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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,699,426 B1

Burke (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 2, 2004

(54) GYPSUM WALLBOARD CORE, AND 4,201,595 A 5/1980 O’Neill ...................... 106/109
METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MAKING 4,279.673 A 7/1981 White et al. .................. 156/39
THE SAME 4,330,589 A * 5/1982 Saito et al. .. ... 264/42
4,544.424. A 10/1985 Take et al. .................... 156/39
O O 4.942,003 A 7/1990 Bold ......................... 264/40.4
(75) Inventor: Wyan Roy Burke, Tonawanda, NY 5,000,900 A 3/1991 Baumgartner .......... 264/211.23
5,100.474. A 3/1992 Hawkins ..................... 106/711
5,220,762 A * 6/1993 Lehnert et al. ............. 264/133
(73) Assignee: National Gypsum Properties, LLC., 5,256.222 A 8. Shepherd et al. ............. :
Charlotte, NC (US)
(List continued on next page.)
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. EP O774445 A1 * 5/1997
GB 2336,360 A 10/1999
(21) Appl. No.: 09/569,981 GB 2336585 A 10/1999
WO WO 98/30515 7/1998
(22) Filed: May 10, 2000 WO WO OO/76937 A1 * 12/2000
Related U.S. Application Data OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(60) ER"R.E."aA.S. As a International Search Report in PCT/US00/13145 dated Sep.
Jun. 15, 1999. 13, 2000.
(51) Int. Cl." .......................... B29C 70/26; B29C 47/00 (List continued on next page.)
(52) U.S. Cl. .................... 264/426; 3: 5. Af Primary Examiner Mark Eashoo
s (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Howrey Simon Arnold &
(58) Field of Search .............................. 264/426, 177.2, White, LLP, Anthony Nimmo, Esq.
264/176.1, 204, 211, 177.11, 211.11, 211.12, s s s
211.24, 70, 74, 75, 148, 474, 42: 366/3, (57) ABSTRACT
5; 156/43; 425/1311, 133.5
A gypsum wallboard core, and methods and apparatus for
(56) References Cited making the same are disclosed. Methods of making a
gypsum wallboard core include extruding a gypsum slurry
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS containing Water, gypsum, Slip agents, Water-reducing
2,762,738 A 9/1956 Teale ........................... 15487 agents, Surfactants and, optional additives, through a die and
2.962,786 A 12/1960 Hawk ...................... 425/1311 onto a Substantially flat, Smooth, moving Surface. The die
2.985.219 A 5/1961 Summerfield .................. 154/1 has provisions at its outer SideS for the introduction of Slip
3,314,613 A 4/1967 Gall ............................ 241/19 agents into the Slurry, and provisions at its lateral outer edges
3,405,425 A * 10/1968 Buckley et al. 425/133.5 for the introduction of a strength-enhancing agent. Once
3,832,250 A 8/1974 Pearson ....................... 156/39 extruded onto the conveyor belt, the Slurry is chemically
3,872.204 A 3/1975 Yano et al. ... 264/102 activated to set and form a hardened board core which then
3.890,419 A * 6/1975 Kaniecki ... 425/131.1 may be easily removed from the conveyor belt and dried
3,891,453 A 6/1975 Williams ..................... 106/85
3,923,438 A * 12/1975 Perla ............ 425/131.1
4,042,409 A 8/1977 Terada et al. ............... 106/660 38 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
US 6,699,426 B1
Page 2


5,304,355 A 4/1994 Yant et al. .................. 422/225 Written Opinion in PCT/US00/13145 dated May 4, 2001.
5,320,677 A 6/1994 Baig .......................... 106/780 Petersen, D.J., et al. “Calcium Compounds (Calcium Sul
5,342,566 A 8/1994 Schafer et al. . ... 264/102 fate).” Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, (1992 4th
5,482.551 A 1/1996 Morris et al. ..... ... 106/772 ed.), vol. 4, pp. 812–826, TP9.E685.
5,545,297 A 8/1996 Andersen et al. ....... 264/211.11 Michelsen, T. “Building Materials (Survey).” Encyclopedia
5,607,233 A 3/1997 Yant et al. ........ ... 366/102 of Chemical Technology, (1992 4th ed.), vol. 4, pp. 605-624,
5,683,635 A 11/1997 Sucech et al. ................ 264/42 TP9.E685.
2Y- - 2
s A s 1. A. al. ........... t2.
IIIS el al. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Product Brochure for “The Readco Continuous Processor,”
5,879,825. A 3/1999 Burke et al. ... E. 5 pages (Undated).
6,101,793 A 8/2000 Nagai et al. .................. 55/523 * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Mar. 2, 2004 Sheet 1 of 2 US 6,699,426 B1


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U.S. Patent Mar. 2, 2004 Sheet 2 of 2 US 6,699,426 B1
US 6,699,426 B1
1 2
GYPSUM WALLBOARD CORE, AND Sition. A Second wet component can include a mixture of the
METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MAKING aforementioned Strengthening agent, foam, and other con
THE SAME ventional additives, if desired. Together, the aforementioned
dry and wet portions comprise an aqueous gypsum slurry
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED that eventually forms a gypsum wallboard core.
APPLICATIONS A major ingredient of the gypsum wallboard core is
Priority benefit under 35 U.S.C. S 119(e) of U.S. provi calcium Sulfate hemihydrate, commonly referred to as “cal
sional patent application Ser. No. 60/147,801 filed Aug. 9, cined gypsum,” “stucco,” or "plaster of Paris.’ Stucco has a
1999, and U.S. provisional patent application Ser. No. number of desirable physical properties including, but not
60/139,183 filed Jun. 15, 1999, is claimed. limited to, its fire resistance, thermal and hydrometric
dimensional Stability, compressive Strength, and neutral pH.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Typically, Stucco is prepared by drying, grinding, and cal
1. Field of the Invention
cining natural gypsum rock (i.e., calcium Sulfate dihydrate).
The drying Step in the manufacture of Stucco includes
The present invention generally relates to the production 15 passing crude gypsum rock through a rotary kiln to remove
of gypsum board materials and, more Specifically, the inven any free moisture present in the rock from rain or Snow, for
tion relates to the manufacture of gypsum wallboard utiliz example. The dried rock then is passed through a roller mill
ing an extrusion technique to prepare a gypsum core. (or impact mill types of pulverizers), wherein the rock is
2. Brief Description of Related Technology ground or comminuted to a desired fineness. The degree of
A common method of constructing walls and ceilings comminution is determined by the ultimate use. The dried,
includes the use of inorganic wallboard panels or sheets, fine-ground gypsum can be referred to as “land plaster
Such as gypsum wallboard, often referred to Simply as regardless of its intended use. The land plaster is used as
“wallboard” or “drywall.” Wallboard can be formulated for feed to calcination processes for conversion to stucco.
interior, exterior, and wet applications. The use of wallboard, 25
The calcination (or dehydration) Step in the manufacture
as opposed to conventional boards made from wet plaster of Stucco is performed by heating the land plaster, and
methods, is desirable because the installation of wallboard is generally can be described by the following chemical equa
ordinarily leSS costly and leSS cumberSome when compared tion which shows that heating calcium Sulfate dihydrate
to the installation of conventional plaster walls. yields calcium Sulfate hemihydrate (stucco) and water
Walls and ceilings made with gypsum wallboard panels Vapor:
typically are constructed by Securing, e.g., with nails or
Screws, the wallboard panels to Structural members, Such as
Vertically- and horizontally-oriented pieces of Steel or wood This calcination proceSS Step is performed in a "calciner,” of
often referred to as “studs.” Because wallboard typically is which there are several types known by those of skill in the
Supplied in Standard-sized sheets or panels, when forming a 35 art.
wall from the sheets, there will generally be a number of Uncalcined calcium Sulfate (i.e., land plaster) is the
joints between adjacent sheets. In most wallboard “stable' form of gypsum. However, calcined gypsum, or
construction, these joints typically are filled and coated with Stucco, has the desirable property of being chemically reac
an adhesive material called a joint compound So that the wall tive with water, and will “set' rather quickly when the two
will have a Smooth finish similar to that obtained with 40 are mixed together. This Setting reaction is actually a rever
conventional plaster walls. Sal of the above-described chemical reaction performed
Generally, wallboard is produced by enclosing a core of during the calcination Step. The Setting reaction proceeds
an aqueous Slurry of calcined gypsum and other materials according to the following chemical equation which shows
between two large Sheets of board cover paper. Various types that the calcium sulfate hemihydrate is rehydrated to its
of cover paper are known in the art. After the gypsum Slurry 45 dihydrate State:
has set (i.e., reacted with water present in the aqueous slurry)
and dried, the formed sheet is cut into Standard sizes.
