Amount in PHP
Taxable Earnings Hours/Days Amount PHP Deductions Amount PHP Summary Amount PHP
Basic Pay 8,500.00 Sss Employee Contribution 472.50 Total Gross Pay 9,465.66
Over Break .01 -0.98 Pag Ibig Employee Contribution 100.00 Total Deductions 912.50
Total Of Regular Pay 8,499.02 Philhealth Employee Contribution 340.00 Non-taxable Income 0.00
Add 0.00 Rice Allowance 750.00
Night Differential 75.5 737.64 Uniform Allowance 208.50
Meal Allowance 229.00 Laundry Allowance 150.00
Total Gross Pay 9,465.66 Total Deductions: 912.50 Total Net Pay 9,661.66
Loan Balances Amount PHP Year-To-Date Summary Amount PHP Net Summary Amount PHP
Net Pay 38,264.61 Net Salary 9,661.66
Gross Pay 37,422.20
I. T. W. 799.89
SSS 1,822.50
PhilHealth 680.00
HDMF 200.00
Accumulated DE MINIMIS 0.00
90k Balance 90,000.00
Accumulated HMO benefit 0.00
** This is a computer generated payslip and does not require signature and stamp.