent-to-treat analysis than com-
Design: One-year randomized controlled trial, plus 1 munity treatment by experts in most target areas during
year of posttreatment follow-up. the 2-year treatment and follow-up period. Subjects re-
ceiving DBT were half as likely to make a suicide at-
Setting: University outpatient clinic and community
tempt (hazard ratio, 2.66; P=.005), required less hospi-
talization for suicide ideation (F1,92=7.3; P=.004), and had
lower medical risk (F1,50=3.2; P=.04) across all suicide
attempts and self-injurious acts combined. Subjects re-
Participants: One hundred one clinically referred
ceiving DBT were less likely to drop out of treatment (haz-
women with recent suicidal and self-injurious behav- ard ratio, 3.2; P⬍.001) and had fewer psychiatric hos-
iors meeting DSM-IV criteria, matched to condition on pitalizations (F1,92=6.0; P=.007) and psychiatric emergency
age, suicide attempt history, negative prognostic indica- department visits (F1,92=2.9; P =.04).
tion, and number of lifetime intentional self-injuries and
psychiatric hospitalizations. Conclusions: Our findings replicate those of previous stud-
ies of DBT and suggest that the effectiveness of DBT can-
Intervention: One year of DBT or 1 year of commu- not reasonably be attributed to general factors associated
nity treatment by experts (developed to maximize inter- with expert psychotherapy. Dialectical behavior therapy
nal validity by controlling for therapist sex, availability, appearstobeuniquelyeffectiveinreducingsuicideattempts.
expertise, allegiance, training and experience, consulta-
tion availability, and institutional prestige). Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2006;63:757-766
UICIDAL BEHAVIOR IS A BROAD ior,4-9 with a suicide rate of up to 9%.10
term that includes death by Forty percent of the highest users of in-
suicide and intentional, non- patient psychiatric services receive a di-
fatal, self-injurious acts com- agnosis of BPD.11,12 Patients with BPD use
mitted with or without in- more services than those with major de-
tent to die. It is associated with several pression13 and other personality disor-
mental disorders, including depression, ders.14 Among patients with BPD seen for
substance dependence, and schizophre- treatment, 72% have had at least 1 psy-
nia. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) chiatric hospitalization and 97% have re-
is 1 of only 2 DSM-IV diagnoses for which ceived outpatient treatment from a mean
suicidal behavior is a criterion.1 Border- of 6.1 previous therapists.15,16 Despite this
line personality disorder is a severe and high-use pattern, patients with BPD have
persistent mental disorder experience of high rates of treatment failure.17,18
severe emotional distress and behavioral Outpatient dialectical behavior therapy
Author Affiliations are listed at dyscontrol.1-3 Among patients with BPD, (DBT)20,21 and mentalization-based treat-
the end of this article. 69% to 80% engage in suicidal behav- ment provided in a partial hospital pro-
60 Allocated to DBT 51 Allocated to CTBE
Participants were women between the ages of 18 and 45 years
52 Received DBT 49 Received CTBE who met criteria for BPD and for current and past suicidal be-
8 Training Cases 2 Pilot Cases havior as defined by at least 2 suicide attempts or self-injuries
in the past 5 years, with at least 1 in the past 8 weeks. Indi-
6 Lost to Follow-up 14 Lost to Follow-up
10 Discontinued Interventions 21 Discontinued Interventions
viduals were excluded if they had (1) a lifetime diagnosis of
schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, psy-
52 Analyzed 49 Analyzed chotic disorder not otherwise specified, or mental retardation;
(2) a seizure disorder requiring medication; (3) a mandate to
treatment; or (4) the need for primary treatment for another
Figure 1. Subject flowchart. CTBE indicates community treatment by debilitating condition. All participants provided informed con-
experts; DBT, dialectical behavior therapy. Those in DBT lost to follow-up sent using protocols approved by the University of Washing-
and discontinued interventions were not subtracted from the allocation total ton Human Subjects Division.
in the DBT treatment arm.