Methods for the production of gypsum wallboard generally The actual time required to complete the Setting reaction
are described, for example, by Michelsen, T. “Building generally depends upon the type of calciner and the type of
Materials (Survey).” Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 50 gypsum rock that are used to produce the gypsum, and can
(19924th ed.), vol. 21, pp. 621–24, TP9.E685, the disclosure be controlled within certain limits by the use of additives
of which is hereby incorporated herein by reference. Such as retarders, Set accelerators, and/or Stabilizers, for
Gypsum wallboard is manufactured utilizing commercial example. Generally, the rehydration time period can be in a
processes that are capable of operation under continuous, range of about two minutes to about eight hours depending
high-Speed conditions. A conventional process for manufac 55 on the quantity of retarders, Set accelerators, and/or Stabi
turing the core composition of gypsum wallboard initially lizers present.
includes the premixing of dry ingredients in a high-speed After the aqueous gypsum slurry is prepared, the slurry
mixing apparatus. The dry ingredients can include calcium and other desired ingredients are continuously deposited to
Sulfate hemihydrate (stucco), an accelerator, and an antides form a gypsum wallboard core (hereinafter “wallboard core”
iccant (e.g., Starch). The dry ingredients are mixed together 60 or “core”) slurry between two continuously-supplied mov
with a “wet' (aqueous) portion of the core composition in a ing sheets of cover paper. The two cover Sheets comprise a
pin mixer apparatus. The wet portion can include a first pre-folded face paper and a backing paper. AS the slurry is
component, commonly referred to as a "paper pulp deposited onto the face paper, the backing paper is brought
Solution,” that includes a mixture of water, paper pulp, and, down atop the deposited core slurry and bonded to the
optionally, one or more fluidity-increasing agents, and a Set 65 prefolded edges of the face paper. The whole assembly then
retarder. The paper pulp Solution provides a major portion of is sized for thickneSS utilizing a roller bar or forming plate.
the water that forms the gypsum Slurry of the core compo The deposited core slurry is then allowed to set between the
US 6,699,426 B1
3 4
two cover sheets, thereby forming a board. The cause fouling or premature Setting of the Slurry, or impart
continuously-produced board is cut into panels of a desired other undesired effects.
length, which are vertically-Stacked, and then passed SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
through a drying kiln where excess water is removed from
the board to form a Strong, dry, and rigid building material. One aspect of the invention is a method of forming a
The cover sheets used in the process typically are multi gypsum wallboard core, which includes the method steps of
ply paper manufactured from re-pulped newspapers. The preparing a gypsum Slurry in a mixer, and introducing the
face paper has an unsized inner ply which contacts the core Slurry to an extrusion die, the die preferably having provi
Slurry Such that gypsum crystals can grow up to (or into) the Sions at its periphery for the introduction of at least one
inner ply-this, along with the Starch present in the Slurry, gypsum Slurry additive Selected from the group consisting of
is the principal form of bonding between the core slurry and Slip agents and Strength-enhancing agents. The method also
the cover sheet. The middle plies are sized and an outer ply preferably includes the Steps of introducing the Slurry addi
is more heavily sized and treated to control absorption of tive into the Slurry as the Slurry exits the die, and extruding
paints and Sealers. The backing paper is also a similarly the additive-containing gypsum onto a Substantially flat,
constructed multi-ply sheet. Both cover sheets must have 15 moving Surface. Thereafter, the slurry can be dried in a
Sufficient permeability to allow for water vapor to pass hybrid dryer by convection heating and microwave drying
therethrough during the downstream board drying Step(s). techniques. Therefore, another aspect of the invention is a
Standardized sheets (or panels) of wallboard typically are gypsum wallboard core prepared according to the foregoing
about four feet (about 1.22 meters) wide and about 8 feet to method.
about 16 feet (about 2.4 meters to about 4.9 meters) in Still further, another aspect of the invention is an appa
length. Sheets typically are available in thicknesses varying ratus for preparing a gypsum wallboard core. Generally, the
in a range of about 4 inch to about one inch (about 0.6 apparatus includes a mixer that is in fluid communication
centimeters to about 2.6 centimeters). with a die inlet of a die. The die comprises the die inlet and
In order to provide Satisfactory Strength, commercially a die exit and a manifold disposed between the inlet and
available gypsum wallboard generally requires a density of 25 outlet. The apparatus also includes a Substantially flat,
about 1600 to about 1700 pounds (about 726 to about 772 movable Surface disposed adjacent the die exit and a dryer.
kilograms) per thousand square feet (1bs/MSF) of one-half Advantages of the invention may become apparent to
inch board. Heavy or high-density gypsum wallboards are those skilled in the art from a review of the following
more costly and difficult to manufacture, transport, Store, detailed description, taken in conjunction with the drawings,
and manually install at job Sites, compared to lighter or the examples, and the appended claims.
low-density boards. It is possible to formulate wallboard
having reduced densities through the inclusion of light BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
weight fillers and foams, for example. Often, however, For a complete understanding of the invention, reference
where wallboard is formulated to have a density less than should be made to the following detailed description,
about 1600 lbs/MSF of one-half inch board, the resulting 35
examples, and accompanying drawings wherein:
Strength is unacceptable for commercial Sale. Because high
density or heavy gypsum wallboard generally is not FIG. 1 is a Schematic diagram illustrating various proceSS
desirable, various attempts have been made to reduce board equipment that may be useful in carrying out a method of
weight and density without Sacrificing board Strength. making gypsum wallboard according to the invention; and,
However, while lighter and less dense wallboard products 40 FIG. 2 is a Schematic diagram illustrating in more detail
can be produced, many of the wallboard products may be of features of the equipment and method illustrated in FIG. 1.
a quality ill-Suited for commercial use. While the invention is susceptible of embodiment in
Morris et al. U.S. Pat. No. 5,482.551 discloses an extrud various forms, there are illustrated in the drawing figures and
able composition for use in production of articles for build will hereafter be described specific embodiments of the
ing and construction made of about 45-85 weight percent 45 invention, with the understanding that the disclosure is
calcium Sulfate dihydrate and a filler to control density. intended to be illustrative, and is not intended to limit the
In view of the foregoing, it would be desirable to produce invention to the Specific embodiments described and illus
high-strength gypsum wallboard having weights and densi trated herein.
ties generally equal to or slightly less than that produced by DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
conventional methods. Reduced weight and density boards, 50
however, should meet industry Standards and have Strengths
Similar to, or greater than, conventional wallboard. Such Generally, the invention is directed to a method of form
wallboard also should be able to be manufactured using ing a gypsum wallboard core, which includes the method
high-Speed manufacturing apparatus and not Suffer from Steps of preparing a gypsum slurry in a mixer and introduc
other negative Side-effects. For example, Such high-strength 55 ing the Slurry, preferably under positive displacement into an
wallboard should be able to set and dry within a reasonable extrusion die, the die preferably having provisions at its
period of time. periphery for the introduction of at least one gypsum slurry
Further, the use of conventional ingredients in the prepa additive Selected from the group consisting of slip agents
ration of the aqueous Slurry can cause fouling and undesired and Strength-enhancing agents. The method also preferably
plugging of mixers and tubing used to prepare and convey, 60 includes the Steps of introducing the slurry additive into the
respectively, the aqueous Slurry onto the paper cover sheet Slurry as the slurry exits the die, and Soft-extruding the
(S). For example, admixing Set accelerators into the slurry in additive-containing gypsum Slurry onto a Substantially flat,
an upstream mixer, Such as a pin mixer, can cause the Slurry moving Surface. Thereafter, the Slurry can be dried to in a
to begin Setting (i.e., calcine or harden) before its deploy hybrid dryer by convection heating and microwave drying
ment onto the cover sheet(s). Thus, it would be desirable to 65 techniques.
produce gypsum wallboard utilizing processes that do not For a general Overview of the invention, reference should
require certain ingredients in the gypsum Slurry which could be made to the drawing figures wherein like reference
US 6,699,426 B1
S 6
numbers designate the same or Similar structure throughout slurry to undesirably collect or “hang up.” The collected
the various figures. FIG. 1 illustrates an embodiment of a Slurry sits in these void spaces and eventually hydrates
process 10 of the present invention. The process 10 includes (hardens). In time, the hardened gypsum is likely to become
a mixer 12 which mixes dry and wet ingredients making up dislodged from the Void Spaces and undesirably flow in a
a gypsum Slurry (not shown) and discharges the formed mixture of the slurry out of the mixer. Alternatively, the
Slurry through a die 14, described in greater detail below. dislodged and hardened gypsum can damage and/or plug the
The slurry exits the die 14 and is extruded directly onto a mixer and, thereby, force the operator to Shut down the
smooth surface of a conveyor belt 16. A top conveyor belt mixer for a period of time Sufficient to fix the damaged mixer
18, optionally, also can be used. Downstream of the con components and/or to remove the hardened gypsum mate
veyor belt 16 is a hybrid dryer 20 that includes microwave rial. A mixer operating to provide a gypsum Slurry under
heating and convection drying Sections (not shown). Down positive displacement, by the foregoing definition, has a
stream of the hybrid dryer 20 is a convection dryer 22 minimal amount or no void spaces therein.
wherein any excess water present in the extruded slurry is By way of example, a Suitable mixer for use in the
removed via convection drying to result in a dry wallboard invention includes a twin Screw continuous mixer modified
core. Both of the hybrid dryer 20 and convection dryer 22 15 to ensure a positive displacement. A twin Screw mixer
are described in greater detail below. (hereinafter a “TSC mixer”) can be obtained from Readco
With continued reference to FIG. 1, downstream of the Mfg. Co. of York, Pa., and is described in a product bulletin
hybrid dryer 20 and convection dryer 22, the dried wallboard for Readco's Continuous Processor (entitled the “Readco
core can undergo optional core enhancing treatments in a Continuous Processor,” undated) and in U.S. Pat. No. 5,000,
suitable apparatus 24 known to those skilled in the art. To the 900, the disclosures of which are hereby incorporated herein
extent Such optional core enhancing treatments include the by reference. While it is not recommended that such a TSC
application of water to the wallboard core, an optional mixer be used in the present invention without modifications
Surface treatment dryer 26, typically a Small convection (described below), the general design of the TSC mixer is
dryer, can be used to remove the water. The wallboard core, informative nonetheless.
