MSC CSM 303 Toc 2020 Online
MSC CSM 303 Toc 2020 Online
MSC CSM 303 Toc 2020 Online
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h. Let R1 be a regular set on the alphabet {0,1} and let R2 = { 00, 101, 110, 011 }.
Is the difference set R = R1 - R2 necessarily a regular set?
a. If L and L̅ are both recursively enumerable, show that L and L̅ are recursive.
b. “If L is a context-free language and R is a regular language, then L ∩ R is context-free language.”. Prove
or disprove
c. Why is non-deterministic PDA more powerful than deterministic? Justify your answer.
d. Eliminate the Null production from the given set of production rules: P={S→ABCd, A→BC, B→bB, B→
λ, C→cC, C→λ}. Here, “λ” is Null. Show all the steps.
e. State the rule to convert left recursive to right recursive grammar. Show the steps with a suitable example.
f. Prove by example that regular languages are closed under union and intersection.
g. Give the regular expressions generating the following languages. In all cases the alphabet is { 0 , 1 }
i. L1 = { w | w does not contain 100 as a substring }
ii. L2 = { w starts with 0 and has odd length or starts with 1 and has even length }
j. Design the regular expression for palindromes and draw the corresponding DFA to accept it.
b. Use pumping lemma to show that the language L = {an bn cn ; n ≥ 0} is not context-free.
[3 + 7]
5. a. Critically comment on the closure properties of context-free language.
b. Use CYK algorithm to test the membership of the string aabba for the given grammar:
S → AB | BC
A → BA | a
B → CC | b
C → AB | a
6. a. “Every language accepted by a multi-tape Turing machine is accepted by some single-tape
Turing machine “, Comment critically. What is a Universal Turing machine?
b. Design a Turing machine capable of computing proper subtraction, i.e., p ∸ q, where p and q
are positive integers and represented in unary formats..
[5 + 5]
7. a. How are ‘Intractable problems’ related to computing theory?
b. Illustrate P- Class and NP- Class problems with the help of a Venn diagram. Cite an example of each
c. Prove that Clique Decision Problem is NP-Complete.
[2 + 3 + 5]