Petromin Pakistan MBA Final Report 2023 Full Monday
Petromin Pakistan MBA Final Report 2023 Full Monday
Petromin Pakistan MBA Final Report 2023 Full Monday
Submitted By:
Table of Contents
Scope of study:......................................................................................................................................4
Problem Statement:..............................................................................................................................4
Purpose of study:...................................................................................................................................5
Research Limitations:............................................................................................................................5
Research Methodology..........................................................................................................................5
Challenges Faced by Petromin:..............................................................................................................8
Petromin Top 3 Competitors:................................................................................................................9
Annexure 1:.........................................................................................................................................42
Annexure 2:.........................................................................................................................................46
Petromin Pakistan
The purpose of this study is to check role of social media marketing in accordance with
customer acquisition and retention.
This study will employ quantitative analysis, gathering data through questionnaires from
customers who frequently visit Petromin service stations. The data collected shall be
analyzed in SPSS with the key driver’s i.e customer loyalty, customer retention, social media
marketing, and quality of service. The results of this study will provide valuable insights into
the relationship between customer service and customer loyalty in the Petromin service
station and will help implement future strategies aimed at enhancing customer satisfaction
and building long-term customer relationships.
We have chosen Petromin because of the ease of collecting data from the customers,
Supervisor Zeeshan was very supportive, and he helped with data collection. Petromin has a
great brand reputation in the middle east, especially in Saudi Arabia and now coming to
Pakistan can help the brand increase brand awareness and customer acquisition. Lastly, they
offer the best quality service, which was also the reason for selecting Petromin.
Petromin Express is a subsidiary of Petromin Oil Company that operates a network of retail
service stations. The company is committed to providing high-quality fuel and services to
customers, but faces intense competition from other fuel retailers. To differentiate itself and
build customer loyalty, Petromin places a strong emphasis on customer service. However, the
impact of customer service on customer loyalty in Petromin retail service stations has not
been fully explored.
The company has a strong presence in key markets, including the Middle East, Europe, and
Asia, and is committed to supporting its customers by providing the products and services
they need, when they need them.
Petromin's product portfolio includes a variety of refined petroleum products, such as
gasoline, diesel, aviation fuel, lubricants, and other specialty products. The company operates
state-of-the-art refining facilities that enable it to produce high-quality fuels and products that
meet the demanding requirements of its customers.
In addition to its refining operations, Petromin also provides a range of services to customers,
including logistics, marketing, and distribution. The company has a large network of retail
service stations, under the Petromin Express brand, which provides customers with
convenient access to fuel and other products and services.
With a focus on sustainability and responsibility, Petromin is dedicated to reducing its
environmental impact and promoting the responsible use of its products.
The company invests in cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions to minimize its
carbon footprint and promote a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.
Overall, Petromin is a dynamic and forward-looking organization that is well-positioned to
meet the changing needs of the energy sector and help drive sustainable growth and progress
in the years ahead.
Scope of study:
The scope of the study for Petromin Express involves analyzing the social media marketing
activities of the company with a focus on customer acquisition and retention. The study is
quantitative in nature and descriptive, which means that it will involve collecting and
analyzing numerical data to describe the relationship between the three variables.
Specifically, the study will examine the effectiveness of Petromin Express's social media
marketing activities in attracting new customers (customer acquisition) and retaining existing
customers (customer retention). The analysis will involve collecting data on various metrics
such as the number of social media followers, engagement rates, conversion rates, customer
satisfaction levels, and customer loyalty.
Overall, the study aims to provide insights into the effectiveness of Petromin Express's social
media marketing efforts and identify opportunities for improvement in customer acquisition
and retention. The results of the study can help the company make data-driven decisions to
enhance their social media marketing strategy and improve overall business performance.
The purpose of this research proposal is to study the impact of social media marketing with
customer acquisition, and retention. The specific objectives of the research are as follows:
To assess the impact of social media marketing on consumer acquisition
To know about customer perception regarding Petromin service stations i.e strengths,
To assess the impact of social media marketing on Customer retention
Problem Statement:
Petromin has opened three branches in Pakistan under the name Petromin Express. The
problem statement is “How effective is Petromin express in terms of social media marketing,
customer acquisition, customer retention”.
Purpose of study:
The purpose of study is as follows:
To gain a better understanding of a whether they are using social media marketing
To describe the characteristics or features of the problem
To identify the causes or factors that contributes to a problem
To develop models or theories that can be used to predict future outcomes or
Timeframe : The time frame we got to conduct this study is only 1 semester.