optionally, can be Surface treated to include various cover 25 A TSC mixer generally includes adjacent, co-rotating
ings (i.e., paper cover sheets), decorative coverings, and/or shafts (screws) axially disposed within a single barrel or
lamination in a Suitable Surface treatment apparatus 28 housing. The Screws rotate in opposite directions with
before being trimmed and cut with trimming equipment 30. respect to each other. Each shaft includes paddles (or Screw
After the wallboard has been cut and shaped, the wallboard threads) which extend from a Screw shaft to almost contact
can be Stacked and bundled utilizing Stacking equipment 32 or touch the inside Surface of the barrel and to almost contact
known to those of skill in the art and Stored in a warehouse or touch the other shaft and its associated paddles (i.e., there
34, or using other Suitable Storage means. should be no contact). During operation, the Screws and
FIG. 2 illustrates a more detailed view of the process 10. asSociated paddles convey or push the materials (ingredients
Specifically, the mixer 12 is shown in FIG. 2 connected at a and/or slurry) from one end of the mixer to the other end of
mixer discharge end 36 to the die 14. The die 14 includes a 35 the mixer, which is preferably connected to a die.
die inlet 38, a die exit 40, and a die manifold 42 disposed Furthermore, during operation, the close proximity between
between the inlet 38 and exit 40. The die 14 preferably the paddles of one shaft and its neighboring shaft, and
includes a plurality of conduits, Such as for example, one or between the paddles and the inside barrel Surface Serve, to
more conduits 44, for introducing various additives into the provide the TSC mixer with a self-wiping action which
discharging Slurry. The slurry is discharged directly onto the 40 reduces the likelihood of fouling or plugging of the mixer.
conveyor belt 16 which carries the deposited slurry to Generally, a TSC mixer is divided into multiple sections
downstream processing equipment (described and shown in which can be used to perform various functions including,
FIG. 1) where preparation of the wallboard product can be but not limited to, pre-mixing dry ingredients, conveying dry
completed. ingredients, pre-mixing wet ingredients, mixing dry and wet
A preferred embodiment of the invention includes the 45 ingredients to form a mixed slurry, and conveying the Slurry.
preparation of gypsum slurry in a mixer (described in more In other words, sections of the TSC mixer are desirably
detail below), other than a pin mixer. The slurry includes designed to perform different functions as the mixed slurry
gypsum, Water, slip agents, Water-reducing agents, Surfac is formed and passes through each Section.
tants and, optionally, binders, set retarders (setting agents), The TSC mixer is described hereafter with respect to
paper pulp, glass fibers, fly ash Spheres, mica, paraffin 50 imaginary Sections or locations along the Screw Shaft where
granules, perlite, and/or Vermiculite. Preferably, a pregen raw materials are introduced. The Sections generally are not
erated foam also is introduced into the mixer in a manner Separated by Structure, and instead are defined by the loca
Such that the foam is homogeneously distributed throughout tions at which the operator determines that various compo
the Slurry; the foam is not injected into the slurry as the nents will be added. For example, a first section of the TSC
Slurry exits the mixer or die because foam injection does not 55 mixer preferably Serves to introduce and convey various dry
necessarily ensure homogenous distribution. ingredients, Such as Stucco and, optionally, Vermiculite and
A Suitable mixer for use in accordance with the invention fiberglass, for example, which comprise a dry mixed blend.
should be capable of delivering a Viscous gypsum slurry to A Second Section downstream of this first Section preferably
a die under positive displacement. The term “positive dis serves to convey mix the dry mixed blend. A third section
placement' is intended to mean that a gypsum slurry, or 60 downstream of the first and Second Sections preferably is
ingredients comprising a gypsum Slurry, are passed through designed to introduce pulp water (preferably containing
a mixer having no (or no excess) void spaces therein. The potash and pregenerated foam) into the dry mixed blend.
phrases “void Spaces” and “exceSS Void spaces” are intended Here, the mixing/blending action of the TSC mixer is
to mean Spaces existing within a mixer during mixer opera relatively high Shear ensuring thorough blending of all of the
tion that are not filled with a gypsum Slurry or ingredients 65 ingredients (wet and dry) in a short time and over a Screw
comprising a gypsum slurry. Void spaces (or excess void shaft length. Additionally, a Suitable Set accelerator, Such as
Spaces) within the mixer provide areas for portions of the a ball mill accelerator, can be added into the mixer and
US 6,699,426 B1
7 8
combined with the mixed material to form the slurry. The in FIG. 2 and includes a die inlet 38 connected to a discharge
Slurry preferably is expelled from this mixing/blending end of the mixer 12, a die manifold 42, and a die exit 40.
Section and discharged into a die (described herein in greater Inside the die manifold 42, the Slurry occupies and takes on
detail). Accordingly, the mixing/blending Section of the TSC the shape of the manifold 42 and, therefore, obtains its final
mixer also is designed to convey the Slurry into the die. croSS-Sectional shape before exiting the die 14 through the
A commercially-available TSC mixer preferably is modi die exit 40. Desirably, the die 14 and, more specifically, the
fied in order to ensure positive displacement of the gypsum die manifold 42 reshape the slurry exiting the mixer 12 from
a rounded cross-sectional area to the thickneSS and width of
Slurry. One Such modification includes ensuring that the the finished product.
croSS-Sectional area for flow throughout the mixer remains A gypsum slurry exiting the mixer at the mixer discharge
constant. AS previously noted, positive displacement is end 36 will encounter various die passages as it passes
believed to be ensured where the mixer contains a small
amount or no void spaces. With a constant flow of raw through the die 14. The incremental cross-sectional area,
materials into the mixer and a correspondingly consistent perpendicular to the direction of Slurry flow, of the various
rotation of the screws, it is not likely that the slurry will die passages (i.e., die inlet 38, die exit 40, and die manifold
undesirably collect and harden within a mixer having a 15 42) preferably are constant (or are constantly increasing or
constant cross-sectional area. decreasing) to prevent gypsum slurry from undesirably
collecting and hardening within the die. Furthermore, the die
Another preferred modification to the commercially inlet 38 preferably has a cross-sectional area that is Substan
available TSC mixer includes provisions (e.g., conduits or tially the same as that of the mixer discharge end 36.
injection ports) throughout the mixer for the introduction of The die Specified for use in accordance with a preferred
the various dry and wet ingredients that comprise the embodiment of the invention deposits a gypsum Slurry in a
gypsum Slurry. AS previously noted, the dry and wet ingre manner Such that the slurry exiting the die has croSS
dients are preferably introduced into the mixer in a Sequen Sectional dimensions Substantially identical to that of the
tial manner. In order to introduce these ingredients in hardened wallboard core. This is accomplished by utilizing
Sequence and to ensure a proper mixing of all slurry 25 a die having a die exit (or opening), through which the slurry
ingredients, the TSC mixer should be designed or modified discharges onto the moving conveyor belt, having croSS
to include a plurality of conduits or injection ports for Sectional dimensions Substantially identical to that of the
introduction of these ingredients. More preferably, the mixer hardened wallboard core. For example, a hardened wall
should be modified to include multi-injection ports 46 (see board core (and the die exit both) can be about 4 to about
FIG. 1) to ensure that water is properly mixed with the dry one inch thick (high) (about 0.64 to about 2.54 centimeters
ingredients. The water introduced into these ports 46 can be (cm)), which includes specific board core thicknesses of
in the form of foam water and/or pulp water. about 5/16, 3/s, 73, 5/8, and about 34 inches (about 0.79, 0.95,
Other suitable mixers for use in the present invention 1.27, 1.59, and about 1.90 cm, respectively). Additionally, a
include modified versions of the mixers disclosed in U.S. hardened wallboard core (and the die exit both) can be about
Pat. Nos. 5,304,355 and 5,607,233, which are assigned to 35 4 to about 4.5 feet (about 1.22 to about 1.38 meters) wide.
Quantum Technologies, Inc., of Twinsburg, Ohio, and are Thus, the die may have a width to height ratio of about 48:1
hereby incorporated herein by reference. The mixers to about 216:1. In contrast, discharge boots used in conven
described in the 355 and 233 patents generally are single tional gypsum wallboard manufacturing processes do not
Screw mixers which provide a mixing of liquids, Solids, possess croSS-Sectional dimensions in this range.
and/or gases, and a Self-wiping action akin to that charac 40 The die preferably is designed to include a die exit having
teristic of the TSC mixer described above. It is believed that a Substantially rectangular geometry defined by top and
the mixers disclosed in the 355 and 233 patents, when bottom forming plates and Side plates. These plates can be
designed to include the modifications mentioned above with arranged to provide die exit dimensions described in the
respect to the TSC mixer, will provide a Viscous gypsum foregoing paragraph. Preferably the bottom and Side plates
Slurry to a die inlet under positive displacement. 45 are fixed (i.e., immovable) and the top plate is adjustable to
Use of an appropriately modified mixer in the present provide the operator with flexibility in preparing gypsum
invention is particularly attractive because the Screw of the wallboards of a variety of thicknesses. Depending upon the
Single Screw extruder (and the co-rotating Screws of the TSC downstream drying capacity (discussed in greater detail
mixer) and close clearances between mixer paddles on the below), the thickness of the desired wallboard and, conse
Screw shaft(s), as well as between the paddles and the barrel 50 quently the thickness of the die exit opening, will aid in
provide efficient, uniform mixing to result in a Viscous determining the Speed at which wallboard can be produced
gypsum Slurry. For example, throughput in the TSC mixer (i.e., line speed). Generally, as the cross Sectional area of the
preferably is engineered Such that an average residence time board decreases the line Speed will increase, and Vice versa.
of the material in the mixer preferably is less than about 20 The throughput (i.e., the residence time of the slurry
Seconds, more preferably less than about 15 Seconds, and 55 ingredients) in the upstream mixer can be adjusted to
even more preferably less than about 10 Seconds. Residence accommodate varying line Speeds, wallboard cross-sectional
time, for purposes of the present invention, can be defined as areas, and downstream drying capacity.
the time period beginning when water first contacts “dry” The die preferably has one or more (preferably a plurality
stucco and ending when that water/stucco (i.e., gypsum of) provisions or conduits for the introduction (via injection
slurry) mix exits the TSC mixer and is discharged into the 60 means, for example) of Set accelerators and additional slip
die inlet or die manifold. The more efficient mixing and short agents into the Slurry, and provisions or conduits at its lateral
residence times prevent material buildup (fouling or outer edges for the introduction of a strength-enhancing
plugging) inside the barrel and result in a Self-wiping action acrylic polymer (described below) capable of providing
that may reduce clean-up time by as much as 90%. reinforcement to edge portions of the formed board product.
