Book of Abstracts InPAC2023
Book of Abstracts InPAC2023
Book of Abstracts InPAC2023
InPAC 2023
March 13-16, 2023
Book of Abstracts
Organised by
11:15 ‐ 11:45 Pellatron and SC Linac (IUAC) Avinash Pandey
11:45 ‐ 12:15 LEHIPA (BARC) Rajesh Kumar
12:15 ‐ 12:45 ARPF (RRCAT) Jishnu Dwivedi
12:45 ‐ 13:15 Superconducting Cyclotron (VECC) Atanu Dutta
13:15 ‐ 14:15 LUNCH
14:15 ‐ 14:45 Indian Institutions & Fermilab Collaboration Purushottam Shrivastava
14:45 ‐ 15:15 Future Accelerators at CERN Frank Zimmerman
15:15 ‐ 15:45 High Brilliance Light Sources John Byrd
15:45 ‐ 16:15 TEA
16:15 ‐ 16:35 Industry Talk : Pfieffer Vacuum
16:35 ‐ 16:55 Industry Talk : JAPS Inc
16:55 ‐ 17:15 Industry Talk: Rosalina Instruments
17:30 ‐ 18.30 ISPA GBM
19:30 ‐ 21:30 Dinner (DAE Convention Centre)
Day 2: 14 March 2023 (Tuesday)
09:30 ‐ 10:00 INDUS‐2 (RRCAT) Tushar Puntambekar
10:00 ‐ 10:30 IR‐FEL (RRCAT) K K Pant
10:30 ‐ 11:00 HCI (IUAC) Rajeev Mehta
11:00 ‐ 11:30 TEA
11:30 ‐ 11:50 RIB (VECC) Vaishali Naik
11:50 ‐ 12:10 Pellatron Linac Facility (BARC/TIFR) Vandana Nanal
12:10 ‐ 12:30 FOTIA (BARC) Arun Agarwal
12:30 ‐ 12:50 1 MV DC accelerator (BARC) P C Saroj
12:50 ‐ 14:00 LUNCH
PAS ‐ 1: Accelerators and Beams PAS ‐ 2: RF Systems
RF characterization of 32 kW and 40 kW, 650 MHz Solid State RF Power
14:00 ‐ 14:20 Beam Trial Experiments of 9300 MHz 6 MeV X‐Band Linac Jayanta Mondal 14:00 ‐ 14:20 Kriti Pathak
14:20 ‐ 14:40 Status report on the 10 MeV superconducting electron linac at VECC Siddhartha De Choudhary 14:20 ‐ 14:40 Kalman Filter as detuning estimator for experimental RF cavity R Keshwani
Operational experience of Digital LLRF system for particle accelerators at
14:40 ‐ 15:00 Design of Superconducting Linac for Radio Active Ion Beam Generation Asavari Dhavale 14:40 ‐ 15:00 Nitesh Tiwari
15:00 ‐ 15:20 RF characterization and tuning of DTL tanks 3 & 4 for LEHIPA Elina Mishra 15:00 ‐ 15:20 Development of pulse and event synchronization system for LEHIPA Deepak N Mathad
Four Dimensional Transverse Phase Space Reconstruction Technique using
15:20 ‐ 15:40 Sanket Haque 15:20 ‐ 15:40 Design, Fabrication and Characterization of HOM Damped RF Cavity M Prasad
multiple 2D Profiles
Simulation of Transverse Single Bunch Instabilities in HBSRS Booster Design and Testing of components for High Power RF Systems for LEHIPA 20
15:40 ‐ 16:00 Abdurrahim 15:40 ‐ 16:00 B V Ramarao
synchrotron MeV acceleration
16:00 ‐ 16:30 TEA
16:00 ‐ 18:30 POSTER SESSION ‐ 1
19:00 ‐ 21:30 Ghazal Night and Dinner (DAE Convention Centre)
Day 3: 15 March 2023 (Wednesday)
09:30 ‐ 10:00 Radio‐isotope production using the VECC medical cyclotron Sumit Som
19:30 ‐ 21:30 Banquet (Golden Banquet Hall, Deonar)
Day 4: 16 March 2023 (Thrusday)
09:30 ‐ 10:00 Future Accelerators at RRCAT S. V. Nakhe
10:00 ‐ 10:30 Future Accelerators at BARC‐MEHIPA Srinivas Krishnagopal
10:30 ‐ 11:00 Laser wakefield accelerators Anand Moorti
11:00 ‐ 11:30 TEA
11:30 ‐ 11:50 IUAC‐DLS Subendhu Ghosh
11.50 ‐ 12.10 LLRF system for Superconducting Cavities Gopal Joshi
12.10 ‐ 12.30 Future Accelerators at BARC‐ PLF Upgradation & R&D towards SUBHIR Anit Gupta
12:30 ‐ 13.30 LUNCH
13.30 ‐ 16.00 POSTER SESSION ‐ 3
15.30 ‐ 16.00 TEA
16.00 ‐ 16.15 Young Scientist Award presentation
16.15 ‐ 16.30 Young Engineer Award presentation
16:30 ‐ 16:45 Best Thesis presentation
16:45 ‐ 17:00 Award Ceremony
17.00 ‐ 17.15 Concluding Remarks
Sr. No. First Author Title of the Abstract
1 Rajesh Barnwal Design, fabrication and testing of fin tube heat exchanger for 1MeV DC Electron beam accelerator 1
2 Arka Mitra Data Acquisition system for transient analysis of EBWWT Accelerator 2
High beam power operation of DC Accelerator: Opportunities and Challenges of 1MeV/100kW
3 D.K. Sharma 3
DC EBA at Electron Beam Centre, Kharghar
Study of 30 MV High Energy Electron Linear Accelerator Technology for Medical and other
4 Sivaranjani R 4
5 J. Mondal Beam Trial Experiments of 9300 MHz 6 MeV X-Band Linac 5
Thermal-Structural Analysis and Creep Life Estimation of PMMA Insulator Support in HV
6 Kumar Sajal 6
Transformer of DC Accelerator
7 B M Barapatre Integration and Commissioning of 150kV Solid State Pulse Modulator 7
8 Swati Hayaran Das Deflection Magnet Configurations for Exit Foil Protection 8
9 Tanuja Dixit Status of High Energy Electron linac development for medical isotopes production at SAMEER 9
Residual Stress Distribution in Titanium Alumina Brazing Joint with Effects of Thermal Cycles in
10 Ajit Singh 10
Accelerating Tube of DC Accelerator
Thermal Analysis of Beam Locating Aperture for Beam Diagnostics in Electron Beam DC
11 Ajit Singh 11
12 Umakant Yerge Design and development of pulsed data acquisition system for industrial RF Linac 12
Design, development, installation, safety compliances and testing of 10MeV, 5kW Horizontal RF
13 Vivek Yadav 13
electron Linac being developed for industrial applications
Dosimetry characterization of dual energy electron accelerator for energy and spot size
14 Nishant Chaudhary 14
Design and development of pulse transformer for Pico-second Electron Accelerator Klystron
15 Veeresh K Nayak 15
modulator at RPCD, BARC
Upgradation, Modification and RF Testing of line type modulator of 7 MeV Electron LINAC used
16 Madhu A Toley 16
for Pulse Radiolysis Experiments at RPCD, BARC
Upgradation, Modification & Testing of High D.C. Current Power Supplies used for Main Focus
17 Sunil J Shinde and Buncher Focus Coils of 7MeV Electron LINAC used for Pulse Radiolysis Experiments at 17
Design studies for a pill box type accelerating structures with beam ports and coupling loop using
18 Tushar Dave 18
analytical and perturbation techniques
Development of a Computer Program for Longitudinal Beam Dynamics Studies in a Traveling
19 Rinky Dhingra 19
Wave Constant Impedance Electron Linac
20 Jyoti Sharma Optimisation of Titanium foil thickness for electron beam irradiation applications of DC Accelerator 20
Numerical studies for evolving measurement methodology for characterization of single cell in
21 Parul Arora 21
constant gradient traveling wave linac
22 A.S.Dhavale Design of Superconducting Linac for Radio Active Ion Beam Generation 23
23 S Dechoudhury Status report on the 10 MeV superconducting electron linac at VECC 24
24 S A Nadkarni Dose calculation program on Windows platform for pulse radiolysis experiments at RPCD, BARC 25
25 Prashant Pareek Development of Pinger Magnets for Indus-2 Electron Storage Ring 26
Electromagnetic Simulation of 107.5 MHz Co-axial RF Cavity and Its Higher Order Mode
26 Deepak Kumar Mishra 27
Modification of Loop Control PCB of FOFB Power Supplies to Simplify Tuning Procedure and
27 Ujjwal Yadav 28
Provide Interchangeability between Horizontal and Vertical Coil Power Supplies
28 Kriti Pathak RF characterization of 32 kW and 40 kW, 650 MHz Solid State RF Power Amplifiers 29
Three-dimensional Electromagnetic Simulations of a Constant Gradient Traveling Wave
29 Rinky Dhingra 30
Accelerating Structure Integrated with RF Couplers
Design and Development of Ultrahigh Vacuum Compatible Upgraded Synchrotron Light Monitor
30 L. K. Babbar 31
for Indus-1 Upgrade
Design and Development of Ultrahigh Vacuum Compatible Upgraded Fluorescent Screen Monitor
31 L. K. Babbar 32
for Indus-1 Upgrade
32 Alark Patidar 33
Final Commissioning of the high-power RF system for Conditioning of the RF photocathode gun
33 B.K. Sahu 34
at higher field gradient
34 R. S. Saini Performance Optimization of the IR-FEL at RRCAT 35
35 Dhruva Bhattacharjee Performance of 40 kV electron gun with beam trials in a 10 MeV Rf Linac system 37
Experimental study of performance of a LaB6 cathode thermionic electron gun after long
36 R. Tiwari 38
Effect of Wehnelt potential on the beam parameters of a 20 keV strip type DC electron gun and its
37 Monika Rana 39
initial beam trials
38 Ranjini Menon Compact Hollow Cathode plasma source for high current electron beam generation 40
39 Mukesh Kumar Pal Development of a computer program for design of diode type electron gun 41
Study of on-axis Longitudinal Beam Injection in Storage ring of High Brilliance Synchrotron
40 Saroj Kumar Jena 42
Radiation Source
41 H. M. Kewlani Beam profile and emittance measurement using scintillation screen and solenoid scan method. 43
42 N. B. V. Subrahmanyam Status Report of FOTIA Facility at BARC 44
43 Debasis Sinhamahapatra Studies of the PIG ion source behavior in K130 cyclotron at VECC 45
44 Atanu Dutta Physics Design of a 50 MeV Proton Cyclotron for Rare Ion Beam Production 46
45 N K Mishra Simulations of frequency correction of Quarter Wave Resonator using electropolishing 47
46 Ram Prakash Dark Current calculation in SRF Elliptic Cavities 48
47 Ram Prakash Development of a 3D Particle in a Cell (PIC) solver for multipacting study 50
Study of cumulative beam breakup instability in spoke resonator section of a 1 GeV pulsed H-
48 Mukesh Kumar Pal 51
49 Sachin Raturi Numerical studies and simulation of field stabilization and tuning of a 325 MHz Drift Tube Linac 52
50 Rahul Gaur Cold test and RF tuning of the first section of 3 MeV, 325 MHz RFQ at RRCAT 53
51 Elina Mishra RF characterization and tuning of DTL tanks 3 & 4 for LEHIPA 54
52 Arup Bandyopadhyay Super-conducting Resonators as post-accelerators of RIB facility at VECC 56
Design and Development of low frequency high voltage switching system for ISOL to study
53 P. Chakraborty 57
Charge Exchange Collisions
Estimation of neutron yield from the interaction of ~ 7 MeV/nucleon 7Li beam on Cu and Ta target
54 Riya Dey 58
for safety analysis and shielding design of ANURIB project
Operational experience of heavy ion beam acceleration with phase and amplitude tuning of RF
55 S Dechoudhury 59
cavities in VECC RIB facility
56 Manish Pathak Optimization of Operating Parameters of ECR Proton Source in Pulsed Mode 60
57 Monika Phogat Characterization of a multi-cusp ECR plasma source for different power coupling schemes 61
58 Swadhiti Maji Study of beam dynamics in a superimposed solenoid and dipole magnet 62
59 V K Meena Proposed closed orbit correction scheme for indus-1 storage ring 63
60 Suraj Prakash Preliminary simulation studies on closed orbit correction in HBSRS storage ring 64
Design and development of unipotential Electrostatic focusing element for heavy metal ion beam
61 Vikas Tiwari 65
62 Pallavi Priyadarshini Physics design of MEHIPA LEBT for 30 keV proton beam 66
63 Chiranjib Das Analytical calculation of pole profile for combined function magnets with Enge-type fringe field 67
64 M. Bhattacharjee A multi electrode system for deceleration of 1+ ions entering a Charge breeder source 68
65 Pallavi Priyadarshini Analogy of particle-core model with a variable-length pendulum 69
66 Abhyudaya Tomer Study of bifurcations in beam envelope trajectories due to nonlinear perturbations 70
67 Vinit Kumar understanding the RF coupling, beam loading and wakefield in accelerator physics 71
68 Abdurrahim Simulation of Transverse Single Bunch Instabilities in HBSRS Booster synchrotron 72
69 Rajni Pande Coherent and Incoherent Space Charge Resonances in a Drift Tube Linac 73
70 Vinit Kumar A review of calculation of emittance growth for some common cases in accelerator physics 74
71 Sanket Haque Four Dimensional Transverse Phase Space Reconstruction Technique using multiple 2D Profiles 75
72 Rakhee Menon K Particle-in-Cell Simulation Studies of Rod Pinch Diode at 250 – 500 kV Voltages 76
73 Love Mishra Beam Characterization of 2856 MHz Reentrant Single Cell Pre-Buncher RF Cavity 77
74 Roushan Abhishek Stress linearization for MEHIPA superconducting spoke resonator SSR-B 78
75 HIMANSHU BISHT Characterisation of the effect of unbalancing coil on the developed ion source 79
Design, Development and Characterization of three electrode ion beam extraction system for
76 Mahima 80
Magnetron Sputtering Ion Source
77 Alok Kumar Ghosh Design of Three-electrode BeamEextraction System for ECR Ion source using IBSimu code 81
78 Shreya G Sarkar Beam dynamics simulation of 300 keV RF modulated gridded triode electron gun 82
79 Avinash Kumar Mehta Optimization of Electron Beam Deflection using Particle Tracing Mechanism 83
80 N. K. Sharma Thermal Characteristics and Frequency Tuning Methodology for 325 MHz RFQ structure 85
Design and Development of PLC Based RF Cavity Tuner System for 31.6MHz RF Cavities in
81 Nitesh Mishra 86
Indus complex
Multipacting Analysis of the Radio Frequency Cavity for Compact Superconducting Medical
82 Vikash Sahoo 87
83 M Prasad Design, Fabrication and Characterization of HOM Damped RF Cavity 88
84 M Prasad Design, Development and RF Characterization of Tunable RF Cavity for LLRF Control Systems 89
Design and simulation of a VHF band directional coupler for high accuracy power measurement of
85 Snigdha Singh 90
150 MHz, 300 W Solid State Amplifier
Integration and testing of 150 MHz, 300 W solid state RF amplifier with superconducting cavity of
86 Snigdha Singh 91
BARC-TIFR PLF Superconducting LINAC
87 Mentes Jose Design of high-power ridge Waveguide couplers for MEHIPA 92
Advances and Challenges in development of high power solid state RF power amplifier for
88 Jitendra Kumar Mishra 93
accelerator applications
Design upgrade and characterization of 200 W, 325 MHz driver amplifier with high gain for 20 kW
89 Snigdha Singh 94
solid state amplifier for accelerator applications
Automatic frequency tuning of LINAC and Re-bunchers during high power RF conditioning and
90 Dipta Pratim Dutta 95
beam operation in the RIB facility
91 H. K. Pandey Synchronized high power feeding system of RF accelerator modules in RIB facility at VECC 96
92 Sonal Sharma High power (30 kW) testing of resonant ring in traveling-wave mode 97
Development and Commissioning of a Thermal Profile Data Logging and Protection Subsystem
93 Narendra Kumar 98
for Indus-2 RF Cavity
Frequency Measurement of Halfcells,Dumbbells and Subassemblies of Low Beta 650MHz 5-cell
94 Sudeshna Seth 99
SCRF (LB650) Cavity
Simulation and development of 650 MHz high power dummy coupler of superconducting RF
95 K. Adarsh Pratap Singh 100
cavity for Qext measurement
96 J. N. Karande Bead Pull Test Setup for low beta Niobium Cavity 101
Development of Transfer Function Measurement System for Elliptical High Beta Superconducting
97 K. K. Singh 102
RF Dressed Cavity
98 Nitin Nigam Mechanical Design of Spoke Resonator Cavity for High Energy Pulsed Proton Accelerator 103
99 Nitin Nigam Design Methodology for Forming Tooling of SCRF cavities 104
Study and Development of Various Dissimilar Metal Joints of Superconducting Radio Frequency
100 Syed Moulali 105
Design and Construction of an ISO Class-4 Cleanroom Facility for SRF Cavity Processing and
101 Ambar Vohra 106
102 Dheeraj Sharma Digitally Controlled Precision RF Signal Synthesis for LLRF Applications 107
Design and development of setup for 650 MHz β=0.92 SCRF cavity to study the effect of trapped
103 Anand Yadav 108
magnetic flux on cavity performance
Processing and Cleanroom Preparation of SCRF Cavities for Performance Testing in VTS
104 S Suhane 109
105 V K Srivastava Development of Titanium gr-2 Bellows for HB 650 MHz 5-cell SCRF cavities 110
106 Vijayakumar V EB welding of Helium Vessel Assembly for 650 MHz SCRF Dressed Cavities 111
Experience of Dumbbells fabrication for five-cell HB 650 (beta=0.92) SCRF cavities in Indian
107 Manish Bagre 112
Development Journey of Elliptically Shaped High Beta 650 MHz Superconducting RF Cavity: An
108 Vikas Jain 113
109 Sonal Sharma Thermo-mechanical analysis of MEHIPA couplers 114
110 Gaurav Kanyal Design and development of 100 kW, 325 MHz tetrode tube based high power RF pulse amplifier 115
Design Study on Solid-state RF Power System for 10MeV Re-circulating High Power Accelerator
111 M K JAIN 116
Conditioning, testing and phase measurement of 1 MW, 352 MHz klystron system for 20 MeV
112 Sandip shrotriya 117
Power Combining topology for CW 32kW-650 MHz Solid State RF Amplifier (SSPA) installed at
113 Alok Kumar Gupta 118
Horizontal Test Stand (HTS) facility, RRCAT
114 Shyam Sundar Jena Indigenous development of 13.56 MHz RF amplifiers 119
Prototype Development of Digital Controllers for Multi-Module Current Sharing Power Supply for
116 Pankaj Gothwal 121
RF Amplifiers
117 B. V. Ramarao Design and Testing of components for High Power RF Systems for LEHIPA 20 MeV acceleration 122
Status of Design and Testing of 20 kW solid-state RF Power Amplifier for Buncher Cavity of
118 B. V. Ramarao 123
Design and Development of Pulse 2 kW Solid State amplifiers for Energizing S-Band Pre-Buncher
119 Ashish Mahawar 124
Cavity of 10 MeV, 10 kW LINAC developed at RRCAT
Design and Development of S-Band Low Level RF System for 10 MeV, 10 kW Electron Linear
120 Praveen Mohania 125
Accelerator KIRTI-1010
Design and Development of a 1 kW Pulse RF Amplifier with Integrated Power Meter and Pulse
121 Praveen Mohania 126
Generator for ECR Proton Source
Design and development of 24 way power combiner of 20 kW 325 MHz solid state power
122 Jitendra Kumar Mishra, 127
amplifier for Indian accelerator program
123 A Agrawal Design and development of steerer magnet for extraction beam line of superconducting cyclotron 128
124 Niraj Chaddha Development of B-H Curve Measurement System Using Rowland Ring Method 129
125 S. K. Dey Effect of Dy Substitution at Nd Sites in Melt-spun Nd-Fe-B Permanent Magnet Ribbons 130
126 Janvin Itteera Electromagnetic Design of Bending magnets for LBNF beamline 131
Design and development of an improved 270 degree dipole magnet for energy filtering system for
127 R. Malik 132
the Linac at RRCAT
128 G Sinha Design and characterisation of anodised aluminium strip solenoids 133
Udai Giri Pratap Singh
129 Design, development and testing of 1.5 Tesla Superconducting magnet for compact MRI 134
130 Pravin Kumar Rai Development and characterization of persistent current joints for superconducting magnets 135
Development, fringe field optimization & cryogenic qualification of pre-series 6T conduction cooled
131 Kumud Singh 136
magnet assemblies for High Intensity Proton accelerators
132 S.Mitra Design and simulation studies of 40 kV, 80A solid state magnetron modulator 137
Design and Development of 3 kW, Active PFC Pre-regulator for Super Conducting Wavelength
133 V. K. Gauttam 138
Shifter Magnet Power Supply
Design and Development of 125 A, 25 V Power Converters for Combined Function Corrector
134 Vineet Kumar Dwivedi 139
Magnets in Indus-1 Storage Ring
135 Alok Singh Design and Simulation of Upgraded 800 A, 140 V Power Converter for Indus-1 Dipole Magnet 140
Simulation Studies on Series Connected Fast-Ramped Power Converter Modules for Booster
136 Pokharkar Rahul Rohidas 141
Development of High-Stability True-Bipolar Power Converters for Upgraded Closed Orbit
137 Manohar Koli 142
Distortion Correction Scheme in Indus-1 Storage Ring
Design and Development of Ethernet based Remote Card for generation of Programmable
138 Gurupreet Singh 143
Reference for Bipolar Current Controlled Power Supply
139 Deepchand Design and fabrication of cold plates for dipole power converter of Indus-2 at RRCAT 144
140 Abhishek Srivastava Development of a Prototype Fast-ramp Power Converter with Grid Power Control 145
Analysis, Design and Development of High Voltage Surge Protection for High frequency
141 S DEWANGAN 146
Transformer and IGBT Inverter of 1MeV, 100kW DC Accelerator
Design, Development & Commissioning of Series Regulator based High Voltage Regulated RF
142 Sabyasachi Pathak 147
Power Supply for K-130 Room Temperature Cyclotron
Prototype development of four channel 2kV/5A power supply using pulse step modulation
143 Yashwant Kumar 148
Power factor correction techniques employed with DC power supplies of various RF amplifiers in
144 Akhilesh Tripathi 149
Installation and commissioning of high voltage DC power supply with electron gun for power
145 Sachin Rathi 150
testing of photon absorbers
Control protection interlock system of 50 V, 700 A DC power supply for solid state RF amplifier in
146 Rinki Upadhyay 151
147 Rupesh Patel Evaluating the Design Performance of HV & HF Transformer of the High Power DC Accelerator 152
Design, development and testing of 200V, 1A power supply for grid electrode of RF amplifier tube
148 Yashwant Kumar 153
of MC18 cyclotron
Comparative exergetic and paramertric evaluation of an existing helium liquefier with a simulated
model in mixed mode operations
150 Tejas Rane Design Methodology of a Vertical test cryostat in BARC for testing of superconducting cavities 156
151 Sanjay Kumar Jain Control and Instrumentation system of Indigenous LHP100 Helium Liquefier Plant at BARC 157
152 Kallol Mukherjee Design ,Development and testing of 1 Kelvin refrigeration test setup 158
Process modeling and thermodynamic performance evaluation of a turboexpander based helium
153 Manoj Kumar 159
Horizontal Test Stand for the Testing of Single Spoke Resonator Superconducting RF Cavities at
155 Naseem A. Ansari Development of SHP20: 2 K Cryo-plant for MEHIPA 161
156 Rishi Kant Sharma Design and fabrication of cryogenic distribution box for Horizontal Test Stand at RRCAT 162
157 Prabhat Kumar Gupta Design, development and installation of cryogenic safety system of Horizontal Test Stand 163
158 Abhishek Mitra Cryogenic Transfer Line for Cryomodule of e-LINAC at VECC 164
159 Hemant Kumar Patel Design analysis of strongback and cavity support for high beta 650 MHz cryomodule at RRCAT 165
160 Ankit Tiwari Selection of HB 650 Cryomodule Control Valves & Development of Excel VBA Program 166
161 Gaurav Agrawal Design of Vacuum Vessel for HB 650 MHz Cryomodule 167
Development of a 20 KeV, 2 kW DC strip type electron gun system for testing photon absorber of
162 V. Sriharsha 168
Indus-2 SRS
Design and simulation analysis of vacuum system of SWLS insertion device for Indus-2
163 Sushil Kumar Sharma 169
Synchrotron Radiation Source
Design, simulation, development and UHV testing of upgraded prototype dipole vacuum chamber
164 B.K. Sindal 170
for Indus-1 SRS at RRCAT
Design and Impedance Simulation of RF-Shielded Bellow and Pumping Manifold for Indus-1
165 Manish Kumar Singh 171
166 Yogesh Kelkar Vertical Pinger Magnet Power Supply for Indus - 2 172
Design and Development of Digitally Controlled Power Converter for Thyratron Auxiliary Power
167 L.Srinivas 173
168 Abhijit Tillu Deisgn and Development of HV Pulsed magnetron modulator for Dual Energy Linac Applications 174
169 T.Reghu Development of Test stand for Performance Evaluation of High Voltage PFN Capacitors 175
170 A. Pandey Design and development of floating pulse power supply for triode electron gun 176
Design and Development of Isolated Two Winding Bouncer Scheme for Droop Correction in Hard
171 Mohan Chandra Tiwari 177
Switched Modulator
Our Experiences in Establishing and Managing Reliable and Secure Network Connectivity Over
172 Vinod Maurya 178
Public Communication Channels for Mission Critical Accelerator Applications
Development of a prototype induction heating system For solid and metal ion beam generation in
173 Mou Chatterjee 180
ECR ion sources.
Development of Helmholtz Coil based Measurement System for Characterization of Permanent
174 Ashok Kumar 181
Magnet Blocks
Improvement in Indus-2 Coolant Temperature Stability During Beam Energy Ramp up with
175 Manitosh Kumar Singh 182
Flooded Evaporator Type Chiller System
176 Lakshmikanta Aditya Design and Development of NiAlCo Ferrites for High Power Circulator at S-Band 183
177 Vijay Sharma PLC based centralized control system for 1MeV DC Accelerator control 184
178 Rehim N.Rajan Transient protection of low voltage systems in DC accelerator 185
179 Anand Valecha Development of Prototype Serial Bus Communication Analyzer System 187
180 Manoj Kumar T.K. Development of Area Radiation Monitor Readout at PLF 188
181 R. Jain Development of Beam Position based Interlock System for Indus-2 189
182 C Rozario Control and Monitoring of Steerer Power Supply on EPICS Platform 190
Design and development of FPGA based data acquisition card for RF based H- ion source beam
183 Ashwin Chalisgaonkar 191
Development of Energy Measuring Device and the Measurement of Energy and Energy Spread
184 Akhilesh K Karnewar 192
for the Industrial Linac
185 Akash Deep Garg Measurement of Electron Beam Size by using Synchrotron Radiation Interferometer in Indus-2 193
186 Pallavi Priyadarshini Tomographic reconstruction of the phase-space distribution 194
187 Saurabh Srivastava Design and development of high voltage amplifier communication system using optical fiber 195
Development of Camera Triggering Setup for Beam Diagnosis of e-LINAC at RIB and its
integration with EPICS based control system
189 A Basu NoSql based Data Archiving system for LEHIPA 197
190 Sherry Rosily Measurements of a gas-sheet based beam profile monitor 198
191 Sweta Agarwal Prototyping of FPGA Based Timing and Interlock System for ECR Ion Source 199
Development and Preliminary Evaluation Results of Prototype 100 nm Spatial Resolution Digital
192 B. B. Shrivastava 200
Beam Position Monitor Envisaged for High Brilliance Synchrotron Radiation Source
A Digital Beam Position Indicator Design and Development on VME Platform for Orbit Control
193 Rishi Pal Yadav 202
Applications in Indus-2
194 Vikas Teotia DC Current Transformer for Pulsed Beam Current Measurements 204
195 Jose V Mathew Beam Diagnostics at LEHIPA 205
196 Saurabh FPGA Based VMEbus Compatible Location Monitor Board 206
EPICS-based Embedded Control System for Deflector Conditioning System of K-500
197 Siddharth Vardhan Pratihast 207
Superconducting Cyclotron
198 Rohit Mishra Remote Control Applications for operation of Hydrogen Negative Ion Source 208
199 Ranjna Kalra Design, Development and Implementation of C&I System for X-Band LINAC 209
Simulation of feedback control of beam position and an implementation of algorithm for beam
200 G. Agrawal 210
focusing in BARC-TIFR Pelletron Accelerator
Study of the effect of location of laser tracker on alignment uncertainty of components in circular
201 Vikas 211
particle accelerators
202 R. B. Chavan Development of Simulator for 10MeV RF Linac 212
203 Manoj Kumar T.K. Remote Monitoring system for high-temperature Vacuum Furnace 213
204 Bhumeshwar Ponagani Design of FPGA based RF Interlock system and Power Monitoring 214
Study of thermal effects of proton beaminteraction with accelerating structures to derive the
205 Santhosh Chittimalla 215
response time of fast protection system
206 Achal Kumar Disciplined Software Clock for New VME CPU 216
Development of Multi-Channel Programmable Trigger Generator for Linac of Electron Beam
207 Janardhan Musuku 217
Radiation Processing Facility
208 Deepak N Mathad Development of pulse and event synchronization system for LEHIPA 218
209 Shantonu Sahoo FPGA based digital I/Q demodulator for LLRF control system at RIB Facility in VECC 219
210 Sunil Kulkarni FPGA based data acquisition and control for accelerators 220
211 R T Keshwani Kalman Filter as detuning estimator for experimental RF cavity 221
Auto-configurable Clock Divider for Digital Low-Level Radio Frequency System of Infrared Free
212 Ekansh Mishra 222
Electron Laser
213 R. T. Keshwani Unscented Kalman Filter as SC cavity detuning estimator 223
214 R T Keshwani Statistical Methods for assessment of RF amplifier linearization 224
215 Shubham Tripathi Development of Prototype LLRF System for 18 MeV Cyclotron 225
216 Nitesh Tiwari Operational experience of Digital LLRF system for particle accelerators at RRCAT 226
217 Swarnendu Thakurta Upgradation of Low Level RF System for K500 Super Conducting Cyclotron 227
Design and Development of Up-Graded Digital RF Gap Voltage and Phase Regulation Control
218 Pritam S. Bagduwal 228
219 Tapan Kumar Mandi Implementation and testing of low power RF distribution system for RF transmitters in RIB facility. 229
Modelling and Simulation of Temperature Stabilization System for Voltage Reference to be used
220 Siddharth Vardhan Pratihast 230
in Precision Magnet Power Supply
221 Joshi Namrata Development of Protocol Converter for Lab Windows and EPICS 231
222 R. Sandeep Kumar Experimentation and Demonstration of Dual Energy with Klystron based Medical Linac 232
223 Suprakash Roy Present Status report of 30MeV Medical cyclotron Facility at VECC, Kolkata 233
Development of hydrogels and dose indicators using indigenously developed electron beam
224 Sirisha Majji 234
Thermal Characterisation of Indirectly Heated 40kV Solid Cathode Electron Beam Emitter
Assembly for Linac
Initial Investigations on distribution of absorbed dose in waste water treatment using electron
226 Kapil Deo 236
227 S. Chinnathambi Development of a versatile low temperature irradiation system for radiation damage studies 237
228 Subhash Ghosh The ion beam induced target heating phenomena 238
229 S. Varma Radiation based ethylene oxidation studies and impact of radiation products on pressure tubes 239
230 Divya Gupta Surface structuring of PMMA polymer by 30 keV argon beam erosion 240
231 Srikrishna Gupta Simulation of low energy positron bunching in 150 MHz quarter wave resonator 241
232 Biswajit Mallick Alloying effect of gold nitride by applying MeV-proton ionization 242
233 Rishi Verma Electron LINAC as photo-neutron source for neutron radiography application 243
234 J.P. Nair Low Flux Heavy Ion irradiation Set up at BARC-TIFR Pelletron Accelerator 244
Design, fabrication and testing of fin tube heat exchanger for 1MeV DC Electron
beam accelerator
Compact fin tube heat exchangers are used in many industrial heat transfer processes
where at least one of the fluids is gas and large heat transfer area is desired. 1MeV DC
electron beam accelerator is being developed in BARC for industrial applications. The
accelerator high voltage column, electron emitter, and accelerating tubes are assembled
inside pressure vessel at 6 bar nitrogen gas pressure. There is a continuous heat generation
inside vessel from high voltage column and other electronics. Suitable compact plain fin tube
heat exchanger is designed to remove the heat inside vessel. Process water is used as
coolant in heat exchanger tubes. The heat transfer capacity, gas side pressure drop are
calculated using suitable heat transfer correlation and friction factor after formulating the fin
tube configurations. This design has been validated by CFD modeling of heat exchanger in
ANSYS Fluent. Heat exchanger is fabricated with all quality control to make system as per
specification compliance. The preliminary testing of heat exchanger assembly is done in
open atmosphere. Fan capacity, water flow rate are adjusted to match as per design. Water
temperatures are kept on lower side and rise in air temperature are recorded when passed
through the heat exchanger tubes, therefore verified heat transfer design. The capacity of
heat exchanger from CFD model gives 4.95kW which is very close to 4.84kW capacity
calculated by suitable heat transfer correlation. The pressure drop across gas side from
model comes to 2.81Pa which is also near to the 2.78Pa from the correlation used.
1. Chi-Chuan Wang, Kuan-Yu Chi, Chun-Jung Chang, Heat transfer and friction
characteristics of plain fin-and-tube heat exchangers, part II: Correlation,
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 2693-2700 . Journal
2. Chi-Chuan Wang, Kuan-Yu Chi, Heat transfer and friction characteristics of plain fin-
and-tube heat exchangers, part I: new experimental data, International Journal of
Heat and Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 2681-2691. Journal Paper
3. Thomas PERROTIN, Denis CLODIC, “Fin efficiency calculation in enhanced fin-and-
tube heat exchangers in dry conditions”, International Congress of Refrigeration
2003, Washington, D.C. Conference Proceedings
D.K. Sharma1, R.N. Rajan, R. Patel, S. Dewangan, A. Mitra, S.H. Das, S.R. Ghodke, A.J. Dabeer, D.
Bhattacharjee, L. Mishra, V. Sharma, N. Chaudhary, S.K. Majji, A.G. Waghmare, N. Thakur, S.A. Harer,
R.I. Bakhtsingh, P.C. Saroj and A. Sharma
Accelerator & Pulse Power Division, BARC, Mumbai
High power DC accelerators of 1.5-3.0 MeV Beam energy and 50-150 kW beam power find
applications in Electrical cable industry, Paint curing, Teflon degradation, Food preservation
etc. Accelerators in 3-5 MeV energy range are widely used for gem-stones value addition,
Food preservation, sterilization of medical products and in automobile Industry.
Accelerator and pulse power division of BARC, Mumbai has taken up design and
development of a 1MeV/100kW DC electron beam accelerator for treatment of waste water
from dye industry, sewage effluents and Tannery water.
The Voltage generator has been tested at 1.0MV voltage and electron beam trials are
conducted upto 0.95MeV/ 66mA beam parameters. Accelerator has been tested for
prolonged duration of 3.5hours at 40kW beam power as well as uninterrupted 24hours at
25kW beam power for checking the reliability of various subsystems.
We have found several challenges while raising beam power. Beam diameter is found be
40-50 mm, which imposed limitations in full beam scan and associated overheating related
issues. The elevated heating of titanium foil window restricted the further power raising
beyond 63kW. Also, the higher temperature of exit window and surrounding areas has
deteriorated the vacuum level putting additional restrictions on further power raising. All the
forthcoming challenges are being addressed for testing the DC Accelerator at 1MeV/ 100kW
rated beam power.
Medical radio-isotopes are an important part of medical practice which are used in non-
invasive nuclear diagnostic imaging techniques. The most widely used medical
radioisotope is Technetium-99m. Ageing of reactors is leading to shortage of 99Mo
isotope and hence 99mTc. Therefore an alternative technology using Electron Linear
Accelerator is proposed [1]. The X-rays from LINAC can be shined on target of 100Mo
discs to knock out a neutron to create 99Mo which eventually decays to 99mTc.
Also for the beam to pass from one LINAC to other without loss proper
synchronization is required. The dimensions and drift spaces are varied and
simulations are performed to check the synchronization of the beam in two LINACs to
ensure that the particle phase at the exit of the first LINAC matches the particle phase
at the entrance of the second LINAC. Only for a certain length and multiple of lambda
is the beam allowed through with maximum efficiency. The energy distribution studies
within the resonant cavities is simulated and the energy gain is obtained by an iterative
approach in each cell of the structure. Furthermore, input power estimations are
computed in the two LINACs to get a consistent electric field. Beam power calculations
are performed using the RF parameters obtained from each LINAC test, such as shunt
impedance and electron beam current. The beam loading characteristics are studied
and an optimal coupling factor ‘β’ is achieved for maximum energy gain and minimum
reverse power. Transient response of cavity to incident RF pulse upon critical coupling
is obtained through calculations. A detailed report of the simulations and other
parameters will be covered in the paper.
1. Ralph Benett et al, “A System of 99mTc Production based on distributed
Electron Accelerators and thermal separation” Nuclear Technology Vol 126,
April 1999.
2. R. Krishnan, Tanuja Dixit, Abhay Deshpande et al, “S-Band Linac Tube
Developmental wok in SAMEER” Proceedings of Particle Accelerator
Conference 2009, Vancouver, pp. 1-3.
3. Deshpande, Abhay, Dixit, Tanuja, Krishnan, R., Tiwari, T., & Vidwans, Mandar
Pandit, V.S. (Ed.). (2013). Proposal for 30 MeV, 10 kW linear electron
accelerator. India: Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre. Proceedings of the
Indian particle accelerator conference.
4. Aqsa Shaikh, Tanuja Dixit, Abhay Deshpande, R. Krishnan, Applied
Radiation and Isotopes 185 (2022) 110239
X-band low energy accelerators are compact in size, light weight, which make them highly superior
over S and C band Linacs, with applications in medical radiation therapy/non- destructive testing.
BARC has developed a 9300 MHz, 6 MeV, 0.48 kW standing wave type X-Band Linac (XBL) cavity-
based x-ray source. The 6 MeV XBL comprises of dispenser cathode based thermionic e-gun, an on-
axis coupled cavity linac with 49 cells (25 accelerating and 24 coupling cells) and water-cooled
tungsten target. The Linac is designed to be operated in the pulsed mode with a pulse width of 3-4 is
at 200 Hz repetition rate. This paper describes the E-Gun characterization in 15-25 kV, RF
conditioning at 1.5 MW, 2-4 µs, 25-100 Hz, initial beam commissioning experiments for overall
functionality of this novel X-Band Linac.
Kumar Sajal1, S. R. Ghodke1, S. R. Barje1, Susanta Nayak1, Mahendra Kumar1, Rajesh Barnwal1, N K
Lawangare1, Ajit Singh1, Dhaval Mistry2, P C Saroj1, R I Bakhtsingh1, Archana Sharma1
Electron Beam Center, Accelerator and Pulse Power Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Center,
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India
Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
The high voltage transformer of 1 MeV DC Accelerator at Electron Beam Center consists of
an Insulator support of PMMA (Poly Methyl Metha Acrylate) material commonly known as
Acrylic Perspex. The purpose of this Insulator is to isolate and support the transformer
weight along with covering the hot transformer oil in the tank. A thermal-structural analysis of
the Perspex Insulator has been carried out in ANSYS software to evaluate the stresses
generated in the insulator material due to transformer load and differential expansion of tank
and insulator at elevated operational temperature. The PMMA material is sensitive to
stresses at elevated temperature and can fail via creep deformation. In this paper, we have
used various models of creep life estimation and have evaluated the creep life at evaluated
stresses and operational temperature of the insulator material. Also, a parametric study has
been carried out to evaluate creep life using various models at different combinations of
stresses and temperatures of insulator material so as to provide a guide for range of allowed
parameters for further design and developments.
Control Instrumentation Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India
Accelerator & Pulse Power Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India
Pulse Modulator generates high voltage rectangular pulses at specified repetition rate. Traditionally
in Pulse Modulators a thyratron switch, Pulse Forming Network (PFN) and high voltage transformer is
used to convert High voltage DC into high voltage pulse to drive a klystron. Such designs are for fixed
pulse width and fixed frequency moreover it requires frequent tuning. This configuration is bulky at the
same time expensive. The input side DC voltages are in the order of tens of kilo Volts in thyratron
Solid State Pulse Modulator (SSPM) was developed to demonstrate the feasibility to replace the
Pulse Forming Network (PFN) type pulse modulator. In SSPM solid state devices are used such as
Thyristor, MOSFET, IGBT and high voltage pulses are achieved while switching DC at comparatively
very low voltage. SSPM is more reliable.
A solid-state pulse modulator was developed using fast IGBT, fast diode, low inductance capacitor
and a fractional turn pulse transformer. Modulator is made up of four major subsystems a) DC source
b) control electronics c) solid state switching power modules and d) HV pulse transformer. All the
interface signals are optically isolated to provide HV isolation. In the event of any fault control
electronics inhibits the trigger pulses to the switching power devices. A self integrating air core
Rogowski coil was employed for current sensing and protection. SSPM was tested with simulated
load as a qualification test prior to integration with klystron.
Once the performance on simulated load was found to be satisfactory, the SSPM was integrated
and commissioned with Klystron (TH2163) at Klystron Test Facility (KTF), EBC, Kharghar. Test trials
were carried out with RF water load. Similar performance was observed with klystron.
Acknowledgements: We would like to thank P C Saroj, Project Manager, EBC Kharghar and
Awadhesh Kumar, Sushant S Bhange & Anand M Bankar, CnID, BARC for their timely support during
commissioning of SSPM.
1. H. W. Lord, “Pulse transformers”, IEEE Trans. Magnetics, Vol. 7, pp 17-28, 1971
2. R. Hironaka, M. Watanabe, E. Hotta, A. Okino, M. Mayeama, K.- C. Ko, and N. Shimizu,
“Performance of pulsed power generator using High Voltage Static Induction Thyristor”,
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., Vol. 28, pp. 1524- 1527, 2000
Swati Hayaran Das*,1, Rehim. N .Rajan1, Arka Mitra1 and Dr. Asavari Dhavale1
1 Accelerator Pulse Power Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
The high power accelerated beam in an accelerator can be used for various
environmental application like flue gas treatment and waste water treatment. EBWWT is
designed for textile waste water treatment, where the high power beam is scanned over
large area to distribute its energy and utilize the beam. The scanning topology used is
two dimensional scanning over a 50μm thick titanium foil window with an area of
1500mmx100mm. In case the X-X scan magnet fails, the beam will fall on titanium foil at
a spot till AC source to the accelerator is switched off. Even after switching off of source
voltage, stored energy in the HV system will be dumped in the titanium foil, thus raising
its local temperature, deteriorating the vacuum with the probability of foil rupture. Foil
rupture will lead to contamination of accelerating tubes and electron gun. To prevent this,
various configuration for deflector magnet has been studied through simulation. The
concluding design was developed to deflect the beam as soon as possible after scan
magnet failure. The beam is deflected towards scan horn thick sidewalls (material SS).
The configurations studied include window frame structures and C shaped structures
aiming at least beam distortion and beam density uniformity. The deflector magnet is
compensated magnet with electromagnet and permanent magnet. The simulation results
compare different arrangements of coil and permanent magnets. The detail design of
configurations will be discussed in this paper.
Status of High Energy Electron linac development for medical isotopes production
Tanuja Dixit1, Abhay Deshpande1, Mandar Vidwans1, Paresh Jadhav1, Sandesh Bhat1, Sivaranjani R1,
Deepak Yadav1, Jyoti Mishra1, Shubhra Chaturvedi2, Pooja Panwar2
Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering & Research (SAMEER), IIT Campus, Powai,
Mumbai 400076
Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS), DRDO, Timarpur, Delhi 110054
A very high energy and high average power electron linac system is under development at
SAMEER for medical isotopes production viz. Technitium-99m. A study of Moly target design
under different irradiation mechanism shows a high yield for direct Moly target irradiation [1].
An enriched Moly target will be irradiated to get Moly-99 and Technetium-99m will be eluted
from it. INMAS will establish the process to extract Tc-99m from Mo-99 and carry out quality
assurance of the extracted Tc-99m and thereafter clinical trials of Tc-99m. The status of
various subsystems developed is described in detail below.
Electron Linac with 30 MeV energy and ~10 kW beam power will be realized by
placing two linacs of 1.2 m length in series, each having an acceleration gradient of 20
MV/m on an average [2]. High beam power will be achieved by running the system at high
duty. The first linac has a low Z material exit window for the electron beam to come out and
enter second linac without much loss and divergence. The second linac distance/drift spaces
are adjusted so as to match the phase of the incoming electron beam. The linacs are ready
for high power testing. Linac1 is tested at 2.0 MW peak power and a peak beam current of
40 mA is measured on a faraday cup. Very precise frequency tuning has resulted in less
than 100 kHz of difference between the operating frequency of both the linacs. Thus
reducing the margins of operation for the RF system, chiller system and thereby control
system. Since very high duty ~0.5% operation of the entire system is envisaged, therefore
very high precision chillers are installed to achieve ±1C accuracy.
Modular shielding cube around the target will ensure minimum leakage radiation of
both photons and neutrons. One side of the shield can be moved to open cavity inside the
cube for placing Moly target. A robotic arm arrangement will help in loading and unloading of
the Moly target. This robotic arm will be placed on an automotive guided vehicle. The
systems are already procured and installation and commissioning is ongoing. Trials of beam
line assembly with gate valves, bending magnet and beam dump is carried out. Final
alignment with linacs will be carried out after linac individual testing is done. Safety gadgets
for radiation and system are installed and tested. Test results of subsystems mentioned
above will be covered in detail in the paper.
Residual Stress Distribution in Titanium Alumina Brazing Joint with Effects of Thermal
Cycles in Accelerating Tube of DC Accelerator
A 1 MeV 100 kW electron beam DC accelerator has been designed and developed for waste
water treatment at EBC, Kharghar. Accelerating tubes are an inevitable requirement items in
beamline assembly for the high energy electron beam production. These tubes consist of
ceramic rings which are bonded with titanium electrodes for generation of high potential
difference electric field in beamline and to accelerate the electron beam. In fabrication of
accelerating tubes brazing process is required for joining two base dissimilar materials, i.e.
alumina and titanium. These materials express different response to thermo-mechanical
conditions during heating and cooling phases of brazing process. Due to different coefficient
of thermal expansion (CTE) of ceramic and titanium, induced residual stresses are
developed during brazing process. Such residual stresses can lead failure in brazing joints
of accelerating tubes before design limits if not addressed properly. The failure of brazing
joint leads to vacuum breakdown in beamline which can cause to severe damage to high
voltage components of accelerator. The purpose of study to assess residual stresses with
effect of thermal cycles by performing thermo-mechanical analysis of brazing process in
ceramic titanium assembly through finite element analysis (FEA) technique.
Thermal Analysis of Beam Locating Aperture for Beam Diagnostics in Electron Beam
DC Accelerator
Umakant Yerge1, Abhijit Tillu1, Hemant Sarukte1, R. B. Chavan1, Shiv Chandan1, Vivek Yadav1,
Vijay Sharma1, P C Saroj
1 Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai
The 10 MeV, 5kW horizontal RF Linac is being developed at Electron Beam Centre, Kharghar. The RF
Linac has various sub-systems including Electron gun and its associated pulsed power supplies, S-band
pulse high power klystron and its power supply, accelerating cavities, scanning system and Vacuum system
etc. The Linac is operated in pulsed mode and the design specifications of the accelerator are 10 MeV
Energy, 225 mA (peak) beam current, 7.5 µs pulse width and repetition rate of 300 Hz. The pulsed signals
are required to be measured, monitored, and controlled for desired operation of accelerator. The
measurements of interest are flat-top values of Klystron current, E-gun extraction high voltage, RF forward
power, RF reflected power and Beam current.
The pulsed data acquisition system has been designed and developed. Noise reduction techniques have
been implemented at the point of acquisition of the pulsed signals. The output of the acquisition system is
given to central control system for monitoring, interlocking and control purpose Chavan [1]. The sampling
duration and sample time for each channel can be adjusted separately. The paper will discuss the nature
of pulsed signals, signal conditioning and acquisition techniques used in detail.
High energy electron beams have played a key role in the field of basic and applied
sciences. Over the last few decades, various industrial, medical and strategic applications
using high energy electron beam have been developed. 10 MeV Electron beam is found to
be suitable for food irradiation, medical sterilization, cross linking of polymers for agriculture,
cable & tyre industries, semiconductor characteristics modifications, electronic waste
management, radiation hardening studies etc. In view of the enormous potential of EB and
to exploit their industrial uses, BARC/APPD/ EBC has taken up a project for developing a
new 10 MeV electron accelerator having horizontal assembly. The main sub-systems of the
linac include the electron gun, linac cavity, klystron-based RF power source, scan system,
vacuum systems, beam diagnostics, control system and auxiliary systems such as DM water
cooling system and ventilation systems. Paper will present details of design, development,
installation, safety compliances and test results of high power testing.
Cargo scanning systems are employed to inspect cargos at ports/boarders to prevent the transport of
contraband objects. The inspection is done with high energy x-ray produced by energetic electron beam
generated with an RF electron linear accelerator (Linac). The electron beam hits the tungsten target,
mounted inside a cylindrical collimator having a trapezoidal planar slit to slices the x-ray lobe in a plane.
Material discriminations with high energy x-ray require two spectrums with different extreme energies [1,
2]. In this reference the verification of tail energies of x-rays as well as measurement of beam spot size
are very crucial to achieve desirous quality of internal image of cargo. A dual energy Linac is indigenously
designed and developed by EBC, BARC with flair of energy variation in alternating pulse. Attenuation
method is adopted to get the energy verification under proper combination of beam current and forward
RF power of the Linac. It works under concept of half value layer (HVL) and steel plates are used as
attenuator. HVL conditions are satisfied with 2.80 cm and 2.54 cm of steel for 6 MV and 4 MV x-ray
respectively [3]. Hence electron beam energy verified as 6 MeV, called high mode operation and 4 MeV,
called low mode operation with respective combination of peak beam current and RF forward power. X-
rays spot sizes, for both high mode as well as low mode, have been measured using pin hole camera and
dosimetry film. Full width at half maxima (FWHM) of x-ray intensity profile implies the actual beam spot
size and in each case it concludes that x-ray spot size is around 1 mm or less. Full x-rays intensity profile
concludes that complete beam sizes are 1.75 mm and 2.2 mm for 6 MV and 4 MV x-rays respectively.
These results decide the operating parameters of dual energy Linac and based upon it cargo scanning
with material discrimination is realized.
The pulsed modulator for A 10MW peak power S-band RF system operational for a
Pico-second Electron Accelerator at BARC as a part of Ultrafast Pulse Radiolysis [1] setup is
being upgraded. The RF system consists of a 25MW S-band (2856MHz) Peak Power Klystron
powered by a line-type modulator with a pulse transformer rated for 250kV, 250A, and 4.5us
pulse width at a 10 Hz repetition rate. In a line-type modulator topology, the pulse transformer
is an important component of the pulsed modulator because it not only matches the klystron
impedance with the pulse forming network (PFN) for maximum power transformer but also
results in reduced operating voltage of PFN. For maximum power transfer and to reproduce
the pulse shape at its input with minimum distortion, the pulse transformer should have very
low leakage inductance and distributed capacitance and high magnetizing inductance [2].
These parameters affecting the pulse shape are the function volume enclosed between
primary & secondary winding, the number of turns in the secondary winding, the volume of
core employed and the maximum flux density of the core material. Optimization of these
parameters is therefore important to arrive at an optimum design. In addition to the
optimization of parameters, the design of a pulse transformer with a reset core (the
transformer core held in negative saturation using DC bias current) and cone winding further
improves the pulse performance by reducing core volume and the volume enclosed between
windings. Thus, the design of the pulse transformer is crucial for the modulator's performance.
This paper discusses the design details – “core selection, bobbin design, mechanical design,
electrical isolation, corona ring at high voltage end” – and operating results obtained during
the testing of the pulse transformer with the Klystron.
1. Marignier J-L, Waele V, Monard H, Gobert F, Larbre J-P, Demarque A, et al. “Time-
resolved spectroscopy at the picosecond laser-triggered electron accelerator ELYSE”,
Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2006;75:1024-1033. DOI:
2. D. Bortis, G. Ortiz, J.W. Kolar, and J. Biela “Design Procedure for Compact Pulse
Transformerswith Rectangular Pulse Shape and Fast Rise Times”, IEEE Transactions
on Dielectrics and Electrical InsulationVol. 18, No. 4; August 2011
A 7 MeV pulsed Linear Electron Accelerator was procured from M/s Radiation
Dynamics, U.K in 1985 for research in pulse radiolysis experiments and radiation chemical
research, & which has now become part of Radiation & Photochemistry Division, BARC. The
accelerator was commissioned in April 1986.
7MeV Electron LINAC for pulse radiolysis experiments [1] at RPCD, BARC is being
upgraded for better dose stability and pulse to pulse electron beam energy stability. Nanosecond
7MeV electron LINAC [2] modulator is line type modulator, using a Pulse transformer rated to
operate at 43kV, 100A, 2.6us pulse width at 50Hz repetition rate to generate 2MW peak power
with a pulse-forming network (PFN) employing Hydrogen thyratron high voltage electrical switch.
In conventional 3-phase variac and step-up HT Transformer and rectifier-based power supply
lacks the pulse-to-pulse stability in high voltage accuracy. Stability in high voltage power supply
is crucial to achieve stable electron beam energy in every pulse. Therefore, high voltage power
supply upgraded to constant current power supply (CC) and the upgraded version of Line type
pulse modulator has been tested for RF power with M5125, 2MW magnetron ~2998MHz. In the
earlier version of LINAC modulator, the mains power from the 3-phase stabilizer is fed to the
primary of the step-up transformer. The secondary voltage from the transformer is rectified by
the bridge rectifier circuit. The high voltage (D.C.) thus generated is passed through the filter
circuit. This voltage is used to charge the pulse forming network (PFN) through a charging choke
and a charging diode. A high voltage thyratron tube is used to discharge the PFN voltage
through the thyratron and primary winding of a pulse transformer (turns ratio 1:4.3) on applying
a trigger pulse to the grid of the thyratron, thereby generating 43 KV pulses at the secondary
terminal of the pulse transformer. This paper discusses the installation, commissioning and
testing of 30 KV, 200 mA CC Power Supply in Main Modulator with all necessary modifications
needed to incorporate the new power supply and restoration of all required interlocks in the
system. Pulse to pulse stability reported in the specifications has been obtained with low noise
when compared to earlier modulator.
Nanosecond 7MeV Electron LINAC was procured in 1986 from Radiation Dynamics Ltd., UK
for carrying out experiments in Radiation Chemistry. It was at Mod.labs.BARC.
Since then it has been working however due to aging of components, modifications were done as per
the required specifications. It is being upgraded for better dose stability and pulse to pulse electron
beam energy stability.In this accelerator, the RF waves tend to defocus the beam and this effect is
counteracted by strong solenoidal focusing fields generated when 200 Amp DC Current flows through
Buncher focus coil and Main focus coil. Therefore, very stable high current DC power supply is
required for pulse-to-pulse electron beam energy and dose stability in single shot mode operation and
also in repetative mode operation of the electron LINAC. Thus, power supplies have been upgraded
with Constant Current SMPS based programmable high current DC Power Supply.