Using a computerized adaptive minimization randomiza-
tion procedure, eligible subjects were matched to treatment con-
dition on 5 primary prognostic variables: (1 and 2) the num-
gram22,23 are the only 2 treatments (to our knowledge) for ber of lifetime suicide attempts or nonsuicidal self-injuries
which randomized controlled trials have been published combined and psychiatric hospitalizations; (3) a history of only
that demonstrate significantly better results than treat- suicide attempts, only nonsuicidal self-injury, or both; (4) age;
ment as usual (TAU) for patients with BPD.24 Of the 2 treat- and (5) a negative prognostic indicator of a Beck Depression
ments, DBT has the most empirical support, having been Inventory34 score higher than 30 or a Global Assessment of Func-
evaluated initially in a 1991 randomized trial25 and follow- tioning35 score lower than 45 for a comorbid condition. This
up19,26,27 and assessed subsequently in 4 published random- matching method has been shown to be superior to simple and
ized controlled trials28-31 across 3 separate research cen- stratified randomization in producing balance for separate prog-
nostic variables, particularly when the number of strata is large
ters and in 1 additional randomized controlled trial of a compared with the number of subjects.36 Based on 0.8 power
DBT-oriented treatment.32 Evidence from these studies has to detect significant differences between conditions (P = .05,
shown DBT to be an efficacious treatment for BPD. How- 1-sided), this procedure was used to randomize 101 subjects
ever, as noted in the American Psychiatric Association Prac- to DBT (n=52) or to CTBE (n=49). The flow of subjects through
tice Guidelines, “[I]t is difficult to ascertain whether the the study is shown in Figure 1.
improvement reported for patients receiving dialectical be- Initial assessments were done before informing subjects of
havior therapy derived from specific ingredients of dialec- treatment assignment and at 4-month intervals during the treat-
tical behavior therapy.”33(p32) The present study is the first ment and follow-up periods. Outcome assessments were yoked
in a program of research systematically examining DBT with across conditions by screening date. Assessments were con-
the objective of identifying the specific elements of treat- ducted by blinded independent clinical assessors with mas-
ter’s or doctoral degrees. Lead assessors (K.A.C. and A.M.M.)
ment that are necessary and sufficient for an efficacious out- were trained on interview measures by the instrument devel-
come among individuals with BPD. As such, this is not a opers or by an approved trainer, and then trained, supervised,
“horse race” study pitting one complex active treatment and evaluated for reliability across assessors ( statistic or in-
against another. Rather, it is a dismantling study designed traclass correlation coefficient for all ratings ranged from 0.74
to begin answering questions as to the unique effects of DBT. to 1.00). The participant coordinator, who was not blinded to
To rule out factors commonly believed to be effective treatment condition, executed the randomization program and
across a variety of disorders, the control condition, com- collected all the data related to treatment.
munity treatment by experts (CTBE), was specifically de-
signed to maximize internal validity by controlling for Diagnostic Interviews
the following: (1) availability of treatment; (2) assis-
tance finding and getting to a first appointment with a The structured clinical interviews for Axis I and Axis II DSM-
therapist; (3) hours of individual psychotherapy of- IV36,37 and the International Personality Disorder Examina-
fered; (4) therapist sex, training, clinical experience, and tion38 were used as screening and diagnostic instruments. The
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test–Revised39 was used to rule
expertise; (5) availability of group clinical consultation; out mental retardation.
(6) allegiance to treatment approach; (7) institutional pres-
tige associated with treatment; and (8) general factors as- Outcome Measures
sociated with receiving any psychotherapy. This study
was designed as a replication of the 1991 study25 com- The Suicide Attempt Self-Injury Interview40 measured the to-
paring DBT with TAU. We predicted that we would find pography, suicide intent, and medical severity of each suicide
identical outcomes, namely, that DBT would perform sig- attempt and nonsuicidal self-injury. Interrater reliabilities were
nificantly better than CTBE in reducing suicidal (sui- 0.88 for medical risk and 0.94 for suicide intent. The Suicidal
cide attempts and nonsuicidal self-injury) and therapy- Behaviors Questionnaire (M.M.L., unpublished work, 1981) was
used to assess suicide ideation. The Reasons for Living Inven- tice. The treatment developer (M.M.L.) was not a study thera-
tory41 assessed the importance of reasons for living. The Treat- pist and did not attend the weekly DBT team meetings.
ment History Interview (M.M.L., unpublished work, 1987) mea- Individual therapists were hired once 6 of 8 consecutive train-
sured subjects’ experience with professional psychotherapy, ing case sessions were rated as adherent to DBT. During the study,
comprehensive treatment programs, case management, inpa- adherence was assessed by coding a random selection of ses-
tient units, emergency treatment and other crisis services, and sions on the DBT Global Rating Scale (M.M.L., unpublished work,
medication use. The Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression– 2003), which codes DBT adherence on a 5-point scale (to 1 deci-
17-Item42 was used to evaluate the severity of depressive symp- mal point), with a score of 4.0 or higher denoting adherence.
toms. All outcome domains are identical to those reported by Therapists were blinded to which sessions were rated. Coders
Linehan et al25 in 1991. were trained to reliability with the treatment developer.