The gypsum slurry is Soft-extruded through a die onto a 65 Suitable dies for use in accordance with the invention can be
Substantially flat, Smooth, moving Surface, Such as a Teflon(E) obtained from a number of die manufacturers and, thereafter,
material-covered conveyor belt. A preferred die 14 is shown modified to include the provisions or conduits. For example,
US 6,699,426 B1
a Suitable die with modifications can be obtained from the includes a mixture of water, paper pulp, and, optionally,
Phoenix Engineering Group of National Gypsum Company, fluidity-increasing agents. A Set retarder also can be
of Phoenix, Ariz. Because the gypsum Slurry mixer, included. A majority of the water present in the Slurry is
described above, typically discharges the slurry product in a introduced via the pregenerated foam. Another Source for
downward fashion, a transition conduit preferably connects water in the Slurry is the paper pulp Solution. Other Sources
the mixer discharge to the die inlet or manifold. for the introduction of water into the slurry include, but are
Use of the phrases “soft-extrusion” and “soft-extruded.” not limited to, mixtures of the aforementioned Strengthening
are intended to mean that the gypsum Slurry exits a Suitable agent and other conventional additives, when used.
die without the assistance or the application of high pressure, A principal ingredient of the wallboard core composition
which typically is required to extrude highly viscous of the invention is calcium Sulfate hemihydrate, or Stucco
materials, Such as thermoplastic and thermoset resins used in (CaSO4%HO). Calcium sulfate hemihydrate generally is
described by Petersen, D. J., et al. “Calcium Compounds
other fields. While the invention is not bound by any (Calcium Sulfate).” Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology,
particular mechanism or theory, it is believed that ingredi (1992 4th ed.), vol. 4, pp. 812–26, TP9.E685, the disclosure
ents (both wet and dry) entering the mixer help force the 15
of which is hereby incorporated herein by reference, and can
Slurry through the mixer, into the manifold, and through the be produced by the methods described above. As is known
die exit. The ingredients introduced into the mixer along by those of skill in the art, there are two types or forms of
with the positive displacement of Slurry by the mixer, exert calcium Sulfate hemihydrate, an O-hemihydrate form and a
a force on the Slurry passing through the die, Such that the B-hemihydrate form. These two forms typically are pro
slurry exits the die under a pressure of about 5 to about 100 duced by different types of calcination processes and differ
pounds per square inch (psi) (about 35 to about 690 kilo Structurally to Some extent. Either type of calcium Sulfate
pascals (kPa)), and preferably about 5 to about 30 psi (about hemihydrate, however, is Suitable for use in the present
35 to about 207 kPa), more preferably about 10 to about 20 invention. Stucco preferably is present in the gypsum slurry
psi (about 69 to about 137 kPa). composition extruded from the die exit in an amount of
Generally, the physical appearance and consistency of the 25 about 59 to about 64 wt.% based on the total weight of the
Soft-extruded slurry resembles that of a Soft ice cream, as gypsum Slurry composition, more preferably about 60 to
opposed to that of a cake or pancake batter. Thus, the about 63 wt.%, for example about 61 to about 62 wt.%.
deposited gypsum slurry desirably has a Viscosity in a range An optional antidesiccant, Such as Starch, also can be
of about 19,000 millipascal seconds (mPa's) to about 22,000 included to provide added strength to the finished wallboard
mPa's. Preferably, however, the deposited gypsum slurry has product, however, it is not necessary to the Success of the
a viscosity in a range of about 19,500 mPa's to about 21,500 invention. Accordingly, the antidesiccant can be present in
mPa S. More preferably, the deposited gypsum slurry has a an amount of less than about 5 lbs/MSF. In some products,
viscosity in a range of about 19,500 mPa is to about 21,000 optional lightweight aggregates (e.g., treated expanded per
mPas. The foregoing Viscosity measurements can be lite or Vermiculite) also can be included.
obtained using a Brookfield DV-III Programmable Rheom 35 An aqueous Slurry or Solution of paper pulp also can be
eter with a No. 6 Spindle operating at about 20 rotations per included in the core composition. The pulp Solution com
minute (RPM). prises water and paper fibers ("paper pulp'), and may also
Once extruded onto the conveyor belt, the slurry is include an optional binder, a set retarder (or Setting agent),
chemically-activated to Set and form a hardened board core corn Starch, and/or potash. Optional binders that can be used
which may be easily removed from the conveyor belt, dried 40 include, but are not limited to, inorganic binderS Such as, for
via a combination of microwave heating and convection example, colloidal Silica and colloidal alumina. It may be
drying means, laminated, and cut to a desired shape and Size, desirable to utilize a Suitable Set retarder when an inorganic
as described in detail below. binder is present in order to provide moisture resistance and,
In accordance with the invention, the gypsum Slurry thereby, avoid Sacrificing Strength due to the presence of
desirably has an open time (i.e., a working time) of less than 45 moisture. The Set retarder can be used to tailor the Set time
about 30 seconds, preferably less than about 20 seconds, and of the core composition. Set retarders typically are used in
more preferably less than about 10 seconds. The term “open the invention at very low rates (if at all), for example at
time” as used herein refers to the time that elapses between about 0.0007 weight percent, based on the weight of the core
(a) the exposure to the atmosphere of the gypsum slurry, and composition.
(b) the point where the calcined gypsum has reacted Suffi 50 The terms "Set retarder” and "Setting agent” are used
ciently with the water present in the slurry to form the herein to include any substance which will react with the
dihydrate. The open time of a gypsum Slurry can be mea Stucco to form an insoluble complex. One class of Such
Sured by conventional procedures known by those of skill in Setting agents which can be used in the present invention
the art. comprises divalent or trivalent metal compounds, Such as
The preferred ingredients of the wallboard core compo 55 magnesium oxide, Zinc oxide, calcium carbonate, magne
sition will now be described in more detail. Generally, a sium carbonate, Zinc Sulfate, and Zinc Stearate.
preferred method for manufacturing the core composition The paper pulp Solution also can include one or more of
and wallboard of the invention initially includes the premix a number of additives that increase the fluidity of the slurry
ing of dry ingredients in a mixing apparatus (e.g., the and/or reduce the water requirements of slurry. Materials
modified TSC mixer). The dry ingredients can include 60 used as fluidity-enhancing and/or water-reducing agents
calcium Sulfate hemihydrate (stucco), an accelerator and, include “lignoSulfonates' which are commercially-available
optionally, an antidesiccant (e.g., Starch), as described below either in liquid or powder form. Fluidity-enhancing and/or
in greater detail. water-reducing agents Supplied in liquid form can be either
The dry ingredients are mixed together with a “wet” incorporated in the pulp Solution or added directly to the
(aqueous) portion of the core composition in the mixer 65 mixing operation.
apparatus. The wet portion can include a first component The paper pulp Solution can be prepared by blending or
(referred to as a "paper pulp Solution') that preferably mixing the above ingredients with water in a blending
US 6,699,426 B1
11 12
apparatus. Alternatively, a concentrated pulp Solution using board physical properties. Furthermore, when added in
only a Small Volume of water can be produced. In this case, concentrated amounts to edge portions of the board core, the
the remainder of the core mix water requirement is made up agent can Serve to enhance greatly the Strength of Said edge
with water from a separate water Source, Such as pregener portions. Strong edge portions are particularly desirable as it
ated foam, for example. In contrast to conventional gypsum is at these edge portions where the wallboards are Secured to
Slurries, a large excess of water with respect to the above Studs by nails or Screws, for example. Although the inven
described rehydration reaction preferably is not included. tion is not limited by any particular mechanism and the
Typically, about 15 to about 20 weight parts pulp water are mechanisms that achieve the benefits of the invention are not
used per 100 weight parts Stucco. In contrast, conventional presently clearly understood, it is believed that the acrylic
gypsum wallboard manufacturing processes utilize a large polymer deposits itself in the contact areas between crystals
excess of more than about 40 weight parts pulp water per of calcium Sulfate dihydrate.
100 weight parts Stucco.
