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44's password:
        │                                  • MobaXterm Personal Edition v21.5 •     

        │                              (SSH client, X server and network tools)     


        │ → SSH session to root@                                         

        │      • Direct SSH            :    v                                       

        │      • SSH compression :    v                                             

        │      • SSH-browser          :    v                                         

        │      • X11-forwarding    :    x    (disabled or not supported by server)   


        │ → For more info, ctrl+click on help or visit our website.                 


Last login: Thu Jul 21 11:01:26 2022 from

[root@nso-antel-lab ~]#
[root@nso-antel-lab ~]#
[root@nso-antel-lab ~]#
[root@nso-antel-lab ~]#
[root@nso-antel-lab ~]# docker exec -it logicalis1 bash
[root@logicalis1 ~]#
[root@logicalis1 ~]#
[root@logicalis1 ~]#
[root@logicalis1 ~]#
[root@logicalis1 ~]# ncs_cli -u admin -C

User admin last logged in 2022-07-21T11:26:56.918655+00:00, to logicalis1, from using cli-console
admin connected from using console on logicalis1
admin@logicalis1# show running-config services pon infraestructure onus
services pon infraestructure onus CEYD-01N 1 1 2 3 60
onu-type                      ONU_Nokia
technology                  GPON
slot-type                    GPON
autentication-mode password
password                      onu_60
services pon infraestructure onus CEYD-01N 1 1 2 3 61
onu-type                      ONU_Nokia
technology                  GPON
slot-type                    GPON
autentication-mode password
password                      onu_2361
label                            [ hsi2361 voip2361 ]
voip-alias port1 "FXS*|236111"
lan-ports gigabit-ethernet
    port 1
      mode tag
      services hsi2361
        user-vlan 10
        user-cos    0
    port 2
      mode tag
      services hsi2361
        user-vlan 10
        user-cos    0
    port 3
      mode tag
      services hsi2361
        user-vlan 10
        user-cos    0
    port 4
Aborted: by user
admin@logicalis1# show running-config devices device CEYD-01Z config interface gpon-
olt _1/3/1
devices device CEYD-01Z
    interface gpon-olt_1/3/1
      name                                        OLT-3
      no shutdown
      linktrap                                disable
      resource-id-assign-mode mode2
      onu 1 type ZTE-F660v1 pw 123456
      onu 2 type ZTE-F660v1 sn ZTEGC83ABE3C
      onu 3 type ZTE-F660v1 sn ZTEGC80A4254
      onu 4 type ZTE-F660v1 sn ZTEGC80A44C9
      onu 7 type ZTE-F670v1 sn ZTEGC0FEA1E2
      onu 8 type ZTE-F660v1 sn ZTEGC06F7198
      onu 9 type ZTE-F670v1 sn ZTEGCF5A338E
      onu 10 type ZTE-F660v1 sn ZTEGC0921A62
      onu 12 type ZTE-F660v1 pw onu_12
      onu 19 type F821 sn ZTEG900104AC
      onu 23 type ZTE-F660v1 pw PWGPON
      onu 30 type ZTE-F670v1 sn ZTEGC864AFF7
      onu 32 type ZTE-F670v1 pw onu_32
      onu 33 type ZTE-F670v1 pw 23456
      onu 35 type ZTE-F670v1 pw 112233
      onu 42 type ZTE-F670v1 pw 900002
      onu 43 type ZTE-F670v1 pw onu-43
      onu 44 type ZTE-F670v1 pw onu_44
      onu 45 type ONUE4P1W8M pw onu_45
      onu 50 type ZTE-F670v1 pw onu_11
      onu 58 type ZTE-F670v1 pw onu_58
      onu 67 type ZTE-F670v1 sn 12345678ABCD
      onu 69 type F821 sn ZTEG9005E23E
      onu 70 type F821 sn ZTEG900104AB
      onu 71 type F821 pw tt55tt
      onu 77 type ZTE-F660v1 sn ZTEGC032FDA9
      onu 78 type ZTE-F670v1 pw onu_3178
      onu 79 type ZTE-F670v1 pw onu_3179
      onu 90 type ZTE-F670v1 pw by_090
      onu 95 type ZTE-F670v1 pw onu_95
      onu 109 type ZTE-F670v1 pw onu_31109
admin@logicalis1# show running-config services pon infraestructure onus
services pon infraestructure onus CEYD-01N 1 1 2 3 60
onu-type                      ONU_Nokia
technology                  GPON
