1. Hospital
Hospital organized structure w/e pools together all health professions, diagnostics & therapeutics facilities, equipment
& supplies & physical facilities into a coordinated system for delivering healthcare to the public.
Based on the Short Term- < 30 days Long term- > 30 days
length of stay
• Honorary - retired, emeritus : highest designation the staff could achieved.
• Consulting - specialist.
• Active/Attending - regular patient care.
• Associate - considered for adjustment. - junior staff.
• Courtesy - given privilege to admit an occasional patients.
• Resident - receiving specialized
To achieve optional patient care safety through rational and therapy.
1. Policy Development - policies regarding evaluation, selection, and use of the drugs.
2. Education - implementation of the programs to provide complete current knowledge to professional staff.
Physicians, pharmacist, nurses, administrators, quality assurance coordinator and others as appropriate.
• Chairperson: Physician
• Secretary: Pharmacist
1. Review of specified sections of the formulary for updating and deletion of drugs
2. Hospital non-formulary drugs and new drugs proposed for inclusion with the
3. approval of the DOH
4. Evaluation of an investigational drug protocol
5. Review of the reports of ADR/DUR committees for appropriate plan and action.
6. Drug safety in the hospital
3. Formulary
Formulary A continually rescised compilation of pharmaceuticals that reflect the current clinical judgement of the
medical staff.
THE FORMULARY Method whereby the medical staff through the PTC, evaluates, appraises and selects from among the
SYSTEM numerous available drugs those considered useful in patient.
✓ Genetic name ✓ Active ing. (if comb. produces)
✓ Brand names/common synonyms ✓ Additional info. (warning, ci,
✓ Dosage form, strength, packaging, stoc size. precautions).
PHILIPPINE government’s response to the problem of inadequate provision of good quality essential drugs to people.
FORMULARY Criteria for INCLUSION of drugs in the PNDF
(PNDF) • Drug is needed for the preventive and treatment of condition not already covered in the existing list
• Drug is more effective and/or less toxic than listed for the same indication
• Drug is at least effective and safe and of lower cost
• Drug is deemed essential for a specific DOH health program/project
•A list of drugs for the health care needs of the majority of the population
•The listed drugs should therefore be made available at all times in adequate amounts and in appropriate
dosage forms at the lowest possible cost.
•A list of drugs for treating rare disorders or in exceptional circumstances
•Alternative drugs when drugs in the main list are known to be ineffective or inappropriate for a given
•Alternative drugs when drugs in the main list cannot be made available
Stages of Drug First Stage-consists of discovery and introduction of new drugs, which have played an important role in the
usage in the treatment of illness
Second Stage-drug standardization necessitated by the influx of duplicate brands and similar type drugs,
which is achieved through a hospital drug formulary based on the PNDF
Third Stage - involves an evaluation of the utilization of drugs which have been accepted into the formulary
DRUG •quantitatively & systematically reviewing prescription claims data to evaluate the appropriateness of drug
•Prospective – before dispensing •Concurrent – during use •Restrospetive – after dispensing
◦ helps to identify the physician’s prescribing & the patient’s drug utilization pattern
◦ improves the drug therapy process by eliminating previously occurring medication regimen problems
2. Charge floor-stock
Advantages Disadavantage
✓ ready availability of drug. ✓ possible high in medication error.
✓ elimination of drug returns. ✓ increased drug inventory.
✓ reduction in no. of drug order ✓ greater risk for drug deterioration.
transcriptions. ✓ possible lack of proper storage facilities in
✓ reduction in no. of pharmacy the ward.
personnel needed. ✓ greater inroads upon nurses time.
3. COMBINA Most commonly employed drug distribution system but not so ideal.
– involves strategic action plans that seek to provide equity and improve health outcomes
Other financial The following are the sources of funds that can be availed of:
Sources •Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) •Insurance
•DOH Indigency Fund •NGOs
Pharmacoeconomi • It was introduced to compare the value of one pharmaceutical or drug therapy to another.
cs • This involves weighing the total expected costs against the total expected benefits of one or more
actions in order to choose the best or most profitable option.
•Lead Time – time from the preparation of PR and the whole process of purchasing to the time of the delivery
of drugs to the hospital.
Storage Conditions • liquids, tablets, capsules and parenteral with temperature requirement below 30 ̊C are stored in a
normal storage area.
• dangerous drugs, attractive and expensive medicines, biological products, vaccines, flammable
liquids and corrosives, need storage in an access-controlled location.
