Book of Blessing Original

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Blessing of Altar Hb 7, 26-27

L: The Lord is our help.

M: The Lord who made heaven and earth.
Let us pray. Lord, on the cross your Son Jesus fulfilled and abolished all
the sacrifices of the old Covenant by offering himself once and for all as
the eternal sacrifice for the salvation of mankind.
Bless +, we ask you, this altar where your people will offer Christ again
in sacrifice. Grant to us who celebrate the death of your Son fullness of
redemption. May we who share in this banquet be found worthy to join that
heavenly banquet that God has prepared for all those who love Him. This we
ask through Christ our Lord .
People: Amen.

Bendicion-A1tar Hb 7,26-27

L. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup .

M. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua’ t yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, babo ning cruz ing Anac mung i Jesus pipusan no ding
sablang sacrificio ning Matuang Tipan capamilatan ning pamidaun na king
sarili na anting misan at alang anggang sacrificio king icaligtas ning tau.
Bendiciunan +, me sana iting altar a nun nu ya pasibayung miyayampang itang
sacrificio nang Jesus. Pagcalub mukecaming magmasusi caniting camatayan
nang macaligtas ning Anac mu : ng miganap sana kecami itang caligtasan a
kimtan na para caring sablang malugud caya. Pagcalub mu kecaming matulang
magmasusi king banal nang hapunan ing mitipun cami narnan sanang matula
king a lang anggang pamangan a sidia ning Dios para caring sablang tau.
Iti yang aduan mi capamilatan na mu ring Cristong Ginu mi.
Tau: Amen.

Blessing of a Ciborium/ Chalice Jn 6 , 53-56

L: The Lord be with you.
R. And with your Spirit.
Let us pray. Lord, at the Last Supper your Son Jesus left us a memorial of
his passion and commanded us to celebrate it until he comes again in glory.
Bless + , we ask you, this ________ which will be used in celebrating the
mystery of His death for our salvation. Grant to us, who unceasingly
celebrate this memorial, growth in our life of faith, unity, and true love
for one another as you have taught us till he comes back to drink and eat
with us in the kingdom that is coming. This we ask through the same Christ
our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion . Ciborium(Calliz) Jn 6.53-56

L . Ing Ginu manatili ya kecayu.
M. At keca anti murin
Manalangin tamu. Ginu, canitang tauling Hapunan ing Anac mung I Jesus
licuan ne kecami ing banal a sacramentu ning cayang Catauan at Daya ban
pagmasusian na ning cayang Capulungan anggang king datang yang pasibau.
Bendiciunan + me sana iting ________ a gamitan mi para king catauan/Daya
ning Anac mu.
Ipagcalub mu sana kecaming alang patnang magmasusi caniting banal a
Eucaristia ing paniulung ning kecaming bie bininiagan, ing pangatigit
Fling kecaming lugud pamicacapatad angga king tipunan na caming pasibayu
king alang angga mung cayarian. Iti yang aduan mi capamilatan na mu pin
Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau Amen.
Blessing of Altar-Furnishings(linens, Corporals, purificators, etc…)
L: The Lord be with you.
R. And with your Spirit.
let us pray. Lord, the worship given you in the Temple ing Jerusalem
pleased you tremendously. bless +, we ask you this ____,

which will be used in giving you that worship that befits you majesty as
our Creator and Lord (and which will gather in prayer). May we joyfully
praise you since your love for us know no bounds. This we ask you through
Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion-gamit-Alatar(antimo corporal, purificator, etc…)

L . Ing Ginu manatili ya kecayu.

M. At keca anti murin.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, ing masanting a pamaniuyu keca king Templo mu carin
Jerusalem metung ya caring bage ketula mu. Bendiciunan +, mo deting
_______, a magamit king lalung maingat at masanting a pamaniuyu keca kilub
niting bale mu a nun nu la matitipun ding anac mung meuas king daya ning
Anac mung pacamalan. Ica sana ing parating miparangalan ampat alang
cayangganan at cayanti ing lugub a pepakit mu ibat pa canitang minuna angga
na ngeni. Ica a mabibie at magari metung mung Dios mangga king alang angga.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of Candles 1 Jn 1, 5-7; Eph 5, 6-9
L: The Lord be with you.
R. And with your Spirit.
let us pray. Lord, it is you who give light to the word. Because of light
man can work; because of light you give jopy to man. Bless +, we ask you,
this candle which symbolized light, the light that you send each man born
into this world through baptism. Send us your light that it may drive away
the darkness caused by sin and evil spiritrs. May our hearts always burn
with love for you like this candle so that when you shall return in glory
you will find us awake eagerly waiting for your return, our candles
burning brightly. This we ask you through Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion-Candila 1 Jn 1, 5-7; Eph 5, 6-9

L . Ing Ginu manatili ya kecayu.
M. At keca anti murin
Manalangin tamu. Ginu, ica ing babie sala king yatu. Uli ning sala ing tau
macapagobra ya; uli ning sala parati meng pasayan ing tau. bendiciunan +,
mo sana deting candila a pauaga king nalang babie mu king balang taung
mibabait keti king yatu busal ning caralumduman. Paratangan mu at
papanatilian ing kecang sala busal mi ban mitabi ing caralumduman a pasari
ding espiritung mangaroc. Mananu na sanang manatili lang malablab ding pusu
mi king lugud calupa ra deting candila ban potang datang yang pasibayu,
akit mu caming mnacasadiang manenaya, sasalubung keca. Iti yang aduan mi
capamilatan na mu pin
Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau Amen.
Blessing of Water Jn 4, 9-15
L: The Lord is our help.
R: The Lord who made heaven and earth.

let us pray. Lord, our God you created water and made it one of the most
important elements of life. Water makes life possible for all living
beings: plants, animal and men. You also made water the symbol of purity
since through water man is made clean. Bless +, we ask you, this water
which your children already washed clean in the water of baptism, will use
so that they may continually be washed free from all sin and be kept
blameless for the day of Christ’s coming. May we who use this holy water be
numbered among those ‘clean of heart’ who shall see God.
This we ask through the same Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion-Danum Jn 4, 9-15

L. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup .

M. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua’ t yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, kecaming Dios, lelangan me ing danum at geua meng
metung caring maulagang sang ning bie mi. Capamilatan na mabibie ing sabla:
ding tanaman, ding animal at pati na ing tau. Ing danum geua mia namang
uaga ning calinisan ampat capamilatan na malilinis ing sabla. Bendiciunan +
mu iting danum a gamitan da ring anac mung mengauas na king danum ning
biniag ban king pamangamit da caniti misundu ing pangauas da king sablang
casalanan at alisian da ing nanu pa mang capagsubucan a yuyumang ning
salangmu. Icami sanang anac mung ngeni gagamit caniting banal a danum
mibilang cami caring maki ‘pusung malinis’ ampat ila mu bucud ding
macatangal keca.
Iti yang aduan mi capamilatan na mu ring Cristong Ginu mi.
Tau: Amen.
Blessing of Chapel 1 Pt 2, 4-10
L: The Lord be with you.
R. And with your Spirit.
Let us pray. Lord, you sent your Son Jesus into the world to gather all men
into unity of your family. We ask your blessing + on this chapel that will
bear the name of St. N., our patron(ess). Here your children will gather to
listen to your Word that continues to address them and guide their paths as
they make their journey to your heavenly kindom; here they will gather as a
family to give you thanks and to share in the banquet of Christ’s body and
blood, the sacrifice that brings salvation to the world. Help us to remain
faithful to our faith, your gift to us in baptism. Bless all those who have
helped us build/renovate this chapel. May oue patron(ness), St. N., always
intercede for us in your presence so that one day we may be counted among
those who will be written in the book of life, singing your praises
This we ask you through the same Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion-Visitas 1 Pt 2, 4-10
L . Ing Ginu manatili ya kecayu.
M. At keca anti murin

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, tiburan me ing Anac mung I Jesus ban tipunan na la
ding sablang tau king metung mu familia. Aduan mi ing kecang bendicion +,
caniting kecaming visitas a magdala king lagiu nanag San(ta). L., a
kecaming patulunan. Keti la mititipun ding anak mu ban makiramdam king
Amanu mung magsilbing sulu king carelang bie keti king carinan ring lua;
keti la mipulung anting metung mung familia ban munie capasalamatan keca at
misulusulu king banal a Pamangan ning Catauan at Daya nang Jesus a Anac mu.
Papanatilian sana ing sipagan caring pusu mi ban abe-abe caming manatiling
tapat king casalpantayanan a pagcalub mu kecami at tenguanan mi iniang
mebiniag cami.Bendiciunan mo ngan ding capatad ming minantabe king
pangagaua/pangalarin niting Visitas. Mananu na sanang ing mal a patulunan
ming I San(ta). L., parati na caming ipanalangin arapan mu ban misan a aldo
acua ming mibilang caretang mitipun king maligaya mung cacarinan cambe ding
sablang malugud keca at king Anac mung I Jesus a mabibie at mag-ari mangga
man king alang angga.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a ‘caro’ Eph 2, 12-18; 3,17-21
L: The Lord be with you.
R. And with your Spirit.
Let us pray. Lord,through the statues of your Saints you help us remember
the holiness of those whom you have chosen. (In honoring St. N., it is you
whom we honor because his/her glory is the triumph of your grace working
within human weakness). Bless + we ask you this ‘caro’ which will be used
in carrying St. N., in procession. Through help pf his/her prayers may we
come to the joys of everlasting life.
This we ask you through the same Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

(If the ‘caro’ is to be used for our Lord Jesus Christ):

Let us pray. Lord God, you sent your Son Jesus to remind us that your love
for us knows no limit. We ask you to bless+ this ‘caro’ that will be used
to carry the statue of your Son in procession may we behold with the eyes
of faith what we be hold with the eyes of our body so that we may always be
filled with love for the Son of God who died for us and who asks us to love
each other.