Dialectical behavior therapy is a cognitive behavioral treat- Expertise. The CTBE therapists were nominated by commu-
ment program developed to treat suicidal clients meeting cri- nity mental health leaders. These included heads of inpatient
teria for BPD.20,21 It directly targets (1) suicidal behavior, (2) psychiatric units and clinical directors of mental health agen-
behaviors that interfere with treatment delivery, and (3) other cies, who nominated therapists whom they considered ex-
dangerous, severe, or destabilizing behaviors. perts in treating difficult clients.
Standard DBT addresses the following 5 functions: (1) in-
creasing behavioral capabilities, (2) improving motivation for Allegiance to Treatment Provided. The content of the treat-
skillful behavior (through contingency management and re- ment provided by the CTBE therapists was not prescribed by
duction of interfering emotions and cognitions), (3) assuring the research study or interfered with in any way. Therapists were
generalization of gains to the natural environment, (4) struc- asked to provide the type and dose of therapy that they be-
turing the treatment environment so that it reinforces func- lieved was most suited to the patient, with a minimum of 1 sched-
tional rather than dysfunctional behaviors, and (5) enhancing uled individual session per week. Ancillary treatment could be
therapist capabilities and motivation to treat patients effec- prescribed as needed.
tively. These functions are divided among the following 4 modes
of service delivery: (1) weekly individual psychotherapy Availability of Clinical Supervision Group. The CTBE thera-
(1 h/wk), (2) group skills training (2½ h/wk), (3) telephone pists were paid at the same rate as that paid to DBT therapists.
consultation (as needed within the therapist’s limits to ensure The CTBE therapists were not required to attend a weekly clini-
generalization), and (4) weekly therapist consultation team meet- cal supervision group.
ings (to enhance therapist motivation and skills and to pro-
vide therapy for the therapists). Institutional Prestige. The CTBE clinical supervision group met
at the Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and was led
Recruitment, Training, by its training director. The institute’s prestige outside the field
and Adherence of DBT Therapists of behavior therapy in Seattle rivals that of the University of
Washington within the field of behavior therapy.
Psychotherapists recommended by colleagues as potentially good
DBT therapists were recruited for the study; 8 had no previous General Factors and Assistance Finding a Therapist. The par-
DBT exposure and 8 had experience that ranged from work- ticipant coordinator established an independent relationship
shop attendance to applied practice. The sample included 3 with subjects in both conditions. The participant coordinator
graduate students and 2 postdoctoral trainees. Training con- also provided assistance in contacting the therapist and in get-
sisted of a 45-hour DBT seminar followed by supervised prac- ting the subject to the first session.
*Data are given as percentages unless otherwise indicated. No values were statistically significant. Analyses were conducted using the t test, Mann-Whitney
test, and 2 test as appropriate.
†The first 8 subjects entering the study met criteria using the DSM-III-R.
SUICIDAL BEHAVIORS terval {CI}, 2.40-18.07]) (Figure 3). The NNT of 4.24 in-
dicates that, during 2 years of treatment plus follow-up, 4
There were no documented suicides in either condition dur- patients would need to be treated with DBT to prevent 1
ing the 2-year study. The DBT group had half the rate of patient from attempting suicide. Similarly, half as many sub-
suicide attempts compared with the CTBE group (23.1% jectsintheDBTgroupmadenonambivalentsuicideattempts
vs 46%, 12 =5.98, P=.01; hazard ratio, 2.66, P=.005; and (5.8%vs13.3%,P=.18,FisherexacttestandNNT,13.3[95%
number needed to treat [NNT], 4.24 [95% confidence in- CI, 5.28-25.41]). There were significantly fewer suicide at-
*Data are given as median (interquartile range) unless otherwise indicated. Proportions were compared using 2 tests, and continuous variables were
compared using the Mann-Whitney test. P values are 2-tailed.
†Individual therapy sessions by study therapists during the treatment year.
§Any therapy sessions during the year, including sessions outside the study.
¶Total inpatient and outpatient treatment time. Each session of individual therapy, family therapy, and vocational counseling was counted as 1 hour of therapy;
each group therapy session was counted as 20 minutes of therapy; each day of day treatment was counted as 30 minutes of therapy; and each psychiatric
inpatient day was counted as 3½ hours of therapy.