slot-type                    GPON
autentication-mode password
password                      onu_60
services pon infraestructure onus CEYD-01N 1 1 2 3 61
onu-type                      ONU_Nokia
technology                  GPON
slot-type                    GPON
autentication-mode password
password                      onu_2361
label                            [ hsi2361 voip2361 ]
voip-alias port1 "FXS*|236111"
lan-ports gigabit-ethernet
    port 1
      mode tag
      services hsi2361
        user-vlan 10
        user-cos    0
    port 2
      mode tag
      services hsi2361
        user-vlan 10
        user-cos    0
    port 3
      mode tag
      services hsi2361
        user-vlan 10
        user-cos    0
    port 4
      mode tag
      services hsi2361
        user-vlan 10
        user-cos    0
lan-ports fxs
    card 0
      port 1
        mode tag
        services voip2361
          user-vlan 111
          user-cos    5
services Residential-Management
    service-type Management
    service-path "/ncs:services/pon:pon/services/residential-management:residential-
management{CEYD-01N 1 1 2 3 61}"
    ani user-vlan 111
    ani user-cos 5
    ani iphost 2
    vani inner-vlan 111
    vani inner-cos 5
    vani queue 5
services hsi2361
    service-type HSI-bridge
    service-path /ncs:services/pon:pon/services/hsi:hsi{hsi2361}
    traffic-profiles downstream DOWN10MBPS
    traffic-profiles upstream UP2MBPS
    ani user-vlan 10
    ani user-cos 0
    vani inner-vlan 10
    vani inner-cos 0
    vani queue 1
services voip2361
    service-type VoIP
    service-path /ncs:services/pon:pon/services/voip:voip{voip2361}
    ani user-vlan 111
    ani user-cos 5
    ani iphost 2
    vani inner-vlan 111
    vani inner-cos 5
    vani queue 5
services pon infraestructure onus CEYD-01N 1 1 2 3 62
onu-type                      ONU_Nokia
technology                  GPON
slot-type                    GPON
autentication-mode serial-number
serial-number            ALCL:F96141FF
label                            [ voip2362 ]
lan-ports fxs
    card 0
      port 1
        mode tag
Aborted: by user
admin@logicalis1# show running-config services pon services hsi
services pon services hsi hsi2167
onus CEYD-C600 1 1 2 1 67
    service-type bridge
    traffic-profile downstream DOWN120MBPS
    traffic-profile upstream UP10MBPS
services pon services hsi hsi2361
onus CEYD-01N 1 1 2 3 61
    service-type bridge
    traffic-profile downstream DOWN10MBPS
    traffic-profile upstream UP2MBPS
services pon services hsi hsi2364
onus CEYD-01N 1 1 2 3 64
    service-type bridge
    traffic-profile downstream DOWN10MBPS
    traffic-profile upstream UP2MBPS
services pon services hsi hsi2388
onus CEYD-01N 1 1 2 3 88
    service-type bridge
    traffic-profile downstream DOWN120MBPS
    traffic-profile upstream UP10MBPS
services pon services hsi hsi2888
onus CEYD-C600 1 1 2 8 88
    service-type bridge
    traffic-profile downstream DOWN120MBPS
    traffic-profile upstream UP10MBPS
services pon services hsi hsi3166
onus CEYD-01N 1 1 2 3 75
    service-type bridge
Aborted: by user
admin@logicalis1# show running-config devices device CEYD-01Z config interface gpon-
onu _1/3/1:60
syntax error: element does not exist
admin@logicalis1# show running-config devices device CEYD-01Z config interface gpon-
onu _1/3/1:66
syntax error: element does not exist
admin@logicalis1# show running-config devices device CEYD-01Z config interface gpon-
onu _1/3/1:62
syntax error: element does not exist
admin@logicalis1# show running-config devices device CEYD-01Z config interface gpon-
devices device CEYD-01Z
    interface gpon-onu_1/2/1:2
      name                ROUTED1
      description ROUTED1
      tcont 1 name tcontHSI profile UP10MBPS
      tcont 1 gap mode2
      tcont 3 name tcontFXS profile UPFXS
      gemport 10 name gemportHSI tcont 1
      gemport 111 name gemportFXS tcont 3 queue 5
      security max-mac-learn 4 vport 10