This we ask you through the same Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion-Caro Eph 2, 12-18; 3,17-21

L. Ing Ginu manatili ya kecayu.
M. At keca anti murin
Manalangin tamu. Ginu, capamilatan ding banal a larauan/rebulto paganaca mu
kecami itang cabanalan ding kecang pinili. (King parangal a babie mi cang
San(ta) L., ica mu naman ing parangalan mi ampat ing cayang tagumpe,
tagumpe ne ning gracia mu busal ning keinan ning tau). Bendiciunan+ me
iting caro a gamitan mi ban ilimbun ya ing rebulto nang San(ta) L., King
saup ning cayang panalangin icami man sana acua ming misadsad angga na king
bie alang angga. Iti yang aduan mi capamilatan nang Critong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.

(Nung ing caro magamit ya para king Ginu tang Jesucristo):

Manalangin tamu. Ginung Dios, tiburan me I Jesus a Anac mung pacamalan ban
parati ming aganaca ing lugud mung alang casing-para. Aduan mi ing kecang
bendicion+ para caniting caro a gamitan mi ban ilimbun ya ing rebulto nang
Jesus. Ing tatangalan ding mata mi tangalan nia naman ning kecaming
pilubluban ban micapuan caming king lugud ning Anac ning Dios a mete para
kecami at ulinita miyagcatan caming lalung lugud caring capara ming tau.
Iti yang aduan mi capamiulatan na naman Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a Scapular Col 3,1-4
L. The Lord be with you.
R. And with your Spirit.
Let us pray. O Lord, our God, through visible things you allow us to
understand your eternal wisdom and love. Christ lived that we might know
the way to eternal life. In the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary (St. N.,)
you give us an example to follow in holiness. Bless +, we ask you, this
scapular. May the wearing of this scapular be a constant of our vocation as
Christians: to live in this as men and women chosen to be the light and
salt of the earth and so to lead all men to the knowledge of the truth.
This we ask you through Christ our Lord.
People: Amen.
Bendicion-Escapulario Col 3,1-4
L. Ing Ginu manatili ya kecayu
M. At keca anti mu rin.
Manalangin tamu. O Dios a Ginu mi, pauaga mu caring bage mayayakit ing
alang angga mung cabiasnan at lugud. King bie ning Ginu ming Jesucristo
papalad me ing dalan painturu king ganapa la cabanalan; king bien ang
milabas ning Virgen Maria (San/Sta. L.,) dirinan mu caming halimbaua a
macasaup king paniulung mi king bie maca-Dios. Bendiciunan + me sana iting
escapulario a pagnasan nang isulud ning kecang alipan. Pagananca na sang
parati niti ing cayausan ning bininiagan: ing mibibie ke sanang parati
anting taung mepili busal ning yatu at anting sulu at asin ning yatu ban
adala mi la ding capara ming tau king tune catutuan. Iti yg kecaming aduan
capamilitan nang Cristong Ginu mi.
Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a Habit or Cord Eph 2, 19-22
L. The Lord be with you.
R. And with your Spirit.
Let us pray. Lord, you love man and help him constantly in his bodily and
spiritual needs. Bless + , we ask you, this habit(and cord) that your
son/daughter N., will wear in honor of St. N., By always remembering
his/her holy life, may he/she be found worthy of the prayers and
intercession of St. N. May he/she feel refreshed in body and soul and
always rejoice in the help of your saints in glory. This we ask you through
Christ our Lord.
People: Amen

Bendicion-Habito at Cordon Eph 2, 19-22

L. Ing Ginu manatili ya kecayu
M. At keca anti mu rin.
Manalangin tamu. Ginu, caluguran me ing tau at parati meng pagcaluban
casaupan king nanu pa mang pamangailangan nang macarikil king caladua’t
catauan. Bendiciunan+ me sana iting habito at cordon a isulud ning kecang
anac anting parangal cang San(ta) L., Parati ne sanang ganacan ing bien ang
delanan ban mangaintulid nang camtan ing cayang panalangin at casaupan.
Mibayu ya sana pamibie-bie at mipamingua king nanu pa mang caligalingan
ning bie casalucuyan at parating mitutula uli ning kecang casaupan. Iti
yang aduan mi capamilatan nang Cristong Ginnu mi.
Tau: Amen
Blessing of a Picture or Statue of Our Lord Cesus Christ
Hb 3, 1-6; Col 1, 15-18,20
L. The lord is our help.
R. The lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lord, great is your love for us men. It was not enough for you
to create us. When the time appointed by you to came, you sent us your only
Son, Jesus, so that through his suffering and death one the cross you might
free us from the power of sin and death. The word he spoke to us is light
shining in the darkness of this world guiding us to the father’s house.
Bless+, we as you, this picture (statue, crucifix) of your beloved Son.
Always remind us of his enduring love for us, his brothers. May we be found
worthy of his love. May we be faithful followers of your son that we may
be counted among those who will sit together with him in your kingdom. This
we ask through the same Christ our lord.

People: Amen..

Bendicion-Larauan o Rebulto Ning Ginu Hb 3, 1-6; Col 1, 15-18,20

L. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.
M. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua’t yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, maragul ing lugud mu kecaming tau. E mu ing

lelangan mu cami. King tildu mung panaun tiburan me pa ing Anac mung
pacamalan, i Jesus, ban king lasa na’t camatayan.King cruz acua meng
aligtas ing tau king gapus Caring amanung inapse na dirinan meng sala ing
taung maglacbe keti king yatu. Matula me sanang bendiciunan+ iting Larauan
(rebulto) ning pacamalan mung Anac; Parati na sanang paganaca kecami ing
lugud nang e cucupas para kecaming capatad na. Maging carapat dapat ke sana
king lugud nang alang cayanti. Mabiasa ke sanang maging tapat nang talatuki
angga king miras cami king kecang cayarian a nun nu na cari panayan. Iti
yang aduan mi king capamilatan na mu rin Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.:
Bleesing of a Picture or Statue of Mary Lc 1, 26-33
L. Hail Mary, full of grace
R. The Lord is with you.

Let us pray. Lord, we praise you for having chosen Mary, one who was born
of our race, to be the Mother of your Son. Jesus, our savior. On the cross
your son entrusted us to her. Bless+ we ask you, this picture(statue) of
your servant mary whom we honor under the title N. Just as she be with us
in our joy, sorrow, pain and glory. Mary, help us trust in the will of ther
father that he might be pleased with the life of each one of us. This we
ask you through the same christ our lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion-Larauan o Rebulto Nang Maria Lc 1,26-33

L: Bapu, Maria, mipnu ca king gracia!
M: Ing Ginu atiu keca.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, paralangan da ca uling pinili me i maria, metung a

beit ning lahi ning tau ban maging indu ning anac ming i jesus a kecaming
tagapagligtas. Babo ning cruz ing anac mu penabilin na cami caya ban maging
indu mi. Bendiciuan+ me sana iting larauan/rebulto ning indu ming i maria a
paralangan mi lalam ning lagiung _______. Nung macananu yang minantabe king
anac ng i jesus macanian ne sanang antabayanan ing balang metung kecami
busal ning tula, lungcut, casakitan at ligaya. Maria, saupan mu ke sanang
manalig king malugud nang caburian ning ibpa ban miptulan ya king bie ning
balang metung kecami. Iti yang aduan mi capamilatan na mu rin Cristong Ginu

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a Picture of a Saint Mt. 5, 1-12
L- The Lord is our help.
R- The Lord who made heaven and earth.
Let us pray, Lord, you give your Church great joy in your saints. Their
life on earth gives us an example on how we should follow in the footsteps
of our Lord Jesus Christ. Their triumph is the triumph of your grace.
Bless+, we ask you, this picture/statue of St.N… through his/her
intercession strengthen our faith , enliven our hope and make us burn in
love. Then we shall be counted among the blessed that your Gospel speaks of
,who shall inherit the earth. This we ask through the same Christ our Lord.
People: Amen

