Interactive Architecture Concepts Object

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International Journal of Engineering, Management and Humanities (IJEMH)

Volume 2, Issue 5, pp: 20-26

Interactive Architecture: Concepts, Objectives,

Applications Review
Hiyam Siham Taha1, Susan Abed Hassan1*, Samah A. Abrahem1
Department of Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
Date of Submission: 15-08-2021 Date of Acceptance: 28-08-2021


The concept of interactivearchitecture is one of the CONCEPT
modern concepts that emerged with the Interactive architecture is a new direction
development of technology and the emergence of in design based on the communication between the
environmental, functional and human problems that user and space and the ability of the space to
traditional architecture could not solve because it respond in real time and accommodate the different
needs dynamic architecture adapted to internal and and changing needs of users in a more effective way
external conditions through movement, interaction, and create a continuous relationship between society
flexibility and integration with both the environment and the built environment (1). It is a building or
and individuals. The paper provides an overview of parts of it that have the ability to make an effective
interactive architecture, its concept, definition, as continuous dialogue with its occupants or the
well as a historical overview, objectives and surrounding environment (2), it is a building that has
benefits, and finally the applications of physical and spaces and structural elements in which the ability
software interactive architecture and how to to respond and adapt to human individual, social and
integrate them. environmental requirements and is based on the
integration of technology and movement in an
I. INTRODUCTION: architectural formula with the participation of
Architecture aim in general was, and still, human response and the environment to create an
to provide a stable, ideal solution, based on the architecture that can be called interactive or
assumption that future conditions in general are responsive (3), which is not just a responsive
fixed and the possibility of change in them is architecture, but is based on the idea of multi-
limited. Traditional architecture gives a specific directional dialogue, which is the art of building a
image with certain features such as stability, relationship between the parts of the building and its
durability, solidity and other characteristics of occupants (4).
traditional architecture, but on the contrary it is There are many similar and overlapping
more appropriate to assume that there is greater names with the idea of interactive architecture,
flexibility in the use of buildings and in accordance including (kinetic architecture), which refers to a
with the emergence of modern technologies and building or part of a building with a variable
future development and with unexpected changes in location, movement or geometry (5). This term
climate patterns and perhaps many studies, focuses on movement without focusing on other
hypotheses, and statistics indicated such changes aspects such as intelligence and control. As well as
that will occur in the future, which will lead to the designation (smart architecture), the concept of
changes at the level of climate and human behavior, which has been associated with smart materials,
and therefore require new ideas to be addressed and which are materials that have integrated technical
adapted to reach the user’s convenience. Here, the functions that have the ability to respond to the
role of interactive architecture emerges to change climate and work through a change in the properties
the prevailing situation and gives a better picture of of the material or through external energy exchange
the future, through its ability to adapt and change in (6, 7)as well as the term (intelligent architecture),
order to interact with different circumstances. which is a higher order than (smart), and it is
defined as the buildings that know the
environmental condition outside and inside and
decide how to provide an appropriate environment
for the user’s comfort and all of this depends on Page 20
International Journal of Engineering, Management and Humanities (IJEMH)
Volume 2, Issue 5, pp: 20-26