#Total number of weeks clients saw any study therapist, including time after dropping first therapist.
was 0 for the DBT group and for the CTBE group. The in-
terquartile range for suicide attempts during the 2 years was
0.8 0 to 0 for the DBT group and 0 to 1 for the CTBE group.
ber of nonsuicidal self-injuries (12 =120.6, P⬍.001, ordi-
0.7 nal RRM), but the difference in the rates of change was not
significant (F1,99 =1.1, P=.15 [standardized effect size, 0.47])
(Figure 4). The median number of nonsuicidal acts for
0.6 the 2 years was 3.0 (interquartile range, 1.0-7.8) for the DBT
group and 3.0 (interquartile range, 0.0-8.0) for the CTBE
0.5 As summarized in Table 4, among subjects with any
Treatment Group suicide attempt or intentional self-injury during the treat-
TBE ment year, the highest medical risk was significantly lower
for the DBT group than for the CTBE group (F1,156 =3.2,
Pretreatment 4 8 12 16 20 24 P=.04). Both treatment groups made significant improve-
Assessment Period, mo ment in suicide ideation and in reasons for living (P⬍.001
for both), but the slope difference between conditions
Figure 2. Proportion of subjects taking any psychotropic medication in the was not significant.
past 2 months. The treatment period ended at 12 months, and the follow-up
period ended at 24 months. CTBE indicates community treatment by experts;
DBT, dialectical behavior therapy. USE OF CRISIS SERVICES
tempts per period in the DBT group across the 2 years when Based on results of the MMANOVA, the DBT group used
controlling for the number of suicide attempts during the crisisservicessignificantlylessthantheCTBEgroupthrough-
BEHAVIORS THAT INTERFERE WITH THERAPY Figure 3. Survival analysis for time to first suicide attempt. The treatment
period ended at 365 days, and the follow-up period ended at 730 days. CTBE
indicates community treatment by experts; DBT, dialectical behavior therapy.
More CTBE than DBT subjects dropped out of the study
therapy (Table 3). Subjects could choose reassignment
to up to 2 additional therapists for the same condition.
Cox proportional hazards regression model survival analy-
sis indicated that the risk of dropping out of therapy was
3 times higher for CTBE subjects for dropping the first
therapist (hazard ratio, 3.2, P⬍.001; and NNT, 2.92 [95% 2.00
CI, 1.91-6.21]) and for dropping therapy entirely (rela-
tive risk ratio, 2.7, P=.01; and NNT, 4.22 [95% CI, 2.43-
Mean Ordinal Nonsuicidal Self-injury
COMMENT Pretreatment 4 8 12 16 20 24
Assessment Period, mo
This study compared DBT with a rigorous comparison con-
dition, nonbehavioral CTBE, to address whether the effec- Figure 4. Mean ordinal nonsuicidal self-injury during the 2-year study.1 The
tiveness of DBT in treating suicidal patients and patients treatment period ended at 12 months, and the follow-up period ended at 24
with BPD can be accounted for by treatment factors com- months. The 5-level ordinal categories per assessment period were 0, 0.01
to 1, 1.01 to 2, 2.01 to 4, and 4.01 and higher. CTBE indicates community
mon to most psychotherapy by experts. Results indicated treatment by experts; DBT, dialectical behavior therapy.
that DBT was superior to CTBE in preventing suicide at-
tempts, with a hazard ratio suggesting that suicide at-
tempts can be reduced by half with DBT compared with findings of this study indicate that the efficacy of DBT can-
non–behavioral therapy by experts. Dialectical behavior not reasonably be attributed solely to general factors asso-
therapy was also more effective in reducing emergency de- ciated with receiving expert psychotherapy.