      security max-mac-learn 1 vport 111
      service-port 10 vport 10 user-vlan 10 user-etype PPPOE vlan 10
      service-port 111 vport 111 user-vlan 111 vlan 111
      traffic-profile DOWN120MBPS vport 10 direction egress
      traffic-profile DOWNFXS vport 111 direction egress
      port-identification format ANTEL vport 10,111
      pppoe-intermediate-agent enable vport 10
      dhcpv4-l2-relay-agent enable vport 111
    interface gpon-onu_1/2/1:3
      name CEYD-01Z_1/2/1/3
    interface gpon-onu_1/2/1:5
      name                ROUTED3
      description ROUTED3
      tcont 1 name tcontHSI profile UP10MBPS
      tcont 1 gap mode2
      tcont 3 name tcontFXS profile UPFXS
      gemport 10 name gemportHSI tcont 1
      gemport 111 name gemportFXS tcont 3 queue 5
      security max-mac-learn 4 vport 10
      security max-mac-learn 1 vport 111
      service-port 10 vport 10 user-vlan 10 user-etype PPPOE vlan 10
      service-port 111 vport 111 user-vlan 111 vlan 111
      traffic-profile DOWN120MBPS vport 10 direction egress
      traffic-profile DOWNFXS vport 111 direction egress
      port-identification format ANTEL vport 10,111
      pppoe-intermediate-agent enable vport 10
      dhcpv4-l2-relay-agent enable vport 111
    interface gpon-onu_1/2/1:6
      name                ROUTED4
      description ROUTED4
      tcont 1 name tcontHSI profile UP10MBPS
      tcont 1 gap mode2
      tcont 3 name tcontFXS profile UPFXS
      gemport 10 name gemportHSI tcont 1
      gemport 111 name gemportFXS tcont 3 queue 5
      security max-mac-learn 4 vport 10
      security max-mac-learn 1 vport 111
      service-port 10 vport 10 user-vlan 10 user-etype PPPOE vlan 10
      service-port 111 vport 111 user-vlan 111 vlan 111
      traffic-profile DOWN120MBPS vport 10 direction egress
      traffic-profile DOWNFXS vport 111 direction egress
      port-identification format ANTEL vport 10,111
      pppoe-intermediate-agent enable vport 10
      dhcpv4-l2-relay-agent enable vport 111
    interface gpon-onu_1/2/1:10
      name                HSI-ZTE-CISCO-TAC
      description HSI-ZTE-CISCO-TAC
      tcont 1 name tcontHSI profile UP10MBPS
      tcont 1 gap mode2
      tcont 3 name tcontFXS profile UPFXS
      gemport 10 name gemportHSI tcont 1
      gemport 111 name gemportFXS tcont 3 queue 5
      security max-mac-learn 4 vport 10
      security max-mac-learn 1 vport 111
      service-port 10 vport 10 user-vlan 10 user-etype PPPOE vlan 10
      service-port 111 vport 111 user-vlan 111 vlan 111
      traffic-profile DOWN120MBPS vport 10 direction egress
      traffic-profile DOWNFXS vport 111 direction egress
      port-identification format ANTEL vport 10,111
      pppoe-intermediate-agent enable vport 10
      dhcpv4-l2-relay-agent enable vport 111
    interface gpon-onu_1/2/1:11
      name                management-hsi_1/2/1/11
      description management-hsi_1/2/1/11
      tcont 1 profile UP3MBPS
      gemport 10 tcont 1
      security max-mac-learn 4 vport 10
      service-port 10 vport 10 user-vlan 10 vlan 10
      traffic-profile DOWN10MBPS vport 10 direction egress
    interface gpon-onu_1/2/1:12
      name                TACCISCO-NSO
      description TACCISCO-NSO
      tcont 1 name tcontHSI profile UP10MBPS
      tcont 1 gap mode2
      tcont 3 name tcontFXS profile UPFXS
      gemport 10 name gemportHSI tcont 1
      gemport 111 name gemportFXS tcont 3 queue 5
      security max-mac-learn 4 vport 10
      security max-mac-learn 1 vport 111
      service-port 10 vport 10 user-vlan 10 user-etype PPPOE vlan 10
      service-port 111 vport 111 user-vlan 111 vlan 111
      traffic-profile DOWN120MBPS vport 10 direction egress
      traffic-profile DOWNFXS vport 111 direction egress
      port-identification format ANTEL vport 10,111
      pppoe-intermediate-agent enable vport 10
      dhcpv4-l2-relay-agent enable vport 111
    interface gpon-onu_1/2/1:13
      name "23367893-MONTA#EZ-MARRERO-QE8671"
