These Infinite Threads. This Woven Kingdom 2 - Tahereh Mafi
These Infinite Threads. This Woven Kingdom 2 - Tahereh Mafi
These Infinite Threads. This Woven Kingdom 2 - Tahereh Mafi
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crescendo, the din art aking in Kamran years cf training and " :'- .'I" t!t"t .h. -r, -. . I
awareness. FIis rnind sharpened against the gossip, d,;ty ,-. -.'ir.. d more than prc,-,:r-- ----: : -
piercing the fog c.f grief and replacing it r,vith anger. fbcus - -- --:r-i of alarm in her arar:r -:
A sudden ciatter. - .' .: rS -,r l-ii rr ould he ao\\ e : r -- :-
Kamran looked up in time to see Aiizeh toss C1,1115'g - - : ::: iid not knorrI She ;1:,-:::- '
sword to the flool the young man flinching as glinting steel -,.. -.: :tim repeatedli an.i siap:-:
struck marble. The foreign king stared at Alizeh rvith an : --r: rinq rrho d minlltes ::- r ,-
astonishment to rival Karnran's, fear torpefying his f'eatures ,:, :,= -n t :o rnuch as 1if -. -t : : ir -
as she rounded on him. : -,' stood there and stare,: ,- .-..
"Hou. dare you," she said. "\bu horrible cretin. You useless r: ::rtka him
monster. IHaw could you -" if he ieared her
-- :r--rs: as
"I{o,,r; - hou, did you -" Cyrus fumbled back an inch. :.,:::rn dared not brear:lt =. :
"How dld ,vou rvalk through ttre fire like that? Why are you ,.. ':r rr-i his mind, the tho'-^:.-- .
not - buiningT" , -,-:: ie thought hrs che si rr- : . -l
"You despicable, -wretched rrlan," she cried. "You know - - t:. fir.t Klnrr,: .
who I alm, but ,vt'ru don't know wha.t I arn? " ' ,'., :-:Jiion at the bal. I: : t' :-': j
"No." . - :-- ::rultruslr healei s;r- l --: - r:
Alizeh struck Ct rus across the face with the force of a - : r -l|ent S r-rnrfOf fn ,l-l.. i rt - t: -
bludgeon, the impaet so violent the young king staggered, -:- :-:'. :r,'ln e\travaqant g,l' '- l-
audibl-v strikilig his head against a column. ' - ..--- :e d Jenrerl the trr,rtli : - - :r:
Kamran felt the shock of it in his hones. ' .: ,: ----;e Finalir he ul;.i.: - -,
He knew he should rejoice in this rnoment - knerv he -- . ,-..,..j. i' tii ,i.ecett'ei
shouid celebrate Alizeh's actions against the depraved royal t . . :s irickered rrl-L : :
- but his rnind .,.ryould not submit to relie{, for the scene --: -, :i:--i:-
unraveiing before hir:r diJ not atign r,r,ith reason. : -.Z::'-i-la::la!',:,r:,.:-' - - l
Cyrus appeared entirely too unnerved. :: ' -'-l:--":>:-:h-:rII :'-
Tl-re trepidation in his eyes, his asl.onishment at her .,.;.
