Assignment Part 1, TP 1, 2023: Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne College COS10032 Computing Systems Project
Assignment Part 1, TP 1, 2023: Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne College COS10032 Computing Systems Project
Assignment Part 1, TP 1, 2023: Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne College COS10032 Computing Systems Project
Swinburne College
Important: All work must be done by your group. Submissions are automatically checked for
similarities. Unexplained/acknowledge similarities may constitute plagiarism. Carefully read
the section on plagiarism in the Unit Outline before you proceed (including the section
forbidding sharing your work with others).
This assignment will familiarise you with the techniques and skills involved in designing and creating
static webpages, utilising validated HTML and CSS created with a standard text editor. You will deploy
these Web pages on a Unix / Apache server. This should be done in a way that keeps HTML content
and CSS presentation separate, as discussed in the lectures. No JavaScript is to be used in this
In this assignment, you will develop a Web site that describes a Web-related Technology. Each
student will be assigned a different topic. Your tutor will assign your topic in Week 1 or Week 2.
Essential Requirements
Pages should not contain any deprecated elements/attributes (e.g. <i> , <b>). Do not use iframe
elements in your assignment.
Note: Generic structural elements like div or span should only be used where there is no more
meaningful HTML5 element (e.g. section) that is appropriate.
If you decide to have more than one topic page call them topic1.html, topic2.html, etc..
Sources / References:
• Good resources for starting your research include Wikipedia, Google and online databases in
the library. (You should use at least 3 sources of information. Do not just use Wikipedia.)
• Use primary sources for information, but then write the content in your own words.
• Please do NOT copy your text from other websites. You can quote / cite key text from another
site, and there are appropriate ways to do this, eg. mark-up using a blockquote, inline quote,
• Keep track of all your sources/references and cite them as footnotes.
Fieldsets and legends should be used appropriately to group inputs into questions.
Before quiz answers are submitted, HTML5 data validation should be used to check the following:
• Text and radio input questions must be answered
• Name and student id fields are not empty.
• The first and last name data should be checked to ensure it only consists of alpha
characters, hyphens or spaces. A maximum of 30 characters should be able to be entered.
• The student number is either 7 or 10 digits.
For this assignment all forms should have a Submit input. When the submit button is clicked the
name-values from the associated form should be sent to the server using the post http method. The
server action address is The server will then
just echo back the name value pairs to the client. While nothing will be stored on the server in this
part of the assignment (we will do this in Part 2) this will allow the form to be tested.
You are to create your own stylesheet to implement your design. For this assignment you should
create a single external CSS stylesheet that styles the common elements on all your Web pages.
This file should be named style.css in an appropriate folder
1. CSS should be commented at the beginning of the CSS file to identify authors and purpose,
and individual line comments should be used as necessary to explain particular styles and
explain where they are applied.
2. All the following CSS Selectors should be used appropriately at some point in your
• element, #id, .class, grouping, contextual
• pseudo class or element
3. Provide appropriate formatting to your menu with a background colour.
4. The following specific CSS rules should be demonstrated on your index.html page:
• display a background graphic.
• the footer text should be in a italic font and centred in the footer.
5. The following specific CSS rules should be demonstrated on your topic.html page:
• <h1> elements should have their font variant, size and family etc. set using the
short-hand font property.
• The table should have one background colour for the headings and another
background for the data cells
• The <aside> should be 30% of the width of page and float to the right.
• The <aside> should have a coloured border with an appropriate margin and
• The footer should cover the full width of the page.
6. All pages should have a fluid layout (the page should “Reflow” on page resize).
Other CSS selectors and properties should also be used as necessary and appropriate for the
Hint: CSS validators will validate against a particular version of CSS e.g. CSS2.1 or 3. This assignment
should be valid CSS3. Make sure that you are checking your CSS using the correct version of the
validator. For example, if you include CSS3 markup and validate as CSS2.1 it will show errors.
Do not include any proprietary CSS mark-up, such as –moz- or –webkit- etc.
Note: Make sure you get all the basics working first before you attempt any enhancements.
The technologies for developing Web applications are rapidly changing. One of the key skills you will
need is finding out about these techniques (from the Web) and applying them. This assessment gives
you an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to implement features/techniques that go beyond the
specified requirements above. This is an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to discover
techniques from a range of sources and apply them in a standards compliant manner.
These enhancements need to be implemented within the Web pages (index.html, topic.html,
quiz.html). The extra features need to enhance your website in a relevant way.
On a separate Web page called enhancements.html list and describe each enhancement you have
made and how you have significantly extended the basic HTML and CSS beyond what is covered in
the Lectures/Tutorials. Hyperlink from this list to where the feature is implemented in your website.
If it is a CSS feature, hyperlink to an example of the html that is selected by the CSS rule. For each
enhancement feature briefly explain:
Discuss your proposed enhancements with your tutor before you implement them. The number of
marks you receive for an enhancement will be at the sole discretion of your marker. As a guide if
the enhancement has only taken a couple of lines of code it is likely to be trivial.
• Be relevant to / enhance the content of the website
• Be well described (as explained above)
• Be non-trivial.
• Be significantly different from other features you have implemented.
The directory structure of your website is described below. You can create additional HTML files for
your content (depending on what your content requires), but the following is needed:
• HTML files should only be in the base “assign1/” folder – not anywhere else.
• All images used for the content should be stored in the “assign1/images/” folder.
• All images used for the style should be stored in the “assign1/styles/images/” folder.
• There should be a “style.css” file in the “assign1/styles/” folder.
• All links to your files (CSS or images) should be relative. Do not use absolute links, as
these links will be broken when files are transferred for marking. No marks will be
allocated if links are broken.
The project report is an individual task. Your report must be professionally written (600-1200 words).
Table 1 presents the suggested structure for the report and some sample content for each section of
the report.
Component Content
• Report title
Title • Your name
• Student ID
• Website introduction
Introduction • Objective of the report
• Outline of the report’s structure
• Introduce the purpose of each page and main content of each page
Website Content • Some technical details on how you use HTML markups
• A sitemap
• Introduce the presentation of your website
Website Style • Some technical details on how you use CSS markups
• Screenshots to show the design/user interface
• Highlight the key / innovative features of the website
Key Features and
contributions • Describe your contribution as a team member – e.g. coding, research
• Summary of the report
• Recommendations for future improvements
References • (Optional) List of reference materials if used
Appendix • (Optional) Information that supports but is not essential to the report
The marks are allocated 50% for team task and 50% for individual task in this assignment.
An electronic copy of your assignment should be submitted through Canvas on or before your
• Make sure all your website files are in the correct folders and compress your root folder with
all your sub-folders with HTML, CSS, and images into a zip file named “”. Submit
this to Canvas. When the zip file is decompressed, the entire website should be able to be run
from index.html without needing to move any files.
• You don’t need to submit the demonstration Youtube video. You only need to include a
hyperlink in the index.html page pointing to your Youtube video.
• Every student needs to submit their individual project report to Canvas.
• Every student needs to submit their peer evaluation form to Canvas.
• You can submit more than once through Canvas. Your last submission will be marked.
• Note that all deliverables must be submitted electronically.
* Note: Failure to acknowledge the source of third-party code or content is plagiarism and may result
in zero marks for this assessment or other penalties in accordance with Swinburne policy.