Tax 1
Tax 1
Tax 1
Taxation is the process by which the sovereign, through its lawmaking body, raises
revenue to defray the necessary expenses of the government.
Taxation is an inherent power of the state to demand enforced contribution for public
Secondary purposes:
1. Regulation
2. Promotion of general welfare
3. Encourage economic growth
1. Levying or imposition of the tax which is a legislative act. Levying is the process of
determining the persons or property to be taxed, the sums to be raised, the rate thereof,
and the time and manner of levying, receiving, and collecting taxes.
1. Fiscal Adequacy means that the sources of revenue should be sufficient to meet the
demands of public expenditures.
2. Equality or theoretical justice - means that the tax burden should be in proportion to
the taxpayer's ability to pay. It is also referred to as the "ability-to-pay principle".
3. Administrative Feasibility - means that tax laws should be capable of convenient, just,
and effective administration.
1. Taxation - refers to the inherent power of the state to demand enforced contributions
for public purposes.
2. Eminent Domain - refers to the inherent power of the state to take private property for
public use upon paying to the owner a just compensation to be ascertained according to
law. It is also called Expropriation.
3. Police Power - refers to the inherent power of the state to enact laws in relation to
persons and property as may promote public health, public morals, public safety and the
general welfare of its inhabitants
There is a recognition that a person may be deprived by the State of his life,
liberty, or property as long as the requirements of due process of law are
This means that all persons subject to legislation shall be treated alike under
circumstances and conditions both in the privileges conferred and liabilities
Uniformity in taxation implies that all taxable articles or properties of the same
class shall be taxed at the same rate. Uniformity in taxation is effected through
apportionment of the tax burden among the taxpayers which under the
Constitution must be equitable. Equity in taxation requires that such
apportionment be more or less just in the light of the taxpayer's ability to shoulder
the tax burden.
By virtue of the provision, a person cannot be sent to prison for failure to pay the
community tax (residence tax).
i. Concurrence By The Majority of all The Members of Congress For The Passage of a
Law Granting Tax Exemption
k. Power of the President to Veto Any Particular Items in a Revenue or Tariff Bill
The President shall have the power to veto any particular items in an
appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill, but the veto shall not affect the items to which
he does not object.
Congress shall have the power to define, prescribe, and apportion the jurisdiction
of the various courts but may not deprive the Supreme Court of its jurisdiction
over cases involving the legality of any tax, impost, assessment, or toll, or
penalty imposed.
2. INHERENT LIMITATIONS those which restrict the power although they are not embodied in
the Constitution.
The power of taxation is purely legislative, Congress cannot delegate the power
to others.
d. International Comity
A state may not tax property lying outside its borders or lay an excise or privilege
tax upon the exercise or enjoyment of a right or privilege derived from the laws of
another state and therein exercised and enjoyed.
Situs of taxation means PLACE OF TAXATION. The state or political unit has jurisdiction
to impose a particular tax.
Situs of Income Tax - the location where the income earner resides.
Situs of Tax on Business, Occupation, or Transaction - the place where the business is
done, or the occupation is engaged in, or the transaction took place,
Double taxation means taxing the same subject or object twice during the same taxing
The absence of any of the elements of direct double taxation makes it indirect
double taxation which is NOT PROHIBITED.
1. Shifting is the transfer of the burden of a tax by the original taxpayer or the one to
whom the tax was assessed or imposed to another or someone else.
2. Capitalization- means the reduction in the price of the taxed object equal to the
capitalized value of future taxes which the purchaser expects to be called upon to pay.
4. Evasion - the use by the taxpayer of illegal or fraudulent means to defeat or lessen the
payment of a tax. It is also known as "Tax Dodging".
Taxes are enforced proportional contributions from persons and properties levied by the
lawmaking body of the state by virtue of its sovereignty for the support of the
government and all public needs.
1. Enforced contribution
2 Generally payable in money
3. Proportionate in character
4. Levied on persons, property, or exercise of a right or privilege
5. Levied by the state having jurisdiction
6. Levied by the legislature
7. Levied for public purposes
8. Paid at regular periods or intervals
a. Direct demand from the very person who, it is intended or desired, should pay them
off which he cannot shift to another.
b. Indirect - one in which the taxpayer can shift the burden to someone else.
● Example: Taxes on Distilled Spirits and Wines, Fermented Liquors, Cigars, etc.
4. As to the purpose
a. General, fiscal, or revenue - imposed for the purpose of raising public funds for
governmental needs.
b. Progressive or graduated - the rate increases as the income of the taxpayer goes
A special assessment is levied only on land, while a tax is levied on persons and
Debt is generally based on contract, express or implied, while a tax is based on law.