responding to the user's desire and is achieved of advanced technologies and the possibilities
through multiple sensors that connect to the building available at the present time, the employment of
control system in order to improve the internal interactive architecture has widely increased.
conditions (8)and also the name (responsive Contemporary trends have been divided into two
architecture), which refers to the existence of a categories:
dialogue between the users and the building, as well  Pragmatism: is concerned with solving
as (adaptive), which refers to adapting to the problems and finding optimal solutions to them
surroundings and the external conditions affecting it  Humanity: is concerned with aesthetical
(9).The term (interactive) is more general and aspects and the psychological and physical impact
comprehensive, as it employs smart systems, of changes in the architectural environment on users
moving parts of the building and flexibility in the (3).
use of different techniques and methods. Therefore, many contemporary trends of interactive
architecture have appeared, including: Space
III. HISTORICAL OVERVIEW: improvement systems, multi-functional design,
The concept of interactive architecture is a adaptation to the surroundings, and mobility (13)
modern concept that has developed in its current
form in the twenty-first century, and its IV. OBJECTIVES OF INTERACTIVE
development and emergence depended on the ARCHITECTURE:
merging and fusion of architectural ideas that The main objectives addressed by the interactive
appeared at different stages and contributed to the architecture can be categorized under three main
formation of this field and gave possibilities for its aspects:
development (10) where smart architecture began in 4-1 Environmental aspect: the building may be
the sixties and seventies due to the development of designed in order to control its internal environment
computers in the field of science and building or to control the external variables in the
technology, and architecture was transformed from a environment around it that try to affect it negatively,
static form to a more kinetic and dynamic form, as it may act as a regulator the climate changes its
despite the first kinetic design being conducted in state, characteristics and formations in order to
1908. After that, the convertible architecture was a control the basic climate elements that secure human
kinetic design, and the combination of movement comfort, such as thermal energy variables
and computer science took decades (11)at the (temperature, air movement, humidity) and lighting
beginning of the seventies, a book (kinetic variables (visible daylight, ultraviolet rays, infrared
architecture) was written by Roger Clark, where he rays) in addition to acoustic variables (noise).
found that architecture adapts to changes that occur Vibrations) (14) and this can be achieved by
within a set of pressures on which it operates, and changing the characteristics of the building shell
technology provides a tool for interpreting and such as closing or opening openings in a physical or
implementing pressures. The book presented the visual way in order to allow light or wind currents to
basics of unstable architecture and combined natural pass through, or by changing the volumes to control
creatures and buildings (12) most of the ideas that the variables that enter the building (15).The
were put in the book are futuristic and then became interactive building has the ability to change its
real ideas (10) and in the seventies the personal statedynamically to benefit from some energy
computer was introduced into the work of architects, conservation strategies such as building orientation
and in 1987 Jean Nouvel presented (institut du and opening in the maximum way to take advantage
monde arabe in paris) presented a model for kinetic of natural daylighting and the required amount of
architecture. Nonetheless, the beginning of the heat gain and avoid unwanted heat gain and heat
twenty-first century marked the real beginning of loss through air movement in addition to increasing
interactive architecture, where forms and functions passive solar and passive cooling (16).
are necessary to ensure a good relationship with the 4-2 Functional aspect: the interactive building may
new environment. Modern architecture knows no be designed to achieve a functional goal such as
boundaries and virtual and real reality are improving the performance of functional spaces and
intertwined in one unlimited space. The lack of self-operating systems and giving greater flexibility
clarity of architecture is the new feature of the and adaptability to the building to benefit from it
modern era. Beauty comes from within and is better and more effectively. The difference between
imposed also on the outside, buildings have become adaptive space and interactive architecture is the
complex adaptive systems that communicate with level of interaction, as the previous trends depended
the internal and external environment (1), as a result on the user to manipulate and change the geometric Page 21
International Journal of Engineering, Management and Humanities (IJEMH)
Volume 2, Issue 5, pp: 20-26

shapes of the parts of the project and manually developing such systems must take into account
change the size, color, shape or location of the kinetic structures, which must be designed as a
elements that make up the space. These projects are major part of the overall interactive system and not
adaptive, but they were not interactive in terms of separate from it to reach more appropriate solutions
ability. On feeling and sensing information from and efficacy (10). It is divided into three
users or the surrounding environment and then types,Figure (1):
adapting itself to changes (3)  Embedded kinetic structures: they are
4-3 Aesthetical aspect: some interactive buildings systems that exist within a larger architectural
are designed with an aesthetic aim to carry aesthetic system in fixed locations, and their main function is
and psychological qualities that meet the to control the larger architectural system or building
requirements of the user and create a distinct in response to changing factors (19)
architecture with changing appearance qualities that  Deployable kinetic structures: they are
give a sense of mystery, suspense and dazzle and try systems located in temporary and easily
to break the boredom that accompanies traditional transportable stands, characterized by the possibility
architecture (17). Interactive architecture does not of being easily created and dismantled (20).
have the ability to facilitate the lifestyle only, but  Dynamic kinetic structures: they are
also, the effect on this method by re-imagining the structures that exist within a broader architectural
role played by the physical environment in shaping entity and operate independently, but in
the environment of the viewer (3) coordination with the larger architectural system,
which is the most widespread. Dynamic kinetic
V. INTERACTIVE ARCHITECTURE structures can be divided into types:
APPLICATIONS: a. Mobile systems: they are systems that can
Interactive architecture applications are analyzed be moved within the architectural space to different
according to the following: locations.
5-1 physical components: which include b. transforming systems: they are systems
kinetic structural structures and the various elements that have the ability to change their shape to take
and parts that generate interaction through their different formations
movement of different shapes and types, and can be c. incremental systems: they are systems that
classified into three main sections (18): can be added or subtracted from buildings in a way
5-1.1 kinetic structures systems: they are that does not affect the overall system (3)
buildings or parts of buildings with a changing
location, movement or geometry, and the process of

Figure (1) Kinetic structure categories(20)