Week Task
7-8 Writing the methodology section and initial draft of the results section
This timeline is just a general guideline. Due to lack of time, the setback is that we can figure
out more if more time was given. It's always a good experience to consult with our research
supervisor to determine a realistic and achievable timeline for our research project.
Research Limitations:
Research limitations refer to any factors that may impact the validity, generalizability, or
reliability of a research study. These limitations may arise from various sources, including the
study design, data collection methods, sample size, research setting, and other external
factors. Limited time, limited customers, limited resources have limited our research.
Research Methodology
The research will use a quantitative approach. The following method will be used:
A questionnaire with 30 questions was designed. The question types include close and open
ended. The question asked from the customers includes topics social media marketing,
customer loyalty, customer retention, purchase decision and quality of service.The
questionnaire were taken from research paper.
1. The influence of perceived social media marketing activities on brand loyalty: The
mediation effect of brand and value consciousness (Ahmed Rageh Ismail)
Research design: we have collected data through self-oriented question, we have sent
150 questionnaires, out of 150, 99 have filled the questionnaire. This involves collecting
data through self-reported questionnaires Survey research can be used to collect large
amounts of data from a representative sample of the population. This is a descripted
study and quantitative in nature, we have used previous research variables from
research studies from articles and we want to use these variables in order to see how
petromin has its impact on social media marketing activities, customer acquisition &
customer retention.
Sample size: we used 99 people reviews to conduct our research. We used
appropriate statistical methods (SPSS) to determine the sample size required to
achieve the desired level of precision and statistical power.
Sampling technique: We used convenience sampling in this research study.
Participants are selected based on their availability and proximity to the researcher.
This method is often used for exploratory or pilot studies when time and resources are
Research instruments: we have used questionnaire as research instruments. we have
abstracted these questionnaires from 2 articles.
Reference articles: Reference for the research study is taken from 2 articles. The
Reliability and validity of those articles is relevant and accurate. “The influence of
perceived social media marketing activities on brand loyalty: The mediation effect of
brand and value consciousness. (Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics ·
March 2017)”
“The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Purchase Intention: Consumer
Survey in Saudi Arabia (Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JMCR
Vol.56, 2019)”
Data collection: we have conducted a survey and there were no interviews conducted.
The whole research is based on the survey itself.
Data analysis: SPSS is used for the data analysis. It is a software program used for
statistical analysis in social science, psychology, and other fields.
Research model: Research model used in this research study includes effectiveness
of social media activities which has social media marketing activities, customer
acquisition and customer retention
Research Model:
Effectiveness of Social media: The effectiveness of social media can vary depending on the
specific goals and objectives of a business or individual. However, social media has been
shown to have several benefits, including:
Increased brand awareness: Social media allows businesses to reach a wider audience
and promote their products or services to potential customers. This can help increase
brand recognition and awareness.
Improved customer engagement: Social media enables businesses to interact with
customers in real-time and respond to their queries and feedback promptly. This can
help improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Targeted advertising: Social media platforms offer advanced targeting options that allow
businesses to target specific audiences based on their demographics, interests, and behaviors.
This can help improve the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and reduce advertising
Consumer acquisition: Customer acquisition refers to the process of acquiring new
customers for a business. It is a critical aspect of business growth and profitability, as
acquiring new customers is essential for expanding the customer base and increasing revenue.
Increased revenue: Customer acquisition is critical for a business's growth and
revenue generation. By acquiring new customers, businesses can increase their sales
and revenue. New customers not only bring in new sales but also have the potential to
become repeat customers, leading to sustained revenue growth.
Brand awareness: Customer acquisition also helps businesses to increase their brand
awareness. As new customers interact with the business, they become aware of the
brand's products or services. Positive experiences with the brand can lead to word-of-
mouth referrals and recommendations, which can further increase brand awareness.
Diversification: Customer acquisition also enables businesses to diversify their
customer base. By acquiring customers from different demographics, geographic
regions, or industries, businesses can reduce their reliance on a single customer
segment or market. Diversification also helps businesses to spread their risks and take
advantage of new opportunities.
Brand retention: Brand retention refers to the ability of a brand to maintain a positive and
lasting impression in the minds of its customers. It is a critical aspect of brand management
and marketing, as it can lead to increased customer loyalty, repeat purchases, and positive
word-of-mouth recommendations.
