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International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 66 (2021) 102632

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Multi-hazard hospital evacuation planning during disease outbreaks using

agent-based modeling
Fardad Haghpanah a, *, Kimia Ghobadi a, b, Benjamin W. Schafer a
Department of Civil and Systems Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
The Malone Center for Engineering in Healthcare, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA


Keywords: As different types of hazards, including natural and man-made, can occur simultaneously, to implement an in­
Agent-based modeling tegrated and holistic risk management, a multi-hazard perspective on disaster risk management, including
Evacuation preparedness and planning, must be taken for a safer and more resilient society. Considering the emerging
challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has been introducing to regular hospital operations, there is a need to
adapt emergency plans with the changing conditions, as well. Evacuation of patients with different mobility
disabilities is a complicated process that needs planning, training, and efficient decision-making. These protocols
need to be revisited for multi-hazard scenarios such as an ongoing disease outbreak during which additional
infection control protocols might be in place to prevent transmission. Computational models can provide insights
on optimal emergency evacuation strategies, such as the location of isolation units or alternative evacuation
prioritization strategies. This study introduces a non-ICU patient classification framework developed based on
available patient mobility data. An agent-based model was developed to simulate the evacuation of the emer­
gency department at the Johns Hopkins Hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic due to a fire emergency. The
results show a larger nursing team can reduce the median and upper bound of the 95% confidence interval of the
evacuation time by 36% and 33%, respectively. A dedicated exit door for COVID-19 patients is relatively less
effective in reducing the median time, while it can reduce the upper bound by more than 50%.

1. Introduction were evacuated from 45 hospitals [9]. Between 2000 and 2017, there
were 154 reported major hospital evacuations in the United States, of
Facility evacuation is a complicated socio-physical process during which 71% were due to natural disasters, 16% man-made threats, and
which individuals interact with each other and the built environment 13% incidents such as fires and chemical fumes. Compared to
under extreme conditions. The diverse mobility characteristics and 1971–1999, there has been an increase in the man-made and incident
needs of evacuees, especially evacuees with disabilities or restrictions, events [10,11]. Considering minor incidents increases the number of
can make the evacuation process more complicated. Evacuation of in­ evacuation events. According to the US National Fire Protection Asso­
dividuals with disabilities is a major challenge in hospital evacuations. ciation (NFPA), fire departments respond to an average of 5750 struc­
Every year, many hospitals are forced to evacuate their patients due to ture fires in healthcare facilities every year. These incidents causes an
natural disasters or man-made incident [1–3]. In the United States, due annual average of two deaths and 157 injuries [12].
to the recent devastating hurricanes, many hospitals had to evacuate The challenges of hospital evacuation deepen when there is an
their patients. In 2005 Hurricane Rita, the University of Texas Medical existing state of emergency, such as an infectious disease outbreak. In
Branch Hospital evacuated 427 patients in about 12 h [4]. During the such scenarios, often preventive measures are implemented to limit in­
2005 Hurricane Katrina, about 1500 patients were evacuated from the teractions between patients and staff. The infectious patients and those
Tulane’s Teaching Hospital [5], and about 111 pediatric tertiary care considered as Persons Under Investigation (PUI) with pending test re­
patients were evacuated in 12 h [6] and 121 neonates from New Orleans sults are often isolated in negative pressure rooms to mitigate trans­
in 3 days [7]. Most recently, in 2017 Hurricane Irma, 35 hospitals mission. Furthermore, a dedicated nursing team might be assigned to the
evacuated 1900 patients [8]. In 2017 Hurricane Harvey, 1500 patients isolated units as they need special training and Personal Protective

* Corresponding author. Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy, Washington, D.C., USA.
E-mail address: (F. Haghpanah).
Received 19 May 2021; Received in revised form 26 August 2021; Accepted 10 October 2021
Available online 12 October 2021
2212-4209/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Haghpanah et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 66 (2021) 102632