plp peep se,tt rrq]E;puer8 srq ]BL{) (1uo pue -
I\l s.pez reII lel lueruqsruolse srq 'sa[a q{ u
Jo pua rr{} o} '.(:aqdo-rd rI{} ot prraq}et se.\\ r{rzIIV ^.orl rrs ; Pe^rauun ool qarBr
o] u€rure) pa83aq p,eq lurq ure^{. o} prr-I} per{ leeTBury 'uosear t{}Iru u311e lou PIp
'req]€JpuErb auef,s aql ro3 Jala.l o] lnugns tou p
slq Jo arn8rS uelleJ arl] o] ure8e paral:r13 seda sr11
ler(or parre;dap sqf lsure8e suorlJe s.rfJ
'Panxa)aP uaaq er{
PDy aH - }ueruoru sFI} q arrofar p
'pootsrrpun aq '.{11eurg 'rf,rJrue 'sruog sTq uI lIJo
Jo req Tro
a^losge o1 rrl sB^\ a1e;adsap os 'qlnr] rr{} perurp p,rr{ III}s put 'urunlof, e pwe8e pea
- proJJe rela plnotr pleru ou u.tto8 ]ue8elerlxr ue dq pa:e1dar 'para83e1s 3ur1 3uno,{ aq} }ualou os l
ueag peq ssaJp IJo^\ qerp rJr{ pue 'turo;tun s,}u€Ares req Jo e Jo eJJoJ aIIl qllll{ rrsJ a(f} ssoDa $
epous f,ruolr eq] prprelsrp p,rr{s 'peleeq .{lsnolnrerrlu pet{
sar-rnfur Jar{ srnoq Jo Ja}}eu E ul 'lleq Jq} }e uor}eruJoJsuerl
s,qezrlv .(g parSrfs.{rrr urag per{ uelue) '}srr; rr{} ruorC no^,,
'relerl 1r{3rur }seql srq fq8noqf rq e}nle os
ruseds E r.ulq ur Surlolord lq8noqr rq] 'punu s1{ uI pru^\Ep nod ,(q41 2regr aTI enJ ap q8norq
uorcrdsns 8ur,(;rr"ta1 e s€ eqlearg ]ou palep u€Jrue) 'r{rur ue
T3Bg palgurn; m:d3 ,- noi
'rer{ }soulY
PerEeJ ar{ JI se ._ not
'rurq rIrJls ol rJL{ ssalasn no^ 'urleJ:) rlgrJroq no^. 'pres 3
pamolp ]ng IIe pue req ]e prr€]s pue eraq] pools .(1uo p,ap1 . -I
'esuaJeP u^ .o srrl ur saJn)eeJ srq SurdSadJol JeaJ 's.uerue;1
Pueq e PrUII s€ qtrnlu os ],uPerl ueeri
sleez ur epelg e prrrng o8e selnurru p,or{1n{ 3ur1 Sunod eqr ue {}I4 qezIv }3 Pere}s Stru uSraro;
pue - af,eJ er{}
uI rulq paddels pue ,(ypareads; rurq pe}lnsur Surqculf| ueur Sunoi a
1ae1s 3u1lul13 se
':oo13: aq1 o] Pro^{s srq Passo} P,aqs a^ ou>I lou plp eq 1;r3 e 3o s,sn-r.[3 sso] r{azrlv aas o} aurr1 ur
ef,uelpe pJUJEun Jq] ]€ ou JJ^.ol eq plno^\ dq,u 's;a8uerls
d1n.r} a-ra.,u. {aqf JI 'acuasard rar{ ur urrele ;o u8rs d;a,r.a - snf,oJ ta8ue qll^{ }I Surcelda-r pue 1a
padeldsrp 'ssausselqlnJ srq uelo;d ueqr erotu p,oq^\ 'snrd3 dlnp 'drsso8 ar{} pure8e pauadreqs
1ed 13uq urerllnos lll .\\oDI 1ou plp aqs ]eq] oBe sluaruoru pue Surure;1 3o srea,( ueJrue) ur SurIe:r
]ng uBJure) ol Pelsrsur Peq qazIIY 'asues ou JpEur 1r - Suru-re1e uB o] mou pue epnlrarrr a
paf,ue^pe eqs se pre,,v\{leq )oo} eq sdals purlq ag} 'qreordde ueag Peq asuerPne ]uelrs eroJolareg 4ar
But to say that this revelation had broken his heart would realizing oniy in the excruciating effort
be to misrepresent the truth; Kamran was not heartbroken, been badly burned. His skin and clot
then, no - he was incandescent with rage. blood; his lread felt leaden. It rvas a t
He would hill her. a.lmit: that he did not knorv horv much
Any nair.e, lingering softness in Kamran's heart evaporated. ircre rrithout the aid of a surgeon. Or a
He'd been seduced by a siren while being deceived by hls -\'o. The royal Diviners ryere dead- 5
orvn friend - and had all but spat in the face of the only Kamran's eyes squeezed shut at the
person who truly cared for hls well-being. KingZaal had sold "Iblees."
himself to evil in the pursuit of Kamran's happiness - and His eyes flew open at the sound c
the man was repaid with only disloyalty and treason. This roice. fiamran's heart began poundinS
dark night had been wrought by Kamran's actions alone; he rtith its intensity. He couldn't decide
understood that now. The entire Ardunian empire had been him more: to realize that she and Ci
left vulnerable because he'd been frail of mind and body. triend in the devil, or to discorrr that
Never again. her, still heated at the mere sound of h
Never again would he allow a woman to own his emotions; She had disappeared.