Positive word-of-mouth: Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend a business
to their friends, family, and colleagues, leading to positive word-of-mouth. This can
result in new customer acquisition and increased sales for the business.
Increased customer lifetime value: Retaining customers can increase their lifetime
value, which refers to the total revenue a customer generates for a business over their
lifetime. By retaining customers, businesses can increase the likelihood of repeat
purchases and upselling opportunities.
Improved customer satisfaction: Customer retention is often driven by customer
satisfaction. By providing excellent customer service, addressing customer complaints
: Gulf Oil is seen as one of Petromin's biggest rivals. Gulf Oil is a Private
company that was founded in Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts in 1901. Gulf Oil is in
the Multi-Utilities industry. Gulf Oil has 2,700 fewer employees vs. Petromin.
The research will use a quantitative approach. The following method will be used:
A questionnaire with 30 questions was designed. The question types include close and open
ended. The question asked from the customers includes topics social media marketing,
customer loyalty, customer retention, purchase decision and quality of service.The
questionnaire were taken from research paper.
1. The influence of perceived social media marketing activities on brand loyalty: The
mediation effect of brand and value consciousness (Ahmed Rageh Ismail)
Descriptive Analysis
Table 1 (A)
N Valid 99
Missing 0
Mean .02
Median .00
Mode 0
Std. Deviation .141
The standard deviation is 0.141 which means that male use Petromin more than
females that is 98%.
Table 1 (B)
N %
Male 97 98.0%
Female 2 2.0%
In the Gender Frequency table, we could see the percentage analysis of the groupset. The
table shows that 98% are male and 2% are female.
Table 1(C)
AGE 20 – 29 38 38.4%
N Valid 99 30 – 39 45 45.5%
Missing 0 Table 1
40 – 49 15 15.2%
Mean 1.79 (D)
Median 2.00 50 and up 1 1.0%
Mode 2
Std. Deviation .732
The age table shows that 38.4% of people were aged 20-29, 45.5% were aged 30-39, 15.2%
were aged 40-49, and 1% were aged 50 and up. The standard deviation is 0.732, which shows
one deviation high is 2.522, which shows people age between 30-39 come to Petromin and
one deviation below means that is 1.058 means that people between age 20-29 come to
Table 1 (E)
N Valid 99
Missing 0
Mean 3.32
Median 2.00
Mode 2
Std. Deviation 2.094
Table 1 (F)
N %
Student 25 25.3%
Engineer 28 28.3%
Doctor 5 5.1%
Teacher 1 1.0%
Freelancer 14 14.1%
Entrepreneur 23 23.2%
Government 3 3.0%
The table above shows the analysis of occupation. Out of 100 respondents, 25.3% were
students, 28.3% were engineers, 5.1% were doctors, 14.1% were freelancers, and 23.2% were
Entrepreneurs. The standard deviation is 2.094, which means that one deviation high are
freelancers with 14.1% and one deviation low is students (25.3%) and engineers (28.3%).
Table 1 (G)
Income Level
N Valid 99
Missing 0
Mean 3.09
Median 3.00
Mode 5
Std. Deviation 1.512
Income Level
Table 1 (H)
N %
R.s 25,000 - R.s 49,000 24 24.2%
R.s 50,000 - R.s 74,000 11 11.1%
R.s 75,000 - R.s 99,000 21 21.2%
R.s 100,000 - R.s 18 18.2%
R.s 150,000 and greater 25 25.3%
The findings of the income level of 100 respondents are displayed in the table above. 25.3%
of the population had an income of R.S. 150,000 or more, 24.2% had an income of R.S.
25000–R.S. 49000, 21.2% had an income of R.S. 75000–R.S. 99000, and other income-
related percentages can also be noted.
One deviation high of 4.602 means that people with income level R.s 100,000 – R.s 149,000
(18.2%) and R.s 150,000 and above (25.3%) come to Petromin. One deviation low show the
income level of people between R.s 25,000 – R.s 49,000 (24.2%) and R.s 50,000 – R.s
74,000 (11.1%) come to Petromin.