Preferably, high shear mixing “pulps the material, form Suitable additives and methods of using the same are
ing a homogenous Solution or Slurry. The pulp Solution can described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,879,825, assigned to the
be transferred to a holding vessel, from which it can be assignee of the present application, the disclosure of which
continuously added to the core composition mix. The paper
15 is hereby incorporated herein by reference. One important
fibers in the pulp solution can serve to enhance the flexibility factor in Selecting the acrylic polymer emulsion is the glass
of the gypsum wallboard. Gypsum wallboard made without transition temperature, or "T", of the acrylic polymer
fibers can be very brittle and more susceptible to fracture emulsion. The glass transition temperature is the tempera
during handling. The paper fiberS also aid in evenness of ture at which an amorphous material changes from a brittle
drying during manufacture, as well as enhance the ability of Vitreous State to a plastic State. Many polymerS Such as
the final wallboard product to accept and hold nails during acrylics and their derivatives have this transition point,
installation. which may, at least in Some cases, be related to the number
AS indicated above, the wet portion of the core compo of carbon atoms in their ester groups.
Sition also can include a component that incorporates a 25
The polymer emulsion should have a glass transition
pregenerated foam (e.g., air encased in Soap bubbles). Foam temperature (T) of about 15° C. or greater, and preferably
introduces air Voids into the core through the use of a foam in the range of about 15 C. to about 60°C., more preferably
that contains very little Solid material, but is resilient enough in the range of about 20° C. to about 60° C., and most
to resist Substantial breakdown in the mixing operation. In preferably in the range of about 35 C. to about 60° C.
this manner, the density of the core can be controlled. It has been found that polymer emulsions having T.
Known foaming agents may be Supplied in either liquid or values substantially below about 15 C. undesirably provide
flake (powdered) form, and may be produced from Soaps a core that forms a moisture vapor transmission barrier at the
known in the art. Methods for preparing a pregenerated foam plane of evaporation. The plane of evaporation is the loca
are generally known by those of skill in the art. It is believed tion at or below the core Surface where the water drawn
that foam can be generated in Situ within a modified version 35 thereto evaporates during the drying process. A moisture
of mixers disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,304,355 and 5,607, transmission barrier is formed if the polymer forms a film
233, described above, if desired, by appropriate addition of that inhibits the water within the gypsum wallboard from
Soaps and Surfactants. evaporating in a reasonable period of time. Such a film
One or more slip agents are preferably included to reduce would make it Substantially more difficult to dry gypsum
drag as the Slurry is discharged into the die and extruded 40 wallboard cores, causing increased energy and cost require
therefrom. The Slip agent is added to the core mixture in an ments for the drying process. Therefore, it is not desirable to
form a film in the wallboard core. The invention therefore
amount of about 0.4 wt.% to about 1.5 wt.%, based on the
weight of Stucco present in the core mixture. Preferably, the allows use of commercial manufacturing apparatus and
Slip agent is added to the core mixture in an amount of about
0.4 wt.% to about 1.0 wt.%, based on the weight of stucco 45 Certain acrylic polymer emulsions are more Stable than
present in the core mixture. Even more preferably, the Slip others in the aqueous calcium Sulfate environment encoun
agent is added to the core mixture in an amount of about 0.7 tered during the gypsum wallboard production process.
wt.% to about 0.8 wt.%, based on the weight of stucco Since the divalent calcium ions in the aqueous Slurry can
present in the core mixture. The slip agent can also be adversely affect the performance of Some polymer
introduced into the slurry as it passes through the die Via 50 emulsions, the polymer emulsion should be formulated to be
injection ports or conduits of the die. A Suitable Slip agent for Stable to calcium ions.
use in the present invention is ZELEC NE, which is By way of example only, the acrylic polymer may have a
commercially-available from Stepan Chemical Co. of molecular weight in the range of about 300,000 to about
Fieldsboro, N.J. (ZELEC is a registered trademark of Stepan 700,000, although this range is believed to be variable.
Co.). 55 Acrylic polymers having other molecular weights are useful
A strength-enhancing agent is preferably added to the with the invention. The acrylic polymer can be crosslinked
gypsum Slurry as it passes through the die exit. Preferably, or noncroSSlinked.
the Strength-enhancing agent is added to that slurry portion The polymers used with the invention are preferably
which will eventually form the edge portions of the wall neutralized with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or other non
board. The Strength-enhancing agent of the invention pref 60 Volatile neutralizing agent, and more preferably neutralized
erably includes, and may consist essentially of, an acrylic with an agent consisting essentially of a nonvolatile neu
polymer emulsion having certain preferred properties, as tralizing agent. Ammonium hydroxide is preferably not
described below. When added to the gypsum wallboard core included in any Substantial amount in the neutralizing agent
composition, the acrylic polymer emulsion can provide for the acrylic polymer, Since Substantial amounts may
Significantly increased core Strength, paper-to-core bond, 65 adversely affect the product. Most preferably, the neutraliz
and other physical properties. Consequently, the board den ing agent is Substantially free of ammonium Salts or other
sity can be reduced while Still maintaining other desirable Source of ammonia.
US 6,699,426 B1
13 14
Various acrylic polymer emulsions Suitable for use with cure or Set, whereby calcium Sulfate hemihydrate is con
the invention are commercially available. For example, verted to calcium Sulfate dihydrate. In one embodiment, as
suitable polymer emulsions are available from Rohm & the core slurry is deposted on the moving, Smooth-Surface
Haas Company of Philadelphia, Pa.. under the trade name conveyor belt, the top Surface of the exposed core Slurry can
Rhoplex (e.g., Rhoplex 55-521, Rhoplex E-2409, and Rhop be sprayed with a chemical activator (or accelerator). The
lex B-1162). Other polymer emulsions in the Rhoplex line chemical activator accelerates the Setting reaction in a
have been designated by Rohm & Haas as RG 2718, RG manner similar to that used with plaster to “brown' plaster.
2719, RG 2721, and KAK 1868. Other suitable polymer The chemical activator preferably acts fast enough to accel
emulsions are available from The Dow Chemical Company erate Setting of the mass of deposited slurry and should
of Midland, Mich. provide an induction time before the Slurry begins to from
The polymer emulsions can include about 20 to about 80 crystals, yet allow rapid crystallization to occur after the
weight percent of an acrylic polymer, about 20 to about 80 induction time.
weight percent water, about 0.3 weight percent or leSS aqua Thereafter, the product preferably is dried to remove
ammonia, and less than about 0.1 weight percent residual water not consumed in the Setting reaction (i.e., the reaction
monomers. The emulsions can have a pH in a range of about 15 forming the calcium sulfate dihydrate). When the board is
2.1 to about 11.0, and a specific gravity in a range of about removed from the smooth-Surface conveyor belt, the board
1.0 to about 1.2. preferably has a dense, glassy Surface that, when dry,
The Strength-enhancing agent of the invention is prefer provides an excellent Surface for lamination of desired
ably included at a rate in a range of about 0.25 to about 2.5 Surface materials as described in more detail below.
percent solids, more preferably about 0.5 to about 2.0 In contrast to conventional methods, the present invention
percent solids, and most preferably about 0.5 to about 1.0 preferably does not require, and preferably does not utilize,
percent Solids, based on the weight of the rehydrated gyp high levels of process water to decrease the Viscosity of the
Sum in the final product. Slurry during production. Because the present invention
One advantage of the invention is that the Slurry may be 25
utilizes a Soft-extrusion Step, the necessity of high levels of
prepared in the mixer without incorporation of a set accel water is obviated, as fluidity and Viscosity are not as
erator into the slurry until the mixing process is Substantially Significant of a problem as in conventional processes.
complete. The Set accelerator is introduced into the gypsum Furthermore, the present invention obviates the use of sheets
Slurry composition Substantially near the discharge end of of cover paper to encase the gypsum Slurry and defers
the mixer (e.g., after all other slurry ingredients have been application of these sheets, if at all, until after the Slurry has
added to the mixer). The Set accelerator is used to control, been dried to form a hardened wallboard core.
within certain limits, the crystal growth rate and Set time of Conventional wallboard forming processes typically
the Stucco. Examples of Suitable accelerators include ball require removal of about 800 lbs/MSF (about 3900 kilo
mill accelerators (“BMA") and potassium sulfate, although grams per one thousand Square meter (kg/MSM)) to about
many others are known by the skilled artisan. In Some cases, 35 850 lbs/MSF (4150 kg/MSM) water from a slurry encased
the invention may require increased amounts of accelerator by sheets of cover paper. This water has to be evaporated
due to the retarding effect of Some of the Strength-enhancing through the paper cover sheets in energy-intensive, expen
additives. sive drying steps which require about 36 to about 40 minutes
Addition of the Set accelerator downstream of the mixing to remove the water.
apparatus obviates the likelihood that the gypsum Setting 40 In contrast, in a preferred embodiment of the invention,
reaction will occur prematurely within an upstream portion less than about 700 pounds of water per MSF (about 3417
of the mixing apparatus. Furthermore, the likelihood that kg/MSM) must be removed. More preferably, less than
proceSS equipment upstream of the extrusion die will foul about 600 lbs/MSF (about 2925 kg/MSM), and even more
and/or plug with the Slurry also is diminished greatly by preferably less than about 400 lbs/MSF (about 1950
addition of the Set accelerator towards the discharge end of 45 kg/MSM) must be removed. Thus, the invention provides a
the mixer. reduction in the use of process water by about 12.5% to
Another advantage of the invention is that the gypsum about 53%, preferably about 12.5% to about 25%, when
Slurry prepared within the mixing apparatus can be Supple compared to conventional gypsum wallboard manufacturing
mented by the addition of further gypsum slurry additives proceSSeS.
