Syllabus in CLJ 1 Latest
Syllabus in CLJ 1 Latest
Syllabus in CLJ 1 Latest
UEP’s Vision: A globally competitive university producing graduates in pursuit of Institutional Graduate Outcomes: Graduates of the University of Eastern
higher economic welfare of the people and the community through inclusion and Philippines should:
cooperation from the stakeholders. 1. Exhibit proficiency in their chosen field of discipline through their involvement
in various types of employment;
UEP’s Mission: Provide technical and professional training, advanced instruction in 2. Utilize research methodologies that will allow them to generate new knowledge
literature, arts, philosophy, the sciences and promotion of innovation, scientific and and address problems and issues and promote development;
technological researches. 3. Values Philippine historical and cultural heritage;
4. Demonstrate global awareness through responsible global citizenship;
UEP QUALITY POLICY 5. Clearly communicate in several modes of delivery (oral, written, and visual) in
The University of Eastern Philippines (UEP) commits to be academically English and Filipino; and
competitive, research and extension-focused, and economically-sustainable public 6. Manifest high degree of professionalism through observation of ethical and
higher education institution. Specifically, UEP shall: professional behavior.
Uphold the values of relevance, integrity, productivity and excellence in service
Endeavor to continually improve the quality management system;
Provide quality services through participatory governance and compliance to legal
and other prescribed requirements.
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Course Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
1. Discuss the development of laws.
2. Determine crimes and criminals.
3. Evaluate the criminal justice system of the Philippines.
4. Articulate the early development of laws.
5. Evaluate the policing system of the Philippines.
6. Recognize the duties of the prosecution
7. Explain the functions of the prosecution.
8. Articulate the judicial system of the Philippines
9. Determine the organizational structure of courts of the Philippines
10. Articulate the early administration of justice
1. Recognize the importance of judiciary.
2. Appraise jurisdictions of the courts
3. Evaluate the rights of the accused
4. Explain the purposes of corrections.
5. Evaluate treatment of the criminals
6. Determine the early forms of corrections and its development
7. Articulate the correctional system of the Philippines
8. Recognize the powers and functions of bureau of corrections
9. Determine the provincial jail system
10. Discuss the scope of Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
1. Appraise community-based corrections
2. Determine the role of the community for the development of released inmate.
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Criminal Justice System (Preliminaries)
Development of Laws
Crimes and Criminals
Criminal Justice System
Philippine Criminal Laws
Criminal Justice System in the Philippines
Operations of CJS in the Philippines
The Law Enforcement Service
Early development of law enforcement
Evolution of the Philippine policing
4-6 The nature of policing in the country
The Philippine National Police
The police in action
Revised rules of engagement
The Prosecution
Duties of a prosecution
Philippine prosecution system
The prosecution process
The Court
Character and fitness of a Judge
Early means of administration of justice
Katarungang Pambarangay
Judicial power and its scope
10-11 Organization of the Philippine Courts
The judicial process
Rights of the accused
The concept of penalties
Extinction of criminality liability
12-14 The Correctional Services
Purposes of corrections
Theoretical foundation of the treatment of the criminals
Early forms of corrections
Development of correctional institutions
The treatment era of the prisons
Development of prison system in the Philippines
Correctional system in the Philippines
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Bureau of corrections
Treatment and correlational service
Provincial jail system
The Bureau of jail management and penology
The Community-based corrections
Mobilized Community
The essence of partnership
Coordination and networking in crime prevention
Empowering the community
Teaching and Learning
Learning Outcomes Activities/Instructional Assessment Tasks Resources
Chapter 1 Development of
a. Discuss how Laws
law developed Crimes and
Criminals Domingo, Shirley S. Criminal Justice System. Manila: Rex
and how it Bookstore Inc. 2013
defined crimes Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice Recitation
and criminals. Discussions Madelo, Jr., Poferio C., Criminal Justice System Basic Concepts
System Quizzes/Long
b. Recognize PowerPoint and Approaches. Manila: Rex Bookstore Inc., 2012
Philippine Criminal Quiz
how criminal Laws Presentation/Projector
justice system Examination
Criminal Justice Reporting San Beda, Memory Aid Remedial Law 2017.
work System in the
Operations of CJS
in the Philippines
Chapter 2 Early development Lectures Recitation Porferio C. Madelo (2013), Criminal Justice System Basic
of law enforcement Discussions Quizzes/Long Concepts and Approaches, Rex bookstore, Manila.
a. Explain the Evolution of the PowerPoint Quiz
development of law Philippine policing Examination Domingo, Shirley S. 2013. Criminal Justice System. Ex Book Store,
enforcement and The nature of Inc. Manila
policing in the Reporting
its evolution in the
country Madelo, Porferio C. 2013. Criminal Justice System: Basic Concepts
Philippines. The Philippine
Page 5 of 11
b. Understand the and Approaches. Rex Book Store, Inc. Manila
nature of policing in
the Philippines San Beda. 2017 Memory aid on Remedial Law. San Beda Bar
National Police
c. Recognize the Operations. Manila
The police in action
rules on Revised rules of
engagement in engagement
different crimes.
