(GP/GLP/GDP70-120LJ/MJ) [C813, E813]
• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT THE
LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Maintenance section.
• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.
• Always use YALE APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts must meet
or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.
• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before using
force to remove parts.
• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs, or
if the unit needs repairs.
• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel are
flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these fuels
and when working on these fuel systems.
• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks away
from the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.
NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this manual:
Indicates a condition that can cause immediate death or injury!
Indicates a condition that can cause property damage!
Frame Table of Contents
General................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Description .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Counterweight Repair.......................................................................................................................................... 1
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
Install............................................................................................................................................................... 2
Hood Repair ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Install............................................................................................................................................................... 2
Overhead Guard Repair ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Inspect............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Install............................................................................................................................................................... 4
LED Backup and Brake Lights, Replace ......................................................................................................... 4
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Install .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Operator Restraint System Repair ...................................................................................................................... 5
Radiator Repair ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Install............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Exhaust System Repair ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Muffler ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Install .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
LPG/Gas Engine Exhaust Pipe - Lift Trucks Without Low Emissions.............................................................. 8
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Install .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
EPA Compliant LPG/Gas Engine Exhaust System ......................................................................................... 11
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Install .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Diesel Engine Exhaust Pipe............................................................................................................................ 13
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Install .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Engine Repair...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Install............................................................................................................................................................... 17
Throttle Pedal Adjustment ................................................................................................................................... 19
Perkins 1104C-44(RE) Diesel Engine ............................................................................................................. 19
Lift Trucks With an Accelerator Pedal ......................................................................................................... 19
Lift Trucks With a Foot Directional Control Pedal........................................................................................ 20
Fuel and Hydraulic Tanks Repair......................................................................................................................... 22
Inspect............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Small Leaks, Repair ........................................................................................................................................ 22
Large Leaks, Repair ........................................................................................................................................ 22
Clean............................................................................................................................................................... 22
Steam Method ............................................................................................................................................ 22
Chemical Solution Method .......................................................................................................................... 23
Other Preparation Methods for Repair ............................................................................................................ 23
Safety Labels....................................................................................................................................................... 23
100 YRM 726 Counterweight Repair
This section has the description and repair procedures for the frame and connected parts. Included in this section
are the frame, counterweight, hood, hydraulic and fuel tanks, radiator, exhaust system, and cab assembly. Also
included are the instructions for removal and installation of the engine.
The frame is a one-piece weldment and has mounts for the counterweight, overhead guard, operator’s module,
engine and transmission, axles, and other parts. The hydraulic tank and fuel tank are part of the frame.
Counterweight Repair
REMOVE Table 1. Weight of Counterweights
Hood Repair 100 YRM 726
1. Install counterweight in place on the lift truck.
See Figure 1. Install two lockwashers, washers,
and capscrews. Tighten capscrews to 555 N•m
(409 lbf ft).
Figure 1. Counterweight
Hood Repair
REMOVE used to support the lift truck are solid, one-piece
WARNING 1. Raise the hood and disconnect the two gas-assist
The lift truck must be put on blocks for some types cylinders at the hood. Disconnect the park brake
of maintenance and repair. The removal of the fol- alert wiring harness.
lowing assemblies will cause large changes in the
center of gravity: mast, drive axle, engine, trans- 2. Remove the pins that hold the hood hinges to the
mission, and counterweight. When the lift truck is operator’s module crossmember. Remove the
put on blocks, put additional blocks in the following hood.
positions to maintain stability:
a. Before removing the mast and drive axle, put INSTALL
blocks under the counterweight so the lift truck
cannot fall backward. 1. Install the hood in position on the lift truck. Install
b. Before removing the counterweight, put blocks the pins that hold the hood hinges to the operator’s
under the mast assembly so the lift truck cannot module crossmember.
fall forward.
2. Connect the two gas-assist cylinders to the hood.
The surface must be solid, even, and level when the Connect the park brake alert wiring harness.
lift truck is put on blocks. Make sure that any blocks
100 YRM 726 Hood Repair
Overhead Guard Repair 100 YRM 726
100 YRM 726 Operator Restraint System Repair
The surface must be solid, even, and level when the Adjust the hood, hood latch, and latch striker when any
lift truck is put on blocks. Make sure that any blocks of the parts of the operator restraint system are installed
used to support the lift truck are solid, one-piece or replaced. See the Hood Repair procedures.