via the die periphery. These agents include, but are not 50 With less water to be evaporated, energy-intensive,
limited to, the aforementioned slip agents and the Strength expensive dryerS preferably are no longer necessary. Instead,
enhancing acrylic polymer. it has been discovered that with only about 600 lbs/MSF
Additional advantages of the invention include, but are water to be evaporated, a hybrid dryer employing micro
not limited to, the elimination of conventional Slurry wave heating techniques in combination with convection
discharge means, Such as discharge boots, hard-edge mixers, 55 drying can be used. This advanced hybrid dryer provides a
forming plates, powered rolling or Smoothing (doctor) bars, Substantial cost and energy Savings Over the conventional
and edge tape. Furthermore, because the slurry may be dryers used to evaporate large amounts of water.
soft-extruded directly onto the conveyor belt, there is typi The hybrid dryer includes microwave heating and con
cally no need for sheets of cover paper to encase the Slurry, current convection drying capabilities. The microwave heat
which are required when using a conventional, leSS Viscous 60 ing Serves to heat the water present in the wallboard core to
(cake batter-like) gypsum slurries. According to the a temperature of about the vaporization temperature of the
invention, use of these sheets of cover paper can be deferred water, and it preferably causes the heated water to migrate
to a point in the wallboard manufacturing process where the from the core to outer Surfaces of the wallboard core. As the
wallboard has already been dried. water migrates to the Outer Surfaces, the water can be more
The produced core composition (i.e., aqueous gypsum 65 easily removed by convection drying in the hybrid dryer, and
Slurry) is deposited directly onto a Smooth, continuously when the wallboard core passes through the downstream
moving conveyor belt. The core composition is allowed to convection dryer. These hybrid dryers are typical in cereal
US 6,699,426 B1
15 16
manufacturing processes where they are used to dry wet the board. Suitable Surface materials can include a variety of
cereals. Hybrid dryers cannot generally be used in conven films and decorative paperS depending on the end use.
tional gypsum wallboard manufacturing processes because Furthermore, prior to lamination, the core can be impreg
the microwave heating would likely cause the paper cover nated with Strenth-enhancing agents, water-repelling agents,
sheets encasing the wet gypsum core to blow off of the core. and/or other treatments. AS previously noted, to the extent
In the present invention, however, preferably no Such paper that these agents and/or treatments introduce water into the
cover sheets are used to encase the Viscous gypsum slurry core, a downstream convection dryer can be used to remove
and, therefore, use of a hybrid dryer is possible. the water prior to lamination and cutting/trimming.
A downstream convection dryer also can be used in-line Modem trimming equipment which typically could not be
to dry the uncut gypsum wallboard core. The convection used in prior board forming processes due to the presence of
dryer preferably includes a number of drying Zones each of cover sheets and the associated problems of (cover sheet)
which can provide heat at different temperatures depending end peel, are Suitable for use in the present invention.
upon the amount of moisture present in the wallboard core. Furthermore, modem trimming equipment is preferred to cut
Infrared moisture Sensors can be positioned within the and trim the boards made by the method of the present
various Zones of the convection dryer to control the tem 15 invention because the boards do not have burnt (i.e., over
peratures encountered in each Zone. Preferably, the board calcined) edges which can damage the equipment.
drying is computer controlled. Conventional gypsum wall Use of conventional cover sheets to enclose the gypsum
board manufacturing processes utilized convection drying slurry core is obviated by the present invention. These cover
kilns which were responsible for Simultaneously drying a sheets, however, can be applied with a Suitable adhesive
number of pre-cut and vertically-Stacked gypsum wall (e.g., polyvinylacetate binder) to a dried wallboard core.
boards. Because the wallboard core prepared according to When the board is to be covered by a vinyl or metallic finish,
the present invention is dried in the absence of conventional no paper cover sheets are necessary and the vinyl or metallic
paper covering and prior to cutting, better drying control can finish can be applied directly onto the surface of the dried
be achieved. wallboard core. Thus, the present invention reduces material
According to the present invention, utilizing the afore costs by not requiring the use of cover Sheets in certain
mentioned hybrid dryer and convection dryer, the time instances. In addition to the cost Savings, there are other
required to remove about 600 lbs/MSF water can be accom process advantages that can be realized by reducing or
plished in less than about 15 minutes, preferably less than eliminating the need for paper cover sheets. For example,
about 12 minutes, more preferably in about 10 to about 12 conventional continuous processes often encountered peri
minutes, and even more preferably about 6 to about 7 ods where the process had to be shut down temporarily to
minutes. The lack of paper cover sheets and the use of a attend to torn or improperly deployed cover sheets, cockles,
hybrid dryer enable one to achieve Such short drying times. cobbs, poor porosity, and mismatched paperS for drying.
Gypsum wallboard can be adapted for wet and exterior Because these cover sheets are no longer necessary in
applications, in addition to use in constructing interior walls 35
certain applications, Such temporary Shut down periods are
and ceilings. In the production of exterior Sheathing and not likely to occur. Even when the paper cover sheets are
moisture-resistant board cores, various materials can be desired, their application to a wallboard core is deferred until
incorporated into the core to impart, for example, fire after the core has been dried, thereby avoiding the com
resistance and/or increased water absorption resistance to plexities associated with applying a paper cover sheet to a
the board. Useful materials include Silicone water repellents, 40
wet cake-batter like Slurry.
mica, paraffin granules, fly ash Spheres, perlite, Vermiculite, Additional advantages of the invention include, but are
waxes, and asphalt emulsions. These materials are typically not limited to, the elimination of conventional Slurry
Supplied as water emulsions to facilitate ease of incorpora discharge means, Such as discharge boots, hard-edge mixers,
tion into the board core. These materials can be added forming plates, powered rolling or Smoothing bars, and edge
directly into the mixing apparatus or incorporated into the 45
tape. Without the need for such conventional slurry
pulp Solution prior to addition to the mixing apparatus. discharge means, the present invention provides a reduction
Furthermore, Some core treatments, Such as, for example, in capital costs associated with the manufacture of gypsum
Silicone water treatments, may be applied to the wallboard wallboard.
core downstream of the hybrid dryer and convection dryer. EXAMPLES
To the extent that these core treatments introduce water into
the wallboard core, a convection dryer downstream of the
50 The following examples are provided to illustrate the
treatment Station can be used to drive off the undesired invention but are not intended to limit the scope of the
The Soft-extruded and dry gypsum core comprises cal Examples 1-3 describe Viscous gypsum Slurries that can
cium Sulfate dihydrate in an amount in the range of at least be prepared in a Suitable mixer and provided to a die under
55 positive displacement for extrusion onto a moving Smooth
about 90 percent by weight (wt.%), based on the total Surface conveyor belt in accordance with the present inven
weight of the core. Preferably, the dry core comprises at least tion. Additionally, Examples 1-3 are illustrative of various
about 95 wt.% calcium sulfate dihydrate, and more prefer wallboard cores and core weights that can be achieved, and
ably at least about 99 wt.%, based on the total weight of the the low amount of water present in the gypsum Slurries. In
core. Accordingly, the dry density of the core, which can be 60 contrast, Comparative Example 4 describes a low-viscosity
determined by Standard techniques known by those of Skill gypsum Slurry prepared according to conventional gypsum
in the art, is about 50 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) or less, wallboard manufacturing processes. Example 5 illustrates
preferably about 45 pcf or less, and more preferably about acceptable Viscosities for gypsum slurries.
40 pcf (i.e., 1575 lbs/MSF) or less.
High-speed lamination equipment can be used to attach 65 Example 1
desired Surface materials to the hardened, dry core. This can This example is directed to a Viscous gypsum slurry
be accomplished in-line Simultaneously to both Surfaces of composition that can be prepared in a Suitable mixer and to
US 6,699,426 B1
17 18
the water content therein. This example illustrates an the water content therein. This example illustrates another
embodiment of the invention using a high level of Stucco embodiment of the invention using a particularly preferred
(i.e., 63.08 wt.% stucco, based on the weight of the gypsum amount of stucco (i.e., 61.62 wt.% stucco, based on the
Slurry). weight of the gypsum Slurry).
Gypsum rock having a purity of 89.0 is used to prepare a Gypsum rock having a purity of 89.0 is used to prepare a
wallboard having a core weight of about 1653 lbs/MSF of wallboard having a core weight of about 1575 lbs/MSF of
0.472 inch thick board. The (gram) molecular weight of the 0.472 inch thick board. The (gram) molecular weight of the
land plaster corresponding to a gypsum rock purity of 89.0
is 193.45. Table I, below provides the composition of a land plaster corresponding to a gypsum rock purity of 89.0
gypsum rock (i.e., the (gram) molecular weights for each of is 193.45. Table I in Example 1, above, the composition of
the dihydrate, hemihydrate, anhydrite forms of calcium the gypsum rock.