      tcont 1 name tcontHSI profile UP10MBPS
      tcont 1 gap mode2
      gemport 10 name gemportHSI tcont 1
      security max-mac-learn 4 vport 10
      service-port 10 vport 10 user-vlan 10 user-etype PPPOE vlan 10
      traffic-profile DOWN120MBPS vport 10 direction egress
      port-identification format ANTEL vport 10
      pppoe-intermediate-agent enable vport 10
    interface gpon-onu_1/2/1:19
      name                EF34920
      description EF34920
      tcont 1 name tcontHSI profile UP10MBPS
      tcont 1 gap mode2
      tcont 3 name tcontFXS profile UPFXS
      gemport 10 name gemportHSI tcont 1
      gemport 111 name gemportFXS tcont 3 queue 5
      security max-mac-learn 4 vport 10
      security max-mac-learn 1 vport 111
      service-port 10 vport 10 user-vlan 10 user-etype PPPOE vlan 10
      service-port 111 vport 111 user-vlan 111 vlan 111
      traffic-profile DOWN120MBPS vport 10 direction egress
      traffic-profile DOWNFXS vport 111 direction egress
      port-identification format ANTEL vport 10,111
      pppoe-intermediate-agent enable vport 10
      dhcpv4-l2-relay-agent enable vport 111
    interface gpon-onu_1/2/1:20
      name                TEST200
      description TEST200
      tcont 1 name tcontHSI profile UP10MBPS
      tcont 1 gap mode2
      tcont 3 name tcontFXS profile UPFXS
      gemport 10 name gemportHSI tcont 1
      gemport 111 name gemportFXS tcont 3 queue 5
      security max-mac-learn 4 vport 10
      security max-mac-learn 1 vport 111
      service-port 10 vport 10 user-vlan 10 user-etype PPPOE vlan 10
      service-port 111 vport 111 user-vlan 111 vlan 111
      traffic-profile DOWN120MBPS vport 10 direction egress
      traffic-profile DOWNFXS vport 111 direction egress
      port-identification format ANTEL vport 10,111
      pppoe-intermediate-agent enable vport 10
      dhcpv4-l2-relay-agent enable vport 111
    interface gpon-onu_1/2/1:24
      name                CEYD-01Z_1/2/1/24
      description CEYD-01Z_1/2/1/24
Aborted: by user
admin@logicalis1# xit
syntax error: expecting
    autowizard                      - Automatically query for mandatory elements
    call-home                        - Set satellite URL for Smart Licensing
    cd                                      - Change working directory
    clear                                - Clear parameter
    compare                            - Compare running configuration to another
configuration or a file
    complete-on-space        - Enable/disable completion on space
    config                              - Manipulate software configuration
    debug                                - Commands for debugging
    describe                          - Display transparent command    information
    devtools                          - Enable/disable development tools
    display-level                - Configure show command display level
    exit                                  - Exit the management session
    file                                  - Perform file operations
    help                                  - Provide help information
    history                            - Configure history size
    id                                      - Show user id information
    idle-timeout                  - Configure idle timeout
    ignore-leading-space - Ignore leading whitespace (true/false)
    job                                    - Job operations
    leaf-prompting              - Automatically query for leaf values
    license                            - Execute licensing commands
    logout                              - Logout a user
    no                                      - Negate a command or set its defaults
    output-file                    - Copy output to file or terminal
    paginate                          - Paginate output from CLI commands
    prompt1                            - Set operational mode prompt