Radiator Repair 100 YRM 726
Radiator Repair
REMOVE 9. Remove the upper and lower fan shroud halves
from the radiator.
WARNING 10. Remove the radiator from the lower radiator mount-
The lift truck must be put on blocks for some types ing plate.
of maintenance and repair. The removal of the
following assemblies will cause large changes in INSTALL
the center of gravity: mast, drive axle, engine and
transmission, and counterweight. When the lift 1. Install the rubber isolators on the lower radiator lo-
truck is put on blocks, put additional blocks in the cating studs. See Figure 4.
following positions to maintain stability:
a. Before removing the mast and drive axle, put 2. Install the radiator on the lower radiator mounting
blocks under the counterweight so the lift truck plate.
cannot fall backward.
3. Install the upper and lower fan shroud halves on the
b. Before removing the counterweight, put blocks
under the mast assembly so the lift truck cannot
fall forward. 4. Install the coolant recovery reservoir on the over-
head guard leg.
The surface must be solid, even, and level when the
lift truck is put on blocks. Make sure that any blocks 5. Connect the coolant recovery reservoir hose to the
used to support the lift truck are solid, one-piece radiator.
6. Install the rubber isolators on the upper radiator lo-
1. Remove the cover between the hood and counter- cating studs.
weight. See Figure 4.
7. Install the top radiator support plate. Tighten the
outer screws to 66 N•m (49 lbf ft). Tighten the inner
screws to 38 N•m (28 lbf ft).
Disposal of coolant must be in accordance with lo-
cal regulations. 8. On the GM-powered lift truck, install the hose and
clamp on the bottom of the radiator.
NOTE: To aid in the draining of coolant from the radiator,
remove the radiator cap. 9. Connect the upper and lower coolant hoses to the
2. Drain the coolant from the radiator.
10. Connect the hydraulic hoses to the radiator.
3. Disconnect the upper and lower coolant hoses from
the radiator.
4. Disconnect the hydraulic hoses from the radiator To prevent possible damage to the engine, make
and install plugs in the hoses. sure the engine is running at idle speed while per-
forming Step 11.
5. On the GM-powered lift truck, remove the clamp
and hose from the bottom of the radiator. 11. Add coolant to the system until the entire cooling
system is full.
6. Remove the top radiator support plate.
12. Install the cover between the hood and counter-
7. Disconnect the coolant recovery reservoir hose
from the radiator.
100 YRM 726 Radiator Repair
Figure 4. Radiator
Exhaust System Repair 100 YRM 726
100 YRM 726 Exhaust System Repair
Figure 5. LPG/GAS Exhaust System (Without Low Emissions) Early Model Lift Trucks
Exhaust System Repair 100 YRM 726
Figure 6. LPG/GAS Exhaust System (Without Low Emissions) Later Model Lift Trucks
100 YRM 726 Exhaust System Repair
5. Disconnect upper exhaust pipe from the intermedi- 7. Install the counterweight. See Counterweight Re-
ate upper exhaust pipe and disconnect the interme- pair, Install in this YRM.
diate upper exhaust pipe from the left-side engine
exhaust pipe. 8. Install the overhead exhaust pipe in the counter-
weight. Tighten the capscrews to 38 N•m (28 lbf ft).
6. On early model lift trucks only, remove the metal
heat shield from the left and right engine exhaust EPA COMPLIANT LPG/GAS ENGINE
7. Disconnect the left and right engine exhaust pipes Remove
from each other.
NOTE: If the lift truck does not have an overhead ex-
8. Remove the left and right engine exhaust pipes haust, perform Step 2 and Step 4 through Step 8. If
from the engine exhaust manifolds. the lift truck has an overhead exhaust, perform Step 1
through Step 3 and Step 5 through Step 8.
1. Remove the overhead exhaust pipe from the coun-
NOTE: If the lift truck does not have an overhead ex- terweight. See Figure 7.
haust perform Step 1 through Step 5, and Step 7. If
the lift truck has an overhead exhaust perform Step 1 2. Remove the counterweight. See Counterweight
through Step 4 and Step 6 through Step 8. Repair, Remove in this YRM.