Sulfate, and also for any inerts present in the mix). Based on the foregoing gypsum rock purity and target
wallboard core weight, a gypsum Slurry is prepared con
TABLE I taining the ingredients listed in Table III, below:
Amount Amount 15
Mol. Wt. (parts/100 parts (parts/100 parts TABLE III
Constituent (g/gmole) Land Plaster) Stucco)
Amount Dry Weight
Land Plaster 193.45 1OO.OO 116.74 Board/Slurry (Ibs/1000 lbs (Ibs/1000 lbs
Dihydrate 172.17 89.OO 103.90 Composition of Stucco)f Wt. 2% of Stucco)*
Inerts 21.28 11.OO 12.84
Hemihydrate 145.15 68.99 80.54 Dry Ingredients
Anhydrite 136.14 5.66 6.61
Stucco 85.66 1OOOO Stucco 1OOO.O 61.62 1167.4
Starch O.O O.OO O.O
Accelerator O.9 O.O6 O.9
Based on the foregoing gypsum rock purity and target 25 Wet Ingredients
Pulp Ingredients
wallboard core weight, a gypsum slurry is prepared con
taining the ingredients listed in Table II, below: Paper 2.3 O.14 2.3
Pulp Water 177.0 10.91 O.O
TABLE II Water Reducing 4.6 O.28 1.8
Potash O.6 O.04 O.6
Amount Dry Weight
Board/Slurry (Ibs/1000 lbs (Ibs/1000 lbs Foam Ingredients
Composition of Stucco)f Wt. 2% of Stucco)* Surfactant 0.5 O.O3 0.5
Dry Ingredients Foam Water 436.8 26.92 O.O

Stucco 1OOO.O 63.08 1167.4 35 Totals 1622.7 1OOOO 1173.6

Starch O.O O.OO O.O
Accelerator O.9 O.O6 O.9 f = Weight is based upon 1000 lbs. of stucco.
Wet Ingredients * = Weight after conversion to gypsum, based upon 1000 lbs. of stucco.
Pulp Ingredients
The above formulation is calcined to convert all of the
Paper 2.3 O.15 2.3
Pulp Water 157.7 9.95 O.O dihydrate to hemihydrate with slight overburn and minimal
Water Reducing 4.6 O.29 18 underburn. Accordingly, a rehydrated combined moisture
Potash O.6 O.04 O6
level of the slurry is reduced from 18.63% to a stucco
Foam Ingredients
combined moisture level of about 4.91%, which corre
45 sponds to a water loss of about 601 lbs/MSF of 0.472 inch
Surfactant 0.5 O.O3 0.5 thickboard. This water was removed in accordance with the
Foam Water 418.6 26.41 O.O invention in a convection dryer in less than about 12
minutes. This water can be removed in accordance with the
Totals 1585.3 1OOOO 1173.6
invention in a hybrid dryer (containing microwave heating
f = Weight is based upon 1000 lbs. of stucco. 50 and convection drying means) followed by a multi-Zone
* = Weight after conversion to gypsum, based upon 1000 lbs. of stucco. convection dryer is less than about 10 minutes.
The above formulation is calcined to convert all of the Example 3
dihydrate to hemihydrate with slight overburn and minimal
underburn. Accordingly, a rehydrated combined moisture This example is directed to a Viscous gypsum slurry
level of the slurry is reduced from 18.63% to a stucco composition that was prepared, and to the water content
combined moisture level of about 4.91%, which corre therein. This example illustrates yet another embodiment of
sponds to a water loss of about 579 lbs/MSF of 0.472 inch the invention using a low amount of stucco (i.e., 59.39 wt.
thickboard. This water was removed in accordance with the % stucco, based on the weight of the gypsum slurry).
invention in a convection dryer in less than about 12
minutes. This water can be removed in accordance with the 60 Gypsum rock having a purity of 90.0 was used to prepare
invention in a hybrid dryer (containing microwave heating a wallboard having a core weight of about 1459 lbs/MSF of
and convection drying means) followed by a multi-Zone 0.472 inch thick board. The (gram) molecular weight of the
convection dryer is less than about 10 minutes. land plaster corresponding to a gypsum rock purity of 90.0
Example 2 is 191.3. Table IV, below provides the composition of the
65 gypsum rock (i.e., the (gram) molecular weights for each of
This example is directed to a Viscous gypsum slurry the dihydrate, hemihydrate, anhydrite forms of calcium
composition that can be prepared in a Suitable mixer and to Sulfate, and also for any inerts present in the mix).
US 6,699,426 B1
19 20
mixer of the type described herein and is not suitable for
TABLE IV extrusion via a die.
Amount Amount TABLE VI
Mol. Wt. (parts/100 parts (parts/100 parts
Constituent (g/gmole) Land Plaster) Stucco) Amount Dry Weight
Land Plaster 191.30 1OO.OO 117.27 Board/Slurry (Ibs/1000 lbs (Ibs/1000 lbs
Dihydrate 172.17 90.OO 105.54 Composition of Stucco)f Wt. 2% of Stucco)*
Inerts 19.13 1O.OO 11.73 Dry Ingredients
Hemihydrate 145.15 66.17 77.60
Anhydrite 136.14 9.1 10.67 1O Stucco 1OOO.O 55.20 1167.4
Stucco 85.27 1OOOO Starch 4.9 0.27 4.9
Accelerator 1.7 O.09 1.7
Wet Ingredients
Based on the foregoing gypsum rock purity and target Pulp Ingredients
wallboard core weight, a gypsum Slurry was prepared con 15 Paper 2.3 O.13 2.3
taining the ingredients, listed in Table V, below: Pulp Water 424.9 23.46 O.O
Water Reducing 3.4 O.19 1.4
Potash O.6 O.O3 O.6
Amount Dry Weight Foam Ingredients
Board/Slurry (Ibs/1000 lbs (Ibs/1000 lbs
Composition of Stucco) Wt. 2% of Stucco) Surfactant O.6 O.O3 O.6
Foam Water 373.1 20.60 O.O
Dry Ingredients
Totals 1811.6 1OOOO 1178.9
Stucco 1OOO.O 59.39 1172.7
Starch O.O O.OO O.O f = Weight is based upon 1000 lbs. of stucco.
Accelerator O.9 O.O6 O.9 25
* = Weight after conversion to gypsum, based upon 1000 lbs. of stucco.
Wet Ingredients
Pulp Ingredients The above formulation is calcined to convert all of the
Paper 2.3 O.14 2.3 dihydrate to hemihydrate with slight overburn and minimal
Pulp Water 239.1 14.2O O.O underburn. Accordingly, a rehydrated combined moisture
Water Reducing 4.6 0.27 18 level of the slurry was reduced from 18.63% to a stucco
Agent combined moisture level of about 4.91%, which corre
Potash O.6 O.O3 O6 sponded to a water loss of about 849 lbs/MSF of 0.500 inch
Foam Ingredients thick wallboard, in this case. In order to remove this amount
Surfactant 0.5 O.O3 0.5
of water utilizing a conventional gypsum wallboard manu
Foam Water 435.6 25.87 O.O 35
facturing process (i.e., a conventional convection drying
kiln), the drying time was about 36 to about 40 minutes.
Totals 1683.6 1OOOO 1178.9 The following Table VII Summarizes the composition of
f = Weight is based upon 1000 lbs. of stucco.
the various Slurries prepared in each of Examples 1-4, and
* = Weight after conversion to gypsum, based upon 1000 lbs. of stucco. comparative Example 5, including the board core weight
and water content.
The above formulation is calcined to convert all of the
dihydrate to hemihydrate with slight overburn and minimal TABLE VII
underburn. Accordingly, a rehydrated combined moisture Ex. 4
level of the slurry was reduced from 18.83% to a stucco Board/Slurry Composition Ex. 1 Ex. 2 Ex. 3 Comp.
combined moisture level of about 4.68%, which corre 45
sponded to a water loss of about 623 lbs/MSF of 0.472 inch Dry Ingredients
thickboard. This water was removed in accordance with the Stucco 63.08 61.62 59.39 55.20
invention in a convection dryer in less than about 12 Starch O.OO O.OO O.OO 0.27
minutes. This water can be removed in accordance with the Accelerator O.O6 O.O6 O.OS O.O9
invention in a hybrid dryer (containing microwave heating Wet Ingredients
and convection drying means) followed by a multi-Zone 50 Pulp Ingredients
convection dryer is less than about 10 minutes. Paper O.15 O.14 O.14 O.13
Pulp Water 9.95 10.91 14.20 23.46
Comparative Example 4 Water Reducing O.29 O.28 0.27 O.19
This example is directed to a Viscous gypsum slurry 55 Potash O.04 O.04 O.O3 O.O3
composition that was prepared in a pin mixer according to Foam Ingredients
conventional gypsum wallboard manufacturing practices, Surfactant O.O3 O.O3 O.O3 O.O3
and to the water content therein. Gypsum rock having a Foam Water 26.41 26.92 25.87 20.60
purity of 89.0 was used to prepare a wallboard having a core
weight of about 1664 lbs/MSF of 0.470 inch thick board. 60
Totals 1OOOO 10O.OO 10O.OO 10O.OO
Each of two sheets of cover paper which encase the wet Finished Board Core Wt. (Ibs/ 1653 1575 1459 1664*
gypsum Slurry prior to Setting have a thickness of about MSF)
0.0135 inch. Accordingly, a finished wallboard of this Water Loss (Ibs/MSF) 579 6O1 623 849
example had a thickness of about 0.500 inch. Based on the * = Weight includes 100 lbs/MSF of paper cover sheets which are
foregoing gypsum rock purity and target wallboard core required in conventional wallboard forming operations.
weight, a gypsum Slurry was prepared containing the ingre 65
dients listed in Table VI, below. The gypsum composition Based on Examples 1-3 and Comparative Example 4, it
had a Viscosity too low for use in a positive displacement is apparent that gypsum wallboard cores made in accordance
US 6,699,426 B1
21 22
with the present invention contain much less water (e.g., measured above at 20 RPMs. Furthermore, gypsum slurry
about 579 to about 623 lbs/MSF) compared to gypsum compositions Suitable for use in the present invention
wallboards made in accordance with conventional processes include those having a viscosity of at least about 29,300
(e.g., about 849 lbs/MSF). The reduced water content is an mPa's as measured at 10 RPM, at least about 8,800 mPa's as
advantage that aids downstream drying operations and measured at 40 RPMs, and at least about 6,200 mPa's as
improves the overall efficiency of the wallboard manufac measured at 60 RPMs.