Equipment (PPE). These measures may delay patient flow during an emergencies.
emergency evacuation. With the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic,
which has impacted healthcare services for months and is expected to 2. Literature review
continue to do so for the near future, a rising concern is safe evacuation
of hospitals where COVID-19 patients are hospitalized [13–17]. Past ABM has been used in a vast variety of applications in engineering
experience has shown the health risks associated with evacuation shel­ and social sciences, specifically as a supporting tool for decision making.
ters during outbreaks [18]. The COVID-19 pandemic has already In the context of evacuation, ABM has been used to simulate evacuation
complicated evacuation management during disasters. In summer 2020, of cities, buildings, terminals, etc. [29–32] Although such studies
Arizona’s fire season coincided with a record high of COVID-19 cases, consider heterogeneous populations, they do not consider evacuees with
during which the reported daily new cases reached to 3500 [19]. Studies especial mobility needs or limitations. In this regard, there are few
show the pandemic had adverse effects on the household capacity to studies that have considered the heterogeneous characteristics of pa­
respond to wildfire evacuation instructions during the fire season in tients and evacuees with disabilities.
Arizona [20]. Hospital evacuation also faced new challenges during the Christensen and Sasaki [33] developed the BUMMPEE model for
2020 hurricane season in the US southern states [14,21,22]. hospital evacuation, in which the diversity and prevalence of disabilities
Hospitals and healthcare facilities need to re-evaluate their evacua­ among the evacuees were considered. To represent the diversity of
tion policies and plans to ensure their adaptability with the additional disabilities, six criteria were identified as the mobility parameters of
complexities posed by the COVID-19 pandemic [23,24]. A common agents: walking speed, physical size, ability to traverse, perception,
strategy in patient evacuation is evacuation prioritization, i.e., the less psychological profile, and assistance needs. Based on these criteria,
vulnerable ambulatory patients are evacuated first, followed by patients patients were classified into seven groups: motorized wheelchair users,
in critical conditions or with special constraints like infectious COVID non-motorized wheelchair users, the visually impaired, the hearing
patients. Another strategy, which requires prior coordination and impaired, the stamina impaired, individuals without disabilities familiar
preparation, is to establish a COVID-dedicated evacuation route, so that with the environment, and individuals without a physical or sensory
COVID patients can be evacuated separately but simultaneously with disability but less familiar with the environment. The BUMMPEE model
other patients. While safe evacuation of highly infectious patients is is used in other studies for the simulation of the evacuation of airports,
complicated as it may expose other patients and hospital staff to infec­ stadiums, and high-rise buildings [34–36].
tion, a shelter-in-place decision also needs additional considerations for In another study [37], patients were categorized into four groups: (1)
the evaluation of availability of resources and equipment for COVID-19 immobile patients who could not be moved from their beds, (2) immo­
patients (e.g., ventilators) and hospital staff (e.g., PPE). Healthcare fa­ bile patients who could be moved from their beds but only with
cilities need to ensure that they can maintain or procure supplies during considerable difficulty and an associated delay, (3) immobile patients
the indeterminate shelter-in-place time, which can last from hours to who could be moved with relative ease with assistance, and (4) mobile
days. Hence, the complicated decision-making process associated with patients that could move on their own. Bish et al. [38] used an optimi­
hospital evacuations becomes even more complex during disease zation model to develop an efficient evacuation plan for a hospital
outbreaks. considering different types of patients. Although this study did not use
Certain organizations and authorities have provided communities ABM, it categorized patients based on their evacuation needs. In this
and healthcare facilities with guidelines to adapt a COVID-19 public study, patients were classified into nine groups: intensive care with
health emergency policy. The US Federal Emergency Management ventilator, intensive care, neonatal intensive care with ventilator,
Agency (FEMA) has published pandemic-specific operational guidelines neonatal intensive care, pediatric intensive care with ventilator, pedi­
for the hurricane season [23], requiring state and territorial government atric intensive care, other bed-bound, ambulatory oxygen-dependent,
agencies to modify evacuation plans to account for travel restrictions, and other ambulatory.
increased time needed for healthcare facility evacuations, and required In this study, an agent-based evacuation model was developed for
resources in a COVID-19 environment. The scientific community has evacuation simulation of non-ICU patients. In this regard, a patient
been providing the healthcare system with tools to support decision classification system is developed based on mobility characteristics and
making and adapting to COVID-19 (e.g. Refs. [25–28]). needs of patients. In Section 3, the details of the agent-based model,
Given the scarcity of data on patient evacuation, computational including the patient classification framework, the path planning algo­
modeling techniques, such as agent-based modeling (ABM), can be rithm, the collision avoidance algorithm, the behavioral model, and the
helpful in studying the dynamics of evacuating heterogeneous groups of calibration and validation procedure are explained. In Section 4, the
patients, which in turn can support hospital decisionmakers in devising results of the evacuation simulation of the emergency department of the
and evaluation of evacuation strategies. While machine learning models, Johns Hopkins Hospital, considering the presence of COVID-19 patients,
such as neural networks, have shown promising performance across are presented.
different disciplines, when it comes to hospital evacuation, they fall
behind ABMs (for now) for two main reasons. First, deep learning 3. The agent-based model
models require big data to train. The required data to train a model for
hospital evacuation should include individual and collective behavior of 3.1. Patient classification
evacuees with heterogeneous mobility characteristics navigating under
different environmental conditions. With the very limited individual A common first step in developing an agent-based model is to define
and group evacuation experimental studies, data-driven models are yet what an agent represents in the model. In the context of evacuation
underequipped. Second, black-box deep learning models do not provide modeling, each agent represents an individual; however, different in­
insight on the underlying mechanisms of a dynamic process such as dividuals have different behavior in the model. Mainly, there are two
hospital evacuation. An advantage of microscopic computational tech­ types of agents: patients and staff. While patients and staff have the
niques such as ABM is the ability to track the behavior of individual or mutual purpose of reaching the safe zone, staff help patients, hence, they
groups of agents to identify the roots of certain collective outcomes. move back and forth between the evacuation zone and the safe zone.
ABMs can reveal or predict the causes of potential delays in the evacu­ Although the literature on the application of ABM in evacuation
ation of patients, whether it is local bottlenecks, lack of resources simulation of hospitals is limited, there is a valuable body of work
(nurses or equipment), or poor responders’ coordination. Hospital dedicated to the mobility characteristics of different groups of evacuees
emergency planners use this information to revise their evacuation plans based on parameters such as age, gender, health status, type of mobility
and strategies and gain insight for improvising under the uncertainties of impairment, etc. [39,40] Accordingly, we developed a patient