New programmable DC Power Supply having input voltage three phase, 50 Hz and Output 0-
15 V DC & Output Current 0-400 A DC is installed, commissioned and tested successfully with the
Accelerator. All necessary modifications needed to incorporate the new Power Supply were carried
out and interlocks in the system were restored properly. Earlier version of this Power Supplies were
based on conventional transformer and thyristor circuits.
This paper discusses the power supplies upgradation for focus coils, interlocks incorporation
for safe and stable operation, and the performance result i.e., reduction in noise, energy stability,
current regulation and efficiency.
Design studies for a pill box type accelerating structures with beam ports and
coupling loop using analytical and perturbation techniques
Tushar Dave1,2, Shankar Lal1,2, Arvind Kumar1 and K. K Pant1
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Training School Complex, Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai
400094, India
Radio-Frequency (RF) cavities are employed in accelerating facilities to play different roles:
as pre-bunchers, bunchers, accelerators, deflectors etc. The important RF properties that
qualify these cavities are their resonant frequency, Quality factor, Shunt Impedance, and the
accelerating electric field to be supported by the structure. Making a functional RF cavity
requires the design of the cavity along with the essential openings for the electron beam
propagation through the cavity, for vacuum pumping if required in the cavity, and for the
coupling of RF power into the cavity. The simplest RF cavity that can be designed precisely
by employing analytical formulae is a pill-box type cavity without any openings. A freely
available RF code like SUPERFISH can be employed to design an azimuthally symmetric
RF cavity with the beam ports on axis [1]. However, the presence of openings on its side
walls for vacuum pumping or for RF coupling, or for RF pickup, cannot be treated
analytically, and usually require design codes normally not available freely.
For a simple accelerating structure like a single cell pre-buncher with a coupler loop,
analytical formulae can be employed to design the pill-box structure, and perturbation
techniques can be employed to determine the effect of port openings on its resonant
frequency and for the dimensional modifications required to compensate this perturbation to
achieve the designed resonant frequency. Analytical formulation can also be employed to
design RF power coupling and pickup loops to achieve the desired RF coupling coefficients
for the structure.
In this paper, the design and development of a prototype, single cell, pill-box type, S-band
pre-buncher structure resonant at 2856 MHz will be discussed. An Aluminum prototype has
been built and systematic studies have been performed to study the agreement between the
designed RF properties and those measured using a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) at
different stages of the development, viz. pill box without any ports, perturbations due to beam
ports of different sizes, dimensional modifications to compensate the perturbation by taking a
machining cut. The perturbation in resonant frequency due to presence of RF coupling and
pickup ports on its cylindrical surface, and the design of a RF coupler loop to achieve a
desired RF coupling coefficient is also discussed and compared with measurements made
on the Aluminum prototype. The implications of mounting an RF coupler loop on the
cylindrical wall versus on a side wall adjacent to a beam port will also be discussed,
considering the deployment of such structures as part of injector linac system with air-core
solenoids in the low energy beam transport region of the injector system. The study is
motivated by the ongoing design of an injector linac system for a proposed Tera Hertz Free
Electron Laser (THz-FEL) [2].
1. Young, James H. Billen and Lloyd M., POISSON SUPERFISH, Los Alamos National
Laboratory, 2006.
2. R.S. Saini, Sona Chandran, Saket Kumar Gupta, et al., “DESIGN STUDIES FOR A
THz-FEL AT RRCAT”, Proceedings of InPAC, IUAC, New Delhi, 2019.
Industrial electron linacs utilizing Traveling Wave (TW) accelerating structures have been
developed at RRCAT for societal applications, and there are efforts to develop more such
linacs with desired improvements in terms of RF to beam power conversion efficiency and
beam transmission efficiency. Towards the aim to develop an indigenous computer code for
design of TW linac structures, a computer program for longitudinal beam dynamics has been
developed in Python. First-order coupled differential equations in energy and phase have
been solved, using the fourth order Runge-Kutta method. Macroparticles are tracked through
the electric fields in the bunching-cum-accelerating structure, with the given input beam
energy distribution, and phase distribution. The program considers a particle as lost, if either
its velocity becomes zero, or its longitudinal phase exceeds the value specified in the
computer program. Program calculates the beam transmission based on longitudinal beam
dynamics studies, and can be used to optimize the bunching section of the bunching-cum-
accelerating structure. The output value of energy and phase of each particle are exported
into a text file for post-processing. Space charge has not been considered in this calculation.
The code generates the plots of evolution of energy and phase of particles along the linac
length. This code is capable of dealing with both CW as well as bunched beams. The effect
of beam loading is explicitly considered in the code through the calculation of accelerating
field gradient profile in the linac (for fixed beam current), which is utilized during dynamics
calculations. The code can perform calculations for fixed, as well as, variable phase velocity
structures. The electrodynamical parameters of the cells are specified as the input. This
code can be conveniently used for quick optimization of TW structure geometries, as it does
not require the 2D/3D field maps. After completing the quick optimization based on
longitudinal dynamics, commercially available codes for transverse beam dynamics and
space charge calculations can be used for further optimization, which will make the overall
design optimization process fast. The computer program has been validated by simulating
the case of the 9.5 MeV, 10 kW constant impedance traveling wave electron linac that has
been designed and commissioned by RRCAT, and comparing the output rms energy spread
and phase spread calculated using the in-house developed computer program with those
obtained using commercial beam dynamics code [1]. For a CW beam with fixed input
energy, analytical calculations have been performed for evaluating the beam transmission
efficiency and threshold value of accelerating gradient for capture, in a constant phase
velocity structure [2]. These values have been confirmed using the in-house developed code.
The capabilities of the program can be extended to include a pre-buncher cavity before the
bunching-cum-accelerating section, and also for other traveling wave structures like constant
gradient structures etc.
Jyoti Sharma1, Kapil Deo2, Kumar Sajal1, A. S. Dhavale1, S. R. Ghodke1, P. C. Saroj1, Umasankari
Kannan2 and Archana Sharma1
Accelerator and Pulse Power Division
Reactor Physics Design Division
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
The DC Accelerated electron beams can be effectively used for a wide range of irradiation
applications. A Titanium (Ti) foil window is used at the end of scan horn that acts as a barrier
between atmosphere and vacuum inside the accelerator while it allows the transmission of
majority of accelerated electrons through it. A part of the energy of high energy electrons gets
deposited on the Ti foil hence increasing its temperature which may puncture the foil and
cause its permanent failure. To prevent this, scanning of electron beam is done in both
mutually perpendicular directions (X & Y) for uniform distribution of heat on a Ti foil. It is
important to have optimum thickness of Ti foil as larger thickness will lead to larger power
dissipation in the foil while thinner foils are susceptible to damage due to pressure difference.
Simulation studies using FLUKA [1,2] Monte Carlo code are carried out to estimate the total
energy deposited by incident electrons of 1MeV energy in Ti foils of different thicknesses. The
cross-section of the foil is 1500 mm (length) x 100 mm (width). The profile of electron beam is
taken as gaussian (FWHM = 2.0 cm) along X & Y axis in the plane perpendicular to direction
of electrons(z-axis). The variation of total energy deposition for Ti foil of different thicknesses
is shown in Fig. 1. The energy deposited values given in the figure corresponds to single
incident electron. The thermal power deposited in the foil as obtained from FLUKA simulation
is used as an input to carry out Thermal-Structural analysis in ANSYS software. Hence the
optimum thickness of Ti foil is obtained which can sustain the thermal and structural stresses.
1. T.T. Bohlen, F. Cerutti, M.P.W. Chin, A. Fasso`, A. Ferrari, P.G. Ortega, A. Mairani, P.R.
Sala, G. Smirnov, and V. Vlachoudis, "The FLUKA Code: Developments and Challenges
for High Energy and Medical Applications", Nuclear Data Sheets 120, 211-214 (2014).
2. A. Ferrari, P.R. Sala, A. Fasso`, and J. Ranft, "FLUKA: a multi-particle transport code",
CERN-2005-10 (2005), INFN/TC_05/11, SLAC-R-773.
Parul Arora1, Prasanta Kumar Jana1, Nita S. Kulkarni1, and Vinit Kumar1, 2
Proton Accelerator Group, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai
Low power RF measurements are very crucial for the characterization of RF cavities/cells
before installing or brazing them in a linac structure. These measurements are used to
estimate the resonant frequency, quality factor etc. of RF structures. We had earlier
designed disk loaded, constant impedance (CZ), traveling wave (TW) electron linacs,
operating in 2π/3 mode at 2856 MHz [1, 2, 3]. Recently, design of a 9.5 MeV, disk loaded,
constant gradient (CG) type, TW electron linac structure has been done for industrial
applications [4, 5], which is presently being fabricated. In addition, we have also designed
CG TW accelerating structure for a 200 MeV electron linac for injector applications [6]. The
CG structure has a higher RF to beam power conversion efficiency, compared to a CZ
structure. In a CZ structure, geometrical dimensions of all the cells, which are designed for
the same phase velocity, are identical. Hence, resonant frequency of desired operating
mode for a TW structure, i. e., 2π/3 mode, can be measured directly, using a single
measurement set-up comprising of stack of identical cells. One of the configurations used for
the characterization of cells of CZ structure is “Half Cell-Full Cell-Full Cell-Half Cell”
configuration. In this configuration, the measurement set-up is fabricated in such a manner
that one of the full cells, which is the test cell for which frequency is to be measured, is
detachable. Different cells are positioned one by one at the place of test cell in the
measurement set-up for characterization. On the other hand, in a CG structure, the aperture
radius and cavity radius of each cell, even though designed for the same phase velocity, are
suitably varied such that group velocity varies linearly, to obtain constant electric field along
the structure, in the absence of beam loading. Due to variation in the geometrical
dimensions of different cells, the direct method used in the CZ structure for measurement of
the resonant frequency of the desired operating mode is not applicable for CG structure.
Hence, indirect methods to estimate the frequency of 2π/3 mode are preferred for the cells
of CG structure. Single-cell measurement method is one of the methods, which can be used
to characterize the cells, using a single measurement set-up [7]. However, detailed
explanation of the method and the measurement set-up are not readily available in the
literature. In this paper, we describe the details of single cell method for low power RF
characterization of cells. Single-cell measurement method is used to measure the frequency
of zero-like mode of a single cell with a beam pipe. It is used to indirectly estimate the
resonant frequency of 2π/3 mode, as there is a systematic difference between the two
frequencies (zero-like mode and 2π/3 mode). To calculate this difference (Δf), extensive 2D
electromagnetic simulations using SUPERFISH have been performed for different cells in
test set-up. Each cell has different value of βg (group velocity in unit of speed of light),
according to the aperture radius and cavity radius of that cell, and Δf has linear dependence
on βg. Detailed 3D electromagnetic design studies have been performed to design the
measurement set-up. Simulations have been performed to estimate the dimensions and
effects of crucial components like choke flange and position of measurement probes to pick
up the sensing RF signals, without perturbing the cavity frequency. In this paper, details of
the measurement set-up, from physics design aspect, are also provided.
Accelerator & Pulse Power Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India
Beam Technology Development Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India
Radioactive isotopes are essential for the basic research and medical applications. High
energy electron accelerator can produce radioactive ion beams by photo-fission. An electron
beam is incident on the Converter Target made up of high Z material like Tungsten or
Tantalum that produces high energy Bremsstrahlung photons. Photons are incident on the
Production target made up of Uranium or Thorium oxide that produces various fission
fragments which are radioactive ions. Generation of radioactive ions require an electron
beam of energy greater than 25 MeV while the photo-fission yield saturates beyond electron
energy of 50 MeV. Thus an accelerator that can deliver electron beam of energy up to 50
MeV is required for this application. Since the production target is porous in nature, to avoid
the physical damage of target due to excessive heating, an accelerator operating in
continuous mode is preferable [1]. A superconducting (SC) linac that can deliver 50 MeV
electron beam of power 100-500 kW is suitable for this application. A photo-fission yield will
be ~ 1013-14 fissions/sec.
The SC linac will be made up of 150-300 keV electron gun followed by a room temperature
pre-buncher. The main accelerating structure will be made up of TESLA shape (=1) cavities
made up of Niobium. A single cavity will be made up of 9-cells of elliptical shape [2]. Five
such cavities are required to accelerate electron to final energy of 50 MeV. RF power will be
fed to cavities by a Fundamental power coupler (FPC). The accelerator cavities are
immersed in LHe inside cryo-module at 20 K.
The paper presents results of a 9-cell TESLA shape cavity simulated using SUPERFISH and
the CST microwave studio codes. The end cell and the accelerating cell dimensions are
optimized to get -mode at resonant frequency of 1.3 GHz. The beam loading calculations
show that to get beam current of 10 mA at electric field gradient of 10 MV/m, Qext ~ 1.15 x
106 is required. A coaxial type of FPC is designed taking into account effect of beam loading.
Beam dynamics simulations are carried out using CST particle studio. Transmission of beam
is studied at various input parameters like input energy, divergence and energy spread.
1. S.Koscielniak, F.Ames, R.Baartman et. Al., “An electron linac photo-fission driver
for the rare isotope program at TRIUMF”, proceedings of SRF2009, Berlin,
2. B. Aune, R. Bandelmann, “Superconducting TESLA cavities”, Physical
review Special topics-Accelerators and Beams, Volume 3, 092001, 2000
S A Nadkarni
Radiation & Photochemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India- 400085
Nanosecond 7MeV Electron LINAC was procured from Radiation Dynamics Ltd., UK for carrying out
pulse radiolysis experiments in Radiation Chemistry. It was commissioned in 1986 at Mod. Labs. BARC. For
data acquisition & processing of experimental data for Kinetics studies, subsequently a program was
developed in 1987 in Pascal programming language with those days prevalent computers running on DOS
platform. To calculate dose during experiments, calculations done using calculators was tedious, time
consuming and prone to errors. Hence, for dose calculations, program was developed in BASIC
programming language. These programs developed for computers running on DOS platform were
incompatible with present day computers based on Windows platform.
Hence, for data acquisition & processing of experimental data for Kinetics studies, a LabVIEW based
program was developed in 2009 . However, program for dose calculations on Windows platform remained to
be done.
This paper discusses program developed in LabVIEW for dose calculations to be incorporated with
the already existing LabVIEW program for data acquisition & processing of experimental data for Kinetics
1. Tomi Nath Das, Radiation & Photochemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. "
Recent Improvements in Chemical dosimetric protocols for accurate measurements of
absorbed dose in pulse radiolysis experiments.” BARC Technical Report BARC/2008/E/011.
Prashant Pareek1, Vinod Gaud1, Karan Singh1, S. Senthil Kumar1, T. Veerbhadraiah2, Brahmanand
Sisodia2, K. Sreeramulu1 and S. N. Singh1
1: Accelerator Magnet Technology Division
2: Design & Manufacturing Technology Division
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology
Indore-452013, INDIA
Pinger magnets are used to find important linear and nonlinear dynamic characteristics of
magnet lattice by exciting betatron oscillations of the stored beam in horizontal and vertical
planes. This paper reports development and installation of two such magnets (one horizontal
and the other vertical pinger magnet) in Indus-2 (2.5 GeV) electron storage ring. These
magnets can provide 1.5 mrad and 2.0 mrad deflection to the electron beam in transverse
plane of motion [1]. The betatron oscillations induced by the pinger magnets are measured
turn by turn using beam position monitors installed over the entire storage ring. The measured
turn by turn data are used to calculate betatron tunes, betatron function, dynamic aperture etc
of the lattice [2]. These magnets are required to produce a magnetic field pulse which is half
sinusoidal in shape and less than 1µs wide. The required peak field of magnets are 596 G and
650 G. The field uniformity is better than 2 × 10-3 in the good field region. Magnetic field
simulations were performed using Opera 3D Elektra Solver [3] and parameters of the magnets
were optimized. These magnets have window type geometry with single turn copper coil. High
frequency Ni-Zn ferrite is used as core material. The design, fabrication and pulsed magnetic
characterization of these magnets are discussed in this paper.
1. Gangopadhyay Sampa, Prashant Pareek, Singh Yash Pal, Tyagi Deepak Kumar,
Vikas, Yadav D.P., Yadav Surendra, Puntambekar T.A. “Pinger Magnet System in
Indus-2” RRCAT Newsletter - Issue 1 of 2022
2. Deepak Kumar Tyagi, Riyasat Hussain, Pradeep Kumar and A.D. Ghodke “Analysis
of Turn by Turn BPM data at Indus-2 electron storage ring” InPAC 2022, March
22-25, 2022
3. Opera 3D (Elektra solver), Version 18R2, COBHAM.
Electromagnetic Simulation of 107.5 MHz Co-axial RF Cavity and Its Higher Order
Mode identification.
Deepak Kumar Mishra1, Divya Purohit1, Subhajit Dutta1, Pankaj Kumar1 and Jishnu Dwivedi1
Industrial Accelerators Division, RRCAT, Indore, India
RRCAT has developed and installed 10 MeV, 6kW Linac at ARPF for bulk radiation
processing. This is the first step on the roadmap for reaching on industrially viable level of
electron beam power for bulk processing. For economic viability, the electron beam power of
100 KW or higher is required for radiation processing applications. The next step on this
roadmap include increasing the beam power to 30-50 KW level. Accelerator schemes
making use of a large single cavity for repeated acceleration can work in cw mode and are
capable of providing very high beam power with well defined energy and narrow energy
spread. Considering this fact an electrodynamic design of 107.5 MHz coaxial recirculating
cavity was carried out. In this paper we will be presenting electromagnetic simulation of λ/2
coaxial resonant cavity and identification of its higher order modes.
Indus-2 is a 2.5 GeV Synchrotron Radiation Source (SRS) with 17 beamlines operating in
the round the clock (RTC) mode [1]. Various causes that include dipole field errors, magnet
alignment errors, slow power supply drifts, ground settlements, ground vibrations, thermal
expansion of components open/close operation of insertion devices, etc. affect the electron
beam orbit in the Indus-2 SRS. The disturbed orbit is detrimental to the performance of the
SRS as it changes the position of the synchrotron radiation light spot at the front end of the
beam lines which in turn reduces the effective flux and brightness of the light going into the
beam lines. This affects the experiments being conducted in the corresponding experiment
station. To counter this, a correction scheme is employed wherein the beam position data
from all the Beam Position Indicators (BPI) is fed to the controllers which in turn provide the
feedback to a corrector mechanism which corrects the electron beam orbits in the Indus-2
ring. This is known as the Global Fast Orbit Feedback (FOFB) Corrector mechanism. The
FOFB corrector mechanism employs 40 nos. of air core magnets connected in the Indus-2
ring. Each of these magnets has a pair of horizontal and vertical coils. Both the horizontal
coils of a single magnet unit are connected in series and powered by a single unit of FOFB
corrector bipolar current controlled power supply [2]. Similarly, both vertical coils of a single
magnet unit are connected in series and powered by a separate FOFB corrector power
supply. The loop control PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards) developed for each of the 80 power
supplies had a tiresome tuning procedure involving control loop gain adjustment by using 3
sets of potentiometers on each PCB to achieve optimal performance in terms of rise time
and overshoot for the applied step input. The presence of three tuning components in each
PCB severely limited the inter-operability of the same loop control PCB for the power
supplies for the horizontal and the vertical coils of the magnet. Therefore, the loop control
PCBs of the FOFB power supplies were upgraded to simplify the tuning procedure of the
loop control PCBs and inter-usability of the same loop control PCB for both the horizontal
and vertical coils power supplies with minimum modifications. This upgradation was
implemented for the last 56 FOFB power supplies pending commissioning. Therefore, a total
of 56 loop control PCBs (28 nos. for horizontal coil powers supplies and 28 nos. vertical coil
power supplies) were upgraded under this scheme. Following this a detailed testing and
tuning procedure for the loop control PCBs was developed and implemented. The tuned
response data for each of the loop control PCB for horizontal and vertical coils of the
magnets was recorded for future tuning reference. In addition to this, a recurrent
phenomenon of noise inflicting into the reference signal of the control loop PCB, resulting in
DC offset in the final load current waveform, was identified and resolved by modifying the
output capacitive filter of the power converter.
Kriti Pathak1, Deepak kumar Sharma, Alok kumar Gupta, Akhilesh Jain and Mahendra Lad
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
This paper presents RF characterization and high power RF measurements carried out for
32 kW and 40 kW amplifier systems working at 650 MHz which are developed under R& D
phase, as deliverables to Fermi Lab, USA. These amplifiers were tested and characterized
for required specifications at rated RF power on dummy load. These high power amplifiers
comprise around hundred numbers of high power amplifier modules; similar numbers of
directional RF power sensors, 48/64 way power dividing and combining structures, cooling
water distribution system, RF protection unit, electrical power sub-system etc. Along with
these, control and interlock sub-system is there to ensure proper functioning of various sub-
systems. Both 32 kW [1] and 40 kW amplifiers are realized in the foot print of two racks,
outputs of which are combined to give the rated power. Divide and combine strategy is
followed in both the amplifiers wherein the input RF is divided and fed to individual racks.
Each rack of 32 kW amplifier consists of forty eight numbers of 500 W power amplifier
modules and outputs of these are combined through a 48 way RF power combiner. In 40 kW
amplifier, 64 way RF power combiner is used. Measurement sequence includes cold testing,
output measurement set up calibration at 1 kW RF power and eventually high power testing
[2]. In cold testing different checks like water leakage check, electrical testing, assembly and
integrity check and control and interlock functionality check are performed. Output
measurement set up which needs to be calibrated comprises high power directional coupler
and RF cables. High power testing includes amplifier gain and efficiency measurement,
spectral response measurement, bandwidth measurement, group delay measurement and
radiation mapping. This measurement sequence is followed for individual racks first. After
optimizing individual racks, outputs of these racks are combined via a 2-way RF power
combiner and high-power testing is performed along with the configuration of alarm and trip
limits for RF power and amplifier heat-sink temperature. Developed amplifiers were tested in
pulsed mode also and suitable pulsed RF measurements like rise time and fall time
measurement, droop and pulse to pulse amplitude variation measurements were carried out.
In addition to these tests, amplifiers performance was observed for increased inlet cooling
water temperature as per requirement of Fermi Lab specifications. Spectral response of both
these amplifiers were measured where the harmonic content was found below -30 dBc and
spurious below -55 dBc. 3-dB bandwidth of both the amplifiers was beyond ±2 MHz.
Radiation mapping in the complete amplifier zone within a distance of 1 m from the amplifier
was carried out with radiation maxima inside the rack within prescribed safety limits.
Amplifiers were tested and characterized successfully at rated power with AC to RF
efficiency better than 40 %.
An S-band Constant Gradient (CG) Traveling Wave (TW) accelerating structure has been
designed [1] for the injector linac for a High Brilliance Synchrotron Radiation Source
(HBSRS), to accelerate the 15 MeV electron beam to 200 MeV. The linac is designed with
four sections, each having a length of 3.793 m. Each section will consist of 114 regular cells,
with (phase velocity of operating electromagnetic mode in unit of speed of light in vacuum)
of each cell as 0.999 [1]. As the structure is CG type, the cell radius and aperture radius are
varied for each cell, such that a constant electric field profile is obtained along the linac
length, in the absence of beam. The cell-to-cell variation in inner radius is 4 8 , while the
cell-to-cell variation in aperture radius is 16 33 . The RF power will be fed into the
structure through an input RF power coupler, and the remnant power at the end of the
structure will be sent to a matched load through an output power coupler. The power coupler
will consist of a coupling iris, and a tapered waveguide that connects the iris to the WR-284
transmission line. Since different cells are designed independently, using a 2D EM code
SUPERFISH [2], it is prudent to perform end-to end three-dimensional (3D) electromagnetic
(EM) simulation of TW linac section, integrated with input and output RF power couplers, to
confirm that the design works as desired, in totality. With this aim, 3D EM simulations have
been performed using frequency domain solver module of 3D EM computer code [3]. The
finite resistivity of copper has been considered explicitly in the 3D simulations. At the
operating frequency of 3 GHz, the reflection coefficient of 36 dB, and average phase
advance per cell of 120° is obtained. Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) is less than 1.22
in a frequency range of 2.998 3.003 GHz, which corresponds to power reflection of less
than 1%. A constant electric field profile is obtained for this linac, which validates the 2D
design of this linac, and design of the RF power couplers. The RF power coupler is generally
designed, using Kyhl’s method [4], considering only the coupling cavity and the adjacent cell
of the linac. In our study, the design of input and output RF couplers is verified also for the
operation mode, when the couplers are together connected to the full linac. Error and tuning
studies have also been performed for random errors in cell radius and fixed error in output
coupling iris, using Steele’s bead-pull perturbation technique. An in-house developed tuning
program has been used for tuning this linac in simulation environment. It has been explicitly
shown that after applying the cell corrections and output coupler tuning, the field profile is
restored to a constant value, and the reflection coefficient improves from 11 dB to 33 dB.
The phase advance error reduces from 42° to 2°, except at one point, where it is 6°.
The average phase advance per cell improves from 123° to 120°, which is the design value.
L. K. Babbar1, Deepjwalit Vaishnav1, Ajay Kumar Soni1, S. K. Sharma2, Brahmanand Sisodia3, P. Ram
Sankar3, M. P. Kamath4, C. Mukherjee4 and S. K. Tiwari2
Beam Diagnostics and Coolant Systems Division
Ultra High Vacuum Technology Section
Design and Manufacturing Technology Division and
High Energy Lasers and Optics Section
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, PO - CAT, Indore - 452013 (M. P)
Synchrotron light monitor (SLM) is used to obtain continuous visual information of stored
beam using visible part of synchrotron radiation (SR) emitted from the beam. It facilitates the
machine operation crew members to know the successful storage of injected beam during
the beam injection process. The SLM presently installed, in 450 MeV, 100 mA Indus-1 SR
source at RRCAT, Indore is about 23 years old and has almost completed its useful life. An
ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) compatible upgraded SLM has been designed and developed,
which will be installed during the upgradation of Indus-1 in coming months. The upgraded
SLM is 231 mm long UHV compatible assembly mainly made of SS316L material. It
incorporates a special mirror developed in-house using silver plated, Ø80 mm x 12 mm
thick, oxygen free copper. The mirror has ~200 nm thick silver layer on it deposited by
pulsed DC sputtering. The mirror is mounted on a vertical shaft rotary motion feedthrough
for the adjustment of its angular position with respect to the direction of SR light. The mirror
position is locked during laser alignment to get the visible light through the centre of viewing
port of SLM. A CCD camera has been used to capture visible portion of SR light after
reflection from the mirror. Due to SR power loss, the estimated temperature of mirror will be
~104 °C during the operation which will give ~141 µm thermal expansion in its diameter. The
suitable relief has been provided in its holding arrangement in order to minimize the
deterioration in flatness of the mirror. Recorded reflectance curve of silver plated mirror of
SLM shows more that 94% absolute reflection for visible part of spectrum. During the
vacuum qualification, the upgraded SLM assembly has been leak tested for helium in the
range of ~2.0 x E10-10 mbar-l/s. The ultimate vacuum ~5.5 x 10E-10 mbar and specific out
gassing rate ~1.0 x E10-12 mbar l/s/cm2 (after 65 h running of sputter ion pump; tested
without the mirror to prevent the deterioration of reflective characteristics of mirror due to
baking temperature) have been measured after bake out. RGA spectrum attained in UHV
condition was found satisfactorily. The developed SLM is ready for installation at 10° port of
dipole chamber DP-4 of Indus-1 upgrade. The mechanical design and development of
upgraded SLM have been described in detail in this paper.
L. K. Babbar1, Deepjwalit Vaishnav1, Ajay Kumar Soni1, Brahmanand Sisodia2 and S. K. Tiwari3
Beam Diagnostics and Coolant Systems Division
Design and Manufacturing Technology Division and
Ultra High Vacuum Technology Section
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, PO - CAT, Indore - 452013 (M. P)
With regard to the present upgradation requirement of beam diagnostics devices in
450 MeV, 100 mA Indus-1 synchrotron radiation source (SRS) being operated for last
23 years at RRCAT, Indore, the design and development of ultrahigh vacuum (UHV)
compatible upgraded fluorescent screen monitor (FSM) have been carried out for
Indus-1 Upgrade. This upgraded FSM is ready for the installation replacing the
already installed old monitor which has almost completed its useful life. The FSM is
being used in Indus-1 in S-2 straight section to monitor the relative electron beam
position and beam spot size of a 450 MeV electron beam for injection optimization
and trouble shooting, if any. A chromium doped alumina ceramic is inserted into the
beam path, and fluorescence produced is monitored by a video camera. The resulting
image is captured using a frame grabber and analysed. The upgraded FSM
incorporates improved features as thicker side plate of SS316L vacuum chamber in
order to limit the deflection due to motor-feedthrough sub-assembly, holding frame
made of Al alloy in order to protect the 1 mm thick fragile fluorescent ceramic screen
(AF995R), in-situ screen position checking arrangement by using machined reference
blocks, provision for alignment posts, self centered camera stand and multi featured
holding and supporting base stand. The laser alignment of the ceramic screen has
been carried out with the accuracy of 0.3 mm with respect to the mechanical axis of
vacuum chamber of FSM. The total length of FSM is 231 mm including 21 mm thick x
Ø152 mm outer diameter rotatable knife edge sealing (DN100-CFR) SS316L end
flanges at both ends. During the vacuum qualification, helium leak rate <1.5 x 10E-10
mbar.l/s and ultimate vacuum ~5.7 x 10E-10 mbar have been recorded. The residual
gas analyser (RGA) spectrum attained in UHV condition was satisfactory. The
specific out gassing rate ~7.0 x 10E-13 mbar.l/s/cm2 (after ~65 h running of sputter
ion pump) was measured after bake out. The developed FSM is ready for
installation. The mechanical design and development of upgraded FSM have been
described in detail in this paper.
Alark Patidar(1), Ambar Vohra, Arti Shelke, S.K. Bilaiya, M.K. Nayak,
G Parchani, Haridas G, G. Mundra
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore(M.P.), India- 452013
The Accelerator Technology development in the field of FEL requires specific infrastructure facilities for
component development, testing and commissioning. The THz-FEL (Tera Hertz Free Electron Laser)
complex has been designed with integrated approach to enable the technology development ensuring
fulfillment of specific requirements of radiation shielding, precision alignment, environmental conditions,
man and material transport arrangement, provision for supporting arrangement for heavy undulator,
electron beam transport system, optical cavity system and electrical power etc.
The THz-FEL lab building is extension of existing LPCL building and in- house the shielded vault for free
electron laser experiments to carry out research and development programs in the area of material
science, magnetism, superconductivity, and other associated R & D activities.
The facility is designed to be operated at two electron beam energies and power: 15 MeV, 55 W
(average) and 50 MeV, 0.5 W (average). Dose rate due to bremsstrahlung x-ray photons and photo-
neutrons are calculated for several reference points outside the shielded enclosure including the roof.
Shielding adequacy was checked after considering the beam loss at beam dump and beam slit location.
On the basis of functional use the building has three major zones viz.The Control and Equipment zone
having Klystron room, LLRF room, Laser room, Control room, and Services zone having Electrical room
and AHU room , and the radiation shielding vault which will in house two injector systems: (1) a
thermionic electron gun based conventional injector linac system and (2) a laser photocathode RF gun
based linac system. The overall dimensions of the building is 33.80m x 20.1m and height is 9.4m from
FFL . The vault is situated inside the building and having dimension of 20.5 x 10.2x 4.5m.The thickness
of walls of RCC shielded vaults is 1500mm and roof slab and foundation raft are of 1000mmthick.
The structural design for the building with requirement of radiation shielded area has been accomplished
by considering appropriate structural configuration, FEM modelling of shielded vault, and design for
seismic loads and thermal stresses.
The construction of the complex has been undertaken in phase manner and comprehensive planning has
yielded an efficient layout fulfilling AERB stipulations for the project.
The paper highlights the salient features of the planning, design & construction of THz-FEL building which
includes isolation of shielded area, integration of building with existing lab, appropriate use of ground
topography, well planned man and material movement network. The implementation of good schemes
and quality assurance plan is of great concern for the important structures especially which houses
radiation shielded area. The quality control plan was implemented using mock up test in addition to lab
test on material ingredients.
1. IS:456 (2000) “Plain and Reinforced Concrete Code of Practice”, (Fourth Revision)
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
2. IS:1786 (2008) “Specification for High Strength Deformed Steel Bars and Wires for
Concrete Reinforcement”, (Forth Revision) Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
3. IS:1893 Part-1 (2016) “Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures General
provisions and buildings”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
4. M. F. Kaplon, "Concrete Radiation Shielding : Nuclear Physics, Concrete Properties,
Design and Construction"
Delhi Light Source (DLS), a compact, pre-bunched Free Electron Laser facility is being
commissioned at IUAC [1]. This facility is expected to produce electron beam of maximum
energy up to 8 MeV by a 2.6 cell normal conducting RF photocathode gun operating at 2860
MHz for pulse operation up to 4 s duration with estimated field gradient of 110 MV/m. The
high-power RF system for the gun consists of a solid-state modulator-based Klystron system
rated for 25 MW peak RF power for the desired pulse duration at 50Hz repetition rate [2].
The RF System was installed and tested up to full rated power with a vacuum based wave
guide connected to water cooled matched load. When the matched load section was
replaced with the actual RF gun, the RF power was limited up to 1 MW for RF conditioning
of the gun due to high value of the reflected power during conditioning in absence of the
high-power Circulator [3]. In place of high vacuum-based Circulator as planned initially, SF6
Gas based circulator is installed in the wave guide system. Additional RF windows are
installed to isolate the vacuum-based wave guide system and SF6 gas-based circulator.
Additional interlocks using arc detection in the circulator section and monitoring of SF6 gas
pressure is incorporated. After installation of the Circulator the RF conditioning of the
photocathode gun carried out at high RF power level, The VSWR is found to be better than
1.1 for the entire 4us pulse duration and RF gun could be conditioned at high field gradient
up to 65 MV/m (calculated). The dark current along with the pick up from the RF gun was
monitored and measured during the conditioning process. The photo-electron beams are
also generated from the electron gun using a nanosecond UV laser beam. The energy
calibration of the electron beam at different field gradients of RF gun is being planned using
a dipole magnet. In this paper we will report the status of the final commissioning of the high-
power RF system along with conditioning status of the RF gun.
1. S. Ghosh et. al, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B
402,(2017) p. 358-363
2. B.K. Sahu et. al, “ RF system for the Free Electron Laser based Delhi Light
Source”, in Proceedings of Indian Particle Accelerator Conference (InPAC 19),
IUAC, NewDelhi, November 2019.
3. B.K. Sahu et. al, “High Power RF Conditioning of the photocathode gun for
IUAC_DLS”, in Proceedings of Indian Particle Accelerator Conference (InPAC
22), VECC, Kolkatta, March 2022.
The Infra-Red Free Electron Laser (IR-FEL) at RRCAT is designed to lase from 12.5–50
µm wavelength, with a Continuous Wave (CW) average out-coupled power ~ 30 mW at 10 Hz
pulse repetition rate (PRR) [1-3]. Wavelength tunability from 12.5 – 40 m has been achieved
by varying the electron beam energy from 19 – 24 MeV, and by varying the Root Mean Square
(RMS) undulator parameter from 0.54 to 1.26. Saturation of lasing was achieved in 2020 with
an out-coupled power ~ 7.3 mW at 2 Hz PRR. [4,5], which increased in 2021 to ~ 20 mW at
24.6 µm wavelength for 2 Hz operation in 2021[6,7].
Recent experiments with improved charge per micro-pulse in the electron beam and with
lower energy spread have resulted in a detuning curve with a larger width as compared to the
results obtained in 2021, which is also predicted by FEL simulations. Hitherto, the electron
beam emittance was measured in standalone experiments and the obtained emittance was
used in FEL simulations to interpret experimental results. Recently, the emittance
measurements have been repeated for the optimum injector system and transport line settings
leading to saturation of lasing, and FEL simulations repeated considering these electron beam
parameters for a better interpretation of experimental results.
FEL light from the radiation shielded area has been transported to the user laboratory over
a distance of ~ 55 m by employing an optical transport line constructed earlier with 13 mirrors.
The observed high loss in power during the optical beam transport has been studied through
simulations considering the size of optics presently employed in the setup, and a revised design
of the transport system has been prepared considering larger size optics to significantly reduce
the transmission loss.
Experiments are currently underway to obtain operational regimes for saturated lasing at
longer wavelengths up to the design value of 50 µm, and to improve repeatability and operation
for the machine. This paper discusses the present status and the future plans of the IR-FEL
project at RRCAT.
A 40 kV, 1.6 A LaB6 cathode based thermionic diode electron gun is designed and
developed keeping modified Pierce configuration for the focusing electrode. The gun
is tested on test bench and then connected to the 10 MeV RF linac system. After initial
beam trials, there were problems due to arcing and the extraction voltage had to be
reduced. The problem was solved without removing the electron gun by using a triode
mode operation with a positive bias. The desired output beam current of 225 mA is
This paper presents the design of the electron gun, its testing on test bench and its
performance during beam trials with 10 MeV Rf linac system.
A 40 kV 1.4 A thermionic diode LaB6 cathode based thermionic electron gun was
designed and developed using the Pierce configuration for the grid (focusing
electrode). The LaB6 cathode housing the LaB6 cathode pellet consists of cups and
heat shields made out of Tantalum and Rhenium sheets.
The gun is tested on test bench. After long shutdown if the electron gun is operated,
we expect to get the beam extraction performance as was during regular operation.
This paper presents the design of the electron gun, its testing on test bench and the
experiment to study its performance after long shutdown and to verify the above
Photon absorbers (crotches) are used to absorb unused heat of synchrotron radiation
emitted in a storage ring and their performance is interlocked with machine operation. It is
planned to test these crotches in laboratory under vacuum environment using electron beam
from an electron gun as an equivalent thermal power source. The physics design of a
20 keV/100 mA thermionic, DC electron gun delivering rectangular beam of power density
11 W/mm2 at a throw distance of 300 mm for the above work had been reported previously
using CST particle studio to test photon absorbers by Monika Rana et al. [1]. In the present
work, we report the simulation studies that have been carried out for studying the effects of
Wehnelt potential on the beam parameters and subsequent to the fabrication of this gun as
per the design specifications, the preliminary results of beam trials in the laboratory with a
crotch are summarized.
An electron gun is a current controlled device whose beam current can be controlled by
varying the temperature of the cathode. This method of controlling beam current is very
sensitive to the heating current of the cathode and hence it is difficult to maintain stable
beam current in the temperature dependent region of the electron gun. In order to obtain a
stable beam current, the electron gun is converted into a voltage-controlled device by
applying negative bias to the Wehnelt. The bias voltage acts as a beam current adjustable
shutter that controls the emitted current density from the cathode surface and its maximum
operating value for the desired footprint of the beam landing on crotch surface. The emitted
current is finally limited by the geometrical perveance of the gun. In the simulation, the
geometry of the gun components was first evolved for the diode configuration at 130 mA
beam current in space charge mode [1]. In the present simulation the requirement of bias
voltage to the Wehnelt is optimised to vary the beam current from 50 mA to 100 mA from the
gun. Further, the effect of bias voltage on the beam sizes in both the planes have been
optimised to produce the desired beam size at the throw distance of 300 mm. The gun has
been fabricated and preliminary beam trials have been carried out in the laboratory with a
crotch. This paper will also report the measured data of beam current variation with the
Wehnelt bias voltage. Fabrication details of the electron gun will be reported separately [2].
1. Monika Rana, Pramod R, A.D. Ghodke, B.K. Sindal, Sujata Joshi and D.P. Yadav,
“Simulation of a 20 keV/100 mA Strip Electron Gun for Testing Photon Absorbers”, in
Proc. Indian Particle Accelerator Conf. (InPAC), VECC, March 2022.
Compact Hollow Cathode plasma source for high current electron beam generation
Accelerator Physics Group, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Saltlake, Kolkata-700064
HBNI-Kolkata, Saltlake, Kolkata-700064
Electron guns have wide application in the fields such as Accelerators, Vacuum electronic devices, X ray
generation, welding, melting, heat treatments of materials, surface treatments, sterilization etc [1-4]. When
thermionic cathodes are employed as electron gun, it has a limited life and also it cannot operate in poor
vacuum. Thus plasma cathodes are better choices when long life of the source is desirable for uninterrupted
operation and where ultra high vacuum is not attainable. Keeping the wide applicability in consideration, a
compact high current hollow cathode plasma based electron gun is under development at VECC. This self
sustained plasma system has a cylindrical hollow cathode geometry and do not use any filaments and
magnets. The plasma cathode assembly measures 70 mm long and 5 mm diameter. Plasma discharge is
achieved by 1KV/1A power supply while -4kV power supply is used for acceleration of the electron beam.
Beam is measured using a faraday cup which is at ground potential. Argon, Neon and Oxygen plasmas were
generated and the extraction of electron beam was carried out through 1 mm extraction aperture in the
anode. Break down voltage for various operating pressure noted and observed that it follows Paschen
curve(5). 650 mA of electron beam was extracted at 7.0x10-5 mbar Oxygen pressure with discharge voltage
of 700 V. The design and the experimental results are discussed here in this article.
Mukesh Kumar Pal1,2, Arup Ratan Jana1,2 and Vinit Kumar1,2
Proton Accelerator Group, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai
* email:
For designing an electron gun, several computer codes, such as EGUN [1] and CST
particle tracking solver [2] etc. are commercially available, which simulate the physics
of electron guns. EGUN is a two-dimensional (2D) software that simulates axi-
symmetric structures, whereas CST is a three-dimensional (3D) software. EGUN is old
software, which has been widely used by the accelerator community to design electron
gun. Simulating the beam dynamics in an electron gun is of somewhat different nature
compared to that in downstream accelerating structures. This is because in an electron
gun, the beam formation takes place; and the space charge field seen by an electron,
and hence its dynamics depends on the overall distribution of charge between the
cathode and the anode, which in turn depends on the electron dynamics. This problem
thus needs to be solved in a self-consistent manner. After the beam is formed in the
electron gun, and it enters downstream in the accelerator, the beam dynamics needs
to evolved, taking the space charge field for a nearly known charge distribution of the
formed beam. Manual of the EGUN software describes the procedure for several
calculations, such as calculation of voltages on grid points and ray tracing in the space
inside the gun structure, calculations of charged density on grid points and beam
emittance calculations, etc. However, the manual does not provide the procedure for
perveance calculation with adequate clarity, and also it gives different values of
emittance at different places in the output file. In order to develop a better
understanding of the physics of electron gun and its simulation procedure, along with
the capability to be able to add new features in the calculation, an indigenous MATLAB
[3] based computer program is developed. The Poisson equation inside the electron
gun is solved for an axisymmetric system with an appropriate boundary, and the five
point difference technique is used to calculate voltage at grid points for a specified
domain. As in the software EGUN, ray optics approach is used to evolve the electron
dynamics, for which the relativistic equation of motion is solved in cylindrical
coordinates, using four-step Runge-Kutta method. A self-consistent charge distribution
between the cathode and anode is evolved in an iterative manner. In the first iteration,
calculations are performed without space charge, and later, the charge distribution
obtained in the previous step is used to update the electron dynamics in the presence
of updated space charge field. After a few iterations, a self-consistent charge
distribution is obtained. Program calculates the beam parameters at the output of the
electron gun, and also the perveance. For the calculation of perveance, the program
calculates the space charge limited current for a given cathode voltage, which is the
beam current for which the electric field at the cathode becomes zero. The indigenous
program is benchmarked with the code EGUN for case study of 50 keV/90 keV electron
gun design. The voltage distribution, ray positions and beam parameters, calculated
using the indigenous program are found to be in close agreement to the results
obtained using EGUN. The further scope of upgrades is also discussed in the paper.
2. CST Studio Suite 2022,
3. MATLAB 2014a v 8.3.
A High Brilliance Synchrotron Radiation Source (HBSRS) based on storage ring is being
planned based on multi bend achromat lattice with strong quadrupole and sextupole
magnets to achieve ultra-low beam emittance. These strong non-linear magnets with
even small errors may significantly reduce the dynamic aperture of the storage ring
lattice as compared to a 3rd generation light source. Thus, this configuration generates
a great challenge for the beam injection by conventional 4 kicker scheme. To relax the
dynamic aperture requirement in transverse plane, on-axis longitudinal injection
scheme is studied.
In this injection scheme, a bunch is injected in the longitudinal plane with suitable energy
and time offset, with respect to the stored bunch [1]. This injected bunch gradually
merges into the stored bunch through synchrotron radiation damping phenomena. For
this, a very fast dipole kicker with a pulse length shorter than the bunch spacing is
required to keep stored bunches undisturbed [2, 3]. With the help of this kicker, the off
energy injected beam is placed on the dispersive orbit of the storage ring, which is
longitudinally separated from the stored beam. Appropriate placement of the kicker
demands a phase advance of an odd multiple of /2 from the injection point and finite
dispersion in horizontal plane.
In this paper, the feasibility of longitudinal injection scheme for the storage ring of
HBSRS is studied and reported. For this, the optimum placement of the kicker is chosen
according to the availability of space in the lattice and injected beam energy offset is
chosen according to the available momentum acceptance of the storage ring.
Beam profile and emittance measurement using scintillation screen and solenoid
scan method.
H. M. Kewlani1,3, S. H. Gharat1, J. V. Mathew1, S. V. L. S. Rao1 and B. Dikshit2,3
Ion Accelerator Development Division, BARC, Mumbai
Laser & Plasma Technology Division, BARC, Mumbai
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai
E-mail ID
Low Energy High Intensity Proton Accelerator (LEHIPA) is a 20 MeV proton accelerator
developed at BARC. Currently, LEHIPA has been commissioned up to 11 MeV, and an
acceleration trial of 20 MeV is underway. The front end of LEHIPA is a 50 keV, 10 mA ECR
ion source. In LEHIPA, ECRIS with three electrodes has been commissioned so far.
However, an upgrade of five ECRIS electrodes was developed to further improve the quality
of the beam and its characterization is ongoing at ECRIS test lab.
The five electrode Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion source characterized in
terms of beam profile and beam emittance. The characterization was carried out at 50 keV
and a beam current of 10 mA. The CCD camera and quartz scintillation screen have been
used to observe the beam profile of pulsed beam in transverse x and y planes.
Measurement of beam emittance is accomplished with solenoid scans in a beam line. In
solenoid scan emittance measurement, series of beam profile is measured for different
strengths of focusing magnets in order to determine the beam size minima for a 50 keV H+
beam. From the knowledge of beam optics, focusing solenoids strength and beam profile,
beam emittance measurement has been carried out.
The paper discusses a five electrode ECR ion source, experimental setup for beam
profile measurement, experiments and analysis of beam emittance. Measured beam
emittance is also verified by Allison scanner results. The measured rms beam size is in the
range of 8~11 mm and rms normalized beam emittance is ~0.24 π.mm.mrad for 50 keV,
8~10 mA beam.
A 6 MV Folded Tandem Ion Accelerator (FOTIA) was commissioned in 2000 at BARC. Since
then it is in operation and has been used both for basic and applied research. The facility
has been delivering various ion beams to users from BARC and universities for PIXE, PIGE,
RBS, material irradiation and radiation biology experiments. During the year 2022, FOTIA
has been operational in round the clock shifts and achieved 3176 hours of beam time.
FOTIA facility has been delivering variety of ion beams for last twenty three years reliably for
performing various kinds of experiments and contributed immensely to various programs of
DAE and other research institutes and universities. As there is continuous user demand for
high energy beams, High Voltage conditioning has been carried out for attaining a stable
terminal voltage of 3.75 MV. The 1800 bending magnet power supply has been upgraded to
110A for carrying out user experiments. Some of the major experiments carried out at FOTIA
facility are Quantification of low Z elements in geological samples using External PIGE,
Exposure of CR-39 detector to 3-5 MeV, 20 nA Proton beam, Study of effect of H+ ion on
InAs quantum dots, Determination of (n, ϒ) cross sections of fission products and structural
material elements for fast neutrons in 0.5 -2.0 MeV, Study of neutron capture cross sections
for nat Mo, nat Sb and nat Ta with covariance analysis & Quantification of low Z elements like B,
F, Li in reactor material using external PIGE etc.
FOTIA is one of the safest accelerators in operation and received safety shield for three
consecutive years earlier. Many of the FOTIA practices are recommended by ULSC-PA to
other accelerator facilities to adopt, which is an indication of very high safety standard of
FOTIA. In this paper, we will discuss operational status of the FOTIA in detail.
K130 room temperature cyclotron (RTC) at VECC, Kolkata has been delivering light and heavy
ion beams for various experimental purposes as a national facility. The hot cathode PIG ion
source placed at the center of the cyclotron produces light ions (protons or alphas) that are
subsequently accelerated in the cyclotron. The filament of the ion source is made of tantalum,
operating in the range of 300-500 A. Two water-cooled copper tubes supply the necessary
filament current. A separate tube carries the gas to be ionized. The grounded copper anode
is made in the form of a chimney, which is also water-cooled. A tantalum insert with a
rectangular slit is fitted to the anode. There is an insulated tantalum anticathode on the top of
the ion source that reflects the drifted electrons towards it. This whole assembly is mounted
on a shaft, which runs all the way through the lower yoke of the magnet to the Dee-tank. A
puller assembly at Dee potential extracts the ions to be accelerated.
The beam current obtained from the PIG ion source and the lifetime of the filament depend
upon several factors, such as the magnetic field, pressure inside resonator tank, filament
current, ARC voltage, gas flow etc. In this work, the behaviour of the ion source for a given
species has been studied under different operating conditions of the ion source parameters in
order to investigate the reason behind the significant reduction in filament lifetime. A MATLAB
based image processing graphical user interface (GUI) has been developed for the
measurement of variation of beam spot with the ion source parameters. The internal beam
profile is also measured using Dee probe. A detailed study of the ion source characteristics
will be described in this work.
Physics Design of a 50 MeV Proton Cyclotron for Rare Ion Beam Production
A 50 Mev 200 micro-Ampere Proton cyclotron is being designed in VECC to produce Rare
Ion Beams (RIBs) for the ANURIB project using ISOL (Isotope Separation On Line) post
accelerator method. This will provide neutron deficient RIBs using fusion evaporation
reactions and neutron rich RIBs using fission reactions. The RIBs produced using thick
targets will diffuse out, ionised in an online ion source, mass separated to select the RIB
species of interest. The low energy RIBs (typically 1-1.5 KeV/u) will be further accelerated
according to requirement of the experiments.
A volume type multicusp ion source will be used to produce negative hydrogen ions (H-) in
CW mode. These ions will then be injected inside the cyclotron. A spiral inflector will be used
to launch the ions in the central electrode geometry. A four sector magnet with optimised hill
profile will be used as the main magnet of the machine. Two triangular shaped RF cavity
resonators connected in phase and situated at two opposite valleys will be used for
accelerating the ions. These ions will be extracted using carbon stripper once they achieve
the desired final energy. A switching magnet will be used to steer the beam towards the
beam line.
This cyclotron will be operated for hydrogen ions (H-) at fixed frequency. It is possible to vary
the energy of the extracted ions by adjusting the radial and angular position of the carbon
stripper. Physics design of the main cyclotron magnet is underway. Maximum operating hill
field, hill and valley gap, average magnetic field, axial and radial betatronic tune values,
frequency error are the major parameters which decide the optimum shape and size of any
cyclotron magnet. In this paper estimation of these parameters from hard edge calculation
as well as from three dimensional simulations using a finite element based commercial
software (OPERA) will be presented. Thicknesses of the iron return paths were adjusted in
such a way that magnetic field inside the iron return path remains well below saturation
magnetisation. Average magnetic field at the median plane of the cyclotron at different radii
was optimised by shaping the pole profile in such a way that isochronism is maintained up to
the extraction radius. Simulated result of this isochronous magnetic field will be presented in
this paper. Static equilibrium orbit properties of the ion were analysed using Fortran based
code GENSPEO and which was used to control the pole profile. Another Fortran based code
SPIRALGAP was used to generate the central trajectory. Knowledge of this central trajectory
will be used to design the central region of the cyclotron. Basic beam dynamical behaviour
based on these codes will also be presented in this paper.
To widen the mass acceptance of the Superconducting LINAC booster at the BARC-TIFR
Pelletron LINAC Facility located at TIFR, Mumbai, it is planned to retrofit the first cryo-
module with four low velocity (β=0.07) superconducting Niobium Quarter Wave Resonators
(QWR). A QWR is a transmission line terminated at one end by a drift tube which supports
the high accelerating voltage and shorted at the other end. The basic electromagnetic design
of the resonator was reported in an earlier conference [1,2]. These resonators are being
fabricated at CDM, BARC with the required sheet metal work being handled by M/S. Veekay
Industries, Mumbai. Dimensional inaccuracies which are inevitable during fabrication will shift
the electromagnetic resonant frequency away from the design value. Electropolishing of the
surfaces of the QWR exposed to the RF field/current removes material from the surfaces
which in turn changes the cavity volume and hence the resonant frequency. This procedure
was previously used to adjust the resonant frequency of the OFHC copper resonators used
in the Superconducting LINAC booster. However in the present case since the geometry of
the resonators is different, studies have been undertaken to adapt the process for the
niobium QWRs.
If we uniformly etch a few micrometers of material from the inner and outer conductors, then
to a first approximation the transmission line characteristic impedance changes, but the
overall resonant frequency will be unaffected. However, due to the tapered geometry of the
central conductor in the low beta cavity the resonant frequency keeps on increasing linearly
with thickness of material removal.
Electropolishing of the bottom half (high electric field end), causes the capacitance to
decrease and consequently the resonant frequency increases. In general, the capacitance
between the drift tubes of the QWR is much higher than the capacitance between the central
drift tube and the end plate. In the simulations, the full volume from the bottom plate to above
the drift tubes is included to simulate the variation of frequency. On the other hand if
electropolishing is done in the upper half (high magnetic field end) the inductance increases
leading to a decrease in resonant frequency. These opposite effects on the resonant
frequency depending upon which end of the resonator is being polished implies the
existence of an inversion length which defines the height of the column of electropolishing
solution or the length of electrode to be used.
Simulations of the material etching have been performed using COMSOL Multiphysics
software to study the rate of frequency change with material removal under the various
scenario described above and also for the full length of the cavity. For electropolishing at the
capacitative end a rate of frequency change of 3.5 Hz/µm is obtained and for electropolishing
at the inductive end the corresponding value is -2.8 Hz/µm. For full length electropolish of the
QWR we get a value approximately 0.7 Hz/µm.
Details of the simulations will be presented during the conference.
1. N.K. Mishra, S. Goel, R.R. Sahu, P.V. Tyagi, A.A. Shinde, A.D. Singh, S.P. Singh, S.
Pal, R. Palit, B. Srinivasan, V. Nanal, L.M. Pant, R.G. Pillay and A.K. Gupta,,"Design
Studies of Low Beta Niobium Quarter Wave Resonator", Indian Particle Accelerator
Conference 2022, VECC Kolkata.
2. N.K. Mishra, P.V. Tyagi, A.A. Shinde, A.D. Singh, S.P. Singh, A. Bhattacharyya, S.
Pal, R. Palit, B. Srinivasan, V. Nanal, B.K. Nayak and R.G. Pillay, "Low beta niobium
quarter wave resonator for the superconducting LINAC at BARC-TIFR PLF, Mumbai",
Indian Particle Accelerator Conference 2019 IUAC New Delhi, Page No 227-228.