Table 2 (A)
N Valid 99 Visit
Missing 0 Table 2 (B)
Mean 3.16 N %
Median 3.00 Daily 1 1.0%
Mode 3 Weekly 10 10.1%
Std. Deviation .634 Monthly 60 60.6%
Yearly 28 28.3%
The table above shows the percentages of people visiting Petromin. 60.6% of people visited
Petromin monthly, 28.3% visited yearly, 10.1% visited weekly and only 1% visited Petromin
daily. The standard deviation is 0.634, one deviation high of 3.794 means people visit
Petromin monthly (60.6%) and yearly (28.3%), one deviation low means people visit weekly
(10.1%) and daily (1%).
Table 3 (A)
It is easy to deliver my opinion about the brand I am considering buying through social
N Valid 99
Missing 0
Mean 3.95
Median 4.00
Mode 4
Std. Deviation .460
It is easy to deliver my opinion about the brand I am considering buying through social media.
Table 3 (B)
N %
Disagree 1 1.0%
Neutral 10 10.1%
Agree 81 81.8%
Strongly Agree 7 7.1%
As indicated in the table, 81.8% of people agree with the above question, with 10.1% neutral,
7.1% strongly agreeing and 1% disagreeing with the question. One deviation high 4.41 means
that people have agree with the question by 81.8% and one deviation low means people are
neutral with 10.1%.
Table 3 (C)
I find interesting contents shown on social
media about the brand I am considering to
N Valid 99
Missing 0
Mean 3.81
Median 4.00
Mode 4
Std. Deviation .601
N %
Disagree 3 3.0%
Neutral 20 20.2%
Agree 69 69.7%
The above table shows that 69.7% of respondents agree with the question, 20.2% are neutral,
7.1% strongly agree, and 3.0% disagree. The standard deviation is 0.601, that means one
deviation high 4.411 shows that people have agreed with the above question by 69.7% and
one deviation low shows people have chosen a neutral response (20.2%) regarding this
Table 3 (E)
Using social media to search for
information about the brand I am
considering buying is very trendy.
N Valid 99
Missing 0
Mean 3.74
Median 4.00
Mode 4
Std. Deviation .679
Table 3 (F)
N %
Disagree 3 3.0%
Neutral 30 30.3%
Agree 56 56.6%
Strongly 10 10.1%
As the table indicates above, 56.6% of respondents agree with the above question, 30.3% are
neutral, 10.1% strongly agree and 3% disagree. The standard deviation is 0.679, that means
one deviation high 4.419 shows that people have agreed with the above question by 56.6%
and one deviation low shows people have chosen a neutral response (30.3%) regarding this
Table 3 (G)
I would like to pass along information on I would like to pass along information on
brand, product, or services from social media brand, product, or services from social media
to my friends. to my friends.
Table 3 (H)
N Valid 99 N %
Missing 0 Disagree 1 1.0%
Mean 4.19 Neutral 7 7.1%
Median 4.00 Agree 63 63.6%
Mode 4 Strongly Agree 28 28.3%
Std. Deviation .601
The table shows the data of 100 respondents, 66.6% agree with the question, 28.3% strongly
agree, 7.1% are neutral and 1% disagree. The standard deviation is 0.601, that means one
deviation high 4.79 which shows that people have agreed (63.6%) and strongly agreed
(28.3%) with the above question by and one deviation low shows people have chosen a
neutral response (7.1%) regarding this question.
Table 4 (A)
Do you think social media is more influential than
Do you think social media is more influential
tradational media in your final purchase decision?
than tradational media in your final purchase
N Valid 99
Table 4 (B)
Missing 0
Mean 4.44 N %
Median 5.00 Disagree 2 2.0%
Mode 5 Neutral 8 8.1%
Std. Deviation .732 Agree 33 33.3%
Strongly Agree 56 56.6%
The table shows the data of 100 respondents. 56.6% strongly agree with the above question,
33.3% agree, 8.1% are neutral and 2% disagree. One deviation high of 5.172 means that
people have strongly agreed (56.6%) with the question and one deviation low means that
people have agreed (33.3%) with the question.
Table 4 (C)
Which social media tool you use to obtain
information about products/services/brands.
N Valid 99
Missing 0
Mean 2.48
Median 3.00 Which social media tool you use to obtain
Mode 3 information about products/services/brands.