F. Haghpanah et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 66 (2021) 102632

classification system for non-ICU patients to be used as the basis for Table 1
agent classification (Fig. 1). ICU patients are excluded in this study as Attributes of staff agents.
their medical level of care significantly varies on a case-by-case basis. Attributes Description Data Type
Accordingly, patients are classified into five groups: (1) visually
status 1 = idle categorical
impaired, (2) hearing impaired, (3) mobility impaired, (4) mentally 2 = moving toward a patient
impaired, and (5) non-disabled. Mobility impaired patients are further 3 = helping a patient
classified into five sub-groups: wheelchair users, motorized wheelchair 4 = self-evacuation
users, stamina impaired (including crutch and walker users), high-acuity free speed free flow walking speed [m/s] floating point number
size body size (diameter) [m] floating point number
bed-bound, and low-acuity bed-bound patients. Non-disabled patients
are also divided into two groups: elderly or children, and adults. The
attributes of the staff agents and patient agents are listed in Table 1 and
Table 2, respectively. Table 2
In Table 2, assistance indicates whether the patient agent needs help Attributes of patient agents.
for evacuation. Those in need of assistance are the top priority in Attributes Description Data Type
receiving help from staff agents. Those that prefer assistance can move class 1 = visually impaired categorical
slowly without help but move faster when being assisted. The assistance 2 = hearing impaired
type attribute indicates whether the patient needs assistance that can be 3 = wheelchair user
4 = motorized wheelchair user
provided by anyone (staff or other volunteer patients) or only hospital
5 = stamina impaired
staff. 6 = high-acuity bed-bound
The average free walking speed and size (diameter) of the agents are 7 = low-acuity bed-bound
aggregated from the literature [39,40] and listed in Table 3. At any time, 8 = mentally impaired
the current speed of each agent is updated according to the collision 9 = elderly or children (non-disabled)
10 = adult (non-disabled)
avoidance algorithm, explained in Section 3.2.
assistance assistance need: categorical
In developing the patient classification framework, certain mobility 1 = none
needs are considered, as listed in Table 4. The preparation time is an 2 = preferred
important factor in evacuation simulation. It denotes the time it takes for 3 = required
assistance type type of needed assistance: categorical
the patients and staff to start to evacuate after the alarm is raised. This
1 = none
delay is mainly due to two factors: event perception and patient prep­ 2 = general
aration. There have been a few studies on the reaction time and prep­ 3 = special
aration time during hospital evacuations for patients with different assistant count number of needed assistants integer
mobility needs [37,41–44]. The preparation times for bed-bound pa­ status 1 = idle categorical
2 = waiting to receive assistance
tients and wheelchair users include the average time it takes to provide
3 = being assisted
the required equipment and prepare the patient for evacuation. 4 = helping another patient
5 = self-evacuation
free speed free flow walking speed [m/s] floating point number
3.2. Path planning and collision avoidance size body size (diameter) [m] floating point number