    prompt2                            - Set configure mode prompt
    pwd                                    - Display current mode path
    quit                                  - Exit the management session
    screen-length                - Configure screen length
    screen-width                  - Configure screen width
    script                              - Script actions
    send                                  - Send message to terminal of one or all
    show                                  - Show information about the system
    show-defaults                - Show default values when showing the configuration
    source                              - File to source
    switch                              - Change CLI style
    templatize                      - Find patterns in subtree.
    terminal                          - Set terminal type
    timestamp                        - Enable/disable the display of timestamp
    who                                    - Display currently logged on users
    write                                - Write configuration
admin@logicalis1# exit
[root@logicalis1 ~]#
[root@logicalis1 ~]#
[root@logicalis1 ~]#
[root@logicalis1 ~]#
[root@logicalis1 ~]# cd nso-run
[root@logicalis1 nso-run]# cd packages/
[root@logicalis1 packages]# ll
total 0
drwxr-xr-x.    8 root root    131 Aug 15    2021 alarm-manager
drwxr-xr-x.    7 root root    111 Aug 15    2021 alu-8950
drwxr-xr-x.    8 9001 users 192 Apr    1 10:50 alu-isam-cli-1.2
drwxr-xr-x.    8 root root    149 Jan 15    2022 common-modules
drwxr-xr-x.    8 root root    145 Apr 21 13:32 consultas
drwxr-xr-x.    9 root root    142 Aug 15    2021 discovery
drwxr-xr-x.    9 root root    163 Aug 15    2021 discoveryolt
drwxr-xr-x.    9 root root    219 Apr 21 13:48 gpon-zte
drwxr-xr-x.    9 root root    219 Sep 10    2021 huawei-imanagertl1-cli-1.6
drwxr-xr-x. 10 root root    255 Sep 12    2021 huawei-xpon-cli
drwxr-xr-x.    7 root root    154 Jan 15    2022 pon-actions
drwxr-xr-x.    8 root root    210 Jan 15    2022 pon-business-management-axs
drwxr-xr-x.    8 root root    171 Jan 15    2022 pon-business-management-hsi
drwxr-xr-x.    7 root root    143 Jan 15    2022 pon-business-onu
drwxr-xr-x.    8 root root    188 Jan 15    2022 pon-business-service
drwxr-xr-x.    8 root root    149 Apr 21 18:03 pon-hsi
drwxr-xr-x.    8 root root    171 Jan 15    2022 pon-infraestructure
drwxr-xr-x.    8 root root    131 Feb 28 18:02 pon-move
drwxr-xr-x.    7 root root    119 Aug 15    2021 pon-network
drwxr-xr-x.    8 root root    149 Apr 21 18:09 pon-residential-management
drwxr-xr-x.    8 root root    149 Apr 21 18:08 pon-voip
drwxr-xr-x.    9 root root    189 May 12 12:25 pxe
drwxr-xr-x.    6 root root    103 Oct 29    2021 pxe-callback
drwxr-xr-x.    9 root root    219 Dec 10    2021 zte-xpon-cli-3.11
drwxr-xr-x. 10 root root    242 Jun 19 11:13 zte-xpon-f821
[root@logicalis1 packages]# cd pon-hsi
[root@logicalis1 pon-hsi]# ll
total 8
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root    31 Jan 15    2022 load-dir
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 379 Apr 21 18:03 package-meta-data.xml
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root    17 Jan 15    2022 python
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 746 Jan 15    2022 README
drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root    46 Jan 15    2022 src
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root    34 May 17 19:49 templates
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root    38 Jan 15    2022 test
[root@logicalis1 pon-hsi]# cd python/
[root@logicalis1 python]# cd hsi/
[root@logicalis1 hsi]# ll
total 4
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root        0 Jan 15    2022
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 2468 May 18 11:45
[root@logicalis1 hsi]# more
# -*- mode: python; python-indent: 4 -*-
import ncs
from ncs.application import Service