never again would he be made weakby such base temptations. Panicked, Kamran searched for her:
He s',vore it then: this monster from the prophecy would die i-ustead he saw Cyrus, stili staring inten
by hls hand - he would drive a blade through her heart or t*e ^\lizeh, who'd a moment ago betn s
die trying. \lithout warning, she materialized-
But first, Hazan. Alizeh stood in precisely the same
Kamran caught the eye of a guard hovering - awaiting agp'eared hazy, oscillating in and out of
orders - and with a single glance he issued his first decree as aonslstenc\-.
king of Ardunia: Hazan u'ould hang. \[as she doing this to htm? Had she
Kamran experienced no victory as he watched his former \*rere once was Alizeh stood nr
minister seized, then dragged away; he felt no triumph at mo\-ement, her voice rvarped and rrater
the sound of Hazan's feeble protests ringing out through the a-. il she t'ere speaking from inside a g1
astonished silence of the room. No, Kamran suffered only the -Ssssttt
)'ou )'ou sspeakthe the tire r-
ascent of a terrifying madness as he forced himself upright, Kamran dragged blood-v hands dorr-
daring to bear weight on his injured arm in the process, and rerelation rreren't alreadv more arrnil
]sEI ar{l uBql Suilel}{iuue aroru ,(pea;lE }rLrJJJ^{ L}or}EI3,\Jl pue 'gseco-rd aql uI ure parnlur srq uo
q:ee Jt sy '.rtre-+ sill u^\op spuer{ r(poo;q oa88e-rp utri-uey ']g8r;dn Jlesurq parroJ ar{ sB ssrupsu
' ' []AAAA JrIl Ji{l aql>1e.:dss nod nn,i }l:}ssss,, aql.quo prrilJns uelue) 'o51 'tuoor a
'.re[ ssr13 E aprsu] ruo-r4 3ur>1eads a;a,lr aqs sE aqr g8norgl lno Sur8ur.r slsalord alqaa
3ur1e;ag;a,t o-i'pe33o1-raler\ priu pad-re,tr. 3lrol JJrl'lueruJ,ro'"u 1e qdrunr"rl ou IaJ ag ldene paSSurp
Jo rnlq .(1i1tu e ^\ou pools qazIIV sts1n r.luo arrrl1\ JJrrrJoJ srr{ peqJ}e,^ ag se d-ronll ou p
seg '8ueg plno-u u
2:r8eru Ir?p o] sselre aqs pEH .Luiq ot srgl Suiop
'AluJlSISUe')l se eerrep ]srrJ srr{ pens$ ag aruep ap
Eurfzztp B rl]r^{ sntroJJo }no pue ur Surleiprso 'dzeq pa"ieadde Surlreane - Sur"larrog prenB e ;o e.ta
Jqs 1da:xa 'lods arues oql dlesr]e-id ur pools qazllv
'pezrtr€rral€tu aqs'SuruJem lnot{}lA\
- Eurleads uaaq oBe ]urluolu € p,oq,t,r 'qazrly aQ ro ye5g ;ag g8norq] ep"Ig B a-\rrp p
dluci plnoc leq,{\ }E .{1tu;}ur Surrels ll[]s ':^nrd1 ,ue! ]H pertsur erp ppol\^.,(cagdord eql tuo+ ratstxxu
linSssae:nsun se^\ pur JJq JoJ pJrlJreES ucrrue) 'pa>1:iue6 'suorleldrual aseg gcns dg{Batapstu
' lsuorlorua srq uA a
pa;eacidesrp per-l rr-is .o 01 ueruon^ B -uo[1e
- JlroA Jlr{ Jo purlos rJ3ru ar{l }E P;}BJLI Jll}s '-r:r_1
'dpog pue pururJo
paluB^\ {il}s -{poq srq leri} -r*orsrp o1 .ro '1rnsp aq} uI pLtau} fre+ uarg p.rq
y)rltnw tr pareqs snr.(1 f uE Jqs ]ei{l JZrleaJ o} :alolu iuru ueag peq a;rdura uerunprv arnue eq
prgrnlslp ]eq^. u3rll eplrep ].uplnol all 'dlrsuelur slr qtr-\\ ag 1aup1e suorlJB s.uerrrre) dq rq8nor
ulq Sutil.rels 'ltaue ,9urprrnoci ueBaq l-re3r.l s,u?Jr.uu) 'elro-\ snlJ 'uoseer] pue flp[o1Up,{uo pa
'qos raq JO punos aql le uedo ,rnai3 so.{a sr11 pue - psaurddeg s.ueJruey;o rrnsrnd
,r'sa.rlqI,, plos pqq leeTBury '8urag-1aal. s.rq roJ
