Papier Epilepsie

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International Journal of Science Academic Research

Vol. 02, Issue 06, pp.1639-1643, June, 2021

Available online at ISSN: 2582-6425

Research Article
NGASSAKI Saurel Ralmach, 1SOW Adjaratou Dieynabou, 2SOUNGA BANDZOUZI Prince Eliot Galieni,
*MUALABA Célèbre, 1KATENDE Thierry, 1MPUNG Halladain, 1DINGA BOUDZOUMBA Stane Steeven,
OKO-LOSSAMBO Christelle, 1SENE-DIOP Marième Soda, 1BASSE FAYE Anna Mbodji,
SECK Lala Bouna and TOURÉ Kamadore
Department of Neurology, Fann Teaching hospital, Dakar-Senegal
Department of Neurology, Loandjili general hospital, Pointe Noire-Republic of Congo
Department of Neurosurgery, CHU Fann, Dakar-Senegal
Health Sciences Department, University of Thies, Senegal

Received 15th April 2021; Accepted 24th May 2021; Published online 17th June 2021
Introduction: Epilepsy in the elderly is the existence of at least 2 unprovoked epileptic seizures occurring within at least 24 hours in people over
65 years of age. It is 5 times more common in people over 75 years old than in young adults (24 to 35 years old) and represents the third
neurological disease in the elderly after Alzheimer's disease and stroke. So, epilepsy is common in the elderly. It has epidemiological, electro
clinical and etiological peculiarities compared to the forms of the child. Few studies have been carried out on the subject; hence we are
conducting this study whose objective is to determine the prevalence of epilepsy of the subject and to give its evolutionary aspects under
treatment. Patients and methods: We conducted a retro and prospective descriptive study in a 12-month period from December 1, 2019 to
November 30, 2020. This study concerned patients aged 60 and over hospitalized for epileptic seizures or having presented a seizure during
hospitalization. Results: Thirty nine epileptic patients aged 60 years and older were collected across 674 inpatients during the study period. The
hospital prevalence was around 5.78%. Focal crises dominated the picture but it is important to emphasize the high frequency of generalized
crises. The status epilepticus was common. The majority of patients responded better to the monotherapy prescribed, which was often
carbamazepine and Phenobarbital. Mortality was around 20% and was not statistically related to the status epilepticus. Conclusion: Epilepsy is
common in the elderly. Its hospital prevalence was about 5.78% of all hospitalized patients. Especially ischemic stroke was the most common
cause whose manifestations were dominated by focal tonic-clonic attacks. The clinical evolution under anti epileptic treatment represented by
carbamazepine and Phenobarbital was favorable in more than 79% of cases with a mortality not necessarily related to epilepsy of the order of
Keywords: Epilepsy, Elderly, Evolutionary, CHU Fann.

INTRODUCTION (Sirven, 1998; Van Cott Anne, 2002). Breakdowns of contact,

characteristic of complex focal crises, and brief post-critical
The epilepsy of the elderly is defined as the occurrence of at confounding states are readily overlooked by a lack of
least two unprovoked epileptic seizures within at least 24 hours awareness of the possibility of a diagnosis of complex focal
in people over the age of 65 (Jallon and Assal, 2003; Sen et al., crisis in the elderly (Stefan, 2011). In view of the high
2020). It is five times more common in those over 75 years of incidence of elderly epileptics and the scarcity of African
age than in young adults (24 to 35 years of age) and represents studies on epilepsy in the elderly, we considered it appropriate
the 3rd neurological condition of the elderly after Alzheimer’s to carry out this study, the aim of which is to describe the
disease and stroke (De Toffol, 2004). In developing countries, epidemiological aspects, electro clinical and evolutionary
incidence is low and prevalence is higher than in children epilepsy in this population.
(Maiga et al., 2013). There are several clinical, etiological and
therapeutic characteristics that distinguish epilepsy in older MATERIALS AND METHODS
patients from that of young adults: prevalence of focal
seizures, frequency of vascular causes and usually poor Framework for the study
tolerance of antiepileptics (De Toffol, 2004). The
circumstances leading to the diagnosis are frequent and non- Our study took place at the Ibrahima Pierre NDIAYE
specific: abnormal movements during waking or sleeping, falls neurological clinic of Fann University Hospital in Dakar
(Bladin et al., 2000; So N, Andermann, 1997), unusual motor (Senegal). It is a referral centre and the only service with a
and psychic manifestations, disturbance of consciousness good capacity for hospitalization of neurological pathologies
(Vespignani et al., 2002; Dupont et al., 2009; Mahmoudi with a sub-regional vocation (Mauritania, Guinea).
Rachid et al., 2009). The following semiotic elements are usual
in the elderly compared to young adults: the prolonged duration Type and period of study
of post-critical confusion (several hours), the lower frequency
of urine loss and the rarity of tongue bites in toothless subjects This is a retro and prospective, descriptive and analytical study
that took place during the period from December 1, 2019 to
*Corresponding Author: MUALABA Célèbre, November 30, 2020, a period of 12 months.
Department of Neurosurgery, CHU Fann, Dakar-Senegal.
1640 International Journal of Science Academic Research, Vol. 02, Issue 06, pp.1639-1643, June, 2021