class HSIyaConfigurado(BaseException):

def checkHSIonONU(onu):
        for servicio in
                if (servicio.service_type != None) and ('HSI' in
                        raise HSIyaConfigurado

class ServiceCallbacks(Service):
        def cb_create(self, tctx, root, service, proplist):
      'Service create(service=', service._path, ')')
                template = ncs.template.Template(service)
                vars = ncs.template.Variables()

                        vars.add('service_path', service._path)
                        for onu in service.onus:
                                olt =[onu.olt]
                                olt_type =[olt.vendor, olt.model,
                                config_onu =[onu.olt, onu.rack, onu.shelf, onu.slot,
onu.port, onu.onuid
                                #onu_type =[onu.olt, onu.rack, onu.shelf, onu.slot,
onu.port, onu.onuid]
                                vars.add('olt', onu.olt)
                                vars.add('olt-type', olt_type.model)
                                vars.add('rack', onu.rack)
                                vars.add('shelf', onu.shelf)
                                vars.add('slot', onu.slot)
                                vars.add('port', onu.port)
                                vars.add('onuid', onu.onuid)
                                vars.add('portid', onu.onuid*10+0+120)
                                #vars.add('onu_type', onu_type)
                                vars.add('onu_type', config_onu.onu_type)
                                vars.add('slot_type', config_onu.slot_type)
                                vars.add('upstream', onu.traffic_profile.upstream)
                                vars.add('service_type', onu.service_type)
                                vars.add('wifi_mesh', onu.wifi_mesh)
                                vars.add('device', onu.olt)
                                template.apply('pon-hsi-template', vars)
                except HSIyaConfigurado:
                        raise Exception("La ONU ya tiene un servicio HSI

class Main(ncs.application.Application):
        def setup(self):

      'Main RUNNING')

                self.register_service('pon-hsi', ServiceCallbacks)

        def teardown(self):

      'Main FINISHED')
[root@logicalis1 hsi]#
[root@logicalis1 hsi]#
[root@logicalis1 hsi]#
[root@logicalis1 hsi]#
[root@logicalis1 hsi]# cd ..
[root@logicalis1 python]# cd ..
[root@logicalis1 pon-hsi]# cd templates/
[root@logicalis1 templates]# ll
total 32
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 32408 Apr 21 18:03 pon-hsi-template.xml
[root@logicalis1 templates]# more pon-hsi-template.xml
<config xmlns="">
    <devices xmlns="">
    <device tags="nocreate">
            <config tags="merge">

                <!-- Configuracion ZTE -->

                <!-- Configuracion C600 -->
                <?if {$olt-type = 'C600'}?>
                    <?if-ned-id zte-xpon-cli-3.18:zte-xpon-cli-3.18?>
                        <interface xmlns="">
[root@logicalis1 templates]#
[root@logicalis1 templates]#
[root@logicalis1 templates]#
[root@logicalis1 templates]#
[root@logicalis1 templates]#
[root@logicalis1 templates]#
[root@logicalis1 templates]#
[root@logicalis1 templates]#
[root@logicalis1 templates]#
[root@logicalis1 templates]#
[root@logicalis1 templates]# cd ..
[root@logicalis1 pon-hsi]# cd ..
[root@logicalis1 packages]# cd consultas/
[root@logicalis1 consultas]# cd python/consultas/
[root@logicalis1 consultas]#
[root@logicalis1 consultas]# ll
total 600
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root            0 Apr 21 13:32
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root      4912 Apr 21 13:32
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 153601 Apr 21 13:32
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root            0 Apr 21 13:32
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root    96506 Apr 21 13:32
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 102631 Apr 21 13:32
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root        153 Apr 21 13:32 __pycache__
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root      3754 Apr 21 13:32
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root      3333 Apr 21 13:32
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root      1386 Apr 21 13:32
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 233436 Apr 21 13:34
[root@logicalis1 consultas]# vi
[root@logicalis1 consultas]#
[root@logicalis1 consultas]#
[root@logicalis1 consultas]#
[root@logicalis1 consultas]#
[root@logicalis1 consultas]#

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