Std. Deviation .825 Table 4 (D)
The above table shows that out of 100 N %
respondents, 45.5% use Google Search, 33.3% Facebook 13 13.1%
Instagram, 13.1% Facebook, and 8.1% blogs. Instagram 33 33.3%
Google Search 45 45.5%
63.6%. The table shows a standard deviation of
Blogs 8 8.1%
0.825, which means one deviation high shows
people use google search (45.5%) as a tool to obtain information and on the lower side people
use Instagram (33.3%). The 2SD high shows that people use blogs 8.1% and two deviation
low means that people use Facebook at 13.1%.
Table 5 (A)
N Valid 99
Missing 0
Mean 3.58
Median 4.00
Mode 4
Std. Deviation .784
Brand names tell me something about the quality
of the products.
Table 5 (B)
N %
Strongly 1 1.0%
Disagree 9 9.1%
Neutral 27 27.3%
Agree 56 56.6%
Strongly Agree 6 6.1%
The table presents the data of 100 respondents, with 56.6% agree with the above question,
27.3% neutral, 9.1% disagree, 6.1% strongly agree and 1% strongly disagree. The standard
deviation is 0.784, which means that one deviation high of 4.364 means that 56.6% have
agreed with the question, and one deviation low means people have neutral responses
Table 5 (C)
Branded products that cost a lot of money
Branded products that cost a lot of money are
are good quality.
good quality.
Table 5 (D)
N %
N Valid 99
Strongly 1 1.0%
Missing 0
Mean 2.86
Disagree 44 44.4%
Median 3.00
Neutral 27 27.3%
Mode 2
Agree 22 22.2%
Std. Deviation .948
Strongly Agree 5 5.1%
The table shows that 44.4% of the respondents disagree with the above question following
27.3% as neutral, 22.2% agree, 5.1% strongly agree and 1% strongly disagree. One deviation
high shows that 22.2% people have agreed with the question and one deviation low means
that people have disagreed (44.4%) with the question.
Table 5 (E)
I pay attention to the brand names of the
products I buy I pay attention to the brand names of the
products I buy
N Valid Table 5 (F) 99
Missing 0 N %
Mean Disagree 3.61 3 3.0%
Median Neutral 4.00 39 39.4%
Mode Agree 4 51 51.5%
Std. Deviation Strongly Agree
.652 6 6.1%
The table represents the data of 100 respondents, with 51.5% agree with the question, 39.4%
neutral, 6.1% strongly agree and 3% disagree. The standard deviation is 0.652, which means
that one deviation high shows that (51.5%) have agreed with the question, and one deviation
low means people have neutral responses (39.4%) to the question.
Table 6 (A)
I am concerned about low prices, but I am equally concerned about product quality.
N Valid 99
Missing 0
Mean 4.40
Median 4.00
Mode 5
Std. Deviation .684
I am concerned about low prices, but I am
equally concerned about product quality.
Table 6 (B)
N %
Strongly 1 1.0%
Neutral 5 5.1%
Agree 45 45.5%
Strongly Agree 48 48.5%
The above table shows that out of 100 respondents, 48.5% strongly agree, 45.5% agree, 5.1%
are neutral and 1% strongly disagree with the above question. The standard deviation is
0.684, showing one deviation high means people have strongly agreed (48.5%) with the
question and one deviation low means people have agreed (45.5%) with the question.
Table 6 (C)
N Valid 99
Missing 0
Mean 4.49
Median 5.00
Mode 5
Std. Deviation .578
Table 6 (G)
When I buy products, I like to be sure that I am
getting my money’s worth.
When I buy products, I like to be sure that I
N Valid 99 am getting my money’s worth.
54.5% strongly agree with the above question, 42.4% agree, and 3% are neutral. The one
standard deviation high means that people have strongly agreed with the question by 54.5%
and one deviation low means people have agreed to the question by 42.4%.
Table 7 (A)
I would rather stick with a brand I usually buy
than try something I am not very sure of. I would rather stick with a brand I usually buy
than try something I am not very sure of.
N Valid 99 Table 7 (B)
Missing 0 N %
Mean 3.74 Disagree 7 7.1%
Median 4.00 Neutral 20 20.2%
Mode 4 Agree 64 64.6%
Std. Deviation .708 Strongly Agree 8 8.1%
The table tells that out of 100 respondents, 64.6% agree with the above question, 20.2% are
neutral, 8.1% strongly agree and 7.1% disagree. The standard deviation is 0.708, which
means that one deviation high shows that 64.6% people have agreed with the above question
and one deviation low means people gave neutral responses with 20.2%.
Table 7 (C)
I have certain types of brands that I always buy.