In RF cavities, dark current is formed by the field emitted electrons, which originate from
the regions of very high electric field (~ 104 MV/m) on the cavity surface, and exit through
the beam pipe [1]. Such high electric field occurs because of large field enhancement factor
due to irregularly shaped contaminants that may be remnant at some locations of the cavity
surface, even after following a rigorous procedure of cavity processing [2]. The dark current
electrons gain large kinetic energy, when they exit from the beam pipe of the cavity, and
can attain even higher energies, when they pass through the downstream or upstream
elliptic cavities [3]. The highly energetic dark current beam can be harmful for accelerator
operation, and it limits the maximum operable acceleration gradient of a superconducting
RF (SRF) accelerator [4] [5]. In this paper, we have studied the process of dark current
buildup in the medium and high energy accelerating sections of a 1 GeV pulsed ି ܪlinac,
for which we developed computer programs for analyzing the motion of charged particles
under the influence of electromagnetic field inside the elliptic cavities. For this purpose, we
calculated the electromagnetic field, using the code SUPERFISH [6], and exported it to our
self-developed program. It was observed that the charged particles, which exit through the
beam pipe, and can be interpreted as dark current, were mainly emitted from the iris region
of the elliptic cavity. Therefore, performing the trajectory calculations only around the iris
region, up to an optimally selected radial distance from cavity axis, the particle tracking
analysis was performed for the medium and high beta elliptic cavities [7]. The medium beta
cavities have been used for acceleration in the medium energy section of the 1 GeV H-
linac, which accelerates the 3 MeV beam to ~ 500 MeV. In our baseline design, this section
consists of total 12 cryomodules, where each cryomodule is made of three elliptic cavities.
In between two cryomodules, a quadrupole triplet is placed to provided transverse focusing
to the ିܪbeam. In the high energy section, which further accelerates the beam to ~ 1 GeV,
six high beta elliptic cavities form a cryomodule, and total six such cryomodules have been
used for acceleration. Similar to the medium energy section, quadrupole triplets are used to
provide transverse focusing to the beam in this section too. When the dark current
propagates through the medium and high energy section of the linac, it can get amplified
with the help of contributions from the several elliptic cavities installed in these sections. On
the other hand, a fraction of the dark current can get lost due to transverse kicks by the
electromagnetic field of the RF cavities and the quadrupole triplet magnets. After
accounting these two competitive processes, we have estimated dark current build-up in
the mid and high beta accelerating sections, and an overall amplification factor for the dark
current at the exit of these accelerating sections was calculated.
3. C. Xu, I. Ben-Zvi, Y. Hao, V. Ptitsyn, K. Smith, B. Xiao and W. Xu, "Field emission dark
current simulation for eRHIC ERL cavities," in North American Particle Accelerator
Conference (NAPAC 2016), Chicago, IL, 2016.
4. V. Volkov, "Monopole passband excitation by the field emitters in 9-cell TESLA type
cavities," Physical Review Special Topics- Accelerator and Beams , vol. 13, p. 084201,
5. K. L. F. Bane, V. A. Dolgashev, T. Raubenheimer, G. V. Stupakov and W. Juhao, "Dark
currents and their effect on the primary beam in an X-band linac," Physical Review
Special Topics - Accelerator and Beams, vol. 8, p. 064401, 2005.
6. K. Halbach and R. F. Holsinger, "SUPERFISH-A Computer Program for Evaluation of
RF Cavities with Cylindrical Symmetry," Particle Accelerators, vol. 7, pp. 213-222,
7. E. Donoghue, "Studies of Electron Activities in SNS type Superconducting Cavities," in
12th International Workshop on RF Superconductivity, Ithaca, 2005.
1. H. Padamsee, J. Knobloch and T. Hays, RF Superconductivity for Accelerators, Ithaca:
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1998.
2. R. Prakash, A. R. Jana and V. Kumar, "Multipacting Studies in Elliptic SRF Cavities,"
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, vol. 867, pp. 128-138, 2017.
3. G. Romanov, "Simulation of Multipacting with Space Charge Effect," American Journal
of Physics and Applications, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 99-105, 2017.
4. C. K. Birdsal and A. B. Langdon, Plasma Physics via Computer Simulation, The Adam
Hilger Series on Plasma Physics, 1991.
5. "Trilinear interpolation," Wikimedia Foundation, 2023.
6. S. M. Lund, Numerical Methods for Particle and Distribution Methods: Introduction to
the PIC Method, Hampton: US Particle Accelerator School Winter Session, 2018.
7. M.A. Furman and M. T. F. Pivi, “Probabilistic Model for the Simulation of Secondary
Electron Emission”, Physical Review Special Topics Accelerator and Beams 5, 124404,
8. "CST Microwave Studio" CST Studio Suite, 2008. [Online]. Available: http://
Mukesh Kumar Pal1,2 and Rahul Gaur1,2
Proton Accelerator Group, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai
* email:
Beam instabilities due to the higher order modes (HOMs) have been a concern for the
superconducting linacs worldwide. Due to HOMs, the beam breakup (BBU) [1]
instabilities can occur in transverse and longitudinal planes. It can be of regenerative
type [1] or cumulative type BBU [2]. The regenerative BBU occurs in a single multicell
structure, where the cells are strongly coupled electromagnetically. Here, a dipole
mode gives transverse kick to a particle that is on-axis at the cavity entrance to make
it off-axis, while it travels in the cavity, which regenerates the dipole mode and
enhances its strength further. On the other hand, the cumulative BBU dominates in
case of a linac, which consists of an array of electromagnetically independent cavities.
Here, if a bunch enters off-axis in a cavity, it generates deflecting modes, which gives
a transverse kick to the following bunches, and the transverse displacement of a bunch
may grow as it moves downstream in the linac. In this paper, we present a study of
cumulative transverse BBU instability for the single spoke resonator (SSR) section for
a 1 GeV pulsed H- linac. For this, the difference equations for transverse displacement
and angular kicks imparted to beam bunch due to deflecting mode of cavities, coupled
with the equation for evolution of amplitude of most prominent deflecting mode due to
interaction with the beam are solved for SSR sections. Here, each cavity is treated as
a thin lens and matrix method is used to derive these equations. Kick imparted by each
cavity depends on the strength of deflecting mode in that cavity. Calculations have
been performed for the baseline lattice [3] of the 1 GeV H- injector linac. The transverse
displacement and angular kick imparted on beam bunch are functions of initial offset of
beam bunch, initial angular displacement, transverse shunt impedance to quality factor
ቀ ቁ ratio of cavity, field strength of magnetic lenses and distance of successive
ொ ୄ
elements in a period. The HOMs study for each type of cavity in SSR section was
earlier carried out using a three-dimensional electromagnetic design computer code
[4], and for deflecting HOMs, ቀ ቁ and their respective frequencies were calculated. A
ொ ୄ
computer program in MATLAB [5] has been written for solving the difference equations
of BBU for all three sections of SSRs, to calculate the transverse displacement of the
beam at the end of SSR sections. In the worst case scenario, i.e., ignoring external
focusing magnetic field effects, and taking the case of those deflecting HOMs for which
their ቀ ቁ is maximum for each cavity type, the beam displacements for 2000 beam
ொ ୄ
bunches are calculated at the end of SSR section for two cases: (i) when only the first
bunch is offset by 1 mm at the entry of first cavity, and (ii) when all 2000 bunches are
offset by 1 mm at the entry of first cavity. The obtained beam bunch displacement due
to HOMs in both cases at the end of SSR section is found to be insignificant. Moreover,
the effects of the frequency, the frequency spread, and the R/Q value of the HOMs on
the cumulative BBU have been studied, which are also presented in the paper.
1. T P Wangler, RF Linear accelerators, 2nd edn (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
KGaA, Weinheim, 2008).
2. R. L. Gluckstern et al, “Cumulative beam breakup in RF linacs,” Particle
accelerators 1985, Vol. 16, pp. 125-153.
3. A R Jana and V Kumar, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 942, 162299
4. CST Studio Suite 2022,
5. MATLAB 2014a v 8.3.
Numerical studies and simulation of field stabilization and tuning of a 325 MHz Drift
Tube Linac
For the 1 GeV pulsed H- injector linac for the envisaged Indian Facility for Spallation
Research (IFSR), RRCAT is developing a 325 MHz, Drift Tube Linac (DTL) in the low energy
section of the linac. The DTL will accelerate the 3 MeV H- ion beam from a RFQ accelerator
to ~ 12.7 MeV. Since the electric field direction is same in all the accelerating gaps at any
instant, DTL is said to operate in the 0-mode. The group velocity of the electromagnetic (EM)
wave in 0-mode is zero, which makes the frequency separation between operating mode
and its adjacent mode very small. Due to this, the electric field in DTL is very sensitive to
errors that can arise due to manufacturing tolerances, power dissipation, beam loading, etc
[1]. These errors can disturb the field profile of the DTL. In order to make the field profile less
sensitive to these perturbations, an ingenious technique that utilized post-couplers (PC) was
invented in 1967 by Knapp et al. [2], which has since then been routinely used in DTLs.
Insertion depth of each post-coupler in the DTL tank must be optimized to reduce the error
sensitivity of a DTL to its minimum value. Role of post-couplers for field stabilization of DTLs
was earlier understood in terms of confluence of post-coupler mode PC0 with operating
mode TM010. Once having found the confluence length, the optimum PC insertion depth has
to be found in an iterative manner, so as to reduce the error sensitivity. More recently, in
2016, a new understanding was developed by Khalvati and Ramberger in terms of
equivalent circuit model [3]. In this paper, we present the three-dimensional (3D) simulation
studies that have been performed using a 3D EM computer code for field stabilization of
1.82 m long DTL module designed at RRCAT. The new methodology for field stabilization,
as given in Ref. 3, has been implemented, with an aim to evolve the optimized PC insertion
depths, so as to reduce the tilt sensitivity slope, by nullifying the coupling admittance due to
post-coupler and stem. It is seen that stabilization using equivalent circuit model results in
better field flatness and better tilt sensitivity, as compared to stabilization by achieving only
the confluence. The tilt sensitivity has been reduced from 47 %/MHz to 8 %/MHz upon
implementation of new technique. In this paper, we also present the tuning studies that have
been performed for this module. A tuning program has been written in Python to estimate the
optimum insertion depth of each tuner. This program has been evolved on the basis of linear
dependence of the normalized electric field and resonant frequency of the DTL on the
insertion depth of tuner [3]. It has been explicitly shown through 3D simulations that error in
field flatness reduces upon the implementation of this tuning algorithm, and frequency can
be restored to its design value. Such extensive simulation studies will be useful during
experimental implementation of the stabilization and tuning strategy, with reduced number of
iterations, once the DTL is fabricated.
Cold test and RF tuning of the first section of 3 MeV, 325 MHz RFQ at RRCAT
*Rahul Gaur1,2, Nita S. Kulkarni1, Vinit Kumar1,2, Ganapati V. Kane1, Navneet K. Sharma1, Anurag
Chaturvedi1, Vijendra Prasad1, Kunver Adarsh Pratap Singh1, Vikas Rajput1, Deodatta Baxy1,
Mahendra Lad1 and Purushottam Shrivastava1
Proton Accelerator Group, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai
A 325 MHz, 3 MeV four-vane Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) linear accelerator has been
designed and is under fabrication at RRCAT, Indore [1] for front end studies for Indian Facility
for Spallation Research (IFSR). Total length of RFQ is 3.49 m, and it consists of three sections,
which will be directly coupled to each other. The first section is 1.162m long, and recently, the
final machining and assembly of the first section has been completed, after which its low power
characterization and RF tuning experiments have been performed. This section does not have
provision of vane-end cutback at the exit end, which is necessary to satisfy the boundary
condition of the operating fundamental quadrupole mode, while testing it standalone.
Therefore, a 55 mm long unmodulated attachment piece of aluminum, which includes vane-
end cutback, was designed using 3D EM code, and fabricated. After attaching this piece to
the exit end of the first section, low power characterization of the first section of RFQ was
performed. Sampling port in one of the quadrants of RFQ was used to feed a small RF power
from VNA, and the sampling port in another quadrant was used to pick up the RF signal.
Reflection and transmission measurements were performed to determine the frequency of the
resonant modes in the structure, as well as to identify these modes. With the tuners kept at
their nominal position, i.e., 9.8 mm inside the cavity, the two polarizations of the fundamental
dipole mode were found to be resonant at 320.8 MHz and 322.6 MHz, whereas the desired
fundamental quadrupole mode was found to be resonant at 325.1 MHz, which is very close to
the simulation result. Further, the bead pull measurements were performed to determine the
off-axis electric field profiles in each quadrant of the RFQ section. These measurements were
carried out using the bead-pull set-up developed earlier for the characterization of the 3 MeV
prototype RFQ [2], and in-house developed LabVIEW program for the bead-pull set-up [3].
Initially, the fractional field error in the fundamental quadrupole mode due to mixing of dipole
mode was found to be 35%. Tuning iterations have been performed using in-house developed
tuning program [4] based on transmission line model of the RFQ to minimize the fractional
field error in the fundamental quadrupole mode. After tuning, the fractional field error in the
operating mode due to dipole mode mixing was reduced to 4%, which is less than the
maximum acceptable value of 5%. It was also checked that the repeatability in the field profile
was better than + 2% in the measurement. In this paper, we present the details about the
methodology and results of cold test and RF tuning experiments for the first section of the
1. R. Gaur and V. Kumar, “Beam dynamics and electromagnetic studies of a 3 MeV, 325
MHz radiofrequency quadrupole accelerator”, European Physical Journal N, 4, 9
(2018), pp. 1-17.
2. S. C. Joshi, G. V. Kane, N. K. Sharma, A. Chaturvedi, S. Raghavendra, K. K. Das, S.
K. Chauhan, S. V. Kokil, and B. Oraon, “Development of 3 MeV prototype RFQ
structure for high intensity proton linac for ISNS”, in Proc. LINAC2014, Geneva,
Switzerland, Aug-Sep 2014, MOPP124, pp. 345-347.
3. V. Rajput, K. A. P. Singh, A. Mahawar, R. K. Namdeo, P. Mohania, and P. Shrivastava,
“Results of RF field characterization of 1.3 GHz and 650 MHz multi-cell SCRF cavities
at room temperature”, in Proc. InPAC-2018, Indore, Jan 2018, ID-04.
4. R. Gaur and V. Kumar, “Numerical studies on RF tuning of an RFQ in a simulation
environment using a tuning program”, Nuclear Instr. and Methods in Physics
Research A, 991 (2021) 165021, pp. 1-13.
Elina Mishra1*, Monika2, Alok K. Ghosh2, Sumit Meshram1, Prashant Kumar1, Manas Mishra2,
Vikas Teotia1, S.V.L.S Rao2, Sanjay Malhotra1, S. Krishnagopal2
1ElectromagneticApplication & Instrumentation Division,
Accelerator Development Division
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay
*Email ID of the corresponding author:
A Low Energy High Intensity Proton Accelerator (LEHIPA) is being built at BARC, Mumbai.
This will serve as pre-injector to proposed Indian ADS program [1, 2]. LEHIPA mainly
consists of 3 MeV Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) and 20 MeV, 12 m long Drift Tube
Linac (DTL) [3]. The DTL was fabricated in 4 tanks of 3 m length each. Recently the
LEHIPA was commissioned up to 11 MeV using RFQ and first two DTL tanks. Each DTL
tank consists of several Permanent Magnet Quadrupole (PMQ) based Drift Tubes, Tuners,
Post Couplers, RF ports and Vacuum ports amongst others. RF qualification,
characterization and tuning of DTL cavity is paramount for determining & tuning the key
performance indices of the cavity. These include determination & tuning of resonant
frequency of the cavity, achieving the electric field flatness and tilt sensitivity in each RF
gap within the required specifications, determination of loaded & unloaded quality factor,
and spectrum of all the post coupled modes of the cavity, etc [4]. The resonant frequency
of the TM010 mode of DTL cavity needs to be tuned to 352.115 MHz. While fabrication of
the cavity at room temperature, several factors that lead to changes in resonant frequency
have to be taken into consideration [5]. This in turn decides the dimensions and geometrical
tolerances of DTL cavity. Tuners are provided to adjust the resonant frequency of the
cavity. These are copper structures that change the inductance of cavity in magnetic field
zone and thus changes the resonant frequency [6]. Tuners are also responsible for
maintaining field flatness in the DT gaps within the desired limit (< ± 2 %). Field flatness in
each DT gap determines the average electric field in each gap. Post couplers introduce TE
modes in the cavity by introducing a capacitance between PC and DT. These TE modes
help in increasing separation between the consecutive modes. Also, the group velocity of
the EM waves generated inside the cavity increases which improves the energy flow in the
axial direction in the cavity, hence stabilizing the cavity in case of introduction of any
perturbations leading to change in resonant frequency of the cavity [7]. PCs are therefore
essential for maintaining tilt sensitivity in each DT gap within the desired limit (± 20 %/MHz).
For carrying out the RF measurements, a bead-pull setup was developed. A spherical
aluminium bead of 8 mm diameter was used for perturbing the field and carrying out the
measurements. As the bead traverses through the cavity, the fractional change in the
resonant frequency ( ) is given by the equation below [8].
Where α depends on the shape of the bead (for spherical bead of radius r, ∝ ), U
is the stored energy and E is unperturbed field. This paper describes complete RF
characterization and tuning methodology and results of DTL tanks 3 and 4 to achieve the
above key performance indices within the required specifications.
1. SS Kapoor, “Accelerator-driven sub-critical reactor system (ADS) for nuclear energy
generation”, PRAMANA Journal of Physics, Vol. 59, No. 6, page 941–950,
December 2002
2. P. Singh et al., “Accelerator Development in INDIA for ADS programme, PRAMANA
Journal of Physics, Volume 68, No.2, February 2007.
3. S. Roy et al, “Electromagnetic and Beam dynamics studies of a high current drift
tube Linac for LEHIPA”, Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 9, June 2014.
4. H.C. Liu, A.H. Li, J. Peng, M.X. Fan, P.H. Qu, et al, “Low Power RF Tuning of the
CSNS DTL”, in Proc. of IPAC2016, Busan, Korea, 2016, pp. 913-915.
5. L. Parietti, N.K. Bultman, and Z. Chen, “Thermal/Structural Analysis and Frequency
Shift Studies for the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Drift Tube Linac”, in Proc. of
the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, 1999, pp. 3591-3593.
6. F. Naito, H. Tanaka, M. Ikegami, et al, “Tuning of the RF field of the DTL for the J-
PARC”, in Proc. of 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference, pp. 2835-2837.
7. Mohammad Reza Khalvati, Suitbert Ramberger, “Straightforward and accurate
technique for post-coupler stabilization in Drift Tube Linac structures”, in Physical
Review Accelerators and Beams 19, 2016 pp. 042001-1-042001-12
8. M.R Khalvati, “Tuning and Field Stabilisation of the CERN LINAC4 Drift tube Linac”,
in Proc. of LINAC2014, Geneva, Switzerland, pp 631-633.
An ISOL (Isotope Separator On-line) type Rare Ion Beam (RIB) Facility has been developed
at the Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC) [1]. The RIBs are produced using primary
ion beams from the K130 Cyclotron , transported to an ECR ion source, ionised and the RIB
of interest is selected using an Isotope Separator. Thereafter the beam is accelerated to
higher energies using a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) linac and three heavy-ion Linear
accelerator modules to 415 keV/u. Two more linac modules will be used to accelerate the RIBs
up to about 1 MeV/u and further acceleration will be done using super-conducting Quarter
Wave Resonators (QWRs) [2].
The QWR cryomodule has been designed and developed jointly with TRIUMF laboratory in
Canada. The cryomodule houses four bulk niobium QWRs operating at 113.61 MHz for
accelerating the ions and a superconducting solenoid for the transverse focusing. The QWRs
have been optimised for β0 of 5.5% and will operate at 4K. In this design, the beam space
vacuum is hermetically sealed from the cryo-module vacuum which is expected to retain the
performance of the QWRs in the long run. The test results of the first cryo-module will be
presented in this paper.
Design and Development of low frequency high voltage
switching system for ISOL to study Charge Exchange Collisions
P. Chakraborty, A. Ray1,2, S. Srivastava1,2, V. Shukla1,2, S.K.Thakur1, A. Bandyopadhyay 1,2 and V. Naik1,2
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata-700064, India. 2Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai
The existing isotope separator online (ISOL) system [1, 2] in RIBFG, VECC has been
used to accelerate both beta-stable isotope beams (39K+, 85Rb+, 87Rb+, 115In+) and radioactive
ion beams (RIB) (42K+,43K+) [3]. The system has already been used for using Collinear Laser
Spectroscopy (CLS) of stable ion beams (85Rb+, 87Rb+) [4]. Currently the CLS system is being
further optimized for the study of RIB. Of particular interest is the beams of alkali species.
Optimization of the Charge Exchange Cell design is one of the key modification, which is to
be incorporated in the system. Here we are working on a new dynamic characterization
technique for studying charge exchange collisions based on the work by Rai et al. [5] where
low frequency pulsing of ion beam is required.
For this purpose a bunching electrode has been installed downstream of the cathode disk
of the surface ion source. A high voltage pulser, connected to the bunching electrode is slaved
[6] to a master oscillator. The communication between master and slave is done through an
optical fiber network. The network acts in a ‘TALK-LISTEN’ configuration between HV
pulser and master oscillator. The duty cycle, frequency of the HV pulser can be changed as
per setting of master oscillator. The optical transmission system allows us to operate the HV
pulser (floating at 30kV) by manipulating the master oscillator (placed at ground voltage)
[7,8]. It adds flexibility to the system to generate low frequency bunched beam, which will be
introduced in the new charge exchange cell of CLS for optimization purpose and to execute
collinear laser spectroscopy, where a high (photon/atom) ratio can be achieved. The details
and test results of the newly installed system will be discussed.
1. A. Chakrabarti, A. Bandyopadhyay, Arup Bandyopadhyay, S.K. Basu, N.C. Bhattacharya, S.
Chattopadhyay, M.D . Mazumdar, T. Mukhopadhyay, A. Pole Nucl. Insrum. Methods B 70, 254 (1992).
2. A Bandyopadhyay, V Naik, D Bhattacharyya, S De Chowdhury, S K Nayak, M Mandal, S
Chattopadhyay, A Polly and A Chakrabarti, Nucl. Insrum. Methods A 562, 41 (2006).
3. CO-34 D4/272 ‘Production and measurement of RIB of 43K+ in the LASER spectroscopy beam-line of
ISOL facility at VECC’; InPAC 2022..
4. Md Sabir Ali, Ayan Ray, Waseem Raja, Arup Bandyopadhyay, V Naik, A Polley and A Chakrabarti,
Pramana – J. Phys.
5. S. Rai , K. I. Bijlsma , I. Rabadán , L. Méndez , P. A. J. Wolff , M. Salverda , O. O. Versolato and R.
Hoekstra, Phys. Rev. A 106, 012804 (2022).
6. P. Horowitz and W. Hill, The Art of Electronics, Third Edition, Cambridge University Press (2015).
7 S. Srivastava et. al, “Control architecture of prototype Ion source power supplies for MC-18 at VECC”
InPAC 2022.
8. S. Srivastava et. al, “Design and development of high voltage amplifier communication system using
optical fiber”, Inpac 2023.
Introduction: The availability of heavy-ion (HI) beams (A > 4) has made an enormous
impact on nuclear reaction study, particularly in understanding the fusion mechanism. The
fusion phenomenon, which refers to the total amalgamation of the projectile (P) and target
(T), has been a long-standing topic of research due to the presence of a variety of
mechanisms, viz., evaporation/equilibrium (EQ), pre-equilibrium (PEQ), breakup fusion or
incomplete fusion (ICF), quasi-fission, etc., all of which contribute to the reaction cross
section of the fusion process at moderate beam energies. The present study focuses on the
estimation of neutron yield due to interaction of ~ 7 MeV 7Li beam on Cu and Ta target for
source term estimation related to the safety analysis and shielding design for high energy
section of the ANURIB project at VECC, Kolkata. In nucleus-nucleus collisions, FLUKA [1,2]
relies on three distinct models, each operating in a different beam energy range EB:
EB < ~ 0.1 GeV/n: The Boltzmann Master Equation (BME) model
~ 0.1 GeV/n < EB < 5 GeV/n: Relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics
Model (RQMD)
EB > 5 GeV/n: Dual Parton Model (DPM): DPMJET-III.
In present case, the BME model is used by FLUKA since the 7Li beam energy is ~ 7 MeV/n.
In the BME model, the nucleons are distributed in binned momentum space according to
their energies, and the energy level occupancies follow the Pauli principle. Time evolution is
given by numerical integration of the so-called Boltzmann Master Equation, and a range of
mechanisms, depending on the spatial offset of the beam direction to the target particle, may
lead to the emission of secondary fragments. The BME model always adopts the complete
fusion mechanism, followed by the PEANUT pre-equilibrium and Weisskopf-Ewing
evaporation model. Several benchmarking studies have been carried out over the years to
validate FLUKA physics models. Similar estimations have also been carried out with
GEANT4 for validation of the model.In the present case, two simulations have been carried
out using FLUKA and GEANT4. Experimental values were available for 46 MeV 7Li beam
incident on a thick Cu target. The outputs from both FLUKA and GEANT4 are in the range of
2.3E-3. The experimental results in this energy domain are very less, and often suffer from
large uncertainty. However, FLUKA community has benchmarked their model for 7Li + nat
Cu reaction channels at ~40 MeV with the experimental results given by Rishabh Kumar,
Moumita Maiti et al, 2021 [3].
From Table 1 and after comparing with available experimental values, it can be concluded
that since FLUKA/ GEANT4 results are comparable and higher than the quoted
experimental values, these codes can be used for radiation protection purposes, the
shielding efficiency as simulated by these codes will be on the safer side.
Operational experience of heavy ion beam acceleration with phase and amplitude
tuning of RF cavities in VECC RIB facility
S. Dechoudhury1,2, Sayed Masum1, Chinmay Giri1, Sunita Hansda1, H.K. Pandey1, D.P. Dutta1,2,
T.K. Mandi1, A.K. Jain1, M. Mondal1, Mahuwa Bhattacharjee1,2, Md. Sabir Ali1, Arup Bandyopadhyay1,2,
Vaishali Naik1,2
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC) Sector-1, Block-AF, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700064, India
Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI), Anushaktinagar, Mumbai 400094, India
An ISOL type radioactive ion beam (RIB) facility has been developed at VECC with the K130
cyclotron as the primary accelerator. After mass separation, the low energy 1.75 keV/u
heavy ion beam is accelerated first in a 37.8 MHz radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) linac to
100 keV/u. This is followed by three heavy-ion linac modules (L1- L3) for further acceleration
of the beam to 415 keV/u. The final beam energy will be 1 MeV/u using another two linac
modules (L4, L5). Apart from the accelerators, the beam-line comprises five rebunchers and
several focusing as well as analyzing magnets installed in various sections. Currently, the
entire beam-line upto L5 has been installed while the beam commissioning and acceleration
has been carried out up to the exit of L3. In this paper, we report the operational experience
with the accelerated beam and tuning of the RF cavities with amplitude and phase locked
LLRF system developed in-house. The energy-phase scan of the individual accelerator
modules has been carried out to ascertain the required RF power and subsequently the
designed phase. The tuned parameters are in close agreement with beam dynamics
Manish Pathak1,2,a, Praveen Mohania1, S. K. Jain1,2, Rekhya Naika1, D. V. Ghodke1, Vijendra Prasad1, D.
Baxy1, M. Lad1, Purushottam Shrivastava1
Proton Accelerator Group,
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore-452 013, India
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Training School Complex, Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai-400 094, India
An electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source operating at microwave frequency 2.45
GHz was designed and developed at RRCAT. The source was commissioned and operated
in CW mode (magnetron - adjustable up to 2 kW). Ion beam current is extracted using three-
electrode extraction geometry and is measured using 1.5 kW water cooled standard
pneumatic controlled Faraday cup. Proton beam current up to 10 mA at 35 keV beam energy
was extracted [1,2]. This source has been modified and upgraded to operate in pulsed mode.
For this, a RF source has been designed and developed indigenously based on solid state RF
pulsed amplifier of 1 kW (peak power), 2.45 GHz, pulse width 1-5 ms, duty factor up to 10%
and integrated with the ion source [3]. The RF power is fed through coaxial adapter to
waveguide and coupled to plasma cavity via rectangular open ended waveguide (WR-284).
The microwave power transfer line consists of isolator, directional coupler, triple stub tuner,
microwave window and high voltage DC break. The directional coupler is used for the
measurement of forward and reflected RF power. Three water cooled solenoid coils are used
to produce magnetic field to meet the ECR resonance condition inside the plasma cavity. The
hydrogen pulsed ECR plasma has been obtained by varying pulsed power from 10 W to 850
W, magnetic field configuration and hydrogen gas flow from 1 to 10 SCCM, to investigate the
optimized operating condition. The reflected power behavior was also studied at the different
operating parameters and minimized using triple stub tuner This paper presents the
optimization of operating parameters of ECR proton source in pulsed mode for the extraction
of pulsed proton beam current.
LEHIPA is a 20 MeV, Low Energy High Intensity Proton Accelerator with includes an ECR-Ion
Source of 50 keV, RFQ (50 keV-3 MeV) and DTL (3 MeV-20 MeV) cavities. There have been
further efforts to improve the ion source parameters by improving the different operational
parameters of the ECR ion source. In view of this, a compact 2.45 GHz, 14-pole permanent
magnet multi-cusp ECR plasma source is being developed in-house to study the microwave
power coupling to ECR plasma source. Three different power coupling schemes have been
studied. 1) The plane waveguide-based coupling; 2) the 4-step ridge waveguide-based
coupling and 3) an optimized one step λ/4 ridge coupler scheme. The λ/4 ridge coupler has
been able to improve the microwave coupling to the source thereby enhancing the electric
field amplitude at the center of cylindrical resonator cavity operating at TE111 mode. A novel
wave cut-off probe and Langmuir probe are indigenously developed for the plasma diagnosis.
The plasma parameter measurements are done for analyzing the different power coupling
schemes. The optimized λ/4 ridge coupler is found to improve the plasma density as
compared to the other power coupling schemes. The details of the multicusp configuration for
plasma confinement, plasma parameter measurements using Langmuir probe for different
power coupling schemes will be presented.
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC), Kolkata
In accelerators, several magnetic elements (such as quadrupoles, solenoids, dipoles etc) are used in
beamlines for transporting a beam of charged particles. Solenoid magnets are most commonly used
for focusing and matching in low energy beam transport lines of any accelerating systems. In a
cylindrically symmetric system like solenoid magnet, a beam is influenced only by the uniform axial
magnetic field and two hard-edge fields at both the ends. These fields provide simultaneous focusing
in both the transverse planes and at the same time produce a rotation of the beam around the axis. The
trajectory of a particle in a bending magnet or dipole is well known, it is used to bend the path of charged
particles during beam transport. Usually the dipole magnet is placed symmetrically about the arc of the
particle’s path. The guide field inside a dipole magnet is uniform and the ideal motion of the particle is
simply an arc of a circle. Superposition of a dipole field with the solenoidal field, makes the trajectory of
the ions bend along the curved reference orbit determined by the dipole magnetic field. This combined
function magnet with focusing can be used for beam focusing and bending simultaneously in a low
energy beam transport system.
In the present work we have first obtained the paraxial ray equations of motion starting from the
Hamiltonian in the combined fields of solenoid magnet and dipole magnet. Knowledge of transfer matrix
is essential for studying beam dynamics. The transfer matrices of solenoid, dipole, quadrupole as well
as combinations of those magnets are available in literature. Sometimes, it is desirable to get
infinitesimal transfer matrix for beam dynamics and to study the space charge dominated beam
transport. So, from these paraxial equations of motion we have obtained the infinitesimal transfer matrix
of the combined system and at the same time we have also calculated the beam envelope as a function
of path length through the magnet by employing the well-known sigma matrix method. We have made
detailed study of the emittance evolution that results from the coupling between the two transverse
planes for different input beam conditions. We have also discussed how the combined system can be
utilized to focus as well as shifting of the beam in a low energy beam transport line. In addition, we have
studied the feasibility of using this combined magnet in a solenoid based low energy beam injection line
of a compact cyclotron to match the beam of circular cross-section to the input of a spiral inflector which
requires well focused and centred beam in the transverse planes for optimum transmission of the beam.
Indus-1 synchrotron radiation source is a 450 MeV, 125 mA electron storage ring, emitting
synchrotron radiation from mid-IR to soft X-rays with a critical wavelength of ~ 61 A°, is
operational at RRCAT. Its injector system consists of a 20 MeV Microtron as a pre-injector
and of a 450 MeV Booster Synchrotron as an injector, which provides the electron beam for
injection into the Indus-1 storage ring. Present closed orbit correction scheme consists of four
beam position indicators (BPIs), and 7 correctors for the horizontal plane (out of seven
correctors, 4 correctors are integrated on dipole magnets) and 3 correctors for the vertical
plane [1]. Simulation results indicate that present closed orbit correction scheme shows poor
closed orbit correction at BPIs in vertical plane and at the dipole centre in both planes. In view
of this, two closed orbit correction schemes are proposed with different configuration of BPIs
and correctors in terms of their location and numbers. Simulation studied are carried out for
correction efficiency for both the schemes considering various quadrupoles and dipoles
alignment error sets, and maximum corrector strengths required for correction are evaluated.
Based on the simulation studies, a scheme in which 8 correctors in horizontal and vertical
planes (CHVs) integrated on sextupoles, and 8 BPIs four at old locations and four at new
proposed locations, is finalized. Simulation results indicate that the proposed closed orbit
correction scheme is efficient to control the closed orbit at all BPIs and at the dipole magnet
positions, from which the beamlines are connected to tap the photons. In this paper, results
of the simulation studies are presented for existing and proposed closed orbit correction
schemes for Indus-1 storage ring.
A high brilliance synchrotron radiation source (HBSRS) based on electron storage ring is
proposed at RRCAT, Indore, India which will be a 6 GeV and kilometer scale machine [1].
The lattice of HBSRS storage ring is designed based on hybrid seven-bend-achromat
concept, which has very strong focusing quadrupoles and a relatively smaller vacuum
chamber. The HBSRS storage ring consists of a large number of magnetic elements such as
dipoles, quadrupoles, octupoles etc., distributed all over the ring. In a practical storage ring,
several errors such as magnet-to-magnet field errors, calibration errors in power supplies,
alignment errors in placing magnetic elements etc are expected. As a part of error analysis,
reported literature indicate that tolerable alignment errors in such machines are very small
(~10-15 µm) which is difficult to achieve with present technology [2,3]. Therefore, there is a
need for relaxing the tolerable alignment errors to 60-100 µm, in the magnets [3,4]. However,
with such relaxed errors, beam injection and beam accumulation may become very difficult.
Even in some cases, first turn beam circulation will not be possible, and therefore
commissioning is expected to be a significantly challenging task [4]. To keep the
commissioning period as short as possible, it is necessary to understand how realistic errors
will affect the machine operation. The initial tasks during commissioning of a storage ring
include: a) to achieve first turn beam circulation, b) establish closed orbit and c) to carry out
the required orbit corrections. Preliminary studies on first turn beam circulation in HBSRS
has been reported by V. K. Meena et al. [5]. Thus, in this paper, we present a detailed
simulated commissioning studies to achieve both first turn beam circulation and closed orbit
correction in presence of various errors. To carry out simulation studies, we have used a
simulation-commissioning package, which consists of high-level scripts written in MATLAB
[6]. In the HBSRS storage ring, for measurement of beam trajectory/closed orbit 320 beam
position monitors (BPMs) and for its correction, 320 combined function dipole correctors are
assumed. The first turn beam circulation is achieved by correcting the trajectory of the beam
which is injected on-axis. After achieving first turn beam circulation, the trajectory in
horizontal as well as vertical plane is found to be within ~1.5 mm. In addition, the rms values
of corrector strengths are less than 30 μrad in both the transverse planes. The multi-turn
pass in linear lattice is achieved by matching the co-ordinates of centroid of beam at first few
BPMs in second turn with coordinates of centroid with first turn at the same BPMs using two-
turn response matrix. Further, the sextupoles and octupoles are switched on in a ramped
manner and correction is performed to achieve multi-turn pass. By switching on the RF
cavity, beam can survive for a longer time and the measurement of closed orbit become
possible. After performing pseudo beam-based alignment to reduce the offsets in BPMs to
50 µm level, the closed orbit is further corrected down to 140 µm rms from an uncorrected
value of ~300 µm rms in both horizontal and vertical planes. The resulting rms corrector
strengths are less than 130 µrad in both the transverse planes.
1. R. Husain, A. D. Ghodke, “Physics design study for proposed high brightness
synchrotron radiation source (HBSRS) in India”, Proceedings of InPAC, 2019.
2. V. K. Meena et al. “Alignment tolerances of the quadrupole magnets and closed orbit
correction scheme in low emittance storage ring”, Proceedings of InPAC, 2019
3. V. Sajaev et al., Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 22, 040102 (2019).
4. Zhao Y. L. et al. First-turn-around Strategy for HEPS, Proceedings of IPAC2017,
Copenhagen, Denmark.
5. V. K. Meena et al. “Strategy for first turn beam circulation in high brilliance
synchrotron radiation source”, Proceedings of InPAC 2022
6. T. Hellert et al., Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 22, 100702 (2019).
Design and development of unipotential Electrostatic focusing element for heavy metal ion
beam isotopes
Vikas Tiwari, Kumud Singh, Janvin Itteera, Mahima and Sanjay Malhotra
Electromagnetic Applications and Instrumentation Division,
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
E.mail :
A magnetron sputtering based ion source has been developed for concentrating isotopes of
medical significance on the principle of electromagnetic separation of momenta. The ion optics
of high-current beams is as critical as a high current ion source for efficient beam transmission
up to the ion beam collector. Thermal velocity distribution, convex plasma meniscus and space
charge forces cause divergent ion beams. Beam focusing at the exit of ion source is important
to increase the beam transmission and decrease the loss at the entry slit. A divergent ion
beam can be focused either by magnetic viz. solenoid or electrostatic focusing elements.
Electrostatic lens are widely used in charged particle optics in lower energy region, where they
are more effective than magnetic lenses. Magnetic elements focusing properties depend on
mass to charge ratio and energy of ion beam but electrostatic elements focusing depend on
energy of ion beam and independent of mass of beam.The exciting features of these lenses,
such as their small size, relatively low power consumption, fast response times, and fabrication
simplicity have made them suitable choices for many applications in low energy region. A
unipotential electrostatic element (Einzel lens) is used for effective radial focusing of Lutetium
ion beam. The einzel lens is a variant of the immersion lens often encountered in low-energy
electron guns. It consists of three colinear tubes, with the middle tube elevated to high
potential. The einzel lens consists of two immersion lenses in series. An Indigenous
electrostatic element for high current ion source for Electromagnetic Isotope separation
experimental facility is designed with SIMION and CST particle studio code. Various
geometrical design parameters, focusing properties and fabrication for proper alignment of
three coaxial hollow cylindrical lens are discussed in this paper.
The optimized geometry was selected for development. The effects of different particle beam
parameters such as initial size and energy distribution on the performance of the proposed
lenses are investigated. Einzel lens for ~1mA of extracted current o Heavy ion beam was
designed, developed and installed in the beam line and its operational parameters were
measured. This paper presents the design, construction, and characterization of the Einzel
1. O. Sise, M. Ulu, and M. Dogan, "Multi-element cylindrical electrostatic lens systems for
focusing and controlling charged particles," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in
Physics Research A, vol. 554, pp. 114-131,2005.
2. A. Adams and F. Read, "Electrostatic cylinder lenses II: Three element einzel lenses,"
Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, Feb. 1972.
3. Harting E., Read F. H., and Brunt J. N., Electrostatic Lenses.: Elsevier Scientific
Publishing, 1976.
4. F. H. Read, "Calculated properties of electrostatic einzel lenses of three electrodes,"
Journal of Scientific Instruments (Journal of Physics E), vol. 2-2, p. 679, 1969.
The Medium Energy High Intensity Proton Accelerator (MEHIPA) is proposed to be
built at BARC Facility, Vizag. MEHIPA will be a 40 MeV, 10 mA, superconducting
accelerator, with a 10 MeV normal conducting front-end. Based on experimental
observations, for an improved beam quality especially in-terms of beam emittance, the
energy of the ECR ion source is reduced to 30 keV from earlier 50 keV. Accordingly,
the first accelerating structure, RFQ has been redesigned for an input beam energy of
30 keV. The Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT) channel for transporting and
matching the 30 keV, 10 mA CW proton beam having transverse emittance
0.2 . , from the ECR ion source to the RFQ has therefore been re-
optimized. In order to reject the molecular ions like H2+, H3+ from the ion source and to
keep the option of dual ion source for redundancy, a conceptual design of the LEBT,
consisting of a bending magnet has been proposed. The LEBT design consists of
three solenoids and four drift sections in between the solenoids. Compact solenoid of
physical length 142 mm with field maps obtained from magnet designs have been
used in the simulations. The first solenoid is placed just after the ion source to limit
transverse size of the beam and the other two solenoids are used for the matching
and focusing of the beam in the LEBT. The beam injection into the RFQ with minimum
transverse emittance is achieved by optimising the magnetic fields of the three
solenoids and the drift spaces between these solenoids. The drift spaces are
optimised such that beam steering magnets and the beam diagnostics can be
included. The optimisation of the LEBT design is done by iterative method where
initially, the magnetic field of the last two solenoids are tuned for minimum emittance
with a fixed field in the first solenoid. Beam dynamics of the LEBT has been done to
ensure the transportation and matching of the realistic phase-space ellipses, obtained
from the ion source simulations, to the RFQ. The various simulation results of the
MEHIPA LEBT design will be presented.
Analytical calculation of pole profile for combined function magnets with Enge-type
fringe field
Non-Scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) based achromatic bending section for
transporting multiple charged state ion beams has been optimized using ZGOUBI code. The
beam radius after the bend is around 5 mm at the target location for input beam of
momentum spread of around ±16 % about mean energy of 6 MeV/u. The combined function
FFAG magnets are having components up to octupole and the Enge-type fringe field for
additional vertical focusing. The optimization of these magnets has been done in ZGOUBI.
Subsequently, the pole profile has been analytically formulated to achieve the optimized
coefficients of multipoles and the Enge coefficients. The details of the design are discussed
and the design of the magnet with the achieved pole profile has also been studied using a
3D magnet code.
A charge breeder is being developed for the production of multiple charge state radioactive
Ion Beams (RIB). It consists two ECR ion sources (ECRIS) in tandem. Radioactive recoils
produced by the action of primary beam from k130 cyclotron on suitable targets are first
transported to a 2.45 GHz ECRIS [1] by Gas Jet Recoil Transport (GJRT) method. Because
of high dynamic gas load on this source, it mainly produces 1+ ions which are then charge
bred after injection into a 6.4 GHz ECRIS after sufficient deceleration, for the production on
n+ RIB. The 6.4 GHz ECRIS has been operational at the facility for many years whereas the
2.45 GHz ECRIS has been commissioned and tested for the online production of RIB
recently [2]. This paper discusses the beam optics optimizations of injection of the 1+ beam
from the first ion source into the breeder source after the required deceleration.
The injection of the 1+ beam into the breeder source and their capture is a critical part of the
charge breeder scheme. For efficient capture, the energy of the incoming 1+ beam should be
little higher than the plasma potential of the breeder source. Since plasma potential of such
sources are known to be in the range of few tens of eV, focusing optics needs to be carefully
tuned to avoid beam loss because of emittance growth at such low energies. To calculate the
design goal of final 1+ beam energy entering breeder plasma, a Langmuir probe was
developed and used to find out the breeder source plasma potential. These measurements
dictated the final energy of the 1+ beam after passing through a 26 mm aperture at the
entrance of the breeder source to be in the range of 25 – 35 eV for efficient capture of the
beam. Two types of deceleration systems have been studied for this purpose. The first one is
a multi-electrode deceleration comprising of three electrodes preceding the 6.4 GHz source
for gradual deceleration and focusing of the beam. The second configuration studied is the
conventional grounded electrode decelerator preceding the breeder source. The final beam
parameters at the edge of theoretical plasma zone of breeder source have been studied for
both the cases. From the obtained parameters, the capture efficiency of the 1+ beam by the
breeder plasma has been calculated for the two cases using an in-house developed code
based on Monte Carlo simulations [3]. The details of the deceleration optics simulation of the
incoming beam as well as the results of capture efficiency for the two cases will be
1. M. Bhattacharjee, H.K. Pandey, V. Naik, A. Chakrabarti, ‘Design of a gas-jet coupled ECR ion-
source for ISOL type RIB facility'; Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 959, 163572 (2020).
3. P.S. Babu, V. Naik, ‘Study of slowing down and thermalization of externally injected ion
beams in electron cyclotron resonance ion source plasmas’; Phys. Plasmas 26, 033101
High intensity accelerators have variety of applications like in ADS, SNS, RIB and so
on. For such accelerators, even a small percentage of the beam, when lost, can
deposit significant amount of beam power which can lead to activation/damage of the
beam line. In order to allow hands-on maintenance of the accelerator, average beam
loss in the linac, for beam energies above 100 MeV should not exceed 1 W/m.
Therefore, it becomes crucial to understand themechanism of beam halo formation,
which isa major cause for beam losses in such accelerators. Beam halo is a loosely
defined low-density distribution of particles with large oscillation amplitudes, which
can reach the beam line aperture dimensions, thus creating uncontrolled beam loss.
The particle-core model is a simple means to study the halo formation. In this model,
a bunch of beam particles is treated as a “blob” of charge (beam core) with distinct
boundaries, which then interacts with a single particle crossing the core, where the
oscillations of the beam core drive the single particle oscillation.In this paper, an
analogy of the particle core model has been made with a variable-length pendulum.
For this, the non-linear equation of the pendulum oscillation has been solved,
considering a sinusoidal variation of the pendulum length with time.Sinusoidal
oscillation of thelength with time excites higher order resonances in the pendulum
oscillations in theta with time. It has been observed that the amplitude oscillation
becomes most signification for 2:1 resonance. This is very similar to the 2:1
parametric resonance which is responsible for the halo formation in the particle-core
model. Further, this simple variable-length pendulum is compared with the particle-
core model analysis for a uniform focusing channel. Poincare map technique has
been used to understand the resonance observed in both the cases. For the particle-
core model studies, a mismatch has been introduced to excite the core oscillations,
which further drives the single particle oscillation and if 2:1 parametric resonance gets
excited, the single particle leads to the halo formation.
*Vinit Kumar1,2
1 Proton Accelerator Group, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
2 Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai
Beam Loading and RF coupling are important topics in accelerator physics, which are inter-
related, and typically explained in the text-books, using the circuit theory approach [1].
Interestingly, another approach based directly on Maxwell equations, was proposed by the
famous physicist Condon (of "Frank-Condon principle" fame!), way back in 1940 [2]!
Unfortunately, this approach did not find much place in the text-books, and it appeared in
few references only [3]. In this paper, I will show that by further refinement and extension of
the Condon approach, it becomes very useful for transparent, and hence, easy and clear
understanding of beam loading, RF coupling, space charge and wakefield. The total
electromagnetic field in the cavity can be expressed as a sum of a linear combination of
empty cavity modes or cavity electromagnetic modes (EM) modes, plus a sum of linear
combination of space charge modes [3]. In this approach, evolution of an EM mode
supported by the cavity is analyzed, using Maxwell equations, where the driving current
comes from the current excited in the coupling loop or iris (as the case may be) by the RF
generator, and also from the beam current; and the current flowing on the cavity surface
gives rise to damping of the mode. Equations are written for the case of loop coupling, and
are generalized to include the iris coupling too. The space charge mode is driven by the
beam charge density, and the boundary conditions, which takes care of image charge.
After setting up of Maxwell equation, it is clearly seen that the equation for evolution of EM
modes is in the form of a damped driven harmonic oscillator, for which an equivalent circuit
model can be constructed. Using this model, transient as well as steady state solutions can
be obtained. Following this approach, simple derivation of some useful beam loading and
RF coupling formulas, which are needed during various design calculations, will be
presented for the most general case of off-resonant excitation. The concept of optimum
coupling coefficient (ߚ௧ ) and optimal cavity detuning (ߜ௧ ሻ for maximum power transfer to
beam is elaborated for the most general case. It is clearly shown that in principle, RF
generator and beam can excite multiple EM modes in the cavity. Using this approach, as a
special case, a formula for cavity voltage in fundamental and higher order mode (HOM)
excited by a single charge particle passing through the cavity is obtained, which is similar to
the famous Wilson formula [4]. Connection of the fundamental and HOMs excited by a
charge particle to the concept of wakefield and impedances [1] is elaborated in the paper.
Although most of the formulas derived in the paper are there in the text-books, the paper
gives a fresh and easy insight of the basic concepts involved.
1. T P Wangler, RF Linear accelerators, 2nd edn, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,
Weinheim, 2008.
2. E. U. Condon, “Forced Oscillations in Cavity Resonators”, Journal of Applied
Physics 12, 129 (1941).
3. K. L. F. Bane, P. B. Wilson and T. Weiland, “Wake Fields and Wake field
acceleration”, SLAC-PUB-3528.
4. P. B. Wilson, “High energy electron linacs: applications to storage ring RF systems
and linear colliders”, AIP Conf. Proc. 87, 450.
There is a proposal to design a booster synchrotron as a pre injector for top up injection of
energy 6 GeV in a High Brilliance Synchrotron Radiation Storage ring. In booster
synchrotron, the energy of the beam coming from LINAC will be ramped from injection
energy of 200 MeV to 6 GeV. At injection energy, in booster synchrotron, even at lower
stored current in a bunch, the motion of electrons may become unstable due to the
transverse single bunch instabilities. In this work, simulation studies are carried out to find
the effect of transverse single bunch instabilities on beam motion in booster synchrotron. We
have considered the resistive wall impedance as an input impedance in our simulation study
as in low aperture ring, it is one of the major contributor to the transverse impedance. The
resistive wall impedance of the booster synchrotron is evaluated by analytical formula [1]
considering the vacuum chamber radius varying from 13mm to 18mm at different locations
in the ring. In simulation, the linear one turn transfer map is extracted from the booster
synchrotron lattice. It is represented by the ILMATRIX element in Elegant code [2]. Particle
tracking is carried out with the ILMATRIX element to find the effect of transverse instabilities
on beam centroid motion and also on beam emittance in both the transverse planes. Particle
tracking is also carried out considering different positive chromaticities to control the effect of
transverse single bunch instabilities on beam motion. The effects of lattice nonlinearities on
instabilities are also studied after including the nonlinearities in the one turn transfer map [3].
The nonlinear terms include the second order momentum compaction factor, first and
second order amplitude dependent tune shifts, first and second order amplitude dependent
path length difference, and the second and third order chromaticities. The corresponding
simulation results are analyzed and presented in the paper. As the beam energy ramping
starts in booster synchrotron, the radiation damping becomes strong, therefore, a simulation
is also carried out to study how the ramping process influences the beam centroid motion as
well as the emittance, in presence of resistive wall impedance.
In recent years, there has been a lot of interest in the development of high intensity proton
accelerators for applications like Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS), Spallation Neutron Sources (SNS),
Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) production, Neutrino factories etc. These accelerators are required to operate
at high beam currents of the order of milli-amperes for the various applications. At these currents, the non-
linear space charge forces are very high and can lead to increase in beam emittance and formation of beam
halos. The main design goal in high intensity accelerators in order to allow hands on maintenance is to
minimize the beam loss by avoiding or minimizing contributions of various halo forming mechanisms.
Among the various mechanisms for beam loss, there are two main mechanisms which can cause significant
halo formation: Incoherent and coherent effects due to the nonlinear space charge forces of the high
intensity beam. These can lead to beam degradation causing increase in beam size, beam emittance and
halo formation. In this paper, we study these effects on the beam through a Drift Tube Linac (DTL) that
accelerates proton beam from 3 MeV to 40 MeV. The coherent effects represent the collective behaviour
of the beam as a whole. These are excited by beam mismatch and can lead to resonances and instabilities
of the beam envelope. The incoherent effects, on the other hand, represent the single particle behaviour of
the beam and can be seen as single particle resonances. The single particle resonances are excited when
the resonance condition mkxy = 360° is satisfied. Here, m is the order of the resonance and kxy is the single
particle phase advance per focusing lattice period. The incoherent effects are excited even in the absence
of beam mismatch. Studies are done with uniform and Gaussian beams to study these effects and their
effect on beam emittance growth and halo formation. The transverse phase advance per period in the DTL
is varied from 60 degrees to 130 degrees for a fixed beam current and the effect on beam emittance is
seen. We see emittance growth at around 60 degrees, 90 degrees and 120 degrees. On careful analysis,
we see that the increase in beam emittances is associated with the 6th order, 4th order and 3rd order single
particle resonances respectively. The coherent effects are studied by introducing an initial mismatch in the
beam for different values of phase advances per period. These resonances are identified by seeing the
evolution of the beam trajectory and the beam in transverse phase spaces.
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC) Sector-1, Block-AF, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700064, India
Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI), Anushaktinagar, Mumbai 400094, India
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur,
West Bengal 721302, India
A Python based algorithm has been developed for characterizing the four dimensional (4D) transverse phase
space of a complete beam ellipsoid. The main advantage of this method is that it does not require a priori
information regarding the nature of distribution of the initial beam or coupling introduced by intermediate
beam line elements such as solenoids or skew quadrupoles. Compared to other indirect 4D phase space
measurement techniques, it is computationally faster. Further, tagging with a particle in cell (PIC) code, for
example, the General Particle Tracker, (GPT), makes the reconstruction method independent of beam
intensity as opposed to any transport matrix based formalism. In this paper, we discuss the algorithm and
results of the 4D reconstruction technique.
Flash X-ray (FXR) [1] sources for dynamic radiography operate in different electron beam
diode geometries depending on the applied voltage and impedance of the pulse power
systems driving them. For energies from few hundreds of keV, industrial FXR diode
geometry is generally used. This configuration is similar to Rod Pinch (RP) diodes but they
operate in the space charge limited (SCL) region at lower voltages. The X-ray source size
axial spread will be more compared to an RP diode where the current is magnetically
limited (ML). The FXR source figure of merit (FoM) is inversely proportional to the square
of its size and it is feasible to attain electron beam pinching even at lower voltages by
increasing the cathode emission length [2]. Three dimensional Particle-in-Cell simulation
studies were carried out to evaluate the I-V characteristics of the RP diode at voltage levels
250 – 500 kV by varying the diode gap parameters like anode extension length and
separation between multidisc cathode to check the feasibility of beam pinching and
subsequent improvement of the FoM. For compact portable FXR sources in the voltage
range of 300 -550 kV, further improvement in FoM is realizable if a double disc cathode RP
diode is implemented.
1. John Maenchen, Gerald Cooperstein, John O’Malley and Ian Smith, “Advances in
pulse power driven radiography systems”, Proc. IEEE, vol. 92, NO. 7 pp. 1021–
1042, JULY 2004.
2. S. B. Swanekamp, R. J. Commisso, G. Cooperstein, P. F. Ottinger, and J. W.
Schumer, “Particle-in-cell simulations of high-power cylindrical electron-beam
diodes”, Phys. Plasmas, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 5214–5222, DECEMBER 2000.
A 10 MeV, 3kW RF electron linac is in operation at EBC, Kharghar. It has been planned to develop a
new horizontal linac rated for 10 MeV, 5 kW at EBC, Kharghar. The components of 10 MeV linac beam
line are electron gun, a standing wave (SW) single cell pre-buncher cavity and a SW main linac cavity
of length 0.9 m. In order to enhance the beam capture efficiency and to reduce the energy spread a
pre-buncher cavity along with focusing elements is introduced between the electron gun and the main
linac cavity. This paper presents the design, fabrication, RF measurements and beam experiments of
the 2856 MHz pre-buncher cavity [1,2]. Pre-buncher cavity is designed at 2856 MHz having loaded
quality factor of 600. Beam dynamics simulation with pre-buncher cavity shows that the transmission is
increased to 67% from 25% [3].