The mobility engine of agent-based evacuation models consists of finding the minimum weighted distance between two nodes in a graph.
two components: path planning and collision avoidance. The premise of Several algorithms have been developed to solve the shortest path
agent path planning is that evacuees take locally optimal paths when problem, such as the Dijkstra’s algorithm [47], the Floyd–Warshall al­
passing through obstacles, rooms, and corridors to reach their destina­ gorithm [48,49], the Bellman–Ford algorithm [50,51], and the A* al­
tion [45,46]. Consequently, the path planning problem in agent-based gorithm [52]. In this study, the Floyd–Warshall algorithm is used to
evacuation models are mainly solved using shortest path algorithms. obtain the shortest path between all pairs of nodes. While the
In this regard, the environment is represented with a graph in which the above-mentioned algorithms perform comparably in medium-size net­
nodes represent the obstacles’ vertices, bottlenecks, and all entrance and works, the use of the Floyd–Warshall algorithm is merely a subjective
exit doors. In graph theory, the shortest path problem is defined as

Fig. 1. Proposed non-ICU patient classification framework.

F. Haghpanah et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 66 (2021) 102632

Table 3
Free moving speed and size of the agents.
Agent Class Free Speed on Floors (m/s) Free Speed on Ramps (m/s) Free Speed on Stairs (m/s) Size (m2)

Assisted Not Assisted Assisted Not Assisted Assisted Not Assisted

Staff – 1.4 – 0.9 – 0.7 0.25

Visually impaired 0.69 0 0.61 0 0.61 0 0.25
Hearing impaired 1.25 0 0.9 0 0.7 0 0.25
Wheelchair user 1.25 0.69 0.89 0.5 0.89 0 0.16
Motorized wheelchair user – 0.89 0.89 0.7 0.89 0 0.16
Stamina impaired 0.78 0.57 0.49 0.36 0.69 0.33 0.25
Bed-bounda 0.89 0 0.67 0 0.67 0 1 × 2b
Mentally impaired 1.25 0 0.7 0 0.7 0 0.25
Elderly (non-disabled) – 1.05 – 0.7 – 0.6 0.25
Adult (non-disabled) – 1.25 – 0.9 – 0.7 0.25
The bed-bound class includes both the high-acuity and low-acuity patient classes.
Bed-bound patients occupy a 1 × 2 m2 rectangle, which can also be modeled by two attached circular agents, each with a diameter of 1 m.