1. Install the left and right engine exhaust pipes on the 3. Remove the lower exhaust pipe from the right side
engine exhaust manifolds. See Figure 5. of the muffler and the upper exhaust pipe from the
left side of the muffler.
2. Connect the left and right engine exhaust pipes to
each other. 4. Remove the counterweight exhaust pipe from the
right side of the muffler and the upper exhaust pipe
3. On early model lift trucks only, install the metal heat from the left side of the muffler.
shield on the left and right engine exhaust pipes.
5. Disconnect upper exhaust pipe from the left and
4. Connect the intermediate upper exhaust pipe to the right-side engine exhaust pipes.
left-side engine exhaust pipe and connect the up-
per exhaust pipe to the intermediate upper exhaust 6. Remove the metal heat shield from the left and right
pipe. engine exhaust pipes.
5. Connect the upper exhaust pipe to the left side of 7. Disconnect the electrical connector from the oxy-
the muffler and install the counterweight exhaust gen sensor. Remove oxygen sensor from the en-
pipe on the right side of the muffler. gine exhaust pipes. Inspect oxygen sensor and if it
is damaged or broken, replace with new sensor.
6. Connect the upper exhaust pipe to the left side of
the muffler and connect the lower exhaust pipe to 8. Remove the left and right engine exhaust pipes
the right side of the muffler. from the engine exhaust manifolds. See Figure 7.
Exhaust System Repair 100 YRM 726
100 YRM 726 Exhaust System Repair
4. Connect upper exhaust pipe to the left and right- 4. Remove the counterweight exhaust pipe from the
side engine exhaust pipes. right side of the muffler and disconnect the upper
exhaust pipe from the left side of the muffler.
5. Connect the upper exhaust pipe to the left side of
the muffler and install the counterweight exhaust 5. Remove the heat shield from the upper exhaust
pipe on the right side of the muffler. pipe and intermediate upper exhaust pipe. Remove
the upper exhaust pipe from the intermediate ex-
6. Connect the lower exhaust pipe from the right side haust pipe.
of the muffler and the upper exhaust pipe from the
left side of the muffler. 6. Remove the intermediate exhaust pipe from the en-
gine exhaust pipe.
7. Install the counterweight. See Counterweight Re-
pair, Install in this YRM. 7. Remove the engine exhaust pipe from the exhaust
8. Install the overhead exhaust pipe in the counter-
weight. Tighten the capscrews to 38 N•m (28 lbf ft).
Exhaust System Repair 100 YRM 726
100 YRM 726 Engine Repair
Engine Repair
REMOVE c. Remove the capscrews for the universal joints
from the hydraulic pump drive line at the crank-
1. Remove the overhead guard. Remove the floor shaft and move the drive line out of the way.
d. Disconnect the engine wiring harness from the
2. Disconnect the cables at the battery. Remove the main wiring harness.
battery and the battery tray.
e. Disconnect the exhaust pipe from the muffler.
3. Disconnect the fuel lines at the engine. Disconnect Remove the air filter housing from the frame.
the throttle linkage at the engine. Disconnect the
wires and wiring harnesses at the engine. f. Connect a lifting device to the engine. Make
sure the lifting device has a capacity of at least
4. Disconnect the hydraulic line between the main 450 kg (992 lb).
control valve and the hydraulic oil tank.
g. Support the transmission by placing a jack-
5. Remove the engine only as described in the follow- stand under the transmission housing.
ing steps:
h. Remove the engine mount capscrews and
a. Remove the brake pedal assembly as follows washers at the fan end of the engine.
(see Figure 9): Disconnect the wires at the
brake switch. Disconnect the brake lines at the NOTE: The bolts being removed in Step i are a one-
brake booster/master cylinder and put plugs time usage type of bolt and must be discarded when
and caps on the openings. Disconnect the removed.
inching link at the transmission. Remove the
spring from the inching link. Remove the return i. Bar the engine over at the crankshaft and
spring from the inching pedal. Remove the four remove and discard the torque converter flex
capscrews at the top of the pedal bracket. Re- plate bolts. When all of the bolts have been
move the pedal assembly from the lift truck. removed, move the engine forward just enough
to break the engine loose from the transmis-
b. Disconnect the wiring harness and throttle ca- sion.
ble for the accelerator or Foot Directional Con-
trol pedal. Remove the pedal assembly from j. Carefully lift the engine from the frame. Make
the frame. sure all the connections have been removed
and that the torque converter does not come
out at the same time as the engine.