1. “10 MeV 25KW Industrial Electron Linac”, Y. Kamino Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Nagoya
Aerospace Systems 10 Oye-Cho Minatoku Nagoya, 455 Japan, Proceeding of Linac 96.
2. “Design And Construction Of A Pre-buncher For Iranian Low Energy Linear Accelerator”, Sasan
Ahmadiannamin, Seyed Hamed Shaker, Mohammad Lamehi Rachti, Mehdi Bahrami, Mahyar
Shirshekan, Mohammad Reza Khalvati, Proceedings of IPAC 2017.
3. “Production Of High Intensity Electron Bunches For The Slac Linear Collider”, Mary Beth
James, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, SLAC—319.
Phase 1 of the Medium Energy High Intensity Proton Accelerator (MEHIPA-1), is a high
current 40 MeV proton accelerator, being proposed in India. It will use single spoke
resonator, SSR-B, cavities for the energy range 10-40 MeV. Superconducting cavities are
made of high grade Niobium (RRR>300) sheets and are surrounded by Titanium made
helium jacket. For cryogenic operations, liquid helium is filled into space enclosed between
Niobium cavity and Titanium jacket. Niobium sheet cavity is subjected up to 2 bar pressure
at room temperature during liquid helium filling and up to 4 bar of pressure at 2K
temperature during cryogenic operation. Preliminary FEA linear elastic analysis result [1]
shows that at 2 bar pressure and room temperature, equivalent stresses are higher due to
superior mechanical properties at 2K that at room temperature and their value breach yield
strength at few isolated points.
In order to limit maximum equivalent stresses, cavity material thickness can be increased or
more stiffeners can be added. However, cavity thickness has an upper limit due to tuning
range of cavity and material cost. Therefore, there is need to switch to failure criteria which
is more accurate than von-Mises yield criteria, which is very often conservative, to make
design optimum and safe. To investigate possibility of local failure, linear elastic analysis
result is post processed through stress linearization technique which provides alternate
method to qualify complex state of stress without involvement of plasticity model. Stresses
have been separated into components of membrane, bending and peak stresses, which are
basically average, linearly varying and remaining component of stress respectively normal to
a line called stress classification line (SCL). Niobium thickness and stiffener design have
been varied to minimize highest equivalent stress and subsequently, linearized stresses
along SCL at those locations have been found within allowable limits as prescribed by ASME
Annex 5.A of Section VIII, Division II. The paper presents the basic procedure of analysis
and discussion of result which forms basis of the SSR-B cavity prototype development.
Results gives better understanding of margin of failure in the design over linear elastic
analysis done earlier [1], using triaxial limit criteria.
1. P.Bhumeshwar, Roushan Abhishek, Piyush Jain, “Engineering design (Multi-physics)
of SSR –B cavity for MEHIPA”, Indian particle accelerator conference proceedings,
VECC, March 2022.
Himanshu Bisht1, Janvin Itteera 2, Mahima3, Vikas Tiwari4, Kumud Singh5, Sanjay Malhotra6
Electromagnetic Applications and Instrumentation Division,
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
The effect of the unbalancing coil (UBC) on the indigenously developed magnetron sputtering based
ion source was characterised by Langmuir probe and optical emission spectroscopy. In the balanced
magnetron sputtering the magnetic field lines of magnetron confine plasma near the target. The
introduction of the unbalancing coil distorts the magnetic field lines of traditional magnetron and form a
closed trap for electrons between the unbalancing coil and magnetron which decrease the transverse
field component. This limiting transverse mobility of electron leads to the extension of plasma volume
along the axial direction [1]. The extension of plasma results in enhancement of the extracted current
and also an improvement in ion to neutral atom ratio [2]. The plasma comprising of inert gas and
sputtered metallic ions was ignited using glow discharge method and critical plasma characteristics of
interest such as electron temperature, Debye length, electron density and ion density were mapped in
the plasma volume and their dependence with discharge parameters were analysed in depth. Optimal
magnetic field for extending the plasma for obtaining enhanced ion density was measured and
ionisation states beyond first ionisation were not detected in the measured emission spectrum of the
plasma. The absence of the higher ionisation states and an increased ion to atom ratio will result in an
increased extracted ion current per sputtering target which will increase the efficiency of the developed
ion source. The introduction of the UBC resulted in an increase in ion density in the vicinity of the probe
which indicate increase in the plasma volume.
Mahima, Himanshu Bisht, Vikas Tiwari, Janvin Itteera, Kumud Singh, Sanjay Malhotra
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai
Ion extraction systems are crucial beam handling component for ion beam formation at the
exit of an ion source. It determines the beam properties such as ion current and beam
quality. Primary requirement of an ion extraction system is to optimize the beam focusing for
desired beam current and energy with low emittance and high perveance. Electrode shaping
and design optimization shall focus on maximizing the number of ions extracted with low
divergence and minimize the losses on various electrodes to enhance the electrical
efficiency and lengthen the lifetime of the electrodes. In the case of space-charge-limited
surface-emitted electrons, there is a perfect solution (Pierce Geometry [1]) for providing a
parallel electron beam accelerated from the cathode. However, for the plasma ion sources it
does not provide a perfect solution, as the ions do not start from a fixed surface, but from
plasma with varying starting conditions.
A three-electrode extraction system is designed for extraction of Lutetium ion beam at the
exit of a magnetically confined ion source for electromagnetic isotope separation
experimental facility. Optimization parameters like separation between electrodes and the
aperture diameter of extraction and screening electrode were investigated in addition to
influence of space charge on beam quality. Numerical analysis of electrodes was done in
SIMION software to optimize geometrical parameters to maximize beam current while
minimizing the divergence of beam. Trajectory simulations were performed for charged
particle dynamics. Formation and shape of plasma meniscus near extraction electrode
aperture is discussed. Plasma meniscus serves as a source of ions, therefore factors
affecting its shape such as argon flow rate and ion source pressure are investigated.
Interaction of ion emission current density and space charge limited current density is mainly
responsible to determine the shape of plasma meniscus [2]. For different shapes of plasma
meniscus e.g., concave, convex and flat, beam trajectory was estimated using numerical
simulations. Beam size and divergence were also assessed. Triode extraction system with
features for precise alignment was developed as alignment of the electrodes is a key
parameter for performance of the extraction system. Thermal management of the extraction
system has been incorporated in the design to limit the rise of the operating temperature of
the electrodes resulting in increased lifetime. The developed extraction system is integrated
with the beam line of electromagnetic Isotope separator. High Voltage conditioning of
electrodes was done to obtain stable operation of extraction system. Beam parameters are
determined using wire scan method. Experimental results are summarized and analyzed.
1. J.R. Pierce, Theory and Design of Electron Beams, Van Nostrand, London, 1949.
2. A.T. Forrester, Ion Beams Fundamental of Generation and Propagation, Wiley, New
York, 1988.
Design of Three-electrode Beam Extraction System for ECR Ion Source using
IBSimu code
Three-electrode extraction system has been simulated using IBSimu ion optical code for ECR Ion
Source (IS). Previously, the ion source for LEHIPA was designed for 50 keV beam energy. But various
experimental studies have shown that the emittance of the extracted beam is minimum when the
extraction voltage is around 30 kV. The MEHIPA linac has been designed for an input beam energy of
30 keV. It requires an ECR IS extraction system, which will provide 30keV, 10mA proton beam.
Moreover, the experimentally measured values of beam emittance in our ECR Ion Source is found to
be higher in compared to its estimated values from simulation. To understand the discrepancies
between simulation and experimentally measured values of emittance, a simulation study of the beam
extraction is necessary. Accurately predicting the behaviour of extracted proton beam from the ECRIS
is important, both for estimation of beam transport through subsequent lattices as well as high current
operation of the linac. Here, we present the preliminary simulation results of the ion beam extraction,
which was performed using the ion optical code IBSimu. The shape of the electrodes has been kept
same as that of the existing LEHIPA IS. For simulation the best values of mesh sizes and iteration
number have been obtained. Simulation has been done up to 250mm distance from the exit hole of the
plasma electrode. Beam emittance and Twiss parameters of the rms ellipse are calculated at various
locations. Different parameters of the extraction system such as extraction gap (distance between
plasma and puller electrode), suppressor voltage, electrodes aperture, extraction voltage has been
optimized to get minimum rms emittance at 200 mm distance from the exit hole of the plasma electrode.
The extraction gap has been changed in the range of 16-30 mm; it is seen that the emittance is minimum
at 25 mm extraction gap. The extraction voltage is varied from 20 kV to 50 kV, and minimum emittance
is found at 30 kV of extraction voltage, which is in compliance with various experimental results. The
dependence of emitted beam on the suppressor voltage has also been tested. It is found that, though
the emittance has almost no dependence on suppressor voltage, the angular divergence increases
slightly as the voltage is varied from 2 to 4 kV. Additionally, in simulation a huge beam loss is observed
after 400mm distance from the plasma electrode.
Superconducting resonant cavity based high average current electron injector systems are required for
the photo fission process to produce radioactive ion beams. The injector system requires a 300 kV, 10
mA electron gun to emit and accelerate beam up to β value necessary for the optimal capture and
acceleration in the superconducting cavity section. A thermionic gridded cathode is an ideal candidate for
such electron gun since beam bunching as well as current modulation can be achieved by feeding RF
power at the grid of the cathode. In this work we present design and beam dynamics simulation of 300 kV
electron gun with grid modulation at 650 MHz RF frequency. Analytical and numerical simulations were
carried out to design a 300 keV electron gun. The gun geometry was optimized using “CST particle
studio”. For beam dynamics simulation, PIC code “GPT” was used to determine the bunch length, beam
emittance and other beam parameters at the gun exit.
1. Zhang L, Adam G, Militsyn B, He W, Cross AW, “ Electron Injector Based on
Thermionic RF-Modulated Electron Gun for Particle Accelerator Applications”, IEEE
Transactions on Electron Devices. 2020;67(1):347-53.
2. G. Adam, L. Zhang, A. W. Cross and B. Militsyn, “Beam dynamic analysis of RF
modulated electron beam produced by gridded thermionic guns”, Proceedings of the
12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC), August 2021.
3. K. Fong, D. Storey , “Design of an RF modulated thermionic electron source at
TRIUMF”, Proceedings of the 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference
(IPAC), 2018.
4. F. Ames, K. Fong, B. Humphries, S. Koscielniak, A. Laxdal, Y. Ma, T. Planche, S.
Saminathan, E. Thoeng, “Operation of an RF modulated electron source at
TRIUMF”, Proceedings of the 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference
(IPAC), 2018.
Avinash Kumar Mehta1*, Ashmak Moon1, Gopal D Gote1, Yash Mittal1, G Trinadha
Reddy3, Venkat N Ramani3 and K P Karunakaran1
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai-400076, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Plasma and Vacuum Technologies, GIDC kathwada-382430, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Electron Beam (EB) is a bunch of negatively charged particles moving together. EB can be
accelerated to a higher velocity (Up to 0.7x speed of light) by applying acceleration voltage.
This high-Velocity EB can be used for several applications, such as manufacturing, medical,
metrology, electronics, etc. According to the type of applications, The EB can be used for
scanning, melting, heating, microstructure analysis, surface treatments, medical treatments,
lithography, etc. Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing (EBAM) is an emerging technology for
creating complex and precise metal parts for direct end use. In the powder-based EBAM
process, a high-speed EB is used to scan and melt powder particles and deposit them using
various motion systems. To Control the part accuracy and built quality, the EB has to deflect
over the powder bed precisely to scan and melt the powder. This positioning and shaping of
EB are achieved through a magnetic field system. Precise deflection of EB is challenging
because of the interfering magnetic fields, which cause aberration. Also, Beam gets defocused
when the EB moves away from its axis. Figure 1a shows the mechanism of defocusing. Both
the above reason results in distorted and larger EB. Figure 1b shows the shape and size of
the EB at different locations of the bed. Here different colors have been used to differentiate
the various angular zones of the bed, such as green for 00 & 900 locations, blue for 450, and
red for 22.50 & 67.50. Therefore, the EB should be traced very accurately for the precise
functioning of the powder-based EBAM system.
In this work, a detailed study has been carried out to trace the path of the electrons
for optimization of the shape and size of the EB. Simulation has been performed using
COMSOL Multiphysics to analyze the EB trajectory along equally spaced planes
perpendicular to the direction of motion of electrons. The two approaches have been used for
tracing the path of the EB. In the first approach, ten equally spaced electrons have been
released vertically downward from the periphery of a circle of 1mm diameter. In the second
approach, 500 converging electrons have been released from a circular face with diameter of
2.2mm. Various magnetic coils with proper current and potential values have been used for
required beam deflection. Based on the simulation output and literature study available on the
deflection yoke of CRT [1-3], a unique saddle-type deflection coil has been designed to deflect
the beam by ±150 from the axis accurately. Also, instead of a single winding, discrete winding
is preferred as the deflection of the EB is subjected to the shape of the coil, and there has to
be a varying magnetic field to encounter the electrons at various locations. Two pairs of coils
have been used for deflection in X and Y directions, with each coil consists of 4 discrete
subsections connected in series. The shape and size of the coil have been optimized using
an iterative approach to avoid beam drift and defocusing issues. Figure 1c shows the designed
and fabricated deflection coil as per the simulation results (left side) and the shape of the EB
at different heights during deflection.
Keywords: Electron Beam, Particle tracing, Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing (EBAM),
Beam Deflection.
1. B. Dasgupta, “Recent advances in deflection yoke design”, In SID Symposium Digest
of Technical Papers, 1999, May, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 248-253, Oxford, UK: Blackwell
Publishing Ltd.
Thermal Characteristics and Frequency Tuning Methodology for 325 MHz RFQ
Linac Development Division
Accelerator Group
Raja Ramanna Center for Advanced Technology, Indore
RRCAT is involved in the development of a 3 MeV, 325 MHz Radio Frequency Quadrupole
(RFQ) structure as a part of front end for high energy proton accelerator. During operation, Radio
Frequency (RF) induced heating in the RFQ results in temperature rise, deformations and subsequent
frequency shift from designed value. A water cooling scheme is designed to take away RF heat from RFQ
structure. Beside heat removal, cooling water will also be used to tune the cavity frequency close to the
designed value. Detailed three dimensional multi-physics finite element analyses of RFQ structure have
been carried for various duty factors. Parametric studies are performed to investigate the effect of cooling
water temperatures on RFQ frequency. Based on thermal characteristics of RFQ, the cooling water
temperatures will be adjusted to achieve the designed frequency during steady state operation. Results of
numerical studies and frequency tuning methodology for RFQ is presented in the paper.
Design and Development of PLC Based RF Cavity Tuner System for 31.6MHz RF
Cavities in Indus complex
Nitesh Mishra, Pritam S. Bagduwal, Nitesh Tiwari, Dheeraj Sharma, Pankaj Gothwal, Ekansh Mishra,
M. Prasad and Mahendra Lad
Radio Frequency Systems Division, RRCAT, Indore (M.P.)-452013
At RRCAT, Indus-1 and Indus-2 are two Synchrotron Radiation Sources (SRS) at
RRCAT, having stored electron energies of 450 MeV and 2.5 GeV respectively. Both these
rings are filled using a common Booster synchrotron. Both Booster synchrotron and Indus-1
SRS are filled using a 31.6 MHz RF systems, which consist of RF signal generator, RF
Amplifier, Circulator and RF Cavity along with Low-Level RF (LLRF) system. LLRF systems
mainly have subsystems like Amplitude Control Loop (ACL)-Phase Control Loop (PCL), Power
monitoring and Interlocks and RF Cavity Frequency Tuning loop (FTL). Resonance frequency
of RF Cavity may drift due to change in dynamic conditions like RF cavity water temperature,
beam loading and ambient temperature etc. This causes detuning which results higher RF
reflected power from the RF cavity. For faithful operation of machine and effective utilization
of RF power, RF Cavity shall be kept tuned near to the RF generator frequency under all
operating conditions. Booster and Indus-1 RF 31.6 MHz cavities are equipped with three
plungers each for frequency tuning. To keep the RF cavity automatically tuned, a
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) based RF cavity tuner system is designed and
developed for Booster and Indus-1. Amount of RF cavity detuning from operating frequency
is obtained by measuring the phase difference between forward and RF cavity sense signal
using RF phase detector. Based upon this detuning in RF cavity, PLC system moves the
plungers via stepper motor driver following a stepper motor to keep RF cavity tuned throughout
machine operation. Algorithm for appropriate movement of plunger for tuning of RF cavity has
been successfully implemented in PLC. This development is an upgraded system of earlier
system used in Indus complex that have extra features like “Auto/Manual” mode selection and
limit switch interlock status in local, “Home” position during trip and Detuning in kHz etc. During
machine experiment, Plungers are required to operate manually, considering this
“Auto/Manual” mode selection option in local mode has been additionally implemented. This
new FTL system will also have the feature of displaying the detuning in kHz which shall be
helpful in normal operation. Limit-Switches are implemented to keep plungers in safe range
and their live status can be monitored in HMI in local. This system also has one new feature
of “Home Position” that ensures in case of any fault and RF trip, all the plungers automatically
placed in to manual mode and parked to predefined safe positions (i.e. “Home” positions).
This system is designed in such a manner that it shall be able to tune either Booster or Indus-
1 RF cavity precisely in its entire bandwidth range. A Human Machine Interface (HMI) has also
been developed to display Real-Time positions of plungers, Auto/Manual Mode status, Tuning
Compensation etc. along with the provision of operating FTL in local mode. This new system
has additional feature of data storage which could be used for post mortem analysis and
machine learning applications.
In this paper, experience of design and development of “PLC Based RF Cavity Tuner
System” will be presented.
Vikash Sahoo 1,2, Sudeshna Seth 1, Surajit Ghosh1,2, Aditya Mandal1, Anjan Duttagupta1,
UmaShankar Panda1, Sumit Som1
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC)-Kolkata
Homi Bhabha National Institute - Mumbai
VECC has planned to design and develop a 13MeV Compact Superconducting Medical
Cyclotron(CSMC). CSMC will accelerate H- ions to an energy of 13 MeV with beam current
of 50 µA. Radio frequency Cavity of the CSMC is one end short circuited quarter-wave (λ/4)
coaxial transmission line, consisting of inner conductor called Dee stem, which is terminated
by an accelerating electrode called Dee where accelerating Dee voltage at 54 MHz, will be
produced. This paper presents the multipacting analysis of the RF cavity as it can produce
vacuum degradation, localized heating etc. in the RF cavity. Multipacting is a phenomenon of
resonant secondary electron emission from metal surfaces inside vacuum, which can lead to
exponential growth of secondary electrons. The analysis of multipacting is carried out using
3D code CST-Particle Studio and the results are discussed in the paper. Simulation results
shows that when no DC magnetic field at the Dee region is present, multipacting exists at
only lower input RF power while when the DC magnetic field is applied, multipacting is not
observed at any input RF power.
Synchrotron storage ring has many beam based longitudinal modes depending upon
the RF frequency and ring parameters. Significant growth in any of these mode can cause
beam instabilities and in turn increase in the beam emittance. One of the main cause of these
instabilities is when any of beam harmonic mode coincides with the Higher Order Modes
(HOM) of the RF cavities. These instabilities can be reduced in many ways, shifting the HOM
frequency of the RF cavity away from the beam harmonic frequency is one of them. In SRS
Indus-2, HOM frequency shift is being achieved by precisely changing the RF cavity
temperature and moving the HOM frequency shifter plungers of cavity. Difficulty with these
schemes is that, if we tune away one HOM in RF cavity, other HOM may come closer to beam
harmonics and can still drive the instabilities. This will be tedious task if there are large number
of cavities and HOMs, like in the case of low emittance machines. It also becomes a very
serious issue in large diameter storage rings where the orbital frequency is small or
comparable to the bandwidth of the modes. For trouble free operation at higher currents single
cell HOM damped cavity is preferred. In this cavity HOMs are damped by only ridged
waveguide dampers followed by 50-ohm coaxial transition. This cylindrical cavity is nose cone
in its shape and is equipped with three HOM dampers. These dampers are in the form of
ridged Circular Waveguide to Coaxial Transition (CWCT).
A prototype pillbox type 500 MHz Higher Order Mode (HOM) damped RF cavity [1][2]
with nose cones has been designed towards capacity building for High Brilliance Synchrotron
Radiation Source. For ease of fabrication development of HOM damped RF cavity is done in
three parts, namely hexagonal body, end plates and three HOM dampers. HOM damper is
ridged circular waveguide to coaxial transition (CWCT) [3] consisting of a tapered circular
double-ridged waveguide, a transformer section and a 7/8” coaxial line of 50Ω impedance.
This damper will ensure the propagation of HOMs out from main cavity. To build up confidence
in fabrication of complex RF accelerating structure this prototype HOM damped RF cavity and
all the parts have been fabricated in Aluminum alloy. Before assembly in the RF cavity,
characterization of HOM dampers was carried out. This paper describes RF design,
challenges faced in the fabrication and assembly of RF cavity with three HOM dampers along
with test results of important RF cavity parameters.
M Prasad*, Pritam S Bagduwal, Nitesh Mishra, Ekansh Mishra, Dheeraj Sharma, Pankaj Gothwal,
Nitesh Tiwari & MahendraLad
RF Systems Division, RRCAT, Indore
RF Cavities are one of the most important components of any particle accelerator. It
not only imparts the energy to the charge particles but also the overall response of the RF
system is strongly governed by the RF cavity due to its high Quality factor. These RF cavities
are not readily available for testing and optimization of Low Level RF control (LLRF) systems.
Different accelerators operate at different RF frequencies; accordingly their LLRF systems are
designed. In order to reduce the installation time of LLRF systems, their characterization and
optimization has to be done. Availability of RF cavity helps in optimization of PI parameters in
close loop operation. Considering this a wide band capacitive loaded tunable aluminium RF
cavity in the range of 320 MHz to 725 MHz, has been designed and developed for testing of
LLRF systems in lab. This cavity can be tuned to any frequency in its tunable range for LLRF
system testing. Electromagnetic simulations for this cavity have been performed with the help
of SUPERFISH and 3D-CST Studio Suite. Tuning of the RF cavity to required frequency is
achieved by varying the length of tuning plunger inside the RF cavity. Change in fundamental
frequency and unloaded quality factor with change in penetration length of plunger have been
computed. Five ports are provided on the cavity which can be used as feed and sensing ports.
Also by terminating these ports appropriately, the loaded quality factor at desired operating
frequency can be controlled. This provides flexibility in characterization of LLRF system for a
wide range of response time. Simulated unloaded quality factors at resonant frequencies of
325 MHz, 505 MHz and 650 MHz are 9100, 10600 and 12900 respectively. Low power RF
characterization of cavity has been carried out over a frequency range of 320 MHz to 725
MHz. By tuning this cavity to 325 MHz, Digital LLRF system at 325 MHz for RFQ has been
tested and optimization of LLRF parameters was done. By tuning this cavity at 476 MHz,
adaptive feed forward based pulsed Digital LLRF system for IRFEL was optimized before
installation in IRFEL. This cavity is being used in Lab for the characterization and optimization
of LLRF systems at different frequencies and applications.
This paper describes the design, electromagnetic simulations, development and RF
characterization results of the tunable RF cavity. Optimization of PI parameters carried out in
Lab for different LLRF systems using this cavity along with results will also be presented in
this paper.
1. N. Tiwari, P. S. Bagduwal, D. Sharma, N. Mishra and M. Lad “Development and
Commissioning of Compact Digital LLRF System for Indus-2 SRS”, in Proc. Vol 1,
InPAC, IUAC, New-Delhi, India, 2019, pp. 22.
2. N. Tiwari, P. S. Bagduwal, D. Sharma, E. Mishra, N. Mishra, P. Gothwal, M. Prasad
and M. Lad, “Design and Development of Digital Low level RF System for RFQ at
RRCAT”, InPAC, VECC, Kolkata, India, 2022
Design and simulation of a VHF band directional coupler for high accuracy power
measurement of 150 MHz, 300 W Solid State Amplifier
BARC has developed a prototype 150 MHz, 300 W solid state RF amplifier (SSA) as a part
of up-gradation of the BARC-TIFR Pelletron LINAC facility (PLF). As a part of the
indigenization of the power measurement system of the LINAC, it had been planned to
develop directional couplers for accurate measurement of forward and reflected power.
Directional couplers are passive, reciprocal four port devices that couple part of the
transmitted power by a known amount through another port, often by using two transmission
lines set close enough together such that power passing through one is coupled to another.
The typical parameters of a directional coupler are coupling factor, insertion loss, isolation
and input and output port return loss. For the 150 MHz, 300 W SSA, the performance
requirements of the directional coupler are strong coupling (<35 dB) to minimize the effect of
noise on the coupled samples, particularly reflected power sample. Another requirement is
that of high directivity (>25 dB) for limiting interference between the forward and reflected
samples at the respective coupled ports to ensure accurate power measurement. Based on
the power handling requirement (300 W CW max.) and the need for compactness, it had
been planned to design a microstrip line type directional coupler for the present requirement.
However, high directivity requirement poses a design challenge and it is difficult to obtain
directivity>25 dB in such structures. Therefore, certain modifications in the typical geometry
of the microstrip type directional coupler have been adopted to meet the dual requirements
of coupling and directivity. The modifications include the use of suitable bend cutting
methods for the coupled section as well as impedance mismatch compensation [1]. The
microstrip type directional coupler has been implemented on a dielectric substrate having
thickness 1.6 mm and dielectric constant 2.2. The metal track thickness on the substrate is
70 microns. The simulation of the directional coupler has been done using CST microwave
studio and the measured parameters at 150 MHz are coupling factor: 33 dB, insertion loss
<0.1 dB, directivity>30 dB and input /output match>30 dB. The measured parameters of the
directional coupler are in agreement with the design requirements and provide a high
accuracy compact solution for power measurement in the VHF band.
Integration and testing of 150 MHz, 300 W solid state RF amplifier with
superconducting cavity of BARC-TIFR PLF Superconducting LINAC
Snigdha Singh1, J.K. Mishra1, B.V. Ramarao1, Manjiri Pande1 and Gopal Joshi1
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
As a part of up-gradation of the BARC-TIFR Pelletron LINAC facility (PLF), existing 150
MHz, 150 W amplifiers have been planned to be replaced with high efficiency, compact and
air cooled 150 MHz, 300 W solid state RF amplifiers (SSA). Therefore a prototype 300 W,
150 MHz air-cooled SSA has been designed, developed, tested and integrated with the
superconducting cavity at TIFR. The 300 W SSA has been designed around the LDMOS
device MRFX600H as a class AB amplifier [1][2]. The SSA has a protection and diagnostics
card designed to offer protection against high reflected power, over-current and over-
temperature. Forward and reflected powers are sensed and processed via on-board ICs of
the card. The SSA along with its other sub-systems such as DC power supplies, driver
amplifier, protection sub-system, display unit etc. has been enclosed in a 19”, 4U cabinet
having a depth of 650mm. The SSA has been tested on a 50 ohm load and some of its
important specifications are: Rated power (CW): 300 W at 150 MHz, 1 dB BW: > 3 MHz, DC
to RF Efficiency: 65%, gain flatness: 2.3 dB over 10 dB dynamic range, harmonics: < -30
dBc and warm up time within 20 seconds. The SSA has the option of remote as well as local
RF ON/OFF and reset. On the front panel, RF forward and reflected power are displayed
and the fault indications for reflected power, temperature and DC power supply eases the
diagnostics process during accelerator run.
The SSA has been integrated with one of the resonators M3R4 of the superconducting
LINAC at TIFR. It has been tested in closed loop via the low level RF (LLRF) system for
amplitude and phase locking with the other cavities of the LINAC. The amplitude and phase
stability of the closed loop were 0.1 % and 0.1 degree respectively. The integrated system
has been operated with the SC LINAC for more than 72 hours before accelerator facility was
shut down as its objectives were completed. The entire system had been operational without
any problem in amplifier or its integration with LLRF and cavity.
1. Snigdha Singh, J.K. Mishra, Muthu S, B.V. Ramarao, Manjiri Pande, and Gopal
Joshi, “Design, development and testing of a 150 MHz, 300W solid state power
amplifier for the BARC-TIFR PLF superconducting LINAC”, InPAC 2022, 22-25
March 2022
2. Jitendra Kumar Mishra, B.V.Ramarao, Manjiri M.Pande, P.Singh., “A compact high
efficiency 8 kW 325 MHz power amplifier for accelerator applications”, Nucl.
Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Volume 764, p. 247-256 (2014).
Warm front end of MEHIPA (Medium energy High Intensity Proton Accelerator) is proposed to be
consisting of a RFQ and two Drift Tube Linac (DTL) cavities which accelerates beam to 10 MeV. Each
cavity will be connected to the waveguide power distribution system by two RF couplers designed for
250 kW CW power at 325 MHz. Hence a total of six high power RF couplers are required in the warm
accelerator cavities.
The proposed design evolved from 352 MHz RF Couplers previously developed for LEHIPA [1,2].
However, several changes and further improvements stemming from operational and assembly
experience are incorporated in design. The coupler assembly consists of an iris, ridge section and a
45-degree waveguide bend. The iris opens to the cavity wall and provides magnetic coupling to the
cavity at desired mode. The ridge section provides mechanical size reduction from the large waveguide
to a ridge waveguide with much smaller dimensions while acting as a matching transition. It also
enhances coupling coefficient at the succeeding iris. The 45-degree bend connects the coupler to the
waveguide distribution system while absorbing certain length of the ridge section thereby reducing the
overall length of the ridge section.
Basic requirements for an RF Coupler are to provide optimum coupling coefficient to cavity, induce
minimum frequency change to the cavity, provide ultra-high vacuum performance and to have adequate
power handling capacity. The coupler should have sufficient thermal management to avoid over-heating
damage, to maintain structural integrity of the coupler and its joinery and to provide consistent high
power RF performance. But other factors such as such as fabrication cost, material consumption,
easiness of fabrication, assembly, and testing are also important while designing an RF coupler.
Similar to LEHIPA couplers, the irises and the ridge sections will be made with OFE copper and brazed
in a vacuum furnace. The 45-degree bends will be made in Aluminium. LEHIPA couplers contain two
tuners and a diagnostic port in the ridge section [2]. However, the tuners were never used as the design
coupling was obtained during measurements and did not require any fine tuning. Hence possibility of
removing tuners is being studied. The proposed design also aims to remove any vacuum pumping ports
from the coupler assembly unlike LEHIPA couplers. This rooted from operational experience as the
vacuum pumping from windows will suffice for the entire coupler assembly.
This paper describes basic design procedure followed and results obtained. It also explains changes
adapted such as elimination of tuner ports, vacuum port and physical dimensions in comparison to
previous LEHIPA coupler design. Design simulations for coupling coefficient are done using CST
Microwave Studio [3] on a smaller re-entrant cavity model and are scaled for actual cavity parameters.
Return loss of better than -20 dB is obtained.
Jitendra Kumar Mishra1, Snigdha Singh1, B V Ramarao1, Manjiri Pande1 and Gopal Goshi1
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai
Solid state RF power Amplifiers (SSAs) will drive RF cavities of future RF accelerators.
Research in particle physics, high energy physics, accelerator for medical applications, for
research and development in energy frontiers requires high energy/intensity or both
accelerators depending on requirements. These accelerators require stable output from
these high power amplifiers with efficient, reliable and economically viable RF power. Solid
state RF power amplifiers technology is one of the most explored option by accelerator
community now a days. Most of the new accelerators are being built/planned using solid
state RF power technology. Moreover, this trend has also been complimented by innovations
and exemplary progress of superconducting radio frequency (SRF) technology for
acceleration of charged particle.
SSAs have been increasing their footprint in RF accelerators due to their unique
advantages, i.e. modularity, graceful degradation, low voltage operation, high
availability/reliability, stable/quality RF, scalable, easy maintenance among many others.
However, SSAs are challenged by other technologies like klystrons, tetrodes etc. on the
performance fronts like size, cost and efficiency. Below few tens of kWs of power, SSAs are
efficient and compact compared to other technologies. But for power in excess of 100 kW,
SSA technology is either comparable in size or a bit bulky with lower efficiency and higher
costs. However, other advantages of SSA technology have outweighed these evolving
features of SSA. This has led to decision makers around the world to choose SSAs for
current and future particle accelerators. Despite this, researchers in the field of SSAs
development are working hard on improvement of SSAs characteristics and performance to
match or even exceed to those of other alternatives/challenger technologies.
Efficiency of an amplifier depends on efficiency of its various components which are involved
in supplying of energy/power, conversion of power, its conditioning/transportation up to the
output port of the amplifier. Efficiency of the SSAs can be improved at conversion stage
where DC power is converted to RF and then improvement is required at
conditioning/transport level where power from multiple amplifier modules are combined and
transported to output. We are working on these two components of SSA for improvement on
efficiency. High overall SSA efficiency can be achieved by incorporating amplifier module
with efficiency in excess of 75% and efficient combining technique with better graceful
degradation properties. This approach helps in reduction of size and cost of the amplifier
Another approach that needs to be followed by SSA researchers is to adapt innovative SSA
topology that can help reduce DC power supply size and cost without compromising on its
modularity and reliability aspect. This can be achieved by using efficient, compact and water
cooled DC power supply. Authors would like to present their theoretical work with practical
experience on development of SSAs.
1. J. K. Mishra, “A compact high efficiency 8 kW 325 MHz power amplifier for
accelerator applications”, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Volume 764, p. 247-
256 (2014).
Design upgrade and characterization of 200 W, 325 MHz driver amplifier with high gain for 20 kW
solid state amplifier
Snigdha Singh1, J.K. Mishra1, B.V. Ramarao1, Muthu S1, Manjiri Pande1 and Gopal Joshi1
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
BARC has been developing 20 kW solid state amplifiers for Indian accelerator program.
BARC has developed a prototype 20kW, 325 MHz solid state amplifier [1]. In [1], the driver
and pre driver stage were separate. The driver was a 200W indigenously designed water
cooled amplifier whereas the pre-driver was a 20 W Mini circuits air cooled amplifier, which
was not optimum both in terms of power as well as footprint. As a technological
advancement and as part of the indigenization drive, an integrated 325 MHz, 200 W
amplifier combining the pre-driver and driver stages as a single driver module has been
indigenously designed, developed and tested up to 200 W power output.
The 20 kW solid state amplifier (SSA), requires a minimum gain of 53 dB and 200 W CW
power output from the driver stage to meet the overall gain and output power requirements.
Additionally, the gain and phase variation of the driver amplifier over 30% to 90% output
power must be ≤1dB and ≤2° respectively to meet the overall technical requirements of the
20 kW SSA.
The predriver has been designed around the RF5110G amplifier and has been tested on a
50 ohm load up to 1.1 W power output (@325 MHz).The driver amplifier has been designed
around the LDMOS device as a class AB amplifier. The standalone driver amplifier has also
been initially tested on a 50 ohm load up to 200 W power output. Subsequently the pre-
driver and driver amplifier have been assembled on a water cooled heat sink and tested up
to 200 W power output. The driver stage in [1] had not been tuned for the gain and phase
variation over 30% to 90% output power. Since this is a crucial requirement for the 20 kW
SSA, the driver stage has been tuned to optimize the gain and phase variation. The tested
parameters of the integrated driver assembly at 325 MHz are: gain(@200 W output
power):54 dB, gain variation (over 30% to 90% output power):<1 dB, phase variation(over
30% to 90% output power):<1 degrees and gain variation at 200W output power (from peak
gain):<0.1 dB. Thus, these values are in line with the overall technical requirements of the 20
kW solid state amplifier and the driver acts as an effective high gain frontend amplifier for the
20 kW amplifier.
1. JK Mishra, “Development and testing of prototype 20 kw, 325 MHz solid state
RF power amplifier for accelerator program”, InPAC 2019, IUAC, N Delhi, India.
Dipta Pratim Dutta1, Tapan Kumar Mandi, Hemendra Kumar Pandey, Arihant Kumar Jain, Siddhartha
Dechoudhury, Vaishali Naik, Arup Bandyopadhyay
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata and
Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI), Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai – 400085
Charged particle beams are being accelerated by the RF accelerators at RIB facility at VECC.
During RF conditioning and beam operation, high power RF is applied to the RF accelerators,
which may cause the RF cavities to get detuned. To mitigate the detuning, cavity tuner control
mechanism employing feedback for automatic operation has been developed for the RF
accelerators and re-bunchers in the RIB beam line. Tuner controllers have been tested and
their performances optimized for LINAC-2, Re-buncher-2 and Re-buncher-3 operating at
37.87 MHz and LINAC-3 operating at 75.74 MHz.
Each RF cavity is fitted with a mechanical tuner for resonant frequency tuning of the cavity [1].
The mechanical tuner is moved using a high torque stepper motor coupled to the tuner. In the
automatic mode of operation, the movement of the stepper motor is controlled by the tuner
controller, based on a feedback signal derived from the forward power and cavity pick-up. For
efficient movement of the tuner when the cavity is in high vacuum, a mechanism using a high-
torque stepper motor (22 Nm) and ball screw has been devised. The control system is an
ADuC841 microcontroller based feedback control system and can be operated in either
manual or automatic mode [2]. The phase difference between the forward power and cavity
pick-up serves as a measure of the detuning of the cavity from its original resonance position.
Minimum frequency shift possible is around 15 Hz for LINAC-3 for a minimum linear movement
of 10 µm. Feedback phase difference detection resolution is less than 1o.
Very high Q of the RF cavities makes it necessary that maximum power is transmitted into the
RF cavity and reflection is minimized. Maximum power transmission is also desirable during
beam acceleration to obtain required accelerating voltage at the calculated RF power.
Automatic frequency tuning has been employed during high power conditioning of LINAC-2,
Re-buncher-2, Re-buncher-3 and LINAC-3. Charged particle beam acceleration has also
been done using the RF cavities tuned to their resonant frequencies at all power levels. The
tuner controller functions in synchronism with the LLRF controller during beam operation.
Reflected power has been maintained at levels below 1% of the forward power in the tuned
condition. In this paper, the design, fabrication and performance during RF conditioning and
beam operation of the RF cavity tuners is presented. Future scope of development is also
discussed in brief.
1. Arup Bandyopadhyay et al., “Post-accelerator LINAC development for the RIB facility
project at VECC, Kolkata”, Proc. LINAC08, 2008, Victoria, BC, Canada.
2. D. P. Dutta et al., “Design and development of a feedback control mechanism for on-
line frequency tuning of IH-LINAC”, InPAC 2018, Indore.
The various accelerator modules of RIB facility are installed for accelerating beam up
to 1 MeV/u [1-3]. This comprises RFQ linac, five heavy-ion linac modules (L1-L5) and
five rebunchers (RB1-RB5) operating at 37.8 MHz and 75.6 MHz. Currently, facility is
commissioned up to energy of 0.415 MeV/u. All the cavities have separate RF power
amplifiers with a low level RF control system. To achieve efficient beam transmission
and acceleration, all these RF cavities needed to be operated in phase synchronism
with respect to a reference RF signal. A RF distribution system has been developed to
divide the signal from the signal generator to the respective phase and level controllers
of the individual transmitters. A single oscillator at 37.8 MHz drives all the RF power
amplifiers through RF distribution system. The forward and reflected power samples
and pick-up signal from each of the RF accelerator cavities are fed to the low level RF
control modules of the RF amplifiers. The amplified signals are fed to the cavities. The
phase and power level for each cavity could be varied using the respective phase and
level controllers of the individual transmitters.
The developmental work as well as measurement results during beam line operation
will be presented in this paper.
1. A. Chakrabarti, The radioactive ion beam project at VECC, Kolkata – Its present status and
future plans, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. B 261 (2007) 1018.
2. V. Naik et al., First online production of radioactive ion beams at VECC, Nucl. Instr. and Meth.
Phys. B (2013).
3. A. Bandhyopadhyay et al., Post-accelerator linac development for the RIB facility project at
VECC Kolkata, LINAC08, Victoria, BC, Canada, Paper ID MOP018
Many high power (20 kW at frequency of 325 MHz) coaxial RF couplers are being fabricated
in BARC under IIFC collaboration. To check high power performance of these couplers, high
power RF source is required. So, design and development of 30 kW resonant ring high
power RF test facility has been taken up in BARC. Such type of couplers will also be used
for future DAE projects like MEHIPA. Resonant ring has advantage of providing high power
by using passive low cost RF components. It is cost effective, simple in design and doesn’t
require very high voltage for operation.
The main components of the ring are Directional couplers (13 dB and 50 dB),
waveguide transmission lines, tuners, bends, RF amplifier and RF load etc. The
performance of the resonant ring depends on many variables like coupling coefficient of the
directional coupler, return loss, attenuation in the ring and electrical length of the ring [1].
The resonant frequency of the ring has been set to 325 MHz with the help of tuners. The low
level gain obtained earlier was about 11 dB 2]. After optimization this has been increased to
about 13 dB at 325 MHz [2].. After low power characterization high power testing of the
resonant ring has been done. The RF source has been connected at the input of resonant
ring via transmission lines. Slowly input power has been raised to get high travelling power
in the ring. With input of about 1.1 kW we obtained RF power of about 30 kW in the ring. The
ring has been operated at high power for about 75 hours. This paper presents the results of
the high power test of the resonant ring. The MEHIPA SSR RF couplers requires more
power (about 40 kW) for testing and for 200 MeV accelerator further higher power couplers
will be required. So, it is planned to increase the input amplifier power to 7 kW. This will give
around 200 kW in the ring without couplers as the gain will be same. In future few
waveguide sections of the ring will be replaced by two coaxial RF couplers with a cavity in
between for testing. The two couplers will be part of the closed resonant ring. Thus with the
help of the resonant ring setup two 325 MHz RF couplers will be tested simultaneously at
high power.
Narendra Kumar *, Deeksha Vyas, Akhilesh Jain, Ramesh Kumar, and Mahendra Lad
RRCAT, Indore
Indus-2 RF system at Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT) Indore, is
equipped with six 60 kW, 505.8 MHz, CW RF power stations [1] feeding to normal
conducting elliptical RF cavities generating over 1.5 MV of gap voltage. Among these, the
RF cavity installed in RF station #5 is developed inhouse by RFSD, RRCAT indigenously. In
a synchrotron radiation source, it is essential to keep the resonant frequency of the RF
cavity constant. Hence for the proper filling of electron beam current and smooth energy
ramping to 2.5 GeV level, a precision chiller unit for each RF cavity is used which keeps the
thermal profile of RF cavity precisely stable during full operation. A Thermal Profile Data
Logging and Protection Subsystem for Indus-2 RF Cavity system was installed and
commissioned in the Indus-2 RF system to display and log the thermal profile data, as well
as to provide thermal protection to the RF cavities. This protection is against any incidental
excessive rise in RF cavity surface temperature during the round ‘O’ clock operation of
Indus-2 synchrotron Radiation Source.
The system uses a Hioki make 60 universal channel data logger, K type and T type
thermocouples suitably customised for proper mounting upon the surface of the RF cavity,
interface cables and connectors compatible for the used thermocouples. As the mechanical
mounting of the thermocouples upon the surface of RF cavity is not recommended due to
various reasons, customised thermocouples having flat square shaped copper strip brazed
on the junction tip were mounted, using thermally conductive epoxy adhesive paste which
can withstand high temperature of the surface without loosing its properties. Around 7
numbers of K type thermocouples are fixed at suitable places upon the surface of the RF
cavity, so that a comprehensive data of the RF cavity thermal profile may be obtained. As
the cavity is installed in the extremely high radiation area (zone # 3), K type thermocouples
are used due to their high relative radiation hardness. Connectors and cables used for the
interfacing of the thermocouples with the data logger placed in RF equipment hall area are
also made up of the similar material to maintain the compatibility. In total, approximately
200-meter length cable has been routed through the trenches to provide interface between
thermocouples and datalogger unit. One T type thermocouple is also mounted upon the
cavity surface at appropriate place which is used for the reference temperature purpose.
The 60 universal channel datalogger has been programmed with OR logic to generate a
potential free contact to trip the interlock unit [2] of the respective RF station in case the
temperature of any thermocouple exceeds the safe limit. The system was tested okay after
installation and has been working properly since it’s commissioning in 2017.
This paper presents about the scheme, technical considerations and issues related to
maintenance of the subsystem.
1. Ramesh Kumar*, Ashish Tiwari, Rajeev Arora, M. Prasad, N. Bhardwaj, Alok Gupta,
Deepak Sharma, Akhilesh Jain, M.K.Badapanda, Nageswar Rao, P. Bagduwal,
Nitesh Tiwari, Ashish Bohrey, Mahendra Lad, A. Karnewar, R.M. Pandey, Sanjay
Gupta, R. K. Sahu, T. Puntambekar, V. Sathe, D.P. Yadav, B.K. Sindal, R. Sridhar,
R.S. Sandha, and Jishnu Dwivedi, “Installation and Commissioning of
Indigenously Developed RF Cavity in Indus-2”,in Proc. Indian Particle
Accelerator Conference (InPAC 2018), Raja Ramanna centre for Advanced
Technology (RRCAT), Indore, January 09-12, pp. --.
2. Narendra Bharadwaj#, Nitesh Tiwari, Mahendra Lad, “Design modifications and
up gradations in Indus 2 RF safety interlock system for the safety of recently
commissioned insertion devices U1 and U2”, in Proc. Indian Particle Accelerator
Conference (InPAC 2015), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai,
December 21-24, pp. 411-414
In India, DAE laboratories are now actively involved in research and development
activities on SRF cavities and associated technologies for high current, high energy
proton linear accelerators, which is essential for development of ADSS and
Spallation Neutron Source by DAE and also for the FERMILAB PIP-II Project.
These activities are being carried out under Indian institutions- Fermilab
collaboration (IIFC). As part of these activities, VECC, Kolkata, has been involved
in the design and development of 650 MHz, β=0.61, 5-cell elliptical shape
Superconducting RF linac cavity(LB650 cavity). After the completion of design ,
fabrication of two 5 -cell LB650 niobium cavities has started. To validate the
process of fabrication of 5- cell LB650 niobium cavity , a prototype 5- cell copper
LB650 cavity has been developed before the development of 5- cell LB650 niobium
cavity. Subsequently, all the niobium halfcells for two 5-cell niobium LB650
cavities have been developed and electron beam welding of the halfcells are going
on ,at present, for development of niobium dumbbells. The fabrication process of a
5 -cell cavity consists of fabrication of halfcells and stiffener rings , welding of
halfcells and stiffener rings, to develop four sets of dumbbells and two sets of End
groups, subsequent welding of the dumbbells and end groups, to fabricate sub-
assemblies and final welding to fabricate the 5-cell cavity. To take care of the
frequency deviation introduced during forming of halfcells and during welding
process, frequency measurements are carried out for halfcells, dumbells, end group
and subassemblies and depending on the measured values , dumbbells are trimmed
in the equator region. Frequency measurements set up have been developed for
measurement of halfcells, dumbells, end group and subassemblies of 5-cell LB650
K. Adarsh Pratap Singh*, Vikas Rajput, P. Mohania, A. Mahawar, U. P. Pandey, R. Namdeo, D. Baxy,
M. Lad, P. Shrivastava
RF Systems Division
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore - 452 013, India
Superconducting RF cavities are formed using materials like niobium or Nb3Sn, which become
superconducting at cryogenic temperatures. These cavities have a very high quality factor (1010) and require
qualification and testing at several stages before final use. Under the Indian Institutions’ Fermi Lab
Collaboration (IIFC), RRCAT is developing 5-cell, β0.92, 650 MHz SCRF cavities for Fermi Lab, USA. The
external quality factor Qext of a cavity with a high power coupler is a critical parameter that must be measured
before the cavity can be used. The high power coupler-to-cavity coupling factor is calculated from the
measured Qext. As the actual high power coupler of the cavity is bulky& delicate and needs a Class 100
clean room for installation & measurement, a dummy coupler is being developed for Qext measurement of the
cavity. For RF coupling and hence Qext measurement, the dummy coupler behaves like an actual high power
coupler but does not require a clean room for installation. Dummy coupler measurement allows for the
calculation of the SCRF cavity's power requirements during machine operation.
The output impedance of dummy coupler is designed to be the same as that of the actual 50 kW 650 MHz
coupler, which, in this case is 105 ohms. The output impedance is kept high to minimize/restrict the power
loss in the outer conductor, as power loss on the outer conductor decreases the efficiency of the RF coupler.
After the output section, the impedance of the coupler is transformed and matched to 50 ohms. Matching is
necessary for obtaining accurate Qext value. The structure has been simulated using an electromagnetic
simulation software CST’. The results of the convergence study have been completed and they are as
expected. The real coupler has also been simulated. The inner conductor with goosefoot has been rotated
360° with a 30°step size, and Qext values have been computed using the software. Simulation data shows
variation of Qext values with respect to inner conductor angles. The variation in Qext values at different angles
is due to the asymmetry in the electric field distribution at the location of the coupler position, which is
mounted on a beam pipe.
After the fabrication of the dummy coupler, a dimensional inspection will be performed to verify the dummy
coupler's geometry. The Qext values of the dummy coupler, which are expected to be close to those of a 50
kW high power coupler, will be measured. Qext of the coupler will be measured using two methods. In the first
method, the ‘reflection’ method, only a dummy coupler is required. In the second method, an additional
antenna will be used for measurement using the transmission parameter method. The results of both
methods will be analyzed and compared with the simulation data. This paper presents the simulation,
analysis, development, and Qext measurement methods of a high power dummy coupler whose fabrication is
in progress.
[1] S. Kazakov et al., “Design of 162.5 MHz CW main coupler for RFQ”, in Proc. 27th Linear Accelerator
Conf. (LINAC’14), Geneva, Switzerland, Aug.-Sep. 2015, pp. 960-962.
[2] S. Kazakov et al., “Status of 325 MHz main couplers for PXIE”, in Proc. 27th Linear Accelerator Conf.
(LINAC’14), Geneva, Switzerland, Aug.-Sep. 2015, pp. 963-965.
[3]S. Kazakov, “Design studies on LB650 & HB650 power couplers -simulation challenges and issues”,
presented in the PIP-II Technical Workshop, December 1th, 2020.
[4] O. Pronitchev and S. Kazakov, “Design of Main Coupler for 650 MHz SC Cavities of PIP-II Project”, in
Proc. North American Particle Accelerator Conf. (NAPAC'16), Chicago, IL, USA, Oct. 2016, pp. 121-123.
development of low β Niobium QWR cavities (βopt=0.07) has been initiated. A prototype of
SS for qualification of electromagnetic design is under fabrication [2,3]. The design
qualification of the prototype, mainly the resonant frequency and field mapping using a
bead pull test, is an important step in the cavity development process [4]. A small teflon
bead is used to perturb the resonant cavity, which consequently changes the
electromagnetic fields within the cavity and the resonant frequency of the cavity. Frequency
modulation technique is used to measure the change in frequency accurately, which is
directly proportional to the change in electric field. To qualify the design and performance
of the low beta cavities, a precision bead pull test setup is developed at TIFR employing a
teflon bead of 6 mm diameter.
In this setup, the displacement of the bead in precise steps of 1 mm is achieved
using a gear assembly and a stepper motor. The microstepping stepper motor driver
A4988 is incorporated in the stepper motor controller design. To test the setup, the field
mapping was carried out in the lead plated copper cavity (βopt=0.1). Multiple sets of
readings are taken using a high precision signal generator (R&S make SMB100A, 1.1 GHz)
and data was recorded using 500 MHz digital oscilloscope (Tektronix DPO4054B).
Further, tests are underway to measure the phase shift with Vector Network Analyzer
(VNA). The field inside the cavity can be deduced from the measured angle. It is proposed
to automate the measurement setup. The details of setup and preliminary results will be
3. N.K. Mishra, P.V. Tyagi, A.A. Shinde, A.D. Singh, S.P. Singh, A. Bhattacharyya,
S. Pal, R. Palit, B. Srinivasan, V. Nanal, B.K. Nayak and R.G. Pillay “LOW BETA
LINAC AT BARC-TIFR PLF, MUMBAI” Proceedings of the InPAC 2019, Page
No 227-228.
Proton Linac Development Division
Superconducting Cavities Development Division
Proton Accelerator Group
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
RRCAT is developing elliptical high beta dressed superconducting RF cavity for domestic as
well as international projects. Due to high quality factor, superconducting RF cavities are
very sensitive to external vibrations generated from vacuum pumps, AHU, motors etc.
Generally, superconducting RF cavities are designed to have mechanical resonance
frequency above 100 Hz for avoiding resonance with external vibrations [1]. The mechanical
resonance frequency of the cavity depends on its material of construction, design, type of
mounting/ support, tuner stiffness etc. In order to check the performance of superconducting
RF cavity towards external vibrations, transfer function measurement system has been
This paper describes development of transfer function measurement system. Developed
system excites the cavity by a set of sinusoidal signals through piezo-actuators. These piezo
actuators are part of cavity tuning system. Cavity response to these excitations is measured
by change in phase by RF measurements system. Developed system consists of function
generator and piezo-driver for set of sinusoidal signal generation and phase detector for
cavity response measurement. Change in phase is digitalized by NI based DAQ system.
FFT of the phase signal gives transfer function of the dressed cavity. The transfer function
measurement system is mounted with 5-cell 650 MHz dressed cavity. The setup is initially
tested on a rotary fixture and tested for 1 Hz to 500 Hz piezo excitation. During this test, two
most strong mechanical modes were observed at 231 Hz and 460 Hz and no mechanical
modes were observed below 100 Hz. The results are compared with FE analysis results
which show a close matching of the excited modes [2].
1. Yu. Pischalnikov et. al, “Performance of the 650mhz SRF Cavity Tuner for PIP II
Project”, in Proc. 19th Int. Conf. on RF superconductivity (SRF2019), Dresden,
Germany, July 2019, pp.652-655.
2. V. K. Jain, “650 MHz Elliptical Superconducting RF Cavities for PIP-II Project”
in Proc. North American Particle Accelerator Conference 2016, Chicago IL USA, Oct
2016, pp 859-886.
Mechanical Design of Spoke Resonator Cavity for High Energy Pulsed Proton
Linac Development Division
Accelerator Group
Raja Ramanna Center for Advanced Technology, Indore
Superconducting single spoke resonator cavities to accelerate H- ions are under design
and development at RRCAT. There are three families of single spoke cavities for
accelerating the beam from 3 MeV to 168 MeV energy. These superconducting RF
(SCRF) cavities have high quality factor for efficient acceleration of charged particle. The
high quality factor needs stringent control of resonant frequency of the cavity. The SCRF
cavity gets detuned by Lorentz Force Detuning (LFD), df/dP and micro phonics. Also, the
cavity should qualify for various operating load conditions. This paper will discuss the
design of 1st family of single spoke dressed cavity i.e. SR011, for various requirements
such as Lorentz Force Detuning (LFD), df/dP, leak testing load to the bare cavity and 2
bar MAWP load (at room temperature). Issues related to cavity tuning such as cavity
stiffness, tuning sensitivity and tuner range will also be presented in this paper.
Linac Development Division
Accelerator Group
Raja Ramanna Center for Advanced Technology, Indore
Using finite element analysis die and punches have been designed to get RF profile very
close to the required RF profile for SR011 cavity. The main components of spoke cavity
are end wall, spoke and shell. These components are manufactured by the deep drawing
of thin sheets of niobium. This paper will elaborate on the procedure of estimation of
spring-back, thinning, thickening and other forming parameters for the End Wall using
finite element method. Based on forming simulations, the profile of die and punches has
been varied iteratively to get the RF profile of the formed component close to the physics
RF profile.