Bendicion Laurauan o rebulto ning metung a Santo Mt. 5, 1-12

L- Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.
M- Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua’t yatu
Manalangin tamu, Ginu, dirinan meng maragul atula ing banal a Capulungan
mu,caring kecang Banal. Ing bie ra keti sulip maguing piyalimbauanan ne
ning pamanuki king bacas ng Jesus a Anac mu. Ing tagumpe a kimtan da,
tagumpe ne ning kecang gracia. Bendiciunan + me sana iting larauan /
rebulto nang San(ta) L… King saup ning cayang panalangin patatagan mu sana
ing kecaming capanayan at pacalucuan ing kecaming lugud. Canita acua ming
mabilang caring panuanan ning Evangelio mu, caring magmana king Cayarian.
Iti aduan mi capamilatan na mu ring Jesucristong Guinu mi.
Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a Rosary Phil 2, 5-17
L- The Lord be with you.
R- And with your Spirit.
Let us Pray. Lord, through the birth, death and rising of Jesus your Son,
you brought about the salvation of mankind. Bless+, we ask you, this
Rosary. Grant to us, who recall the joyful, sorrowful, glorious and
luminous mysteries of his life through this holy rosary, the grace to be
numbered among those who will be rewarded with everlasting life through the
help and intercession of Mary the mother of Jesus and the Mother of all
men. This we ask through the same Christ our Lord.
People: Amen

Bendicion Rosario Phil 2, 5-17

L- Ing Ginu mantabe ya kecayu
M- At keca anti murin
Manalangin tamu, Ginu, kapamilatan na ning pangabait, pamailasa at
pamaniubling mebie I Jesus genap na ing caligtasan ing ketauan.
Bendiciunan+me sana iting Rosario. Ipagcalub mu sana kecaming migaganaca
caring misterio ning cayang tula, lungkut, sala at Ligaya capamilatan na
niting Rosario ing mabilang cami caring numabang king alang-angga mung
caligtasan king saup ning panalangin nang Maria, ing Indu nang Jesus at
Indu ning sablang melalang. Iti ya ing kecaming aduan capamilatan na mu rin
Cristong Ginu mi.
Tau: Amen
Blessing of the Victim of an Accident Ps 40, 1-4
L- The Lord is our help.
R- The Lord who made heaven and earth.
Let us pray. Lord, he who trust in you will never be put to shame. You
created man and you entrusted the world to him. We ask you to bless + our
brother/sister N., who is suffering because of an accident. Grant him/her
your peace that once more he/she may recover his/her previous strength and
health, thus able once more to serve you and his family with joy. This we
ask through Christ our Lord.
People: Amen.

Bendicion para king metung a meyaccidente Ps 40, 1-4

L- Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.
M- Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua’t yatu
Manalangin tamu. Ginu, ing taung manalig keca misan man e mapaimburisan.
Ica ing linalang king tau at caya me penibala ing yatu. Aduan mi ing kecang
bendicion + para king capatad ming I N., a manandaman maragul a
caligalingan uli ning accidente. Capnuan me sanang catahimican a pilubluban
ban magbalic ing sigla ning cayang pamicacatauan at apagsilbian na ca at
ing familia na king mipnung tula. Iti yang aduan mi capamilatan nang
Cristong Ginu mi.
Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a Child Mt 19, 13-15
L- The Lord be with you.
R- And with your Spirit.
Let us Pray. Lord, in your wisdom you make everyman pass through the stage
of childhood. Childhood is the promise of adulthood. When you willed to
send us your Son, he also became a child like us. And when he started his
mission he called the little children and blessed them. Be with this child
N., as he grows in years. Bless + him, we ask you, that with the help of
his parents and his fellowmen, he may be able to use the talents of mind
and body that you have given him for the full development of his
personhood. This we ask through the same Christ our Lord.
People: Amen.

Bendicion-Anac Mt 19, 13-15

L- Ing Ginu mantabe ya kecayu
M- At keca anti murin
Manalangin tamu, Ginu, padalanan me ing balang tau king cayanacan. King
cayanacan atiu ya ing pangacu ning ganap a pangatau. Iniang birian meng
maging tau ing Anac mung pacamalan pepadalanan mia naman king cayanacan. At
iniang megumpisa na ing cayang mission pepalapitan no ding anac caya at
binendiciunan na la. Aduan mi ing bendiciunan + mo sana deting anac.
Antabayanan mu sana ing paniulung da king pamicac atauan at king ketaun.
King saup ding carelang pengari at ning lupun ning tau acua ra sanang
apatuan at apapamungan nanu pa man gelingan ning pamisip, pilubluban at
catauan a pigcalub mu carela. Iti yang aduan mi capamilatan na mu rin
Cristong Ginu mi.
Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a woman who is conceiving or on the family way
Lc 1, 26-33
V. The Lord is our help.
R. The Lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lord, you willed that each man be conceived and that his
mother bear him on her womb. When your own son became man, he too was
conceived under the power of the spirit in the womb of the virgin mary and
when the time came, he was born like us from a soman. Bless+ N.,, your
daughter, who is conceiving( on the family way). May she bear her child
joyfully till the time for her delivery comes. Then she and her child will
come to offer you thanksgiving and praise. Through this noble vocation of
motherhood increase unceasingly the number of those who belong to mother
church that through them many more would be born to everlasting life. This
we ask you through the same Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion-babaing cacagli o magdalang-tau o miyaldo

Lc 1,26-33
V. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.
R. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua’t yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, birian mu ing balang tau mipangagli ya’t dalan neng
indu na king cayang sepupunan. Iniang micatauan yang tau i ing anac mung
pacamalan ya man mipangagli ya king upaya ning espiritung banal king atian
ning indung virgen maria at iniang miras na ing aldo mibait yang calupa mi
king metung a babai. Bendiciunan+ me sana iting kecang anac a ngeni a ngeni
cacagli(magdalang-tau o miyaldo). Nung kecang burian mibait ya sanang alang
casasagculan ing cayang anac ban ilang adua marap lang pasalamat at pupuri
keca. Capamilatan niting banal dang cayausan ding indu alang patugut me
sanang payaman ing kecang capulungan caring taung magdala king tanda nang
cristo ban capamilatan da lalu yang milaganasan ing yatu king evangelio
ning kecang anac, i jesus, a mabibie at magari cambe mu at ning espiritung
banal mangga man king Alang angga.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of Oil Jas 5, 13-15

V. The Lord is our help.

R. The Lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lord, among the things that you created and that comes from
man’s labor is oil. Already in the Old testament oil was believed to have
healing powers. Bless+ we ask you this oil and make it holy so that your
children who will use it may be freed from the sufferings of sickness and
enjoy healt of body and mind. Thus, once more restored to health they may
continually praise and thank you. This we ask you Through Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion-Laru Tg 5, 13-15
V, ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.
R. Ing Ginu a mengua king banua’t yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, caring bage lelangan mu at apapalto ning tau

cabilang ya ing laru. Ibat at apapalto ning tau cabilang ya ing laru. Ibat
pa ketang minuna ginamit da ne ding tau iti ban pasigla caring catauan dang
palungcutan ning sakit. Bendiciunan+ mu sana at pabanalan iting laru ban
ding anac mung gumamit caniti cambe ning matibe capaniualan catauan.
Ulinita lalu ra cang purian at paralangan. Iti yang kecaming aduan
capamilatan nang Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a traveller 1 Kg 19, 3-8

V. The Lord is our help.

R. The Lord who made heaven and earth

Let us pray. Lord, you created man and placed him on earth, from birth his
life as traveler began. By travelling he realizes his plans and hastens the
progessive hominization of the world.By travellig you also give him rest
and relaxation. Be with N.,as he begins his journey. Bless+ him, we ask
you, that after arriving safely at his destination he may come home to his
family rejoicing in your help teach us not to wander from the straight path
as we journey through life. Instead send us the light of your spirit that
we may safely reach our heavly home. This we ask you through christ our

People: Amen.

Bendicion ning taung maglacbe 1 Ari 19,3-8

Y. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.

R. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua't yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, binili me ing tau keti king yatu at ibat pa king
cabait na magumpisa na ing cayang pamag-lace painturu kea a linalang caya.
Capamilatan ning pamaglace acacua nong gagampanan ning tau ding miyaya-
luang tatangca na king icasanting na't icasulung ning bie na at ning yatu.
Capamilatan na naman ning pamagdac-be dirinan meng painaua busal ning pagal
na king pamanga-biayan. Antabayanan mo sana at bendiciunant deting capatad
(ining capatad) ming ume nang maglace. Ibalic mo sanang matula king familia
da ban ila manatili lang pupuri at pasalamat keca. Ituru mu kecami ing e ke
sana pailili king pamaglacbe mi keti king yatu ba keng miras king tula ning
kecang Cayarian. Iti yang aduan mi capamilatan nang Cris-tong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of the sick Mt 14, 34-36 Jn 5, 1-8; Col 1, 14; 1 Pt 1, 6-9
V. The Lord is our help.
R. The Lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lord, beacause of sin you allow man to suffer sickness. Yet
you do not abandon him to suffer alone. You sent you son jesus. He shared
in our sufferings and even in our death everywhere he went he gave back
health to the sick who believed in him. Strengthen and increast the faith
of our brother/sister N. , who because of sickness is severly tested. Send
your blessing+, we ask you upon him/her. Give him/her healt according to
your will so that once more he/she might take up his task in life remind us
that whoever shares in the suffering of your son in this life, will come to
share if his glory in the life to come. Through sickness help us supply
what is yet lacking in the sufferings of your son for the redemption of the
wordings of your son for the redemption of the word. This we ask you
through the same christ our lord
People: Amen.

Bendicion ning taung masakit

Mt 14, 34-36; = Jn 5,1-8;= Col 1,24;= 1 Pd 1,6-9

Y. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.

R. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua't yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, uli ning casalanan ning tau pepain-tulutan mu ing
capitan ne ning sakit ing cayang catauan. Dapot e mu ne man pepabustan
magdili-dili king cayang casakitan. Tiburan me i Jesus ban makiabe king tau
busal ning casakitan na. Nu man carin binalie no sicanan ding taung
meniuala caya. Dagdagan mu ing capaniualan ning ca-patad ming palungcutan
ning sakit. Papanatilian mung ma-lapit caya ing kecang bendicionan+. Ibalic
me sana king caya-pan ning catauan agpang king kecang caburian ban matula
nang agampanan pasibayu ing cayang catungculan king yatung iti. Paganaca mu
caya king ninu man darake king casakitan ning Anac mung i Jesus dumake ya
naman king cayang ligaya. . Capamilatan ning sakit a miraras kecami
turuanan mu caming miganap pa king nanu pa mang culang king casakitan ning
sarili mung Anac, i Jesucristong Ginu mi a mabibie at magari mangga man
king alang angga.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a field, piggery or poultry Is 30,19-21.23-24

V. The Lord is our help.

R. The Lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lord, you created the world and there you placed man. You
gave him all of creation and established him its head. You ask that he
might make the earth produce its fruit for the development of our humanity
and the glory of your Name. Bless+ your servant N., and his work Crown his
work with success always so that he might strive more and willingly help
his brothers especially those who are in need. Grant him a rich harvest.
(Increase his herd; be with him that he may gather a rich harvest). Teach
him to give you thanks always. Open his heart to his brothers in need,
especially, his relatives. This we ask you through Christ our Lord. People:

Bendicion-Asican (saculan, poltrian,babian,manucan) Y. InIs 30,19-21.23-24

Y. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.

R. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua't yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, lelangan me ing yatu at carin me binili ing tau.
Binie me caya ing sablang lelangan mu ban nang panibalan, papamungan at
gamitan king icasu- lung ning cayang panga-tau at king icaligaya ning lagiu
mu. Bendiciunant me sanang parati ing alipan mung i L., king cayang
pamagobra king cayang asican(saculan, poltrian, babian, 'manucan) at
papagtagumpen ing cayang capagalan ban lalu yang magmasipag king cayang
obra. at macapaniaup caring capatad nang atiu king pamangailangan. :
(Paracalan mu sana at lalung pasantingan ing cayang pupul). (Pasan-tingan
mo sana tubu ding animal a sesesean na). Turanan me sanang parating
pasalamat keca a paniabatan ning sablang bage mayap king bie ning tau at
ibuclat me sana pusu caring capatad nang carapatdapat saupan, munang-dili,
ding cayang camaganac, Iti yang kecaming aduan capamilatan nang Cristong
Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of an Animal(as beast of burden or food) Ac 10, 9-15
Y. The Lord created heaven and earth.
R. And everything therein. Let us pray.

Lord, you created all animals: bird that fly above, fish that swim the seas
and; the rivers, animals that crawl and walk. You gave al of these to man
to make his world a world of joy so that he might have help in his work and
food his nourishment. Bless +, we ask you, these which your servant will
use as/for • Teach us use well all that you have created and not to waste
anything of all that you have given us. May you praised each time we use
what you have given us and may we remember you each time we use them since
they came from you and you allow us to use them for our welfare. This we
ask through Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion-Animal (gagamitan king marangle o cacanan) Dp 10, 9-15

Y. Ing Ginu yang linalang king banua't yatu.
R. At king sablang carin mayayakit.
Manalangin tamu. Ginu, ica ing linalang caring sablang animal: ayup a
susulapo babo, asan a cacaue caring dagat at ilug, animal a gagapang o
lalacad babo ning mamala. Binie mo nan deti king tau ban pasaya king yatu,
ban atin 'yang acasaup ing tau king pamagobra na, ban atin yang apan-gan.
Bendiciunant mo sana deting. a gamitan ning he- cang alipan king cayang
pamagobra (pamangan). Turanan mu ke sanang mingat caring sablang lelangan
mu at e maniayang nune pacamal carting sablang pigcalub mu kecami. Ica sana
Sing mipuri balang gagamitan mi la at parati da ca sanang ganacan balang
gagamitan mi la ampat kea la menibat at pagamit mu la mu king tau. Iti yang
aduan mi capamilatan nang Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of seedlings Ps 104,1113-15
V. The lord is our help.
R. The Lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lord, You created all things and entrusted all to man for him
to develop and help bear fruit. Blesst, we ask you, these seedlings which
your children will plant so that they may have food for their bodies and
help improve life on earth for themselves and their fellowmen. Help us to
use what you have given us wisely and to love it so that nothing may go to
waste. Thus, all of us may feel your loving providence and care in all
things. This we ask through Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion-bini, punla Ps 104,1.13-15

У. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.
R. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua't yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, lelangan mu ing sabla at pigcalub mu iti king tau
ban nang papamungan at paracalan. Pauranan mung kecang bendiciont caniting
bini)tabtab o aliuang punla) a itanam ding kecang anac ba rang lalung asese
ing care-lang bie at ban lalu reng apasantingan at apapa-mungan ing yatu e
mu para carela nune para mu naman caring calupa rang tau. Turuanan mu
caming gumamit king sablang lelangan mu at pacamal cani-ti ban king binie
mu kecami alang masayang nune icami ngan sabla panamdaman mi ing calingapan
mung mamantabe kecami pati na ngening. ~ salucuyan. Iti yang kecaming aduan
capamilatan nang Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of crops, vegetables, fruits Ps 67,1-7; Jn 4,35
V. The lord is our help.
R. The Lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lord, you willed that man should live from the fruit of his
labor. Man plants and grows all kinds of fruit-bearing trees, vegetables
and other crops that he may grow healthy in body and contribute his share
in growing food for all men. We thank you for this harvest. Bless+ it, we
ask you. Help us realize as we enjoy what we reap that it is a joy to share
with those who are less fortunate and the needy. This we ask through Christ
our Lord.

People: Amen.

Berdicion-gule o nanu pa mang bungang tanaman Ps 67,1-7; Jn 4, 35-36

V. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.
R. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua't yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, birian mu king ing tau mangabiayan ya king cayang
pipauasan. Alang patu-gut yang mananaman ing tau ban ya at ding capara nang
tau mica sapat lang pagcabie. Pasalamatan da ca uli ding pupul/bunga a ibat
caring kecaming tanaman. Bendiciunant mo sana ban ngening matula mi lang
cacanan e na ke man sana mangalinguan king iti ibat ngan keca at e mi no
man sana sasa-lanan dacayanan ding capatad ming magculangan king carelang
pagcabie. Iti yang kecaming aduan capami latan nang Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.

Blessing of an Irrigation-System Gn 2, 4b-6

Y. The Lord is our help.
R. The Lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lord, you entrusted the earth to man for him to develop and
help bring forth all kinds of good things. You are praised whenever man
lovingly uses and takes care of the world. Bless, we ask you, this
irrigation which your son/daughter has put up. As we joyfully benefit from
the fruit of the earth may we never cease to praise you and give you
thanks. May we be ready to help our needy brothers as well. In using
rightly whatever you give us may we become worthy to reach your heavenly
kingdom. This we ask through Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion-Paranum... Gn 2,4b-6
V. Ing Gin ya ing kecatamung talasaup.
K. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua't yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, pigcalub me ing yatu king tau ban neng pasantingan
at papamungan. Mipáliga-yan ca potang ing tau pacamalan ne at malingap ya
king yatu. Bendiciunan+ me iting paranum a telacad ning kecang anac ban
lalu yang lunto bunga ing gabun. Cabang mipamatulan cami caring bunga ning
gabun e mi naman sana cacalinguan munie pasalamat keca at sunaup caring
capatad ming atiu king pamangailangan. King masampat a pamanga-mit mi king
apapalto ning kecaming pipagalan acua mi sanang miras king alang angga mung
tula. Iti yang aduan mi capamilatan nang Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.

Blessing of an artesian well(or jetmatic) Jn 4, 9-15

Y. The Lord is our help.
R. The Lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lord, manifold is the wisdom you gave man. Water comes out
more abundantly through this artesian well(jetmatic). Blesst, we ask you,
this well (jetmatic), so that by using the water it causes to flow more
abundantly we may experience health of body. Help us long for that water
that only your Son, Jesus, can give and which alone can quench the thirst
that we feel for joy and happiness. This we ask through the same Christ our

People: Amen.

Bendicion-poso o jetmatic Jn 4, 9-15

V. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.
K. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua't yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, miyaliua la ding cabiasnan a pagcalub mu king tau.

Ing danum a tutu nang cai-langan ding tau king, pamanese ra king catauan
lalu mung pasagese capamilatan ning poso(jetmatic) a Dunga na naman ning
pamisip ning tau. Aduan mi ing bendiciunant me sana iting poso(jetnatic)
ban king pamangamit mi caniti lalu yang masese ing catauan mi at luminis
ing kecaming pamisip. "Saupan mu caming magdulap canitang inuman a pag-
calub ning Anac mu ban ing cau a panamdaman mi ganap nang miyalilan tune
casngauan. King pamanga-mit mi caring kecang calam acua mi sanang miras
king bie alang capupusan. Iti yang kecaming aduan capamilatan na mu rin
Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.