routes but with delays and possible sub-optimal behaviors resulting from
Table 4
interacting with other agents. Those patient agents who are familiar
Mobility needs of agents.
with the building will follow the optimal paths to go from their initial
Agent Class Assistance Assistance Assistant Preparation position to the safe zone. The unfamiliar patient agents will evaluate
need type count time (sec)
other agents in their field of view and adopt the destination of the plu­
Visually impaired Required General 1 30–63 rality. If no other agent is found or agents within their field of view do
Hearing impaired Preferred General 1 30–63
not have the information about evacuation routes, the agents will locate
Wheelchair user Required General 1 30–100
Motorized None None 0 30–100 a temporary destination based on a set of rules until more information is
wheelchair user available. These rules are as follows: (1) If an agent is in a room or
Stamina impaired Preferred General 1 30–63 corridor, it will set their destination to the closest door, or if there are
High-acuity bed- Required Special 2 180–900 exit signs, the agent will follow the direction shown by the sign. If there
is no door or sign, the agent will move randomly. (2) If an agent is in a
Low-acuity bed- Required Special 1 30–100
bound corridor, it will prioritize staircases over doors. (3) Agent will prioritize
Mentally Required General 1 30–63 external exits over stairs and doors. (4) If an agent is on stairs, it will
impaired descend until reaching the first floor and proceed to exit the staircase.
Elderly/Children Preferred General 1 30–63
(5) Agents hold information about the room and corridors that they have
Adult (non- None None 0 30–63 visited and avoid those location upon returning.
disabled) Agents who share a specific attribute engage in grouping behavior,
for example, agents who are familiar with the environment or patients
from the same agent class. When a patient who can engage in grouping
preference based on our prior experience. and is not a member of a group encounters another patient, who is also
The path planning algorithm determines how an agent should go capable of grouping, it may join the group or form a new group with
from its current position to the safe zone; however, the agent will have to other agents based on the probability function shown in Equations (1)
navigate its way through other agents and the obstacles. The agent and (2).
navigation is controlled by a collision avoidance algorithm. The collision ⃒ ⃒
⎧ ( ⃒bi − bj ⃒) ⃒
avoidance behavior is essential to give a realistic behavior to the moving ⎨ ⃒
⃒bi − bj ⃒ ≤ B
[ ] (1 − ω)f (d) + ω 1 −
agents so that the model can produce emergent crowd behaviors which P groupingij = B ⃒ ⃒
⃒bi − bj ⃒ > B (1)

are observed in evacuations [53–56]. A number of collision avoidance (1 − ω)f (d)
algorithms have been developed for agent-based crowd simulation (e.g.
Refs. [57,58]). In this study, the predictive collision avoidance model ⎧
⎨1 (
developed by Karamouzas et al. [56] is used for its simplicity and f (d) = s− d
computational efficiency, in which the trajectories of all agents are ⎩ exp
extrapolated to determine possible collisions within a specific time
period. where ω ∈ {0, 1} is the importance of social interaction, bi and bj are the
home-base identifiers of agents i and j, respectively, B is a user-defined
constant which denotes the maximum difference between two agents for
3.3. Social interactions which they are still willing to group together, d is the distance between
two agents, and s is the maximum distance agent i can walk, in one time
Certain social behaviors, such as grouping, herding, rescuing, and step. Agents can switch groups if they find another group with which
information sharing, have been observed and described in evacuation they share a stronger social bond.
studies [59–64]. The information sharing and social behavior compo­ Rescuing and information sharing introduce altruism into the model.
nents in this study are adopted from a previous study conducted by Liu
In the model, each agent is assigned an altruism probability (Palti ) which
et al. [29].
follows a normal distribution for patient agents, Palt ∼ N(0.8, 0.05) and
Herding is mainly observed among evacuees unfamiliar with the
is set to 1 for staff agents. Regarding rescuing, if an agent, who does not
environment. As discussed before, the shortest path algorithms assume
need assistance for mobility and is not helping other agents, encounters
that all the occupants have knowledge about evacuation paths. Although
another agent in its field of view who needs general assistance, based on
this assumption is not realistic, those occupants that do not have such a
its altruism probability will decide to approach the agent and assist in
knowledge can gain information from other agents based on the infor­
moving. When an agent is helping another patient agent, their moving
mation sharing and social behavior model. This implies that the unfa­
speed will be set to the assistance mode according to Table 3-3. When in
miliar agents will eventually gain information and follow the optimal

F. Haghpanah et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 66 (2021) 102632

rescuing mode, an agent can still engage in grouping or herding. For

information sharing, agents assist other agents by sharing their infor­
mation about the evacuation routes, location of safe zones, and
impassable waypoints.