turing process. The foregoing description is given for clearness of under
Standing only, and no unnecessary limitations should be
Example 5 understood therefrom, as modifications within the Scope of
This example demonstrates the Viscous nature of a gyp the invention may be apparent to those having ordinary skill
Sum slurry that can be prepared in accordance with the in the art.
present invention utilizing a Suitable mixture and low water What is claimed is:
content and compares the Viscosity of the Slurries to that of 1. A method of forming a gypsum wallboard core, the
gypsum Slurries ill-Suited for use in the present invention. method comprising the Steps of
Slump tests were performed to determine the viscosity of (a) preparing a gypsum slurry in a mixer,
gypsum Slurries capable of being prepared in a Suitable (b) introducing the slurry into an extrusion die, the die
mixer operating under conditions Sufficient to provide the having provisions at its periphery for the introduction
Slurry to a die inlet under positive displacement. of at least one gypsum slurry additive wherein the
The test was conducted after dipping a brass cylinder gypsum slurry additive is a slip agent or a strength
having a wall thickness of about 0.07 inches, a height of enhancing agent, and wherein the Slurry additive is an
about 4 inches, and an inner diameter of about 2 inches into emulsion or fluid;
a low-viscosity lubricating oil bath. The cylinder was (c) introducing the slurry additive into the slurry as the
removed and exceSS oil was drained off the Surfaces of the Slurry exits the die; and,
cylinder. The cylinder then was placed upright onto a center 25 (d) extruding the additive-containing gypsum slurry from
portion of a clean (i.e., no scratches), dry glass plate having the die onto a Substantially flat, moving Surface to form
the following dimensions: about 10 inches in length, about a gypsum wallboard core.
10 inches in width, and about 0.1875 inch thick. 2. The method of claim 1 further comprising the step of:
The mixed slurry was poured into the cylinder Such that (e) drying the slurry obtained from step (d) in a hybrid
the cylinder was completely filled with a slight excess. The dryer by convection heating and microwave drying
Scoop can be a clean metal or plastic Scoop of convenient techniques to form a dry gypsum wallboard core.
Size or can be formed from disposable gypsum board paper. 3. The method of claim 2, wherein less than about 700
The excess was screened off to a level with the top of the pounds per thousand Square feet of one-half inch board of
cylinder without dropping any of the Slurry onto the Surface water are removed from the Slurry during the drying Step (e)
of the glass plate. 35 to form a dry gypsum wallboard core.
Within about 10 seconds of removing excess slurry, the 4. The method of claim 3, wherein less than about 600
cylinder was raised vertically with a Smooth and uniform pounds per thousand Square feet of one-half inch board of
motion, and the Slurry contained within the cylinder was water are removed from the Slurry during the drying Step (e)
allowed to slump to a circular patty onto the Surface of the to form a dry gypsum wallboard core.
glass plate. After the slurry had Solidified, the glass plate was 40 5. The method of claim 4, wherein less than about 400
turned over and the diameter of the slump in contact with the pounds per thousand Square feet of one-half inch board of
glass plate was measured to the nearest /s inch. water are removed from the Slurry during the drying Step (e)
A Brookfield DV-III Programmable Rheometer with a No. to form a dry gypsum wallboard core.
6 spindle was used to determine the Viscosity of the various 6. The method of claim 3, wherein the drying step (e) is
gypsum Slurry Slumps. The Viscosity of the various Slumps 45 performed in a time of less than about 15 minutes.
are reported in Table VIII, below, based on rotations per 7. The method of claim 6, wherein the drying step (e) is
minute (RPM) of the spindle and the 7% torque: performed in a time of about 10 minutes to about 12 minutes.
8. The method of claim 7, wherein the drying step (e) is
TABLE VIII performed in a time of about 6 minutes to about 7 minutes.
50 9. The method of claim 2, wherein the dry gypsum
Viscosity (mPa is) of Various Slump Sizes wallboard core comprises at least about 90 wt.% calcium
% Torque Sulfate dihydrate, based on the total weight of the core.
RP 7A 63/4 55/8 3/
10. The method of claim 9, wherein the dry gypsum
M Slump Slump Slump Slump wallboard core comprises at least about 95 wt.% calcium
55 Sulfate dihydrate, based on the total weight of the core.
1O 23,800 22,800 26,200 29,300 11. The method of claim 10, wherein the dry gypsum
(24.1%) (23.0%) (26.3%) (28.5%) wallboard core comprises at least about 99 wt.% calcium
2O 12,250 12,550 14,000 19,000
(24.0%) (27.1%) (26.0%) (32.3%) Sulfate dihydrate, based on the total weight of the core.
40 6,425 6.3.75 7,125 8,800 12. The method of claim 2, wherein the dry gypsum
(25.7%) (24.9%) (28.5%) (34.5%) 60 wallboard core has a density of about 50 pounds per cubic
60 4,583 4,833 5,000 6,200 foot or leSS.
(27.3%) (27.1%) (30.2%) (37.5%)
13. The method of claim 12, wherein the dry gypsum
wallboard core has a density of about 45 pounds per cubic
Generally, gypsum Slurry compositions Suitable for use in foot or leSS.
the present invention include those having a Viscosity of at 65 14. The method of claim 13, wherein the dry gypsum
least about 19,000 mPa's, preferably about 19,000 to about wallboard core has a density of about 40 pounds per cubic
22,000 mPas, and more preferably about 20,000 mPa is as foot or leSS.
US 6,699,426 B1
23 24
15. The method of claim 1, wherein in step (d) the slurry 29. The method of claim 1, wherein the gypsum slurry
is soft-extruded from the die under a pressure of about 5 psi prepared in Step (d) has a rectangular cross-section and has
to about 100 psi. a ratio of width to thickness of about 48:1 to about 216:1.
16. The method of claim 15, wherein the pressure is about 30. The method of claim 1, wherein the strength
5 psi to about 30 psi. 5 enhancing agent comprises a polymer.
17. The method of claim 16, wherein the pressure is about 31. The method of claim 1, wherein the strength
10 psi to about 20 psi. enhancing agent comprises a polymer emulsion.
18. The method of claim 1, wherein the slurry extruded in 32. The method of claim 1, wherein the strength
step (d) has a viscosity of about 19,000 millipascal seconds enhancing agent comprises a polymer emulsion having a
(mPa's) to about 22,000 mPa's. glass transition temperature of about 15 C. to about 60 C.
19. The method of claim 18, wherein the slurry extruded 33. The method of claim 1, wherein:
in step (d) has a viscosity of about 19,500 mPa's to about the Strength-enhancing agent comprises a polymer emul
21,500 m Pas. Sion; and
20. The method of claim 19, wherein the slurry extruded the polymer has a molecular weight of about 300,000 to
in step (d) has a viscosity of about 19,500 mPa's to about 15 about 700,000.
21,000 mPa's. 34. The method of claim 1, wherein:
21. The method of claim 1, wherein the gypsum slurry has the Strength-enhancing agent comprises a polymer emul
an open time of less than about 30 Seconds. Sion; and
22. The method of claim 21, wherein the open time is less the polymer emulsion comprises about 20 weight percent
than about 20 seconds. to about 80 weight percent polymer.
23. The method of claim 22, wherein the open time is less 35. The method of claim 1, wherein the strength
than about 10 seconds. enhancing agent comprises a polymer emulsion that is
24. The method of claim 1, wherein the slurry prepared in included at rate of about 0.25 percent solids to about 2.5
step (c) comprises about 59 wt.% to about 64 wt.% calcium percent Solids.
sulfate dihydrate, based on the total weight of the slurry. 25 36. The method of claim 1, wherein the strength
25. The method of claim 24, wherein the slurry prepared enhancing agent comprises an acrylic polymer emulsion.
in step (c) comprises about 60 wt.% to about 63 wt.% 37. The method of claim 1, wherein the slip agent is added
calcium Sulfate dihydrate, based on the total weight of the to the slurry in an amount of about 0.4 wt.% to about 1.5
Slurry. wt.%.
26. The method of claim 25, wherein the slurry prepared 38. The method of claim 1, wherein:
in step (c) comprises about 61 wt.% to about 62 wt.% the Strength-enhancing agent comprises an acrylic poly
calcium Sulfate dihydrate, based on the total weight of the mer emulsion;
Slurry. the polymer has a molecular weight of about 300,000 to
27. The method of claim 1, wherein the slurry prepared in about 700,000;
Step (a) comprises a material Selected from the group 35 the acrylic polymer emulsion comprises about 20 weight
consisting of calcium Sulfate hemihydrate, antidesiccants, percent to about 80 weight percent polymer;
gypsum Set accelerators, water, foam, paper pulp, fluidity the acrylic polymer emulsion is included at a rate of about
increasing agents, binders, Slip agents, Set retarders, and 0.25 percent solids to about 2.5 percent solids; and
pregenerated foam. the Slip agent is added to the Slurry in an amount of about
28. The method of claim 1, wherein the slurry prepared in 40 0.4 wt.% to about 1.5 wt.%.
step (a) comprises about 35 wt.% to about 40 wt.% water,
based on the total weight of the slurry.

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