Blessing of a Banca Jn 6,16-21

Y. The Lord is our help.
R. The Lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lord, you always help those who travel. Bless, we ask you, ,
this banca. Stay close to those who ride in it that they may sped lily
return to their families. Bless+ his fishing so that his labor may be
richly rewarc ed with a big catch and may earn sufficiently for a decent
livelihood. Free: all those who travel from the danger of the sea. Help us
the as we make our journey through life we may ret safely our heavenly
home. This we ask through Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion-Banca Jn 6, 16-21
Y. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.
R. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua't yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, ica ing babie casaupan caring taung maglace.
Bendiciunan+ me sana iting banca ning kecang anac. Parati mu sanang
antabayanan ing pamangamit na caniti ban malalagua yang miras pasibayu
caring mal caya. Bendiciunan+ mu ing pamanasan na ban mipamatulan ya busal
ning cayang capagalan at atin yang agamit king cayang pamangabiayan.
Iligtas mo sana king sablang panga-nib ding sablang maglacbe king danuman.
Saupan It mu ke ngan, icaming maglacbe keti king yatu ban acua ming miras
king banal mung Cayarian. Iti yang kecaming aduan capamilatan nang Cristong
Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of an electric-generator (plant) Gn 1; 14-19
V. The Lord is our help.
K. The Lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lord, one of your greatest gifts to man today is the
discovery of electricity. Through it the world is full of light and energy.
This enables man to work more and tur this world into a better place for
all. Bless we ask you, this generator(electric plant). In using it may all
long for that true light which your Son alone gives and for the joys of
your heavenly dwelling. This we ask throug the same Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion-Electric Generator (Planta) Gn 1, 14-19

W. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.
R. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua't yatu.
Manalangin tamu. Ginu, metung caring maragul a calam a pepatuclas mu caring
tau ya pin ing elec-tricidad. Capamilatan: na mipasalan ya ing yatu at
lalacad la ding miyayaliuang makinaria a gagamitan ning tau king cayang
pamagobra at pamanintunan at pamipasulung king yatu a penibala mu caya.
Bendi-ciunan+ me sana iting plantang-electric (generator). King pamangamit
mi caniti lalu ke sanang magdulap ketang Sala a babie ning kecang Anac at
caring tula ning kecang Cayarian. Iti yang kecaming aduan capamilatan nang
Cristong Ginu mi. •

Tau: Amen.

Blessing of a Printing-Press НЬ 4,12-16

W. The lord is our help.
R. The Lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lord God, how wonderful is your creation and how wonderful
still is the wisdom that you gave man your creature. Bless*, we ask you,
this printing-press. Through it may people come to praise you for the
wonderfu things you have given them. May it contribute to the creation of
peace and unity among men. Through it may people come to the knowledge of
the truth and hunger after the Word of life which alone is the fullness of
the truth, Jesu Christ, your Son, our Lord, who lives and reig with you and
the Holy Spirit, now and forever.

People: Amen.

Bendicion ning printing press НЬ 4,12-16

V. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.
K. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua't yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginung Dios, macapagmulala ing lelangan mu at lalung

macapagmulala ing papalto mu capamilatan ning cabiasnan 'ning taung
lelangan mu. Bendiciunant me sana iting imprenta. Capamilatan na laganap
sana ing capuian keca. Magus sana ing masanting a balita ning pani
sannetung ding tau, ning carelang lugud pamicacapatad at pamipapagmasabal.
Capamilatan na niting capagalan mi laganap sana ing Catutuan at ing lugud
king Panibatan ning sablang Catutuan. Lalung-lalu na makilala ya sana ing
tune Catutuan a tiburan mu king -yatu, a alang aliua nune ing Anac mung i
JesuCristong Ginu mi a mabibie at magari cambe mu at ning Espiritung Banal
mangga man king alang angga.

Tau: Amen.

Blessing of a vehicle (car, bus, bus, jeep. Ford Fiera, etc...)

Jn 6, 16-21
V.The Lord is our help.
k. The Lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lord, blesst, we ask you, this car, of your son/daughter. May
it bring him/her faste to his/her destination. In using it may you be
praised. Send your holy angels to protect those who will ride in this car.
Help the driver that may have steady hands and a clear mind. Teach hi to
respect the rules of good driving so that he and all those who travel may
safely and joyfully neach their destination safe from all dangers of the
road. This we ask through Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion-Saken (auto, bus, jeep, Tamaraw, Ford)

Jn 6, 16-21
Y. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.
R. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua't yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, bendiciunan+ me sana iting saken ning kecang anac.
Capamilatan na miras ya sanang malalagua king cayang pupuntalan. King pama
gamit na caniti icar sana ing mipaligayan. Tuburan de king mo ding banal
mung angel ban antabayanan de king cayang pamaglacbe at miyuli ya sanang
ligtas king sablang panganib, ya at ding macasake caya. Patata gan me ing
cayang gamat at parating pamasalan a panimanman. Turuanan meng gumalang
caring batas ning masanting a pamagmanehu ban ya at ding sab-lang maglacbe
king dalan matula lang miras king pupuntalan da ligtas king nanu pa mang
panganib ning pamaglacbe. Iti yang aduan mi capamilatan nang Cristong Ginu

Tau: Amen.

Blessing of a truck(earth-moving equipment, bulldozer, etc...)

Gn 2,4b-6
Y. The Lord is our help.
k. The Lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lord, you willed that man should share in your wisdom because
you loved him. You allow and help him invent machines that effectively
contribute to his work and add to his strength. Bless, we ask you, this
truck (bulldozer, etc...). May you be praised by our use of it. Send your
holy angels to rpotect the driver and everybody else from harm and injury.
Help us to thank you always for your continuing care and providence. This
we ask through Christ our Lord. •

People: Amen.

Bendicion-Truck (earth-moving equipment, bulldozers. Gn 2,4b-6

V. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.
R. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua't yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, dinake me ing tau king kecang cabiasnan uling
caluguran me. Paisipan meng alang patna caring bage a macasaup king cayang
pamangabiayan, macasuglung king cayang sicanan at macasanting king yatu.
Bendiciunan+ me sana iting truck(bulldozer, crane, etc......). Miparangalan
ca sana king pamangamit na caniti. Tuburan me ing angel mu ban saupan ne
ing magmane-hu at iligtas ding sabla king nanu pa mang panganib Turuanan mu
caming parating pasalamat keca uling parati mung caming alalayanan at
pagcaluban caring miyayaliuang bage mayap. It yang kecaming aduan
capamilatan nang Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.

Blessing of a House I Eph 2,19-22; 5,21-25; 28.33; 6,1-4

Y. The peace of the lord be With you always.
K. And also with you. Let us pray.

Lord, you inspire man to build himself a home in this passing world to
give him refuge and shelter. Bless, we ask you, this house of your
children, NN.,. Help them as parents so that through them love that gives
warmth and which turns a house into a home may always stay in this family.
Let your peace dwell in this house, oneness in mind and heart, concern for
one another, patience and mutual forgive-ness. Send your Holy Spirit so he
may constantly stay with this family. Open the minds of the children that
they may love their parents with a true and sincere love. Keep troubles
away from this family. Help the parents be Christian models for their
children to emulate. Help us all long for our true home which is in heaven,
now hidden but destined for all those who love you. There will your
children be gathered from all corners of the world where they will join you
in an eternal feast. This we ask you through Christ our Lord.
People: Amen.

Bendicion-Bale I Eph 2,19-22; 5,21-25; 28.33; 6,1-4

Y. Ing capayapan ning Ginu manatili ya kecayu ngan.
K. At keca anti mu rin.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, pepaisip mu king tau ing mita-lacad yang pibalebale
na a maging santungan na king bie na keti king yatu. Bendiciunan+ me sana
iting pibalebale ra ding anac mung di LL. Saupan mo ding pengari ban capa-
milatan da parating magari ing lugud a Labie pali king metung a pibalebale.
Papanatilian mu keti ing kecang capa-yapan, ing pamisanmetung. king pusu at
caisipan, ing pami-papanalala, ing capanupayan at ing pamipapamatauad.
Tuburan me ing kecang Banal. a Espiritu ban parati yang mantabe king
familiang iti. Ibuclat mo caisipan ding anac ban parati lang pacamal king
lugud at capagalan ding carelang pengari at ulinita suyuan da la king
mipnung tula at calausan a lub. Idayu mu ing sablang cagutgutan king bale
iti. Papanatilian mu sana keti ing kecang bendiciont. Iligtas mo caring
mangabayat a casalanan ding pengari ban parati lang maging piyalimbauanan
ding anac da king bie bininiagan. Saupan mu ke ngan magdulap king tune ming
pibalebale a ngeni macasinup dapot macapanaya caring sab-lang malugud keca.
Carin mitipun la ngan ding sabla mung anac ibat caring miyayaliua nang
suluc ning yatu ban maki-sulu keca angga king alang angga. Iti yang
kecaming aduan capamilatan nang Cristong Ginù mi

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a House II
Y. The Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the
fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
K. And also with you.
(Alt those present gather in the living room holding unlit candles).
Priest: Brothers and sisters, with joy we gather in this house to implore
God's blessing on this house of our beloved NN. Christ is the light of the
world May he send his light into this home! (All now light their candles).