3.4. Calibration and validation

The collision avoidance algorithm presented in Section 3.2 uses a set

of parameters that control the walking behavior of evacuees. The extent
to which people are willing to walk close to each other depends on the
size of their preferred personal space and collision prediction horizon, i.
e., how far before a collision with another individual is predicted, a
person will adjust its speed and trajectory. These attributes vary
Fig. 3. PSA utilization for different sections of the ED.
depending on the situation. A big group of people who are walking in an
airport terminal hold a larger personal space than a group of people
The current nurse-to-patient ratio in the ED is 1:4 or 1:5, depending
evacuating the same airport terminal. Therefore, the parameters of the
on the ED unit. Although there are no laws regarding the minimum
collision avoidance algorithm are recalibrated using empirical room
number of required nurses, professional organizations, such as the Na­
evacuation data [65,66]. For the details of calibration, please refer to the
tional Nurses United [67], have proposed certain nurse-to-patient ratios
supplementary appendix.
for different units in a hospital.
The objective of the simulations is to evaluate the effect of the size of
4. Evacuation simulation of an emergency department
the nursing team and the location of the COVID-specific unit on the
evacuation time. In this regard, three evacuation interventions are
4.1. Emergency department, Johns Hopkins Hospital
considered for COVID patients: (I1) COVID patients are located in the
main ER unit, and to mitigate transmission, COVID patients will be
The Johns Hopkins Hospital, located in Baltimore, Maryland, is a
evacuated after all other patients leave the entire ED; (I2) the number of
1000-bed academic Level 1 trauma institution. The facility includes
nurses are increased according to the proposed nurse-to-patient ratios by
separate emergency departments for children and adults, which see
National Nurses United, while the safety protocol regarding the isolation
more than 100,000 patients annually. The adult emergency department
of COVID patients during the evacuation is retained; and (I3) COVID
(ED) consists of a total of 72 private examination rooms for patients and
patients are relocated to EACU, which provides the possibility of having
their families (see Fig. 2): 25 in the main ER unit, 8 in the psychiatry
one of the exit doors dedicated to the COVID patients and evacuate all
unit, 6 trauma care rooms, a 17-room emergency acute care unit
the patients together. To better evaluate how the presence of COVID
(EACU), and 16 in the rapid assessment process (RAP) unit. The adult ED
patients affects the evacuation, a pre-COVID scenario is defined that
is also equipped with an on-site diagnostic radiology suite with
denotes the evacuation of the ED before the COVID-19 pandemic. The
computed tomography scan, ultrasound, and MRI capabilities.
number of patients and nurses in each unit of the ED is listed in Table 5.
Upon initiation of each simulation, the classes of patients in each unit
4.2. Evacuation scenarios
will be randomly selected using a multinomial distribution with equal
outcome probabilities as follows: psychiatric patients consist of mentally
The main scenario is a fire emergency outside of the hospital that can
impaired and non-disabled; main ER patients consist of wheelchair
reach the premises and pose risk to the patients in the ED. However, due
users, stamina impaired, low-acuity bed-bound, and non-disabled;
to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the emergency evacuation strategy
EACU and trauma patients consist of only high-acuity bed-bound; RAP
needs to be revised in response to the pandemic situation, moving to­
patients consist of wheelchair users, stamina impaired, low-acuity bed-
ward a multi-hazard emergency planning. The time of the scenario is
bound, and non-disabled; triage patients consist of wheelchair users,
12PM when the ED sees the greatest number of visits according to the
stamina impaired, and non-disabled; COVID patients consist of wheel­
patient service area (PSA) utilization data (see Fig. 3).
chair users, stamina impaired, low-acuity bed-bound, and non-disabled.
In COVID scenarios, the classes of patients in COVID units will be
sampled from the COVID patient classes and not the unit-specific patient
It is noteworthy to highlight that while the number of patients in
each unit is the same across all the scenarios, the average number of
patients from each patient class varies across the scenarios due to the
size of the population of COVID patients. The underlying rationale
behind this assumption is that although the non-COVID ED visits were
decreased by an average of 42% early in the pandemic [68], the daily ED
visits gradually increased to almost the same rates of those before the
pandemic, but only due to capacity limitations, the number of
non-COVID ED admissions has decreased. Furthermore, the assumption
of the same total number of patients across all the scenarios would make
the comparison of interventions easier.

