Manufacturing of Cement 20CH044
Manufacturing of Cement 20CH044
Manufacturing of Cement 20CH044
ROLL :20CH044
Q NO 1: Cement manufacture process. DRY/WET.
ELaborate detail process and explain the equipment used in the cement industry?
Manufacturing of Cement
In the manufacturing of cement, the following three important and distinct operations occur:
1. Mixing of Raw materials.
2. Burning
3. Grinding
The process, by which cement is manufactured, depends upon the technique adopted in the
mixing of raw materials. Therefore, on the basis of mixing the raw materials, the processes
may be classified as:-
Out of this wet process is generally used.
The Raw material, which is used for manufacturing of cement, contains the following
When the raw materials are soft, then the wet process is preferable to be used. The cement is
manufactured by the following procedure:-
3. The crushed materials from different silos and basins are drawn in correct proportions
in a channel called wet grinding mills. Both the materials are intimately mixed in
the presence of water and to form a fine thin paste known as slurry
4. Slurry is then stored in another silo may be called as slurry silo where it is constantly
stirred. The composition of raw materials is checked again and, if required, corrected
by adding clay or chalk materials as desires.
Burning: In this operation, the slurry is directly fed into a long inclined steel cylinder called a
Rotary kiln. In this kiln there are 3 different zones shown in fig. below
(ii) Formations of modules: As the slurry gradually descends in the kiln, the carbon dioxide
from the slurry evaporates and small lumps formed which may be called modules.
(iii) Burning Zone:- The modules enter this zone where temperatures are kept about 1400-
1500° C. The modules are converted into dark greenish balls and the product obtained in the
kiln, known as clinker, is of varying size 5 to 20 mm. The clinkers are very hot when coming
out of this zone.
(iv) Cooling of Clinkers:- As shown in the figure another rotary kiln is provided in an opposite
direction which is also inclined. It is used to cool down the clinkers up to about 90°C.
Grinding: The cooled clinkers are finely ground in ball mills or tube mills.
Also, the gypsum is added during grinding about 2-4%. The gypsum acts as a retarder and so
allows the cement to mix with sand or aggregate and to be placed in position. i.e. it increases
the initial setting time of cement.
Storage and Packing: As cement comes out from grinding mills, it is collected in a hopper
and taken in bucket elevator for storage in silos.
The cement from silos is packed by machines in bags. Each bag of cement contains 50 kg or
0.035 m3 of cement.
Now let’s know the manufacturing of cement by the dry process
When the available raw materials are quite hard, then this process is used. The cement by this
process can be prepared by using the following operations:-
Burning and Grinding: These operations are the same as for the wet process. Except for the
mixing of raw materials. In the dry process, the raw materials mixed, fined, and then fed into
kiln whereas, in the wet process, the raw materials are crushed separately and then directly
mixed in correct proportion in the presence of water to make a fine thin paste known as
Cement manufacturing process
In general, we can divide the cement production line into three main steps: raw material
preparation of cement, clinker production, and finished cement. Each step has some cement
manufacturing machines, such as raw mill, cement crusher, cement mill, cement kiln, cement
cooler, cement dryer, cement silo, packing machine, etc.
13 Types of Cement
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC)
Rapid Hardening Cement
Quick setting cement
Low Heat Cement
Sulfates resisting cement
Blast Furnace Slag Cement
High Alumina Cement
White Cement
Colored cement
Air Entraining Cement
Expansive cement
Hydrographic cement
Composition of Cement
Lime or calcium oxide, CaO: from limestone, chalk, shells, shale or calcareous
Silica, SiO2: from sand, old bottles, clay or argillaceous rock
Alumina, Al2O3: from bauxite, recycled aluminum, clay
Iron, Fe2O3: from from clay, iron ore, scrap iron and fly ash
Gypsum, CaSO4.2H20: found together with limestone
Pakistan has remained a net importer of cement but due to the privatization of units operating
under state control and subsequent expansion programmes by the new owners supported by
financial has pushed the industry to a point where the country is bound to reach an oversupply
situation. However, the recent increase in energy cost provides opportunity for the efficient
units based on dry process to sustain the situation for a relatively longer period. It would also
be possible because the expansion by the existing units and establishment of new units are
being delayed.