Bendicion-Bale II
Y. Ing gracia at capayapan ning Ginu tang Jesucristo, ing lugud ning Dios
at ing panga-metung king Espiritung Banal manatili kecayu ngan.
R. At keca anti mu rin. (Mitipun la ding: tau king sala ning bale magdalong
candi-lang e pa misalangian).
Pari: Capatad, matula tamung mitipun keti ban aduan ing bendicion ning
Dios para caniting pibalebale da ding capatad tamung di LL. I Cristo ya ing
Sala ning yatu. Paratangan na sana ing sala na king pibalebale iti.
(Salangian la ngeni ding candila).

Blessing of the living-room:

(of. supra, Blessing of the House I. After the prayer the priest sprinkles
the living room with holy water. He does the same after each prayer of
blessing intended for a particular part of the house).

Bendicion ning. Sala:

Lauan ya ing Bendicion-Bale I, babo Carbat ning panalangin pisicanan yang

danum a banal ing sala Macanian mu noman ing daptan na caibat ning
panalangin a mac tutue king metung nang dake ning bale antimo ing susina,

Blessing of the dining-room and kitchen:

Let us pray. Lord, you renew man's strength unceasingly through the food
that he prepares that comes from the earth and the sweat of his brow.
Bless*, we ask you, ask you, this kitchen and dining-room. As we gather
joyfully like one fa mily here on earth so may we be gathered to jo that
great banquet that you shall prepare for all those who have been faithful
to you. There our family will forever remain united: This we ask through
Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion ning cusina 'at pipanganan:

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, alang patugut meng, babayu sicanan ing tau
capamilatan ning pamangan a ibat king gabun at pa-gal ning tau.
Bendiciunant mo deting cusina at pipanganan ding anac mu. Nung macananu
caming misulusulu anting metung a familia keti king yatu macanian cami
naman sanang maca-pakisulu king maragul a pamangan a isadia mu para caring
sablang tapat kea. Carin ing familia mi e ne micauani capilan man. Iti yang
aduan mi capamilatan nang Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.

Blessing of the Rooms

Let us pray. Lord, you wish that man should re midst his labors. Blesst,
we ask you, these ro where vour children will take their rest after a day's
work. Grant that as we wake up after a refreshing sleep so may we be found
worthy to wake up in glory when the trumpet shall sound. This we ask you
through Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion ding silid Manalangin tamu.

Ginu, busal ning capagalan na papagpai-nauan me ing tau. Bendiciunan+ mo
deting silid a nun nu la magpainaua ding kecang anac. Ipagcalub mu nung
macananu ke sanang migigising caibat ning tudtud a macapainaua macanian
cami naman sanang mangaintulid mibilang caring patalacaran mung mabie king
tauling aldo. Iti yang aduan mi capamilatan nang Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.

Blessing of the garden(& garage)

Let us pray. Lord, bless, we ask you, this ga den and garage. May your
children be always fr from danger, danger coming from evil spirits, danger
from people with evil intentions. May o children joyfully spend hours of
play here. But do not allow us to forget that our true home is in heaven
with you. This we ask through Christ our Lord.

People: Amen

Bendicion mula/garahe

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, bendiciunant me iting mula ban ding anac mu parati
lang miligtas king sablang panganib, panganib ibat caring espiritung maròc,
panganib ibat carin taung maroc a capagnasan. Matula la sanang mitipun keti
al macapamialung ding anac. E mu naman sana pacalinguan king ing tune ming
pibalebale atiu ya banua. Iti yang aduan mi. capamilatan nang Cristong Ginu

Tau: Amen.

Blessing of a Bakery Jn 6, 32-35

v. The Lord be with you.
R. And also with you.

Let us pray. Lord, you constantly feed and nourish man so that he may
remain healthy" in body and thus be able to do his work on earth. Blesst,
we ask you, this bakery where the bread that man needs will be prepared.
May we who partake of the bread of earth learn to ask for the bread that
will nourish us for life eternal. This we ask through the same Christ our

People: Amen.

Bendicion-Panaderia Jn 6, 32-35
V. Ing Ginu manatili ya kecayu.
k. At keca anti mu rin. Manalangin tamu.

Ginu, alang patugut meng diri-nan pagcabie, ing tau ba yang mica mayap a
pami-cacatauan at agampanan, nang masalese ing obrang tituc mu caya keti
king yatu. Bendiciunan+ me iting panaderia a nun nu la malutu ding miyaya-
liuang tinape. a capar.gan ning tau. Parati mi ya sanang pagdulapan itang
tinape a ibat banuà ban mipagcalubanan cami ketang bie alang capupusan. Iti
yang. kecaming aduan capamilatan nang Cris-tong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Firm) Le 8,426-48
Y. The Lord be with you.
k. And also with you.

Let us pray. Lord, you are ever so mindful of us. You are beside the bed
of the sick. It is your will that man man discover medicine and other ways
of healing sick bodies. We thank you for this sign of your love for us.
Bless, we ask you, this pharmacy where wei may find different medicines
that may give us back the health of our bodies. Help us become more willing
to help especially our porr er brothers and sisters. Do not let it be said
that anyone who approached us for help was ever turned away empty-handed.
This we ask through Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.
Bendicion-Botica Le 8,42b-48
V. Ing Ginu manatili ya kecayu.
R. At keca anti mu rin.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, cayantabe na ca ning tau potang masakit ya. Binian
mu king ing tau maca-tuclas ya at macagauang miyayaliuang panulu na. king
catavan a cacapitan ning sakit. Pasalama-tan da ca caniting tanda ning
kecang lugud. Bendiciunant me sana ngeni iting botica a nun nu mayakit ing
miyayaliuang macacayap caring catauan ming masakit. Saupan mu caming mica
tune lunus caring capara ming taung masakit lalung-lalu 'na' ding
pacacalulu.: E sana masasabi capilan man king ing taung masakit
mengailangan ya at e ya mirinan saup. Ing pigampa mi king pibandian keti
king yatu e na ke sana sasara pusu caring ativ king cagipitan ampat ing
depat mi carela cang Jesus mi nia naman depatan. Iti yang aduan mi
capamilatan na namang Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a Cemetery 1 Thes 4,13-1
V. The Lord is our joy.
R. Now and forevermore.

Let us pray. Lord, our God, our life came from you and life will return to
you. Bless+ we ask vou this cemetery where we shall bury our mortal bodies
where they shall await the resurrection of the dead on the last day. Hel us
to live faithful to Jesus in this life so that we may be counted among
those whom you shall raise in joy on that day. Keep our hope alive that we
may always long for the fullnes of redemption which will be ours when
Christ, your Son, shall return in all of his glory. This we ask through the
same Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion-Cementerio 1 Thes 4,13-18

V. Ing Ginu ya ing tula ning bie tamu.
K. Ing Ginu pin ngeni at capilan man.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, a kecaming Dios, ica ing panibatan ning sablang bie
at kea magbalic ing sablang mabie. Bendiciunan+ me sana iting cutcu-tan a
nun nu la mibili ding catauan ming maina at malalaso ban carin manaya king
pamanalacad dang pasibayu ding catauan a mete na king tauling aldo. Saupan
mu ke sanang mibiebie tapat cang Jesus king bie iti ban mibilang cami
caring tala-cad maligaya king caucasan ning panaun. Iti yang kecaming aduan
capamilatan na namang Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a tomb(grave)
Jn 6, 53-54
Y. The Lord be with you.
R. And also with you.

Let us pray. Lord, our God, in your wisdom you willed that man should pass
through death because of his sin. But you gave him the promise of eternal
life. Blesst, we ask you,. this tomb (grave) where your son/daughter N.,
will be interred until the general resurrection of all those who die
sleeping in Christ. As he/she died in baptism with Christ, may he she also
share in his glorious resurrection. This we ask through the same Christ our

People: Amen.

Jn 2,4b-6
Y. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.
R. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua't yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, a kecaming Dios, birian meng dumalan king dusa ning
camatayan ing tau uli ning sarili nang casalanan dapot pangacuanan mu ne
mang alampasan ne ing camatayan king bie alang capupusan. Bendiciunan+ me
sana iting pantiun (cutcutan) a nun nu mi ya ibili ing bangke ning capatad
ming i L. Nung macananu yang mekiyanib cang Cristo king biniag macanian ya
naman sanang macapakiabe caring patalacarn nang mabie ligayang Jesus king
tauling aldo. Iti yang aduan mi capa-milatan nai namang Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a street or highway
Is 35,8-10 n 14,1-6
Y. The Lord be with you.
R. And also with you.

Let us pray. Lord, you unceasingly help us to think of what can make this
world a more beautiful place to live in, more worthy of man. And so you
have inspired us to build roads and highways so that we may accomplish more
and reach our destination much faster. Bless, we ask you, this
road/highway. Send your holy Angels to guard all those who use this
road/highway. May Christ who is the vay to the Father always keep us on the
road that leads to the Father's house. This we ask through the same Christ
our Lord.