4.3. Modeling

The main components of the ABM are described completely in Sec­

tion 3. Here, the specific details for modeling the ED of the Johns
Hopkins Hospital are presented.
Fig. 2. Adult ED at Johns Hopkins hospital. The model was developed in NetLogo, a multi-agent programmable

F. Haghpanah et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 66 (2021) 102632

Table 5
Number of patients and nurses in each ED unit.
Scenario Psychiatry Main ER EACU RAP Triage Trauma Total

Pre-COVID, I1, and I3 Patients 5 25 16 15 18 1 80

Nurses 2 5 4 4 3 2 20

I2 Patients 5 25 16 15 18 1 80
Nurses 2 9 9 6 5 6 37

modeling environment developed by Uri Wilensky in 1999 [69]. For 4.4. Results
each unit of the ED, patients were created and positioned in the exam­
ination rooms and over the waiting area. The nurses were positioned The results of the simulations for different intervention scenarios are
randomly in their assigned units and their attributes were set as shown in Fig. 4. In these figures, the number of evacuees left in the ED is
explained in Sections 3.1 and 4.2. plotted with a time step of 1 s; hence, the darker pixels show the more
In the pre-COVID scenario, in each ED unit, the nursing team helped frequent number of evacuees at each time step over 1000 simulations.
patients in need of assistance evacuate the hospital. Once all patients of a According to the results, the presence of COVID patients doubled the
unit were evacuated, the nurses joined the nursing teams in other units. median evacuation time, from 26 min to 50 min. The added time due to
In the COVID scenarios, the nurses in the COVID-specific unit did not COVID patients can be reduced through different strategies. Increasing
join or receive help from other nurses to keep the COVID unit isolated the number of nurses from 20 to 37 reduced the median time to 32 min
from other units. Although based on the implemented strategy, COVID (Fig. 4c), i.e., only a 23% increase in evacuation time to compare with
patients may be completely evacuated after non-COVID patients, and the pre-COVID scenario. Alternatively, a COVID-dedicated evacuation
from a modeling perspective, the evacuation of non-COVID patients can path resulted in a 41-min median evacuation time (Fig. 4d).
be replaced by a stochastic delay variable, there are three reasons for In intervention scenarios I1 and I2, COVID patients had to wait
including the non-COVID patients in the simulations: (1) due to lack of (while getting prepared to evacuate by the COVID-dedicated nursing
data, there is no statistical tool available that could provide us with the team) for an average of 48 and 30 min, respectively, for non-COVID
probability distribution function for the total evacuation time of patients patients to evacuate. After this waiting time, COVID patients were
considering all the heterogeneity and complexities associated with pa­ evacuated with an average rate of 12.3 patients per minute. However, in
tient evacuation; (2) from a coordination and emergency management intervention scenario I3, in which all patients were evacuated simulta­
perspective, the dynamic of patient exit rate through the evacuation neously while COVID patients were assigned a dedicated exit path,
process is more important than merely the total evacuation time. COVID patients were evacuated with an average rate of 0.8 patient per
Decoupling (from a modeling standpoint) the evacuation of COVID and minute (Fig. 5).
non-COVID patients would make the model useless as it would not A parameter that is used in emergency evacuation planning is the
capture the entire dynamics of the evacuation; and (3) more impor­ upper bound of the estimated evacuation time, i.e., the possible worst-
tantly, the utility of hospital evacuation simulation is strategy evalua­ case scenario. The histograms of total evacuation times (Fig. 6) show a
tion. Hospital emergency officials need to know why certain evacuation highly right-skewed distribution for interventions I1 and I2, implying
strategies may not work (what is the underlying causes of delay) in order that more of the variance is the result of infrequent extreme deviations.
to revise and implement more efficient strategies. The statistics of the estimated evacuation times are listed in Table 6.
For each scenario, the simulations were repeated 1000 times to ac­ While intervention I2 (larger nursing team) resulted in a shorter median
count for randomness in the variables. evacuation time, intervention I3 (COVID-specific exit door) was more