A. General Definition:
Gross Income means all income derived from whatever source, including (but)
not limited to) the following terms:
Compensation for services in whatever form paid, including, but not limited to fees.
salaries, wages, commissions, and similar items:
1) Gross income derived from the conduct of a trade or business or the exercise of a
2) Gains derived from dealings in property:
3) Interests:
4) Rents:
5) Royalties:
6) Dividends:
7) Annuities:
8) Prizes and winnings:
9) Pensions; and
10) Partners, distributive share from the net income of the general professional
The following items shall not be included in gross income and shall be exempt from
taxation under this title:
1. Life Insurance- The proceeds of life insurance policies paid to the heirs or
beneficiaries upon the death of the insured, whether in a single sum or otherwise,
but if such amounts are held by the insurer under an agreement to pay interest
thereon, the interest payments shall be included in gross income.
3. Gifts, Bequests, and Devises - The value of property acquired by gift, bequest,
devise, or descent: Provided, however, that income from such property, as well
as gift, bequest, devise, or descent of income from any property, in cases of
transfers of dividend interest, shall be included in gross income.
a. Retirement benefits received under Republic Act No. 7641 and those
received by officials and employees of private firms, whether individual or
corporate, in accordance with a reasonable private benefit plan
maintained by the employer for at least a retiring official or employee who
has been in the service of the same employer for at least ten years and is
not less than fifty years of age at the time of his retirement: Provided
further, that the benefits granted under this subparagraph shall be availed
or by an official or employee only once. For purposes of this subsection,
the term) Reasonable Private Benefit Plan means a pension, gratuity,
stock bonus, or profit-sharing plan maintained by an employer for the
benefit of some or all of his officials or employees, wherein contributions
are made by such employer for the officials or employees, or both, for the
purpose of distributing to such officials and employees the earnings and
principal of the fund thus accumulated, and wherein it is provided in said
plan that at no time shall any part of the corpus or income of the fund be
used for, or be diverted to, any purpose other than for the exclusive
benefit of the said officials and employees.
f. Benefits received from the GSIS under Republic act No. 8291, including
retirement gratuity received by government officials and employees.
7) Miscellaneous Items
c. Prizes and Awards Prizes and awards are made primarily in recognition
of religious, charitable, scientific, educational, artistic, literary, or civic
achievement but only if
(i) The recipient was selected without any action on his part to enter the
contest or proceeding and
(ii) The recipient is not required to render substantial future services as a
condition for receiving the prizes or awards.
d. Prizes and Awards in Sports Competition- All prizes and awards granted
to athletes in local and international sports competitions and tournaments
whether held in the Philippines or abroad and sanctioned by their national
sports associations.
e. 13-Month Pay and Other Benefits Gross benefits received by officials and
employees of public and private entities. Provided, however, that the total
exclusion under this subparagraph shall not exceed thirty thousand pesos
which shall cover:
(i) Benefits received by officials and employees of the national and local
government pursuant to Republic Act No. 6686.
(ii) Benefits received by employees to Presidential No. 851, as amended
by Memorandum Order No. 28, dated August 13, 1986:
(iii) Benefits received by officials and employees not covered by
Presidential Decree No. 851, as amended by Memorandum Order No. 28,
dated August 13, 1986, and
(iv) Other benefits such as productivity incentives and Christmas bonus:
Provided further. That the ceiling of thirty thousand pesos may be
increased through rules and regulations issued by the secretary of
Finance, upon recommendation of the Commissioner, after considering
among others, the effect on the same of the inflation rate at the end of the
taxable year.
f. GSIS, SSS, and Other Contributions- GSIS, SSS, Medicare, and Pag-ibig
contributions and union dues of individuals.
A. Regular Compensation
B. Supplementary Compensation
Compensation may be paid in money or in some medium other than money, as for
example, stocks, bonds,s or other forms of property. If services are paid for in a medium other
than money, the fair market value of the thing taken in payment is the amount to be included as
compensation income subject to withholding. If the services are rendered at a stipulated price,
in the absence of evidence to the contrary, such price will be presumed to be the fair market
value of the remuneration received.
a. Monetized unused vacation leave credits of private employees not exceeding 10 days
during the year
b. The monetized value of vacation and sick leave credit paid to government officials &
d. Rice subsidy of P2,000 or sack of 50-kg rice per month amounting to not more than
i. Gifts are given during Christmas and major anniversary celebrations not exceeding
P5,000 per annum:
All other benefits given by employers which are not included in the above enumeration shall not
be considered as "deminimis" benefits, and hence, shall be subject to Income tax as well as
withholding tax on compensation income.