Corrosives or oxidants should be stored away from flammables in a separate steel cabinet. In handling, the
pharmacist should wear appropriate industrial-type protective gloves and face masks
Glacial acetic acid, trichloroacetic acid, conc. ammonia solution, silver nitrate, sodium nitrate, and sodium
hydroxide pellets
Cytotoxic Drugs
✓Kept in secure place and with access limited to specific authorized person
✓Properly labelled
✓Proper inventorY
Temperature Monitoring
Dangerous drugs • refer to drugs included in the list of Schedules annexed to the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic
Drugs, as amended by the 1972 protocol, and in the Schedules annexed to the 1971 Single
Convention on Psychotropic Substances as enumerated in the annexes which are an integral part of
the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.
Dangerous Drugs • policy-making and strategy-formulating body for the entire country with regard to dangerous drugs,
Board controlled precursor and essential chemical matters
Philippine Drug • implementing arm that is responsible for the efficient law enforcement of all provisions pertaining to
Enforcement Dangerous Drugs, and Controlled Precursor and Essential Chemicals
Agency (PDEA)
• The production, possession, importation, and distribution of these drugs is strictly regulated or outlawed,
and many may be dispensed by prescription only.
CONTROLLED The substances are listed in five categories, or schedules, according to their:
SUBSTANCE ✓Characteristics ✓Dangerousness ✓medical usage ✓addictive properties
>>SCHEDULE I being the most dangerous and the highest potential for abuse
>> SCHEDULE V being the least dangerous and lowest potential for abuse.
Controlled Controlled Substances are segregated into DEA Schedules I, II, III, IV, or V based upon:
Substances DEA ✓Abuse potential,
Schedules ✓Medical value, and the
✓Danger of serious physical effects to the user.
• FDA has approved the marketing of the THC product, dronabinol (Marinol) snd synthetic cannabinoid,
nabilone (Cesamet) for the treatment of the nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy.
Schedule 2 The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
• The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States or a
currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions.
• Abuse of the drug or other substances may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence.
Schedule 4 • The drug or other substance has a low potential for abuse relative to the drugs or other substances in
schedule III.
• The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
• Abuse of the drug or other substance may lead to limited physical dependence or psychological
dependence relative to the drugs or other substances in schedule III.
• Schedule IV drugs are generally the long-acting barbiturates, certain hypnotics and the minor tranquilizers.
For all practical purposes there are no regulatory differences between Schedule III and IV.
• The drug or other substance has a low potential for abuse relative to the drugs or other substances in
schedule IV.
• The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
• consists of preparation containing limited quantities of certain narcotic drugs generally for antitussive and
antidiarrheal purposes.
• As a general rule, Schedule v are OTC preparations that might be sold without a prescription.
>>There are notable exceptions, and the pharmacist should always check the label to see if the FDA
has determined the item to be a prescriptions- only item.
>>For example, Lomotil is a Schedule V item, but it is prescription-only.
>>Paregoric now is restricted to prescription sales and included in Schedule III.
Handling • Only pharmacies with S-3 license secured from PDEA are allowed to sell, procure, acquire, deal in or with
(a.) dangerous drug preparations or
(b.) drug preparations
in parenteral or tablet or capsule form, containing Table 1 controlled chemicals as the only active
medicinal ingredient or containing Table 1 controlled chemical and therapeutically insignificant
quantities of another active medicinal ingredient.
• The PTC shall develop policies pertaining to prescribing, proper administration, and control of dangerous
drugs in accordance with the DDB policies and regulations.
Person Authorized ✓Pharmacist
to engage in ✓Licensed person
professional supply
✓ Practitioner
of dangerous drugs
Prescription A. No person shall prescribe a dangerous drug or drug preparations, unless that person is:
Requirements my • A medical practitioner, who prescribes the drug in the ordinary course of treatment of another
person’s physical or mental condition; OR
• A dentist, who prescribes the drug in the ordinary course of treatment of another person’s dental
condition; OR
• A veterinary surgeon, who prescribes the drug in the ordinary course of treatment of an animal; AND
• Granted an S-2 license to prescribe by the PDEA
D. No prescription once served by the drugstore or pharmacy shall be reused nor any prescription
once fully issued be refilled, provided however, that when a prescription is partially filled, the balance
may be fully filled by the drugstore or pharmacy.