partment visits and inpatient psychiatric care for suicide The hazard ratio for nonambivalent suicide attempts (ie,
ideation. In addition, DBT was more than twice as effec- those with high intent and planning) was 2.2, almost iden-
tive as non–behavioral therapy by experts in keeping sub- tical to that for suicide attempts overall. (We cannot con-
jects in treatment, as reflected by a 25% dropout rate from clude that this is a statistically significant difference, as the
the first therapist in DBT compared with 59% in CTBE. The low base rate of serious suicide attempts precludes adequate
DBT Group CTBE Group DBT Group CTBE Group DBT Group CTBE Group P
Variable (n = 52) (n = 49) (n = 50) (n = 39) (n = 46) (n = 35) F Value
Highest medical risk† 7.1 ± 4.9 8.8 ± 4.9 5.0 ± 4.2 7.4 ± 5.6 ... ... 3.2 .04
Suicide ideation 51.7 ± 20.3 59.9 ± 21.6 29.8 ± 24.5 32.8 ± 26.3 24.1 ± 19.8 31.92 ± 26.8 0.2 .31
Reasons for Living Inventory
Mean total item score 2.8 ± 0.7 2.7 ± 0.9 3.2 ± 0.9 3.0 ± 0.8 3.3 ± 0.9 3.1 ± 0.8 0.9 .17
Survival and coping 2.7 ± 0.9 2.7 ± 1.0 3.4 ± 1.2 3.3 ± 1.2 3.7 ± 1.0 3.3 ± 1.4 1.4 .12
Hamilton Rating Scale for 20.2 ± 5.9 21.7 ± 7.3 14.0 ± 7.3 17.0 ± 8.2 12.6 ± 6.8 14.4 ± 9.1 0.0 .43
Depression–17 Item
*Data are given as mean±SD unless otherwise indicated. Reported means are estimates of the random regression modeling (RRM). Unless otherwise
specified, slope and intercept were included as random effects in standard linear RRM, and RRM was based on all available data (pretreatment, 4-, 8-, 12-, 16-,
20-, and 24-month assessments).
†Analysis of combined suicide attempt and self-injury data aggregated per year includes only subjects with suicide attempt or nonsuicidal self-injury during the
treatment year. There were too few acts during the follow-up year for analysis. Random intercept RRM (without slope as a random effect) was used.
Table 5. Emergency Department Visits and Hospital Admissions for the Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
and Community Treatment by Experts (CTBE) Groups*
*Differences were tested by means of mixed-model analysis of variance using data from all assessment periods (pretreatment, 4-, 8-, 12-, 16-, 20-, and
24-month assessments). The highly skewed distribution analysis precluded a statistical comparison of absolute numbers of these events.
power in any single-site clinical trial.) This finding, how- (16.82±60.81) for subjects assigned to CTBE in the present
ever, combined with the significantly lower risk for any type study; in contrast, DBT had outcomes in the present study
of suicide attempt suggests that DBT may be uniquely ef- almostidenticaltothosefoundinthe1991study(6.05±11.55
fective in treating suicidal individuals. Similar to other DBT and 6.38±7.41 for the 1991 study and the present study, re-
randomized trials,26,28-32,53 there was a low mortality rate dur- spectively). The differences between conditions in outcome
ing the study. There were no documented suicides (other variability across the 2 studies are remarkably similar, with
than 1 death in the CTBE group related to the cumulative DBT outcomes being consistently less variable across per-
effectsofprevioussuicideattempts).Theabsenceofanydeath sons than those of either comparison condition. It is pos-
bysuicidemaybeduetoanynumberoffactors.Subjectswere sible that the present study may have been underpowered
offered not only expert therapy but also extensive contact to detect the 0.49 effect size of DBT vs CTBE.
with an assessment team. They were mailed frequent non- An alternate explanation of our findings may be that sub-
demanding cards throughout the treatment and follow-up jects in CTBE underreported habitual self-injury to a greater
years. Such a regimen has been found to reduce completed extent than those in DBT. In a previous study30 among drug
suicides among individuals treated for suicidality.54 abusers, retrospective reports of opiate use at 4-month in-
In contrast to previous DBT randomized trials,25,28,31,32,54 tervals to a blinded assessor were compared with contem-
there were no significant differences between conditions in poraneous urinalyses data. The correlation of DBT subjects’
the incidence or the frequency of nonsuicidal self-injury in self-reports with urinalyses data was 0.71, whereas the cor-
our study. An examination of outcomes from the 1991 DBT relation in the nonbehavioral control condition was 0.02,
trialofsuicidalwomenwithBPDsuggeststhatnon–behavioral despite a lack of any negative consequence for self-reporting
CTBE may be more effective than TAU in reducing nonsui- drug use. Subjects in DBT self-reported using opiates more
cidal self-injury. The mean±SD number of nonsuicidal acts frequentlyevenwhenthrice-weeklyurinalysesindicatedthat
during the treatment year for subjects assigned to TAU in they were actually using opiates less frequently.30 Daily di-
the 1991 study25 was 32.32±69.97, with half that many ary keeping and weekly discussion of recorded behaviors