Engine Repair 100 YRM 726
100 YRM 726 Engine Repair
6. Remove the engine and powershift transmission as j. Connect a lifting device to the engine. Make
described in the following steps: sure the lifting device has a capacity of at least
700 kg (1500 lb).
a. Remove the radiator, fan, and fan shroud. See
Radiator Repair, Remove in this section. Dis- k. Remove the capscrews that hold the transmis-
connect the exhaust pipe from the muffler. Re- sion to the differential housing. Remove the en-
move the air filter housing from the frame. gine mount capscrews at the fan end of the en-
b. Put the lift truck on blocks. See the Operating
Manual for the correct procedures to put the lift l. Carefully lift the engine from the frame. As the
truck on blocks. engine is being lifted from the frame, make sure
all connections have been disconnected.
NOTE: Tag hydraulic hoses and fittings as they are dis-
connected to aid in reconnecting the hoses. m. Remove the powershift transmission from the
engine as described in the section Two-Speed
c. Disconnect the hydraulic hoses from the steer- Powershift Transmission, Troubleshooting
ing control unit. Install caps on the steering and Repairs 1300 YRM 728 or Single-Speed
control unit and plugs on the hydraulic hoses. Powershift Transmission, Troubleshooting
and Repair 1300 YRM 752.
d. Disconnect the horn wire at the steering col-
umn. Remove the capscrews that hold the
steering column and steering control unit to the
operator’s module. Remove the steering col- 1. Install the engine and powershift transmission as
umn assembly. follows:
e. Disconnect the wiring harness and throttle ca- a. See the section Two-Speed Powershift
ble for the accelerator or Foot Directional Con- Transmission, Troubleshooting and Re-
trol pedal. Remove the pedal assembly from pairs 1300 YRM 728 and install the powershift
the frame. transmission on the engine.
f. Remove the brake pedal assembly as follows b. Connect a lifting device to the engine. Make
(see Figure 9): Disconnect the wires at the sure the lifting device has a capacity of 700 kg
brake switch. Disconnect the brake lines at the (1500 in.).
master cylinder and put plugs and caps on the
openings. Disconnect the inching link at the c. Install the engine assembly in the lift truck. In-
transmission. Remove the spring from the inch- stall the capscrews and washers for the engine
ing link. Remove the return spring from the mounts. Tighten the capscrews to the correct
inching pedal. Remove the four capscrews at torque values as shown in Figure 10.
the top of the pedal bracket. Remove the pedal
assembly from the lift truck. d. Install the capscrews that mount the transmis-
sion to the drive axle. Tighten the capscrew to
g. Remove the transmission oil filter. Drain the oil 66 N•m (49 lbf ft).
from the transmission.
e. Connect the transmission oil lines to the trans-
h. Disconnect the linkages at the transmission. mission. Connect the transmission wiring har-
Disconnect the wires at the transmission. Dis- ness to the transmission. Connect the linkages
connect the transmission oil lines from the to the transmission.
f. Install the transmission oil filter and fill the
i. Remove the axle shafts from the drive axle. transmission with oil specified in Capacities
and Specifications 8000 YRM 738.
Engine Repair 100 YRM 726
g. Install the brake pedal assembly as follows (see Legend for Figure 10
Figure 9): Install the pedal assembly on the
lift truck. Install the four capscrews at the top NOTE: A = 165 N•m (122 lbf ft).
of the pedal bracket. Install the return spring A. ENGINE MOUNTS (DIESEL SHOWN)
on the inching pedal. Install the spring on the B. ENGINE MOUNT (GAS/LPG SHOWN)
inching link. Connect the inching link to the
transmission. Connect the brake lines to the 1. CAPSCREW 8. REBOUND
master cylinder. Connect the wires to the brake 2. WASHER WASHER
switch. 4. SNUBBING CUP 10. SPACER
h. Install the Foot Directional Control or accelera- 6. ENGINE MOUNT 12. SHIM*
tor pedal to the frame. Connect the wiring har- 7. NUT
ness and throttle cable for the Foot Directional
Control pedal or accelerator. *ROTATE ENGINE AROUND DRIVE AXLE CENTER-
i. Install the steering wheel or install the steering MAXIMUM OF THREE SHIMS (12), ON THE OTHER
column and steering control unit to the bracket SIDE TO LESS THAN 1.0 mm (0.03937 in.).