+ Other benefits
P 90,000
Required of withholding
Every employer must withhold from compensation paid an amount computed in
accordance with these Regulations, Provided, that no withholding of tax shall be required on the
Statutory Minimum Wage (SMW) including
of Minimum Wage Earners (MWE) in the private/public sectors.
A final tax of
thirty-four percent (34%) effective January 1, 1998:
thirty-three percent (33%) effective January 1, 1999; and
thirty-two percent (32%) effective January 1, 2000 and thereafter,
is hereby imposed on the grossed-up monetary value of fringe benefit furnished or granted to
the employee (except rank-and-file employees as defined herein) by the employer, whether an
individual or a corporation (unless the fringe benefit is required by the nature of or necessary to
the trade, business or profession of the employer, or when the fringe benefit is for the
convenience or advantage of the employer) The tax herein imposed is payable by the employer
which tax shall be paid in the same manner as provided for under Section 57(A) of this
Code.The grossed-up monetary value of the fringe benefit shall be determined by dividing the
actual monetary value of the fringe benefit by sixty-six percent (66%) effective January 1,
1998;sixty-seven percent (67%) effective January 1, 1999; and sixty-eight percent (68%)
effective January 1, 2000 and thereafter;
Provided, however, That fringe benefit furnished to employees and taxable under Subsections
(B), (C),(D) and (E) of section 25 shall be taxed at the applicable rates imposed thereat:
Provided, further, That the grossed-up value of the fringe benefit shall be determined by dividing
the actual monetary value of the fringe benefit by the difference between on hundred percent
(100%) and the applicable rates of income tax under Subsections (B), (C), (D) and (E) of section
25. The term "Rank and File Employees" shall mean all employees who are holding neither
managerial nor supervisory positions as defined in the Labor Code.
A final tax at the rate of twenty percent (20%) is hereby imposed upon the amount of
interest from any currency bank deposit and yield or any other monetary benefit from
deposit substitutes and from trust deposit and yield or any other monetary benefit from
deposit substitutes and from trust funds and similar arrangements; royalties, except on
books, as well as other literary works and musical compositions, which shall be imposed
a final tax of ten percent (10%) prizes (except prizes amounting to ten thousand pesos
(P10,000) or less which shall be subject to tax and other winnings (except Philippine
Charity Sweepstakes and Lotto winnings) derived from sources within the Philippines.
2. Cash and or Property Dividends- A final tax at the following rates shall be imposed upon
the cash and or property dividends actually or constructively received by an Individual
from a domestic corporation or from a joint stock company, insurance or mutual fund
company, and regional operating headquarters of multinational companies, or on the
share of an individual in the distributable net income after tax of a partnership (except a
general professional partnership) of which he is a partner, or on the share of an
individual in the net income after tax of an association, a joint account, or a joint venture
or consortium taxable as a corporation of which he is a member or co-venture.
1. In General- A final tax of six percent (6%) based on the gross selling price or current fair
market value, is hereby imposed upon capital gains presumed to have been realized
from the sale, exchange, or other disposition of real property located in the Philippines,
classified as capital assets, including pacto de retro sales and other forms of conditional
sales, by individuals, including estates and trusts. The tax liability, if any, or gains from
sales or other dispositions of real property to the government or any of its political
subdivisions or agencies or to government-owned or controlled corporations shall be
determined at the option of the taxpayer.
2. Exception - Capital gains presumed to have been realized from the sale or disposition of
their principal residence by natural persons, the proceeds of which are fully utilized in
acquiring or constructing a new principal residence within eighteen (18) calendar months
from the date of sale or disposition, shall be exempt from the capital gains tax. The
historical cost or adjusted basis of the real property sold or disposed of shall be carried
over to the new principal residence built or acquired. The commissioner shall have been
duly notified by the taxpayer within thirty (30) days from the date of sale or disposition
through a prescribed return of his intention to avail of the tax exemption herein
mentioned. The said tax exemption can only be. availed of once every ten (10) years. If
there is no full utilization of the proceeds of sale or disposition, the portion of the gain
presumed to have been realized from the sale or disposition shall be subject to capital
gains tax. For this purpose, the gross selling price or fair market value at the time of
sale, whichever is higher, shall be multiplied by a fraction of which the unutilized amount
bears to the gross selling price In order to determine the taxable portion and the tax
imposed thereon.