The systems of kinematic structures can also be a. Axial configuration: It is arranged using a
organized into different patterns to create different supporting element (axis) in the center of the model.
kinematic structures: It is usually dynamic. The devices are arranged in
 Linear configuration: It relies on an axis the structure to run back and forth from the center to
(straight or curved) that consists of a group of units the periphery.
(motor devices) that are connected by their vertices b. Peripheral configuration: It is arranged in a
or edges in oder to transmit movement (21). series of supporting elements placed on the
 Central configuration:It relies on a central perimeter of the model (11).
point or the focal point of the space, and it has two
forms,Figures (2) and (3): Page 22
International Journal of Engineering, Management and Humanities (IJEMH)
Volume 2, Issue 5, pp: 20-26

Figure (2)Kinetic architectural structures with centric configuration (21)

Figure (3)The movement of the structurein the Dynamic Tower in Dubai(10)

5-1-2 Internal movement: The applications of impact on the facade physical structure, yet it does
internal movement are numerous and can be not cause damage to the structure of the building.
classified into categories: Kinetic facades can move in four transitions
 Transformable Spaces: provide the ability (23),Figure (4):
to transform the changing needs of its residents and  Translation: Motion happens in a vector
be on several levels, such as multiple uses of direction
furniture, flexible spaces.  Rotation: Motion happens around all axis
 kinetic walls: movement occurs in the  Scaling: Motion takes the form of
walls, floors, and part of the facades of the building, contraction or expansion.
and we use kinetic walls to leave the impression that  Material deformation:Motion relies on
it is a response to our actions (22). material properties changes such as elasticity.
5-1-3 kinetic facades: It relies ontransformations in
thegeometry to create motion. This motionhas an

Figure (4)Forms of geometric transitions for kinetic (25) Page 23
International Journal of Engineering, Management and Humanities (IJEMH)
Volume 2, Issue 5, pp: 20-26

5-2 Technological & Programmable 5.2.1 Direct control: The simplest type of
Components: control transforms the input information directly
This aspect represents the mind that moves the into a response used when the level of information
different physical parts of the interactive system, exchanged is on and off.
and it includes embedded computers, which are in 5.2.2 Indirect control:It is a more complex type
the form of an integrated system in the building. In that contains a level of intelligence that includes
all, the difference between these systems can be making a decision based on feedback from several
divided into two types according to the type of sensors, and the control of this system depends on a
artificial intelligence (22): sensor to sense the change and sends a message to
 Central intelligence: it consists of a the controller that instructs to turn on or off the
central computer that works as a main control unit energy to control the movement (10).
that controls the different parts. It analyzes the 5.2.3 Indirect responsive control: similar to the
information received from the sensors and is previous system, but the teams receive information
processed and determines the type of response that from multiple sensors and make the best decision
the system will make. This type needs high-level among different options.
programming to be able to control the different parts 5.2.4 Ubiquitous Responsive In-Direct
of the building. Control: It depends on pairs of sensors and motors
 Swarm intelligence: in this type, there is working together and linked to a single network, the
no central part, but rather a group of simpler parts work of the system requires the occurrence of a
that interact with each other and with the feedback process between sensors, motors and
surrounding environment. Therefore, a simple type motor elements, the intelligence of the system has
of programming is needed where the parts have their the ability to anticipate various changes and adapt to
own intelligence, sensors, and engines that respond them automatically.
directly to the information received (24). 5.2.5 Heuristic Responsive In-Direct Control:
Understanding the potential relationship between the Control of change is either singular or responsive,
intelligent system and the response will help in where the system is characterized by its ability to
controlling and choosing the appropriate means to earn through the system’s previous adaptive
control the required change, and it ranges from experiences, and has the ability to choose the best
simple means to interactive networks, so they differ solutions and decisions in order to improve the
in their degree of complexity and need and can be system’s response to various changes (25).
classified into the following types:

Table. (1) Asummary of the Objectives and applications of interactive architecture)

Source: own preparation by author
Objectives Environmental thermal energy variables (temperature, air
movement, humidity)
lighting variables (visible daylight, ultraviolet
rays, infrared rays)
acoustic variables (noise, Vibrations)
Interactive architecture

functional Optimal use of space

adaptability strategy
Aesthetic Understanding of human behavior
Applications physical kinetic structures systems
components Internal movement
kinetic facades
Technological & Direct control
Programmable Indirect control
Components Indirect responsive control
Ubiquitous Responsive In-Direct Control
Heuristic Responsive In-Direct Control Page 24
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Volume 2, Issue 5, pp: 20-26

VI. CONCLUSION: science and engineering, vol. 881, no. 1, p.

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