Fig. 4. Results of the evacuation simulations: (a) pre-COVID, (b) I1: separated COVID patients, (c) I2: separated COVID patients with a larger nursing team, (d) I3:
separated COVID patients with a dedicated exit path. The red line shows the median evacuation curve.

F. Haghpanah et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 66 (2021) 102632

Fig. 5. Average evacuation curve for the main ER (a) and EACU (b) patients.

Fig. 6. Histograms of total evacuation time: (a) pre-COVID, (b) I1: separated COVID patients, (c) I2: separated COVID patients with a larger nursing team, (d) I3:
separated COVID patients with a dedicated exit path.

between patients and staff. While these measures are critical for the
Table 6
safety and health of all patients and staff, they can significantly hinder
Statistics of the estimated evacuation time.
emergency operations such as evacuation.
Scenario Median [minutes] 95% CIa [minutes] Skewnessb In any imminent or ongoing disruptive event, especially a fire
Pre-COVID 26 19–34 − 0.11 emergency, time is a major constraint as for the safety of the patients,
I1 50 34–118 1.00 the evacuation must be over by a certain time. The pre-COVID scenario
I2 32 23–79 2.62
shows that the hospital officials will need 19–34 min to completely
I3 41 28–55 0.09
evacuate the patients. However, these numbers significantly change as
Confidence interval. we consider the presence of COVID patients. Although the results show
Zero indicates symmetry. Positive values indicate longer right-side tails than that the final evacuation time will be about 50 min, this is only the
a normal distribution.
median value. For a more informed evacuation planning, hospital
emergency managers are interested in learning about worst-case sce­
successful in reducing the upper bound of the estimated total evacuation narios to incorporate flexibility and robustness in their decisions.
time. Certainly, there are many things that can go wrong and delay the
evacuation during a fire emergency, such as lack of resources, mis­
5. Discussion coordination of the responders, or secondary incidents like explosions or
blocked evacuation routes due to fire or smoke. As the focus of our study
Moving toward a more resilient society, we need to adapt ourselves is patient disability, the main source of delay in the model that is
to the new world that the COVID-19 pandemic has created. The ongoing contributing to the evacuation procedure is number of patients, types of
global pandemic has affected our lives in many ways, including the daily patients in need of assistance, and available human resources (nursing
operations of hospitals. As the pandemic is expected to continue, there teams). Nevertheless, the range of estimated total evacuation time is
has been a rising concern over hospital operations, such as planning and significantly wide, especially when the COVID patients are considered.
responding to emergencies and disasters. Hospitals have implemented If the only control strategy for COVID patients is prioritization (to
special protocols to mitigate the transmission of the coronavirus

F. Haghpanah et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 66 (2021) 102632

evacuate COVID patients after all non-COVID patients are evacuated), Acknowledgement
the evacuation time can take up to 2 h. The extra delay time is mainly
due to the number of patients in need of assistance and available number The authors would like to acknowledge financial support from the
of nurses. For cases in which the relative number of high-acuity patients National Science Foundation RIPS Grant 1441209. Any opinions, find­
were high, the evacuation took a longer time. As these patients are ings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are
assumed to need a team of two nurses for preparation and evacuation, those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
and preparation takes time, a low nurse-to-patient ratio implies a longer funding agencies.
waiting time for patients to receive assistance. One strategy to reduce
this delay is increasing the size of the nursing team. Alternatively, if Appendix A. Supplementary data
COVID patients are staged in the EACU, the layout of the ED can be
altered such that the lobby’s exit door can be dedicated to COVID pa­ Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
tients while other patients evacuate from the main entrance. A larger org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102632.
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