2. Cash and or Property Dividends from a Domestic Corporation or Joint Stock Company,
or Insurance or Mutual Fund Company or Regional Operating Headquarter of
Multinational company, or Share in the Distributable Net Income of a Partnership
(Except a General Professional Partnership), Joint Account, Joint Venture Taxable as a
Corporation or Association, Interests, Royalties, Prizes, and other Winnings- Cash and
or property dividends from a domestic corporation, or from a joint stock company, or
from an insurance or mutual fund company or from a regional operating headquarter of
multinational company, or the share of a nonresident allen individual in the distributable
net income after tax of a partnership (except a general professional partnership) of which
he is a partner, or the share of a nonresident alien individual in the net income after tax
of an association, a joint account, or a joint venture taxable as a corporation of which he
is a member or a co venturer, interest, royalties (in any form), and prizes (except prizes
amounting to ten thousand pesos (P10,000) or less shall be subject to tax and other
winnings (except Philippine Charity Sweepstakes and Lotto winnings), shall be subject to
an income tax of twenty percent on the total amount thereof. Royalties on books as well
as other literary works, and royalties on musical compositions shall be subject to a final
tax of ten percent on the total amount thereof. Anematographic films. and similar works
shall be subject to the tax provided under section28 of the tax code.
Interests income from long-term deposits or investments in the form of savings, common
or Individual trust funds, deposits substitutes, investment management accounts,s and
other investments evidenced by certificates in a such form prescribed by the Bangko
Sentral ng Pilipinas shall be exempt from the tax terminate the deposit or investment
before the fifth year, a final tax shall be imposed on the entire income and shall be
deducted and withheld by the depository bank from the proceeds of the long term
deposit or investment certificate based on the remaining maturity thereof.
3. Capital Gains- Capital gains realized from the sale, barter, or exchange of shares of
stock in domestic corporations not traded through the local stock exchange and real
properties shall be subject to the tax prescribed under Subsections (C) and (D) of
Section 24
(B) Nonresident Alien Individual Not Engaged in Trade or Business Within the
● There shall be levied, collected, and paid for each taxable year upon the entire income
received from all sources within the Philippines by every nonresident alien individual not
engaged in trade or business within the Philippines interest, cash and/or property
dividends, rents, salaries, wages, premiums, annuities, compensation, remuneration,
emoluments, or other fixed or determinable annual or periodic or casual gains, profits,
and income, and capital gains. A tax equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of such income.
Capital gains realized by a nonresident alien individual not engaged in a trade or
business In the Philippines from the sale of shares of stocks in any domestic corporation
and real property shall be subject to the income tax prescribed under subsections (C)
and (D) of Section 24.
(C) Alien Individual Employed by Regional or Area Headquarters and Regional Operating
Headquarters of Multinational Companies
● There shall be levied, collected, and paid for each taxable year upon the gross income
received by every alien, individual employed by regional or area headquarters and
regional operating headquarters established in the Philippines by Multinational
Companies as salaries, wages, annuities, compensation, remuneration, and other
emoluments, such as honoraria and allowances from such regional or area.
headquarters and regional operating headquarters. A tax equal to fifteen percent of such
gross income. The same tax treatment shall apply to Filipinos employed and occupying
the same position as those of aliens employed by these multinational companies. The
term "Multinational Company means a foreign firm or entity engaged in international
trade with affiliates or subsidiaries or branch offices in the Asia Pacific Region and other
foreign markets.
● There shall be levied, collected, and paid for each taxable year upon the gross income
received by every alien individual employed by offshore banking units established in the
Philippines as salaries, wages, annuities, compensation, remuneration, and other
emoluments, such as honoraria and allowances, from such offshore banking units, a tax
equal to fifteen percent of such gross income. The same tax treatment shall apply to
Filipinos employed and occupying the same position as those of aliens employed by
these offshore banking units,
● An Alien individual who is a permanent resident of a foreign country but who is employed
and assigned in the Philippines by a foreign service contractor or by a foreign service
subcontractor engaged in Petroleum operations in the Philippines shall be liable to a tax
of fifteen percent of these salaries, wages, annuities, compensation, remuneration and
other emoluments such as honoraria and allowances received from a such contractor or
subcontractor. The same tax treatment shall apply to a Filipino employed and occupying
the same position as an alien employed by a Petroleum service contractor and
Any income earned from all other sources within the Philippines by the alien employees
shall be subject to the pertinent income tax.
A general professional partnership as such shall not be subject by income tax. Persons
engaging in business as partners in a general professional partnership shall be liable for
income tax only if their separate and individual capacities.
For purposes of computing the distributive share of the partners, the net income of the
partnership shall be computed in the same manner as a corporation.
Each partner shall report as gross income his distributive share, actually or
constructively receive, in the net income of the partnership.