People: Amen.

Blessing of a Hospital
Jn 5,1-9
Y. The Lord be with you.
R. And also with you.

Let us pray. Lord, loving. Father, you are close to your children. In the
midst of his sufferings man cried out and you always listened to him.
Blesst, we ask you, this hospital which your children built to heal the
sick bodies of their fellowmen. Just as you shared in our suffering through
your Son, Jesus, so now help your sick chiltren. Help our doctors, nurses
and all those who collaborate with them; so that they may restore many of
the sick back to health lical our sick hodies. But most of all heal our
hearts so that after having been freed from ortal sickness and by suffering
with Christ your Son we may be found worthy of sharing in the joys of his
resurrection to live with you forever. This we ask through the same Christ
our Lord.
People: Amen.

Jn 5,1-9
V. Ing Ginu manatili ya kecayu.
K. At keca anti mu rin.

'Manalangin tamu. Ginu, Ibpang malugud, malapit ca caring anac mung

manamdaman casakitan. Busal ning cayang caligaligan minaus ya ing tau at
ica pekirandaman meng alang sala. Bendiciunan+ me iting hospital a telacad
da ding anac mu ban mipacayanan ing sakit ning catauan da. Nung macananu
can mekirame king casakitan mi capa-milatan nang Jesus a tinubud mu busal
mi macanian mo sanang antupayanan Airs anas ming manakit. Saupan mo ding
doctor, nurse and allua pung casaup da ban capami-latan da milapatan king
masampat a panulu ing capanam-daman da. Blayan mu ing capanayan mi king
saup ning kecang lugud. Pacapacayapan' mo ding catauan a masakit dapot
lacuas mo sanang pacayapan ding pusu mi ban caibat ming acabiusan ing sakit
ning bie iti at capamilatan ning pama-kiabe mi king casakitan at lasa ning
Anac mung pacanalan, dacayanan mu cami naman king ligaya ning cayang
pamanalacad ibat caring mete at mie capilan man cambe mu. Iti yang aduan mi
capamilatan na namang Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a Library (Bookstore) 1 Co 2,6-12

L. The Lord be with you.

R. And also with you.

Let us pray. Lord, our God, your wisdom is infinite. You created man in your own image and likeness so that under you
he might govern the earth. Bless + , we ask you, this library (bookstore) where books that bear witness to the wisdom of
man are being kept(sold). Help through your Spirit all who will make use of this library (book-store) so that what they
read may help them become more human and contribute to the building up of a more humane and just society. Thus,
they may give praise to you, the source of all wisdon and knowledge. Help us as we strive to learn all the secrets of the
universe. But more especially help us to discover the Wisdom which alone is the source of true knowledge, your Eternal
Wond, Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lond, who lives and reigns with you forever and ever.

People: Amen.

Bendicion-Libruan(tindahang-libru) 1. Co 2,6-12

L. Ing Ginu manatili ya kecayu.

M. At keca anti mu rin.

Manalangin tanu. Gin, kecaming Dios alang angga ing kecang cabiasnan. Lelangan me ing tau anting cauangis na ban
calupa mu panibalan ne ing yatung geua mu. Bendiciunan+ me iting libruan a nun nu la macatipun ding miyayaliuang
libro a bunga ning pamagaral na't pamisip ning tau. Saupan mo ding gumamit caniting libruan capamilatan ning banal
mung Espinitu ban ing abasa rat abalu macasaup: king carelang pamagpacatau, milapit carela king calupa rang tau at lalu
lang munie capurian keca a panibatan ning sablang cabiasnan. Saupan mu ke ngan ba ming pangatauanan ing
pamanuclas caring miyayaliua na pang lihim ning universo, lihim a ica pa mu ing makibalu. Dapot lalung-lalu na atuclasan
mi ya sana itang Cabiasnan a manibatan king pamagaral at pamibule-bule king banal mung Amanu. Iti yang kecaming
aduan capamilatan nang Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen
Blessing of places for recreation (parks, swimming-pool, sports complex, etc... Mt 11,28-30

(n.b. Only places that provide healthy recreation should be blessed).

L. The lord is our help.

P. The Lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lond our God, you willed that men should res midst their labor so that they might regain their strengt Bless,
we ask you, this so that your children by using this place and its facilities may feel their bodies relax d, experience
training for sports competition, enjo games and other forms of recreation. May you be pleased by our use of this place.
This we ask you through Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion Lugal-libangan(park, swimming-pool, etc...) Mt 11,28-30

(n.b. sucat lang bendiciran deti mung Lugal a babie malinis a recreation king tau).

L. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.

M. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banualt yatu.

Manalangin tamu. O Dios a Ginu mi, birian mu king ing tau painaua ya busal ning cayang capagalan ban lalu yang marap
minung sipagan king obra na. Bendiciunan+ me sana iting ban ding anac mung gumamit caniti panamdaman da ing
panga-painaua ning carelang catauan, ing masanting a pamagsane, ing masayang pamakialung at pamakilaban-pialung.
Ica sana ing mipaligaya king pamangamit mi careting lugal ning libangan. Iti yang kecaming aduan capamilatan nang
Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a haunted place Mk 1,21-28

L. The lord is our help.

P. The Lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lond, you created all of the ange. Among them there were some who refused to do vour will and so they
became your enemies and strive to lure man away from you. You sent you Son, Jesus, into the world and wherever he
went he drove the evil spirits away. We ask you to bless+ this house (place) which we believe is be haunted by evil
spirits. Let your Holy Spirit here so that once more your peace and love may stay. Thus, we shall be albe to praise you in
freedom and in joy. This we ask through the say Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion ning lugal a lalagen da Mc 1,21-28

L. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.

R. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua't yatu. Manalangin tamu. Ginu, ica ing linalang caring sablang angel. Dapot ding
mapilan careti birian da ing lumaban keca at ulinita magcapilit lang idayu re keca ing tau. Tiburan me ing Anac mu at nu
carin man ing cayang paniatang mengabaldugan pangatabi ra ding espiritung maroc. Aduan mi ing kecang bendiciont
caniting lugal a iti ampat king kecaming pamalac ing metung a marge a. espiritu ya ing babie calingasngasan kecami.
Papanatilian me ing Banal mung Espiritu ban king lugal a iti magari pasibayu ing capaya-pan, ing tula at ing lugud ban
apurian da ca king mapnung catimauan at saya. Iti yang keca-ming aduan capamilatan na namang Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of an Office for Business(or a store) Jas 4,12-17

L. The Lord is our help.

M. The lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lord, you willed that man may eat from the fruit of his labor. Bless+, we ask you this office (store) of your
servant. Whatever takes place here, we pray, may please and give you praise. May we receive people with joy. May our
desire to wore up treasures and possessions in this world not blind us to the treasure that we must store up in heaven
where no moth or thief can go. May the things o this life not blind us to our true life in your kingdom where we shall be
with Jesus, you Son, forever and ever.

People: Amen.

Bendicion Oficina(para king pamangalacal o tinda Jas 4,12-17

L. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.

M. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua't yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, birian mu king mangan ya ing tau king cayang pipauasan. Bendiciunan+ me sana iting oficina
(tindahan) ning kecang anac. Nanu pa man ing mararapat keti icatula ne sana at icarangan hing banal mung lagiu. Masa
ya mi la sanang tanggapan ding taung pagsilbian mi. Ing pigampang dacal ke pibandian e sana ma-ging sagabal king
pamaniaup mi caring aliua. Turuanan mu caming tumipun pibandian carin a nun nu e la miras ding pulilia o mapanaco,
carin Danua. E ra ke sana bubulagan ding bage maca yatu nune pagdulapan mi la sana ding tulang. macápanaya kecami
carin banuang pagcarinan mu cayabe nang Jesus at ning Espiritung Banal mangga king alang angga.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a School(or a Classroom) Mt. 5,13-16;11,25 Jn 6, 66-69

L. The Lord is our help.

R. The Lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lord, our God, it pleased you to give man a share in your own wisdom. Bless, we ask you, this school
(classroom) of your children. Grant that as we grow in knowledge of the universe and its secrets, a unverse that you
lovingly created, so may we acknowledge you as the source of all knowledge. Send your Holy Spirit into the hearts of all
those who study here so that they may come to know everything that may contribute to their growth as human beings,
foster peace and understanding among men and the uplift ment of their poorer fellowmen. Help us remember that
knowledge and wisdom are not just for ourselves but ave to be used for the benefit of all men. Help us also realize that
it is just as important to grow in the knowledge of our faith which gives meaning to man's life and praise to you, our
Creator. Through your holy Word take care of our minds and hearts that in all things we may praise you through Christ
our Lord.

People: Amen

Bendicion-Escuel (pipaganalan) Mt 5,13-16; 11,25 30; Jn 6,66-69

L. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.