The above table shows that 66.7% respondents agree with the above question, 22.2% neutral,
8.1% strongly agree, 2% disagree and 1% strongly disagree. The standard deviation is 0.659,
which shows that one deviation high means that people have agreed with the question by
66.7% and one deviation low means that people have neutral responses.
Table 7 (E)
I consider myself to be loyal to one brand of
I consider myself to be loyal to one brand of
Table 7 (F)
N %
N Valid 99
Strongly 1 1.0%
Missing 0
Mean 3.63
Disagree 2 2.0%
Median 4.00
Neutral 35 35.4%
Mode 4
Agree 56 56.6%
Std. Deviation .664
Strongly Agree 5 5.1%
56.6% Respondents agree with the above question, 35.4% neutral, 5.1% strongly agree, 2%
disagree and 1% strongly disagree. One deviation high (4.294) showing the result that people
have agreed with the question by 56.6% and one deviation low means people have neutral
Table 7 (G)
I feel confidence in a brand that I always buy.
I feel confidence in a brand that I always buy.
Table 7 (H)
N Valid 99 N %
Missing 0 Disagree 1 1.0%
Mean 3.92 Neutral 17 17.2%
Median 4.00 Agree 70 70.7%
Mode 4 Strongly Agree 11 11.1%
Std. Deviation .566
The table shows that 70.7% of respondents agree with the above question, 17.2% are neutral,
11.1% strongly agree and 1% disagree. The standard deviation is 0.556, showing that one
deviation high (4.2) means that people have agreed (70.7%) with the question and one
deviation low means that people have shown neutral responses.
Table 8 (A)
For car service which brand do you use.
The table shows that 93.9% of respondents prefer Petromin express, while 3% total parco,
2% shell and 1% PSO. The standard deviation is 0.493, which means that people have chosen
Petromin over other brands.
Q. What makes you come back to Petromin Express again. offerings, service, value,
communication etc.
The customers comes to Petromin because of their service (12%), service quality (5.1%),
good staff (4%) and value for money (3%). (See Annexure 2)
Table 14 (A)
Table 14 (B)
Does Petromin offers
best quality products
and service?
N %
Yes 98 99.0
No 1 1.0%
Table 15 (A)
Do you recommend petromin?
N Valid 99
Missing 0
Mean 1.01
Do you recommend
Table 15 (B)
N %
Yes 98 99.0
No 1 1.0%
Median 1.00
Mode 1
Std. Deviation .101
The standard deviation is 0.101, which means that one deviation high 1.11, meaning that
people recommend Petromin.
convergent validity by checking the factor loadings of each item and the values of average
variance extracted (AVEW0.5). The factor loadings of the measurement items are significant
and substantial, i.e. pW0.5 (Hair et al., 2006), as well as composite reliabilities of each of the
constructs and average variance extracted (see Table III) average variances extracted were
W0.50. Thus, the convergent validity of the latent constructs was confirmed. Discriminant
validity was investigated following Fornell and Larcker’s (1981) suggestion. According to
them, the average variance extracted must exceed the corresponding squared interconstruct
correlations estimate between the two constructs.
Case Processing Summary (Table 16-A)
Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
For car service which 99 100.0% 0 0.0% 99 100.0%
brand do you use. *
Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
Which social media tool 99 100.0% 0 0.0% 99 100.0%
you use to obtain
information about
s. * AGE
Which social media tool you use to obtain information about products/services/brands. * AGE
Crosstabulation (Table 17-B)
50 and
20 – 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 up Total
Which social media tool you Facebook 5 5 3 0 13
use to obtain information Instagram 19 9 4 1 33
about Google 13 26 6 0 45
products/services/brands. Search
Blogs 1 5 2 0 8
Total 38 45 15 1 99
The above table shows a crosstab analysis of Age and social media marketing. A total of 45
people aged 30-39 years use the above social media tools. Following the 38 people with the
age 20-29, 15 people aged 40-49, and 1 above 50.
How often you visit Petromin? * I consider myself to be loyal to one brand of product. Crosstabulation
(Table 18-B)
Strongly Strongly
disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Total
How often you visit Daily 0 0 0 1 0 1
Petromin? Weekly 0 0 3 5 2 10
Monthly 1 1 19 37 2 60
Yearly 0 1 13 13 1 28
Total 1 2 35 56 5 99
The table shows crosstabulation between visit at Petromin and brand loyalty.