on the frame. Connect the four hydraulic hoses
to the steering control unit as noted during re- k. Remove the lift truck from the blocks.
moval. Connect the horn wire at the steering
2. Install the engine only as described in the following
j. Connect the hydraulic hoses as noted during
a. Connect a lifting device to the engine. Make
removal to the steering control unit.
sure the lifting device has a capacity of at least
450 kg (1000 lb).
100 YRM 726 Throttle Pedal Adjustment
inching pedal. Install the spring from the inch- fan, and fan shroud. See Radiator Repair, Install in
ing link. Connect the inching link at the trans- this section.
mission. Connect the brake lines at the brake
booster/master cylinder. Connect the wires at 6. Install the alternator on units with a diesel engine.
the brake switch. Install the battery and the battery tray. Connect the
cables to the battery.
3. Connect the hydraulic line between the main control
valve and the hydraulic oil tank. 7. Install the overhead guard.
4. Connect the fuel lines at the engine. Connect the 8. Check all of the fluid levels and fill as necessary.
throttle linkage at the engine. Connect the wires Install the floor plates and covers. Connect the ca-
and wiring harnesses at the engine. bles at the battery.
Throttle Pedal Adjustment 100 YRM 726
2. Depress the accelerator pedal until the diesel injec- cable when the injection pump lever is returned to
tor pump is in the full power position (the injection the idle position (see Figure 12). Tighten up posi-
pump lever is touching the lever stop in Figure 12). tion pedal stop with capscrew. See Figure 13.
2. Set pedal stop to 35 ±2 mm (1.40 ±0.08 in.). Secure NOTE: DIESEL INJECTOR PUMP IS SHOWN IN THE
in place with pedal stop jam nuts. IDLE POSITION.
3. With the pedal against the stop, adjust the throttle 1. INJECTION PUMP LEVER
cable to ensure that the diesel injector pump is at 2. LEVER STOP
full power (the injection pump lever is touching the
lever stop in Figure 12). Figure 12. Diesel Injector Pump
100 YRM 726 Throttle Pedal Adjustment
Fuel and Hydraulic Tanks Repair 100 YRM 726
100 YRM 726 Safety Labels
Chemical Solution Method Make another inspection of the tank. When mak-
ing inspections, use a light that is approved for lo-
If the tank cannot be cleaned with steam, use the fol- cations with flammable vapors.
lowing procedure:
5. Check the tank for flammable vapors using a
1. Mix a solution of water and trisodium phosphate or special indicator for gas vapors. If the amount of
a cleaning compound with an alkali base. Follow flammable vapors is not below the lower flammable
the instructions given by the manufacturer. limit, repeat the cleaning procedures.
Safety Labels
Safety labels are installed on the lift truck to give Cleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic and
information about operation and possible hazards. can cause skin irritation. When using cleaning sol-
It is important that all safety labels are installed on vents, always follow the recommendations of the
the lift truck and can be read. manufacturer.
DO NOT add to or modify the lift truck. Any change 1. Make sure the surface is dry and has no oil or
to the lift truck, its tires, or its equipment can grease. Do not use solvent on new paint. Clean
change the lifting capacity. The lift truck must be the surface of old paint using a cleaning solvent.
rated as equipped, and the nameplate must show
the new capacity rating. Contact your dealer for 2. Remove the paper from the back of the label. Do
Yale lift trucks for a replacement nameplate. not touch the adhesive surface.
If necessary, install new and correct labels as follows 3. Carefully hold the label in the correct position above
(see Figure 14): the surface. The label cannot be moved after it
touches the surface. Put the label on the surface.
Make sure that all air is removed from under the
label and the corners and edges are tight.
Safety Labels 100 YRM 726
100 YRM 726 Safety Labels
Yale Materials Handling Corp.
1400 Sullivan Dr., Greenville, NC 27834-2011