Design and Construction of an ISO Class-4 Cleanroom Facility for SRF Cavity
Processing and Assembly
Ambar Vohra*, B K Rawlani, Raju John, Sanjay Singh, Vimal Jharware, S Suhane,
S Raghavendra, G. Parchani, P. Shrivastava
*Email :
At RRCAT, a programme has been initiated for development and production of Superconducting RF
(SRF) cavities and infrastructure development for cavity string assemblies for future high power
pulsed superconducting proton accelerators. After fabrication, superconducting RF cavities needs to
be inspected, processed and assembled under controlled environmental conditions. Any particulate
impurity on the superconducting cavity surface can influence its maximum achievable accelerating
gradient, hence contamination by particulates has to be avoided. For achieving the controlled
environment, a cleanroom has been planned and constructed at RRCAT. The cleanroom has zones
of various cleanliness ranging from ISO Class - 4 to Class - 8 cleanroom as per ISO 14644 Part-1[1].
The cleanroom has a footprint of 35 Sqm with ISO class – 4 area of 4.0 m x 3.8 m (~ 15 Sqm).
General operating parameters of the cleanroom are as follows; a) Temperature - 22° ± 2° C, b)
Relative Humidity - 50% ± 5%. The cleanroom is equipped with automatic control via Facility Control
and Monitoring System (FCMS) which can automatically track and control various parameters viz.
temperature, pressure, humidity, air flow etc. The supply air of the cleanroom is provided from ceiling
and the return air is taken from bottom below the raised floor to achieve laminar flow. Two numbers of
cleanroom compatible Air Handling Units (AHU) have been provided with Variable Frequency Drive
(VFD) to separate different class of cleanroom in zones. The cleanroom has been designed based on
plenum concept to maximize the filter coverage. The cleanroom is intended for SRF cavity processing
activities which include High Pressure Rinsing (HPR), component & hardware preparation, assembly,
evacuation and vacuum leak testing. With the emerging scope of high power accelerator technology
in various fields, the demand for cleanrooms is ever increasing.
The paper highlights the layout planning, salient design features and construction details and
validation of the cleanroom facility for SRF cavity processing. Construction of cleanroom is project
specific and significantly depends on the process requirement. Moreover the design requirement
influences the HVAC system apart from the enclosure elements. A holistic approach towards
fulfilment of the desired environment condition is essential. The paper also highlights check points
which shall be followed at various stages of cleanroom projects to consistently achieve intended class
of cleanroom.
1. Design and detailed engineering of the cleanroom - This includes the details of design
parameters, HVAC design, facility monitoring and control system planning, civil structural design
etc. in accordance with ISO 14644 Part – 4 [2].
2. Construction planning and management - This includes the sequencing of various activities,
quality assurance, construction safety etc.
3. Testing and commissioning of the facility – This includes the testing of constructed cleanroom as
per ISO 14644 Part – 3 [3].
4. Challenges encountered during the work and the measures taken to overcome those challenges.
Dheeraj Sharma*, Pritam S. Bagduwal, Ekansh Mishra, Nitesh Mishra, Pankaj Gothwal, Nitesh Tiwari
& Mahendra Lad
Radio Frequency Systems Division,
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore - 452013
Next generation particle accelerators using superconducting RF (SCRF) cavities for high
energy acceleration have demanding requirements for cavity field generation and control.
The RF fields inside the SCRF cavities must be precisely generated and controlled, for
maintaining the stability of the particle beam in an accelerator and, also for cavity
characterization in cavity test stands like Horizontal Test Stand (HTS). To cater to the
stringent requirement due to very high quality-factor (Q) there is a need for highly stable and
precise RF signal synthesis as well as advanced control algorithms that can quickly respond
to changes in the cavity field and its resonance frequency. The digital Low-Level RF
(DLLRF) system plays a critical role in meeting these requirements, by providing a precise
generation and control of the RF field needed for stable and efficient operation of the
accelerator and during SCRF cavity characterization. Using the advanced digital signal
processing (DSP) & RF signal processing techniques a high-performance digital LLRF
(DLLRF) system can precisely generate, control, and stabilize an RF signal and hence the
RF field inside the cavity. To realize such a DLLRF system the hardware typically consists of
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), high speed Digital-to-Analog (DAC) devices, RF
filters and upconverters. The FPGA can implement complex synthesis and control algorithms
to generate RF signal with high resolution of its amplitude, phase & frequency along with low
noise and fast modulation capabilities. Such FPGA algorithm generates a sine wave by
either looking up values in real time from a lookup table containing values of a sine
waveform which are pre-calculated or using real time computation algorithms like coordinate
rotation digital computer” (called CORDIC). Frequency of the sine wave is precisely
controlled by a digital control word. The generated digital sine wave inside the FPGA is given
to DAC for obtaining a precisely controlled low frequency analog signal. This signal is
processed through an RF up-converter circuit. RF up-conversion typically involves mixers
where the low-frequency signals are mixed with high-frequency signal from a local oscillator
(LO) to obtain the desired RF frequency. By using a low-frequency signal generated from
DAC as the input, this method provides fine adjustment and high precision control of
synthesizing the high-frequency RF signal. RF filters are used to remove unwanted harmonic
frequencies that are generated because of the discrete values in the low frequency signal
from DAC, which can cause unwanted interference and reduce signal's signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR). This paper represents such a scheme and its implementation on modular PCI
eXtensions for Instrumentation (PXI) platform, along with an indigenously developed RF up-
down converter PCB board to generate RF signal which is digitally controlled and provides
fast & precise control over its amplitude, phase, and frequency.
Design and development of setup for 650 MHz β=0.92 SCRF cavity to study the
effect of trapped magnetic flux on cavity performance
Anand Yadav1*, Vinesh K. Verma1, Manish Bagre1, Vikas K. Jain1, Subrata Das2, K. Sreeramulu2,
Sanjay Chauksey1 & P. Shrivastava3
Superconducting Cavity Development Division
Accelerator Magnet Technology Division
Proton Accelerator Group
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore - 452013, India
*E-mail ID:
Superconducting radio frequency (SCRF) cavities play a vital role in high energy particle
linear accelerators. In Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) SCRF cavities will be required for
the proposed high energy (1GeV) superconducting proton linear accelerator. Silmilar cavities
are also required as deliverable to Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), USA
for their Proton Improvement Plan-II (PIP-II) project under Indian Institutes Fermilab
Collaboration (IIFC). RRCAT has been developing dedicated in-house infrastructure and
expertise for fabrication, processing and qualification of SCRF cavities. Worldwide research
and technical advancements are aimed to enhance the operational (cryogenic) efficiency by
improving the quality factor (Q0) of these SCRF cavities. In order to make these cavities
qualify the stringent functional and technical requirements, it is required to work precisely on
optimized procedures for fabrication, processing and testing of these cavities. Worldwide
niobium SCRF cavities in particle accelerators are operated at temperature around 2K.
Niobium cavity, when cooled down below its transition temperature (9.3K) must expel all the
external magnetic field. However due to certain factors like material defects, grain size,
dislocation density, spatial thermal gradient during cavity cool down, high temperature
treatment, Nitrogen doping etc. the cavity traps a fraction of the external magnetic field. This
trapped magnetic field that persists below transition temperature degrades the quality factor
of the cavity that results in poor cryogenic and operational efficiency [1, 2].
A set up has been established at RRCAT, Indore, to study the phenomenon of magnetic flux
trapping in the β=0.92 650 MHz SCRF cavities. This paper presents the details of the flux
expulsion setup. The setup comprises of an electromagnet, a set of stratigically mounted
sensitive temperature and magnetic field detectors and a data acquisition system. In order to
generate uniform magnetic field of the order of few milli Gauss in the volume enclosing the
cavity under test, a pair of coaxial air core Helmholtz coils has been designed and
fabricated. The magnetic field mapping at room temperature was performed to ensure the
required field uniformity. RTDs and fluxgate sensors compatible to cryogenic environment
are used to detect temperature and magnetic flux density respectively with fine resolution. A
multi channel data acquisition system was used to acquire and analyze data from different
detectors. Iterative attempts were made to acquire data during cavity cool down across the
transition temperature. The paper also presents the preliminary test results obtained from
the experiments performed at Vertical test stand facility at RRCAT on a β= 0.92 650 MHz,
single cell SCRF cavity. The data acquired during testing was found repeatable and precise .
The experimental setup is scalable and can also be deployed on the 650 MHz five cell
In future study of flux expulsion data from a large number of cavities will be required in order
to categorize the processes that contribute strongly to the magnetic flux trapping
phenomenon in high RRR Niobium cavities. This study will also help to identify treatment
required to transform a cavity showing weak flux expulsion characteristics to strong flux
expulsion. Avoiding the flux trapping in SCRF cavities will enable us to achieve the desired
cavity performance characteristics of high quality factor, better operational and cryogenic
1. S. Posen, M. Checchin, A.C. Crawford, A. Grassellino, M. Martinello, O.S. Melnychuk, A.
Romanenko, D. A. Sergatskov, and Y. Trenikhina from FNAL, USA, “Efficient expulsion of
magnetic flux in superconducting radiofrequency cavities for high Q0
applications”, in JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 119, 213903 (2016)
2. P. Dhakal,* G. Ciovati and A. Gurevich Thomas from Jefferson National Accelerator Facility,
USA, “Flux expulsion in niobium superconducting radio-frequency cavities of
different purity and essential contributions to the flux sensitivity ”, in Physical
review accelerators and beams 23, 023102 (2020)
RRCAT is pursuing research and development activities related to high beta 650 MHz
superconducting radio frequency (SCRF) cavities which shall be major component in high
intensity superconducting proton LINAC for future Indian Facility for Spallation Research
(IFSR). Under this program, development and setting up of infrastructure facilities for
fabrication, processing & testing of superconducting RF (SCRF) cavities are taken up.
Development of SCRF cavities and infrastructure is also useful for Indian Institution
Fermilab collaboration (IIFC) for PIP-II (Proton Improvement Program)[1].
Superconducting RF cavities after fabrication, need to be inspected and go through several
steps of processing like ultrasonic cleaning, electro-polishing, high pressure rinsing etc. to
conform to the desired surface quality. Any particulate impurity on the superconducting
cavity RF surface can influence its maximum achievable accelerating gradient and limiting
its performance, hence contamination by particulates has to be avoided. The processed
cavities are assembled under controlled environmental conditions and prepared for
performance test at 2K in Vertical Test Stand (VTS) Cryostat. A dedicated ISO class 10
cleanroom facility is used for assembly and preparation of cavity. Cleanroom preparation
of SCRF cavity includes component and hardware cleaning, High Pressure Rinsing (HPR),
drying after HPR, assembly of end flanges, assembly of RF feed ports, burst disk and all
metal angle valve with the cavity, evacuation and vacuum leak testing. Preparation of
components and hardware before assembly requires exhaustive cleaning steps which
include ultrasonic rinsing using special solvent, ultrapure water rinsing, drying with high
purity ionized nitrogen gas. For nitrogen purging of components cleanroom compatible
nitrogen purge line made of polished stainless steel tubes has been set up. High Pressure
rinsing with ultrapure water is the final cleaning procedure before vertical test. It removes
the micro contaminants from internal surfaces of cavities and helps in improving cavity
performance by reducing field emission. In high pressure rinsing, all parts of cavity internal
surface are scanned by high pressure (80-100 bar) jets of ultrapure water (Resistivity ≥ 18
MΩ.cm). The jets emerge from a rotating wand coaxial with the cavity traversing around
it. First round of HPR is carried out for 10 hours. After drying the cavity in clean room air
overnight, assembly of end flange and RF feed port is carried out. After first assembly,
second round of HPR for about 17 hours is performed. Cavity is dried for 48 hours and
second assembly of bottom flange with burst disk and angle valve is carried out. Cavity is
evacuated using clean vacuum line and oil free pumping station. Vacuum leak testing of
cavity is done using RGA and cavity is finally sealed at pressure < 7E-7 mbar. Cavity is
moved out of cleanroom and further prepared for VTS test. It is shifted to VTS staging area
and assembled with instrumentation like temperature sensors, second sound sensors and
inserted in VTS cryostat for performance testing at 2K. The cavity high pressure rinsing
and assembly procedures have been modified and upgraded to improve the process and
cavity performance. The paper described various facilities developed and processes
involved in preparing the cavities for testing in VTS Cryostat.
Development of Titanium gr-2 Bellows for HB 650 MHz 5-cell SCRF cavities
Cavities Development Division
Accelerator Group
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore - 452013, India
*E-mail ID:
R & D activities are going on at RRCAT for development of high energy regime (HB) 0.92, 650 MHz, five-cell
superconducting radio frequency (SCRF) cavities required for proposed high energy superconducting proton
accelerator. In addition, these cavities will be a part of deliverables from RRCAT to Fermilab under Indian
Institutes Fermilab Collaboration (IIFC) [1]. Each SCRF cavity is enclosed within titanium vessel containing liquid
helium. Titanium bellows joins helium vessel with cavity at field probe (FP) end. Titanium was chosen for its low
temperature toughness, weldability and closeness of linear coefficient of thermal expansion with high RRR
niobium. The bellow has to deal with axial displacement for cavity tuning and compensates the differential
expansion/contraction between niobium cavity and titanium vessel due to cooling from 300K to 2K temperature
and vice versa. Also, the bellows must be stiff enough circumferentially to withstand the liquid helium pressure
and flexible enough to facilitate axial displacement. Titanium bellows development involves challenges of thin
sheet forming, titanium welding and qualifications for rated parameters and no manufacturer in India was
qualified for SCRF applications. A two way prolonged approach, to develop these from US vendor to meet the
short term goal of meeting the IIFC deliverable timelines as well as its development in India for long term goal,
was taken up. After exhaustive market survey few vendors were identified. Details technical specification with
stringent qualification and acceptance criteria were prepared and Order was placed on M/s Ameriflex, Inc.
Vendor’s design report was reviewed and design validation of bellows conforming to EJMA10/Appendix 26 of
ASME section VIII has been carried out suggesting several corrections. Inspection reports were reviewed
(including decolouration of sample to qualify Ti welding procedure) in remote mode. Ti gr-2 bellows are
fabricated by seam welding and hydro-forming of 0.4 mm thick sheet/blank [5}[6]. Later, machined end rings
were welded at either ends. Welding was carried out by micro-TIG Welding process using ERTi-2 filler. After
ends machining to remove distortion and bellows cleaning, vacuum leak rate measurement was carried out.
Necessary forming, machining and welding fixtures were designed and fabricated. All the weld joints have been
qualified as per ASME section IX. To ensure sufficient toughness/ductility of welds at 2K temperature, as per
AWS G2.4M, the oxidations (discoloration) of welds were minimized [4]. Later, these were qualified for designed
parameters.This paper covers the design, forming and welding of bellows using micro TIG with extra argon
purging, acceptance (as per AWS G2.4M) and testing of bellows to qualify for cavity requirements [2][3]. Three
cavities, dressed utilizing theses bellows have been qualified for HTS test parameters at Fermilab and have
been assembled in cryomodule significantly helping DAE/India to meet their deliverables to Fermilab in the R&D
phase of IIFC. The experience thus gained is very helpful for their indigenous development.
1. S. C. Joshi et al., “Development of infrastructure facilities for superconducting RF cavity
fabrication, processing and 2K characterization at RRCAT”, 2017 IOP Conference series, Material
science and engineering.
2. Tadayuki Otani, “Ti welding technology, Nippon steel technical report” No.95 January 2007.
3. Tim Pasang et al., “Welding of Ti alloys”, ICPMMT 2017.
4. Technical specification for welding Ti helium vessels at Fermilab, 5500-ES-371040, 13th August
5. A. K. Dureja et al., “Design analysis and shape optimization of metallic bellows for nuclear valve
applications”, SMiRT 21, 6-11 November, 2011, New Delhi, India.
6. Joseph D. Beal et al., “Forming of Ti and Ti alloys”, page 656-669, ASM Handbook, volume 14B.
Manish Bagre *1, V Jain1, S. Moulali1, V. Vijayakumar1, A. Singh1, S. Maratha1 , T. Maurya1, A. Yedle1,
A. Yadav1, V. Verma1, V. K. Srivastava1, P. Mohania2, A. Mahawar2, P. B. Kamble1, S. Chouksey1,
Purushottam Shrivastava3,
Superconducting Cavity Development Division
RF Systems Division
Proton Accelerator Group
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore - 452013, India
Large numbers of 650 MHz (β=0.92) Superconducting Radio Frequency (SCRF) cavities are
required to be fabricated under Indian Institutes Fermilab Collaboration (IIFC) for PIP-II project
at Fermilab,USA and for envisaged high intensity superconducting proton accelerator in
Department of Atomic Energy (DAE). RRCAT has developed dedicated in-house infrastructure
and expertise for fabrication, processing and qualification of SCRF cavities [1]. In order to cater
large scale production of multi-cell SCRF cavites, it is planned to develop Indian Industries
under Atmanirbhar Bharat. Internationally only few industries makes SCRF cavities on ‘built to
print’ basis and not on ‘built to performance’ basis. Dumb-bells make an important part of any
multi-cell SCRF cavity. Hence, RRCAT has initated the development of dumbbells at Industries.
The formed half cell, stiffening ring, dedicated welding & machining fixtures are issued to
Industries for fabrication of dumbbells.The Electron Beam Welding (EBW) machine at
Industries was qualified for retainment of RRR on high RRR Niobium samples. The half-cells
were etched by buffered chemical polishing (BCP) up to 20 µm to remove the impurities,
contamination and oxidized layer just before welding.This was followed by rinsing in ultra-pure
water. During niobium welding vacuum chamber pressure of <3x10-5 mbar was maintained.
Weld parameter like beam current, accelerating voltage, welding speed and focusing current
were optimized on various weld samples.Quality control plan was made to control the
dimensions, parellelism and weld shrinkage during outside, inside & steffening ring machining
and welding. In first step the two half cell are joined back to back by EB welding at IRIS to form
a dumbbell (First from outside a.nd then from inside) and in second step, stiffening ring is
machined as per measured gap and welded to the dumb-bells from outside with full penetration
weld.The steffening ring EB welding is crucial weld with full penetration from outside which
leads to large deformation in dummbell [2]. The weld shrinkage leads to deformation in half cell
geometry which needs to be corrcted by tuning and trimmming. Eight number of Dumbbells for
two five-cell SCRF cavities have been fabricated at Indian Industries with development of
special tooling, fixtures and weld parameters.These dumbbells have also been pre-qualified for
dimensional measurement, radiography test and radio frequancy (RF) testing. The Dumbbells
tuning were performed in-house by special tuning fixture to get the right length, right frequency
and required parellelism.The dumbbells triming at Equator were performed at Industry. Special
machining fixture were designed for equator machining and machining was performed on
dedicated CNC machine,dedicated cutting tool with optimized machining parameter and
appropriate coolant was used thoughout the machining process. The paper presents the lesson
learned and experience gained during fabrication of these dumbbells with manufacturing
process sequence plan,forming of half cell, weld joint design,chemical cleaning, weld
parameters optimization, machining, dumbbell tuning and equator machining at final stage of
fabrication. The experience gained in fabrication of dumbbells will be useful for for large scale
production of SCRF cavities.
1. SC Joshi et al, “Development of Infrastructure Facilities for Superconducting RF
Cavity Fabrication, Processing and 2 K Characterization at RRCAT” IOP Conf.
Series: Materials Science and Engineering 171 (2017)
2. Manish Bagre, Avinash Puntambekar, et al, “Experience on fabrication of 650 MHz
five-cell SCRF cavities using Electron Beam Welding”, InPAC-2019 RRCAT
Development Journey of Elliptically Shaped High Beta 650 MHz Superconducting RF Cavity:
An Overview
Vikas Jain1*, Manish Bagre1, Syed Moulali1, Vivek Srivastava1, Kuldeep K Singh1, G. V. Kane1, A. Bose1,
Shashikant Suhane1, S. Raghavendra1, Praveen Mohania1, Hyekyoung Park2, G. Eremeev2, Fumio Furuta2, S.
Chandrasekaran2, C. Grimm2, Sanjay Chouksey1, Purushottam Shrivastava1
1Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, M. P., India
2Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL, USA
1. Purushottam Shrivastava, et. al., “Progress of Recent Superconducting RF activities in
India”,SRF 2021, MSU, (2021).
2. V. Jain et. al.,“650 MHz Elliptical Superconducting RF Cavities for PIP-II Project”,
NAPAC2016, Chicago (2016).
RF coaxial couplers are required to provide high RF power (maximum 40 kW at 325 MHz) to
the SSR cavities of MEHIPA. Each SSR cavity requires different power. The power
requirement varies from 6 kw to 40 kW. The coupler design has been optimized so that the
same type of coupler can be used to feed all the cavities. This coupler has 6-1/8” input line,
inner and outer bellows for flexibility, ceramic window, air cooled inner antenna for capacitive
coupling etc. CST simulation of this coupler has been done [1]. It has been designed provide
good match at input. After RF simulation thermal simulations has been carried out for
different reflections and phases at the output port of the coupler. Along with RF and thermal
simulations it is necessary to know the stresses at the alumina window brazing joints [2].
During full power operations these brazing joints may break if the temperature and stresses
are too high. So, preliminary level simulations have been carried out in 2D-comsol software
to calculate stresses at the inner and outer side of the alumina brazing joints. This paper
describes this thermo-mechanical analysis of the coupler.
The most weak places of coupler is places of brazing ceramic to copper sleeves and
brazing of copper sleeves to flange and to antenna. There are two reasons of stresses
during operation: atmospheric pressure to the window and change of size due to
heating/cooling. According to literature available in any case the stress has be below 100
MPa at the joint for increased life cycle of ceramic [2]. To reduce the stress it is required to
reduce the temperature gradient at the brazing joints. For this generally some design
changes are done which includes increasing the size of the alumina disk, improving the
cooling etc. To study this behavior first thermal analysis was carried out in CST for different
phases with full reflection as well as 20% reflection cases. Temperature profiles were
obtained along the radius of the ceramic for these different conditions. These temperature
profiles were exported to comsol 2D for mechanical stress analysis. This analysis is being
carried and results will be presented.
1. Sonal Sharma and Rajesh Kumar, “Design of 325 MHz RF couplers for
superconducting spoke resonators in MEHIPA-1”, Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS
Indian particle accelerator conference (InPAC 2022), VECC, Kolkata, India, March
2. S. Kazakov, “Thermal properties of 650MHz coupler”, 650 MHz Coupler FDR/PRR,
Feb 2020.
Design and development of 100 kW, 325 MHz tetrode tube based high power RF
pulse amplifier
Modern pulse power tetrode tubes, equipped with pyrolithic graphite grids
and advanced filament cathode - offer a very attractive option of having a
high power pulse RF power amplifier in VHF band. These devices offer
inherent advantages like mechanical and electrical robustness, compact size,
energy efficient high power operation and overall cost effectiveness of radio
frequency power amplifier (RFPA). This paper discusses design of a high
power pulsed RFPA based on tetrode tube TH391, which is specially
designed for high power pulse operation in extended VHF band, and
required interlocking system. This amplifier system is being developed as an
alternative to solid state RFPA for energizing pulsed radio frequency
quadrupole (RFQ). This RFPA is designed to deliver 100 kW output power at
325 MHz for 5% duty cycle. Tube is rated for a gain of 15 dB, but with
consideration of aging, a gain of 12 dB is assumed while estimating the
required input RF power of 7 kW. Trade off among efficiency and harmonics
is decided by class of operation. It is designed to operate the tetrode tube
TH391 in grounded grid configuration under class AB mode. RFPA will be
biased with a pulsed power supply (-250V/-150V) at control grid, thus
minimizing power loss during off state of RF input pulse cycle. 14 kV anode
voltage and 1 kV screen grid voltage are selected as operating point of
tetrode tube. For 100 kW output RF power and 12 kV RF swing at anode,
required value of peak anode pulse current is around 34 A, along with
optimum impedance of 720 Ω at anode. This impedance is matched to 50 Ω
output load by a tunable rectangular cavity with magnetic loop. At input side,
a coaxial transmission lined based matching structures is used to realize
matching of 50 Ω impedance of source to 12 Ω at cathode of tube.
Mechanical plunger based tuning strategy is implemented for realization of
±5 MHz tunable RF bandwidth. For the purpose of control and protection of
RFPA, a control, monitoring and interlock (CMI) systems is designed as an
integral part of this amplifier. With tetrode tube systems, biasing supplies and
RF input are required to be switched ON and OFF in a predefined sequential
manner for safety of tube, amplifier structure and other subsystems. A
Siemens make S7-CPU-315-2DP (CPU) based programmable logic
controller (PLC) system is designed for execution of pre-programmed
operation sequence and interlocking of currents and voltages of all biasing
supplies along with cooling system. Siemens make human machine interface
(HMI) KPT1000 is being used for command input and status cum alarm
display unit. The CMI system is developed with the feature of balckheat
mode to prevent multiple on off cycle of tetrode filament for better life
expectancy. Sequential standby and transmit modes of CMI system put
tetrode tube in ready stage for high voltage operation and amplification of RF
input power respectively, thus minimizing RFPA idle time. CMI unit has been
deployed for testing of tetrode tube TH 391 under DC pulse operation for a
pulse current of 40 A.
Design Study on Solid-state RF power system for 10MeV Re-circulating High Power
Accelerator (RHPA)
Design & development work for realization of 107.5MHz solid-state RF power system is
taken up which is required for feeding coaxial accelerating cavity of 10MeV re-circulating EB
accelerator capable of delivering maximum beam power of 30kW. The maximum RF power
of 150kW as required, is to be delivered to the coaxial accelerating cavity with help of three
RF power transmitter; wherein the each one connected exclusively to a cavity feed port,
excite the cavity in same phase and capable of delivering 50kW RF power to the cavity at
107.5MHz with required isolation between transmitter outputs. The 50 kW/107.5MHz
transmitter is to be developed using solid-state device technology in alternative to RF power
systems based on tetrode tube. It is being realized by combining 32 nos. of 1.6KW RF
power modules with help of simultaneously matched N-way RF power combiner at the
operating frequency of 107.5MHz as designed. Each RF power module based on
MRFX1K80H LDMOS, is developed for rated output power of 1.6KW at 107.5MHz. The
combiner output port is be coupled to the coaxial cavity feed port via 60kW, 107MHz
junction-circulator and 61/8 EIA coaxial line system. All the ports of the combiner are
simultaneously matched to 50 ohm system impedance, therefore drop-in circulator will not
be required at the outputs of the RF power modules for feeding the combiner which is
otherwise too bulky to be part of the RF power module at 107.5MHz/1.6kW. A 32way RF
power combiner is designed using Gysel network topology in multi-layer configuration using
suspended stripline. This novel design of high power N-way combiner provides matched
load to connected RF power modules even when there is an amplitude & phase mismatch
among outputs of the amplifiers modules feeding the combiner. This will assure isolation
between RF power modules and stabilize the performance; also should some RF power
module fail, performance of healthy module remains unaffected. Performance of the RF
combiner structure is evaluated with help of 3D full wave EM simulator done on CST MWS
and optimized in terms of S parameters. Its Compatibility to high power operation is
evaluated in terms of E-field & H-field values at various points which is found to be well
below the safe operating level. S-parameters results as obtained confirmed simultaneous
matching of all its input ports to better than 28dB, isolation between port to be better than
30dB and insertion losses to be less than 0.1dB in frequency range of 107.5+/-5MHz in
worst case of phase and amplitude mismatch among inputs. The sum-output-port is a 50
ohm, 6-1/8 EIA coaxial port. Coaxial-line directional coupler is to integrated with solid-state
modules as a single unit which is designed, fabricated and tested; which meet all our design
parameters of coupling factor, isolation, matching to be 50dB, 32dB and 35dB respectively at
the design RF power level of 1.6kW at 107.6MHz. RF power amplifier module based on
LDMOS device MRFX1K80H is developed and tested at 1.6kW power level with required
performance. This paper will give brief account of design requirements & satisfactory
performance as obtained and also progress made in the realization..
1. Y. Jongen etc.,” The Rhodotron, a new 10 MeV, 100 kW, cw metric wave electron
accelerator”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B79 (1993)
865-870 North-Holland.
2. A. Jain, etc., High power solid state RF amplifier for proton accelerator, Rev. Sci.
Instrum. 79 (2008) 014702.
e-mail ID
Low energy high intensity proton accelerator (LEHIPA) is final stage of commissioning of 20 MeV
DTL. LEHIPA has Drift Tube Linac (tank-1&2, and tank-3 &4) that accelerates the 3 MeV proton
beam from RFQ to 20 MeV. Both DTL tank-1 & 2 and DTL tank-3 & 4 require around ~ 850 kW at
352 MHz RF power to accelerate the beam up to 20 MeV. This RF power is supplied by 1 MW
klystron based RF system. Proton beam is already accelerated up to 11 MeV using DTL tank-1 &
2. 2nd klystron system is fed around 830 kW RF power to 11 MeV DTL. Third klystron system for
powering 20 MeV DTL tank-3 & 4 is recently tested and commissioned.
Third klystron vacuum was deteriorated with time beyond normal operating range, so it is not
simple to powering the klystron. A poor vacuum in a klystron will cause breakdown between
cathode and body or anode during powering klystron and damage itself permanently.
Conditioning of klystron has been carried out in systematic way to improve the vacuum of the
klystron. Biasing condition of the klystron is optimized each HV power level. Klystron conditioning
was started form low DC power to high DC power in pulse mode with low repetition rate. The DC
power has been increased in steps by optimizing the biasing parameters at each step. The
klystron vacuum was also monitored and noted during operation. After the DC conditioning, the
klystron has been tested up to 850 kW (RF output) in pulse mode on dummy load.
This paper discusses the details of klystron conditioning, RF testing and output power phase
measurement w.r.t to input of klystron. This paper also describes the sub-system of 1 MW,
klystron based RF system.
1. Operating experience of RF Power testing of klystron at 352 MHz Sandip Shrotriya †, Niranjan
Patel, Shiju A, B.V. Rama Rao, J.K. Mishra, Shyam Sunder Jena, Manjiri Pande and Gopal
Joshi Accelerator Control Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India, InPAC-
2. Klystron Data sheet TH 2089F
Power Combining topology for CW 32kW-650 MHz Solid State RF Amplifier (SSPA)
installed at Horizontal Test Stand (HTS) facility, RRCAT
1. Akhilesh Jain., Deepak Kumar Sharma, Alok Kumar Gupta, kriti Pathak, Mahendra
Lad. “High-power solid-state amplifier for superconducting radio frequency cavity
test facility” Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 92, no. 034704, p. 1-11, Mar. 2021.
2. Alok Kumar Gupta, Akhilesh Jain, Ravi Kant Patel, Joseph Tharayil “Design and
development of 40-port coaxial line based radial power combiner at 325 MHz” Indian
Particle Accelerator Conference INPAC 2018, RRCAT Indore, Jan., 9-12, 2018.
Internationally, portions of the radio spectrum is reserved for industrial, scientific, and
medical (ISM) purposes. So under ISM, various scientific activities require 13.56 MHz RF
power systems, which are mostly imported in our country. At BARC, indigenous standalone
radio frequency (RF) power system comprising of 13.56 MHz, 250 W solid state amplifier
and 50 W solid state amplifier have been designed and developed.The major design
objectives / goals are compact size, good efficiency (70 %), moderate gain (20 dB),cost
effectiveness and plug & play type RF power system with stringent performance features as
an import substitute for 13.56 MHz RF source.This RF system consists of 13.56 MHz signal
synthesizer, a driver amplifier, a 250/50 watt power amplifier stage, a bi directional coupler
[1] and an external impedance matching network (IMN) for cold plasma device. In addition to
above it consists of DC bias supplies, directional coupler based RF power meter and
interlock and protection system for overall protection and control of entire system. Forced air
cooling is provided for driver amplifier and power amplifier. Each of these sub systems are
explained in detail in the paper. Both these RF systems have tested for long term and their
performance parameters have been noted. Important & critical performance parameters
achieved of these RF system are:
I. Efficiency (DC to RF) %: > 70%
II. Efficiency (AC to RF) %: > 64%
III. Gain (dB):21 dB
IV. Withstanding short and open load conditions without use of circulator
V. Modular, Portable & Field deployable
A novel protection scheme based on reflected power and MOSFET junction temperature is
used to protect RF amplifier against continuous high reflected power. An interlock and
protection system has been used for sequential ‘ON/OFF’, control and protection of system
against over voltage, over current and over temperature. Another innovative development is
an indigenously designed high directivity directional coupler for simultaneous measurement
and monitoring of both forward and reflected RF power. These directional couplers are very
much cost effective and compact as compared to imported RF directional couplers,which are
highly expensive.
1. Jena, S.S “An indigenous development of bi-directional coupler for high frequency solid
state RF power system” Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS International Symposium on
Vacuum Science and Technology and its Applications in Accelerators-2022.
Balkrishna Arora1, Sumit Som1, Abhishek Dutta1,2, Shubham Tripathi1,2, Vikash Sahoo1,2, Swarnendu
Thakurta1, Surajit Ghosh1,2, Aditya Mandal1, Sudeshna Seth1
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre – Kolkata
Homi Bhabha National Institute - Mumbai
1. A. E. Fathy, D. Kalokitis and S.-W. Lee, "A simplified design approach for radial
power combiners," IEEE Trans. Microwave. Theory Tech., Vols. vol. 54, no. 1, p.
247, 2006.)
2. A. Jain, D. K. Sharma, A. K. Gupta and P. R. Hannurkar, "Design of high power
radio frequency radial combiner for proton accelerator," REVIEW OF
SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, Vols. 80, 016106, 2009.
3. N. Marcuvitz, Waveguide Handbook, MIT Rad. Lab. Series vol. 10, vol. 10, New
York: McGraw-Hill,, 1951.
4. K. J. Russell, "Microwave Power Combining Techniques" IEEE
Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 27, pp. 472-478,
May 1979.
5. U. H. Gysel, "A new N-way power divider/combiner suitable for high-
power," in Proc. 1975 IEEE- MTT- S International Microwave Symposium,
IEEE Cat. No. 75CH0955-5, p. 116, May 1975.
Pankaj Gothwal*, Nitesh Mishra, Pritam S. Bagduwal, Ekansh Mishra, Dheeraj Sharma, Nitesh Tiwari
and Mahendra Lad
Radio Frequency Systems Division, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore
Accelerator systems are designed to be functionally accurate and reliable with many
considerations taken into account. Any subsystem associated with particle accelerators are
designed and engineered taking aspects of reliability and redundancy into consideration. It is
also very important to design any subsystem with very low Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF)
and very high availability for its designed life. Radio Frequency (RF) System is one of very
critical subsystem of accelerator which needs to perform very precisely and fault free. Many
aspects are taken into consideration during engineering design for ensuring fault free
operation of RF Systems including low level RF, amplifiers, RF delivery, RF Cavity etc. DC
Power supplies which powers RF amplifiers plays very crucial role in the overall performance
of RF system. The DC power supply performance and reliability is important hence design of
controller for power supply has to be robust and reliable. The prototype development scheme
have multiple module DC power supply to bias solid state RF amplifiers, current sharing
approach with redundancy and monitoring features. Considering the scheme, systematic
design of prototype controller for DC power supply is being done so that very high availability
is ensured. Current sharing in power supply is achieved using multiple power supply modules
connected in parallel which communicates with central controller and maintain the desired
voltage and current at the output which powers the RF amplifiers. Modular approach for power
supply helps in reducing bulky hardware and also reduce the maintenance time. Systematic
diagnostics of power supply, online health monitoring along with modular current sharing are
few techniques which helps in improving reliability and availability of power supply. Redundant,
reliable & fast communication between central controller and module controller has to be
ensured. Differential signal, optical fiber along with robust communication protocol with error
detection, are techniques implemented for making communication, immune from very high
electrically noisy environment. A prototype digital controller is being designed for power supply
to work in redundant, modular current sharing mode and have fast communication interface.
Incremental design implementation and testing has proven very useful approach for
development of the digital controller. The present scheme have single master and multiple
slave modules. Provision for multi-master and redundant central controller is also taken into
consideration in the design. This paper will discuss design scheme, status of communication
protocols, its performance and present limitations. The prototype development is done using
Real Time Operating System (RTOS) and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA).This paper
will also highlight implementation of key feature on the digital controllers.The incremental
prototype development is being successfully done and its test results are highly encouraging,
this paper will also have a brief discussion on road map ahead and various possible
combinations of implantation in final design of the digital controller in multiple module (current
sharing) DC power supply to bias solid state RF amplifiers.
Design and Testing of components for High Power RF Systems for LEHIPA 20 MeV
B. V. Ramarao, Muthu S, J. K. Mishra, M. Pande, Gopal Joshi, and S. Krishnagopal
Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai-85
The LEHIPA project is under development at BARC for acceleration of proton beam to an energy of 20 MeV.
The LEHIPA basically consists of three accelerating cavities and one buncher cavity. The accelerating
cavities are Radio Frequency Quadrupoles (RFQ), and two stages of Drift Tube Linacs (DTLs). Recently,
proton beam acceleration up to 10.8 MeV has been commissioned through RFQ, buncher, and DTL-1. The
three acceleration cavities RFQ, DTL-1, and DTL-2 are driven by a high-power RF klystron working at 352
MHz. The corresponding RF power required for these structures are 500 kW for RFQ, and 900 kW for each
for DTL-1 &2. In between the high-power klystrons and the RF accelerating structures, there required a high-
power waveguide transmission line at 352 MHz. These waveguide transmission systems have various high-
power RF components in WR2300 waveguide like straight sections, E/H plane bends, directional couplers,
magic tees, phase shifters, windows etc. All these waveguide transmission line components have been
indigenously designed, tested. The waveguide systems for RFQ and DTL-1 are commissioned. The
waveguide systems for DTL-2 are characterized and ready for installation. A waveguide matched load at 352
MHz is desired at various places in the waveguide distribution to terminate the un-balanced or reflected RF
power in the system. The main locations of the RF waveguide loads are at the magic tee’s balanced ports
(4th port of the Magic Tee). A waveguide with salt columns are used as absorbent for a RF wave energy. The
salt concertation has been varied to optimize the absorption coefficient. The length of the salt column, size,
spacing of the columns have been designed for maximum absorption. The designed load has been
connected to the output of the klystron and tested for maximum rating 800 kW in pulse mode. A high-power
RF window has been designed to operate at 352 MHz for Low Energy High Intensity Proton Accelerator. It
has been designed in a WR2300 half height waveguide. The Alumina ceramic make circular window is
embedded in a cutoff mode of a circular waveguide. On either side of the window a rectangular waveguide is
used. The window is matched to a rectangular waveguide using a pair of posts on each side of the window.
The RF performance parameters of the window have been optimized. The designed window has an input
return loss better than 20 dB and an insertion loss less than 0.28 dB. The design has been implemented
using Alumina ceramic material of low loss tangent of 0.08 and dielectric constant of 9. The waveguide made
of Al is used on air side and whereas SS made waveguide with Cu plating used for vacuum side. The
fabricated window has been characterized for its RF & vacuum performance. The developed window met the
design parameters and also passed the vacuum leak test. Five such windows have been fabricated and
tested for Drift Tube Linac-2 (DTL-2) of LEHIPA. The windows are in the process of installation in DTL-2 of
the LEHIPA system. The paper presents the analysis, design, implementation, and test results of the various
waveguide components including the critical components like Waveguide matched load and RF window. The
paper also presents the present status of commissioning of these waveguide systems.
1. B. V. Ramarao, S. Muthu, J. K. Mishra, Manjiri Pande, Gopal Joshi, and S. Krishna Gopal,
“Status of Commissioning of the High-Power Waveguide Systems for LEHIPA” in Proc. Indian
Particle Accelerator Conference (InPAC-2022), IUAC, New Delhi,
The LEHIPA project is under development at BARC for acceleration of proton beam to an
energy of 20 MeV. The block diagram of the LEHIPA system is shown in Fig. 1. The LEHIPA
basically consists of three accelerating cavities and one buncher cavity. The accelerating
cavities are Radio Frequency Quadrupoles (RFQ), and two stages of Drift Tube Linacs (DTLs).
Recently, proton acceleration up to 10.8 MeV has been commissioned. These accelerating
cavities are driven by a high-power RF klystron working at 352 MHz. A waveguide distribution
systems couple RF power output of Klystrons to accelerating cavities. A 3-1/8” coaxial
waveguide couples the solid-state RF power amplifier (SSPA) to a buncher cavity.
Presently, the buncher cavity is operating at 10 kW at 352 MHz. A new CW/pulse RF solid-
state power amplifier is planned to be designed. In future, the LEHIPA may operate at increased
CW/peak currents. To mitigate the requirement of increased beam parameters, the buncher may
require the power output >20 kW at 352 MHz from SSPA. As the present operating power
amplifier is designed way back in 2014, and it’s operation and maintenance is costly and time
consuming in future. Many technologies of the RF devices have been changed over the years
and availability of electronic parts are difficult. In order to avoid the down time of LEHIPA, in
future it needs an innovatively designed SSPA. In view of these a 20 kW Rf power amplifier
design is taken up. It consists of 24 RFPAs which are combined using 24-way power combiner.
The paper present the deign details of RF power amplifier of 20 kW at 352 MHz.
Design and Development of Pulse 2 kW Solid State amplifiers for Energizing S-Band
Pre-Buncher Cavity of 10 MeV, 10 kW LINAC developed at RRCAT
Ashish Mahawar*, Praveen Mohania, Raj Kumar Namdeo, Deodatta Baxy, Mahendra Lad
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore – 452 013, India
RRCAT Indore has developed 10 MeV,10 kW Electron LINAC named KIRTI-1010, for
electron beam radiation processing. The LINAC will be installed at M/s. Microtrol Sterilisation
Services Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore under incubation agreement presented in ref [2]. A 2856 MHz,
2 kW pulse amplifier has been designed and developed to energize S-Band pre-buncher of
the LINAC. The amplifier is developed by combining two 1 kW amplifier modules previously
fabricated using a LIM-EOM based planar RF combiners, the details of which were
presented in ref [1]. The amplifiers supersede our earlier 2 kW amplifier design presented in
ref [3]. The earlier design utilizes 8 LDMOS devices combined via 3 stage 8:1 Wilkinson
combiner while the new design requires only 6 LDMOS devices.
The S-Band amplifier provides a peak power of more than 2 kW, at an operating pulse width
of 16 µs and a pulse repetition rate in excess of 300 Hz. The amplifier provides a gain
greater than 57 dB, 0.1 dB bandwidth of 2856 MHz ± 5 MHz and operates in class AB mode.
The amplifier has 4- stages of amplification starting with a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA)
followed by a pre-driver, a driver stage and finally the high-power stage consisting of two 1
kW modules combined via hybrid combiner. A dual directional coupler is incorporated in the
high-power combiner eliminating the need for a separate coupler. The output of each 1 kW
amplifier module is protected by a co-axial circulator providing protection against reflection
from pre-buncher. An RF switch is used before the LNA to provide pulse width modulation,
synchronized with trigger signal. Two such amplifiers have been installed in the S-Band RF
system for the KIRTI-1010, with one functioning as a spare for quick replacement. Both the
amplifiers have been extensively tested during the LINAC operation at RRCAT. The
amplifiers have performed satisfactorily during the trial operation with no failure during nearly
two months of operation. Development of more amplifiers of same design is also being
carried out to meet future requirements of upgrades and spares at other accelerator facilities
The present paper describes the design details and test results of the amplifiers.
1. Mahawar A., Mohania P., Namdeo R.K., Lad M., ”Development of a 1 kW S-Band
amplifier module based on planar Lim-Eom combiner”, Indian Particle Accelerator
Conference (InPAC-2022) , VECC Kolkata, Mar., 22-25, 2022
2. Praveen Mohania et al., “Design and Development of S-Band Low Level RF System
for 10 MeV, 10 kW Electron Linear Accelerator KIRTI-1010”, this conference.
3. Mahawar A., Mohania P., Singh K.A.P., Namdeo R.K., "Design and development of
S-Band, 2 kW pulsed solid state amplifier for energizing pre-buncher cavity of IRFEL
injector" Proc. of InPAC-2018, RRCAT, Indore, Jan 9-12,2018, pp.1040-1042.
The power splitter divides the incoming RF signal from generator into two parts one for
klystron driver and the other for PB amplifier. The phase shifter is incorporated into the PB
arm and provides a mechanism to adjust phase between the PB and LINAC for maximizing
electron beam performance. The 4-channel power meter consists of in house developed
RF detector cards and a microcontroller based power measurement and display system
which provides readout in user selectable units and has facility to add offset to the
displayed power. The PDDU also displays the phase set via phase shifter in degrees for
ease of operation. The PDDU also features an adjustable marker for reading the power
level at a particular point on the pulse waveform which is shown on a DSO. The RF detector
cards convert the incoming pulsed RF signals into a DC pulseenvelope, a precision Sample
and Hold (S/H) circuit designed in house is used along with 10-bit, ADC of microcontroller
(Arduino Mega) to measure the RF power with precision. Arduino based microcontroller is
used to take advantage of large libraries available for the platform.
The PDDU power measurement accuracy is within 0.1dB with respect to the reference
power meter. A python-based application has been developed for automated calibration of
power measurement system. The complete LLRF system has been installed in a 42 U
Rack Enclosure and has been used extensively during performance evaluation of LINAC
at RRCAT. This paper presents the details of the developmental efforts made in the
engineering design and implementation of S-Band LLRF system of the machine.
Radio Frequency System Division at RRCAT has recently designed and developed a 2450
MHz, 1 kW pulse RF amplifier for plasma discharge in electron cyclotron resonance (ECR)
proton source set up at RRCAT. The amplifier can provide a peak power of up to 1 kW with
pulse width, variable from 1 ms to 5 ms and duty cycle of up to 10%. The amplifier is a four-
stage amplifier comprising of an LNA, a pre-driver, a driver followed by a high-power stage.
The high-power stage is developed by combining the outputs of two 500 W dual LDMOS
devices via planar hybrid combiner, which are fabricated on Arlon make 30 mil thick, 3.5
dielectric constant RF PCB. A directional coupler is also incorporated in the design to provide
a sample of forward power. The drain efficiency of the high-power stage is53%. The overall
gain of the amplifier is greater than 50 dB. The amplifier system features an integrated peak
power meter and a pulse generator. The power meter consists of an in house developed RF
detector with a microcontroller based DAQ system which measures and displays sampled
output power of the amplifier on an LCD display. The pulse generator controls the pulse width
and duty cycle of the amplifier and provides a synchronized TTL compatible output. The
amplifier has been thoroughly tested for its performance and stability and has been subjected
to heat runs of more than a week. The amplifier has been installed at the ECR proton source
as a replacement of a magnetron based imported source, and the system is being used to
study hydrogen plasma discharge in pulsed mode.
1. Manish Pathak et al., “Present Status of ECR Proton Source CW/Pulsed Operation at
RRCAT, Indore”, this conference.
2. Rekhya Naika et al., “Experimental Studies on Plasma Discharge with Pulsed
RFPower for Different Inlet Gas Pressure, Magnetic Field in ECR Plasma Source in
Pulsed Mode Operation”, this conference.
3. Praveen Mohania et al., “Design and Development of S-Band Low Level RF System
for 10 MeV, 10 kW Electron Linear Accelerator KIRTI-1010”, this conference.
4. Ashish Mahawar et al., “Design and Development of Pulse 2 kW Solid State amplifiers
for Energizing S-Band Pre-Buncher Cavity of 10 MeV, 10 kW LINAC developed at
RRCAT”, this conference.
Design and development of 24 way power combiner with direct interface with PA
modules avoiding the use of high power RF cables for Indian accelerator program
Jitendra Kumar Mishra1, Snigdha Singh1, B V Ramarao1, Manjiri Pande1 and Gopal Joshi1
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai
High power solid state RF power amplifiers (SSA) uses combining technique to scale output
power from relatively low power amplifier module compared to required output power. RF
accelerators require high power amplifier to increase energy of beam of charged particles.
Solid state RF power amplifier technology is one of the most explored options to power RF
cavities by accelerator community now a day. Most of the new accelerators are being
built/planned using solid state RF power technology. Moreover, this trend has also been
complimented by innovations and exemplary progress of superconducting radio frequency
(SRF) technology for acceleration of charged particle. SSAs have been popular and
increasing their footprint in powering RF accelerators due to their unique advantages, i.e.
modularity, graceful degradation, high availability/reliability, stable/quality RF, scalable, easy
maintenance among many others.
Power combiner is one of the important components in the SSA design and development.
There are various combining topologies available e.g. corporate combiner/divider, Wilkinson
power combiner, Gysel power combiner, radial power combiner, cavity type power combiner
etc. Corporate combiner will be highly lossy and gysel is bulky and not practical with this
much power and ports. Cavity combiner is bulky for 20 kW output at 325 MHz frequency and
hence not chosen. Wilkinson topology has been chosen for 20 kW 325 MHz SSA due to its
efficient design but simple implementation features. For the power rating of PA module as 1
kW @ 325 MHz and final combined power requirement as 20 kW, design calculation shows
that 24 way power combiner will ensure 20 kW SSA operation with suitable operational
margin of more than 10% for reliable operation.
Design of 24-way Wilkinson combiner, as described by Mishra in [1] uses quarter wave
spline lines of 24 nos. with their impedance equal to √24 Zo where Zo is 50 Ohm. These 24
spline lines are joined together at one end by a metallic disc. Each spline is connected to
output of one of the PA module at other end. This structure is matched on combining port to
50 Ohm system. This structure is simulated using CST microwave studio. A 24 way
combiner has been constructed based on this design. Constructed combiner has 3 1/8” as
output port and 24 nos. of 7/16” input ports. This combiner has been tested using Vector
Network Analyzer (VNA) as low power characterization. It shows a output port match of 25
dB, transmission 13.9+/- 0.1 dB and phase variation of +/-0.8 degrees. Minimum isolation
without isolation resistors is 20 dB which is observed in adjacent ports, however for rest of
the ports it is more than 25 dB. This combiner has been integrated in 20 kW SSA at 325
MHz for its power testing and validation. Power amplifier combining process was very
smooth and amplifier has successfully delivered 20 kW output power. Combiner has
functionality has been tested under non ideal conditions like few PA modules not feeding
power to the combiner and power measured at the combiner output shows very close
relation with theoretically calculated power under same input conditions. Authors would like
to present these results in this manuscript.
1. J. K. Mishra, et. al, “A compact high efficiency 8 kW 325 MHz power amplifier for
accelerator applications”, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Volume 764, p. 247-
256 (2014).
The present external beam line of the K500 Superconducting Cyclotron consists of series
of quadrupole magnets and two steering magnets. During beam trial with N4+ and Ne6+
beam, it is found that extracted beam coming out from cyclotron through magnetic
channel M9 is inherently defocused horizontally and also beam centroid shifts is more
than 7.0 mm. Beam dynamics study has been revisited that reveals the need of extra
steering magnet to be installed just after the first Faraday cup (FC1) to match the
extracted beam with existing beam line elements with a total of three steering magnets in
21 meter long external beam line. Considering the space constraint in the existing beam
line, a small X-Y steering magnet of 1.25 degree in either direction for a 2.4 T-m beam
rigidity has been designed, developed and tested. Design features and measured
magnetic field data of the magnet is prsented in this paper.
This paper discusses an experimental setup for the characterization of different magnet cores
by measuring their magnetization (B-H) curves. Different ferromagnetic materials e.g. ferrite,
silicon iron, mild steel, etc. have been used to cross-verify the measured data. During the
testing process, a precision current source is used to produce the magnetizing force (H) in the
primary coil of a toroidal electromagnet. A Precision Digital Integrator (PDI) is used to measure
and record the B-H loop data. One channel of the PDI records the instantaneous current in
the primary coil whereas the second channel integrates the time-varying voltage signal,
developed across the secondary coil. A detailed calibration method is used to find the relation
between the Volt-second (V-s) value and the integrated counts obtained from the PDI. The
dimensional parameters of the coil are used to calculate the magnetic field intensity B from
the measured V-s value and the magnetizing force H from the instantaneous current in the
primary coil. The obtained B-H data will be compared with the standard data used in FEA
software like OPERA, ANSYS, etc. for different grades of iron steel commonly used for
accelerator magnets. The details of the measurement set-up, the calibration method for V-s
calculation, and the measured data will be described in this paper.
B-H curve, Magnetic material, Rowland Ring
New materials and techniques are being used to attain extremely high magnetic fields in permanent
magnet-based accelerator magnets that may offer a viable alternative to their conventional
electromagnetic counterparts for many applications, especially where strong gradients, low power
consumption and less radiation damage are needed [1]. Rare-earth magnets are characterized by high
energy product {(BH)max}, high intrinsic coercivity (Hci) and reasonably high remanence (Br). Sm-based
and Nd-based magnets are commonly used rare-earth systems. Of these, Sm-based alloys have high
temperature stability and high resistance against demagnetization at high temperature, while Nd-based
alloys have high remanent field/energy values but poor temperature stability [2]. Material processing
techniques often plays a vital role in enhancing magnetic properties of Permanent magnets. Controlling
the cooling rate during the material processing (rapid solidification) is very important in order to
improve the microstructure and magnetic characteristics of the material. Melt-spinning is the mostly
used technique among the numerous rapid solidification procedures since it allows for a high degree of
material property control and hence improves the coercivity and remanence of the permanent
magnets. The melt-spun ribbon develops Nano-structure as a result of rapid solidification which
enhances its properties as compared to the bulk samples. Moreover, the Nd-Fe-B melt spun ribbon
forms an in-situ Nano-composite with Alpha-Iron and Nd2Fe14B, with the former being a soft magnetic
phase, while the latter being a hard magnetic phase. The exchange coupling between the soft and the
hard magnetic phases helps in significant increase in the remanence value. Melt-spinning also helps in
cold working of the metal introducing a preferred orientation which increases the anisotropy, thereby
enhancing the magnetic properties.
In this study the effect of adding Dy as an alloying element to the Nd-Fe-B magnetic system was
evaluated by preparing the samples via Rapid Solidification (melt-spinning) process. Micron-thin
Ribbons of composition Nd2-xDyxFe14B (x=0 and 0.6) were synthesized, keeping the spinning wheel
speed at 30 m/s. Thereafter, the rapidly solidified ribbons were studied by various characterization
techniques. X-Ray Diffraction study along with the Rietveld refinement was performed to understand
the phase formation behavior and phase fraction quantification. SQUID measurements were done to
investigate the magnetic properties of the ribbons. Dy addition increased the maximum energy product
[(BH)max] 2 fold, while the coercivity values were observed as 2.4 kOe and 8.1 kOe for Nd2Fe14B and
Nd1.4Dy0.6Fe14B ribbons, respectively. Microstructural observation with the help of Field Emission
Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) revealed that the increased coercivity by Dy addition can be
attributed to the segregation of Dy at the interface between the matrix phase and the grain boundary
phase which opposes the nucleation of reverse domain during demagnetization.
1. C. Joel, and G.L. Bec. "Prospects for the use of permanent magnets in future accelerator
facilities" Proceedings, 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC
2014): Dresden, Germany, June 15-20, 2014, TUZB01.
2. G. Oliver. "High-temperature samarium cobalt permanent magnets" Nanoscale Magnetic Materials
and Applications. Springer, Boston, MA, 2009. 337-372.
An improved 270-degree dipole magnet of 0.175 T peak central field has been designed,
developed and characterised for the proposed linac at RRCAT. The operating energy of the
linac is to be restricted up to 9.5 MeV for irradiation of the food products as per the safety
norms. So, an improved achromatic 270 degree dipole magnet system is designed for
analysing the electron energy and restrict the higher energy electrons which trace at higher
radii in the dipole magnetic fields. This achromatic system consists of two dipoles and make
a double achromatic system. An improved mechanical design of the core assembly has
been made using thick low carbon steel plates. This new design has the features of dis-
assembly/ assembly of the magnet core assembly from its mid plane for placement of
vacuum chamber, removal of central support that constraints the accessibility of hall probe
during measurements etc. The excitation coils of the magnet were fabricated from enamelled
copper strips and epoxy resin impregnated. The deflection of the magnet poles due to force
acting on it is restricted with a tolerable limit in order to meet the specified magnetic field
uniformity. Magnetic measurements of such dipoles are difficult because both the dipoles are
placed only at 175 mm apart from each other on a common base plate and there will be a
coupling of magnetic fields. Both the dipoles were magnetically characterised successfully
as a system and analysed the measurement results. The magnetic field measurement
results satisfy the achromatic condition of the magnet system and suitable for energy filtering
system of the Linac. The details of magnet design, development and its measurements
results will be discussed in this paper.