Chapter 3
a. Elaborate the
duties of the Duties and Domingo, Shirley S. Criminal Justice System. Manila: Rex
prosecution. functions of a Lectures Recitation Bookstore Inc. 2013
prosecutor. Discussions Quizzes/Long
b. Explain the system
Philippine Quiz Madelo, Jr., Poferio C., Criminal Justice System Basic Concepts
of the prosecution PowerPoint
prosecution system
c. Know the Presentation/Projector Examination and Approaches. Manila: Rex Bookstore Inc., 2012
The prosecutorial
prosecutorial process of the Reporting
process of the San Beda, Memory Aid Remedial Law 2017
Chapter 4 Character and Lectures Recitation Domingo, Shirley S. 2013. Criminal Justice System. Ex Book Store,
a. Determine the fitness of a Judge Discussions Quizzes/Long Inc. Manila
qualifications and Early means od PowerPoint Quiz
ethical standards of administration of Examination Madelo, Porferio C. 2013. Criminal Justice System: Basic
a judge. Reporting Concepts and Approaches. Rex Book Store, Inc. Manila
Importance of the
b. Know how justice
been served in the Independence of San Beda. 2017 Memory aid on Remedial Law. San Beda Bar
past the judiciary Operations. Manila
c. Explain the Judicial power and
importance of its scope
judiciary and its Organization of the unpredictable-biased-corrupt-and-slow-justice-system/549323 -
independence. Philippine courts Unpredictable, biased, corrupt and slow justice system
d. Determine the Jurisdiction
parameter of The judicial process By Al S. Vitangcol 3rd, May 4, 2019
Rights of the
judicial power
e. Articulate the level The concept of limas-case-must-be-judged-in-ph-not-in-the-us/666940 - Senator
Page 6 of 11
of courts
f. Attribute the court’s
g. Know the rights of de Lima’s case must be judged in PH, not in the US.
the accused while - The Manila Times
under investigation
penalties - Public support and Judicial
and while under
Extinction of Empowerment of the Philippine Courts.
trial. criminality liability
h. Evaluate the
different penalties. justice-system-under-pressure - Philippine judiciary and criminal
i. Analyze those justice system under pressure: An inside look
ways on criminal
liability may be
Page 7 of 11
correctional system
of the Philippines
f. Determine the
scope of bureau of
corrections and its
powers and
g. Determine the
scope of provincial The Bureau of jail
jail system. management and
h. Evaluate the power penology
and functions of The Community-
Bureau of Jail based corrections
Management and
i. Recognize some
other ways of
corrections outside
of the prion
Chapter 6 The essence of Lectures Recitation Domingo, Shirley S. 2013. Criminal Justice System. Ex Book Store,
a. Evaluate the role of partnership Discussions Quizzes/Long Inc. Manila
the community in Coordination and PowerPoint Quiz
shaping the life of a networking in crime Examination
person released Reporting Madelo, Porferio C. 2013. Criminal Justice System: Basic Concepts
from the prison
and Approaches. Rex Book Store, Inc. Manila
b. Articulate the
different law
agencies and their
specific role in
shaping the
criminal justice
Page 8 of 11
system of the
Suggested Readings
Supreme Court Annotated Reports (SCRA) - Unpredictable, biased, corrupt and slow
justice system. By Al S. Vitangcol 3rd, May 4, 2019 - Senator de Lima’s case must be judged in
PH, not in the US. - The Manila Times - Public support and Judicial Empowerment of the Philippine Courts. - Philippine judiciary and criminal justice system under pressure: An
inside look
Website/Videos/Film Clips
Class Materials
For Class Participation
Criteria 5 3 1
(Exemplary) (Adequate) (Needs Improvement)
Listening Actively and respectfully listens to Sometimes display lack of interest in Projects lack of interest or disrespect for
professor and peers comments of others others
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Preparation Arrives fully prepared with all Sometimes arrives unprepared or with Exhibit little evidence of having read or
assignments completed only superficial preparation thought about assigned material
Quality of Contributions Comments are relevant and reflects Comments sometimes irrelevant, betrays Comments reflect little understanding of
understanding of: assigned text (s), lack of preparation, or indicate lack of either the assignment or previous
previous remarks of other students, attention to previous remarks of other remarks of other students
and insights about assigned students
Frequency of Participation Actively participate in appropriate Sometimes participates but at other times Seldom participates and is generally not
times is “tuned out” engage
For Requirements
Criteria 3 2 1
(Exceed expectation) (Meets expectation) (Below expectation)
Style (clarity and conciseness) Used smooth, clear readable prose Used smooth, clear readable prose in Lacked smooth, clear, readable prose,
in superior way throughout, superior way throughout most of paper, generally ineffective word choice.
consistently effective word choice. generally appropriate word choice.
Grammar and mechanics Few, if any, errors throughout in Not more than a few errors per page in More than a few errors per page in the
use of Standard English rules of the use of Standard English rules of use of Standard English rules of
grammar, spelling, punctuation, grammar, spelling, punctuation, grammar, spelling,
capitalization and usage. capitalization, and usage but did not affect punctuationCapitalization, and usage
overall clarity. that made the paper unclear or difficult
to read.
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Course Requirements: Classroom Policies
Faculty Chair, College of _CCJE_ Assistant Director Campus Director
for Academic Affairs
Date: Date: Date: Date:
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