D. No person shall supply any dangerous drug or drug preparation on presentation of a prescription,
if the person knows or has reason to believe that the prescription is:
•Forged, unlawfully altered, or cancelled; or
•Issued more than 1 month before presentation
E. The quantities of dangerous drugs that may be prescribed in a single applicable prescription by a
licensed practitioner should not exceed the specified quantities as follows:
E. The quantities of dangerous drugs that may be prescribed in a single applicable prescription by a
licensed practitioner should not exceed the specified quantities as follows:
Ordinary circumstances
• Benzodiazepines (anxiolytic or hypnotic or both) 30 tabs/caps
• Benzodiazepines (anxiolytic or hypnotic or both)
o 10 amps x 1mL
o 3 amps x 2mL
o 2 amps x 3mL
o 1 amp x 10mL
• Benzodiazepines (muscle spasm/dystonia/tetanus) 90 tabs (5mg)
• Phenobarbital preparations
2 weeks supply
2 bottles (100 tabs) each (for epilepsy patients)
•Sodium Pentothal
3 vials (in case of hospital use)
•Demerol 3 amps
•Other Dangerous Drugs (in vials)
1 vial (in case of hospital use
E. The quantities of drug preparations containing Table 1 controlled chemical as the only active medicinal
ingredient or containing Table 1 controlled chemical and therapeutically insignificant quantity of anotheractive
medicinal ingredient that may be prescribed in a single applicable prescription by a licensed practitioner
should not exceed the specified quantities as follows:
Ordinary circumstances
•Ephedrine (parenteral)
1 amp (in case of hospital use)
•Ephedrine, pseudo-ephedrine, norephedrine 1.6g of base
F. A prescription may not be issued in order for an individual practitioner to obtain controlled substances for
supplying the individual practitioner for the purpose of general dispensing to patients.
G. A practitioner may prescribe, administer, or dispense dangerous drugs or drug preparations for a
therapeutic purpose to a person diagnosed and treated by a practitioner for a condition resulting in intractable
pain, if this diagnosis and treatment has been documented in practitioner’s medical record. A Rx cannot be
written nor dispensed for more than 100 dosage units or a 31-day supply whatever is greater at on time.
H. A prescription may not be issued for the dispensing of dangerous drugs or drug preparations to a drug
dependent person for the purpose of continuing his dependence upon such drugs
I. A doctor with an S-2 license, whose area of residence/clinic/office is within a 5-km radius from a drugstore
which is not dispensing dangerous drugs or drug preparations for emergency use, may store or carry in his
medical carry bag a reasonable quantity of such drugs including paraphernalia for administering the drug.
He/she shall maintain record of receipts and disposal in a record book
Prescribing and When the need for treatment is urgent in an emergency case, an ordinary prescription not in DOH prescribed
filing of an order in official form may be given, and shall be acted upon by the licensed seller.
situation The prescriber shall inform the DOH, copy to PDEA unit responsible for the area where the emergency
occurred, in writing within 3 days after issuing such ordinary prescription.
The PO should be signed by the City/Municipal Health Officer or attending physician or senior medical officer
or military doctor or any available doctor supervising the medical team or unit rendering medical service in the
area where the emergency occurred.
The seller shall notify immediately the PDEA a written statement of the circumstances leading to the
purchase and how the medicine was dispensed or administered and to whom, within 7 days after the
particular emergency situation has ended.
Documentation A pharmacist dealing in drugs containing Table 1 controlled chemical, which requires and ordinary
prescription containing an S-2 license of prescribing doctor, shall maintain and keep an original record of
sales, purchases, acquisitions and deliveries of such drug preparations, indicating:
✓License number and address of the
pharmacist ✓ Name of the prescriber and telephone number
✓Name, address and license number of the ✓ Quantity and name of drugs sold or delivered
manufacturer, importer or wholesaler from ✓ Date of sale or delivery
whom the drugs have been purchased
✓ In the case of supply on requisition in an
✓Quantity and name of the drugs purchased or institution, details of the dispensary, ward or
acquired other place to which drug was supplied
✓ Date of acquisition or purchase ✓ In the case of return, the name of the person to
✓ Name, address and community tax certificate whom the drug was returned
number of the buyer
A certified true copy or computer print out of such record covering a period of 6 months, duly signed by the
pharmacist or the owner of the drugstore pharmacy shall be forwarded to the DDB through the PDEA, within
15 days following the last day of June and December of each year, with a copy thereof furnished the city
municipal health officer concerned.