Study population Semiology of Crises: The semiology of epileptic seizures was

marked by the predominance of focal seizures (51.3%), of
Inclusion criteria: This study was conducted in subjects 60 which 3 were secondarily generalized; followed by generalized
years of age and older, hospitalized with an epileptic seizure or tonic-clonic seizures (43.6%). Initial seizures (occurring at the
who had had at least one seizure while in hospital during the same time as motor deficit) were observed in 20 patients
study period. (51.3%); early seizures (within 7 days of deficit) in 3 patients
(7.7%) and late seizures (after 7 days) in 4 patients (10.3%).
Criteria for Non-Inclusion: Patients over 60 years of age and
more known since childhood have not been included in our Non-convulsive manifestations were observed in types of
study. mental confusion with psychomotor agitation and incoherent
speech in five patients (12.8%); brief loss of consciousness in a
Study variables: Our study variables were age, sex, seizure and patient (2.6%) and absence (break of contact) associated with
non-convulsive epileptic manifestations, EEG, biological, automations in a patient (2.6%). Tongue bite was observed in
therapeutic and evolutionary aspects. five patients (12.8%). Three patients (7.7%) had urine loss and
one patient had a tongue bite associated with urine loss (2.6%).
Methods The condition of epileptic malady was found in 16 patients or
41% including 8 cases of generalized malady either
We conducted a systematic selection of patients who met the immediately or secondary to a focal crisis.
selection criteria. The data was recorded on a sheet before
being saved on Excel software. Physical Examination

Results Analysis Plan Motor deficit was observed in 28 patients or 71.8%. This
deficit was mostly recent, in 69.2% of patients. Language
We used SPSS version 22 for statistical analysis. The disorders with Broca aphasia type were present in 8 patients or
confidence interval was calculated at 95% and the significance 20.5%, and disorders of consciousness in 21 patients or 53.8%.
threshold for 0.05. Pearson correlation tests, Khi-2 and Anova
tests were used for correlation and comparison of data. Paraclinical Data

Ethical considerations EEG: The EEG was performed in 12 patients (30.8%)

including 11 patients with standby EEG. It was pathological in
We obtained informed consent from patients and rights-holders 8 patients (66.7%). Among the abnormalities were an overall
to interview and examine them. Anonymity was observed. slowdown in the background rhythm in 3 patients (25%), a left
hemispheric slowdown in one patient (8.3%) and an
RESULTS impoverishment of physiological figures on the right in one
patient (8.3%). Irritative signs (spikes, slow wave point) were
Hospital prevalence of epilepsy in the elderly found in 6 patients (50%). These abnormalities were right
temporo-parietal in 2 patients, right temporal in one patient,
During the study period, 674 patients were hospitalized. left suprasylvian in one patient, predominant in right posterior
Among them, 39 subjects aged 60 and over were epileptic, a regions in one patient and bi-fronto-temporal in one patient.
hospital prevalence of 5.78%.
Biology: The biological abnormalities found were:
Demographic Characteristics dyslipidemia in 4 patients, hyperglycemia in 3 patients,
hyponatremia and leukocytosis predominantly granulocytic in
Our patients averaged 72.3 8.79 years of age with extremes 3 patients and hypokalaemia in 1 patient respectively.
ranging from 60 to 95 years and were predominantly female
with a sex ratio of 1.05. Etiologies of epilepsy

Clinical Data The epilepsy of the elderly was primarily due to stroke
(vascular epilepsy) in 30 patients (76.9%). This stroke was
Background: The most common history was HTA (74.4%) predominantly ischemic in 92%, hemorrhagic stroke affected
followed by stroke (35.9%), all ischemic (cf. Figure 1). only 2 patients (8%). Other etiologies were rare. These were
two cases of lateral sinus CTVs (5.1%), and one case of
chronic frontal parietal subdural hematoma (2.6%), brain
abscess (2.6%), paraneoplastic encephalitis (2.6%), toxic
encephalopathy (2.6%), metabolic encephalopathy (2.6%), and
metabolic encephalopathy (2.6%), respectively and
inflammatory encephalitis (2.6%). (Fig2)

Management: Antiepileptic Drugs (MAE)

They were the main therapeutic modality. Carbamazepine was

the most widely used anti-epileptic drug (24 patients, 61.5%)
followed by Phenobarbital (14 patients, 35.9%). Lamotrigine
was used in one patient (2.6%).
Figure 1. Distribution by patient history
1641 International Journal of Science Academic Research, Vol. 02, Issue 06, pp.1639-1643, June, 2021