G Sinha, Ritesh Malik, K. Sreeramulu, B. Srinivasan, Kushraj Singh, Anil Mishra, Bhim Singh,
Preveen Kumar, Rajesh L. Prasad Shah, Navin Awale, and Kailash Ruwali
AMTD, RRCAT, Indore 452013
RRCAT has developed 9.5 MeV, 10kW electron Linac for food irradiation. Solenoids are used to focus
charged particle beams and increase the transmission in the Linac. Earlier the solenoids are made using
hollow OFHC copper which were imported. Now solenoids are made using anodised aluminium strip
which are available in the country as an import substitution. Solenoids are designed, fabricated and
characterised to meet the requirement of the Linac. Two smaller solenoids are placed in the LEBT section
and rest 4 are in the Linac section. Out of these 4 solenoids, three are of one type and the fourth is of
different type. Details of magnetic field design and measurements of both types of the solenoids are
presented in this report. Comparison between design and measured data are reported. Various important
parameters of the solenoid like coefficient of spherical aberration, effective length, peak field are
calculated. Demountable iron disks on the outer jacket are used and advantages of such arrangements
are explained.
Field produced by a circular current loop can be analytically expressed in terms of elliptic integrals. The
ideal solenoid can be treated as a stack of such current loops and its magnetic field can be obtained by
performing the integration. Alternatively, the field may be derived by solving a boundary value problem
with cylindrical symmetry using FEM code. Both the procedures are explained here. In any practical
solenoid error field is present. Experimentally, error field is measured and minimized. In addition to this
a set of horizontal and vertical steering coils are placed inside each solenoid for beam steering, if required.
These coils can generate 180 Gcm integrated field in each direction. These are made in such a way that
it can be removed if not required without disturbing the set up. In any solenoid, axial field, Bz is maximum
at the center of the magnet and decreases towards the end. Centre of the solenoid can be found out by
taking the derivative of the field. However, the off-axis radial magnetic field is maximum at the ends. These
radial field is responsible for focusing action of the solenoid magnet. These are water-cooled magnets
and cooling arrangements are made at both the ends. The magnet is energized with different currents
varying from 47.5 A to 80 A and allow to stabilize for 45 minutes before measurement. Characterization
of the magnetic field plays a significant role for the qualification of the magnets. Magnetic field is measured
using a 3-axis motion system and SENIS make 3-D Hall sensor and digital tesla meter. Magnetic field
sensitive volume of the sensor is (0.1x0.01x0.1) mm3. A special holder is designed to maneuver the Hall
sensor which can manipulate the sensor in 3 possible directions. The magnetic field is measured along
the length in a grid. Horizon, vertical and the length along the axis of the magnet is defined as X, Y and Z
axis. On axis field means the field is measured from -Z to +Z for X and Y both zero. Experimentally
magnetic axis is determined from the measured field. Measured field profile is in good agreement with the
design values and satisfy the field requirement. This is not only the import substitution but reduce the
power loss and price considerably.
The current and resistance of the solenoid using hollow OFHC copper to generate 1500G central
magnetic field are 180A and 0.159 Ω. However, to generate the same field using the aluminium strips
solenoids the required current and resistance are 54.27 A and 0.46 Ω. Therefore, the power loss in
copper and aluminium solenoids are 5.15 kW and 1.35 kW, respectively. Lower current density used in
aluminium solenoids resulted in low power loss. The cost of the material and fabrication of aluminium
strip solenoid is around 50 % lower than the OFHC solenoid.
Udai Giri Pratap Singh Sachan1, Pravin Kumar Rai2, S.Sundar Rajan3, Sanjay Malhotra4
1,2,3,4 Electromagnetic Applications and Instrumentation Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Pravin Kumar Rai1,Udai Giri Pratap Singh Sachan2,S.Sundar Rajan3, Sanjay Malhotra4
Electromagnetic Applications and Instrumentation Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
1.5 Tesla multi coil superconducting (SC) magnet is designed and developed for Magnetic
Resonance imaging applications for human extremities. SC magnet is designed for
uniformity better than 10 ppm in a Diameter of Spherical Volume of 160 mm. Temporal
stability of the magnetic field is obtained by operating the magnet in persistent current
mode. Persistent current joints and switches for this magnet were developed and tested
for its rated current. The developed SC magnet system is integrated and is tested for its
rated field.
Niobium-titanium (Nb-Ti) with a critical temperature (Tc) of 9.2 K is used to fabricate 1.5
Tesla multi coil superconducting magnet. One of the distinct features of Nb-Ti that makes
it ideal for most commercial applications is the possibility to produce true “superconducting
joints”. The superconducting joints allow the Nb-Ti magnet to operate in the persistent-
mode to attain an ultra-stable magnetic field (drift in the magnetic field should be of the
order of 10 ppm/year).
In this paper, we discuss about the superconducting joints of Nb-Ti superconducting wire
which are embedded in copper or copper nickel matrix. The developed superconducting
joints were characterized in self field operation in a cryogen free characterization system
and by current decay measurements while operating the superconducting magnet in
persistent mode. The measured resistance of fabricated superconducting joints using
solder matrix replacement method is of the order of 10-10Ω which is required for the
persistent mode operation. Persistent mode operation of the system is demonstrated in a
compact coil assembly with a persistent current switch in a cryogen free magnet setup.
1. Dipak Patel, Su-Hun Kim, Wenbin Qiu, Minoru Maeda, Akiyoshi Matsumoto,Gen
Nishijima, Hiroaki Kumakura, Seyong Choi & Jung Ho Kim, “Niobium Titanium (Nb-
Ti) superconducting joints for persistent –mode operation”, Nature Scientific reports
(2019) 9:14287.
2. G D Brittles, T Mousavi, C R M Grovenor, C Aksoy and S C Speller, “Persistent
current joints between technological superconductors”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28
(2015) 093001.
E.mail :
Medium beta cryomodules for High Intensity Proton accelerator envisages using
superconducting solenoids as transverse focusing elements. Electromagnetic,
thermal and mechanical design of the compact magnet assemblies equipped with
focusing solenoid, corrector coils and active shielding coils has been carried out at
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) [1 & 2]. With the transition to a new
superconducting magnet technology based upon conduction cooling, it is important to
have a quantitative understanding of the stability limits and the quench behavior so
that magnets can be effectively protected [2]. Transient behavior and design margin
of such magnets needs to be analyzed for predicting the quench behavior. A
cryogenic test stand using closed cycle cryocooler was designed & developed for
cryogenic qualification of conduction cooled magnets [2, 3]. Axial magnetic field
mapping for integral field strength calculation and fringe field measurement demands
a clear bore for magnetic field probe placement. Hence the cryogenic test stand is
equipped with a warm bore for scanning of the field in magnet aperture. The test
stand is equipped with multiple current feedthroughs for simultaneous excitation of
main coil and corrector coils. Warm section and the cold portion of the current leads
in the test stand have been optimized to reduce steady state heat in-leaks as well as
dynamic heat load during ramping. Cryogenic test stand is being used for quench
training, ramp rate testing and axial magnetic field mapping of the conduction cooled
magnet at various excitation currents. Thermal design of the system has been carried
out to reduce conduction, radiative heat load and thermal contact resistance between
the heat sink plates and cryocooler cold head [4] . 4 no.s of 6T pre-series
superconducting solenoid magnet assemblies have been integrated with the test
stand and tested for its performance. Cool down and warm up rates were measured
as well as peak temperature of first stage and second stage heat sink plates were
recorded during magnet quench. This paper reports the design, assembly, and
commissioning of the cryogenic test facility, and presents results of the test performed
on the pre-series magnet assemblies.
1. Kumud Singh, Janvin Itteera, Sanjay Malhotra - Final design Report “Cold
magnets for PIP-II SSR Cryomodule”. (Published and uploaded in Fermilab
Document database for PIP-II project, August 9th 2020)
2. Wilson, M., “Superconducting Magnets”, Oxford University Press, New York,
1986, pp. 98-99
3. Battelle, “Handbook on Materials for Superconducting Machinery, Metals
and Ceramics Information Center”, Columbus Laboratories 1977, pp.8.1.2-5
4. P. Brindza, E. Sun, S. Lassiter, and M. Fowler “Cryostat design and analysis of
the superconducting Magnets for jefferson lab’s 11 gev/c super high
Momentum spectrometer”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1218, 957 (2010)
Design and simulation studies of 40 kV, 80A solid state magnetron modulator
S.Mitra1,2, Ranjeet Kumar1, J.Mondal1,2, A.S.Patel1, Vishnu Sharma1, Senthil1, A.Roy1,2, R.I.Bakhtsingh1
Bhabha Atomic Research Center
Homi Bhabha National Institute,
1. Jo, Hyun-Bin , Song, Seung-Ho , Lee, Seung-Hee , Park, Su-Mi , Jang, Sung-Roc ,
Ryoo, Hong-Je, “High voltage Pulsed Power modulator for medical LINAC
applications”, Proceedings of the KIPE Conference,2018.11a / Pages.101-103 /
2. R. Richardson; R. Rush; M. Iskander; M. Hicks; E. Innes; R. Hird; P. Gooch,
“Compact 12.5 MW, 55 kV solid state modulator”, in Proc. 28th IEEE International
Conference on Plasma Science, Digest of Papers (Cat. No.01CH37251).
Design and Development of 3 kW, Active PFC Pre-regulator for Super Conducting
Wavelength Shifter Magnet Power Supply.
The synchrotron radiation sources Indus-1 and Indus-2 are continuously operating in round
the clock mode at Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore. The
insertion device (superconducting wavelength shifter (WLS), peak field - 5T) is being
developed for Indus-2 to increase the spectral brightness of the emitted radiation which is
indispensable for energy dispersive X-ray diffraction (ED-XRD) beam line applications. The
insertion device is to be installed in Indus-2 storage ring and to meet the requirement of high
stability radiation flux for ED-XRD, the high stability current controlled wiggler magnet power
supply is required.
An SMPS based high power, high stability (< 50 ppm) magnet power supply is also
being developed to energize the superconducting WLS magnet for Indus-2 accelerator at
RRCAT, Indore. The input diode rectifier of the SMPS without PFC behaves as a non linear
load to the ac utility resulting in poor input power factor and higher harmonic current in ac
input current. For shaping the ac input current from utility grid and reduction of harmonics
current, an active PFC converter is needed as a front end of the dc- dc converter based
magnet power supplies. The active PFC is also essential to meet the regulatory requirement
of low harmonic current in input current from utility grid for high power systems. Passive
PFCs are generally very bulky in size & have poor dynamic performance, so are not suitable
for high power systems.
A boost converter based active PFC high power pre-regulator operating in
continuous conduction mode (CCM) is proposed and presented in this paper. The boost
converter is very attractive for PFC applications since it has low part count, high efficiency, is
compact in size and operates as a step up converter which is quite suitable for wide ac input
range. Moreover, it has an input inductor which smoothens the input current and operates in
CCM. The PFC boost converter is operated in closed loop control with multiple control loop
architecture using power factor corrector IC circuits. The high bandwidth fast inner current
loop in average current mode control and a low bandwidth slow voltage loop is used with
feed forward of ac input. SiC Mosfet and SiC Schottky diodes are used in boost converter
power circuit which are switched at frequency of 100 kHz. The design parameters,
formulations and experimental results of the developed 3 kW prototype of the active PFC
pre-regulator are presented in this paper. The input power factor of 0.99 and THD < 6.1 %
with efficiency ≥ 94% is achieved.
Vineet Kumar Dwivedi*,1, Bheemireddi Madhu1, Manohar Koli1, Alok Singh1 and Mangesh Borage1,2
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore 452013, India
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai 400094, India
Due to the space limitation in the Indus-1 ring, it is proposed to develop a set of eight combined
function multipole magnets to facilitate closed orbit distortion (COD) correction. Each magnet
will produce four required magnetic field components, namely, sextupole component to correct
the chromaticity, skew quadrupole component to reduce the coupling (between the horizontal
and vertical planes), and vertical & horizontal dipole components for steering the beam in both
the planes. For chromaticity correction, sextupole coils of four magnets will be connected in
series and energized by one power supply. Thus, in total two power converters of maximum
output rating 125 A/25 V, with output current stability within ± 100 ppm are required. This is a
new requirement for performance enhancement of Indus-1.
The power converters are developed based on switch-mode, two-switch forward converter
(TSFC) topology. The converter is operating at 25 kHz switching frequency. IGBTs are used
as switching devices. The main features of the new design are: high efficiency, smaller size,
less cooling requirement, low audible noise, high stability, better maintainability, etc. The
power converters are designed and developed in modular fashion. The power converter is
divided in three modules: the power module, the breaker module and the control rack. Each
module is developed and tested separately. All the modules are integrated in cabinet. Open
and closed loop testing at low as well as high power testing has been carried out. Apart from
these functional tests, heat run test and special endurance tests, such as current cycling tests,
etc., have been carried out. Stability for eight hours of continuous operation has been recorded
to be well within the specification of ± 100 ppm. The paper reports the design details and test
Design and Simulation of Upgraded 800 A, 140 V Power Converter for Indus-1 Dipole
The existing power converter for Indus-1 dipole magnet (800 A/140 V) is based on 12-pulse
thyristor based rectifier scheme and is in operation for more than 25 years. Hence, most of
the power components like magnetics, electromechanical components, electrolytic
capacitors, etc. are reaching to their end of life. Maintaining spares for these components
also becomes difficult as some of the components have become obsolete and retrofitting the
available components in the running machine becomes difficult due to time and layout
For these reasons, it is planned to develop a new power converter for the Indus-1 dipole
magnet following switch-mode power converter scheme having smaller size, faster dynamic
response, better power factor, better maintainability, etc. The new power converter is
planned to be developed not as a single unit delivering 800 A / 140 V, but as an appropriate
number of modules operating in parallel with current sharing control, with N+1 redundancy.
In case of failure of any module, the remaining modules will continue the operation. This will
significantly increase the overall availability of power converter and reduce the machine
The switch-mode converter based scheme will be capable of achieving fast dynamic control
and will be smaller and lighter. Each module consists of two stages of two-switch forward
converter operating in Input Parallel Output Series (IPOS) configuration. Similar module,
rated for 20 kW maximum output power, has been used in new power converters for Indus-2
quadrupole magnets [1]. The power converter architecture consists of five 200 A / 140 V
modules operating in parallel with 4+1 redundancy. So even if one fails then the remaining 4
power converter modules would be able to share the load and deliver maximum rated output
current of 200 A each at 140 V. In normal operation, when all the 5 converters are in healthy
condition then each one operates at part load of 160 A. The design and layout of the power
converter module is significantly updated to improve power density as well as maintainability.
These aspects, along with the design details and simulation results of the power converter
are discussed in the paper.
1. Vineet Kumar Dwivedi, Alok Singh, Manohar Koli, Mangesh Borage and S. R. Tiwari,
“Design and Development of New 20 kW Power Converters for Quadrupole
Magnets in Indus-2”, Indian Particle Accelerator Conference-2018 (InPAC-18),
RRCAT, Indore, India, Jan., 2018.
In booster synchrotron, magnetic field needs to be ramped up at a fast rate (typically within
100s of milliseconds) in synchronism with energy of the particle. For this purpose, fast-
ramped power converters (FRPC) are used, which are capable of operation in two or four
quadrants, to energize series string of electromagnets. High peak power, having a large
reactive component, needs to be handled by the power converter to energize and de-
energize the magnets at a fast rate. During ramping up, energy is transferred to magnet;
during ramping down, energy is transferred back by magnet. Large reactive power
fluctuations are undesirable due to resulting various power quality issues, most notably the
voltage flicker. The studies reported in this paper used a FRPC that uses DC link capacitor
for energy storage and a two-switch forward converter (TSFC) in the front-end feeding to a
two-quadrant power converter (TQPC). With this arrangement voltage across DC link
capacitor can be programmed to vary in such a way that only active power is drawn from the
source. In large accelerators, number of electromagnets to be energized in series are large.
The peak voltage encountered by power converter is prohibitively large during ramping. To
reduce this voltage within feasible limits, the total number of magnets are divided into
number of smaller sections of magnets in series and each section of magnets is energized
by separate power converter. The power converter, depending on the power levels involved,
itself may need to be developed not as a single unit but by connecting suitably rated
modules in series.
Manohar Koli*,1, Bheemireddi Madhu1, Vinod Kumar1, Sanjay Kumar Prajapati1, Vinod Somkuwar1,
Sundaram Mani1, Pokharkar Rahul Rohidas1, Abhishek Srivastava1, Vineet Kumar Dwivedi1, Alok
Singh1 and Mangesh Borage1,2
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore 452013, India
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai 400094, India
The prototype converter was first developed and tested rigorously for long-duration
continuous operation under different modes, namely, dc operation at positive/negative
maximum current; cyclic bipolar operation with sinusoidal and triangular output currents, etc.
Subsequently, series manufacturing of 30 power converter cards, that included spare power
converters, was carried out with industry support. As these power converters normally
operate in remote mode, a test simulator was developed for testing of these power
converters in local mode. A detailed document providing testing guidelines was prepared to
facilitate simultaneous testing of these cards on multiple testing setups. A test report
template was also prepared for documentation of test results for individual cards.
Five such power converter cards are housed in one 19-inch 6U rack. Similar to the testing of
individual power converter cards, a test simulator, testing guideline document and a test-
report template was prepared to qualify the correctness of wiring of the racks.
The paper discussed the design and development activities and salient results of these high-
stability true bipolar power converters for upgraded COD correction scheme in Indus-1
storage ring.
Accelerator Power Supplies Division,
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
An electron linear accelerator is widely used for irradiation of food products and sterilization
of medical equipment. In a linear accelerator a time varying magnetic field, which is
generated by a scanning magnet, is needed to make the electron beam scan the product for
uniform distribution of the dose. A programmable current controlled bipolar power supply
excites the scanning magnet for generation of time varying magnetic field. The dose
delivered to the product is controlled by variable ramp up time and the beam current. The
scanning width is controlled by varying the magnet current through the magnet. This bipolar
current controlled programmable power supply needs a suitable reference for generating the
required output current profile. Operation of electron beam accelerator is associated with
radiation hazard and to overcome this, power supply needs to be operated from a remote
place where radiation dose is minimum. This paper focuses on development of an ethernet
based remote controlled programmable reference for the bipolar current controlled power
supply. A 32 bit ARM Cortex M4F based microcontroller has been used for the development
of programmable reference board. This microcontroller has inbuilt ethernet controller which
conforms to the IEEE-802.3 specifications. The programmable parameters like ramp up time,
ramp down time and voltage peak for the reference of power supply is selected either by
user friendly touch screen interface or ethernet based remote interface. A generic 3.2″ HMI
TFT intelligent LCD touch display module is used for the local control of the power supply.
The development of user friendly GUI for the touch interface is carried out in compatible HMI
editor. In local mode bipolar voltage reference, programmable ramp up time and ramp down
time are selected by HMI. In the development of GUI several protection features like
selection of parameters within pre specified limits have been incorporated and it also alerts
user through pop up window. The HMI interacts with microcontroller using a serial port. In
remote mode these parameters are selected by open source software through TCP/IP. The
development of software is done using suitable compiler in C language and for TCP/IP
based ethernet software a suitable light weight TCP/IP protocol suite has been used. Open
source software has been used for transmitting data from desktop PC to microcontroller and
for receiving data from microcontroller. Several interrupts like ethernet, timer and serial
interrupts have been used for the generation of reference in both local and remote mode. A
20-bit, serial input and voltage output single Digital to Analog converter (DAC) has been
used for generating voltage reference for scanning magnet power supply. External voltage
reference to DAC is generated by the highly stable external reference. This DAC
communicates with microcontroller through Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus. The bipolar
reference with programmable ramp up and ramp down time has been successfully tested
with power supply and meets all intended parameters.
Design and fabrication of cold plates for dipole power converter of Indus-2 at
The cooling of electronic devices is essential to guarantee their functional performance and
operational lifetime. Diodes, IGBTs, MOSFETs, transistors and integrated circuits generate
considerable amounts of heat during operation. Extreme heat can damage or significantly affect the
performance of the semiconductor devices and therefore, supplemental cooling is necessary to
maintain the temperature within the limits. Among the various devices which are used for thermal
management of electronic equipment, the cold plate is a primary tool. A cold plate is a fluid flow
space that is contained within bounding metallic walls.The key task is to design fluid flow passages
within the space such that the heat dissipated by the electronic equipment is extracted while
maintaining temperatures at a level compatible with high performance. This paper discusses the
selection of material, design, development and fabrication techniques of cold plates for cooling of
SCRs of bridge assembly for Indus-2 dipole power supply which is rated as 800 A/800 V. This power
supply energizes all the seventeen dipole magnets of Indus-2. The cold plates of SCR bridge
assembly have been designed for 2 kW heat load with maximum surface temperature of cold plate at
50˚C. Geometrical tolerances of cold plates have been measured and achieved as specified. Steady
state thermal analysis has been performed in ANSYS to estimate maximum temperature of cold
plate. This paper also discusses the mounting techniques of SCR bridge assembly.
In Indus Accelerator Complex, booster synchrotron is used to boost the energy of electrons
to the desired levels required to fill Indus-1 and Indus-2 storage rings respectively. Presently,
the series connected main windings of dipole and quadrupole magnets in the booster are
energized by a single power converter, which is based on 12-pulse thyristor controlled
rectifier scheme. As the magnetic field of these electromagnets need to be ramped at a fast
rate (typically few 100s of milliseconds) in synchronism with the energy of electrons, the
magnet power converter is required to handle large power swings during ramp-up
(energizing) and ramp-down(de-energizing) transitions. The existing power converter
scheme is able to meet the specified requirements. However, it poses certain limitations
such as operation at low power factor and voltage flicker due to repetitive power fluctuations.
Further, as the power converter scheme has inherent slow dynamic response, a control
scheme that has multi-loop feedback and feedforward control is used to achieve the desired
tracking accuracy. Being operational over many years, the power converter is also due for
upgradation in near future. Therefore, it is planned to develop a new power converter using
switch-mode power conversion technology with grid power control that would result in high
power factor operation as well as relieve the ac mains from periodic power fluctuations and
consequent voltage flicker. The technology development would also be essential to energize
magnets in the booster synchrotron of the next-generation synchrotrons, wherein power
swings of the order of few MVAs are envisaged.
As a first step in the developmental process of this complex technology, a prototype fast-
ramped power converter with grid power control was developed and tested. The converter is
rated to deliver trapezoidal current of 100 A flat-top value at the ramp rate of 350 A/s to a
magnet load with inductance of 54 mH and resistance 0.165 Ω available in the laboratory. It
consists of two stages: a two quadrant converter is used to provide the output current, with a
two-switch forward converter at the front end to vary the voltage across the intermediate dc
link storage capacitor in a specified manner in order to draw only resistive power from the
Analysis, Design and Development of High Voltage Surge Protection for High
frequency Transformer and IGBT Inverter of 1MeV, 100kW DC Accelerator
S Dewangan*,1, Rehim N Rajan1,2, D K sharma1, Swati H Das1, Rupesh Patel1, Arka Mitra1, N B Thakur1,
A G Waghmare1, P C Saroj1 and Archana Sharma2,3
accelerator & Pulse Power Diision, BARC, Mumbai
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai, India
Beam Technology Development Group, BARC, Mumbai 400085, India
Electron Beam Centre (EBC), Beam Technology Development Group (BTDG), BARC
is developing 1MeV, 100kW DC Accelerator for electron Beam Waste Water Treatment
(EBWWT). The accelerating potential of 1MV DC is generated by symmetrical
Cockcroft Walton multiplier column pressurized at 6kg/cm2 N2 gas for HV insulation.
The accelerated electron beam passes though graded accelerating column with
vacuum better than 10-6 mbar. The multiplier column is powered through high voltage
high frequency transformer (HFT) alongwith IGBT based inverter and DC Power
supply (DCPS). During HV conditioning, due to arcing inside the high voltage multiplier
column or inside accelerating column, a typical surge of about 100-150kV and 1-
10MHz frequency is estimated across HV terminal of HFT. This surge enters to the
inverter and DCPS through HFT inter-winding capacitance. A suitable surge limiting
inductor alongwith spark gap & common mode bypass filter has been designed and
developed for the surge protection. This papers describes about the simulation
analysis, design basis, prototype testing of the surge protection system. The
fabrication and test results are also presented.
Sabyasachi Pathak2, Anirban De2, Vipendra Kumar Khare1, Mrinal Kanti Ghosh1 and Sajjan Kumar
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, DAE, Kolkata-64, India
also at Homi Bhabha National Institute
A novel scheme incorporating SCR based AC voltage control type pre-regulator followed by
in-house developed step-up transformer and solid-state series regulator has been designed
and developed. This was done to replace the older vacuum tube based power supply with a
compact and rugged solution for the existing system. The design includes the development
of an analog control system for the pre-regulator as well as a dual loop control architecture
for the output voltage regulation of the said power supply. The multiple inner current loops
ensure equal current sharing of the individual series pass elements as well as better control
dynamics in terms of overcurrent protection of the load (EIMAC 4CW150000). Low output
storage energy, better line ripple rejection, better line and load regulation etc. were also the
major concerns during the design, development and optimization of the control scheme. The
power supply additionally features protection against overcurrent, over-temperature, mains
fault etc. and also provision for remote interfacing with the existing supervisory control
system for upgradation of the power supply with minimum shut-down time of the system.
This paper reports the design of the power converter stage, control system modelling,
controller design, and the important results obtained at various stages of the development.
A 2kV/5A power supply is designed and tested utilizing Pulse Step Modulation (PSM) which comprises of 4 individual power
supply modules (SPM) based on Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). A power supply with PSM techniques is used in the accelerator
technology in order to avoid crowbar, ease of maintenance. The PSM uses phase shifted PWM for producing final output. There
are various ways to obtained phase shifted PWM like using FPGA, DSP etc. In this paper, the phase shifted switching pulses are
obtained by using analog IC LTC6994 which can produce a delay of 1µs to 33.6s. The use of analog IC eases the complexity of
design. Each phase shifted PWM pulse is used to turn ON and OFF the IGBT connected in each module as a Buck converter
mode which is fed from a 600 VDC source. A free-wheeling diode connected at the output of the modules bypasses the current
even it is in standby or non-function mode. Each SPM can produce 60V to 540V with maximum 5A depending upon duty cycle
of switching pulse. After Simulation of prototype design experiment is performed which matches the simulation profile. Load
regulation is obtained using PI controller fabricated on an externally SG3524 IC, which act as a master controller. The final
output is the summation of voltages of modules connected in series resulting very less ripple at higher ripple frequency and thus
the requirement of filter capacitor is very less. The main advantages of PSM based high voltage power supply are smaller size,
easy maintenance and low stored energy.
Akhilesh Tripathi1, M. K. Badapanda1, Rinki Upadhyay1, Rajeev Kumar Tyagi1, Sachin Rathi1 and
Mahendra Lad1
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India
The input performances of DC power supplies such as input power factor (IPF) and current
total harmonic distortion (THD) must be improved for minimizing the total apparent power
consumed from electrical utility. In order to improve these input performances, DC power
supplies incorporate active or passive power factor correction (PFC) techniques. Input
performances can also be improved by employing multi-pulse input system. All these power
factor correction techniques are used in DC power supplies employed for biasing various RF
amplifiers in RF system of Indus-2 and analysis of these techniques is presented in this
paper. An active power factor correction approach entails the use of a full power converter
stage in between the diode bridge and the isolated DC/DC converter. This power factor
correction technique is employed in 50 V, 700 A modular DC power supplies, used for
biasing solid state RF power amplifiers in RF system of Indus-2 [1]. Under this technique, a
Vienna rectifier is used at the input of 50 V, 100 A DC module employed in these power
supplies. Vienna rectifier is a three phase, three switch and three level rectifier, which
provides controlled output voltage. Its topology is a mix of a boost DC-DC converter and a
three-phase diode rectifier. By controlling the turn-on and turn-off of its switches, the input
current is made to follow the input voltage, which results in very high IPF as well as low
current THD. With incorporation of Vienna rectifier, IPF > 0.97 and current THD < 6% have
been achieved. Eight units of these power supplies are operating in 24x7 mode in indus-2.
Passive power factor correction approach places reactive components such as capacitors
and inductors across the input line. This power factor correction technique is employed in
-20 kV, 5 A DC power supply of klystron amplifier in RF system of Indus-2. Under this
technique, a detuned passive filter network is connected across the input line along with
series limiting inductors for improving input performances. The tuning frequency of this
detuned filter is kept as 228 Hz, which is below the lowest harmonic generated by nonlinear
load connected across this power supply i.e., 5th harmonics, to avoid harmonic amplification
with the input, due to parallel resonance. With incorporation of both detuned filter network
and series limiting inductors, -20 kV, 5 A DC power supply achieves current THD < 15% and
IPF > 0.97 at nominal 415 V, 50 Hz AC input. A 24-pulse input system is incorporated in
-36 kV, 24 A DC power supply for biasing Inductive Output Tube (IOT) amplifier in Indus-2
[2]. It receives input from 11 kV, which is applied to two numbers of input transformers,
whose secondary windings are connected in star and delta configuration. Their primary
windings are shifted by ± 7.5º to realize 24-pulsed input system. This power supply achieves
current THD < 6% and IPF > 0.97. Details of power factor correction techniques employed in
these power supplies and experimental results for current THD and IPF are presented in this
Installation and commissioning of high voltage DC power supply with electron gun
for power testing of photon absorbers
Sachin Rathi1, Rajeev Kumar Tyagi1, Akhilesh Tripathi1, Rinki Upadhyay1, M. K. Badapanda1 and
Mahendra Lad1
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore, M.P., India-452013
An AC regulator based -25 kV, 5 A high voltage DC (HVDC) power supply has been
installed, commissioned and integrated with electron gun for testing of photon absorbers [1].
The control of this power supply has been implemented though silicon-controlled rectifiers
(SCRs) in AC regulator configuration [2]. The controlled voltage output of SCRs is given to
the primary winding of star connected 3-phase step-up transformer. The secondary winding
of this transformer has been split into two windings, one connected in star and other in delta
configuration. These secondary windings are feeding to corresponding 3-phase diode bridge
and rectified output is filtered to obtain -25 kV, 5 A high voltage DC output. The transformer,
rectifier and filter inductor of this power supply are kept in an oil filled tank. The SCRs along
with input switch gear and various control cards are housed in AC voltage regulator (ACVR)
panel of this power supply. Before installation, the functioning of various control cards was
checked and voltage levels at various test points were monitored. Functioning of SCRs and
other components was also checked. During installation, the health status of high voltage
transformer was checked through megger. Afterwards, the output of ACVR panel was
connected with transformer-rectifier unit & filter capacitors and power supply was energized.
A 100 kΩ bleeder resistor was connected across the output terminals of this HVDC power
supply and its performance parameters were checked. Various safety and protection
features have been implemented in this HVDC power supply by using protection cards for
over temperature, over voltage, over current, under voltage, transformer oil over temperature
and phase failure. In order to ensure smooth operation of power supply with electron gun, its
preventive maintenance is carried out at regular intervals. This includes multiple checks
such as testing dielectric breakdown voltage of transformer oil, checking moisture content of
silica gel in transformer breather, checking integrity of power circuit connections and dust-
cleaning of various components of power supply. Functioning of various protection cards
used in power supply, is checked along with the calibration of multiple meters. During
operation of power supply, several performance parameters such as output voltage, output
current etc. along with voltage levels of multiple signals in interlock cards are monitored. The
power supply can be operated in local mode as well as in remote mode. This power supply
has been operating satisfactorily with 20 keV strip electron gun for qualification testing of
photon absorbers. The details of installation, commissioning and integration of -25 kV, 5 A
DC power supply with electron gun are given in this paper. During testing with electron gun,
this power supply is operated at -20 kV, 100 mA operating point and output voltage ripple
≤ 0.5% and output voltage stability ≤ 0.5% have been observed. These experimental results
are also presented in this paper.
Control protection interlock system of 50 V, 700 A DC power supply for solid state
RF amplifier in Indus-2
Rinki Upadhyay1, M.K.Badapanda1, Akhilesh Tripathi1, Rajeev Kumar Tyagi1, Sachin Rathi1 and
Mahendra Lad1
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
A microcontroller based digital control protection interlock system has been employed in
50 V, 700 A modular DC power supply for biasing solid state RF amplifiers in Indus-2 RF
system at RRCAT, Indore. This power supply consists of seven numbers of 50 V, 100 A AC-
DC converters which operate in parallel to share the load current [1]. Hot swappable
features and active redundancy are implemented in the power supply to reduce the down
time as well as increase availability of the overall system significantly [2]. The control system
consists of Microchip made ATMEGA644P microcontroller and DSPIC30F5011 digital signal
processor. ATMEGA644P microcontroller communicates with controller of individual AC-DC
converter via RS232 interface and ensures equal sharing of load current among the healthy
AC-DC converters. Suitable optical isolation has been provided for communication between
the controller of individual AC-DC converter and control system. DSPIC30F5011 is
responsible for ON/OFF operation of DC contactors, which provide 50 V DC bias to
32 numbers of 500 W, 505.8 MHz RF amplifiers. The control system also enables the
operating personnel to specify the trip limits for RF amplifier bias currents, individual
converter currents, total power supply current, output overvoltage, under voltage,
independently for effective protection of the overall system. If any RF amplifier gets short
circuited, the control system isolates it by switching off its DC contactor, keeping remaining
RF amplifiers in operation. Hot swappable feature incorporated in AC-DC converter enables
online isolation of faulty converters without affecting the operation of remaining AC-DC
converters and RF amplifiers. The control system also monitors the healthiness of 7
numbers of AC-DC converters and 32 numbers of RF amplifiers and displays crucial
parameters of the power supply including input AC voltages and currents, output DC voltage
and current, AC-DC converter currents, RF amplifier currents on LCD. In case of external
interlock, it trips the entire power supply by sending shut down command to AC-DC
converters and tripping the DC contactors. Emergency OFF button is also provided on the
power supply for tripping it in case of any abnormal condition. A DC OK status signal is given
from the power supply to the RF amplifier system. Once the RF amplifier system is ready, it
sends turn ON command to the three phase 415 V input A.C. contactor through this control
system. The control system has capability to operate the power supply in remote mode via
PC connected through Ethernet communication. With this control system, eight units of 50 V,
700 A DC power supplies are commissioned with RF amplifier in Indus-2 RF system at
RRCAT, Indore and are working satisfactorily in round the clock mode. Current total
harmonic distortion ≤ 6.4%, input power factor ≥ 0.97, output voltage stability ≤ 0.5% and
output voltage ripple ≤ 0.2% have been achieved. This paper presents details of the digital
control protection interlock system, scheme of power supply in brief along with experimental
Abstract: HV & HF 125 kVA Transformer with high step-up ratio of 180 has designed for feeding power to
high power DC Accelerator based on Symmetrical Cockroft Walton multiplier scheme. Regulation and
efficiency are the two important performance tools of the transformer for exploring the 15 stage SCW with
line regulation and ONWF cooling scheme for heat removal respectively. This paper presents the detail
theory with calculation insight for explaining the gaps of the design and test result. The complete frequency
response of the HV & HF Transformer explains the reason behind the question, why step up is coming
higher than the designed value. This paper demands the focused and detail study for the skin and proximity
effects because the gap between theory and test result are very wide. The performance of noncondenser
type bushing concludes satisfactory result due to No HV discharge between the terminals during the test up
to rated voltage.
Medical Cyclotron 18MeV (MC18) is under development in VECC, Kolkata. Radio frequency (RF) system is most vital
part of cyclotron which is also under development. The grid biasing plays most critical role in triode power amplifiers. A
linear regulated power supply rated 200V/ 1A is designed, developed and tested with resistive load for biasing grid
electrode of RF amplifier tube. This power supply is developed by incorporating single-phase step-down transformer,
single phase full bridge rectifiers, LC filters and a bipolar transistor as a shunt regulating element. The output voltage is
controlled and regulated by feedback technique. This is achieved by first sampling output voltage and compared it with a
reference voltage to generate an error signal. This error signal is given to an analog proportional and integral (PI) controller
that controls the base current of transistor to put the output voltage within desired limit. The power supply has features
of over voltage, over current and over temperature protection with one external interlock. Simple control circuit, no EMI
and high reliability are main advantage of liner regulated power supplies. Also, short circuit proof is added advantage
of shunt regulated linear power supplies due to use of series resistance. The simulation of the designed is performed in
PSIM to analyses the circuit performance. In this paper, circuit topology, function of system components, simulated and
experimental result of power supply are discussed.
Helium plants, used for diverse accelerator projects are highly energy-intensive due
It has been observed that the majority of liquid helium plants, whether built as
operation typically lowers its performance efficacy. It has been found that there are a
very few studies on the operation of liquid helium plants under off-design conditions
and there is paucity of information on this subject. The modern liquefiers are made to
operate optimally within narrow operating margins, however there occurs instability in
their performance on account of wide fluctuations in off-design thermal loads [1]. The
operations is evaluated in only one available publication by Kundu et al. [2] using the
commercial process simulator ASPEN HYSYS. The current study has attempted to
simulate a model liquefier using Aspn Hysys, experiment with an existing helium
experiment's liquefier (model: HELIAL 50, manufacturer: Air Liquide, France) has a 50
liter/hour capacity without liquid nitrogen precooling and has been working for the
Comparing the simulated model to the actual liquefier while considering that
both have an equal capacity for liquefaction at pure liquefaction mode, it was found
that the variation of the capacity at mixed modes happens less than +12%. The
current investigation also demonstrates that the exergy efficiency and SPC of the
existing liquefier depart from the simulated model by less than +10%. Interestingly it
has been observed that the deviation of exergy efficiency is a maximum of 7.80% at
75W@4.5K mixed mode refrigeration load. This occurs due to the fact that although
the existing plant has been sold as liquefier, but actually it has been optimized at a
mixed mode refrigeration load of 75W@4.5K. For the pure liquefaction and pure
The current experimental study suggests that the parameter exergy efficiency
design mixed modes. This investigation validates the approach of the simulated
model and shows how a designer can use it to forecast off-design properties of a real
liquefier. Another interesting observed aspect is that the JT valve and turbine flow
control valve have percentage exergy destruction of about 8%, which is pretty
significant and is supported by the simulated model. This examination also reports on
1. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Sec VIII, Div 1, 2010.
Cryo-Technology Division, BARC is developing a 100 l/hr helium liquefaction system [1]
(LHP 100) [2]. The process design of LHP100 is based on modified Claude cycle [3]. In
contrast to the LHP50 [4, 5], the LHP100 makes use of liquid and vapour nitrogen precooling
to enhance the refrigeration capacity. LHP50 helium liquefier has been manually operated
extensively. The operational experience from the LHP50 cryo plant has been utilized in the
development of control system for the LHP100 liquefier. The major components of the
LHP100 system consist of a process screw compressor with gas management system, cold
box with vacuum system, high effectiveness plate-fin type heat exchangers, high speed
turboexpanders, charcoal absorbers, bellow sealed control valves and helium Dewar with
interconnecting cryogenic pipelines. Present article describes the detailed philosophy of the
control system for the LHP100 liquefier along with details of the supervisory control system.
The control system consists of independent feedback loops for some of the above
component systems and plant automation according to an elaborate flow control diagram
implemented through PLC and supervisory control system. The complete automation/control
system of the LHP100 plant is being developed by Reactor Control Division and Cryo-
technology Division, BARC. The high speed turboexpander brake control system and
precision pressure control loops have already been developed using microcontroller and PC
based system and have been reported earlier [6]. The present article reports the PLC
implementation and simulated testing of these systems. The PLC system has been
integrated with EPICS SCADA software using Channel Access (CA) protocol.
Kallol Mukherjee1,Pravin Kumar Rai2,Vijay Harad3,Udai Giri Pratap Singh Sachan4,S.Sundar Rajan5,
Sanjay Malhotra6
1,2,3,4,5,6 Electromagnetic Applications and Instrumentation Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Quantum computers made up of superconducting qubits must operate in ultra-low temperature (50mK or
less) to reduce thermal energy which could excite vibration motion of quantum states disturbing the
quantum computing operations. These systems must operate under high vacuum and stable mechanical
environment to prevent unwanted excitation of qubit state. The steady state low temperatures required for
quantum computers are achieved using dilution refrigerator.
Considering the imperative requirement of dilution refrigerators for Quantum computers based on
superconducting qubits, EmA&ID, BARC has initiated indigenous design and development of cryogen
free dilution refrigeration system. As a step towards indigenization, a 1K cryogen free system is designed,
developed and tested for its performance.
This refrigeration system consists of a closed cycle cryo-cooler, heat exchangers, gas handling unit and
JT impedance. Closed cycle cryo-cooler is required to maintain the base temperature of plates connected
to first stage (50K) and second stage (4.2K) of the cold head using flexible copper braid joint. The gas
handling unit is designed to evacuate the vacuum vessel of the refrigeration system before cool
down of the plates connected to first and second stage of cryo-cooler and main helium loop. Gas handling
unit automates the precooling of system to reduce the cool down time. Once the base temperature of the
first stage and second stage plate is reached due to cryo-cooler and precooling system, the system
evacuates the helium gas from the precooling loop and automatically transfers helium gas to the main
helium loop. The still (helium-pot) of the refrigeration system is evacuated after liquefaction of helium in
the main loop. High purity helium-4 gas precooled to 40K, using heat exchangers attached to first stage of
cryo-cooler, is liquefied using condenser at 4.2K cold head stage. The liquefied helium is passed through
a Joule Thomson (JT) Impedance valve into a cylindrical vessel, which is evacuated to decrease the
vapor pressure and achieve low temperature. As He-4 becomes superfluid at temperature less than 1.8K,
proper design of the still/He-4 evacuation chamber is carried out to reduce creeping of the superfluid
helium. Proper surface finishing of evacuation chamber is carried out to reduce the critical velocity of
helium liquid film. A stable temperature of 1.04K is achieved by proper optimization of the still chamber.
Horizontal Test Stand for the Testing of Single Spoke Resonator Superconducting
RF Cavities at BARC
Jitendra Kumar1, Mukesh Goyal1, Anindya Chakravarty1, Srinivas Krishnagopal1 and Thomas H Nicol2
Cryotechnology Division, BARC
Applied Physics and Superconducting Technology Division, FNAL
Single spoke resonator (SSR) superconducting radiofrequency (SCRF) cavities are planned
for the proposed Medium Energy High Intensity Particle Accelerator (MEHIPA) [1] at BARC.
The cavities, before assembly into cryomodule, will be qualified for cryomodule worthiness.
The required tests, among others, include high power RF testing at 2 K. These tests will be
done in a purpose built cryostat called horizontal test stand (HTS). The cryostat will provide
the same process conditions which will exist in the cryomodule, but for a single cavity. Tuner,
high power coupler and other auxiliary components required for testing will be installed with
the jacketed SSR cavity for testing in the HTS. The cryostat have three independently
operable cryogenic fluid circuits. The liquid nitrogen circuit will serve to remove the heat
load of the thermal shield maintained around 80 K. Helium incoming circuit, 4.5 K @ 1.2
bara, will be used to cool down the cavity . The third fluid circuit is of sub-atmospheric
saturated 2-phase helium at 2 K. This sub-atmospheric circuit will cater to the 2 K
refrigeration load of the cavity. Provisions are also made for 80 K thermal intercepts to
mitigate the conduction heat load to the components and regions maintained at 2 K. The
supply of cryogenic fluid will be controlled by an existing feedbox. The feedbox was
developed earlier by BARC. Long stem bellow sealed valves and a JT heat exchanger along
with cryogenic piping, dedicated thermal shield and check valves are the major components
of the feedbox. The required liquid helium and liquid nitrogen will be supplied to the feedbox
from respective Dewars. The facility is being planned to cater to a maximum isothermal heat
load of 30 W at 2 K. Cryostat will also have room temperature magnetic shield to maintain
the required magnetic hygiene near SSR cavity during tests. The required instrumentation to
measure the cryogenic load shall be provided. Q0 will be determined by experimental
measurement of 2 K isothermal heat load. The performance of tuner, piezo and high power
coupler will also be investigated at cryogenic temperatures during the cavity performance
test. This work presents the preliminary cryogenic process scheme and the mechanical
design of the HTS.
1. A. Pathak, S. Roy, S. Rao and S. Krishnagopal, “Design study for medium energy
high intensity proton accelerator”, Phy. Rev. Accel. Beams 23, 2020, pp. 090101
Naseem A. Ansari, Dr. Mukesh Goyal, Dr. Anindya Chakravarty, Mohananand M. Jadhav, Rajendran S
Menon, Tejas Rane, Sandeep Nair, Jitendra Kumar, Satish K Bharti, Abhilash Chakravarty, Ankit Jain
and Dr. Krishnagopal S.
Cryo-Technology Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai
BARC is involved in the development of 200 MeV and 10 mA, Medium Energy High Intensity
Particle Accelerator (MEHIPA) [1] arming to the Demo ADS and spallation research. In order
to cater to the cryogenic requirement of MEHIPA and to test various cryogenic equipment
mainly very low pressure heat exchangers and subsystems, SHP20, a 20 W at 2 K cryo-
plant is being designed and developed [2][3]. The SHP20 cryo-plant will be coupled with the
existing indigenously developed liquid helium plant LHP50 [5] or LHP100 [3]. Supercritical
4.5 K helium is been supplied to the SHP20 cryo-plant from the LHP100 plant. The SHP20
plant consists of helium pre cooler, VLP heat exchanger, cryogenic valves and sub-
atmospheric bath to produce 2 K helium. The 2 K sub-atmospheric bath pressure is
maintained to 30 mbar using a warm compression. Since the full sensible heat of the cold
stream is not utilized in the JT Heat exchanger, a cryogenic radiator has been incorporated
in the design. Thermal insulation design of the 2 K system is critical and uses copper
thermal shields, thermal intercepts and vapor cooling. The present article details the
process, thermal and mechanical design of SHP20 cryo plant. Design of the cryogenic
equipment such as pre cooler, 2 K vessel and bayonets have been briefly discussed along
with relevant design codes. The VLP heat exchanger development along with the cryogenic
testing is also reported in the present article.
Design and fabrication of cryogenic distribution box for Horizontal Test Stand at
Horizontal Test Stand (HTS) facility has been setup at Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced
Technology (RRCAT) for high power testing of dressed 650 MHz Superconducting Radio
Frequency (SCRF) cavities at 2 K temperature and it is used for final qualification of dressed
SCRF cavity before integration/installation in a cryomodule. Presently HTS cryostat is
directly interfaced with cryogenic plant through cryogenic transfer lines. A distribution box is
being planned to be interfaced between the HTS cryostat and cryogenic plant for better
cryogenic operational flexibility and reliability. The distribution box consists of the vacuum
vessel , Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) cooled thermal shield , Liquid Helium (LHe) transfer line , LN2
transfer line , 2 phase helium return line , cryogenic control valves , check valves ,
temperature and pressure measurement instrumentation , safety valves , isolation valves
etc. This external cryogenic distribution system will be a set of cryogenic components to feed
and return the cryogens via vacuum insulated pipelines to the various components of
horizontal test stand which need cryogens.
Distribution box will provide the path for 4.5 K helium supply,5 K intercept and bridge cooling
helium return, LN2 supply for radiation shield cooling , accidental release of helium in circuit ,
pressure and temperature measurement of supply and return helium. Vacuum insulation
space of distribution box has been designed for continuous sealed vacuum operation and it
will be able to be maintained without active continuous mechanical pumping during normal
operation. HTS distribution box has also been designed in such a way that it can perform all
required cryogenic operations safely with in-built design safety features. Total 16 ports have
been provided for operational requirement of HTS and 1 spare port has been provided for
any future needs.
The HTS facility has been set up , commissioned and a dressed 650 MHz Superconducting
Radio Frequency cavity is successfully tested at RRCAT, with required pressure stability.
During this testing, the cavity was conditioned for more than 20 hours, at pulse repetition
rate of 20 Hz with duty cycle upto 40% and power up to 22 kW. 2 K temperature was
maintained with required stability for more than 48 hrs continuously . Present paper
describes the mechanical design of distribution box vacuum vessel and fabrication aspects
of this vessel along with LN2 shield including trace tubing. The mechanical design of vacuum
vessel consist of the buckling analysis of the shell , stress analysis of bottom support and
top flange etc. In addition to this, the various fabrication and qualification aspects of vacuum
vessel and LN2 shield such as helium leak testing , vacuum testing , cold shock etc. have
been described in this paper.
Prabhat Kumar Gupta, Rishi Kant Sharma, Vivek Nema, Manoj Kumar, S. Raghavendra, Purushottam
Proton Accelerator Group
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore (MP), India
It is planned to generate Rare Isotope Beam (RIB) using the photo-fission route at Variable
Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC), Kolkata [1]. To achieve this, VECC is constructing an
electron linear accelerator (e-LINAC) facility comprising of a number of cryomodules having
superconducting cavities inside. The proposed Cryogenic Transfer Lines (CTL) will transport
liquid helium (LHe) to cryomodules from Dewar of helium liquefaction plant. 4K LHe from
Linde 280 LHe plant will be fed to the Cryomodule via LN2 cooled and Multi-Layer Insulation
(MLI) shielded cryogenic transfer lines (CTL). Vacuum-jacketed LN2 CTL provides LN2 to
the actively cooled shield of the LHe line as well as to the thermal radiation shield of the
cryomodule. Inside the cryo-modules, 4K helium is brought into a reservoir and 4K to 2K
cool-down is done internally. 2K LHe is distributed to individual niobium cavities via a
common distribution pipe connected to annular shells of the cavities. This pipe is evacuated
using sub-atmospheric helium pumps via vacuum-jacketed sub-atmospheric (SA) line, to
maintain an internal pressure of around 30 mbar thereby maintaining the LHe at 2K. The
total length of cryogenic transfer line is about 300 m including the 100 m long LN2 shielded
LHe line & the vacuum jacketed sub-atmospheric line and 200 m long LN2 line. Hence, the
cryogenic transfer line is divided into multiple transportable segments. These segments are
connected to each other by means of vacuum insulated field joints. The heat in-leak
calculation has been carried out for a typical pipeline segment as well as field joint
separately. The estimated heat in-leak values are 0.08 W/m for a typical segment and 1 W
for a typical field joint. Phase separators are used for separating gas from liquid nitrogen so
that bubble free LN2 is supplied to the cryo-modules and LHe transfer lines. Finned
aluminium tube vaporizers with natural convective air cooling are used. The cryogenic
transfer line is equipped with different sensors for monitoring the operation, viz., Si diode
temperature sensor, thermocouple, RTD, pressure transmitter etc. Its control system is
SCADA based for facilitating supervision and control through LAN from a remotely located
Central Control Room. The PLC will continuously monitor values of all the cryogen delivery
system process parameters and primarily use these signals to control the cryogen delivery
system. The PLC requires the following I/Os - Digital Input: 48; Digital Output: 12; Analog
Input: 12; Analog Output: 16; RTD input: 7. All the spools / segments of cryogenic transfer
line have been fabricated at M/s Shell-N-Tube, Pune. The spools have been rigorously
inspected at their factory; spools in which leaks were found, have been repaired and then
retested. The installation and commissioning of the cryogenic transfer line will be carried out
at the RIB facility at VECC, Kolkata.
Design and development of cryomodule for High Beta (HB, Beta= 0.92) 650 MHz
Superconducting Radio Frequency (SCRF) cavities is being pursued for 1GeV
pulsed proton Linac R&D at RRCAT in collaboration with Fermilab. This cryomodule
will be a part of high beta section of the superconducting proton LINAC. Major
subsystems like vacuum vessel, strongback, 70K thermal shield, cavity support etc.
have been designed at RRCAT [1].
Strongback is main supporting frame, maintained at room temperature, which
supports cavity string from bottom inside vacuum vessel of HB 650 MHz
cryomodule. Its main function is to withstanding complete cold mass load including
thermal shield. It facilitates assembly of the cold mass outside vacuum vessel.
Cavity support structure holds the cavity and string assembly in place above
strongback. Cavity support transfers the load of the cavity string maintained at 2K
temperature to strongback through cryogenic support post. Strongback and cavity
support also maintains alignment of the cavity string. Alignment of cavity string will
be done outside of vacuum vessel. Strongback and cavity support should be rigid
enough to maintain alignment during insertion of cavity string inside vacuum vessel
as realignment cannot be done once string is inside vessel.
This paper discusses design efforts for strongback and cavity support at different
loading conditions. Structural analysis for load conditions during operation and
during insertion, has been performed to find out stresses and deformation. For
operating load condition, strongback support location is fixed on studs and has
been modeled as fixed support. String assembly load is distributed on strongback
through cryogenic support posts. For load condition during insertion, strongback
support has been shifted from fixed studs to wheels on rail step-by-step and all
conditions has been modeled and analyzed to obtain stresses and deformations
during each step of insertion of cavity string in vacuum vessel. Cavity support
thermal contraction analysis also has been performed to ensure maintaining
alignment after cool down to 2K. The paper discusses all the results for different
load cases analyzed for strongback and cavity support.
1. P. Khare, S.G. Gilankar, R. Ghosh, H. K. Patel, A. Lakshminarayanan, A
Jain,A Tiwari,A.K. Shukla, D.K. Arzare,G. Agrawal,P. Saxena,D. Sinnarkar,
T. H. Nicol, R. Vincent, S. Chandrasekaran, “Status of design and
development of high beta 650 MHz cryomodule at RRCAT”, InPac-2020,
New Delhi, Jan. 9-12, 2020, p. 20
Design and development of cryomodule for High Beta (HB, Beta= 0.92) 650 MHz
Superconducting Radio Frequency (SCRF) cavities is being pursued for 1GeV pulsed proton
Linac R&D at RRCAT in collaboration with Fermilab. This cryomodule consists of six numbers
of SCRF cavities. SCRF cavities are maintained at temperature of 2K during normal operation.
There are various operating modes of cryomodule like cool down from room temperature to
2K, pulsed mode operation, CW mode operation, standby mode at 2K etc. This requires
modulation of helium flow rates through cryogenic circuit for these different modes. This
cryomodule has two cryogenic control valves namely JT Valve and Cooldown Valve to cater
to these requirements.
This paper presents calculations for pressure drops, flow rates and valve Cv requirement for
various operation modes. Helium flow rates required to cool cavities with required cool down
rates have been calculated and Cv requirement for these cases at different temperatures are
also calculated. Temperature varying material properties are used while calculating required
flow rates through cooldown valve. Valves have been selected to cater to various operating
modes and their opening percentage and percentage of maximum Cv have been presented in
this paper. Cool down and JT valves of DN15 size have been selected. Maximum Cv for Cool
down and JT valves are 3.5 and 0.2 respectively with Rangeability of 100. Operating points
for various cases with different values of maximum Cv are also presented and compared in
this paper.
An Excel VBA program has been developed for calculation of required valve Cv as per
ISA75.01 code. This excel program has been interfaced with Hepak for helium properties
which can be called from excel worksheet like any other excel function and calculates required
Cv for given set of inlet and outlet conditions. Developed code will be useful for valve
calculations in future as well.