Any person required to keep a register or other record under the Act and this regulation shall not:
✓ Make or cause or permit to be made, an entry in or on it that is, to the knowledge of that person, false or
misleading; or
✓ Cancel, obliterate or alter any entry, except to correct an error
Any person required to keep a register shall upon discovery, submit a written report immediately to PDEA:
➢ The loss or destruction of the register, or of whole or any part of the contents of the register; or
➢ Any discrepancy in the register, other than a mistaken entry.
The licensed operator shall ensure that the safekeeping and handling of the chemicals is in accordance with
the requirements defined in the Material Safety Data Sheet of the chemical concerned.
The security of the cabinet/ vault should conform to the regulatory standards of the Comprehensive Dangerous
Drugs Act of 2002:
•Double lock
•In isolated area
•Immovable/ Fixed Area Cabinet
•Exclusive storage for DD/DDP/PP containing Table 1 Substances/PECS
One senior pharmacist should be designated and shall be responsible for the keys of the controlled drugs
cabinet/s or rooms. Only the authorized staff is allowed at the restricted area.
Compounded Sterile ✘ A dose or doses of medication that are prescribed for a patient that must be prepared for administration and
Preparations (CSP is sterile.
Manufactured LVPs ✘ Manufactured LVPs with additives stable in solution for longer periods of time
with additives ✘ available in many of sizes (250 mL, 500 mL, 1000
✘ dopamine
✘ Human blood plasma has a pH of 7.4
✘ lidocaine
✘slightly alkaline
✘ potassium
✘parenteral IV solutions should have a pH that is
✘ nitroglycerin
neutral (near 7)
Type of IV Administration
INTRAVENOUS administration of a relatively small volume of solution directly from a syringe and is sometimes called an ‘IV
INJECTION push” when administered quickly.
INTRAVENOUS introduction of larger volume of solution directly into a vein in which the solution is permitted to drip into the
PIGGY BACK intravenous administration by which solution from two (2) containers that flow in the patient’s vein through a
ADMINISTRATION common tubing and a common injection site (venipuncture)
Type of Solution
Hypotonic osmotic pressure is less than that of the blood or 0.9% NaCL
Sites of ✘ Antecubital veins ✘ Hand veins ✘ Forearm veins ✘ Scalp veins ✘ Veins of the lower extremity
Intravenous Flow FLOW RATE - speed at which the fluid infuses into the patient
Rates - expressed in volume over time - gtts/minute; gtts/hour
- mL/minute; mL/hour
CALORIC for patients vary, depending on their physical state and medical condition.
REQUIREMENTS ✗ TheHarris-Benedict Equations,are commonly used to estimate the basal energy expenditure (BEE)
requirements for non-protein calories.
✗ The BEE is also referred to as the resting metabolic energy (RME) or the resting energy expenditure
CARBOHYDRATE • formulas for parenteral nutrition, dextrose provides 3.4 kcal of energy per gram;
Requirements: • each 100 mL of a 25% dextrose injection provides 85 kcal of energy.
• :Parenteral nutrition, the factor used is 4 kcal/g.
⬢ The pharmacy shall participate in hospital decisions about the contents of code carts, emergency medication
kits and trays, and the role of pharmacists in medical emergencies.
⬢ Pharmacists should serve on cardiopulmonary resuscitation teams, and such pharmacists should receive
appropriate training and maintain appropriate certifications (Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiopulmonary
Life Support, Pediatric Acute Life Support).
Emergency carts or • mobile units that contain all the needed medications and supplies for emergencies.
crash carts • Emergency Drugs to be tackled in the Lab
Medications • Type A (Augmented) – dose- related “augmentation” of the known pharmacological effects of
associated with a the medication
high risk of Adverse • Type B (Bizarre) – Idiosyncratic; unpredictable effect and not related to the known
Drug Reactions pharmacological properties of the drug
(ADRs) are
classified into
• Anti-infectives
> Vancomycin – rapid IV infusion increases the risk of anaphylactic- like reactions
•Potassium and other electrolytes
•NEVER administer KCl as IV Push
• Common errors: Use of non-insulin syringes, misreading of prescriptions due to
abbreviations (“U” or “IU”)
•Narcotics and Sedatives
• Type A reactions associated with opioids – respiratory depression
• Type A – GI effects and cardiotoxicity; may also precipitate renal failure
• Type A – dose-related liver failure especially in children
•Lithium – narrow therapeutic index