Electro clinical Data

Focal seizures predominated slightly with 51.3% versus 43.6%

of generalized seizures. This predominance corroborates the
literature Jallon and Assal, 2003; De Toffol, 2004; Morel et al.,
2012 ; Viteau Anne-laure, 2007; Touré Kamadore et al., 2017;
Masnou, 2001; Westmoreland and Klass, 1981). This is
explained by the importance of focal lesions in older subjects.
However, the importance of generalized crises can be
explained by the difficulty of recognition of the focal
beginning, often by lack of reliable witnesses or by the
existence of frequent memory disorders at this age. The rarity
of non-convulsive manifestations is not consistent with
Figure 2. Etiologies of epilepsy of the elderly in our series literature (Valton Luc and Jallon Pierre, 2009). This rarity
could be explained by the lack of knowledge by doctors of
Evolution epilepsy of the elderly (Waterhouse and Towne, 2005). The
scarcity of tongue bite and urine loss found in our study
In 79.5% of our patients, crisis remission was achieved with corroborates with literature (Vespignani et al., 2002;
the MAE used. However, eight patients had died a fatality of Mahmoudi Rachid et al., 2009). The state of epilepsy was
20.5%. This death occurred from the first day to 1 month of common and affected 41% of our patients equally between the
hospitalization with peaks between J1 and J6 (37.5%) and state of generalized and partial evil. This high frequency is
between J14 and J30 (37.5%). This mortality was not consistent with the literature. In fact, the incidence of the
statistically related to sex or age (P=0.19). It was also not condition of epilepsy is multiplied by 10 in the elderly
related to the condition of epilepsy or the type of seizure (Vignatelli and Tonon, 2003). In our study, there was an
(P=0.947) or biological abnormalities (P=0.743). It was not absence of epileptic-type abnormalities in half of the EEG
related to etiology (P=0.961) or history (P=0.761). On the patients. This is consistent with the literature as EEG is less
other hand, it affected patients with disorders of consciousness contributory to the diagnosis of epilepsy in older people
with a P-value of 0.033 with the Pearson correlation tests, khi2 (Derambure Philippe, 2009; Giroud et al., 1994).
and the ANOVA test.
Etiologies of Epilepsy in the Elderly
The most common etiology of our study was ischemic stroke.
Epidemiological Data This predominance has been observed in almost all literature
concerning the epilepsy of the elderly. The predominance of
The hospital prevalence of 5.78% confirms the high frequency ischemic forms was also observed by Sounga in Congo
of epilepsy of the elderly in our service. This prevalence is Brazzaville (Sounga Bandzouzi Prince Eliot Galieni et al.,
similar to that found by Kuaté in Cameroon (Kuate-Tegueu 2020). However, this predominance of ischemic forms a
Callixte et al., 2015). And very low compared to that observed controversy. Indeed, hemorrhagic forms are the most likely to
in industrialized countries which is 7 per thousand at all ages produce crises, whether contemporary or remote (Gilles Berrut
(Jallon and Assal, 2003), 7.7 per thousand for people aged 55- and Marion Cubillé, 2009; Verny Marc and Greffard Sandrine,
65, 6.8 for people aged 65-74 and 14.8 for patients aged over 2019). Initial seizures (at the same time as the stroke) and early
74 in Rochester, USA (Hauser et al., 1991) and 0.9% for the seizures (within the first seven days of the stroke) are the most
55 - 94 age group and 1.2% for the 85 - 94 age group in France common in our series. This finding is consistent with the
(De la Court et al., 1996). The reason for this difference is that literature (Quirins et al., 2019).
our prevalence was obtained in hospitalized patients while the
studies of industrialized countries concerned the general Anti epileptic drugs
population. In our series, the average age of patients was 72.33
8.79 with extremes between 60 and 94 years. This result is Carbamazepine was the most widely used anti-epileptic drug
higher than that of Kuaté in Cameroon (Kuate-Tegueu Callixte (61.5%) followed by Phenobarbital (35.9%). At Cameroun
et al., 2015). But lower than the study conducted in Guinea- (Kuate-Tegueu Callixte et al., 2015) Phenobarbital was more
Conakry with an average age of 79 years for extremes of 65 used followed by carbamazepine; and in Mali, valproate
and 89 years (Morel et al., 2012). These differences can be followed by carbamazepine (Maiga et al., 2013). In these
explained by the age limits introduced during recruitment. studies, as in several studies in the literature, monotherapy has
Thus, the maximum age of 94 years in our study is a dilution been rigorous. The prescription of so-called old anti-epileptic
factor in contrast to the minimum age of 65 years used in the drugs in several African studies is different from western
Guinean study. Viteau in his PhD thesis in Medicine had found studies where new anti-epileptics are preferred (Vignal, 2006).
an average age of 81.6 years (Viteau Anne-laure, 2007). This Our therapeutic choice is explained by the hybrid profile with a
difference could be linked to the higher life expectancy in fairly good tolerance of carbamazépine with multiple
France. A female predominance was observed with a sex ratio indications (neuropathies, mood stabilizer, etc.) at this age.
of 1.05. This finding was made by Viteau (Viteau Anne-laure,
2007). However, female predominance remains a controversy, Evolution
with several authors, such as Kuaté in Cameroon (Kuate-
Tegueu Callixte et al., 2015), Maïga in Mali (2013) and Touré The outcome was favorable in 79.49% of our patients with
in Senegal (Touré Kamadore, 2017) finding male complete remission of seizures on treatment. However, a
predominance. mortality of 20.51% was observed. This mortality was
1642 International Journal of Science Academic Research, Vol. 02, Issue 06, pp.1639-1643, June, 2021

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