Design and development of cryomodule for High Beta (HB, Beta= 0.92) 650 MHz
Superconducting Radio Frequency (SCRF) cavities is being pursued for 1GeV pulsed proton
Linac R&D at RRCAT in collaboration with Fermilab. The cryomodule is a large cryostat and
is basic building block of superconducting Linac. The length of cryomodule is ~10 m,
housing six numbers of HB β=0.92, 650 MHz SCRF cavities. The cylindrical vacuum vessel
of cryomodule provides insulating vacuum and structural support to cold mass which
comprises of SCRF cavities, thermal shield, support system, internal piping etc. Vacuum
vessel has various ports for tuner, RF coupler, cryogenic instrumentation, vacuum pumping
and transport access, strongback support posts, relief valve, side extension, top hat for heat
exchanger and pressure transducers on vessel shell. Vacuum vessel for HB650 MHz
cryomodule has been designed and an engineering note has been prepared as per ASME
Boiler and Pressure vessel code, Section VIII, Div. 1.
This paper describes structural design of vacuum vessel.The design calculations has been
performed for vessel shell thickness for both internal and external pressure, flanges & end
covers, reinforcement requirements for openings, large openings of shell, reinforcement for
multiple openings on flat head and out of roundness calculations. FEA has been performed
for different loading conditions and results for stresses and deformation are presented.
Ultra High Vacuum Technology Section
Accelerator Physics and Synchrotrons Utilization Division
Design & Manufacturing Technology Division
Proton Accelerator Group
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore.
A 20 keV, 2 kW DC triode thermionic emission strip type electron gun is designed with
tungsten cathode of size 0.7 mm x 20 mm, producing strip electron beam foot print of size 3
mm x 60 mm [1]. The electron gun system is developed to extract desired beam current of
100 mA at average power density of 14.5 W/mm2 at water cooled photon absorber surface
for its qualification testing. In Synchrotron Radiation Sources (SRSs), photon absorbers are
used to absorb unused synchrotron radiation (SR) power emanating from bending magnets.
In next generation SRS, the SR power density to be absorbed by such devices is in the
range of 10-100 W/mm2. Such photon absorbers, being designed indigenously, need to be
tested with an alternative power source simulating identical power density. To meet this
requirement, an indigenous test setup is developed with electron gun depositing heat load in
vacuum environment on water cooled photon absorber as thermal power source. This paper
describes design, development, manufacturing, hardware architecture and initial
optimization of test set up parameters for desired beam power density.
1. Monika Rana, Pramod R, A.D. Ghodke, B.K. Sindal, Sujata Joshi and D.P. Yadav,
“Simulation of a 20 keV/100 mA Strip Electron Gun for Testing Photon Absorbers”, in
Proc. Indian Particle Accelerator Conf. (InPAC), VECC, March 2022.
Design and simulation analysis of vacuum system of SWLS insertion device for
Indus-2 Synchrotron Radiation Source
Sushil K. Sharma1*, B.K. Sindal1, Vijay S. Bais1, Subrata Das2, D.P. Yadav1, Purushottam Shrivastava
Ultra High Vacuum Technology Section,
Accelerator Technology Magnet Division,
Proton Accelerator Group
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India-452013
Indus-2, 2.5 GeV Synchrotron Radiation (SR) source at RRCAT, Indore is a dedicated national facility for
synchrotron users. In long straight section (LS-4) of Indus-2, Superconducting Wavelength Shifter (SWLS) is
planned to be developed indigenously at RRCAT and to be installed in Indus-2 LS-4. Ultra-high vacuum
(UHV) system compatible to SWLS has been designed to operate at ~1E-9 mbar under dynamic condition
for having sufficient long beam lifetime. Due to narrow pole gap of SWLS magnets, corresponding vacuum
chamber is conductance limited hence achieving this order of UHV is quite difficult with conventional lumped
pumping system. Distributed pumping in the form of non-evaporable getter (NEG) coating is proposed to be
applied on the vacuum exposed surface of SWLS vacuum chamber for effective pumping. Monte-Carlo
simulation based software was used for the pressure profile simulation of proposed system. Structural and
thermal stability of SWLS vacuum chamber against atmospheric loading and SR respectively were studied
using Finite Element Method (FEM) based software. This paper describes design, pressure profile simulation
and analysis of the UHV system of SWLS. Structural and thermal simulation results of vacuum chamber and
peripheral components are also discussed and analyzed.
Keywords: Long Straight Section-4, Superconducting Wavelength Shifter, Ultra High Vacuum, Monte-Carlo,
Non Evaporable Getter, Finite Element Method
B.K. Sindal1*, Sushil K. Sharma1, Vijay S. Bais1, K.V.A.N.P.S. Kumar1, Anugrah Shankar1, B. Sisodia2,
N.J. Bhange1, P. Bhatnagar1, Sujata Joshi1, D.P. Yadav1, Purushottam Shrivastava3
Ultra High Vacuum Technology Section
Design & Manufacturing Technology Division
Proton Accelerator Group
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore-452013, India
Emaill ID-*
Indus-1(a 450 MeV, 100 mA) Synchrotron Radiation (SR) source is a dedicated national
facility for synchrotron users. Implementation of closed orbit distortion (COD) correction
scheme in Indus-1 ring is planned to be implemented as part of up-gradation program.
Accordingly, new UHV system compatible to COD correction scheme has been designed
and development of all the new components are in advanced stage of progress. Operating
pressure <1E-09 mbar is required for good beam life time. Dipole vacuum chamber is one
of the major UHV components of the ring. A prototype dipole vacuum chamber with new
design features was designed, fabricated and tested for its UHV performance prior to batch
production of the actual chambers. Salient upgraded design features of new dipole vacuum
chamber are simplified geometrical design, incorporation of ion clearing electrode and new
UHV pumping scheme [1]. Finite Element (FE) simulation was carried out for structural
design optimization under atmospheric loading condition. CNC water jet cutting machine
was utilised first time for cutting the profiles of the SS316L sheets for its fabrication. Manual
GTA welding process was deployed for UHV compatible helium leak tight (<2E-10 mbar-l/s)
welding of the vacuum chamber [2]. This paper describes design, structural FE simulation,
manufacturing and UHV performance testing of prototype dipole vacuum chamber for Indus-
1 SRS ring.
Keywords: Synchrotron Radiation, Closed Orbit Distortion, UHV, Dipole vacuum chamber,
Ion clearing electrode, Finite Element simulation.
Indus-1(a 450 MeV, 100 mA) Synchrotron Radiation (SR) source is a dedicated national facility for
synchrotron users. Implementation of closed orbit distortion (COD) correction scheme in Indus-1 ring is
planned to be implemented as part of upgradation programme. Accordingly, new UHV system compatible
to COD correction scheme has been designed and development of all the new components are in advanced
stage of progress. Hydroformed metallic bellow made of SS316L is an important component which is
installed in the ring to compensate for fabrication & alignment tolerances and to take care of thermal
expansion of vacuum chambers during baking. Corrugations of bare bellow generate impedance for the
circulating bunched beam in the ring and requires rf-shielding to minimize the impedance to acceptable
range. Pumping manifold is another in-line important component in the ring which is required to connect
Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) Pumps. Pump port hole again creates impedance for the beam and requires rf-
screen type design to facilitate pumping together with low impedance for the beam.
In view of above requirements, impedance simulations of rf-shielded bellow and rf-screen pumping port
have been carried out using CST Particle Studio wake field solver for optimizing their designs. Before
embarking on the actual design simulation, software simulation result was first validated comparing with
analytical solution and measurement data for simplified geometry of bellow. Measurement of impedance
was carried out by co-axial stretched wire method [1]. The simulated results show a covariant behavior w.r.t
the theoretical as well as measured results over a large frequency range.
This paper summaries layout of the UHV system of upgraded Indus-1 ring, engineering design of the rf-
shielded bellow assembly & UHV pump manifold their impedance simulation results and analysis
Yogesh Kelkar*, Lingam Srinivas, Rajesh Barothiya, Ulhas Karandikar, Yash Pal Singh
Accelerator Power Supplies Division,
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
A set of Pinger magnets is required to study linear and nonlinear beam dynamics in Indus-2.
With these magnets, the beam can be excited vertically or horizontally, and the response to
these magnets will be measured with BPMs. Half sine current pulse with peak current of
5600 Amps and pulse width < 1µs was required to generate a deflection angle of 2 mrad in
Vertical Pinger magnet. The half sine current pulse is generated by a highly underdamped
LC circuit formed by HV capacitors and Vertical Pinger magnet which acts as an inductor.
Power supply specifications were achieved with a low inductance, high voltage compliant
pulser unit with Thyratron as a switch. As a means of reducing the charging voltage to a
minimum value, low ESL capacitors (ESL ≤ 50nH) were used and compact coaxial thryratron
assemblies are fabricated, to reduce the path inductances. Additionally the PFN assembly
was fabricated on site based on the available space and it was placed very close to the
pinger magnet to reduce stray inductances. Besides reducing the charging voltage to
minimum value this step also aids in achieving the current pulse width < 1µs. The control
unit, capacitor charger, thyratron auxiliaries, trigger unit were housed in 36U rack. To
overcome the problem associated with thyratron switch namely slow recovery characteristic,
which will lead to significant negative current and reverse arcing due to highly under damped
circuit, a snubbed diode stack was used in series with thyratron. Toroidal saturable reactors
(Ni-Zn ferrites, T 150) are used to limit di/dt of current. With the use of saturable reactors,
clean up current and amplitude of reverse voltage were reduced. The power supply was
installed and commissioned in Indus -2 and is ready for beam dynamics experiments.
In particle accelerators, pulse magnets are energized using pulsed power supplies to
generate fast pulsed magnetic fields. Performance requirements for these power sources
are stringent. Peak amplitude stabilities, jitter, repeatability and pulse shapes are of prime
importance. For high voltage, high current switching applications, Thyratron is used as a
switch due to its ruggedness but Thyratrons suffer from anode delay drift. In precision pulse
power applications, it is desirable to control the anode delay drift. This paper presents the
design and development of a Digitally Controlled Power Converter to power Thyratron
auxiliaries. It also discusses measuring and controlling thyratron auxiliaries remotely with
digitally controlled power converter. A prototype two switch power converter with switching
frequency of 24.41 kHz was developed for experimental validation. The digital controller and
Digital Pulse Width Modulator (DPWM) was implemented in FPGA. This paper presents the
generation of DPWM using counter based DPWM technique, controller and it’s
implementation in FPGA. The developed power converter has been used to power thyratron
in a prototype pulser in lab. It has been demonstrated that the developed power supply can
be used to manipulate thyratron anode delay remotely. Experimental results of anode delay
with thyratron reservoir voltage have been presented.The design, development and testing
have been elaborately discussed in this paper.
A typical 6/4 MeV electron Linac is used for CARGO Scanning application. Pulsed Electron beam with
alternate pulses of 6MeV and 4MeV is used for material discrimination. In-order to make the compact
RF Source of the same, Pulsed Power Magnetrons are typically used as an RF Source. The magnetron
is powered by a pulse modulator whose output pulse power varies from pulse to pulse so as to achieve
interlaced RF Pulse power output for feeding the linac.
The paper describes the design and development of the pulsed magnetron modulator rated for 38kV (-
ve), 168A, 3.4µs, (flat top) and Pulse Repetition Frequency of 200 pps.
The modulator has been tested on Resistive load followed by magnetron load. The pulse to pulse
current stability of within +/- 1% has been achieved for the same. In conclusion the paper also discusses
the future scope of improvement and scalability of the technology.
The pulse forming network (PFN) capacitors of the HV pulsed modulators are required to be
capable of simultaneously handling the high voltages, high peak and RMS currents, and high
repetition rates. Proper testing and qualifying the capacitor’s performance for their peak
design values is crucial for such applications. The manufacturers (OEM) generally do not
have the facilities for testing the capacitors at high peak currents and voltages at high
repetition rates. OEM conducts usual tests of viz capacitance, peak voltage, leakage current,
peak current, equivalent series resistance (ESR) and equivalent series inductance (ESL).
ESR parameter directly indicates the loss within the capacitor. The measured ESR and ESL
values are highly affected by the measurement test set up and do have large measurement
errors. Local industries are not equipped with set up for testing of energy storage capacitors
for high repetition rate applications. Also, direct loss calculation based on the inference of
the test data may lead to wrong conclusion. Hence, a test stand has been designed and
developed for the performance evaluation of high voltage PFN capacitors at parameters very
close to real application parameters. The test stand consists of a HV capacitor charging
power supply (CCPS), thyratron based switching unit and resistive load. The CCPS linearly
charges the “capacitor under test (CUT)” to the desired voltage. The CCPS has the output
voltage and current capability of 25 kVmax and 1.5 A respectively. The supply is based on
high frequency switched DC-DC converters using series L-C resonant topology. The
switching frequency of the DC-DC converter is chosen as ~10 kHz. The stored energy in the
CUT is discharged to the resistive load using a HV switch unit. The HV switching unit
consists of a hydrogen thyratron (CX1154) and associated grid drive unit to turn on the
thyratron switch. Low cost heating elements have been used to construct the resistive load.
The test stand serves as a qualification set up of PFN capacitors for loss estimation at
parameters close to real application before its usage in the modulator. The test stand
operates at maximum charging voltage, peak current and repetition rate of 25 kV, ~800 A
and 400 Hz, respectively. The design, construction details and results of the test stand will
be discussed in the paper.
Design and development of floating pulse power supply for triode electron gun
Radio Frequency Systems Division, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), India
Triode type pulsed electron gun of 90 kV cathode voltage has been developed at RRCAT, Indore as
a technology demonstration. This electron gun source is proposed to be used for 10 MeV electron LINACs
for irradiation of industrial and agricultural products. The control electrode of the electron gun requires
positive pulsed voltage up-to 2 kV floating at cathode voltage. A 2 kV pulsed power supply of 15 µs pulse
width has been developed to bias the control electrode. This power supply floats at -90 kV cathode voltage
and provides 0 to +2 kV pulse between cathode and control electrode in synchronism with the cathode pulse
of electron gun. By varying the pulse voltage of control electrode, it is possible to vary the electron gun
current.The input ac voltage to this pulse power supply is derived from the isolation transformer used for
filament heating of electron gun. DC power supply has been switched through an IGBT switch and a pulse
transformer. The DC voltage is controlled by applying optical signals to motorized auto-transformer. The
maximum and minimum value of control electrode is set by an optical limit switch of auto-transformer. The
control electrode voltage is monitored by sensing DC voltage at the rectifier output and converted into
proportional frequency signal for optical transmission. This frequency signal is converted back to voltage
signal for measurement and read-back of control electrode voltage. At present, this power supply has been
tested and qualified on a resistive load of 10 kΩ up-to pulse repetition rate of 300 Hz. Also it is integrated
with the electron gun test stand and tested up-to 2 kV control electrode voltage at 90 kV cathode voltage.
This paper presents design, development and test results of the pulse power supply for triode type electron
Design and Development of Isolated Two Winding Bouncer Scheme for Droop
Correction in Hard Switched Modulator
M. Tiwari1, T. Reghu1, R. Arya2, M. Lad1
Radio Frequency Systems Division, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT),
Laser Electronics Division, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), India
Pulse modulators provide high voltage pulses at required pulse repetition rate (PRR) for
the Klystron based microwave amplifiers. The pulse modulator generates high voltage
pulses by discharging the energy stored at lower voltage, in energy storage capacitor into
the primary of a step-up pulse transformer using a controlled switch. In pulsed modulator
applications, droop of the output pulse is an important parameter. The output pulse droop
of less than 1 % is generally acceptable for most of the applications. The droop of the
output pulse depends on the load, capacity of the energy storage capacitor and pulse
transformer parameters. A novel scheme based on two-winding bouncer for droop
correction has been developed which has resulted in reduction in the capacity of the
energy storage capacitor of hard switched modulator by about 50 times. The droop
correction technique uses LC oscillations setup between bouncer capacitor and
magnetizing inductance of the bouncer transformer to compensate the droop in HV output
pulse of the hard switched modulator. A transformer having step up ratio of 1:5 has been
designed and fabricated in-house using amorphous metal cores. The transformer of this
scheme provides galvanic isolation from HV pulse modulator circuit. This scheme reduces
the requirement of current rating of the switches in the compensation circuit and allows for
maximum utilization of voltage rating of available switches as the level of voltage
compensation can be adjusted due to transformer action. A pulse modulator has been
designed and developed for generating 10 kV, 10 A, 100 Hz, 20 µs pulse with 10 % droop.
The pulse transformer of this modulator consists of multiple parallel windings in primary to
achieve lower leakage inductance and fast rise time. The two winding bouncer scheme is
integrated with 10 kV pulse modulator to compensate droop from 10 % to 1 %. The trigger
pulses for switches in pulse modulator and compensation circuits are generated by an
FPGA. Interlocks are also provided to stop triggering of switches in case of any unsafe
condition. Trigger pulses are transmitted from FPGA to HV circuit by optical signals which
provide optical isolation to FPGA. The scheme is tested at 10 kV, 10 A, 20 µs with resistive
load up to pulse repetition rate of 100 Hz and droop of 1% has been achieved in output
Agriculture Radiation Processing Facility (ARPF) [6] is a national level facility for carrying out
irradiation of research samples for the development of new crop varieties, colour modification
of gem stones, the development of novel materials, the modification of semiconductor
properties, etc. using electron accelerators. ARPF site of Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced
Technology (RRCAT) is located at a distance of about 5 Kms from the main campus.
RRCATNet, [7] is the campus wide computer network in RRCAT, which facilitates
collaboration and information sharing among scientists and engineers at RRCAT.
RRCATNet connectivity is extended up to remote ARPF site for controlling, monitoring of the
radiation facility and administrative coordination of the ARPF activities by scientists and
engineers working for the facility. The extended communication channel transports
confidential and sensitive data related to linear accelerator administration and dose
management for sample irradiation. Since mission critical data is flowing between two different
locations via a public network, hence network security [8] is of utmost importance. The best
approach is to provide the protection at the lowest level of network and do not expect users to
know anything about it. There are a number of solutions with pros and cons to protect the data
during transit against tapping and eavesdropping [9]. Thus it is challenging to choose a
solution which provides reliable and secure network connectivity over public communication
channels. The continuity management of such a solution is also a big challenge.
In this paper, we discuss the design and development of an IPsec-based [10] secure VPN
setup [11] for providing internet and intranet facilities to users at ARPF site of RRCAT.
OpenBSD-based setups were developed and deployed and measured to obtain throughputs
of approximately 75 Mbps over 100 Mbps leased line using IPsec protocol. Network security
measures implemented inside RRCAT are also applied on the developed setup. The setup
has been designed, developed, and deployed at ARPF, RRCAT, Indore, and is in regular use
for last three years with 99.98% up time. We will also be discussing the continuity management
aspect of such network [12] for mission critical accelerator application [13].
1. Prasad, R., Rohokale, V., Prasad, R. and Rohokale, Cyber threats and attack
overview. Cyber Security: The Lifeline of Information and Communication
Technology, V., 2020. pp.15-31.
2. Glăvan, D., Răcuciu, C., Moinescu, R. and Eftimie, S., 2020. Sniffing attacks on
computer networks. Scientific Bulletin" Mircea cel Batran" Naval Academy,
23(1), pp.202A-207
and Implementation of an IPSec Virtual Private Network: A Case Study at the
University of Namibia," 2020 IST-Africa Conference (IST-Africa), Kampala,
Uganda, 2020, pp. 1-6.
4. Abdulazeez, A., Salim, B., Zeebaree, D. and Doghramachi, Comparison of VPN
Protocols at Network Layer Focusing on Wire Guard Protocol. D., 2020.
5. Angelo, Raymond. "Secure Protocols And Virtual Private Networks: An
Evaluation." Issues in Information Systems 20, no. 3 (2019).
6. “Agriculture Radiation Processing Facility (ARPF)”, (accessed on 31st Jan.
7. “RRCATNet, The Computer Network at RRCAT, Indore”, (accessed on 31st Jan
8. Tuli, R, Packet Sniffing and Sniffing Detection. International Journal of
Innovations in Engineering and Technology, 2020. 16(1).
9. Zaripova, Network security issues and effective protection against network
attacks. D.A.. International Journal on Integrated Education, 4(2), 2021,pp.79-
10. Paul Joan Ezra, Sanjay Misra, Akshat Agrawal, Jonathan Oluranti, Rytis
Maskeliunas, Robertas Damasevicius, "Secured Communication Using Virtual
Private Network (VPN)", Cyber Security and Digital Forensics, vol.73, pp.309,
11. D. A. Esper, S. Datta and M. Roy, "Implementing Protection on Internal Networks
using IPSec Protocol," 2022 8th International Conference on Advanced
Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), Coimbatore, India, 2022,
pp. 378-383.
12. Tomar, S.S., Chaudhari, S., Maurya, V.K., Rajan, A. and Rawat, A., 2018. Secure
setup for remote access/control of scientific instruments over internet. In
Proceedings of the eighth DAE-BRNS Indian particle accelerator conference.
13. Patil J., Tomar S.S., Rawat A., Raghunathan S., “Control and monitoring of
EXAFS beamline of Indus-2 at RRCAT remotely from BARC”, Indian Praticle
Accelerator Conference (InPAC 2009) , RRCAT, Indore, Feb., 10-13, 2009
Development of a prototype induction heating system
For solid and metal ion beam generation in ECR ion sources.
Mou Chatterjee1, Sumitra Majhi2, Kishore Rana3, Dipak Verma4, P.Y.Nabhiraj5, Arup Bandopadhayay6
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre.
Department of Atomic Energy
Kolkata, India
Recently in VECC, metal ion beam was generated and delivered from one of the two
14.45GHz ECR ion sources using MIVOC facility and has been successfully accelerated by
K130, room temperature cyclotron. Although being a simple method, MIVOC has several
disadvantages like contaminating the ECR chamber and poor transport efficiency. To
overcome these, a prototype induction heating system along with temperature monitoring
facility has been developed to explore the possibilities of solid and low melting point metal
ion beam generation in ECR. This method is a cleaner, efficient and alternative technique to
MIVOC. Here,a ZVS, parallel resonant type inverter generating 250 kHz frequency has been
designed and developed for this purpose along with a thermocouple based temperature
monitoring system which monitors the workpiece temperature. The sample metal or solid is
taken in a ceramic crucible which is placed inside a cylindrical shaped, hollow iron work
piece. Successful in vacuum experiments have been carried out in prototype arrangement
for different metal sample evaporation. Mg, Bi, Zn. Pb, Ag and Cu are the few metals which
have been evaporated. The efficiency of the system is found out to be around 78%. This
paper describes the development, vacuum evaporation and performance analysis of the
system developed.
1. R. Lang, J. Bossler et al. “Investigation of different oven types for sample
evaporation in the CAPRICE electron cyclotron resonance ionsource.” Review of
Scientific Instruments 71, 651 (2000); doi:10.1063/1.1150338
2. Yushi Kato, Masashi Tomida, Takashi Kubo, Toyohisa Asaji, Kiyokatsu Tanaka et al.
“Production of multicharged iron ions with inductively heated vapor source” Rev. Sci.
Instrum. 77, 03A335 (2006); doi: 10.1063/1.2163290
3. M. Cavenago, S. Petrenko, T.Kulevoy, “ A VAPOUR SOURCE FOR ECR ION
SOURCES” Proceedings of EPAC 2002, Paris, France
4. T. Takenaka, R. Kiriyama, M. Muramatsu, A. Kitagawa, T. Uchida et al.
“Improvement of efficiency and temperature control of induction heatingvapor source
on electron cyclotron resonance ion source” Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 02A327 (2012);
doi: 10.1063/1.3669798
5. Rosnah Mohd Zin, Chin Fhong Soon et al. “Zero voltage switching driver and flyback
transformer for generation of atmospheric pressure plasma jet” AIP Conference
Proceedings 1883, 020023 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.5002041
6. Jiin-Yuh Jang , Yu-Wei Chiu.” Numerical and experimental thermal analysis for a
metallic hollow cylinder subjected to step-wise electromagnetic induction heating”
Applied Thermal Engineering, 2007.
7. Mark William Kennedy, “Magnetic Fields and Induced Power in the Induction
Heating of Aluminium Billets”, Licentiate Thesis, Sweden,Stockholm 2013.
8. Abdil Kus, Yahya Isik, M. Cemal Cakir, Salih Coşkun and Kadir Özdemir.
“Thermocouple and Infrared Sensor-Based Measurement of Temperature
Distribution in Metal Cutting” Sensors 2015, 15, 1274- 1291;
9. S. L. McClusky, High Voltage Resonant Self-Tracking Current-Fed Converter,
Master of Science, Faculty of California Polytechnic State University, California
Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, 2010.
10. Jung-gi Lee, Sun-kyoung Lim, Kwang-hee Nam * and Dong-ik Choi ** “DESIGN
Automation in Mining. Mineral and Metal Processing. Nancy. France. 2004.
11. E. J. Davis and P. G. Simpson, Iduction Heating Handbook. New York: MaGraw-Hill,
Ashok Kumar*, Kailash Ruwali, Sudhir Kumar, S. Das, and S.N. Singh
Accelerator Magnet Technology Division, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced
Technology, Indore.
A majority of insertion devices used in synchrotron light source are undulators. Permanent
magnet blocks made of Samarium Cobalt or Neodymium Iron Boron are used in undulators
for getting spatially varying magnetic field. The quality of the magnetic field is related to the
variation of magnetic properties of the individual permanent magnet blocks. Therefore, at
the first step the magnetic properties of each block should be measured precisely to be
able to sort them to minimize the field integrals and the phase error of the device [1,2]. This
paper reports development of a Helmholtz Coil based measurement set up to characterize
the permanent magnet blocks for the above purpose.
The measurement setup consists of a Helmholtz coil, a suitable holder for the magnets, a
mechanical system for rotating the magnet holder, a rotary encoder for measurement of
angular position of the magnet, electronics for acquisition of the emf signal and its
integration. In the Helmholtz coil setup, two identical circular coils are placed coaxially and
separated by a distance equal to the radius of the coils. This pair of coils produces nearly
uniform magnetic field in the central zone when same current is carried by the coils in the
same direction. Therefore, if a magnetic dipole (magnet sample) is placed and rotated in
the central zone of the coils, the information of its magnetic properties can be retrieved
from the voltage induced in the coils due to change of flux. The flux w.r.t. the rotation angle
can be found out by integrating the voltage signal over time. By fitting the signal with a
sinusoidal function, the two components of the magnetic moment (e.g. Mx and My) of the
sample in the plane of rotation are found out. To find out the third component of the
magnetic moment (Mz ) , the magnet sample is rotated and the above procedure is
In the present setup, the two identical circular coils of radius 400 mm have been developed
and placed co-axially at a distance equal to the radius of the coils. The magnet holder made
of Aluminium alloy is driven by DC motor. The voltage induced in the coils is sampled and
integrated digitally to give information about the magnetic properties of the magnet being
characterized. The Helmholtz constant i.e. the k value was measured using high precision
Keithley 6430 source meter and Mag-01 Bartington Fluxgate Magnetometer (magnetic field
sensor). A rectangular coil of 8300 turns of known dimension is made to qualify the setup
by comparing its measured magnetization with the estimated value. The precision of the
measurement setup in terms of repeatability should be very high because the setup would
be used for sorting of permanent magnet blocks of identical properties as stated in the
beginning, A repeated measurement of a NdFeB permanent magnet block was used to get
repeatability of the measurement. Data so collected reveal that the system provides a
repeatability of better than 0.1 % in total strength and better than 0.10 in angular orientations
of the components of magnetic moment w.r.t. the total moment.
M. K. Singh1, R. M. Pandey 2, Rakesh Kumar3, Yogesh Kumar4, Ravi Parkash5, Jimmy James6
T. A. Puntambekar7
Beam Diagnostics & Coolant Systems Division
Electron Accelerator Group
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
The flooded evaporator unit has more uniform temperature profile in heat transfer [1].
The new chiller evaporator contains refrigerant is sub-cooled liquid form and it has
handled the higher cooling rate demand during beam energy ramp-up condition [2,3].
Even when the chiller starts during the subsequent load cycle, the sub-cooled liquid
refrigerant present in the evaporator starts absorbing the heat load immediately. This
characteristic has been suitably utilized for getting the improved chilled water
temperature stability during thermal transient condition. This paper reports the
developments carried out for improvement in supply water temperature stability better
than ± 0.5 °C compared to the previous stability of more than ± 1 °C during beam
energy ramp-up. The upgradation has also improved the supply water temperature
stability to better than ± 0.2 °C during stored beam condition at 2.5 GeV energy which
was earlier around ± 0.5 °C. The experience gained in this development will also be
useful in design of cooling system for proposed High Brilliance Synchrotron Radiation
1. J.F. Silva Gomes and S.A. Meguid, Flooded Evaporators Versus Dry
Evaporators: In Which Conditions”, Proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design, Albufeira/Portugal 11-15
June 2017.
Design and Development of NiAlCo Ferrites for High Power Circulator at S-Band
Lakshmikanta Aditya*, Manjeet Ahlawat, Ramkesh Meena, Prashant Pareek and Shesh Nath Singh
Accelerator Magnet Technology Division, RRCAT, Indore
NiAlCo spinel ferrites are promising materials as non-reciprocal ferrite phase-shifter owing to
their high-power handling capability with tailorable magnetization and high Curie temperature
[1]. Since a high magnetization is undesirable at high power microwave application, we have
designed and developed a range of spinel ferrites (Ni0.94Co0.03Mn0.03Cu0.04AlzFe1.97-zO4) of
optimum saturation magnetizations (4πMS : 300-500 Gauss) by selective doping of aluminium
in the specific sub-lattices of nickel ferrite and processing the ferrites using solid state ceramic
process techniques. Introduction of 0.03 Co2+/ f.u. leads to indirect spin–orbit coupling which
raises the power handling capability by raising the peak-power threshold [1,2]. Temperature
dependent magnetization studies of sintered (1250C) disc samples using a pulse
magnetometer show Curie temperature (TC : 350-400C) with significantly low temperature
coefficient of magnetization (M : –0.19% to –0.25%) thus offering excellent temperature
stability of device in the operating temperature range (25–100C). Field emission scanning
electron microscopy studies of sintered samples reveal granular microstructures. The
measured dc resistivity is of the order of 107-cm. Electromagnetic measurements of co-axial
cylindrical samples using a vector network analyzer show FMR linewidth (H) in the range
300-600 Oe.
This paper presents the dependence of 4πMS, TC, M and H of the developed spinel at various
Al concentration. The observed thermo-magnetic, electromagnetic, electrical and microwave
properties are promising for pulsed high power circulator application at S-band.
Using the ferrite properties, electromagnetic modelling and simulation of S-band rectangular
waveguide phase shifter has been carried out for stable operation at 2856 MHz. The simulated
result shows non-reciprocal differential phase shift between scattering parameters S12 and
S21. The results can be implemented in the development of 4-port differential phase shift
circulator at S-band using two magic tees and a ferrite phase shifter.
Accelerator & Pulse Power Division, BARC, Mumbai
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai, India
Beam Technology Development Group, BARC, Mumbai 400085, India
1. B. Han, J.K. Kim, Y. Kim, J.S. Choi and K.Y. Jeong, “Operation of industrial
scale electron beam wastewater treatment plant”, Radiation Physics and
Chemistry, Volume 81, September 2012, pp. 1475-1478.
Anand Valecha*, T.V. Satheesan, Sachin Sanga, K. Saifee and Pravin Fatnani
Accelerator Control Systems Division, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology,
Indore, 452013, India
Indus-2 Control System is built around three layer architecture. Various Equipment
Controllers at Layer-3 are distributed over a large area and communicate with the
Supervisory layer through RS 485 serial bus using PROFI protocol. Performance of serial
bus communication has vital role in monitoring and control of Synchrotron machine sub-
system parameters as well as beam parameters for reliable and uninterrupted delivery of
beam to the beam-line users.
A prototype Serial Bus Communication Analyzer (SBCA) system is developed, which can
detect the communication errors at protocol level and electrical signal level. This system
continuously monitors the data over these serial bus links and records and validates them in
real-time. Serial bus data in this case are transmitted at maximum 1Mbps, causing the
corresponding electrical voltage transitions on the bus link. SBCA system consists of a High-
Speed Data Acquisition Module (HSDAM), which captures and stores the actual voltage
levels of RS485 serial bus at 10 MSPS with 12-bit resolution and stores an event of ~6.4ms
length of data. A Signature Based Analysis Module (SBAM), measures and records the time
profile of various transmission packets (telegrams) with a time resolution of 1 µs, using event
based handshaking with the high-speed data-acquisition system. Retrieval of digitized data
of RS485 line voltage signals is done in synchronism with event generated by signature
based analyses module which is configurable. Software is developed to identify and classify
the type of communication errors like start delimiter error, frame length, frame checksum
error, parity error etc. This system can be configured for the analysis of standard as well as
for the custom made protocol. This system is installed at the location of Supervisory Layer
(Layer-2) of Indus-2 Magnet Power Supply system. Using this system telegrams were
recorded for setting the reference voltage of magnet power supplies during Slow Orbit
Feedback (SOFB) for detection of abnormalities in one of the I/O boards during feedback
corrections. The Serial Bus Communication Analyzer (SBCA) system has been qualified for
its functions and capabilities using simulated test conditions. Various development aspects
will be discussed in the paper.
Area Radiation Monitors (ARM) are installed in and around the Pelletron Linac Accelerator building to
monitor neutron and gamma yields during beam operation. The neutrons are detected using a BF3
gas filled proportional counters (Vbias=1.1 kV), while the gamma detectors use a Geiger Muller (GM)
counter (Vbias=0.5 kV). The development of modern, efficient readout electronics for ARM has been
initiated, since many electronics components in the existing readout have become obsolete and some
detectors do not have remote monitoring capability.
The bias voltage for BF3 is generated using a miniaturized AGH series high voltage module from
EMCO, which generated a variable high voltage up to 1200V. A trans-resistance amplifier is designed
around the operational amplifier AD 817 to convert the detector pulse to a voltage signal. The output
signal of the preamplifier is filtered and fed to a voltage amplifier to boost the signal to the required
level, and the amplified output signal is fed to a comparator designed around LT1016 high-speed
comparator IC. The TTL output of the comparator is fed to a microcontroller-based logic circuit to
process and display the parameters [1]. The PCB cards are made very compact, thereby minimizing
the interconnections between the cards, detector and the processing circuits, in order to reduce the
noise pickups.
In the case of the gamma ray detector (GM counter), the output of the detector is fed to an amplifier
and passed to a comparator. The TTL output of the comparator is buffered and fed to the
microcontroller based in-house developed processing card, which has the provision to connect to the
internet, and the data can be monitored remotely on a centralized monitoring system. Detail designs
will be presented.
1. C. Rozario, S. Pal, V. Nanal and R. G. Pillay ”Remote display of Neutron Area Monitor
Readout” in Proc. of the seventh DAE-BRNS Indian particle accelerator conference; M um bai
(India),2015,ID 120
Indus-2 (2.5 GeV, 200 mA) is a Synchrotron Radiation Source (SRS) at RRCAT, Indore.
Three Insertion Devices (IDs) have been installed in Indus-2 ring to have high intensity
Synchrotron Radiation (SR) beam. Normally the electron beam in Indus-2 revolves closely
around the designed orbit, and the SR produced in the IDs passes through the vacuum
chamber without any obstruction. Any deviation of the electron beam from its designed orbit
in the ID section may cause SR beam to hit the vacuum chamber. This direct interaction of
the SR beam from IDs with the vacuum chamber results in the excessive spot heating,
which may damage the chamber walls. For the safety of ID vacuum chamber, a beam
position based interlock system has been developed and deployed in Indus-2. Beam
Position Indicators (ID-BPIs) [1] are installed at the entry and exit of each ID to measure the
beam position in the vacuum chamber. In addition, these ID-BPIs generate ‘beam cross-
over’ signals when the beam crosses the safe beam position limits which are set in the
digital beam position measurement electronics [2] of ID-BPIs. The cross-over signals are
used as inputs to the interlock system to interrupt the RF stations of Indus-2 and
consequently dump the beam.
The developed interlock system is modular. For each ID, an interlock module has been
developed which takes in the beam cross-over signals from the ID-BPIs and status signal of
the position of jaws of the corresponding ID. When the jaws of an ID are moved inwards for
high intensity SR based experiments, a ‘jaws close status’ signal is asserted and the
corresponding interlock module gets enabled. In this condition, if the ‘beam cross over’ is
detected in the associated ID interlock module, an ‘ID-BPI interlock’ signal is generated. The
interlock signal is opto-isolated open collector type signal. For each ID, there is a dedicated
interlock module. A separate master interlock module, takes in the ‘ID-BPI interlock’ signals
of each ID and qualifies them with the ‘beam at 2.5 GeV’ status signal. When the interlock
conditions are met, an ‘RF trip signal’ is generated from the master interlock module to
dump the beam immediately. The status of interlock signals from all the interlock modules
are provided for logging of the events on the Indus server. The total propagation time of the
interlock system to dump the beam is less than 300 μs. An application program has been
developed on MATLAB platform which configures the electronics of all the six ID-BPIs over
TCP/IP interface and sets the safe beam position limits. The software acquires and displays
the real time beam positions of ID-BPIs along with set beam position limits on the developed
GUI. The available margin of the real time beam positions to the set position limits are also
displayed on the GUI. The interlock system has been deployed and tested with Indus-2
beam. The development and deployment of the interlock system is presented in this paper.
1. Babbar L.K., Kumar Mukesh, Yadav D.P., Upadhyaya B.N., Sridhar R., Puntambaker
T.A., “Mechanical design, development, and installation of ultra high vacuum
compatible beam position indicators for insertion devices in Indus-2”, DAE-BRNS
Indian particle accelerator conference; Mumbai (India), 21-24 Dec 2015
The control system for linac at Pelletron Linac Facility, Mumbai TIFR has a modular structure catering
to various subsystems, namely, the RF control, beam transport devices (magnets, steerers), and
beam diagnostic devices (Faraday cups and Beam Profile Monitors). The software is written as a
client-server architecture using JAVA. As is well known, Experimental Physics and Industrial Control
System (EPICS) is the preferred choice for complex, large scale distributed control system applications
like accelerators [1]. The efforts have been initiated towards development of the EPICS based control
system [2,3]. In this paper, we report the development of the control interface for Delta make Steerer
power supply (ES030-10) using EPICS stream protocol. The application Input Output Controller (IOC)
is built on EPICS base 7 platform, with asyn module and stream devices using the standard IP protocol.
The Python interface for the Channel Access EPICS library (PyEpics) is used to develop the front end
GUI in Python with QT designer support. A tabular user interface, analogous to the existing operational
system, is desirable for the ease of migration. The remote operations, control and monitoring, are
tested and found to work well. It is proposed to carry out in-beam tests in near future and to integrate
various beam diagnostic/control instruments into the EPICS framework. Details will be presented in
the paper.
3. S. K. Singh, A. Basu, Sherry Rosilly, J. N. Karande, Sanjoy Pal, Vandana Nanal, R. G. Pillay,
P. V. Bhagwat “EPICS Based Control System for BARC-TIFR LINAC BOOSTER” Proceedings of
the DAE-BRNS Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 61 (2016).
Ashwin Chalisgaonkar*1, D.V. Ghodke, Rajiv Jain2, Kuldeep Kumar Singh, Ajith Kumar Amban
1, Proton
Linac Development Division
Proton Accelerator Group
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore - 452013, INDIA
Abstract - This paper presents simulation, design, development and prototype testing of an FPGA based
data acquisition card for hydrogen ion source beam current measurements. This can measure 100 mA
(maximum) beam current with 2ms pulse duration up to 50Hz repetition rate.
The beam current is measured and controlled during the operation of hydrogen ion source in order to
make it compatible for transmission through Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT) line and further injection
into Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ). Simulation of the data acquisition card such as ADC and
Ethernet interfacing with FPGA was carried out in Vivado software. Design of a ferrite core current
transformer has been carried out by simulating in FEMM. A Graphical-User Interface (GUI) is developed
in Python using Tkinter library for displaying and logging real timebeam current data.The prototype of
data acquisition card was tested using a function generator, generating pulses of 2ms duration up to 50
Hz repetition rate. The samples were generated by the Successive Approximation Register (SAR) ADC
working at 2.56 MSPS sampling rate which were transmitted through Ethernet and subsequently
displayed and logged in by the GUI.
An Energy measurement device has been developed for the measurement of Energy and
Energy spread of electron beam after the accelerating structure of Industrial Linac, LINAC-
3 developed at RRCAT. Spectrometer (Dipole) magnet based method [1] is used to
measure the energy and energy spread of the electron beam. The electrons having
different energy follow different circular paths under the influence of dipole magnetic field
and therefore, the profile of the beam at any cross section is the function of energy
distribution. In this method of measurement of energy and its spread, a Slit & Faraday Cup
is used to measure the profile (current vs position) of the beam after the dipole magnet.
Position of slit corresponds to the unique energy of electrons for a given magnetic field and
the current recorded using the Faraday cup behind the slit at that position is proportional
to the number of particles at that energy.
The slit and Faraday cup set-up of energy measurement solely depends upon slit position,
to predict the profile of energy of particles in the beam. Any deviation in initial conditions of
the beam, angle of incidence of the beam, and inaccuracy in magnetic field will lead to the
error in measured profile and thus the energy by the set-up. An error analysis has been
carried out to estimate the error associated with various parameters like beam position,
Incident beam angle, beam size, divergence of the beam and accuracy of slit movement
etc. Error analysis has suggested that the beam position at the entrance of the dipole
magnet has significant effect on measured maximum probable energy and have almost no
effect on measurement of energy spread. Transverse beam size has less significant effect
on measurement of maximum probable energy however; it has significant effect on energy
spread measurement. The order of inaccuracy is inversely proportional to energy spread.
This paper presents the development of movable slit & Faraday cup type energy monitor,
and measurement carried out using this device.
Beam Diagnostics and Coolant Systems Division,
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, PO - CAT, Indore - 452013 (M. P)
A quad slit SRI system is optimized to measure the horizontal and vertical beam size of
electron beam in 2.5 GeV, 200 mA SRS, Indus-2 at RRCAT, Indore. It can measure electron
beam size with spatial resolution of few microns at various beam current and energies viz. at
injection energy, during energy ramping and at stored beam current. After optical alignment
of various components with laser, SRI system is installed at the sighting beamline port (BL-
27) in Indus-2. Initial results of the beam size measurement at different energies and beam
currents have shown repeatability within few microns in vertical plane. Beam size changes
were also measured during operational testing of Indus-2 in low beam emittance mode. SRI
technique of measurement of beam size will be very useful in measurement of small beam
size of charge particle beam in the envisaged High Brightness Synchrotron Radiation
Source (HBSRS). The SRI based beam size measurement system and the measurement of
beam size in Indus-2 using this system have been discussed in this paper
An optical fiber based communication system is designed and developed for high voltage
amplifier system (HVAS). This high voltage amplifier/pulsar is used in the isotope separator
on line system of VECC. The amplifier uses bipolar pulse with varying frequency and pulse
width as an input signal. This signal is then further amplified and given to the additional
electrode after the extractor. The HVAS is floated up to 30kV, so there is a need to use optical
fiber communication. In order to communicate the bipolar communication two electronic
card were made OS1 (Optical Setup 1) and OS2 (Optical Setup 2). The signal generator is
used as a master for generating pulses to HVAS. This bipolar pulse is first converted into
unipolar signal using OS1 and then transmitted optically to OS2 situated at high potential
(~30kV). The OS2 is then used to convert this unipolar signal back to bipolar signal and sent
it to HVAS. Feedback signal coming from HVAS is then again converted to unipolar signal
using OS2 and then optically converted and transmitted to OS1 at ground potential for
monitoring. The present paper will highlight the detailed design and development of the
present scheme and the challenges that are faces.
Arihant Kr. Jain1#, Shantonu Sahoo1,2, Siddharth Vardhan Pratihasth1, Siddhartha Dechoudhury1,2,
Anindya Roy1, Vaishali Naik1,2
Email ID:
Presently electron gun has been installed and is operational at VECC, delivering electron beam of 100
keV. The source is a DC thermionic gun, floating at -100 kV and RF modulated at 650 MHz. To measure
the transverse beam size, we have installed YAG:Ce scintillator screen along with Charged Coupled
Device (CCD) camera in the beam line. The Ce doped YAG screen acts as fast scintillator material. This
scheme though is simple but has sources of error like background illumination from nearby light source.
Tuning of the exposure time to trigger camera only when the electron beam hits the screen can reduce
such background effects. Moreover, being a pulsed beam, timing synchronization is required to observe
the same set of pulses in the pulse train corresponding to the macro-bunch. We have developed a setup
for timing synchronization of camera triggering with pulsed beam illumination.
The hardware setup of Camera trigger unit involves an Atmega328P microcontroller based master control
board with RS-232 communication link for configuration and control purpose. The controller generates a
modulation pulse with adjustable duty cycle for RF signal generator and a camera exposure pulse to
control the exposure time of CCD camera. The delay between modulation pulse and camera exposure
pulse is remotely adjustable and is necessary to synchronize electron beam emission during RF
modulated pulse and its scintillation on YAG:Ce screen.
Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) is used to develop the supervisory control
system of the camera trigger system for remote operation. EPICS Input Output Controller (IOC) has been
developed using asyn tool for interfacing the hardware setup through serial link. A Graphical User
Interface (GUI) has been developed using Control System Studio (CSS) for configuration of various
parameters like delay and exposure time. In this paper we are going to present the schematic setup,
triggering unit design, its integration with EPICS based control system and effect of triggering on beam
spot capture.
A Basu1,*, S K Singh1
Ion Accelerator Development Division, BARC, Mumbai 400085
E-mail ID
Low Energy High Intensity Proton Accelerator (LEHIPA) is a 20 MeV, 10 mA Proton Accelerator is currently
under commissioning at common facility building (CFB), BARC, Mumbai. Commissioning is nearing its
completion. This accelerator consists of an ECR ion source(ECRIS) , Radio Frequency Quadrupole(RFQ),
Drift Tube LINAC(DTL) as the main component to produce and accelerate proton beam.Electromagnetic field,
generated in Klystron is transported via waveguide and fed in the cavities to set up electromagnetic field to
accelerate proton beam. Klystron once again is driven by a high voltage regulated power supply.
Proton Beam of Energy 11 MeV is successfully accelerated in this accelerator.Experimental Physics and
Industrial Control System(EPICS) is used as the control system middleware in this accelerator.LEHIPA
Control system extensively uses Raspberry Pi as the IOC hardware for various subsystems such as
Vacuum System,Timing system etc.Apart from Raspberry Pi various other kind of hardwares such as
cPCI ,mini PLCs are also used for data acquisition and interlocking purpose. All these data are assigned to
hundreds of EPICS process variables (PVs) and interlocking actions are carried out taking a cue from the
EPICS alarm generation system.All these PV values , alarms need to be stored in the archiever on a periodic
basis to undertake data analysis and to carry out post mortem analysis in case of a partial and/or complete
system failure.
Even though EPICS has an excellent data archiving system, a new archiver and ELogbook system is
designed and developed in the LEHIPA, which is currently working very satisfactorily and archiving data and
alarm of EPICS PVs. This new archiver uses noSql database to store EPICS Pvs and alarms and Elogbook
logs. MongoDB is chosen to use as the nosql database.A python script,using pyepics, scraps data from main
control network and keep on updating database system periodically. Periodicity of the various Pvs can be
individually set in the configuration file.
A web based data fetching and visualization system is also integrated with the archiever, which is used by
multiple users simultaneously to fetch the historical archival data for their analysis. This tool is also used to
broadcast vital parameters of the LEHIPA (such as beam current, cavity power , vacuum etc) in near real
time for anyone interested to watch it by entering a web address in their browser from anywhere inside
BARC Trombay campus.
In this paper we present the design and performance details of archiver system used in LEHIPA.
Ion Accelerator Development Division is developing high intensity proton accelerators for
various application such as Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System (ADSS) and isotope
production. Accelerators require beam profile monitors as feedback for beam control and
beam quality measurement. Traditional beam profile monitors such as solid scintillators and
wire scanners are invasive methods in which solid material has to be introduced into the
beam path. The wire scanners partially stop the beam whereas the solid scintillators fully
stop the beam. The beam will not be available at the target during measurements. However,
applications like ADSS require high beam availability. In addition, the entire energy of the
beam is deposited on the solid material, which can cause thermal damage, and in high-
energy beams, it can cause radio-activation. For these reasons, we require exploration of
new techniques for non-invasive beam profile monitoring. Many labs have reported gas
based beam profile monitoring techniques based on Beam Induced Fluorescence (BIF) and
Ion Profile Monitors (IPM). In 2018 KEK, Japan has reported a method to generate a gas
sheet in vacuum, which they had tested with a beam of 7.5 μA average current 400 Mev H-
beam [1].
Presently, we have developed a gas sheet generator using the same method and viewed the
beam profile of an intense proton beam of average current above 1 mA at 20 keV. The test
bench consisted of an ECR proton source, which provided a 14 mA beam with pulse width of
100 ms and pulse repetition rate of 1 Hz. The beam was focused using a solenoid magnet
with 0.12 T. The gas sheet generator used two sheet sources 10 cm apart for a uniform
density distribution at the center. In each gas sheet source, the gas from a reservoir passes
through a long thin slit to form a gas sheet due to the positional beaming effect of gases in
molecular flow. The directional core of the sheet then passes through a skimmer to generate
a thin gas sheet of ~1 mm. As the beam was intense and of low energy, large amount of
energy was deposited on the gas producing intense scintillation, which was visible to the eye.
A CMOS imaging camera system could capture the scintillation without requiring an image
intensifier. The results will be presented in this paper.
Prototyping of FPGA Based Timing and Interlock System for ECR Ion Source ,
For pulsed operation and characterization of Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion source, a timing and
interlock system has been designed and developed. The timing system generates user programmable
synchronizing pulses which are used to trigger various subsystems such as magnetron, high voltage pulse,
diagnostics and data acquisition system in the correct sequence. The fast interlock system is designed for
quick shutdown of the ion source within ~50 μs.
Xilinx make zynq 7010 SOC has been used along with a graphical programming language. The
graphical program gets translated to HDL code and finally to a binary file that can be downloaded on the
FPGA. The code is optimized such that the processing of the inputs and the generation of corresponding
output completes in the clock period of 25 ns.
The five-channel timing system generates pulses with duration ranging from 200 μs to 200 ms at
frequency of 1-10 Hz. A GUI is developed with control of individual channel on-off, master on-off, pulse width
and its delay input from user. The interface has been designed with inbuilt range limit, thereby assuring the
system safety.
The five input channel interlock module generates an active low interlock with a response time of 25
ns. The GUI for interlock system has indicators for individual channel showing if interlock is generated on any
of the channels. The timing system has been tested for varied values of pulse width, delay and frequency.
The FPGA output pins are by default pulled to ground which ensure in case of any power failure the outputs
are automatically pulled to ground and fail safe condition is ascertained.
B. B. Shrivastava1, Surendra Yadav1, Anil Holikatti1, Avanish Ojha1, Rahul Jain1, L.K. Babbar1, Ankita
Kumari1, Raja Khan1, Abhisek Nayak2, Bhavna N. Merh2, T.A. Puntambekar3
Beam Diagnostics & Coolant Systems Division
Accelerator Control Systems Division
Director, Electron Accelerator Group
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, 452013, India
FPGA based Digital Beam Position Monitoring (DBPM) electronics has been indigenously
developed for the HBSRS. This processing electronics determines the position of electron
beam using four-electrode capacitive pick-up device. The processing electronics consists of
RF Front End (RFFE) electronics and FPGA based digital processing electronics. The RF
processing electronics built on a 6-layer PCB has been designed and developed for
simultaneous signal conditioning of all the four pickups at 505.8 MHz FPGA based digital
processing electronics designed and developed on a 16-layer PCB houses four high speed
ADCs, ultra-low jitter PLL based reconfigurable sampling clock generator, dual Gigabit
Ethernet controller, dual USB controller, Gigabit optical fiber link, 144 Mb FIFO, 512 Mb
SRAM, EEPROM, on board temperature sensor etc. The Gigabit optical fiber link will be
used for grouping of fast acquisition (FA) data at 10 kHz for fast orbit correction. The
processing electronics provides Turn-by-Turn (TBT), post-mortem data, Fast Acquisition (FA)
data, Slow Acquisition (SA) data at 10 Hz and 1 Hz. It also provides configurable interlock
facility (trigger out) for machine protection in case the measured beam position is out of the
stable zone. The processing electronics has been developed in 1U size 19” sub-rack.
The rms positional uncertainty in the beam position has been measured for different power
levels of simulated beam conditions in the laboratory. Measured uncertainty is less than 100
nm for signal power level of -48 dBm and higher at the input of processing electronics for SA
data. This power level (-48 dBm) is equivalent to measured power level of pick-up electrodes
of TWIN BPI system [1] at beam current of 2 mA and 550 MeV beam energy in Indus-2. The
beam current dependency for positional measurement is within ±1 µm for the signal power
level of -41 dBm to 0 dBm and the temperature dependency is ≤ 0.2 µm/ °C. Measured
sensitivity of the processing electronics is -90 dBm.
The DBPM electronics is installed at Indus-2 instrument gallery and interfaced with TWIN
BPI system. The TWIN BPI system installed at long straight section 6 (LS-6) of Indus-2 ring
has two sets of closely mounted pickup electrodes in single housing. One set of electrodes
of TWIN BPI system is connected with sub-micron resolution DBPM and another set of
electrodes is connected with commercial DBPM (Libera brilliance+) [2]. A data logging
software has been developed to acquire the data from both the processing electronics into a
single file for comparative study. Responses of indigenously developed sub-micron
resolution DBPM and Libera brilliance+ are in close agreement. Performance of
indigenously developed DBPM on Indus-2 will be presented under different operating modes
and operating conditions of Indus-2 in this paper.
1. Babbar L. K., Kumar Mukesh, Upadhyaya B. N., Bhatnagar V. K., Yadav D. P.,
Sisodia Brahmanand, Tiwari S. K., Holikatti A. C., Yadav Surendra, Vaishnav
Deepjwalit, Soni Ajay Kumar, Sheth Yogendra M. and Puntambekar T. A. “Design,
Development and Installation of Twin Beam Position Indicator in Indus-2
Synchrotron Radiation Source”, DAE-BRNS 10th Indian Particle Accelerator
Conference (InPAC-2022), VECC, Mar. 22-25, 2022
Rishi Pal Yadav1, B.B.Shrivastava2, Avanish Ojha2, Amit Chauhan1, Surendra Yadav2, Anil C.
Holikatti2, Riyasat Husain3, Rahul Rana1, Rahul Jain2, Puneet Maheshwari1, Pravin Fatnani1,
T. A. Puntambekar4
1Accelerator Control Systems Division
2Beam Diagnostics Section, BDCSD
3Accelerator Physics and Synchrotron Utilization Division
4Electron Accelerator Group
The beam position indicators (BPI) are used for measuring the beam position in particle
accelerators. The digital BPI in Synchrotron Radiation Source (SRS) uses the high-speed,
high-resolution analog to digital converters to directly under-sample the radio-frequency (RF)
signal between 300 MHz to 600 MHz in two orthogonal streams (In-phase and
Quadrature-phase) by precisely adjusting the sampling clock frequency. This method
simplifies the analog and digital processing circuit development and testing. The orbit control
applications in modern SRS are divided in two systems viz. slow orbit control system (SOFB)
that works with loop rate up to 10 Hz and fast orbit control system (FOFB) that operate upto
10 KHz. Both the systems work together to suppress the disturbances covering frequency
spectrum from milli Hertz to few hundred Hertz. A digital BPI (DBPI) has been developed for
use in Indus-2, a 2.5GeV SRS machine. This DBPI has been designed to generate slow
acquisition(SA) data at 10 Hz update rate, fast acquisition(FA) data at 10 kHz update rate.