'Jopururer Ji{} }e InLIS paza3nbs saiio s,uctrrie) ,!uo aql Jo arEJ ar{} u} leds rnq ge
'snrd3 ,(q p;:;tq8nuTS 'perp r-ror\ Srrr.rrzrrq ir{o; rriJ 'o { sFI l(g pe lef,rp Sureg aFI.^{ uarrs e j
'"rJrrrlrq e rg 'ur:a8.rr)s E ple liql ]no,"ilr,\{ ;.i.,r1 'palerode,t a 1"leer{ s(ueJruey w ssougos
puels pinor aq.raBur;l qrnur &\o{ ,la.ou{ iou plp oq }er{} :}tupr
qleol >-Er\ 3r{ q}n.r} E sE^ . 1l 'uapeel llal perq siq 1poo1q 'a8e-i r11r,r"r luJrs)p
!)lm ,{>pr1s
arr^\ sail}op pue uDIs srH 'pJurnq ,(1peq u;ac 'ua>1orq]rcaq ]ou se^a ueJrrre) lqrnrr
peq 'oo1 's3;1 srq ler{} }rogr 8ur1er:nt:xe Jrl} uI dpro Surzile ar Plno^a ueeq srq uelorg PBrl uorlBlr.\3r
- he was now blind and deaf, too? .lear, but Alizeh remained more nimhir
"ssssssendyyou you iiiinterest heeeee my my llllife?" --t halos stackedin the general shape o
His injured legs failed as his mind fractured; he trembled, :u-qt knorving where to aim might be er
hands grasping at air as he sought purchase, and fell hard This evening's admissions had mi
onto one badly burned leg. He nearly cried out in agony. grandfather's every warning about th,
But then, a mercy - rr ould dle before he failed the man rrr ic
The Tulanian king spoke, his words lucid; "Is it not ieet arva-1,, and though the distance see
obvious? He r,rrants you to rule." f{amran 'would force himself to clear
A terrible thunder filled Kamran's head. There was no to Lrury the blade in her heart norr-, k
time to rejoice in the restoration of his hearing. The demon- m'agedytonight.
like monster with ice in its veins had been foretold to have He'd just managed to take an agorr
formidable allies, and here was further evidence of the -.r*ord s'hen the haze of her shifted arr
Diviners' wisdom, of his grandfather's rvarnings - :n a flash of kismet, Kamran could see
The devil himself was assisting her. She looked terrified.
The crowd lvas gror,ving louder now, and he could hear The sight speared him through thr
them, too, whispers having evolved into shouts and hysterics. moment the cataracts in his e-yes seerrr(
Kamran lt'as reminded once more that all the nobles of ;ame suddenly into sharp focus and oh
Ardunia rvere collected in this room; the highest ranking u.1eed- Alizeh was an enemy poss6-se(
officials from across the empire had been brought together ;ould'r'e imagined. Even nor,r'her sh;n'i'
for an evening of decadence and celebration; instead, they =, "rrrotion that destroyed him. Her gu
would bear witness to the fall of the greatest ernpire in the saturali she searched the room as if sht
'r,vorld. Kamran cursed the wretched orsa
Kamran did not know how he would survive it. paunded a clenched fist against his st
He heard Cyrus laugh again, heard him say clearly: "A linn trr response, a terrible anguish ripped
queen to rule the world. Oh, it's so horribly seditious. The :rutal the sensation it took his breath a
perfect revenge."
--ri planted in a single shot at his feet.
Again, Kamran attempted to draw himself up. His head ::,s spine, tremendous branches pushi
pounded r,vith a vengeance, his eyesight still an uncertain - !i \-elrls.
thing. The room, the floor - Cyrus himself - were all perfectly He doubled, gasping, al-rrost