P. Ing Ginu a mengaua' king banua't yatu. Manalangin tamu. Ginu, a kecaming Dios, ketula me ig dinake ing tau king sarili
mung cabiasnan. Bendic junant me sana iting pipagaralan ding anac mu. Ipagcalut m sana ngening susulung ing beluan
da king lihim ning universo a lelangan ma lalu ra na ca man sanang kila-lanan anting penibatan ning sablang beluan at
gelingan. Tuburan me caring pusu ding sablang keti magaral ing Banal a Espinitu mu ban nanu pa mang ababalu da
maca-sulung king bie maca-tau, amcasaup king capayapan at pamicacaintindi ding tau at king icatas da cabilian detang
capatad ming manatili king cacaluluan. Turuanan mu caming misip king ing cabiasnan e para king sarili mi nune para king
icacayap ding dacal. Pabalu ma kecami king maulaga mu naman ing sumulung ing beluan mi king casalpantayan a babie
da king bie ning tau at capurian keca a Miglalang king sabla. Capamilatan ning kecang Amanu ikit mo ding puso mi at
caisipan ban king' sabla apasalamatan da ca cambe nang Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a Municipal Building(Government Office) Rm 13,8-10

L. The Lond be with you.

M. And also with you.

Let us pray. Lord, powerful God, source of all authority You entrusted the world and society to man himself so that
through our leaders men may come to the knowledge and love of the truth and of justice, work for peace and unity
among men. Bless, we ask you, this municipal building(office). Help our leaders that they may always for the true
welfare of all. Make them accountable to yo for the authority they exercise among men. Help all citi zens to obey the
laws of the country so that all may liv peacefully under your Fatherhood. This we ask through Ch our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion-Municipio(o oficina ning gobierno) ` Rm 13,8-10

L. Ing Gina manatili ya kecayu.

M. At keca anti mu rin.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, Dios a mayupaya, panibatan ning sablang upaya. Panibala me ing yatu at ing sociedad caring
taung lelangan mu ban capamilatan ning pamanimuna ra laga-nap ing pamangilala king catuliran at king catutuan, lugud
king capayapan at pamisaupan. Bendiciunan+ me sana iting municipio. Antabayanan mu la ding kecaming manungculan
ban panibalan dang parati ing icacayap ding memalen a sasacupan da at migcalub carela caniting catungculan. Saupan
mo ding memalen ban magparati la king maingat a pamanupad caring batas a macacayap king be rang pante-pante ding
sablang tau. Iti yang kecaming aduan capamilatan nang Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of an Industrial Plant

L. The lord be with you.

R. And also with you.

Let us pray, Lord God, in whatever man puts up, it is you whom he praise. The wisdom and strength of man invents and
builds so many wonderful things. We ask you to bless+ this industrial plant that will produce May it contribute to the
welfare of man. Unite as in one family all those who work in this establishment: members of the management and the
working force. Remind us all that in Christ Jesus we are all brothers and sisters of one another. This we ask through the
same Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion Planta-Industrial

L. Ing Ginu manatili ya kecayu.

M. At keca anti mu rin.

Manalangin tamu. Ginung Dios, king tatalacad na ning tau ica ing pupurian na.. Ing cabiasnan at sicanan a babie mu cava
marayu darasnan at miyayaliua apapalto. Aduan mi ing bendiciunant me sana iting planta a magamit para Macasulung
ya sana king masanting nang bie ning tau keti sulip. Pisanmetungan mu la anting metung mung familia ding sablang
magobra keti manibat caring pamuntue angga na caring pecamatauling dili caning makipagobra at makiupa. Paganaca
mu caring sabla king micacapatad la ngan king Ginung Jesus at sucat lang micalugud nung macananu na catamung
liguran. Iti yang aduan mi capamilatan na namang Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a Bridge Eph 4,1-6

L. The Lord is our help.

R. The Lord who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray. Lord God, your wisdom is infinite. You not only created everything including man. You continue the work of
your creation through the work that man does as your trustworthy steward. Bless, we ask you, this bridge, so that we
who use it mav reach our destination faster. Just as this bridge is a connecting point may we be bridges to our
fellowmen that through us there would be peace and understanding among men, mutual forgiveness, and forbearance,
love and mutual responsibility. This we ask through Christ our Lord

People: Amen.

Bendicion-Tete " Eph 4 ,1-6

L. Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.

M. Ing Ginu a mengaua king banualt yatu.

Manalangin tamu. Ginung Dios, alang angga ing kecang cabiasnan. E mu ing lelangan mu ing salba pati na ing tau. Ala me
pang patugut lala-langan ing yatu capamilatan ning obra ning taung lelangan mu. Aduan mi ing kecang bendiciont
caniting tete a maging lipatan mi ban agad caming miras king kecaming pupuntalan. Nung inacanana yang misusuglung
ing tete a ini caring misusu-mangid a pampang icami man sana-maging tete cami caring calupa ming tau ban parati na
caming pagarian ning capayapan, ning pamipapamatauad. ning lugud at masabal king caparang-tau. It yang kecaming
aduan capamilatan nang Cristong Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
Blessing of a Clock or a Watch Le 12,35-40

L. The Lord be with you.

R. And also with you.

Let us pray. Lord, our God, everything came from vou. You willed that man should invent the clock/watch so that he
might have something with which to mark the passing of time. Help us use time wisely. We shall only live once. With
your grace may we spend time as best as we can. Bless", we ask you, this clock/watch. When the last hour of our life has
sounded, may we joyfully return to you, the source of all time and life. This we ask you through Christ our lord.

People: Amen.

Bendicion-Relo Le 12, 35-40

L. Ing Ginu manatili ya kecayu.

M. At keca anti mu rin.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, , a kecaming Dios, keca manibatan ing sabla. Brian meng atuclas at apalto ning taw ing relo ban
atin yang agamit king pama-nuki na king oras. Turuanan mu caming pacamal king panaun a pagcalub mu kecami. Misan
cami mie keti king yatu. Pasyangan mi sana ing balang segundo at minutong milalabas ban dacal ing mayap a arapat me
king saup ning mal a gracia mu. Bendiciunan+ me sana iting relo. At nung miras na ing tauli ming oras keti king yatu
matula ke sanang magbalic keca a penibatan ni at ning sab-lang panaun. Iti yang aduan mi capamilatan nang Cristong
Ginu mi.

Tau: Amen.
L. The Lord Be With You.
R. And With Your Spirit

Lets us pray. Lord, your love for man is a love that is unparalleled. You
not only created him but you continue to sustain him through your loving
providence. Bless + , we ask you, this which will be used .
May you always be praised by the way we use the blessings of your
bountiful love. Grant that after our life here on earth we may joyfully
enter into our heavenly inheritance. This we ask through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen

L. Ing Ginu manatili ya kecau.
R. At keca anti mu rin.

Manalangin tamu. Ginu, alang cayanti ing lugud mu para king tau. E mu
ing lelangan me nune parating meng lilingapan. Bendiciunan + me sana
iting a gamitan mi para king . Parati ca sanang
mipaligayan king pamangamit mi caniti at caring aliua mu pang
bendicion. Ipagacalub mu sana king milub cami king alang angga mung
cayarian caibat ning bie keti king yatu. Iti yang aduan mi capamilatan
nang Cristong Ginu mi.
R. Amen

I - Simple Form 1. By 'Simple Form we understand the following:

whenever only a few ane present for the actual blessing, the latter may comprise the following:

1. The Sign of the Cross

2. Greeting of those present

3. Short Reading

4. Blessing Proper

5. The Our Father

6. Last Blessing

7. The meaning of a particular blessing becomes more evident when we use excerpts from the Sriptures.

8. The rites and the blessing proper should be done in such a way that all present may hear and understand the whole


Priest: In the name of the Father+ and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

People: Amen.

Priest: May the Lord always protect you. People: And you just as well. (The particulor reading from scriptures will now
follow to shed light on the meaning of the bless-ing; if possible the priest should by a few words further make the
blessing more personal). For this blessing In 6, 16-81 is recormended. Priest: This is the Gospel of the Lord. People:
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

APPENDIX B - Halimbaua ding Bendicion

'I. Bendicion - Forma Simple

1. King amanung 'Bendicion Forma Simple' oini ing aintindian tamo: potang ditac la ding macatagun king Bendicion ding
macatuki ila ma ding marapat:

1. Pamangurus

2. Pamamuge caring macatagun

3. at nung paintulut ning panaun macuyad a Pamamasa

4. ing Panalangin a macarikil king tau/bage o lugal bendiciunan.

5. ing Ibpa Mi

6. ing Tauling Bendicion

7. Lalu yang mayalto ing cabaldugan ning bendicion nung panicuanan tamung gumamit caring Pamamasang macarikil
king bibendiciunan.

8. Marapat ing sabla king daramdaman at aintindian ning taung mamauad bendicion.

9. Halimbaua ning 'Bendicion - Forma Simple': BENDICION-SAKEN(auto : Tamaraw, jeep, etc..

Pani: King lagiu ning Ibpa+ at ning Anac at ning Espiritung Ba Tau: Amen. Pani: Ing Ginu ya ing kecatamung talasaup.
Tau: Ing Ginu a mengaua king banua't yatu. Pari: (Marapat ing Panamasa a minie cabaldugan king bendicion; nung
maliari carbat ning Pamomasa tuki ya ing palinanag personal ning pari ban lalu yang maging macabaldugan ing
bendicion). Macamungear ya para king bendicion a iti ing In 6,16-21, Appendia A big. 72.) Iti ya ing Evangelio ning Ginu.
Tau: Capurian keca, 0 Cristo.

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