Correlations(Table 19-A)
I have certain types I consider myself to
of brands that I be loyal to one
always buy. brand of product.
I have certain types of Pearson 1 .587**
brands that I always buy. Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) <.001
I consider myself to be Pearson .587 1
loyal to one brand of Correlation
product. Sig. (2-tailed) <.001
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
The correlation coefficient r value between buying brand and brand loyalty is 0.587, which
shows a positive association between the two variables. The p level is < 0.01which means
that relationship is statistically significant. So, we can say that increase in buying certain
types of brands also increases brand loyalty.
In conclusion, the impact of social media marketing is positive on customer acquisition and
retention, as customers use social media tools like Instagram, Facebook, Blogs, and Google
search to find out products and services that are trending according to our study. The
customers of Petromin are very acumen in searching for the products they want to buy.
Petromin using Instagram, and Facebook ads will increase brand awareness, reputation,
conversion, engagement, reach, and leads, which will bring new customers to the company.
By offering discounts, promotions, loyalty cards, and redemption this strategy will not only
bring in new customers but also retain the old customers who buy their products and services
of Petromin.
Petromin knows that social media marketing is more influential than traditional marketing,
and by offering quality content through posts will increase customer engagement. Customers
are both brand and value consciousness as the results in the study prove that Petromin is
offering best quality services, the staff is well trained which will eventually increase Petromin
brand loyalty and retention. The customer perception of the Petromin brand is very positive,
not only do they visit Petromin weekly, and monthly, but they are spreading word of mouth
which is leading new customers to visit and benefit from the services. Petromin shall focus
on adding more services, expanding its business in different cities, and opening petrol pump
stations will increase consumer satisfaction, loyalty and retention. Geotargeting method shall
be implemented in Petromin ad campaign which will increase brand reach in Pakistan.
Petromin with its best quality services shall offer discounts and promotions which will give
customers value for money, ultimately increasing customer buying process, satisfaction, and
retention of customers. 94% of the customers recommend Petromin which is a great sign for a
company that has recently started its operations.
Overall, it has been proven in our study that social media is more influential, and it has a
great impact on customer acquisition and retention. Petromin has established itself in
Pakistan by offering best quality services, they just need to use social media more often like
Instagram reels and videos ads to get more conversions and leads. By offering more services,
opening pumps will give more access to the customer in buying the products and services,
this will increase the Petromin images in the eyes of customers as they offer superior quality.
Lastly by developing a website and an Petromin APP for Pakistani customers will increase
customer acquisition and retention. Petromin is a customer-centric company, they rely on
building relationships and with the effective use of social media marketing they can engage
and build relationships with customers increasing customer acquisition and retention.
1. Petromin Express should capitalize on its top-quality service and concentrate on
developing its brand reputation through social media platforms.
2. In order to retain customers and foster loyalty, Petromin should offer discounts,
promotions, and loyalty cards to customers who are conscious of the brand and value.
3. As a result of high customer recommendations, Petromin may have an advantage in
opening petrol stations in Pakistan.
4. Petromin could utilize social media platforms, such as Instagram, to sell its products
online by creating a shopping tab.
5. Petromin should create high-quality content that features its products and services in
order to increase customer intent to use the brand.
6. To improve customer satisfaction and ultimately increase brand value, Petromin
should provide additional services to its customers.
7. By utilizing social media platforms, Petromin can enhance its sales, increase brand
awareness, and promote its business.
8. The opening of more Petromin branches will improve customer access to high-quality
service, as more customers will visit their nearest branch.
9. By hiring more trained staff, Petromin can increase efficiency and provide fast
service, which will encourage customers to return and receive excellent service.
10. Petromin should develop a website for its Pakistani customers, as well as a Petromin
app, to increase the likelihood of purchase.
Annexure 1:
The following are the questionnaire that we asked the customers to conduct this research.
Q.1) Gender
o Male
o Female
Q.2) AGE
o 20 – 29
o 30 – 39
o 40 – 49
o 50 and up
Q.3) Occupation
o Student
o Engineer
o Doctor
o Teacher
o Freelancer
o Entrepreneur
o Government officer
Q.4) Income Level
o R.s 25,000 - R.s 49,000
o R.s 50,000 - R.s 74,000
o R.s 75,000 - R.s 99,000
o R.s 100,000 - R.s 149,000
o R.s 150,000 and greater
Q.5) How often you visit Petromin?
o Daily
o Weekly
o Monthly
o Yearly
Q.7 I find interesting contents shown on social media about the brand I am considering to
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
Q.8) Using social media to search for information about the brand I am considering buying is
very trendy.