The Turn-by-Turn data sampled at bunch revolution frequency (~ 1.73 MHz) and raw ADC
data sampled at sampling frequency (~ 120 MHz) have been made available on demand.
VME platform has been chosen for the digital BPI development so that the slow and fast orbit
feedback control algorithms can be developed with minimum latency and can run on the
Digital BPI CPU with RTOS thus simplifying their overall implementation. The development is
aimed towards integration of multiple BPIs in one VME crate so as to save space through
system integration comparable to the commercially available digital BPI platforms. The digital
domain signal processing for all the four channels has been implemented in one FPGA chip
with configurable digital filters and sampling clock modules. The sampling clock PLL has been
synchronized to accelerator RF using the standard 10 MHz clock method as employed in
commercial DBPIs. The channel to channel gain and phase equalization method has been
used for improved long term stability. Automatic gain control and piece-wise linearization
methods have been provided to get the improved accuracy over large dynamic range of input
For testing in Indus-2, the developed DBPI electronics was connected to Undulator-3 exit BPI
(BPI-31) electrode cables. It was then interfaced with Indus-2 Digital BPI server application
and Indus-2 Slow Orbit Feedback Control system. The test results showed very good beam
position control ability at the Undulator location with this BPI in SOFB. Also the integrated
operation of SOFB with this DBPI, passes the beam position interlock requirements for
Undulator normal operation. This paper discusses the overall digital BPI design, test and
characterization results and the Indus-2 machine performance with developed BPI included in
SOFB operation under different operating conditions.
DCCT (DC Current Transformer) is a widely used non-intrusive method of beam current
measurement in particle accelerators [1,2]. Based on the principle of the Flux-gate
magnetometer [3], DC magnetic parameters (magnetic field or current) can be measured
using search coils and a magnetic modulator. Two balanced cores are deep-magnetized in
phase opposition with an AC current of suitable frequency which has a common search coil.
When the current being measured, passes through the bore, the cores get imbalanced
which is reflected in the generation of the second harmonic, which is a direct function of the
current being measured. To get linear relation between the current and second harmonic,
the magnetic material of the core needs to have a square B-H curve (Brem~0.95Bsat) with a
low remanence field [4]. The choice of core material plays an important role in the desired
functioning of DCCT [5]. The electronics of DCCT consist of a precise AC current source,
high order narrow bandpass filter at the second harmonic frequency, and RMS voltage
measurement circuit. The complete measurements are carried out in the analog domain.
The design optimizations are carried out using the ELECTRA module of OPERA FEA
software. The B-H curve of the actual core was measured in the in-house facility and was
used in simulations. The cores with the best-matched properties were used for the
construction of the magnetic modulator. Subsequent to the winding of the cores using a
special torus winding machine, the inductance of the cores was matched at the rated
frequency. Turns in the core were altered to match the parameter. Each core contains
tertiary winding for future usage. A common search coil was wound after providing sufficient
electrical insulations. An automatic application software was developed for measuring the
transfer function of the DCCT at a different frequency and excitation current. This helped in
the optimization of the operating parameters. A sub-routine of this software was used for the
calibration of the DCCT. The developed DCCT measured for DC and pulsed current. For DC
current, the DCCT is having a range of 30 mA with a resolution of 50 uA and 200 uA
accuracy. The calibration curve was used for overcoming the linearity issues in full range. In
sub-ranges of 10 mA, the DDCT gave a linear response. A six-order bandpass filter centered
at 2000 Hz was designed, developed, and used for reading the second harmonic of the
measured signal. The RMS value at the output of this filter is proportional to the beam
current. The DCCT successfully measured up to and more than 2.5 msec pulse-width beam
current with a peak value of 10 mA. The existing design is being upgraded with promising
results to measure beam current with a pulse width of 200 usec. This paper details the
design, construction, calibration, and testing of the DCCT.
1. J. Lenz and S.E. Alan, “Magnetic Sensors and their Applications,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.
6, issue 3, pp. 631-649, June 2006.
2. P. Odier, “DCCT technology review,” Proceedings on DC current transformers and beam
lifetime evaluations,” Geneva, Switzerland 2004 December 1-2. Geneva, Switzerland, 2005,
pp. 3-5.
3. F, Primdahl, “The fluxgate magnetometer,” Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, vol.
12, issue 4, pp .241, April 1979
4. Aguilera, Silvia & Odier, Patrick & Ruffieux, Romain. (2013). Magnetic Materials for Current
Transformers. IBIC 2013: Proceedings of the 2nd International Beam Instrumentation
5. S. Aguilera, P. Odier, R. Ruffieux, International beam instrumentation conference 2013
Low energy high intensity proton accelerator (LEHIPA), BARC has been commissioned to 11 MeV by
acceleration through the RFQ and two DTL Tanks. A variety of beam diagnostic devices have been
developed for the transverse and longitudinal beam measurements at different stages of LEHIPA
commissioning. The longitudinal beam diagnostics include Fast Faraday cups (FFCs) to measure the
time structure of the beam bunches; time of flight (ToF) based beam energy measurement techniques
and beam emittance measurements. Two types of wide bandwidth (>7 GHz) FFCs – Stripline and
Coaxial- have been used to measure the beam bunch structure of the RFQ and DTL operating at 352
MHz. Two different ToF based beam energy measurement techniques have been used in LEHIPA. The
dual FCT based ToF measurement provides a quick data on beam energy, while the movable beam
position monitor (BPM) based ToF method provides better accuracy in beam energy measurements,
averaged over several beam pulses. A buncher amplitude scan technique for longitudinal emittance
measurement by using buncher cavity and FFC combination has been tried in LEHIPA MEBT. The
details of various measurement devices with measurement results will be presented.
Equipment controllers and Supervisory controllers in Indus-2 control-system are VME bus-
based embedded systems. System diagnostics and monitoring facilities are required in
such complex digital systems to improve availability and serviceability and to minimize the
downtime. This paper explains design methodology and functional qualification of FPGA-
based VME bus compatible Location Monitor board which monitors the address bus activity
on the VME bus. ‘Location Monitor’ according to VME bus specification is a functional
module that monitors the data transfers over the Data Transfer Bus (DTB) to detect
accesses to the location it has been assigned to watch. The developed Location Monitor
described in this paper generates an on board trigger signal on the access of respective
monitored location. It also records the time stamp of access with a fine time resolution of
better than 3 µs. Time stamp of access of any monitored location can be retrieved through
VME bus read cycle and through serial communication port. It can also list the sequence
of access of different monitored locations along with the time stamps of its access. It will
help in estimating the time elapsed in execution of hardware functional blocks, software
functions and software loops running in the CPU of Equipment Controller, which can greatly
help in monitoring and improvement of the system performance and optimization.
Generated trigger signals will be useful in synchronization of data acquisition and data
For this work, design of Location Monitor is implemented using Verilog- Hardware
Description Language (VHDL) in Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA which also includes the design of
VME bus interface for A32:D16 data transfer cycles, design of I2C interface for DS1307
real-time counter for time stamping, design of UART and serial interface Finite State
Machine (FSM) to communicate to the PC. It also includes the design of a complete
mechanism which can store time stamps and generate trigger signal on the access of
monitored location, etc. A 6U size PCB of VME Location Monitor is designed and developed
which houses Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA, VMEbus buffer ICs, RTC, serial port, opto-isolators,
line drivers, etc. Along with hardware development, a GUI software utility is also built using
LabVIEW. The GUI lists out all the monitored location addresses, time-stamps of access
of different monitored locations in descending order of time and sequence of access of
different monitored locations. Monitored Location addresses are reconfigurable. These can
be updated using VMEbus write cycles and also using GUI.
At present, it can monitor 16 different VMEbus address locations. For each monitored
location, a memory segment is fixed which can store at least 31 time-stamps. Once the
segment fills out, it starts overwriting from the start. At last, testing of this hardware cum
software solution has been done for different test cases and reported in this work.
Rohit Mishra1, Kuldeep Kumar Singh, Rajnish Kumar, Manish Pathak, D. V. Ghodke, and
Vijendra Prasad
Proton Accelerator Group
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore - 452013, INDIA
To control and operate negative hydrogen ion source remotely, a GUI based control applications have
been developed in LabVIEW. A high voltage deck for the Ion source houses instruments viz. mass
flow controller, 13.56 Mhz based RF ignitor, 10 kV/1 A pulsed extraction power supply, 2 MHz RF
source for main plasma generation etc, These instruments have RS 232/485 and ethernet digital
communication ports. The high voltage deck instruments are communicated through duplex fiber optic
converter. The ground side instruments are high voltage acceleration power supply, turbo molecular
pumps, roughing pumps, vacuum gauges, beam current measuring instruments etc. Communication
ports of both, the ground side instruments and high voltage side instruments, are interconnected
though ethernet switch to computer. A LabVIEW based GUI has been developed to control and
monitor the operation of these instruments. The developed control application features supports in
optimizing the performance of ion source by varying different parameters like gas flow rate, 2 MHz RF
power, extraction voltage at different acceleration potential etc. The developed user interfaces has
been successfully used for generation of negative hydrogen ion current of 26 mA at 50 KV energy up
to repetition rate of 50 Hz with pulse width of 2 ms. This paper presents the brief description of remote
operation of ion source using designed control application, GUI and high voltage optical isolation
communication architecture.
Linear accelerators are used inmany applications ranging from radiation therapy, food
irradiation, agriculture, waste water treatment to other industrial applications and metallurgical
applications. One of its main application which is very much in demand is generation of X rays for
radiation therapy for cancer treatment. X-Band LINAC is compact and can be easily fit into portable
machines/equipments used for therapy. Aprototype6MeV X-Band LINAC has been developed at
EBC, Kharghar. LINAC is installed in a shielded cell area and operated from control room. PLC &
HMI based C&I System is designed and developed for control and monitoring of X-Band LINAC
remotely. Process parameters are monitored and controlled from touch screen-based HMI during
operation. Control system is developed using Schneider PLC and there are 24 DI, 19 DO, 19 AI
and 7 AO signals. In addition, parameters to and from Magnetron Modulator unit which installed in
field, are communicated to Control system on MODBUS TCP Protocol. Graphical user interface
(GUI) is designed and developed to monitor and control signals from PLC IOs as well as Magnetron
Modulator.All Safety aspects related to LINAC operation are taken into consideration in design.
Safety and process interlocks are implemented in PLC program. Hardwired trip for critical
subsystems is provided as additional safety feature.Main sub systems which are monitored and
controlled by Control System are Gun Modulator, Magnetron modulator, Trigger Controller unit,
Vacuum System, Magnet System and field signals from sensors. In order to meet regulatory and
safety aspects of LINAC operation, signal from Search and Secure System and Radiation
Monitoring System are displayed always on Control Panel and used in trip logic as well. Based on
various safety conditions, sub systems are tripped automatically using a fail-safe trip logic
implemented in PLC program.
The alignment of components in particle accelerator machines has always been of primary
importance for their smooth operation. Imperfections in the position of components such as
accelerating structures, magnets can perturb the motion of beam of charged particles. These
perturbations may limit the performance of these machines and in the extreme case of
misalignment, the operation of machines may fail. In these machines, specified alignment
tolerances are of the order of ± 100 µm or less over the large dimensions from few tens of
meters to hundreds of meters to get a beam of extremely low emittance. The local
smoothness of the best-fit trajectory is needed to be of still better relative accuracies.
Considering the large measurement volume of particle accelerator machines along with the
very tight alignment tolerances, it is necessary to achieve the best possible performance
using state-of-the-art instruments and best technique feasible for given site conditions.
Presently, laser tracker is a common choice in the particle accelerators for precision survey
and alignment activities due to the recent advancements in opto-electronic and computation
technologies, making it affordable and best choice for high measurement accuracy over the
large distances along with the high-speed data acquisition. Laser tracker acts as a 3D
portable coordinate measuring machine which determines the coordinate of a point in polar
coordinate system and these coordinates are transformed to cartesian coordinate system
using the data processing software. In an accelerator machine, the location of laser tracker
station is generally fixed randomly or by considering the line-of-sight obstructions, sources of
disturbance etc.
Angular inaccuracies govern the uncertainty in coordinates of points measured by the laser
tracker due to its better measurement capability for distance as compared to the angle. Also,
the alignment tolerances for position-sensitive components of an accelerator are more
stringent in the radial direction as compared to circumferential direction. With this
directionality in mind, the effect of location (w.r.t. the machine) of laser tracker stations on the
measurement uncertainty in radial direction is studied for a nearly circular accelerator
A mathematical model based on the probability theory was developed and implemented in
MATLAB to investigate the effects. One location of laser tracker can be used for aligning the
multiple components which are in its measurement range having different combinations of
distances and angles. Thereafter, the study will guide in limiting the working volume of a
measurement station to the extent uncertainty is maintained within the specified alignment
tolerances in the large low emittance accelerators. Synchrotron radiation (SR) source- Indus-
2 at RRCAT was chosen as a case study to analyze the effects of location of laser tracker.
Distance of laser tracker station from the accelerator machine was varied from 1 to 3 m, on
both - inside and outside of it. In the present study, it is found that the location of laser
tracker station inside the machine results in lesser uncertainty in measured coordinates of
the points for the same component. In addition, it covers wider working volume while
maintaining the required tolerances though the visible area which may be larger from the
outside of the machine. The present study will be a guide for the precision positioning
activities of future SR sources in RRCAT and other the circular particle accelerators.
A 10 MeV Industrial RF Electron Linac, for radiation application (Electron Beam mode or X-
Ray mode) is installed at Electron Beam Centre, Kharghar, India. The accelerator is being
regularly operated at 3kW average beam power for industrial and experimental irradiation
applications. Accelerator is complex system consisting of various sub-systems like Electron
Gun, Modulators, RF Cavity, RF source, Vacuum System, Cooling water system etc. To
handle such sophisticated system trained personnel’s are required. The simulator developed
will be utilized for training of personnel for operation of 10 MeV RF LINAC. The simulator is
built on the same platform as the actual control system in use for this accelerator. It uses
SCADA interface developed in Movicon by Progea. The field variables in the accelerator are
simulated with memory locations of PLC (Schneider make). The trainer PC works on runtime
Labview 8.5 platform. The trainer PC is capable of creating various known error conditions
for the accelerator and its sub-systems.
A custom-built high-temperature vacuum furnace has been installed at TIFR in the Pelletron Linac
Facility (PLF) for heat treatment of Niobium resonator cavities~[1]. The furnace is designed to operate at
12000 C with a vertical hot zone of 600mm diameter x 1000mm high. During the heat treatment, crucial
parameters like vacuum and temperature need to be monitored continuously to ensure the safe and secure
operation of the vacuum furnace. For this purpose, four vacuum gauges are deployed at different locations
in the furnace. Further, the monitoring of auxiliary support systems like chilled water temperature are also
important to avoid accidental malfunctioning and prevention of the job damage. Therefore, a remote
monitoring system is designed and developed to read the parameters from the system, and to transmit the
data through the android-based telegram messenger application. Additionally, an alert message is
generated to the designated phone number if the parameters exceed the set values.
The monitor system is built around Espressif ESP32, which is a low-cost, low-power system-on-chip
(SoC) 32-bit microcontroller and also works well with the Arduino IDE. This is equipped with IO ports,
analog-to-digital converters (ADC), serial ports, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. The analog output of vacuum gauges
read with the Pfeiffer vacuum controller unit (MaxiGaugeTM) is fed to the ADC channels of the ESP32. The
water temperature is measured using a PT100 sensor and its output is also fed to one of the ADC channels.
The ESP32 is programmed to connect to a Wi-Fi network and a telegram bot is created to communicate
with the ESP32-based monitor system. The digitized values can be accessed through the telegram group
by sending the relevant command and are also displayed locally on a 4 X 16 LCD unit. Whenever the
vacuum level or water temperature breaches the set threshold level, the ESP32 sends the alarm message
to the telegram group. The message is continuously transmitted at a specified time interval until it is
acknowledged. The design is general and can easily be adapted to monitoring of other subsystems of Linac
or other crucial equipment.
The ESP32-based monitor system is tested with the vacuum furnace and performance is found to be
satisfactory. The details of the design will be presented.
1. Shinde, A.A.; Pal, S.; Karande, J.N.; Dhumal, P.; Rozario, C.; Nanal, Vandana; Pillay, R.G.
“Vacuum furnace: design, installation and commissioning”, Proceedings of the eighth DAE-
BRNS Indian particle accelerator conference-2018, ID359.
The design of FPGA based RF power monitoring and interlock system has been done
based, on the results of the prototype microcontroller-based fast interlock system developed
earlier at LEHIPA and on the studies performed to calculate the time required for generating
the RF interlock signal for preventing the beam from damaging the cavity. The response time
of the system is improved as fast comparators are used and microcontroller is replaced with
FPGA. RF power monitoring is also done using the ADC's that are interfaced to the FPGA.
This system comprises of two units: front-end analog unit and a digital unit. This is a 9-
channel RF power monitoring and interlock generation system. The Analog unit comprises of
an RF band pass filter of 352 MHz center frequency to remove the noise. This signal is
passed through a Power detector which provides voltage signal proportional to the RF
power. A low pass filter has been placed at the output of power detector which is required for
removing the peaks present in the reflected power signal at the start and end of the RF
pulse. The low pass filter is an 8-th order bessel filter of variable cut-off frequency up to 50
kHz. A microcontroller is used to vary the cutoff frequency which generates digital clock of
varying frequency required for the low pass filter IC. The low pass filter can also be
bypassed by enabling/disabling it through the microcontroller. The communication to
microcontroller is through serial communication - RS-232 which is done by the user through
FPGA-SoC in Digital part. The Digital part consists of fast comparators, ADC's, FPGA and
DAC's. The output of power detector is given to the comparators. The other terminal of
comparator is connected to variable threshold voltage generated by DAC's through the
FPGA-SoC by user. The 9 comparator outputs are presented to the FPGA as inputs where
user logic is configured to generate the interlock signal when any of the RF power of the
cavity pickup, forward or reflected powers are out of limits. The generated interlock signal is
given to RF switches which turn off the RF input to the cavities. 10 such interlock signals are
generated to cater to various cavities and other subsystems. The FPGA is an SoC which has
both processing unit (PU) and programmable logic (PL). The PL is configured for generating
interlock signals whereas the power monitoring is done through the PU.
These studies have been carried out to derive the time response requirements of fast protection system.
The fast protection system (FPS) provides the protection to accelerating components from beam hitting in
case of any fault in subsystems. The maximum allowable response time of fast protection system is
determined by time taken by full beam to start melting of accelerating structure. FPS should be able to
protect equipment even when full beam loss occurs, for this response time of protection system should be
lesser than the time taken by full beam to melt the structure. The response time of FPS is mainly function
of beam parameters like energy, current and size. In this paper, it is assumed that the beam deposits
energy in steel/copper accelerator components instantaneously and estimated the FPS time response
required to prevent start of melting the steel/copper for a 10 mA beam with energies 3 MeV - 200 MeV.
When a proton beam hits the structure, it deposits energy and heats it up. Energy transfer depends upon
stopping power of material and energy of proton beam. For lower beam energies, the average energy
transfer is larger and the energy transfer is even higher at the end of the proton range (Bragg peak). The
stopping power data for steel/copper has been generated using SRIM/TRIM software. The number of
protons required to melt the structure is calculated based on the amount of energy is required to change
the temperature of the material from its initial temperature to melting point temperature. The time to melt
the structure is derived using the number of protons to melt and the beam current. From these studies, it
is understood that full uniform beam with 3 MeV energy and 10 mA current can melt copper and stainless
steel in about 6 μs and 9 μs time respectively. Fast protection system should be able to protect the
accelerating structures in case of full beam loss, so response time of protection system should be less
than 6 μs .The calculation model, dependency of response time on beam energy, beam current ,beam
size and non-uniform beam , and the effect of bragg peak will be discussed in this paper.
Achal Kumar1,2, Rishi Pal Yadav1, Mangesh Borage1,2 and Pravin Fatnani1
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, 452013, India
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai, 400094, India
Timing system is indispensable for any particle accelerator. Timing system is not only
responsible for facilitating execution of various time critical tasks (e.g. triggering the pulsed
power supplies of kicker magnets) in perfect sequence but also facilitating in timestamping
various events and instants (e.g. parameter acquisition, setting etc.). The timestamped
parameter values are subsequently used to know the state of the machine, at any given time
which is not only required for smooth and continuous round the clock operation of machine
but also for taking necessary preventive action for a possible untoward event in the future.
Timed parameter settings and various event sequences are crucial for the desired behaviour
and performance of the machine. Therefore, it is important to maintain high temporal accuracy
among various events, clocks and parameters. The problem of time synchronization arises in
spatially distributed systems due to the variation of crystal oscillator’s resonant frequency with
crystal ageing and with changing ambient conditions. The next-generation Synchrotron
Radiation Sources would require a highly robust, reliable, flexible and scalable timing system.
Various timing systems deployed in different accelerators have been reviewed. Among them
the White Rabbit stands out as the most promising in terms of accuracy, flexibility, robustness
and ease of scalability. In White Rabbit network, there is a master node (atomic clock or GPS
disciplined clock) and the ordinary nodes (clocks synchronized with respect to master node).
To begin with, the implementation of reference clock is targeted for the new VME CPU board
that is designed and developed in house at RRCAT, Indore. This paper presents design,
development and testing of the disciplined software clock using the GPS module and i.MX
RT1062 micro-controller unit (MCU) present on the board. A brief overview of the present
timing system deployed in Indus-2 is given in the paper, which is followed by the discussion
on design, development and test results. Procedure followed to establish the communication
between the GPS module (using NMEA, UBX, UART protocols) and i.MX RT1062 is discussed
using the flow chart. Similarly, procedure followed to retrieve the time and date information
from GPS is presented. Further, virtual disciplining of the oscillator’s resonant frequency is
discussed. The experimental setup and procedure followed in conducting the time stamping
experiment (using commercial NI PXI-6683H timing module) for accessing the performance
of the developed clock in terms of accuracy is explained. The experiment results show the
improvement of accuracy from 22200 ns (free run mode) to 120 ns (control loop active mode).
The electron beam radiation processing facility (EBRPF) is being operated at Devi Ahilyabai Holkar
fruit and vegetable mandi complex, Indore. The facility is based in-house developed 10 MeV, 6kW electron
linear accelerators (Linacs) developed by Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT),
Department of Atomic Energy. The electron beam, which is in horizontal direction, is moved up & down in
vertical direction to get radiation field in vertical plane. The products which are to be irradiated, are
transported in front of vertically scanning beam, with a roller conveyor in horizontal plane. This facility
provides electron beam irradiation services for medical devices sterilization and irradiation of research
samples for development of new crop varieties. The deliverable dose range is from few Gray (Gy) to several
Kilo Gray (KGy) based on the product requirements.
A timing system for precisely time synchronization of subsystems is required for operation of Linac,
measurements of various diagnostic parameters, irradiation process verification and process interrupt
handling with several parameters & faults. Various delays are to be precisely adjusted in time domain with
sub-system functions & measurements with respect to the master reference trigger. To realize this, a multi-
channel programmable trigger generator module is developed.
The multi-channel Programmable Trigger Generator (PTG) Module for Linac is comprising in-house
developed Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA, Spartan 3, Xilinx) board and controller board with
Optical Fiber transmitters. These trigger pulses will be provided for field device like RF modulator, Electron
Gun, Beam Energy measurement system, Beam Position Indicator, Beam pulse current measurement
system and BPM etc. The multi-channel PTG module is provided with front panel LCD display to indicate
current status like Pulse Repetition Rate (PRR), operating mode, local/remote status, serial communication
and system interlock status. A 4 x 4 metrics key pad is interfaced for setting of PRR, delay time and trigger
on/off command in local mode. The selectable communication ports RS232 / RS485 are provided for remote
operation from control room. The output trigger pulse generation is interlocked with the integrated healthy
interlock of Linac system, so that in case of fault, the trigger pulse output stops. Sixteen trigger output
channels are provided for different subsystems requirement and an input channel to synchronize with
external sync pulse. The multi-channel PTG module is tested with the Linac system for proper operation.
This paper describes an elaborated view of the multi-channel PTG module.
FPGA based digital I/Q demodulator for LLRF control system at RIB Facility in
Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) facility at VECC, Kolkata consists of a series of linear
accelerating cavities [1]. All these cavities require RF power with precise amplitude and
phase. The RF power is responsible for the acceleration of the ion beam to a higher velocity.
Thus, the phase mismatch between RF voltage and ion beam may result in transmission
losses. The low level RF (LLRF) control system plays an important role in maintaining the
proper phase and amplitude of the RF voltage inside the accelerator cavity. Traditionally,
conventional amplitude-phase control is being used at the RIB facility in VECC [2], which
has inherent limitations due to the interdependency between the amplitude loop and phase
loop. Thus I/Q (In-Phase and Quadrature) based LLRF control system is being developed at
VECC. The I/Q demodulator is the first and the most crucial part of I/Q based LLRF control
system. It is responsible for the measurement of the phase and amplitude of the RF pickup
signal from the cavity and thus calculating the amplitude error and phase error from the
desired set values respectively. Initiatives have been taken earlier for the implementation of
I/Q demodulators with conventional analog RF components [3]. But the analog technique is
susceptible to noise, drift, and other inherent errors that can degrade the I/Q Demodulator
performance, including gain balance, quadrature-phase balance, DC offsets, impedance
match, and carrier leakage. Recent advances in high-speed analog-to-digital converters
allow the I/Q demodulator to be implemented digitally, greatly reducing these systematic
errors [4].
The digital I/Q demodulator is designed for a 1.3 GHz RF superconductive cavity which is
being used in the electron linear accelerator (e-LINAC) beamline at the RIB facility in VECC.
Initially, the 1.3 GHz RF signal is down-converted to an Intermediate Frequency (IF) of 113
MHz. The IF signal is then sampled with a 90.4 MHz clock signal in order to obtain the In-
phase (I) and Quadrature (Q) components. The phase and amplitude are computed
mathematically from these I and Q components [5]. A 16-Bit, 250 MSPS Analog-to-Digital
Converter (ADC) with a 1.6 GHz Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) based clock multiplier
and a Zynq-7000 SoC (System on a Chip) based development kit is used for hardware
implementation of the I/Q demodulator. The Zynq 7000 SoC is selected for our application to
take advantage of the software programmability of the Advanced RISC Machine (ARM)
processor and hardware programmability of the Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) on
a single chip. A LabVIEW based DAQ system is also developed for data acquisition and
configuration of the I/Q demodulator over a Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
(UART) communication link. This paper describes the design and hardware implementation
of a digital I/Q demodulator for a linear accelerator cavity.
Scientific Officer, BARC, Mumbai
Senior Professor, HBNI, Mumbai
Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai
Auto-configurable Clock Divider for Digital Low-Level Radio Frequency System of
Infrared Free Electron Laser
Ekansh Mishra, Dheeraj Sharma, Nitesh Mishra, Pritam S. Bagduwal, Pankaj Gothwal, Nitesh Tiwari
and Mahendra Lad
RFSD, RRCAT, Indore(M.P.)-452013, India,
Digital Low Level Radio Frequency (DLLRF) system is developed and deployed in Infrared
Free Electron Laser (IRFEL) at RRCAT, Indore for controlling the amplitude and phase of
Radio Frequency (RF) signal inside the Sub-Harmonic Pre-Buncher (SHPB) cavity, within
the required limits (±0.1% for amplitude and ±0.1° for phase) [1]. Various synchronized RF
signals are required for operation of DLLRF and sub-systems of IRFEL. Signals such as
clock (95.2MHz) to Analog-to-Digital Converter, signal (23.8MHz) for Local Oscillator (LO)
frequency (499.8MHz) generation, signal (2856MHz) to Linear Accelerator (LINAC), signal
(476MHz) for Electron Gun etc. are being generated for operation of IRFEL. For proper
operation, all these RF signals must be synchronized in nature that is achieved by deriving
these RF signals using a master clock and programmable multichannel clock divider. These
signals are generated by changing/programming the division ratio of different channels of
clock divider. RF signals are generated using AD9516 based programmable clock generator
in IRFEL. Since, AD9516 chip is volatile in nature, all the essential settings (division ratio,
output levels etc.) are erased out after power to the chip is turned off. Each time power to
chip is turned on, AD9516 has to be programmed by Graphical User Interface (GUI)
provided with the board for working of DLLRF system. An automated solution has been
developed for programming of clock divider that configures DLLRF system automatically,
without any manual programming. Automatic programming is carried out by a Raspberry Pi
(RPi) that is installed and commissioned along with the AD9516 based board. RPi programs
the board by sending the data frames to AD9516 through Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). A
script has been developed in python that automatically executes after RPi boots and all the
essential settings (stored in a database on RPi) are being transmitted through SPI to
program the AD9516. Two GUIs (remote and local) has also been developed in Python for
changing the division ratios and other essential settings. Remote GUI runs on a window that
sends command through Ethernet and local GUI runs on Raspberry Pi. GUIs are used to
modify the division ratios and updated ratios are also stored in the database simultaneously.
Updated division ratios are used for the configuration at the time of powering of the chip.
This system for automated configuration will be installed in DLLRF system of IRFEL at
RRCAT. Design Scheme, algorithm and result of auto-configurable clock divider for DLLRF
system will be described in the paper.
1. K.K. Pant, V. Kumar, B. Bisawas, A. Kumar, S. Lal, S.C. P., S.K. Gupta, M.
Khursheed, P. Nerpagar, A.K. Sarkar, R.K. Pandit, K. Ruwali, K. Sreeramulu, S. Das,
S. Chouksey, J. Parate, V.P. Bhanage, P.P. Deshpande, S. Tiwari, L. Jain, A.
Valecha, A.K. Pathak, M.A. Ansari, H.R. Bundel, P. Shrivastava, T. Raghu, U. Kale,
Y.D. Wanmode, P. Mohania, J.K. Mulchandani, A. Patel, M. Acharya, A. Mahawar, M.
Lad, M.K. Jain, N. Tiwari, P.S. Bagduwal, S. Joshi, R. Kumar, A. Singh, V.K. Dwivedi,
M.B. Borage, S.R. Tiwari, “First Lasing in an infrared fee electron laser at RRCAT,
Indore”, Current Science, Vol. 114, no. 2, Jan 2018, pp. 367-373
Scientific Officer, BARC, Mumbai
Senior Professor, HBNI, Mumbai
Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai
Scientific Officer, BARC, Mumbai
Senior Professor, HBNI, Mumbai
Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai
In design of particle accelerators, solid state RF power amplifier linearization has been one
of the challenging areas. Among various available techniques, digital predistortion (DPD)
based on least square estimation is one of the promising approach [1] [2] [3]. Design of such
an estimator needs fitting a suitable model which has inverse characteristics to that of SSPA.
Authors have described recursive least square estimation (RLS) method for DPD design in
[4]. A designed digital pre-distorter is added in series at input of SSPA leading to overall
linear I/O characteristics. However, success of such a linearization method depends how
well estimated DPD coefficients represent inverse characteristics of SSPA. For assessment
of goodness of fit, one has to often resort to statistical methods based on linear regression
concepts. A linear regression exercise leads to random component representing misfit. Once
problem is formulated as linear regression, many design issues may be seen from different
perspective. This paper applies concepts of linear regression to problem of least square
estimation to obtain confidence interval estimates of DPD coefficients. Many interesting
issues pertaining to linearizer design and performance can then be addressed. Some of
them are fixing number of parameters needed for arriving at ideal model of SSPA or DPD
I/O, assessing value of modelling error w.r.t. to true response and ways to reduce it.
Secondly, amount of confidence that can be associated with each DPD model parameter,
Thirdly, goodness of fit of model output to experimentally obtained outputs and ways to
quantify it, number of readings over I/O range of SSPA to obtain reasonably accurate DPD
model, over a full I/O range, effect of resolution or spacing between readings. This paper
explains concept of linear regression, followed by estimation of CI estimates for model
coefficients. R2 measure for goodness of fit is used. Saleh model is used to generate SSPA
I/O followed by DPD design. Simulation results to assess effect of number of model
coefficients on CI estimates are described. It is concluded that Concept of linear regression
could be used to look at LSE problem from error analysis perspective. The amount of error
served as guide for R2 measure and also to selection of appropriate no. of coefficients in
DPD model. In order to build confidence on model, CIs are found as useful tools. Values of
CI help in choosing no. of total readings and their resolution while acquiring data during
model building exercise for application of SSPA linearization using DPD.
1. A. Johanssan and R. Zeng, “Challenges for the low level RF design for ESS,” pp.
460–462, 01 2011.
2. M. Helaoui, S. Boumaiza, A. Ghazel, and F. Ghannouchi, “Power and efficiency
enhancement of 3g multicarrier amplifiers using digital signal processing with
experimental validation,” Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on,
vol. 54, pp. 1396 – 1404, 07 2006.
3. H. Ku and J. Kenney, “Behavioral modeling of nonlinear RF power amplifiers
considering memory effects,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and
Techniques, vol. 51, no. 12, pp. 2495–2504, 2003.
4. R. T. Keshwani, S. Mukhopadhyay, R. D. Gudi, Gopal Joshi, “Digital Predistortion
technique for RF power amplifier linearization: Modelling and Simulations,” Indian
Particle Accelerator Conference 2022 (Inpac 22), March 22, VECC, Kolkata.
Shubham Tripathi1,2, Vikash Sahoo1,2, Swarnendu Thakurta1, Surajit Ghosh1,2, Aditya Mandal1,
Sudeshna Seth1, Sumit Som1
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre – Kolkata
Homi Bhabha National Institute - Mumbai
A low-level RF (LLRF) system has been designed for the 18 MeV Medical cyclotron, which
will be used to deliver the requirements of medical radiopharmaceuticals in and around
Kolkata. The LLRF system is used to feed the RF cavity having frequency of 65.6 MHz with
the controlled amplitude of RF. A prototype LLRF system operating at 65.6 MHz is designed
to stabilize acceleration voltage and control the resonance of the cavity. LLRF system
broadly consists of a Dee Voltage Regulator (DVR), Spark detector, Ripple detector,
Interlock protection system, and tuner control system. The RF amplitude is designed to be
controlled by PI feedback control for keeping the voltage stability of the cavity within 0.1%.
Spark detector will stop the RF power input to the amplifier within 1us as soon as the voltage
in the cavity dips. Furthermore, the testing results and simulation of the LLRF prototype has
been presented.
Pritam S. Bagduwal, Dheeraj Sharma, Ekansh Mishra, Nitesh Mishra, Pankaj Gothwal, Nitesh Tiwari
and Mahendra Lad
RFSD, RRCAT, Indore(M.P.)-452013, India,
Tapan Kumar Mandi, Hemendra Kumar Pandey, Arihant Kumar Jain, Dipta Pratim Dutta,
Siddhartha Dechoudhury, Vaishali Naik, Arup Bandyopadhyay
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC) Sector-1, Block-AF, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700064, India
A Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) facility has been developed at VECC, Kolkata which has a beam line
consisting of a series of RF linear accelerators. This comprises six RF cavities operating at 37.87
MHz [RFQ linac, three rebunchers RB1-3, two linac modules L1-L2] and five RF cavities [RB 4-5 and
three linac modules L3-L5] operating at 75.74 MHz. The Low level RF (LLRF) control systems has
been developed for RF cavities till L3, whereas for the remaing cavities, it is in advanced stage of
It is necessary to operate the RF cavities in phase synchronism with respect to a reference phase to
obtain efficient beam transmission and acceleration. For this purpose, a RF distribution system has
been designed and fabricated to deliver the RF signal generated from a single source to the
respective LLRF systems. A master oscillator signal at 37.87 MHz is divided to obtain 6 output ports
for 37.87 MHz signal and 2 output ports for 75.74 MHz signal. The maximum RF power output for
37.87 MHz is 0 dBm and all are in phase. The maximum RF power output for the 75.74 MHz signal is
+10 dBm. Proper isolation between the channels has been implemented into the design of the
system. Steps have been taken to eliminate electromagnetic interference. The design, development
and performance results of the RF distribution system will be described in this paper.
The electromagnets are indispensable parts of any particle accelerator such as a cyclotron,
linear accelerator, synchrotron etc. In particle accelerators, these magnets are used for
bending, focusing and steering the beam of charged particles by inducing Lorentz force on
them. The stability of the trajectory of beam particles is determined by the stability of the
magnetic field of the electromagnets. The stability of the magnetic field in turn is decided by
the stability of the coil current of the electromagnets. The high precision temperature stable
current regulated power supplies are generally used for powering the electromagnets. In
VECC, a magnet power supply with a 100 ppm stability class is being developed
indigenously to replace the imported power supplies of various beamlines. It is reported [1]
that varying environmental factors such as a change in ambient temperature leads electronic
component behaviour to drift from its ideal characteristic. One of the crucial components
sensitive to temperature variation is the voltage reference IC present in the power supply
controller. This voltage reference along with digital-to-analogue converter (DAC) is used to
generate the analog set point for desired magnet current. This paper describes the
modelling and simulation of a novel method for the temperature stabilization of the voltage
reference IC to be used in indigenous power supplies. The SIMULINK from MATLAB is
selected as the simulation software. The thermoelectric module [2] which works on the
Peltier effect is selected as the final control element of the temperature stabilization system.
An electrical equivalent model [3] of the thermoelectric system is developed using heat
transfer equations for the Peltier Effect, Joule Heating and Fourier law of heat conduction.
For example, thermal parameters such as heat flow and temperature were modelled using
standard blocks of current and voltage sources available in the SIMULINK library. To develop
a simplified model, heat flow due to natural convection, radiation and the Thomson effect
was neglected on the basis of certain assumptions explained in this paper. The system
parameters such as heat capacity, and thermal conductance was calculated on the basis of
calculated mechanical dimensions and intrinsic parameters such as thermal conductivity and
specific heat capacity. The temperature dependency of voltage reference output is modelled
as a linear relation as per an associated temperature coefficient. Suitable closed-loop control
algorithms [4] such as PI, ON-OFF and ON-OFF with an integrator are implemented on the
developed model. The entire system is simulated after setting a suitable solver configuration
to optimize between simulation step size and simulation time. The controller parameters are
tuned to optimize the dynamic and steady state control parameters such as steady-state
error, rise time, overshoot and settling time. The detailed flow of work related to modelling,
simulation and analysis of results is mentioned in this paper.
Ion Accelerator Development Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Center
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai
R. Sandeep Kumar1, Kiran Thakur2, Sandeep Name3, Manoj Kumbhare4, R. Krishnan5, and S.N. Pethe6
Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering and Research (SAMEER), Mumbai
Electron linear accelerators have a wide spectrum of applications ranging from high energy
physics to medical, industrial, military and civilian purposes [1-8]. SAMEER has well
established expertise in development of linear accelerators for medical applications with
electron energies from 6 MeV to 30 MeV for high energy X-ray generation. Linac currently
being developed at SAMEER has the capabilities of generating a 30 MeV electron beam
with sub-picosecond bunches at a repetition rate up to 300 Hz and at an average current of
up to 0.3 mA. The higher energy linacs for radiation therapy employ high power klystron as
RF source. The demand of dual mode and multiple energies is high from medical community
especially for radiation therapy applications [9]. At SAMEER we have developed a linac test
facility to operate Klystron to its rated values and determine the RF power required to
produce dual energy x-ray i.e., 9 MV and 15 MV. Further, the Klystron operating points are
determined for achieving these energies. The challenges involved in achieving dual energy
operation namely variation of HV bias applied to Klystron, low-level RF input power and gun-
injection voltage are overcome by modifying the existing units. Further, the Beam Flatteners
have been developed for both energies using the image processing tools. Also, a test facility
control unit along with Graphical User Interface (GUI) is developed for day-to-day operation.
Based on the operating points, experiments have been carried out and two energies have
been successfully demonstrated. This paper presents the High-Power RF power
measurement setup with modulator, control unit with GUI, Variation of RF power with respect
to bias voltage, Modifications in the existing unit for addressing the challenges, unflatten
beam profile using image processing tools, Beam Flattener design and flatten beam profile
and x-ray attenuation curves for energy confirmation.
Suprakash Roy1, Prosenjit Dhang1, Sabyasachi Pathak1 , Aditya Mandal1, Umasankar panda1
Dr Sumit Som1
Variable energy cyclotron Centre, Kolkata
Medical cyclotron is a device which generates radioisotope for cancer detection and
therapy. 30 MeV, high intensity (500μA) proton beam generates from the Medical cyclotron.
Medical cyclotron facility is a unique facility under the aegis of department of atomic energy
which facilitates production of various radioisotopes and basis research simultaneously.
The heart of this facility is a 30 MeV H-cyclotron called CYCLONE-30. This cyclotron is a
negative hydrogen ion accelerator. This cyclotron is a fixed magnetic field, fixed RF
frequency, variable energy and dual-beam cyclotron. There are two RF cavities, called dee,
to accelerate the negative hydrogen ions. At the extraction radius, two carbon stripper foils
are placed at diametrically opposite ports. All the systems such as various contactors of
distribution cabinet for pumps etc., power supplies, RF system, gate valves are operated
and different field interlocks, limit switch positions, vacuum gauge readings etc are
monitored from a centralized PLC based control system. Signal cables were accordingly
laid for connection between those systems and were terminated. Cables for current
monitoring and video monitoring were also laid and terminated. Current measurements are
important for sensing the beam current at various points such as faraday cups, pop-up
probe, stripper extraction, beamline collimators, target etc. Video monitoring is required to
monitor the radioactivity at vault and the beam profile at the beam viewer inside hot cell
from the control room. Three beamlines are dedicated for medical isotope production from
liquid and solid targets and two beam lines for material science research and target window
study for Lead-Bismuth target assembly. There are nine hot cells (two for positron emission
tomography, seven for single-photon emission computer tomography) for radioisotopes
production in clean room area. During this period the machine availability was satisfactorily
and it has delivered beam for irradiation of O18 to produce F18 and FDG
(Fluorodeoxyglocose) is produced supplied to various hospitals. Production was carried
out everyday morning for 5 days a week without any major interruption. Two hot cells were
used in automatic process for regular production FDG from medical cyclotron. In addition
to the regular production beam of different energy were developed and transferred to the
target at beamline#1.1 . Using this facility Ga68 was produced and supplied to local
hospitals. Beams of energies from 15.5 MeV to 30 MeV (up to 50 mA) were developed and
transported to the end of beam line faraday cup in the low current and high current
beamlines of the Materials Science Cave. target facility for carrying out irradiation of solid
targets in the low current beam line has been developed and tested at 16 MeV and 10 mA
beam current. Beam is transported up to the target station and various interlocks have been
integrated and tested. During the irradiation the required radiation data have also been
PVA based dose indicators were prepared using dimethyl yellow dye and methanol. These
were prepared at different compositions and tested using 1 MeV electron beam accelerator.
These indicators can be used for industrial applications to ensure the product gets irradiated.
Abstract: Electron Beam emitter assembly is indigenously designed and developed for use in linear accelerator as
particle source. This is an indirectly heated solid cathode emitter assembly. It consists of primary filament which is
made up of tungsten wire of diameter of 0.5mm and spiral in shape. This filament is heated up to the temperature of
2800K by passing direct current through it. When the primary filament is at this high temperature it heats up the solid
cathode by direct radiation heating. Solid cathode is made of lanthanum hexaboride (laB6). By direct radiation
heating from the primary filament its reaches to its emission temperature of 1500K. Solid cathode is button type
cathode having diameter of 10mm and thickness 1mm. Thermal simulation and characterisation of emitter assembly
has been carried out to find the power required to achieve the emission temperature of the solid cathode and validate
it with the experiment. The thermal simulation of the gun has been done using the commercially available analysis
package. On the basis of the simulation analysis design has been finalised and the gun has been fabricated.
Experiments have been done on the fabricated gun to find the actual temperature distribution. Thermocouple and two
colour pyrometer have been used to measure the temperature at different points in the electron gun. The temperature
distribution obtained by simulation and experimentation is in tandem. This paper presents thermal analysis of the
electron gun and its characterisation.
Irradiation of waste water using high energy electron beam has been found to be capable of
removing various organic compounds, which are otherwise difficult to be removed using
conventional treatment methods. An industrial demonstration system (EBWWT - Electron
Beam Waste Water Treatment) using 1MeV electron accelerator has been designed at BARC.
In this system, the accelerated electron beam pass through a 50 µm thick Titanium (Ti)
window. The transmitted electrons and the bremsstrahlung photons produced in Ti foil, travel
towards waste water flowing below in the form of a film of 1500 x 100 x 4 mm dimension. The
electron beam scans across the length and breadth of the Ti foil. In order to assess the
uniformity of irradiation of the water flowing beneath the Ti foil, a set of monte carlo simulations
were carried out using FLUKA [1, 2] code. The electron beam is assumed to be along z-
direction. FLUKA simulations were carried out for 5 cycles (500000 particles in each cycle).
The absorbed dose distribution in the waste water film due to a Gaussian electron beam
(having 50 mm FWHM along x and y - axes) incident at the center of the Ti foil in (XY plane)
is shown in Fig. 1. The dose shown in this figure corresponds to one electron. A parametric
study of absorbed dose distribution due to electron beam incidence at different position of the
Ti foil was subsequently carried out. Further the effect of distance between the Ti and waste
water film on the dose distribution was also studied. These simulations generated valuable
data for optimization of the EBWWT accelerator parameters. The absorbed dose was found
to be mostly concentrated around the path of incident electron beam. The peak value of
absorbed dose per electron was approximately. 2.5E-5 GeV/g. As the FWHM of the beam is
reduced to 10 mm, the peak absorbed dose per incident electron increases to 4.5E-5 GeV/g.
Fig. 1: Dose distribution in waste water film irradiated by 1 MeV electron beam
1. T.T. Bohlen, F. Cerutti, M.P.W. Chin, A. Fasso`, A. Ferrari, P.G. Ortega, A. Mairani, P.R. Sala,
G. Smirnov, and V. Vlachoudis, "The FLUKA Code: Developments and Challenges for
High Energy and Medical Applications", Nuclear Data Sheets 120, 211-214 (2014).
2. A. Ferrari, P.R. Sala, A. Fasso`, and J. Ranft, "FLUKA: a multi-particle transport code",
CERN-2005-10 (2005), INFN/TC_05/11, SLAC-R-773.
The most profound effects of irradiation in materials occur in the core of nuclear
power reactors, where atoms comprising the structural components are displaced numerous
times throughout engineering lifetimes. Essential irradiation effects: low-temperature
radiation hardening and embrittlement; irradiation-induced precipitation; phase stability;
irradiation-induced creep; and void swelling affect the performance of structural materials in
nuclear energy systems. Hence there is a considerable thrust in understanding the radiation
effects of materials. In this context, the concept of “ion simulation of neutron damage” using
ion irradiation has grown in popularity [1]. The simulation vests on the similarity in the type of
primary damage state, i.e., the collision cascade and average primary recoil energy between
neutron and heavy-ion irradiations, are comparable. Low-temperature irradiation is one of
the most important experimental methods for fundamental research in radiation damage
because the primary damage state at the end of the thermal-spike quench process can be
observed without the effects of thermal diffusion.
A versatile, low-temperature ion-irradiation system that is usable at the end stations
of the 1.7 MV tandetron and 150 kV accelerators at MSG, IGCAR, is developed. The
irradiation system comprises the following components (in an order down-stream to the
beam from the accelerator): 1. beam-defining slits, with the capability to ensure beam
uniformity while using raster scanned (50 × 50 mm2) and defocussed beams 2. an
indigenously developed insertable water-cooled Faraday cup for beam current
measurements and 3. a low-temperature sample holder. The sample holder is cooled with
the help of a closed-cycle refrigerator (CCR). The control of sample temperature is achieved
through a temperature sensor (DT470) and temperature controller. The temperature stability
during ion irradiation was maintained with an accuracy of + 0.5K.
A tilt table design of the system enables quick change of samples. The tilt table
holds the CCR and sample holder in a horizontal orientation during irradiation. The setup
has rails to retrieve the chamber and facilitates rotation (on the hinge point) to vertical
orientation with safety locking, providing easy sample changing operation. Viewports are
provided to facilitate light collection during in-situ luminescence experiments at low
temperatures. The temperature on the sample holder is measured using a silicon diode
temperature sensor, the minimum temperature attained on the sample holder is 7K. A 1.4
MeV Ni+ beam with a current of 200 nA was incident on the sample holder for 6 hours; the
sample temperature remained invariant at 10K, variation within ±10%. The vacuum in the
low-temperature ion irradiation system was in the 10-9 mbar range. Rutherford
Backscattering Spectrometry was used to estimate the carbon buildup in samples. The
carbon concentration is slightly higher than in samples where irradiation to the same dose
was conducted at ambient temperature. Although the vacuum in the chamber prior to low-
temperature cooling was ~ 2×10-8 mbar, the gettering of impurities on the cooled samples is
a potential source of carbon contamination. A secondary liquid nitrogen trap in the chamber
is a solution to this problem.
Several irradiation experiments in bulk Ni and nanocrystalline Ni have been
undertaken using this system. This presentation will also encompass the indigenous
development of beam diagnostic devices, vacuum systems for ion irradiation experiments,
and in-house refurbishment of turbo-molecular pumps.
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During investigation of events at Kakrapar Unit-I & II and impurity species of ethylene
was found in carbon dioxide cylinders employed in reactor AGMS. The radiolytic processes
which ethylene will undergo needed to be explored to understand it’s impact on pressure tubes
Short burst experiments were carried out at 7MeV Electron accelerator of LINAC facility
and the reaction route, mechanism and kinetics were evaluated The experiments brought out
the fast kinetics of the reaction with almost 75% ethylene undergoing radiolysis within 160
seconds as compared to only 20% degradation in 2 hours for thermal reaction in absence of
radiation. The reaction products were analyzed and reaction route through ozonolysis of
ethylene was disseminated. The study provided evidence for formation of both reducing species
like formic acid and hydrogen and strongly oxidizing species like peroxy radicals and peroxides
Based on these data further experiments were carried out at 10MeV accelerator at EBC,
Kharghar. The PT coupons were exposed to gas mix in presence of radiation and it’s impact
was observed on PT surfaces.
Both the studies provided experimental evidence for the involved processes and along
with time scale of events evolved the explanation towards root cause for KAPs events.
State-of-the-art experimental facility 200 kV Ion Accelerator, with energy range of 30-200 kV
has been running successfully at Ion Beam Centre, KUK. This facility offers single charge
state, switching magnet with five exit ports and large area irradiation/implantation using hollow
cathode ion source.
Ion beam induced patterning and structuring of polymeric surfaces has drawn strong interest
due to latent applications in photonics, magnetic devices, optical devices, photovoltaics, and
surface-wetting tailoring etc. In this work, we report the controlled surface modifications and
structuring of Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) polymer using 30 keV Ar+ ion beam for
different oblique incidences of 15º, 30º, 40º, 50º, 75º, 90º at constant argon ion flux.
Morphological and optical analysis has been performed by ex situ atomic force microscopy
and UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy. The effect of oblique incidences on argon sputtered films was
evaluated by various surface topography and texture parameters, such as Fast Fourier
Transforms, surface roughness, skewness, kurtosis. One dimensional cross section scans of
surface profiles are determined and morphological features are investigated. AFM study
demonstrates prominent changes in surface morphology of argon sputtered surfaces showing
distinct dependence on argon ion incidences. The formation of surface structures is attributed
to the different degree of sputtering yield at different off-normal incidences and preferential
sputtering of hydrogen in comparison to carbon in ion sputtered surfaces. An increase in the
optical absorption and a shifting of absorption edge towards longer wavelengths were
observed. Concomitantly, a pronounced decrease in the optical band gap was recorded. A
possible correlation between surface topographical evolution and band gap is discussed.
Simulation of low energy positron bunching in 150 MHz quarter wave resonator
S. K. Gupta1, S. Mukherjee2, D. Dutta2, S. K. Sharma2, K. Sudarshan2, P. K. Pujari1, S. Shrotriya3, M.
Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Trombay, Mumbai -85
Radiochemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Trombay, Mumbai -85
Accelerator Controls Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Trombay, Mumbai -85
Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar 751005, INDIA
Department of Physics, Maharaja Sriram Chandra Bhanja Deo University, Baripada 757003, INDIA
Gold nitride (GN), a recently developed advanced material, is useful for the electronic
industry. Several attempts have been made over the last twenty years to synthesize gold
nitride. Very recently researchers at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, have been
successful in synthesizing GN material [1-3].In the present report, alloying of gold nitride has
been studied using AuL-to-AuL intensity ratio from PIXE experiments, performed using
MeV-proton ionization technique at the 3 MV tandem Pelletron facility at the Institute of
Physics (IOP), Bhubaneswar. The GN material used for the above study was synthesized by
applying a novel technique [4]. The corrected intensity ratio [5] of AuL-to-AuL can be a
sensitive probe for studying the charge-transfer effect in noble metal nitrides.
‘Neutron Radiography’ has been successfully demonstrated using 9 MeV RF Electron LINAC
at ECIL, Hyderabad [1] by the collaborative efforts of Pulsed Power & Electromagnetics
Division (BARC, Visakhapatnam), Technical Physics Division (BARC, Mumbai), Control &
Automation Division (ECIL, Hyderabad) and Accelerator and Pulsed Power Division (BARC,
Mumbai). The entire LINAC system is inside radiation shielded room and it is remotely
operated through a PC in control room. At full rating, the X-ray dose rate of ~24 Gy/min is
produced at 1m distance from Tantalum target [2]. The photo-neutron target assembly for
neutron radiography has overall dimensions of 700mm (L) × 855mm (W) × 700mm (H) and
collimation ratio (L/D) of 28. For producing neutrons ’-n’ neutron production scheme has
been implemented in this setup [3-5]. To obtain maximum thermal neutron fluence rate, two
beryllium cylinders of 63mm diameter having lengths of 44mm and 84mm have been used
along with 60mm HDPE moderator in between. Collimator is placed after HDPE in between
two Beryllium targets in +Y direction. To minimize the gamma content at image plane,
neutron collimator has been designed in perpendicular direction to the incident beam and
also the Beryllium target is cylindrically covered with lead shielding. Collimator has 500mm
length, 10mm aperture and 150mm image plane diameter. Thermal neutron flux measured
at image plane was ~6×10^3 neutrons/cm^2/second/kW e-beam. The entire photo-neutron
target assembly was covered with 100mm thick lead shielding for reducing the gamma
background. Neutron radiographs of various objects with adequate resolution were
successfully imaged using gated ICCD camera. This paper will cover details on design,
installation and testing of photo-neutron target assembly for neutron radiography application
along with highlights on contrast imaging intricacies in such setup.
Low flux of heavy ions is required for calibration of various detectors besides other potential
irradiation applications. Ease of irradiation of multiple samples necessitates a sample
changing mechanism compatible with ultra-high vacuum environment. In order to obtain a
fluence of ~106 particles/cm2, the particles need to be counted using detector and associated
electronics. An amplifier coupled with pulse shaper and counter are employed for counting
particles. A set up has been designed and developed in-house accordingly, to ensure
irradiation of multiple samples as per the user requirements. Details of the set-up, sample
changer, particle flux and fluence measurements along with its effective utilization shall be
presented in this paper.
The samples were mounted in the irradiation chamber and changed remotely using a Rotary
Vacuum feedthrough in combination with a video camera & monitor. Heavy ions from
Pelletron Accelerator were scattered using gold foil and the scattered beam at +/-45o ports
was used for irradiation and monitoring, respectively. In the present work, scattered Lithium
beam at 44 MeV from Pelletron was used for irradiation. Flux and fluence measurements
were carried out at 45° mirror symmetry using PIN Diode detector and an Amplifier
developed by Electronic Division, BARC. Six no. of samples can be loaded and changed
remotely using a rotary vacuum feed-through without breaking vacuum.
Optically Stimulated Luminance Detectors (OSLDs) developed by RP&AD, BARC for dose
measurements, to be utilised in space-based applications, were irradiated for various doses
using this set up, successfully.
Index of First Author