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
Q.9) I would like to pass along information on brand, product, or services from social media
to my friends.
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
Consumer Purchase
Q.10) Do you think social media is more influential than tradational media in your final
purchase decision?
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
Q.11) Which social media tool you use to obtain information about products/services/brands.
o Facebook
o Instagram
o Google Search
o Blogs
Brand Consciousness
Q.12) Brand names tell me something about the quality of the products
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
Q.13) Branded products that cost a lot of money are good quality.
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
Q.14) I pay attention to the brand names of the products I buy.
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
Value Consciousness
Q.15) I am concerned about low prices, but I am equally concerned about product quality.
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
Q.16) When shopping, I compare the prices of different brands to be sure I get the best value
for the money.
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
Q.17) When purchasing a product, I always try to maximize the quality I get for the money I
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
Q.18) When I buy products, I like to be sure that I am getting my money’s worth.
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
Brand Loyalty
Q.19) I would rather stick with a brand I usually buy than try something I am not very sure
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
Q.20) I have certain types of brands that I always buy.
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
Q.21) I consider myself to be loyal to one brand of product.
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
Q.22) I feel confidence in a brand that I always buy.
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
Brand Retention
Q.23) For car service which brand do you use.
o Petromin Express
o Total Parco
o Shell
o Hascol
Annexure 2:
Q.24) What makes you come back to Petromin Express again?
Table 9 (A)
What makes you come back to
Petromin Express again. offerings,
service, value, communication etc.
N Valid 99
Missing 0
The customers comes to Petromin because of their service (12%), service quality (5.1%),
good staff (4%) and value for money (3%).
Q.25) How can Petromin improve its service? Weaknesses.
Table 10 (A)
How can Petromin improve its service? Weaknesses.
N Valid 99
Missing 0
Value 1 1.0%
The respondent have said that Petromin can improve their services through social media
engagement like displaying ads, sharing clickable content to increase the reach, followers and
buying of services and products.
Table 11 (A)
What are the strengths of Petromin?
N Valid 99
Missing 0
Table 11 (B)
What are the strengths of Petromin?
N %
Best service quality 1 1.0%
Better Communication 1 1.0%
Customer Satisfaction 1 1.0%
Good 1 1.0%
Good Service 2 2.0%
Good service and 1 1.0%
Good service and 1 1.0%
Good services 1 1.0%
Good staff 2 2.0%
Good staff and products 1 1.0%
Good staff and service 1 1.0%
Great products while 1 1.0%
Great service, 1 1.0%
I don't know 1 1.0%
I dont know 1 1.0%
It provides stronger lm 1 1.0%
strength at higher
temperatures over a
conventional gear oils.
The strengths of Petromin as respondents have highlighted are their service, quality and staff.
Q.27) What things other brands are doing that Petromin isn't doing?
Table 12 (A)
What things other brands are doing that Petromin isn't
N Valid 99
Missing 0
Some of the respondents have said none (15.1%) to this question, But others responded like
adding more services, expand their business
Q.28) Any suggestions and recommendations for petromin.
Table 13 (A)
Any suggestions and recommendations for petromin.
N Valid 99
Missing 0
Table 13 (B)
Any suggestions and recommendations for petromin.
N %
Actively share content 1 1.0%
and engage on social
Add more offering and 1 1.0%
expand business
Add more services 3 3.0%
Add more services and 1 1.0%
expand more branches
Add more services and 1 1.0%
expand network
Add more services and 1 1.0%
open petrol station
Better time management 1 1.0%
Build social media 1 1.0%
Competitive pricing 1 1.0%
Expand branches 1 1.0%
Expand Branches 1 1.0%
Expand business 3 3.0%
Expand business and do 1 1.0%
social media marketing
The respondents have given responses like open more branches, hire more staff, expand
business and open more petrol pumps in Pakistan.
Data Analysis: The questionnaire data shall be analyzed in SPSS software using descriptive
analysis, cross tabs, and correlation. The responses of 100 customers shall be analyzed and
then interpreted.
Petromin Address
Office #1, 4th Floor, Kingson Mall 9A/ K, Block K Gulberg 2,
Lahore, Punjab
Phone: (042) 35817519
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